#highvale elves
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The Embrace of the Void
Every couple of months I get the absolute desire of just making all them ideas into quick pieces, because otherwise they will just remain in that WIP folder forever.
The level of horniness TWW is bringing to my elves lmao.
From left to right;
Remael is a Riftblade from the original group of Void Elves under Umbric.
Alaric is a Dalarani Half Elf Frostfencer who has become interested on the void in conjunction to his frost spells.
Fironas is a Highvale High Elf Ranger who always admired Alleria, and ultimatelly set on his own void journey after learning of hers.
#my art#world of warcraft#wow#high elf#void elf#Remael Shadeslayer#Alaric Bronzeleaf#Fironas Eagleye#TWW
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On the evolution of High Elves
"High Elf" as a category no longer applies to the elves of Azeroth. Those who retain the monicker are actively raciating, becoming what we would call Highvale and Light Elves, respectively. These Bel'dorei and Al'dorei practise different arts, eat different foods, adorn their bodies and houses differently, and are beginning to physiologically look different, too. As such, I posit that the term "High Elf" has finally and officially been eclipsed by distinct elven identities and the high elven category has gone entirely dormant as of this writing.
~ Lorekeeper Kalith
No more are the High Elves: In their place stand the Sin'dorei, Blood Elves of the Horde; banished from their ranks are the Ren'dorei, Alliance Void Elves. The Highborn have since become the Night Elves: Alliance Kaldorei, including the Eldorei or Shen'dralar, those who hid in Eldre'Thalas; in Suramar, they have become Nightborne, Shal'dorei, allies with the Horde and cousins of the Nightfallen and Fal'dorei.
Those Kaldorei who were exiled took to the sun and Sunwell instead. The story is well-worn; it is the small, yet fruitful, remnants who maintain their ties with the Alliance that we discuss here:
Quel'dorei, "Children of Noble (lit. high) Birth," made their home in Quel'Thalas at Silvermoon, with their spiritual centre at Quel'Danas, the Sunwell. After the destruction and splintering of their nation, three major splits happened: One sought refuge in their Lodges, the other stayed amongst the Humans and other magi, particularly at Dalaran, and the last went to Draenor.
(Those who made their home in Quel'Lithien have succumbed and become Wretched. Discussion and analysis of the various Wretched and Withered is to come.)
Dalaran, Quel'Danil, and the Allerian Stronghold became centres of High Elven activity within the Alliance. Those of the Kirin Tor and Silver Covenant both distanced themselves from their Blood Elven kin and warmly welcomed back those of the Alliance Expedition. Danassian Elves practise light and arcane magic and are led by Vareesa Windrunner
These Elves have come together and, holding true to their roots when first exiled from the Druidic, moon-worshipping Kaldorei, forged a new name for themselves, one in direct opposition to the Sin'dorei Sunreavers . They have found community in the Human, Gnomish, and other magi of Dalaran and other Alliance cities. Within their ranks are numerous Half-Elven communities, whom they publicly call Shan’are "honoured ones" but privately label Vor'dorei "Children of the Broken."
Danillian Elves, on the other hand, have found community with the Wildhammer Dwarves most especially. In addition, some Draenei have made Quel'Danil their home, and these Highvale Draenei follow the shamanic path first laid by Nobundo, learning to become druids. With Seradane so close, the Wildhammers, Danai,* and Highvale Elves commune with the Kaldorei and Worgen. Thus the Highvale Elves begin to consider themselves a distinct elven nation. In their concordance with the Wildhammers, their bodies (adorned with tattoos) become thicker and more stout, becoming the shortest and widest of elves. Similarly, these Highvale Draenei, or (*) Danai, come to intermix with their neighbours resulting in browner and greener, tattoo'd, and more nature-y space goats
Kaldorei - Children of the Stars - Night Elves
Eldorei - Children of Eldre'Thalas - Shan'dralar
Shal'dorei - Children of the Night - Nightborne
Fal'dorei - Children of Falanaar / followers of Aranasi
Sin'dorei - Children of Blood / of the Bloodline - Blood Elves
Quel'dorei - Children of Noble (lit. High) Birth
Some useful Thalassian words:
Quel - High, Noble
Belore - Sun
Alah - Light
Thas - Forest
Danil - ? Peak
(*)For the goats:
-nai = "with / person of a place" e.g., Kurenai, Auchenai)
-dor = settlement (e.g., Talador, Telredor)
Quel'Danil > Danidor (in Draenic, a borrowing) > Danai
(There is no word for mountain in-game in the language, so I did my best with "Danai")
For the Elves...
Highvale Elves: Either keep Quel'dorei for its literal use of "high"/"quel," or transition to Thas'dorei (ew), or Bel'dorei, a shortening of Belore'dorei "Children of the Sun" as both a way to stay true to Sun-worshipping heritage, keep in allied complementary opposition to Kaldorei's Elune worship, and a nod to the new Night Elven home of Bel'Ameth. I convinced myself writing this: Bel'dorei for Highvale Elves
Danassian Elves: These are the elves that still 'shun' nature worship, maintain an arcane practice, and follow the Light. They are spread around, but their capital is Dalaran now. They oppose the Blood Elves but still need to sate their needs and thus still utilize the Sunwell as the font of power it is. They are Children of the Light, or Light Elves, and Alah'dorei or, for short, Al'dorei in Thalassian (now Danassian)
Danai - Those from Danidor (Quel'Danil) - Highvale Draenei
Bel'dorei - Children of the Sun - Highvale Elves
Al'dorei - Children of the Light - Dalarani (&c.) High Elves
#wow#lore#world of warcraft#linguistics#theorycrafting#quel'dorei#azeroth#kaldorei#bel'dorei#sin'dorei#al'dorei#darnassian#thalassian#danassian#danillian#dalaran#kirin tor#silver covenant#high elves#night elves#highvale elves#light elves#blood elves#alliance#eldorei#shan'dralar#highborne#nightborne#shal'dorei
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Do you think there will ever be a Blood Elf guild that doesn't have sex offenders in it?
On Argent Dawn? Not at all. The racial profile for Blood Elf RPers is too broad and specifically seems to attract players who have sets of personality traits that endear them to engaging in sociopathic behavior which includes sexual harassment among other disturbing acts.
Honestly, we do wish it wasn't this way but it's almost something of a self-fulfilling prophecy with Blood Elf guilds that they inevitably implode and become garbage cans of drama, doxxing, fabricated claims about one another and general weirdomaxxing behaviors.
They are quite possibly only beaten by the high incidence of similar things happening in Vulpera communities, and considering how relatively tiny (not just in stature) the overall Vulpera playerbase is compared to Blood Elves it really is something else.
Most of the reasonable Blood Elf RPers from our knowledge have re-rolled High Elf on Alliance, Highvale not counted among them of course.
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I made Fanart of High Elf OC. Shes like a mix of Mara Jade/Valeera but as a Warcraft 2 Style High Elf Assassin known as Shadowvale Assassin.
I’ll probably be doing more Fanmade Concept Art for the High Elves/Quel’dorei as a Allied race for the Alliance. Enjoy Folks.
