#hidden earth
gwens-fiction · 5 months
Out of Context Line Tag
Rules: post a line out of context from your WIP!
Tagged by: @theeccentricraven (tagged my main technically but I’m answering here!)
Here’s a line from Hidden Earth:
"Oh she doesn’t need to know that, plus I have to say that is one of the benefits of being married to a necromancer.”
Tagging: @drchenquill @sleepyowlwrites @interroblog & anyone who wants to!
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uwhe-arts · 4 months
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. . . in the mist . . . | uwhe-arts
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maureen2musings · 8 days
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Fairy Bridge of Glen Creran
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reality-detective · 14 days
A unique natural phenomenon on the Qiantang River, China
Known as the "Silver Dragon"
There have been attempts to surf the tidal bore. In ancient China, riding the bore was an important ritual but the practice only existed during the Song dynasty and peaked in the 12th–13th century before becoming banned and lost in time. Ancient surfers would ride the waves as part of a ritual dedicated to the god of waves or the "Dragon King", and also to help entertain the emperor.
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scipunk · 6 months
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The Quiet Earth (1985)
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arc-hus · 23 days
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Library in the Earth, Kisarazu, Japan - Hiroshi Nakamura
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warning-heckboop · 1 month
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You know what, fuck you. *Ponies your Tumblr Sexyman*
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reallyjustthatbitch · 28 days
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Here's a little collage of Rachel Elizabeth Dare
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eirual-32 · 8 months
Before the Birds Sang - Legolas x Reader
A.N.: As of now, it is a one shot imagine, but it could turn into a short series if you desire. Also, there might be some mistakes and I’m sorry for that but English isn’t my first language. Hope you enjoy! I really like this one :)
Legolas x Human Reader
Summary: On a certain evening when loneliness creeps in, Legolas is there to silently comfort you. Between the two of you, so many feelings are uncovered but also left unsaid.  
fluff, slight angst, hair braiding, hidden feelings
Reader isn’t aware of the meaning behind hair braiding for elves (love, courting…)
Warnings: none
Words: 1,8k
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So much time had already passed since you had left your dear home. Of course, you did miss it. In your dreams, you were reminded of what made it your own: the modest but charming garden your mother was constantly occupied embellishing, the cherry blossom trees you could observe from your room’s window gently swaying with the wind flying over the valley, the numerous birds that would wake you from a peaceful sleep when you had left your shutters open for the night…
These souvenirs, the little pieces of home still residing in your mind, brought you comfort and hope that, somehow, you would come back alive to your mother. It was a dangerous adventure and death was constantly near, but you had no regrets. Indeed, the quest you had embarked on served a crucial purpose in which the faith of Middle-earth was at stake. Consequently, being a part of the Fellowship was an honor and you had come to appreciate each one of the members accompanying you. They all were great company and having them by your side eased your growing homesickness. However, late at night, when the time had come to slip into slumber, the loneliness crawled back in with an enhanced heaviness.
This is the state you now found yourself in, lying on your back on a thin layer of ferns while staring at the stars as if they would help you find the rest your body so desperately craved, but couldn’t give in to. You clung onto the thin blanket barely protecting you from the coldness of the night as you once more forcefully shut your eyes, sighing in desperation.
Your sigh must have been louder than you had wished since a worried voice quickly followed, “Are you not able to sleep Y/N?” You swiftly turned your head to the side to find Legolas, the elf on the Fellowship who had quickly creeped its way into your heart, sitting a few feet away against a log surrounding the campfire that had been put out before nightfall. As always, he was up late, not needing to sleep much.
You were unsure whether it was merely your human nature’s reaction to the refined beauty of elves, but Legolas had fascinated you from the moment your eyes had met his gentle ones all these months ago. Since then, you had been able to slightly put aside the odd feelings that had invaded your being the first time you encountered him and a lovely friendship blossomed between the two of you. Legolas was never one to judge you and you truly felt like you could be your true self around him. He was an ellon of a few words, but an attentive listener. Therefore, you were allowed to share and relieve yourself of the fears you had regarding this journey thanks to him. Secretly, he held an extra special place in your heart.
It is the reason why, as he now searched your eyes questioning what was bothering you, you felt your chest flutter and you averted your gaze to instead look back at the dark sky saying, “It is nothing new Legolas. I merely am frightened of what’s to come. You know how much I worry I will never come home to my mother.” You paused as you fought back the tears lingering in your eyes.
