#hi im kayla!
screaming-sparrow · 9 days
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logan + how to be a dog by andrew kane
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jinstronaut · 5 months
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i still orbit you, and nothing’s changed, but if there’s no name to love, everything has changed. (cr. namuspromised, lyric translation doolsetbangtan)
happy birthday @cordiallyfuturedwight 💜💜💜
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
bestie I am so sorry but no it did not 😭😭 that's like saying Zeus was pregnant with athena 😭😭
[post in question] i mean there's a mythological debate you can get into with that but i digress
regardless, the book does outright state that the cacodaemons were with Nico since his first encounter with Nyx - they were the stuff in the shadows he kept seeing/sensing that weren't really there. And then Nyx pulled them out of him during their second encounter while actively referring to them as their children. It's not explicitly literal mpreg but putting it into as few words as possible it's mpreg. He's a teen parent and theyre explicitly from him and had some sort of functional gestation period and i hate it lots.
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sant-riley · 11 months
Thinking about how me and Gaz really have only like, maybe a 3-4 year age gap, do y'all think Gaz is a fnaf kid too???
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heresronnie21 · 2 years
I have realised that cabin 7 doesn't have solar panels in canon I just made that up at some point and believed it so hard I forgot it wasn't real
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katasstrophy · 2 years
*shakes you* i just thought of something and you and @itoshi-s are going to suffer with me🤕(read devils night guys it’s so hot)
bad boy! rin being sent to clean up his act at a private university for the esteemed to make sure the itoshi family name is no longer being tarnished but his parents naive thoughts of sending their youngest son to a boarding school and hope he magically turns into an angel that’s fit for his arranged marriage with a nuisance who’s after his money is ridiculous. rin isn’t bound to a single rule and does what he pleases as he walks the halls of the posh boarding school, giving the founding headmaster’s valued portrait the finger.
here comes you, who thrives off of academic validation who’s not afraid to keep her sharp tongue to herself. the youngest son of itoshi is here? scoff. he’s nothing but a jerk decorated in unbuttoned blazers and popped up collars with his fathers name to hide behind his acts of clownery. you don’t miss a chance to say it to the taller male’s face, his eyes practically boring holes into your own as if to memorize your look of annoyance at him. rin likes challenges but he thinks he’s going to love this one. he’ll make sure by the end of the school year he’ll have you on your knees, bowing in forgiveness, he says that you with a glare to make babies cry. with his thoughts rushing on how to make you beg for mercy you unleash a harsh slap to his face. stunning everyone in the common room and ignoring the gasps of surprise. “you better clean up your act itoshi or else you’ll lose everything including your family name.” you dare slap an itoshi? you’ve got bigger balls than everyone at this school. rin thinks the adrenaline you gave him in a second is the best feeling he’s ever had in years.
from that day on rin decided to play the good boy. smiles and effortless straight A’s to please his professors and make things work out in his favor, but his enjoyment isn’t getting the staff to kiss his feet, it’s backing you into corners of the library so that no one would catch on to mr. changed attitude wanting to keep his quiet, nerd to himself. you let him. slowly, but surely you break down each others walls as he allows himself to be vulnerable with you and shares his burdens of being the youngest son, always being forced into being his older brother’s shadow. but for once. just once, he had something his brother doesn’t have. he has you. he makes you feel warm and he fiercely keeps you safe from the judging eyes of his father as he peers down at you. as if he was looking at a lowly commoner. “you throw away your fiancée for someone like this?” “i’d throw away the family name in honor for her.” he walks away with his head held high, ignoring the stoic stare of his older brother as he smirks at the eldest, smirk growing wider at his words. “you’ll never inherit the itoshi name.” “i won’t inherit it alone. my family will.”
he beat his brother in not being able to continue the family name. he makes sure he pounds the thought into you as he thrusts feverishly into you as the moon shines a white sheet of light on your bodies. he makes love to you greedily as he marks your skin in red and purple, the marks blooming onto your skin like flowers. he loves you, he loves that no one in the world can know him and love him like you do.
