#hi guys the trash can got blown away outside my house :)
yumemiruuuu · 9 months
(wind knocks over trash can)
Feng Xin: Wowww nice fucking job, Mu Qing
Mu Qing: That wasn’t me though?????
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banqanas · 1 year
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In another post, I highlighted that most graffiti in the movie’s backgrounds is a reference to Exile Tribe songs, but in this post I want to focus on easter eggs that’s actually related to the characters in the series.
In Mashii Takehiko’s character profile from the official website, it says:
Suzuran Boys High School 3rd Year student who is also known as Mercy. He lives in a small rundown apartment together with his mother in Toaru city. He has been best friends with Raoh ever since Jr High School and one of the few people Raoh can open up to. Academically smart, Mercy is more than capable to apply to a better school but decided to follow his instincts and enrolled in Suzuran with Raoh. Peculiar guys started gathering around the two, and before they realised, the elite Raoh Faction was formed. He is known as the calm and collected No.2 of the faction. His personality is alike to Housen’s Odajima. The two get along and sometimes exchange information with each other.
The picture above is the scene where we are introduced to Mercy’s home.
If you look closely, the room on the right is full with graffitis, and if you look closer, you can see Mercy’s name written on the walls.
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TL note: One point breakthrough is something from Sun Tzu’s Art of War. It has no relevance whatsoever. The person who wrote it probably just wanted to write the most sophisticated phrase they knew and it’s not even the full phrase.
In the next scene, we see that Mercy’s house is the one next door, 102.
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Which brings the question, why are all those threats and graffitis written at the wrong house?
My personal headcanon is that the Mashii family originally lived in Room 101. They probably had some financial problems and started getting harassed for the owed money. So instead of directed to Mercy, the graffiti around their front door were probably threats for the Mashii family in general. At one point they decided to run away to a different city (or so they say), except that they just moved next door. Notice how they make it look deserted with random things and accumulated trash in front of the house.
I also think that the broken doorbell for 102 is a way to make outsiders doubt that anyone lives there and only Mercy’s the one who answers the door (in case their cover is blown, he could somehow manage whoever that comes).
But I don’t think that the ‘Die Mercy’ graffiti was written by the money lender, instead its probably done by a different party (someone who got their ass beaten by Mercy in the past) who just thinks that he still lives there.
Tl;dr: high&low real lores are stored in the background walls 👍
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
Can you stand the rain?
pairing: steve x black!reader
summary: Steve and reader get into their first big fight and after a few hours Steve comes over to apologize in the sincerest way.
Sunny days, everybody loves them Tell me baby, can you stand the rain? Storms will come, this we know for sure (This we know for sure) Can you stand the rain?
You and Steve were in the honeymoon phase for a while but the illusion had faded and you guys had your first big fight. It was about him covering at the Family Video and completely forgetting about the date you had planned. It broke your heart that he would completely forget something like that. Especially because you had talked about it for a week.
You both proceeded to have a yelling match about it in the middle of the video store before you finally threw your hands up in defeat and walked away. It was for the best because the way you were at each other's throats was frightening to watch. Leaving the store was a breath of fresh air you didn’t know you needed.
You went home with tears in your eyes, talking your mom’s ear off on the phone, complaining, and continuing the argument with yourself. But as you spoke you realized how idiotic you sounded. How could you yell at him like that? In public?! You were just so frustrated, you let your feelings justify the means of it all.
Tomorrow, you decide, you will go see him and apologize for the fight. It was stupid and was definitely blown out of proportion. You get ready for bed and sigh, “Hopefully he’s okay with some space tonight.” You then hear the faint sound of music playing from outside your window. Curious by the sudden noise you look out your window and find Steve outside with a jukebox and bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Steve? What the hell?” You smile down at him in surprise.
“Baby, I wanted to apologize for missing our date tonight. I shouldn’t have taken that shift, and I shouldn’t have forgotten about the date. I just got caught up in it all and—”
“I forgive you! Now turn that off and get up here.” You say. Steve sighs, “I have not climbed up a house in a while.”
You stick your head out of the window again, “No, you dummy, use the damn door.” He looks up at you bashfully, “Right, right. Sorry..” He backs away and goes over to your front door. You bring him up to your room and sit him on the bed, “I want to apologize too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you at the store.” You sit down next to him and take the flowers into your hands, “I really appreciate you coming here.”
“Of course. A little yelling isn’t going to scare me away.” He kisses your cheek. “Honestly I found it kind of hot.”
You snort, “No way you thought that.”
“I did. What’s wrong with that? I find my girlfriend hot when she yells at me. She has a really mean face that makes me nervous but I love it.” He looks over at you, “That face right there.” You fix your face and roll your eyes. He kisses your forehead, “You know, I’m kidding. It was one fight. There are going to be several more to come and they will be about even more ridiculous crap. Like leaving dishes in the sink, not making my side of the bed, or forgetting to take out the trash.”
You smile at him softly, “You imagine us living together.”
“Of course I do! I think about it all the time. Every day rain or shine, baby.” He holds your chin and kisses you gently. “I will be here for you through and through.”
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Spirited Away
It was going to be "the road trip of the century", or at least that's how your friends put it when they were trying to convince you to do something for summer break other than working. 
"Come ooonnn y/n, all you do is work and study! You have to join us, you're gonna die of boredom at this rate!" Audrey whines and throws herself over your shoulders, almost making you drop your overpriced coffee. 
"Not everyone has a scholarship or parents to pay for their degree Audrey, some of us have to work to be here. I can't afford to take two weeks off if I want to pay for the semester." Taking a sip of your coffee a grimace crawls across your face as the sugar hits you full force, "Remind me never to take a coffee suggestion from Rosie again." 
"She's a sweet girl so it makes sense she'd drink liquid diabetes, but stop trying to change the subject you have to go with us this year!" The red head pulls the cup from your hand to take a swig then makes a face that matches your own before dumping the coffee into the nearest trash can. "Girl, you haven't gone on any trips the entire time you've been here. Live a little for once in your life, we are just driving up to Bentley's family cabin. What's the worst that could happen?" 
After some more relentless badgering from your three friends and a promise of paying for this semester for you all four of you set off, and as you sit and listen to Bentley and Audrey bicker about if Chris Hemsworth was hotter than Chris Pine you were glad you came. All the windows were rolled down so you guys could enjoy the fresh air, and to help you with your car sickness. Your head was almost out the window as you tried to push the nausea away, the trees rushed by making you feel more sick. You shut your eyes hoping it will help and doze off. 
