Implementation pt. 2
This week we worked on refining our value proposition and presentation, as well as addressed some of the feedback we got from our last session. As we continue to dig deeper into our product, we are finding there are so many more opportunities than we initially conceived. The following material if from our shared Google doc. We are definitely making great headway.
Problem Statement
How might we centralize resources and real-world advice to help high school students explore and discover career interests?
High school students will benefit from an engaging, centralized resource to discover opportunities with real-world perspectives in order to empower their career decisions.
An AI-powered platform to explore careers based on your interests and skills.
Making the product equitable - refine the business model and clarify sponsorship process
How do we lean into this idea of breaking the stereotypical norms about certain fields?
Explore multiple entry points into one career path and showcase diversity
Incorporate location aspect for career and industry recommendations
Think about how to solve for one area really well and then scale
How you and your team spent the week iterating on your solution?
We created a user journey/flow
Refining branding and colors
Defining every feature of the platform and evaluate for our core audience (students)
Swipe-a-career (random career generator), Onboarding V1 and Onboarding V2
Explore page (Trending careers, Salary Range, Degree Requirements)
Career details page
How it’s made series
What were some of the success, and failure points?
Adding the video format to the explore page
Creating a unique onboarding experience for different proto personas
Iterating over Career Roulette function, into Swipe-a-career
Honed in on viable sources of revenue
Refined our value proposition and where we belong in the market
We’re working on the branding more
Show the finished mock ups to high school students?
Did you have to pivot your idea?
We did not pivot too drastically, but we did expand upon certain features that were previously limited.
We improved on the Career roulette idea (now Swipe-a-Career). Instead of mindlessly generating careers, the feature learns from how the user interacts with it via an indication of “liking” or “disliking.” As a result, the feature learns from the user and generates more content that they are likely to be interested in. This created a personalized and engaging experience for the student.
We improved the onboarding experience for different user types. For users who have an idea of what types of careers they may be interested in, instead of entering those details manually, as we had previously designed in our prototype, they now choose from a bank of interests/options. This will improve the user response as well as increase the output of relevant suggestions/information from the platform.
How did you generate visual assets for your solution?
Iterated on Figma designs based on class feedback
Created user flow chart to establish different entry points
Combined the current two versions of the Explore page
How can you put these to use in your final presentation materials and to further your collective ideas to realize your solution?
Apply the user flow to personas
Visuals will be helpful in crafting the narrative for final presentation
Mission statement and “About” page on our platform will be useful in portraying our goals for the platform during our presentation.
Methods & Techniques
Follow the Data
Interviewed 5 more students and collected data
Re-evaluated the revenue model
Reconsider the User
Created a user journey with the proto personas in mind
Consider why users would begin using our platform?
How do we make the platform fun in order to compete with social media sites for user’s attention?
Play the contrarian
Why would students want to use the platform?
Why would companies want to partner with us?
Does it make sense to advertise jobs to high school students?
What about students who don’t want to/can’t pursue higher education, how do they fit in?
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Culled from our shared Google doc:
Digital platform: “Pinterest for Careers” How will you build your solution? What does it look like?
Landing page Onboarding flow Explore pageCareer Detail pageHow it’s made
Career GeneratorFor Educators (FUTURE)
How does it serve the audience you have selected? How can you begin to iterate on your earlier ideas?
Value Proposition Time & Task The Advocate
What’s our 1 minute elevator pitch for the product?
Wireframes & Prototypes Go to market strategy Problem Statement
How might we centralize resources and real-world advice to help high school students explore and discover career interests?
High school students will benefit from an engaging, centralized resource to discover opportunities with real-world perspectives in order to empower their career decisions.
Final Selection
A web application that aims to be the one-stop resource for all students exploring careers. It is built on the collaboration and input of companies and the online community of working professionals. It will provide written perspectives, engaging social media content, upvoted learning opportunities (books, online courses, etc…), and other features. It is feature-modular, meaning this platform can function with core features and then be extended later with others. It is tuned to help students, but can potentially equip educators with career exploration resources.
What is the unique thing that we're offering? Is it the opportunity to step into the job and try it out?
There are many different features to this solution, so what is the one thing that you are known for as people start to expect an experience from this platform?
This is an aggregator and hub solution for information, is that what your audience is looking for/needs? It seems like students are already overwhelmed.
The data points/content we're sharing (that we create rather than partners), how do ensure that it's accurate and fair?
Mock up feedback
What is the relationship that we're communicating with our audience and How is that visualized in the brand assets?
