#his I'm just here to give a message not to be a warrior moment had me 😭😭😭
a-dowryofblood · 2 years
Aemond "accidentally" killing Luke isn't fully an accident.
Dragons are power. Rhaenyra has taught her children that said power cannot be used lightly, they have a duty above all else to the kingdom.
Aegon and Aemond have grown up being taught that they DESERVE the power above Rhaenyra and her kids. Alicent has been filling their minds with all those speeches about Rhaenyra's kids being less than, telling them how they will have to usurp her since they were little kids.
Dragons are known to get out of control when it's storming (guess what Dragons don't love cold water). Aemond can call it an accident all he wants but if you give a dragon the instruction to hunt another (SPECIALLY VHAGAR A WAR VETERAN DRAGON). They will do just that.
Dragons are weapons, you cannot shoot for the jokes of it. You cannot point a loaded gun at someone with the finger on the trigger and when the gun shoots be like 'it was a joke tho i wasn't actually intending on pressing it :('
Lucerys is dead and IT IS Aemond's fault. You don't play games with Dragons.
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Ramon had a cute idea for the Huevitos (members of Fit's community) to fill the #ramonbday tag with art and kind messages so he can show them to Fit for his birthday (February 1st), so here's my contribution! I have over 800 Fit-related clips, so it was hard to choose just a few fun moments from stream :'D
Even though the QSMP server won't be open until February 3rd, we still have a few more days to share messages, art, etc. – so if you'd like to post something for Ramon to potentially include in Fit's birthday surprise, make sure to post it by January 31st and use the tag #ramonbday!
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[ Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Fit: I can't believe I'm a homosexual now.
FitMC 2023 - 2024 Highlights
Vegetta: Leonarda, give me the picture.
Fit: Leonarda, you should give him a picture.
Vegetta: It's for saving your life!
Fit: [Picks up the photo she dropped] Oh, now I have it. [Sees its a photo of Vegetta and Melissa in their stripper outfits] Oh. Oh my.
Fit: It's a life experience Tubbo, you know? Aren't you glad you–
Tubbo: "Life experience" deez nuts, you bald bastard.
Fit: Ok, I'm looking through the bars– There's like, yeah–
Pac: [Falls off the wall] AAAAA–
Fit: [Dumping his wild cats in the Bakery] I'll just– I'll just release them in here. Screw it. What's the worst that could happen?
[The next day]
The big cats are still, uh– [Sees the cats mauling the Baker] Oh my god. They do NOT like the Baker
Jaiden: Fit, you're just a guy, right?
Fit: I'm just a dude. I'm just like– I'm just like the generic RPG protagonist. Like, human male, warrior. Like, it's– I'm as vanilla as you can get
Fit: Sneeg– shut up, I'm doing gay roleplay right now!
Fit: Tubbo, if you want to disable mines, you are disrespecting the entire Hispanic community.
Fit: What are you doin' staring at me, Baldy? Yeah, you think you're hot sht?
[The Binary Monster shows up]
Fit: OH, FCK–
Fit: The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.
Fit: The youngest gay roleplay server in Minecraft.
Fit: [While playing "Hide and Seek" with Ramon] If he moves, then I know that was the spot.
Ramon: [Stares at him as the Metal Gear Solid "discovered by an enemy" vwing! sound plays]
Fit: To be a turtle in the Arctic, you hate to see it. Yeah, you know this turtle is... not so different from me. It's living in a place that's trying to KILL it.
Tubbo: [To Pac] Just lay down. [Starts Casualonas-ing] This is for you.
Fit: [Immediately equips his weapon]
Tubbo: This is for you, king.
Pac: [Laughs] Fit - you see this?
Fit: [Shoots Tubbo, who starts screaming] I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Uh-
Tubbo: Ok, ok, well he–
Fit: Misfire, misfire, misfire!
Tubbo: He wasn't- he wasn't- OW OW OW!
Fit: Misfire!
Fit: Sometimes- it's not about doing the right thing, Phil – it's about doing the more entertaining thing. Right?
Fit: They banned my ass. They're like, "Why are you talking to Pac like that?" That's unacceptable on this family-friendly Christian Minecraft server (TM). Like– "We can't be having any of that." "Can't be having any of THAT."
Cucurucho: [Slowly turns to stare at Fit while Pac is talking to him]
Fit: [Silently starts cracking up]
Pac: Ok Cucurucho, I'm gonna be waiting for your response
[Fit putting up art that Ramon drew]
Foolish: Boo it if it's bad!
Fit: Heyyyyyy! That's actually –
Foolish: Oh! Wait, that's– That's actually pretty good, what the fck.
Fit: Ramon, you weren't supposed to actually try. This is incredible!
[They both laugh]
Pac: Yeah, yeah! I was–
Tubbo: Everyone goes through their dick phase.
Fit: Yeah...
Pac: Yeah, everyone does.
Fit: Oh? Oh– is that so, Tubbo? Yeah?
Tubbo: Everyone- everyone–
Fit: When did you go through your dick phase? [Laughs]
Tubbo: I'd argue I'm in my dick phase right now.
Fit: Uh, you know, speakin' of spruce– you know Bruce Lee, right?
Phil: Yeah?
Fit: If Bruce Lee was a plant, he'd be Spruce Tree.
Phil: [Disappointed grumbling]
Fit: [Laughs]
[Fit gets kicked off the server]
Fit: [Laughs even harder]
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hyperpotamianarch · 8 days
So, after seeing @half-shadowgalra's post about what if Bianca stayed alive, I thought of analyzing the topic. So, my take on what might change, following the details of canon I can remember:
Firstly, let us assume that Bianca accidentally drove Talos into the Labyrinth, and just got severe head trauma and amnesia instead of dying. Zoe, Percy and co, however, still think she died and continue under this assumption. What happens next?
Well, as far as I know, only one god might actually know Bianca is still alive - her father, Hades. Who, I might say, is not present for the Winter Solstice council and doesn't seem like he'll inform anyone. He would want his daughter safe, probably, so there's a chance he'll send Alecto to find her and bring her somewhere safe - possibly the underworld. No guarantee that the Erinyes would succeed, though.
As to what we see in canon... In his angry burst, Nico mentions feeling Bianca being judged in the underworld, and having nightmares. I'm going to have to assume his nightmares will be altered. And, well... This certainty of her death, which was another sign of them being children of Hades, will likely not exist. How will it change things? Well, I think Nico will still be angry at Percy and consider him guilty of Bianca's death. Maybe. After all, the lack of certainty he had in another timeline can't actually help him realize Bianca is alive. He can't know he would've felt it if she died - even if he started feeling such things, he probably didn't understand that well enough yet. He might have some doubts, though. That's still a minor change, all things considered.
Next time Bianca's death affects the plot is the Iris-net messages. However, we might need to explore first what happened to Bianca. Especially since she not only fell into one of the most dangerous pieces of magical architecture, she did so in a time it was being explored by a whole bunch of people. At any given moment, she could encounter Luke's forces, Clarisse, Daedalus or one of the creatures looking for her. So, you're Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades, who's trapped in a maze underground and have amnesia. What can you do?
Well, I think her bow and arrows are either right beside her or a summon away - the latter is going to be problematic, because she doesn't remember how to summon them. She'll probably have her hunting knife. Oh, and did I mention that she won't remember her training, whatever amount she had?
I don't think canon gives us much indication on what she might do in such a situation. Part of the question is how much she forgot. And since we're makeing this up anyway, we can go for the option we find the most fun! Oh, and I forgot Nico is joining everyone in the Labyrinth pretty quickly. Either way, I think I'll go (regarding her memories) with forgetting everything except for her brother. And English, though it will be fun to have her speak some Italian dialect for some time. Oh, and her name. Easier that way.
So, Bianca wakes up in a cave. She only remembers her name and that she has a brother called Nico. Who is, for some reason, not present. She hears weird sounds and runs away from them.
Now here's another bit: we don't know what Bianca's powers include beyond the ability to permanently kill skeletal warriors. Incidentally, we have another canonical Pluto kid who can control caves. Now sure, Hazel and Nico supposedly have between them Hades' two dominions: riches and death. No reason to keep them separate, however. Bianca can have some power over underground spaces. We have seen Hazel interact with the Labyrinth in the House of Hades, even manipulate it - though she was using magic instead of demigod powers, so we can't be sure if someone with similar powers but no magic could do it. I do think it's possible, though - especially without anyone directly resisting her. It'd be mostly instinctive and unintentional, though, so there's no telling where it would lead her.
Now, where would Bianca find herself? It's hard to tell. Everyone goes through the arena eventually, but it takes time. Bianca can get to many places, Camp Half-Blood included as well as Geryon's farm or the underworld. There really is no telling. Meanwhile, Nico is looking into ways to find his sister and bring her back. Does he realize she's alive? Or does he still try to learn from Minos? As far as I know, we were never told how he made his way to the underworld. Did Hades send Alecto to collect him? If so, does that mean we'll have a family reunion sooner rather than later? Or maybe does Bianca inadvertently run away from it in effort to stay alive and, ironically enough, find her brother?
One possible change would be that when Hades gets Nico, he tells him (at some point) that his sister is still alive. Not in an attempt to console him - Hades doesn't really know about that - but as a throwaway line when Nico mentions her death. I think I can picture that. Nico still runs away, but this time to find his living sister - all that assuming he somehow got to Hades' palace in the time between the Titan's Curse and the Battle of the Labyrinth. In such a case, he might not turn to Minos, which would significantly change BotL. So... Maybe the best option here is Nico not getting to Hades' palace/Hades being too secretive about it all.
Now, no Percy Jackson story is complete without old myths underlining events: Percy isn't compared to Heracles for naught, there are a couple of parallels between them - at least in monster slaying and such things. Sadly, I can't say I'm an expert in Greek mythology, and I'm not sure I know enough to create a story paralleling any myth. So, I kind of hope someone more experienced could come and give a fitting story - only thing I can think of right now is Atalanta, the huntress who took a vow of virginity, joined the Argonauts for a time and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian boar, drawing first blood and thus winning the boar's hide - which eventually lead to much strife. Now, one would think this boar was used in the past, like in tTC - but nope, it was a different boar, so I'm sure having some taste of the Atalanta myth could work. Kind of. Maybe, somehow, I don't know.
