#har loi
aurora-light-blog · 1 year
The Wife of Grey Emperor Har Loi
     by Shella Longclaw
“The Mother of the Golden Empire” and the “Grey Lioness” were titles given to Lady Tovi He. The title which the Emperor Har Loi gave her was the most controversial – Empress Tovi He Har. Though, the exact translation is Empress-Secondary, since she was secondary in power only to the emperor. She was the first wife of an emperor to be granted such a title. This position enabled her to rule absolutely in the emperor absent. Emperor Har Loi was constantly going off to battle. This meant she resided on the throne of Yin.
She was called “my beloved” and “my sunlight” by Emperor Har Loi. He adored and respected his wife greatly. Upon returning back from his first campaign against the cannibal K’Dath, he heard that the royal court and high-ranking officials were blatantly ignoring her. He became livid and issued the degree to make her empress. During his brief visits to the palace, Empress Tovi held the highest position in her husband’s council. The royal court advised the emperor to acquire more wives. Emperor Har Loi forcefully refused. Yi Tish scribes mentioned that he threw a wine goblet at the lord and grabbed the hilt of his sword. No one dare bring up the subject again. Several grey emperors followed his example and had only one wife, though none made their wives Empress-Secondary.
Her life is fascinating to read. However, it is only her unassuming poetry which has greatest historical significance. Very little records remain of the Bloodstone’s time period. His real name is unknown nor are there many details about his conquests. Empress Tovi He Har’s poetry provides several details about this mysterious time, the ancient neighboring kingdoms, and the tragic life of first grey emperor.
Her poetry alludes at Emperor Har Loi’s loathing for the Yin palace and the terrible memories that haunt it. They had this in common. Empress Tovi He Har was invited to her old home of Trader Town. She didn’t stay the night there but quickly departed. “Their rolling heads and lifeless eyes scream silently. My ears hear as their blood remains forever fresh.” Her parents had been executed by the Bloodstone’s army. She sympathized with Emperor Har Loi’s loss of his parents. Did that shared pain help their love to grow?
It is unknown. Their marriage was a fruitful one with six healthy children that is known. When their son became the second grey emperor, it was noted that his mother remained by his side in all matters of the kingdom’s affair. Once some nobles asked to reinstate slavery to Yi Ti. Legend says it was Lady Tovi He who personally branded the men with hot irons, so they always remember what slavery felt like. It was then she was donned the “grey lioness.”
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evilminji · 1 year
Ya'll remember Ace? Bat-hound?
No WAY Cujo became a Ghost and He did not.
Is he a little lost? Maybe. This is not his beautiful home. This is not his beautiful, maladjusted, Bat Family. Who are you people!? Where IS he!? This place is FAR to cheerful and green to be Gotham!
But he is Bat-Hound. A PROFESSIONAL. A HERO. He can handle this. He just has to track his humans down... through... whatever this is. If Krypto can fly, bless his mostly empty, hyperactive head, then so could he! It can't be THAT har-*Thwonk!*
.....no one saw that.
But what's this? A helpful young pup? Cujo you say. Ah, he too, was once a gaurd dog. Cujo, lad, he seems to be lost. Could you...? You WILL! Fantastic. But wait? You're worried about your Young Human?
*Bat Concern Rising* *Doggy eye squint*
*cujo spills the frankly horrifying beans about Danny's home life*
.........ha ha, NOPE! We can be having THAT! He's coming too! Bruce LOVES young humans! Especially sassy ones. He'll adopt him in no time! You grab the older one's, I'll grab the baby. Then we can head home, yes? You'll love gotham! Plenty of scoundrels to chase!
Cut to the Bat family. Damian is training Titus in the yard. Rare sun-ish day. It's a cook out. The Kent's are over. When?
Titus and the Supers both perk up. You hear that? Somethings about to-
*reality RIPS* *Ace the Bat Hound, dead for over a decade, jumps through... THE SIZE OF A HORSE. He is holding a struggling small preteen girl in his mouth* *Splat*
He dropped her. Eeeeeeew! She is loudly protesting. There is a SECOND dog. Green. Two more teens, clearly related to the first. Dumped on Bruce's lawn.
Ace looks proud of himself. Shrinks to normal size and pads over. Plops down in front of Bruce like he'd never left, tail wagging. Still in costume. He's glowing.
The burgers burn on the grill. No one can bring themselves to notice or care. Damian is elated. Krypto is fly wrestling is bestest buddy. Bruce is having a nervous breakdown over his dead dog.
Clark is calling their co-workers and trying to STOP the nervous break down.
Lois is just feeding the strage kids the dogs brought. Asking some casual "I'm totally not an investigative reporter" type questions. Who wants chips? Have a towel.
Ace? Is a Good Boy. 🐶
@hypewinter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Taken from @kedreeva.
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
file names:
the one where Kon's soulmark isn't fake
feral Kon and liger pups
Krypton lives and Kara did not sign up for this
you're a real Katch, girl
Tim + clonecest
snippet from “the one where Kon's soulmark isn't fake”:
Anyway, then Steel catches them, so that's pretty helpful. 
"Thanks, man," Superboy manages past the painful kryptonite-induced weakness and nausea, and Steel sets them both down all nice and neat on the sidewalk. 
"Any time, kid," he says as he breaks the bolted-in kryptonite off Lois Lane's chest with an armored hand, then tears off into the sky with it, presumably to deal with a certain delusional idiot. Superboy figures he'll leave him to it and just make sure the pretty lady is okay, given the active involvement of kryptonite in the whole situation. 
He looks at Lois Lane and opens his mouth to ask if she's alright, and she shrugs out of the broken straps that are all that's left of the bomb harness now that Steel's gotten at it. 
The front of her blouse is torn right over her heart, and Superboy can see the bright blue swirl of her soulmark through the damage. 
It really pops, he thinks distantly. 
"You're staring, kid," Lois Lane says dubiously, putting a hand over her exposed mark, and Superboy jolts in mortification. 
"Sorry!" he blurts, looking away quick. Well–now he knows who's on the other end of Superman's soulmark, he guesses. And it's not like it's a surprise who it is. A lot of people have suspected that Lois Lane and Superman are soulmates, after all, especially since he died and everyone found out he definitely had one. 
Though the confirmation of that fact does kinda make Superboy wonder what's going on with Clark Kent, now. He thought he and Lois Lane were engaged or something. Or like–maybe they're married by now? He doesn't actually know. He doesn't, like, make a habit of keeping up on the relationship status of random Daily Planet reporters. 
Although he guesses Lois Lane doesn't count as "random", considering. 
"Sorry," he mutters again. "I won't, like–tell. Obviously. I mean it's not–like, obviously you'd be Superman's soulmate but I won't actually–" 
"It's not Superman," Lois Lane says shortly, still covering her chest kind of . . . protectively, maybe? And Superboy . . . frowns. 
"What?" he says.
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thedarkangel74 · 3 months
I pray that one day I will harness 1/4 of the weird yet driven energy that Lois Lane possesses
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cer-rata · 5 months
Coffee and Tea
Lois: So. In-laws.
Talia: In-laws.
Lois: Don't expect us to start hanging out and gossiping.