Need a hierarchy of experience, not just graphic content
Prototype Documentation
Now that you have selected your solution; keep sketching and refining your concept. Document your activities in the digital platform.
Web platform (Jamstack)
Curate existing digital content (video format)
Provide curated, vetted, and community-approved career content
Figma mock ups
Drawing information from tik tok, glassdoor, instagram/IGTV, and others
Discuss features of the platform
Mission Statement
Address current problems of existing implementation
Address the importance of career exploration
Call-to-action that leads to Onboarding or Exploration page
An un-intimidating, and welcoming landing page
Instructs you to answer some basic questions about your demographic/intended use for the site
Don’t know what you’re interested in? Click a button to see some options.
Shows different hobbies, interests that users can select.
Already know what youre into? Enter them here.
Instructs you to type in any interests, hobbies, activities... then surfaces traits or characteristics of activity. Traits are clicked on and will lead to keyword results with corresponding career content.
A discovery engine with an engaging explore page
Students can search by keywords or hashtags through a library of content
Each piece of content is tagged (Industry, job, skills, etc.)
The product emphasis is on exploration, while the content emphasis is on real world perspectives
Students can save videos that pique their interest or spark inspiration
Students can refer back to their saved videos and interests on their profile
Incorporate machine learning to make recommendations for more video content
While watching video, students can click on more detailed career pages
Roadmap of career
Salary ranges
Day-to-day tasks
YouTube channels
Slack communities
Reddit AMA's with students (calendar of upcoming people in the industry)
eLearning opportunities
Books & Articles
Hobbies that would go along well
Starter projects (ex: template Figma files)
Related careers
Partner with companies to showcase and explain what goes into making one of their products (Nike shoes, IKEA furniture, anything you can think of)
Interactive infographic or web animation of each job role that plays a part in making it a success
You can click on a role and then be redirected to the career detail page
Users can explore careers with minimum effort. Simply click a button to stumble upon a career at random. Uninterested? Click again and generate another.
Allows high school students to explore traditional and non-traditional careers
Connects students with careers and interests through AI & ML
Acts as the definitive career encyclopedia by providing...
Community-vetted resources and information
Real-world perspectives
Indirect access to working professionals and companies
Tools and activities for counselors and teachers to interact and engage with students
Solves a problem that we discovered from the surveys, that current resources/website didn’t provide appealing or interesting career options
Usability testing with real content examples
Get feedback from real users then adjust design decisions
Curated exploration, unheard of or unusual careers, paired with real perspectives (makes us unlike any other career search/discovery resource)
Centralized platform (one-stop shop)
Career Equality - showcase both tradition and non-traditional careers as the professional world evolves
Nurtures discovery and exploration rather than forcing users to choose, or categorizing them into careers.
Methods & Techniques
Design user interface -> Wireframes
User onboarding flow
Explore page experience
User doing deeper research about a career they are interested in
Gather existing content to populate the platform
What are the rules/steps for using videos from tiktok, instagram, youtube, etc.?
How many videos do we need to launch?
Is this a manual process done by the team or can we automate it?
Do we develop criteria for videos making it on the site? If so, how?
Build working prototypes
Find developers to bring it to life
Usability testing
Create different onboarding flows for students and test
We are creating a discovery engine for high school students to explore diverse careers and industries during these formative years. We plan to use primarily short form video content that provides real perspectives, insights, and advice in a snackable and GenZ appropriate format. Our vision for this product is a user-centric digital platform, allowing high school students to consume, save, and share this content.
Explore page example: https://www.figma.com/file/1zHw9I9SIx0jF0TYhnCHKa/Discoverly-Wireframe?node-id=0%3A1
Overall Product:
Ensure there is sufficient content on the site
Establish KPI’s (key performance indicators)
Launch a beta site (constrain network growth to a single school)
Invite focus groups/influencers to participate; Having influential students on the network quickly will increase the appeal of giraffe, making it a must-goto for students who want to learn about careers (and connect with potential advisors/mentors?)
Once website/systems are functioning as intended, focus on growth - registering as many new users as possible.
Give 10 super users inviting 10 more users (network effect)
Focus on organic, homepage signup over email invite
Once there are x users, kick off monetization efforts with ads, job listings, and freemium subscription models (enhanced communications and search capability?)
Focus on virality
Relentless testing and tweaking of flows --> improving the registration and invitation process
Making career videos public in order to create big traffic and acquisition gains aka indexing career profiles. (e.g. Career profiles showing up in search results will put giraffe in front of more and more people → once people click into the site from search, have them sign up for giraffe before they can view more content?
