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circus-clangen · 1 year ago
any of these ring a bell?
onesmile, teardrop, sadheart, sealdive, lionface, goldmask, popspark, nightbat, firehoop, rolecall, redstage, thinrope, highstep, loudcall, coat-tail, longshow, & songstar
also sorry cuz I know I went overboard w/ the names 😔
I'm just really invested in this blog ok
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shirecorn · 1 year ago
Hi! I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your thought process for Prancer's design? I love her long feathery antlers and soft golden colors, but I wasnt able to figure out the meanings of her design and would love to know more!
(all of them were fantastic btw and has honestly been what I've looked forward to the second-most of all of Christmas. I was gonna say top spot but that has to go to the stinky cheese we're gonna eat lol Hope you have a great holiday and eat lots of tasty food!!)
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Honestly the design inspo for prancer is the weakest of the reindeer. It's literally what we call "schmoovement" I wanted a deer that was really feeling it. Confident, sexy.
The feathery antlers were just part of that big, proud movement. They're for flow.
After finishing the drawing, I realized that the gait shown wasn't actually prancing. So I spent the last couple days redrawing it to have those happy highsteps horses do, but its hard to beat this drawing. i mean look at it its gorgeous. So I scrapped all my technically prancing prancers and just went for The Mood.
The antlers aren't too far off certain reindeer examples actually. here's some refs
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The color is based on a popcupine caribou (named for their territory not spines, sadly) They have dark noses, legs, and eyespots. And are cute as hell.
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And I chose a light color to make my lineup go from light to dark
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One little easter egg in the design is the prancey feets. I gave prancer fluffy feet to really accentuate their steps. and they are modeled after something that is technically dancing, but is kinda prancing when you think about it.
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Tap shoes!
Clip clop am I right?
As for my holiday plans:
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hayheadd · 1 year ago
UPDATED clangen pathologic warrior cats... directed at no one in particular. made in dollmaker called clangen catmaker
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Anna, Aspity and Var
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Grief, Rubin and Lara
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Eva, Yulia and Maria
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Aglaya, Block and Simon
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Murky, Sticky and Taya
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Georgiy, Victor and SImon
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Grace (with dirty paws), Khan and Notkin
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Saburov, Saburova, Oyun
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Andrey and Peter Stamatin
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Capella, Vlad jr and Big Vlad are in the first one I'm only allowed 30 images.... anyway.... as a fun little bonus
Medicine cats
Snakeheart (Daniil Dankovsky)
Small tortoiseshell tom with white paws, a red spot on his chest and amber eyes
Bullheart (Artemy Burakh)
Massive fuzzy golden tabby tom with blue eyes 
Ratheart / Miracleheart (Clara)
Lanky dilute calico thing with bright yellow eyes
Miracleheart is the name she chose for herself, but everyone calls her Ratheart to mock her instead 
Stickpaw (Sticky)
Lanky golden tom with green eyes
Murkkit (Murky)
Small lykoi she-cat with blue eyes
Knotpaw (Notkin)
Gray tom with brown spots on his nose and ears, a dog collar around his neck and yellow eyes (Resembles Jester)
Soul-and-a-halves are basically the cat distribution system. They find humans for themselves 
Sparkpaw (sight) (Capella)
Tall ginger she-cat with blue sparkly eyes
Her mom Daystar (Viktoria Olgimskaya)
Elegant long-furred white she-cat with sparkly yellow eyes
Gracepaw (Grace)
Long-furred white she-cat with tired blue eyes and stuff stuck in her fur
Antkit (Taya Tycheek)
Brown and dark ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellow eyes
Dogpaw (Khan Kain)
Round small dark gray tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Whispersong (Eva Yan)
Elegant round light yellow she-cat with blue eyes 
Newteye (Peter Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Newtclaw (Andrey Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Scarletsight (Maria Kaina)
Blueish black she-cat with amber eyes 
Her mom Nightstar (Nina Kaina)
Elegant tall long-furred black she-cat with amber eyes
Highstep / Smallspider (Vlad Jr)
Tall dusty gray tom with yellow eyes
Shadowflower (Victor Kain)
Round gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Mistchaser (Georgiy Kain)
Old long-furred silver tom with yellow eyes
Rockfang (Stakh Rubin) (Rubyfang)
Parcially bald black tom-cat with yellow eyes and fur on his chest, paws and tail 
Riverpebble (Lara Ravel) (Gravelpebble)
Long-furred dark gray with black spots, a fuzzy tail and blue eyes
Sleektalon (Bad Grief) (Owl/Filin)
Small ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Robinsong (Anna Angel)
Dark ginger she-cat with yellow eyes 
Molesight (Katerina Saburova)
Dusty silver and black she-cat spots with bluish gray eyes
Dustwatcher (Alexander Saburov)
Light brownish-gray tom with greenish gray eyes 
Applebird (Yulia Lyuricheva)
Tall golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
Bullface (Foreman Oyun)
Massive brown tabby tom who wears a bull skull and has light blue eyes
Wormleg (Aspity)
Lanky dark brown thing with gray eyes
Thornlily (Aglaya Lilich)
Tall blue she-cat with light green eyes
Ashenstep (Alexander Block)
Dark ginger tom with bright blue eyes and gray paws
Crookedcrouch (Var)
Dark brown crooked tom with one yellow eye and one blind blue eye with a scar over it
Willowblossom (Willow Mellow)
Dark brown she-cat with green eyes
Willowdancer (Nara)
Tall dark blue she-cat with purple eyes
Bigbull (Big Vlad) (I KNOW it's a dumb name but what else is there for Big Vlad.)