Talia: Not your thing? Here I thought you ran a gossip rag.
Lois: Considering you run the most inept spy organization on earth, bad intel doesn't surprise me.
Talia: Funny, I'm fairly certain I could have figured out who your husband really was without resorting to throwing myself out of a window.
Lois: Why do you know about that.
Talia: He tells everyone that story, Bruce thinks it's hilarious.
Lois, rubbing her eyes: I'm going to kill him.
Talia: If you require a methodology--
Lois: Don't--
Talia: I'm joking! I'm joking.
Lois: ...You know, Damian really does sound like you. Especially when you're both being unhinged.
Talia: Fortunately, Jonathan sounds like you. Especially when he won't stop talking.
Lois: Radical idea: what if instead of being catty with each other, we use this opportunity to become more effective nuisances to the men in our lives?
Talia: I'd like that. Do you wish to still be able to look Bruce in the eye afterwards? Because this conversation can go in two wildly different directions, depending.
Lois: If I can look him in the eye and he can tell that I know something, I think that's a bonus
Talia: Oh I can absolutely help you reach that goal.
Minutes later and several blocks away...
Damian: Well? How's it going? Are they both still alive? I think Mother has my bug jammed, I can't hear anything.
Jon, wincing: ...Uh. They're actually getting along better than I expected. It's...so great. So great. Great and normal and fine and legal.
Damian: ...Why are you talking like that?
Jon: I know things now.
Jon: Terrible, terrible things.
Damian: What--
Jon: Your folks are nasty.
Damian, closing his eyes and shaking his head: ...I'm aware. But you do live in a bit of a glass barn there, farmboy.
Jon: What? No I--
Damian: Do I really need to bring up the chain harness with your family crest on it?
Jon: I should have never told you about that.
Damian: I mean, it did lead to a pretty interesting evening--
Jon: Dame!!!
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vshouse · 8 months
Deerplay Concepts 🦌 @rottenlapdog This is inspired by your post.
Not personally a thing I'm into so I didn't know if there was an audience.
[Minors and ageless blogs will be blocked]
Smaller stumps during shedding seasons (Vulnerable time for deer since their antlers play as defence.)
Tails and Ears (If none are out there, custom made options can be great/or homemade).
Clothes in Browns and Whites. (Easy access pieces are fantastic for primal feeling more naked even with clothes on)
Collar that doesn't jingle/jingle too loud as to not startle deer or alert predators... unless 👀
If you like makeup that can be incorporated.
Grooming brush that feels good on skin.
Salt lick like @spiraledfaun said but if you don't want salt like that use sugar cubes as a version !!
Deer snacks/Variations of them if general inedible to people/your allergies.
Vibrator harness that keeps it on your deer while theyre in the yard. On and off at random until they bleat to come in and get some attention.
Mating season/In Heat/Required Breeding for a farm
Petting, Playing, and Attention for any pet ofc.
Scratches that make them wiggle and make their tail twitch, and massages that make them let out precious little sounds.
Training!! Dont forget to train your deer of course. Help them not be as nervous around certain stimulus. Make sure it always know that even though it goes frolicking the woods, that it belongs to you.
An Example Deer if your poly can really help a younger more inexperienced deer learn how to behave.
Deer Fighting! Winner Tops!! Getting Stuck!!! (Someone finding you guys stuck? That anything?)
Wild Deerplay:
Caught in Deer Fencing in a... compromising position. A little cheesy but a bedframe or a chair also could play this out well and who doesn't like a bit of cheese now and then?
Nursed back to health and deciding to stay. (Fantasy novel style version where you wanna like, become their spouse cause once you're strong enough you have a human form.)
If you're willing to get erotic about a Wildlife Specialist who Drugs and Tags the Deer you can probably make a few good subtype scenarios. (Ex: Drugged them with heat enhancements for deer who are struggling for health reasons and now their presenting to you/trying to mount you like their life depends on it.)
Pet Deerplay:
Pet Deer, maybe pet show style, who gets pampered. bathed and brushed and all dressed up and spoiled for always winning with a good fuck.
Have a short version where the dom is the judge who also has to check fertility. How well can a trained deer stay on their harness while they're checked out for health!! Treats include: A Breeding, Loys of praise, First prize, and a very prowd owner who has lots of treats waiting after show!
Punishments for a home deer: Cuffed Antlers to something, exposed for whatever dom wants/ Boundary based shock collar so not woods time for a day or two. Maybe if there's two or more cuffing their Antlers as a pubishment for petty horn fights? "Wanna lock horns so bad, I'll keep hem that way."
Catmaid? Nope!! slap that maid dress on your local deer now!!
Primal Play:
Predator Animal (Wolf/Cougar/Mountain Lion/Werewolf/Werecat) hunting you down and instead of a killing bite, they leave a different kind of one. This one leaves the deer shaking and dizzy just long enough to be flipped over and explored.
Hunting Season Eroticism is something I've seen before, I think deerplay fits in it's framework. (No real deer will be harmed in the participation of this kink)
That also means threesome with a hunting dog that smells out the deer who maybe doesn't notice them even coming, running around looking for another deer to mate/be mated by... the hunter dog finds them first and by the time the hunter gets there 😳 oh my the dog and the deer are frolicking really close.
A waiting predator fattening you up after winter by eating deer competing for resources/bringing you stuff while asleep so hunting you in fall will be more rewarding
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Boredom has struck (I will not be doing requests, I will only do these when I wanna)
Loverboy Names, Titles, Pronouns (1st and 3rd)
[PT: Loverboy Names, Titles, Pronouns (1st and 3rd)]
(NOTE: This is not exclusive to men/masculine individuals! Anyone can use these)
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[PT: Name]
(Most names are associated with love in some fashion, name origin will be listed)
Amadeus (Latin)
Amador (Latin)
Amatus (Latin)
Amias (Latin)
Amor (Latin)
Anwil (Welsh)
Caratacos (Celtic)
Cargus (Celtic)
Caron (Welsh)
Carwyn (Welsh)
Carys (Welsh)
[PT: Titles]
Beloved boy
Loyal Lover
The Lover
The Loverboy
The Beloved
The Beloved boy
The Loyal Lover
1st Person Pronouns
[PT: 1st Person Pronouns]
Love (Luv/Luv/Lov/Love/Loveself)
Lover (Luv/Luv/Love/Lover/Loverself)
Lovely (Luv/Luv/Love/Lovely/Lovelyself
Chu (Cu/Cu/Chu/Chu/Chuself)
Heart (Har/Har/Heart/Hearty/Heartself)
Loyal (Lo/Lo/Loy/Loyal/Loyalself)
❤️ (❤️/❤️/❤️y/❤️ine/❤️self)
💕 (💕/💕/💕y/💕ine/💕self)
3rd Person Pronouns
[PT: 3rd Person Pronouns]
Love (Luv/Love/Loves/Loveself)
Lover (Love/Lover/Lovers/Loverself)
Lovely (Love/Lovely/Lovely’s/Lovelyself)
Chu (Chu/Chu/Chus/Chuself)
Heart (Heart/Heart/Hearts/Heartself)
Loyal (Loy/Loyal/Loyals/Loyalself)
❤️ (❤️/❤️/❤️s/❤️self)
❣️ (❣️/❣️/❣️s/❣️self)
💕 (💕/💕/💕s/💕self)
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[Tagging] @pronoun-arc, @pronoun-archive, @radiomogai @id-pack-archive
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beevean · 2 months
Netflix Lament of Innocence
I do have to wonder what we’d get if they decided to tell Leon Belmont’s story in the Netflix Castlevania universe.