By the time you wake up the sun is setting, the car is parked and your friends are outside, unbuckling you get out and join them. "Man Bentley, your parents really let their house go, look at all these trees." 
"Yeah I've been meaning to tell them trees are so last century. Rosie got us lost and I'm trying to figure out where we are." Bentley was hunched over the hood of his car staring at a paper map. The blonde huffs and crosses her arms, "It's not my fault the phone signal crapped out, you should have downloaded the map!" 
You check your phone and sure enough you were in a dead zone, slipping it back into your pockets. "Bentley, you come out here every year with your family, how could you get lost?"
"I don't drive when we do! Get off my back and give me a minute, okay." 
Rosie opens her mouth to tease him too but is interrupted by Audrey shouting for you three to come see what she found. With a huff Bentley folds the map as the three of you make your way to her. Audrey was standing in front of a large man-made tunnel hidden behind old oak trees. The stone pathway looked old with grass and wildflowers growing wildly between the cracks, in the entryway of the tunnel stood a small stone tower that seemed fragile enough to fall over in the wind. Parts of the tunnel wall crumbled under Rosie's hand as she ran it across the plaster. "This place has seen better days. Who do you suppose put it here?" 
Bentley scratched his chin, "If I remember correctly, some company was building a theme park out here, but the project was scrapped when they realized no one would drive this far out to see it. Guess they laid some of the foundation before then."
Just then a gust of wind blew behind you inching you all closer to the entrance, "It's like it's pulling us in. Let's go check it out!" Aubrey states as she starts walking through the tunnel Bentley and Rosie follow right behind her. 
"Guys let's just head back to the car, I'm exhausted and could really use a nap."
"Come on y/n, how often do you get the chance to sneak into an abandoned amusement park? Let's make some memories!" Aubrey yells back at you from halfway through the tunnel, with a huff of annoyance you stuff your hands into your shorts pockets and start down the pathway. The tunnel was longer than you thought and the further you went in the more run down it looked. Maybe it was the darkness or the fact you were walking through a structure that could collapse in on you at any second, but something about this place made your hair stand on edge. There was just something unsettling about it and you seemed to be the only one to notice, your three friends just chattered on without a care in the world and ignoring all the possible danger.
The four of you emerge into the blinding sunlight, standing on top of a hill your group gets a glimpse at the abandoned theme park in the distance just barely able to make out the roofs of the buildings. "Ah man, what kind of amusement park doesn't have rides?" Rosie whines in disappointment and crosses her arms while she pouts. 
"Maybe it's more of a reenactment place than a park?" Aubrey reasons, ever the leader she walks on towards the park and the rest of you follow. You walk through a long dried creek bed and into the village setting, now that you have a closer look the buildings seem to have been Japanese inspired. "Maybe this place never opened because of cultural appropriation." Bentley clicks his tongue in mock disappointment and a little chuckle at his joke. 
"Shut up Bentley." The three of you say in unison.
The four of you walked around for a while just taking in everything, the buildings while old looking seemed to be in pretty decent shape and some even had little fountains that still had running water on the side of them. In the distance the sun was starting to set and you suggested heading back to the car so you wouldn't get lost on the way back. "Hang on y/n, there is still more to see. Worst case, we crash here tonight." Rosie replied. 
"Yeah worst case we sleep in an abandoned park in the middle of the woods where no one else knows where we are. That's a wonderful idea." You grumble back to her. You all continue deeper into the town until you smell fresh food wafting through the air and in perfect unison your friend's stomachs growl.
"Maybe this place isn't so dead after all, come on, that food smells amazing!" The three of them take off in the direction the smell is coming from and soon find a restaurant-like building filled with fresh hot food. "Hello! Is anyone here?!" Rosie yells out but gets no answer in return, "Must have just stepped out for a second." She says with a shrug, three of them sit down and start to fill plates with some of everything in their reach. "Guys I think we should wait till they come back, you can't just take this food it might be for something." Aubrey waves you off and stuffs a dumpling into her mouth, "We can pay them later, I have cash and Bentley has his family's card. You have got to try this y/n, this is the best food I have ever had in my life!" 
"No thanks, I'm gonna see if I can find the owner before we get in trouble." Walking off you hear your friends rave about the food as they cram it into their faces. The sun is setting below the trees, normally you would find the dusty oranges and pinks to be comforting but in a ghost town it gives you the creeps. You stop halfway on a bridge and look off into the distance, in the dusk the town was certainly pretty and you kind of wished you could have seen this place open. Lost in your own thoughts you don't hear the footsteps approaching you. 
"What are you doing here?" The question jolts you out of your zoning out and you turn around to find a man staring intently at you. His brown eyes almost glowed in the dim light and his short brown hair seemed to be slightly out of place. "You need to get out of here, now!" "Look if this is about the food I'm sorry but you don't need to yell at me, we can pay for it." 
"No that's not the… they're lighting the lanterns already. You need to get your friends and get across the river before it's dark. Go, now!" The strange man lunges at you and you bolt back the way you came from, you turn to see if the stranger is following you only to run flat into someone. You look up to apologize only to see a huge shadow creature, your heart stops when it growls at you and before it can grab your arm you duck around it and run as fast as you can. All around you more shadow creatures start to appear out of thin air as the once dead village comes to life, the darker it gets the more solid the beings become. 
After a final turn you arrive back at the restaurant only to find three massive pigs in place of your friends and before you can even understand what's happening a large frog-like man appears behind the tables and starts to wipe the pigs at the table. Once again you take off, screaming your friend's names as desperation fills you. By the time you reach the creek bed the sun has completely set and the only light comes from the lanterns from behind you. The once dried river is now filled with a fast current and while you were a strong swimmer you knew you couldn't make it across. Your knees buckle and you crash to the ground skinning your knee in the process and the pain only cements the fact that all this is real. Your friends are missing and you are stuck in this place that shouldn't exist. As the adrenaline wears off, tears start to roll down your face as the panic sets in, you go to wipe your face only to find that your hand is see through now. A full blown panic attack ensues as you watch your body start to fade away, shutting your eyes and wrapping your arms around yourself one last time, all you can think about is how your family would never know what happened to you. 
"You didn't make it across, you were so close." Your eyes snap open to see the man from the bridge and you try to stand up only for your legs to be cemented to their place. You reach out for his pants only for them to phase through him, "What's happening to me!!" you scream at him. The brunette kneels before you and pulls a little red pill out of his pocket. "Open, you need to take this before you disappear completely." You keep your mouth firmly shut not trusting the man before you, with a sigh he slips the pill into his mouth before pushing his lips against your own. His tongue pushes past your lips and forces the pill into your mouth and down your throat, he lingers longer than he needs to, probably just making sure you actually swallow it. By the time he pulls away your arms are no longer see through and you can feel your legs again, taking your hands in his he carefully pulls you to your feet. You open your mouth to question him when he suddenly pushes you against the wall, your face starts to heat up as his body pushes against you. After the initial shock wears off your eyes travel from his chest to search his eyes for any ill intent only to see that he wasn't even looking at you, instead his eyes were cast over his shoulder. 
