#hi tovi
shortsighted-dyke · 2 years
boobs 69
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convictedcog · 7 months
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More bobot refs!!!
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jackmanbj · 10 months
daddy daughter time
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summary: you and sarija dont feel to good so jack takes jadore out to a daddy daughter date.
“jack are you sure yall going to be okay on your own?”
“yes baby, i have extra snacks, drinks, toys, blankets, and stuff animals.”
“okay babe, if you need anything call me uhm if anything happens come straight ho-“
“baby you worry too much, i got this please calm down.”
“fine.. i love you.” “i love you more and take your medicine and make sure sarija takes it to babe.”
“i definitely know how to take care of us, bye babe.”
jack walked out the room after kissing your forehead and kissing sarija’s cheek.
“you ready to go jadore?” “yes daddy!” “ok, now when we go you have to listen to daddy ok? if i tell you no that means no or you can get hurt, understand sweet girl?”
“yes daddy!”
“ok now you remember the rules right?” “yup” “alright lets go baby.”
jack took jadore by the hand and started bringing her to the car.
jack placed her into the carseat and started making his way to the trunk to place the rest of her things.
you just decided to take a nap while you could being as though sarija was sleeping and you knew she would be up soon.
jack had just pulled out of the driveway and jadore was asking to listen to his music.
you hated when sarija or jadore listened to his music because it was ‘to inappropriate’ for them at there age.
jack being the chiller parent would let them whenever you weren’t around.
jack put on his playlist of his music and the first song that cane on was I wanna see some ass.
jack usually wouldn’t mind them listening but he felt you would find out because jadore had a habit of mumbling whatever song was in her mind.
jack switch the song to sundown knowing it was one of her favorites.
jack and jadore got to the park and jadore played while jack pushed her on the swings, caught her at the end of the slide and watched over her.
jadore played for 30 minutes before she ran to jack saying she was hungry.
jack got her a snack and put her back into the car so they could go to the restaurant.
“daddy!!” “yes baby?” “can i listen to your music again?” “not right now baby.”
jadore let out a huff and kicked her feet while jack looked at her in his rearview mirror.
“jadore tovi, stop.”
jadore looked at jack and started to cry while kicking her feet.
jack sighed and went to call you.
sarija had woken up around 10 minutes ago so you were feeding her when jack called.
“hi baby.” “hi, is that jadore screaming like that?”
“the one and only.”
“put me on speaker.”
jack put you on speaker and you started to talk to jadore.
“jadore tovi harlow, you cannot be screaming just because daddy told you no, you have rules follow them or your coming home. understand?”
you heard her sniff before she answered you. “yes mommy..”
“thank you baby.”
“you’re welcome jackie, text me before you get home so i can have jadore things ready for a nap or bed.”
“alright, i love you.”
“i love you more, i’m still on speaker right?” “yea”
“i love you jadore!”
“i love you to mommy!” giggled as jack hung up the phone.
“after we get some food where do you want to go dore?”
“home! i miss mommy and sissy!”
“alright baby.”
sarija was only two months but jadore already loved her with her whole heart.
jack texted you and let you know after they left the restaurant the would be coming back home.
it was only 4:30, you thought they would be out basically until jadores bedtime, you knew you weren’t going anywhere after this so you decided to get out jadores pajamas anyway.
it was 5:24 when jadore and jack pulled up at home.
you went to your room trying to avoid jadore as to not get her sick when you heard the door opening.
jack walked in and was bringing jadore to her room when he got a text from you.
you- brush her teeth, give her a bath, then put her in her pajamas. shes not going to sleep right now but its to make it easier for later tonight.
stinka💕- i got you baby.
jack did exactly what he was told and after it was jadores nap time anyway, he put her in the bed and kissed her forehead and went to your room.
he walked in to see saija being feed and you slightly sitting up with your eyes barely open.
“do you want me to bottle feed her my love?”
you shook your head yes and jack walked over and took her from you.