Leon would not be connected to the Church, because they’re corrupt in this world, he would just be some underdog bum whom wanders the world, killing vampires with whip. He begins the tradition of his clan when he is given knighthood by some nomads, and fights Walter just to get his jollies, not for vengeance or to save anyone.
Sara won’t be the damsel-in-distress, she’ll be a hard working woman who don’t need no Leon, and try to do cool things, need saving anyway, and never admit how bull-headed she’s being. Eventually, this gets her killed for nothing.
Mathias’ motivation to become a vampire is told to us right away, with the opening narration saying “Leon Belmont was the first of his clan to battle Vlad Dracula Tepes. But back then, the vampire went by another name.”, and unlike the original game, he fights Leon, but he never has to do any strategizing or scheming to get what he wants. He also won’t have any reason beyond wanting to bully his “friend”. There won’t even be any Ebony or Crimson Stone to seek.
Walter would not be playing any sadistic games out of boredom born form his immortality, but would actually be a loner whom isolates himself because mankind was racist to him and other vampires, and he has taken extreme action against everyone, even innocent bystanders, in return, but is deep down a man who wants company who will make him feel like he belongs.
Rinaldo will be more morally questionable, utilizing underhanded tactics and tapping into forbidden magic in order to cure his grief over the loss of his family and act on his hatred of Walter, and it’s those powers he harnesses that allow him, after expressing remorse at what a screw-up he is, to create the ultimate whip, the Vampire Ki- oops! I mean, the Morning Star. How does he make it, exactly? Just a lot of silver and enchanted gunpowder.
Death won’t appear.
As for Joachim… he’ll just be a completely different character with the same name. He’ll probably get a single episode, and might be the one who vampirizes Mathias for the convenience of the plot’s progression.
Reply: love that it’s still somewhat similar to what was told in S2, that Leon went to fight Dracula just like that. No Sara, no Stones, no Death, no Mathias, no Walter and Joachim since Dracula was called the oldest vampire ever, just... a dude named Trefor lol.
Although he still was a Crusader, so I suppose he didn’t go fully CHURCH BAD mode. (which is hilarious because LoI paints the Church in a more negative light for once! The Church’s refusal to allow Leon to rescue Sara is the reason he had to renounce to his titles.)
anyway now I’m picturing N!Joachim as the residental thirst trap, like N!Olrox. You know they’d do it.
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jodjuya · 1 year
Bryan Cranston is my favourite actor of all time.
I've never seen "Breaking Bad" and I likely never will.
But I'm up to season 4 of my "Malcolm in the Middle" rewatch, and my admiration for any other actor has never been higher.
Season 4, episode 18, "Boys at Ranch" puts Lois in the fridge for a whole episode, and without her antagonism we get a whole episode where all of the men and boys get to share the spotlight, and it's such a beautiful love letter to them all. So so so much wholesomeness and the payoff of four seasons' worth of character-growth, and it never stops being breathtakingly funny throughout.
AND THEN it ends on one of the best special effect sequences ever put to film.
Top! Tier! Television!
One of the show's strongest pre-opening gags too.
The absolute pinnacle of sitcom as an art form.
This episode REALLY drives home hard how Lois is *the* antagonizing force behind her entire family's dysfunction. It's really stark in a greek-tragedy kind of way. 😬
In two days under in the restorative influence of Otto und Gretchen away from Lois' presence, we see Hal, Francis, Piama, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey instantly self-actualising into their best possible selves.
We see that Francis' season 3 spent at the isolated Alaskan logging camp was restoratively foundational to his growth as a person. He became a better person (a strict, disciplined, reliable, dependable, responsible, intelligent , resourceful (handsome👀) Capable Man) because ALL of his miserable conditions there were directly connected to personal accountability, rather than to abusive sadomasochistic discipline to force him to comply for the pure sake of authoritarianism.
(eg. Military school, and before/during/after that: his mother's parenting)
We see Dewey connect with his feelings, and actively being taught how to reconcile them, using Gretchen's amusing Germanic silliness to ritually link one's emotional healing to the physical pain of disciplined suffering—such that the energetic outburst from you being overwhelmed by your negative emotions is harnessed, instead, for productive pro-social behaviours of Cleaning The House So Hard It Hurts (In A Good Way 🥰) rather than by you merely lashing out in violent destructive behaviours
[¡and all of this initially triggered by an honest discussion about hurt feelings and accidental mistakes without appointing blame OR shame!]
AND then linking the positive endorphins from the physical pain of your frenzy:
bleeding knees, sore muscles, exhaustion, cramps, and so on; (including inhaling chemical fumes)
to conceptualising freeing yourself from your shame and guilt; explaining that hard work _causes_ you to feel better.
Show, don't tell, all the way to the motherfucking bank by the way.
Diagetically, as Gretchen to Dewey;
and also non-diagetically, as the show's writers to its audience; as all of this stuff just /happens/ without *any* of it being explained.
All this to say, is that after Dewey thoughtlessly broke Gretchen's
"this is VERY personally valuable to me, it's so special and important PLEASE do not touch it, but I have told you so, so now I blindly trust you completely okay byeeee"
Hand-Carved Cultural Artifact Doll;
that after that destructive, harmful, thoughtless act (after *explicitly* promising not to do) caused these two side-characters to become so deeply and lovingly connected to each other on their very first day of meeting each other that Dewey earnestly considers Gretchen to be his grandmother and now affectionately refers to her as such.
(to clarify their initial relationship: Dewey's eldest brother, Francis, is Gretchen's employee. She's his second-boss; co-owner of the dude ranch where Francis is foreman (because her Eccentricly German husband fell in love with the aesthetic of wild-west cowboys))
And because Dewey is a nine year old boy who put the doll into his pocket, and then his two malevolantly-stupid older teenage brothers maliciously conspired to defraud the ranch; where Francis is now Mr The-Capable-Man Foreman; to get Dewey to ride an ATV with no approval or supervision of any sane adult; the legs broke off the doll.
Gretchen was heartbroken by this when Dewey confessed (because he's fundamentally a very good little boy).
and so Dewey was feeling very hurt and miserable and ashamed without Gretchen needing to yell at him about it to cause that, because for Gretchen, her emotions aren't on her sleeve, they ARE the sleeve;
and seeing her hurt is like watching someone kick a puppy.
She is only consoled by Otto reassuring her that he will simply make new legs to replace the legs which got smashed off, "and then he'll be even better than he was before! …just like my eighth cousin!" 😂
[Early foreshadowing: you feel better when amends are made; positive action (in both senses of the words) for the sake of fixing things.]
Later, Dewey comes back to Gretchen. He's really upset by how bad he feels for what he did, and so this time he's coming back to her for comfort and reassurance.