So, Bianca is dealing with her own stuff. Maybe, because I just thought of it, she can also have a taste of Cadmus' story - the guy looking for his disappearing sister who went on to found a city instead. I'll have to think about it for a bit, especially since I think both Atalanta and him had a weird "happily ever after in animal form" thing. Cadmus and his wife became snakes, while Atalanta and the husband she eventually did marry (thus breaking her vow of virginity, though the consequences were somehow unrelated) were turned into lions. Huh.
Anyway, she deals with that while running away from Alecto. Nico tries to find a way to reassure his sister while Minos hides the fact she's actually still alive from him. And maybe Bianca encounters Luke.
Now, the repercussions of Bianca being alive include Percy not getting the Iris-net calls about Nico. Which would mean that, if they meet in Geryon's farm, Percy has no way to convince Nico that Bianca doesn't want what he does. Which leaves us at an impasse, so Nico would head out with Minos straight away... Probably. Here's the thing: Bianca being down there means she can be found by someone. I think Clarisse isn't a good option for that, though. So, what if Luke found her? Would she join him? Or be killed? Well, obviously not the latter, we didn't save her so that someone else might kill her. But since we want her as a hero, we'd prefer her not to serve the titans, right?
So, after some thought: maybe she got to the arena and was forced to compete. Her fighting talent was promising, so Luke suggested she join them. And then... I think she run.
This is just a vague outline, and you may have noticed this is stream of thought writing. So, umm... well, I can only say that next she's probably told to give up the search for her brother and follow a cow, which probably should lead her to the huntresses, but instead of following it she'll keep looking and will find Nico, because I honestly don't like how easily Cadmus gave up on Europa just because the oracle told him. Curses be upon Zeus. Coming to think of it, the myth of Cadmus might fit well with the theme of BotL, because Cadmus is Minos' uncle. Yeah, it's all still stream of thought.
Bianca will probably meet Nico before the whole "king of ghosts" fiasco. I think this should affect the larger story, but I'm not sure how. So, umm... Let's leave it here for now?
So, a suggestion to a more organized outline: Bianca is in the Labyrinth. She runs away from some monster and accidentally finds herself in the company of some half-bloods loyal to Kronos. At first she journeys with them and they slay monsters together. However, after having drawn first blood from a very strong monster, some of the half-bloods became angry at her for hurting their egos or something? So she run away from them? Then she gets the magical cow, maybe Alecto finds her, and then she continues to search for her brother, who she maybe finds on the verge of killing someone to bring her back to life.
I might try to write it at some point, but I'm not very good at finishing stories. So, I guess we'll see.
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bonefall · 1 year
Sorry, I'm a fucking idiot but what's Shadowsight's relationship with the Dakr Forest Peeps??? Somehow Don't know how to search properly 😭😭😭
OH dw djrhddj it's kind of an inside joke that just sorta happened based on this one scene
Here, I am handing you a bouquet of WIP material.
In BB, Bristlefrost dies VERY early on. She is executed publically by the Impostor. She is a ghost for most of TBC.
Shadowsight has epilepsy, and since his birth in Heartstar's Rise, has had a really bad relationship with death and the idea of needing to "make his life worth it."
He's struck by lightning in early TBC, giving him a glowing blue scar that lights up his ear like radio antennae. This is a "gift" from Ashfur, essentially making Shadowsight a prophet-level interpreter. VERY powerful gift.
All Dark Forest residents manifest a "Land Mar" in the forest. An evil magic place based on the worst moment of their lives. If you live here long enough that it becomes home, you get one.
Anyway, cut ahead to the wip in question where the joke comes from;
Confronting the Impostor in the Dark Forest
Like canon, it is decided that Ashfur needs to be dealt with. He's escaped into the Dark Forest and it's not known what's happened with StarClan.
They just know that Ashfur is FREAKISHLY powerful and it's not known why. StarClan warriors can do many wonderful things, but possession? Calling down a lightning bolt to make a blessing?
The Clans are more concerned about StarClan than the dark forest though, and not super willing to stick their necks out to fight for... Hell. Or the soul of Bramblestar.
But Squirrelflight, in spite of EVERYTHING, argues passionately that they NEED to save her ex-mate. No man left behind means him too.
But I'm not sure if I'm going to have Shadowsight leave and re-enter the DF this time around, to go fetch these reinforcements, because I have a better idea.
So INSTEAD of escaping as Rootspring gets captured, Shadowsight also gets trapped. He's able to avoid capture, but injured, and not knowing how he's going to save everyone without reinforcements.
He manages to drag himself away where he finds a cave. It's the land mar of Ravenwing, the unfairly damned Cleric of ThunderClan... and he intentionally never seeks visitors. He has no idea what's going on out there with Ashfur. Man literally lives under a rock.
But Shadowsight is a young lad and he's injured. He needs help, so, he brings him deep into his cave to patch him up. That's where they have a little chat.
It's about expectations. What people want from you, vs the right thing to do. Ravenwing interpreted a sign from StarClan incorrectly, and three children died because of him. He thought he was doing what they wanted... but even if they did, it was an AWFUL thing to want.
And so he regrets it deeply. Even if it WAS their will, he should have had the spine to stand against it.
And then the subject turns around to Ashfur, Shadowsight sharing how he listened to him because he was a StarClan warrior, even against his instincts, how he feels responsible for this mess.
And yet.. how good it felt. How terrified he is that even if he beats him, he'll go back to living without him. Ashfur makes him special, this GIFT makes him special.
And how will anyone ever forgive him? So many people are dead because of him. Cousin Strikestone is dead because of him. All he ever wanted to do was be useful, but now his life is a net negative.
I plan to trim this down to be shorter and more "focused," but I do want to try and set up Shadowsight's feelings before the Final Battle in some other way.
Anyway, Ravenwing reveals that the Special Power of his Land Mar is that HE can send omens from the comfort of his own cave, very easily. With the power of his Land Mar and the Gift that Shadowsight still has, they're able to send a message to the Mortal Plane.
I think it'll work better than the several chapters of arguing canon gave us, widely considered to be super frustrating. Just let Shadowsight see the "best hits" from Ravenwing's cave, like Squirrelflight’s Speech.
If I don't use the Land Mar idea, then Rootspring will break out of jail with the help of Hawkfrost's half-ghost and go get help.
Anyway. The joke
Shadowsight keeps getting put in the path of demons who aren't evil and angels who aren't good
So based on the Ravenwing Scene (which I've mentioned before but without much detail iirc) it just became a joke that people like talking to Shadowsight lmao
He'll take 2 steps and a new demon is like "oh i need to protect this boy"
Or suddenly traumadump on him
Or both
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greenlantern94to04 · 3 months
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Green Lantern-Related Titles Round-Up (June 1994)
Welcome to a new section where I'll be going over all the Green Lantern-related stuff happening across the DC Universe outside of the actual Green Lantern title in a given month, similar to what I've been doing at the '90s Superman blog. We start with a biggie...
Guy Gardner: Warrior #21
"EMERALD FALLOUT," Part 4! An all-splash pages issue about Guy's climactic fight with former goodypants Hal Jordan, who, as Guy learned last issue, recently went insane and killed a bunch of their mutual friends. Alan Scott, Arisia, Colos of the Darkstars, Wonder Woman, and other Justice Leaguers are also there, but Guy is the only one who's able to last longer than one page against Hal.
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This is because Guy's yellow power ring is powered by residual Green Lantern energy, so now that Hal is Green Lantern energy, the more he fights Guy, he more powerful Guy gets. Hal, who apparently thought Guy would sympathize with his murderous heel turn given that 1) he's also lived in Coast City and 2) he's also used to being called a psycho, eventually ends the fight by simply crushing Guy's ring and absorbing all of its power.
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Hal leaves Guy in his undies and gives him with a warning for everybody (as in, the other superheroes): "I don't want to harm them... but I will get the power I need. I will make everything all right again." Not sure how Guy will deliver this message since Hal apparently knocked him unconscious and shot him off into space right before saying it, but okay.
Darkstars #21
"EMERALD FALLOUT" Fallout! This issue starts with Darkstar Colos briefly alluding to the fact that he just had his ass handed to him by Hal in GG:W #21, but he says he's got "more pressing matters" than a murderous maniac with the power of 3600 Green Lanterns, so he goes off to do some Darkstars bullshit. The reason I'm including this here is the scene in which Green Lantern John Stewart, who had ascended to Guardian of the Universe status at the end of his solo series Green Lantern: Mosaic, suddenly realizes that everyone's GL rings have disappeared. Oh, he's no longer a Guardian (because there are no Guardians anymore).
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While John is wondering what's going on, a Controller, one of the "distant cousins of the Guardians" who run the Darkstars, shows up and says he might be able to explain, but he needs John to come somewhere with him. Meanwhile, there's a scene where one Darkstar superior tries telling another about Hal Jordan going evil and threatening the very existence of the universe, but once again the other guy is like "who cares, let's talk about some Darkstars bullshit."
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This issue also includes the moment in which Donna Troy, formerly Wonder Girl of the Teen Titans, is offered a gig as a Darkstar. We'll be seeing a lot of her over in Green Lantern in the future...
Superman & Batman Magazine #5
This series (which I'll cover in more detail at some point in the Superman '86 to '99 Patreon, because it's kinda awesome) includes not only animated-style comics but also in-universe articles and interviews with DC characters. This issue has one in which Superman's One-Time Romantic Interest Cat Grant talks to Guy, who thinks she's hitting on him but reaffirms his commitment to Ice.
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The interview spends a lot of time explaining Guy's yellow ring (which, as of this month, he no longer has) and his armor (which only lasted like two issues). The funniest part is that it ends with Guy saying he has to bail because "somethin' weird's happening on Oa, an' I gotta find out what." Is the implication here that between learning of the emergency on Oa in GG:W #20 and actually leaving with the rest of the Justice League, Guy took the time to be interviewed for a magazine? That does seem like a very Guy Gardner thing to do.
Justice League Quarterly #14
Hal Jordan appears in this issue's main story, but a blurb in the first page lets us know that it "takes place waaay before current events in Justice League or Green Lantern." That explains why Hal looks so cheerful and non-murderous.
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"Boy, I sure do love having a city!"
The story is about a satanic guy turning Praxis, one of the members of Booster Gold's capitalism-loving super-team the Conglomerate, into a giant being of pure energy, for satanic reasons. Hal and the League turn him back to normal using the power of friendship, basically. Then Hal makes a joke at Flash's expense and everyone laughs (off-panel; it's implied).