Fat ass ginger cat with blue eyes 
Mudheart (Isidor Burakh)
Light brown tom with blue eyes
Skystar/Skychaser (Simon Kain)
Old long-furred white tom with blue eyes
The theatre??? I don't know the??? Silentden the??? Whisperden?
Foulplay (Mark Immortell)
Gray spotted tom with green and blue eyes
Ratcather (RATCATCHER)
Black and white (mostly black) she-cat with blue eyes
Birdfaces (Executors)
Face covered with a raven skull, cloak made of red feathers, flowers and leaves with raven bones sticking out. Usually shown sitting down in the performances, so only the front paws are barely visible beneath the cloak
and Silentfaces (Tragedians)
I don't know where they got the masks
Fellow traveller
Dark brown tom with green eyes
Crimsondove (Aysa Klyonina)
Dark ginger she-cat with a big nose and amber eyes
Viperpool (Farkhad)
Black curly-furred tom with amber eyes
general info/context:
They were the same clan but fell apart (Steppeclan)
Spireclan, Termiteclan And Humbleclan
All medicine cats named -heart
Queens are replacement for in-game mistresses, they're not nursing mothers. They're instead like mothers of the whole clan. There are also queen apprentices that can only be of queen blood. They get -sight names until they become full queens (leaders) and get -star.
Moonspire - Polyhedron (the kits call it the playden), Bullplace - Abattoir, Hollowpool - Cathedral
Polyhedron is made of ice that doesn't melt, Abattoir is made of that kinda ancient brown dusty ice that has diseases in it, Cathedral is a bunch of tall sticks and a puddle (melted ice) (fail)
Herb mates are also another cat class only special kin cats can be apprenticed to. They have -dancer names.
The powers that be are Starclan. Aka the giant kids. No idea how that explains them being like a literal government. Maybe everyone is super religious. I mean maybe god is real. Warrior cats
Daniil was a kittypet that lived in a veterinarian clinic
Rubin was unofficially apprenticed by Isidor, never got the -heart name.
The guardian cats are also in this au. A clan full of medicine cats. This is the place where Daniil lived and Artemy studied, but they didn’t know each other (Capital basically)
The Stamatins are former kittypets and den builders that used to live with the guardian cats.
The army is also another faraway clan that is full of warriors that fight by the orders of Starclan whether they like it or not
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la-muse-noire · 5 months ago
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Emma Amos, Highstep , 1983
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accio-sriracha · 1 year ago
Whomping willow headcanons.
The whomping willow would have changed leaves during the seasons.
Think about what that would mean for a young Remus Lupin, crossing its path every month for years?
Remus spending his winters looking up at the snow covered branches as he highstepped to get to the opening in the trunk.
Remus spent his springs watching the birds try (and fail) to make home in the tree as the green grass paved his path to the tunnel.
Remus spending the hot summers feeling grateful for the brief shade before he slid down to make his way to the shack.
Remus would have spent his falls smiling at the breeze blowing leaves to the ground and crunching under his boots before he disappeared to wait out the remainder of the night.
The whomping willow was planted for him, so I like to think Remus always felt a certain attachment to it.
They were both their own kind of monsters, something people feared, something aggressive that would lash out if you got too close. They both shared a big secret.