"I'm sorry for your friends and I'm sorry you're stuck here. But we don't have time for me to explain, he knows there's a human here and he's looking for you. Hold onto me, I'll keep you safe." numb from everything you just nod and slip your small hand into his. 
In a flash the two of you are flying through the now crowded streets dodging every strange creature with grace. You glance up at the man next to you, his brows set in determination and he focuses on the route. Without warning he stops and you slam face first into his back, the two of you are standing behind a couple of bushes next to a bridge where dozens of monsters are crossing. "You need to take a deep breath and hold it until we cross over, it's very important that you don't exhale while we are crossing." 
"But why?" 
"When a human holds their breath on a crossway in our world they are invisible, if they see you they'll eat you. We have to go now, hurry, take your breath and stay close to me."
You take a huge gulp of air and grab his large sleeve and huddle close to him. The two of you make your way across the bridge to the massive, brightly light building ahead of you. Monsters of all shapes and sizes were flooding into the building. You pass one monster whose body was still a shadow but you could see that he was one of the more humanoid ones. His blonde hair was the only defined feature of his as his face was covered by a white and purple mask. Despite you still holding your breath you felt like he could see you, making you grip on your dark haired savior tighter. 
Your lungs and throat start to burn and your eyes water but you were nearly there, peeking up you see that at the entrance stands dozens of women whose heads were at least three times the size of a normal head. Their waving stops as they spot the man you are with and run over to him, they reach out to grab at his arms but he takes a step back shielding you from their accidental touches. "Master, you're back! We are so pleased to have you home, come in, come in!" They continue to crowd around you two stopping your journey and even though you try you can't stop yourself from taking a breath. The moment you do the women start to shriek as you start to materialize in front of their eyes, your savior lifts his hand and casts a spell on the women freezing them in place before taking your hand in his again and quickly leads you away. 
This time the two of you stop in a secluded garden area where he allows you to catch your breath before saying anything. "Those damn women, always clawing at me. You'd think by now they'd learn I'm not interested." From the inside of the building you hear people run around and start calling for the man, he looks up at the door and gives a tired sigh. "They're looking for me now, I need to go or else they'll find you too." Having finally caught your breath you apologize to him, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble like this, I just couldn't hold it anymore."
Turning back to you he pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear with a gentle smile on his face, "You did wonderful, I'm just sorry I couldn't have been more help. Now listen carefully, once things have calmed down go out that door and down the stairs to the boiler room. In there you'll find Hank the boiler man, you must get a job from him. He will try to send you away, trick you, but you can not leave until you get a job from him. That is the only way Elijah can't harm you." 
"Elijah? Who is he?" 
"He's the witch who runs the bathhouse, you'll meet him soon enough. I have to go now, be safe until we see each other again." Taking your hand in his for a final time he brings it to his lips and places a gentle kiss, he turns to leave only for you to grip his sleeve again. "Wait, you never told me your name."
He smiles softly at you, "It's Connor."
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barrysjumpsuit · 3 years
our little family - rafe cameron x barry
summary: while cleaning up after a storm, rafe and barry find a kitten, which barry insists they keep 
wc: 1.3k
warnings: drug use, profanity, soft barry, usual rarry stuff
a/n: pure unedited fluff
The most recent storm had been a big one.
The screened-in porch attached to Barry’s trailer was no match for it, nor were the tarps they had pinned up. Water had seeped into the ratty old carpet, and all the chairs left outside had been blown over. Thunder shook the building, Rafe unable to sleep despite Barry’s arm slung over him during the night. His boyfriend stirred early to find Rafe reading a book that laid on the nightstand in the dim light from the battery-powered push light above the bed.
“You better’ve not lost my spot, Cameron,” Barry murmured, tightening his grip on Rafe.
“I would never,” Rafe scoffed, flipping the book to show Barry’s bookmark – an old Dollar General receipt – sticking out from the middle of the book.
“Couldn’t sleep? Barry asked, his voice still tired. Rafe looked down at him; his hair was messy, his face still squished against the pillow, gazing up at Rafe with a small smile.
Rafe just shrugged, putting the book down. “It’s a lot louder here than at Tannyhill.”
He almost said home, but realized that Tannyhill never really felt like home. Home was here, in a torn-apart trailer that in all honesty should be condemned.
Damn, who would have seen that coming.
After laying in bed together for another half hour, Barry pushed himself up, rolling over to push aside the curtains to peek outside. Rafe had gotten up at the first light, looking outside to survey the damage before returning to bed. “It’s a mess outside,” he told Barry quietly.
“You got any plans today?” Barry grunted, flopping back down beside Rafe, who just shook his head. “Good, cuz I think we got some work to do today, cleaning up n shit.”
Rafe nodded, leaning down to kiss Barry’s forehead before they both got up.
“Fuckin’ hate this shit, man,” Barry grumbled as his bare feet hit the wet carpet. He pulled down the tarps to reveal the carnage that awaited them in the yard. Luckily, the sandy soil had meant that there weren’t any puddles or standing water (outside of inside the trailer, of course), but the wind had done most of the damage.
Their bikes had been spared in the makeshift “garage” they made, somehow still upright. Rafe followed Barry into the yard and he began cleaning up the trash and mess of outdoor furniture while Barry checked on his boat.
Once Barry was satisfied, he came to help Rafe move the old couch that sat outside beside the trailer to where it would get some sun and hopefully dry off before it was beyond saving. Barry pulled the cushions off, tossing them into the yard, before they each took a side.
With a slight grunt, they lifted the couch, shuffling to move it. Once they started moving it, a small orange shape darted out from underneath the couch and disappeared through a hole below the trailer.
“The fuck was that?” Rafe asked, as Barry dropped his side of the couch.
“You ain’t ever seen a cat before, homie?” Barry asked, dropping to his knees and then stomach to look underneath the trailer. “You got a flashlight?”
Rafe pulled out his phone, but it was dead. He went into the trailer and grabbed a flashlight that lived on the kitchen counter; he went back outside, handing it to Barry, who used it to look under the trailer. “Hey, lil guy.”
“You’re worried about a cat?” Rafe asked, squatting down beside Barry.
