#hides behind the corner
iceclew · 1 month
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Did I spent all my f*cking free time and last week on drawing like a mad man? Yes I did. Was is Kaiju OC ref sheets only? Yes it was. And did I draw not one, not two, not three but actually four at a time? Yes I did.
Detailed Ref sheets of the Queens Squad below let's gooooo ... ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ
I'm gonna show you in the order I drew it, you may realize I did change the style a bit. And they don't have surnames, I just gave 'em a random letter., lol
y/o = Char is .... years old y/o.s. in D.F. = .... years of service in Defence Force C.P. (w/#7)= Combat Power (with No 7 weapon equipped)
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Meggiiiee :o She's a char I came up with in...like 2015 ╥﹏╥ (I'm old) and it was a char in the Legend of Korra-Universe. I sorta transferred her story into the kaiju-verse, and well... I love her a lot :D Also not me struggling with drawing guns/sniper rifles ... :) I wanted to give her a cool gadget but messed up xD Her name wasn't Megumi at first, but I had to change it to fit the japanese Kaiju-verse.
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Anouk aka. Anu-chan :3 Yeah, also LOK-verse. She's from 2012 ಥ_ಥ (I'm oooold). Used to be a ice/waterbender, but I redid her skillset completely.. I just didn't feel it in this verse. She should get a special prompt too, but I forgot didn't do that as well :)
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Panpanpan :O Pan is the oldest OC, but at the same time the newest I came up with (early 2024). I feel like OCs very often do have at least a little resembles with yourself, whether it's looks or personality. Pan is the character who most resembles me in both :D (very much because it's the newest, lol) But she's a bit over the top nice.
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Kari ma gurl c: It's so weird, but I sorta forgot most of my OC's names... ╭( ๐ _๐)╮I mean Pan didn't have a name at first, and for the rest of 'em I had to look up old files, older work on dA and so on.. I hope I am right with 'Kari', I literally am not sure anymore :D Also a char I did early 2024, and it was initially for the BNHA-verse.
*struggles to find more words*
uuh... well... I'mma leave this here now..( 〃..)
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to-proudly-go · 11 months
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Anakin gets into the spirit of Halloween!
(Obi-Wan silently gets overwhelmed by fluffy feelings)
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Okay I have started randomly thinking about the Aliens Vs Predator game (the 2010 one). Specifically the xenomorph campaign, along with xeno-batfam. Y'know, just slowly rotating it.
Just thinking of a what if scenario slash crossover y'know. I mean the vibes are there with xenomorph experiments and all that y'know. Just pondering on if Bruce never ended up on Earth per se
Heck maybe the JL don't even exist yet or something idk, just rotatin ideas rn lol
Here's a playthrough with no commentary on if anyone is curious, though do be warned for blood violence and death, y'know the usual for Alien lol
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kiragecko · 2 months
I love my husband, and I love being married to him.
I’m neurodivergent enough that jokes are really hit or miss. And I’m SENSITIVE. I don’t like teasing that has even the slightest barb, and I hate self-deprecating humour. But joking around is a really powerful way of strengthening connections with others!
So the Husband has learned my family’s weird exaggerated-lying-as-humour. It’s not quite sarcasm, because there is ZERO bite. It’s just a straightforward and obvious lie, especially when you are currently doing the opposite of whatever you’re saying. “Will you get add enough water for me to the kettle?” “No,” as I get up to do it. It’s like a 5 year old’s idea of humour.
I just came in and told him I was stealing his charger cable. He responded with, “oh no! I will die!” And his wail was SO CUTE. I am overflowing with fondness right now. He learned that from me and he’s doing it entirely for me because he wants to make me smile! His sense of humour was completely different when he met me! But I kept having panic attacks when he surprised me, so now he says cute silly things instead, and pauses to make sure I enjoy them!
He just cares so much. And respects me. And we have fun together. I love him a lot.
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frozenfeathers-00 · 3 months
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Were they seizing, or were they all well aware Clancy was there and just stood there not knowing what the hell to do about it.
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oneiriad · 9 months
Crossover where the late Shen Qingqiu gets lost on his way to the mushroom body and ends up in Ghost City instead.
Years later Luo Binghe finds his way to Ghost City. But he'll only gamble with the Ghost King Crimson Rain Sought Flower himself, as befits an emperor, and the Ghost King is on his bi-monthly honeymoon, and so he must wait.
The snarky croupier ghost attendant assigned to him by the Waning Moon officer is decent enough company. Showing him the sights as he waits, arranging for him to receive private lessons from a ghost chef or two, being helpful, even if he does seem to have some odd preconceptions of what Binghe might like or dislike.