“thanks jack.”
“of course, go to bed baby. i got it.”
you rolled over on your stomach after fixing your t-shirt and started to drift off to sleep.
after around twenty minutes jack came back with a sleeping sarija baby in one hand and two bottles in the other.
jack put sarija in her bassinet next to your side of the bed and walked over to his side.
jack came over and cuddled up on you but you pushed him off.
“i dont want to get you sick babe..”
“if anything im already going to get sick because i’ve been around sarija all day, i dont mind baby.”
jack gave you a kiss on the cheek before coming back to cuddle you.
“shh, go to bed mamas. i know your tired..”
jack rubbed your hip up and down and pushed you into him.
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alchemocha · 8 months
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Merry X-Mas from your favourite evil men!
And a merry late xmas to @molo-tovi!! For the stobotnik secret Santa, they said if I had an au, to draw a Christmas picture for it, so here’s my catboy jimbotnik au during the holidays!
Ivo is the same old evil genius we all know and love, but that cat like personality is actually quite literal! Being a little more… physically affectionate although stubbornly so, he can’t help himself from coming up behind his Agent and nuzzling into him. Perhaps even whisk him into a dance to one of those dreadfully sappy Christmas songs. Frankly he’d never cared much for the holidays before Stone, that he’d admit anyways, but now it holds a rather special place in his heart and you may even catch him in silly matching sweaters with his Agent. (Ivo’s says ‘Santa Claws’ with a kitty cat, by the way!)
It was a promise to himself as well, Ivo proposed to Stone on Christmas Day, and newly engaged, they’d spend the night curled up by the cozy fireplace, Stone stroking the soft ears atop his head, peaceful for once in their hectic lives.
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hiero-green · 5 months
I got the Mueller novelization this morning and it's?? Like actually really good?? Like it's shockingly well written for a novelization which could have been a much lazier cashgrab/marketing tool like the other one I own which is. Mlehhg. It's shelf decoration. But the Mueller one doesn't just like. Describe the movie scenes like the other one does - while it does take plenty of dialogue from the movie itself, also changes things up, adds things, gives interesting insight into the characters mindsets, knows how to write an actual scene and its rly fun
I'm gonna liveblog it I think BC I have thoughts every couple paragraphs and I WAS just going to keep a note on my phone but I can't be arsed so here's the catch up
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1. Egon SQUEALING with excitement/delight
2. Peter being like pssh. Yeah. Ghosts. Sure <<<< is actually having just a tiny moment of nervous belief and refuses to give in
Tovi: Peter when the ghosts they're actively hunting are real ghosts
Me: Peter realising his friends were right and he might have to apo- 🤢 apologgjdhshsjf 🤮
3. Yeah you would know all about that sex place wouldn't you.
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Let Egon be snappy/sassy more often
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phoenike · 15 days
FFXIV Write day #2 prompt. This got longer than intended...
“Mum? When are we going on tour again?”
Bitty pretends to fiddle with her hair, to dab at some annoying moisture in the corner of her eye. Then she tears her gaze away from the galleon set for the horizon — and lets out an inner yelp at the sight of her son dangling happily on top of the railing, taller than her by a yalm. In the forest, she was always climbing all over, too, and by now she should be used to seeing the damned kit hanging from wherever, but before, they didn’t have an actual ocean on the other side, ready to swallow over-confident six-year-olds.
She smothers her objections. If there’s something she knows about her son, it’s that he will find a way to do whatever he wants. Crying seems to work, sometimes, but she would rather keep from using the trick too often. It’s bound to lose its charm. Besides, she has yet to see Tovi stumble or fall, despite his father being — well.
A strange, precious, but often nerve-wracking gift, this little man of hers. Something good to come out of all that.
“Listen, you little monkey,” Bitty says. “You just started school. We can’t go doing shows under the stars again.”
“Never?” Tovi looks disappointed.
“Well, not never. But not before you’ve learned all the things.”
