#him treating steve like he did mike actually that’s all i want
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
something about argyle getting the wrong end of the stick when he sees billy and steve (who are totally just friends) doing their thing and deciding to pull a very confused steve to the side for a shovel talk like-
argyle: [putting a hand on steve’s shoulder] i’m a chill guy, man
steve: .. uh yeah? yeah you are
argyle: but that’s my boy
steve: [looking around, confused] hargr- um, billy?
argyle: uh huh, and i don’t wanna see him hurting
steve: i’m not gonna.. we had a fight like one tim-
argyle: he’s a sensitive dude, y’know [tapping steve’s chest] in here
steve: what is happening right n-
argyle: [walking away] treat him well is all i’m saying, man, ‘cause i’ll be watching
steve: .. ok?
[a few minutes later]
billy: hey harrington, you good?
steve: i, uh- i think so..?
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 18
part 1 | part 17 | ao3
“I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t hate me I’m sorry, did it work? Don’t hate me. Did it work?”
“Dustin,” Steve barks. Dustin looks up, eyes bright; he's hugging Steve so hard it’s like he’s trying to fuse his face to Steve’s rib cage through his shirt. Steve scruffs him on the top of the head, rubbing his knuckles over his dumb baseball cap in a way he hopes is reassuring, and wheezes, “Can’t breathe, bud.” 
The kid takes a hesitant step back, fists still balled in the fabric of Steve’s shirt like he might run away. Mike’s cowering behind him, hunched in on himself and nervously eyeing up the nail bat.
“So you’re... not mad?” Dustin asks.
“Oh, I’m fucking pissed,” Steve smiles sarcastically. “Hope you used that Butterscotch wisely, dude, because it’s the only one you’re getting for the rest of the year. Also, you can kiss your full candy bar trick-or-treating plans goodbye.”
“What? No!” Mike starts to whine, but immediately shuts his mouth when Steve glares at him. Then Eddie swoops in behind them, clapping a hand on both kids’ shoulders and nearly startling Mike out of his skin.
“And, uh, for obvious reasons,” he says in an acidic sing-song, “you’re both banned from Hellfire for the next month.”
Oh, this guy’s good.
“Eddie, what the fuck?!” Mike pleads. “We’re just about to get to the manor’s secret passage!” 
“Yes, and what a shame that your paladin triggered a hidden trap and got stuck in a faulty portal for the next four sessions.” 
“Oh, my god! This is— this is—!” 
“Payback?” Eddie sneers.
Dustin’s eyes are darting rapid fire between the two of them, and he elbows Mike in the ribs and hisses, “Dude, shut up before he kills us both for good!” 
“Oh, my god,” Mike says again, face twisting through all five stages of grief. 
“Oh, also,” Steve adds for his own amusement as he heads toward the stairs, “you two can clean all this camping shit up.” 
“You play a good game of Punish the Pipsqueaks,” Steve grins, walking side by side with Eddie. "That D&D ban? Ouch. Keep that up and the moms will start recruiting you for babysitting duty."
“Oh, boy!” Eddie smirks. “My dream finally realized.”
They get back to their cars, and Steve shivers a little, the cold finally getting to him now that he doesn’t have the fight or flight to keep him warm. He unlocks the bimmer and slides into the front seat; cranks up the heat, his hands impatiently hovering in front of the vents. 
Eddie catches the car door. “You’re really not going to punish them more?" he asks, leaning in, head cocked to the side. "I mean, no trick-or-treating sucks and all, but. Seems a little lenient, doesn’t it?” 
“Yeah, it does,” Steve agrees with a short laugh, “but see, the thing is, those two dumbasses are assuming that revenge is a dish best served cold, when actually?" He points at the house. "It’s a dish best served by Claudia Henderson.”
Eddie’s brows lift in question.
“I’m gonna call her tomorrow morning and say I caught them smoking at the bus stop.” 
“Jesus!" Eddie laughs. "That’s diabolical.” 
“And then I’m gonna suggest they do community service at the retirement home on Halloween instead of trick-or-treating, because Dustin’s weirdly afraid of old people.” 
Eddie's laugh turns to a cackle, all his teeth on display, and the car bounces on its wheels as he leans his weight against the door. “Oh, man," he exhales, wiping the corners of his eyes. "Remind me not to get on your bad side.” 
“Pretty sure we’ve only ever been on each other’s bad sides.” Steve’s joking, but Eddie’s smile slips a little, and Steve wants to take it back. Pluck the words from the fog of chilled breath hanging between them; tell him that they're not anymore, that they don't have to be again.
But then Eddie catches the bass line coming from Steve’s speakers and the grin comes back full force. 
“Hold the fuck on," he beams, nodding his head to the beat and hum-mumbling the melody as the words come back to him.
Following the footsteps of a red dawn dance, we are entranced. 
“Spellbound,” he sings, shaking his head in delighted disbelief. “I’m sorry, does Steve Harrington have a Siouxsie tape in his car?”
Steve’s face goes red. Fucking Robin. “If you’re about to talk shit about the music, I— I mean, I’m just the chauffeur, man, I don’t—”
“Relax. It’s not that, I just…” He raps his knuckles against the roof. Gives Steve a once over; smiles softly at whatever he sees.
“What?” Steve asks. Kinda likes how he has to crane his neck to look up at him.
“Nothing," Eddie murmurs, low and deep. "You’re just full of surprises, aren't you?"
Steve shivers again.
It seems to snap Eddie out of... whatever that was. “My bad, man,” he says, his voice back to normal volume. He apologizes for letting in the cold air and slips Steve’s jacket off, handing it back to him and shutting the door with a soft click, then he throws out a parting salute and skips off to his van.
Steve just sits there for a moment, feeling syrupy and dumb. Like there's whiskey in his chest, a full flask of it sloshing around behind his ribs.
His jacket smells like Eddie. Siouxsie croons in his good ear.
Spellbound, spellbound, oh-oh-oh.  
"Jesus Christ," he mutters as he cuts the music off. He drives home in silence, the song still ringing in his ears.
part 19
first half of tag list below the cut comment if you want me to add you to the next one
@heartsong18 @hellion-child @hiimlevi @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @marklee-blackmore @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @noodle-shenaniganery @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @pending-dope-username @perseus-notjackson @ppunkpuppyy @questionablequeeries @remosdeerica @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @shamelesspatrolshepherdcowboy @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @steddie-island @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @taleah-bonnick @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thespaceantwhowrites @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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strangersteddierthings · 11 months
Pumpkin Carving (A Halloween One Shot)
Pumpkin carving and a sleepover. An excuse for everyone to gather together on Halloween now that the Party has decided they're too old to trick-or-treat.
A pumpkin carving station has been set up in the Harrington's giant three car garage. Steve did debate setting it all up in the yard, less cleanup of the pumpkin insides that way, but it was pretty chilly, and Steve wasn't sure how long they'd all take to do the actual carving.
Does pumpkin carving take long?
Steve's never carved a pumpkin so he wouldn't know. There is no universe in which his mother would have allowed a pumpkin in her house, much less under the circumstance of then cutting it open and freeing it of its insides. While Steve has never participated in the act of carving a pumpkin, he knows how it goes. Hypothetically.
He'd needed to know enough to gather all the supplies after all, so a quick call to Robin (along with some gentle teasing and mocking) and he was set.
Eddie arrives first, having been volunteered to go get the pumpkins from the patch. It's not that Steve is scared of the pumpkin patch, or anything, it's just that Eddie's van would be better for transporting them.
Steve tried to offer to unload them, insisting it was only fair since Eddie had to load them, but Eddie just rolls his eyes and gets to work. It's not that pumpkins are extra heavy, but they aren't exactly light. And Steve knows that Eddie thinks Steve doesn't want his help because of how long it took Eddie to heal, but that's not the reason. Steve just...
Steve's just drawn to watching instead of helping when Eddie grabs a pumpkin under each arm, muscles flexing as he tightens his hold enough to keep them trapped between his arms and his sides and now Steve's left wishing, wistfully and not for the first time, that it was his thighs Eddie was wrapping those arms around. That it was him Eddie was hoisting up, perhaps holding against a wall and-
"Am I going to do all the loading and unloading?" Eddie bursts his thoughts by knocking their shoulders together as he passes by, already on his second round of pumpkin unloading.
"What, no, sorry," Steve turns to grab two pumpkins of his own. It's quick work with the two of them, then, to unload, and a short wait for everyone to start showing up.
Some biked, others dropped off by parents. Steve walks out to each car to chat and confirm that yes, of course they can stay the night; they won't be a bother and I'll keep them out of trouble.
Soon enough the garage is full of people, pumpkins, and noise. Lucas and Max have migrated to the corner of the garage closest to the door leading inside to whisper together as Lucas guts two pumpkins while Max describes what she wants on hers. Will and Mike have also set themselves apart to work out whatever it is they plan to carve on their own pumpkins. Dustin, El, Erica, and Eddie have plopped down in the center and just got to work. They aren't coordinating their pumpkins like the couples seem to be doing. They do seem to be taking it the most serious, though, with the absolute silence from all of them, concentration faces fully on.
Steve is off on his own, too. He's taken a seat about five feet from Eddie but he's the furthest from the door. He frowns down at his pumpkin, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He's not sure how to start. What to do.
He looks up from his pumpkin and over to Eddie. He's using a knife to saw around the stem of the pumpkin. Which, duh. Steve should have put that together. There has to be some way to remove the insides easily, so removing the top made sense.
Without trying to overthink it all, Steve stabs into the top of his pumpkin and starts sawing his own circle around the top. It's. Well, it's something. He wouldn't say sawing a circle is fun but it's not tedious and soon enough his knife returns to the starting point and... Hmm. He watches as the bit he just cut around sags into his pumpkin. Eddie's didn't do that.
Steve frowns down at it for a moment before grabbing the stem and pulling the top off. His face wrinkles in disgust at the stringy clump of pumpkin insides that hang from the top and he sets that down to the side quickly. He's realizing now why everyone else chose to wear short sleeves even though it's cold outside as he looks around the garage and sees everyone shoving their hands into the pumpkin, pulling stringy, seedy, strands of pumpkin out.
With a sigh, Steve rolls a sleeve up and plunges his own hand into the holes he's made and almost instantly rips his hand back out. Ew. No. Gross! Wrong! The feeling of the strands breaking under the pressure of his hand, the slightly moist feeling of the inside, the unexpected slipperiness of the seeds, all of it sends a shiver of revulsion up Steve's spine. He makes a soft gagging noise against his own will.
"You gonna be sick?" Eddie asks almost immediately.
"Uh. Oh, yeah," Steve says as he feels his face heat with an embarrassed blush. He can see that all eyes are on him now, which adds to his embarrassment on top of realizing the question he was asked and what he answered. "Wait, I mean no. I'm not going to be sick."
Eddie looks from Steve to his pumpkin, and back up. "Don't like the feeling of pumpkin guts?"
"It was just unexpected is all," Steve defends, even as the thought of sticking his hands back into the pumpkin sends another shiver through him.
"Unexpected," Dustin repeats back. Steve tenses but nothing else follows that. He looks over and Dustin seems to be having a silent conversation with Eddie judging by the stare down.
"Maybe I am gonna be sick," Steve lies, standing quickly and fleeing the garage.
God fucking dammit. Why is he so embarrassed about this? Why is he... he's hiding the fact he's never done this before, and he doesn't know why. They aren't going to mock him for it. Well. Maybe a little, but in the same way Robin did. Tease him because they love him. They wouldn't really be making fun of him. Except maybe Mike but Steve doesn't really care about his opinion anyway. Gave up on that a while ago.
He goes to the kitchen sink on autopilot, scrubbing the gross, now dried and tacky feeling from his hand. He's in the process of drying his hands when a voice startles him.
"Hey man. You okay?"
It's Eddie. Of course, it's Eddie they would send after him.
"Yeah," he turns so his back is to the sink, leaning back against it to look at Eddie.
"You never have to scoop out a pumpkin before? Did someone else do it for you?"
If anyone else had asked, Steve would think it was condescending. Someone mockingly asking after nannies or servants who would do the gross part of pumpkin carving for the little rich kid. But it's Eddie, and he's just curious and sincere. So, Steve says, "nah, man. Just never done this before."
Eddie's browse crinkle in confusion and Steve thinks he's so fucking cute. He wants to kiss the confusion from his brow. "You've never carved a pumpkin before?"
Steve just gives a shake of his head before shrugging. He wants to cross his arms, close in on himself, but it's Eddie. He's trying to not shy away from the people he cares about. He's trying to let them take care of him, too.
(It's been a process, since the defeat of Vecna. Learning to let people care about him. He's better at it these days. Robin said so and if anyone is an expert on him, it's her. He can't always trust his own opinion to be unbiased.)
"I'll scoop out your pumpkin if you still want to give pumpkin carving a try," Eddie offers, a soft, lopsided smile on his face that Steve adores. The bats took a good chunk of his left cheek, and the scarring is heavy, the muscles non-responsive, so every smile is lopsided, but Steve loves them all.
"Okay," Steve says, offering a soft smile in return but doesn't push off the sink. Not until Eddie approaches, taking Steve's wrist and tugging him along.
No one says anything when they return to the garage, nor when Eddie blows past his own pumpkin to sit next to Steve and grab up his pumpkin. Eddie looks down at the hole Steve's carved, a calculated look on his face. It's cleared away soon enough when he smiles as wide as his scarred cheek allows before he gets to work on the pumpkin. He cleans it out thoroughly before handing it back to Steve, then crawls across the floor to retrieve his own abandoned pumpkin, rolling it across the floor as he crawls back.
"Oh, wait. Can you go get me a marker?" Eddie asks, as Steve is examining his pumpkin, trying to imagine a face to go on it.
"Yeah," Steve says, glad to have a moment more to think about the face as he fetches a marker from his father's office.
He returns to most of the kids having already finished their own pumpkins. Unsurprising, considering how much time Steve spent just thinking about carving before he even started.
"Marker," Steve offers it out after he's sat down again, close enough that his knee is touching Eddie's this time.
"Thanks," Eddie takes the marker and adjusts so more of his leg is pressing against Steve's. "So, you can freehand the face if you want, or I could draw you a face to cut out? If you want."