She talks to him about what he's feeling, and gives Dewey the vocabulary to talk about what he's feeling and why, and how to talk about what those feelings feel like, without shame or blame or hostility; let alone whether or not he 'deserves' to feel so bad.
And then continues right along with "and THIS is how you make it feel better"—in the unarguable tone of voice an adult uses when they are imprinting some declaration or another about the definitive nature of reality directly into an impressionable young mind, along the lines of "that thing in front of us is called a tree"—with her little speech about how suffering by doing really REALLY hard work *causes* you to feel better!
AND THEN! she continues right along with "I still feel bad too, so this is a perfect time to teach you how to do this, come with me and we'll do it together!!"
And then she does. Lovely montage of Gretchen and Dewey side-by-side doing a sitcom-level of Cleaning So Hard It Becomes Transcendental; her teaching by example exactly what to clean and how, and giving Dewey excited encouragement the whole way.
"oh my god this is such good penance I'm unlocking and healing flashback trauma from when I was a nine year-old!' [AN: Gretchen is in her 50s??]
Like, "fuck yeah, my knees are bleeding! This is so fucking radical! look how fully sick it is that my knees are bleeding from how much I've been kneeling on them while we scrubbed the floor together! Feel the burn baby! 🤩"
Afterwards they're done and the ranchhouse is so spotless you can eat off the floor and they're surfing the endorphin rush together and talking about how amazing they felt after using self-directed scourging to purge their own sins. (people who like Spicy Sex know what I'm talking about 😏)
So that in the end, instead of screaming abuse and vitriol back and forth in *coercing* Dewey to injure himself cleaning too hard for the sheer purpose of corporal punishment for domination, shame, and humiliation;
After Dewey thoughtlessly smashed Gretchen's priceless and highly beloved doll, the two of them ended up with a MORE loving relationship than they started with!! They *both* feel AMAZING,
AND the entire ranch is SPOTLESS!
We see Malcolm and Reese further engaging in maliciously-stupid destruction, but this time for wholesome loving reconnection reasons.
They steal Hal's no-limit credit card to buy the sitcom-level of Too Many Fireworks, which they plan to set off in an alluded-to Sitcom Evil Prank Scheme to "get back at Francis" after he was Mr The-Capable-Man serious about how much they fucked up with the ATV thing. His brothers seriously endangered their own lives and the lives of other people, and they did so at the place where Francis is employed to literally live out the perfect life of his dreams, and to top it all off, his own dad was the one so stupidly reckless as to blindly sign paperwork without bothering to read what the fuck it actually was that he was signing; so Francis yelled at them all, taking the role their mother always takes, the role that Francis hated so much he literally had himself legally emancipated so that he could run away from school to an incredibly isolated Alaskan lumberjack camp.
Well anyway, the scheme plays out (which resolves Francis torment over escaping his mother only to become her), which also serves to reconnect Hal's independent plotline back to everyone else's.
Hal lost in the desert with Otto, both of them INCREDIBLY drunk, having scared off their horses by Doing Stargazing via using their Authentic Cowboy Guns (Otto has the semi-automatic Luger he mentioned in passing in a previous episode) to point out stars; and with Otto bleeding out from a self-inflicted bullet wound in his butt cheeks. ("...I finally hit something! 🥴🥳🥴".
(Because Otto was like "how about a big bottle of scnapps??🎵? I know what's the nice sugar to get nice boys to take their nice medicine of taking about their 🎶~feel~ings~🎶??")
But all that aside, they had finished talking about Hal's feelings and his crisis of confidence in his fatherhood:
"You've only had him for two months! And he's... and he's a MODEL CITIZEN now! I had him for EIGHTEEN YEARS and it was nothing but horrible every single day for every single person!! What did you DO?! How bad of a father must *I* be?!?!"
Otto cuts through Hal's anguish by chiding him for not seeing that the acorn of Francis had NOT fallen far from Hal's tree; that Francis had ALWAYS been a good hardworking honest dependable reliable upstanding man all along, and that these traits came directly from Hal:
"What? You think he suddenly picked up these traits one day because he just found them lying on the side of the road? No! They came from you! And besides, I didn't do a single thing to teach Francis what wasn't already there inside him: I'm definitely no Super Male Role-Model Genius Guy, remember? I am is the guy who is incredibly drunk and lost in the desert dying because of my own bullet in my arse!"
So then Hal becomes bouyed right back up again, and very-drunkenly reassures Otto that there's nothing for them to worry about at all, because Francis is actually so amazing that he's about to rescue them RIGHT NOW!
Literally Cue The Fireworks
(because of Malcolm and Reese's evil scheme paying out: malicious Sitcom evil-genius prank involving Too Many Fireworks directly above the workplace of their has-legal-duty-of-care foreman brother who's personally responsible for the safety of many inexperienced tourists (including grandmas and preschoolers, and his own wife) who are surrounded by and interacting with many heads of livestock, horses, and Cosplay Cowboys); to "get back at him" lol)
And then yeah, one of the greatest special effects ever put to film; depicting the Too Many Fireworks.
Just a fucking masterpiece of television!
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wenn-ich-tanzen-will · 8 months
let your spotify predict your 2024! shuffle your on repeat playlist, and the first twelve songs represent your 2024
Thank you for your tag @after-perfect! I am finally actually doing one of these and it was really fun
Jan – Håper du har plass – Cezinando
Feb – Rêver j’en ai l’habitude – Molière
Mar – La paura del buio – Måneskin
Apr – Regardez-moi – Molière
May – Moi je veux – Molière
Jun – Mistral Gagnant – Cœur de Pirate
Jul – La loi de Murphy – Angèle
Aug – Message personnel – Françoise Hardy
Sep – Jalousie – Angèle
Oct – C’était salement romantique - Cœur de Pirate
Nov – Er dette alt – Cezinando
Dec – Dernière danse – Indila
Well. I am not looking forward to july lmao
Anyways! I am tagging @dwalendinhetniets, @phansterdam and @mucluaren and anyone else who wants to participate! No pressure of course :)
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marshmyers · 5 months
The DC Universe is about to get shaken up when the Legion of Doom unlocks a portal to another dimension, unleashing the fiercest Monsters in the Multiverse. 
Godzilla, the King of the Monsters has emerged from the deep seas of Metropolis, interrupting Superman's proposal to Lois Lane. King Kong is taking on the world's greatest heroes on his home turf, Skull Island. Can the Justice League send these creatures back to their own dimension before it's too late? 
How do you destroy the Justice League? The question has plagued Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom since the two titanic groups first came to blows. When confronted with the colossal entities of Skull Island, Lex believes he's found the answer to their eternal question. 
It's Superman vs. Godzilla, Wonder Woman vs. Behemoth, Green Lantern vs. Scylla, Batman vs. Camazotz, and Supergirl vs. Kong in this all-out battle for the fate of the DC Universe. 
Can Superman stand up to the power of Godzilla? Can Lex Luthor harness the primal forces of Skull Island? It's time to find out the answers to these questions and more! Acclaimed writer Brian Buccellato (Injustice) and bestselling artist Christian Duce (Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point) bring the cataclysmic crossover event of the year as the DC Universe clashes with Legendary's MonsterVerse.
This title ships on June 25, 2024.