#World of Warcraft#warcraft art#warcraft high elf#World of Warcraft High Elf#High Elves#High Elf#Quel'dorei#Highvale High Elves#Warcraft 2
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Starter for @zalandrissa-highvale The enemy of your enemy was your friend. That was the belief that had led Torbeen to the northernmost parts of the Eastern Kingdoms. Well, in truth, it had been what the senior leadership within the Defias believed to be the case.
In fact, it had been one of the reasons given for the Brotherhood’s failures in the past. In the days when the red of the Defias flew proud in those winding halls and caverns of the Deadmines, they faced not the Alliance alone but the Horde on occasion. Failing to come to some accord with the latter, against what seemed but a common foe, was foolish.
Even worse had been the failure for the Brotherhood to seize upon the opportunity that the Fourth war had brought them. Where open war between the factions ought to have made the Horde and the Defias fast friends. They even flew the same colors, of all things! Such a friendship ought to have been staring the leadership in the face.
Ahhh, but there was little use in crying over what could have been. Not when change failed to be brought about by wallowing and living in the past. In this case it had been brought about the mysterious disappearance of a key figure in the upper echelons of the Defias, one who’d failed to seize golden opportunity far too many times. Ohh, their loyalty to the Vancleef line was eternal. That was a certainty. But to those who misguided their leader? Despair and accident just so happened to catch up to them.
Change was, as Torbeen found it, refreshing.
That was until it was learned that he, himself, would be part of the vanguard of this initiative to explore the possibility of friendship with the Horde, in his personal case, the Blood Elves.
Torbeen couldn’t help but wonder, why him? He spoke only a few Thalassian phrases, the majority but pleasantries. He’d not fought beside the Horde any more than anyone else in the days of the Uncrowned.
Had it been nothing but the absence of unkind words for their kind, and having been a proponent of the idea as a whole? Most likely. Either that or the Brotherhood saw him as reasonably likely to succeed yet equally replaceable in the event of his imprisonment or death.
Comforting thoughts.
The only grim comfort there was to be found was that this meeting was to be taking place under the cover of darkness, in the hills of southern Eversong. All he knew of who he was to meet was that they were a farstrider, and that was but the long and the short of it. That and that the signal he was to make, making a target of himself in the darkness in that valley between two hills, was the igniting of a torch, and waving it about in no particular manner.
So he did. He torch was lit, and waved, and all Torbeen could do was wait.
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Raharen dismounted his gryphon by the lake, prompting him to drink up.
“It’s going to be a quick turnaround. I promise you can rest once we’re back in the city.”
The gryphon bowed his head and drank deeply from the lake, as Raharen moved towards Quel’danil lodge. Please still be here, he thought to himself, as he briskly jogged into the highvale settlement.
“AHA! I knew that were Thorondir flyin’ inta the lodge, an’ no even a hello to be found, ye bastard!”
Raharen halted his gait and turned around just in time to be jump-headbutted by a heavily tattooed dwarf. The half-elf recoiled, and rubbed his forehead, and the dwarf gave a hearty laugh.
“Holy hell,” Raharen replied, still rubbing his head and looking down at the dwarf, “Taknark Featherbeard. It really is the end of the fucking world.”
Taknark roared with laughter. He was tattooed from head to waist, and likely beyond, were his delicates not covered with a chainmail war-kilt. He wore two stone maces at his side, and his braided, fire-red beard was nearly as long as his height. He straightened out his mohawk where the headbutt had disheveled it.
“Raharen. Have nae seen hide nor hair o ya in some time. I missed ya somethin’ sore, ya know.”
Raharen sighed. “I’ve missed you too. Every time I’ve meant to visit the Peak I’ve just been caught up in something. Glad to see time refuses to change you.” He smiled.
Taknark’s face sterned for a moment. “Ne’er mind that, now. Ya been ta the capital?”
Raharen nodded, his face solemn again. “I just flew from there. And Icecrown before that.”
Taknark huffed. “Aye, tis true then. I been meanin’ to go ta Ironforge ta check in but the Peak’s in a right state. Been ordered ta keep watch o’er the Hinterlands, from there ta Stormfeather.”
“It’s a sound plan. We have no idea how bad this is going to get, or how far it’ll stretch. I’m actually here to pick up my old armor, and tabard, if the armory still has it. I’ll then be returning to Stormwind to mount a defense.”
Taknark spat on the ground. “Pah. Highvale elves would ne’er throw somethin’ like that away. I’d come with ya ta tease the smithy, but there’s someone else in there ya might want ta talk to. Where’s yer bird? I’m gonna go make sure ya have nae been feedin’ him crap the last few years.”
Raharen gave Taknark a puzzled look. “He’s at the lake to the east, running distance.”
The dwarf nodded. “Aye. See ya before ya go, then.” He trotted off back to his own gryphon, and flew off in the lake’s direction. Raharen turned back towards the lodge and walked inside, taking a look around, until he found what Taknark had been talking about. At a table outside, glass of wine in hand, was a high elf in casual silks, with his feet propped up on the opposite chair, reading a book.
“Redridge finally kicked you out?” Raharen asked, and the high elf looked at him over the brim of his book.
“No, but there are ghouls there now.” The man replied dryly.
“Not going to help beat them back?” Raharen asked, knowing the answer.
Gloomshrike took his feet off of the other chair and motioned for his son to sit down. “Nope. I came straight to the lodge, filled a cup of wine, and I’m going to wait for this whole thing to blow over.”
Raharen took a small book out from his pack and put it on the table. “It’s not going to blow over.”
Gloomshrike raised an eyebrow and motioned to the seat again. “Then you’ve got plenty of time to chat?” He took notice of the book and his eyes widened. “Ahh, you finished it! Well, what’d you think?”
Raharen looked around the lodge. “It was good. A lot of floral imagery, you should mix it up a little for the next one. Where’s the smith?”
Gloomshrike scoffed. “No idea. And you’re worse than Tysten. Flowers are pretty, why wouldn’t I write about them?”
Raharen shrugged. “I don’t know. And you haven’t seen the smith all day? Is the armory open?”
Gloomshrike rolled his eyes, “Maybe. I don’t know what your hurry is. Just sit for a second and have a chat.”
Raharen furrowed his brow. “I have to get back to Stormwind. I don’t have time to chat.”
Gloomshrike stood up and hummed, moving towards the armory as Raharen followed. “I thought you gave up the grandiose causes after the Third War.”
Raharen gave an irritated sound. “Yeah, well, I might have to fight it again.”
Gloomshrike sighed, and the pair moved in silence towards the armory doors. The lodge was tense, and guards were leaving the armory with freshly sharpened weapons.
“Don’t fret.” Gloomshrike said, nonchalantly. “Everyone’s preparing for the worst. We’re close to the plaguelands.”
“I’m not fretting.” Raharen replied. “You’re not easy to kill.”
Gloomshrike feigned a pout. “Not a single worry? For the well-being of your old man? What if I were to perish in a horrific night raid?”
Raharen gave an irritated look. “Then come back to Stormwind with me, and I’ll keep you safe.”