“That’s going to take forever.”
“Don’t you like it in school?” She really thought he would. He’s so bloody curious, mostly about things no one on the road could tell him about, least of all her. Too smart for his own good… but maybe it’s better to keep such thoughts to herself. Back home, she was always being told she was too this and that, and what good did it ever do?
Tovi makes a face. “The teachers make me read.”
“I’m sure you’ll learn in no time.”
“I want to go on tour again. Please, mum?”
Oh, Moon Sister, have mercy. She’s going to have to use cunning again, isn’t she?
“Tovi, I already paid for a whole year in the school. Everybody pitched in. Even Shackles and Old Lumpy. One year. Can you try to make it through one year for us? If you still don’t like it after, sure, we can hop on a boat and start doing the circus route again.”
He’s bound to make friends soon — he always does. And much as he will no doubt miss the Family (and who can blame him), with an entire city full of friends his age to play with, he won’t be so eager to leave anymore.
“Mum,” Tovi groans. “A year is forever.”
“It just feels that way ‘cause you’re bleeding six. I promise you, Itty, the time’s going to go in a blink.” Oh, hells. This isn’t working. Bitty sighs. “I — I will miss them, too, you know.”
Great. And now she’s feeling all miserable again. Ugh.
Tovi peers down at her from the top of the fence. Then, alarmingly fast, he scoots down and drops to stand at her feet on the pier.
“Mum? Want some ice cream?”
Oh, how she would love a bite of ice cream right now. But it costs a small fortune. Might as well be wishing for a ten-course meal at the Bismarck.
“Sweetie, you know we can’t waste gil on something like that.” The tips have been slim pickings lately. Not enough crews hauling in fat spoils, or ships bringing in wealthy travelers.
Tovi digs in his pocket. Bemused, Bitty takes the small object he holds up to her and stares at it on her palm, eyes wide. An entire five-gil coin, freshly minted in Ul’dah, with the Sultan’s face shining on it like the sun.
“Tovi, where did you find this?”
Tovi shrugs, in a way no six-year-old every should. “Lyin’ around.”
“Hey, now —”
The damned kit laughs. And then, like a little devil, he’s already running off. Oh, by the —
Thoughts of being left behind by everyone she knows momentarily forgotten, Bitty follows her son up the stone pier, towards the boardwalk and the streets beyond, where everything from Radz-at-han silk scarves to the aforementioned ice cream is being hawked.
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quartergremlin · 6 months
trollhumters s3 episode 7 - i stopped in the middle of the episode last time for some reason. not 100% sure what's happening but I'll figure it out.
the parents vonding is so cute.
Strickland testing the: this terrible experience can ve a funny story someday" effect. semi-successful. A bit too soon.
"we'll let you know if we make it out alive 😉" JIM. JIM YOUR POOR MOTHER.
RULE NUMBER THREE! love me some #3.
Draal and jim like. having fun in the middle of this is so cu-ah.
no dont revive that old man :/
wait can he,, not do simple math?
another idea... did he just make this giant cave,, name it "tomb" so no one would bother him.
"i am your father" why.
okay okay so let me. merlin do you really have future sight or are you just going off of what you saw in the past. where jim was older. and taller. and a troll. i cant remember if they actually met in wizards I've gotta rewatch it.
Every day i love tovy's nana more.
also i question if they even changed the past. I fully believe that merlin would edit the past or remember it in his own favor considering - *gestures at all of him* *gestures at the genocide that king arthur did* *gestures at the continual editing of this history*
Merlin: makes a map to his tomb that you have to destroy the amulet to get
Merlin: why is my one-of-a-kind amulet destroyed.
Merlin stop being racist challenge.
varvara, the doctor lying through her teeth to the cops as she should ve.
HIS MAME IS WALTOLEMUE did they say that before? i completely missed it. that's unfortunate.