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure," Steve says, shoving his pumpkin towards Eddie who looks delighted by Steve's answer. It doesn't take him long to draw on a face. Triangle eyes, a little rectangle nose, and a wide mouth filled with jagged teeth.
Steve and Eddie carve in quiet, while Steve basks in the warmth of Eddie's leg next to his, touching his. He's never been sure if Eddie likes him back, not enough to announce his own crush, but sometimes... There are times like this that fill him with hope.
Steve doesn't even realize they've been abandoned to the garage until Eddie finishes his pumpkin, which is three bats carved artistically into the side. Steve is impressed, and when he turns to ask if anyone else is, there isn't anyone there.
"Oh. I didn't even hear them leave."
Eddie plops the top of his pumpkin back on, which reminds Steve he needs to do the same. He reaches for his top but Eddie beats him to it, craving the gross mass of sides that was stuck to it off before handing it over it.
Steve sets the top back on the pumpkin, and it immediately drops into the pumpkin. "What. Why did it-?"
"You gotta cut the top into an odd shape or at an angle. Otherwise, that happens. But it's okay. You didn't know, and I know how to fix it. You got some toothpicks in your house?" Eddie says, assuring Steve before he even has time to overthink it.
Can Steve be any more in love with him at this point?
"What?" Eddie whispers, eyes wide and face slowly turning red.
"You just... you, uhh. Did you not mean to say that out loud?"
"Say wha- oh God," Steve registers what he'd thought, or apparently, what he said and now he and Eddie are just staring at each other, wide-eyed and unmoving.
"I'm not going to question if you meant it," Eddie starts slowly, clearly the more brave one of the two, "just. I need to know if you mean it, like, romantically."
"I did. Do. I-" Steve can be brave, too. He can. "I do love you. Romantically."
"Holy shit. I want to pull you in and kiss you so bad but my hands are covered in pumpkin guts and-"
Steve does it for him, both hands grabbing at his face and pulling him in.
His first time carving a pumpkin ends up being fantastic, even counting the kids flooding back into the garage to scream 'finally' at them.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems
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solitarydemise · 4 months
Black Mary Jane's
!EddieMunson x !Femreader
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Summary:Eddie unintentionally breaks your heart because of your friends' insistence.Even though he loves you,he will be punished for pretending otherwise.
Warnings:Insecurity,heartbreak,swearing,anger,angst,Robin and reader kissing,selfish and narcissistic Eddie,flirting,jealousy.(It's not 1986)
Every Friday,with your small group of friends,Eddie, you, Nancy, Robin and Steve. Of course sometimes Dustin and Mike, who can't break away from you. You all would sit in the gymnasium in the evening after school,chat and play games. It was a Friday as always,while you and the girls were waiting for the boys, Nancy and Robin were complimenting your dress. Just then Eddie and Steve walked in. "And it has such a cute ribbon," Nancy said. You smiled "Yes, actually this wasn't there, I sewed it myself." Steve looks at you with the beers they brought "Well hello Lolita," You looked at them "You're guys late,again". As always,they were making excuses. Dustin stopped trying to throw the ball into the basket. Eddie was eyeing you like always. He knew very well that he loved you from the very beginning, but he thought that he was not the right person for you. Even though everything you love is the same. Movies, bands, activities. In fact, he was the only person you thought was right for you. There was definitely a romantic and sexual tension between you and Eddie.But it never happened, in fact you were doing so much for him but he never noticed it, or he was treating you the same way he treated everyone else and you thought it was special. Eddie was a laid-back type and very "friendly" to every girl.You all sat in a circle and decided to play spin the bottle. Only in the form of truth and dare. Everyone was doing things to challenge each other. During this time, you were always looking at Eddie sitting across from you, sometimes you made eye contact and immediately turned your head to the other side. Eddie continued to watch you. Your platform Mary Jane heels, your cute dress, the ribbon on you, the beautiful scent of your hair, the necklace on your neck reaching down to your cleavage. He would kill for you. He adored you, but the hardest thing is that he had to hide these things from you. Strangely enough, even though he was known as a freak, every girl responded to him. He could get every girl, every girl except you.
You sat on the floor with your legs crossed and thanks to your mini dress,Eddie could see your red underwear as he sat across from you. He was so focused on this that thousands of scenarios he could do with you were running through his mind. As he thought about these, he could feel his body starting to sweat. He was so focused that he didn't even notice the bottle returning to him. Steve called his name again, "Eddie?" "Yes?" he finally replied. "It's your turn". Everyone was trying to understand why Eddie was distracted. Eddie did his duty and minutes passed. The game was getting monotonous until the tip of the bottle hit you "I dare you to…Kiss Robin" Nancy said. Everyone started talking in unison. You smiled and turned to Robin "Are you okay with that?". Robin quickly straightened her position "Hell yeah!" You giggled and cleared your throat "Okay.." You turned to Robin next to you and fixed your hair. Robin looked excited, Eddie looked kinda worried.You placed your hand on Robin's cheek and started kissing her. Eddie was watching you two, oddly enough. Steve and Nancy were laughing about it and Dustin was grimacing. Eddie could feel getting hard as he watched you. This wasn't about Robin because he was just watching you. The way you held her, the control of your lips, the way your breasts were visible more when you leaned over Robin. He even imagined himself as Robin for a while. "Okay enough!You can continue this later if you want," Steve laughed. You and Robin laughed, it was weird for the boys but the three of you had done it many times at sleepovers. "Is that cherry?" Robin said and you agreed while laughing "Yes!". Cherry…Eddie had never wanted to taste Cherry this much before. He grinned and took a sip of his beer as he continued to look at you. When it was Dustin's turn, the bottle stopped at Eddie. "Truth or Dare Eddie". "Truth" Eddie always chose truth because otherwise you'd make him do terrible things. "I dare you to,admit that you like Y/N". Everyone fell silent when they heard this, their gaze quickly turning to Eddie. You were absolutely so embarrassed, your cheeks were turning red and your body was starting to burn like hell. Robin and Nancy quickly looked at you, they knew very well that you liked Eddie. Actually, everyone knew that you liked each other, but unlike you, Eddie didn't tell Steve or Dustin. "W-What" Eddie paused,feeling trapped. He would rather jump into your school pool right now than answer that question. Dustin looked at him "Admit that you like her." Eddie started to play with his rings "I don't like her." Steve looked two of you "We can spin the bottle again." Eddie looked at him "N-No I said I don't like her," Eddie sneered. "You do," Robin laughed. "He totally does" Dustin said.Eddie felt like he was sinking to the ground with their simultaneous rebuttal and your glare. "I said I don't!". Steve laughed and took a sip of his beer, "Calm down, buddy." No one believed him and they were still watching Eddie with looks that suggested otherwise. Dustin usually didn't know where to shut up "Come on, why don't you just say-"
"I said I don't fucking like her" Eddie laughed and looked at you "I mean look at her". his word felt like boiling water were been poured over your head. "She dresses like a seven year old," Eddie muttered to himself.When you heard these,there was a pain in your throat. You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and when your eyes started to fill with tears,.You stood up, picked up your bag from the floor and walked towards the exit. Everyone was surprised by what Eddie said. Eddie took things a little too seriously this time, even though he had potential with you, he threw it away because of his own ego. "That's fucked up dude," Steve said. Nancy looked at Eddie judgingly. "Why would you say something like that?" Eddie was getting more angry, but at himself. Of course, he wouldn't reveal this to anyone, "Because you are turning these into a game, you don't even take my answers seriously." Robin glared at Eddie angrily for a few seconds before standing up and following after you. Eddie couldn't even get up, tons of shame and self-loathing weighing heavily on him.The sound of your black heels echoed in the empty corridors of the school. You wiped your tears when Robin and Nancy came behind you "Y/N" Robin looked at you "Are you okay?". Even though you tried to stay tough for a few seconds, the way Robin looked at you was enough to make you cry again. Robin quickly hugged you "Robin, how I hate those guys." Your mascara was running and you didn't want Robin to stop hugging you. Nancy patted your waist and looked at you "I'm sorry,he is rude as always." You had a terrible feeling on the way home that day. Good thing tomorrow was the weekend and you didn't have to see Eddie right after that night He hasn't even called or texted you anyway. When you got home, you looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to clean up your runny make-up. You took off your shoes in anger, threw them aside, and tore off the ribbon you sewed on your dress. You spent the weekend just in your room. You were very angry and upset. So you've been deceiving yourself all this time?Why did he always have to do this? Why did Eddie disappoint you every time? This made you so angry. You could give him more love and appreciation than he wanted, but Munson always found girls who would cheat on him and make fun of him. You weren't an inadequate girl, but Eddie was making you feel inadequate. You were getting asked out almost every week, you were one of the prettiest girls in school. Eddie couldn't see it.Loving Eddie was more tiring than expected.
When Monday came, you reluctantly got ready for school, of course you were going to dress like always. What Eddie thought couldn't change your lifestyle, you weren't a weak girl. But now you really hated that dress. When you came to school, you were putting your things in your locker and you looked in that direction when you heard a voice behind you saying "Cute dress". When you saw Roger you smiled "Thanks", after he walked past Nancy looked at you and laughed "Look at that! Roger Taylor huh?". You laughed to yourself and shook your head, "He's too cocky." You closed your locker and looked at your watch, "See you at dinner, I'm going to class." When you walked into chemistry class you sat in the front row, normally you always sat with Eddie, he would grab your pen while you were trying to listen to the teacher, make you laugh and rest his head on your shoulder. Eddie took a deep breath when he saw you sitting on the opposite side. He certainly didn't know how to make up for his mistake. While you were preparing your books, you slightly lifted your head from the two hands on your desk and were confused to see Roger. Roger grinned slightly and looked at you "Are you free tonight?". You paused for a few seconds and shook your head up and down. Roger smiled triumphantly, "Brilliant, then we'll talk after school, okay?" You smiled, "Okay." Eddie saw this, his hands were shaking with anger. Roger was a total jerk, handsome and funny. Normally you weren't someone who would fall for this but you were angry at him, Eddie knew very well what you did when you got angry. Even though you wanted to turn around and look at Eddie's expression, you held yourself back and opened your notebook while grinning.
Eddie usually sat in the cafeteria with the Hellfire members. But this time he came to your table because he knew you would talk about Roger. You continued eating your food without even looking at Eddie's face, and after a few minutes, you entered the conversation with a sharp sentence "I can't come tonight, Nancy, I'll be with Roger." Everyone suddenly turned their gaze to you. This was unexpected, when Steve looked at Eddie, their eyes met and Eddie quickly turned around,pretending not to care, but he was absolutely unsuccessful at it. Nancy was confused "But just today you said-" you put down your fork and looked at Nancy "But I changed my mind." Robin smiled "That's good." As everybodies gaze turned to her,she raised her eyebrow. "Right?" Steve shook his head. "That kid is an asshole." Nancy laughed and looked at Steve. "A asshole with a handsome face" You giggled and took a bite of your sandwich "That's right." Eddie clenched his teeth in anger and stood up, "How boring." You turned your gaze to Eddie, who was moving to the other table. “He got bored and left because it wasn't about the cheerleaders he was fucking.” You rolled your eyes and turned back to Nancy.Eddie definitely heard what you said, but he continued walking regardless.
You had a date with Roger in the evening. He was funny and handsome, but that wasn't what you cared about. You weren't a cheerleader and all you cared about was a good-hearted, loyal person ... long curly hair and brown puppy eyes. Yes, your mind was going to Eddie again. But everything ended for you on Friday, you couldn't disrespect yourself like that. Eddie had broken your heart and it had to end here. You barely spoke during the date, Roger only talked about himself and how awesome he is. He was such a boring dude. You even said that your father would pick you up so that he wouldn't take you home. You actually went home by bus. You really went to great lengths to make Eddie jealous, but why? For someone who didn't care about you and gave you false hope all this time, you listened to Roger talk about himself for hours just for that ?. As soon as you got home, you threw yourself onto your bed. When you started looking at your group chat, you clicked on the story Eddie posted a few hours ago. You laughed to yourself when you saw what he reposted "@chrissy_cnnghm" How wonderful, he went back to his local bitch. Almost every day for the past year all of tou listened to Eddie whine about Chrissy. You didn't care about this, you got up from your bed and changed your clothes. While you were removing your make-up, you suddenly started crying. Quietly and calmly, you were holding too many things inside and they were hitting you all at once. Even though you wanted to scream and lash out, you continued to cry silently. It would never happen, you were nothing more than a friend to him. In fact, you weren't even friends anymore. You slept sadly that night too. Eddie stole so much sleep from you, he broke your heart so much. For you,it was the third day without him, for him it was just an ordinary Monday. The other day,you all skipped school and went to Lake Hawkins. You were sitting in your chairs and chatting. Of course, the couple who participated the least in this conversation were Eddie and you. Suddenly Eddie spoke up, "So, how did it go with Roger?" You turned your gaze to Eddie and frowned "What?" "It was a simple question," Eddie said sassily. You looked around nervously for a few seconds. You didn't want to tell him that the date was bad, of course you couldn't lie about it being good either. "Why do you care? How was with Chrissy". Eddie smiled and said mockingly, "Why do you care?" The others were just watching you "I don't" you said and took another sip of your beer. Eddie put out the cigarette in his hand and was about to stand up when Steve looked at him. "Stop it, you can't fight every time and then walk away. It affects us too." “Because he doesn't have an answer, Steve,” you scoffed. Eddie looked at you angrily, "Oh really?" You took off your sunglasses and placed them on the table. “What is that? Are you going to refuse it, selfish one?” Eddie frowned, "Am I selfish? You haven't even looked at my face for days!". You frowned and stood up as Eddie raised his voice. “Could it be because you make me feel like shit?!” Nancy looked at you "Y/N, stop that" You looked at Nancy "So am I the one who needs to stop? He constantly acts like this and waits for me to be silent, and he also shamelessly asks about Roger, do I look like I give a fuck about him?" . Steve took a deep breath, Eddie let out a small laugh, "Then why were you with him yesterday?" You turned to Eddie and shouted angrily "Why were you with her?!" You looked at Robin and Nancy. “You saw that, right? I said you'd run back to that girl at the slightest thing, and I was right. Eddie Munson and the usual clichés. You didn't deserve my love even in the first place.” Even though you realized what you said later, you didn't regret it. "As long as you're with this selfish guy, I'm not talking to you either." You grabbed your bag and started walking away from them. Eddie was looking at you in shock, everyone was unnerved. They could never even have a proper time because of the two of you.
