#highlander the series fanfiction
celestial-alignment · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Highlander: The Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Tessa Noel, Methos (Highlander) Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Tessa meets Adam Pierson, for fun, could be canon compliant Summary:
Based on the prompt "Tessa meets Methos while Duncan is away."
Written for the HL Chronicles: 30 years of Highlander the Series!
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 7: Have a Cow
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are finding your stride until a surprise shows up on the porch
Word count: 2,750
Content/warnings: Light mob themes, farming, kissing, lap sitting, fluffy fluff
Author’s Note: It’s been a minute! Hopefully this kickstarts me to get a couple more chapters out soon. Please enjoy, be sure to drop any feedback, I love hearing from you!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
< Prev | Series Masterlist | Next >
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You sighed as you walked into one of your barns tucked toward the back of the property, recently transformed into what looked almost looked like a city loft apartment to accommodate for Bucky’s workers on the farm. You were carrying produce crates and one of Bucky’s henchmen, Peter, came to take them from your hands.
Ever since Bucky’s construction crew has been working in the mines, most of the food that you would normally be selling at the farmer’s market has been going to them. That makes it easy for you, though. A few of them have even been around the fields helping out to pick it themselves, too, giving you a little more time to sort through documents, contracts, and future plans, without having to stay up late like your normally would to fit in all the work.
All the men had been a great help, and exceptionally respectful, which surprised you. Sure, you expected them to be formal and well-behaved, but their actions seemed almost rehearsed, like they had been told exactly what to do. Peter, probably the one kid who you had taken a liking to, was the only one who would really hold conversations with you, though. You assumed part of it was due to his status in Bucky’s organization. He was young, but extremely smart, earning him a spot of minor authority. Although every time he opened his mouth, you were never quite sure what would come out. It could either be something honest and profound, or a weird nervous babble. Sweet kid, though, so no harm done. He was like the best parts of Jake and Curtis at that age.
As you handed the crate over, you looked around at the high ceilings, now lined with bulb lights and the cool tones that decorated the previously wood-heavy space. “I’ve always wanted a barndiminium, just never had an excuse to make it.”
Peter added your box to the stack in what appeared to be a makeshift kitchenette. No way they had time to hook up appliances and water lines already, right? “I know our men seem pretty gruff, but if there’s one thing they like, it’s comfort and luxury where they lay their heads.”
You laughed and nodded your head. Just like their boss, although he didn’t seem to complain as much anymore, laying on sheets that were probably about as old as him.
Peter continued shifting crates around, unloading certain items likely for whatever meal they had planned next once the next round of workers got off their shift. “And of course, boss wouldn’t want anything less than the best when it comes to you. Says this’ll increase the property value. And it’s all yours to enjoy as you please when we’re gone.”
Ah, there it was. The kinda thing Bucky wouldn’t say to your face, but Peter’s lips let slip like it was nothing. Like it was obvious. You tried to change the subject, unsure if you could confront those types of feelings to Peter when you hadn’t even built up the courage to discuss them with Bucky yet. You knew Bucky cared about quality, and had a little understanding of the extent he was willing to go for you. But you didn’t even want to think about a time when Bucky could be gone.
“Don’t you need permits for this stuff?”
He winked. “I won’t tell if you won’t. Plus, I’m sure the higher ups worked their smooth talking magic and their connections. They’re amazing with things like that.”
You hummed in agreement. You had seen and heard first-hand how effortlessly Bucky could have something done for him. The world was at his fingertips. Surely that rule stood true for most people around him.
“Don’t I know, Peter. But I’m sure you’ve got your own charms. Some of your own connections that Buck doesn’t.”
He gave you a sheepish smile and shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess, sort of. But I’m not sure how much they’d really put me in charge of that stuff. Sometimes I just freeze up when I have to tell them things instead of them telling me what to do…I just get so flustered around Mr. Barnes.”
You nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. “Well, I’d say they trust you a lot for you to be in control of as much as you are right now. They definitely see through your nervousness. You’re doing a great job and I really appreciate you discretion and assistance around here.”