“i’m going to put a fucking ring on that finger in front of my brother,” he growls. “no matter how far or high they separate me from you, you are mine and we’re going to live in a big house with you warming our bed.” he puts his forehead against yours, “and you will give me an itoshi heir.”
kayla what the— wHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK FHUUUCCKKK. !&!@! WHAT THE SHEEEEEII WHAT THE HOLYY FUCJCING SHIITT ??@!!!?? you DARE drop this ATOMIC ASS FUCKING BOMB ON ME???? OUTTA NOWHERE?? ON MF RIN DAY?????? NAAUURRR bc miss ma’am i’m gonna have to ask you to start paying rent cuz like,,,, 🤨🔫🔫 DO YOU LIVE IN MY BRAIN??? how did you know that devil’s night has been on my tbr for 5everrrrrr but i just know if i get hooked on the smut i will abandon all my responsibilities idcidcidc
they way i had to LITERALLY. TAKE. BREAKS. reading this so i could reduce my unholy demon spawn screeching to a minimum (spoiler: it DID NOT WORK) thIS IS FOUL THIS IS ILLEGAL I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU SOBBING
and oooohhhhhh i’m such a slut for academic settings :(((( especially when rich entitled bastard boy with a shitty past meets driven and cunning number 1 girl and they CLASH and have BRUTAL BANTER and have THE FILTHIEST MAKE OUT SESSIONS AGAINST PRICELESS BOOKSHELVES im clawing my eyes out
rin showing up to the posh uni like it’s his own personal playground, pretending like he owns this place much like everything else in his life due to his family’s wealth and status only to get mfing owned in turn and SLAPPED IN THE FACE (LITERALLY!!!) BUT HE FEELS EUPHORIC INSTEAD OF AGGRAVATED OOOOHHHH SO HE JUST HAS TO HAVE YOU GOD BESTIE U KNOW HOW TO GET ME GOING </3333 and then he pretends to be a good little student so he can get close to you:( keep you all to himself sniffle so possessive:( but the ANGST BC OF SAE >:(((( but now he also has you to patch up the empty cold pieces inside of him ur his future fuck his family 🥺🥺🥺🫶🫶🫶🫶 he’ll create a new one with you anyway AAAAAAAHHHDJFNFN so fucking UnWeLL
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iamrizaka · 11 months
Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew escape from the camp take little Will, Kayla and Austin with them to join Kronos.They have a bad ending.
The thing is, even if they survive the war, they still have Apollo on their backs. He punished Halcyon so harshly (if I'm being generous) just for telling a girl about her future and death, I can't imagine what will happen with these.
If there are still going to be canon deaths, just think about the last three's absolute devastation. Maybe Luke is grieving too, but he show it, it's not his body anymore, he can't fight Kronos anymore.
Oh god, what if some of the little ones die???? Lee and Michael are going to go apeshit to avenge their little sibling's death. Or they will get depressed and just. stop fighting.
They joined Kronos' side to protect their siblings. But all they got is being against everyone and having seen their little brother/sister get impaled. They had a hand in killing their other siblings who stayed at camp. Luke is not here anymore. What is there to fight for?
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phoenix--flying · 8 months
Okay now I’m curious 👀 what’s that royal au u keep mentioning 👀
This started as a Percy, Annabeth, Al and Ethan AU so I'll get into that
Annabeth is the Crown Princess (Heir) of Athens, she has one brother and that's Malcom! Athens is a large kingdom, the queen, Athena, is the daughter of the Olympian king Zeus. He gave his daughter a portion of his own kingdom to call her own.
Alabaster is the Crown Prince of Epirus, he had two siblings, his late older brother Edward and his younger sister Lou. Eprius is a rather small kingdom, most of it's resources come from it's neighboring kingdom, Elysium, as the queen, Hecate, is friends with the king, Hades.
Annabeth and Alabaster met during a council meeting their parents attended, being around the same age and both rather antsy they were brought to a separate room when it proved they weren't going to provide much to the meeting.
Being the heirs to their respective kingdoms, they're of course expected to marry, and they opted to choose each other rather then someone they don't know.
Being royals, they're typically at risk for some sort of attack, Alabaster is the oldest now for a reason of course. Because of this, both of them have personal guards, Annabeths is Ethan, the son of the captain of the royal guard, Nemesis. Alabasters is Percy, the son of two castle workers in Eprius, Sally, a baker and Paul, a tutor. (both of which previously lived in atlantis but left because they were lovers of the king)
Before they were able to actually get married, a war broke out. Hecate and Athena took opposing sides and so the engagement was broken.
