#hierophant reversed
doppiopinkman · 8 months
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mfw the crusaders are stardustful
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thehellishtrinity · 12 days
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Mother is mothering.
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numinously-yours · 2 months
Pick a Card: Are you aligned with your highest good?
This week’s free reading topic is: Are you aligned with your highest good?
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We are asking the cards:
Yes, No, Almost
2.a If yes, what are you doing well?
2.b If no, what is blocking you?
2.c If maybe, what can you do to get closer?
3. If you continue on your current path, what can you expect?
4. Possible upcoming interference
5. Final messages from your guides
If this reading resonates, please like or reblog and tag your group! Tipping options are available on my etsy: $1 and $5 options
Group 1:
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Yes, No, Almost – Seven of Swords
At this time, it does not seem that you are aligned with your highest good. You are running away from something. You are trying to take the short cut to get where you want to go, but these short cuts don’t actually lead you there. You are letting yourself be tricked into following this path because you’re convinced it’s easier. But, that doesn't mean it’s the best for you. (PS, none of this reading comes from a place of judgement for me as your reader).
What is blocking you? – The Sun
I want to say “your mindset is the clouds that block the sun from shining”. Whatever it is that scares you about moving forward creeps out whenever the merest bit of sun comes out to tell you that you’re doing all the right things. Then you revert back because taking the leap is scary and feel too hard. The Sun card does remind me of youth and having fun, so there may be a part of life that you’re being urged to take more seriously. While the universe does have your back, you can’t be a passive player in your own life. You absolutely deserve to have fun, but if you want to be on the right trajectory your visions of your personal power need to grow.  
What can you expect if you continue? – Nine of Pentacles rev.
I can see your self-esteem taking a hit if you continue the path this way. Eventually, you’ll start realizing that you needed to be making changes sooner rather than later and you’ll feel some self-guilt. You’ll go through this reflective period where you look back on the times you knew you needed to change or act differently, but you just didn’t. Unfortunately, this is going to just add fuel to the fire and at some point, you might think “what does it matter if I’m already this far gone.” There is always time to find your best life, pile 1.
Possible interference – Ace of Pentacles
Something that may get in the way of making these changes & getting back on track could be materialistic manifestations. Along the way, you’re going to want to fill your life with material things that “you’ve always wanted” or that fill you with excitement at the time, but will not ultimately bring you peace. These are just things that are filling the void. When new and exciting opportunities present themselves to you, take time before making any decisions. Figure out if these things are going to provide long term progression for you or if they are only going to make you feel good for a short period of time. Investments are worth it, trinkets are roadblocks.
Final messages – Page of Wands & Ten of Swords rev.
Your guides see your limitless potential, group 1. All of your excitement and fun energy that may get the best of you are still some of the best parts of you! You just have to channel it differently. Create some plans maybe or test the waters before you decide to fully commit to something. Directly from the guidebook “The page of wands can appear when a spiritual path may be calling you.” Your guides want you to know it’s not too late to make changes and re-invest in yourself. They are here to remind you that, even if you don’t know what the reasons are, that everything happens for a reason and even though changes are scary, you will see their purpose(s) soon.
Group 2:
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Yes, No, Almost – Ace of Swords rev.
With this, I think you’re almost on the path but you don’t feel ready to decide which way to take. You may have been having some “it’s too good to be true” feelings lately and so you’re hesitant because you don’t want to end up feeling like you got played.
If almost, what can you do to get closer? – The Devil rev.
Oh yeah, this card absolutely reflects the above notion of being nervous/afraid to take the next step. There are self-limiting beliefs from your past that need to be confronted. Do some shadow work and reflection on deep feelings. I know journalling isn’t for everyone, but just start writing. You don’t have to write for the purpose of immediate reflection, but reflection can occur once you start writing. Try finding a way to integrate your shadows into your life more constructively. For example, “I failed at this thing because I suck” can become “I think I suck because I failed at something previous in life, but everyone fails at some point. This is just a part of life.” You’re not eliminating the feeling that you’re having, but you have the understanding that why it’s presenting itself. Lastly, if there is anything you feel shame about that is preventing you from moving forward, find an outlet to reduce that shame. Reflect on that and, just like the shadow feelings above, determine if it is a capital T Truth about yourself or if it is just a part of your life and it doesn’t actually define who you are.