He gave you a soft smile. “Oh..wow, thanks.”
You nodded and turned on the newly laid floor, ready to head back to the house to continue your paperwork.
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The mid-morning sun was at your back as you made your way inside towards the office. You were almost never inside at this time of day, so it was a wonderful pocket of time to be productive. You were greeted by Bucky sitting in your chair, shuffling though papers while he was on a phone call. He drew his gaze from the fan of parchment in front of him, smiling when he saw your face.
“Yeah, just keep an eye on her and increase security all around. Overlap shifts and monitor cameras 24/7. Thanks, Steve. Bye.”
You smiled as Bucky set the phone down. You had never heard him thank anyone before. As you took another step closer, though, you saw which papers he was looking through. Your own smile fell to see the contract from Cole for the hundredth time. Why was Bucky able to be so happy when this attempt at a forceful ‘offer’ was in front of him?
“C’mere, Honey.” Bucky gestured for you to come sit with him on your chair, but instead, you opted to take a seat opposite him, in front of your desk. There was work to be done and you couldn’t let yourself get distracted, even if he seemed oddly at ease.
You watched as his previously carefree gaze scrunched in on itself, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and lips in a slight pout. As you plopped down in the old cushion, you crossed your arms and legs.
“Bucket, I’m doing this for the good of both of us. Talk business with me first, then we can discuss…accessory ventures.”
You nodded in gesture to the papers, hoping he’d explain why this all needed to be looked over again. Was it not enough that it was constantly running through your mind? You had the power to just say ‘no,’ as long as Cole didn’t keep pushing or have anything over your head, but things were never that easy, so what was really going on?
“Honey, come on. We’ve got a little time to be close. This way we don’t have to flip papers back and forth to read them.” His voice had softened from his phone call, nearly reaching a whine.
“James…” oh, you weren’t messing around. You were taking this seriously. “I can read upside down. It’s fine. Just talk me through what’s going through your head.”
He sighed and his chin met his chest in defeat. “Ever since Curtis messaged me that Cole tried to get into the bar and Lloyd had been with him, I just want to be extra cautious, which is why I’m going through these. Again. I’ve already sent them to my lawyer in the city, so he’ll confirm for me.”
You nodded and stood up, finally walking over to him. “So is this what you’re really worried about? What’s not in the contracts, but real-life threats?”
You walked around your desk, hips swerving to miss the corners as you finally stood in front of Bucky. He swiveled the chair so you stood between his legs and threw his forehead against your stomach. You held him close and stroked his hair before he moved to look up at you, resting his chin on your sternum and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Yeah. I’m worried about you. And what’ll come when I have to leave. And just how involved Lloyd may be. I know I already told you about him, but I don’t think words can describe how much he truly doesn’t subscribe to caring for the well-being of others when they stand in his way. I know this is all that Cole has sent so far, but if Lloyd has anything to say about it, this won’t be the last push, but it’ll certainly be the nicest.”
You nodded down to him before gesturing for him to sit up so you could straddle his lap in the oversized leather chair. You held the sides of his face before leaning your forehead against his. You did your best to speak in a firm, yet placating tone.
“Jamie. I promise, I’m going to be fine. I was fine before you and I can take care of myself when you’re gone.”
He closed his eyes and sighed again. “I know, I know. But I just made the command to keep Peter here with you. He’s an extra precaution. You’ll barely notice him, and I’m sure having the help will be nice.”
You pulled away to smile and roll your eyes. “Bucky, he’s a kid. What’s he gonna do that I can’t? Plus, you know I like him. The last thing I would want is him putting himself in harm’s way for my sake.”
Bucky shook his head. “No, you know how capable he is. If I can see it, I know you sensed it from a mile away. He stays at least until it all blows over. Everyone is willing to do what is necessary to protect you. It’s what they signed on for.”
You knew that Bucky wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so instead, you simply kissed his temple and wrapped your arms around him, nestling against his neck. “Okay, fine. But he’s gonna become the buffest farmer you’ve ever seen when he comes back to you. I’m burning all his little suits. You’ll only ever see him in strictly flannel.”