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"I also sure do love having friends, whom I'd never kill or try to erase from existence! Life is GOOD here in mid-1993."
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fallenclan · 1 year
In another life, it was Goldenflare who was made medicine cat apprentice after Wildfang's death. Sunwish continued her training as a warrior.
When Sunwish felt Scorchstar's claws sink into her shoulders, a strange sense of clarity washed over her. Even as her back was slammed against the harsh stone terrain of the mountain FallenClan called home, Sunwish knew, in her heart, that this confrontation was inevitable.
"Nettlestem was wrong to have chosen you as her successor," Scorchstar hissed, claws digging deeper into Sunwish's flesh. "It should have been--" Sunwish's claws flashed, slicing across Scorchstar's throat before either molly had time to think. Scorchstar's word trailed off with a strangled noise and in a few moments she slid off Sunwish, collapsing beside her.
Sunwish tensed, slowing rolling back to her paws. She stared. What had she done? Surely, Scorchstar hadn't actually been meaning to kill her. No, Sunwish growled, glaring at the wheezing leader whose remaining two lives were draining like sand from an hourglass. I did what I had to. I was defending myself.
That's what Sunwish continued to tell herself even as she went back for help. Even as she lied, claiming she and Scorchstar had been attacked by rogues.
Sunwish isn't sure what she was expecting StarClan to look like. Perhaps a bustling crowd of cats, kits merrily chasing each other and elders lounging beside clear pools of water. What was presented to her was an eerily quiet meadow. Dread flooded her chest. Was this StarClan's way of rejecting her?
"Sunwish," a voice called, causing Sunwish's gaze to snap to a previously unseen figure. Wildfang. Wildfang's gaze was narrowed, stern but not quite cold. "I'm surprised you came."
"I was FallenClan's deputy at the time of Scorchstar's death. I'm here to receive my nine lives," Sunwish replied frigidly.
"You know what I mean," Wildfang snapped, growing agitated. "You were never meant to be a warrior, let alone deputy."
"And who decided that?" Sunwish retorted. "I never wanted to be a medicine cat!"
"It doesn't matter what you want. StarClan decided you would be my successor, yet you willfully ignored my message, allowing Goldenflare to step forward in your stead."
Sunwish scoffed. "Then why didn't you send the message to Scorchstar? I'm sure she would have been happy to force me into the role."
"I considered it," Wildfang admitted. "But I believed, wrongfully, that you would have the integrity to do what it takes. Perhaps if you had, Morningbloom wouldn't have perished."
Sunwish recoiled, incredulous. "Goldenflare did everything he could. There's no proof that I would have been able to save her." Still, a sliver of doubt hung in her mind. Was Morningbloom's death her fault?
"There's still time to-"
"No." Sunwish shook her head. "Either give me one of my lives or leave. I won't sit here while you chastise me like a wayward kit."
Wildfang sighed, disappointment glistening in her gaze. "Very well." She padded forward, resting her nose on Sunwish's head. "I give you this life for compassion. Don't let bitterness cloud your judgement. Some things will always be out of your control."
When the sharp pain from receiving her first life had faded, Sunwish opened her eyes to see Wildfang gone. In her place stood Nettlestem. Nettlestem's gaze was weary, a frown etched onto her face. She had been the cat to find Sunwish, bringing her into the clan with promises of adventure and comradery, the life of a warrior.
Sunwish opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally setting on: "I'll look after Otterslip." The tom had been crushed by his grief, losing not only his mothers but also Ivyleaf (who Sunwish had always suspected to be Otterslip's birth mother) in the span of just a few moons.
Nettlestem nodded solemnly, stepping forward. "I give you this life for judgement. Use yours well." As Nettlestem padded away, Sunwish was tempted to call out to her, but held back.
When Morningbloom stepped forward, Sunwish felt her breath catch in her throat. Morningbloom's gaze held a deep sadness, but also empathy. "Sunwish. I am sorry for everything that has been thrust upon your shoulders. I appreciate the kindness and friendship you've shown Goldenflare." Morningbloom purred softly, her gaze growing wet. "With the way Honeykit follows you around, I'd assume he's hoping to follow in your footsteps one day."
Sunwish lowered her gaze. It was true. She had been spending a lot of time helping out Goldenflare, as the tom was torn between his grief and his duties as medicine cat. There were many days when Sunwish, to her dismay, had a gaggle of kits following her around everywhere, demanding for early battle training and exciting stories. She had a fondness for each of Goldenflare and Morningbloom's kits, as well as Toro's two. Sunwish was especially close with Honeykit, not missing the way the kit watched her with open admiration. "I'm planning on mentoring Honeykit myself," Sunwish murmured.
Morningbloom smiled gently, padding forward. "I give you this life for new beginnings. Don't let the past haunt your every pawstep. I know you will do great things."
A few moments after Morningbloom had slunk back into the meadow, Ivyleaf appeared, seeming in a hurry. "I give you this life for forgiveness--for yourself, and for others." Rather than feel intense pain, as expected, Sunwish only felt a sensation akin to a light breeze ruffling her fur. When she opened her mouth to say something, Ivyleaf interrupted. "Tell Otterslip he is loved."
Sunwish's remaining lives were given in a blur, a rush of cats Sunwish didn't recognize either congratulating her or granting her a life only begrudgingly, until at last only one life remained.
Sunwish's ears immediately pinned at the sight of Scorchstar, who regarded Sunwish coldly. "It appears StarClan has deemed you worthy of nine lives, then."
"Brilliant observation," Sunwish snapped in reply, temper flaring. Why couldn't some other leader from some other clan give her her final life?
When Scorchstar took a step forward, Sunwish instinctively backed up, causing Scorchstar to let out a scoff. "I can't very well give you a life from five fox-lengths away, can I?"
Gaze baleful, Sunwish stalked forward instead, stopping only when her nose was practically touching Scorchstar's own. Satisfied, Scorchstar began: "I give you this life for wisdom, which in your youth you have not yet achieved." Sunwish bristled, nearly toppling over from the jagged spike of pain the life caused her. "With that," Scorchstar drawled. "I name you Sunstar and grant you guardianship of FallenClan."
Sunstar fought the wave of dizzyness that threatened to consume her as droves of StarClan cats drifted out of the meadow, all chanting her new name. When Scorchstar turned to pad off, Sunstar called out, "Scorchstar, wait!" The former leader turned back towards Sunstar, expression unreadable. "I--" Sunstar cleared her throat. "I'll be thrice the leader you ever were. Under my leadership, FallenClan will prosper. No one will ever have to wonder if they belong or if they are loved." If Scorchstar heard the note of pain in Sunstar's voice, she made no indication of it. "I will spend every last one of my new lives defending FallenClan. And I will honor your memory. We have never seen eye to eye, but that doesn't mean I will tarnish your name. The clan will continue to believe you died a hero at the claws of some rogue."
When Sunstar finished, Scorchstar only wrinkled her nose in distaste, unimpressed. "You mean the clan will never know that you murdered me?"
"I killed you in self defense. If I hadn't acted, you would have killed me," Sunstar spat, tail lashing.
"Spare me the theatrics. You aren't half so noble as you pretend you are. It's your own legacy you don't want tarnished."
Sunstar could feel StarClan fading as she began to wake up. Still, she pressed on. "I have done only what I've thought to be right. Can you say the same?"
Sunstar was awake before she could hear Scorchstar's reply. Goldenflare was watching her with wide eyes. Sunstar gave the tom a reassuring smile. Later, she would tell him about Morningbloom and all the other lost friends she had seen. For now, they would begin the journey back to camp. Whatever Scorchstar says, Sunstar was determined to do her best for FallenClan. Any lingering doubt she had was buried deep down, somewhere she'd only look in her darkest moments.
-🐉 (there may be some inaccuracies, as i wrote this from memory! i imagine in this universe, otterslip would eventually kill--or attempt to kill--sunwish to avenge scorchstar after he learns the truth)
the fucking. oughhhhh god words arent working this is so good. the duel moral grayness of Sunstar and Scorchstar... the way Scorchstar tried to pin it on Sunstar even though she WAS GOING TO MURDER HER. AUGHHH this is so good
and I LOVE the idea of Otterslip going after Sunstar in this au you are giving me so many brain worms
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autumn16051998 · 7 months
My thoughts and things I would have liked to see in Kung Fu Panda 4
I really did like Kung Fu Panda 4. It's the weakest of the four movies but I still enjoyed it. Here are some thoughts I had. Spoilers Obviously.....I liked that it vaguely mentioned that Tai Lung, Shen and Kai found inner peace/Redemption in the spirt realm, but I wish they explored it a little more. I would have liked to see Tai Lung and Shifu interact before Tai Lung goes back to the spirt realm. Have a nice father-and-son moment. I would have also liked to see Shen and Li Shang interact. Shen tried to kill all the pandas and succeeded in killing Po's mum. Maybe Shen could have apologised and admitted that by trying to stop the prophecy happen, he made it come true. He let his fear of his defeat control him. Forgiveness could have been a good message in the movie.
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I liked Zhen and it made sense that she became the next dragon warrior. I know some people wanted Tai Lung or Tigress to become the next dragon warrior and it would have been a plot twist, but Zhen worked. I liked the plot twist that she was working with the chameleon, but Po forgave her and they fought her together.
I hate that the Furious Five were not in the movie. except for the end credits. It would have been awesome if the Furious Five and Shifu turned up at the last moment to help in the final battle like the Avengers. I vaguely saw an article that said it was too expensive to bring Angelia Jolie back for a few lines. I used to be a strong shipper of TiPo, but I'm kind of giving up on it ever happening.
This might be another unpopular opinion but, I'm kind of surprised that none of the characters such as Shifu, Ping or Li Shang have been killed off. I'm not saying that I want this to happen, but this typically happens in movies. A teacher or parent dies so that the main character can grow.
I just wanted to share some of these thoughts and wondered what everyone else thought of the movie. I've been so excited about the movie since I saw the trailer. Ngl I wasn't even sure if they were going to do a fourth movie for a while cause there was no confirmation. I know they are doing six movies, but it went quiet for a bit. Hope we get more furious Five in KFP5. I still have my fingers crossed for TiPo, but I want get my hopes up lol
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Hi Rosie 💜
I don't have a question. I just wanted to say I wish I could give you a big hug. You have been super patient with these anons.