AJA!!! KREL!!!! MY KIDS!!!!! oh they are coming off so much more weird here. also good for them? for figuring out where exactly to put camtaloupia?
i also like that they changed how they were animating aja's hair in 3 below. its very distracting here.
"define 'legal'" aja i love you.
oh his vespa... that one hurts.
this all is very interesting, but i've just been reminded how much I love three below so im going to take a break to go rewatch that. This is now a three below post.
"you will not face it alone. because you will always have your family" WELL TEAR MY HEART OUT WILL YOU. HE WOMT!
"youll always have us. and eachother." 😭
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kas-morrison · 1 year
at: kas’ trailer @tovi-ackerman​
When Kas opened his trailer door to the flash of red hair that usually was on the arm of his best friend, he grinned wryly. The lit cigarette clung to the corner of his mouth as he leaned against the door frame, appreciating the view and the trouble that came with it. “Well, well. Little red herself.” he laughed dryly before pushing away from the door to stroll back inside, leaving it wide open for her. Fucking around with his best friend’s girl wasn’t his proudest moment but there’s a lot of shit Kas did that was worse. “Take it lover boy didn’t answer his phone? Or, you two hate each other again?” he asked, since that’s the only way she ever showed up at his place. “This time for real, right? Like last time.” he mocked her, grabbing the beer he was drinking before she arrived.
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: 4th of july block party with: tovah pierce and joshua cross @manybcdthings
Even when a party was right on Tovah's doorstep, it didn't guarantee she'd attend. Her selective nature meant her face was shown as and when she felt like it. Her appearance to the celebration was quick, swiping a few drinks and heading to a trailer where she knew there'd be another person avoiding social obligations. She didn't knock, they were passed that. So, Tovi was swift through the trailer door as she raised the two bottles in her hands. "Don't say I don't do anything for you." was her first comment to Josh, moving to his kitchen to get the drinks poured. "Can't beat them, join them right?" she said next as she pushed a cup closer across the counter to entice him over. They weren't exactly joining them but sometimes, being a recluse with somebody else was comforting. Until even that became too social. "You look like you're about to kill someone so if this is a bad time, I can go but I'll be taking this whiskey with me so your call."
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jude-mendoza · 1 year
closed with @axelyoung​ jude & tovi’s place -
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jude can always be found downtown with his friends, hooked to river and fox’s arms and unmovable. but, river and trix’s sobriety is something he’s proud of and doesn’t wish to undermine by his own recreational enjoyment. it’s not often enough to be a problem, right? it just helps him get through shifts or feels better during the moments he remembers he will never see his mother again. the line of white snowy powder is inhaled sharply just as the door opens and jude hides the rolled note in his palm, expecting tovah. ‘er...axe.’ he observes casually. the two have never liked one another, jude suspects jealousy on axel’s part. but jude can confidently say that tovah ackerman is the very first red-head ever that jude has never slept with. ‘she’s not...here.’ he guesses he’s looking for her. ‘i mean i don’t keep tabs but i can shoot her a text?’
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
The Wife of Grey Emperor Har Loi
     by Shella Longclaw
“The Mother of the Golden Empire” and the “Grey Lioness” were titles given to Lady Tovi He. The title which the Emperor Har Loi gave her was the most controversial – Empress Tovi He Har. Though, the exact translation is Empress-Secondary, since she was secondary in power only to the emperor. She was the first wife of an emperor to be granted such a title. This position enabled her to rule absolutely in the emperor absent. Emperor Har Loi was constantly going off to battle. This meant she resided on the throne of Yin.
She was called “my beloved” and “my sunlight” by Emperor Har Loi. He adored and respected his wife greatly. Upon returning back from his first campaign against the cannibal K’Dath, he heard that the royal court and high-ranking officials were blatantly ignoring her. He became livid and issued the degree to make her empress. During his brief visits to the palace, Empress Tovi held the highest position in her husband’s council. The royal court advised the emperor to acquire more wives. Emperor Har Loi forcefully refused. Yi Tish scribes mentioned that he threw a wine goblet at the lord and grabbed the hilt of his sword. No one dare bring up the subject again. Several grey emperors followed his example and had only one wife, though none made their wives Empress-Secondary.