You heard Legolas shuffle closer and sit close to your head still resting on the ground. His comforting presence calmed you and you continued, “I am all she has left. I can’t help feeling guilty to have left her.” You sniffed slightly and closed your eyes.
For a few minutes, you both fell in a comfortable silence during which all that could be heard was the slow breaths you both let out, the faint snores of your companions sleeping nearby and the wind whistling through the countless trees surrounding you.
Your shut eyes softly opened back when a delicate hand cautiously caressed your long hair dispersed around your head. His gentle motions started at the top of your head and ended where your neck began, just behind your right ear. His touch was so light you could have believed the breeze was the one stroking your skin and strands of your hair.
As you relished in the feeling of his rare touch on you, you tempted a look at Legolas. Still sitting, his eyes were now fixed right in front of him, mindlessly surveying the woods. From this angle, observing him from below, you could see how the moon reflected on the smooth skin covering his face making it glitter subtly. As usual, strands of his snow-colored hair were neatly braided back revealing his beautifully shaped ears and his perfectly sculpted jawline. While your eyes continued to trail over his face, you couldn’t help feeling as if you were staring at an otherworldly being which technically, he was. His mere existence felt magical. Indeed, Legolas was an elf, but deep down, you knew he felt like more than that to you.
Legolas must have sensed your gaze on him because, in their inspection, your eyes finally reached his again but now, they weren’t fixed on the trees before him anymore. You were now staring directly in his soft eyes looking down at you as they seemed to silently try to read you. Slowly, a kind smile illuminated his face. Color stained your cheeks as you detected a hint of mischievousness in his expression at having caught you admiring him.
His voice was then heard again, “I thought I was helping you falling asleep. Alas, I appear to rather be a distraction to you,” he stated as his playful smirk grew even more. You lowered your eyes briefly, embarrassment creeping in, but quickly lifted them again as you heard him giggle softly.
A newfound fondness towards him filled your body at the sound of his laugh and at the realization of the subtle closeness of the moment. This time, you maintained his gaze until your eyes fluttered close when his hand that had stilled itself on your temple began stroking your hair smoothly once more.
“You like it?” he nearly whispered. You smiled softly and nodded. You opened your eyes again to find Legolas gently reciprocating your grin.
“You haven’t slept much lately Y/N. You need to rest, mellon nin. A long journey still lies ahead of us,” he said. You hummed in response as an idea crossed your mind.
Without overanalyzing it, you asked, “Would you braid my hair like elves do?” Legolas’ hand halted in its movements and if you hadn’t been gazing intensely in his eyes, you would have missed an unknown expression that subtly flashed in them. However, he quickly regained his composure as his hand resumed its path in your hair.
Since he wasn’t responding, you grew unsure of your request. Thankfully, he relieved you of your uncertainty by muttering, “Would it help you fall asleep afterwards?”
“Yes, it would. Your touch is so soothing. It has already helped put to rest all that was haunting me earlier,” you replied quietly, a grateful glint in your eyes.
Legolas scanned your features as if hesitating, but then requested for you to sit up. He delicately covered your shoulders with your blanket and tugged your forearm lightly to guide you further back in front of his crossed legs. He began by brushing his elegant fingers through your hair, untangling the knots that had formed during the day. You closed your eyes once again enjoying how his gentle touch made you feel. Afterwards, he parted your hair and took two strands he pulled together and skillfully braided into a single braid in the back. Your closed eyelids became heavier at each second that passed.  
Then, he leaned a bit closer to be able to braid the hair right above your ears, starting on your right side. A shiver ran through your body as you sensed his warm exhale on your ear and neck. Shortly after, your heart rate accelerated when you felt a tremble in his breath as if he was nervous. That is when you discerned the intimacy of the moment you were sharing. You could not recall having shared such a tender act with anyone other than your mother and the idea of you making the ellon behind you anxious filled you with feelings you were not familiar with.  
Unexpectedly, now working on the last braid, near your left hear, Legolas softly said, “Regarding what you said to me earlier about your mother and you fearing to never come back to her, I of course can’t assure you that nothing will happen to you since the dangers ahead are unknown, but…” He paused completing your hairstyle and delicately turning you around so you could sit while facing him. For a few seconds, his gaze lovingly swept over your hair and your face halting at your eyes. Finally, he finished his sentence, intently diving his gaze into yours, “I promise that I will look after you and do everything in my power for you to return home unarmed.”