Now for the sake of me not mentally hurting myself I've changed a lot of relationships 💀 So, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are brothers and its just the three of them. Hera, Hestia and Demeter are sisters and again, just the three of them.
Zeus and Hera are married the only child they have together is Ares. Zeus also has Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Thalia and Jason as results of affairs. They rule Olympus, with Thalia as their heir.
As I mentioned before, Athena was given a portion of Olympus to rule while Hecate rules Epirus, a kingdom hidden in the mountains.
Hades is married to Persephone, they have Zagreus and Melionë together, while also having Bianca and Nico with Maria, a partner of theirs, and Hazel with Marie, another partner of theirs. The rule Elysium with Bianca as their heir.
Poseidon is married to Amphitrite, they have Triton, Rhode and Kymopoleia together. They rule Atlantis with Triton as their heir.
Ares is married to Aphrodite, they both have children prior to their marriage; Ares has Clarisse, Sherman, Frank and Ellis while Aphrodite has Silena, Drew, Mitchell, Piper and Valentina. The two of them rule Cyprus with Clarisse and Silena as their heirs.
Apollo was married to Saige, they had Lee together, but she passed when he was a few months old. Apollo had Michael, Will, Kayla and Austin after her passing. Though, he never took another queen. He rules Delphi with Lee as his heir. Artemis resides in his kingdom as a princess, preferring that to ruling her own. She leaves the kingdom often, going on hunts and aiding girls who had been abandoned or ran away from their homes. She has her own with in the Delphic castle that houses herself and her hunters.
Hermes, much like Aphrodite, is not related to any of them, he and his wife, Peitho. He has Luke, Chris, Travis, Connor and Cecil. With Peitho, he rules Maia, a kingdom he created himself and named after his mother, with Luke as their heir.
There are a few marriage arrangements among kingdoms, being Luke and Thalia, Lee and Silena and Clarisse and Chris.
me when i have lee get stabbed in his bedroom at nine, get kidnapped from his bedroom at thirteen and poisoned during his wedding at eighteen
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ncytiri · 8 months
"look at this guy, he must have women climbing all over him." "probably some men too"
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morticiankisser · 13 days
watched gravity falls today with friends and once again i made 👀👀 at stan when he started taking off his suit
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spikrock · 25 days
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blorbos from my disneyland pirates of the caribbean stunt show that lasted about a year before being shut down
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thewickerking · 1 year
you dont understand. jack august and rina..... its the childhood trauma. its loving each other and doing it wrong because your parents didnt do it right and youre trying anyways because theres no way you wouldnt. its healing together and sloppily and doing it wrong because you dont know how doing it wrong because love doesnt look the way you look KNOWING UR DOING IT WRONG AND DOING IT ANYWAY. finding solace in each other while surrounded by hostility and reminders that youre doing it wrong and YOURE wrong because of it but you have each other and it needs to be enough because theres nothing else BUT IT ISNT AND THERE IS OTHER HELP AND LOVE OUT THERE. you werent given it but goddamn youll fucking find it. youll burn it all to the fucking ground if thats what it takes and fuck. it is what it takes sometimes. burn it down and build anew and figure out how to be teenagers instead of replacement parents and kings and learn how to breathe inside of drown and burn. tear each other down and build each other back up . FUCK!!! head in my hands
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Every guy in Yakuza seems like they have enough social awkwardness for Tien to role his eyes at…
there's no feasible chance on earth any man can be more awkward than mountain man tien I'm Going To Hide From My Friends Every Other Year And Then For A Decade After Telling Them I'd Never See Them Again For No Apparent Reason And Only Coming Back Cause the World Was Literally Ending shinhan
#snap chats#i already hear someone go 'what about kiryu' girl he didnt last five years before getting involved again#jo's prob a contender tho. tbh.#anyway i just got back from the fnaf movie#first off please remind me to stop going out to places with kayla i might as well be going by myself#does not help that she walks slow as shit like bro dont make me walk this turtle-ass pace#good things came of the trip tho :) first of all im broke 🧍‍♂️ since when did movies get so expensive I DIDNT EVEN GET FOOD#i did get a kirby gacha tho :) inflation's starting to hit the gacha machines now too tho what the fuck 😭#last time it was less expensive than the time before and now this is the most exp its been......