“Hell yeah I’m worried about a cat, you see them mice inside?” Barry grunted, crawling to stick as much of his body inside the hole as possible. Rafe could hear him talking to the cat, his words muffled before he called out louder. “Rafe, can you pull away this siding?”
Rolling his eyes, Rafe did as he was told, pulling back the flimsy siding. Barry immediately wriggled inside, just his bare feet sticking out.
“C’mere, little bastard,” Barry called in a sing-songy voice, and Rafe couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut your trap, country club,” his boyfriend shot back. “This guy’ll be more useful than you when it comes to the mice.”
“What do you mean?” Rafe whined, peering inside. He could see the kitten hunched defensively a few feet from Barry’s outstretched hand.
“Because you never check the traps!” Barry’s flashlight was in his mouth now, pinched between his teeth. “Come here, buddy.”
The cat – it was small, so it must be a kitten – took a hesitant step towards Barry’s outstretched hand. It looked scrappy and was soaking wet. It took another step, and then another, until Barry’s hand darted out to catch the kitten by the scruff of its neck.
Barry hauled it out, the kitten wailing pitifully, sitting upright after he wriggled back outside. The kitten scrabbled at the air with its little paws. “Go get a towel.”
“What am I, your bitch?” Rafe asked sarcastically.
“Uh, yeah. I thought we’ve been over that.” Rafe rolled his eyes while Barry held the kitten out towards him. “You wanna hold this thing instead?”
Obliging with a sigh, Rafe went back into the trailer and pulled out an old towel, returning to Barry who was talking to the kitten in a soothing voice.
“Why don’t you talk to me like that?” Rafe muttered, holding the towel out to Barry. The kitten squealed as Barry wrapped it up in the towel, vigorously drying it orange fur.
Barry spent the rest of the morning infatuated with the kitten. He took it inside, opening a can of tuna and putting it on a slightly damp paper plate. After some hesitation, the kitten took ravenous bites, before jumping up onto the couch, curling up, and falling asleep.
“Ridiculous,” Rafe muttered, sitting cross-legged at the coffee table, a fresh line in front of him while Barry gently ran his fingers over the kitten’s fur.
“What should we name it?” Barry asked, ignoring Rafe’s attitude.
“Well, is it a boy or a girl?” Rafe asked, and Barry just shrugged. “We keepin’ this thing?”
Barry scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You really are dumb, aren’t you?” he retorted, looking at Rafe. “He’s part of our little family now, whether you like it or not.”
Rafe was taken aback by Barry’s words. Our little family, he said. When he put it like that, Rafe knew he had to be on board with the kitten.
“Uh… Coors? Miller? Budweiser?”
“You’re shittin me, country club.”
“I don’t know!” Rafe protested. “I’ve never had a pet.”
“Nah? No purse dogs in the Cameron house?” Barry asked. Rafe stood with a grunt and went to sit beside Barry; the cat was taking up a whole cushion, so he crammed in next to his boyfriend, his body pressed against his. Barry snaked an arm around his waist. “What about… Socks?”
“You’re shitting me,” Rafe said, using Barry’s own words against him. “Socks?”
“Look, he’s got little white socks!” Barry exclaimed, pointing at the kitten’s four white feet.
It did fit, and when Rafe looked at Barry looking at the damn kitten with that much affection in his eyes, he couldn’t help but not smile.
Leaning to rest his chin on Barry’s shoulders, Rafe reached out to gently pet the kitten. It let out a small chirp and moved under his touch, stretching before curling into an even tighter ball.
Rafe murmured, close to Barry’s ear, his lips tickled by his hair. “Socks it is.”
tagging barry’s baddies @starkey-babie @hartigays @pxisonoak @maybanksslut @seap1geon @bigdrewenergy
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Power Over Me - 6
Bucky Barnes x Reader AU
Previous Parts
Run-through: CEO James Buchanan Barnes is a dominant. And he’s spent the last 5 years searching for his perfect submissive. Then one night, he finds you. He thinks everything will fall perfectly into place now; but he thought wrong. Turns out your unfortunate past which still haunts you to this day, and some of his enemies are, well, connected. Things go wrong. And your bond with your dom is tested in many ways…
Themes throughout the series: dom/sub dynamic, smut, dirty talk, angst, fluff, soft dom!bucky
a/n: *sigh* and here we are! This is the last part of the Power Over Me series. Thank you to everyone who loved and supported this series. And thank you for loving soft dom!bucky as much as I did! I love you guys!
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3 months later, you found yourself in a much better place.
You were in a much better mental space than you were on the day you left Bucky’s house. You weren’t broken in pieces anymore. You were healing just fine.
The memories still hurt. The betrayal and the lies hurt. And the heartbreak did as well. But none of those even came close to how much your heart hurt when it missed Bucky. You were hurt, but you still loved him. He had changed your life after all, he had gotten you out of a bad place. He showed you how to love again, how to trust. He catered to all your needs. He protected you.
He made you feel safe. But he also lied. And you found out in the most terrible way possible. After that day outside your work building, you never saw Thor again. Guess he had made a mess and had left your life for good this time – and you were thankful for that last part.
That evening, when you packed up some basic things and left Bucky’s house, you went straight to find a hotel room for the night. You still had your amazing job and enough money in your bank account to find a new place. A couple of hard and long days filled with tears later, you found yourself in a cozy little, not too expensive apartment, not too far from work.
You settled in just fine. You did contact the club and asked them if Bucky came by, looking for his money back. And they said no. You did try to pay them their money back still, in the fit of rage and heartbreak that you were in, but they refused to tell you how much he had paid for you initially and they didn’t want anything to do with you anymore. So you had no other choice than to let it go and forget about the club like it was a bad dream.
You settled into your new place over the week, and then Friday night in the first week you heard a knock at your door. You were in the shower so it took you a minute to get to the door. When you finally opened the front door however, you saw nothing but a folded piece of paper on the ground, and no one else was in sight.
Curious, you picked it up and closed the door behind you again. You opened the note and saw that it was in Bucky’s handwriting. Asking you to meet him at the bistro you always went for dinner on Friday nights. It had become a little ritual of yours.
You felt a pang in your chest.
You tore the paper apart bit by bit and then threw it in the trash. Then broke down crying on the floor. Why would he reach out if his love was fake and just for show? Why wouldn’t he just let you be? You loved him, despite how wrong his actions had been. But you didn’t go that night. Instead you curled up in your bed and let your tears fall until you fell asleep.
From then on, each Friday night, at around the same time you’d receive a knock on your door. And you’d open and you’d find a note on the floor at your door. Sometimes you’d open to see what it said, other times you just threw them all in the trash without even opening it.