Gloomshrike laughed, the leftover wine in his glass sloshing around with the motion. “That’s funny in so many ways. You really should write.”
The pair reached the armory, and Gloomshrike gave a knowing nod to the overworked smith. He moved to a section in the far back left corner and motioned to a large, dusty trunk. “There you go, kiddo.”
Raharen rushed over and popped the trunk open, removing pieces of silversteel plate from the trunk, as Gloomshrike walked off. The armor pieces were of elven make, and high quality. On the shoulders, the same symbol of a gryphon which adorned Raharen’s waistcloth had been carefully carved into the metal. Raharen pulled off the aging, dented brass armor he had been wearing and placed it in the trunk, and set to work equipping the old, now new, armaments.
Gloomshrike walked back from the cupboard holding a long item, wrapped in an embroidered cloth, and as Raharen finished fastening the last clasps on his armor, offered it to him.
Raharen regarded the item with wide, cautious eyes. “You… you kept it?” He asked.
Gloomshrike nodded. “Your mother had this commissioned when you enlisted with the crusade. I wouldn’t part with it. I’m not sure I ever forgave you for doing so, either.”
Raharen tugged the cloth off of the broadsword. Its handle was treated and wrapped leather, dyed a dull blue as it led to the hilt, which was white gold carved into the silhouette of a bird. The same gold adorned the pommel in the form of a large counterweight. The metal was inlaid with blue stone, where it flexed against its sheath. Raharen grabbed the handle, and pulled it from the scabbard.
Thin, gold lines ran from the blue, up to the point of the blade. Inside these lines was the thickest, heaviest part of the blade, and extending outside of them were the two sharp edges. The lines formed a triangular setting just beneath the point of the blade, where a single sapphire sat.
“Rovhathel.” Raharen barely uttered the word, almost simply mouthing it.
“Wingblade.” Gloomshrike echoed Raharen with the name’s translation. “Still suits you.”
Raharen returned the blade to its sheath and strapped it onto his back. “Thank you.”
Gloomshrike let out a single chuckle. “It never should have left you. Well, if you can’t sit for a drink and a chat, you’d best get going. I’ll meet you outside.”
Raharen nodded and left the armory. Gloomshrike closed the trunk and walked back over to the cupboard, where an elven bow hung above a leather quiver. His eyes lingered for a moment, and he shut the door.
Raharen waited patiently as Gloomshrike left the armory, his glass now empty. “So then, what should I write about this time if it’s not flowers, Lord Critic?”
Raharen offered a soft smile. “A lot of things are pretty. Write about history, or the human spirit or something.”
“Boring.” Gloomshrike shook his head, then met Raharen’s gaze again. “Don’t die.”
Raharen nodded. “I don’t plan on it.”
The pair walked back to Gloomshrike’s seat, which he took once more. “The world’s getting nastier by the minute, Raharen. I hope you can save it this time.” He said dryly, filling another glass.
Raharen’s eyes drifted off to the ground. “Take care of yourself, Dad.” And he walked out of the lodge.
Taknark was waiting just down the hill, with Thorondir and Gwaihir behind him. “O, now there’s the ol’ crusader I hunted ghouls with, eh?”
Raharen chuckled, and hung his bags from Thorondir’s saddle again. “Well, hopefully I leave some for you.”
Taknark gave a serious nod. “I’ll be out there meself before ya know. Stay. Alive. Y’hear?”
Raharen kneeled down to the dwarf’s height, and they headbutted again. “Be safe, Taknark. I’ll listen for the thunder.”
Taknark grinned, and Raharen mounted his gryphon and flew off south again.
As Raharen flew over the mountains that preceded the Thandol Span, he heard a deafening screech from above. He turned his head to see a young frostwyrm bearing down on him. He yanked his reins, and Thorondir dove towards the mountain as the skeletal wyrm gave chase. He pulled the reins again and his gryphon swooped, halting their descent and carrying them upwards. As the frostwyrm spread its wings to slow its own fall, Raharen hurled a spear of crackling Light, severing its left wing at the joint. The wyrm roared, and breathed a torrent of cold, necrotic magic at him. Thorondir avoided the attack, and dove towards the frostwyrm. Raharen dismounted as they flew over the dragon’s hard landing, and pulled Rovhathel from its sheath. The blade hummed to life at his touch, and Raharen brought it down on the construct’s neck.
The wyrm unleashed an eldritch screech as its head struggled to stay attached, and Raharen’s hands glowed as he poured a beam of fiery Light into the creature. The screeching stopped, and the rest of its twice-killed corpse began to fall apart into ash.
That’ll take care of the rust. Raharen mused, as he caught his breath, mounted up again and continued his flight.
Gloomshrike tapped his chin, staring down at the blank page of the book in front of him.
The human spirit. The human spirit? Human spirits… spirits… He amused himself with the wordplay as he poured another glass of wine. He kicked his feet back and watched the clear skies over Quel’danil.
His eyes widened, and he took his feet off of the chair, and snatched up his quill.
In sickened, stagnant waters still
In darkness even Death forbade
Is life and light and unwavered will
On winged beast and winged blade
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Draenei: A Character Guide
This isn’t to try and tell you what to do and what not to do; this is for people who want more lore accurate characters and don’t know where to start.

Tip jar
Evolution (Year -25,000): draenei are an uncorrupted faction of eredar hailing from the planet Argus. The eredar were contacted by Sargeras who offered them great power. Two of the three leaders, Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, readily accepted the offer while the third, Velen, was hesitant. After a visitation from a mysterious entity known as K’ure, a naaru, Velen opted to gather his most loyal eredar and with the aid of the naaru beings K’ure, K’ara and D’ore, escaped Argus on a naaru vessel called the Genedar. Kil’jaeden was infuriated by Velen’s betrayal and vowed to hunt him and the sector of eredar now calling themselves “draenei”, meaning “Exiled Ones”. They begin fleeing from planet to planet to escape the Legion’s grasp for thousands of years. Two sub-species originate from the draenei: Broken (mutated draenei who were cut off from the Light after the invasion of Shattrath) and the Lost Ones (Broken who have been further devolved).
Arrival on Draenor (Year -200): the draenei crash land upon a planet they dub Draenor, injuring K’ara who turns into a Void state and was ejected into Shadowmoon Valley. The Genedar's crash site leaves K’ure trapped within.
Shattrath and Auchindoun founding (Year -195): The draenei establish their major city, Shattrath, housing the naaru A’dal. Auchindoun is a mausoleum where the remains of D’ore were brought. D’ore’s power attracts the spirits of dead draenei.
Karabor and Oshu’gun (Year -180): The Temple of Karabor is founded. The Draenor-native race known as orcs begin worshiping the Void-turned K’ara until they realise it causes insanity. K’ure begins attracting deceased orc souls to the Genedar crash site, leading orcs to revere it as holy land and calling the structure Oshu’gun.
Orcs in Telmor (Year -13): Young Durotan Frostwolf and Orgrim Doomhammer are rescued from an ogre attack by a draenei hunting party. They spend the night in the city of Telmor and meet Velen, now know as “Prophet”.
