#hi welcome to jess shall now talk about things
fangirl-writes · 10 months
Benny Weir x Fem!Reader
MBAV Masterlist
Warning(s): near-death, canon-level violence
Request: can be found here.
Notes: This is a mix of multiple things that we’ve seen in MBAV episodes while also stealing a little bit of plot from the Vampire Diaries. Hope you like it! 
PS: I kinda want to make this into a full fledged fic because I had so many ideas that were hard to package into a one-shot but we’ll see if I ever actually do that.
Summary: A doppelganger traps you in a mirror dimension and slowly sucks the life out of you so it can take your place. Will Benny and friends save you in time? (yes obviously, but the suspense)
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You stare across the room, into the only window in the otherwise dark room, the yellow glow of it staring back at you.
It was a tragic way to die, in a place without light, where your loved ones would never find you. All the while a cheap copy of you wandered freely, fooling your friends and your Benny.
Benny. Would you ever get to see him again?
Perhaps you’d get lucky and he would peer into the mirror so his eyes would be the last thing you saw before the life finished draining from you.
He’d probably feel so guilty, think it was all his fault. 
But it wasn’t.
If there was anyone to blame, it was the vampire who seemed a regular bane to the existence of White Chapel and its inhabitants.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
In the school’s theater, in a dressing room we’ve seen before, lies a cracked mirror that once held the spirit of Olivia Frye. And while her spirit no longer posses it, that doesn’t mean the magic of the mirror is gone.
The vanity lights flicker on in the otherwise dark room, illuminating the pale face and blue eyes of Jesse Black.
Reaching into his pocket, Jesse pulls out Benny’s spellbook.
He opens it on a marked page, running his fingers across the paper before reading aloud: “Zacaroth Maznacaroth. Dimitte hunc spiritum e carcere, ut iterum vivant.”
As he reads, the mirror begins to repair itself, the cracks sealing up. But as they are doing so, a mist also starts to leak from the glass.
A grin spreads across Jesse’s lips and he chuckles darkly. “Welcome back, my dear.”
Before him stands the ghostly figure of who appears to be you, but she’s faded, missing the color in her body that signifies life. Except for her eyes that shine the same unnatural blue as Jesse’s.
The following morning, you, Ethan, and Benny are walking down the hallway of White Chapel High as Benny searches in vain for his spellbook.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally make it vanish again?” Ethan asks.
“No, it was in here last night I swear,” Benny says before groaning and angrily throwing his bag closed. “The one day I wanted to make Ms. Fine forget about our essays and the thing disappears! It’s like it knows when I’m using it for evil. You think my grandma put a spell on it?”
“If she was gonna do that, she’d have done it long before now,” Ethan replies.
“You know, if you started memorizing your spells like you talk about, this wouldn’t be a problem,” You say.
“And if you had agreed to strip studying I would have tried,”
“Okay, gross,” Ethan says, pulling a face.
You perk your head up, looking around the hallway for whoever said your name, finding no one in a sea of faces.
You turn around, following the voice but still seeing no one.
You jump as Benny’s hand touches your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
You let out a breath and smile at him. “Yeah, I just thought I heard someone call my name. It’s probably nothing.”
Benny nods and pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as you continue your trail to your lockers.
The voices persisted as the day went on, bothering you in class and at lunch, making you feel scared and crazy. Not to mention incredibly distracted.
It made it hard to focus on math or science and especially English where you were meant to be reading Shakespeare and reviewing essays.
“Ms. L/N.”
Ms. Fine startles you out of your stupor and you hurriedly hand her your rough draft, printed and stapled together.
“Are you feeling alright?” She asks and you make a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little sick. Can I be excused for the nurses office?”
“Sure. But hurry back.”
You nod and gather your things, exchanging a glance with Benny and Ethan each before leaving.
You really did plan to go to the nurses office until you could talk to your friends, but that damn voice started bothering you again. And in an otherwise empty hallway, it was hard to ignore.
“Oh, I’m gonna regret this,” you mumble before heading in the direction of the voice.
You follow it all the way to the theater, which is dark except for the light coming from one of the dressing rooms.
“Please don’t be a ghost,” you whisper to yourself. “Or a vampire, werewolf, ghoul, zombie, whatever. Let me be having a psychotic break because of stress and this voice isn’t real.”
You cautiously peak into the room...and find nothing.
The room is empty except for the vanity and chair. And the voice has gone quiet.
Shaking your head, you walk into the room and sit down in the chair. “Maybe I am going crazy.”
Your a little startled by your reflection, which is pale even under the warm lighting.
“...or maybe I’m actually sick.”
You press a hand to your face, checking for a temperature, watching as your reflection does the same.
Letting your hand drop, you observe the mirror more closely, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Wait a minute, wasn’t this mirror-”
You let out a scream as your reflection surges forward and pulls you into the mirror before jumping out in your place.
You collapse on a cold floor, hurriedly standing back up and rushing toward the mirror’s opening but your reflection holds out a hand, causing the mirror to seal back up and trap you inside.
“Sorry,” she says. “But I can’t have two of us running around to ruin my plans.”
You bang on the glass. “Hey! Stop! Let me out!”
But she’s already gone, leaving the room and shutting the door, enveloping you in darkness.
“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Benny asks. “Something’s wrong.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Ethan replies. “It’s probably just a headache. You know how too much supernatural stuff gets to her sometimes.”
“Yeah, but this was different. She’s been hearing voices all day. I’m starting to worry this is something bad.”
Benny pushes open the door to the nurse’s office, expecting to find you laying there but instead the small bed was empty.
“Can I help you boys?” The nurse asks from her desk.
“Uh, sorry, but did Y/N L/N come in here earlier?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in here today.”
Benny feels a pit in his stomach. “Right, thank you.”
He closes the door and exchanges a look with Ethan. “She didn’t come back to class and she didn’t come here. So where is she?”
Ethan looks a little more worried now. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Rory says.
Not-you turns to look at him and Rory is taken aback.
“You okay? You’re paler than usual. Did you get bitten by a vampire? Attacked by an abominable snowman? Possessed by a ghost?”
Not-you smiles. “Oh, no, I’m actually an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Rory’s eye go wide. “Woah, really? That’s so cool. But...why’re you telling me?”
Not-you pats him on the head. “Cause you’re not smart enough to try and stop me.”
“Oh. Yeah that’s fair. Where’re you off to anyway?”
Not-you hums. “I’m smart enough not to tell you that.”
“Oh, great,” you mumble, watching as your battery drops another percentage, but the bars never move from zero.
How are you supposed to call for help?
It’s chilling, sitting in the dark with nothing but your phone for light. Your eyes can’t even adjust to the darkness because there’s nothing to see; you’re in a void.
A headache is slowly making itself known and you can’t be sure if its from staring at your phone screen or because a doppelgänger trapped you in a mirror.
The supernatural always has a way of giving you a headache. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Ethan can hardly touch you because if he has a vision, you’ll have a migraine for the rest of the week. If Erica, Sarah, or Rory use their superspeed around you, you’ll nearly faint.
Benny’s the only one who can use his powers and not effect you. You aren’t sure why.
He likes to joke that it’s because your soulmates. 
“I don’t know, E, I just have a bad feeling about this,” Benny says. “Sarah! Have you seen Y/N?”
Sarah, who was just putting her bag on her shoulder at her locker, turns to the boys. “No, is she missing?”
“Yeah we haven’t seen her since English and Benny’s freaking out,” Ethan replies.
“Aw, does Benny miss his girlfriend?”
“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I’m worried about. She’s been hearing voices all day, what if something spooky got her?”
Sarah smiled. “Benny, if something spooky was happening we would surely know by now. Ethan would’ve had a vision or Rory would pop in with some information he doesn’t realize is important.”
As if on cue, Rory appears. “Heard my name!”
“Perfect,” Benny says. “Okay, Rory, give us some of that sweet sweet information. Have you seen Y/N?”
Rory’s eyebrows furrow. “Well, yeah, but she said it wasn’t really her. She said she was an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Benny gestures wildly. “You guys concerned now?!”
“Okay, yeah, maybe,” Ethan replies. “Did she say what she was doing or where she was going?”
Rory shakes his head. “No, she said she was too smart to tell me.”
“Curses,” Benny says. “They’re starting to figure out our tricks. Come on, I need to find my spellbook to track her.”
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah hurry off, leaving Rory behind. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, miffed that they disregarded him. 
“Ah, nice to see you in the flesh again,” Jesse says, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I see you’re still fond of the theater where your plans were ruined,” Not-you replies, eyeing the room.
“I’m a sentimental guy,” he says. “And with you, my plans can’t be ruined again.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My doppelgänger might be a mortal but she has the same power I do, under the surface.”
“Don’t tell me your afraid?”
“Not afraid. Just cautious,” Not-you says. “Arrogance is what got you defeated the first time. I won’t make the same mistake of underestimating them.”
Jesse stands up and walks over to Not-you, grabbing her arm. “Starting to get some flesh back, I see.”
“Swapping places with Y/N has helped immensely. Give it a few more hours and I’ll be back to full strength.”
“And Y/N?”
“Collateral damage.”
Jesse smiles. “Then we don’t need to underestimate them. We can destroy them.”
Meanwhile, Benny, Ethan, and Sarah are tearing apart Benny’s room, trying to find his spellbook.
“Goodness me, what’s going on in here?”
“Grandma!” Benny exclaims, popping out from under his bed. “Have you seen my spellbook?”
“No. Don’t tell me you’ve lost it, Benny, you know how dangerous that is,” she replies.
“I know, I know, but lecture me later, we have to find Y/N.”
“Y/N is missing?”
“Yeah,” Sarah says. “She was switched with a doppelgänger.”
Evelyn purses her lips. “Circe.”
“Who?” Ethan asks. 
“Circe,” Evelyn repeats. “She’s an old witch who caused quite the ruckus in White Chapel. Reverend Black tried to have her burnt at the stake but considering that he turned out to be a vampire I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s resurrected her somehow.”
Benny gasps. “With my spellbook!”
“Follow me,” Evelyn says, leading the group of them to her basement where she digs through a box for a leather bound book.
“Ah!” She says. “Here it is.”
She flips it open, going through the pages before stopping on one. “Here she is.”
“Woah,” Ethan says. “She really does look like Y/N.”
“Doppelgängers were created by nature after ancient beings defied their laws by creating immortality. Circe must’ve tried to make herself immortal, causing the doppel curse,” Evelyn explains.
You’re starting to feel horrible. Your body getting heavier and heavier, a weight on your chest growing. 
It wasn’t like the usual anxiety or claustrophobia you’ve experienced before. No, this felt like your soul was slowly being sucked from your body.
Is this it? you think. Is this really how I’m going to go out?
You raise your phone, the bars still empty and the battery too low for comfort.
“God,” you mumble.
Jesse pulls the Cubile Animus from his pocket. “This is what we’ll use to capture the souls.”
Circe raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that thing going to be able to hold all the supernatural souls? They’re more powerful than human souls.”
“Well, if you happen to have another soul-holder laying around, you just let me know,” Jesse says, scowling at her.
“I’m just saying, maybe you should’ve done some research before you set this plan into motion.”
“It’s going to work.” Jesse snaps, getting into Circe’s face. 
“All right, if you say so,” she replies, lifting a magical hand, glowing gold, and pressing it against the box.
You gasp, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes flicker a gold that makes its way down your face, arms, and into your phone, causing it to call Benny.
“If Circe has taken Y/N’s place you need to find her fast. The longer Circe stays in her place, the more of Y/N’s lifeforce she takes,” Evelyn says. “She could die.”
As if on cue, Benny’s phone rings. 
He scrambles to check it, Y/N’s name glowing on the screen. “Oh my god.”
He answers it. “Y/N? Where are you, baby?”
“Benny...” your voice is faint and quiet. “...mirror...”
“Mirror? I don’t know what that means, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
The urgency in his voice is obvious and you’re trying your best.
“At- at school...the mirror...”
“A mirror at school? The mirror at school?”
“Olivia Frye’s mirror!” Ethan says with a snap of his fingers. “In the theater.”
“Y/N, babe, is that right? You’re in Olivia’s mirror?”
“Great, let’s go,” Sarah says.
“Be careful!” Evelyn replies as they go.
“Y/N, stay on the phone with me, okay?”
You groan. “Benny, I’m so tired...”
They throw themselves into Grandma’s car, Sarah driving.
"No, no, baby girl, stay awake for me,” Benny pleads, hearing your breathing become labored.
“Benny...” you whisper out one last time before the phone goes dead.
“Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, baby, please- god dang it!” Benny throws his phone down.
“It’s okay, Benny, we’ll find her,” Ethan says. “She’s gonna be fine.”
“I hope so, E, I really hope so.”
"Do it now,” Jesse demands.
Circe’s eyes glow gold and she whispers an incantation.
Meanwhile, Erica and Rory are out looking for a midnight snack. 
“Are you sure we should be out here?” Rory asks. “Sarah said there’s a powerful witch out here somewhere. And that she’s working with Jesse.”
“What’s Jesse got against us?” Erica replies. “If anything he should be thanking us for being his only turns that survived. Natural selection in my opinion.”
Suddenly, her body goes rigid and a glowing, white mist flows out of her mouth and shoots off. Her body collapses to the ground.
“Erica?” Rory asks, nervously, leaning down next to her.
Erica’s soul finds its way into the Cubile Animus and Jesse smiles.
Rory’s body follows ensuite of Erica’s, going still and his soul being taken from his body.
And now we’re caught up. You’re dying in unimaginable darkness, weeping. Wishing with all your might that they find you. That you’ll see your friends and Benny again.
Luckily for you, they burst through the door.
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah are to the mirror in no time, Benny’s hand pressing against the glass.
“Y/N! Come take my hand, please!”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him, his eyes worried, scared even.
“Yes, you can!” He replies. “I won’t let you die! You’re so close, Y/N, just come take my hand.”
It’s hard, and it hurts, but you move.
You crawl, sobbing, towards him.
Benny’s own tears are threatening to spill over as he listens to you crying. 
“Please,” he whispers. “Please, I love you.”
You reach up. And take his hand.
Feeling your grip, Benny pulls.
Your body comes tumbling out of the mirror and into Benny, who immediately hold you close, whispering “oh my god” over and over.
You’re shaking, still crying. You’re thin, pale, and weak.
“Y/N,” Sarah says softly. “Do you know where the doppelganger is?”
You close your eyes, focusing. “The theater,” you whisper. “They’re at the theater.”
More souls are being sucked into the box: Kurt Lockner’s, David Stachowski’s, all the vampire nurses.
Evelyn, knowing - or rather feeling -  what’s happening, sits in her rocking chair and mumbles a counter spell that will keep her soul inside her body.
Circe growls. “Let go, Evelyn. I’ll get your soul if it kills you.”
“Not a chance.” Evelyn replies.
Sarah hits the breaks hard, putting the car in park and jumping out of the car, Ethan following closely.
“Y/N, stay here, okay?” Benny instructs.
You nod, closing your eyes and lying down.
“Hey!” Sarah kicks open the door to the theater. “Having a party without me?”
“Sarah!” Jesse says. “Glad you can join us. Just in time for Circe to take your soul.”
“Oh yeah? Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” Circe replies, turning to Sarah with glowing gold eyes.
It strikes her then how nearly exactly she looks to you.
“So your the witch who’s stealing my girlfriend’s soul!” Benny shouts.
Circe smiles. “I’m a much better model, don’t you think?”
“Not a chance, honey.”
“Jesse, I’m busy. Take care of them, won’t you?” Circe says. “Your grandmother can’t hold on forever, Benny.”
“What?” Benny cries, becoming angry. He shouts a spell, hurling it in Circe’s direction, who waves it off easily. 
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
“Come on, Sarah,” Jesse says. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? What makes you think you’ll win this time?”
“This!” Ethan yells, shooting Jesse in the face with holy water.
Jesse screams.
“Literally never go anywhere without this. We’re smarter this time, don’t you know?”
“I don’t think you nerds have the capacity,” Jesse says, wiping the burning liquid off his face with his sleeve.
Sarah attacks him and Ethan gasps, being overcome with a vision. It’s a vision of Benny’s grandma and Jane chanting the same words she used to defeat Jesse the first time.
When he comes back to, he shouts, “Benny! Your grandma’s spell! The first one!”
The pieces clicking in his head, Benny chants those same words and watches as a bolt of lighting appears and hits Circe in the chest. She cries out, dropping the box that Benny scoops up.
“Hey, Jesse,” Benny says.
Jesse stops, Sarah’s neck in his hand, and looks at Benny.
“This look familiar?”
He opens the box, releasing the souls inside.
Jesse screams, dropping Sarah and running off.
“You coward!” Circe yells. “Coward! AH!”
The souls attack Circe, slowly pulling Y/N’s soul out of her body.
Once it’s out, Circe drops to the ground and fades away in a fog.
Breathing heavily, the three left watch as Y/N’s soul shoots off, presumably back to Y/N’s body.
“We really need to destroy this thing,” Benny says, tossing the box in the air and catching it again.
Erica and Rory burst through the doors, fangs bared, ready for a fight.
“Aw, man, did we miss it again?” Rory asks.
“Yeah, sorry, Ror,” Ethan replies.
“Ugh. I’ve been waiting to tear Jesse a new one for like, ever,” Erica says.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” Sarah says.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Benny says, shoving the box into Ethan’s hands and running out to the car, the others following.
You’re still sleeping, and breathing, thankfully. But your color isn’t back to normal, neither is your weight.
So, they take you to Evelyn.
“Her body isn’t used to magic,” she explains as Erica and Sarah set you gently onto Benny’s bed. “It’s going to take a while for her to naturally heal. But, if a few powerful magicians were to try to speed things along...”
“We can do that?” Benny asks, hopefully.
Evelyn grabs his shoulders. “We can try.”
They hold hands over your body, shutting their eyes and chanting “Extende in desiderium cordis mei; Sana hoc vulnus cum virtute ignis. Aufer aegritudinem et dolorem; Sanatio est quod offero.”
Your body glows, color coming back to you and your weight returning to its normal size, but you don’t wake up.
“Did it work?” Benny asks. “Why is she still asleep?”
“Even healing magic takes time,” Evelyn explains. “Give her a little bit.”
She pats him lightly and leaves the room, leaving Benny alone with you.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
The time stretches on as he waits for you to wake up and he eventually nods off.
Which is when you decide to wake up.
You smile as you see him lying next to you and lean over to kiss his cheek.
He shoots awake immediately, practically tackling you in a hug. “Thank god!”
You laugh. “Thanks for saving me.”
“Always,” he replies. “Always.”
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gx-gameon · 6 months
Oooh questions! Jesse and Spiritshipping in general! I want to hear about how that goes in your AU! (Also, as an additional, possible separate topic: Yubel? Whatever happens with them?) And now I show myself out before I ask about even more things
Ah spiritshipping my beloved.
Okay so, Jesse still doesn’t show up until season 3 (I wish he came earlier but alas we shall keep some of the time line)
When he and Jaden meet they instantly click. Jaden is the first person Jesse’s met who can see spirits as well. He’s instantly enamored. Jaden is kind and has a warm and welcoming personality. But he can also see Jesse’s family. Not only that but he talks to them, in front of other people! Jesse’s never met someone like that before.
Jaden wins him over even more in their duel. Talking to Jesse and his monsters in front of the whole student body. The respect that Jaden shows both his own cards and Jesse’s, as well as his joy in dueling. Jesse’s already in love he just doesn’t know it yet.
Jaden on the other hand, is thrilled to met another person who can see spirits. The only person who can at school is Chazz, but he hates it and refuses to acknowledge his spirits when they appear in public. Jaden’s grown up around Atem and his shadow magic. While he couldn’t see the spirits on his own until wing kuriboh popped out on his exam day, he always knew of the Spirit world. Atem could make them visible/physical and Yugi also has the gift though he’s not as trained as Atem is. So Jaden’s always been around people like this, but it’s awesome to have someone at school.
Dueling Jesse was amazing for him, he hasn’t had that much fun in a duel in a long time. Him and Jesse play well off of each other. So he invites Jesse back up to the roof to discuss their match, and that turns into inviting him back to his room for a sleep over and pretty soon the two are inseparable.
Now here’s the thing Jesse falls first Jaden falls harder.
Jaden’s doesn’t have a great grasp on romantic relationships. His dad and Oto-san should not be his example and yet they are. I’m a firm believer that Yugi and Seto skipped the fiancé stage. (This is why Jaden doesn’t recognize the word in season one) they dated for a while and then one day Kaiba looked at Yugi and said “I want to marry you.” And Yugi was like “I want to marry you to.” Thinking they were talking about getting engaged when Seto hits him with “right now. I want to marry you right now.” And they do get married that day. They are those sort of people
While they are very loving as a couple, Jaden has no idea how to start a relationship or how a normal relationship should be paced. Not a clue.
I don’t think Jaden realizes he’s in love with Jesse until with are in the duel spirit world.
But before that what he does recognize is that Jesse is the friend he’s always wanted. The kind of friend Auntie Téa is always talking about. The friendship he’s seen between his Dad and Uncle Joey. Someone who is always there for him, standing at his side.
Most of his friends stand behind him, he’s the protector and problem solver (Syrus, Hassleberry, Alexis, Blair, even Atticus) he’s never wanted this but it’s their expectation of him now after two years. There’s also a lot of hero worship that creates a divide between him and them. Or they stand in front of / above him (Zane, Aster, Chazz) not that they are protecting him but that they look down on him. He’s never had an equal.
Until Jesse. Jesse who is so supportive and is not only willing to stand with Jaden and help him with whatever mess he’s in, but he’s also willing to stand on his own and fix his own problems. (This applies to Jim and Axel to but it’s defiantly strongest with Jesse)
And it’s after his first duel with Axel. Where Axel ties Syrus up and hang him from a tree to make Jaden duel him. After Jesse takes initiative and rescue Syrus while Jaden Duels, that way Syrus is safe and Jaden doesn’t have to worry about him. That Jaden does something he hasn’t done in years. Something he wasn’t planing on doing until Graduation.