Bucky let out a light chuckle as he rubbed your back, sitting in the chair and enjoying the moment with you before you mumbled against his neck in question.
“So you wanna tell me what Jake was really doing here? And what you did to make him into the same guy he used to be?”
Bucky hummed in thought at your question. He wasn’t quite sure if honesty was the best way to go here. Sure, you knew that everyone who knew about the mines had to come into town, but why have Jake help? And why didn’t Bucky hate him as much as you’d anticipated?
Bucky clicked his tongue before deciding on the diplomatic answer. “I just reminded him of his place and how valuable you are. Not much more than that. He’s smart if you direct the way he needs to think. I mean, he’s half the reason you’re in this mess, but he could help us get out if we do it right.”
“Yeah, okay Mr. Politician. Whatever you say. Just make sure you restock my duct tape. I’ve been running low lately and I’m not sure how that happened.” Bucky froze as you laughed at the reaction. Dang, he should’ve told the truth. You wouldn’t have asked if you didn’t already know, you were just giving him the opportunity to let you in. Noted.
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The rest of the week on the farm was fairly easy as you and Bucky worked in tandem, sporadically getting updates on the mine reinforcements and spells of assistance from his men.
But otherwise, you got along well. Bucky was truly learning the farm chores and operations, catching on quicker than you had anticipated. He only ran the tractor into one ditch and his boots hadn’t gotten stuck in mud at all. Now you were helping, or at least trying to help, him reach mastery in what you thought he would’ve caught onto easily: barking orders.
The two of you were out in the pasture, as you finally taught him how to use your sheep and cattle dogs. Sure, they were practically self-sufficient, but sneaky little things sometimes with their own agendas. Bucky, in an attempt to boast about all the independent work he had done the previous week, revealed himself for the actual issues he had experienced with them, obviously not unbeknownst to you.
After a long day of running around and nearly a week since hearing anything from Cole, you and Bucky were spent, walking back up to your house to have a nice night in, just sitting on the porch and enjoying the peace. As you got closer, though, you could hardly make out a small brown blob waiting there next to one of the posts. Was it a package? You hadn’t ordered any new equipment lately….and then it moved.
You threw an arm out in front of Bucky, both of you stopping stark in your tracks.
“Wait. Hold on. You see that?”
Bucky grabbed your arm close to his chest when you stopped, leaning over it and squinting until it became clear. What was that doing on your porch?
The two of you cautiously kept walking towards it, finally deciphering what you were looking at: a brown, fluffy, baby… highland cow?
You could hear it moo more and more the closer you got, eventually seeing it tied to one of the porch posts with a rope and a ribbon around its neck: both Turner’s blue.
You walked up to the calf cautiously, holding out a hand and cooing at it to ease its evidently nervous state.
“Shhh, shhhh, hey there little thing. What are you doing up here?” Sure, you owned a plethora of livestock, but none of these. This was, for lack of a better term, a house cow. Something Decks had begged you to get for years, but you never had the need or the time for.
You pet the tuft of hair on top of its head as you squatted down, grabbing the piece of card stock attached to the ribbon before looking up over your shoulder at Bucky. You could already see the anger rising in his eyes and seeping through the rest of his demeanor, fists clenched and body rigid as he nodded for you to read.
“Peach, take a taste of what success could be. Here, have a cow. -Cole. P.S. all in good faith”
Oh, Bucky was gonna have a cow, alright. You rolled your eyes at another ridiculous note. This was very evidently not a dairy cow from his stock, so you weren’t sure why Cole was trying to pull one over on you by claiming it was. And he didn’t even leave it with any feed or water for who knows how long it had been there up until this point. The main question was: why didn’t Bucky’s men intercept? You guessed they were probably under specific instructions not to, as to keep a low profile.
When you looked back up at him, Bucky was already on the phone. Even before you had gotten to the porch, he had sent a message to Peter to check the cams and make sure no one had lingered on the property after the delivery. This new development instantly put him on high alert.