And then Hua Cheng returns and Luo Binghe makes his bet: to win the return of his Shizun's spirit.
He does not notice his ghost attendant squeaking and hiding behind a cultivator in white Daoist robes, a ghost that entirely misses Luo Binghe's reply to Hua Cheng asking what he'll bet. What does he have to offer of the same value.
"My life."
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dol-dee · 5 months
I wonder, does Avery actually react when you get back from Remys farm/ does she chew you out about where you've been or does she not care at all?
I think I saw Whitney reacting to it in game? But who else? (cause I feel like I missed out. Nobody seemed to care not even Robin 😔)
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Soooo....... if you don't mind me asking
What was that about a cult in the human au👀👀👀
(I hope I'm getting that right and if not I'm referring to the one implied( ?) In I think the eddie short story you posted a while back)
I hope you have a good day/ night whenever you are <3 <3, you're like one of my fav welcome home creators rn <3 <3
HA uh it's not a real cult! it's more like a cult following if anything, the Guys™️ are just dramatic / passive-aggressive about it
a 'cult following of what' you may ask! well! it's a cult following of Wally! or more specifically, Wally's art. it isn't like, Famous or anything, but there's a niche group of art enthusiasts/snobs/etc that are borderline Obsessed with it (in my mind his art Is pretty funky! i like to think that he has mild associative synesthesia, which bleeds into his work along with his disregard for art 'rules' and the like)
it's not a huge problem? just a minor nuisance. and as a plus, it means that those people will pay absurd amounts for Wally's pieces when he sells them (or is doing commission work)!
Wally has mixed feelings about it. on one hand, he does Not mind attention & loves to talk about his art and meet new people. on the other hand, a lot of his "fans" are overbearing / over-familiar and blatantly misinterpret him and his art. so while Wally loves attending art shows etc, whenever he recognizes one of his "fans" walking over he'll often make an excuse to leave for a minute (or one of his friends will act as sort of a bodyguard lol)
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omgkayplays · 8 months
What kind of love are you?
I was tagged by @mattodore <3
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Love as a Performance
Your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. You love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. Can that be considered love, you wonder? As a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. You’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. Your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. Your love is enchanting. Your love is melodic. Your love is afraid and fearful and longing. You ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. You’re terrified of the very thought. Being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. It reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. Not really. Not truly.
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Love as a Choice
You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
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freebooter4ever · 11 months
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the only time i have touched a hockey skate in real life was when i was like five years old and digging through grandma's closet to find my aunt's old figure skating tutus, and instead i unearthed a box with my dad's 1970's hockey skates
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
In other news guess who got followed by a strange man today 🤩
Everybody say thank you to the random guy who helped me by scaring the creep away by simply being a man and walking with me till I got out from the subbies/underpass thingy area🥰
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mayamarvil · 2 years
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he’s obsessed with him
Titans United: Bloodpact #5
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deadrlngers · 10 months
i was tagged by @katsigian and @enverflymm, thank you so much!! <3
tagging: @devilbrakers @quickhacked @hibernationsuit @avallachs @halsin @mightymizora and whoever else wants to do this, i forgot who writes so if you want to jump on this go ahead
unethical autopsy under the cut, sorry
The slash had to be wider, so Violante provided by hand and blade. She blinked in rapid succession a few times and sank the dagger as far as she could into the torso. It was easy to part skin from bone, neither cared to put up a fight and stay anchored to one another, instead it was neatly separating as if the flesh desired to come off, to break down, to lose the battle for preservation.
Violante thought of peaches and kitchen knives, of summer. A contorted smile turned her mouth as she peeled the flesh off Ruven and her vision, perhaps her mind, slipped past his remains. The black rot that came in patches like the dented portion of the fruit, the fetid liquid overflowing from the orifices a sweet juice rippling down the fingers after a bite–nourishment and death, Violante swore she could taste the carrion on her tongue. Viscous but sweet, dry yet sapid, and wrong, oh so wrong and bloodcurdling and–
With a sudden retch she folded on the floor, her hand clasped the cloth covering the lower half of her face and promptly pulled it down. The coughing fits were intense, violent, and tore her throat as if something was trying to escape from there with teeth and claws, splitting her trachea. The hilt of the dagger hit the ground with a thud, a pearl of saliva hanging by her lips following suit. Violante's hand scrambled between dust and dried blood to find curved fingers, dull and darker than the rest of the body, and when found, she moved past and went for the wrist–still no pulse to be found, unsurprisingly. Fingernails teared the surface as she gripped it; she bowed impossibly low, forehead resting between the dirt and her own spit, arm circling her stomach like it was cramping. At that point, she was ready to look.