But in truth, if you spent the time to get to know them, poked the right knot, listened to the right story. They weren't monsters at all. They were peaceful, changing with the seasons, spending their months together in their quiet solitude.
Remus connected with this tree on a level he didn't connect to many things with. It made him feel safe, even when he was at his most dangerous.
The whomping willow showed Remus that even as it lost all its leaves every winter, bare against the cold, it kept hope and stayed alive until the spring, where it would be whole again.
If this tree could go through its transformations every month and still stand so tall, surely Remus could too?
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clangenrising · 1 year ago
I doubt it would ever happen, but just as a fun hypothetical, what warrior name would you give Razor? :O
Oh thats a great question! If he was keeping 'Razor' I would probably name him somethibg like Razorclaw, something simple but that he would like. Maybe Razorwind. If I was gonna pick a name from scratch... Darksmile would be cool, if a bit obvious haha. Maybe Highstep to reference his Exalted status? It would honestly depend on the circumstances of him joining and like what Clan he was going to be in so I can't say for sure, but that's a fun question to think about!
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bacchicly · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday (on Thursday)
From Whoa! Penelope prances for Luke under the cut... Spicy, with some sexy slang, but nothing super graphic. They are both roleplaying as horses.
In answer to horse-Luke's beckon, Penelope's nostrils, breasts, pussy…maybe even her heart flairs with eager agreement - the urge to join him - as his mate - on all fours on the floor beside the bed almost overwhelming.
But, if Luke is thinking she - Penelope Grace Garcia - high-heel enthusiast extraordinaire - would ever EVER to go straight to her knees in these boots - he is sadly mistaken.
By all that is sparkly - is it not better - nay her goddess given duty - to properly flaunt for him just what the hoof shoes do for her curves!
Penelope unfolds herself from the bed - but instead of dropping to her knees - she takes a step - the velvet of her body suit brushing his naked strapped flank - the next step puts an elongated plump calve even with his horse's eye - Luke whinny of appreciation gives her next step energy and she glories in the gate her tiptoed stance lends her - Luke whinnies again rearing then pawing the ground with impatient hoof gloves. He wants he down with him now!
But Penelope highsteps her way across the room.
Denying him what he thinks he wants so she can give him what she is sure he'll enjoy far far more…
With a toss of her mane, Penelope keeps stepping - the hitch and blow of his breath - saddling her with the confidence that her lover's gaze must now be clinging to her boosted rounded rump.
Giddy up, girl.
Penelope now shifts to a prancing precise horsey gait which she knows from the solo play she indulged in front of her closet mirrors this week should roll and sway her hips in a way almost guaranteed to drive Luke Alvez mad. Stepping steeping in a way that she hopes with drive his gaze from hip down down down to tip of hoof then back up. His eyes caught in her traces.
Penelope cheekily and naughtily puts as much distance as the room will allow between them - determined to put her stallion through his paces.
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maximuswolf · 2 months ago
How to get Weeknd's SoFi Concert Feel for FREE
How to get Weeknd's SoFi Concert Feel for FREE Step 1: Get on SpotifyStep 2: Go to SettingsStep 3: Streaming Quality -> HighStep 4: Turn on Crossfade to 5 secondsStep 5 (optional but recommended): Turn on Equalizer and set it to Bass BoostStep 6: Get a high quality speaker of headphonesStep 7: Search SoFi stadium live weeknd concert on SpotifyStep 8: Turn on shuffle (works on desktop version without premium)Step 9: Play the live show from IntroStep 10: Enjoy! Submitted January 26, 2025 at 01:23AM by RaghavNeedsCash https://ift.tt/DNnvuqb via /r/Music
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davidpwilson2564 · 1 year ago
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Recuperating. Sore jaw. A gaping hole where that molar used to be.
On the television, a football game (I get the idea it is annual matchup) between Howard University and Florida A and M, the latter somewhat renown because of its highstepping marching band. I hang on until halftime and they do show a little of both bands. Kamala (a Howard alum) is in the VIP stands, cheering on the Howard ensemble. They get around to showing a bit of Florida band, but not enough. I suppose I would have to go to You Tube to get more. A long list of students want to be a part of The Marching One Hundred (that is the name...or something like that). This fabled group made the news a while back because of a hazing incident.
Too soon it's over and it's back to football. Far less interesting that the bands.