The next day is Jaden’s weekly call with his Dad. Normally his leaves his friends behind and takes the call privately, in the wood, on the roof, any where peaceful where he will be left alone. But this time he asks Jesse if he’d like to come with him. Mentions something about his Dad and Uncle being able to see Spirits to.
Jesse is thrilled. More people who can see spirits! And Jaden wants to introduce him to his family, which Jesse is oddly nervous and excited about. He really wants to make a good impression because he really likes Jaden and….oh oh He LIKES Jaden. This is the moment everything clicks for Jesse and suddenly this phone call is so important.
He’s not deaf. He can hear Syrus is grumbling as they walk away. Something about how Jaden never lets HIM sit in on his calls to his Dad. This is special, Jesse realizes. Not all of Jaden’s friends gets this privilege. (He doesn’t realize yet he’s the only one who’s gotten this privilege)
Once they have settled somewhere comfortable, probably the roof as it’s Jaden’s favorite spot, Jaden gets oddly nervous. And he looks at Jesse and tells him his Dad is kind of a Big deal and he hopes that this won’t change anything between them. (This is huge for Jaden. If Jesse decides to tell the whole school Jaden will never know peace again) and for a second he starts to doubt his decision. He doubts Jesse will tell but what if this changes things between them?
But Jesse just lays his hand on Jaden’s shoulder and says that whoever his dad is won’t change anything between them, because Jesse likes hanging out with Jaden. He’s friends with Jaden not his dad.
And it’s what Jaden needs to video call his Dad.
Jesse almost passes out when an over excited Yugi Muto, the king of games, answers the call asking Jaden if everything was okay since he was a little late to their call. (The past two years have made him anxious for his son’s safety at school, who can blame him)
Yugi’s shock when he sees that his son is not alone.
It’s very important to me that Jesse is the first friend that gets introduced to the DM cast
We will talk more about their relationship in the duel world and the dark world arc in another post
I’m sorry I didn’t get to Yubel. They’re coming I promise.
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vinceleemiller · 18 days
Courageous Leadership Is Different That You Think | 1 Samuel 17:19-30
Are you a courageous leader?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are in 1 Samuel 17. I've titled this chapter "Battling Giants."
So far, we have the battle scene. In today's text, David will head out to battle. As I read, I want you to notice David's curiosity. Let's read 19-30:
Now Saul and they and all the men of Israel were in the Valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistines. And David rose early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper and took the provisions and went, as Jesse had commanded him. And he came to the encampment as the host was going out to the battle line, shouting the war cry. And Israel and the Philistines drew up for battle, army against army. And David left the things in charge of the keeper of the baggage and ran to the ranks and went and greeted his brothers. As he talked with them, behold, the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, came up out of the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words as before. And David heard him.
All the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him and were much afraid. And the men of Israel said, "Have you seen this man who has come up? Surely he has come up to defy Israel. And the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel." And David said to the men who stood by him, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" And the people answered him in the same way, "So shall it be done to the man who kills him."
Now Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spoke to the men. And Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, "Why have you come down? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption and the evil of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle." And David said, "What have I done now? Was it not but a word?" And he turned away from him toward another, and spoke in the same way, and the people answered him again as before. — 1 Samuel 17:19-30
Verse 26 is an incredible first declaration from David. Surrounded by men paralyzed by fear, he issues a rhetorical question followed by a declaration of contempt. It is not a question that was meant to be answered. It was a statement of disbelief that no one had responded and that a reward was required to rally them when Goliath had offended God.
David's courage is curious, controlled, and concerned about the things of God.
The contrast between David and every man on this battlefield is profound. Every other man is paralyzed by a giant, while David is compelled by God. His courage is so great that the men are confused about it, his brothers are angry about it, and the king will hear about it.
Courageous leadership does not involve mustering moral strength to defend one's beliefs. Instead, courageous leadership is an act of faith based on trust in God despite threats or apparent danger. David epitomizes this.
And so should we.
To develop courageous faith like David had, consider these two practical steps:
First | Focus on God's Perspective, Not the Size of the Challenge.
David's courage came from his unwavering trust in God. Instead of focusing on the size of your problems, focus on the greatness of God. Remind yourself of God's power and past faithfulness. This perspective will encourage you to face challenges head-on, knowing God is with you.
Second | Take Bold Action Rooted in Faith.
David's faith led him to take decisive action. We must move our faith into bold action, build courageous leadership, and deepen our trust in God.
#CourageousLeadership, #FaithOverFear, #DavidVsGoliath
Ask This:
How can you shift your focus from the size of your challenges to the greatness of God in your current situation? What practical steps can you take to remind yourself of God's power and faithfulness?
In what areas of your life is God calling you to take bold action rooted in faith, similar to David's approach with Goliath? How can you step out in courage to lead with conviction and trust in God's guidance?
Do This:
See God's perspective, act in faith, and be courageous.
Pray This:
Lord, grant me the courage to face my giants with unwavering faith, just as David did. Help me focus on Your power and take bold action rooted in trust, knowing that You are with me every step. Amen.
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hearttoshu · 6 years
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙆 | 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 (18+)
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edit by 🐓 anon. im still screaming over this.
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∘ request: [insert the 14 asking for more Sapnap humor in a pt. 1.5 of Meet the Jacobses]
∘ pairings: edgy!Karl Jacobs x fm!reader
∘ warnings: smut (18+), nsfw, language, drinking, mentions of Todd the frat boy, lots of dialogue, biting, asphyxiation
∘ links: 𐐪 ao3 𐑂 𐐪 previous part 𐑂 𐐪 submit an edgy!karl edit 𐑂
∘ a/n: this one goes out to the babes in the gc. ily.
i stole the Brick idea from the Jesse McCartney movie, Keith. I'm sorry. [tw for that link - sad & jesse mccartney not talking about beautiful souls]
also thank you everyone for your support on this series. when my friends and I conjured this up, I never thought I would be at the point where I get to share peoples art/paylists/etc. I'm so thankful for all of you.
okay I'll stop crying. happy reading and have a great week! :)
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The sun beat down against your skin, your mind drifting to whether or not you should apply more sunscreen. Karl jumped into the light blue water in front of you, the water splashing out to almost completely soak you. You frowned at him as he came up for air, blowing you a kiss mockingly.
Sapnap’s cousins started tackling Karl, the chorus of laughter echoing around the pool. You stretched your legs out beneath the table, leaning into the shade of the umbrella as you watched them roughhouse.
Sapnap came out from the pool house, opening a beer bottle for you before taking the seat beside you. He sighed, buttoning the top of his shirt as he watched the boys. “Did you have a good time at the party yesterday? I dipped after an hour,” he asked, pushing his sunglasses to rest on top of his head.
You shrugged slightly, taking a sip of your drink. You couldn’t wait to tell your roommate how lavishly you’d been living. The fact that you were lounging by a heated pool, drinking beer from Copenhagen with the sons of millionaires was nearly mind-boggling to you.
You wet your lips, squinting your eyes as you looked at him. “I honestly have no idea. I was kind of just there as a Karl accessory,” you joked, making him chuckle softly.
“Yeah, I get that,” he flipped off one of the cousins as they threatened to throw water at him. “It’s always the Karl show around here,” he added. You raised your eyebrows at him and he backtracked. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. He’s a good guy; everyone’s just obsessed with him.”
You nodded slightly. “Yeah, he’s definitely the star baby,” you joked, making him laugh. “I need to ask you…” You bit your lip voice trailing off as you searched for the night words.
He sent you a closed-mouth smile. “About my mom and Karl?” He asked, biting back a blithe expression. It shocked you how calm he was about the situation.
You chuckled nervously. “I swear I won’t bring it up again, I’m just,” you cut yourself off, unable to describe the question marks pulsing through your thoughts.
He snorted, taking a sip of his drink. “I know right,” he reassured. “When I found out, I almost broke Karl’s nose,” he chided. “Not that I was like… angry it was my mom but out of how weird it was.”
“Yeah it is really fucking weird,” you agreed, laughing slightly.
He gestured as if to thank you for understanding. “I mean, Karl’s a great guy. He was my best friend for a long time but…” He made a face suggesting his discomfort and you snicked. “That’s my mom, man.” You giggled wholeheartedly at this, making him laugh too.
“What are you guys talking about?” Karl asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, dripping wet from his pool time adventures.
“Speak of the Devil and he shall appear,” you joked, making Sapnap wink at you. “Tacitus’ Annals,” you answered, making Sapnap nod at you.
He chewed on his lip, with a calm expression as he supported your lie. “I was telling your girlfriend how much I enjoyed his love of Nero,” he continued, you bit back a smile.
Karl ruffled his hair out in a towel. “Come on now,” he grumbled, calling the two of you on your bullshit.
Sapnap squinted as he looked up at him. “Karl supremacy. As always,” he answered with a touch of quiet sarcasm, making Karl roll his eyes playfully as he took to the other seat beside you.
Karl ran his fingers into his hair. “You wanna get matching tattoos together, Sapnap?” He quipped; Sapnap sending him a smug expression.
“Why? What were you thinking?” He asked, knowing he was walking into whatever Karl was setting up.
Karl pulled the leg of his swim trunks off his leg a bit, furrowing his brows. “I wanna get your mom’s name on the top of my thigh,” he teased, biting his lip. You rolled your eyes playfully.
Sapnap let out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh my God, that’s so funny. I totally didn’t see that coming.”
Karl took a sip of your beer and you spoke up. “I think you’d look good with a tattoo, Sapnap. All jokes aside, you’ve got a great body,” you mused, sending him a wink. Sapnap bit back a smile looking at Karl, who you could already tell was glaring back at him. “Side note, I was meaning to ask you. There’s a guy that’s in Karl’s frat,” you paused, trying to remember what Karl had said Todd’s real name was when you were pinning his auction number on him.
Sapnap raised his eyebrows. “Oh, Mark?”
You pointed at him. “Yes, the fake Romney.”
Sapnap snorted. “He did that on campus too?” Karl nodded, a look of disappointment spreading across their faces.
“Speaking of Todd Mark, the king of the Brick” Karl kicked his feet beneath your chair before continuing, “I heard there’s a bonfire tonight,” he probed, making Sapnap slowly shake his head in disapproval.
You raised an eyebrow at the two. “What’s the Brick?”
Sapnap seemed to have already made up his mind on the situation. “A fucking cesspool,” Sapnap grumbled, sipping from his bottle as Karl tsked. Sapnap tilted his head. “You really wanna take her to the Brick? People get together and smoke crack over there. The fact that,” he paused to furrow his brows at you slightly, “Todd Mark? is the benefactor should say something,” he stated, lips curling into an uneasy expression.
You peered over your shoulder at Karl as if to ask if he were crazy. Karl swatted off your gesture. “They don’t smoke crack this time of year. All the locals are back visiting for break.”
Sapnap shook his head again in unease. You chewed your lip, leaning back in your chair. “I don’t know… Sapnap, do you wanna have a movie night instead?” You joked, making Karl sigh behind you.
Sapnap mimicked your mock severity. “Yeah, a stay in and cuddle?”
“Of course,” you repeated.
Karl wheezed. “No, we’re going.”
Without missing a beat, Sapnap chimed back. “Maybe you can take my mom instead?” Karl’s expression flattened at his words and you nodded, high fiving Sapnap in mock victory.
Despite Sapnap’s hesitation, you all went to what they referred to as The Brick. In reality, it was a spot on the edge of a lake. They only called it the Brick because of Todd’s dad, a racecar driver who claimed the post back when he was in high school and later bought it. A large bonfire burned in the center of the space, various people around your age and a bit younger were either dancing to the music coming from one of the souped-up sports cars or shotgunning beers. You pushed away the thought of your stingy fire marshall back home who―more than once―had reported you and your family for “overactive cookouts.”
“Overactive,” meaning your dad and Clay were failing at not catching hotdogs on fire when the two would get lost in a chat about a mutual videogame when the families would cross the fence line in the summer.
As soon as you had stepped foot on the gravel, Karl was welcomed back like some kind of celebrity, so you stayed close to Sapnap. He would lean towards your height, pointing people out that Karl had mentioned in the past or those worth noting. You nodded along, soaking in what he had to tell you and laughing at his jokes.
A random guy strolled past the two of you, making Sapnap purse his lips. “Hey, Sapnap. How’s your mom?” One of the countless jokes thrown at him since you’d arrived.
He tilted his head with a mock look of questioning. “Didn’t your parents just get divorced, Jeff?” He deflected. Jeff’s face dropped slightly as he moved on. You always found yourself struggling not to laugh at how well Sapnap was at counteracting the jabs at his mom and Karl. Most of you felt guilty for how long he had dealt with it.
Karl watched you carefully as you sat down beside Sapnap on one of the vast benches; hands shoved in his pockets as the group around him caught up. You were glad to have someone around like Sapnap, despite the fact that you often went to parties. In the past, it was more of a bi-annual thing, but since being with Karl, you found yourself shoulder to shoulder with nameless people in a line doing shots every other Thursday.
You laughed as Sapnap joked about avoiding the drinks at the Brick because of the mites in the water and the STDs in the beer. “So, I never asked how you met Karl?” He queried, sticking his hands into the pocket of his Baja hoodie.
You smiled slightly. “Uh…” Shameless thoughts of you on your knees in a random building when you barely knew his name paced through your head like a quickfire of serotonin. “We had a lecture together and he liked my handwriting.” Sapnap smirked, chuckling slightly at your words.
Karl’s eyes were trained on the two of you, demeanor shifting each time one of you leaned towards the other to hear over the music or the two of you bumping each other’s arms to grab your attention. You knew he wasn’t jealous, but his look of curiosity was almost hilarious to you. Sapnap stuck by your side while Karl introduced you to his friends. He was basically your encyclopedia on the newer people as Karl would go off on a tangent with them.
The fact that Karl was so close to all of them and was so popular made your heart swell with pride. You were used to Karl’s deadpanned glares at most of his frat brothers and his snide comments, but now he was welcomed back like he was some kind of hero returning from the war.
After saying goodbye to Sapnap for the day, you threaded your fingers with Karl’s, enjoying the time where it was just the two of you. He brought the back of your hand to his lips, smoothing a kiss against your skin. “So… Sapnap’s mom…” you began, making him chew the inside of his cheek. “Where… did it happen?”
He looked down at you with a perked eyebrow before raising his sights forward, pulling you off the street where the two of you were walking. You followed him as the pair of you snuck through between the houses and across the backyards until the two of you were at Sapnap’s house again. Through the front windows, you could see him talking to his sibling in the kitchen.
Karl grabbed your hand, leading you along the side of the estate and toward the pool house. You wanted to groan at the thought before he pulled you through the door with him. “Are you serious?” You hissed, looking around at the dark place. Karl fought not to smirk as he peered out through one of the windows, watching the lights in Sapnap’s house turn out.
The moonlight streamed through one of the slender windows, illuminating his face and washing his features clean. Your gaze trailed along his arms; his tattoos peeking out from beneath his hoodie as he reached up to lock the door.
He turned back to face you, walking closer to you. “Did you have fun today?” He asked, plopping down on one of the couches and pulling you into his lap. He moved your arms to rest around his neck, pressing his lips to your skin. “I feel like I didn’t see you at all. Sapnap’s a bogart,” he muttered jokingly, settling his hands on your hips.
You scoffed before leaning toward him, pressing your lips against his. “Make it up to me,” you murmured, raking your fingers into his hair. “I think I selfishly need you to ruin me here; you know. Like a cleansing of you and Ms. Scarlet,” you chided.
He bit his lip, eyes pulsing with lust as he fought not to grin. You pressed your lips against his, turning to lay back on the couch and yank him on top of you. He chuckled into your kiss, as your hands moved to curl into his hair. His lust was a taste you could get drunk off if given the chance as his hands traveled the length of your body, moaning as you ground your hips against his, gripping into his clothes.
He leaned off of you momentarily to pull his shirt over his head as you slipped out of yours, you wrapped a leg around him, pushing him onto the couch instead and pinning him between your thighs as you straddled him, running your hands up his tattooed chest and connecting your lips again.
One of his large hands covered your breast as you began to grind your hips against his. His teeth grazed against your skin as he caressed your body while you moved against him, trying to create as much friction as you could against his jeans. He ran his fingers along the hem of your underwear, his lips curling into a smirk as he moved slightly to get a better look. "These are nice. Did you plan this?" He leered, snapping the elastic against your hip playfully. You rolled your eyes, pulling his chin towards you and pressing your lips against his. Every movement of his body seemed to lick at the fire deep within you.
You smirked breathlessly as his lips settled against your collarbones. “These are my church clothes. I had no other motive,” you jousted. His hand reached up to rest against your collarbone, his fingers lightly curling around your neck.
“Of course, how could I not realize,” he jabbed, pressing his lips and tongue against your neck. You moaned, tugging at his zipper before wrapping your hand around his cock, pumping him into harder arousal. He groaned against your neck, bucking into your hand lightly. His head tilted back against the couch beneath you, cheeks flushed at the attention. His teeth nipped at your skin as you ground yourself against his thigh, basking in his noises of pleasure.
His cock pulsed in your hand, making him grab your wrist and pull you beneath him. He gripped one of your legs, resting it in the crook of his elbow as he pushed himself into you, connecting your lips to swallow your moans. The feeling of him inside of you sent a wave of pleasure through your body. His voice was low in your ear, murmuring your name as if it were a curse. You moaned as he took one of your hands, lacing your fingers together beside your head as he kissed you again, tongue slipping into your mouth.
His thrusts became more rhythmless, his hold on you driving him deeper as the pool house filled with the noises of your whimpering moans. Karl’s breath was warm on your neck as he took advantage of your submissive state. He moved his hand from around your leg, wrapping his fingers around your neck again. Your body shivered, waiting for the pressure of his hand as his hips rocked against yours.
He chuckled darkly, teeth grazing against your shoulder before his lips hovered beside your ear. “Beg for it,” he commented, voice strained as he thrusted into you.
You swallowed, fingers digging into his back. “Choke me,” you groaned, “please.” His hand tightened around your neck, breath hitching in your throat as his thrusts became rougher. He bit back a smug grin at the way you reacted to his antics, relishing in your body beginning for more.
He relaxed his hand, pressing his lips to yours as you struggled to inhale. Heat ran through your body as your leg curled around his waist, nails raking down his back.
You leaned away from his lips, voice coming out unevenly as you moaned his name. His movements became sloppier as you groaned in bliss, tugging the flesh of his bottom lip between your teeth. You tipped your head back slightly as you reached your climax, riding out your pleasure and sending him over the edge as he pulled you closer to him, his hands digging into your hips as he encouraged you to continue grinding against him. You exhaled deeply, pressing your lips against his neck and his cheek before kissing him breathlessly as your movements slowed.
You pulled on your shirt, Karl’s hands moving to rest on your hips as he pressed a kiss to your neck. “Should we leave a note for Ms. Scarlet?” You joked, making him chuckle as his arms wrapped further around your waist, cheek pressing against your shoulder.
“Who?” He teased.
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A ball| Tup
Note: they did not need to make him that Pretty
Warnings: no not really, just Tup and Y/n fallin in love and steamy scene at the very end but kinda not really, also this is really long
Reader: female
Part 1 | 2 (in the works)
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"Checkmate," Satine spoke.
"Damn it..." Y/n muttered, hand on her chin as Satine had one yet again another game.
Satine smiled at her, as Y/n tried reading the board seeing how it had exactly happened.
"Duchess, excuse me." A guard interrupted their leisurely game outside in the guards of the castle.
"It's no problem, what seems to be the problem?" Satine questioned.
"The preparations for the ball are underway, the royal seamstress says your outfits are done and asks if you both can approve of them."
"Yes of course," Satine spoke, two more guards walking up with boxes.
"Oh. no, I'm quite okay," Y/n responded, resetting the black and clear glass pieces.
"Y/n, you are turning 19, my dear, you'll need to look presentable," Satine spoke.
"Dutchess I believe I look presentable, I'm quite comfortable like this as well," Y/n told.
"I know my sweet child, you've always been comfortable with the bare minimum, but please, let me spoil you for one day," Satine responded.
Y/n was quiet as she set the final piece down, "very well..."
Satine smiled as she stood up to look inside the box and approve the dress, Y/n sat in thought, Satine wasn't her mother, no they looked drastically different after all, Y/n had been left in a bush in the palace gardens, Satine finding the child alone and in silence, busying herself with one of the flowers. Satine had gladly kept the child inside the palace walls until a parent came along, but no one ever came and Satine was suddenly a mother.
"Mistress." The guard spoke snapping her out of thought.
"Oh uh, yes." Y/n spoke standing up from her seat, and looking at the creme outfit with barely a glance, "Yes, it's beautiful, tell the Seamstress 100 thanks."
The guard nodded covering the box as they all bowed and left, Satine frowned, "Come walk. Let's talk my daughter."
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"General Skywalker, do, do we really have to go as well?" Tup questioned, droids handing them all dark blue suits almost black in color, and matte.
"Yes, Obi-Wan was double security at this event for the Dutchess, and I agree with him," Anakin spoke, "Separatist parties will be there, Duchess Satine has a knack for being able to convince people, and with Padame they're practically an unstoppable team."
"But," Tup spoke, "Sir a, a party?"
"Diplomatic party, you'll be fine Tup."
Anakin then walked away to let his boys get ready and go get himself ready.
"I look good," Fives spoke checking himself out in the mirror.
"It's nice to wear something besides armor." Hardcase commented, "Makes me feel like a civie."
"A civie that just has thousands of replicas." Dogma argued.
"Oh get the stick out your ass," Jesse argued, "We can have fun for the one time in our life on the job,"
"Hey," Kix placed a hand on Tup's shoulder, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah," Tup spoke, "Crowds, uh aren't my thing."
"I'll make sure Rex posts you on the patio outside, you won't be around too many people then," Kix told.