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4ugury · 1 year
‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ a private multi-muse, extremely private ! ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 33
Tumblr media
the sun illuminates only the eyes of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. — ralph waldo emerson
disclaimer: as this blog is labelled, i am extremely private- coming off of "do not follow first", i may return to that status though as comfort dictates ( i am not follow for follow, i follow only those i intend to write with )! also most of these muses are written from memory, and memory can be faulty, so consider a lot of these headcanon inspired & canon div.
activity warning: fluctuating day to day
⁍ ㅤatreus, ㅤgod of war, ㅤin game model, ㅤ15ㅤ &ㅤ all pronouns ⁍ ㅤalec, ㅤtwilight, ㅤoscar novak/nathan o'toole, ㅤ12ㅤ &ㅤ he/they *anti smeyer ⁍ ㅤben braeden, ㅤsupernatural, ㅤtyler lawrence gray, 25 & he/him ⁍ ㅤbruce wayne, ㅤgotham, ㅤdavid mazouz, ㅤ10 - 17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤchris halliwell, ㅤcharmed, ㅤnicholas galitzine, ㅤ21 & he/him ⁍ ㅤconnor angel, ㅤangel, ㅤlouis partridge ㅤ* heavy canon div, ㅤ16 ㅤ & ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤdenzel, ㅤffvii: ㅤadvent children, ㅤmovie model, ㅤ11, ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤeli hale, ㅤteen wolf: movie, ㅤvince mattis, ㅤ15 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him * anti jeff davis ⁍ ㅤgarfield logan, ㅤtitans, ㅤryan potter, ㅤ20 ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤharley keener, ㅤinsomniac's spider-man based, ㅤlucas lynggaard tønnesen, ㅤ21 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤhenrik mikaelson, ㅤto ㅤ& ㅤtvd, ㅤlouis partridge,ㅤ 15 ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ㅤ* anti plec ⁍ ㅤhenry, ㅤthe walking dead, ㅤmatt lintz, ㅤ17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ * heavy ㅤcanonㅤ div ⁍ ㅤjack ryan,ㅤ bioshock, ㅤarchie renaux, ㅤ24 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤjason todd,ㅤ titans, ㅤchristopher briney, ㅤ22 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤjesse turner, ㅤsupernatural, ㅤherman tommeraas, ㅤ25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him. ㅤ* canon div ⁍ ㅤjordan kent, ㅤsuperman & lois, ㅤalex garfin,ㅤ 16 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ* s1 only ⁍ ㅤjordan li, ㅤgen v, ㅤlondon thor & derek luh, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤthey/them ⁍ ㅤleland mckinney, ㅤtexas chainsaw massacre: the game, lorenzo zurzolo, ㅤ19, he/him ⁍ ㅤprompto argentum, ㅤff:xv, ㅤin game model, ㅤ21 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤsam riordan, ㅤgen v, ㅤasa germann, ㅤ18 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤseph mccauley, ㅤthe heir chronicles, ㅤjack champion, ㅤ18 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤtim drake,ㅤ titans,ㅤ jay lycurgo,ㅤ 17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ test muses: ⁍ ㅤedmund pevensie, ㅤthe chronicles of narnia, ㅤharry gilby, ㅤ19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤethan winters, ㅤresident evil, ㅤchris pine, ㅤ37, ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤfoster lambert, ㅤinsidious franchise, ㅤharry collett, ㅤ19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤpeter parker, ㅤinsomniac's spider-man, ㅤgame model, ㅤ23 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ pending muses: ⁍ matthew lynch, ㅤthe raven cycle, ㅤadrian öjvindsson ⁍ percy jackson, ㅤpjato, ㅤwalker scobell ㅤ* waiting for the show
⁍ ㅤbasilio "basil" yslas, ㅤfalling skies, ㅤxolo maridueña : formerly harnessed, ㅤ ㅤ14 - 19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/they ⁍ ㅤbooth deering, ㅤtwilight, ㅤfinn cole : ㅤdhampir, ㅤ25 / 500+ ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ* anti smeyer ⁍ ㅤjack atlas, ㅤoriginal lore & story, ㅤnicholas galitzine : ㅤdhampir, ㅤ24 / 100+ ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤlogan mahkent, ㅤdetective comics, ㅤlevi miller : ㅤstudent, ㅤ15 - 30 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤmatthew "mattie" gareis, ㅤmisc vampire, ㅤlorenzo zurzolo : ㅤnewborn vampire, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤmikhail ( hail ) nikolaev, ㅤthe last of us, ㅤsunny suljic : ㅤsurvivor, ㅤ10 - 15ㅤ & ㅤhe/him ㅤ* immune in some verses ⁍ ㅤnicholas "nick" grimes, ㅤthe walking dead,ㅤ colin ford : ㅤsurvivor, ㅤ12 - 25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him, tied to :ㅤ @leftlimp\ ⁍ ㅤtheodore "theo" pruitt, ㅤhorror genre, ㅤaxel auriant : ㅤconduit of a demon, ㅤ22 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤwaylon coin, ㅤgen v, ㅤjosh mcqueen : alloy manipulation, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤwilliam moore, ㅤbioshock 1 & 2, ㅤasa butterfield : ㅤonly successful attempt at a "little brother" of original lore, ㅤ12 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ in development : ⁍ malachi "mal" dumas, ㅤx-men, ㅤtimothee chalamet, ㅤ25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him, ㅤplasma ㅤ& ㅤstellar manipulation.
damien, 27, he/they ! can be found at: shadowcurse & drowish
ㅤㅤㅤ affiliates : @extr4normal, @hallowburnt & @endfght
highest muse: all original characters, ben braeden & jesse turner, eli hale, henrik mikaelson, henry and seph mccauley.
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techwave1 · 1 year
SAP CX Commerce Cloud | CX Implementation
Title: SAP CX Commerce Cloud: Elevating Customer Experience with Seamless Implementations
Introduction: In today's competitive digital landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences has become a critical differentiator for businesses. SAP Customer Experience (CX) solutions, specifically SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Hybris Commerce, are at the forefront of empowering companies to achieve unparalleled customer engagement and loyalty. Let's explore how these solutions enable seamless CX implementations and the comprehensive CX services that drive success.
SAP CX Commerce Cloud: Enhancing E-Commerce Experiences SAP CX Commerce Cloud is a powerful cloud-based platform designed to transform e-commerce experiences. It provides businesses with a flexible and scalable solution to deliver personalized and consistent shopping experiences across various touchpoints. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, it enables seamless integration, real-time data insights, and exceptional customer journeys.
CX Implementation: A Roadmap to Success A successful CX implementation is pivotal for businesses aiming to provide outstanding customer experiences. SAP Hybris Commerce, now known as SAP CX Commerce, offers robust capabilities to help companies seamlessly implement and customize their e-commerce solutions. Through meticulous planning, streamlined execution, and effective change management, businesses can optimize their CX strategies and stay ahead of the competition.
SAP Hybris Commerce: Powering Omnichannel Experiences Formerly known as SAP Hybris Commerce, SAP CX Commerce Cloud empowers businesses with a unified platform to deliver consistent and personalized customer experiences across various channels, including web, mobile, and social. The platform seamlessly integrates with back-end systems, enabling businesses to efficiently manage their online storefronts and optimize inventory management.