#wow its not just luck on what you pull its luck on how much money youre dropping BYE#whatever i dont need groceries anyways. really i dont i swear i did all my budgeting this month already#on the bright side i picked up 25 cents collectively today :) might as well call me a millionaire already#ANYWAY someone give me an excuse to post the new kirby he's cute and his feet are a weird color#o my god i didnt even talk about the movie wait. fuck.#watching jp movies and media has been terrible for my us viewing experience cause it just makes it so abundant how.#AUDIBLE us movies are. and the camera cuts jesus fucking christ i could turn it into a drinking game#what's my verdict tho ????? tbh i thought it was cute. im still in awe of the suits tho if anything i give the movie full props for that#heh. props. get it. fr tho i love practical effects and yk what ill take it. cupcake was goofy as hell ngl but ill take it#highkey forgot coreykenshin was in the movie so it was cute being reminded he was there :) love him..#honestly it really was a movie for fans of fnaf already and i aint gonna act like i wasnt a fan of the series in its early years#def not a movie to watch on its own- not that the plot's incomprehensible otherwise but it prob just wont hit#like matpat and corey being there was neat and the credits song took me WAAAY back to when that song first dropped on youtube LOL#sorry ive turned these tags into a fnaf movie review. kayla didnt talk about it with me so i wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere LOL#im running out of tags Anyway i solemnly swear to only talk bout movies that ft mates that star in rgg henceforth <3#im lying of course. i dont know how to shut up <3 but ill shut up rn im making dinner. movie made me hungry for bacon....
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fightwing · 1 year
" as you can see, i’m looking much better. " / @wallcrawld
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dick smiles at that. eyebrow raised in amusement at the emergence of the mask of spider-man in the grimy alleyway dick had tracked his latest mission to. THE LAST TIME he'd seen spider-man, he'd been a bit worse for the wear. taking some hits that'd even made dick wince and still standing after it all. impressive, to say the least, but not the best avenue for conversation. they'd been swept up in their respective enemies at the time, split up when their leads did, so THIS moment was appreciated to catch up. " good to see it, spider-man. " nightwing's hands went to his hips, briefly assessing his companion and coming to the conclusion that he, at the very least, LOOKED okay. his smile turned knowing, a shared joke between them that was the vigilante life of both finding trouble and trouble hunting THEM. he's teasing when he says " what'd you do to piss him off anyway? "
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dreamvisit · 1 year
❝ what were you thinking ? you could have been hurt ! ❞ / @shiftergene
malia's answer is stunned silence, at first. it all happened so quickly, she thought ---- she thought she could take down all three of them, she thought she'd practiced enough CONTROL for that. the others had to get away, they all knew that and malia acted on the quick impulse that only time could provide. she would've been seriously hurt if the other person hadn't stayed behind. or worse.
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her heart is beating so fast in her chest it's like the whole world has a sickening beat and she has to take a few more seconds, just staring at the crumbled bodies around them before she remembers that most questions want answers. " i---i wasn't thinking. i thought i could take them all. " her manipulation IN dream world was controlled, but she really hadn't practiced with her powers awake nearly as much. so much was proof when she'd only gotten ONE of her intended three targets to fall into a forced rest, the rest she'd just frozen when it hadn't worked. shocked that a plan she hadn't put any thought to could have such dire consequences. finally, FINALLY, she looks back up at her companion. she was new to this --- all of this. didn't even know there WAS an underground until she'd found it, and while running was nothing new, being chased was. she should say thank you for the save, she should leave as a clear liability, she should practice more, she should, she should, she should, and yet all she can ask is " are there more? should we run? " she's never been in this position before and a part of her says they can't just leave three unconscious bodies in the middle of this alley while the more rationale argument fights that those guys could do far more damage awake than the two of them could ever do in turn. it's so obvious she has no idea what to do in this moment and yet still she finds the need to say " i'm sorry, i---i'm new. i didn't know what to do. "
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katasstrophy · 2 years
isagi brain juice ! enjoy this lil sneak peek of what i’m working on (isagi’s lowk a dick here but we humble him, but then we get humbled back ) —
isagi knew you were moody. it was something he disciplined himself to be patient for and he prided himself in being able to handle your mood swings. but right now he’s just trying to think of a way to not let his veins pop out of frustration.