I think you are right when you call them out for being homophobic. There can be so much unreasonable fear and anxiety when fixed beliefs are challenged. It is really sad.
My great aunt Edie lived with her closest friend, Jeanette, for - forever - from before I was born. They were both nurses, and when they retired, they spent most of their time working passionately in their large vegetable garden. They traveled together, and enjoyed a quiet and happy life together.
When I said (what was obvious) to my mom a few years ago, my mother reacted with a very condescending, "No! No, no, no, no - you're wrong! They lived together because neither one found a man to marry."
I mean...? The scales just fell from my eyes in that moment: my mother could not face any other explanation than the heteronormative one she had deeply rooted in her mind. I'm still not sure what terrifying consequence her inner-self thought there would be if she allowed in the possibility of recognizing a calm, loving and beautiful relationship inside our messy, troubled family tree.
Phobia is the right word - and you are good, right, brave to call those anons out. Maybe they will reflect? I don't know. But, I hope you wrap yourself in the warmth of knowing that you CAN recognize loving, healthy relationships (in whatever form) and you aren't afraid of much at all. Sending you lots of encouragement from over here, you beautiful warrior. 💜
Whenever I receive messages like this I feel overwhelmed. That someone who technically doesn't know me can think this way about me is humbling. One thing I've always feared is sounding performative but reading messages like this I realise I'm not.
Thank you so much for your words and for the nice opinion you have about me, you have no idea how much I appreciate it and will always treasure it. I hope I never change that opinion.
I understand what you are saying about your mum's reaction, it has happened to me several times with my parents, although I have called them homophobic to their faces. They deny it, they say they respect other people's decisions but they still think it's wrong. I don't know what else it could be other than homophobia.
I am Latina so respecting your elders no matter what is something that is ingrained in my mind but I am also stubborn and maybe rebellious, and I like people to earn my respect, no matter what age; thanks to that I have also learned that older people should also be called out for their phobia and ignorance, no matter what age. Although I also accept that not everyone will, so many of us will simply be disappointed in them in silence. I'm glad to know that you see things for what they are and celebrate them no matter what. You could say that your mom unconsciously taught you not to be like her, at least in that respect.
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Based of off the Divergent series.
Idk if y'all saw but I posted a while ago that I have this "story" in mind and I was supposed to release some stuff about it but I forgot. But here's something...
Kunigami's Story: Day of Election
You knew what day it was, you marked it on your calendar. Oh how you dread the date wishing it was all a dream, but it's not, it's real, so very real.
You looked up at the calendar with tears forming.
You haven't talk to him either,you were so angry at him for his decision.He stopped trying to talk to you,he understands that your mad at him .
The last time he tried to talk to you,You told him to go away and that you hate him for leaving you.
Your words stung him,But he's smart enough to know that you didn't mean that. You were just frustrated,So he gave you space for about a week,till the day came.
He knocks on your room door, and wait for a response.
But you ignored him,All he could hear was small sniffs and sobs. He cringes at the noise,Your not one to cry you were always upbeat and sassy.
He waits for about 3 more minutes, before an exusted sigh leaves his lips."I'm sorry (y/n)".
You missed his voice,you haven't heard it for weeks. You missed how deep it was and how it would bring you to ease when you're in distress.
You tried to ignore the feeling of opening the door and leaping into his arms.Pulling him into your embrace. To hear his soft chuckle when you hug him a bit to tightly not wanting to let go.
But your anger was preventing you from doing so. You were so mad at him.
A small sigh leaves his lips,Before he walks away from your door.
You should get going too,You have to choose your career path.
But you didn't want to run into Kunigami on the way. So you waited for what seems like 10 minutes before heading out the door.
Looking left and right to me sure that the cost is clear.
You make your way through out the halls of the large facility till you made it to your destination,The auditorium.
You entered.
You look around for a a seat since nearly all of them were filled. You noticed a seat open and decided to take it while you still can,even though it's near the front.
When you took your seat,there was still one available next to you.
And in coincidence you noticed orange spike hair sticking out like a sour thumb. You tried to look away but your eyes and his met instenly.
He glance to the spot next to you.And began to make his way over.
Now you could take this as an opportunity to sit down with your boyfriend and talk about his decision,and everything would be back to normal.
But you being you,you ignored your inner thoughts and places your hand on the seat.
He got the message and cuts his joinery to you short. A small sigh leaves his lips as his face visible saddens.
Your heart clenched,You felt so bad,you hate that look. It makes him look like a sad lost puppy.
You turn your head away from him.
Kunigami on the other hand got distracted when a males voice calls his name.
"Kunigami,over here!".
It was Isagi and the other boys form his block.They were sitting on the other side of room from were you were.
He gives you one last look,Which you completely ignored and began to make his way to the seat his friends had saved him.
He takes his seat,His friends knew the situation going on with you and him,some told him to just give you all the time that you need. Others say to just wait till she comes and apologizes,since he did nothing wrong.
The moment finally began. Name after name were called and teens went up to choose whether they are a warrior,healer,inventor or a modern civilian.
Many choose to be a warrior,who wouldn't you get treated like royalty. Well that also depends on what ranking you on.[Warlords]
Our intelligent folks choose to work in the lab and invent. [ Intel ]
The ones with a loving heart choose be doctors/ nurses in the facility.
There are two types of caretakers that you must know: The ones that choose to be a nurse but also leave with the warriors when going on missions.[Battle Angeles]
Or you choose to stay in the facility and work when the teams who don't have a nurse with them.[Angels]
And our folks who just wanna live the simple life and be a civilian.
'Kunigami Rensuke'.
Your breath got caught in your throat,As you watch him step up onto the podium.
He extended his hand to the announcer,who then pricked his finger.
"What is your choice young man?".
He looks over the crowd and his eyed met yours,
Once again life is given you another opportunity. You could either give him a small smile,a smile saying that even though you don't like the idea of him be a Warlord your gonna support him.
Or you could give just ignor his look and make the situation worse.
Second option is what your going with. You looked away. He sighs and turn his focus back to the 4 decisions.
He already knew what he wanted to do.Its been his dream to be a Warlord. He knows that you are just upset but you'll blow over soon .
His finger smears the blood form the prick onto the paper reading:Warlord.
You could only feel the unsettling feeling increasing.
"(Y/n) (l/n)" .
You stood up from your chair and made your way to the podium.
You extended your finger to the announcer ,who pricks it.
"What is your choose young woman?".
You look at your options and your finger gently smears over the paper reading:Angel
After everyone was called the meeting was over. Everyone was divided into the decisions they made.
''Welcome to department Angel,Here is where you will treat our civilians and Warlords alike. Remember this is a very important decision you made. People's lives are in your hands,You may be young but not dumb. Age doesn’t judge your knowledge. Now doctors and nurses soon to be you have a week to prepare for your entrance exam. Now remember if you fail this exam you will not take cours Angel till next year. But you must also pass that exam.
You can only take the exam 3 time till you won't be able join Angel. I wish you best of luck".
'One week is all we have,Better study hard,its a 5 hour quiz with 300 questions'.
You went to your room and decided to start studying tomorrow. Thanks to the whole meeting thing and the situation with Kunigami,you were so tired .
You wanted to go see him,ask him about his decision and meeting.
But no, a side in you kept you from doing that.
You don't feel like thinking about it right now. You pushed your thoughts away and began to drift into a sweet slumber.
One week later
In the morning you woke up early enough to get some studying in. You first made your way to the kitchen were mostly everyone ate together. But you couldnt, so after greeting your friends you made your way back to your room. But on your way back you heard fast footsteps approaching from behind. You were aware of who they belong to and you didn't hesitate to slam the door in his face.
It's been a week and you have to take your entrance exam, and today's also the day Kunigami is drafted, Warlords take their exams three days after they make their decision, If they past, they began their first mission.
You'd think since your boyfriend got past a the toughest exams there is you'd celebrate with him. Give him kisses and rewards, Yes the ones who passed got their celebration. But the fact that you weren't there made him feel so empty.
But today is the day he goes on his first real mission, He wants to say goodbye to you before he leaves.
"Can I please talk to you, we have spoken in a nearly a month,And I'll be gone for a while,"
"Our first mission is gonna be a S-rank, apparently it's bad out there so the new recruits are being exposed to the dangers of our world right of the bat".
'An S-rank mission,No,No,No that's the second most dangerous missions there is after S'. Why are they sending him?!.
You feel a lump getting caught in your throat,Horrible sanarios of Kunigami's uniform/dog tag being brought to you staind with blood.
How the unit captain will solute to you and tell you that your lover was strong and noble and that he will be remembered for his courageous actions of war.
You were interrupted of your thoughts when the voice of your lover spoke.
"Your really not gonna say anything".
"Well if your not,It's time for me to leave,They didn't give us much time to so bye to our family and friends'.'
"*sigh* I love you (y/n),I hope you know that".
He takes a minute before leaving. Making his way down the hall.
He's not as excited as he thought he would be,He wanted to share this experience with you of all people. But he can't be happy knowing that your mad at him.
"I knows how stubborn you could be, but I didn't think you would take it this far".
He says out loud to himself as he walks farther away from your room.
Go , Go to him!, you idiot before it's to late!. Give him a squeeze before he leaves it could be the last time you see him again!'.
Your inner voice shouted at you.
'But I'm mad at him!'. You know that your in the wrong but your stubborness won't let you admit it.
But another side of you couldn't help it anymore, you haven't spoken to him in nearly a month and now he's on his way to a suicide mission!.
The girl was quick to jump from her bed and towards the door, rushing down the hall hoping that you can make it in time.
He hears them, the sound of small feet quickly making their way to his direction, before he was attack with a hug, a tight bone crushing hug.
He inhaled the familiar smell of perfume before a small smile spread on his cheek .
But it was quick to disappear when he hears small sniffs.
"P-please come back to me, Kunigami *sniff* I'm serious".
He turns around and pulls you close to him with one hand as he runs his fingers in your hair with the other.
He lets out a chuckle before saying:
"Of course I'll come back,I promise".
"You better".
Ok that's my first part of a "chapter". I don't really want to call it chapter since it's not really a story????? It's more like a bunch of random ideas about the bllk fandom but in a Divergent series plot(I would highly recommend you watch it or read it the series is wonderful)but all the "chapters" that will be released in the future are all connected.