Steve spoke without looking at Eddie, "Are you going to go?" Eddie took a deep breath, took the sunglasses you left on the table and came after you. You were a little further away from the others, so when Eddie called after you, you continued walking without looking at him. Eddie walked a little faster and caught up to you, grabbed your wrist “Wait.” You looked at Eddie and pulled your arm back "I don't want to talk to you anymore." You continued walking "I was jealous" You paused at what Eddie said and turned around to look at him. When you stopped walking,Eddie continued talking, he had nothing to lose from now on "Because Roger had the courage to give you the value you deserve, because I was a coward who could never tell you how I felt about you." Eddie closed his eyes for a few seconds "I'm sorry for what I said, I was just scared that you didn't think the same way as me and thought I was inadequate" he smiled slightly "That dress looked better on you than anything else, they came at me so hard I couldn't do anything but run,like as always". You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. What he said didn't seem sincere to you, even though he was telling the truth, you didn't trust him anymore. "I don't believe you." Eddie shook his head "I know" he knew you were right. "I wish I hadn't been so late" "I waited for you for so long Eddie, but you didn't have to break my heart that much". You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. "Don't worry,you have plenty of girls to fill the void." Eddie breathed deeply. "None of them are you and I can't love anyone as much as I love you." When Eddie finished his sentence, you watched him with a sad expression for a while and continued walking. There was nothing more to talk about, Eddie knew that too. After you left, Eddie looked at the sunglasses in his hand, he had forgotten to give them to you. He took a deep breath, pressed his lips together and blinked his filled eyes.
Part 2?
People I think will like it, I hope you don't mind!!<3 Tag list: @tlclick73 @ali-r3n @melodymunson @mdurdenpitt @mmunsonsthings @ficmotel @rainylana @missonlypost @silky-luxe @seatnights @crazyapplesgirl1q @psychotickoda
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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juniperskye · 7 months
Chewing Gum
Summary: Eddie gets gum in his hair, so Steve takes him to his favorite salon to get it out. The events of season 4 did not happen.
Eddie Munson x Hair Stylist (Fem)Reader (she’s kind of sunshiny emo lol also she’s described to have colored hair, tattoos, and piercings)
Word count: 1474
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, no use of y/n, language!, Jason Carver being an ass, half assed salon info, let me know if I missed any!
not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Jason Carver is a dick. He treated Eddie and the boys like shit and went out of his way to make sure they knew they were “freaks”.
Eddie saw Chrissy get bumped by one of the other basketball players. They were messing around in the halls like a bunch of Neanderthals and Chrissy got struck in the crossfire. She was body checked into a locker and her books went flying.
“Here.” Eddie offered Chrissy her science book that had slid across the hall.
“Thanks Eddie.” Chrissy smiled.
Eddie nodded back to her and moved toward his homeroom, but not before Jason stormed over, purposely bumping Eddie in the process.
“Let’s go babe.” Jason said, pulling Chrissy along with him.
This had been a pretty tame reaction from Jason…or so Eddie thought. Eddie made it through homeroom and history no problem, it was when he got to lunch that all hell broke loose.
“Woahhh dude! You have gum in your hair.” Garreth said to Eddie.
“HA HA very funny Garreth.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Oh shit! Ed, man he’s not joking.” Dustin informed the older boy.
With that, Eddie reached to the back of his head and brushed his hand over his hair. As he shifted from the top of his head down towards the nape of his neck, he felt the sticky wad of chewing gum, causing his curls to tangle up.
Laughter erupted across the cafeteria, as Eddie’s gaze shifted to the disruption his eyes met Jason’s who shot him a smirk and a wink. Further proving Eddie’s theory that the asshole that was Jason Carver had, in fact, been the culprit of this incident.
“Eddie, I could call Steve, his hair guy could probably fix you right up.” Dustin offered.
“Hell no. The last thing I want to do is get help from Steve.” Eddie scoffed.
“We could just cut it out.” Mike shrugged.
“Fuck it. Call Steve.” Eddie conceded.
Dustin and Eddie made their way to the school’s payphone. Dustin was quick to dial the number and explain the whole situation to Steve once he picked up. Steve had offered to take Eddie to his hair guy, but only if Eddie asked nicely and said please…which he reluctantly choked out over the phone.
“I’ll come pick you up.” Steve told Eddie, before hanging up.
Fifteen minutes later, Steve pulled up to the school in his burgundy BMW, yelling at Eddie to “hop in”. The drive started off in an uncomfortable silence. This was the first time Eddie had hung out with Steve alone, not that they were hanging out.
“So, listen Eddie, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, knows that this is where I get my hair done and honestly I’d like to keep it that way.” Steve explained.
“Okay…you’re freaking me out. Where is this place?” Eddie said as he looked around the unfamiliar neighborhood.
“Just up here on the left.” Steve said, pulling up in front of a hair salon.
Eddie initially felt confused, he figured that Steve would go to a barber, like any other guy from school, but this actually made a lot of sense. Steve cared about his hair the way any girl would and he’s very particular about it so naturally he would go somewhere that would take better care of his hair.
As they made their way up the curb, Eddie was able to get a better look of the inside. It was painted mostly black but there were bright pops of hot pink and teal around the place. There were pink velvet couches and those smiley face daisy pillows strewn about them. There was only one employee in the place, and she was currently blow drying some girl’s hair.
Eddie’s eyes scanned the hair stylist, you were beautiful you had pink streaks in your hair, dark tattoos littering your arms and a nose ring. You took Eddie’s breath away.
“Steven Harrington you better not be back here to ask me to cut your hair shorter. You made me take so much off last time and I still haven’t gotten over it!” You shrieked.
“Would you relax! I’m not here for a haircut, I’m here with my uh, my friend.” Steve said, glancing over at Eddie.
“Hi Steve’s friend! Oh, my goodness your hair is beautiful! Please don’t tell me you want me to cut it off!”
Your theatrics were making Eddie’s heart sing. The compliment had him blushing.
“God no! I don’t want to cut my hair, that’s actually why I’m here.” Eddie exclaimed.
“He got gum stuck in his hair.” Steve replied waving him off.
“I didn’t get shit stuck in my hair. That asshole Jason Carver spit gum in my hair.” Eddie explained.
“Ugh the Carver boys are all terrors. I remember being a sophomore when Michael Carver was a senior and if he wasn’t the biggest douche bag, then I don’t know who was.” You said, shaking your head. You shifted your gaze over to where Eddie and Steve were sitting. “Wait a minute! I know you, Eddie Munson, we had freshman English together!” You said, reintroducing yourself to him.
“I knew you looked familiar!” Eddie smiled.
You told him that you’d be with him in just a minute, you wanted to get your client finished up and checked out. He watched in awe as you effortlessly sectioned and styled her hair, led her over to the register and cleaned your station quickly. He noticed you gathering a few things, which he could only assume would be for him.
“Okay come over and sit!” You gestured to your chair. As Eddie made himself comfortable you began explaining what you were going to do. “So, I am basically going to load your hair up with oil which should allow the gum to slide out. I will wash your hair after too, so you don’t leave here looking like a greasy mess. I have a reputation to uphold!”
“Okay, thanks.” Eddie said, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“If you want I can trim your hair too, just clean it up, make it so your bangs aren’t in your eyes so much.” You offered.
“Oh um, that would be great but I uh, I don’t have any…”
“It’s on the house Eddie. Just a favor for a friend.” You said quietly.
Eddie nodded slightly and you got to work, slipping on some gloves, and pouring the hair oil into your hands. You started working it into his hair, really targeting the areas around the chewing gum. Slowly but surely the gum started to untangle itself from Eddie’s chocolate tresses. Once the gum was completely out, you led Eddie over to the shampoo bowl and proceeded to wash his hair. You couldn’t help but smile down at the soft expression he wore on his face. His eyes had fluttered shut and you thought he truly could have been asleep the way his face was relaxed. After washing, conditioning and finally rinsing his hair, you gently grasped his shoulder.
“Eddie, you ready for me to cut your hair?”
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Eddie said, carefully getting up and heading back to your chair.
Eddie sat and you and him chatted back and forth as you trimmed his hair. You had made sure to communicate through every part of the process, which products you were using and why, the way you were cutting his hair and adding in some natural layering to help with the bulk, trimming his bangs a little shorter than he was used to so they wouldn’t be too long so quickly. You pulled out the hair dryer and attached the diffuser, explaining what it did to Eddie and letting him know that blow drying definitely isn’t necessary for him to do.
Steve couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that plastered its way on his face at the interaction playing out before him. He had never seen Eddie sit still this long or listen this intently to anyone. Steve couldn’t help but think that Eddie had better thank him for bringing him here.
“Alright Eddie you are all set.”
“Thank you so much, seriously! I really appreciate it and I don’t think my hair has ever looked or felt this good.” Eddie said, admiring your handywork.
“Of course! And by the way if you ever get gum in your hair again, peanut butter or cooking oil can get it out, it just takes a bit of work.” You explained. “But know that you can always come here, and I can help too!” You couldn’t help but mentally facepalm.
“Yeah. That sounds good! You know, I would need your number…you know to get a hold of you..” Eddie smirked.
He couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of thanks toward Jason Carver…he had brought you into his life, all with a piece of chewing gum.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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potatobugxo · 11 months
Hello! I saw your requests are open and I also saw that you did Mike headcanons (which were AMAZING by the way) so I was wondering if you can do the same for William? Both sfw and nsfw if that's cool with you. Thanks in advance🩷🩷🩷
awww thank you so much!! im glad you liked the mike hcs <33
🦋william afton sfw+ nsfw hcs🦋
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you must be a special little something if william thinks you're worth his time <3
god knows how you met him, though it was probably through potential unemployment and you needed career counseling
well good ol' mr. steve raglan is here to help!
you catch his eye immediately, specifically, maybe its your quirkiness who knows haha
and hes such a silly little guy, how could you not fall for him on the spot?
he decides not to send you into the deathtrap that is the pizzeria, and instead gives you a job that completely goes against your skillset
psst, little secret, he wants you to get fired so you'll keep coming back to him for help
why would he want you to make money when he could spoil you himself? sure it hurts his pockets a little, but he's insistent on treating you to coffee shops, restaurants, etc
finds every nickname in the world to call you
"baby, honey, sweet-face" and his favorite, "bunny"
even with how mentally fucked he is, there's a tiny bit of goodness in there sometimes and only you get to see it ok???
you WILL have a collection of rabbit-themed merchandise and there is nothing you can do about it <333
pretty gentlemanly actually in public, likes to link his arm with yours, will ALWAYS hold doors for you, and he'll do it all with the cutest lil smile on his face
boy howdy
he's very experienced, and he loves to show you a fucked up good time
absolutely knows what he's doing and likes to think you dont <3
i hope you have a knife kink because jesus christ
loves to pin you by your neck, whether it be your throat or from behind while he absolutely demolishes you
favorite place to do the dirty is his work desk 🤭 does not care how much of a mess it makes, as long as you're a mess after hes done with you
for the love of god call him sir or mr. raglan/afton he will quite literally pass away on the spot
daddy kink ok??? daddy kink <333
please yank him around by his tie and he might choke you in return <3
likes to stick his fingers in your mouth, loves it when you bite them and draw blood too
very much a masochist and a sadist 😈
loves when he fucks you to tears, wants to hear you whimper and cryyy his name
you'll have bruises on your arms, hips, legs, wherever he can grab jesus does he have an iron grip
likes to bite and nibble your skin too
oh yeah, he'll fuck you in costume too, doesn't care how weird it is
the springlock suit stays ON during sex 😚
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi! This may be a dumb idea, so feel free to ignore it.
I am a firm believer that Steve would have a flinch response of some kind to the word bullshit because of Nancy and would love to see him work through it? And all I can think of is the card game? So if someone (Eddie) had noticed his reactions to the word and tried to help him through it by having the gang play the game that would be cool? Especially if Eddie noticed pre-relationship, helps Steve through it, Steve figured out what he was doing, and by the end they’re together?
Once again, if this idea is dumb you can ignore it, I won’t be offended!
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I kind of changed it up a bit because I didn't really think Steve would be super comfortable with everyone being involved because none of those kids know how to just let shit go and he wouldn't want them to look at or treat Nancy any differently. I did have to google the game because it's been a solid 10 years since I've played and I was probably not sober when I did 😂 Hope you like what I did here and will send more requests if you haven't already! - Mickala ❤️
He’d gotten over it. He told himself he was over it. He convinced himself he was over it.
But he heard Nancy tell Mike it was bullshit that she always had to cover for him with their parents when he stayed out past curfew, and it was like she was spitting it in his face instead.
He visibly recoiled, the air in his lungs suddenly rushing out of his nose.
Nobody noticed, but it took him a minute to catch his breath, to focus back on the fact that Nancy wasn’t talking to him, wasn’t calling him bullshit.
But then bullshit became Dustin’s favorite word and Steve didn’t know what to do about it.
He jokingly started saying “language” every time he said it, but Dustin was a stubborn kid, and Steve was too in his head to actually commit to getting him to stop.
He threw it around like it was nothing, and to him, it was nothing. He hadn’t had someone he loved call him bullshit.
He started to find reasons to avoid giving him rides. He would pick up extra shifts, pretend he fell asleep early, say he had a migraine. It all worked.
But he didn’t notice how Eddie started to get suspicious that he was now Dustin’s ride to everything, that Dustin was starting to worry that he’d done something to upset Steve, that Steve was ignoring everyone.
Eddie knew he had to talk to Steve alone, maybe get high with him so his defenses were down a bit, and find out what the hell was going on.
But Steve was good at this, avoiding people.
He was never completely alone at work, always a coworker or customer keeping him too busy to talk. He never answered his house phone anymore, and even though they all knew he was listening for the radio, he ignored that too. Eddie tried just showing up at his house at random times when he knew he wasn’t working, but he either wasn’t home or was doing a great job of pretending to be asleep.
Until he got lucky and caught him as he was walking out the door one morning, probably not expecting anyone to be awake this early and standing in his driveway.
Steve startled, but pasted on that fake smile that Eddie hated.
“Hey, Eds. Didn’t know you were stopping by. Everything okay?”
