#hint of icemav
(Cyclone and Warlock are talking to Ice about Maverick)
Cyclone(to Ice, about Maverick):...This isn't Icarus flying too close to the sun.
Warlock: He's flying INTO the sun!
Cyclone: Yeah, this is Icarus turning ninety degrees, looking at the sun, and playing chicken with it!
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natashatrace · 1 year
no because in tg86 ice tells mav that he’s everyone’s problem, that he’s dangerous, that it’s unsafe to fly with him
and then in tgm ice handpicks mav to be everyone’s problem because he’s dangerous and also bc he knows the dagger squad pilots will be safest flying with him
do you ever scream or
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squiddosss · 9 months
hi! i’d love to request an Ice doodle <3
also i am OBSESSED with your art!!
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the one and only! (+ mini mav)
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Weird take but Carole and Mav get married a couple of years after Top Gun.
It starts very simple --- Carole doesn't want to move out of the house she and Goose rented in Lemoore though the military programme but she can't stay there more than three months after the funeral because she is a widow and VA can't really prolong the lease for non-military people without a military spouse. She wants Bradley to have a stable home and keep the friends from other military families Bradley already made and she quite frankly can't afford anything as good as the military housing within the same budget out privately somewhere in the area.
Mav is living in a bachelor pad that looks like the cheapest student house share one has ever seen so he says, hey, let's transfer the lease onto me and we'll just try to pay for it together. And then he moves into the spare room they were previously saving up for Baby No. 2 that will never come to be.
It makes some things easier too --- Mav can take care of Bradley while Carole looks for a part-time job that can align her hours with Bradley's future preschool hours as he's not in one yet since she was a stay-at-home mom since they moved to Lemoore. She is a qualified teacher (art/music) but there aren't many schools around and she has barely taught before b/c she finished her degree and got pregnant not long after and with them moving around different bases, she couldn't find a job as anyone but a temp teacher. It's easier to cook for three than for one and they can switch with the chores depending on who is home at the time.
This rises some eyebrows in their circle of friends and military acquaintances --- Mav moving in with his best friend's widow not long after he died and helping her with taking care of his best friend's kid --- but everyone who is closer to Mav knows he still feels guilty about Nick and that Carole and Bradley are the closest thing to family Mav has left so it's kind of brushed off.
Ice and Slider, who have kind of gradually became a family fixture too, coming to dinners and helping with Bradley when both Carole and Mav are busy, have a bit mixed feelings about this.
Mav and Carole do seem awfully close. And even with Slider knowing that it was Mav who originally introduced Goose and Carole to each other, they seem almost too synced up for it to be completely platonic or new. Mav is very natural as a parent-adjacent, too, and it might turn Ice into a gooey puddle of lovestruck idiot, but it also makes Slider a bit too aware of how fast the switch from Mav-the-fun-uncle to Mav-the-helicopter-dad was made.
If Slider was honest, he'd admit it's the jealousy speaking. He had a crush on Goose when they were in the USNA that was kind of hard to comprehend but the crush on Carole is even harder to comprehend because, well, she just lost her husband and he should not be thinking about his tragically-dead friend's widow like that, but also it's a bit weird that he had a crush on both people from one marriage. He's carefully balancing on what's appropriate and on how to make it easier for Carole and yet Maverick just slides into her life in a blink-and-you-missed-it moment. Maverick has no qualms about showing Carole affection, smothering her in hugs and cheek kisses and bringing her jumpers when they sit in the cold breeze in the porch and taking Bradley who had fallen asleep from her arms and swaying him around in his, never held back by some unspoken rules. Especially that Slider kind of sometimes sees those moments when Carole is looking at him, shyly, too, like she's battling with herself about how inappropriate it'd be if Slider had those feelings and she had those feelings back. They have the little coffee dates or he takes her and Bradley, just the three of them, shopping or to a museum, or he gives them a ride when their car doesn't start in the morning, and Carole looks at him with those huge eyes of hers all bright and bubbly and Slider---Slider can only think about how inappropriate it'd be.