"No, It's fine, I'm on the job- I'll, uh...just focus on that," Tup responded.
"Are you sure?"
Tup nodded as Kix returned the nod in understanding, going back to dressing himself, Tup went over to his bunk to dress, he'd admit, even though he was the same as everyone else in that room, he still felt shy, being a bit leaner than the others he started pulling his armor off to dress in the new outfit, simply putting the outfit over his blacks.
"What- No! Hey I want a titty window!" Fives argued.
"No," Echo demand, buttoning up his brother's shirt fixing Fives vest as well.
Tup stayed silent as he buttoned up the shirt, tucking it into the slacks and putting on the matching vest.
"OH Ho HO!" Fives whistled, "Look at Tup!"
"Yeah, thanks," Tup spoke, fixing the collar of his shirt, and pushing up the sleeves.
"Come on! Let your hair down! We're going somewhere fancy!"
"I'm good." Tup spoke
"He's way to excited for this." Dogma protested causing Tup to chuckle.
"You look nice." Tup commented.
"Uh. Yeah I guess." Dogma spoke.
The two had gotten close due to one another due to being not only regular troopers with no rank, but due to there quietness.
The boys turned there head whistling playfully.
"Bad bitch is the house."
She wore a pinstrip pant suit, the lines orange on white fabric and a pair of heels. She laughed.
"We're almost there." She spoke, "Skyguy wants us on the transports now."
Tup followed suit of everyone else. Everyone doing as asked, it was odd, seeing everyone dressed up all fancy and nice.
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Y/n sighed.
"Look up madame. They'll be plenty fine gentlemen there." A maid tried to pursuade, "or a woman if you'd prefer."
"Yes. I know." Y/n responded mindlessly, nose stuck in the book about game tactics, her goal to be her mother, "mhm. I've never tried that before."
The maid sighed finishing y/n's hair in the crowned braid.
"Look look beautiful."
The maid frowned, and there was a knock on the door. It opened as Satine came in, the maid bowing and leaving quickly.
"You're nose still stuck in a book. You remind me much of Obi-wan."
"Is the party over yet?" Y/n questioned flipping the page.
"It hasnt even began my dear." Satine spoke, expecting a comment back Y/n kept silent sitting infront of her simple vanity it black in color and matched the bench she sat on.
Satine walked over, taking the open spot next to Y/n.
"What is wrong me dear?" Satine inquired, "You don't avidly read strategic books unless something is wrong."
Y/n sighed, marking the book with a string and setting it down.
"I. I just don't wish to go." Y/n responded.
"It is much bigger than that isn't it?" Satine refered, catching Y/n in her lie.
"I." Y/n sighed, "I am nervous."
"For what my darling?"
"People." Y/n responded, "I. This. People...it's...I dont have the skills."
"Well of course you do,"
"I've never been out the palace walls, I've never fallen in love, I've never been taken advantage of- I just- Don't know anything about people," y/n defended "I've never even seen another sential species besides the holograms and images in my books that use words. I know every launage out there but have never met there people- I-"
"Calm down, take a deep breathe." Satine soothed, "everything will be fine. I will be at your side. The whole time, and you know me. Don't you?"
Y/n nodded as Satine smiled, "You're turning 19 my dear, becoming a young woman. You can do this, and I will guide you through whatever you ask."
Y/n only nodded once more, "now. Lets put our. Pain killing heels on and make haste shall we? Guest are arriving and I'd like to introduce you to your very first group of friends, but first."
Y/n watched as Satine pulled out a box, "I had something much. Much more elaborate my birthday, but you I know. Like to keep things as simple as possible."
Y/n took the small box in hand. Opening the golden box there was a small golden crown, it reminded her of a laurel wreath, yet without as many leaves, a few littered around the gold band with a stone that was ment to set on her forehead.
"For you're love of nature a green stone." Satine spoke.
"Its beatiful, thank you." Y/n spoke softly pulling it out of its box.
"Allow me." Satine spoke, y/n handing it over and bowing her head, Satine with a smile set the item on her head.
Y/n raised her head back up, "quiet beatiful you have become."
Y/n smiled smallly, "now. Shall we make haste? To make new friends?"
Y/n nodded smally as Satine smiled.
With that they were off, y/n following Satine dressed up nice, and thanked maker for the soleless sandles given to her instead of heels.
Y/n wouldn't lie, when General Kenobi arrived as they walked out onto the royal landing pad she found no interest in him, bowing her head respectfully, she did the same with Anakin. A bit more intrigued with Ashoka, but nothing pictures hadn't depicted. A man stood next to Anakin, who was soon introduced as Captain Rex. Y/n welcomed and thanked him for coming, but besides that, she was silent during the conversation.
"Sir, apologies for interrupting."
"It's fine, Jesse go ahead," Anakin spoke, Y/n watching the man with a large tattoo on his face gave a brief report to his general as the two joined the tight group of talkers.
Y/n was intrigued with the man next to him, hair tied back in a bun as his brother in arms talked. He too seemed the silent type, staying behind Jesse's shoulder rather than next to him, it was a slight difference Y/n realized.
"Lady Y/n, these are two are some of my finest men, Jesse and Tup."
"Lady Y/n" Jesse spoke bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you," Tup spoke nervously, his hand outreached for a handshake, Jesse quickly pulling his brother's hand down who was already a nervous wreck.
"Apologies for my brother! He doesn't know how to act!" Jesse scolded elbowing Tup slightly who was already shaming himself mentally and Y/n could sense it, but Jesse was already dragging him away with an insane amount of apologies as he left. 
Y/n watched as they got far enough away to where Jesse had started to drag Tup by the collar of his shirt.
"Lively bunch aren't they?" Satine questioned Y/n who nodded.
"My apologies Duchess, Lady Y/n. The 501st is not very big on tradition, and neither is there general."  Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin shrugged.
"It's okay." Y/n finally spoke up, causing heads to turn, "I, um, apologizes. Duchess if I may."
"Yes, you can go ahead," Satine spoke worried for the girl as she rushed off quickly. 
"Will she be okay?" Ashoka questioned.
"She has no social skills, and on top that, no friends her age," Satine spoke solemnly, "I wish to help her but she's a closed book." 
"Have I got the perfect trooper for her to make friends with," Anakin responded
"You're not sending Fives or Hardcase over to her, if anyone to watch her it'll be Cody, at least he can stay on task," Obi-wan argued.
"I think me and my master have the same idea," Ashoka smirked.
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"I- I'm sorry general- Me?" Tup questioned.
"Yes I need a clone with Lady Y/n at all times, and since she seems to like you after a slip up that could have cost us a whole war," Anakin spoke, "You're watching her,"
"General! I. I can't watch her! I. I. I. I have patrol!" Tup tried to argue.
"Kix is on patrol now, she's supposedly back in her room," Anakin spoke.
"Her- what!?" Tup argued.
"one of the guards will escort you thanks again."
"Wait! General!" Tup argued but he was walking away and waving to Tup happily. 
"Are you the clone trooper known as Tup?" A guard asked walking up to him.
"yes, but wait a minute!-"
"This way." 
Tup had no option but to follow a guard at his back and his front as they escorted him to the room. Anxiety racked his body, his hands clammy and squeezing each other as he gulped, the guards stopping and knocking.
"Mistress your escort is here."
"Oh, yes," Y/n spoke quietly, "He may come in alone."
The guards posted outside her room as Tup pushed one of the doors opened, he walked in silently and closed the door behind him carefully.
Looking straight on the large french doors were opened to a patio. Walking towards the open doors he found Y/n sitting on the floor a stack of books beside her with a chessboard by her side, her knees raised to her chest as her dress was laid out around her.
"I'm uh, your guard for the dance," Tup spoke, his thumb pressing into his palm.
"You can go back, I'm not going," Y/n told him, her mouth and jaw covered by her arms propped on her knees.
"oh, uh..." Tup spoke, not knowing what to do.
Y/n looked beside her, "You can sit, maybe you'll get in less trouble that way?"
He nodded in agreement, taking a seat on one side of the chess board. They sat in silence against the wall. Tup looking down at the pieces of the board set up on their respective sides, his clammy hands couldn't help but move a piece. Y/n looked overhearing the crystal click on the board. Looking down she picked up a piece and moved it, Tup moving his next piece without a word. Y/n looked down at the board, her legs falling from her chest and onto the ground flat as she looked over in thought. Picking up her next piece she took his pawn, setting it down on the side.  As they played they could hear the talk of guests starting to come to the palace. Due to where Y/n's room was it wasn't much to hear, just the occasional burst of loud laughter. 
"Ah yes! Yes!" One laughed spoke loudly, "I love the stars!"
Y/n suddenly came with an outburst the came with the man's hearty laugh, "I have loved the stars to foundly-"
"-to be fearful of the night." Tup finished moving his next piece.
Y/n's moved her gaze up softly then chuckled, "Mythology lover?"
"When I have the time, I mostly learn through tell and hear," Tup responded watching Y/n capture another piece.
It was silent again as Tup captured yet another piece, his eyes drifting over to her stack of books. Eyes glancing over the titles.
"H.P Lovecraft?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding.
"I find his stories interesting, I enjoy the horror genere as a whole." Y/n smiled moving her next peice, "do you like horror?"
Tup nodded, "I do occasionally, again hear and tell mostly."
Y/n nodded, "come with me."
Y/n stood up, walking into her room, Tup watching her.
"Come on." Y/n gestured holding out a hand for him.
He took it gently and was pulled up from his spot on the floor. Y/n led him by the hand into her room and towards a wall pushing on a certain spot a small door opened. Y/n leaned down walking through the door as Tup followed, Y/n closed the door behind them.
Y/n smiled, "the palace library."
"I am the only one who's ever in here." Y/n contuined.
The two walked side by side, out from the side of the room and into the center of the room. Tup turned around to speak, but he watched her pass a dusty window, the sun set passing in through cobwebs and dusty, shining on her think crown, her dress flowly and made up of multiple thin layers of fabric.
He gulped as she turned her head, stopping in her spot.
"What's wrong?"
"I," he started but stopped for a momment, "My name, its. It's Tup. I don't know if you-"
"Remember you?" Y/n questioned, "I do."
She walked up to him a hand extended, "Y/n."
He smiled as they shook hands.
"Tup." He introduced himself once again as they chuckled lightly.
They pulled away, Y/n's hands clasped infront of her.
"Well Tup its very nice to meet you again."
"Its nice to meet you too Lady Y/n."
"Lady Y/n!"
She took a quick step back from her closeness with Tup, clearing her throat.
"Oh thank maker..." the gaurd spoke under his breathe, "the duchess wishes for you to greet your guest."
Y/n nodded softly, "Well. Let's go?"
Tup nodded, the two leaving side by side in silence. They two making there way down to the main set of doors which led to the throne room.
"Lady Y/n." Obi-wan spoke, "The Duchess ask I escort you in while introduced."
"Oh." Y/n spoke looking at Tup he gave her an akwards thumb up, she chuckled and smiled at him with a nod.
Y/n smiled Obi wan extending an arm, Y/n linking arms with the Jedi General. The doors opened as they walked forward.
"Introducing Lady Y/n! Daughter of Dutchess Satine! Next in line for the throne!"
Y/n and Obi-wan walked forward people clearing a straight shot to her mother. Her and Obi-wan walked forward, feeling the stares on her she kept silent. It soon because uncomfortable, feeling the gaze more than just simple admiration or awe. She tensed as they walked making her to the steps to Satines throne. She pulled away from Obi-wan, bowing her head to her mother as she walked up, a smaller throne simplistic like how Y/n liked it and took a simple seat, she watched Tup sneak into the room carefully standing next to a man who had a medical band on his arm with his suit, before everyone started to fill the room again.
Satine stood up, she was making a speech Y/n zoned out, it was a greeting, thanking everyone personally for coming to celebrate Y/n's transition into womenhood.
"That's why I am glad to speak, Y/n's hand is extended for potential marraige candidates!"
Y/n sat up shocked, and Satine thanked everyone once again and took a seat. Everyone going back to chatting.
"Excuse me!? Marraige?" Y/n argued.
"It is a formality you do not have to marry anyone."
"Im not taking anyone into consideration," Y/n defended, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Lady Y/n-"
"No." Y/n spoke, she was beyond annoyed.
"Thank you for your time..." he spoke bowing his head and walking away heart broken.
Y/n rejected any man that came up to try and give there hand to her.
Tup watched from afar, Kix and Dogma by his side. Men contuined to go up to her and as more and more did she seemed more and more irratated. He quickly walked away from his brothers would watched him out of confusion.
Watching him walk up to the thrown he started walking up the steps.
"Y/n," Tup spoke, holding a hand out for her, "I'd like to spend time with you, perhaps a dance?"
"Hey! Buddy wait in line!" A man argued but Y/n looked at Tup thanks in her eyes.
The lighting on him seemed perfect, he back lit perfectly, his eyes holding a smile along with his lips. Y/n grabbed his hand lightly as Tup helped her up, the two walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke they now in the crowd of people.
"Seems you needed it," Tup answered as Y/n chuckled.
"To the libary?"
"Actually," Tup spoke quietly, "I'd...like to have a dance with you."
Y/n flushed, "t-that sounds good. Yeah."
It was almost on cue did everyone backed up circling people who wanted to dance, Y/n and Tup in the center of it.
"Um. Tup." Y/n spoke.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"Oh. Uh." Tup spoke, "no actually, do. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head no. The two laughing together as the music started.
"Suppose we should act like we're doing and maybe we'll fall in?" Y/n laughed.
Tup smiled in return, "I suppose."
The music started as they watched other, a simple waltz. Y/n and Tup luckily able to copy others, hands which once were placed in hand on on him, soon became more intimate, fingers intertwining. Tup's hand moving from her hip to the small of her back, she leaning into his touch just a bit more.
"Not bad." Y/n spoke softly, "we're doing decent."
Tup chuckled softly in return, "I suppose us clones learn quick."
"Clone?" Y/n questioned, "you're a clone?"
Tup looked at her confused, "You. You don't know that?" He questioned confused.
"I." Y/n spoke, "I don't mean to sound, uh, Rude."
Tup frowned, maybe she was an avid clone hater?
"I um. Havent payed much attention, to your face, my apologies." Y/n spoke, a flush coming to her cheeks.
"Am I offensive?" Tup questioned.
"No. No. Not at all." Y/n spoke, "On the contrary actually. I. Find you most appealing, your. Voice and presence is quiet soothing. You're a good man."
It was Tup's turn to flush, spinning her around softly as everyone else did. Her dress picking up just the slightest at the ends. Pulling her back into his grasp, it was sudden for both of them, there chest pressed up against one another, faces close, Tup's hand now across the small of her back grabbing her other hip as he lowered her into a dip, Y/n's arm around his neck as he did.
The claps of everyone was muffled in there ears.
Tup's nose brushing against hers as he tilted his head softly, Y/n stopping him with a hand on hie jaw , and she was raised up again in a flash.
"I. Im sorry" Tup apologized, everyone still clapping as Y/n bowed to him red faced.
"I...must go." Y/n spoke quickly rushing away and into the crowd.
"Wait!" Tup called rushing after her, she rushing out the throne room.
"My lady-"
"Im quiet fine a game of tag is all." Y/n defended rushing off, the urge of wanting Tup so bad fueling her feet as she ran from him.
Tup rushed looking both ways, "Which way did she go?"
"Left sir-"
Tup rushed after her, his shoes clicking against the marble floors of the palace as he ran. Seeing her take a turn up ahead he called her name once more, following her quick steps, she rushed into her ungaurded room and closing the door behind her.
Making it to the doors he panted for a moment, soon calming his breath he knocked on the door.
"Please! Y/n I did not mean to upset you!" He begged, "I. I should have asked asked you! I should have never just jumped into it!"
Y/n quiet as she leaned against the door, her body pressed up against it to keep it closed, he seemed genuinely angered with himself, and worried for her.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Tup spoke softly, "I...just..."
Y/n stayed silent listening.
"I. Seen you for the first time walking up with my brother to report to General Skywalker..." he informed, "I had no idea someone could look so beautiful until I seen you, then. Well then we started that chess game."
Y/n's cheeks grew red as she listened, her heart starting to drop its quickly put up walls.
"You just spoke and It was beautiful. I. I'm not good with words either. I." He sighed, "I didn't realize someone like me could have so much in common with you... half the time my brothers don't like any same things as me. And we're all copies of each other."
The knot in her stomach grew as she gulped, "I. Tup. Its not that I'm mad at you."
Tup was surprised to hear an answer, "I. I think you're quiet beatiful, I. I just...I've never..."
"Y/n you do not need to explain yourself to me." Tup told her.
"Just. Let me finish." Y/n spoke calmly, "I've, well. Tup. I. I. I've never kissed anyone."
Y/n stopped waiting for a laugh, or even a 'yeah right', but she got a sincere chuckle trying to break the ice, "neither have I."
It was a surpise to Tup when the door opened softly, Y/n's flushed face being seen due to the light of the hall.
"Are you okay?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding her gaze to the floor.
"We're you being..serious?" Y/n questioned softly.
Tup nodded, growing nervous himself.
"Would you..umm. like too?" Y/n questioned, "kiss me?"
"I..um." tup spoke his face full red, "yes.."
Y/n opened up the door a bit more so he could come in, taking the hint he walked in the room dark. His eyes not having to adjust as the French doors which were uncovered let in moonlight.
Y/n closed the door quietly, locking it behind her so they'd be uninterrupted. He turned his head watching her walk towards him.
Oh maker.
They stood infront of each other nervously, refusing to make eye contact. Y/n with a shaking hand reached out her hand, her fingers dancing along his shoulder as he looked down.
"Tup. I." Y/n spoke, her other arm following her first one on the other side of his head his hands slipping onto her hips.
Nerves in a bundle they tensed in one anothers arms, faces leaning in slowly, noses brushed up against one another. A few of Tup's fingers tapped and tilted her face to the side as he tilted his own face the other way.
"Tup...Im nervous." Y/n whispered against his lips, "what happens if...if i like it too much?"
"I'll do anything you ask me..." he mummbled her hot breathe hitting his lips.
It was silent for another momment, Y/n's eyes slolwy closing as Tup's followed. They leaning in the small space as there lips pressrd against each others. The bundle of nerves melting away and falling into ribbions that slowly started to knot.
The kiss was, cute, nothing more than pressing there lips against one another and then pulled away little space between there lips, a new found hunger filled the both of them, Tup pressing forward in a much more passionate kiss, y/n kissed back, lips dancing against one another. Y/n pushed into Tup. Breathe heavy through the armature kisses. Tup mindlessly picked Y/m up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they contuined to kiss. Walking over to her bed he placed her down carefully, climbing over her body.
Kiss only breaking for air, "Do. Do you want this?" Tup questioned, things had moved awfully fast and turned into a one night stand, love filled relationship neither could explain.
Y/n nodded, "Only from you"
"Are you sure? I don't want you unsatisfied." Tup spoke honestly.
"If its you I'll never be unsatisfied." Y/n told him, the two kissing again, Tup holding his like a peice of glass under him.
"I love you." Tup whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Tup." She spoke back. Tup kissing her once more.
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@sicktember Prompt # 28: Missing Out
Title: Unforgettable
Fandom: N/A
Based on this post as well as an ask box prompt. The prompt: “I’m currently dying for something set in a big house (any period) and the young master of the house has a party to attend but he feels awful and is trying to hide it and be a good host but keeps having to sneak off to cough/sneeze. Until maybe one guest notices and that’s how he meets his future wife.”
A young heir attends a Christmas party with his childhood friend as his date. They find themselves in an interesting position when he falls ill.
CW: Vomiting. 
(Author's note: Never written this time period before, but I would like to again in the future! I really enjoyed this prompt. And yes these two are definitely in love and will be married someday.)
The year is 1927, and two young men are seated in the back corner of a jazz club in New England, talking little as they sit, enjoying the music. As the band finishes their opening set and prepares to take a break, the older of the two men takes a deep drag from his cigarette, then glances at his companion.
"All ready for your parents' big Christmas shindig next weekend, Jesse?" 
Jesse rolled his eyes and scoffed, tapping a cigarette of his own out of the pack. "Sure John, of course. It's such a thrill to be a captive audience as they get smoked and strut around peacocking for their friends. Highlight of my whole year, that. Masquerade Ball, my ass. What drivel."
John chuckled, reclining back in his chair and taking another drag. "You're expected to bring a dame too, yeah?"
"Naturally. It'd be too bad for the heir of the Hamilton fortune to attend without a looker, wouldn't it? Shame all the women in this town are abhorrent."
John shook his head with another chuckle. "That attitude is why you're a perpetual bachelor, hombre. But I have some news that may interest you. Did you know Miss Greenwood is back in town?"
Jesse's interest was piqued in spite of himself. "Lillian Greenwood is back?"
"The very same. Home from university for the holidays."
Jesse leaned back in his chair, trying to look unbothered. "So what if she is. What's it to me?"
"Well I dunno, only that you might like to invite her to the Masq’. If memory serves, you never found her particularly abhorrent."
"We were kids!"
"You were damn near inseparable. You don't *have* to do anything, Jess. But as your oldest friend, I'm asking you to think on it. You'd enjoy the party more if you had company, and I'm sure she'd like to see her old stomping grounds again. Just something to consider is all."
Jesse made no reply as the band resumed the stage just then, but he did indeed think on it very hard.
John's information was proven true only a day later. Jesse was just exiting a drugstore he frequented with a fresh carton of cigarettes when he caught the eye of Lillian Greenwood, who was just about to enter the same store, and looking very fetching in a blue fitted coat and hat. Both their eyes widened in surprise upon seeing each other, and for a moment they were speechless. 
"Jesse?" Lillian finally said, a slow grin spreading over her face, so familiar to him. "It's been at least an age!" She seized his hands in hers, reaching up on tiptoes to peck him on the cheek. "How are you? I've missed you!"