“I dunno, Stevie. Is everything good?”
Steve gulped.
“Everything’s fine.”
“That’s good. I just figured I’d check since you practically went invisible on us for the last three weeks. Dustin’s considered sending Hopper for a wellness check.”
“Oh. I’m fine. Just busy, ya know?”
Eddie searched his face, already knowing he was lying.
“That’s bullshit, Steve.”
He watched as Steve curled into himself, probably not even realizing he was doing it, and confirming at least some of Eddie’s suspicions.
“What’s going on with you?”
Eddie wasn’t leaving until he had answers and he certainly wasn’t about to let Steve hide away.
The kids missed him, Robin missed him, Eddie missed him.
Steve looked like he was fighting back tears when he looked back up at Eddie.
“I’m sorry I’m bullshit, it’s all bullshit, and I can’t make it better, make me better.”
“What? Stevie, you’re not making any sense.”
“I keep messing everything up. Even when I try to be better, to be good, it doesn’t fucking matter because I’m still bullshit..”
And now he was crying.
Shit. What the hell?
Eddie didn’t waste any time, stepping into Steve’s space and wrapping his arms around him, pulling him into his chest and making sure he had a safe place to cry.
He got the idea that Steve had probably never had a safe place to cry before.
He slowly walked them back into the house, frowning further when he realized the front door wasn’t even locked. Was Steve actually leaving his house unlocked? After everything they’d been through, he guessed maybe a regular old robber was the least of his worries, but still.
He managed to get to the couch in the living room, slowly sitting down and pulling Steve down next to him.
Steve wasn’t crying anymore, or at least he was being much quieter, his tears soaking the shoulder of Eddie’s shirt so much it was hard to tell if more was being added.
“Stevie? You’re not bullshit.” He felt Steve flinch against him, but continued. “I’m not sure who told you that you were, but you can’t let that control you so much. You’re the best guy I’ve ever met besides Wayne and I’m still thinking he’s just the Patron Saint of Patience.”
Steve let out a small snort of laughter and Eddie considered that a win.
But his brain was still going 90 miles a minute, thoughts running laps in his head as he thought about something Robin told him a few months ago.
She didn’t tell him any details, would never betray Steve’s trust like that, but she’d mentioned that any chance of Steve getting back with Nancy had been left in the bathroom of Tina’s party.
Eddie, despite what most people thought, was pretty intelligent. He could usually connect dots even when the lines between were spiraling to other dots as a distraction.
So this particular line between what Robin said, and what Steve was saying now about how he was bullshit, suddenly connected in his mind.
“Did Nancy say that to you?”
Steve pulled away, face suddenly blank.
“It wouldn’t matter who said it if they’re right.”
“I can’t believe I thought you were still in love with her this whole time.”
“What? No. I haven’t been in love with her in years.”
“Why are you even still friends? She really said that to you?”
“We’ve moved on. We were both going through a lot and she didn’t mean it.”
“I hate to say it, Stevie, but it doesn’t seem like you’ve moved on at all.”
“What do you mean?”
Eddie watched as Steve tried to work it out on his own. Eddie loved the face he made when he was confused. He loved every face Steve made.
Snap out of it, Munson.
“Well, if hearing it in passing upsets you so much that you avoid your entire family for weeks, you aren’t over it.”
He let that sink in, watching as Steve’s face went through all the stages of grief in less than a minute.
“I’m not avoiding everyone.”
“Steve, you are. And I’m sure everyone will understand if you just explain.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“Okay, then you can just say you had a busy few weeks and now you’re not.”
“Dustin says it a lot.”
“Says what?”
Eddie knew, but he needed Steve to say it. He needed him to stop associating that word with himself.
“Why are you gonna make me say it?”
“Because you need to stop thinking it’s an adjective that describes you. You’re the farthest thing from bullshit.”
Steve flinched again, but recovered quickly.
How long had this been happening that no one noticed? How long had Eddie not noticed?
“Alright! I have an idea.” Eddie got up and went to the closet in the hall that held all the stuff for when the kids came over. Movies, tapes and records, extra blankets and pillows, changes of clothes, books, school supplies, cards. Eddie grabbed the closest deck of cards and walked back to the couch. “We’re gonna call Robin and we’re gonna play a game.”
“What game?”
Another flinch.
God, Eddie felt so stupid for not noticing this sooner, not putting the pieces together earlier.
“How will that help?”
“Because you’re going to hear the word so much, and we’re going to have so much fun, that you won’t be able to think negatively about it anymore.”
“And if it doesn’t work?”
That was a possibility. It could end up making things worse, causing more stress for Steve. But if there was anything he learned from his months of therapy, it was that exposure to something negative enough would leave you feeling indifferent to it eventually.
“If it doesn’t work, you can push me into the pool with all my clothes on in the middle of winter. Deal?”
They shook on it, Eddie letting his hand linger for a bit too long in Steve’s, only letting go when Steve raised his brows at him.
Eddie called Robin, who was not thrilled about having to get out of bed on a Saturday before ten, but did it anyway when Eddie explained what it was for.
She’d finally gotten her license two months ago and her mom let her use her car on weekends, so she promised to leave as soon as she was dressed.
Eddie immediately called Dustin, just to let him know Hellfire was off for the day and to tell everyone. Dustin threw a fit, said it was bullshit, said he can’t just cancel with no intention of rescheduling, and Eddie hung up on him.
He’d have a conversation with him later.
Steve had gone upstairs to change, said he wanted to be comfortable for this and his jeans and polo weren’t really lounging around clothes.
So Eddie waited for Robin, and he waited for Steve to come back downstairs, and he thought about how much he hated Nancy Wheeler in that moment.
He’d gotten close to her when he was trying to graduate. She helped him study so he could pass the finals he needed to, even without being able to be in class because of being stuck in the hospital for so long. He helped her pack for college, offering up his van as a thank you for all she’d done to help him. He called to talk with her weekly.
All this time, she was at least some of the reason that Steve had negative feelings about himself.
Sure, Eddie could guess that his parents had a lot to do with it too, but this was somehow worse.
He’d trusted Nancy.
Steve came down just as Robin was walking in the front door, bag of chips in hand.
“It’s nine in the morning. I can cook breakfast,” Steve said to her.
“Nah, chips are a necessary staple for card games no matter the time.”
No one argued with her as they sat around the kitchen table.
Eddie dealt the cards out, explaining the rules as he went, though they all had played before. He added a rule though.
“Every time someone calls bullshit on Steve, we have to say one thing that we like about him. Good with you, Robbie?”
Robin smirked. “Perfect.”
Steve didn’t argue, probably because he knew he wouldn’t win against them, so they got started.
The first round went pretty smoothly. Steve ended up never having to lie, and nobody called bullshit on him. He barely flinched when Robin called it on Eddie the first two times, and didn’t at all the third time.
But the second round started and Steve was not having any luck. He got away with his first lie, but he knew Robin could tell he got away with it and she wouldn’t be going easy on him next time.
Next time happened to be his next turn.
He placed down the card that should’ve been an 8, but was actually a Jack. He confidently said 8. Or thought he did.
He felt his hands shaking, but he did his best to ignore it as he turned the card over to show she was right.
It was bullshit.
“I love that you always try to show interest in what we all like even if you don’t really like it. Like when El started crocheting and nobody would help her understand the instructions, but you sat with her for hours while she worked it out and helped read the instructions to her when she had her hands busy.”
Eddie was smiling and nodding along like he agreed.
“That’s just what friends do.”
“Maybe. But none of her other friends were doing it, were they?”
Yeah, okay. Steve nodded and they moved on.
But his luck was long gone now, and his next card had to be a lie too.
“Bullshit.” This time Eddie called it.
Steve was doing his best not to cry, but something about hearing that pointed at him from Eddie made him feel worse.
“I love that you always hug the kids. Saying hello, saying goodbye, when you’re proud of them. You aren’t afraid to show them affection.”
Eddie was giving him a fond smile, but Steve couldn’t do anything except nod.
He couldn’t say that Eddie’s plan was really working, but maybe he needed to give it more time.
He made it through the rest of that round fine, not having to lie again, and only having to call bullshit on Robin once.
But their next round seemed to turn into them calling it on him every turn, regardless of if they thought he was lying or not.
“The way you make us all feel important.”
“Your laugh is contagious and it’s fun to see how easily it spreads through the group when you get started.”
“You always have dinner for us when we come over, and it’s always so good. Like you’ve spent the whole day making sure it’s perfect and you want us to enjoy it.”
“You never let us face anything alone. We can always rely on you to be there in whatever way we need the second we need you. No questions asked.”
Steve still flinched every time they called bullshit, but it was getting easier to move on from it and hear their compliments.
Finally, on Steve’s last turn, Eddie called it on him.
He watched as Eddie glanced over at Robin, then back at Steve, blush coloring his cheeks.
“I love that you hold my hand when we’re smoking outside because you know it helps me stay grounded and not get lost in my thoughts too much. I love that if I fall asleep on the couch, you cover me with a blanket and lay down next to me so I don’t wake up alone. I love that you always pack an extra cookie in your lunchbox just in case I visit you at work. I love that you put your entire reputation on the line to make sure I got the best care a person can have in the hospital, and even after with the physical therapy and regular brain therapy. I love that you keep finding ways to show me that sometimes popular and mainstream things are okay.” Eddie gave him a more confident smile. “I love everything about you.”
“That was more than one,” Steve said breathlessly.
“Yeah, hard to pick just one thing when I love you this much.”
Steve was so confused. Eddie had been nice saying the things he did before, but this? There was no way he meant it.
Not the way Steve was hoping he did.
“Can you two just kiss before I puke?” Robin complained.
Eddie looked at him, a surprisingly calm smile on his face.
“Only if Stevie wants me to.”
“Mhm. Yes. Please do that,” Steve rushed out, not sure what the hell was happening, but not wanting to wait for it to change.
Eddie was up from his seat and kneeling in front of Steve in seconds, one hand on his knee and one on his cheek.
Steve wasn’t breathing. He was barely even able to focus on Eddie on his knees in front of him.
Eddie leaned in slowly, giving Steve a chance to back away if he wanted to.
But he didn’t want to.
He wanted to feel Eddie’s lips on his more than anything.
And he did.
They were surprisingly soft, but firm and demanding, making sure Steve followed him instead of the other way around.
He could distantly hear Robin eating chips, but didn’t bother to tune in to whatever she was complaining about, just enjoying the sensation of having Eddie’s lips and hands on him.
It did end though.
“You know what’s bullshit?” Steve asked.
Eddie’s eyes widened in question.
“The fact that we have to stop kissing.”
Eddie let out a loud laugh and leaned in to kiss him again.
“You know what’s bullshit to me?”
“That you ever thought for one second that you weren’t amazing.”
Steve blushed, but looked at the way Eddie was looking at him.
Like he loved him. For real. No bullshit.
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brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 21
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | AO3
He doesn't tell Steve.
There hasn't been a chance to tell Steve, he reasons with himself.
Steve comes back with Robin and Dustin, and has somehow also acquired Lucas and Max. Not long after, Nancy comes by with Mike and El.
He does actually try to hide with Steve in the kitchen while Steve puts together some kind of chicken noodle casserole, but apparently the check in tonight includes how talking with his uncle went, so Eddie has to be too actively involved with it to get a chance to get Steve alone.
By the time everyone's gone, Eddie's exhausted, and he needs to lean on both Robin and Steve to make his way back upstairs.
They've only just made it when the doorbell rings.
Steve groans. "What do those little shits want now?"
Robin laughs at him. "They're your children, Steve," she teases, wrapping an arm around Eddie's waist in preparation for Steve peeling off from them.
Eddie bumps her hip with his, shooting a little grin at her. "You're on shithead wrangling duty tonight," he informs Steve as he and Robin continue on to the bedroom.
"I'm always on shithead wrangling duty," Steve grumbles to himself, but he does head back downstairs.
Eddie assumes one of the party forgot something, and doesn't really think too much of it as he drops down onto the bed, watching Robin start adjusting the pillows.
Or at least, he doesn't think too much of it until he hears Steve call up the stairs.
"Hey, babe? Have you seen Munson hanging around the kids recently?"
Robin freezes, looking at him wide eyed, and Eddie's pretty sure he's holding himself just as still.
Not one of the hoard.
"Stay here," Robin whispers, like Eddie had any intention of doing otherwise.
"Did we join the neighborhood watch or something?" Robin yells back as she heads out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Eddie waits, trying not to vibrate out of his own skin.
Jesus Christ, he's so fucking tired of hiding and waiting.
Fortunately, it's only a few minutes later that Steve and Robin come back, and they look… unhappy, but not terribly panicked.
"It was Jason Carver and the only two lackeys he's got left," Robin says.
Eddie breathes out, relaxing just a little. Not ideal, but better than the police.
"One of them saw your uncle driving away from here with Dustin," Robin continues. "They asked about you, but I think they were just fishing."
"Great," Eddie mutters, flopping back dramatically on the bed. "Should've called me the freak, make it sound like you're on their side."
Steve snorts. "I don't want them to think we're on their side."
Which is sweet, but - "It doesn't matter what they think, Stevie, I'd still know you guys were on my side no matter what you said."
"Aw, Eddie," Robin says, and Eddie looks up at her just in time to see her plop down on the bed next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
He tips his head away, trying to hide his flush.
"It's not that," Steve says. "If they think we're on their side, it opens us up to having them come around more. They'll loop us into things, sure, which wouldn't have been bad for knowing their next moves, but they'll expect things from us. It's a bad idea when you're hiding here. Plus…"
He trails off, considering, and he's quiet until Robin makes a little hum of encouragement.
"I think Jason's too far gone," he says finally. "But Andy and Eric? They're not as convinced. If I treat this like it's stupid, like there's nothing here and they're wasting my time, like it's boring, they might start to reconsider sticking with Jason on this."
"King Steve, huh?" Eddie asks quietly.
Steve shrugs one shoulder, a little too careless. "It's not like I don't still know how to navigate all of that. It just doesn't matter anymore. Everything it means, it's just… pointless."
Eddie looks over at Robin, to find her looking just as contemplative as he feels. Robin looks back at him, and yeah, he's pretty sure she's thinking the same thing he is.
They scoot apart at the exact same time.