And this is just Kunigami's. Day of election I'll do other characters as well.
Still debating whether or not I should let you guys selective characters tho.
Pls pls pls feedback is important and so is reblogs!!!!! .
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hi, little late on asks but my week has been a trash fire so I’m catching up… your hint at how Healthcare AU Sky ends up at the ranch still haunts my brain so… snippet?
@alasse-earfalas you'd like this too ;)
Legend was in the middle of charting when his phone buzzed. He glanced for a moment at his smart watch just to see what was going on, fully planning on ignoring it, when he saw that it was from one of the flight medics who he had only just recently gotten to know.
Hey, do you know where Sky is?
Legend stared at the text before pulling out his phone. What in the...? Why would this person be asking him?
No? he replied. Shouldn't he be with you? I thought he worked tonight.
That's the thing, he isn't here and we've tried calling him. We texted the others too, but you're the first one to answer.
"Hey," a tech called. "34 is hitting their call bell."
Legend paused, blinking a few times to reorient as worries started swirling in his gut. "What do they need?"
"Something about their lab results," the tech answered. "I told them I'd get you."
Not vitally important right now, then. Noted. "They can wait."
Grabbing the phone again, he typed, I don't know where he is. Sorry.
Closing out the messages, he immediately called Sky's phone as he rose to find Warriors. When he got no answer, he picked up his pace, growing even more anxious. By the time he got to the charge nurse station he was nearly sprinting.
Warriors stood inside the small area sectioned off for him, a phone to his ear and a hand immediately signaling for Legend to wait the instant he entered the space.
"Okay, we'll see you when you get here," Warriors acknowledged before hanging up the phone with a sigh. "Well, we got an alpha trauma alert coming in. What's up?"
"Sky isn't at work," Legend immediately said.
Warriors was distracted, sending out pages to multiple people to warn them of the incoming patient. "Okay?"
"He's supposed to be."
That made the charge nurse pause. Furrowing his brow, Warriors asked, "Is he okay?"
"I don't know," Legend answered. "I can't reach. His coworkers tried to call him too."
Warriors bit his lip, his eyes flickering back and forth as he processed everything. Worry was evident in his tight posture, but he was clearly trying to work through it. "It could be anything, Ledge. Sky does have a tendency to go AWOL sometimes. It isn't that unheard of. At least give him some time to get back to you, you only just called him right?"
"Something could be wrong." Legend protested.
"Or it could be nothing," Warriors reasoned, his face stony, brooking no argument. Legend was half convinced the man was trying to tell himself that rather than the travel nurse. "I have a trauma alert to handle, Ledge, and you have patients. Give it an hour. If he doesn't call back by then, we'll try again."
Legend sighed heavily, frustrated but willing to at least give the idea a chance. But only for an hour.
As the travel nurse returned to his own area, Warriors grabbed his own personal cell phone and saw the messages from Sky's coworkers. Feeling his world spin a little bit, he shoved the endless thoughts of what if he got in a wreck, what if he's ill, what if-- and took a breath. There could be a lot of reasons. He could have slept through his alarm.
This was Sky, after all. That wasn't unusual.
Opening the messages for Time, he typed, Alpha trauma alert, 31 YOM GSW to chest, ETA 8 min. Then he paused and began to type, Have you heard from Sky?
He stared at the second half of the message for a moment longer, and then deleted it. He sent the notification of the alert and put his phone away.
Sighing, he exited the station and started gathering supplies to set up for the incoming patient. While doing so, he caught sight of Wild, who was washing his hands outside of a patient's room.
"Hey, Wild, what are you up to?" he asked as he approached his friend.
Wild paused, glancing at him. "I'm getting ready to take someone upstairs."
"Okay," Warriors acknowledged, methodically running through his mind who else he could reach out to for Sky and what else he needed to prep for the trauma patient. "When you're done, if you have a moment, could you... try to reach Sky?"
"You want me to go up stairs and get him?"
"He's not here."
Wild blinked, confused. "I... I thought he worked tonight?"
"He's supposed to," Wars answered. "No one's seen him. Just... when you get a chance, give him a call."
Wild acknowledged him a little uneasily, making him glad that he hadn't asked Time. He had faith that the surgeon could keep it together more than most of the others, but still. They had to focus on this trauma patient.
That applies to you too, genius, he reminded himself.
Shaking his head, he made his way to the critical section of the ED, supplies in hand.
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Can you give us a snippet of what your WIPs are ? I’m so excited to read all of them by the way!! Also don’t pressure yourself too much write at your own pace. Xxx
real talk - seeing this message made me tear up :')
to anon & all of my followers, THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT. I promise I haven't forgotten about the messages/requests in my inbox, nor have I abandoned any of the wips. They ARE coming, I'm just a terribly slow writer. This message really lifted my spirits and took some of the pressure off, so truly, anon, THANK YOU.
In terms of snippets, yes! I mean, if we're being honest, I have probably close to a hundred wips in the works because I'm incapable of writing like a normal person, but many of those aren't yet fit for human consumption lol. I'd say the two big ones I'm working on rn are Daemond fics - one was initially inspired by the 505 anon, though it's really taken on a mind of its own. the other is a brothel fic, where Aemond finds a certain someone in the heart of the pleasure house 🤭
Here's a peek of the 505 inspired fic (this will probably be finished first):
"It was his nephew he so craved, in truth, as the festivities had left him with something of a bestial hunger. Not a word had been spoken between them, though the glances exchanged were beyond count, the tension of their bond growing with each passing moment. The prince, in his rakishness had gone so far as to run a finger along the table, wet with a few drops of spilled wine, bringing it to his lips and sucking."
And here's a bit of the brothel fic:
"The most tempestuous and unbridled of all dragons, Daemon Targaryen seated himself upon a divan of resplendent amber, all but enthroned with a wantonness befitting the Rogue Prince. He had abandoned his tunic, allowing it instead to adorn a woman by his side, sharing in his high seat. A king of low places, he was more myth than man in the dim light cast by the flames, and Aemond could not but admire the scars that decorated his chest and torso, seemingly sculpted by the Warrior himself. He had the most intemperate urge to run his tongue along the wounds of war, to taste their glory and revere."
Both fics are currently around 3k and I still haven't gotten to the smut on either of them 😅 needless to say, I'm a big fan of building as much tension as possible - so much so that my friend @tattedkhaleesi has brilliantly labelled it smutception🤣
anyway, I hope those crumbs keep you going until I finish and upload! send me all the good writing vibes - lord knows I need them!
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
Dear Mr. Meta,
Apologies for the length of this "ask," but I've got some things to say/ask to you.
I'm new to Tumblr and wish to say Thank you for being a fun and insightful look in the DB franchise with info and arguments I find thought-provoking. While there are posts that I don't entirely agree with (2 people who don't agree on everything, what a twist!), I respect your stances and don't want to add to the large pile of vulgar insults and hot-headed messages I assume you receive constantly. So thanks for being one of my first bloggers that I follow.
Another, but much bigger thank you to you (as well as to other Tumblr people such as Chestnut Island, SweetEscape Artist, etc.) for opening my eyes to the under dog of the DB series: Krillin. I now have a new mad respect for the man that I never would have imagined to come from me. Now realizing the hardships he went through, the power and skills that are overlooked by most fans, and his essential personality to the core group, I can safely say that I am rooting for him more than the Saiyans (not that I hate the Saiyan characters, but now see they hog the character spotlight, considering they are Toei's bread butter)! Furthermore, how have I been so blind to the greatest ship of this series: K18? They are just so well put together and their moments together make my heart flutter. Just a new found respect for aspects and characters I now have.
Finally, my "ask." For my first ever ask, I want it to be fun. Mr. Meta, alongside Krillin, who would you want to team up with him in a hypothetical scenario/movie/series arc but said partner must be a character that is not from Dragon Ball, but instead any other franchise. For example, my dream team up with Krillin is with the mutant who is the best there is as what he does, but what he does isn't very nice: Wolverine. The reason why: Perhaps some intriguing chemistry between the warrior monk and immortal mutant, the possibility of the two sharing their hardships and find comfort that they are still alive despite the lethal and emotional damage that have been inflicted upon them over the course of their lives. But really, it's mostly because I want to see a short hero team up. Wolverine is 3 in taller than Krillin, but it's not that big of a difference; just give me these two short bad asses kicking butt, working together, and one of them mentioning that being taller is overrated. The what if team up can be with anybody, not just Marvel. What is yours? P.S. I hope my ask let's you know that there are individuals who value your opinions and not just bash them. Here's to enjoying Dragon Ball and saying what comes to our minds, rationally of course.
1. Ah, well, thank you. And welcome. Hopefully, you find your time here enjoyable. 2. Yeah, the hyper-focus on the Saiyans can get a bit old at times. Especially in side media now where even some of the weaker known Saiyans are just elevated to god-tier power with the blink of an eye, and the human characters typically only get involved as jokes or to take on throwaway villains that they realistically are far stronger than now. But I’m happy if any of my posts have helped you appreciate these characters more. :) 3. If I absolutely had to choose: Probably Peter Parker. Those two are a lot more alike than people realize, and seeing that come into play and seeing them interact would be interesting. But it’s not really something I’ve given too much thought, tbh. Again, thanks for the kind words.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Sewing thoughts? I've got you? I want to believe?
I have questions but i worry the answer will be hurt no comfort lol
Congrats!! All of these have comfort
Sewing Thoughts:
This lil fic is Warrior's and Twilight centric. Warrior's wakes up to find Twilight awake way past his shift repairing various peices of the chains clothing and just, crying. Warrior's can't get him to talk about what's on his mind, so he instead sits with him and starts helping with the sewing.
They both just sit there and get to be emotional and have some very exaughsted older brother time.
I unfortunately don't have anything written like I thought I did.
I've Got You:
More Wars and Twilight!! The prompt was Shaking hands.