"Lil!" He wrapped her in a hug. "I've missed you too! What are you doing back in this dump, accomplished University woman that you are now? I'm surprised you didn't run in the opposite direction from here a long time ago."
"Well I haven't graduated yet, silly. And I couldn't miss another Christmas at home. I missed everyone here so much. Oh Jesse, it's so good to see you!" She hugged him fiercely again. "You must tell me everything you've been up to! Come inside while I shop before we freeze."
He willingly followed her back in, looking fondly at the soft brown hair brushing across her shoulders. He was so sick of the horrid bobs all the girls were wearing, and he loved that Lillian was still wearing hers longer.
He trailed her through the whole store, gamely answering the barrage of questions she directed at him, but mostly content to enjoy her familiar presence. Eventually she stopped short, turning to face him.
"Are you all right? You're very quiet. You've hardly said anything."
"I'm sorry. Just worn out I guess. Been working extra before the holidays."
"You are looking a bit peaky. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jabber your ear off."
"No it's fine, honest. I'm just happy to see you."
"Likewise." She gave his hand a little squeeze, accompanied by a warm smile. Knowing he wasn't going to get a better opportunity, he took a deep breath.
"Lilli, do you remember that big bash my parents host every year for Christmas?"
"Oh yes!" she said, her eyes lighting up in pleasure. "It was my favorite part of the holidays!" 
"No kidding? Well anyway, they still throw it. The last few years they changed it to a Masquerade Ball, but otherwise it's still just like it was. It's a week from Saturday. I know you just got into town and all, and maybe you already have plans… but what do you think about going with me as my date?"
Lillian's grin was immediate, and she clasped her hands together joyfully. "Oh Jess, I'd love that! Just like old times."
Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to smile. "Yeah, I guess. Same old dumb party. Like I said, if you're busy, don't worry about it. But you're welcome to come… if you want and all."
She looked confused and a little hurt at his abrupt backtracking. "Of course I want to come. I'll be there."
"Great. I better get going though. I'll call you in a few days to give you the details. It was great to see you, Lil." He pecked her on the cheek. "I'll see you around, kid."
He strode out of the store with hardly a backwards glance, leaving her shocked face in his wake. He hated himself for behaving that way, and he wasn't even sure why he did it. Perhaps it was because the "old times" she was referring to included the present he was stuck in, while she had clearly moved on. Perhaps it was the realization that he had resorted to asking his childhood best friend on a date rather than finding a real date to avoid the embarrassment of attending his parents' party unaccompanied. But whatever the reason, speaking to her had made him equal parts thrilled and miserable. Surprisingly, when he called her a few days later as promised, she again agreed to accompany him, despite his rude behavior in the drug store, and continued to insist she was excited for the party, despite his constant negativity towards it.
The Saturday before Christmas dawned bright and snowy, and the Hamilton estate was in an uproar all day with last-minute preparations. Every surface was bedecked for the holidays with ribbons and garlands and tinsel and wreaths and holly and candles. A Christmas tree stood in every room, making the whole house aromatic, each twinkling and topped with a star. When evening rolled in, so too did the guests, all as twinkling and bedecked as the house, filling every room in no time. The Masquerade Ball had begun.
Lillian arrived promptly. Jesse met her in the foyer. Even wearing a mask, she was easily recognizable. She looked stunning in a sparkling gown that accented her figure perfectly. Her eyes were a color that would be easier called unique than pretty, her nose a touch irregular, and her teeth a touch crooked, but Jesse had always found her beautiful. Yet he was in a foul temper, and had been the whole day, and seeing her gave him little pleasure. He noted she had pinned up her hair so it appeared “bobbed” like everyone else's, and even such a simple thing soured his mood further. Upon seeing her initially, he took her hand and kissed it, then gave a sarcastic bow. 
“Welcom, Lillian dear. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” he said, trying to keep his tone civil
She curtsied daintily, smiling warmly. “The pleasure is all mine. You look very dashing and alluring in that mask.”
He chucked coldly. “You’re looking spiffy yourself, kid. Well, shall we get on with it?” He offered her his arm, which she took, almost hesitantly.
“Are you all right?” she asked. “You seem… not yourself.”
“Fine and dandy. Ready to cut a rug and show a girl a good time. Let’s not keep the evening waiting.” He didn’t bother to keep the sarcasm out of his tone, but continued to tug her toward the dining room, albeit gently. She reluctantly followed, casting him worried glances. 
The young Master Hamilton performed his part admirably through the whole evening, however, donning the persona of the host as easily as he did his mask. He chatted and danced and flirted with the appropriate people, giving Lilli adequate attention as required as well. His mother must have been pleased, for the night was a smashing success, from the dinner to the dancing to the decor. Everyone was raving the whole evening about what a splendid party it was. The best one yet, everyone said, just as they said every year. 
Jesse, however, was utterly miserable. The bodies packing every room made him too warm, the lights were too bright, the music and din of talking made his head throb, the food smells turned his stomach, and the aroma of pine everywhere left him feeling on the verge of a sneeze all night, especially since his nose had been on the verge of dripping since he awoke. He could only nibble the rich supper. He was barely able to swallow even small sips of Christmas punch without feeling the urge to gag. 
In order to keep his sanity, whenever Lillian was occupied talking to someone and he wasn't otherwise engaged, he would duck into one of the unused side parlors. In this sanctuary, away from the lights and sounds and smells, he removed his mask and composed himself. He would first allow himself to sneeze unhindered, finally able to stop his incessant stifling and sniffling, each time surprising himself at how wet and messy and ill they sounded. Then, if he hadn't been gone too long, he would rest his face against the icy window pane, breathing slowly and deeply as a halo of condensation spread out from his hot forehead. Inevitably though, the time would come when he was forced to replace his mask and reenter the ball before he was missed. He counted down the hours desperately, willing himself to last until the end of the party.
The evening began to wind down, and Jesse found himself ducking away more and more frequently. His stomach was in knots and his nausea was gradually rising, so composure was getting harder to maintain. He always checked to ensure Lilli was involved in a conversation before he did so, however. Imagine his surprise then, when moments after he snuck into his sanctuary yet again, he heard the door open after him and Lillian appeared just as he had given over to a violent sneezing jag:
Hiihhh'GEHSSSH'ieeew! ESSSHH'yuuh! Hrrr'USH'IIEWW! Kuhh-hhiiih-ISSSHYUUH!"
"Bless you, Jesse! Heavens, that was a fit! Are you alright?" she asked, approaching him and removing her own mask. "Have you been sneezing like that all night? You keep disappearing."
He flashed the most winning smile he could muster even as he wiped the mess from his face. "I'm just ducky," he said, swallowing thickly as his stomach also decided to give a nasty lurch. "All the pine in the air gets me sneezing. Must be a bit allergic. Sorry for worrying you. Let's go back out before we're missed. I think I owe you a dance or two."
She ignored his rambling and came to stand directly in front of him with a searching look. She lifted a hand and brought the back of it to his sweaty forehead. She clucked softly.
"You're sick, aren't you? You're not feeling well at all."
The thin facade that was holding him together finally crumbled. He limply leaned against the wall, nodding mutely. 
"Why didn't you say something? You should be in bed. You look awful."
"I didn't want to spoil the evening," he mumbled. 
"Well we need to get you out of here. You look like you're about to collapse."
"I am about to collapse," he said ruefully.
"Come on then. No one will miss us anyway. Let's go up the servants' steps over here so we're not seen."
"I don't want you to miss out on the ball. You looked like you were having fun."
She caressed his cheek fondly. "I came here tonight to spend time with you. I'm not missing out on anything."
They shared a smile, his first genuine one of the night. Then she took him by the hand and led him expertly along the least conspicuous route to his bedroom. The pair of them had spent hours exploring every inch of this house from top to bottom as children, every cupboard, cranny, and corner. He hadn't forgotten those times, and clearly she hadn't either. 
It was strange bringing her back to his room. They had spent hours together here too during their growing-up years. He couldn't help but imagine it through her eyes--what was different, what was the same. He realized bitterly that the only thing that was really different was the lack of toys and games everywhere. His room was a reflection of his life--boring and stagnant.
If she was thinking along those lines, she gave no indication. Instead she led him to his bed with a hand at the small of his back, guiding him into a sitting position and helping him remove his jacket and tie. His shirt clung to his back with sweat, and heat rolled off of him in waves. The drier air up here made him begin to cough as soon as he sat, the sound hoarse and desperate. She made a sympathetic sound as she carded her fingers through his damp hair, then dug through his dresser, pulling out a set of his pajamas and tossing them over. 
"Make yourself more comfortable, and I'll do the same." She headed to his en suite bathroom. "I'll be right back. Try to relax, Jess." She gave him a little smile, which he attempted to return, a hand going to his sore stomach even as he did.
Once the bathroom door was closed behind her, he slowly changed into his pajama bottoms and managed to strip down to his undershirt. All at once, his stomach had had enough, and he knew he was going to vomit. With the bathroom occupied, the next available option was the balcony off of his room. He dashed outside to the railing, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the ground below, heaving until he had nothing left. As the spasms slowed, his vision began to go gray and wobbly. He sank to his knees weakly, unable to do anything else, clinging to the railing in the freezing cold, which at first felt pleasant on his fevered skin. 
He wasn't sure how long he knelt there, and it would have been even longer had Lillian not come out to find him. By the time she did, he was shivering so violently that his teeth rattled in his head. She was speaking to him, but he couldn't register what she was saying. Finally she pulled him bodily to his feet and helped him inside, her arm wrapped around his waist as she supported most of his weight. She again led him to his bed, making him lie down this time and bundling blankets over his icy cold skin while she sat at his side. His consciousness solidified and the world stopped spinning, and eventually he noticed that while she was still wearing her party dress, she had removed her makeup and unpinned her hair, looking more like her old self. The thought made him marginally warmer. 
"Let me go fetch some tea for you, and some medicine," she murmured, stroking his hair. She stood and tried to pull away, but he quickly grabbed her wrist, his grasp surprisingly strong. 
"Don't go," he rasped, choking back a cough. "I don't want tea or medicine. It'll only make me vomit again. Just stay."
"Stay…" she repeated. "Right. I suppose I could stay."
She went to pull a chair to his bedside, but he stopped her.
"No, come lie here with me."
"Jesse…" she began. "That's not--"
"Why shouldn't you? You were my date. It's what everyone is expecting anyway," he said, a glint of humor in his eye.
She laughed in spite of herself. "I suppose there is that." Against her better judgement, she crossed to the other side of his bed and slipped under the blankets, trying to be mindful of her dress as she got comfortable. He immediately rolled over and nestled against her, and she wrapped an arm around him and began to rub his back soothingly.
They passed the night exactly like that. He was exhausted and very ill, and was clearly miserable the whole night through. However, he refused to let her leave the bed to fetch him anything and only wanted to lie against her all night as he slipped in and out of sleep. She vaguely recalled him being the same way when they were young, but she certainly hadn't expected such behavior tonight. Then again, she hadn't expected to be sharing his bed either. 
He slept fitfully, his symptoms keeping him from true rest despite his weariness. Away from the pine trees his sneezing was less, but the congestion and coughing was worse. He was achy and nauseous and too hot or too cold. He also wanted to be touching her at all times, so she slept even less, for between his tossing and groaning and his sweltering fever heat, she could not get comfortable. Yet she knew he needed her this way tonight, and was glad to be able to help her oldest friend. 
The morning dawned gray and cold. Lillian lay awake still, while Jesse was at last sleeping beside her, his face tucked into her side. She was trying to decide how best to convince him to let her go home and change when an opportunity for escape presented itself in the form of his mother.
Lillian heard her well before she saw her, for her best shoes clattered loudly on the stairs, and her inebriated giggling and whispering was impossible to miss. It was almost certain she hadn't gone to bed after the party. Lillian quickly slipped out from under Jesse's arm and slid to the floor, ducking under the bed. Just because Jesse seemed to think she was expected to spend the night with him did not mean she wanted to be caught in it, especially by Mrs. Hamilton, regardless of what did or did not happen. 
Mrs. Hamilton attempted to be stealthy as she peeked into her son's room, but only his fever-induced slumber prevented him from waking. However, even while intoxicated, what they say about a mother's sense is true, for she apparently noted something amiss and crept closer to her son's bed. Lillian could only see her feet and legs, but she assumed she Mrs. Hamilton reached out to feel her son's forehead, for the elder woman made a little sound of dismay and began to shake him awake. 
"Jesse, you're burning up! Oh my, what happened? Are you sick? Did it start at the ball? How long have you not felt well? Oh you're so pale! And you're shivering! My poor baby! What can I do?..." It seemed she had no end of exclamations and questions. Lillian couldn't help but roll her eyes.
Meanwhile Jesse made sounds of waking, sounding very irritated and confused at first. He didn't realize what was happening initially, and Lillian heard him say her name more than once. Thankfully his mother did not notice over the sound of her own constant flow of verbalized concern. Eventually Jesse realized who was speaking to him and began to give appropriate answers, leaving Lillian out of most of it, which the young woman appreciated. 
Mrs. Hamilton didn't stop speaking the entire time she was in the room. Eventually though it became clear she intended to fetch a doctor, tea, medicine, and one hundred other things for her son's illness. Jesse spoke only as much as he had to, his voice weak and hoarse and congested. He did not argue with her about any of it, knowing it was futile. Finally the well-meaning woman left, still talking even as she shut the door behind herself. 
Lillian gingerly rolled out from under the bed, startling Jesse when she appeared beside him out of nowhere. However a grin split his face when their eyes met.
"I thought you left me without saying goodbye," he rasped. 
"Well now you see I haven't. I do need to leave now though, before your mother returns with an army of doctors and finds me here. I would also like to change my clothes at some point and freshen up. Perhaps take a bit of a nap."
He looked devastated at this, but perked up as she continued:
"I'll come back soon though, as a proper visitor. I don't fancy ducking under the bed whenever anyone comes up the stairs."
"All right," he sighed. "I'll be waiting for you, then." 
She approached him, pressing her lips to his hair as he hugged her fiercely. 
"Be well, Jess. I'll see you soon." She moved to the doorway, her eyes twinkling in a smile. "And thanks for a great night. That was a date I'll never forget."
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purplebass · 3 years
#2 Celbratory Fic! And it's another one with Jesse and his uncles + cousins. This time, Jesse spends time with uncle Gabriel, Thomas, Anna and Grace. You can just say is a continuation of this other fic I've posted a few days ago. The next fic will be about Grace and Christopher (also: anon, I hope you don't mind I'll use your prompt!). I also hint at this in this fic. So, happy reading! ✨
Characters: Jesse Blackthorn, Thomas Lightwood, Gabriel Lightwood, Anna Lightwood, Grace Blackthorn, Lucie Herondale
Jesse sat across his cousin Thomas in the carriage, and it was a bright morning. He forgot how hot the weather could turn towards the summer season, and wished he hadn’t worn a coat, because the air in the vehicle was stale, and he was sweating. Too late. Too late and too bad the windows seemed to be stuck, but at least they had almost arrived at his uncle Gabriel’s house.
“Are you adapting well?” Thomas asked him.
“Uncle Gabriel and aunt Cecily are very kind,” he said. He accepted to live at their house for the time being, while he continued training to become a shadowhunter. “And Anna decided to give me her room while I’m there. I can’t express my gratitude enough.”
Thomas smiled. “Don’t mention it. You’re part of our family. But even if you weren’t, we would still help you, Jesse.”
Jesse couldn’t help but grin, and blush a little. He remembered when he was a child. His mother never failed to mention how his uncles and their families were corrupted, evil, and they needed to be kept at arm’s length, if he ever were to cross paths. But his relatives had been nothing short of welcoming.
“Looks like we’re here,” Thomas announced, glancing outside. “By the angel, uncle!” he exclaimed next, as he opened the door to get off.
Jesse exited after him, and saw his uncle Gabriel touching the side of his shoulder. “Is everything alright?” he asked. Thomas seemed to have stormed inside already.
Gabriel looked up, and winced a little. “Yes, yes. I wanted to open the door for you, but Thomas beat me to it,” he shrugged. “Did you have fun at Gideon and Sophie’s?”
Jesse nodded. “They took me around Idris. It was really nice,” he said. He had seen Idris already, when he was a ghost. But seeing it during the day was something entirely different. He liked the shadowhunter city, and the life that came with it. Although, if he had to be honest, he preferred the area where Blackthorn Manor was located, at the edge of Brocelind forest, where there was nothing else but vegetation around him. And Herondale Manor.
“I’m glad, I’m glad,” Gabriel replied. “When you’re ready, we will accompany you to the manor like you asked last time. Do you still want to renovate it?”
“I think it’s my duty as the last Blackthorn alive.” It felt weird to utter the word alive without thinking himself dead. I am alive. I am alive. I am living. “And I want to see if there is something that can be salvaged from the ruins. You know, family heirlooms, and things like that.” There weren’t many things in the manor that Jesse had cared about, because admittedly, there hadn’t been much to begin with. He hoped that most of the items he used whenever they were there, like the old books which probably belonged to his father or grandparents, hadn’t been destroyed in the fire. He had cherished those books. They were one of the few goods that had given him a glimpse of how his father might have been around his age. He didn’t live that long, after all.
Sometimes, he found himself thinking about Rupert. How life might have turned out, if he hadn’t lost his life before he was born. Now his uncles, aunts and cousins were the closest thing he had to a family. His uncle Gabriel offered to teach him how to use the bow and arrow, which had surprised Jesse. He hadn’t asked anyone to help him with training. He was happy someone offered to help him.
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to use it, but we didn’t have one at Chiswick,” he told Gabriel in the training room of the London Institute, where there was more space available to practice.
Gabriel had made a face. “Strange. There was one which belonged to me, but maybe,” he had shaken his head, lost in thought. “Nevermind. Let’s get started, shall we?”
And then he had spent the day learning how to hold the bow and shoot. It hadn’t been easy, and his shoulders were a little stiff, but he had managed to pull a few good shoots by the end of their session. His uncle had patted his shoulder lightly and had congratulated him. It felt good.
“Not bad for your first time,” he had commented. “How did you find the bow?”
“I think I like it.”
“If we train more, you will get even better. No pressure.”
Jesse wasn’t sure if the bow and arrow was his weapon of choice, but he surely wanted to know more about it. “Thanks, uncle Gabriel,” he had replied, making his uncle’s face brighten.
It was the first time he had called him uncle.
Gabriel and Jesse reached the drawing room. Perched on an armchair, newspaper in hand, sat his cousin Anna Lightwood. “About time, cousin. My tea’s got cold,” she said, twirling the cup in her slender fingers for show. It was empty.
Jesse had heard a lot about Anna. Had seen her while he was a ghost as well. She had a reputation for being fashionable and very direct, confident. Two things he didn’t think he was, but not everyone was perfect, and he was sure that Anna had demons of her own. Perhaps, someday they would talk about it like cousins did. He believed.
“You know that our family’s carriage is slow, Anna,” said Thomas from the window, his arms crossed on his chest.
“Right. Anyway, you’re here, finally,” she said, rising from her seat. “Are you excited that we’re about to redo your wardrobe?”
“I trust your judgement” he answered. “But please, don’t make me ridiculous.”
“You, ridiculous?” Anna’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “You could never be ridiculous with such features. Trust me on that. I will make your black hair and green eyes combination shine.”
“If you say so,” he pursed his lips. “Grace,” he said then, as his sister crossed the threshold. She had been staying at the Lightwoods as well, but lately she had been spending more time at Grosvenor Square, where the Fairchilds lived. She told him that she liked to help his cousin Christopher in the lab, and that she wanted to learn more about science. Jesse couldn’t object about that, because he knew that his sister could never truly pursue what she wanted. He just wanted her to be happy, and if science was what she was interested in, so be it.
“I’m sorry I’m late, but I had to change.”
“Did my brother burn something again?” Anna asked. “Last time I wanted to watch what he was doing, he ruined my tie.”
“And he almost burnt my eyebrows once,” Thomas reminded them.
“Nothing of the sort,” Grace said. “It’s late, isn’t it? Shouldn’t we go?” she asked hurriedly, as if she didn’t want to continue that conversation. She barely talked about what happened in the lab, and he guessed she didn’t want to. Not that he wanted to know. He respected her privacy, but not everyone did.
Thomas stayed behind because he had something to do, whereas Jesse, Anna and Grace decided to take a walk to get to the shops where they could find something for him. They didn’t disguise themselves, which he liked. It made him feel part of the world again, to be seen by people. The street Anna had taken them teemed with pedestrians going about their day, and they reached the clothing shop soon. It had a big sign on it, and some dresses on display.
Anna decided that purple and burgundy were Jesse’s color, and she chose a couple of waistcoats. She insisted that she would pay, saying they were a welcoming gift. Now they were visiting the third shop, which was a three floor building which sold different items for men and women alike. He believed they had bought several pieces already, but Anna was convinced that he needed a coat for the winter season, even if it was almost summer. Ah, and a bathing suit. Really? As she was looking around to find the perfect piece, he decided to take a tour around the store, since he had never seen one like that before.
He was by himself as he waited, because Grace excused herself that she also needed to look for something. He walked around and glanced at the accessories and the clothes, until something caught his eye.
“I don’t think that is her style,” Grace said, reappearing by his side as if she had appeared out of thin air.
He lifted a brow. “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he feigned ignorance. “And how do you know what her style is?”
“You’re right, I have no idea about that. Although I’ve paid attention to her, I’m not sure.”
“About what?” he peered at her as she was checking something from the same rack.
Grace gave him an unreadable look. “She seems fickle. I’m worried that now that she managed to bring you back, she won’t be interested anymore.”
“I understand your concern, Grace,” he told her flatly. “But I can assure you, it’s nothing like that.”
“Has she told you she loves you already?”
“How do you know that?” he asked, blushing, glancing away.
“She did,” Grace said, inclining her head. “I can’t believe it. I thought she would never.”
Jesse didn’t know how Grace had realized that, but he could tell that she understood his feelings, and she didn’t want him to get hurt. He was about to ask her something, when Anna interrupted them.