It was always the same message. Asking you to meet him at the bistro. After the first month, you began questioning yourself. Should you have given him a chance to explain himself before you left that night?
Life went on. By the second month, you were back to being yourself again. You had friends, and you went out each weekend and had fun. Each time you were out though, you always kept an eye out for a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes. You often wondered, what would you do if you ever came across Bucky casually and unexpectedly on the streets one day?
Would you stop and listen to what he has to say? Would you pretend he’s just another face in the crowd? Or would you just glare at him and move on? Besides, why was he still trying? Couldn’t he see you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore?
Okay, that was a lie. You died a little each time you heard the knock at your door each Friday night. You couldn’t fight the need to be with him, despite how pissed you were. You wanted nothing more than to just be in his arms again. Or have him hold you in his bathtub again, and kiss you and tell you there’s nothing to worry about because he’s there for you.
Oh you missed him.
 Three months passed this way. Each Friday night you would receive the note – which you tore apart. And you thought that as time would go by, all of it would hurt less. It did. But as time went on, you missed Bucky more and more.
Until one day you hit your limit. That’s it, I’m going to that bistro.
You walked in through the doors and the memories came flooding back in. One of the main reasons why you and Bucky used to love this place is because it was very lowkey and quiet. Never crowded and it was very cozy. The little bell rang above you as you walked in.
You scanned the place, your heart racing and then you were sure your heart skipped a beat once you finally saw him. Bucky, in the furthest corner of the room.
He looked at you like he was witnessing a miracle. He was indeed, he had been trying for three months to get you to talk to him. He called when you first left, then you blocked his number after the first try. Then he had his people look for you because he was miserable and he had forgotten how to live without you. He ended up finding the address to your apartment, but he didn’t want to be pushy, or invade your privacy too much. So he figured a handwritten note would do.
Little did he know that three months later, the little note would in fact bring you to him. He was blown away when he saw you walk in. Little brown, body hugging dress, a tan coat, boots – simple but enough to make him want to get on his knees and beg you to come back to him again.
He noticed your hair was longer, it looked great. You wore red lipstick now, you never used to before.
“Bucky.” you were conflicted as you greeted him as politely as you could. There was a pain in your chest. Was it a wave of nostalgia or was it just your heart swelling up with happiness now that you’ve finally met the man you loved?
Hi baby… “Y/N, hi.” He stood up and walked over to pull back your chair for you, like he always did no matter where you went.
You sat down and watched him as he took a seat right across you. He had waited three months for this, he didn’t want to waste any more time. So he got right to it.
“I know you’re hurt. I just need to you listen to me, and then you can… leave if you want to. But I deserve a chance to explain myself.” He spoke, looking down at his folded arms on the tabletop. Okay, he did deserve one chance.
Only upon hearing his voice did you realize how much you had truly missed him. He looked, just as broken as you were. His hair was a little longer, curlier. His eyes were the same, just more tired. His facial hair seemed a little not so well groomed. But he looked good nonetheless.
“Okay. Go on.” You kept your replies short because that lump in your throat wouldn’t let you talk anyways.
He took a deep breath and began. “I’m sorry.” He paused. “I should apologize because what I did was wrong, and you didn’t deserve to find out that way. I should’ve been open and honest about it.” his words brought you back to that first discussion you had in his study that one night. “But my intentions weren’t as petty as you were made to think.”
You were quiet.
He shook his head slightly, thinking back on everything. “I was scared to tell you about the… deal I made with the club. I was scared because you were the most perfect thing in my life. And I was completely in love with you and I couldn’t risk losing you. I needed you way too much. Still do.”
He looked up to find you looking down at your lap. He continued. “When I saw you that night, at the club, I didn’t know you had been involved with Thor before, as his sub. I found out later, when you told me.” This made you look up at him.
He continued. “When I saw you that night I… my whole world changed. You were everything I was looking for. And I knew I had to take you home and keep you safe. I had to save you from that place, and from men like Thor.” He paused again, and exhaled loudly. “I never brought you home to show off to him, or as a trophy or whatever the hell he told you.”
His voice was calm still. Sincere, and he hoped to make you see his side of the story. Seeing you were still quiet, he continued talking. “Y/N, I love you. I love you more than I could ever put into words. And I’m sorry for not telling you sooner about what I did.” He paused. You couldn’t move your eyes away from his face. Oh Bucky…
“I thought you said we would tell each other things. Every little thing. Then how did you miss this, Bucky?” you spoke up finally. He hung his head low in shame. “This would’ve hurt much less if you had told me the truth on day one, rather than me finding out through Thor after I spent months loving you. Why did you have to hide such a thing?”
…I spent months loving you… “I was scared. I was scared that you would leave me. And back then I thought that when you do find out the truth one day, you would at least give me the chance to explain myself. Instead you just took off.” He sounded hurt. Then again, so were you.
You sighed, inching forward and making sure to keep your voice down. “I took off because I was heartbroken. And because I’ve been in that situation before where a man bought me and then fed me lies, I-,”
He cut you off. “I didn’t feed you lies! I-,”
You cut him off then. “I’m not done yet.”
He was quiet after that.
“As I was saying, I left because I didn’t know what else I should do. I felt betrayed, Buck. My past hasn’t been easy and you know it.” your words hurt him. “I thought… I didn’t…” you trailed off then took a deep breath and continued, “I couldn’t go through it. Not again. I had just been told that the man I love bought me just to assert dominance over his rival. What would you do, huh?” you waited.
He sighed. “Why did you have to believe him?” he asked, his voice a little shaky.
You scoffed. “I had no other choice. His words made sense at the time, and I was vulnerable and he knew just what to say to break me down. Besides, you had been lying to me, hiding the truth this whole time and Thor, despite being a pure evil person, was the one who told me the truth.” You paused, letting him feel the hurt that you felt that day, three months ago. “I had no other choice but to believe him.”
Bucky was quiet for a little while. Then he spoke up. “Do you forgive me? Don’t I deserve a second chance to make things right?” he asked.
You did forgive him. He did deserve a second chance. But…
You sighed. “Buck, if I go through something like that again, it will kill me.” You referred to the heartbreak.
Bucky reached out and grabbed your hand and held it in his. This was the first time in three months that he touched you, and it nearly made his eyes water. Fuck, he missed you. “Babe, this is you and I we’re talking about. You and I have a special bond.” He looked you right in the eyes as he spoke. “You are the love of my life, and nothing will ever change that.” he said, meaning each word. I love you, damn it!