Wind got fucked up in a fight and it hit Twilight's trauma really fucking hard. Warrior's is reluctant to pry, but after some gentle nudging goes to try and help him calm down since he's the best suited to understand what could be going through his head (we all know Mask gave him several heart attacks)
"Go talk to him."  The Vets voice so suddenly over his shoulder startled Warriors pretty effectively. Gaze whipping to meet with those deep brown eyes, so deep that it's almost like an enriched black. Especially when their filled with so much concern.  "Why me..I..I don't understand what's going through his head right now." Warriors asks confused.  "If anyone younger approaches him he's going to put on that bright happy smile and start comforting us..if Time goes to him he's going to clam up and pretend he's fine because he doesn't want to break down in front of a father figure….you and Sky are our best shot..here." Legend says with a solid determination.  "Sky I can..understand," He admits as he glances up to the hero in question as he approaches. He already has that worried mother cucco look as it is. "But what can I possibly do to help.."  "You understand being a brother…" Sky says softly. "Better than I do that's for sure.."  "I'm an only child.."  "Time…he's told me a little.."  Warriors let's out a heavy sigh and hangs his head a moment. Before carefully lifting his gaze to peer over at the hero causing so much fuss.  Twilight sits on the other side of the camp. Carefully perched next to an unconscious and heavily bandaged Wind.
I Want To Believe:
The stubborn God damn first chapter of the X files AU
Essentially the plot is Warrior's did something the higher ups in the FBI didn't like. As a punishment he's been transferred to the weirdest department that no one cares aside from the one guy who runs it.
And out of spite and comradery his partner Sky goes with him.
And thus begins the journey of these two following Twilight on crazy nightmare fuel cases as they learn about things in the world that they never wanted to know existed
Everyone is in there and they all are weird and quirky and have SOMETHING going on with them and hng it's gonna be fun if I could just FUCKIN WRITE IT
"Why the hell would you get yourself assigned to this?" Wars huffs as they both look at the door before them.  "Eh…had a feeling you might need a little sanity." Sky smirks playfully as he tilts his head a bit to look at his partner.  The blonde let's out a heavy sigh and gives a knock on the door. "Sky…if you're my sanity? Then I'm already fucked." The chestnut blonde chuckles a bit with a wide grin. Following Wars in despite them having not gotten an answer.  The room is far from what they expected, yet also exactly what they both expected. There's tables and filing cabinets absolutely covered in stacks of files and loose papers. Every surface is covered in pictures or maps or even more papers. All holding blurry images, strange markings or god knows what kind of cryptic messages or rants. Hell the cleanest surface in the place is the table behind the door, holding a coffee maker, a microwave and other such things.  "Hello..?"
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
Tipping Point
The guys help Shep and Phee organize the civilians for the time being and Hunter approaches us under the tree. He crouches down and puts a hand on Omega's cheek "You alright?" She shakes her head but I'm sure he can tell shes just trying to play it off. He looks up at me "We are going to stay and help the rebuild the lower levels. For now, we are going to get the people organized up here before we make a plan." I nod, "Let me know what I can do." He smiles "I think you're doing it." I glance down at both girls who seem to be settling down. We lock eyes "I can't believe you jumped over the wall." I shrug "I'd do anything to keep you all safe and I know you'd do the same for me." He puts a hand on my cheek "Just don't get yourself killed" his tone of voice is harsh like he wants to scold me but the look on his face is soft. Tech calls him over. Putting his forehead against mine for a moment he says "I'll be back." I nod knowing we probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Omega picks her head up "You jumped over the wall?" I chuckle "It wasn't the big wall, just from Shep's place." Lyana looks at me shocked "Mandalorian's are crazy." I shrug "I wasn't about to let you two get stuck out there alone. I didn't really jump...I slid." Omega throws her arms around me "I know I can always count on you." I hug her back giving her a gentle squeeze. She lets go of me, stands up, and composes herself before speaking again "We should help them... I want to help them." A smile spreads across my face and Lyana pops up "I want to help too." "I guess that settles it then" Standing up I brush myself off "We'd better go join the others."
The plan we came up with - at least for now - was to get everyone whatever they could from their homes. We divided everyone into groups so that one of us could go with about 30 people at one time. With five groups of 30ish people...it took all day. For the most part everyone was able to get enough belongings to make themselves comfortable for the time being. Most of the women helped prepare a meal for the entire village while Omega, Lyana, and I helped grab supplies. At around dusk, I was finally able to sit down. I always prided myself on staying in shape but after going up and down the hundreds of steps all day long....my legs feel like jelly. Needing some space, I wander away from everyone and climb up onto the stone wall, dangling my feet over the edge. The ocean has finally calmed and the animals seem to be coming back out from wherever they were hiding. Looking down below, the image is sad compared to the beautiful one we had last night. The entirety of Lower Pabu is dark, the sight makes me sigh sadly. Echo would have enjoyed this view...I pull up my vambrace and punch in Echo's code. I get no answer but leave a message, "Havoc 4, this is Havoc 6. I hope everything is going well. We're all safe so please don't worry. I just wanted to let you know that we all miss you.....I also kept my promise to you...but I can tell you when we see each other again. Stay safe vod (Brother)."
I sit there alone for quite sometime, breathing in the ocean air. The sounds of boots approaching pulls my attention away from the ocean. Looking over my shoulder, I'm not surprised to see Hunter. He stops next me. "We just can't catch a break, can we?" He sighs "No, but what we did today...it saved everyone living here." I nod and look down between my feet "Maker I really am dini'la (insane)..." He hops up on the edge next to me and looks down. "Ni ceta (I'm sorry), I didn't mean to scare you earlier...I just couldn't imagine losing Omega out there...she sounded so scared..." "Gar shuk meh kyrayc (You're no use dead/said to encourage rest/not literal)" I quirk a brow at his statement "oh so that's all I am to you huh?" I tease. He sighs and shakes his head. Teasing him honestly gives me life, "What's the matter Sarge? Am I too much for you to handle" I wink at him before spinning around and hoping off the wall. I start to walk away but stop and look over my shoulder "If you can't sleep...you know where to find me." With that I head to my hut for the night.
————This is your warning now...it's going to get spicy. Minors look away————
Just as I'm about to head to bed there's a knock on my door. I smile to myself and bound over to the door. Flinging it open Hunter is standing there, I opt to continue to tease him "Something I can help you with Sarge?" There's a fire behind his eyes and without a word he comes in, shutting the door behind him. He stops only a few inches from me and looks me in the eye. "Do you know what it does to me when you call me that?" His voice is deep and lustful. I can't pull my eyes away from his lips, "What does it do to you...Sarge?" His breath hitches and something primal takes over. He slides his hands over my hips and lifts me off the ground. Wrapping my legs around his core, he kisses me with such passion - I know I'm the only female in the galaxy lucky enough to have this man's full attention.
He carries me to the bedroom, setting me on the bed before straddling me. He hesitates for a second like he's struggling for words, chest heaving, eyes roaming my face like he's waiting for me to protest. His pupils are blown wide - like his senses are working overtime - leaving honey brown halos around them. Knowing that I have this man such a mess in this moment makes me want to savor it. I bite my lip and run my fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath like he's trying to calm himself. "Hunter..." I whisper and he opens his eyes again. Leaning up to meet him, I kiss his neck over his pulse point and I can feel his heart racing. He lets out a soft grunt. Trailing up to his ear I whisper "It's okay." Laying back down on the bed I reach down, grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. His eyes wander down stopping for a moment on my tattoo before traveling to the other side where theres a scar from our mining experience. Sliding one hand up from my hip, he runs a thumb over the scar and I flinch - only because the contact sends a current throughout my whole body. His eyes flick up to mine and his expression softens like he might have felt it. I slide my hands up under his shirt and pull it over his head - the wild look returning in his eyes. He peppers kisses from my cheek all he way down my neck, making his way to my chest, between my breasts, and down to my stomach. The action sends me over the edge and I grip he sheets balling them in my fists. He lifts his head with a mischievous smirk before sliding my pants and underwear off before he follows suit with his own. My hands roam his muscular body before he stops me and puts them above my head. "I think you've teased me enough" his deep, husky voice in my hear. Now he's got my full attention and I find myself begging or him. "I need you...fill me..." I practically command him. He quirks a brow "I thought I was the one who gave the orders?" "Please Sarge..." I plead. Hunter wastes no time following orders...
The light through the small window is what wakes me. I look over to my left see the tangled mess of sheets and him. He's sleeping so peacefully...I don't think I've ever seen him that peaceful... I run my fingers over the tattoo on his face. Without opening his eyes he hums his satisfaction with the contact. I roll myself on top of him and pepper kisses along his neck. He rolls me back over so now he's over me and I giggle. There's a knock on my door "Raven...It's Omega. Have you seen Hunter? He's not in his hut." He sighs and I bit my lip so I don't burst out in laugher. Taking a deep breath I answer "Just a second!" Hunter rolls off me on his back and I climb over him out of bed. "I'm going to shower quick and get my armor around. I'll meet you up there" I say from the door frame. He tosses an arm over his face and grunts.
After getting my full kit on I head to the top, buy'ce (Helmet) under one arm, practically skipping. "What's with you?" Tech asks without looking up from his datapad. "Nothing. I'm just ready to go" I shrug. He gives me a look. "Come one Tech like you really want to know..." "Raven you are like a sister to me...Enough said" he puts a hand up to stop me. Wrecker, Hunter, and Omega join us. "Alright so what's the plan?" Omega asks. "We could work our way up. The less damaged homes will take less time to fix, so it might be easier to end with them" I offer my opinion. "By my calculations, with everyone helping we should be able to repair the damage completely in 20-30 rotations." We all look to Hunter to give the final say. He nods "Alright. Let's get to work."