He held the phone to his ear now, though, as it rang only twice before you heard someone on the other side pick up. “Hey Barber, I know you’re busy with that other stuff I sent you, but what do you know about corporate gifting policies?”
Meanwhile, you had untied the poor baby from the post and scooped it up, carrying it inside and to the kitchen while Bucky slumped into the couch. You gave the calf—at least it was a girl capable of producing milk and not a boy-which you definitely would’ve roasted Cole for—some water before taking her over to the couch and setting her down next to Bucky. You ran your knuckles against his temple in a soothing stroke before petting through his hair and giving him a kiss on his hairline. When you pulled away, thumb moving to stroke his cheek, you mouthed ‘it’ll be okay,’ only seeing his jaw unclench slightly at the reassurance. You moved to sit on the couch on the other side of the calf and criss-crossed your legs, petting her and listening to Bucky’s lawyer walking him through corporate gifting laws, now on speaker.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: highland cows are so cute. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sent a video of one getting a little spa day🥰
Series Taglist: @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch
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doe-earth-n · 2 months
Website Trouble
Fanfiction is currently down, and word has it that it might be permanently shut down, if not in the foreseeable future. That's what I heard.
I was able to get access to updates on my stories to where I can transfer them to A03, An Archive of Our Own. I'll share the links to the A03 in the future once things settle down, which shouldn't take long, 24 to 48 hours, give or take. Questions and comments will be welcomed at this time.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
@james5-doe @novemberhope @a-shiva
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cosmictapestries · 22 days
The second chapter of my WIP CageBlade fic is up!
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Title: Who Wants to Live Forever
Rating: Explicit due to violence
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat/ Highlander the Series
Characters: Sonya Blade/ Johnny Cage
From the dawn of time they came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last.
Immortals have always been told "There can be only one" but what if the rules were to change?
Tossed into a ragtag team of other immortals, Sonya Blade will have to learn to set aside everything she has known, everything she has been taught, to help decide the fate of millions. They will fight, struggle and die together in an ancient tournament known as Mortal Kombat. Everything they've ever known about The Gathering is about to change...
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chanihobbit · 1 month
Trying this again to see if the tags actually work.
So here is the sequel that nobody asked for for my Highlander/Mass Effect Crossover that nobody read. All jokes aside though; I‘m actually having fun with this so there will be more.
Summary: Companion piece to Frenemy Mine. During the Cerberus attack on the Citadel Kaidan is shot and killed by Counselor Undina leaving behind a grief-stricken Shepard.
Relationships: Kaidan Alenko/Male Shepard
Tags: Temporary Character Death, Angst/Grief, Angst with a Happy Ending
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threespacemonkeys · 5 months
This is a pinned post: below are some of my writing links and my WIPS. Just to be clear that I am an adult I am writing and blogging about my world as an adult. Please use caution and common sense when clicking on links and read the tags for triggers and/or 18+ content.
PLEASE be KIND when interacting.
TERFS, racists, bigots, religious extremists DNI, you will be blocked.
My AO3 Account!
Latest works:
Walker (TV 2021) - Things of Blood and Shadows. A season 1 supernatural/fantasy story about the whole Clint West hostage taking with vampires. Completed.
Robin Hood BBC (2006) - Hearts Twinned to be One. A season 1 AU where Marian has a twin sister and how S1 would be different adding her in. Posting one a day until complete.
Star Wars - Roads Paved With Good Intentions, a Mandalorian tale of searching for the darksaber on a Sith planet using a captured jedi knight. WIP
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naoa-ao3 · 11 months
Waiting for the Sun
Methos wakes, heart pounding in his chest and in his ears.
He has his hand on his stomach and for a second he isn't sure where he is. What bed this is or when it is.
Then his eyes adjust and he sees familiar shapes and walls.
It's his bed but it's empty and when his hand slides to where for but for a brief time Alexa had lain it closes on air.
Everyone dies and at times he's been numb to it, at times he's been used to it. Those times are not good ones. They're lies and he swallows in the dark, looking at the electric clock on the table beside the bed.
3:00 A.M.
She's only been gone a few months and he barely knew her for more than that and yet just the same he feels as if he'd spent an eternity with her.
