#hienma noya
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kamisamabest · 3 months ago
so back then mahiru said that demons lose their memories when they turn into demons
and the reason she didn't lose her memory is because she turned herself into a demon by another way
and we can see that noya can also remember his memories from back then he was a human
how does he do that?
im gonna go think a bit more abt this
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annoyingflowerwitch · 3 months ago
The third progenitors will always be the most mysterious and the ones with auras imo. Even tho they’re just puppets for shi, their interactions with him etc are more interesting to me than others
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I still wonder what the Ashera/Krul/Noya trio did to Mikaela's body or why krul wasn't chosen as one of Shi's apostle out of the trio.
We never saw lest among them and i also think the reason he wasn't chosen was different from krul.
There is so much mystery about all of them, spill it kagami 🗣️
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amethystroselily · 1 year ago
Krul, Ashera, Noya, and Yuu being childhood friends is honestly such a delightful addition to the lore. It’s so fucked up, I love it.
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distinguished-slacker · 2 years ago
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Just saying that if Noya and Lestie had grown into their adulthood they would have looked fine as hell because even as 11-14(?) year olds they look fine enough✋😩
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 year ago
Seraph of Academia chpt.3
Return to File
Recovery date: March 20th, 2020
Description: Our favorite ONS teens training to be heroes! Will Yuu survive Guren's class? Will Yuu confess to Mika? And most importantly will the become heroes?
Notes: Unfortunately this series of entries was corrupted and recovery is unlikely, apologies for the inconvenience. This is an abandoned work
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7---Quirk List
Word count: 242
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“I forgot my homework.”
“Well too ba- Wait. You forgot your homework?” Ashera asked, turning around finally.
“Ya!” She called, running back towards the school.”Just go on ahead! I’ll walk home myself!”
“If I knew I would be walking home without you, I would have left EARLIER!” Ashera yelled after her. “Honestly,” he sighed.
“AWW, I’ll walk home with you brooooo,” Noya cooed getting in Ashera’s face.
The smile dropped from Ashera’s face,” Shut up. And don’t call me that!” He shoved Noya’s face out of his own and continued home.
“Oof!” Kruel groaned as she fell on her butt.
She hadn’t been paying attention while running back to the training ground. Looking up, it seemed she had also knocked down the boy she’d hit. She didn’t recognize him so he was either a first year or not in the hero department. He was rather small, and his eyes were covered by his hair. It was the same shade as hers, and she couldn’t put her finger on it but he looked familiar.
“Ah. Sorry,” he said, standing up and offering her a hand. “I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“No! No! I wasn’t watching where I was going. What department are you in?”
“I’m a first year in the hero department-,” he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it.
“Oh! Sorry. My name is Kruel.”
“Alright then. I’m a first year in the hero department Kruel-senpai. My name is-”
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years ago
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ONS new color page (not best quality)
Translation of the cover:
It is the one who controls the world ...
Is it a great conspiracy?
Or is it my desire?
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oya-oya-okay · 3 years ago
for my dear @thesoundofanicefall💗
<<Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen>> [COLORING]
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lestsupremacybitch · 3 years ago
One day
Crowleys gonna abolish everyone and have his happy ending while everyone else is burning in hell
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helioptrixx · 3 years ago
It's kind of funny how literal some of the demons names are. Byakkomaru literally means white tiger, Raimeiki literally means thunder demon, and Kiseki-o literally means "King of the Demon Box." But this also brings up other questions, like why their names before they were vampires are what they are. Apparently, people name their children Raimei and Kiseki, but Byakko is technically a surname and if you are familiar with some East Asian mythology you've probably heard of the White Tiger of the West, or Byakko, in Japanese.
Out of all the demons, Byakkomaru is the most loyal to his name, manifesting as white tigers and even wearing a tiger cloak in his more humanoid form. This kind of makes me wonder if he (and Raimeiki, Kiseki-o, and Gekkouin) was something else before he was a demon/vampire.
When ancient Yuu, Ashera, Krul, and Noya go to see winged Mika way back when, Noya mentions something about how Mika is what all of them were supposed to be. In other words, perfect Michaelas, whatever that means. Michaela, or Mikaela, means "who resembles/is like God." The Michaela in Ancient Greece is said to be Sika Madu's son, but for whatever reason, he attempts to make others, and there are characters who have the "Michaela trait" (Mika, Crowley, and Ferid). Krul, Ashera, and Noya are known to be human before they become vampires, but what about the others? Demons don't have to be vampires before they turned, though those who aren't are all human, rather than something else.