SAP Customer Experience Hybris: Elevating Customer Engagement SAP Hybris Commerce, now part of the SAP Customer Experience suite, is a leading e-commerce solution that allows businesses to elevate customer engagement. By leveraging customer insights, intelligent marketing tools, and robust analytics, businesses can understand customer preferences better, enabling them to deliver tailored offers and personalized experiences.
CX Services: Comprehensive Support for CX Excellence Techwave's SAP CX Services offer businesses comprehensive support to ensure the successful deployment, integration, and ongoing management of SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Customer Experience solutions. From implementation and customization to post-implementation support and optimization, Techwave's team of experts assists businesses in harnessing the full potential of their CX solutions.
SAP Customer Experience: Unifying Customer Touchpoints SAP Customer Experience encompasses an array of solutions, including SAP CX Commerce Cloud, SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP Sales Cloud, SAP Service Cloud, and SAP Customer Data Cloud. This integrated suite empowers businesses to deliver consistent, contextual, and meaningful interactions across the entire customer journey.
SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud: A Future-Ready Solution SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud, now SAP CX Commerce Cloud, is a future-ready platform that ensures businesses can quickly adapt to changing customer needs and market demands. With continuous innovation and upgrades, businesses can stay at the forefront of e-commerce excellence.
Conclusion: Embracing SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Hybris Commerce is not just about keeping up with the trends; it's about revolutionizing how businesses connect with their customers. These solutions, combined with expert CX services, enable businesses to deliver unforgettable customer experiences, drive loyalty, and secure a competitive advantage in the digital era. Partner with Techwave for a seamless CX implementation and unlock the true potential of your e-commerce strategy.
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pagebypagereviews · 3 months
In the realms of sociology and marketing, few books have sparked as much dialogue and debate as Malcolm Gladwell's seminal work, "The Tipping Printing." Right from its inception, this provocative tome has challenged readers to consider how little things can make a big difference, encapsulating the moment a trend becomes an epidemic. Gladness immerses us in a world where social behavior can be deciphered through the lens of 'tipping points' - critical thresholds where an idea, product, message, or behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. With its compelling narrative and accessible insights, the book stands as a testament to understanding societal change and the drivers behind seemingly sudden shifts in cultural norms and consumer trends. "The Tipping Point" is not merely a book; it's an exploration into the nuances of social dynamics, unveiling the agents of change that propel ideas from obscurity to ubiquity. Gladwell pinpoints the essential components - the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context - that can conspire to create a tipping point for any given phenomenon. His work is as much a toolkit for hopeful marketers and policymakers as it is a fascinating read for the casually curious. It unravels the intricacies of why certain books become bestsellers, how crime waves are curbed, and what makes TV shows go viral, offering invaluable insights for anyone interested in harnessing the mysterious mechanics of mass appeal. Plot The Tipping Point is not a novel with a traditional plot but rather a nonfiction book that delves into the study of social dynamics and how small actions can lead to significant phenomena once they reach a critical mass, which Gladrell terms 'the tipping point.' The book looks at various case studies and real-life situations to illustrate how products, ideas, messages, and behaviors spread like viruses and what factors contribute to reaching the moment where they become widespread or 'tip.' Gladwell outlines the contagiousness of behaviors, the stickiness of ideas, and how a small group's concerted effort can create a tipping point leading to an epidemic of change. Characters In "The Tipping Point," characters are not fictional personas but rather real individuals who have played pivotal roles in social changes or marketing successes. Gladwell categorizes them into several archetypes: "Mavens," who are knowledgeable and connect us with new information; "Connectors," who link us with the world, having an unusually wide network of acquaintances; and "Salesmen," who persuade us when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing. These characters are crucial in dissemination, like Lois Weisberg, a societal connector who uses her extensive network to influence Chicago's cultural and political scene, or Paul Revere, whose historical midnight ride is portrayed as the epitome of a tipping point by Gladwell. Through these individuals, Gladwell demonstrates the power certain people have in creating tipping points in society. Writing Style Gladwell's writing style in "The Tipping Point" is known for being particularly accessible and engaging for a broad audience. He effectively uses anecdotes and case studies to illustrate complex social theories in a relatable way. The language is crafted to spark curiosity and maintain the reader's attention through a suspenseful and thought-provoking narrative. Gladwell utilizes imagery and rhetorical questions to draw readers in and challenge them to think critically about their perceptions of social dynamics. His approach to explaining sociological concepts is to weave narratives that lead to moments of revelation, providing an enjoyable and profound reading experience. Setting "The Tipping Point" traverses multiple settings as it uses a variety of case studies to explore the concept of tipping points. Settings range from the bustling streets of New York City, where crime rates dramatically dropped in the 1990s, to the intimate confines of a living room where a person reads a book they heard about from a friend.
Gladwell takes readers to environments as diverse as the television studios where the children's program "Sesame Street" was painstakingly crafted to the corporate boardrooms where successful marketing campaigns were born. Through these varying backdrops, he demonstrates that tipping points are not relegated to any specific geographical location but are phenomena that can happen in myriad social contexts. Unique Aspects One unique aspect of "The Tipping Point" is Gladwell's concept of the 'Law of the Few,' which posits that a small percentage of people are responsible for the majority of the influence in trends and the spread of ideas. Another distinctive notion is the 'Stickiness Factor,' which describes the attributes that make an idea memorable or addictive. Gladwell also introduces the 'Power of Context,' arguing that human behavior is significantly influenced by the environment and context within which an individual operates. These principles, together with detailed dissections of real-life events like the resurgence of Hush Puppies shoes or the sudden rise in crime in New York, help readers understand how small shifts in social behavior can lead to large-scale changes. "The Tipping Point" presents a unique blend of psychology, sociology, and marketing, illustrating how these disciplines intersect to shape human interaction and societal evolution. Similar to The Tipping Point Below is an example of how you might structure HTML content to distinctly present the pros and cons of "The Tipping Point," a book by Malcolm Gladwell, using HTML table tags with solid 1px borders for styling. Please note that the actual analysis content is not provided here because it falls outside the scope of a technical HTML example. ```html The Tipping Point Analysis table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; text-align: left; th background-color: #f2f2f2; .pros background-color: #e8f5e9; /* light green background for pros */ .cons background-color: #ffebee; /* light red background for cons */ Pros of The Tipping Point Cons of The Tipping Point Idea Virality: The book excellently dissects the concept of how ideas spread like viruses, which is valuable for understanding marketing and social behavior. Simplification of Complex Systems: Some critics argue that Gladwell oversimplifies complex social phenomena, potentially leading to misinterpretation. Case Studies: Provides extensive case studies that are engaging and informative, offering in-depth examples of the tipping point concept in action. Anecdotal Evidence: Relies heavily on anecdotes which may not always be representative or scientific, thereby weakening the argument's empirical validity. Accessibility: The writing style is accessible for a wide range of readers, facilitating a better understanding of social dynamics without requiring a background in the field. Lack of Quantitative Analysis: The book could benefit from more quantitative data to support its claims rather than relying mostly on qualitative analysis. ``` Please make sure to tailor the actual content in terms of pros and cons based on a comprehensive assessment if this is meant for an actual analysis. This example strictly demonstrates the HTML structure and does not delve into the intricacies of the subject matter itself. Evaluating the Author's Expertise and Background When considering a purchase of Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point," it's imperative to evaluate the author's credentials. Gladwell's reputation as a journalist and author, with a history of writing for The New Yorker and producing bestselling books like "Outliers" and "Blink," speaks to his expertise in dissecting complex social theories and making them accessible. Prospective readers should recognize the value of Gladwell's unique perspective on why certain trends catch on in society, backed by his extensive research and storytelling skills.