"Alexa." He whispers to no one and no one whispers back.
Grief takes time and he's had more of that than anyone else but knowing and feeling aren't the same thing. The pain in his chest doesn't care what his mind knows. The pain in his chest only cares about the empty space beside him and the missing smile from his life.
He exhales and for a second can smell antiseptic that isn't there either. He can hear the sounds of the hospital she died in and the ache in his chest grows painful and angry. It claws at him. It gnashes it's teeth and makes his ears hurt.
The bed is cool and empty and really, they travelled so much in the time she had. . . he doubted she even spent a week's worth of nights in this bed.
Still, his hand opens and closes on nothing and he tries to make himself calm and detached but when he can't he instead rises and walks to the windows.
He's lived long enough to know that grief will never truly become easy. . . to know that if it does then something all the more is wrong.
He stares out at the street below, remembering beaches and blue water in Greece and the look on her face when the plane had touched down. She hadn't it seemed really believed they were going until they'd gotten there.
He wishes it were not night and the sun were up instead and he had places to go, bars and shops and parks. . . places with noise and people and moving life but it is night and the sun won't be up for just a little while longer.
He's had so many dawns that came too soon, so many he'd tried to stave off. Now is one he wishes would speed itself. Now is one he waits for because the night is very lonely and he has no one beside him but her ghost. A lingering memory and a feeling in his chest.
Accepting sleep gone he turns from the window and runs a hand through his hair. It's suddenly cold and he reaches for a sweater, catching a glint of moon on the hilt of his sword and shakes his head.
There's nothing for it so he turns the light on and doesn't try to sleep again. He makes something hot to drink and reads a book, practicing being Adam Pearson and a million other men.
The sun will rise and the day will start and life will go on.
All of it without Alexa and eventually when all others have passed away he alone will remember her face and name, the look in her eyes when she smiled. . . he plans to never forget any part of her. Not so long as he still lives.
He waits for the sun to come and the day to start and thinks of seeing Joe and maybe Mac if he has the time. . . he's let himself get oddly comfortable with these people, allowed a kind of comradery he hasn't known for a very long time. It's curious and perhaps not the wisest but on this night he's glad he can count friends so close.
When the sun rises he keeps Alexa in his chest and puts his book aside.
There are things to do after all and places to go and the streets are coming to life with cars and people and noise.
The sounds of civilization and her forward march.
If only for a brief moment he had gotten to share that chaos with someone special and even if she isn't there any more he feels in some small way close to her again.
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Living a Lifetime
Hidan knows how to hide himself.
(He doesn't always choose to.)
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto, Highlander Relationship: Hidan/Kakuzu Word Count: approximately 13K (Complete and posts one chapter daily)
This story is for @kurakura0-0​, @dominaaurum​, @woofgang69​ and @hellotheremaryrose​, all of whom idea bounced this story with me and none of whom told me I was crazy for wanting to write a crossover between Naruto and Highlander.
Truly, it takes a village.
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Ivan bites his lip, and forces himself not to help as the Admiral grabs his cane and struggles upright.
Despite the grey hair and a hunched back, the man's face is still strangely young and unlined. Those eyes though, the way they look at Ivan... they've seen the worst of the world it sometimes seems, and they show the Admiral's true age.
Read the rest on AO3.
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marmota-b · 3 months
I forgot to list this as my favourite of my fics. Because it's not finished, and it's not anywhere near finished. But it's absolutely my favouritest of my fanfiction works that colours pretty much everything else fanficcy I write.
Unfortunately, right now I wrote myself into a war there, which is a subplot I came up with loooong before a very real war broke out comparatively not that far from where I live; and so I have had a strong unwillingness to deal with that in current circumstances. So I have no idea when it will move forward, again. But hopefully one day it will. This story has a lot more to say, and there are a couple subplots there I really, really want to get to.
(Especially the one where the plot tries to be a chivalric romance and Methos gets to be extremely unimpressed by it.)