“This looks refined, cousin,” she commented. “Lucie will like it,” she added, before she stormed away again.
Jesse and Grace exchanged a glance, and the latter grinned. He felt his cheeks warm, and he walked away before his sister could notice he was blushing.
A few hours and several bags of clothes and accessories later, they all went back to the Lightwood residence. Anna was pleased with what she had chosen for Jesse, and said that she’d be looking forward to seeing him in one of them at the next event, whatever that might be.
“Anna has a good eye for fashion,” Grace commented, holding two bags of clothes as well. “Do you think she likes us?”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Jesse shrugged. It was a curious question he did not expect.
“Well, you’re her cousin, whereas I’m -” Grace stopped mid-sentence, making Jesse wait. “Lucie.”
She turned abruptly, as if she had been caught with her hands in the cookie jar. She glanced at Grace, then at him. “Hello, Grace. Hello, Jesse.”
“What are you doing here?” Grace asked bluntly. It sounded a bit like an accusation, but considering the conversation they had had in the shop earlier, he expected it. Grace was wary of Lucie.
Lucie sighed, and managed a smile. She wasn’t wearing a hat nor gloves, and he suspected she had been waiting for them. He glowed inside. She came to see him. Which excuse would she use today? He bit his lip expectantly, amused.
“I had to run an errand for… for aunt Cecy,” she mumbled, clutching her hands nervously. “She needed something to do something, I guess.”
Grace wasn’t convinced at all, but she let her go. “See you next time,” she just said, then gazed up at Jesse one last time before leaving them alone.
Once Grace was out of sight and out of earshot, Lucie advanced. She offered him her best smile, which he exchanged with one of his own.
“Nice excuse you’ve got here, huh,” he said.
“Was it that obvious?”
“She already knows, Lucie,” he revealed, to which Lucie just nodded. “You know that Anna took me shopping today,” he changed the topic quickly. He opened his arms, and she hurried to him and put her hands behind his back, and her head on his chest. He closed her in an embrace, and interlaced his fingers behind her neck.
“Did you buy a lot of things?” she asked excitedly. “I can’t wait to see you in one of the suits you bought with Anna.”
“You will see them soon enough, I think. Isn’t there a party next week? At the London Institute?”
“Is it?” she glanced up. “I didn’t. Why has no one notified me?”
“Do not sound so angry,” he chided, a smile dancing on his lips. “No one knows.”
“Are you teasing me, Jesse Blackthorn?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Yes,” he admitted. “I have something for you,” he said, and produced a small pouch from his pocket. “Here.”
Lucie examined it, and then looked inside. There was a silver comb with a butterfly decoration in it. “It’s precious,” she told him. Unable to hide her joy, she hugged him again, this time more tightly than before. “I really like it.”
“I’m glad,” he remarked, caressing the back of her neck. “I had to make up for the one I couldn’t retrieve from Chiswick.”
“Nevermind about that. I like this one more,” she said, and raised her head so that he could kiss her.
Someone cleared their voice, and they separated. It wasn’t a secret that they were together… to most. But probably, not everyone had caught up.
“Does Will know about this?” Gabriel asked, but they could tell he wasn’t serious, just curious. And he was smiling.
“Come on, Gabriel. Leave them alone,” Cecily intervened, taking her husband’s arm to lead him away, winking at them. “They were just embracing.”
“He will know next week,” Jesse said, making Gabriel and Cecily stop in their tracks. “That I plan to spend the rest of my life with Lucie, however long that might be.”
Lucie opened her mouth in surprise, and looked at him. “Jesse, are you...”
“Yes. Are you?”
“Undoubtedly, yes!” she exclaimed, embracing him again.
“Did he just propose to her or it’s my impression?” Gabriel wondered out loud.
“He did. Yes, he sure did,” Cecily said, and dragged a blabbering Gabriel away, while Jesse basked in his own happiness with Lucie, and he felt alive.
Taglist (if you want to be added or removed, send me a PM): @princesslucinda @kit-12 @immortal-enemies @lucian-evander @esa-emery @danieldyers @blackthorn-trash @rinadragomir @fortunesandfables @itsdaughterofthemoon @silvenys@thomastair3 @livvyheronstairs @ holding-infinity-and-a-book @lovelaces @axoloteca @autumnangel20 @cordelia-cardale @lucie-blackthorns
59 notes · View notes
Chapter 3 is finally done! Sorry it took longer - finals week happened and it was a harder chapter to write for some reason. I'm excited to finish this story though - we're half-way through :)
Chapter 3: Lighting the flame
Christopher met his friends outside, where they piled into a carriage and set off for the Devil Tavern. The atmosphere between them was still tense; James and Matthew, sitting across from him, were quiet. Christopher wished, as he so often did, that he understood people better. He hated it when they all fought, and now it was partly his fault and he didn’t know how to fix it. Thankfully, James took the initiative.
“Kit,” he began, “we’re sorry for being so confrontational. It’s only you have to understand how it looks from our perspective. Grace’s actions, even if she regrets them, caused a great deal of pain.” James looked troubled.
“Thomas shared some of what you all learned yesterday talking to Jesse,” Matthew said softly. “About how bad things were for her with Tatiana. And it…well I still don’t trust her but it sounds like she’s trying to be – to be better. And I out of everyone should be sympathetic to that.” His hand moved unconsciously to his jacket. He had stopped carrying a flask everywhere but after so many years of drinking, it was still a reflex to reach for the alcohol.
James seemed to notice this motion, and clasped his parabatai’s shoulder briefly in support, then returned his attention to Christopher. “I suppose what I’ll say is that I cannot soon forget what Grace has done, and I prefer to avoid her,” James said carefully, “but I – none of us – should be trying to control who you spend time with Kit. I am sorry. If you trust her, then we shall trust you.”
“Oh, jolly good,” Christopher said, immensely relieved. He hated conflict, especially with his friends. “I am sorry that I didn’t think to mention her helping. She’s the first friend I’ve ever made.”
His friends all looked suddenly gut-punched for some reason. “Kit, do you not think we’re friends?” Matthew asked, appearing quite distressed.
“Of course we are! Aren’t we?” Christopher was, for a second time that evening, horribly confused.
“But you just said –” James began, looking stricken.
“Do you mean she’s the first friend that you personally have made, on your own, Kit?” Thomas asked, understanding Christopher best as usual.
“Precisely!” Christopher said, then realized, “Ah, I understand now how that sounded. I meant that – well, I’m related to two of you and we all just sort of fell in together didn’t we? I have never made a friend on my own.” The rest of the Merry Thieves relaxed visibly.
“Fair enough,” Matthew said, looking relieved. “Honestly Kit, Grace Bla – sorry , Cartwright – out of everyone you could choose for a friend.” He shook his head but there was a teasing glint in his eye.
“She’s really a wonderful lab partner!” Christopher assured them cheerfully. “She’s been organizing everything and making an inventory. And she had a wonderful insight the other day about this reaction with sulfuric acid.”
Thomas shifted on the seat next to Christopher as he said “I never would have expected scientific curiosity from Grace of all people, but she was right at home in that laboratory today.”
“Honestly, it took me a second to recognize her – wearing a dark dress, and those ridiculous goggles that you also wear in the lab,” Matthew said, gesturing at Christopher.
“They may not be fashionable, but they are very important as protective gear,” Christopher told him.
Matthew shuddered slightly but smiled good-naturedly as he said, “And that is why I will never pursue science. Terrible field for the fashion-minded.” This started him on a wild story about finding a new waistcoat earlier that week. Christopher was quite satisfied that peace had been restored, and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the night with his friends.
The following Wednesday, Christopher was even more eager than usual to get to Grosvenor Square – Henry was due to arrive back in London that morning. He was keen to get Henry’s thoughts on several projects, especially the runed guns and the fire messages.
Christopher started the morning by testing another rune combination on a message. This attempt ended, as many did, in a small explosion. He was still putting out a fire on the lab table when Grace arrived for the day. She greeted him briefly before starting to set up a reaction flask. During her organization of the lab she had come across a vial with some mysterious white powder. Christopher had no idea what it was, so they decided it would be an intriguing exercise for her to determine the contents.
Soon after Grace’s arrival, a humming noise sounded, then a whistling, signaling that the elevator down to the lab was in use. Christopher hurried over as the doors opened. “Welcome back, Henry!” he said, grinning.
Henry looked just the same as always, with perhaps a bit more gray in his hair after the stress of the past few months. “Kit, my boy!” he greeted as he maneuvered his Bath chair out of the elevator and towards the lab table. “How are things going? Any progress on those guns with the pithos? And you must help me examine this sample of water I brought back from Alicante, I wonder if we could try using it in another version of demon repelling ointment. Being around so many wards, it may be imbued with some demon-repelling properties.” He reached the work table and paused as he finally noticed Grace standing there. Henry looked bewildered and Christopher struggled to remember whether he had mentioned Grace in his letter to Henry. He was fairlysure that he had.
“Hello!” Henry said to her pleasantly, “You’re the one with the demon powers that was briefly engaged to my son. Gladys, yes?” Well, letter or otherwise, at least Henry remembered her.
“Grace, actually,” she replied, looking tense, her posture stiff. “I do want to apologize again for…everything.”
Henry waved off her concern and said, “It all ended alright didn’t it? Charles Buford will find someone else. And Kit mentioned you’ve been a great help in the lab recently!”
Good, Christopher thought, I did remember to include that in the letter.
“I would actually be quite interested to hear about your power and how it worked. Especially through a bracelet, fascinating!” Henry continued as he maneuvered towards the rack of chemicals.
Grace appeared exceedingly uncomfortable, but quickly warmed up to Henry throughout the day as he described various project ideas to her and took a look at her reactions. By that evening, when all three were involved in a lengthy discussion about runes and the application of runes to invention, it was as if Grace had always been part of the team. Christopher was delighted anew that Grace understood both he and Henry in a way that very few others did.
They finally finished for the night after Charlotte had called down the stairs three times with increasing insistence about coming up for dinner. Grace left to catch a carriage home with a smile on her face. Christopher wished briefly that she could stay longer, but he was comforted by the fact that she would return in the morning.
“Hullo Grace!” Christopher said happily as she entered the lab early the next day. He then bent back down to examine a glass slide under the microscope. Henry was occupied entertaining some visitors with Charlotte, but Christopher was already hard at work. “You must come take a look at this sample of water from Lake Lyn that Henry brought,” he told her. It was fascinating watching the microorganisms move about in the droplet under the lens. When Grace did not immediately respond, he looked up and actually got a good look at her face. “I say, is something wrong, Grace? You’re a bit –” He was about to say ‘splotchy’, for her normally pale face was quite red in parts. He caught himself at the last second however, remembering his mother saying that a gentleman should never remark on a lady’s less-than-favorable appearance. “You look upset,” he said instead. She was not her normal cool and collected self.
He thought that Grace would brush off his concern, and she indeed stiffened and started to turn away. Then she met his gaze and her shoulder slumped in resignation. “I encountered Charles on my way in,” she explained.
“Ah. I forgot that he would be returning with Henry,” Christopher said, wincing. “Things are still awkward after ending the engagement then?”
“More than awkward,” she answered, expression still pinched. “He is still extremely upset that I manipulated his mind. Said I’d made a fool of him and he doesn’t want me in his house.” She set her coat and hat down on the stool with more force than strictly necessary.
Christopher frowned and said, “Technically it’s Henry and Charlotte’s house.”
A faint smile rose on Grace’s lips. “That’s precisely what I told him, and I mentioned that I worked with Henry just yesterday. He then called you both ‘trusting fools’ and made some…unflattering statements about my personage.”
“Well perhaps if we give him some more time, he’ll come round!” Christopher said optimistically. “I suppose it’s easier for me to say since you only used your power on me once or twice compared to the many more times you used it on him.”
Grace looked at him, pale brows drawn together in puzzlement. “I never used my power on you, Christopher,” she said slowly.
Christopher was wholly astonished by her statement. “You – never? Really?” he asked, mentally reeling. “What ho! But the night you came to the laboratory and helped me figure out the pithos I – are you sure?”
Grace shook her head. “Never. I’m completely sure,” she said firmly. “I would have apologized if I had, I –” she stared at him, looking almost indignant. “You really invited me here, have been working with me, and all this time you though I had manipulated you that night? And never gave you a formal apology?” she asked incredulously.
“When you asked about joining me in the lab that first day, you apologized for everything again. I assumed that included any time you used your power on me!” Christopher said, thoughts racing. He had been so eager to help her that night. Although now that he thought about it, they had discussed a lot of science, which he now knew Grace was genuinely interested in. “Why didn’t you?” he asked her, very curious.
Grace hesitated before saying, “I didn’t need to. You weren’t bothered by my being there and you were happy to show me around.” Something flickered in her pale eyes. “I never liked using my power when I could avoid it. I suppose because I knew that it was wrong,” she added. She looked as if she might say something else, but at that moment a whistling noise from the elevator indicated that Henry was on his way down to the lab.
They were soon absorbed in experimenting and discussing theories but at points Christopher found his focus drifting back to their conversation, and even farther back to that first night in the lab. It seemed like Grace had used her power on nearly everyone at some point, yet incredibly, she had never used it on him despite numerous opportunities. Christopher didn’t know what to make of that.
It was just Christopher and Henry in the lab the following day. Grace was training with Jesse, and then planned to take a tour around the city with her brother, Lucie, and Ariadne (who was apparently going by Kamala these days). Christopher could never be bored working with Henry but after having Grace’s constant companionship for nearly a month it was…strange, to be working with only Henry and not her.
The day’s work proved incredibly successful, however. Upon Henry’s suggestion, Christopher added a bridge rune to the fire communication rune he had been tinkering with for months. He was thrilled to observe the message burn up and reform a few feet away. Henry, delighted, helped him replicate the results numerous times to prove that it was a repeatable phenomenon. Henry demonstrated it for a startled Charlotte (she had been interrupted in the middle of writing a letter in her office). She beamed, proud of them both, giving Henry a congratulatory kiss.
Christopher could not wait to share the good news with Grace. He wished she had been there to see it the first time, but no matter – there would be plenty of time to demonstrate it tomorrow.
He and Henry spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get the messages to travel farther than a few feet. Although foiled in these attempts, the breakthrough left them both very pleased as they finished for the day.
Christopher was waiting at the entrance for Grace the next morning, eager to share the news. She looked startled to find him right behind the door as it opened, which he supposed was unusual given that they always met down in the lab. She had barely finished saying good morning before he could not contain his excitement and exclaimed, “You must come see the breakthrough Henry and I made yesterday, Grace! We’re so close to having a working fire-message!” He caught her arm and hurried her to the stairs down to the lab. She seemed a bit disoriented by his sudden enthusiasm but listened intently with a bemused smile as he explained the thought process behind the rune combination they had tried.
They reached the work table and Christopher quickly traced out the new rune. The paper burned up and reformed a few feet in front of them. When it reappeared, Grace grinned widely. “Incredible!” she declared, and she snatched the paper to study the rune. It occurred to Christopher that Grace had a very nice smile. She normally had a serious face, but smiles had become more frequent as the weeks had passed.
“What have you tried adding to this so far?” she asked. Christopher grabbed his notebook and they reviewed what he had recorded the previous day.
“Do you mind if I try some things?” Grace asked. “I’ve been studying that book on runes that Henry gave me – I think I may have a few ideas.”
“By all means!” Christopher told her, delighted. “I could use a break from runes after all the work yesterday. I think I’ll experiment with the Lake Lyn water today and try a demon-repelling ointment again.”
“All right, then,” she said, and set to work with a determined expression.
Later that afternoon, Henry already finished for the day and off to some important dinner, Christopher was checking the now-complete inventory list. “Blast!” he said softly, then called over to Grace, “Do you remember seeing nightshade anywhere when you were organizing?”
She pursed her lips in thought, then shook her head. “No, none,” she answered.
“I suppose I’ll be taking a trip to the Shadow Market tonight then,” Christopher said. He was determined to try combining some nightshade extract with the new demon-repelling ointment he was developing.
“The Shadow Market?” Grace queried, eyebrows raised in interest. “Do you go there often? I wanted to go before when I was looking for something to help Jesse, but I was never confident that I could find my way around.”
“It’s a wonderful place! I have to go fairly often for ingredients that are, er, not strictly approved by the Clave,” he explained. “Oh!” he said, struck by an obvious thought, “would you like to accompany me tonight?”
“I would love to,” Grace said, looking excited. She sent a letter to Jesse to inform him of the change in plans, and eagerly questioned Christopher about various aspects of the Market.
They each wrapped up their work as the sun began to set, the changing sky visible from a high window in the basement. Christopher was locating his coat and hat when he realized he should ask Grace about weapons. It was unlikely they’d face any demons in the carriage or Shadow Market, but it was good to be prepared. She had daggers on her already, but he offered her a seraph blade in addition. Ready, with ingredient list in hand, the set out to the carriage.
Christopher offered Grace an arm up, then followed her in. Their knees brushed together as he settled on the seat opposite Grace and the carriage began moving. Christopher noticed that she looked somewhat flushed. “Would you like the window open?” he asked. “You look a bit warm.”
“No, I’m perfectly comfortable, thank you,” she said, appearing discomposed. “What are you hoping to accomplish with the nightshade that you’ll be getting?” she asked.
Christopher happily launched into a lengthy explanation of his thought process and the previous attempts at demon-repelling ointment, and the discussion lasted them all the way to the Shadow Market.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 3 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Alexandra Vandervort Pronouns: She/Her Age: 20 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: TBD Social Status: Insider (on thin ice) Faceclaim: Meghann Fahy
Who Is Alex?
“Tattoos and a switchblade attitude, snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile.”
There’s my girl. Did you miss me, Alex? I know you and I have had our fun. You’ve never been boring, working hard to create the reputation we know and love today. I admit, I was a sucker for your drama, the tables you flipped, the scandalous, romantic encounters you orchestrated. You’ve been the master of spin for as long as I can remember. You love to keep people talking, shaking their disapproving heads and waggling their fancy fingers. You hate being a part of it, don’t you? The ‘scandalous elite’, the Upper East Siders. Well, I’m sure your tears have dried over it by now especially considering you have a new, ah, problem. Well, focus, shall we say. I’m sure the gasps could have been for miles around when your B-A-B-Y news hit the grapevine. Did we ever find out who the daddy was? I’ll check the polls before dropping by to say ‘hi’. See you soon, sweetie. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Alexandra Vandervort was supposed to be the perfect little lady. At least, that was her parents’ hope. They found out very early on however that Alex was never going to be a lady and what she’s perfect at is effing shit up. She’s always had a curious, adventurous, wild heart that has clashed time and time again with the Upper East Side. Alex is always scheming, thinking up hilarious pranks to pull or just how she can ruin the next big event... It’s a full time job, basically. She’s opinionated, argumentative and single minded to the point of recklessness. If it wasn’t for Alex’s parents making such generous donations to Constance Billard, she would have been expelled about a hundred times over. Alex craves to be her own person, free of the crushing weight of misguided expectations. Dare to dream, right? Nate Archibald could certainly relate. Despite her penchant for trouble, Alex had excellent grades and even tutored the classmates she couldn’t stand when necessary. Julliard was always the dream for her though, always.  Always ready to dance, have fun and flirt with some pretty face, Alex has never let her heart get involved. Besides, crushes are embarrassing and feelings? Oh boy, don’t even get her started. What turned out to be the real thing she should have been on lookout for was bonfire beach parties. And a pretty face. Alex kept it under wraps (literally in those oversized coats) for as long as possible but thanks to her cousin’s well meaning, drunk, big mouth... The whole Upper East Side found out that Alexandra Vandervort was pregnant. She refused to tell anyone- her parents included- who the father was. Her parents were in a stand off with her and it ended in them telling her to get out then. Thankfully, BFF Jesse Walker was there to welcome her home and he, and her closest friends, were more than willingly to look out for her. Alex was- is- scared and grateful, and can’t believe she’s going to be a mom. Right now though? She is heavily pregnant, deferred from her dream school and pretty much ready to eat anyone who looks at her the wrong way.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Alex had a pretty big secret to keep, one that she absolutely couldn’t risk coming out so there was no way she was going to help with the GG Takedown. She wished Jesse good luck but nope! She and GG have a fraught relationship.
Aaron Vandervort - the big brother. They’re still as close as ever even if he has always been exasperated by her.
Scarlett, Sapphire and Sophia Vandervort - the cousins! They were never close growing up, Alex distancing herself from them. Things changed though, especially with Sapphire who has been her closest confidante and friend throughout the pregnancy. Well, until she ran away.
Jesse Walker - bestie! Jesse is her fave, her roommate, her best bro in the world.
Vanessa Abrams - tale as old as time. Two super cool girls from opposite side’s of the tracks meet and boom! Instant chemistry. A really good friend.
Xander McAllister - ugh, remember how embarrassing crushes are? Enter Xander. The Vandervort-McAllister family feud has been going on for as long as Alex can remember but she just couldn’t help it. Her parents are probably just worried he’s the father or something.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
“Now, Miss Ch’en, I can understand wanting to be sure the bracket is fair for yourself and your opponent,” Jessica was explaining to the Lung who’d made a beeline for the Doctor’s office not too long after the announcement was made, “but the Doctor and I aren’t in charge of the bracket-”
“You know who is, though. Give me a fight with that bag-stealing money-grubbing fat-cat layabout Round 1.”
Normally, this would be enough to cow the Feline, but the Doctor was with her and this big-shot was being unreasonable, so she felt a certain amount of power she wasn’t used to having. “Miss Ch’en, you may be one of Rhodes Island’s highest-promoted Operators, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to talk like-”
“Hey, Jess?” The Doctor showed them both the bracket. “It says ‘Swire vs Ch’en’ is Fight 1.”
“O-oh!...That’s convenient.” The Sniper turned back to the Guard with a nervous smile.
In exchange, she received a curt nod. “Good. I hope the audience will appreciate a good thrashing.”