What can you expect if you continue? – Four of Swords
In this particular reading, I think that continuing to ruminate on the feelings that are holding you back is going to put you into a state of stagnation. I don’t necessarily think you’ll move backward, but you’re not going to move forward either. You may get more in your head by convincing yourself this is where you want to be and so you might end up settling for something that isn’t good enough for you.
Possible interference – The Tower
Confronting your shadow self might slow down the process, BUT it is a necessary step, so I don’t think it’s necessarily a set back but more of a detour. Sometimes we have to break down structures to their foundations in order to build them up stronger. I think this card presented itself to let you know that you might begin feeling like you’re falling behind and so it’s going to feel like interference. You’re going to wonder if you’re doing the right thing. After tower moments, though, we come back stronger than ever.
Final messages – Knight of Wands
Your guides want you to reignite your passion for life! Instead of continually focusing on the big picture, focus on the small things that make you happy. There are things in your life that feel just right. Lean into those! Once you start meeting goals, you’re going to see how unstoppable you are. This is going to help you along with your shadow work and will make that feel a little less daunting, too. You may feel like your passions are silly, because other people think so, but if they bring YOU joy, it doesn’t matter what those people think. You will find people that share your energy. That’s when you’ll know you’re on the path.
Group 3:
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Yes, No, Almost – The Emperor rev.
This pile was teetering between no and almost. You may have been interested in group one, but came this way instead. I think the reason for it being “almost” instead of “no” (as group 1 is) that you know what you need to do, you just don’t feel like it. Whereas, group 1 knows what they need to do but they do different things instead. You aren’t necessarily reverting backwards, but you’re also not moving forward.
If almost, what can you do to get closer? – The Magician rev. & the Eight of Wands
Maximize your potential, group 3, and take that action! You know what you have to do and nothing is going to happen until you do it. It could help you to determine specific goals and manifestations. This may help you feel more successful along the way, encouraging you to keep the momentum up. Maybe by creating, and reaching, the smaller goals you’ll start seeing the evidence you’re waiting for – that change IS possible.
What can you expect if you continue? – The Star rev.
If you continue to keep yourself in this rut, you’re going to start losing faith. It will turn from feeling like you have the power to do it if you just DO to feeling like there’s no point because “it won’t happen anyway”. It’s almost a self-fulling prophecy in this case. You may become disconnected from your goals and you’ll start to settle for less than you’re worth.
Possible interference – King of Pentacles rev.
One of the keywords for this card is literally “stubborn” which is the exact feeling I have when determining “almost” above. Your stubbornness is your biggest enemy right now. There is no shame in admitting that you are stubborn. Growth is a good thing!! You’re allowed to do things you said you wouldn’t or didn’t want to. You get more information every day that consequently adjusts your expectations. “Succumbing” to those does not make you weak or silly.
Final messages – The Hierophant
Your guides want to leave you with the understanding that, no matter what, they’ll still by your side. Remember to lean on them when you’re struggling making these changes and taking plunges. Listen to your intuition and do things even when they’re scary. If you’re afraid of following in someone’s footsteps and do not want to, this message is to tell you that you are not that person and if you stick to your core beliefs, you won’t turn out like them.
Group 4:
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Yes, No, Almost – Six of Swords rev.
Yes, stop resisting it 😉 Overall, I really sense that you’re on the right track but something is holding you back from believing that it’s the right track. Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown or past traumas, but there is something about the journey that you’re resisting. I can tell you KNOW you’re on the right path but maybe, like group 2, it feels too good to be true so you don’t want to invest. It’s okay to invest!
If yes, what are you doing well? – King of Cups rev. & Queen of Pentacles
You’re doing a really good job being kind to yourself. When you get in the doubtful moods, I think you have a way of bringing yourself back to reality and looking at your situation practically. You’re working your butt off to genuinely take care of yourself and your mind. Something I noticed with the cards is a lot of green, which can relate to the heart chakra. I definitely think you’re working from the heart and treating yourself with the love that you deserve.
What can you expect if you continue? – The Empress & The High Priestess
This is such beautiful energy! Continuing to do this work, picking yourself up when you’re down, giving yourself pep talks, and simply believing in the divine is truly going to build your confidence, self-esteem, and belief in yourself and your intuition. You are really getting to know yourself. You are getting to know your true goals, your true values, and your true motivations.