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gingerlegacy07 · 2 months
My Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
Welcome to my blog! I've been writing for over a year now for this fandom and I finally decided to make a list of my written fanfiction.
Keep in mind I mostly write SebastianxReader, SebastianxMC, PoppyxOminis and GarrethxMC, but there will be some other relationships too.
All of these stories are also found on Wattpad.
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My Chaptered Stories* *Be aware that SFW means there's no (explicit) smut in it, but there will be angst, torture, loss, etc. Please make sure to read the tags if you consider reading.
"Shadows of Love" series, containing:
"In the Shadow of Sixth year" SFW The Premise: "After all that has happened in fifth year, you have a lot of things to process. Not having heard anything from Sebastian is making you anxious to start your sixth year at Hogwarts.
Meanwhile there seems to be a new organization of poachers forming in the Highlands and Poppy Sweeting is trying to get to the bottom of it, but family ties could make it a lot more dangerous and difficult for her than expected.
Ominis Gaunt keeps receiving letters from his father and Anne Sallows condition seems to improve a little bit. Will something in Feldcroft finally shed some light on her curse?"
"In the Shadow of Summer" SFW Follow the group as they camp out for a week in the Forest of Dean. Sebastian opens up to you about his inner turmoil. Natty and Garreth act suspiciously like a married couple. Anne's is getting pretty close with a certain Slytherin girl and Ominis doesn't seem happy about that. Can Poppy comfort him?
"In the Sadow of Seventh year" SFW Between juggling going after the Golden Grounds, making time for Sebastian, helping Ominis stand up against his family, helping Poppy overcome her fears and figuring out who this mysterious wizard is that seems to be solely after you, will you be able to pass your N.E.W.T.s?
"Love me like you do" NSFW You and Sebastian's first time together. "Touch me like you do" NSFW Poppy and Ominis' first time together.
This series' main couple is SebastianxReader (written in second person, NO use of y/n) and PoppyxOminis are a big side couple. Besides those some smaller couples like GarrethxNatty and AnnexNerida are thrown in as well.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Potion of Life" SFW Currently my ongoing fic featuring GarrethxMC as a main couple. My MC Tessa Emilia Cole (Ravenclaw) to be exact. Written in first person and will have the occasional chapter from Garreth's POV. If you've read a lot of HL fanfiction, you might recognize a few of my friends' MC's that I included in this story!
The Premise: Tessa's final year at Hogwarts should only be filled with studying and pining after Garreth Weasley, but as the year proceeds, it becomes clear someone is out to get her. Whoever it is; they seem to be very skilled with potions. With the help of Garreth and her friends, will she be able to discover who is after her and defeat them?
Join her on the journey of falling in love with a friend, brewing potions and discovering what she wants in life after Hogwarts!
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My Oneshots and Oneshot Collections SFW
"Cardigan" Angst, hurt/comfort, PoppyxOminis. Based on the song by Taylor Swift. "Happier" Angst, SebastianxReader. Based on the song by Olivia Rodrigo. "The Lovely Badgers" Angst, friendship, sad, Poppy's pov (third person). She reminisces her friendship with her very first human friend. "The Candy Incident" Humor, bit of crack, minor GarrethxMC, minor PoppyxOminisxSebastian. Tessa is determined to find out what this 'candy incident' the whole school is talking about, is. "You look Happier" Angst, SebastianxMC. Based on the song by Ed Sheeran. SFW/NSFW* *Meaning most chapters are SFW, but there will be some that are NSFW (tagged accordingly).
"A Hogwarts Legacy Christmas Collection" Romance, family, friendship. Cute and wholesome oneshots and one a bit more steamy one. Featured couples: SebastianxMC (two oneshots, each a different MC), PoppyxOminis, Garreth Imelda. "A Witchcraft and Wizardry Collection" Romance, couples so far are PoppyxOminis, SebastianxMC (nsfw) and GarrethxMC. Just random oneshots I wrote about random ideas I had.