“...I think the best part,” the Doctor continued when the Lung had left, “is that out of the people we could put her against, Swire’s actually got one of the best chances of making the fight interesting. Maybe not long, but interesting.”
“W-why’s that, Doctor?” Still a little shaken after that encounter, the nervous Feline retreated into her brave boss’s arms.
He kissed her forehead with a smile. “Well, my courageous kitty-kat, it’s about their relationship. See, a lot of people - Miss Ch’en included - think that Miss Hoshiguma is a tough woman who likes her women tough, and maybe at some level that’s true. From what I’ve seen, though, she’s more of a case of ‘opposites attract,’ and Miss Swire seems to have figured that out, too. What Miss Ch’en wants this to be is a battle for Miss Hoshi’s affections, but if I’m honest? I think she’s already lost that fight. Not that she won’t use everything within her power to beat Miss Swire, of course.”
“That m-makes sense.” Jessica looked up at him. “So Miss Swire isn’t tough?”
“I wouldn’t say that-”
At the moment, the Feline in question stormed into the office. “Doctor!”
“You’re fighting her Round 1,” he replied. She immediately turned around and left. “Like I said, it’s not that she’s not tough. People just overlook it because she’s a fluffy girl’s girl, but she swings that crescent hammer like a truck when she wants to.”
“Her hair is really fluffy...Do you think I’d look good with hair like that, Doctor?” She pressed lightly against her ponytail.
The Doctor chuckled, squeezing her just a little closer. “I think you’re perfect juuuuuust the way you are, but you’d look good with fluffy hair, too. Although, if you get much cuter...”
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Operators, Staff, and Esteemed Guests! Welcome one and all to the Top Operator Tourney!!! *crowd cheers*
“Thanks, Hung. Ladies and gentlemen, for anyone out there who doesn’t recognize my voice, I’m Click, and joining me in the booth today is the Iron Fist herself, FEater!”
“That’s right, Click, and today we’ll be giving you folks watching at home or in the office the blow-by-blow breakdown of what promises to be a real battle of wills! On the north side, with over 4 years of experience cleaning up the streets of Lungmen with her trusty blade, it’s Madame Ch’en!” *cheers* “And on the south side- hey, Click, babe, calm down, she’s in the ring, not us - it’s Miss Swire!” *more cheers, including one very loud Oni*
“Sorry about that! Let’s look at the numbers, shall we? According to the objective measurements of our Medical Department and the Operator Training Team, Ch’en has a commanding lead in terms of both raw power and experience, especially if she can manage to convince that blade of hers to unleash its full potential for this fight, but despite the disparity, Miss Sw-Swire has one thing going for her: the reach on that ball of pain she’s got in her hands! It’s kind of hard to imagine someone so scrawny throwing that around with enough force to knock a person on their ass, but as everyone knows, Felines don’t care what you think about physics, so she finds a way somehow even so!”
“Uh, right! Thanks for that breakdown, Click. Alright, so back down in the arena proper, the Doctor has taken his position in the umpire’s stand, surrounded by an even crazier number of camera feeds than normal. Seriously, he’s around more cameras than me and Click combined! It’s crazy! He’s counting down now - chant along, guys! 3! 2!1! And here we go!!!!”
“Now, one problem we’re likely to see for Ch’en early is actually getting to Swire-Sama in the first place, as her Feline instinct and predatory cunning in conjunction with her death-ball are going to make closing the gap pretty diffi- Just like that! A solid hit from Swire-Sama into Ch’en chest!”
“I hope her Lungs are strong enough to withstand that kind of hit, Click...Aww, come on, you know you still love me~ The follow-up isn’t entirely there, though, as Swire struggles to swing back around in time to hit her while she’s down. Oh, and Ch’en now running her down in a clockwise spiral, following the crescent hammer’s trajectory and actually closing in! Oof, that’s gonna leave a nasty scar - or at least it would,” “One, two, three” “-if our sponsors in the Medical Department weren’t totally going to fix that once they’re done here!”
“-Seven, eight, nine slashes, and she’s still standing?! Hang on, what is...Is she even hitting with those?”
“Looks like she’s just tormenting her, Click.”
“I know Felines will play with their food, but this is something else! Oh, and the Doctor is calling for the bout to e- OH MY GOD!”
“Swire just punched her in the face! No claws, no knuckledusters, just a single punch to the face in an infinitesimal break in the wall of sword strokes being put up by Lungmen’s former Chief Inspector! That wasn’t nearly enough to knock the breath out of the Lung, of course- hey, I thought that one was pretty good! - but it’s enough to give Swire some time to think through her next move.”
“And it’s looking like she’ll...wait, when did she get a drone out there?”
“She’s using it to blast Lungmen rap songs?! Shit, we might get demonetized if she keeps this up, right?”
“Nah, we’re hosting it on our private network, and our only sponsors are us any- And Ch’en just vanished!”
“No, she’s still on the field, just moving too fast to see with our eyes! There’s a cloud of blood forming around the pair now th- OH MY GAAAAAAA-”
“Holy shit. Medics! The Doctor’s hurriedly calling an end to this fight to try and determine a winner before one of these two actually finishes the job on the other!”
“If this is the level of action we’re gonna be seeing in these fights, ladies and gentlemen, then the front few rows miiiiight wanna invest in some kind of rain gear - like, say, the splash guards currently on sale at Closure’s for over 40% off!”
“And as the dust settles, Madame Ch’en is walking off the field with an easy victory. Wowza, that’s looking...that’s looking pretty bag. Oh, hey, that’s Hoshiguma coming down into the arena, I wonder if- whoa! Babe, she just punched Ch’en in the face! Maaaan, it’s a shame we won’t ever get to see that fight, huh?”
Hoshiguma flicked the blood from Ch’en’s nose off her fist as she approached where the Medics were tending to Swire. “How’s she doing?”
“We’ve got her stable,” Warfarin reported, “and between the emergency coagulants and regeneration stimulants, she should be able to stand on her own power before the end of the night...Nothing too heavy until at least 48 hours have passed, though.”
“Thanks for the heads up. Can I talk to her?”
The Sarkaz sighed. “There’s no way she’s still con-”
“Hoshiiii?” Swire’s voice wheezed from some other dimension; within seconds, the Oni was at her side. “Hoshi...Sorry.”
“Sorry? Why are you apologizing? You did great out there.” The Defender took her hand gently in both of hers, letting a tear fall from her face at the sight of her girlfriend in such pain.
The Feline shook her head, which Aak grimaced at and set to work immobilizing her further. “I lost...I can’t see you anymore.”
“What? Why not?” Hoshi kissed her head, causing even more distress to the Medics in the process. “I don’t like her; I love you.”
“...Oh, Hoshi~”
Warfarin tapped the Oni on her shoulder. “I’m afraid visitor hours are closing; we need to move her somewhere not covered in her own blood.”
“I’ll go with you.” She waited for the folks carrying her girlfriend out to have her situated before following them out. ‘Thinking she could beat my Fluffy Cuddles in a fight and claim me like a trophy wife...I’m no one’s prize, damnit, I’m a prize fighter. I hope she wins her bracket, so I can give her a proper beating when I win mine.’
“...You know, if it was that easy, she probably wouldn’t have waited for the tournament,” a shadowy figure observed aloud as they walked past her in the opposite direction. Hoshi turned to confront them-
-but it was like they were never there...nothing but a Phantom of her imagination...
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An Orwellian Nightmare
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: discussions of parent death, teenage drinking, anxiety, and depression, please read with caution, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 6K
Summary: Ella and Jess go to Rory's graduation party, then return to the bridge.
A/N: The descriptions of depression in this chapter and in this fic are based on research and my own experiences. Everyone is different. If you need to talk, I am always here.
“The door itself is worth more than everything we own.” Jess gawked at the large mahogany door of the famed Gilmore house.
“Welcome to the realm of the one percent,” Ella replied, smirking as they stood hand-in-hand facing the entryway. Beyond it, she could hear the faint sound of classical music and polite chatter. “I don’t hate it, though. It’s got kind of a Great Gatsby thing going on, don’t you think?”
“Maybe. But I think it’s more like Dracula.”
“Hm,” she nodded, lifting her eyes to see the pillars on either side of the door. “Wuthering Heights?”
“Oh yeah,” Jess agreed. “That sounds right.”
“Get ready, then, Heathcliff,” Ella quipped, ringing the doorbell.
Jess scoffed. “Ready as I can be, Catherine.”
Not more than a moment later, the door swung aside to reveal a woman in a maid’s outfit in the sprawling foyer. Behind the maid, there were groups of well-dressed people, mostly older, milling about with martini glasses in their hands, sugar on the rims. Though she couldn’t quite be sure, Ella thought it was Mozart playing from somewhere farther inside, live on a piano. It sounded fine, but she had always preferred Beethoven. The lesser of two evils, she had taken to calling him. Before even stepping beyond the threshold, she could see at least two chandeliers gleaming in the yellowish lights. She tugged Jess along by the hand, stepping up and into the house.
“Good evening,” the maid said.
“Hi,” Ella said, smiling at the small woman with black hair and dazzling brown eyes. “This is Rory Gilmore’s graduation party, right?”
Jess chuckled behind her. They’d gotten a bit lost on the way up to Hartford. The plan had originally been to follow Luke’s truck, but he had decided against going at the last minute. He wasn’t sure if Lorelai would really want him there. Instead, they had followed the less than legible directions Luke scribbled on one of the diner napkins. Luke rarely remembered street names, using mostly landmarks. The drive would have been easier if it wasn’t already near dark by the time the party started.
“Yes, ma’am,” the maid answered formally, holding a hand out to Ella. “May I take your bag?”
Furrowing her brows, Ella looked down at her large black purse, the only one she owned, and then back up at the woman. She hadn’t been expecting such a question, instead thinking she’d either carry it with her or stumble upon a coat rack somewhere. “Oh, sure. Thank you. That’d be great...sorry. I didn’t catch your name?”
The maid looked equally confused as she took Ella’s bag from her. “Helen.”
“Okay, Helen. I’m Ella,” she said, sticking out her hand for Helen to shake, tilting her head in Jess’s direction. “That’s Jess. We’re Rory’s friends.”
Jess nodded in greeting at Helen, biting back a laugh as the maid shook Ella’s hand with a disconcerted expression.
“Enjoy the party,” Helen muttered, then turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd behind her.
“I don’t think you were supposed to introduce us to the maid,” Jess chuckled as Ella led him through the sea of people to the left, revealing a large sitting room with an open bar.
“Who cares what we’re supposed to do?” Ella shrugged, stopping in her tracks as she began to search the room for anyone she knew. “Rory used to tell me her mother fired a maid a week. Figured she might need at least one friendly face tonight.”
His smile turned warm and his face lost its amusement as he regarded her for a moment. Her hair was back in a low bun, shorter pieces framing her face. She wore a dress bought special from Goodwill for the occasion, a black bodice and a skirt of lavender tulle. On her feet, the same black leather ballet flats she had owned since high school. Somehow, they hadn’t begun to fall apart yet. Beauty in her usual, hasty variety. She didn’t look exactly comfortable, but she looked like herself, fitting in so well simply because she wasn’t putting anything on. He disentangled their fingers and brought his hand to her freckled cheek instead, catching her lips in a kiss.
For a moment, Ella relished in the feeling of the butterflies in her stomach. But then, she remembered the buzz of the socialites around them and the mission at hand: to find Rory and congratulate her. She pulled away from him with a smack! and blushed immediately.
“Jesus, James Dean. Wait until we’ve got a smaller audience,” she snapped, though there was a smirk playing on her mouth. She was glad to only be wearing chapstick. Most of the makeup she was the dark smudge of smoke around her eyes.
Jess only shrugged, nonchalant and smug. “We’re the other half, Daria. They don’t expect too much from us.”
She rolled her eyes. Before she should retort, though, a woman with heavily styled brown hair and a glittery pantsuit approached them. Thankfully, it didn’t take more than a few seconds for Ella to recognize her as Rory’s grandmother, Emily Gilmore, who she’d met only once before. Back when Ella was still working at the diner, Rory had brought her grandmother for a tour of the town. Ella remembered how odd the chunky white sneakers looked on Emily’s feet, as she had also been wearing a stuffy, expensive skirt set and some Chanel No. 5.
“Ella! How nice to see you!” Emily received them, her voice raspy and pleasant.
Regaining her composure, hoping the flustered roses on her cheeks had cooled, Ella plastered on her best smile. “Good to see you, Mrs. Gilmore. Thanks for inviting us. Your house is incredible.”
“Ah, thank you,” Emily said gratefully, then looked quizzically at Jess. “And I should hope this is a boyfriend, from that little display I just witnessed.”
Ella’s face fell at the tight, irritated tone in Emily’s voice. Her skin flushed once again in embarrassment. She cleared her throat and grabbed Jess’s hand once more. “Yes, this is Jess Mariano.”
“Hi,” Jess said shortly, extending his free hand to Emily.
“Hello, Jess. I’m Mrs. Gilmore, Rory’s grandmother,” Emily replied cordially, reciprocating, though the distaste was still very evident in her voice and her face. She turned back to Ella as she broke her handshake with Jess. “How are you? It’s been so long. Are you still doing those little doodles?”
Her smile came to look even more forced, but Ella maintained the facade. It was Rory’s party. The least she could do was avoid a scuff with the hostess. “Yes. I’ve only got a year of grad school left. Studio art.”
Widening her eyes and nodding along, Emily made a small noise of acknowledgement. “Wonderful! And what comes after grad school for an artist?”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Ella began to search her mind for a careful way to answer the question. The easy thing was to say she had no idea. But then, Ella had heard enough stories about Rory’s grandparents not to be entirely honest. “Well, I-”
“Oh, for goodness sake!” Emily exclaimed suddenly, brown doe eyes fixed on something over Ella’s shoulder. “I told him a million times to wait to serve the cheese cubes!”
Ella furrowed her brow, glancing behind her.
“I’ve got to go take care of this,” Emily said gravely. “Enjoy yourselves, you two. Make sure to try a Rory.”
“Um, pardon-” Ella began, but Emily had already begun her purposeful march back to the head waiter, who was apparently serving the hors devours out of order.
“Try a Rory!” a voice chirped cheerfully in front of them, and Ella jumped a little, turning her head forward once more.
Jess had a scowl on his face, so far unamused by the extravagant fanfare.
A waiter stood with a tray in front of them, a wide grin on his face. He stared at them expectantly for a moment, beaming, before they took the hint and each grabbed a drink from the tray. As they gave begrudging grunts of thanks, the waiter was already off to assault another group of partygoers with his enthusiastic exclamations. The drinks were those Ella had seen in the hands of other guests in the foyer, crusted rim martini glasses filled with pink, perfumy liquid.
“What the hell is this?” she thought aloud, inspecting the drink, swirling it around in the glass. She smelled it, and could only make out something fruity and the strong stench of alcohol.
Jess shrugged, staring down at his own glass inquisitively. “It’s a Rory.”
She scoffed. “Well, of course. I mean you haven’t lived until you’ve had a drink named after you.”
Snorting a laugh, Jess nodded. “I knew they were rich. But I didn’t know they lived in an Orwellian nightmare.”
“Me neither,” Ella said.
“Shall we?” Jess asked, raising his glass.
Heaving a large sigh, Ella clinked her cup against his. “We shall. Please don’t let Chris have any input in my eulogy.”
“No promises,” Jess quipped, before downing a big sip of his drink.
Taking a sip, Ella almost instantly regretted it. She never thought she would have the opportunity to taste the color pink, but she certainly wasn’t enjoying it now that it had come. As a child, her mother had sometimes stuck a bar of soap in her mouth when she let a swear word slip. Obviously, the technique hadn’t worked in the long run, but the taste was usually enough to elicit a weeks-long change in vocabulary. The drink instantly brought back the soapy memories. It was not quite Irish Spring, and not quite the orange bars of Dial her mother had eventually become partial to for punishments, but somewhere in-between. Her face twisted into a grimace and she swallowed with great labor.
Jess was already uttering a harsh cough as she finally managed to get the stuff down. “Are we sure they didn’t bring us all here to poison us?”
“Anything’s possible,” she replied, shaking her head at the taste. “Can we find a plant to dump these in?”
“I think it’d be wise,” Jess said, eyes immediately scanning the room.
He tossed a glance in her direction, then pointed subtly to a ficus in the corner by the sliding glass door. Meandering through the crowd of people, Ella did her best to look inconspicuous. She stood guard, blocking the view of Jess, as he drained his own drink into the plant and then took hers from where she held it out to him behind her back. After a few moments more of indecision, they placed their empty glasses on the mantelpiece and fled the scene of the crime into the dining room, where other groups were milling about.
“We might’ve just murdered that plant, Stevens,” Jess said as they finally came to a stop, lingering in the doorway between the foyer and the dining room.
“Well, death is a part of life,” Ella said dryly, still frowning at the taste in her mouth. “But if it does die, I’ll probably be the prime suspect. Maybe second to Lorelai. Mrs. Gilmore didn’t like me when she met me the first time, and it doesn’t seem like much has changed.”
“Why would she invite you, then?”
“Because Lane’s on tour and I’m pretty sure I’m the only other Stars Hollow friend she knows about,” Ella explained. It wasn’t hard to gather why her presence had been requested, with a formal invitation in the mail weeks earlier.
“Can’t betray Emily Post, can she?” Ella said flippantly.
Jess smirked. “No, I think that’d get her twenty to life.”
Ella laughed, just as she finally spotted Rory approaching them from the opposite side of the dining room, with Logan in tow and Lorelai following behind. Rory looked radiant, hair curled perfectly and blue dress free of a single wrinkle. It reminded Ella of a dress Rory had worn to a school dance with Dean years earlier, the one she and Lane had squealed so loudly and girlishly over when Rory told them. The dress had been made by Lorelai, though. Ella didn’t doubt the dress Rory now wore cost more than the mansion door. She felt her stomach flip over when she caught herself in her thoughts. Ella knew she didn’t need to resent anyone’s wealth. She knew it truly didn’t make anyone any happier. But sometimes, she stopped the train too late and she’d already turned a bit green with envy.
“Guys! You made it! I’m so glad to see you!” Rory exclaimed happily. She hugged them both, then linked her arm with Logan’s.
“Yeah, we wouldn’t miss it,” Ella said. “We couldn’t find a scuba suit to buy you, though. Sorry.”
Smiling amiably, Rory gave a dismissive shake of her head, playing along. “That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll still be able to snag my Mrs. Robinson without one. Listen, Logan and I were on our way to find my grandpa, but I’ll try and catch up with you guys later. Is that okay?”
Ella nodded. “Of course. Go have fun, Thelma.”
The grin on Rory’s face grew, her teeth straight and white. “Thanks, Louise.”
Then, both of them were gone, Logan biding both Jess and Ella thin, compulsory goodbyes. Lorelai hung back a moment though, greeting the two of them. Her blue eyes were distracted and her voice was slightly frantic, but her usual warmth was ever-present.
“My dad’s been hiding from the party all night,” Lorelai explained. “My mother’s appointed us to seek.”
“Ah. I’ve had to do that more than once,” Ella said, giving Jess a playful nudge.
He rolled his eyes and flushed at her teasing. “I’m not a big party guy. Sue me.”
“As if you have any fortune worth chasing,” Ella shot back, then turned her full attention to Lorelai. “So, how does it feel to be the mother of a soon-to-be Yale graduate?”
“Honestly, sweetie?” Lorelai said, her eyes shining with pride. “Pretty damn good.”
“I’m glad,” Ella said.
“Hey, how did Adam’s go today?” Lorelai asked, taking another sip of her gin. “Did Father of the Year show up?”
Ella’s face fell and Jess cast her a glance. The two hours between the high school graduation and Rory’s party had been spent alternating between getting ready and hyperventilating. Maybe she hadn’t previously realized how unlikely she’d thought Jake’s showing up would be. His presence caught her off guard, trudging up old feelings which left the bitter taste of bourbon in her mouth. She didn’t know why she’d said what she had, when normally she could keep her mind and her mouth pretty well separated. Usually, her quips were calculated and deliberate. But Jake bringing up her mother right away after not speaking with Ella for so long? Saying she’d be disappointed in Ella’s choices? A burning rage Ella hadn’t known in years had flared up inside of her, and all her powers of restraint had short circuited. She’d said the first, most searing, most jarring, most hurtful thing she could think of.
“That he did,” Ella said shortly, looking down at her flats and wishing she still had a drink in her hand. Well, any drink but the pink monstrosity they were serving on the silver platters.
Lorelai scrunched up her nose knowingly. “Didn’t go so well, huh?”
“You remember that part in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when Clint Eastwood blows up the bridge?” Ella asked.
“Yeah?” Lorelai replied.
“Well, it was pretty much like that,” Ella said. “Except, neither of us were trying to build a bridge.”
Lorelai hummed in sympathy, then pulled Ella in for another short hug. “I’m sorry, sweetie.”
“It’s alright,” Ella shrugged. “There’s about a hundred miles of distance between us on a regular day, so at least I don’t need to worry about any repeat occurrences in the near future.”
“Lorelai! Hi!” A reedy voice piped up from behind them, and Lorelai turned to see a small blonde woman and an even smaller brunette man nearing.
Lorelai’s eyes widened slightly. “Hi, Paris. Good to see you. Have you met Ella and Jess yet? They’re Rory’s friends from Stars Hollow.”
Paris. The name rang a bell in Ella’s head immediately. She finally got to put a face to the person Rory had complained and gushed about for years. The ultimate frenemy. In a way, Ella already admired Paris, though their paths had never managed to cross. Ella looked up at Jess, mouthing the name to him again. He raised his eyebrows, but then a thick shadow of recognition crossed his face, and a smirk tugged at his lips.
“I’ve gotta go find my dad, but I’ll be sure to catch up with you later,” Lorelai said, taking her leave sheepishly but gratefully.