Ice is, well, Ice, so he's being a bit emotionally constipated. He's in Denial, with capital D included. Maverick and Carole might be in sync but the two of them are the ones bickering like an old married couple. The locker room banter in present every day and Slider can swear that if they weren't in public, they would have fucked at least three times already after their so-called 'arguments'. He talks about Mav way too much, too, always thinking about what they can do for him and Carole, and where to take them and Bradley next. He's become addicted to Mav's surprisingly good cooking and have stopped eating spaghetti outside of Mav and Carole's house because it 'doesn't taste the same'. He takes Mav to clubs and bars to relax when he has a heavy week and it's as close to dates as Slider would put them. He's a bit weird about Carole being affectionate with Maverick, too, but in a different way --- he always looks away when she kisses Mav on the cheek or when they cuddle up on the sofa with Bradley lying across their laps. He always puts his nose in Mav's hair when they hug goodbye but barely gives Carole a pat on the shoulder. He teases Maverick every time of the day, too, but he's always smiling so softly when he does it, melting even more when Maverick grumbles in response instead of starting a fight. Whenever Maverick isn't looking, Ice looks at him like he's about to vanish from his life at the wrong word. He looks at him like that would be his life's biggest tragedy, too.
Despite all that, he still claims he 'doesn't like Mitchell like that' and that even if he did, Maverick wouldn't be interested, even though they both know Maverick is bi.
It kind of gets a bit weirder when, after almost two years since Goose's death, Bradley starts calling Mav 'dad'. It gives both Ice and Slider a heart attack, when Baby Goose says during their usual walk to the park that, Dad is taking me to the aquarium with Mom next week, maybe you can come, too. And Carole and Mav don't react aside from making the usual excuses of they might be busy, baby (like either Slider or Ice could ever say no to any of the three of them).
Mav, later, explains that Bradley was having some difficult time explaining who Maverick was in their family dynamic to his pre-school teachers and so they went with step-dad and so Bradley picked up on it and started using it sometime a week before the park trip. It was an obviously big change but he was still remembering and calling Nick 'dad' too, so they've decided whatever Bradley is most comfortable with will be what they'll go with.
It's a logical explanation, to both Ice and Slider, even if it'd sound a bit icky to anyone who didn't know Carole, Mav and Goose's dynamic well before. It also makes Slider wonder what he'd be if the step-dad title was already taken, even if the thought is shoved back deep into his mind as soon as it surfaces.
Ice is, well, still Ice, so he alternates between getting red in the face every time Baby Goose calls Mav dad while they're doing something cute and between getting incredibly quiet about it. Slider would bet that he is having an identity crisis as he's both always hated the idea of having his own kids and now he doesn't and because the person who is changing his mind is Maverick, of all people.
Then Ice and Slider get deployed for four months and when they come back, first hot rumor on base they hear is that Mav bagged his best friend's widow.
Obviously, at first they think it's a rumor but then the gossip girl of their squadron (their XO) confirms that Mav's file has been updated so he has two dependants, his wife and his now officially adopted son.
Slider feels like an idiot. Ice is sulking but he's in even bigger denial, saying he's been expecting this and that Mav and Carole were a good couple and would make each other happy and that they were already making a beautiful family with Bradley. It gets very awkward, very soon, especially that Mav and Carole don't say anything about it when they meet again.
In the meantime, Carole just had been made redundant after the school she was teaching hired a new full-time teacher who could work more hours and didn't have a kid to pick up from pre-school everyday around two. The payout she got from the Navy after Goose's death wasn't much and she could keep on being in and out of work for some time but Mav's deployment was getting closer and closer too and they had to revise all the possibilities. One being that Mav might not come back, too.
So they got married, on paper, no ceremony and with a city hall employee as the only witness. So she and Bradley could have some safety net if worst came to worst. So she could take Mav's newly signed life insurance and health benefits of a military spouse. So if the situation were reversed, Mav didn't have to struggle to get Bradley's custody.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
tidbit Thursday
i am tired and sleepy (how many times have i mentioned that? we should make it a drinking game lmao) but i wanna share some of my wip for ch6 of my hangster hanahaki au bc it is killing me inside
What was strange though was that the moment he was asked to sit, Admiral Kazansky went straight into the comparison. Or, at least, Hangman believed it to be a comparison. All the admiral had done so far was talk about the infamous Maverick with a wistful tone (which was further confusing since the admiral seemed to be calling Maverick a conceited dick). “He had his head up in the clouds and it was like he was made for the sky, and he knew it, too. It was the only reason the Navy still kept his ass because grounding him would do them more harm than good in the long run.” He chuckled. “Still does.” “Sir.” Jake bit his lip, unsure how to ask what does this have to do with me without sounding like an asshole
is it close to being done? no and i brood about it every time i remember. do i have a better idea on how to plot it? yes but that means i’ll prob cut a lot of scenes for the sake of the chapter (rip)
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scarebats · 1 year
WIP Master List
read finished fics here! 