Discovery by the Legion (Year -12): Kil’jaeden is informed by his second, Talgath, of the draenei’s whereabouts.
Orc manipulation: (Year -8): Shadowmoon clan leader Ner’zhul is given false visions of his deceased mate that the draenei are a threat and begins to rally the separate orc clans into a horde.
Attacks begin: (Year -7): orcs begin attacking draenei hunting parties
Attacks on settlements and outposts (Year -4): orcs begin taking out larger draenei areas
Shattrath falls (Year -3): The last city of the draenei, Shattrath, falls under orc attack. Velen leads survivors to Telredor in Zangarmash.
Illidan and the Blood elves (Year -25): Blood elves seize Tempest Keep, a former naaru fortress.
Arrival on Azeroth (Year 26): The draenei raid and manage to take a sector of the keep known as the Exodar to escape Draenor, now known as Outland. Blood elf sabotage of the engines lead them to crash on Azuremyst Isles, Azeroth. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider's blood elves (known as the Sunfury) followed them to Azeroth with the intent to kill them and enslave O'ros. After fending off the attack, they rescue and nurse night elf priestess who originally mistook them for eredar. Inspired by tales of the Alliance and its victories against the Burning Legion, the draenei sought out and pledged their loyalty to their cause after encountering them on Odesyus' Landing.Together they discovered two agents of the Legion that, Engineer "Spark" Overgrind and Sironas, were traitors and been working alongside the Sunhawks by abducting draenei and torturing them until the submitting to becoming man’ari, as well as opening Sun Gate for a blood elf Legion invasion. After securing Blood Watch, the draenei of the Exodar realised the need to have allies. Anchorite Paetheus had sent draenei Auberdine, the closest Alliance settlement, Emissary Valustraa to Darnassus and Emissary Taluun to Stormwind City. Alliance destroyed the Sun Gate, defeated Sironas and her Sunhawks; which prevented Kael'thas from invading Kalimdor and corrupting the draenei. Velen urged the Alliance to invade Outland and disrupt the Legion’s activities there. Meanwhile, some remaining draenei priests, known as known as the Aldor, in Shattrath worked alongside the naaru A'dal, and with their combined efforts, Shattrath began to truly flourish. Unfortunately, Illidan's armies began to attack, including blood elves. Led by Voren'thal, were sent tdestroy the city. However, the blood elves lay down their weapons, and Voren'thal stormed into the Terrace of Light, demanding to speak to A'dal. He simply said, "I've seen you in a vision, naaru. My race's only hope for survival lies with you. My followers and I are here to serve you." The blood elves made a home in the city, cresting the Scryers faction.Meanwhile the blood elves of Silvermoon had been siphoning the Light from a naaru named M'uru and used its energies to form an order of Blood Knights that had the same powers as paladins. Unhappy with Illidan's lack of progress, Kael’thas decided to ally himself with the Burning Legion, specifically Kil'jaeden. He took M'uru from the blood elves and fled to the Sunwell, with the intent of summoning Kil’jaeden into Azeroth. The Aldor and Scryers immediately threw themselves into the creation of the Shattered Sun Offensive at the advice of the A’dal. Both worked together, as one, to take back the Isle of Quel'danas, encouraging, Alliance and Horde to work together. The Shattered Sun Offensive succeeded in retaking the Isle and to prevent Kil'jaeden's return. M'uru, had become a darkened naaru and perished, however Velen used the naaru M'uru's "spark" to reignite the Sunwell, returning the blood elves' source of power.
It’s A Bit Chilly Here (Year 27): Some draenei accompany the Alliance into Northrend: Vindicator Yaala and Harbinger Vurenn investigated the mysterious Cult of the Damned in Borean Tundra meanwhile Thoralius the Wise helps adventurers in Howling Fjord and Vindicator Maraad is aboard the Skybreaker.
Broken Bretheren (Year 28): Anchorite Avuun travelled to The Harborage to learn all that he can from Magtoor and the Lost Ones in Swamp of Sorrows, believing he can find a way to cure the fel energies that have consumed them. Unfortunately, Magtoor passed away and Avuun concluded that the Light had forsaken them, although Velen countered his thoughts as Magtoor had returned to the Light upon death. A group of young draenei moved into the Hinterlands led by Ambassador Rualeth. Some of them are seen in the Aerie Peak, and others at the Quel'Danil lodge. The Forsaken attacked, yet with the help of adventurers, the Highvale high elves and the draenei settlers were able to repel the invaders.
What Could Have Been (Year 31): The draenei from an alternate timeline were a major Alliance force during the invasion of alternate Draenor. The Iron Horde onslaught threatened draenei cities such as Karabor and Shattrath City. The draenei allied themselves with the Alliance expedition from Azeroth to stop the armies.
An Old, Old, Enemy (Year 32): Class orders emerged to take up the fight against the Burning Legion and have rallied together to form the Armies of Legionfall. Prophet Velen was a prominent leader of this force. The prime naaru, Xe'ra, sent her [Light's Heart] to transmit an urgent message to the defenders of Azeroth. Khadgar and his class order leaders secured Light's Heart and travelled to the Exodar to get the naaru O'ros to unlock the message. A Burning Legion army under the command of Velen's corrupted son, High General Rakeesh, assaulted the Exodar and killed O'ros. The forces were fended off and Rakeesh was slain. The Armies of Legionfall were able to unlock Xe'ra's message that stated Illidan Stormrage was a foretold champion to save the world and adventurers sought to revive him. After, Illidan, Khadgar, and Velen led an army of Legionfall champions against the Legion's forces in the Tomb of Sargeras They managed to defeat the Legion forces at Sargeras's tomb and dissipate the Felstorm, but Velen pursued Kil'jaeden to his command ship. The Legionfall champions followed, resulting in Kil'jaeden’s death. Khadgar was horrified that Illidan had forced their hands into immediately landing the army intoan invasion of the Legion's homeworld, Argus, as he had left a rift from Azeroth to Argus open.The draenei have been hard at work preparing to return to Argus and the constructed the Vindicaar. The draenei then led the Argus Campaign reunited with their long lost kin: the Lightforged draenei of the Army of the Light, as well as abandoned draenei who became the krokul of the Argussian Reach. Ultimately, the Vindicaar's forces launched an attack on the Legion's capital, Antorus to free the Pantheon and Argus's world-soul from the Burning Legion's grasp. The Pantheon was eventually freed and the Vindicaar's champions slew Argus the Unmaker, the dark titan created from Argus's world-soul. Sargeras was imprisoned in the Seat of the Pantheon, ending his Burning Crusade. It has been revealed however, that the Argus Campaign had diminished the draenei greatly.
On The Flip Side (Year 33): The Horde ventured back into alternate Draenor, seeking the aid of the Mag'har Clans to replenish their forces. It’s discovered that High Exarch Yrel, a hero of the last invasion there, had begun a crusade to convert all of alternate Draeneor's population to the Light - by force if necessary. This group of fanatical Light believers are called the Lightbound.
Physical traits
Life expectancy: draenei are known to live for millennia at a time, and while unconfirmed, are possibly near-immortal. They rarely have children due to a lack of need to procreate to continue family lines.