“I’ll find you,” Paris said, nodding curtly at Lorelai as she walked away. Then, she turned back to Ella and Jess, immediately sizing them up. She stuck out her hand. “Paris Geller. I believe Rory’s mentioned you once or twice.”
Ella accepted the handshake first, smiling. “Ella Stevens. Pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Firm handshake,” Paris commented, with just a hint of admiration.
“Thank you for noticing.” Ella matched Paris’s strong gaze until their palms broke apart.
“Hi. I’m Jess,” Jess said as he himself shook Paris’s hand.
For a moment, Ella had to fight a smirk at Jess’s stand-offish shyness. Sometimes, he was so adorable she almost couldn’t handle it.
“And, this is Doyle,” Paris said, motioning to the man in the suit next to her. “My other half.”
After having finally finished exchanging their greetings, Paris glanced down at the photo on the t-shirt Jess wore. Ella saw immediately after he got dressed that he was wearing almost the exact the same outfit she’d found him in at Truncheon’s open house one year earlier. The blazer, the black and white t-shirt. Even the low-rise converse knock-offs. Only, now, he’d ditched the jeans for actual slacks, and a slightly better quality belt. She wondered at how much had changed in twelve months’ time.
“Interesting shirt. Joseph Szabo, huh?” Paris asked.
Jess hummed in confirmation.
“I always liked ‘Priscilla,’” Ella said, eyes flicking between Jess’s shirt and Paris.
“Personally, I think it’s a little derivative,” Paris said, arching a brow. “You guys are into photography, then?”
“Sort of. I’m an artist. Jess is a writer,” Ella explained.
“Ah,” Paris said, giving Jess a pointed look. “You looked like an author. Let me guess...Kerouac fanatic?”
Ella couldn’t hold back her laughter.
Jess didn’t let Paris’s accuracy shake his cool facade, though. “You could say that. He’s at the top of the list.”
“Along with?” Paris asked.
“Bukowski, Hemingway, Salinger,” Jess replied easily.
Paris scoffed, shaking her head. “What a surprise. God forbid one of you beatnik guys reads Jane Austen.”
“Hey! I’ve read Jane Austen,” Jess retorted, more insistent.
A wide smirk blossomed on Ella’s face as Paris and Jess continued squabbling over their preferences. Jess got even more heated, and Ella more amused, as Paris insulted the beats and eventually brought up poetry. It was already the highlight of the party.
“It seems she’s met a worthy opponent,” Doyle told Ella, watching his girlfriend argue.
Ella nodded proudly, humming in agreement.
.   .   .
Cicadas were buzzing loudly in Ella’s ears as she landed hard on the wood floor of Luke’s apartment. She let out a whoosh of air when her back hit the floor, groaning and muttering confused curses under her breath as she rubbed at her eyes. Getting her bearings, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. She could barely make out Luke’s disheveled silhouette, snoring loudly on the old brown couch, in the darkness of the room. He’d already been asleep by the time they got back from Rory’s party, with a note on the kitchen table insisting they take the double bed. Taking in a deep, frustrated breath, Ella got up from the floor and was surprised when she saw the mattress entirely empty, save for the rumpled sheets and comforter. She had been in the midst of a dreamless sleep when she’d rolled off the bed. It was the first time she had done something of the like since she was a little kid. But it made more sense without Jess’s frame there to block her from turning over too far. He may have been the lighter sleeper, but he didn’t move around nearly as much as Ella did when he finally shut his eyes for the night.
With furrowed brows, Ella padded silently over to see the tiny bathroom empty and dark, the door ajar. She didn’t see him at the kitchen table either, and his shoes were sitting by the door where he’d left them earlier. His watch and his wallet sat on the nightstand. Though she did her best to swallow it down, an awful, familiar panic began to rise in her throat. Her rational mind knew there was no way Jess had been snatched out of bed in the middle of the night without she or Luke noticing, and there was no way he could’ve been kidnapped in a place like Stars Hollow, no matter how zany the residents sometimes were. But, still, anything was possible.
Her thoughts wandered dangerously as she descended the rickety stairs into the diner. It, too, was empty. She even checked the kitchen, the stockroom, and the bathroom. Jess was nowhere to be found. Could he have left? In the middle of the night? It wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility, especially if one took his past into consideration. But as she made her way through the unlocked front door, she found her station wagon parked outside, the chipped, dark blue paint visible in the soft light of the half moon. The bus station? But why would he have gone without his shoes, without his wallet, without his watch? Without her.
She swallowed harshly, grimacing at the fear swirling in her stomach. Eyes roaming over the town, she racked her brain. But then she cast her gaze over to a beaten dirt path, to the right of the high school, and she felt just a touch less frantic. She crossed her arms over her t-shirt and hurried down toward it. The night air was welcome against her legs, mostly bare in her soft pajama shorts. As she rounded the corner below one of the town’s few streetlights, she let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding in. His form was hunched over, sitting on the bridge above the lake. Always the bridge, she thought to herself, and would have smirked if she wasn’t feeling so shaken. She neared him, her steps sounding dully on the bridge. She could see Jess’s bare feet, below the cuffs of his plaid pajama bottoms, dangling just over the water. The lake rippled, the bluish-white moonlight reflecting against the water and shining on Jess’s face. His jaw was set tensely. She could see the silver chain around his neck glinting where it peeked out from beneath his worn t-shirt.
Shaking her head, Ella took the seat beside him without waiting for an acknowledgement. She knew he would’ve heard her coming. He didn’t startle when her arm brushed against his. She looked down, her toes, painted purple, swinging underneath her as she hung her legs off the bridge.
“You’ll get an infection walking around without shoes,” she said, finally breaking the silence.
Jess uttered a low, half-hearted chuckle. “Not in Stars Hollow.”
She let a nostalgic smirk cross her face for only a moment before she turned her head to him. “Jesus, Jess. Leave a note next time.”
He ran a hand over his mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d wake you.”
“You didn’t,” she said. “I fell off the bed.”
“She’s beauty and she’s grace,” Jess teased, though his heart wasn’t hardly in it.
“It’s true.”
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice laced with concern as he finally met her eyes. He looked tired, eyes red-rimmed. She wondered vaguely if he’d been crying.
Ella nodded. “Yeah, cutie. Just a bruise or two. I’m fine. Are you?”
Jess shrugged and looked away from her again. He couldn’t make out the trees across the water in the darkness. It must have been the middle of the night, two or three in the morning; the darkest hours before the dawn would break. “Couldn’t sleep.”
She nodded again, and was almost certain he’d had a nightmare. But it must have been exceptionally bad to have him retreating to the lake in the middle of the night, so she didn’t ask. She only pressed a kiss to his shoulder, and watched the water again, waiting.
There was a long pause before he spoke. “Elle?”
“How do you…” he stopped to sigh, running a hand over his mouth once more.
“How do I what?” she asked gently.
“How do you do it?” he blurted out, unable to find a way to phrase the question better. His fatigue seemed to be clouding his verbal skills, which were never the best to begin with. “I mean...you just seem so okay with everything. You have it all together. You don’t believe in fate, or God, or anything. But you just...keep going.”
“I don’t have it all together, Jess,” she said.
“No, but you do,” Jess continued quietly, staring down at the small movements of the water. “I mean, maybe you don’t have your entire life figured out. But you know who you are. You don’t care what anyone thinks. You don’t believe in anything but you. And nothing shakes you, y’know?”
Tilting her head at him, she searched for an answer. He’d caught her off guard again. Smacking her lips together, she furrowed her brows and began undoing the french braid in her hair as she spoke. Partially because it felt too tight all of a sudden, and partially to have an outlet for the nervous energy in her hands.
“Things shake me. But...I don't know, Mariano. I think at some point I just sort of...accepted them. I can’t change what happened to my mom, I can’t change my dad, I can’t change much. I can only solve the problems I can solve, and there’s not many.”
He nodded, biting down hard on his bottom lip. “I guess you’re right.”
Heaving a sigh, she finished shaking the braid out of her long hair, and laid back against the bridge. Above, the sky was so blue it was almost pitch black. Stars shone brightly against the backdrop, numerous without the light pollution of a city like Philadelphia. She felt a sudden pang of homesickness, unlike anything she had experienced since moving away. There weren’t many things she missed about the small town in which she grew up, but the view of the night sky was one of them.
“But doesn’t it ever...bother you?” Jess asked, still unsure himself of exactly what he was trying to say.
“Sort of. Sometimes,” Ella said, gaze focusing on the little dipper. She felt her muscles relax, and the ache in her back quieted down a bit. She knew she would be a bit sore in the morning. “When I was a kid, I used to go out with my big brother in the summer and catch fireflies. And then we would try to find constellations, though I’m pretty sure all we knew was Orion’s belt.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” she echoed wistfully. “I loved the stars...In third grade, I knew this girl whose uncle worked at NASA. And for her birthday, her parents bought her a star and named it after her. I had no idea you could do that. And I begged my parents for like...fucking months to get a star. I didn’t even want to name it after me. I wanted to make up a name for it, but still...have it be mine. But...we barely had money for groceries...let alone a star. And I was pissed about it for a while. But, then, eventually, we learned about how the light of the stars we see is hundreds of years old.”
“Pretty good for a public school,” Jess interjected.
Ella giggled. “I agree. But, after I learned it, I didn’t give a fuck about naming a star anymore. Because any star I would’ve named was dead already.”
“So, you were a nihilist even as an eight-year-old?” he asked, glancing back at her. Her blonde hair was swept over her shoulder, eyes glittering greenish, skin dewy and pale.
“Pretty much,” she said. “But it’s like that, I guess. I can’t bring a star back to life, so why worry about it dying? Even after my mom...I tried for a while to get over it. I tried to...solve it. I thought if I just got over it, it would be done, and I wouldn’t have to think about it ever again. My dad wasn’t helping, and Adam was a wreck. He stayed with Julie for a few weeks after she died, actually. He said he couldn’t stand being around my dad and I.”
“Because you were fighting?” Jess asked.
Ella shook her head softly, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “No, actually. We were drinking.”
“What?” Jess turned his body to face her, sitting cross-legged at her side.
“Yeah, we were sitting around the kitchen table drinking. Pretty much all the time. Noah was off with his friends, doing whatever he was doing to get by. So, I didn’t want to leave my dad alone. We would just drink all night, whenever I wasn’t at school...Sometimes, I would cry afterwards, when I was alone or when the hangover hit. But never in front of him. And I thought it would get better, but it wasn’t helping,” she explained, stopping briefly to take a deep breath of the fresh summer air. “Eventually, I...I would sleep through entire weekends, night and day, just to pass the time. I didn’t eat much, but I wasn’t really hungry. I just slept and slept. I remember...being so tired. I didn’t see anyone...not even Lane and Rory those first few weeks. I started smoking, too. I kept up with schoolwork and everything...I don’t really know why. Maybe it was just a force of habit...the one constant thing. Nothing seemed important, though. Without her there, I mean.”
Eyebrows raised, Jess listened. He had never heard her talk so much about the immediate period of time after her mother’s death. Not even he knew the details. And it shocked him the way she spoke. She wasn’t crying. She was barely pausing or stuttering at all. She told him matter-of-factly, detached.
She shrugged. “But that only lasted a few weeks. I managed to go to school, but my dad pretty much just stopped going to work. Even after the leave they gave him. He lost his job, but he wouldn’t even try looking for another one. He was just too...he couldn’t do anything. So, I stopped drinking. I didn’t pick up any alcohol again until that night I stole his tequila. And I got a job at Luke’s, to get us some extra money. And Luke threw in leftovers whenever he could. I didn’t think about her really...not for a long time. There were other problems to worry about, I guess. So, I just...got up and kept going. That’s the way it’s always been for me, I guess. She was dead, and we needed money.”
“Jesus,” he muttered.
“Things shake me, Jess. But I’ve always been good at just sort of...getting on with it...not thinking about it,” she said, voice slightly strained but clear. “I still don’t think about her most of the time. Not in a real way. Maybe that’s why I got so fucking angry when my dad brought her up today. He’s just so...I don’t know. Maybe he wishes I kept drinking with him...that I never got a job or got up from the kitchen table. Maybe he would have an easier time looking at himself now.”
Jess hummed in acknowledgment, giving a small nod of his head. He cast a careful glance her way. “Are you mad at your mom?”
She averted her eyes from him and found Polaris, the brightest amongst all the other dots of light. “I don’t know.”
“It’s okay to be mad at her,” he said.
“I know,” she replied softly. “I’ve had enough school counselors tell me that to know it. But...honestly...sometimes I feel like...if I think about it too hard...I’ll go back. I’ll feel like I did then. I’ll be like I was then. And I don’t see the point of going back there.”
“Okay,” he said quietly, then finally came to lay beside her. He shivered slightly as his back touched the bridge, though the air was warm.
Then, after a moment, she asked: “Are you worried about Doula?”
He didn’t answer. He only took one of her hands in his own, as they both gazed up at the sea of stars above, and squeezed it once. Hard, though nowhere near hard enough to hurt. She nodded knowingly, and didn’t ask anything more. A breeze blew past them, and she rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand. She felt her eyes threatening to flutter shut once or twice, but she willed them to stay open. Not only for the view they were enjoying.
“That was some party, huh?” Jess asked, breaking the silence. His tone was lighter than it had been since they had arrived in Stars Hollow. They’d talked about the party a little bit in the car on the way home, Jess driving. But Ella had already begun to doze during the ride, exhausted from the long day.
She snorted a laugh. “Fuck, I don’t know which I liked less: Emily Gilmore seeing us make out or drinking that battery acid.”
“I don’t know. I think her calling your art ‘doodles’ is also in the running,” Jess added.
She smirked. “No, she can call them whatever she wants. I’d never trust the taste of someone who thinks it’s appropriate to put a chandelier in a bathroom, anyway.”
Jess laughed heartily. “Agreed.”
“I’m glad you made a new friend, though,” Ella said.
Furrowing his brows, Jess tore his eyes away from the stars to look at her. “Who?”
“Paris,” Ella replied, as though it were obvious.
“Ah,” Jess said, nodding. “I don’t know if I’d call her a friend, but it was fun to listen to her accuse me of sacrilege when I said Bukowski was better than Elizabeth Bishop.”
“Well, she was right,” Ella said, bumping his shoulder playfully with her own. “She was cute, too.”
“You think so?” he asked.
“I think if you and Doyle didn’t exist, she and I would make for the most powerful couple on the East Coast,” she teased.
Jess snorted a laugh. “You could handle that level of intensity?”
“Please,” she mocked, rolling her eyes. “I live with you.”
Jess gasped, feigning astonishment as he brought his free hand over his heart. “Cruel woman.”
“I think you’ll survive,” she replied, smiling.
“I’m not so sure,” Jess said, continuing his bit.
Rolling her eyes, Ella disentangled their fingers, got up on an elbow, and looked down at him. She could see the shadow of stubble on his cheeks and the faint crinkles at the corners of his eyes as he smirked at her. Leaning in, she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, lingering as he ran a hand through her hair. When she came up for air, she noticed again how sleepy he looked.
“You feel any better?” she asked.
He licked his lips. “I’m getting there.”
Only after one more long kiss did Jess agree to return to bed, walking hand-in-hand with her in the dead of night, back to Luke’s.
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nabrizoya · 4 years
Instead of the odd grocery list you sent me, have this. @jb-lh 🙄 Thanks for the prompt by the way! I really hope you enjoy this! <3
Prompt: “Have you ever kissed anyone?”
Ship: Jesse x Lucie (Blackdale)
Statues and Ghouls and Eerie Romances.
“You’re mad,” Jesse hissed. “You’re mad to come in he-”
“I’m not mad,” she breathed, joy at the sight of finding him in the manor threatening to tear her face apart. “I’m Lucie.” She held her hand out with a grin.
“Oh, Angel help me-” he groaned. He put his face in his hands and swore softly. Lucie only grinned more, happy to see him after nearly a week since she last saw him on the outskirts of Alicante. Which wasn’t odd. Jesse had nothing to do with her, no reason to visit her. And thus she was here, because he wasn’t there.
They were in a vast living room. Two grand staircases overtly covered with vines encircled the foyer, a dead fireplace adorning the centre of the establishment. There were rare antiques everywhere, all of them put to dust and disrepair. She took a step forward, in awe with the ambiance the entire house radiated. She had never been inside the house, save for the ballroom, and now that she was, she liked it. It looked like fiction had come true; she stared at the balconies that the upstairs lead to, instantly drawn to them. She kindled the witchlight with some hesitance, wary it would ruin the atmosphere. She thought she could glimpse something behind the statue that stood at the centre and stepped towards it. Cold air seeped at her wrists.
“Why, why is it exactly that you’re here?”
“Oh, don’t be so disappointed in me,” she waved him off, still captivated by her surroundings. “I’m here for many things. First, I love the Gothic ambiance your house radiates,” she said, enchanted with the way the witchlight reflected off the chandelier at the top. “Though this doesn’t seem like the most humane place to live, if I am being honest. It is an interesting house.”
She turned to face him with a smile and was met with a steely glare, sharp as a blade. Under the darkness and the hollows spaces between her fingers through which the witchlight peeked, his eyes were gloriously green. She could see traces of black in them now and wondered if they had been there before; they hadn’t, right? They were always alive and green. “Lucie,” he said determinedly. “Why are you here?”
“Isn’t there a better place to talk? It’s awfully chilly in here.”
“Your mistake for not bringing a cloak,” he pointed. Anger surfaced his features even now but his tone wasn’t as cold as it had been before.
She was still glancing around her in awe: it matched her imagination of the Castle of Otranto, though it wasn’t as deadly as the book. Lucie didn’t want to press her luck though; she had only come to see Jesse and now that she had, she didn’t know what she was going to speak about. She tried devising a plan and imprudently said at the same time he spoke- “Can you show me-”
“Do you nee-”
She paused, her gaze fixed on his. When she was sure he wasn’t going to continue, she gave him a smile and said, “Well, go on. What were you saying?”
“I asked if you needed a cloak. I can show you Grace’s room; you can borrow one perhaps,” he offered. “Though I do doubt it will fi- nevermind,” he blushed. Ghosts couldn’t blush but with the way he looked down at the floor, eyes cast away, she was confident he was. “Do you need the cloak?”
Lucie thanked him, but denied. “Kind of you, though I think I am perfectly fine without one.”
“If you ask me-”
“Which I didn’t,” Lucie interjected.
Jesse glared. “-I would suggest you to borrow one. You said it was cold.”
Ghosts couldn’t feel or touch, Lucie noted, especially in this form that Jesse manifested. “No cloak. I’m fine- can you show me the library?”
He shrugged. “I can, but I don’t see a reason why I should. Especially when you’re invading my home.”
Lucie scrunched up her face at the word ‘home’. “If you ask me-”
“Which I didn’t-”
Lucie tried to glare, but laughed instead. “I can still command you to show me the library,” Jesse’s face hardened at that, “which I won’t because I’m a good person and I am requesting you politely to take me to the library.”
“Lucie- By the Angel,” he swore again vehemently this time. Lucie considered pointing out that it was ungentlemanly to swear in front of a lady but was secretly amused at how distressed he was at her presence. “Do you not realize that it is dangerous here? There’s demons- God.” He looked up at the ceiling as if demanding the heavens why he was feeling whatever it was he was feeling.
“I’ll tell you why I’m here on the way to the library,” she offered.
Jesse gave up and gave her a long look. He sighed then, anger completely vanishing from his fine face as he gestured for her. “Come along. It’s upstairs. You’re certain you don’t need a cloak?”
Lucie shook her head and turned to follow him. She took one last look at the ghoulish statue that seemed to share her amusement. She raised an eyebrow at it interrogatively; the statue didn’t reply, of course. “Have you ever kissed anyone?”
Jesse’s incredulity was priceless. Lucie shrugged and pointed him to the statute. “It looks like it wants to.”
A moment of silence. Then two. Then three. And ten. Jesse peered the statue and then, surprising Lucie and the statue too, he threw his head back and laughed. Lucie’s smile grew; it occurred to her how she had never heard him laugh and now that she did, she admitted she liked the way he laughed; amused and contented as if nothing else in the world mattered then than laughing in that moment.
“Oh, Lucie,” he sighed, finally smiling and leading the way up the stairs. “Please tell me why you’re here.”
“Tell me about the ghoul first-”
Jesse snorted. “Odd of you to think I’d kiss a ghoul. It’s the statue of- ah, I’ve forgotten.”
“Perhaps you should pay more attention to the statues that look like they want to kiss you.”
Jesse laughed again. Lucie was smiling, suddenly shy. Where had this confidence come from? “Perhaps you should stop paying attention to the statues that you claim look like they want to kiss me.”
“I wouldn’t blame the- nevermind.” She blushed. What on earth? “I came here to see you.”
Jesse came to a standstill. “What?”
“For someone who claims to read a lot of books,” she said dryly, “Your vocabulary is very limited. You haven't come to the institute since I last saw you near the mausoleums. Besides,” she added, “Like I have mentioned before, I came here for many things. I wanted to take a look at your library and explore for books that may contain references to my odd power.”
“I hear the Institute has an exalting library.”
Lucie glowered at him sideways. “I know the Institute has a grand library, but given your grandfather’s odd dealings with demons and what not, I’m certain I shall find worthy material here. The more I know,” she pointed, breathless a bit with how the roof expanded even more above them, “the better.”
Once at the top of the staircase, Lucie beheld the view. She felt like a royalty who was peering at the visitors assembled near the door. Ahead of them was a strange corridor with long and rounded windows from which moonlight spilled. It took Lucie a ton of effort to not look away and admire the Ivy that penetrated through the walls from the windows savagely. It resembled Sleeping Beauty’s castle more than the Castle of Otranto. The entire place reeked of misadventure and risk. Lucie liked that.
Jesse considered her. “I know we are oddly bound,” he started, looking to where she was gazing at the intricate designs on the pillars that walked a path towards the balcony that Lucie had been admiring earlier. “But you could summon me whenever you want my help. Instead of coming here.”