Possible interference – Ace of Swords
The only real interference I see here is your mind becoming overwhelmed with all of the new possibilities that are going to appear. Your mind may feel cluttered with options which has the possibility of making you feel overloaded. Just take a step back, meditate on the options, and make informed decisions. You’ve shown that you are capable of this, so keep it up.
Final messages – Ace of Coins rev.
Don’t give up! Finding your way is tough when the unknown is hovering over you. You may hit delays in your journey that will make you want to just lay down your swords (pun sort of intended with the ace of swords above lol) and surrender. It is okay to take time to plan and to fully understand what your goals are. It’s also okay if you don’t know what those goals are right now! Your goal can simply be living in the now. Continue to be practical and nurturing and you’ll be a-ok.
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popculturetarot · 5 months
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The reversal of the Hierophant is someone who exposes you to new ideas and spiritual growth. It is a quest to further yourself on the path of your soul without concern for society.
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
thief king art repost bc i forgot to draw his stupid scar and i ended up rearranging the whole thing once i sat down to adding it
anyway, tarot card format supremacy<3
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card-a-day · 2 months
Today's Card
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Golden Art Nouveau Tarot by Giulia F Massaglia
The Hierophant - reversed
Society, concord, giving yourself to the point of burn out or being taken advantage of
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packajackalope · 29 days
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Kedrii!! The reversed hierophant
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tarotbykim · 1 year
I would like to know about my main personality traits and how im seen ! Thank you !
Hi! ♥️ There are a few questions I answer regarding personality readings. How others see you, how you see yourself, and what your true essence is:
How Others See You: Others see you as orderly and firm, and some sort of a commanding presence. Others feel safe around you & know you’re reliable, however, they also think that sometimes you’re a bit too honest for your own good.
How You See Yourself: At this point in your life, you do not think too highly of yourself. Perhaps something has happened that made you question who you truly are. However, deep down, you know you are a positive person with good values, that deserves the unwavering feeling of self-worth.
Your True Essence: You are a hard-working person with values that tend to align with their actions almost all of the time. You are strong, resilient, supportive and authentic.
Good luck! 💪♥️😇
(PS. This reading is free, and I hope you've found value in it! In case you wish to sponsor my work you can buy me a coffee! Of course, this is not mandatory nor expected! I also really appreciate any constructive feedback!💫)
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pohlepen · 1 year
which tarot card are you? ♡
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the plan is perfect in every way. everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. you have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position? you, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. ensure that they have not played better than you.
tagged by: @sherez <3
tagging: @emissry, @helleyed, @appleyed, @bellecosebabe, @nightmarecountry, @benbraeden, @soothsayher,, @renkniighted + whoever wants to do it, steal it and tag me.
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assigning tarot cards to the LL cast and getting to five like no that's too many cards i said THREE. you can have THREE. put some back
#lorien legacies#LL tag#LL number five#this is mostly just with the major arcana too i've barely even scratched at the minor arcana#although five of pentacles reversed is about the most on the nose a card could possibly have been 🥲#BUT YEAH THERE'S. SO MANY THERE'S SO MANY#the moon is His Card as far as i'm concerned re: the major arcana#but also. we got your fool reversed. we got your hermit reversed. we got your sun reversed#we got your hierophant doing cartwheels#same for six of cups 🥲#setrákus is the magician BIG TIME as well as the emperor and also doing the hierophant cartwheel#there's a bunch more i'll have to go into later because i slept poorly and my head feels real grainy#i know that fandom tarot projects are something that does not ever get finished because holy shit understandable#22 very detailed and symbolism-heavy illustrations and that's /just/ for the major arcana#but i very very much want to at least do the moon for five#and probably also the magician for setrákus just because i have a Clear Image of it in my head. he even has the eye of thlaloc for the wand#setrákus ra#tarot stuff#also the theme of the entire first series is just the star reversed; which i also have a really clear image of#the spaceship making its descent to earth#which is /supposed/ to eventually transition into the star upright when they wake up lorien#which is a shame because that would also make for some great star imagery except that the entity's deal is the uh. the star But Evil#while being played entirely straight by the authors 🙃#so there's that!#LL entity#EDIT: HOW DID I FORGET THE DEVIL#FOR FIVE HOW DID I FORGET#HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
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tarotlogy · 2 years
The Hierophant (V)
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Breaking rules. Rejecting orthodox ways and tradition. You begin to think for yourself for once and make your own decisions and live by your own rules. It can be time when you deliberately search for a new path to take, aware that the path you have tread for so long is not the only one.