Height: towering at about 7-8 feet on average, draenei are one of the tallest races. Females tend to be 7 feet while males come to around 7.5.
Eye colour: Eyes are most commonly purple or blue in hue.
Cosmetics: Both sexes have tendrils: males having theirs grow from their chin and neck, females having theirs from behind their ears. They also have tails, commonly adorned with rings. One difference is that females have horns protruding from their head, while males have plate-like bone on their forehead.
Personality traits
Spiritual: The naaru have served as their saviours on multiple occasions, thus draenei tend to have a strong sense of faith in the ethereal beings. It would be hard to find a draenei who do not revere the naaru as god-like, especially those alive between the Argus escape and landing on Azeroth.
Loyal: Having many tragedies themselves with genocide and near-extinction, draenei find themselves very committed to their alliances and are ready to give aid at a moment’s notice to prevent any further misfortune to themselves and other races.
Other races: The success of their friendships with other races varies. Due to their resemblance to the demonic eredar, some find it hard to distinguish between the two. However, they have a special connection to night elves, being the first other humanoid race they encountered on Azeroth. They were even entrusted with several night elven outposts and sacred sites to guard and a draenei ambassador has been known to stand right by Tyrande Whisperwind in the Temple of Elune. Due to their history with the orcs, reactions to this race in particular are likely to be hostile at an extreme or cold at a minimum.
Other creatures: draenei favour the elekk of Draenor as mounts due to their extended lifespan and large size. Prior to leaving Argus, they also used talbuk as their native mounts, but their meat is also the most popular among their people.
Languages: primarily spoken between these people is Draenei, a dialect deriving from their native tongue of Eredun. It’s also known that some draenei may have learnt orcish during their time in Draenor, and they also studied Common after arriving on Azeroth.
Government: the lead figurehead of the draenei is the Prophet Velen, though the draenei have had and continue to have several forms of order. The Council of Exarchs, also known as The Hand of the Prophet, is the main body made up of: the Sha'tari Proconsul (representing Shattrath), the Chief Rangari (speaking for the rangari, a group of rangers and scouts), Chief Artificer (leader of the artificers, engineers and construction workers), High Vindicator (head of the vindicators, honored paladins) and Speaker of the Dead (leader of the Auchenai, guardians of the deceased).
Military: It appears that vindicators are the main guards of cities and outposts across draenei society. They generally are Light-welding paladins or some sort of class similar to that.
Religion: The eredar race generally followed the Path of the Light which was discarded after they embraced the fel. Draenei continue their tradition of Light worship, extending onto worship of the naaru, both due to their power and also because of them being their sole salvation in times of imminent danger.
Draenei seem to always bury their dead rather than burn them on funeral pyres
#kil'jaeden#archimonde#velen#prophet velen#draenei#eredar#wow#world of warcraft#alliance#bfa#battle for azeroth#blood elf#belf#nelf#night elf#argus#guide
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Entry 28
-Entries 13 through 27 appear to be mostly day-to-day, slice of life news and logs of hunts, parties, social events, and otherwise. Notably he mentions receiving a Saberguard medal and a ritual at the Silver Circle, as well as Nameless passing on. Also included is the arrival of the dracthyr and the Dragon Isles.-
Feyahni and I at last made landfall on the Dragon Isles with a ship of the Dragonscale Expedition. While she sought out scouting and reconnaissance roles, I put my habits and skills as a hunter to use. The wildlife is enormous, and brings unique challenges. I've assisted in founding leatherworking and skinning operations in the Waking Shores, as well as making quite a bit of coin and notoriety for myself by helping take down the wild proto-drakes.
The native proto-drake population appears to be explosive. They have no natural predators, and they are as numerous as rabbits. And they are fixed on destroying any foreign influence on their islands.
In one of our trips back, I joined her at a meeting of the Kalimdor Collective, where they discussed returning a dragon to her homeland, a young whelp named Lumigosa. I met more members than I ever have; all kaldorei or highborne outside of Feyahni and myself. While my reception wasn't perfect, Commander Maeshkin Darksong extended the hand of friendship and unity, and welcomed me fully into the ranks of his organization.
I confess, I feel somewhat strange 'belonging' to something again. When I worked at Trueshot so many years ago, I was just another hunter; the last time I really belonged was the Fourth War, with Stromgarde. Highvale Lodge doesn't quite count either, though Lethian Starblade is very much intrigued by my new involvement with the Isles and the continent of Kalimdor. The Highvale community has fully cemented me into their ranks- but under the Collective, I will be able to be an equal, *active* member. In Highvale, however, I will never be considered a true Farstrider or even a Ranger of their organization, though I am a heard voice in the small, valuable and tightknit community and have found immense pride bonding with my elven heritage and the bow over the years.
However, now sworn to defend my new allies as well as staking a protective stance over both Kalimdor and my homeland of the Eastern Kingdoms fills me with determination. Four years ago, nearly, I walked into a tavern in Stormind lost and aimless. I had lost my drive, my predatory instincts, was down on my luck, and had few coins to my name. Now I stand under the banner of two organizations I can throw my heart into; interestingly, both led by elves. It seems my time standing mostly in the human world has come pass- with my father's retirement and my return from the Broken Isles, I find greatest company within the fairer half of my blood.
Of course, I'll also be able to stand side-by-side with Feyahni as a peer in some respects, now. While she noticeably outstrips me in a tactical sense, I feel I have plenty to offer as a salt-of-the-earth, responsible sort of professional for the Collective, and going from introductions to inductions with her organization leaves me a feeling of pride and accomplishment. I don't just represent her as I grow into this guild; I represent all of the "strays" as a certain Priestess put it. My actions as a foreign, unknown element could set the tone for their future interactions and alliances with other important individuals.
Speaking of Feyahni, we've drifted deeper into my learning of the Shadow. She has proven a most fruitful teacher, and while I have a long way to go, our most recent session sees me breaking forth into actually holding some of my own Shadow energy, not just borrowing hers. As I grow stronger with every step, it seems the magical force grows more intent on punishing me. For now I emerge victorious, but gripping the Shadow with my own mind and body left me nauseated, puking and blacking out from even the slightest direct contact.
I don't envy the ren'dorei. Few in number though they are, the burden they carry would drive me to end my life in a few short weeks, I fear. Other Shadow-infected creatures, like Kahleem, perhaps, struggle in the same vein. At least I-for now- have the luxury of releasing the magic I undertake when I am finished with it. This expression of Shadow, taking it's very nature and disease into my body and mind, is far different than simply activated the enchanted Black Arrows. Though, I wonder...I only have two of the Arrows left, so I'm saving them. But were I to set them ablaze with that summoned Shadow instead of my usual tap of mana...what greater damage could they cause? I will keep this in mind for future perils.