“I didn’t ask for your help,” she said. “Yet. You say we are oddly bound and I do not disagree. You say you want to help yet are recoiled at my presence here. You-”
“That’s because there’s demons here- !”
“All right then,” she glared at him. “Where will you be vanishing then? I suppose you’re going to live in this tumbledown excuse of a house?”
Jesse shrugged, still not meeting her eyes. “I will have things to do.”
Lucie put her arms on her hips and tilted her head questioningly. “I’d like to know what strange trysts you have to attend in the middle of all nights.”
“I don’t-” he looked at his feet, a small smile on his lips. “What are you trying to say?”
Jesse looked up. Lucie felt her breath catch suddenly for a reason she couldn’t put a finger on. “I need your help,” she said slowly, “and I want us to work together in helping me understand my powers, despite you telling me I’m good on my own.”
“You can still be perfectly fine on-”
She narrowed her eyes, recovering from her past reverie, effectively shutting him up. “You are welcome at the institute whenever you please, as long as you are unseen and undisturbing. It’s rather unbearable to think of this place as a home,” she mimicked the face of a person ready to throw up. How could anybody live here?
“And you can’t disagree,” she warned lightheartedly, falling in step with him as he motioned towards the rightward passage, “because I can command you.”
“Oh, freedom,” Jesse grieved. They left the traces of their laughter behind as they marched to the library.
Thank you so much reading! I’m still accepting prompts (though it will take me a LONG time to get to them but I promise it will be worth the wait.) Send me a ship/character along with the prompt number in my ask box. You can find the prompts here.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Play by my rules
Summary: Trying to get over the break-up with your fiancé you spend a week with a foreign man. No names. No rules. No seeing each other again. What happens when you stumble into him again?
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester x Jess Moore, Ofc’s
Warnings: angst, comforting, fluff, shitty father, language, protective Dean, arguments, implied smut/light smut, pregnant reader, making-out, dirty talk, mentions of cheating
What daddy doesn’t know Masterlist
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Six months later…
“You’re such a naughty girl,” Dean muses, lips travelling down your neck while you try to concentrate on the recipe. “Wearing nothing but one of my button-ups while you cook my favorite meal. Barfoot, half-naked, and pregnant. That’s how I imagined you.”
“Dean,” you scold your husband, as he tries to slip one hand into your panties. “I’m wearing your shirt as it’s comfortable. I’m barefoot as it’s unbearable hot and I cook your favorite meal for our dinner with my parents.”
Dean hums, looking over your shoulder to dip his finger into the sauce, moaning as he slips his other hand into your panties to toy with your clit. “Such a needy little cunt you have.”
“If you don’t stop distracting me I will burn the food, Dean. Please, stop,” nibbling at your neck Dean smirks. “Dean.”
“Just let me feel your pretty pussy for a few minutes,” you whine when Dean hastily opens his pants. “If you want me to survive another dinner with your father and brother, I need encouragement, sweetheart.”
“You invited them,” ignoring your protests Dean shoves the button-up you stole from him up to your waist to get a glimpse of your bare ass. “It was your idea. I would’ve preferred to meet up with my mom.”
“Baby girl,” husking the pet name into your ear Dean runs his fingers up and down your slit. “You’re so wet for me.”
"Jesus, you needy bastard,” he laughs at your words, his sweatpants drop to the floor. “I need to watch the food,” you feel the head press against your opening, moaning as Dean whispers dirty promises into your ear.
“Feel this?” Dean places his hands on your hips, already inching his way into your body. “You make me so hard, sweetheart.”
“Shit, baby,” you enjoy the delicious burn Dean’s girth causes, “You’re so deep inside of me, Dean. I love how your cock stretches me out.”
“I know you do,” your husband grins hands gently rubbing your four-month baby bump. “Do you know how hard you get me as you are having my baby? I filled you with my child,” he whispers against your sweet spot, pecking it softly. “I’m gonna fuck you so deep.”
“Dean, in not three hours my parents will drop at our place along with your brother, Jess, and my brother,” pushing back onto Dean you keen. “Fuck me fast.”
“As you wish…”
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“Sam,” you greet Dean’s brother. There is still not much love between you and Sam. Sam tried anything to win your trust but so far, you only warmed up for his fiancé, Jess. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam tries to hug you, but you turn to greet his fiancé, ignoring Sam’s pained expression. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“Dean wanted a family dinner to announce something,” you try to hide your baby bump underneath a wide shirt but Jess nods knowingly. “He said we shall invite our family’s so…that’s that.”
“Will you ever forgive me?” sighing Sam watches you turn your attention toward Jessica. “Y/N, I apologized repeatedly. I know what I said back then was hurtful, but I try to make things up to you, Y/N.”
“Sammy, give my wife time,” Sam gasps at Dean’s words. “Be lucky she let you be at our nice intimate wedding,” nodding Sam looks at you. His eyes widen when you place one hand onto your belly. “Let’s prepare for her family. You will love her brother, Sammy. He’s a pain in the ass.”
You snicker at Dean’s words while you open the door wider to let Sam and Jessica inside. Jessica slings one arm around your shoulders, whispering something into your ear Sam can’t hear.
“I’m glad you came. My family is stressful, to say the least. I am afraid my brother and father won’t like the good news Dean wants to announce. He could need backup,” you grin, poking Sam’s chest. “What are brothers for if not to share the bad days too.”
“Bad days, huh?” Sam looks at you, searching your face but your serious expression tells him you are not joking. “If you need us, we are here for you.”
“Jason is a bit,” you sigh, not wanting Sam to know your brother is more than a bit annoying, “hard to handle. Don’t get me wrong, I love him but, he doesn’t care about me as you do for Dean.”
“In other words, Jason is an idiot who gives a shit on my wife. He wanted to know about the Singer deal and didn’t stop bugging me when we met for the first time,” Dean pecks your cheek, humming when you wrap your arms around him. “Her mom is nice, though. Be nice to her.”
Sam awkwardly stands in your living room, hoping you will open your heart for him one day while he tries to process your father is worse than his own.
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“Mom,” smiling you hug your mother tightly. “I’m glad you came. I made your favorite pie, and we got the ice cream you like so much.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” your mother chokes out and you frown, seeing her lips start to quiver. “I couldn’t wait to get out of the house today.” You can hear the sadness hidden behind her friendly words. Her smile, it doesn’t reach her eyes and you know something must’ve happened.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, welcome to our home. You look beautiful,” Dean smiles, pecking your mother’s cheek. “I can’t decide who’s prettier. You or my wife.”
“Wife?” your father grunts, looking at Dean with angry eyes. “Since when do people call a girl they spend their nights with ‘wife’?” your father spats, eyes drifting toward you.
“Well, I married your daughter four months ago, this makes her my wife,” Dean’s eyes are cold, and even Sam’s flinches when his elder brother steps in front of you to shield you from your father’s angry eyes. “Y/N is my wife. I must ask you to respect her at my house. My house, my rules.”
“I get it, Mr. Winchester,” your father’s eyes drift toward your mother and your stomach tightens when he narrows his eyes, giving her a warning glare. “You handle your wife, I handle mine.”
“I don’t think my wife would appreciate if I ‘handle her’,” Dean’s body goes stiff and you need to place one hand onto his bicep to calm your husband. “We should go to our dining room and enjoy the dinner my wife prepared.”
“A wonderful idea,” your mother nods, giving Dean a soft smile, a genuine one this time. “Let’s enjoy the food Y/N made.”
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“The roasted chicken is delicious, sweetheart,” Dean pecks your cheek, giving your thigh a soft squeeze. “All you cooked tastes like heaven.”
“Dry,” your father coughs. “The bird is too dry and the sauce too salty. I guess Y/N needs to practice more often. A woman should know how to cook and not only concentrate on her career.”
“Luckily, Y/N is my wife, not yours,” Dean bites back. “My wife can have a career and live her life the way she wants to. Y/N is fully capable to decide what she wants.”
Your mother smiles anytime Dean defends you. “I’m glad my Y/N found you. She looks so happy since she met you, Dean. Scott, he never made her smile like you.”
“Y/N does the same to me, Mrs. Y/L/N,” Dean says, giving your mother a soft smile. “I never was happier than with Y/N by my side. She gave me everything. Love. Her heart. A beautiful wife. A home and,” Dean’s smile grows when he gets an ultrasound picture out of his jacket. “my son.”
“Son,” your father chokes on his wine, looking at the ultrasound picture in Dean’s hand. “So, that’s the reason you married her. Without that ring, she would carry a bastard.” The words barely left your father’s lips before Dean jumps over the table to fist your father’s tie.
“You son of a bitch dare to come here and insult my wife. You dare to call my son, the child in my girl’s belly a bastard. What kind of father are you?” Sam needs to jump up to hold his brother back or he would kill your father. “Y/N is nothing but loyal to you, your awful son, and your wonderful wife. Why are you such a prick?”
“Dean, he’s not worth it,” your mother sniffles, placing one hand onto your husband’s shoulder. “He never understood how to treat a woman right. He’s a liar, a cheater and an awful person.”
“Mom?” you hug your mother tightly when she begins to cry. “What happened? I knew something is off. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
“I caught your father red-handed with our neighbor. She’s my friend for over 25 years. I considered her family only for her to stab me in the back,” you run your hands up and down your mother’s back, try anything to soothe her.
“Son of a bitch,” Dean grits out. “Sammy, help me get that piece of shit out of my house before I rip his head off.”
“Is that the reason Jason and Erica didn’t come tonight?” your mother nods, looking up at you with tear-clouded eyes. “They know?”
“I called him, asked if I can stay for a few nights but Jason said there is no space at their house. I think they are planning for a baby or something,” you sniffle, hating your brother let your mom down. “I didn’t want to bug you during your honeymoon phase.”
“You will stay with us,” Dean says before you can find your voice. “No discussion. We got three guest rooms. You can stay as long as you want to and watch your grandson grow up. Never believe you disturb us.”
“Thank you,” your mother’s voice cracks when she looks at your husband. 
“We will get your things tomorrow. Don’t worry. This is your home from now on too,” you smile at Dean as he starts to drag your father out of his house, cursing under his breath. “Get out of my house and never come back.”
“My brother and I will get your wife's belongings tomorrow. You better don’t try anything or I will sue you. I’m a lawyer and love to sue people like you,” Sam threatens. “Now you better shove your ass out of my brother’s and Y/N’s house before I forget myself and give you more than a black eye…”
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“I can’t thank you enough,” your mother looks around the huge guest room, smiling as you got her favorite pillows and blanket. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“Mom, you don’t have to thank me or Dean. You are my family, just like Dean’s,” you sit on the bed, glancing at the pictures your mother placed onto the nightstand. “I’m sorry dad cheated on you mom.”
“I knew he did it before, you know,” huffing your mother looks at her ring finger. She took her wedding band off the moment, Dean, Sam and you returned with her belongings. Your father didn’t even try to win her over again, too busy to celebrate his new freedom. “I should’ve left him years ago. He didn’t treat me well for years.”
“I know, mommy,” you lean your head against your mother’s shoulder, sighing deeply. “I had hoped he would change his behavior when he gets to know he’s going to be a grandfather, I was wrong.”
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“How’s your mom?” Dean gently massages your shoulders to help you relax. “Does she like the room? Did you explain the steam shower to her? Do we need to get more pillows for her?”
“She’s sad as dad cheated on her, again,” you lean into Dean’s touch, “but I think she likes the room and to be here. Thank you, Dean.”
“You don’t need to thank me, baby girl,” he pecks your neck, whispering your name. “I love you. Your mom is my family too and I meant what I said, Y/N. Our home is her home now too.”
“I love you too, Dean. You gave me the same things you named during our dinner, Dean. I’m glad I followed you to your suite back then,” Dean snickers, hands now moving to your belly to feel his son. “Not only as you have that magic dick.”
“You are one naughty girl,” you nod, feeling his hand move down to your panties. “I guess daddy needs to show you how much he loves that you are in his life.”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (2)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn't have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1
Part 2 {reading now}
You didn't do happy dances often, because usually there weren't many things that made you happy enough to dance for. But when you woke up after having the most splendid dream to an email that read:
'Hello Ms. Y/F/N Y/L/N, and thank you for applying for the role as Jess. We have reviewed your audition tape and were quite pleased with what we saw. For the next step in the hiring process, we ask that you come to the same site yet again today at 3 PM for a go through with your possible costar, without the script. If that time isn't good for you, please return this email in its entirety so that we can reschedule, and if the time sounds good we can't wait to see you today. Thank you.'
...a happy dance seemed to be necessary, right?
Your excitement bubbled as you put on a light pink crop and a pair of simple blue jean shorts. The look was overall simple- too simple for you, so you decided to top it off with a few hair-clips, a coat of lip gloss on your lips, and lastly some sweet-smelling lotion on your bare arms and legs.
It seemed as though 3 came quickly, but you made sure you were there by 2:50. 'Better to be early than late', you always told yourself. You always stuck by that.
Walking into the building with your pink jelly wedges clicking against the marble floor you signed in. To your surprise, they called you in at 2:55, earlier than you were expecting.
"Y/N! Punctual and looking gorgeous as usual," said one of the co-producers, Mary, and to your surprise she greeted you with a hug. She was the woman that showed the most hospitality to you through out the time you had been auditioning, a sweet, short little woman that smelled like this mornings coffee.
"Aw thank you, you're so sweet," you smiled letting off of the hug and readjusting the crop.
"So Angus is running a bit late, it happens a lot so feel free to sit over there with the other girls and we'll just see where this takes you guys sound good?"
You wondered how he was running late when it was only 2:57, but you just agreed with a smile and walked over to sit with a small group of girls. All of them glared at you as you sat down, so you decided to weigh out the competition.
You weren't one to judge- or you tried not to be- but god these girls were bland. No hair-clips, no lip gloss- not even a smile. Almost all of them wore the same, a white button up blouse with black slacks, black ballet flats, and kept their hair tied back with a colorful scrunchie. Blonde, with perfectly painted nails and you would bet money they had pedicures to match. There was nothing wrong with them, but they seemed to not know how to have fun from the energy they were giving off, and how boring it must be to have no fun. You honestly almost couldn't help but to feel worried though, was there a dress code in the email that you missed?
More girls began to filter in as the next 10 minutes passed, at least some of them seemed to actually have a personality.
"Okay well imma call you back, I got some business to do- oh you know it you feel me!? Nah wit' the show, like auditioning with all these girls or sum. Yeah okay bet imma call you later anyway, bye."
"Angus, you're late." Mary spoke up with a sigh, "I don't want any excuses from you, lets kick this into high gear shall we?"
"Who was giving excuses though like... I just be cancelling my alarm, nobody got time for waking up before 2:45 anyway."
That made you laugh a bit, and apparently louder than you expected, because the whole room, Angus included turned their heads to look at you. Mary shook her head and just looked at the list she held, and you lowered your eyes to look down at the carpeting. "Alright let's start. Girls exit the room, the auditions are one on one with just us, you, and Angus to avoid pressure and judgment."
You all stood up, heading towards the door to pile out.
"Y/N, stay."
Why'd you feel like you were about to get in trouble for laughing or some shit?
You turned around and walked to the center of the room by Angus, but you didn't look up at him. You could feel him watching you and considering you had no idea what he was thinking, you hated it.
"Well you two know what to do, start when you feel comfortable. Y/N has the first line."
You turned your body towards him and looked up, he was a lot taller than you...you felt like a little person.
Before you got too flustered, you let out a shaky breath and started. "But baby, come on you can do so much more, you can- we can travel the world or some corny shit like that, that's what you always wanted to do when we were kids. You don’t have to sell, and we can bring Ash with u-"
"Yeah well we ain't kids no more. Traveling takes money, I put all I got into stuff that's actually useful. I shoulda never gotten attached to you and shit again, damn you always do this."
"Fez..." your voice softened as you remembered this part of the script: 'Jess stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Fez's neck, pulling him down to her. Fez places his hands on her waist and...'
You did as the script said and he did as well. Feeling his hands on your bare waist you looked into his eyes- they were quite gorgeous- and continued on. "You say you want me but you don't act upon it. How am I supposed to be here if you don't open up to me-"
He let go of you and rolled his eyes, "Girl I got shit to do. So you can leave if you finna do allat."
"For fucks SAKE you're- God you're just frustrating! What do you have to do? Go sell? Go talk to Mouse and risk your goddamn life again because there's a drop of blood on money that you stole?! Its so hard to love you and you don't get that!"
"Its hard to love me? Me? Come on. How hard do you think it is to love a bitch with daddy issues that wants to watch Sailor Moon every night- I hate that shit! But I watch it for you- and you just complain about your dad not loving you and how he never coming back? Well maybe you should realize that shits true and move on from it all you do is-"
Your eyes begin to fill with tears and you immediately turned to walk away but were quickly pulled back into Angus- excuse me, Fez’s chest, your back against him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that shit."
You elbowed him in the chest- softly- causing him to groan and let go "You know you meant it. That's it Fez, I'm done." You walked away slowly ruffling your hair-
"Scene! Holyyyyyy wow that was amazing! The passion- are you guys sure you've never acted together before?"
You turned around jokingly bowing as you wiped your tears from the corners of your eyes. Angus laughed and came over to you shaking your hand. "You're good. I like yo' energy too, I hope to see you around set or sum."
You swallowed thickly, if you got this role you could not be this nervous around him everyday.
"It's not hard when I'm acting with someone so talented." You said softly, letting go of his hand after he shook it. He smiled with a chuckle "Thank you, thank you."
There was a strange tension between you two- why? You didn't know exactly, but you knew it wasn't only on your end. You thanked everyone for their time and they said they'd keep in touch. With one last glance at Angus- who had never stopped looking at you- you gave him a gentle smile and then walked out.
You rushed to the bathroom and into a stall, letting out a breath you didn't even know you had been holding in. You thought everything over, the tension, the feeling of his hands on your waist, the look of approval Mary had on her face when you two finished. You'd surprisingly never felt more confident about a role you'd tried out for, and due to that you couldn't seem to stop smiling.
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facelessfrey · 4 years
Roswell New Mexico Season 2, Episode 4
- Once again, let me begin this review by complaining about the time jump. It’s been....an undetermined number of weeks? In which, Isobel has apparently just been sitting in the Crashdown and getting over her alien abortion, Michael has just been getting ultrasounds from Kyle and not speaking to Alex or Maria, Rosa has been making milkshakes and talking to Maria who is just...with her mom? Oh and Jesse Manes is now out of the hospital and just...fine? And playing with guns? So like...what? I mean I can understand that time needs to pass for certain things to happen but this is too much every week. I just...I don’t know what to make of it. Am I the only person that this bothers? It also really ruins any sense of urgency that the plot (such as it is) has. 
- But anyway...the actual episode...I did like it for the most part.
- The flashbacks continue to be interesting. I like the idea that they were making a ship to go home. I am mildly confused as to why they just brought their 6 year olds down in pods though. Also, what did happen to Louise? We didn’t see her get taken. Did she just get shot? Did she escape? I’m confused. 
- I thought the Michael and Alex stuff was pretty good. I think it’s weird that they apparently just didn’t talk for a few weeks and that Alex has exchanged a single text with Maria only about the alien thing so he can report back to Michael that she won’t tell their secret. Okay??? Weird. 
- But anyway, I do like them getting to hang out as friends and work together to find out information. I thoroughly enjoyed them getting one over on Wyatt Long. I think it was interesting that Michael had met Forrest first, considering he’s supposed to date Alex. His blue hair is dumb. I find his whole Nazi spies obsession annoying already. I don’t understand his relation to Wyatt. Are they brothers? If so, wouldn’t Alex know who he was? Cousins? Very confusing. 
- As I’ve seen pointed out, Alex did finally call him Michael. I somehow missed it, but that’s sweet. It was also in a really sort of innocent moment of disbelief that Michael didn’t know what a height chart was and maybe that means he let his guard down a moment? Also, that was really sad that he thought it was a code. 
- I think the parallels between Trip and Alex are interesting, in Alex not wanting to repeat his family’s history and giving Michael the missing piece of the console. I also liked that he told him the reason he kept it was because he didn’t want him to leave. I like that Alex is sort of all in here and it’s Michael that’s struggling. There could be a really good arc here if they actually let it happen. We shall see. 
- I liked Rosa getting to reunite with Arturo. That was really sweet way to end the episode for them. However, I know Isobel was like dealing with Noah’s death and her alien pregnancy and abortion but....why have none of these people been to see Rosa? She’s just like living in Max’s house and no one has gone to welcome her back to the land of the living and like...say sorry for everything that happened and like...support her now? Has Alex seen her? I know Michael did briefly at the bar. But...come on! Why don’t we see these people interact?!?!? 
- Speaking of missing interactions...why did we not get to see Kyle studying Michael’s nipples? 
- I’m glad we got a brief Kyliz moment before Liz reminded everyone she’s all about Max. Poor Kyle. I still hate his supposed new love interest. I just find her very annoying and don’t understand her purpose. 
- I still have no idea why Jesse Manes is just out of hospital now. And...no one cares? How does Alex feel about that? Does Jesse still think that Alex is on the side of the family after his manipulation? What is this guy doing and when will he actually serve a purpose to the plot again?!?! Other than just to drip feed information to Jenna Cameron?? Cameron who’s just been hanging out for an undetermined number of weeks before she actually went to see him??? And now she’s been abducted???? What is happening?? This plot is such an afterthought and I feel like it should be more important. 
- Also, I forgot that Grant Green had a twin? brother named Graham and I spent his whole scene just being like “but didn’t you die?” I feel like he needs to be more of a thing or just go away. 
- In conclusion, I still think this show has WAAAAAY too much going on and they really really really needed to just pick a few stories to focus on and tell those well in 13 episodes rather than shoving as many plots as they could in their allotted time. I HOPE everything comes together in the end and that it feels satisfying and makes some semblance of sense but uh....not getting my hopes up. At least I enjoy most of the character moments in the episodes. Cause the overarching show is still a maddening exercise in frustration. 
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