In 10 few short rotations we were able to get the first level of Pabu back to it's former glory - also with a few advancements thanks to Tech. Wrecker is out fishing on the dock to help replenish the food supply, while Hunter and I are helping unload some cargo. I heard back from Echo the other day and he said he needed help and would be stoping by. We were all very much looking forward to seeing him. "This friend of yours who's stopping by, he's another clone?" Shep asks Hunter. "Yeah, but don't worry. He's not with the Empire." "If you trust him, that's enough for me." Wrecker approaches with a large fish on his shoulder, "The new fishing dock's been rebuilt and moored. And I caught some dinner!" He laughs. I smile "You've been busy." "You got that right!" Lyana and a few of the others come up "Hey Wrecker. Can we get your help? We're fortifying the sea wall." Wrecker puts the fish down before bounding after them "Sure thing, boss"
Shep smiles "He's become an integral part of this community...you all have. Any chance you've reconsidered staying permanently?" Shep asks us. The question makes me sad...Hunter and I had many discussions over it and he just doesn't feel like we can stay here without putting what they have at risk. "For soldiers, putting down roots is an occupational hazard." He tells Shep. "Is that all you are? A soldier?" He asks gesturing at me and likely hinting about Omega. Hunter glances at me sadly. I sigh and step away from the conversation, sitting on a crate. I myself am torn because I understand where Hunter is coming from. Not only that, there is a galaxy out there that needs people like us...we kinda knew this was too good to be true but it was a nice break...Hunter and I spent many late nights and early mornings together...Omega and I have been working on her Mando'a and other Mandalorian traditions. She seems to really enjoy it and I'm happy to teach someone. She's also been working with Tech...on flying...The Marauder soars overhead and I smile to myself, imaging Tech white knuckling the copilot's chair. I offered to trade with him every so often but he insisted on being the one to teach her...I left it alone. The look on his face is still worth seeing...I comm them "How's it going up there Tech?" "Thanks to my excellent instruction, and ability to think clearly in stressful situations, She is indeed improving." He sounds stressed which causes me to burst into a fit of laugher, drawing the attention of Shep, Hunter, and the others around me. I watch as the Marauder comes back into view and is positioned in preparation for what Omega and I have dubbed "The Tech Turn" which is what he would describe as 'a sharp swing with a zero thruster pull' but The Tech Turn has a cooler ring to it.
My comm link goes off "Havoc-4 this is Havoc-5...do you copy?" I jump up with excitement and race to the landing pad. Both the Marauder and another ship have just landed and are dropping their ramps. Omega races out of the Marauder with Tech behind her and I see Echo emerge from the other ship. Echo laughs and looks around "You weren't kidding...this place is remote." Omega and I take turns hugging Echo. "I'm surprised you're not on Ord Mantell with Cid" he continues. I laugh nervously "Well...we've been—" Tech cuts me off "Reevaluating things. You mentioned needing some assistance with data decryption." Leave it to Tech to get right down to business... Echo hands him a data chip "This is what's left of the files I recovered from an Imperial shuttle. It was transporting clone prisoners, and we need to know where and why." This news makes me sad, "You all deserve so much better..." Echo gives me a sad smile and throws an arm over my shoulder. "On a better topic...tell me about Hunter..."
Making our way down to our huts I fill Echo in on everything that's been going on. He laughs at some of my stories and is over all happy to hear how things have gone in his absence. When we get to the huts, Hunter is there waiting. Echo shakes his hand and looks between him and I, "I hear you two have been busy." Hunter quirks a brow at me and I shrug. No I didn't tell Echo the dirty details....but he's not stupid... we get him something to eat while Tech gets is working on the decryption.
Hunter and Echo catch up, while Wrecker chases Omega and Lyanna around the tree on the landing pad. I stand next to Shep and we watch. Waiting for the opportune moment, I race the opposite way around the tree and scoop Omega up, tossing her over my shoulder. She lets out a loud squeal and I laugh.
Echo and I walk around the perimeter of the landing zone and catch up. "You all plan to stay here indefinitely?" He asks. I stop and watch as Raven races around the tree and scoops a squealing Omega up. I sigh "We...haven't decided yet but, to be honest....it might be the best thing for us." Echo follows my gaze, "You love her don't you." I don't say anything, just watch them for a moment. "Yeah...I suppose I do..." I finally admit sighing, before changing the subject "What about you? What have you been up to?" His facial expression changes to a more serious one "Rex and I have built up a small network of clones. Some are in hiding, underground. Others act as our contacts within the Empire." Now I'm starting to worry for his sake "Echo, you've seen the power you're up against. You can't defeat them." "It's not about that. It's about fighting for our brothers." I sigh again, "I understand why you're doing this but....when will it be enough?" My comm link beeps and I answer "Hunter, I decrypted the data. You need to get back to the ship."
Hunter and Echo came to grab us saying Tech had decrypted the files and wanted us back at the ship. Inside we all gather around to hear what he's found, "The Imperial transport Echo highjacked was assigned to the Advanced Science Division."Hunter crosses his arms "Never heard of it." "That is because it is a clandestine operation. There are no records on its location or its purpose. All I could find on it was the chief scientist in charge, Dr. Royce Hemlock. An officer expelled from the Republic science corps due to unorthodox experiments" Tech continues. My stomach drops and a wave of nausea hits me like a brick wall...Hunter gives me a funny look and places a hand on my back. "Why were they sending clone prisoners to him?" Omega asks sadly. Tech sighs "I don't know, but it gets worse. Previous transfer records recovered from the ships logs list other clone prisoners detained by the Advanced Science Division...and Crosshair is one of them." We are all shocked by this news "You mean Crosshair turned on the Empire? After he turned on you?" I ask. Hunter lets go of me and clenches his fists "How sure are you about this?" I've haven't seen him so deadly serious since the first time we met. My stomach is doing flips. "Very. After discovering his clone number on the transfer register, I checked and found a recent distress message sent from Crosshair's old code" Tech explains further. "What did it say?" Omega asks him. "Plan 88. The Seeker. We are being targeted. I believe he is warning us." Swallowing hard I speak up "Or...it's a trap..." I feel bad for even having the thought but based on what they've told me about him...it wouldn't be the first time. Hunter glances at me and I can tell by the solemn look on his face he was thinking the same thing. Wrecker grunts "We'll, how do we find out?"
Next Chapter
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
hi! happy valentines day! i hope you’re doing wonderful today c: may i join your game?
the three topics i chose for my fp/soulmate are: 
what you should know about him
a message from him
& signs you see about him ! 
my initials are KD 🦄 
here is your reading below — 
♡ what you should know about him
cards: 10ofswords, the world, the tower, 6ofswords 
your fp is definitely a warrior! he’s been through so much but continues to stand strong with the upmost resilience and optimism. i’m seeing that currently, he’s made some major changes in his life and is the reaping the benefits of it. he’s more at peace with himself at the moment, and i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been traveling recently! from what i can see, your fp is successful and harmonious. he seems like someone who is both respected and admired in his division. you’ve definitely got a keeper on your hands! i’m picking up that he’s a conversationalist and loves talking with people ; so expect long and deep conversations about each other lives! ou, and don’t forget beautiful getaway trips as well because this man can’t sit still lol. 
♡ a message from him 
“hello, sweets. so much has happened in my life these past few months and i’m excited to share wonderful moments with you some day. i feel you’ve had a lot on your mind recently, so i hope everything is OK and works itself out. you’re strong, you know that right? please relax sometimes (?), you worry me haha.  when we meet, i’ll protect you always, from everything.”
i pulled some oracles for this reading and he mentioned negativity and adjustments. maybe he’s hinting at you to release some issues that may be plaguing your mind.
♡ signs you see about him
i hope i answered this topic correctly because i thought of a few ways to answer this hehe. if i answered it incorrectly, i apologise !
cards: knightofpent, the emppress, death rx, 5ofpent rx
some things you’ll notice about your fp is his creativity and stability. as i said before, he’s been through a lot; and i feel most of it has to do with finances. your partner knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom, so he works incredibly hard to make his dreams come true. he’s successful currently but remains dedicated in his field/interest. not the type to slack off just because things are looking up. your fp is really attractive too and loves children! i’m also seeing he may suffer from insecurity and obsession (this could manifest itself in different ways. either he’s obsessed with you because he’s insecure you’ll leave, or he becomes obsessed with things and has a hard time letting go). whatever the case may be, this is a sign you’ll see about him that needs some work. this is an issue he must deal with entirely on his own. 
i hope you enjoyed your reading! if you have any questions lmk c: thank you for hosting this game ~
❛ love again ; entry #006
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Hello! Thank you so much for joining my game and for following the rules <3 As promised, here's your reading! I hope you'll enjoy it :)  Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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his first impression of you
Adore You by Harry Styles I'm gonna lie here but there he would be very attracted to you. It's literally like he's gonna crush on you at your first meeting which is so adorable, HAHA. I'm getting that he would love your eyes, he would think that they're very pretty <3 There's something about being in your company that he would totally adore, like it's so warm?. A lot of smiles and giddy laughter, gosh, this is so cute.
first date together
Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift I'm seeing that it's going to be at night; it's going to be quite crowded. So I'm sensing that it must be a party or a celebration of some sort, but it's more like a festival or something because you're out in the streets with people everywhere. I saw some fireworks too. Literally gives me the vibes of the Hanabi festival in Japan. It's going to be very fun and lively, and I definitely feel like there's some passionate energy between the two of you.
what you should know about him:
I'm In Love With You by The 1975 He would find it hard to express his emotions most of the time. He may not directly tell you that he cares and loves you, he's just not good at telling people how he feels. I guess it's like he feels awkward about it. But he would rather show his affections through their actions. 
what he loves about you:
For The First Time by The Script When you get together, you might be going through an obstacle or something. He will notice your resilience and strength, and how hardworking you are. He will be inspired about how you never give up, he'll simply admire how headstrong you are. 
how he shows his love to you:
Golden by Harry Styles By spending time with you, he would make the effort to spend everyday with you even if he has a lot on his plate. I'm getting that he's much more of a listener; I saw a vision of him just listening to you talk and watching you with admiration in his eyes, hehe. He would ask you about your day, what made you happy, what made you upset, he wants to hear all of it and just listen to you.
signs you'll see about him:
Begin Again by Taylor Swift Damn, I love all the songs that I've shuffled for you. This is like the elite shufflemancy LMFAO. Anyways! There might be a significance of Wednesdays and cafe? You'll know that he's coming to you when you've let go of the past and and embraced the changes in your life and future. When new things are starting to go your way. I strongly feel like you'll know it's him just by how he's such a good listener and very patient towards you.
a message from him:
So My Darling by Rachel Chinouriri Hey, love :) I'm really looking forward to our meeting. I want to make a lot of memories with you, I don't care if they're exciting or boring. Each memory that we have together, I'm going to treasure them. Expect me to take a lot of pictures of us and put them in my journal, jotting down the date and time and the things that we did together that day. So that when time passes, I'll be able to look back and see the good memories we've made. And I swear I'll be wanting to make more :) Don't you forget how much I love you. But if you do, I don't mind reminding you everyday by showing it through my actions. Thanks for being not just my lover, but my best friend too. Thanks for always having my back. I love you.
my feedback:
Omg woww, I FRICKING resonated with everything in your reading!! I have a lot of confirmations about him staying resilient and optimistic despite that he's been through a lot, and that there were some major changes in his life recently! And maaaan, I don't know how many times I've got a reading from others that he's been travelling!! I suppose it's true?? I've also got a hunch about that HAHA. I also heard that he loves talking to people before 👀 As for the message that you've channeled, oh damn. So on point. I once channeled a message from him last week, and it's the same messages as yours!! I was specifically told by his higher self to release then negativity and all the overthinking 🥹🥲 HAHA I am very thankful for your message for confirming it <3 Oh and lastly about the signs- well in fact it's not just the signs but the entire reading—*cough* i'm in a situationship and you just described this person *cough cough* HEHE SOOO THAT'S THAT. I am trying not to gush about this right now- LOL. Thank you so much for the reading! <3
Please don't forget to leave a feedback, tell me what resonates and what doesn't, and whatever you want to add! :)
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What's the Nerron AU you thought of recently?