Her life is fascinating to read. However, it is only her unassuming poetry which has greatest historical significance. Very little records remain of the Bloodstone’s time period. His real name is unknown nor are there many details about his conquests. Empress Tovi He Har’s poetry provides several details about this mysterious time, the ancient neighboring kingdoms, and the tragic life of first grey emperor.
Her poetry alludes at Emperor Har Loi’s loathing for the Yin palace and the terrible memories that haunt it. They had this in common. Empress Tovi He Har was invited to her old home of Trader Town. She didn’t stay the night there but quickly departed. “Their rolling heads and lifeless eyes scream silently. My ears hear as their blood remains forever fresh.” Her parents had been executed by the Bloodstone’s army. She sympathized with Emperor Har Loi’s loss of his parents. Did that shared pain help their love to grow?
It is unknown. Their marriage was a fruitful one with six healthy children that is known. When their son became the second grey emperor, it was noted that his mother remained by his side in all matters of the kingdom’s affair. Once some nobles asked to reinstate slavery to Yi Ti. Legend says it was Lady Tovi He who personally branded the men with hot irons, so they always remember what slavery felt like. It was then she was donned the “grey lioness.”
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olokosomolo · 30 days
Many asked me, look tovi you said 100 million dollars to give up your freedom. Why do you say it when you have no 100 million why promise such an amount? Why, why Lee, why why, now look how many people are next to your house demanding the 100 million. What are you going to do after all you must give them and you're not Elon Musk?
Ok leave me this.
Ladies and ladies. Let me... hi Edd the po-lice yes add yourself to the chair on the rite Edd. So, let me explain. First, you aloud to vote, and the crowd cheers. But you will be kicked out of Your house, kicked out from public places, won't be able to work or establish any kind of business, no friends or associates allowed, 24/7 spy in your phone monitoring you what you write how you jerk, and most importantly no relationship. Now, who said 100 million?
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gkdhaka · 3 months
This Walmart manager makes up to $500,000 a year after starting part-time making $8 hourly. How the retail giant started to pay up
Mustafa Tovi is riding the high of a good week. Though he says he doesn’t easily get emotional, Tovi recalls folding when he got a call from Walmart. On Father’s Day, Tovi shared some tears with his family when they learned he was about to be promoted to the position of emerging market manager at the company he had spent decades at. “It’s a dream come true,” Tovi, 45, told Fortune, recalling that…
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jackmanbj · 11 months
school hours
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A/N: this is a time skip fic, jack would be like 35 and reader is 34, with a 13 year old and a 6 year old.
summary: your teenage daughter gets into a fight and you and jack get into a small argument about the right punishment, but she has other plans.
jack signed as he pulled up in front of the school building getting out of his car and making his way into the office of the school.
jack went to the room in the office he was directed into opening the door to see his daughter sitting in a chair with her head down on her phone.
“hello mr. harlow please have a seat” as soon as jadore heard jacks name she picked her head up and placed her phone on the table “ok so, we are here because your daughter got into a altercation with another student uhm, the cameras show jadore did put her hands on the other girl first, but the other girl started it so, with that being said there both suspended jadore is suspended for 4 days and the other girl is suspended for a week” “jesus christ jadore, your lucky im here and not your mother.”
“i know” “also if jadore gets into another fight this year, she will be kicked off of any extracurricular team she may be on” “sounds fair to me, if thats all me and jadore should probably head back home so her mother could talk to her” jadore groaned and stood up “ yes sir thats all” “lets go jadore.”
jack and jadore walked out the school and back to the car, jadore got into the back seat while jack started driving.
“jadore, im not going to take your phone or ipad but if your mom does i wont stop her, what did that girl possibly say to you to make you put your hand on her??” jack started the car and pulled off.