"Come here," Robin says, as Eddie reaches out and makes grabby hands at him.
Steve looks between them, giving a little crooked smile, then he kicks off his shoes and climbs up onto the bed, settling in the middle of the two of them.
Robin pillows her head on Steve's chest, and Eddie squishes in so he can rest his own head on Steve's shoulder. Eventually, they'll have to get up and get ready for bed, reconfigure themselves into their usual sleeping arrangement, but for now?
For now, this is perfect.
Eddie's surprised to find he feels good when he wakes up, despite overdoing it the day before.
Knowing that his uncle is safe, that he isn't out there worrying over Eddie - or hating him - is like a massive weight off his chest, makes it a little easier to breathe.
He lets the good mood carry him through getting up and helping make breakfast, refusing to let himself get bogged down in everything he hasn't worked out yet.
Robin is completely on board, it seems, and she and Eddie make a nuisance of themselves while Steve tries to resist getting caught up with them.
A losing battle, when both Eddie and Robin are so determined to distract him. It means some of their pancakes burn while Steve throws chocolate chips at them and they have a competition over whether Robin or Eddie can catch the most of them in their mouths, but it makes Steve laugh and Robin shriek happily whenever she gets a few in a row, so it's worth it.
Eddie likes a little charcoal taste with his breakfast food, anyway, and syrup covers almost anything.
Both he and Robin have syrup in their hair, though Robin's is way more obvious, and she bitches at him as she wolfs down her pancakes before heading upstairs to shower.
It's just him and Steve, then, sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table, half eaten pancakes still on their plates, and Eddie feels too good to want to mess this up with any kind of talking.
"She's just trying to get out of helping clean up," Steve grumbles, but he's still smiling, and the morning sun lights him up all golden and gorgeous.
"Wishing you thought of that first, huh, pretty boy?" Eddie teases, all wide smiles and the same reckless thrill he'd gotten hot wiring the camper for Steve to drive.
Steve's smile doesn't slip, his expression doesn't go pinched, but because Eddie's so close to him - because he keeps being close to him, keeps greedily memorizing everything he can about him, his soulmate - he sees the way something shutters in his eyes.
Did he push too far, this time? Eddie pulls back, falling hard into straight teasing and away from playful flirting. "Ah, I see His Majesty does not favor being compared to a fair maiden, my mistake. Perhaps he'll forgive-"
Steve is shaking his head, though, cutting him off with, "That's not it."
Eddie raises one eyebrow, a silent invitation to continue.
"It's just - it's always an insult. Like come on, pretty boy, let's see what you've got or wow, it's a good thing you're so pretty, Steve. I know you don't mean it like that, I do, but it's not a compliment when people usually say it, you know?"
"I wouldn't know," Eddie says, mostly to buy himself some time to figure out how to really respond to that. "Pretty's not usually something people call me, insult or otherwise."
Now Steve's expression goes pinched, brows drawn down like he's personally offended, and whoops, nope, he can't let Steve go off on that tangent.
"No pretty boy, then," Eddie says hurriedly. "You don't like it, I won't say it."
Steve blinks at him, a little thrown. "…just like that?"
"Just like that," Eddie agrees. "Steve - you don't owe me an explanation about anything, you know that, right? I'll listen if you want to give me one, and it'll probably help me understand, but if I do something that you don't like, you can just tell me, and I'll stop."
Steve considers that for a moment. "I like - this," he says, gesturing between them. "I didn't want you to think I wanted you to stop all of it."
Both of Eddie's eyebrows shoot up this time. Yeah, he kind of figured Steve liked the banter and teasing thing they have going on, or else he wouldn't have continued it, but he didn't expect Steve to flat out acknowledge it.
"All of this is just me being my obnoxious self," Eddie points out, because he can't just leave well enough alone.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Yeah," he says simply. "I like that."
Oh god, Eddie can feel his cheeks heat up, and he ducks his head and hides behind his hair so he doesn't have to look at Steve.
Forget the demobats, his stupid soulmate is going to be the death of him.
"There's plenty of other words besides pretty, anyway," he says, once he's reasonably sure he can nail playful teasing again without sounding flustered. "I'm just going to take this as a challenge to find them."
"Please don't," Steve says dryly, but Eddie can see how hard he's fighting not to smile, and he knows he has him.
"Whatever you say, beautiful," Eddie replies, batting his eyelashes at him.
Steve's ears go a little pink, and oh, that's still just as nice as the first time Eddie saw it. It only makes him latch onto his dumb plan even harder.
"Shut up." Steve shoves him.
"No," Eddie replies, so fucking delighted he can't help but grin all wide and gleaming. "My soulmate's so fucking beautiful it makes me want to weep, look at you."
The pink on Steve's ears deepens, and he gives Eddie a look that is probably supposed to be venomous, but his eyes are gleaming with affection and it only makes him more attractive.
And this is - everything that Eddie's ever wanted, everything that he thinks he could actually have if he asked. After the butterflies, he's more than pretty sure that Steve wants Eddie the same way that Eddie wants him, and more than that - he thinks Steve is brave enough to go for it, even with how messy and complicated things might be.
It's just that Eddie isn't.
He knows he has to stop this, knows he needs to pull back and stop fucking flirting, because it feels like this is it, this is the thing that's leading them both to something else, and god, he can't do something else.
But he can't seem to make himself stop.
Not when Steve keeps looking at him, and Eddie is starting to be able to read him well enough to recognize what these looks mean. He knows that with the way the glint in Steve's eyes has sharpened and the corner of his mouth half turned up, he's thinking of something that Eddie'd probably brushed past and thought he'd successfully deflected. He knows that Steve's about to open his mouth and prove that nope, he still remembers that and he isn't letting that go and -
"Do you mind being called pretty?" Steve asks.
"No," Eddie's saying before his brain catches up with him. "I mean, like I said, wouldn't know. But no, I don't mind it. In theory."
Steve twists a little, upper body turning so he can look at him headlong instead of from the side, planting his hand on the ground for balance - so close to Eddie that if he leaned just a little, he could brush Steve's arm. Steve's other arm is resting on his propped up knee, loose and relaxed. It's stupid, how effective that is, how it opens Steve up to him and creates a little barrier from the rest of the world with his body, like Eddie's got all of Steve's attention now and he's shutting out the rest of the world.
"You are really pretty, Eds," Steve says.
It should sound smooth and practiced. Eddie tries to remind himself that it's a fucking line, that Steve's probably said it to dozens of girls, but when Steve says it now it comes out a little breathy and quiet and so fucking earnest that Eddie's throat closes up.
"I'm sorry that everyone's been too stupid to notice it, or not brave enough to tell you." It sounds just as genuine, and fuck, the way Steve is looking at him. "I'm more sorry that I used to be one of them."
Eddie swallows. "But you're not now?"
"I'm not now," Steve agrees.
Is he closer? Eddie's pretty sure he's leaned in closer, and the hand Steve's got on his knee twitches like he's thinking about reaching in to touch Eddie - maybe Eddie's own knee, maybe he's going to cup his chin and hold him steady as he -
The doorbell rings.
"Fuck," Eddie swears.
Steve's eyes dart toward the stairs, like he's considering going to get Robin out of the shower to answer the door with him again, then he exhales sharply and shakes his head.
"Hide," Steve says.
"Where?" Eddie asks, his heart still pounding, though for an entirely different reason now.
"Anywhere. No, wait, not the kitchen, just - don't tell me where, just go, somewhere I can't see you," Steve replies.
Eddie pushes himself up, darting down the hall to the double doors that have always been closed, and ducks inside them. It's an office, the smell of old leather and dust heavy in the air. He considers leaving the door open a crack so he can hear, but he doesn't want to be too obvious, so instead he just presses himself up against the wood when it's closed so he can try to hear through it.
It's muffled, but he can just pick up the sound of Steve opening the door, an indistinct conversation, and then footsteps down the hall.
"How do you take it?" he can hear Steve asking from the kitchen.
"Just cream, thanks," one voice says, followed by a second saying, "Cream and two sugars."
There's the sound of dishes clanking around.
"Thanks for letting me know," Steve says. "Like I said, I haven't been out of the house yet this morning. Had kind of a late night with my soulmate - she's up in the shower now."
"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" the first voice asks, and Eddie recognizes it now - Chief Powell.
"I don't want to put blame on anyone without evidence," Steve says, his voice a little reluctant like yeah, he does have an idea - giving them something to press him for.
The other voice, the one Eddie's guessing is Callahan, immediately jumps on it. "But you do have an idea?"
Steve sighs. "Jason Carver was here last night. I think he's pissed at me for talking in the town meeting, and he kept insisting that I must have been, like, hypnotized into Eddie Munson's cult or something."
"…but you haven't, right?" Callahan asks.
Steve snorts, and Eddie can just picture the bitchy look that he's making. "Come on, really? Eddie Munson leading a cult? The guy failed Zoology because he felt bad dissecting frogs."
That's not completely why, but Eddie can still feel his cheeks heating up. He hadn't known Steve remembered that.
"Look, I feel for him, but Carver wants someone to blame, and it kind of seems like he doesn't care who that is." Steve's voice dips a little lower. "I knew Patrick and Chrissy, you know? Patrick was a good guy, a great basketball player, and Chrissy was nice to everyone. They deserve better, they deserve real justice. I just think Carver should keep his nose out of it and leave the investigating up to the actual professionals."
"Hear, hear," Callahan says, sounding pleased.
It must have not been a lie, but Eddie's pretty sure Callahan and Powell aren't the professionals Steve means.
"Did the neighbors say they saw anyone?" Steve asks.
"Not last night, but they did mention you have quite a few people coming and going," Powell says. "You know who they might mean?"
Steve hums thoughtfully. "Robin Buckley, my soulmate, she's here most days. Nancy Wheeler and her brother are over a lot. Jon Byers, he's visiting from California, and he usually comes with his friend Argyle and his little brother and sister. Lucas Sinclair, he's on the basketball team? And his soulmate Max. Then there's Dustin Henderson, I still babysit him sometimes when his mom's working late. I think it makes her feel better, you know, with everything going on."
"Checks out," Callahan says. "So, are you thinking you want to press charges if we find out it was Carver?"
Steve's quiet for a moment. "No," he says finally. "I meant what I said about feeling for him. Just, maybe talk to his parents? Before he goes too far and does something stupid he can't go back from."
"Good man," Callahan says. "Thanks for the coffee, this is way better than the crap we get at the station."
"Let me make you a thermos to go," Steve offers.
There's more clanking, then the sound of footsteps walking away - though only one pair.
"You don't happen to know where Eddie Munson might be, do you?" Powell asks.
Eddie holds his breath, suddenly and ridiculously afraid that if he even breathes too loud, Powell will know.
"Honestly, I have no idea where he is right now," Steve says.
Powell hums. "If you do see him…"
"Yeah, sure, I'll tell him you're looking for him," Steve says.
"And tell him he's not our top suspect anymore," Powell adds. "We just want to ask him a few questions."
"Sure," Steve says again.
There's a long silence.
"We'll talk to the Carvers," Powell promises, and then Eddie can hear footsteps receding.
The front door closes, locks, but Eddie still waits until he hears clanging in the kitchen again before he steps out.
He finds Steve setting a pair of cups in the dishwasher, a new pot of coffee percolating in the maker.
"Hey," Eddie says.
Steve closes the dishwasher, looking up at him. "You hear any of that?"
"Some," Eddie admits. "What did Carver do?"
Steve breathes out, forearms braced against the kitchen island as he leans forward. "Keyed up my car, smashed my tail lights in. Spray painted a little message on the driveway."
Eddie has to get moving, way too full of nervous energy, so he makes his way over to the cabinet to take out another mug. "What did it say?"
"Does it matter?" Steve asks, sounding tired.
Eddie slams the cabinet door shut. "What did it say."
Steve's quiet, and when Eddie turns around, he finds him looking at him far too closely.
"What?" Eddie demands.
"Eddie," Steve says, pushing himself up to come stand next to him.
Despite himself, Eddie finds some of the tension bleeding out of him. "What?" he asks, softer this time.
"You're my soulmate. Okay? You're my soulmate. It could have said anything, and I wouldn't care. He could do it again, with something else, and I'll be pissed, but I won't regret having you here."
Eddie closes his eyes, rocking back to lean against the kitchen counter. "Stop knowing what I'm upset about before I do," he mutters.
Steve huffs out a little laugh. "No."
"What does it say?" Eddie asks again.
"Traitor," Steve replies.
Eddie snorts.
"Yeah," Steve says.
They're quiet for a moment, and Eddie listens to the sound of the coffee hissing.
"I'm going to turn myself in," Eddie says after a while.
"What? No."
Eddie opens his eyes. "Come on, Steve. If I don't - do you really think Carver is going to stop now? What if he decides just to break in here, huh? What if I can't hide quick enough next time?"
Steve jaw sets, and Eddie can tell he isn't happy about it, but he can't seem to think of a good counter argument. "Then I'm going with you."
Eddie grimaces, but yeah, he'd been expecting that, and he pulls out his trump card. "Only if Robin agrees."
Unfortunately, Robin agrees.
He frowns at her in utter betrayal while Steve gets El to put Hopper on the walkie and gives him a rundown of what happened.
Robin shrugs at him. "You should know by now that Steve's never going to let himself be sidelined when someone he cares about decides to throw themselves off the bench."
"You two and your sports metaphors," Eddie grumbles, but he has to admit - at least to himself - that she's right.
If they tried to stop Steve, he'd probably find a way to come anyway.
Hopper agrees to meet with Murray again today, then come over tomorrow to make a plan for the actual going to the police station part, and Eddie trudges upstairs to call his uncle at the hotel.
Uncle Wayne doesn't like it, Eddie can tell, but like Steve, he can't think of an argument good enough to beat Eddie's, so he just agrees to meet them here tomorrow, too, and makes Eddie promise not to do anything until they all agree on a plan.
Eddie really wishes that he could just get this over with, now that he's decided he's going to do it, but unfortunately, they all have a point.
So he just takes his own shower, gets the syrup out of his hair as best as he can, and tries not to be pissy about more fucking waiting.
When he gets out of the bathroom - Steve's sitting on the bed, clearly waiting for him.
"Hi," Steve says. "Can we talk?"
Eddie swallows. "Now?"
"I don't want to keep waiting, man, especially not if we're doing this tomorrow," Steve says.