Sika Madu is someone who I'm not entirely sure of being a vampire before becoming a demon, at least not completely. He's able to manifest wings, for example, which are very seraph-like in appearance and he's also the first vampire, and how he came to be so when all vampires apparently have to be turned by others is unknown.
There must have been something special about those Shikama Doji had chosen, especially considering how he didn't choose Krul and Ky Luc, who are also both third progenitors, or even Rigr and Urd, who were/are second progenitors and technically would have more powerful than the thirds. Actually, I'm curious. All the sixth progenitors and above were sired by Sika Madu, but for what reason do they have more/less capabilities? Is the amount of power they gain random, or is the sire able to choose the amount of power bestowed upon them?
But I digress. No one would name their child "Byakko," so I'm wondering if this hints at some sort of different pre-demon existence. It's also possible that this could just be a chosen name or a nickname and I'm looking into it too much.
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classybeardbluebird · 3 years ago
You bitches....ahhhhh
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crowleydelune · 3 years ago
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baby noya ♥️🥤
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years ago
OnS Theories (24S). Second Theory - Explanation of the Memory Segment and the World of Illusions.
Hello everyone, finally we start with new theories, and I must say, chapter 106 just rocked. It was a really well done chapter, sasuga Kagami-sensei!
Nevertheless, there have been many doubts surrounding it, specially one about Mika and Shikama appearing, which actually have a more simple explanation than what it looks like, therefore, let’s begin!
P.S: Theories are held within neutral view and ships are excluded
Before I start up explaining how this memory segment and the illusions work, let’s make a review or recap of the chapter:
First of all, the chapter resumes were Mikaela saw the big eye in the darkness; of course, such eye represents the depthness within Yu’s heart, as to why, I’ll explain that later on, but nevertheless, he noticed something peculiar about such eye:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
He was aware the eye meant no harm to him, thus leading him to touch it, which of course, the eye gave permission to him, but why?
The reason to this is very simple; despite the eye which in fact is Yuu’s heart, or the source of origin of Yuu; the memories and experiences that have been withstood within Yuu along being engraved deep within his very soul remain there, thus meaning he trusts Mika completely, knowing he does not mean any harm along the very fact that he does see him as an equal, a human to the very core.
After this, the memory segment begins.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
But, is this truthfully a memory segment?
The answer to this is absolutely yes.
You might wonder where or how exactly this is possible, and for that, I’ll bring the biggest reference possible to this kind of scenario and that is the franchise of Assassin’s Creed.
For those who might not know, Assassin’s Creed is a game franchise which of course, focuses on a secret order that works in the shadows to keep balance in the world against Templars, but of course, the main point or comparison is that the game itself uses memory segments, what do I mean?
The MC within those titles, uses a special machine to experience and live in a simulation the memories of their ancestors...
Along this, another anime that uses such events is actually a bizarre anime that I do not recommend to watch, which is Corpse Party. (Warning: Do not watch unless you tolerate horror and gore)
Within said anime, there’s a scene on which one of the main cast gets to experience lively what happened to the unfortunate souls that were living in a constant grudge to their tragic past. Which this could relate as living a memory segment as well...
And this is precisely what happens with Mikaela after touching said eye. ,it could be said he is set into a world made of the memories the very origin of Yuu experienced in flesh, which is why the next panel goes like this:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
In the picture above and my failed attempts to trace a circle, the one looking at everything is in fact Mikaela Hyakuya; which is why he asks about where he currently is, along the creepy eyes in the tanks along spotting a child which is Yuu, the one that lived in with the progenitors and the chosen apostles.
It could be said that the big eyeball that allowed Mikaela to touch it, displayed Mika the distant past, along letting him experience everything in flesh, which is why he took the form of the tiny eye watching everything including Yuu.
Following this, Noya arrives and spots Yuu, which of course, knowing Yuu’s nature, he’s quite happy and hopeful to awake Mika without the knowledge of knowing that, in order to awake the corpse, he needs to disappear, but of course, knowing Noya’s nature, he stops being tolerant with him and decapitates him in the act:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Of course, to the scene, Ashera arrives and tells Noya that he shouldn’t have done that since Sika Madu would take heed and notice the incidents going around. (To this point, the memory segment is normal.)
This follows up Noya into saying that he’ll create another:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Within the circled dialogue box and the eye floating which of course is Mikaela, he notices that from the eyes that were floating in those tanks, they instantly materialized Yuu which of course was bestowed with life once it was out of the tank.