Launch Influencer program. Select “thought leaders/professionals” to create and share content directly with users, exclusively on giraffe.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 20-24% of Americans change jobs every year (ADP global research says it's 27%), which means more than 41 million people are searching for jobs and being recruited into jobs every single year (in the US alone).
Because we are a hybrid model, we looked at e-learning as well as the recruting market. The global E-learning Market is expected to reach USD 374.3 Billion by 2026, while Recruiting is a $200 Billion industry.
giraffe website
Promotional blogs/videos on social media
Blog content with links to the resources
A custom landing page on a paid media campaign
Educational institutions
Third-party sellers
Digital content producers
Simplifying search process
Glassdoor for directory and review of companies
niche.com for college majors
Instagram for career videos
TikTok to integrate how-to job videos
Amazon for book recommendations
Amazon S3 (file storage)
Google Firebase (database)
Strapi (backend CMS -- this communicates with database and front-end)
NextJS (ReactJS framework)
Netlify (serverless cloud hosting)
Helping you define success
Virtualjobshadow https://www.virtualjobshadow.com/
Cuecareer (VR) https://www.cuecareer.com/
I Could Be https://www.icouldbe.org/
VR nearpod https://nearpod.com/college-and-career-readiness
WOKEN https://www.iamwoken.com/
MavinGlobal http://www.mavinglobal.com/
Colorado Success https://coloradosucceeds.org/work-based-learning-roadmap/career-awareness/
O*NET https://www.onetonline.org/
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Ideation is unlocking creativity through unfiltered, non-judgmental thinking; It’s a process of opening ones mind to accept what comes... An opportunity to explore concepts, images... There are different ways to access this divergent process: running, resting, drinking, listening to music, sitting in silence. There are no limits to where ideas can be accessed. It’s an opportunity to extract from ones self something that can manifest into beautiful realms.
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We took a circuitous path, came upon multiple dead ends, and (somewhat) arrived at defining our problem statement - High school students desire an engaging means to explore and discover careers that embody their interests and ambitions. They lack a centralized resource with real-world perspectives that can can help shape their career decisions. After a series of divergent processes we began to converge on our problem by defining our target audience, specifically age demographic. I would say we all started with a combination of paraphrasing connections and personal analogies. All of us, having been high school students, found ways to relate the problem to our experiences. Thereafter we employed the talk it out/ write it out. During our group meeting we each took time to express in writing what we felt, as individuals, the main problem was. We all sort of came to the same definition, but some of us, like myself, were more mission driven, as opposed to the specifics of what and how we would solve our problem. We ultimately settled on something more concrete/tangible.
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How do I analyze a problem before exploring a solution? I think about it, try to make sense of it, research it, look at it from a micro and global perspective, think of the audience... I write it down, I google it, I read about it, I ask myself: is this something I want to spend my time on? Why? The why is always the most important. I look at the problem from different perspectives: Am I the right person to take on this challenge? Through research and contemplation I begin to gather insights. How is this problem currently being solved? Or is it? If so, how can I do it better? If not, how can I solve it? Even after accepting a challenge, I ask myself, is this problem still worth addressing?
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Too many of us have gone through school and wind up unable to figure out our professional ambitions. How can we create a solution that guides young individuals to explore their interests and be open-minded about interests they are unfamiliar with? How can we create a paradigm shift from “I have to go to work” to “I get to go to work”? How wonderful would it be if teenagers had role models beyond celebrities, “influencers,” and athletes? Imagine an organized platform where they can explore careers and view relevant content about those professions? Imagine how many more possibilities they would learn about? Data science, UX design, advertising executive, business strategist, chemical engineering? I’d always wish I had a place, or person, unfettered by opinion or pressure, to explore opportunities and perhaps even travel a path I may never have been aware of...
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A wall can’t stop love.
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Loving the book that accompanies this exhibition.
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The Kills - Raise Me (Demo) (Official Video)
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Feeling nostalgic... And the animation in this video! Wow.
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Exploring Creativity
Creativity is like the ocean; both places of wonderment, whose mysteries are concealed in the crags and coral that languidly flow. Like the ocean's tides and the winds that brush against its surface, creativity is ever-changing and mercurial. Creativity is like the ocean; able to unleash a fury to sink ships, or breathe benevolent passage to places unknown. It is vast, infinite, and dark in its beauty, offering hope and possibility. Abundant and generous, it is the lifeblood to us and our planet.

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“Surrealist art, with its convulsive, outlandish juxtapositions, showed Carrington how to discern the folly of the humans she knew.”
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