(You ask about the dragon!Nerron au and I am very happy about that! The answer is long and a scene that probably won't be in book 5, but it sure would be awesome. "It's a great and sad message to have some of the most iconic fairy tale creatures wiped out by humans in the Mirrorworld, reflecting the damage our species does to ecosystems in our world" and "but I love dragons and Cornelia loves dragons so we should get the return of the dragons. As a treat" are equally strong in my heart.)
She reached for the fallen bodies and minds of the Goyl who had died in battle. Not all of them had faded into nothingness yet and she called to them. She promised to give them deep caves in the ground as their homes. Promised to restore their strength, the air in their lungs and the fire in their hearts. A new chance at life called them and they answered. She reached for them and let the world reshape their broken bodies, restoring a balance humans had destroyed.
The beat of distant wings carried them through the air.
The dragons were back.
However, Will Reckless did not know about the Fairy's spell. He had retreated into a cave with his niece, discovering there was no exit in the back, but he knew that Warrior was on his way here. They wouldn't be able to leave out front without being spotted and he was frantically looking over the interior of the cave, maybe there was a way-
"Hello, dragon." Great, one of the giant cave lizards of Nerron's tales was just what they needed.
"Your father says there are no dragons anymore, Joie-" His voice faltered at the sight that greeted him when he turned around to his niece.
And for a moment, he forgot the danger they were in. He forgot he was responsible for the girl who would reshape their world. He forgot that Hentzau had brought him news of his best friend's death a few hours ago.
Because there was a dragon standing in the entrance of the cave. Green like leaves or precious stones, colours fading from the almost black of its snout to pale green at the tip of the tail twitching behind it as it looked at the humans.
"Hello, dragon", Joie said again, waving. "Is this where you live?" This was the first dragon Will had met in his life but Will thought it didn't look like it lived here. The cave showed no signs of being inhibited by something this big -more than twice Will's height- and at Joie's question, it looked around as if taking in the space for the first time. Now Will was looking for it, he noticed that there were also other things that seemed... off about the creature. The way it slowly swayed its head around and gingerly took a step further into the cave were of the unsteadiness Will had witnessed in some of the animals he had taken care of. Perhaps they could slip past...
No, they couldn't. As soon as Will took a step forward, the scaly head whipped around to face him, even though the slitted pupils didn't seem to quite focus on him. Instinctively, Will froze in his tracks and raised a hand. Hopefully, this gesture was a peaceful one for dragons as well and the creature wouldn't bite it off. The dragon's nostrils widened as it took in the smell of Will's skin, which had turned into jade at the unexpected appearance of a giant creature with fangs and claws and... probably fire as well. But for the moment, it didn't seem like a threat. After inspecting Will's hand, the dragon lowered its head to look at the little girl next to Will. She turned into her fox shape, probably to show off in front of her new acquaintance. The dragon huffed a little smoke out of his nostrils, either confused or intrigued by this. Perhaps both. It gave Will an idea.
"Joie", he whispered, hoping his voice was quiet enough so the dragon wouldn't hear it in case he understood speech. "I think the dragon is just curious about this place and won't stay here long. I'm going to distract it and you'll climb onto its back and grab one of those spikes. If it flies off before the Elves get here, you'll be safe. You need to do as I say!" Not giving Joie a chance to object, Will stood and moved a few steps to the side so the dragon would need to move its head to keep looking at him.
Just talk, Will. It doesn't matter if it understands you, just keep it calm and focused for a while.
"I always hated it when dragons were killed in a story. My brother said I was too soft, but I couldn't stand it when they were killed just because they stole sheep or fought a human who wanted to rob their treasure. I always wanted to find the dragons and tell them to move somewhere far away from humans so they were safe. I... I never would have thought I would be here today, talking to you. You are even more beautiful than I could have dreamt." Joie had inched her way over to where the dragon's tail was coiled on the ground and she would be able to start climbing onto its back.
"My brother told me there were none of your kind left in the world. Did you do it, then? Moved to a place where humans couldn't find you?" Joie was now crawling up the dragon's back. At one point, her foot slipped on the smooth scales, causing a slight shiver from the dragon, not unlike a human sensing a bug on their skin. The dragon started to shift to look around-
"It must be a good shelter, there are many hidden places in the world. Look-" Keep its attention just a while longer. Two minutes, then you can leave or burn me. It won't matter because at least you'll be carrying her away. He reached into his shirt and pulled out the unfamiliar weight of the jade pendant around his neck. "This belonged to the best friend I ever had. He was killed today. He knows- knew a lot about hidden and lost places. In fact, he... he wanted to show me some of them, after this fight is over. We made plans to see many things. There are cities underground, from stone as green as your scales. I told him about dancing lights that appear over the sky in northern lands. He would have complained endlessly about the cold, but I know he would have loved to see the lights. I hope you get to see beautiful things, too, after you fly away from here. It was good to see you." Maybe this had been how Nerron had felt, Will thought while taking in the dragon looking down at him with glowing golden eyes. This awe and wonder at a beloved fairytale come true.
The thought that Nerron had died for the fairytale he believed in was almost too much to bear.
The dragon looked at him and there was... Will was convinced there was something in the golden eyes looking down at him. At the jade stone in his hands. Perhaps the stories about dragons' fondness for treasure were true. Will wanted to ask about it. He wanted to be safe. He wanted his friend back. He wanted to look at the dragon just a little longer to remember that there was more than death and heartbreak in the world. But suddenly, the dragon bared its teeth and raised its head, seeming to sniff the air. Something was approaching. Or someone.
A race to the cave entrance and a tentative glance outside revealed multiple someones. Warrior and a group of mirrorlings. Too many for Will to handle. He was weary and his wounds hurt. Now he only needed to get the dragon to take off and carry Joie away and he would have done his part.
The dragon had stepped out next to him, looking down at the approaching elf. Not going anywhere.
"You need to leave", Will hissed, pushing against the scaly body. The dragon was unyielding. "Please." He was begging now. The dragon twisted its neck to look at the girl clinging to the spikes on his back, then back at Will.
"She is very important. The people coming here mustn't get her. She will do good you would benefit from, as well. So please, go!" The dragon huffed out a wisp of smoke and dug its claws into the ground, visibly upset but still staying.
"Greetings, mighty dragon!" Warrior had stopped about ten meters away from them, smiling at the dragon in a way Will did not like at all. "It has been long since I had the pleasure of dealing with one of your kind. For I am proposing a bargain. Step aside and let us take this man and the girl that's with him, and we will fill your cave with all the precious metal and stones you desire. I hope you would part from your prey for this. What do you say, dragon?"
If the dragon was capable of understanding speech, as Warrior seemed to expect, they were doomed. For why would it decline these riches for two humans who weren't even a decent meal?
"I say..." The dragon's voice was deep and rough and curled around the words like they were unfamiliar things not yet quite explored. But it spoke. It lowered its horned head to face Warrior.
"I say that I won't let you kill me a second time." With that, its mouth opened wide, revealing rows of gleaming teeth and white fire shot out at the elf. Before any of their enemies could react, they were engulfed in the bright light and when the flames receded, their shapes emerged as unmoving stone. The dragon walked over to inspect them, pulling its lips back in what looked like a grin.
"That should hold nicely until you figure out how to make them go away for good, girl", it said to Joie, who was still on its back. The dragon turned to look at Will. Any signs of aggression had disappeared from its face and Will stepped forward, afraid of the impossible hope inside him. His eyes searched the dragon's face, not quite sure what he was looking for.
"Nerron?" Please. One last miracle.
"The Fairy offered us a new life and I wasn't going to pass up on that. Places to see after this is over, like you said." Will stumbled forward on numb legs until the only thing keeping upright were his armed, wrapped around the dragon's- Nerron's neck. He tasted salt on his lips and realised he was crying. Nerron let out a deep hum and Will felt a pair of leathery wings wrap around him in an equivalent of a hug.
"Some memories aren't back yet and I'm still getting used to being a dragon, but... it's me, pup. I'm sorry for leaving, but I came back as soon as I could."
"You didn't leave. You died. You were killed and it was my fault."
"Will, it wasn't your fault. I took the risk because I saw no other way. If the Elves win, my people would have been wiped out anyway." That still didn't make the pain disappear. Will looked at his hand through a haze of tears, watching it glide over smooth, warm scales.
"You're green", he mumbled.
"When she called us, many of our souls had already started to fade. I didn't remember who I was, but I remembered green was important and it must have influenced my new appearance. After waking in this body, I followed your trail. I knew you were what I was looking for, but I didn't really recognise you until started talking to me."
"You are very calm about this."
"I might not be, once I have time to actually think about all this. But... I died and then I got another chance at life. And it could have been worse. I could have been a fish. Disgusting things." Will was grateful for this attempt at humour.
"Have other dead goyl come back too, the way you did?"
"See for yourself." Wiping his eyes, Will looked up at the sky. At swarms of dragons descending on the zeppelins the elves had launched. Claws tore trough fabric and flames destroyed the vehicles, sending them towards the ground.
"Of course bloody Nesser has to show off again", Nerron grumbled as they watched a brown dragon rip the wings off a plane. "But this is a great distraction. Your parents will be expecting you, Little Fox. Let's make our way back to camp."
"Can you even carry two people?", Will asked while climbing on Nerron's back and sitting behind Joie. Nerron's wings unfurled beside them and gave an experimental flap.
"As I said, very new to being a dragon. So there's only one way to find out." And with that, he leaped into the air. Joie cheered when it turned out that a dragon could indeed carry two people.
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