I love you too…
“Buck…” you trailed off, not knowing what to say. You wanted so desperately to hold on to him. You lowered your eyes immediately, fearing you might start tearing up.
He let go of your hand for a brief moment, reached into the inside pocket of his coat and pulled out a long, rectangular box. “Come home. Come back to me, please.” He pushed the box towards you and you knew immediately what it was.
His collar.
Bucky had kept it of course, both the collar and the ring. But he decided not to bring up the ring just yet, one step at a time.
You looked down at the black box with a little bow on it. Your hands itched to touch it. You had missed it, missed having it around your neck. You missed how you used to wear it so proudly – proud that you were his. Bucky’s.
Bucky watched how you hesitated. You didn’t even open the box. Then you looked up at him and he caught the look in your eyes. Oh no…
“Bucky, I, um…” you trailed off, not knowing how to word it properly.
No. No. No. “You found another dom?” he asked, getting protective out of habit. You shook your head at him and sighed.
“He’s not a dom.” You answered. Bucky’s world came crashing down a second time. Oh fuck no…
“Who is he, then?” he asked, not caring of he sounded a little pissed off. How could you… just move on?
You shifted in your seat. “His name’s Steve. I met him recently, through a co-worker.” You answered, taking it slow.
I don’t care. I don’t care. You can’t be with someone else, you’re mine. Bucky’s inner thoughts were haunting him as you spoke.
“I decided to take a break from… all that, and try something a little more lowkey and normal this time. Steve and I are… supposed to be going out tomorrow.” You didn’t know why you felt guilty for saying so.
“Do you like him?” he asked, ready to punch that fucker already.
You chuckled dryly. “I met him once. We’ve been texting and stuff, and I don’t know what you and I are anymore so…” you trailed off. Once you said it out loud, you realized that you didn’t. You didn’t like Steve. No. You loved Bucky. You were just trying to forget him, but you couldn’t.
That’s why you agreed on going on a date with Steve in the first place – to try and forget Bucky, to try and move on. But now that you were here, in front of him with his collar which meant so much to you, right in front of you; you realized that you could never love another man as much as you loved Bucky.
“Oh.” Bucky was hurt and he didn’t even try to hide it. He didn’t know what hurt more; that you rejected his collar, or that you were trying to date other people and didn’t need him as your dom anymore. He chuckled, feeling sorry for himself. “Well, look who’s breaking my heart?” he tried to turn it into a joke but couldn’t.
No. I’m not, I still love you. I love you more than anything, Buck please…
“Bucky, I-,”
He cut you off. “No, it’s okay. You’re not wrong. It’s just that, I thought that you and I…” he trailed off. I thought that you and I would end up together like we promised. I thought we would get married and have a family like I always dreamt of. I thought that I would retire and raise our kids with you, in our home. He couldn’t stay any longer. “I gotta go, I guess.” He got up to leave and you were frozen in place.
Don’t go, I love you. Don’t go. “Bucky, the collar…” you wondered if he would take it with him, or would he just leave it here with you.
He sighed, chuckled and looked down at you. You remained seated as he took a step away from the table, ready to leave. “Throw it away on your way out. I… I can’t keep it.” he swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. He instinctively reached out and gently touched your face, grazing your skin with his knuckles. “Thank you for meeting me, and listening to me.”
Then he left. And you didn’t stop him, you were still processing all of it.
Bucky spent the entire night and the following day drowning in his sadness, lying on the bed which used to be yours, desperately holding on to all that he still had left of you. He shed tears last night, after he left the bistro. But now, he was just too weak to even cry.
He was broken.
You were in no better shape. After Bucky left, you picked up the collar and made your way to your apartment. You didn’t throw it, you couldn’t. Once you got home, your hands were a little shaky as you put the collar on and stood in front of the mirror.
Oh Bucky… I miss you.
 Saturday evening, Bucky heard a knock at the front door. He lazily walked downstairs and opened the door to reveal someone he least expected.
You looked up at him. Red, watery eyes. His sweater was all wrinkled and his hair was a mess. You weren’t in that great of a shape either to be honest. He looked right at you until he finally realized that this wasn’t his mind playing tricks on him. It was actually you.
He wanted to just pulled you inside and give you a tight hug and never let you go again but he waited.
“Hi.” You said, surprisingly, sounding less hurt than you did at the bistro the previous night.
Bucky kept quiet. He frowned a little, remembering clearly that you said you were gonna go out today with what’s his name. “Don’t you have a date to go on to with your little boyfriend?” he sounded like a pissed off, middle aged dad.
You sighed, rolling your eyes and lowering them down because they began watering already. “I met the guy once. He’s not my boyfriend.” You paused and stepped forward just a little. You needed to be close to him so badly. “Besides, I had to come home to you.” you said and it broke him again. But in a good way this time.
You kept your eyes down and continued. “I realized last night that no matter how angry I am, no matter how much I try to move on or forget, no matter where I’ll go, I’ll always need you. I’ll always be yours, because… because I love you, Buck.” you bit your lip and held back a sob.
He couldn’t resist pulling you into his arms any longer. “Baby, come here,” he pulled you inside and closed the door behind you and gave you a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around his torso, tightening your grip around him as you pushed your face into his chest and cried.
“I love you, Buck.” you sobbed. “I love you so much. Please don’t let me go.” Your tears wet his clothes but he didn’t mind. You were here now, you were with him and all was well.
“I know, baby. I love you. And I’m never letting you go.” He cooed, kissing the top of your head. “You’re home now, it’s okay.” He tried to calm you down when he himself held back his tears.
You pulled away to look up at him with tears staining your cheeks. He wiped them all away and gave you a kiss on the forehead. “Don’t worry baby, I’m here.” He cooed and kissed down your damp cheek and down your neck. Then he noticed you were wearing his collar again and something in his shifted naturally. “You’re wearing my collar again.” he noted, holding your chin gently.
You nodded. You hadn’t taken it off since last night to be honest. Bucky gave you a look, one you understood all too well. And just like that, it felt like you two hadn’t spent three months apart.
“Would you want to go to my playroom, Y/N?” he asked, using his dom voice that you had missed so much.
“Yes, sir.” You answered, without hesitation.
 And that’s how you found yourself in Bucky’s playroom, cuffed to the big X-cross on the side of the room. He tied each one of your wrists and ankles to each end of the cross. He left your waist unrestrained and something told you he wanted you bound and restrained, but he also wanted to see you squirm. He had you blindfolded and you were left in suspense as he moved around the room.
You could hear him pick up things here and there. You could hear his footsteps getting closer then moving away again.