And yeah, okay, Eddie can't really protest that, so he just nods, sitting on the bed next to Steve.
"It's just - I'm really, really into you," Steve says, his voice soft and low and his eyes warm and earnest. "And it kind of seems like you're into me, too."
Steve huffs out a soft little laugh, running his fingers through his hair. "I mean, maybe I'm wrong, and I have no idea how to tell if a guy's interested in me like I usually can with girls - I'm kind of still new at the guys part - but I thought, you know. What if I'm right, what if I'm missing out on something great? And I figured even if I went for it and I was wrong, you'd be good about it. You wouldn't like, punch me or anything."
"Steve," Eddie breathes out, touched by the sentiment despite the fact that he can already feel his heart breaking over what he knows he's going to have to do. "That's a lot of trust in me there."
"I trust you," Steve says, like it's that easy, no hesitation. "Plus, you know, I'm your soulmate, so you're stuck with me no matter what."
He sounds confident, and if Eddie didn't know him so well, he's not sure he could hear the little hitch in his voice, or see the hint of fear in his eyes.
"You're my soulmate," he agrees, rushing to get that out before anything else. "I'm not going anywhere, no matter what."
Steve shoots a tiny relieved smile at him, leaning in so their shoulders press together. They sit like that for a few moments, silence resting between them - it's warm and cozy despite the tension, like melted marshmallow being stretched longer and longer.
"But?" Steve asks after a bit.
Eddie swallows, running a hand over his face to try to buy him some time while he figures out how to say this without either lying or hurting them both even more.
"You're not wrong," he says finally. "I am into you. Steve, I - I love having you as my soulmate. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. I'm happy with you, okay? I am."
Steve nods, though his expression has shut down a little, and Eddie can't quite read what's in his eyes anymore.
"But…" Steve prompts again.
Eddie closes his eyes, taking the coward's way out so he doesn't have to look at Steve while he says it. "But I don't think I could handle sharing if we were romantic soulmates."
There's silence again, and Eddie can hear Steve pull in a ragged breath and let it out.
"Okay," Steve says after a while.
Eddie opens his eyes. "Okay?"
Steve frowns at him. "What am I supposed to say?"
"I don't know," Eddie admits. "You could be a little bit of a dick about it? Tell me I don't know what I'm missing, that I could be having the full Steve Harrington experience here? Yell at me for breaking your heart?"
Steve snorts. "There's no full Steve Harrington experience."
Eddie gasps, mock affronted. "There is, didn't you listen to the gossip? I would be most aggrieved if I didn't get it."
Steve rolls his eyes, shoving him. Then, "My heart'll live. You are, shockingly, not the first person who's had to shoot me down like this."
Eddie thinks of Nancy Wheeler, feels his stomach clench a little at being on the same level as that whole mess. "Sorry," he says quietly.
"I mean, I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't suck, but I'm happy with you, too, okay? I want you as my soulmate, no matter what."
Eddie groans. "What did I tell you about saying stuff like that to me?"
Steve gives him a little smile. "I'm still not going to stop."
It's quiet again, not quite like the comfortable silences Eddie'd gotten used to with Steve, but something close.
"So. Boys, huh?" he asks after a while. "Who'd have thought that'd be something Steve Harrington was into."
Steve fixes him with a look. "Boys, huh?" he mimics. "Who'd have thought that'd be something Eddie Munson was into?"
Eddie shrugs one shoulder, conceding. Eddie'd worked very hard to be the freak, to be the type of metal-loving, Satan-worshiping, drug-dealing scary guy that people were afraid would steal their daughter or girlfriend or sister away. Granted, most of it hadn't actually been work, but it still wasn't really who he was.
"Mostly boys," he says, if only to actually say it outloud, to let himself be purposefully vulnerable with Steve even though they both already know. "There's been a few girls-" He tries hard not to think about Chrissy Cunningham's sweet smile and bright laugh. "-but mostly boys."
"Opposite for me," Steve says quietly. "Mostly girls, but - yeah, a few boys."
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up. "A few boys? Steve, are you telling me I'm not the first boy you've had eyes for?"
"Shut up," Steve says, shoving Eddie away when he makes grabby hands at him. "You're the first boy I ever wanted to be my soulmate, but yeah, all right, not my first crush."
Eddie lets himself feel all soft and gooey for a moment before he goes back to hassling Steve to tell him who.
"Ugh, fine," Steve groans. "But you can't tell anyone."
"Cross my heart," he promises.
"Jonathan," Steve mutters.
Eddie's forehead crinkles. "Byers?" He takes the silence as agreement, and grins at him. "What, get a little too into being up close and personal with him when you guys had that fight?"
Steve groans. "No. Believe it or not, I've experienced too much getting knocked around to get off on it, thanks. No, it was after, when we were fighting the demogorgon. Jonathan grabbed my hand to pull me away, and I just kind of instinctively grabbed it back, and then we were holding hands and I just - it was nice. I thought about it later, and realized I really liked holding his hand."
And that, well. Realizing that you like boys because it was really nice when a boy held your hand in the middle of fighting a monster is so Steve that it makes his heart ache, that it kind of makes him want to say fuck it and kiss him.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks instead, wiggling his eyebrows. "Whose hand holding is better, then, me or Byers?"
Steve's expression doesn't change, but his eyes shutter - Eddie can see it now even more than he could when he called him pretty boy, can see the flicker of pain there before he just shuts himself down.
"Oh," Eddie says quietly. "Should I not?"
There's a moment where Steve considers that.
"No," he says after a while. "That was okay. But I think we might have to put a pause on too heavy innuendo, or too many jokes about me wanting you. Just for a little bit."
"Yeah," Eddie mutters, feeling his heart crack a little more. "I can do that." He pulls his legs up, arms wrapped around them. "Sorry."
"It's not your fault, man," Steve says.
Eddie rests his chin on his knees, ignoring the slight sting from the tug of his stitched together skin. "Kind of feels like it is, a little," he admits. "I mean, Robin's okay with sharing."
Or at least, he assumes she is. He knows there's no way Steve would confess romantic feelings for him if Robin didn't know about it or wasn't on board.
"That's different," Steve says.
And - yeah, true. Robin's got another soulmate waiting for her, too, and maybe that makes it easier to share a romantic soulmate.
Steve looks a little troubled, though, and he leans just a little to bump their shoulders together. "I don't - I don't expect you to be Robin, you know that, right? Platonic or romantic, it's different."
Eddie snorts. "Well, yeah, I'd hope things would be a little different if we were - you know." It's half teasing and half serious, and he considers for a moment before adding, "I know you don't expect that."
Steve nods, and Eddie can hear him breathing out, feel a slow release of tension. There's quiet for a little longer, then Steve says, almost haltingly, "I don't… think romantic relationships mean more than platonic. I used to, but, uh. Almost everyone who's ever really meant anything to me has been platonic. Once I got out of high school, and with the Upside Down stuff, I just… I don't know. But Robin and you and the kids - you're the most important people in my life. You always will be."
He doesn't know what to say to that. It touches too closely on what's been pulling him into the party and pushing him away from it this whole time - he doesn't really know how to let people see the real him, not after so long of keeping up his walls to protect himself.
Or he guesses - he doesn't know what to do now that there are people who've seen the real him, and who still want to keep him. Eddie's only ever had Uncle Wayne like that, and he doesn't know how to be important to people, how to be more than just a band member or a dungeon master.
He's terrified of messing it up.
"I'll keep that in mind," he says finally, which seems to be enough for Steve, who bumps his shoulder and then pushes himself up, heading out to go join Robin.
It wasn't a lie, obviously, so Eddie believes that Steve doesn't think romantic soulmates mean more than platonic ones. The thing is - does Eddie believe that romantic soulmates mean more?
And it's.
He does.
Which means he guesses there's more he has to think about.
Eddie: well at least Steve and I are totally on the same page now, now all I have to do is turn myself into the police and reevaluate my opinions on platonic and romantic soulmates, sounds good
Part 22
Steve: wow I am 2 for 2 on confessing to my soulmates and getting gently shot down, platonic for life it is
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
My love for Baker Steve is nothing new but I think up new au's like it's my job (I wish)
Steve opened up a cafe with Robin in Hawkins after all the Upside-down nonsense happened, Max sometimes had to use a cane on cold days, she had to wear glasses always now. Steve also had to wear glasses and he made it a point to take Max frame shopping so she could find frames that fit her and ones she actually wanted. Steve also has to wear a hearing aid in his left ear but some days he just prefers to not. Also his scars tend to hurt during the colder months and he has to bundle up, he makes sure the kids bundle up too. Steve and Robin bought a little house across from the new one that Joyce and Hopper bought. (Robin stays there when she comes back from college)
Steve had a lot of money that he had no idea about from his grandparents. Trusts and just money they left him after they both died. He only found out after the "earthquakes" and he had went through his parent's house to make sure nothing was too damaged. He ended up finding the papers about his trust funds and his inheritance from his grandparents while looking through and cleaning his father's study. Of course he went through the necessary steps to make sure the money went to him and setting up his own accounts. There was a bit of trouble with his parents but he had a lot of blackmail on them and they didn't want to go to court and ruin their image so things worked out for Steve.
Honestly he probably could have just lived off the money he had, still could, but he wanted to do something with himself. It was the kids who gave him the idea while they were packing the little things he had at his parents. He had baked them some treats for helping him move, just some simple raspberry jam drops, gingernut hedgehog slices, and neenish tarts. They had planned on ordering pizza for the day so the night before he baked the treats for everyone. They were all surprised that Steve could bake and the kids were absolutely furious that he had never baked for them before considering he baked "like a grandma, like seriously Steve these all taste like heaven!"
It was of course Dustin who first voiced the idea of Steve making money off his baking, from there it was all the kids shouting their agreements, even Mike. Everyone encouraged him, telling him he had the talent and well Steve didn't really know what else he could do and he didn't want to be stuck working minimum wage job to minimum wage job so he took the leap. And he was so happy he did.
Robin worked for him when she was back home from school, originally she had wanted to stay and just run the shop with Steve but he put his foot down. Yes they were codependent platonic soulmates but like hell was he going to let her stay in town with him when she had had plans to leave and go to school and discover herself. So they comprised with her going to school and when she was back she worked at the cafe/bakery and just helped him out however she could until she graduated. That was their deal, when she graduated, and if she still wanted to run the cafe/bakery with Steve then he would be all for it.
Steve adopted Max with the help of Dr Owen's after her mom kind of skipped town during the "earthquakes/serial killer" ordeal. She insists on helping out at the cafe when she can but Steve only let's her help out after she's finished with homework or if it's the weekend or a break. Same with all the other kiddos.
By the way he let the kids name the store.
They named it The AnTEAque Bakery & Cafe.
Steve loves it.
Eddie is a rockstar at this point. He and Wayne moved from Hawkins when he was a freshman because of a bullying incident that put Eddie in the hospital. Wayne didn't want his boy going back to that school with those boys who were barely given a slap on the wrist for what they had done, so with the help of a buddy they moved to Indianapolis. Not too far but far enough.
Eddie met his band mates there and well, he doesn't want to say it was easy going from there because it wasn't. They worked their asses off to get where they were now, it took a lot of sweat, a lot of fights, a lot of tears and some good old fashioned dumb luck where a music producer who was visiting family happened to be in the bar they were playing in.
Eddie was very grateful to be where he was. When he heard of the passing of Chrissy Cunningham he felt the need to visit Hawkins after Corroded Coffin came back from their recent tour that ended in their hometown Indianapolis. He remembered Chrissy from middle school, she had always been nice to him and had congratulated him on his solo guitar performance in the school talent show and he had of course complimented her dance which she had kindly corrected as a cheer routine. She would always wave to him in the hall and he remembered when he had been in the hospital his freshman year, she had sent him some flowers.
He figured he should return the favor and visit her grave and bring her some flowers. He vaguely remembered her saying during one class share time that her favorite color had been green and well they had been in Hawkins high and she had wanted to be a cheer leader so he planned on getting her a bouquet in the school colors.
It's during his visit in Hawkins that he gets sighted by some fans and has to run, usually he's all about interacting with fans but sometimes he just needs some alone time and he finds himself in this cozy little cafe. It has bookshelves along the walls with worn copies of books and a sign that said 'Take a Book, Leave a Book!' and a smaller shelf that honest to God had some board games. The tables didn't match each other and yet they all felt the same which was weird to say but Eddie likes it.
It was when he decided he would lay low here and get himself something to snack on that he saw him. His soulmate.
Okay not really but Eddie could dream and this guy looked like his dream man.
He had this ridiculously voluminous brown hair that looked so damn soft, the comfiest looking yellow sweater tucked into faded jeans beneath a pastel green apron and the most charming yet dorkiest pair of square glasses. He looked so tender and yet Eddie could see scars here and there and he found himself wanting to know where each and everyone came from just so he could kiss them. Maybe even lick them.
It took him an embarrassing amount of time to order and when he finally ate whatever he pointed to in the display case (lemon bar) he swore it was the best thing he had ever eaten. When he said as much he was gifted with the most precious sound of laughter from the man who thanked him and introduced himself as the owner Steve who made everything they sold.
Eddie was in love.
Eddie also realized this angel had absolutely no idea who he was.
He was even more in love.
He kept coming back to talk to Steve and to eat the heavenly baked treats that he would bring his band mates if he was feeling nice. It's when the kids are in the cafe after school having a study session that Eddie's cover is blown because, surprise, surprise, they are all big fans of Corroded Coffin. Steve was a little nervous after finding out but gets over it fast when he realized Eddie was still Eddie.
The kids are baffled at the fact the Party's Mom is being flirted with by a genuine Rockstar.
Eddie all the while is just readjusting his dreamlike with Steve to include all the man's kids.
Just a fluffy au with some sprinkled angst. Rockstar Eddie immediately smitten with Baker and Single Mother Steve.
Max basically having some major cool points in school because not only is her guardian Steve "The Hair" Harrington but also because her guardian owns the BEST bakery in town and if you mess with her you are banned for as long as she wants.
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nburkhardt · 2 years
I saw a thing on twitter about how one day Steve and Eddie just randomly start calling each other boyfriends before they even date.
And WELL ~
At first it was a joke. Just a little silly thing that was said once, twice and eventually it was just well… right. Perfect actually.