Understanding The Tipping Point's Conceptual Framework "The Tipping Point" is grounded in the study of epidemics, but not just in the literal sense—it's a metaphor for how ideas, products, messages, and behaviors spread like viruses. As a buyer, you should be interested in the book's central tenets: the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context. Each concept provides insight into how small changes can create a tipping point, leading to a larger impact. Knowing these principles can help you identify whether this approach to understanding societal change aligns with your interests or professional needs. Comparing The Tipping Point with Similar Titles In drawing comparisons with other titles in the same genre, look for books that delve into sociology, psychology, and business strategy. Books like "Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, or "Nudge" by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, explore similar domains concerning human behavior and decision-making. Assess whether "The Tipping Point" provides a unique angle or methodology that sets it apart from these works, possibly offering a fresher or more engaging narrative that would better suit your reading preferences. Assessing the Relevance to Your Interests or Field Consider how the book's themes apply to your personal interests or professional field. "The Tipping Point" is often admired by marketers, educators, and social scientists for its practical implications in understanding and influencing public behavior. If you are involved in any of these fields or are simply intrigued by societal dynamics, Gladwell's insights could prove invaluable. Conversely, if the book's focus doesn't align with your sphere of activity or curiosity, it might not be the best investment. Checking for Updated and Revised Editions Since its initial publication, "The Tipping Point" may have undergone revisions or been republished with additional content. Prior to making a purchase, check if there are newer editions that incorporate recent studies or Gladwell's further reflections on the topic. Updated editions could provide you with a richer reading experience, furnished with the most current information and examples. Reading Reviews and Evaluating Critical Reception Reading reviews and critiques of "The Tipping Point" can offer valuable insights into the book's strengths and weaknesses. Look beyond the star rating on retail sites; read comments from both critics and everyday readers to gather a range of opinions. Professional reviews from reputable publications can add depth to your understanding of the book's place in academic or popular discourse. Pay attention to recurring themes within these reviews, as these interpretations may influence your expectations and experience of the book. Analyzing Cost and Availability Finally, consider the book's cost and availability in your region. "The Tipping Point" is widely available in various formats: hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audiobook. Prices will vary, and electronic formats typically offer a more economical option. Also, check your local library or book-sharing platforms as a cost-effective or even free alternative. Take into account your preferred reading format, considering not only the price but also the convenience and availability when deciding to purchase. ```html FAQ for The Tipping Point What is "The Tipping Point" about? "The Tipping Point" is a book by Malcolm Gladwell that explores how ideas, products, messages, and behaviors spread like viruses. It discusses the factors that contribute to reaching the tipping point – the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point at which these elements become contagious and effect widespread change. Who is the author of The Tipping Point? Malcolm Gladwell is the author of "The Tipping Point." He is a journalist, speaker, and writer, well-known for his books on psychology, social psychology, and the patterns of social transformations. Is "The Tipping Point" a self-help book?
The Tipping Point" is not a self-help book in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a sociological analysis that offers insights into how and why significant changes happen in society. However, many readers find the principles discussed can be applied to individual lives and business practices. How long does it take to read The Tipping Point? The length of time it takes to read "The Tipping Point" can vary depending on the reader's speed and the time they dedicate to reading. On average, the book takes approximately 6 to 8 hours to read at a moderate pace. Can "The Tipping Point" help with marketing? Yes, "The Tipping Point" is often used as a resource for understanding marketing and sales strategies. It delves into the psychology of why certain products or ideas catch on and how marketers can use this knowledge to their advantage. What are the key concepts discussed in "The Tipping Point"? The book discusses several key concepts such as "The Law of the Few," which involves a small number of influential individuals in spreading trends; "The Stickiness Factor," which is about the attractiveness of the message or idea; and "The Power of Context," which relates to environmental and social conditions that can enable a tipping point to be reached. Is there any criticism of "The Tipping Point"? While "The Tipping Point" has been widely praised for its engaging insights, some critics argue that its ideas are overly simplistic or that it underestimates the complexity of the processes behind social phenomena. Others have questioned the scientific rigor of Gladwell's anecdotes and examples. What is the best way to get the most out of reading "The Tipping except for this last oneoint"? To get the most out of reading "The Tipping Point," readers should approach the book with an open mind, take notes on key concepts, and consider how the ideas might apply to different areas of society and personal life. Engaging with additional resources or discussions on the book may also enhance understanding and application. ``` In conclusion, Malcolm Gladtruewell's "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" stands as a pioneering force in understanding social dynamics and the phenomena behind trends and ideas that spread like wildfire. This insightful read delves into the mechanics of 'viral' events, dissecting the roles of mavens, connectors, and salesmen in tipping a trend from obscurity into ubiquity. Gladtruewell's engaging narrative is backed by research and real-world examples, making it accessible for both casual readers and professionals seeking to harness the principles discussed. The book's value extends beyond mere academic interest; it offers practical advice for those looking to create their own tipping points in marketing, social campaigns, or even personal endeavors. "The Tipping Point" is an invaluable resource for understanding the subtle intricacies that can catapult an idea to widespread popularity or bring about societal change. Choosing to read "The Tipping Point" means equipping yourself with the knowledge to better navigate and influence the world around you. This book is not only a fascinating journey through the psychology of influence, but also a tool that can empower readers to make more informed decisions and strategies in their personal and professional lives. Whether you're a marketer, entrepreneur, teacher, or simply a curious mind, the insights and benefits gleaned from The Tipping Point will undeniably leave a lasting impact on your approach to creating change and understanding the world. If you're seeking to comprehend the underpinnings of societal transformation or wishing to spark your own revolution, "The Tipping Point" is undeniably a book to add to your reading list. Other The Tipping Point buying options
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anantkumarsahani · 5 months
Yah har hatt ka Kuan loi , ya gal Bandha hai sabkoi.