NSFW "Wedding Night" NSFW, romance, PoppyxOminis. The title says it all. "Sense of Touch" NSFW, romance, OminisxMC. Ominis stays with Rose at her cottage and things get steamy. "The Best Present" NSFW, romance, friends-to-lovers, NevillexMC. It's Christmas time and Kimmi will receive the best present. "Shameless in the Astronomy Tower" NSFW, romance, SebastianxMC. Theia and Sebastian share a rather hot night high up in the Astronomy tower. "I hate (that I like) you" NSFW, enemies-to-lovers, GarrethxImelda. Imelda always hated Garreth, particularly how he makes her stomach flip. "Leander's (Un)Lucky Day" NSFW, romance, LeanderxMC. Leander is unlucky all day, until he isn't. "A Naughty Collection - Hogwarts Legacy" NSFW, romance, pairings so far are SebastianxMC, GarrethxMC. Series of smutty oneshots. "Three is the Charm - a Collection" NSFW, romance, polyamorous, SebastianxPoppyxOminis. Smutty oneshots of my favorite throuple.
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Moodboards: Ominis, Poppy, Nerida, Anne, Garreth, Natty. Leah (my Hufflepuff MC) Other little things: Halloween Masquerade Ball Outfits from "In the Shadow of Seventh year" Yule Ball Outfits from "In the Shadow of Seventh year" And the ones of "you" and Poppy
Art commissions: PoppyxOminis "In the Shadow of Sixth year" (made by @kasieli)
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PoppyxOminis "In the Shadow of Summer" (made by @toonedupfiction)
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PoppyxOminis "In the Shadow of Seventh year" (made by @lyworth)
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GarrethxMC (Tessa), inspired by "The Potion of Life" (made by @sallowskeeper)
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Reblogs and comments are much appreciated
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morganofthewildfire · 6 months
The Twelve O’Clock Bookshop
Here’s the official blurb of my debut novel!! 🌿📖 link to my Instagram reel for it is here 😊 (give me a follow if you’re on the app 😉)
Twenty-five year-old Elsie Morley is no stranger to handling problems on her own. So when she makes a heartfelt plea in the silence of her bookstore, she never expects an answer. She certainly doesn’t expect that answer to be sending her and her longtime rival, Jacob Lee, into a series of romance books, forcing them to work together to figure out how to get home.
Dancing at a ball in Victorian London, riding horses in the Scottish Highlands, even fake dating to get rid of a nagging ex, they’re thrust into these worlds and given the task of finishing the stories. But already at a turbulent time in her life, she hardly knows what she’s doing in her real life, let alone in a make-believe one. And now with her place of employment playing matchmaker, Elsie’s forced to confront a lot of things, past and present, and reckon with the fact that she and Jacob will never get along. Right?
I can’t wait for this to be out in the world and I’m so grateful for everyone who’s supported me throughout my entire fanfiction journey on this app and in this fandom ❤️ without you guys I would not be here!
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celestial-alignment · 2 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Forever Knight, Highlander: The Series Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Duncan MacLeod/Nicholas Knight, Nicholas Knight/Natalie Lambert Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Nicholas Knight (Forever Knight), Natalie Lambert, Richie Ryan, Don Schanke, Janette DuCharme, Lucien LaCroix, Joe Dawson Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Highlander Immortals, Vampires, Vampire Cure, Vampire Bites, Decapitation, Blood Drinking Series: Part 6 of Dwelling in Infinity Summary:
Nick Knight and Duncan MacLeod meet again in 1995 Toronto to hunt down a serial killer who has been cutting off heads.
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romanarose · 4 months
Jake, Am I Gay?
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OC (Sam Waters) x Platonic!Jake Lockley
Takes place in my SSSB Universe. Series is over but I think Sam deserves a little touch on what never really got resolved. Jake and Sam are besties, Sam is dating Marc and Steven. Takes place after the finale.
Summary: Jake is not expecting to be asked if the askee is bisexual.
Warnings: Coming out? Questioning? Both of them are coming out.
A/n: Spoilers for Highlander show from the fuck'n 90's I guess??
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Jake had just got done shoving Sam's feet of him as she tried to prop them up on his thighs. He's a good friend, but he's not that good a friend.