“she said i only had friends because my mom is well known and my dad is jack harlow” “that cannot be the only reason you put your hands on her..” “she also said sarija looked like a horse and thats when i hit her…” jack signed “your mom might punish you so get ready.
jack pulled up at the house and when they walked in they found you sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Jadore Tovi Harlow, come here please” “yes ma’am” jadore hurriedly went over to you and placed her bad on the floor.
“why” “..at first she said the only reason people talk to me and the only reason i have friends is because your well known and because dad is jack harlow and went on to say how people use me, and at first i ignored her and walked away then she said sarija looked like a horse and thats when i hit her..” “did you win?” “thats what people are saying..” “you have a video?” “yea..” “let me see” “BABY!!” “huh??” “come here real quick!” “mk, jadore pull up the video!” “ok mom!”
jack brought you to the bedroom “baby..explain!” “what?” “why are you encouraging it?!” “im not! shes still in trouble but shes not in that much, she was defending herself and her little sister so im not that upset!” “if you don’t punish her i will!” “fine what should her punishment be?? im thinking like a week with no phone and no ipad, no going out with friends for about 2 weeks and no friends over for 2 weeks?” “how about all that but no phone for a month and no ipad for a week” “what no!” “why not??” “jack i remember getting my phone taken for months for defending myself it made me hate my parents and ect, i dont want her feeling the same way, 2 weeks without the phone is the most im going. the end.”
you walked out the room heading back to you daughter “i was kidding sweetheart i dont want to see the video, but me and you dad agreed you are in trouble baby, so no phone and no i pad for a week, no friends over and no going out with friends for 2 weeks understand?” “yes momma..” you grabbed her phone “go put your ipad in my room please and thank you. also go apologize to you daddy for fighting, if it was up to him you would be grounded for 2 months, go think of a longggg apology to say, give it to him tomorrow!” “ok.”
you went back to your bedroom and found jack kicked back onto the bed.
you went and climbed on too of his lap and gave him a few kisses on his neck “hi handsome” “what y/n” you huffed and pulled back so you were sitting straight up in him.
“jackk! please stop being mad with me!”
“im not mad” “you are.”
you started messing with jacks belt trying to get it off but jack just moved your hands out the way.
“baby!” “im not in the mood.” “mk..can we go shower together..?” “kiss” you bent down and gave him a kiss while he put his phone next to him and grabbed his hands full of your ass “mm” “lets go shower baby.”
jack picked you up and brought him to the bathroom.
jack placed you onto the bathroom countertop and turned around and started the shower water.
you pulled jack back to you and kissed him rough “mm jack” jack hands were rubbing up and down your waist while your hands were getting into his hair and around his neck.
jack pulled back once he heard a knock on the door.
“whats up pumpkin??” “do you guys want me to go get sarija??” “oh fuck” “no im about to go!” you quickly jumped off the sink and put on your shoes “you coming j?” “yea hold on.” jack put on his sandals and grabbed the keys and started to walk to the door.
“you wanna come jadore??” “nope” “ok”
once you and jack left jadore found herself going into you and jacks room and grabbing her phone, she knew she wouldn’t have long on her phone because sarijas school wasnt to far from the house but she wanted to take all the time she could get.
jadore ended up getting lost in time and didn’t hear the front door open, she was laughing on her phone until she heard the room door open “JADORE TOVI!” “yes daddy..?” “give me your phone NOW!” “yes sir..” jadore got off the bed and slowly walked to jack “now your not getting you phone or your ipad back for a month, you mom isn’t changing my mind either. go to your room.”
once you seen jadore walk out of your bedroom to find jack sitting on the bed strolling on his phone with jadores phone next to him.
“what happened?”
“she wanted to sneak her phone but doesn’t know how to be sneaky, i walked in to her ok tiktok”
“jesus..what did you say??”
“she’s definitely grounded for a month, no phone no ipad.”