But since Noya couldn’t tolerate how noisy the cloned Yuu was, he ended up killing the newborn clone, thus leading to Mikaela’s position:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Mikaela realized he’d get materialized as Yuu and by experience, understood that if he made a noise, he’d get killed:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
But now, the biggest question comes, which one could it be?
How was Noya not able to detect the changes and why did this memory segment continued? Does it mean the memory segment continued normally?
Within this, there are two scenarios:
First Scenario - The Past Simply Repeated Itself
Within this First Scenario, it’s very likely that the next clone made of Yuu wasn’t killed, which of course paints very well as to why Noya didn’t do anything else like ejecting or killing the current clone standing
Second Scenario - The Memory Segment didn’t consider such action as a huge alteration of the events
Within this scenario, which is likely just like the first one, it implies that the memory segment wasn’t affected that much, which is why it didn’t get destroyed or ejected Mikaela from it, since sooner or later, the next part of the segment would replay leading the events of seeing Shikama and the other demons arriving to the scene, and the biggest proof to this is the next panel:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
After Noya and Ashera stopped paying mind to the clone of Yuu in there, Mikaela managed to wonder who they were and where exactly such events took place, thus leading to the arrival of the other demons which, until that spot, was where the memory segment was going or replaying:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
When the other demons arrived, the memory segment was slowly getting disturbed by something, but what could this something mean?
Correct. The Power of Illusion and Distortion
The First Progenitor is well known to have powers that are equivalent of those to a God; powers that are extremely powerful to invade whatever he wishes to do, but, within this, the First Progenitor hasn’t even considered that within his schemes, there’s already a Trojan Horse invading his plans since the First Progenitor pretty much underestimates everything around him due to his arrogance which is why Rigr uses this disadvantage of the First to execute his plans without his notice:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Once Rigr finishes the countdown, the First Progenitor manages to fully materialize within the Memory Segment but, how is that possible?
Since the First Progenitor is capable of invading other’s hearts, which is heavily seen within chapter 73:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 73
Back in chapter 73, Shikama managed to infiltrate in Ashera’s heart with ease, without alerting Yuu about it, since he was pretty much focused on making Ashera remember their agenda and goals to fulfill which lead to the current present.
But returning to the main theory, how exactly does this revolve around the powers of illusion and distortion?
For this, it is needed to understand that the memory segment acts like a Lucid Dream, which can be defined as this:
Lucid dreams are when you know that you’re dreaming while you’re asleep.
You’re aware that the events flashing through your brain aren’t really happening. But the dream feels vivid and real. You may even be able to control how the action unfolds, as if you’re directing a movie in your sleep.
Link source: https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/lucid-dreams-overview
This only gives strength as to why Mikaela was capable of changing few aspects without distorting the events of the past, but, since both Yuu and him lowered their guards, the First Progenitor had a door, but which one?
Correct. Asuramaru
After Asuramaru saw the transformation of the vampire Mikaela into a demon, he was able to remember everything, including how he became an apostle to Shikama and his loyalty towards him.
His main task is to serve him and retrieve Mikaela’s soul but since he was forced to obey Yuu due to the laws of the contract, the only thing Asuramaru might have been able to do is allow Shikama Doji enter within his heart, allowing him to fully enter into the heart of Yuu which was left wide open.
Thus leading to the next event, which is, creating an illusion, what do I mean?
After he managed to enter into Yuu’s heart or rather the deepest part of his heart, he mixed himself within the memory segment, allowing the segment to continue until he reached a safe distance where Mikaela was present, what do I mean?
This could be described as him acting as a part of the memory segment, but, instead of showing the memory of Sika Madu; he exchanged that memory figure with him, which could be single defined as substitution.
Which is why once he got close to Mika, the next thing that happened was this:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
The Sika Madu displaying there isn’t the one from the past, but in fact, it’s the current Shikama Doji wearing a disguise and this is heavily seen by how he was able to manifest the scythes he currently uses as a demon; hence why he states he didn’t expect Mikaela would come that far to the past, and this is actually due to the fact that Mikaela wanted to understand why Yuu was that way and what he was mixed into, thus leading to the next panel:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Mikaela realizes that the real monster managed to appear within the memory segment or lucid dream he was experiencing since he heavily states that he has to wake up and get out of there.
But within this, there’s something rather curious that many readers within the spanish and english fandom wonder, what could it be?
What does Shikama mean by not letting Mika get away again?
That’s actually easy, what do I mean?