Jake and Sam were finishing season 6 of Highlander and it was... awful. Sam through a fit when Tess died, life taking the throw pillow and smacking it on his head and after she got done crying kind of fit. Pissed enough that while Steven and Marc left Sam and Jake alone when they hung out to give then privacy,Steven sensed Sam's distress enough to come out and steal the pillow. When they realized it was just that stupid show, Steven wacked Sam with the pillow until Sam was giggling and the neighbors were banging on the walls for them to shut up.
The show was clearly trying to set up for an Amanda spin off, something Sam said was probably fucking awful but insisted they watch. Jake agreed. It wasn't really about the show, it was about spending time with Sam. Jake had never felt romantically inclined to her or anyone, and the agreement with the system was he could blow off steam sexually as long as he used protection.
Then she threw him a curveball, as she always did.
"Jake, am I gay?"
Never a moments peace with this one. He continued eating hot cheetos. "Yeah probably."
There was a short pause, then she turned to him, while he kept his eyes on the TV. "You didn't think to maybe relay that information to me?"
Jake shrugged. "We thought it was best yo figure it out yourself. Besides, if it makes you feel better, I was the last out of us bozos to connected those dots."
Sam scoffs. "Except my dad apparently." Turning back to the TV, she crossed her arms and pouted. Last month, Dave told her he thought she was a lesbian, which was the first Sam heard of the concept and the first time Jake considered the idea she liked women. Apparently, Marc and Steven have known for a while, what with the way she drools over Rosalie in Twilight and all.
Sighing, Jake grabbed Sam's feet and plopped them up on his legs. "Relaje, hermana. It takes a while for us to notice, even about ourselves. I think we were 30 by the time I noticed."
Silence, and then Sam spoke. "You're gay? Or Bi, or... what even are you? You never tell me any details."
"And I never will. You just have to worry about me falling in love with someone random, and Marc doesn't have to worry about me falling in love with you." He flicked her ankle, teasing Marc's jealous/possessive streak. "You don't tell me about you and Steven and Marc, I don't tell you about the men, women, and everything in between and beyond I sleep on my nights away."
Sam laughed at that, gigging with her arm still crossed. "Fair, fair."
The pair finished the episode and Jake thought it was over. But, just as he relaxed (and Sam knew when to strike.) She hoped up, leaned into Jake's ear and shouted, "Ha! GAYYYYYYYY." and proceeded to run off giggling before Jake even began to give chase.
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A lil treat for my old SSSB readers, my first EVER MK series <3
Made for my Oscar/Pedro Pride event <3
tagging a few peeps who read it <3
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @miraclesabound @poeedameronn @twistedboxy
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doe-earth-n · 10 days
I'm currently on vacation, but I did complete the Methos debut chapter and nearly finished the "Take Back the Night" chapter. Then I'll start "Testimony".
I'll have to wait until Sunday or Monday to post the chapter(s) on fanfiction website because apparently the cruise doesn't allow fanfiction but allows A03 to be seen.
I personally thought it'd be the other way around but whatever.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
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cosmictapestries · 1 year
The first chapter of my new CageBlade fic is up!
Title: Who Wants to Live Forever?
Author: CosmicTapestries
Rating: Explicit due to violence
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat/ Highlander the Series
Characters: Sonya Blade/ Johnny Cage. Sonya Blade/ Kenshi Takahashi.
From the dawn of time they came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last.
Immortals have always been told "There can be only one" but what if the rules were to change?
Tossed into a ragtag team of other immortals, Sonya Blade will have to learn to set aside everything she has known, everything she has been taught, to help decide the fate of millions. They will fight, struggle and die together in an ancient tournament known as Mortal Kombat. Everything they've ever known about The Gathering is about to change....
Based on the Day 2 prompt for AU-gust 2023 "Immortals.
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defendersoftheearth · 4 months
A series of events lead to Richie receiving his first Quickening after he tries to protect a woman from an Immortal Bounty Hunter much to the concerns of Duncan and Tori.
The next few chapters will have Richie and Tori spending time with the IUA and the Defenders of the Earth. Look forward to it!
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