An obit for Ted Morgan. Ne Sanche de Gramont. Though French titled, descended from a duke (I think) he "became American" and took the most American of names. I didn't know until I read the obit that Ted Morgan is an anagram of de Gramont. Clever, yes? I remember really enjoying his formidable book on Maugham. Paperback. Paperbacks have a shorter life expectancy than hardbound books. The Maugham tome sits mouldering on my shelf. I always intended to reread it, before it is reduced to mulch.
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meepmoopmaap · 2 months ago
Remember Leneus? The Satyr in PJO who was on the cloven council? Yknow the dead one?
So, considering that one of the guys who was Around when everything happened between Dionysus and Ampelos was a Council eder, Grover probably did know.
Leneus, in PJO, does seem like the kinda guy who'd tell the story but REALLY focus on the part where he would've won if Dionysus didn't interfere
Quote from the Dionysiaca below:
"Springheel Lyaios cried his summons aloud, and first up leapt windfoot Leneus, then on either side of him highstepping Cissos and charming Ampelos stood up. They stood in a row, confident in the quick soles of their straightfaring feet. Cissos flew with stormy movement of his feet just skimming the top of the ground as he touched it. Leneus was running behind him quick as the winds of heaven and warming the back of the sprinter with his breath, close behind the leader, and he touched footstep with footstep on the dust as it dropped, with following feet: the space between them both was no more than the rod leaves open before the bosom of a girl working at the loom, close to the firm breast. Ampelos came third and last. Dionysos saw them out of the corner of his eye, and melted with jealousy that the two competitors should be in front, afraid they might win and Ampelos come in behind them; so the god helped him, breathed strength into him, and made the boy swifter than the spinning gale. Then Cissos, first of the two in the race, striving so hard for the prize, stumbled over a wet place on the shore, slipt and fell in the sandy slush; Leneus had to check the course of his feet, and his knees lost their swing: so both competitors were passed and Ampelos carried off the victory."
Percy in the Greek Gods book: Dionysus's best friend, a young satyr boy named Ampelos
Grover, a satyr who knows those two weren't only friends and is reevaluating his relationship with Percy (in 'has he been hitting on me this entire time?' way), proofreading for him:
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If I don't laugh about the fact Percy wrote Greek Gods in universe meaning Grover could of read it and probably already knows the actual story i'm gonna get incredibly mad at Rick for making Dionysus x Ampelos besties instead of lovers
And considering Dionysus is currently lord of the satyrs there is a REALLY HIGH possibility of Grover knowing the story of Ampelos
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stylishteesbyqueen · 4 years ago
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#happybirthday #bosslady #birthdaytees #highstepping #dtgprinting #fullcolor #💪🏾 #screenprinting #blacktee #birthdaybehavior #queen #htown #richmondtx https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9K1mLLIM3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackoutthewhiteout · 7 years ago
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High-Stepping #LOTUSseed #fundraiser #letsdreamit #teespringcampaign #teesprings #faceless #faceslessart #highstepping
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sandmangr · 7 years ago
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Equestrian chic - Welcome To Misty Hollows Poppy Parker by @integrity_toys wearing High Stepping outfit by @mattel #doll #dolls #fashiondoll #fashiondolls #dollstagram #dollcollector #dollphotography #dollphotogallery #dollcollection #dudeswithdolls #dollsphotography #barbie #mattel #poppyparker #integritytoys #highstepping #mistyhollows #equestrian #riding #jodhpur #black #velvet
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eleanorspanton · 7 years ago
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Percheron • Managed to do some sketching for the first time in aaaaages last night! . . . . . #percheron #heavyhorse #horse #sketch #drawing #sketchbook #animal #artistsoninstagram #efspanton #artist #highstepping #horsedrawing #heavyhorses #instaart #sketchbookpage
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italia92 · 6 years ago
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Join me tomorrow at 2:00pm for my last class @cumbedance. Dm for a guest pass 😊✨🙌🏾 📷: @ashantiproductions_ #vibewithitaly #danceclass #nyc #movement #jsette #dance #marchingband #hbcu #photography #pose #instructor #jazz #hiphop #highstep #strutting #locs #naturalista #brooklyn #cumbedance #embraceyourjourney #positivevibes (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1R-XenhR76/?igshid=yefn1irzcyrs
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 years ago
finally deigned to read the plot synopsis for that other-favorite-musical of wrol’s, and then after i picked myself up off the floor a day or two later i listened to some of the songs & this one slaps the most i m o ….like i’m inspired to dance along rly gay and energetically so. drama
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