Granted, everyone around them thought they were the real deal already. So, naturally it was easy. The only thing thing? They weren’t a couple. Sure they were close, lived together even and called each other nicknames that usually are saved for couples. And they also cancelled plans with others when one or the other is upset. They’re clingy, constantly touching in some way. Arms wrapped around shoulders or looped together. Hand holding, lap sitting, flung themselves on each others backs. Even piggy backs! The whole thing.
Okay, maybe they did lean too into the couple-ish things. But! That’s just how they were before everything. Steve’s a clingy bastard, touch-seeking lovable puppy in human form. Eddie’s always been a touchy guy, loves to hug and snuggle friends to death. It was inevitable, really.
Honestly though it started as a joke, regardless.
If you asked Steve it was to annoy Mike. If you asked Eddie, it was to annoy Dustin. Both teens were annoying when they burst through their front door already talking a mile a minute about whatever, only to stop mid rant to complain loudly when they notice their positions. Sometimes it’s Eddie in Steve’s lap, or Steve has his head on Eddie’s lap. There was also the one day when Robin was also thrown into the mix.
Technically, it was actually said by Robin. She has stated it a number of times but Steve and Eddie don’t believe her.
The time it started:
“Dingus! I swear to god, tell your dumbass boyfriend to return his videos on time!”
Steve looked up from his magazine to look across the store to find Robin glaring at Eddie, two tapes in her hands and waving them in around. Eddie doesn’t even looked ashamed, more amused actually. Dropping the magazine he gets up to only get on the computer, “Eddie’s only a day late, Robs. Give him a break, we did crash late last night”
The face he gets in return is just a treat. Robin screws up her whole face before immediately backing away from Eddie, “Eww, I do not want to hear anymore!”
Eddie’s laughing, Steve’s smirking and Robin has no clue that by crash; he means actual sleep. They watched the movies while passing a joint between each other, blissfully enjoying the childish movies and laughing at everything. Passing out on the couch in a tangle of lambs before the second movie even finished.
“Aw, but my boyfriend is just so pretty and you wouldn’t believe-“ Eddie doesn’t get to finish whatever since Robin shoved a hand over his mouth with a shriek.
Shaking his head he continues on working (reading the magazine, the store is dead. Has been for hours) listens to Robin let out another shriek when Eddie licks her hand. Then they’re chasing each other like little kids. It’s better entertainment than any customers they’ll never get for the day. Steve swears no one ever rents movies on Tuesdays, it’s been proven time and time again with how much they do nothing on every Tuesday. At least they get paid.
They’re joking and leaning into the whole “boyfriend” for at least a year before it slowly stopped being a joke. Steve stopped dating shortly after The Spring Break from Hell while Eddie wasn’t into the whole dating scene. It was also too uncomfortable to bring someone into their lives, especially when they usually end up crashing on the couch together most nights. (Yay nightmares!)
The day their relationship moves into an official relationship is actually the anniversary of when they found Eddie in the boat house and Eddie shoved Steve into the wall with a broken bottle. Neither one paid attention to the date, Dustin’s the only one to point it out when they tell the group about the change. It’s after that statement that they all say:
“What?! What do you mean you’re a couple, haven’t you been dating for a year now?”
Ending it there, I was starting to repeat myself. I thought it would be funny for the joke to turn real. Again saw the hc on twitter, don’t remember the person. Also I found out I’m better at writing angst than funny/fluff. Which..uhh I don’t know what to do with that information.
May come back to this au again if I get more ideas lol
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Part 1
Part 2:
To me, the thing that gives away that something happened with Will and Mike when they were younger is in the way that Jonathan is also treated by Lonnie and the rest of the town. We see Jonathan getting bullied at school by Steve and his friends in S1. He gets called the f word. We know Jonathan isn't gay so these comments are likely just based off of those kids being assholes. They think Jonathan is weird so they call him something mean. But they probably don't even really believe what they are saying. They are just trying to be mean. Will has a lot of the same personality traits as Jonathan - he's quiet and sensitive. So him also getting bullied at school for this makes sense. However, I don't think it's enough evidence for people to actually believe that it's true when they are saying it. The whole town thought Will was gay and that that was the reason why he was killed. They don't talk about Jonathan like this - It's only Steve and his popular friends. Lonnie also doesn't call Jonathan the f word. In fact, when Will's fake body is found he's all about moving back into the house so they can be a "real family" again. In his mind, Will was the problem.
Lonnie has a lot of problems with toxic masculinity that are displayed with both Will and Jonathan. He makes them both go hunting to toughen them up. He also tries to get Will to go to baseball games to get him to like "normal" things. It's unclear if he also did this with Jonathan. It's likely he did up until Jonathan got old enough and started to refuse. But Lonnie doesn't have a problem with Jonathan even though he is also quiet and sensitive. In fact, Lonnie seems to try to get Jonathan on his side when Jonathan goes looking for Will at his house. Jonathan doesn't get called the f word by Lonnie. Only Will.
The time period matters here. People didn't ever discuss being gay especially in a small, conservative town. It would not have ever been mentioned. Kids at school saying slurs probably don't even really know what they are saying (especially the middle schoolers). They just know that it's insulting so they call the kids who they think are weird those insults. It doesn't mean they actually believe it, they are just trying to be mean. But Will is different. Everyone knows this kid is gay. They believe it. It's not simply that he was different or quiet or sensitive. But the thing to me that says the most is that Mike and Will's parents know it. Joyce knew it was important enough to mention it to Hopper when she reported Will as missing. Karen tries to talk to Mike about his feelings when Will is missing and it's a conversation that is very coded. She doesn't want him to hide anything from her. She wants him to trust her with his feelings. Ted makes a lot of passive aggressive comments about Mike being gay throughout the series - "you see what happens Michael", "our son with a girl". All of these conversations came from something and weren't just because Mike and Will were a little weird and nerdy. They were close. People are sure of this in a way they aren't when they are saying slurs off-handedly to Jonathan.
Mike is also very desperate to have people view him as normal. It's what accounts for a lot of his behavior in S3. He's scared. In order for him to know to be scared people would have had to have said something to him. He changes his behavior to be what people like and part of that includes avoiding Will. This isn't just about him being bullied for being a nerd. That's the story that's on the surface. There is more to it than that.
This in no way takes away from either character arch or the LGBTQ story. Both of them being bullied by their entire town since they were little kids is very realistic especially for the time period. And Mike trying to adapt and change his behavior to fit in because he was bullied for this makes sense. This wasn't simply about them being nerds. The show is never what it seems like on the surface.
Edit: I ended up adding another part to this because the more I think about it the more it makes sense.
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inklessletter · 1 year
No, but hear me out; Steve is genuinely good with kids and toddlers. Like, absurdly good. He engages with them because he finds them not only adorable, but really fun to be around. Steve kind of gets how they think, loves to play with them, their funny logic, how seriously they take what’s happening in their busy little minds. He finds them fascinating, and they often surprise him in the best ways. Steve respects them, and kids perceive that and love and respect him back. Also, to Steve, spending time with kids is socially freeing. When he’s around kids he’s not worrying about social cues, or saying something wrong, or can stop paying attention to his manners or his looks.
Steve loves kids, and kids love him back. 
And Holly Wheeler is the living proof of that.
Read it on Ao3
There is a bonus scene of this, just saying
You drew stars (around my scars)
Mike was the only one in the family who actively resisted to like Steve. Since he set foot in the Wheelers household, everyone in the family seemed to be head over heels for him. He had heard his father admitting more than once that Steve was a fine good young man; his mom was delighted with him since the very first dinner because he helped with the cleaning up after every time (he even brought flowers every now and then, ugh); and of course, he had to endure Nancy’s annoying pining and giggling for months. Then they started dating and he was at home almost every day and it was insufferable having him around every goddamn day. 
But the worst one was Holly.
Before Steve, Holly used to chase Mike around, wanting to be with him all the time. Of course, Mike shoved her out almost every time, especially when his friends were over. Lucas understood him; he knew what having an annoying little sister was like. Sometimes she was around, when they were drawing their D&D characters, Will would save a seat for her and let her borrow his big box of colors, or Dustin gave her treats under the table.
Mike Wheeler didn’t want to deal with Holly after him all the time, but when Steve showed up, Holly got totally smitten with him. He wouldn’t pressure her to give him a kiss, but instead, he high fived her. Steve called Holly “Super Star”.
“Hey, what’s up, Super Star? How was school today? Did Timmy borrow your doll? Again?”
“Hey Super Star, wanna sit next to me for dinner? I bet I can beat you, I’ll eat my baby carrots faster than you!”
“I heard Super Star was feeling funny in the tummy today. Are you okay? Will you feel better if we make a tea party with your stuffed buddies? Yeah?”
Then, suddenly Super Star didn’t want to do anything with Mike anymore. Now it was all Steve. 
(Sure, Mike didn’t like having her around, but he didn’t want Steve to steal her from him either. That’s two out of two, not that long ago, Nancy actually DMed campaigns for him and his friends, and then she decided she liked him and now it was suddenly a dumb game.)
When Nancy dumped his stupid ass in November of 1985 Mike almost made a happy dance. The nightmare was over.
But the fucker appeared at the door the day before Christmas with a gift for Holly. He didn’t stay for dinner, but he handed it to Karen. 
It was a stupid light board.
Dustin was suddenly attached to him now. Now they were friends. Lucas was also fond of him. Steve was cool now for his friends too, apparently. And don’t get him wrong, what he did to defend them was amazing. He hated to admit that it was a little bit cool (but Steve’s panicked face when he woke up in the back of Billy’s car driven by Max was awesome). 
Yeah, after all that shit they talked a little bit. Mike made himself crystal clear that he still didn’t like him, and Steve just sighed and told him that he knew. Mike was about to go victorious after that, but Stupid Steve had to add “anyhow, if you need anything, you can always reach me.”
He still kept showing up for Holly’s birthdays. He still brought her Christmas presents secretly. Mike knew that Steve showed up considerably early when he was going to pick him up and his friends to give them a ride to the arcade, or to the mall, or wherever just to spend half an hour playing with Holly. 
Holly laughed the loudest whenever they were playing in the living room together. And it’s not that Mike wasn’t glad that his sister was happy, it was just— He couldn’t be so flawless. Nancy called him bullshit, she must have seen something in him. No one was that perfect.
He was still around for the upcoming apocalypses. He was starting to make peace with the fact that Steve wasn’t going anywhere, when he stole yet another friend from Mike.
Now he and Eddie had bonded. 
They were often together and that riled Mike up like no other. Hawkins was full of people, did Steve have to put a goddamn spell on anyone around him?
Even when Mike hosted in his basement the Hellfire campaigns after Eddie graduated, Eddie showed up at his front door with Steve.
“You are not a Hellfire member, Steve,” Mike deadpanned.
As an answer, Steve lifted a box. A brand new toy doctor kit. He smiled.
“I didn’t come to see you anyway. Isn’t Holly’s birthday this weekend? I have an early gift for her.”
“You’re so lame.”
“Get new material, Wheeler,” Steve rolled his eyes.
Eddie observed the interaction, both of them coming in. Mike closed the door.
“Well, I mean, I’m not surprised you want to spend so much time with Holly, I guess you need someone of your intellect so you can stop feeling stupid all the time around adults.”
Steve stopped for a second. He looked at him as if he wanted to actually reply. He let out a sigh, and went upstairs. God, Mike resisted the urge to fully smile. He glanced at Eddie, who was giving him a dead serious, borderline angry look.
Mike rolled his eyes.
“Wheeler, while I do appreciate that you’re hosting the new campaign, I’m gonna say something, and I’m gonna say this just once, so listen carefully. Treat him like this once more, and you’re out of Hellfire.”
“You heard me.”
“That’s bullshit!” 
“No, you being an asshole with him is. I already lectured Dustin for this, and now I’m lecturing you. I will not tolerate any Hellfire member to behave like this towards friends. That, that is bullshit.”
“He’s not my friend.”
“Like hell he’s not. He cares for you, he does shit for you and you not only do not thank him, you pay him by treating him like shit. He’s saved your ass several times. He pays your fucking late dues, man. Like, shit, give back the tapes on time, Christ.”
Mike was fully uncomfortable now. He crossed his arms and bit his tongue to not snap at Eddie any more.
“Look,” Eddie said, calming his tone. “I don’t know if anything happened between you two, and I don’t want to know, but he’s going through a lot lately. A lot, Mike. You don’t—Shit, you don’t have to like him. Just—just don’t treat him like this, okay? I’m serious about cutting you off Hellfire if you keep this shit.”
Eddie headed down the basement, and Mike was left uneasy.
That afternoon was by far his worst performance in D&D. He had been replaying the conversation with Eddie in his head on and off all the time, but Eddie didn’t give him shit for it, because he knew.
Eddie, an understanding DM as he was, called on a break, and Mike bolted upstairs.
He headed to Holly’s bedroom, the door wasn’t closed all the way. He stopped before coming in to put his thoughts in order and apologize properly. He heard the voices behind the door.
“Doctor Super Star, there are no more patients for you to save! You did great! You cured them all!” Steve said in a funny voice.
“But your tummy hurts!”
“My tummy hurts? Oh, no, ugh! It hurts so bad!”
Mike peeped, still hidden, observing the scene. He saw Steve doing a pretty poor performance of a faint, and he fell, belly up over the rug, amongst the plush toys scattered around. Holly, dressed as a doctor, rounded him and kneeled at his side. 
“I’m going to give you an injection to save you!”
“Oh, please, Doctor Super Star, please, it hurts so bad! N-no, Holly, holly don’t lift my—”
Holly did, and Mike froze. 
Both Wheelers looked at the sudden exposed skin of Steve, all covered in nasty, pink scars. Eddie’s words resonated in the back of his mind loud and clear, and he suddenly understood what Steve was going through lately. Those scars were—God, they were gruesome. That must have hurt like shit. He heard what happened, but now he was seeing it.
That could have been his sister.
Or Robin.
That could have been anyone there, but it was Steve.
Mike gulped, feeling a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach. 
“It’s okay, Holly,” Steve spoke softly, but Mike could feel the nervous, vulnerable tone after his words.
Holly passed a finger ever so slightly, over one of the scars. She looked both curious and serious. Steve’s abdomen flinched a bit.