If many might recall, in chapter 98 Shikama made an act of presence in order to retrieve the demon Mikaela by sending Asuramaru, Gekkouin and Kiseki-O to his wolrd, which, they almost managed to capture:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 101
Of course, what they didn’t consider was the fact that Yuu was heading their way to save Mikaela, which is why the First Progenitor is doing the job himself:
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  Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Of course, due to the massive difference of power, Mikaela isn’t capable of defending himself, but, within this, there’s something huge to highlight, what could it be?
The current Demon Mikaela isn’t tied to Shikama Doji
What does this mean?
It means that the demon Mikaela is made of all the life experiences and memories Mikaela Hyakuya lived, it means the past he had is the one he lived, BUT, the very reason the First Progenitor targets his soul it’s because he needs a soul to bring back whatever he wants to bring which of course it’s not good news.
Once he gets Mika’s soul, Mika and Yuu will cease to exist.
Which is why, the next thing that happens is this one:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 106
Yuu goes to his rescue as a voice; he reminds Mika that he’s not alone but in order to save him, he needs to accept the deal and contract of becoming his demon, so he can get more powerful and finally fend against the monster Shikama Doji truthfully is.
With this theory, it is focused to explain the events that happened in the latest chapter.
Hope this theory solves the many doubts the fandom may have!
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
What do you think dear readers?
Let me know!
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black-sapphire57 · 4 years ago
Some people want to see Mika and the eye next chap
Some people want to see the progenitors in the next chap
Some people want to see Shinya next chap
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amethystroselily · 1 year ago
I think Guren’s relationship with Noya vs Yuu’s relationship with Ashera kind of parallels their relationships with their squads. Guren’s relationship with Ashera started off super rocky but by the end of the light novels a genuine bond had formed between them. Yuu and Asuramaru always kind of got along but they fell apart immediately when the issue of Mika came between them.
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distinguished-slacker · 3 years ago
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Seeing people complaining about how the choice for chapter 116 wasn’t the most adequate considering what happened with Yuu and Mika recently, I’ll just say that this current volume has this illustration for a reason. There is a possibility that after this Tepes siblings flashback chapter we might have another chapter coming up about Lest and Noya.
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 year ago
Seraph of Academia chpt.2
Return to File
Recovery date: March 19th, 2020
Description: Our favorite ONS teens training to be heroes! Will Yuu survive Guren's class? Will Yuu confess to Mika? And most importantly will the become heroes?
Notes: Unfortunately this series of entries was corrupted and recovery is unlikely, apologies for the inconvenience. This is an abandoned work
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7---Quirk List
Word count: 1 291
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Finding class hadn’t been too hard, even if Yuu hadn’t paid much attention to the map. Mika was able to find his class and subsequently Yuu’s. Waving goodbye, they entered their respective classes. Dear god please be merciful and let Yuu have a calm first day, Mika thought taking his seat. His teacher was already there sorting through some papers. As the rest of the class filtered in and took their seats, thanks to tags on desks, the bell rang.
“Good morning everyone!” The teacher spoke, quieting the class.” I’m Sayuri-sensei, and I’m also the temporary school nurse so please be patient with me.”
Before she could continue a loud bang came from the room behind her. While the class jumped and looked worriedly at the wall, she just sighed. Opening her mouth to continue, the wall behind her shook. You could hear arguing from the room before what sounded like “ Alright everyone get changed and meet outside!”
The whole class looked at eachother, Mika was probably the calmest. That was only because Yuu wasn’t in any pain and was only angry. Yuu being angry was nothing to worry about, it’s when he’s in pain Mika starts to worry. Sayuri-sensei just smiled and told them not to worry.
“That’s class 1-A’s teacher Guren-sensei!” She finally continued just as happily as earlier.” Don’t worry, that class will be fine.”
“Are you sure sensei? The wall was shaking,” someone said from the back of the class.
“Yup! Now, while class 1-A does their physical assessment we’ll go meet the support class. You should try to befriend them as they’ll be the ones to help with costume adjustments.”
On the way to the support course building they caught a glimpse of what they could only assume was class 1-A’s assessment. They weren’t entirely sure because it looked more like two of the students were being held apart by the teacher. For the love of god! Mika thought, realizing that one of the students was Yuu. He’d have to ask about that at lunch. Assuming Yuu didn’t get expelled before then. How had he even made it this far?
Once in the support building they were shown too one of the first year classes. To get them rolling down the right path, a third year support class would be joining them. So there were three classes split into groups of three, a third year and two first years. Unfortunately, Mika had been dreading this, he had never been the best at making friends. Luckily, the first year support student wasn’t a complete stranger.