At his words, you felt a soothing warmth invading your stomach and you smiled at him, again admiring his majestic beauty. His right hand still resting on your shoulder now raised itself to lightly take a hold of your cheek. His index brushed your skin tenderly and you leaned into his hand as you grasped his wrist gently. As you stared at one another, a certain tension weighed on the both of you in which so much was left unsaid. Your breaths fanning on the other’s face, a sense of surprise seized you when you became aware of your proximity as you knew Legolas was never one for physical touch, but here you were.
“Bain,” he whispered. “You look beautiful,” he completed while releasing a breath. You stared startled, heart beating furiously. What shocked you even more is when Legolas leaned in to lay his lips on your cheek in a soft kiss and then did the same on your forehead. The skin his mouth had touched was tingling and your body craved for him to lean in again. However, you stayed put, even as the ellon’s eyes briefly drifted to your lips before looking back into yours, pink now tinting his cheeks.
That’s when he put his hands on both your shoulders and leaned back,“It is time for you to rest now, ok?” he said in a low voice which broke the spell you had both fell in while you shyly had explored the other with your sight and touch.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Thank you again Legolas. For everything.” You smiled and he lightly bowed his head, his gentle eyes never leaving yours.
He stood up, leaving you yearning for his touch again as the emplacements on your skin he had been in contact with grew cold. Nevertheless, your insides were burning as you stared at the elf regaining his earlier spot near the campfire. You lay back down on the ground, glancing once more at Legolas who was now observing you from afar, a sparkle in his eyes, before your eyelids who had grown heavy shut one final time and you were transported back home, in dreams, to the birds singing melodically outside your window.
A.N.: If you desire a second part, I will write one :).
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do your transformers have Holoforms?
Dose Haloform technology exist in the Transformers synergized universe? Yes.
Do the Earth-stranded autobots have access to it? No. If they need something done that only a human could do or something that would blow their cover if they tried to do it, they can't just use a Haloform. They have to either rely on a human for it or figure out a creative way of solving their problem without getting caught.
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gwens-fiction · 6 months
OC Interview Tag-Game
Tagged by @writingsfromspace
Doing this one for Vasco
Are you named after anyone?
—Actually yes, after my grandfather Velasco on my father's side
When was the last time you cried?
—I am not sure, but probably recently. Some ghosts just have such tear jerkers of death tales.
Do you have kids?
—Not yet, but I think eventually Estella and I have plans for at least one some day
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
—Not as much as my brother-in-law. Sometimes I miss it and take him seriously
What's the first thing you notice about people?
—Their general vibe I get being around them….Though I wish it was whether they were living or ghost because that would make life so much easier.
What's your eye colour?
—A kind of reddish brown, but when using my magic it’ll brighten to more of a scarlet
Scary movies or happy endings?
—Happy endings all the way
Any special talents?
—I’ve discovered I’m great at accidentally creating all new undead beasts when I’m absolutely not meaning to do that
Where were you born?
—Honestly I don’t remember. I got separated from my family when I was pretty young and at this point that was nearly two centuries ago.
Do you have any pets?
—Not yet, but I am trying to talk Estella into us getting a drabbit
What sort of sports do you play?
—I have never been the sporty type
How tall are you?
—Pretty tall. Definitely taller than the average of humans…But I’m also taller compared to many other Avendiae too.
What was your favorite subject in school?
—Forbidden tomes….Mainly since those are where the dark magic spells are, and so they’re the ones that agree most with my magicris and don’t give me vertigo to perform.
What is your dream job?
—One where I can practice dark magic and show to others it’s not necessarily dangerous as it all depends on how it’s used….For instance, there is nothing dangerous about reviving my wife's dead house plants.
No pressure tagging: @sleepyowlwrites @slenders1ckn3ss @insert-meaningful-username
Blank questions under read more
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What's the first thing you notice about people?
What's your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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allovelyhappily · 9 months
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Brothers Four_Joong, Jimmy, Mond, Earth
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Give me more whumpees whose torture was hell but never left any physical scars. Give me whumpees who look like nothing ever happened. Give me whumpees whose bodies just don’t reflect the pain they went through.
Break them down quietly.
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reality-detective · 6 months
They have hidden so much, could it be? 🤔
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aashiyancha · 1 year
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The main farm
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Zephaniah 2:3 (NKJV) - Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the LORD’s anger.
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