“i guess.. im about to go back dinner go ask the girls what they want” “mk”
jack walked out the room and knocked on both the girls door and asked them what they wanted for dinner, they both said burgers so thats what you made.
“GIRLS DINNERS READY!! jack can you go get sarija and bring her down??” “of course”
jack went to grab sarija and came back with her on his hip and jadore next to him laughing.
“jadore i was thinking, good behavior gets your phone back faster, keep up the good grades, do your chores without us having to remind you, and you’ll get your phone back faster.”
jadore look excited and quickly started eating dinner.
jack sat sarija down and put her plate in front of her so she could eat.
“mommy!” “yes sweet girl??” “i full” “ok baby.”
you picked up sarija’s plate and started to wash it, once you were done you started to hold sarija’s hand and started walking upstairs “jack when your done can you wash you and jadore plate?” “sure baby.”
you jack and jadore ended up having a movie night because jadore was suspended anways, she didnt need to go to bed super early, but you made sure to let her know if her violent behavior kept going, her punishment would be wayyy worse.
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gloriouswhispers · 9 months
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Age & Birthday: 36 years old, Nov 6th 1987
Gender/Pronouns: cis woman, she/her
Birthplace: White River, Colorado
Time in Hollow Cove: Newly Arrived (Jan '24)
Species: Werewolf - Visser Pack
Role: Runner / Patrol
Positive personality traits: Inquisitive, Protective, Dutiful
Negative personality traits: Ritualistic, Challenging, Suspicious
Tofa wasn't only raised with the Visser pack, she was raised with uncertainty and a branding of her mother's choice. Despite immersed into the Visser ways while she was growing, Tofa knew it could all be gone if she never shifted after her thirteenth birthday. Her pack made it abundantly clear that if she carried her father's human gene instead of her mother's wolf one, she would need to leave. The first thirteen years of her life were full of desperation to prove she belonged, terrified that her friends and life as she knew it would be stripped away from her. In her naivety, Tofa believed that embodying everything it means to be a Visser would mean they'd keep her among them if she never shifted.
Her fateful birthday came and went and then, so did the full moon after it. Tofa's genes may have been unchanged but it was her entire life that shifted in it's place. Sent to her father, Tofa had to re-learn everything she was ever taught along with battling the overwhelming sense of unworthiness. Thomas was a kind man, a park ranger that worked within the White River territory and had done for years. He was madly in love with Tofa's mother, aware of the wolves that roamed the wilderness and swore an oath to protect it with his life. He handed down his wisdom willingly to his daughter, Tofa learning the ropes and the new ways of survival to follow in his steps. Skills that later, she was able to say saved her life and other's.
The years spent as an outsider to the Vissers remained painful but Tofa found solace in the fact that she still lived within the same land and still worked to protect the wolves she considered family. When her father was taken ill and later passed after a decline in his health, Tofa followed the traditions he created. She'd warn messenger wolves of any poachers, or any oncoming threat, finding gratefulness for those fleeting conversations with wolves she cared about. It wasn't enough, and her longing to be a wild wolf by their side never went away.
When the war began, Tofa was as isolated as the Visser pack. She warned them of the Cross arrival, only to watch as they welcomed them in regardless but then weeks after they left, a greater threat approached. Tofa abandoned her post to warn the wolves but was then caught within the crossfire of two worlds colliding. She was no match against militia, and feels tremendous guilt that she perhaps slowed down the Visser wolves she was captured with. Roan, an old friend from her childhood among them. After it was discovered that she wasn't a wolf at all, the military cast her aside and left her to fend for herself.
Her survivalist knowledge is the only thing that saw her through this time alone, but Tofa's mind had been set on one thing only and that was liberating Roan and the other wolves. It took time planning, and a lot of convincing to other wolves she found that she was an ally and there were plenty of close calls. But she worked tirelessly to free them and eventually aided the liberation while they were transported. As soon as she was reunited with Roan, Tofa demanded to be turned but was met with a reluctance that she wasn't expecting. It became an ongoing issue between them, despite traveling with them and fighting with them to the best of her ability, Roan simply wouldn't budge.