  There is a great sense of freedom and a lifting of oppression. The Hierophant reversed may represent the priest or nun who leaves their order or it may suggest that you have changed religion. Following another set of beliefs instead of the old ones. You may be questioning authority or behaving immorally. You may leave school, college or any formal training institute. It is a time of feeling and acting rebelliously.
An unconventional relationship, such as a homosexual relationship or a couple who reverse the traditional roles such as stay at home fathers while the mother works.  You may decide not to go with tradition and not marry.  You may be causing a scandal by behaving inappropriately or immorally. Perhaps you have done something that you feel ashamed of. You may feel you have sinned and fear or face excommunication from friends, family and even the community at large.  You may have impure thoughts about another. Infidelity and indiscretion. Your conscience may be bothering you.
On the other hand you may be dreadfully clinging to  old habits and beliefs. You may feel sanctimonious,  righteous and arrogant. He can suggest that you are extremely judgemental where others are concerned. With blinkers on you go through life thinking that you know it all and feel superior to others.
When The Hierophant reverses he can represent the disgraced spiritual leader or someone of importance caught in an uncompromising act. The Health Guru could be caught eating McDonalds or the Spiritual leader who absconds with church funds.
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rhysnolastname · 1 year
Thinking abt which Tarot cards would fit my little da ocs for future reference………….. I want them drawn ………..
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huntingtogether · 1 year
📸/ pls adam & gadreel, make it soft-
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
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l3xistentialism · 2 years
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THE HIEROPHANT RX ⛪️ | Not everyone deserves power and influence, and it takes a certain strength to handle it responsibly. Some are incompetent, others are corrupt, and some just don’t care enough to do what needs to be done. The Hierophant Rx expresses all these forms of skewed authority. When those who are supposed to be in charge are not supporting those for whom they’re responsible, the least of us are left spinning out. So what do we do? We have to turn to ourselves, to our loved ones and communities to connect and get our needs met. When Taurus’s grounded, methodical energy is turned on its head, it becomes obsessed, unfocused, and emotionally volatile (oh, hi Scorpio). Understanding and working with this energy effectively when it comes up in our readings calls on us to reflect on folks in power that we admire. Are they admirable because of the position/title or because of what they do with it? Once we separate the real from false pretenses, we can govern ourselves in a way that not only makes sense, but is in the service of improving ourselves, loved ones & communities.
Deck - The Muse Tarot
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numinously-yours · 25 days
Hello, may I participate in your free read please? Much appreciated! 🥹 I am L ♌️ and would like to ask for advice with my connection with A ♈️? Has it run its course?
Happy Monday!
I drew three cards to give me some overall information about the connection and where it's at. I drew a final card for some advice moving forward :) (the other three will also give us some insight on advice)
Your cards: Page of Cups rev., Ace of Swords, King of Cups, and the Hierophant rev.
The majority of these cards do speak about "new ideas" and "breakthroughs". Additionally, there are indications of creative blocks, immaturity, and looking at situations logically. You mentioned "has it run its course" and I think these cards do kind of indicate that it has. I interpret them as new doors opening and opportunities to breakthroughs which are likely apart from this person. With the Page of Cups in reverse coming first, I am being told that the connection itself did not have as solid of a foundation as you need. Because there is talk of breakthroughs, I think the emotional immaturity is coming from A's side of things. You have a more mature energy about you. You have a better idea of what you want and need. Whether consciously or not, A may just be having fun and not really thinking ahead to the future. You may be feeling stuck in this connection because there isn't much further to go. It doesn't mean that it's a bad connection or that you can't continue to pursue it, but I do think there are opportunities out there that will be better suited for you.
The Hierophant in reverse was your main advice card, but I think all of the cards can really speak to it. The main piece of advice is to explore your freedoms, new ideas, and passions. As I mentioned above, you CAN keep pursuing the connection, but don't let it take away from the progress that you can make on a personal level.
Thanks for your request!
$1 and $5 tip options are available on my Etsy shop! These are 100% optional, not expected, and always appreciated.
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