feel free to ask me questions about any of these!!<;3
if you ask nicely, i will post a sneak preview of whichever fic had been requested on any day (including wip wednesdays).❤️
Pierce My Heart
slicemav because there isnt enough
flower & tattoo shop au cuz all the other ones aren’t finished
love at first sight kinda thing but slider and ice make it like a competition yk
probably gonna have a generous amount of smut
mav and goose are ex-navy (they discharged together after top gun)
will probably turn into a multi-chapter fic
Holding Close
ice invites (read: forces) mav to come with him for christmas
ft. ice’s little sister having a puppy crush on mav
love confessions and fluff!
Bitter With a Hint of Sugar
coffee shop au!
employee!mav and customer!ice but its very possible that ill switch the roles around
ft. slider, goose, & carole over their shit (slooserole)
mav being a cutie and ice having a crush (mav too)
will most likely somehow end up with smut somewhere in the mix
So Much Time
touch starved ice
maverick to the rescue
ice’s love language is touch and mav is there to provide it
tooth rotting fluff with a pinch of angst
Not Quite Over the Edge
sea sick maverick
protective and worried ice
goose lives au!!
sickfic (obviously) with angst
No More Bandages
mav has a burn on his leg from his motorcycle
he doesnt tell anyone cuz yeah
eventually ppl find out and they mad and worried
angst then it turns to fluff
Another Hand To Hold
ice gets married to sarah
mav rlly upset
slider helps physically and emotionally
lots of feelings and angst
icemav pre-fic then slimav during-fic
Catch Me If You Can
mav is an instructor at tg and ice is a student (mav would be like early 30s and ice same age as he is in the og movie)
slider being a good friend but at the same time teasing ice
mav definitely knows smth is up but otherwise is oblivious and thinks ice is just being nice
will probably turn into a multi-chapter fic
takes place in the early 90s
goose lives!! (but is no longer in the navy)
In The Car? (I Just Can’t Wait)
dagger!ice w daddy issues
22!mav that ice finds endlessly attractive
he does in fact have a daddy kink for mav
smut featuring top!mav & bottom!ice
will probably turn into a multi-chapter fic
ice is like 34 in this and is a top gun graduate from when he was 28
age difference, which is 34 & 58, don’t read if you’re not comfortable
ft. slider still as his rio
takes place during tg:m, but will most likely end before the mission events
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pollyna · 1 year
au in which Mav and Goose fall out of everything in their life when Goose survives hop 31. It's gradual, because Mav tries to stick around after Goose is good enough to teach at Top Gun and in ever naval flight class the brass can think about, but Mav isn't one for teaching and the sky perpetually calls him. He wants to be up there more than anything and Goose can't, not in a jet at least, and when he pisses of the new Admiral on the base it almost a relieve to go back in the middle of the ocean. Because Mav hopes he will stop feeling so guilty towards Goose and all the life he relegate him to.
From there it's a step far away from each other every day to the point Mav can't remember the last time he talked to Goose or a news about Bradley didn't come from Carole. It hurts but it's more of a dull pain you feel when you go around to poke yellow bruises than actual pain.
They see each other after what it feel like months but it's actually almost two decades later, when Mav is back on the American soil, a wedding band on his hand and a husband who, sometimes, it still calling him Mave-rick like when they were at Top Gun. Bradley is on the stage, getting his pair of golden wings, Carole and Goose are between the people and when Carole sees him her smiles is as big as the sun, Goose's smile is smaller and he nods with his head and Mav nods back. They call out for Bradley's name and they all look back towards the stage. There will be time to say hi to them later, with the photos. And maybe, there will be time for a beer with Goose too, a hug from Carole and a ring to show off.