The start of 2023 saw the changes that Tofa had been wishing for, but under circumstances that were less than desirable. Gravely injured during a liberation under a full moon, Tofa was close to death. A situation that forced Roan's hand but subsequently allowed her to become the one thing she's always wanted to be. She now exists somewhere between guilt and gratefulness, and it doesn't seem to matter how often she pledges herself to be a wolf under his rule, Tofa can tell that her shift has come at a great price to their friendship. Still, she remains with the Visser wolves and works with them to find any of the other survivors.
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Saturday Guber polls; Allegation of N100million endorsement of Governor tears Labour Party apart Crisis has hit the Labour Party (LP) in Bayelsa barely 24 hours to the governorship election in the state. Some of the party leaders are said to have abandoned the LP governorship candidate, Mr Udengs Eradiri, and openly declared support for Gov. Douye Diri of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Others are said to be rooting for the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Chief Timpre Sylva. Already, some members of the Bayelsa Executive of LP led by its Financial Secretary, Chief Anthony Oboghor, and the Organizing Secretary, Chief Tovie Pelesai, have on Thursday announced their support for Diri. They claimed that they were representing the state executive members of the party. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) learnt that another faction of the LP executive had also held a crucial meeting with Sylva, the APC candidate at his Yenagoa residence for possible endorsement. In its reaction to the development, the Forum of Labour Party Local Government Chairmen in Bayelsa, accused those supporting Diri of receiving N100 million to turn their backs on the party. Mr John Toby, the forum’s Chairman, told newsmen that they were not surprised with the development, claiming that they had known some of the executive committee members as Diri’s moles in the party. He said:”As we predicted, these exco members went to the Governor and collected N100 million to endorse him and disown our candidate, Udengs Eradiri in a press conference. “But God has already thrown heavy confusion in their midst because as we speak they are fighting over the money. “They came back and declared N50 million to others and claimed that they sent N50 million to the national headquarters of our party.” Toby however said the LP national chairman and other executive members had denied endorsing the move or collecting such money. “We want to alert members of the public to be wary of these characters and masqueraders. “They are only after their selfish interests because they view each election as an opportunity to make money from the state government,” he added. He claimed that the same individuals diverted and shared money meant for Peter Obi’s presidential campaign in the state and almost sabotaged the event. Toby urged LP supporters not to be distracted from their support for Eradiri, the party’s governorship candidate. He said that all grassroots members of LP and the Obedient Movement in Bayelsa were behind Eradiri and will emerge victorious on Saturday. “All grassroots members of LP hereby disown these so-called party leaders. They are on their own. “We want to make it clear that no amount of sabotage and sellout will stop the massive grassroots support already garnered by our candidate. “Our candidate, Udengs Eradiri, has ignited the spirit of Adaka Boro in the minds of our people and they are ready to free themselves from the political stranglehold of incompetent and selfish leaders mortgaging our future and the future of our children. “The people are ready to speak and they will speak with their votes against these characters,” Toby added. Also, the state Chairman of LP, Mr Gideon Zidougha, while reacting to the developments in a telephone interview, said even though party’s candidate has allegedly been sidelining the executives, he has no hand in the backing of Diri and Sylva. “We have issues with the candidate of the LP who had been sidelining members of the executives, what they did by pitching their tent with a candidate of their choice lies within their powers but I did not authorise it as Chairman. “The aggrieved members of the executive have complained of neglect and not being carried along by the candidate and I have been managing the crisis until it got to this level,” Zidougha said. According to him, those supporting Sylva, the APC candidate, are members of the Lamidi Apapa faction of the LP at the national level.
“We are aware that a group that claimed to be Bayelsa executive of LP came and met with the APC candidate, but they did it for money, the Apapa faction is not recognised by INEC and lacks the legitimacy tó endorse anyone,” he claimed. (NAN)
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