It seems everyone experiences this unique school of magic differently. For me...it changes the world around me. Veils it in darkness, warps the edges. Like a keen drunkenness. It summons past grievances, and when I break those walls, those boundaries- when I see clearly, or at least past the illusion, and when I dispel those nagging thoughts and evil voices, it resorts to noise. Echoing, disturbing, nauseating noise. At the start, it sounds like discordant violins and cellos, something you'd hear in an orchestra at Suramar or Quel'thalas. But as I push further, the strings are replaced with heavy, erratic drums and a low, haunting scream of a siren or woman in pain. The howling noise and thumping drums intensifies the further I go, till it threatens to drown out all reality.
I seek many things in the future; to grow and learn with the Collective, to explore the Isles in their entirety and destroy their greatest predators, and to quiet this insanity I struggle against, to greater master the Shadow. It offers every predator's greatest wish- to disappear, totally and completely, from view. What else could it give one with the respect and firmness to take it?
P.S. I'm already working on a new proto-dragonscale uniform! My hawkscale garb has served me well, but it's about time for an upgrade...
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30 day question challenge

Day 15 What is your character’s favorite magic to cast and/or watch cast?
“We Highvale elves have forgone magic altogether, so I lack magics in my repertoire. However, that doesn’t mean I cannot enjoy watching magic flow. My people have been steeped in it for ages. I especially love the color of raw, arcane magic. Those beautiful azures and violets swirling together. It is a sight to get lost in.”
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Stormfall Armor Recolor time! Having fun with a previous armor design I made, I just like thinking about alt tints when drawing hypothetical WoW armor sets. I had made this paletes a while ago, each being based on a different HE settlement.
Crystalsong: I basically took inspiration of the Dalarani high elves as a whole for two tints; this is for the ones established in Northrend such as Windrunner Overlook and the Argent tournament. Basically my idea of a winter elf because I love the aesthetic.
Allerian: Based on Alleria’s colors basically, which I think would be the same palette the rangers that followed her to Outland and remained there
Highvale: That armor the Highvale wear is kinda commonplace for High Elves, I like how it is slightly more light blue. It gets worn often as an alliance armor by NPC’s but yeah, I like how the palette looks.
Dalarani: There’s one mail armor that seems to be exclusive to Silver Covenant elves; with the leather details being in cerulean and the armor being sort of a bronze chain mail. This one kinda splits the difference with the Crystalsong palette for Silver Covenant High Elves.
Alliance: Gold and Blue babey!
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Musings on the Teldorae
~ Lorekeeper Kalishnu "Kalith" Astravar
The Suramari Highborne, having been locked in arcane and Nightwell isolation for millennia, diverge away from their elven kin, the Teldoran family, in physiological, linguistic, and sociocultural matters.
Of the genus Kalimdorus, they are one of two known species (K. zindorus shalassia), the other being K. zindorus suramara, or the Nightfallen. We, the Nightborne, have allied with the Sin'dorei most overtly, and it is these cousins of ours where we see our reflection most clearly. Their sacred Sunwell, the wretched they become, the hopes and betrayals, gains and losses...
The queldorus species is the largest within the family (and, indeed, in terms of sub-speciation, it is of the most numerous to my reckoning). These Teldorids include quite notably a large number of branches within the Necrosa family, a polyphyletic clade necrotically linked to a majority of sapient species' family trees. In short: There is a notable population of undead elves, the majority being Kalimdorus queldorus
I remain uncertain in how to classify the various K. queldorus sub- species and races. As it stands, of the Teldorae, this is how I understand them:
Kaldorei, Kalimdorus kaldorus darnassia: Night Elves
Sin'dorei, K. queldorus thalassia: Blood Elves
Shal'dorei, K. zindorus shalassia: Nightborne
Fal'dorei, K. faladorus falanaara: Aranasi Elves
Of these I feel most confident.
The Wretched, Withered, and Nightfallen have given me headaches in trying to classify them. Indeed, the High, Highvale, Blood, and Felblood Elves also grind the gears of classification:
High, K. q. ____
Blood, K. q. ____: Sin'dorei
Felblood, K. q. ____
Wretched, K. q. ____: Arkhan'dorei
Highvale (Danillian), K. q. ____
Withered, K. z. ____: Ethe'dorei
Nightfallen, K. z. ____: Arcan'dorei
At first glance, it should be easy: High Elves, or Quel'dorei, are Kalimdorus queldorus thalassia and Blood Elves--Sin'dorei who are High Elves who live in Quel'thalas--should be K. q. thalas-...
At least the Nightfallen and Withered have easier Shalassian names: Arcan'- from the Arcan'dor trees, and Darnassian "ethe-" meaning "to wither away." However, for their Latinate names, the initial noting of K. zindorus suramara runs into the snag of precision. Is it right to refer to the Nightfallen as those beings of Suramar? What about the affix "zin-" meaning "glory" in the Kaldorei tongue but also eliminated from Shal'dorei ones. Perhaps K. arandorus shalassia be a better descriptor of Shalassian Elves, with the use of "aran-" aligned with the guess that "Shal'aran" means "home of/within the shadows"
Then, with the sun-loving elves, are the High Elves (of, let's say, Dalaran) that different than the Highvale Elves of the Hinterlands? Wretched are indeed distinct from Blood Elves, but are they a different subspecies or a different race? If the Wretched self-organize, should they therefore be K. q. lithiensis, named for the Quel'lithien Lodge?
Quel'dorei, K. queldorus danassia: High Elves
Belore'dorei, K. q. danillia: Highvale Elves
Sin'dorei, K. q. thalassia: Blood Elves
Fel'dorei, K. q. ...: Felblood Elves
Ren'dorei, K. q. renellia: Void Elves
Fal'dorei, K. faladorus falanaara: Aranasi Elves
#wow#lore#world of warcraft#theorycrafting#linguistics#quel'dorei#sin'dorei#kaldorei#shal'dorei#elves#blood elves#high elves#night elves#nightborne#nightfallen
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Pratchett’s Journal April the 7th
He has a son. I don't know how to describe the woman adequately. There's a difference between the sin'dorei and quel'dorei that I've only been able to appreciate in my time with Dawnwatch. The sin'dorei are like a knife's edge, very sharp and determined to a fine point. They're intense, forged, and more often than not as cold as steel. The quel'dorei are anything but; they still embrace the Light as it was, with a great breadth of emotions encompassing their people and reinforcing their values. She's very much a High Elf; friendly, warm, considerate. Detached from the world around her to a degree, yet still very much grounded. I couldn't tell what she did for a living from her dress, considering the simple loose blouse and utilitarian pants and boots. Araia Dawnrunner. From what Alurius wrote in his journal, she was a brief but exciting month-long romantic engagement which he hadn't planned on or expected in his journey out from Quel'Thalas. From what she says, he was a lost man finding himself in the world outside of the Eternal Forest. I spent a few days in Highvale discussing Alurius with her. Araia seemed genuinely interested in Brightsong's fate, from his activities after leaving the Hinterlands all the way to his somewhat recent passing. She was especially interested in his time as a Knight of the Ebon Blade, and what he had become in undeath. The way she spoke, I can't even call it a somber tone honestly. It's one of the differences between elves and humans that I still have to come to grips with when I'm out and about as an adventurer. She seemed to genuinely appreciate that Alurius had found something so befitting him even if it took his passing to happen. The man she spoke of started as a lost soul looking for meaning in his life, and seemed to depart the Highvale with nothing short of steely determination behind his newly-formed convictions. Don't I know that feeling. Sometimes all it really takes is a woman. She took pride in the fact the father of her son had managed to stand for his beliefs across Azeroth and retain them even after death. And that he eventually found peace in the Light. That part caught me off guard. A son. Alurius Brightsong's legacy, beyond the memories held by those around him. Took me a few hours to wrap my head around the entire thing. It seems Alurius stayed romantically involved with the young woman while he stayed in Highvale, only to eventually leave on his personal geas across Azeroth. She found herself with child, gave birth and named him after a lost family member (Eloriun), and raised him in the Highvale until eventually venturing south to Stormwind shortly before the opening of the Dark Portal and the wars with the Horde. He joined with the heroes through the Dark Portal, ventured to Outland, and she in turn came back to the Highvale to help defend against the Forsaken incursions. Well shit.