There is going to be time and events and maybe they will go back to be as closed as they were or maybe they won't, but Mav is greatful that they will have the chance to see how it will go.
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polar-equinoxx · 2 years
okay so you guys know the scene where Maverick is “wondering who the best is” staring at Ice ,
I noticed that uh. That’s a ✨heart shaped✨ highlight.
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Do you all see this-
Also also Maverick manages to look at Ice twice within twenty seconds in this scene. LIKE WE GET IT YOU’RE BOTH IN LOVE CALM DOWN
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vex-glitch · 1 year
it’s here !!! the first chapter of my post-tgm fic !!
this chapter is almost entirely prologue lmao, but i’m very excited to see where this goes !!
anyways i hope you enjoy ^^
summary: After they land on the deck of the carrier, Maverick is a little lost. Whatever animosity was between him and Rooster had left in the high stress of their escape, and while it hadn’t returned, there was definitely something there, some awkward tension that Maverick was afraid to touch for fear that the hatred would return. He wants his son back though.
or: Maverick and Rooster have to figure out how to mend their relationship. Ice and a trip to Japan help.
OR or: my shameless excuse to write about japan and gay pilots
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🦎🦾🛫🦿Incorrect Quotes/Drabbles Top Gun & Pacific Rim AU - Series🦿🛫🦾🦎
Tom Iceman Kazansky as (the youngest) Marshal of the Miramar Shatterdome, after Viper’s retirement, is currently reviewing some booooooooooring paperwork. He wishes something exciting would happen to give him an excuse to avoid, to strategically postpone the booooooooooring meeting reports about whether or not the Shatterdome should need *insert stupid things*. Just a tiny excitement, that’s all Ice is asking!
Mav: Ice! Ice! Ice! Iceeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[Ice should have known better. Summon the devil, and he will appear!]
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Ice: Yes, Maverick. I can hear you perfectly fine. What is it? What’s wrong?
Mav: Nothing’s wrong, Ice. Why do you always assume the worst of things when I come visit you?
Ice: …
Ice: Because there is USUALLY something wrong when you come visit me.
Mav: Aw, Ice. I’m your wingman. Your wing-man! Y.O.U.R.S.!  
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Ice, sigh:  So, why have you come bothering me?
Mav: Slider and Herc are in the Kwoon Combat Room. They’re about to fight. Well, Slider is about to have his ass kicked by the Kwoon Master, if you ask me….
Mav, mumbling: Not that he’d mind that much.
Ice: …
Ice: What are the stakes?
Mav, grinning: tons of chocolate-coated peanuts, your favourite!
Ice, ever the snacky-man is already salivating: Coming!
[The current Marshal follows his wingman, booooooooooring reports already forgotten with the promise of an easy win of peanuts. As much as Ice loves his brother Sli, there’s no WAY he can beat the Kwoon Master himself. If you’d ask Ice, Slider must have a bit of a crush on Herc and he's trying to impress the man… Who could blame him?]
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[Pinned post with other stuff, related and unrelated to this AU.]
[Follow this tag 🦎🦾PR/TG🛫🦿 for more!]
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abottleofsoysauce · 2 years
I’ve been listening to Michael Mann’s new book Heat 2, for the obvious reason that the book’s focused on Val’s character in the film, Chris. There’s a recount of how Chris and Charlene met, and this sentence jumps out of nowhere:
“Charlene drives like she’s been trained at the TOPGUN.”
Gosh, Mr. Genius Director, really? Is this your or the co-writer’s contribution?