“Does it hurt?” Holly asked, softly.
Steve closed his eyes and put on a flaky smile, facing the ceiling.
“Yeah,” Steve whispered. “Yeah they—they hurt sometimes.”
Steve let her wander her small hand, examining his torso. 
“They’re pretty.”
A silence. A broken voice. “They’re not.”
“Yes, they are. They look like stars.”
Then, Holly, slowly, put against his stomach a bright pink toy syringe and faked an injection.
“Now you’re cured. Now it doesn’t hurt.”
Mike couldn’t see Steve’s whole face, but he saw enough before he turned away from Holly to see. His expression crumpled, and he saw Steve’s bob apple up and down a couple times. If he wasn’t crying, he was about to.
“You cured me, Doctor Super Star. Good job!”
“Wait! I’m not finished!”
Holly jolted to his drawer, where he kept all her drawing stuff. She came back with a few colored sharpies, and got back to the same position she was before. Steve observed her. 
Then Holly put the sharpie nib softly against Steve’s belly, and he observed.
She drew stars over Steve’s scars.
“See? They are pretty. They’re stars.”
Steve smiled at her. She beamed.
“They are stars. They are pretty.”
After a few seconds, Steve cleared his throat and suggested Holly tidy up all around and draw for a little bit in the living room. Only then Mike reacted, and left the hallway, going back down to the basement.
By the look he gave Mike when he came back, Eddie must have noticed something weird in Mike, but didn’t say anything.
When it was time for all of them to leave (seriously, Mike had been a total disaster), Eddie hushed them all to the van. Steve was saying his goodbyes, and then Mike spoke before he left.
“Hey, Steve.”
He turned around. “Yeah?”
There was a silence, in which Mike tried to find the words. Steve waited.
“I never—I will give the tapes back on time from now on. I’m sorry for that.”
Steve was puzzled. 
Mike was shit apologizing. Mike was shit communicating, at best. He was shit at being vulnerable. Mike was shit at feelings.
“Yeah, and—thank you for—you know. The, um—yeah.”
Mike pursed his lips, crossed his arms. He pinned his eyes to the floor. He could feel his ears and his cheeks grow hotter and pinker.
“Yeah. No problem.”
He could feel Steve’s soft smile in his voice.
“You can go now.”
“Yeah, okay. Bye, Mike,” he said. “Good night Doctor Super Star!” 
Holly waved him from Karen’s arms. She even threw him a kiss. He captured it in the air and put it in his pocket.
Mike rolled his eyes.
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be too real but since we're talking about it... we always talk about will feeling lonely which is fair, but... it is such an Ugly, isolating, and genuinely heart-wrenching feeling to be the odd one out in your family, and to watch them treat others who aren't related to you the way you wish they would treat you, to watch them perform their familial roles with them and not you.
nancy's the only person in his family that mike could talk to, the only person that has the same trauma and would understand, and yet... he can't. they don't ever talk unless it's to be snippy and bite. nancy spends more time caring about max and will than she does mike, her own little brother.
holly is too young for him to bond with like that. she's just barely a kid, one that still needs to be cared for.
his mom tries her best, but he doesn't feel comfortable being vulnerable with her. considering the fact that she did everything "right" according to society's standards and married their dad of all people, i doubt he feels comfortable showing her who he really is. he lets her hug him when he's at his lowest, but we don't see them actually connecting.
his dad is just some ghost that haunts his house. he doesn't care about mike or think highly of him at all. the only times we've seen him pay mike any attention are when he belittles his interests, mocks him, punishes him, or shuts him down by telling him to listen to his mother. the only support he gets from him is financial in nature.
meanwhile, everyone else has a family they can turn to. dustin, despite lying to his mother to keep her out of his shenanigans, seems to have a decent relationship with her. even if he doesn't, he still has steve and robin. lucas is shown to have a healthy relationship with his parents and erica. will and el have their family.
max's situation is different, but she has the backing of the party; people that love her and actively try to help her and pull her back into the world of the living. she isn't thrust into a leadership role that doesn't allow for vulnerability. she has nancy who is willing to fight monsters for her, el who literally performed a miracle for her, and lucas who has stood by her since the beginning.
and mike... well. he has will back now, sure, but... things have been different between them for a long time now, even if they're both trying their best to be how they were before. and before then, will obviously was in california, not returning his calls or reaching out, making mike feel like he'd lost him for good.
so... all that being said, it's not that surprising that mike is the way he is: riddled with abandonment issues, wanting to be needed, immediately apologizing whenever he dares to open up, inclined to give others the protection and comfort no one's ever given him, prone to jealousy and possessiveness, unable to be completely and wholly honest about what troubles him, not exactly the most open to new people, and someone with appallingly low self-esteem.
you know how they say people that are drowning don't always look like they're drowning? that's mike.
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florallylly · 8 months
my PERSONAL OPINION on ro//nance: 
so a disclaimer: feel free to ship whoever you want to ship. these are just my thoughts and my perspective on the explosion of ro//nance since season 4. it’s not my intention to condemn or tell anyone to stop producing their content, i just want to scream into the void before it festers. 
your wish fulfillment is valid, but so is my opinion. so if that’s not smth you want to see feel free to skip !! 
diving straight in… i wanna talk about nancy wheeler. 
to be clear: i don’t hate nancy. i think she is headstrong and determined and knows what she wants. she sticks to her guns and definitely has the potential to be a truly good person. that being said, she is extremely selfish in canon. 
from season 1, my interpretation of her is that she’s infatuated with the concept of steve harrington and the status that he could bring. he’s a fantasy that’s suddenly become attainable to the nerdy miss wheeler. of COURSE she’s going to relish his attention. 
note: i actually don’t think anyone else except barb, mike, and steve himself, ever called steve an asshole. so . do with that what you will. 
anyway, nancy and jonathan act like steve suspecting that nancy is cheating is SO unreasonable. which honestly? it’s not. catching your girlfriend alone in her bedroom with a guy who TOOK NONCONSENSUAL ILLICIT PHOTOS OF TWO UNDERAGE TEENAGERS… that’s suspicious. perhaps his reaction wasn’t the best, but he’s also like 17 years old and protecting himself the way he knows how to. and of course his friends aren’t going to take that laying down either. 
i don’t know if any of the supporters of ro//nance have ever been cheated on, but it’s not just heartbreaking… it’s HUMILIATING. and such a hit to the self esteem. and i don’t care what the circumstance is, unless it’s nonconsensual. cheating is cheating and i firmly believe that a cheater will always be a cheater. 
in this case, it’s also reasonable for nancy to be pissed when she sees the movie theater because she didn’t actually cheat at that time. both of them had bad reactions but they also both had good reasoning behind their actions. 
YES steve called jonathan a queer, but keep in mind it’s a common insult in the 80s, especially with the AIDS epidemic going on. don’t use modern standards to condemn him, but also don’t excuse his behavior. YES he was wrong, but he grew (obviously what with his friendship with robin). and do you really think he’s not going to go for the throat when he thinks that jonathan slept with his girlfriend? 
it’s a classic case of everyone’s the asshole but everyone’s not the asshole. 
moving onto season 2. BULLSHIT. nancy was projecting. like she felt so guilty about barb and associated that night with the first time she had sex with steve, so she associated steve with barb’s disappearance/death. she was processing her trauma which is totally fine, but also not an excuse to treat steve like that. to be fair, drunk words drunk words. 
what she forgot was that steve also experienced the same thing. maybe not the grief and loss that she felt, but it’s HIS house. he has to stare out at that pool every night and know that it’s a murder scene and a grave site. he may be processing his trauma by trying to forget and be a “normal kid.” and that’s fine. 
and to be SO clear: they didn’t technically break up. you could say that they did, or take that as your interpretation, but in my opinion they’re not broken up until they have a conversation explicitly discussing ending things. couples fight all of the time. it’s not uncommon to want a little space afterwards before apologizing/making up. 
so yes. nancy cheated. and she never thought about the consequences of her actions, especially regarding steve. imagine how he felt. in season 3, he admitted to being IN LOVE with her. and she called him bullshit and cheated on him. be so real, if this happened in real life, you wouldn’t be as kind as steve. he stayed friendly with BOTH nancy and jonathan, and continued to babysit their brothers. 
steve called himself a bad boyfriend, but did we ever see evidence of that? he was constantly wooing her and romancing her. like if she didn’t want that, she could have communicated that throughout the YEAR they were together. the only possible way that steve could be a bad boyfriend was regarding their difference in trauma response. which is not being Bad. it’s having different personalities and perspectives. so ??? just a gripe. 
SEASON 3…. so YEAH nancy is selfish. her and jonathan’s job at the hawkins post … like YES fight misogyny and feel infuriated because of your treatment. however, don’t strong-arm jonathan into supporting you when he NEEDS that job. unlike miss picket fence upper middle class nancy wheeler, the byers don’t have a lot of money. they’re living on a single income and jonathan works too. like he doesn’t have the ability to just drop the job. of course, he follows her in the end though. honestly, that only validates nancy’s perspective that she’s always right and her crusade for whatever is righteous. 
but she doesn’t care about collateral damage. she never took into account jonathan’s feelings. she never took into account the effect this could have on future jobs. employers DO check references sometimes fyi. (also i KNOW that it was due to a lot of misogyny, but irl new hires are often the company mule. like she could have tried to work her way up. she hasn’t even been working there that long, and she a high school student expects to be published within months?? just be a little realistic here) 
i honestly commend her because she’s bold and she’s brave. she makes a GREAT reporter. but she makes a bad friend and a bad girlfriend. from what i observe, she takes things for granted and gives too much credit to herself. these are just character flaws and that’s human to have flaws. it’s possible to be a good person and also do bad things. i actually like nancy a lot, but it has to be acknowledged that she rarely faces consequences for her actions, and has never been confronted with the fact that she constantly puts herself first with no regard for other people. 
just a quick note for season 4 bc this is getting SO long: when nancy told steve he “almost deserved” to get shot in the face. okay bitch. now i’m mad. bc? what did he do? and like. tbh WHO deserves to get shot in the face. i don’t care if it was supposed to be a flirty statement, it was SO out of pocket. 
it’s also clear that nancy takes credit for steve’s “transformation.” if i’m being honest, the only thing she really pushed him to do was to drop tommy and carol. STEVE made the decision to run back in to fight the demogorgon. STEVE made the decision to help dustin and fight the demo dogs. STEVE made the decision to stay behind to watch the kids while they stormed the lab. show me one instance where nancy influences his actions, and i’ll acknowledge it, but i just don’t see it. and i think she gives herself way too much credit. because she wasn’t there by his side working through it with him. she was dealing with her own problems (which is okay), but she can’t act like she completely transformed him and made him a heroic babysitter. think on that. 
into my thoughts on ro//nance: 
robin is steve’s best friend. she’s not JUST his best friend. he’s her platonic soulmate. when they were conceived, they were a being with four arms and four legs. but they were Too Cunt and Powerful so they had to be separated. they are literally two parts of one soul. 
now imagine: ur best friend admits he’s IN LOVE/HAS BEEN IN LOVE with his ex. and she broke his heart. that in itself already has me livid, but if i found out about the “bullshit” spiel, i would have to start throwing punches. 
i believe in season 4 that the reason why robin is so curious about nancy is because she wants to know what type of girl steve fell in love with. like what’s so appealing about nancy that she’s the only one he said he fell in love with? and i also believe she didn’t know about the cheating at this time because NO WAY would she have been nice to nancy if she knew. 
maybe you guys can forgive cheating, but i sure can’t. and especially when it happens to my best friend… it’s over. like sorry i treasure my best friend…. 
reiterating that nancy isn’t a bad person, but she just Doesn’t work with robin. putting aside robin’s opinions, nancy fucking hates her LMFAO. like she is So cold to robin out of? jealousy (a cheater is a cheater is a cheater). so it only really proves me right that nancy doesn’t actually care about the people she’s with. does she think that flirting with steve is okay after playing around with his heart before? has she ever taken into account the fact that steve may have been healing or emotionally unavailable? did she ever consider how steve felt after they broke up? 
robin did. and she’s ride or die. 
and a rebuttal to a post i’ve definitely seen before: yes, lesbians do tend to have a small dating pool which leads to a lot of friends dating exes. (i, a lesbian, have experience with this). HOWEVER, a cheater is different. because you have to acknowledge that a lot of lesbians stay friends with their exes. steve and nancy are AT BEST friendly in canon. if you would date someone who cheated on their friend, FULL OFFENSE, you’re not a good friend. that’s just a fact. 
you’re not only completely disregarding their experience, but you’re also forcing them to be in the same space as someone who betrayed them. and that’s more of a betrayal than the actual cheating imo. sorry but IN MY OPINION, i’d never want to be friends with anyone who ships ro//nance lol. it just shows me that you don’t care about your friends’ feelings like that. 
this is kind of a rant and totally nonsensical, but i have to yell about this bc i feel like it’s not even talked about. nancy is always characterized as a perfect girl, but she’s not. and that’s OKAY! but you can’t erase her history just to have two cute girls kiss. 
it’s also completely ignoring CANON love interests (vickie). which i get because she didn’t get a lot of screen time, but god can’t we find another alternative. 
and be honest: a lot of people ship ro//nance so that jonathan/argyle can get together too. or they act like it’s okay bc steddie get together and steve is happy now. 
THOUGH steve would approve of the relationship bc he’s a GOOD guy and KIND, i think that robin would have rejected it. she’d defend that man to the DEATH. 
so when you ship ro//nance, you’re erasing stobin. because robin would want someone who loves steve just as much as she does. someone who understands that he’s her soulmate and she can’t live without him. and nancy just isn’t that person. their history and nancy’s perception of steve just stand in the way of that kind of relationship. 
not to mention that steve and robin are One. like this is more conjecture but they are Literally the Same Person. and if steve wasn’t compatible with nancy, what makes you think that robin would be?  honestly, the whole concept of ro//nance just completely bamboozles me. i’m confused and i’m irritated. because it’s almost like none of you have actually had a REAL relationship. or YOU don’t care about other people’s feelings. nancy kin i guess. 
again again, my personal opinion. i choose not to consume ro//nance content, but somehow it keeps cropping up so i do have to put in my two cents. by all means, keep shipping and supporting them, but it would be nice if you read through this and thought about the characterization. 
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