hikaritranslations · 1 year
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Hmmmm......Look familiar to anyone????
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First, thank you for the compliments! I’m trying hard and I’m glad many of you like my work!
Second, to reiterate and for those who may not know, this fan game will be entirely free. I’m glad you think the quality is high though!
Third, I’ve been hesitant to accept volunteer help for the game. While I do appreciate that so many people are offering, I’ve got a few reasons to think on it. More under the cut:
(td;lr As I’ve stated before at the bottom of this post, I’m going to think on it until I’ve done a test build or two.)
-I’ve never managed a team before. I’ve been on a team of 2 and 3, but never lead...and even then it hasn’t gone very well. While it’s been years and I think I’ve improved my communication/social skills and my ability to get things done (I have a history with them), I’m not sure I can make the jump to managing 4+ people for a game just yet.
-I can’t pay anyone, and if they decided to drop out I don’t really have an incentive for them to stay on board. People get busy and I understand paying the bills/education/etc comes first. I want to keep things consistent if I can, and losing people would be a detriment to that.
-Working with strangers. Not that I don’t want to make new friends, but you never know. My biggest concern is taking on a stranger and finding out our personalities clash or something, and they want to take back all the work they might do. Or have someone get mad or careless and leak the plot.
-And last, again, social anxiety. I’m a little scared of meeting new people;;;
I’m not unwilling to try, just hesitant. If anything, I might ask a few friends to help later down the line with writing, coloring, and play testing. That’s kind of what Mod Bedhead is doing now. She’s my friend who’s acting as someone to bounce ideas off of and suggest things, but mostly has her own things going on. She’s promised to playtest later, and I know I can rely on her because she has a consistent schedule and I know she’ll get back to me (we talk almost every day). I’m relying on casual correspondence at this point, basically. Managing a team REQUIRES more professionalism then I think I’m capable of. We’ll see if I change my mind after I make a build.
I listed a lot of cons, but the answer is a loose maybe. I’m open to opinions on this, and if I did do it then I’d probably do a portfolio review, interview, and checking out the blog...sort of thing. Not super professional, but necessary if I include someone other then a friend on this.
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96percentdone · 7 years
hikaritranslations replied to your post “My most hated character? Fucking Shirogane and Teruteru”
....But Junko and Monica....
Enoshima Junko and Touwa Monaka are fascinating and fun villains to watch and read about and Shirogane is boooooorrriiiiing and Hanamura is a creep!
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supremeclownleader · 7 years
hikaritranslations replied to your post “Hey V3 Fandom”
Also...do you like...SERIOUSLY want an essay? Cause...those and Psychology are my specialties xD
Give me the full essay like. go in 
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xcherry-popx · 3 years
every search for how to nest subsections inside of sections inside of boards on pinterest is saying its impossible but im staring straight at a pinterest board that has this and im losing my mind
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augurofauguring · 5 years
So my IRL friend @hikaritranslations showed me this Kickstarter game. The trailer and art look neat and the premise looks awesome.
It's 2k short of goal and 39 hours left as of 4:04am 4/9/19. Game has a 2 hour playable demo. Go take a look.
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panta-chan · 7 years
absbloodlust-games replied to your post “absbloodlust-games replied to your photo “do you think I understand...”
@panta-chan yeah that's what I found x says it's complete tho so maybe they're only doing the first 2 book x
Might be. I’ve been trying to find some raw pages instead because @hikaritranslations said they’d like to translate it. I did find a website, but it’s in Vietnamese and you need an account to see the content. Dunno if anyone here knows Vietnamese, I’ll just drop the link to the thing here ;-; 
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The Possibility of a Promise
Here’s links Hikari Translations “The Possibility of a Promise” in order. The original blog is a little hard to read on mobile, so finding all the pages to read in order gets difficult for me. Mostly making this for myself, though if y’all want to use it be my guest.
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sushi-saihara · 7 years
yo! I just saw you reblog from hikaritranslations earlier, so I thought I'd let you know this person translates and posts their art without permission from artists (sometimes even from artists that directly state they do not allow reposts). Just letting you know in case it matters to you^^;
ah… i was hoping that wasn’t the case but i had a feeling,,, thanks for letting me know! i appreciate it c:
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hikaritranslations · 1 year
Is there a way I can read the entire "The ones left behind" doujin translated? Did you do the whole thing?
Absolutely! If you're finding tumblr hard to navigate I do happen to post all of the translations up on my Pintrest as well! https://www.pinterest.com/hikaritranslations/complete-translations/the-ones-who-were-just-left-behind-akechihero-ones/
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96percentdone · 7 years
crystal-doll replied to your post “hikaritranslations replied to your post “My most hated character?...”
I enjoyed Junko so much in the games and then in the anime I hated her with the intensity of 1000 suns she bored me to death
anime? idk her lmao
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hikaritranslations · 5 years
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Alrighty everyone! Sorry for the wait but @xoxorandomfangirl‘s long awaited OumaSai requests have been completed!
It’s done by an artist that is already featured on my translation blog but if you’re unfamiliar click that first picture and send some serious love and appreciation to ____’s Pixiv since they did these very short but sweet stories centered around two boys that only deserve love! I’ll be posting the snippets as they are separated so we’ve got 3 new incoming translations headed your way over the next few days! Hope you all enjoy! Hikari
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hikaritranslations · 5 years
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And the Final part of ___’s OumaSai Series requested by @xoxorandomfangirl
Just a heads up! I’ll be working on a rather lengthy personal request for a while so there might not be much heard from me until the request is done. Due to the nature of it’s content and Tumblr’s ToS, I will be unable to post it here but I don’t want you guys thinking I died or anything. I’ll just be busy working on the next translations as they are personal requests. Until the next time! Hikari
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hikaritranslations · 6 years
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The 2nd Installment of ‘Left Behind’, as promised! (Shortening it for my own sanity xD)
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hikaritranslations · 6 years
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The 3rd installment of ‘Left Behind’ I finally discovered this awesome layout for presenting the pages so I might stick to displaying them like this!
Original Artist:  目玉焼�� (Medama)
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hikaritranslations · 5 years
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UwU!! Just letting you all know that I am still alive! The translations aren't done yet! Nowhere near! This year has just been very consistent with struggle after struggle for me but, I won't bore you with the details.
I'm just giving you all a heads up that I'm here, I'm working on the last personal request, but my personal health is just needing to take priority. I'm almost done with sorting things out and then the insanity begins anew!
Sorry for keeping you all waiting and I'm really excited to see any requests you have for me when I fully return!!
Hikari. ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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