It was easier to stare at Ruven this time, he had no eyes to return her gaze. He had no head. Violante laughed–loud at first, the kind that made crinkles appear around the corner of the eyes, then quieter, irregular like a hiccup. She liked him quieter, she found. But how did his voice sound anyway? It couldn't be forgotten already, could it be? She retracted her hand as if it was burning; he was so cold it hurt. She didn't like him cold, she found as well, and she liked it better when the blood was hot and running instead of aggregated and frozen. A grin twitched to surface then a scowl and then again a smile, unsure if her lips wanted to stay up or down, if they had to express joy or grief. It did not matter, she had to focus so she pushed herself up and straightened her spine.
Do monsters have a heart?
The dagger exposed Ruven's gut. Maggots were feasting on the decomposing innards, swarming a stomach almost fully decayed, feeding off the intestines and the spleen until they would fall apart. Ruven was being consumed, as if he was nothing more than livestock. It was wrong, even in its inescapable nature. Violante couldn’t stop thinking of the word–wrong, wrong, wrong.
A pitiful sob, that’s all she allowed, then a murmur–It shouldn’t be you. She repeated the words until they filled the room like a prayer. It shouldn’t be you. It should be me.
She rubbed her face against her sleeve and stopped only when the friction began stinging enough to know her skin had reddened. Then, she resumed her work. 
The nose crinkled and the brow fell down at the squirming worms: attempting the intrusion from there was out of the question now. She retrieved the dagger and tentatively plunged the sharp end through the breastbone–a mere test. The blade felt dull when she attempted to stab through the breastbone, in the low candlelight she swore she couldn’t find a faint mark left behind. There was no other choice, she had to start sawing through his ribs.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
self indulgent got concept.
Ned brings Jon home, Cat hates the boy, everything stays the same... until Robert Baratheon is charging through the halls of Winterfell looking for the babe, ready to butcher the poor thing where he lay helpless in his cradle.
in a matter of moments Catelyn learns three things:
The babe was never a bastard, Ned had only lied to her to protect Jon, and that she would die before she let Robert lay a finger on the babe she'd previously wished death upon.
cue Catelyn Stark snatching Jon from his cradle, holding him, protecting him, loving him as she would her own son, risking it all to keep him safe, all care for herself thrown to the wind.
like they say, what a mother's love holds no bounds, and what it makes her capable of had no limits.
#listen listen listen#I just want Catelyn to love Jon Snow and I don't care what I ahve to do to make it happen#(plus the angst is delicious)#I was rewatching old kids movies and ended up watching ice age and idk why but the mom sacrificing herself for her babe gave me ideas#I just imagine young Cat holding onto the boy she hated and wished death on for being bastard (only to find out he wasn't one) as tightly-#as she could. knowing Robert and his men were coming. knowing they would slaughter the boy in front of her. knwoing she'd wished for this-#and deciding she'd give her own life to protect him if thats what it came to.#and in my mind she jumped from the window of the nursery knowing the halls will be filled with the kings men and leave little chance for-#escape. before fleeing on injured legs to hide the babe and herself knowing Robert would be right behind her. she's in agony. but she'll-#going for the babes sake. she won't stop until her heart is dead in her chest. even if it hurts to move and breath and think he keeps going#maybe she takes a horse and flees wintefell all together. maybe she hides somewhere in/around the castle. maybe Robert catches her?#if she runs with him she'd have nothing but the clothes on her back. she'd have to feed him and keep him warm. she'd have left her own son-#behind. the potential angst and hurt/comfort as Cat misses her own son and learns to love another. feeding him and keeping him warm from-#her own body while she's injured and lost and at the will of the elements of the strange new place she now considered calling home#idk I just think it'd be an interesting concept#there's something about a mother and her child being cornered by 'wolves' (in this case a stag). this has the added spice of Cat and Jon's-#dynamic. just earlier that day she could barely look at him and now she's willing to die for him. the change happened in seconds.#that was a lot of ranting in the tags. oops. anyway...#catelyn stark#jon snow#I love putting these two in harrowing. life altering. and/or traumatic situations so they can finally just be mother and son#I live for the angsty family feels#got#game of thrones#asoiaf
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maiamars · 2 years
hound wolf squad using ethan to tell bad news to chris
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handfulofmuses · 10 days
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Khan left his daughter for death and should not be forgiven by her just because they are family and sure it was a trauma response but he still screwed up but also N was playing with them. He could have killed Uzi the minute he had her in his grasp and when she begs for her dad to help her N is amused over this looking at Khan like "lol just try it” and also the railgun was at his feet he would have needed to kneel down and N could have easily caught him off guard it was a messed up situation to be in but he is a majorly flawed dad he is trying but he also neglected her for years complexities
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