“Hello again,” he said, tapping his partner on the shoulder.
“AH!” he yelled, turning around. “Oh My God! I’m so so so sorry!”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to keep apologizing.”
“AH! I’m sorry. Hey, you’re the person I ran into this morning…” The boy calmed down, behind him their third year group member was doubled over laughing.
Mika looked at him glaring as he straightened out and whipped the tears from his eyes. Smiling the boy waved at Mika from behind the other support member.
“I’m Yoichi and this is Ashera-senpai,” he said, motioning to the boy behind him.
Ashera had turned back to Mika’s costume outline. He had pulled his hair into a ponytail and was taking notes. Mika and Yoichi sat down on the other side of the work space. Mika had never seen the official plan of his costume. Looking at it made him smile, they other children had “helped” him and Yuu design their costumes. So his and Yuu’s outfits looked a little like something a prince would wear in a fairytale.
His quirk wasn't very helpful in combat, so he had to work really hard in hand to hand combat. He could take some of their strength if he bonded with someone, and that’s where his knives came in. He really only needed a bit of blood and they’d be bonded for up to ten minutes. This meant his costume couldn’t weigh him down, so it was mostly light fabric with padding in some place.
“Awwww,” someone said from behind the two first years. “Does someone wanna be prince charming?” 
“Don’t you have your own first years to torment Noya?” Ashera asked, he looked behind them.
“I actually came to bother you!”
“Great…” Ashera grumbled. “Now go away before I get Mahiru-sensei.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later.”
“But, the design seems a little inconvenient,” Yoichi said, turning back to the paper. “There’s no protection. Would you mind if we changed it?”
“No. But, I want to keep the princely look. My siblings helped me design it, so it means alot,” Mika mumbled. 
“Then we could probably make a chainmail inner layer,” Ashera put in. “ There are materials that are thin and mobile that still offer some protection.”
Come lunchtime Mika had made minor changes to his costume, taken a physical assessment, and been given a tour of the school. In that time Yuu had been angry, angry, and...you get the point. The lunchroom was pretty crowded, it seemed like the whole school was there. In hindsight they probably should have come up with a meeting place. Why didn’t we make a meeting place? Mika wondered.
Suddenly there was a loud bang from across the cafeteria. Right, Mika thought. Akane and him had no doubt Yuu would start a fight. So they’d decided to just use him as a beacon. Now listening to the fighting as he got closer, he was wondering when he thought this was a good idea. Stumbling suddenly and feeling very disoriented, he picked up the pace. Usually sudden disorientation meant that Yuu got punched. 
“Yuu stop!” he heard Akane yell.
“He started it!” Yuu yelled back.
Finally, he pushed through the crowd that had formed. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t dropped his lunch on the way here. Setting it down on a nearby table he took in what was going on. Akane and a blond girl were trying to hold Yuu back, while Yoichi held back the pink haired man from this morning. Huh. He doesn’t look that strong, Mika thought, looking at Yoichi. 
“You’d think the teachers would have gotten involved by now,” someone said from beside Mika.
Someone else behind him yawned, “They’re so loud.”
“Yuu!” Mika yelled walking towards him, “I thought we told you not to pick a fight!”
“Mika,” Yuu said and stopped fighting against the two girls.
“Let’s go Kimizuki,” he heard Yoichi. “Sorry for disturbing you!” Yoichi apologized to the crowd as it began to disperse.
“You’ve got a LOT of explaining to do,” Mika growled. “I’ve been angry all day thanks to you,” he said, grabbing Yuu by his collar and dragging him over to where he’d left his food.
Akane, the blond girl from earlier, and another girl with purple hair joined them. Akane had brought over her lunch and Yuu’s from where they’d left it. 
“What do you want, Shinoa?” Yuu asked the girl with purple hair.
“Nothing,” she hummed and started eating.
“Mitsuba,” Akane said, poking the other gir, “these are my brothers Yuu and Mika. This is Mitsuba, she’s in my class.”
“Hey Yuu,” Shinoa asked, “Are you gonna introduce me?”
“Guren,” Shinya whined, “Shouldn’t you have done something about that fight?”
Guren continued eating, watching the cafeteria from the corner. Him and Shinya were on lunch supervision with Sayuri. When the fight had started Guren had told them to wait it out. If it didn’t calm down quickly they’d intervene. 
“Nothing bad happened.”
“Will you at least tell us what happened this morning?” Sayuri asked quietly. “My class was worried when the wall started to shake.”
“Just a few hot headed brats. Nothing I can’t handle.”
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