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Kelanticus Cerpintaxt (Kelan)
He can be considered a “Highvale Elf” Refuses to be called a high elf because there is so much more to being a Highvale elf in his opinion.
Dislikes horde after they ransacked the lodge. Especially trolls due to the constant attacks from the Revantusk and Witherbark tribes.
From Quel’Danil Lodge
Highvale scout
Former Highvale Outrunner
Friend with the Wildhammer in hinterlands
Former love was Jalinde Summerdrake
Uses a dragonhawk mount he raised from a hatchling
Fell into a cave while scouting a witherbark camp. Unable to escape, he was left to try and, unsuccessfully, climb out with a broken leg and arm. (He still walks with a slight limp). He was sustained by the small stream of water that ran through the middle of the cave and he could catch the occasional slug or lizard for sustenance. The cave walls were covered in writing scratched into the walls but the language was one he had never seen. It looked ancient.
While in the cave, he discovered a beautiful bow on the corpse of what appeared to be a very old elvish type of humanoid. He wasn’t sure of the race. It was taller than a normal elf but the bone structure was strange. After obtaining the bow, he began to hear voices. This happened over time and it was barely noticeable to him. He felt like they had always been there and knew everything about him, as a friend would. Being trapped in this cave for what seemed like forever could make an elf lonely. This had to be what was going on. He was just lonely.
The amount of time he was lost and trapped in the cave is unknown. Some guess it was a year or more…
Eventually Kelan was rescued by his friend Guthrum Thunderfist, the gryphon master of Aerie Peak. Guthrum claimed that Kelan was missing for almost a year…
Upon rescue Guthrum noticed something was off. Kelan’s skin was pale but that was to be expected for someone who was trapped underground for such a long time. The elf’s skin was almost blueish though. Over the next few months Kelan’s friends and former love would occasionally catch him speaking to things that aren’t there and seeming slightly paranoid. He began marking the walls of his room with writing of an unknown origin. His skin was also turning a darker shade of blue. This is when his former love, Jalinde Summerdrake called Guthrum to come take Kelan to Stormwind to be looked at by the healers of the city.
Guthrum agreed and flew him to Stormwind to get help from the healers. Despite their best attempts Kelan could not be cured. This was not something natural that was happening to him.
This is when Kelan was told of Alleria Windrunner and her “void elves”…
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[H-WrA-RP] <Sunfury Vestige>
The Mission
The Sunfury Vestige has been founded primarily by members of the blood elven forces who followed Kael'thas into Outland. For many reasons, they parted ways with the Prince. Now, the Sunfury return to serve as guardians for the Sin'dorei and Quel'thalas. There are many threats to these lands, some more or less impressive than others. Amani still on the borders of the territory, remnants of the undead shambling through the Dead Scar, and the ever-present concern that while much attention rests on the artifacts and power to be found on the Broken Isles, the Legion can and would like to invade any part of Azeroth-- and they've tried to invade from Quel'Danas directly before, after all.
These are not necessarily threats that need an ever-present, fully-manned standing army at their attention, but with even many Farstriders wandering off to the shiny Broken Isles for glory, more than a mere handful of people are needed to commit to holding ground in Quel'thalas.
To Helaeron Highvale, Quel'thalas proper was never home-- born further south, in Quel'danil Lodge, he lived in the furthest outposts of his people until he left to develop his arcane talents in Dalaran. The first time he saw a large number of what were just now called blood elves, it was amongst the rest of the imprisoned elves captured and betrayed by Grand Marshal Garithos. When Kael'thas freed his people from this imprisonment, Helaeron followed. From then on, using his magic in what he was told was the service of his people, and for a country he hadn't ever seen, he finally found purpose and pleasure in his life.
To Vivaneya Grimphoenix, service to the high elven people had been a mandate almost since birth. Born of a line of magisters called House Silversear, she began her life on the Isle of Quel'Danas, in Dawnstar Village, and she spent so much of her youth and young adult years there. She trained ferociously in her magic-- not a natural prodigy in anything but the art of blood, sweat and tears drawn from dedicated practice. When she was old enough, she joined her parents around the Sunwell, and began a long career of observing, defending and studying the source of prosperity for high elven society. She nearly gave her life trying to defend the Isle as Arthas and his Scourge drove a Dead Scar up through Quel'thalas, across to Quel'Danas, but she just barely managed to survive. For her, service to what were now the blood elves continued, as she followed Kael'thas through fire and death, going so far as to join some of her fellow blood elves in a trip to Illidan's Black Temple, where they were to train for a new purpose. To her, this new purpose was just an extention to the old-- anything to safeguard her homeland and its people.
To Tythenos, a decorated soldier whose service dates to the Troll Wars, the Sunfury are a revival of purpose. While retired from active duty due to his advanced age, he was not content to languish in obscurity tending to his vineyards. Brought back from the edge of death by the Sunwell's revival, he has chosen to take on the self-prescribed burden of shepherding Quel'Thalas into an ever-brighter future. Doing any less would be the height of wastefulness.
To Ayedis, this is a means to rectify what he views as his past, misspent efforts. He was once a fervent Illidari, renowned for his ruthlessness and preternatural swordsmanship. That path was abandoned in a moment of clarity, but it could never be erased. Crafting a new identity for himself as a performer in the streets of Silvermoon, he knew a degree of peace; but as the Burning Legion stood poised to wage war upon Azeroth once more, he elected to embrace what he had so long fled from. Under the guidance of fellow dissenter, Altruis, he has become a reluctant ally to the remaining Illidari demon hunters, and even more hesitantly returned to the city at Helaeron's request. While the war for the Broken Isles is undeniably vital, he maintains a vigil on Quel'Danas, ever prepared for another assault on the Sunwell.
To others, the path may be wildly different. Quel'thalas has been home to more than just elves, particularly in more recent years with admission into the Horde. For some, Quel'thalas may just represent an interesting history-- the homeland of the Forsaken's Banshee Queen, an eternally spring vista, the home to some of the world's most lovely creatures. For whatever reasons they may have, anyone who has an interest in protecting Quel'thalas and her people from a dangerous world are welcome to join the Sunfury Vestige.