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foreveraweirdoneslife · 6 months
A couple of thoughts after re-watching TGM
What I think is actually canon
Amelia is Mav’s daughter (Penny hints at that when she’s talking to Mav about her) but Amelia doesn't know
Mav considers himself to be Bradley’s dad (Mav answers when Bradley asks his dad what to do) 
Bradley considers both Goose and Mav to be his dad (after Mav says that Bradley saved his life, Bradley says that his dad would've done the same - considering the fact that Mav has already saved Bradley's life you could see that as Bradley seeing Mav as his dad, too) 
Bradley has lived with Mav for a considerable period of time (Mav says to Penny he tried his best to be a father for Bradley) 
Thoughts concerning TG3 / Predictions 
I think they gonna set up Phoenix as Bradley's love interest because they seem very close in the movie (but for me they’re more like besties) 
I hope they gonna keep the character's of Warlock and Cyclone (with Cyclone basically hating Mav and Warlock secretly supporting the shit Mav does all the time) and also they need to keep at least Warlock because somebody needs to prevent that Mav is thrown out of the Navy
I hope there still will be references to Ice (I just love him and he needs to be mentioned) 
Other thoughts 
I actually paid attention to the hangster dynamics for the first time
Jake’s and Bradley’s first hook up is right after dogfight football
Bradley is Ice-coded while Jake is Mav-coded 
I ship bobnix now (I think Nat and Bob are very sweet together in the movie - need to find some fluffy fics about them)
The lifelong friendship between Ice and Mav just kills me (solely sticking to the movie here because otherwise icemav is endgame imo), like Ice basically knows everything about Mav (every shit he has done at work, everything around him pulling Bradley's papers, private problems he’s had etc.) and also the other way round (Mav supporting him during his battle with cancer and a whole lot of other things which we don't know because sadly Ice is only a minor character in both movies) 
I love that Mav refers to Ice in the whole movie only by his nickname
I had to keep myself very hard from crying during the funeral scene (if I had watched it alone, I probably would’ve cried) 
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randomtacoscry · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
It's still Wednesday for me so enjoy a little icemav I wrote about a week ago for my fic:
“Ah,” Mav pulls his hand back sharply as he feels the sting from his palm flare throughout his hand. Maybe he should’ve gone lighter on the pull-ups this morning…
“What’s with you?” Ice’s attention is pulled to Mav as he shuts off the faucet and moves to drying the dishes from earlier this evening.
“Nothing, just put too much pressure on my hand.” Mav lifts up his arm, further answering Ice’s question with the raw and peeling calluses on his palm. Ice nods, returning to his dishes, while Maverick moves back to wiping down the countertop. Carole’s putting Bradley down so she should be back in a minute, but hopefully she’ll be relieved she doesn’t have to worry about cleaning the kitchen tonight. “Worked out today,” Ice looks back over to Mav and he continues, “pullups.” Ice nods again before making his way across the kitchen and putting away a stack of plates. 
“Let me see.” Mav looks back over to Ice, who’s now only a foot away, and sees him place his hand out for Maverick to reach. Mav hesitates for a second, he doesn’t really know why, but it causes Ice to roll his eyes and pull Mav’s hand in himself. “I don’t bite,” He inspects the peeling skin of Mav’s hand and runs a finger along his palm lightly and Mav tries not to wince, “unless I’m asked to.” Mav’s gaze shoots up to Ice’s and he smirks cooly before resuming his inspection. Occasionally, Ice will tease some old memories that Mav tried to bury years ago and somehow manages to effortlessly lift them to the forefront of his mind. He remembers, like yesterday, how the other man felt; back at Top Gun just three years ago when they felt a lot younger for some reason, and a lot more carefree. Everything felt lighter when Goose was there, but now? Mav’s memories of that time are woven between a freeing and exhilarating fling and the worst moments he’s ever lived. And Ice was there for all of them; the good, the bad.
The other pilot has been a godsend the past several years, not just for Mav but Carole too. He’s helped with Bradley in so many ways and is one of the only people with a semblance of an idea of how Maverick felt in that moment in Top Gun. And in the grieving months after; Ice was there. And now, the man can easily bring Mav back to the lighter moments in those days when they had their brief… whatever it was. He hints back to it- not frequently but occasionally- and Mav almost hates the way it makes his face warm again and the desire seep back through his veins in a way it hadn’t since then. With anyone else, he’d normally say something back, but Ice was different. He didn’t make him nervous or anything, but Mav was almost too scared to toe that line again. Because what if they crossed it again? They couldn’t. Not now, or probably ever, because-
“How’s Charlie?” Ice breaks the silence while leading Maverick to the sink and turning the faucet back on. “Good. We’re good.” Mav can somehow manage a neutral tone while working to move his mind away from those years-old memories.
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snapghoul · 19 days
Snap I have to know how does sereshaw get together or do they need a little push from some friends, because I could totally see someone working something just get those two together
Don’t worry Sunshine I got you.