kidi kunjar aur avatara, har hatt Dori bandhe Kai bara.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
0 notes
444namesplus · 9 months
Ace Acead Achal Ack Ade Adess Adle Adop Ads Ady Afabi Afra Agne Ago Ain Aine Aira Ald Aldat Alde Ale Alet Alie Alk All Alla Allet Alph Alsa Alte Altz Amar Amet Amiba Amili Amul Ana Ance And Ane Anele Anfre Ang Anich Annia Annis Anoît Ans Ant Antra Anut Apaul Apso Ard Are Aria Arian Arica Arl Arle Armo Arn Arol Arp Arpy Art Arta Ary Aud Audge Aul Auny Aure Aurf Aurin Aurn Aurt Auste Aut Aval Ave Aver Avirg Back Bal Balle Balte Ban Bapop Barce Barg Barld Bas Basco Bel Bele Bend Beng Ber Berea Beres Berg Bern Beron Berry Bet Bier Big Bile Bin Bit Blair Blaut Ble Blen Blick Blore Bluer Bluka Blut Boar Bol Bone Brald Bre Brel Bri Bried Brild Brin Brise Brock Bruid Bug Buge Bugu Bunk Bunka Béa Cabar Cable Cair Cal Cald Cand Cane Canut Cap Car Cas Cat Ceag Cel Cele Celic Cell Chal Chama Chane Chard Chare Chari Chaël Cheid Chel Chen Cher Chert Ches Chic Chich Chil Chill Chine Chish Chlie Chlo Chlon Chno Chon Chria Chrie Chris Chrit Chtop Cla Clam Clan Clant Clard Clat Clato Cle Clutz Cléa Cléme Cock Cof Coffe Cola Cole Colk Colkt Cona Cop Core Coret Corge Corn Cors Cory Couck Couse Cra Crock Cucid Cuse Cyre Céa Céate Dale Dan Dand Dane Dann Danna Dano Dard Darl Dego Del Dele Delle Deme Demel Demme Den Derc Derd Des Devel Dia Dian Dic Did Die Dies Diet Din Dine Dio Dion Dis Dolf Dout Dovin Drale Dranz Drapp Drean Dres Drid Drin Drut Dry Dryan Dubre Dul Duo Dus Dust Duste Dut Dwave Dwise Eande Eid Ein Ele Elgar Elhed Eling Elk Elmut Elop Elte Eltel Elter Eltz Ely Emal Eme Emel Emlit Emon Emper Ence Enny Ental Erie Ern Esco Eup Euran Eurce Eus Evinn Ewave Exas Exast Expe Fabit Fai Fane Faul Fer Ferry Figa
Fil Fin Fium Fiur Flarp Flo Flon Floul Fluc Flue Flumo Flut Flutz Fol Fola Fold Folf Folia Folo Fra Frah Fral Fran Frand Fre Freat Frede Fres Frie Fried Frore Frudo Fruid Frunk Fun Fund Fune Fur Fus Fut Futh Gae Gank Gano Ganz Gard Gardt Garie Garn Gaël Gel Gelf Genne Ger Gerig Gern Gerry Ges Ghlop Ghop Ghto Ghton Ghtop Gial Giald Gil Gin Gine Ginet Gion Gis Gisch Gise Glass Glen Glia Gline Gnès Gone Gore Got Grack Grang Grard Gre Gred Grel Grent Gres Grest Gret Grick Grum Grée Gues Guid Guita Gum Guma Gumet Gérin Günto Hacia Hacid Hack Halm Ham Hamp Han Hana Hanin Hann Hanti Har Hara Harc Hard Hare Haric Harie Harle Hart Haunk Heand Hed Hedar Hedya Heine Heing Hel Hen Hena Henz Her Hera Herbe Heres Herie Herto Hes Het Hic Hick Hicme Hie Hila Hime Hiper Hiser Hobo Holk Honik Hop Hople Horc Hord Hores Horle Hounk House Huc Hugae Hul Hunt Hyerd Hymon Hymp Hélia Hélie Imar Imild Inath Ind Indus Ine Inin Inne Ino Inoé Inz Inzel Irape Ire Irge Irhan Irine Irès Ise Jack Jan Jea Jeado Jeang Jearp Jeate Jence Jent Jerry Jery Jes Jine Jitte Jivee Jiver Joace Joard Jock Johon Jon Jore Josca Jose Joso Josop Jron Jul Jula Julla Junk Jupes Jute Jéro Kabie Kach Kack Kar Kard Kards Kat Kaël Ken Kenal Kent Kit Kita Kitz Kla Klaur Kle Kob Kock Kold Kop Kpunk Lam Lan Lar Lass Laste Laud Len Liale Liass Lick Lie Lille Lin Linas Line Lival Lock Lode Lodie Loid Lois Lona Lop Loé Lues Lukie Lum Lumel Lut Lycha Lyne Lype Lyres Léme Lüton Mado Mag Maind Maire Mais Mal Malk Mall Malme Man Mana Mance Manck Mang Mange Manna Manne Mano Manop Mante Mar March Mard Mardt Mare Marf Maris Marit Marp Mart Mary Mas Mass Mata Matal Mate Mathe Matig Med Mely Men Met Meta Metal Metan Metto Mia Mial Miam Mibal Mic Mica Mich Mil Mild Mill Mily Min Minat Mine Minn Mino Mins Mir Mire Miry Mock Modia Modo Mon Mone Moom More Mul Munk Muno Mus Muse Muska Mut Mutep Naine Nat Nel Nelda Neock Ner Nere Nert Nes Netal Nic Nich Nics Nie Niené Nin Nis Niume Noce Noid Nom Nues Nuker Nukin Nunel Nut Nyiph Ock Odie Ola Oldes Ole Olf Olges Olk Oll One Opat
Ora Orein Osele Ote Otino Otrap Otris Otte Ousic Out Pade Pald Pall Pas Paud Pause Paut Paw Paya Paymn Pes Phaël Phon Phout Pie Pin Pinès Pip Piry Ple Polk Pop Poph Pople Popop Posca Pose Post Powee Praw Pria Prie Prock Psic Psop Psych Puge Pugu Punie Punk Puny Quese Rak Ral Ran Rand Rann Raur Red Reep Reg Relin Rent Rerme Res Resco Ress Rha Rhan Rhyes Ria Rie Rine Riste Roce Rodia Rold Roli Rone Rop Rose Rosop Rotry Roul Rount Rud Rudop Rum Runk Rée Régig Régo Rélin Sad Sady Sae Sal Sald Sall Sam San Sance Sane Sanor Sar Sat Sater Saxop Seann Sel Sell Sepop Sher Shtop Sia Sic Siche Sick Sie Sine Sive Skack Skam Skap Sla Slat Sli Slie Smuse Snock Sop Soul Sould Soune Sounk Soure Sous Souse Sout Spe Sphop Spian Spit Stans Ste Stean Ster Stia Stial Stinz Stive Stnum Sto Stone Stric Stry Sug Sul Sumda Sun Sunt Sur Sure Surf Suza Sve Swal Swam Swas Swava Swave Syl Syle Sylit Syme Symo Syne Synt Sype Séve Séved Séves Tal Tale Tall Tard Tend Tep Teple Tepop Ter Thar The Thie Tia Tialk Tich Tick Tin Tinal Tine Torn Tri Tric Trock Trull Try Tune Turpy Tya Tyl Ulber Ulle Unk Urock Urone Uré Val Valco Valsa Van Vana Vap Ver Ves Vicie Vid Vidja Vie Viko Vild Vin Vina Vine Vinic Vio Vion Vione Voca Vock Wall Walle Wam Wees Wenz Wer Weric Werng Werry Wert Wes Whein Wife Wig Wigae Wil Win Wine Winey Wob Wobie Wol Wole Wolk Wooma Wore Wory Wras Xana Xanne Xas Xass Xyle Yenra Yop Yukey Yve Yveme Yvemo Yvet Élikt Émy Éve Éver
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