“you’re being dramatic, i told you it was my fault already!” isagi frowned, his index and thumb rubbing the temples of his forehead to soothe the little headache forming.
“if you know it’s your fault then why aren’t you apologizing?” scoffing at his eye roll you pause your cleaning on the countertop and cross your arms at him, foot tapping in annoyance.
“because YN you should know that practice is irregular— if you’d told me that your parents were coming over earlier i’d have asked for a day off!”
gritting your teeth in anger you walked up to the man and rivaled his glare with your own, temper flaring at his ignorance. “yoichi i don’t want to have to hear that bullshit excuse from you ever again because like you, i’m also an athlete and i have better time management than blue lock’s so called hero.”
letting out a huff of anger isagi throws his head back and feels his patience thrown out the window. any self control he had before was now gone.
“just because you have better time management doesn’t mean shit to me YN. you don’t need an ego for your sport, i do. my career literally depends on me and my confidence to kick the ball. so sorry if i don’t have time to play house with you.”
before isagi could walk away you made sure to grab the silver necklace he wore- the one with your initials on it and drag him down to you height— eyes flaring in anger, and with a low voice you whisper in his ear as your words trembled in anger. “ don’t take it out on me that you don’t have the balls to kick a fucking football isagi yoichi. just because you’re too pussy to consistently keep an ego doesn’t mean you can disrespect our relationship.” grabbing his jaw firmly you make the blue eyed boy look into your eyes, making sure his line of vision was focused on you. “unlike you yoichi i’m not a dog to ego. following his orders to a T. why don’t you just wear a collar with his name on it? that way when he wants to go on a walk he can just strap a leash on you whenever he pleases.”
laughing to yourself you release his necklace and began to walk away— but not before isagi grabs the back of your shirt and drags you back to him, his arms harshly man-handling you to lay on the table, pinning yours against smooth surface as he let out a growl of frustration.
“you’ve gotten mouthy ever since you landed a spot on the national team YN. i recommend to think before you speak because i’ll make sure you never say that shit to me again.” he seethed.
pressing your arms harder onto the surface he felt himself smirk at your whimper.
“if i’m a dog then you’re my bitch. remember that pretty.”
the way i’ve been hogging this all too myself like a professional hoarder literally WHAT THE FUCK KAYLA i can’t keep going on like this. like WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT WHOOOOO ALLOWED YOU TO ASSULT MY EYEBALLS WITH THIS TOE CURLING DRABBLE???? the audacity. no consideration for my wellbeing and sanity ABSOLUTELY NONE ZERO hope ur ready to cover my medical bills bc i have permanent asthma from wheezing so hard while reading this i am NOOTTTT OKAAYYY SCREECHING TEARING MY HAIR OUT
where do i even START you’ve been feeding me ur angry isagi agenda for a while now BUT THIS IS NEXT LEVEL CAUTION HOT MIGHT BURN SCALDING …. i will quite literally never get tired of readers being just as much IF NOT MORE of an asshole especially when it comes to bllk boys like ,,,, YES BBIE BE NASTY AND DEPRAVED AND A MASSIVE JERK WITH ANGER ISSUES i want every blue lock guy ever to go “is my type insane women??? hot” i’m foaming at the mouf coochie weeping
AND BOY DID YOU DELIVVEERRRRRR. like the argument here is so insane(ly sexy). they went off so hard the clap backs??? i gasped out loud it was vicious instant hit call the firemen for that type of first degree burn kinda insults. reader grabbing ISAGI’S CHAIN WITH HER INITIALS TO BRING HIM TO EYE LEVEL what if i came what then. there’s just so much audacity and tension bc they’re both pro athletes.
“if i’m your dog then you’re my bitch. remember that pretty.” THIS TOOK ME OUUTTTT LOORRDDD. the contrast of bitch and pretty like yeah he’s gonna hate fuck the shit out of you on the kitchen counter but ur still his pretty baby he’s obsessed with you.
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