He finally approached you and gently touched your cheek. Your heart raced in anticipation. “Keep your safe words in mind, Y/N. I will not push your limits too much, however, you will not cum without my permission. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” Oh how you had missed that voice of his.
“Do you know why you are here, Y/N? Why I’m having to correct your behavior?” he asked again, and this time you couldn’t tell if he was close by or far away because your own heartbeats rang in your ears.
You worded out your answer as best as you could, despite the nervousness and excitement, and impatience. “Because I left, sir. And because I chose to believe Thor and I got carried away by my emotions. I didn’t give you a chance to tell your side of the story. I should’ve trusted you and known that you would never do anything to hurt me, sir.”
Hmm. Bucky toyed with the suede flogger in his hand. Good enough baby, but…
You waited. He didn’t say anything, instead you just received a smack across the chest with what you knew to be the suede flogger. You gasped, not expecting it. It didn’t hurt that much, it tingled around your erected nipples.
“You’re right. But not entirely.” He spoke and you heard him step aside and you knew he went to pick something up. He approached you again. He stepped closer than where he stood earlier. You felt his warm breath right in between your breasts as he kissed his way up to your neck while positioning a plug right at your puckered hole.
You felt the coldness of the lube and the size of the plug as he pushed it more and more inside you. His lips brushed along your throat as he spoke up again, “Those aren’t the only reasons you’re here, Y/N.” pushed the plug further into you. Your body welcomed it in, desperate to fill the void. Any void, by anything. You relaxed your body as much as you could. But Bucky was making it hard.
He nibbled and kissed right at your most sensitive spots along your neck, whispering as he went. “You are here because you didn’t hear me out.” he managed to get the entire toy in you and his hand pulled away from you. But not his lips, they kept trailing along your throat and collar bones as he spoke.
“You’re here because I love you more than anything in this world and beyond. But you ignored all the love I gave you.” he paused, sucking on your skin before letting it go. “You’re here because you dared to even question the love I have for you.” he kissed along your jaw. “You’re here because in the past three months, there wasn’t a day where your memories didn’t torment me until I broke down completely.”
He kissed down to your breasts again. His words and the softness of his lips were making you lose your mind already. “I begged for you to come back. I was on my knees, screaming your name,” he kissed his way back up to your ear and nibbled on your earlobe, “but you never came back to me.” He purposely brushed his lips against your own. “You’re here because you abandoned me when I needed you the most.” He repeated. “I needed you, Y/N, and you weren’t here because you chose to believe a vile person over me.”
You were breathless and needy by the time he pulled away from you. “Sir, I’m sorry…” You whined. And you earned yourself another smack in between your legs by the flogger. You whimpered, you had forgotten about the plug. But the tingles left behind by the flogger reminded you that it was there, stretching you out, filling you up; snug and deep inside you.
Bucky chuckled, lifting his hand up and gently touching your lips with his finger. He circled your mouth, tracing it softly then dragged that finger down your neck, and in between your breasts and down your stomach and finally, he slipped it in between your legs. He toyed with your folds, his finger parting them with ease. You were soaking wet. “Sorry doesn’t make it better.” He whispered. “You were even on the verge of dating someone else, weren’t you?” He approached you, teasing your entrance with his finger. You moaned, squirming already. “Tell me, would you let him to all this to you?” his voice was deeper, dripping with lust.
You were quick to respond. “No, sir. I would not.”
Hmm. He tortured you even more by just gently pressing his finger against your entrance. You squirmed again, whining with your lips parted. “Would you let him touch you?” Bucky’s lips touched your skin again, near your ear where he whispered, “Would you let him please you? And do all the things that I do to you, huh?” he asked, taunting you. He knew damn well no one could ever satisfy you like he could.
“No sir, please...” you begged, whining.
He chuckled again, finally slipping his finger inside you. Then added another, stretching you out at the same time as the plug. Bucky curled his fingers and stroked you gently. You moaned out loud, squirming and tugging onto the cuffs as his brief touch sent electricity coursing through your veins. “You see? Your body remembers me, Y/N. It knows it belongs to me, and no one,” he leaned in closer to your ear, “No one at all, can touch it. You’re mine, you hear me?”
Oh fuck… “Yes, sir.” You were breathless, and you whined in discontent as he removed his fingers from you, mercilessly. Smack. Smack. You felt the suede flogger against your body again, on your stomach and your breasts this time.
“What color?”
“Green, sir.”
You were dripping already, legs shaking with how wonderful the plug felt but also because you craved him. His touch. You received a few more smacks from the flogger, then he got rid of it. He stepped closer to you on the cross again, his lips brushing faintly against your own as he spoke. “Do you know how miserable I was without you?” he asked, catching you off guard with how soft and quiet he sounded. Which was immediately followed by, “Would you like me to show you?”
You gasped, trembling. His words alone made you almost start to moan like a man woman. “Yes, sir.”
He stepped away. You relied on your hearing to make out where he was, or what he was picking up to punish you with. And then you heard it, the buzzing sound of the vibrator. Bucky walked over to you and placed it in between your legs; right on top of your entrance. You whined immediately as it made contact with your body.
The vibrations reverberated throughout your entire body, making you squirm and tug on the cuffs. You threw your head back and whimpered as he wiggled the wand a little and making you whine louder. You felt your body clench around the plug as he teased you.
“I missed you so much.” He said, softly as he pressed the vibrator further against you, mercilessly. Please…please…please you silently begged. “Do you know how that felt?” he asked, his voice calm but taunting. You didn’t answer, you couldn’t focus on anything. You involuntarily moved your body forward; against the vibrator. Bucky noticed, and he lifted the vibrator off you; denying you even a bit of release. You trashed around and squirmed, moaning again. “This is how it felt.” He hissed right in your ear.
You were still recovering from your denial when you felt a loud smack right on your thigh. You recognized that it was his riding crop. You yelped, not expecting it. He trailed the tip of the riding crop from your thigh, up to right in between your legs and gave you a little smack there, making you cry out again before he brought it up all the way to your breast.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Smack. You yelped. Bucky stepped closer and tilted your head back and kissed you deeply. More like invaded your mouth like he owned it; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth like it was nothing. You whimpered as he pulled away despite knowing you wanted more. “It’s so frustrating to want something so terribly, then just have it snatched away from you so mercilessly, isn’t it, Y/N?”
You earned yourself a spank right in between your legs when you didn’t reply. Your body clenched around the plug again, you moaned wantonly. “Answer me.” He sounded a little more stern.
“Yes it does, sir. Please…” you begged. He didn’t say anything. Instead, you felt the vibrator being pressed against your clit again.