Before I get into it. Here’s a bit more about the twin AU world, focusing especially on the Top Gun elements. First, Ice is still alive—his death in the original storyline was a real blow, so I’ve kept him around. Slider is also present, though he’s retired. In this AU, Maverick and Penny aren’t romantically involved. Instead, Maverick assumes a fatherly role for everyone, stepping in to support Amelia as she navigates life without her own dad. There’s a touch of Icemav in this AU, just a hint, and I absolutely cherish it.
This head canon can also be stand alone.
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Jake and Bradley's relationship was tumultuous from the start, shifting from rivals to friends, then lovers, to exes, back to rivals, and eventually to lovers again. They first got together after graduating from the naval academy, initially sparring as rivals until they realized their feelings ran deeper. Bradley made the first move, and their first kiss came while they were still in their dress blues. They enjoyed a few months of dancing together before they were stationed at separate locations. The distance was manageable at first, but after nearly six months without seeing each other, the strain became evident.
Jake knew almost everything about Bradley, and when Bradley was assigned to Top Gun, he became intensely focused on surpassing Maverick. This obsession strained their relationship, leading to its end. Bradley's refusal to explain his relentless drive to outfly the legendary Maverick created a rift, especially since Jake was unaware that Maverick was Bradley's surrogate father. It’s a topic Bradley keeps closest to his heart.
Despite their rocky past, Jake and Bradley still have lingering feelings for each other. After the events of the film, Coyote, ever the perceptive wingman, straightforwardly told Jake to give their relationship another shot. The Daggers all noticed the way they still gravitated toward each other, especially evident when Bradley’s remark, "You look... good," fooled no one. Phoenix, though playfully exasperated that Bradley had chosen Jake, also supported the reunion. She recognized that Bradley brings out Jake's true self, the genuine Jake Seresin, rather than the persona of Hangman.
Currently in the twin au, Bradley is in Oklahoma with Jake to visit Tyler. Although they remain cautious and cling to their safe spaces, both still a little nervous to make the move, afraid they’ll ruin their chance again. Being outside the military environment has helped them gain a bit more confidence, especially Bradley.
Now that Bradley has reconnected with him, Maverick, feeling like a weary old man, insists he's not the person to ask for relationship advice. However, he's always willing to listen to Bradley vent over the phone.
“Hangman? Really? Out of everyone?” Maverick asked, lounging in one of the mismatched chairs in his hangar.
“Mav, I don’t think you’re in a position to judge. Don’t make me call Slider—he’ll be more than happy to give examples. Or maybe I’ll call Ice.”
“Please don’t.”
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
Oh for Bingo can I get Outsider POV IceMav? 🥰
.⋆。°✩ Carole eavesdrops but only because she loves her friend. ✩°。⋆.
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Pete thinks he's slick. He thinks that his late-night phone calls and dashes out to the mailbox when he's off deployment are sneaky and well concealed, but Carole Bradshaw didn't spend years hiding boyfriends from her daddy not to recognize the same tactics when they were waving right in front of her face.
At first, she ignores it, giggles behind her hand when Pete's not looking, ruffling Bradley's hair when he mimics her. There's no harm, she figures, in letting Pete keep his sweetheart to himself. He's never been shy before when it comes to love, but maybe, she thinks, he's growing up a bit, learning to slow it down when it matters. All Carole cares about is that he's happy, and by the way he can't quite keep the color out of his cheeks or the stars out of his eyes when she spots the edge of a letter or hears the soft whispers of a hushed phone conversation, he is.
The more she hears, though, the more she really looks, the more she realizes that maybe it's not because Pete's trying to be quiet about this thing he's got going on. It might just be because he has to.
As much as it's Pete's home when he's stateside, Carole doesn't try to tiptoe around her house; privacy is never a guarantee. Still, when she's up getting water or just needs to go outside and breathe in the chilly night air to chase away some stray tears sleeping in her half-filled bed leaves her with, she can't help stumbling on Pete tucked around the corner of the kitchen, phone cord stretched around to give his hiding place away.
He doesn't always see her, and she doesn't let on that she's there. In these moments, they're just two boats passing in the night. It doesn't mean that she can't hear, though, and try as she might not to listen, well... she doesn't get much gossip at the Post Office.