“Sunfury” – originally a name for those blood elves who fought alongside Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider in Outland, ostensibly to secure power and safety for their people in a new land. This faction split off into many well-known factions: the Scryers, whose allegiance shifted to the naaru for the sake of the survival of the blood elven people; the Dawnblade, whose loyalties lie with Kael'thas until their extermination during the reclamation of the Isle of Quel'Danas and the Sunwell; the blood elven contigent of the Illidari, sent to Illidan to be trained into warriors equipped to face the dangers that threaten all life. What remains under the title of “Sunfury” are those soldiers, magisters and other servants of the sin'dorei people who returned to Quel'thalas to acknowledge Lor'themar as their new leader, and to defend their homeland in earnest.
As such, the Sunfury Vestige is founded on some of these remnants-- Helaeron of the Scryers, Vivaneya of the Illidari, and Ayedis, formerly of the Illidari-- who committed themselves to defending Quel'thalas no matter what great glory can be found elsewhere.
“FAQ” – What would be a frequently asked question if anyone had time to ask questions about this new guild yet.
Q: What types of roleplay will Sunfury Vestige do? Any non-RP activities?
In part, the goal of creating a guild like the Sunfury Vestige is to avoid being stuck to Silvermoon itself for RP. Getting out into Quel'thalas-- the Isle of Quel'Danas down to the Ghostlands-- is partially meant to serve as a nice middle-ground. It's close to a lot of RP, easily accessible for lower level individuals, and yet not the same bloody walk through the Walk of Elders, to Murder Row, the Court of the Sun, to-- you know the drill. So, we plan to get out into the world, do some patrols toward various elven villages, patrol down the Dead Scar, and deal with any threats we find.
Q: Who can join the Sunfury Vestige-- any class or racial restrictions?
Anyone with an interest in protecting Quel'thalas or her people can join. Recent immigrants to the area are more than welcome-- if you are an enterprising goblin or curious pandaren who has made your way to Silvermoon and further to settle down, you are as much a part of what the Vestige seeks to protect as any pointy-eared folk.
Q: Who do I talk to in order to sign up, or ask any questions?
The guild leader is Helaeron, and the two core officers are Vivaneya and Ayedis/Tythenos. Any of these people can be reached in-game through whispers or in-game mail, or on this post. This is also posted on the official WrA forums here: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20753487552
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But There is Also Life
The black bear stared at Raharen, the ageless wisdom it possessed shining behind its unblinking eyes. It moved its right paw forward one step, the grey fur on top of it ruffling as the single, smoky break in the bear’s otherwise coal-colored pelt. The warm sun shined through the canopy of leaves, illuminating the pair in the breathtaking palette of a summer’s day in grizzly hills. The green of the trees stretched back for miles in every direction out of the clearing, and the dots of red and purple of berries hanging from the bushes danced against the brown of the trunks. A cool breeze swept through the woods, blowing Raharen’s hair from its tidy backsweep and peeling apart the strands, which floated in the wind.
The bear looked up to the canopy, as a chorus of screeching came crashing down from above. Raharen looked up as well, and birds swarmed above the treetops by the clearing, until they swarmed at the center, forming a rotating mass which blocked out the sun. Through the new dimness, Raharen could still see their empty eyes, as if surgically plucked from their sockets, yet they stared down at the two nonetheless. Their beaks did not close, and they did not caw. They simply hung open, screeching without end, long past any living, breathing being could hold such an eldritch note. Suddenly, the center of the circle dropped into a cone, as the birds poured into the clearing, swarming both Raharen and the bear.
Raharen opened his eyes. He sat, meditating in the Hinterlands forest next to Quel’danil Lodge, only about thirty meters in from where the Lodge itself was. He reflected on the vision he’d had in Grizzly Hills, when Smokepaw had touched his shoulder, and struggled to ascertain any meaning. He wondered if it was just an accident; a by-product of an ancient, magical being’s touch, or if the furbolg had tried to impart some wisdom to him. He sighed, as bereft of an answer as when he’d come north for enough quiet to find out.
He stood up, grunting, but he didn’t clutch his wounds from the fight with the drust hawk. He clutched his chest instead, which now ached with pain that had long since become a dull throb for many years. When he held the petrified root of Nordrassil, he had been filled with warmth, as if every single thing he felt was missing was suddenly there. More than happiness, it had given him a sense of contentment, as if for the first time in his life he was complete. With that feeling had come hope, certainty, and a familiarity for the world around him. He had suddenly felt connected to everything, and when he relinquished the root to store at the Station, that connection was severed. Now, the holes in his sense of being which had become the ambient noise to his march through life were blaring alarms, and the cacophony weighed on his soul like his armor first did, before he took the oath.
Raharen walked back to the Lodge, taking a seat at one of the tables outside the inn. His father was conspicuously missing, but he felt some relief in that. It’s unlikely the brief quiet he sought here would be enhanced by the sharing of poetry and sipping of wine. Raharen looked up at the sky over the lodge; it was a clear night, and the stars peppered across the twilight dome seemed as still as the air around him. He hoped the war would never come to the highvale lodge, for even in peacetime it seemed like the stillest place in Azeroth.
The sound of laughter erupted behind him, and he turned his gaze from the sky to the source of the noise. A group of dwarves, draenei, and elves sat at a nearby table, having a drink and a laugh while two draenei children played nearby. Raharen was suddenly aware of everything that was not still in the Lodge: the families still making homes despite the Revantusk raids, the clanging of the armory, always in motion with the forging of new armors and repairing of blades, and the subtle shifting of mail as the guards saluted one another in passing. The Lodge was, in fact, teeming with life, and each of those lives had their own battles. He felt a sense of kinship with the strangers, wondering what answers they, too, sought against all odds of finding them.
He pulled a journal out from his bag as well as a fountain pen. The words Anaria Alann were carved into the side of the pen, and he twisted off the cap and placed the tip on the blank page, smiling to himself that, had he a glass of wine to hand, he’d have been entirely wrong about how to seek peace.
Death fell from beyond the pale
As the northern sky was rent
Not even Light could pierce the veil
Nor shining beacons heavensent
Blood and bile tinged the snow
Blackening the frigid banks
Every soul struck by a mortal blow
Shall march again within their ranks
Our hope may waver, but never die
As we crash against the tide
Our souls forever tempered by
The Light enkindled deep inside
A torch inflamed and held aloft
As we step ever nearer death
Its message may be whispered soft
But it sounds within our every breath
To say that those who breathe their last
Have one thing left which they can give
Life will endure once they have passed
They who died so we may live
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And the boy is done! I was thinking what would be a good High Elf Heritage armor -and maybe I will design one from scratch someday- and I thought the Alliance Eagletalon Set is pretty much it, as well as Alleria’s armor, so I kinda mixed them both!
I wanted a Highvale vibe for him, so I went for a more vibrant blue like the lether of the Swiftblades rather than just the regular blue of the PvP set, also I like to think the bare midriff is a Farstrider thing overall, but something rather old fashioned, that’s why see it on elves such Alleria, but not in current Blood Elven Farstriders.
Commissions are open! Check my description for contact info and price listings :D
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