Pete's voice is even, a little tired given the hour, but more lovesick than stricken, so what little guilt might have clung to Carole if this had been one of the bad times when Pete needed whoever was on the other end isn't there.
"They're keeping you out there for another week?" He sounds positively anguished, and Carole sees the edge of Pete's foot kick out all discontent. There's no doubt it's his mystery girl. Pete doesn't even get that childish when Bradley steals the last strip of bacon. It makes Carole stifle a snort as she tries her best to open the back door without setting off its telltale creak.
She wonders if maybe Pete's girl is on a carrier somewhere, a secretary or something like that...
"But you're still gonna make it for Christmas, right?" He sounds hopeful, and then he lets out a chuckle so light and fond that it twists up Carole's heart in the best way.
"Look, I know you don't celebrate, but I still want you here." A pause. "Carole won't mind. I'll come up with somethin' to tell her."
Carole's brow furrows, and for a moment, she wants to speak up because Pete has to know that she wouldn't tell him he couldn't bring someone around for the holidays, especially if it's-
"Ice," Pete says with a sigh, and Carole feels her entire brain turn a bit on its axis, realization slipping into place between her wide-eyed slow blink as he continues, voice still soft, "It's not gonna be like that. And you know," his tone brightens. Carole feels that twist again, deeper somehow, "I've always been pretty good at thinking on my feet." Pete tappers off with a laugh, one Carole's heard more and more as the months have drifted by. Now she knows why, now she understands, and even though the tears had dried up when she'd walked down the hall, they're threatening to fall again for a hundred different reasons.
She leaves Pete to his call, then manages to slip out the backdoor without a hint of old wood croaking for attention and looks up to the sky.
Slowly, a smile pulls the corner of her mouth up as the stars blink down on her. The more she lets the understanding stew in her thoughts, the more she finds nothing changes. A part of her, somewhere deep, for a moment in the stillness of her brain making the connections between Pete's secrecy and the reasons why, had been worried something might. Because hoping you act or feel some way in the face of the unknown and knowing is different, and she's glad to know she's not any way she doesn't want to be when it comes down to it. When it's important.
And in the morning, if she passes Pete the last strip of bacon and asks him if he might be wanting to bring someone around for the holidays since it had just been them the last time he was on the ground, well, she's just thrilled when he says, cheeks going hot and eyes sliding away, that maybe he just might.
Ficlet Bingo!
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
What to write weekend...?
Same time, same place... Let's get this writing started. If your curious about wordcounts etc. I have a spreadsheet here.
Explanation on how "What to Write Weekend" works and fic descriptions under the read more because it's long... Once you know you know though.
Sagas of Solitude 8/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby
Season to Taste 0/? - Professional and Famous Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin. (Building on this).
A, B, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M
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If you need it, here's an explanation of how it works:
You pick 1-3 of the above and either:
Send an ask (Anon is on)
with the letters/Numbers of the fic/s you wish would hurry up and get finished/posted already. (Yes, you can pick the same one three times - some of these fics are that close to getting parts/chapters finished that would be enough to tip them over, you also don't have to pick more than one).
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I WILL WRITE AT LEAST 250 WORDS for each one you pick. I reply to let you know when it is done. I've also started tracking it in a spreadsheet.
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Numbers indicate fics I am consciously working on updating/completing, and likely have a completion date in mind.
Letters are fics that are often getting completed because people ask for me to work on them through things like this. (I usually do this every weekend).
Doing this keeps me on task and makes me accountable. It stops me from procrastinating and I really appreciate people providing their numbers.
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A) Upon which our souls touch - 3/? - Hangster TGM AU involving dragon riders and shape shifters and fantasy... Seriously, I wouldn't vote for this one because my kids ask about it almost daily so... it gets attention regardless.
B) I'd know you anywhere 2/4?- Bradshaw Twins - Hangster (Tumblr post)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 3/? - Hangster Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
H) From the top - 1/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 3/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
J) Barista Jake who cannot spell Bradley's name. (HERE)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 5/?Transformers cross-over.
L) Hangster Soulmates, Bodyguard (leftover from the Bingo...)
M) IceMav Florist/Undercover Agent AU (also leftover from Bingo)
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