Bucky pressed the vibrator further against your core, making you drip even more and moan louder, making you squirm and making your body beg for him. “I was yearning for you, my little pearl.” He sounded soft and quiet again. His actions anything but. He wiggled the wand around and make you scream louder. “I was alone. Broken and empty. I needed you but you weren’t here.” He moved the toy from between your legs, trailing it up your body, circling your erected nipples with the tip of the wand and then back down to where you craved it the most.
You were sure if it weren’t for the blindfold, you would have tears streaming down your face by now.
“Sir, please… I’m sorry. I should’ve stayed and listened. We could’ve worked it out.” You were breathless and whimpering. Bucky hummed at your response but then kept toying with you.
For quite a while, he kept at it. You begged him incessantly, but he denied you each time. He teased you and denied you your release like he owned your very being. Your pleas were incessant, and wanton. But he still wouldn’t give in. He kept going until your body trembled against the big cross. Until your pleas became incoherent, and your spit trailed down your chin. You were a mess.
He removed the vibrator off your body abruptly, deciding he had messed with you enough. You whined again at the loss of contact. No... please…
“Sir, please…”
You heard him carelessly throwing the wand and the other equipment on the bed before stepping closer to you. “It’s okay angel, I’m here now.”
You felt him kiss his way down your body; starting from your neck all the way down to your legs, where he untied your ankles. He kissed up your thighs again, then pulled the plug out making you squirm. Your wrists were both still cuffed to the cross as he lowered his pants, picked your legs up and wrapped them around his waist. His cock briefly brushed against your wet folds in the process and you whimpered.
“What color, Y/N?”
“Green.” Oh fuck… please.
Bucky had done his waiting, months of it. Now all he wanted was you. To remind you that you belong with him. All he wanted was to hear you scream as he makes you cum around him. So he wasted no time in aligning his throbbing tip to your dripping wet entrance.
He pushed himself into you; stretching you out. His nails digging into your skin as he held you by your hips, as he filled you up like always; making you whine and moan as he went. You were both gasping by the time he filled you up entirely. “You’re mine.” he growled in your ear. “Tell me.” He stayed still, allowing himself to feel your walls clenching around his cock. “Tell me you’re mine.”
You whined. Oh fuck… “I’m yours, sir please...”
Bucky started rocking in and out of you, without wasting any time. You felt all of him; your walls clenched around his thick cock as he started out with slow strokes and then gradually sped up into you. “You’re not going anywhere, you hear me?” he asked. And you nodded pathetically.
You felt all of him, the bumpy and the velvety skin of his length. He felt incredible as he stroked your walls with his pulsating cock. You were a moaning mess in no time. “Promise you’re never gonna leave me.” He hissed, speeding up into you, absolutely fucking you into the wall behind you.
You whined like a desperate brat. “I promise, sir…” you didn’t even know if you made sense anymore. Because in your head you didn’t. All you could think of was his cock, and how well it filled you up. He pushed his head into the crook of your neck and swore under his breath.
He fucked you relentlessly; earning more and more moans out of you each time his cock stroked your walls. You soon felt the familiar pressure forming; pressing inside you as the familiar warmth spread all over your body. You moaned wantonly.
Bucky nibbled at the skin under your ear and you lost all control you had left; your mind a foggy mess. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he buried himself completely in you, and he soon quickened his pace; earning even more moans and mewls from you.
He pounded into you as fast as he could. He moaned right into your ear and the sound sent shivers down your back like it always did. “You’re all mine!” he growled again, biting down on your skin.
Your legs started to shake around him as he quickened his pace; pounding into you relentlessly. The pleasure built nicely as he took you higher… and higher… and higher.
“Sir, may I please cum?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You were so thoroughly fucked out you could barely talk properly.
“Yes, angel. Cum for me, cum all over my cock…” he breathed into your ear. You couldn’t hold back anymore. So, you came undone around his cock; screaming. Walls clenching around him. Bucky’s thrusts became irregular and slower as he came right after you did, cock throbbing against your pulsating walls; moaning out loud when he felt your walls pulsating violently around him, both of you gasping for air.
“I love you, baby.” he said, breathless just as you.
“I love you more.” you responded.
 Your mind was hazy from there on. And you were only able to reorient yourself once he pulled you into his lap in the bathtub; both of you surrounded by warm water. And once you did, tears began escaping your eyes again.
“Are you okay, my little pearl?” he asked, tightening his arms around you.
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled, hugging him tighter. He kissed the top of your head.
“It’s okay baby. Don’t apologize. We’ll heal, both of us. And we’re gonna be okay, together.” He cooed, stroking your hair gently. You placed a soft kiss on his chest.
“I was so rash, and unfair.” You argued, softly as you pulled away from his chest.
He smiled at you, cupping your face. “You were angry and hurting, baby. You had every right to be. I messed up by not telling you the truth sooner. I should’ve be honest from the start.” He said, looking you deep in the eyes.
“I should’ve stayed. Just to give you a chance to explain yourself.” you argued back.
He shook his head. “You were protecting yourself from being hurt again. It’s okay, babe. We’re okay, look.” He leaned in to give you a deep kiss, proving to you that there was no hard feeling between you two anymore. He kissed down your neck, gently and you noted that your collar was off again. You smiled.
“I love you, Buck.” you said again. You would say it a thousand time but it still wouldn’t do justice to how much love you had for this man.
“I love you too, baby.” he kissed your forehead. “Tell me something,” he sat straighter with you still in his lap, “When you’re ready, and when we’ve both healed completely, and when I’ve made up for the mess I made,” he paused, “one day, you will marry me, right?”
You chuckled, leaning in to cup his face and kissed him on the nose. “I will.” you hugged him again, tighter this time. “Why do we always have these serious talks in bathtubs?”
He laughed. “I love you so much.” He mumbled against your neck. You said you loved him back, and Bucky could feel his heart healing already. And yours was too. This was all you both needed; each other.
It’s true then, huh. Bucky thought.
There was this thought in his head, which haunted him during the time that you were away from him these past three months. Turns out, it wasn’t haunting him – it was just a reminder. That at the end of the day, he was lost without you. He was incomplete without you. He’d even go to say that he needed you a tad bit more than you needed him.
It’s you, baby. It’s always been you.
His inner voice spoke up again as he held you in his arms in that bathtub, wondering if he’ll ever have enough time in this lifetime to even show you just how much you mean to him. He knew then, that instead of being the other way around all along, it was always you who had power over him.
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
under the stars- t. konecny
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travis konecny x f!reader 
warnings~ smut, swearing, alcohol consumption
summary~ travis fucked up, but he is going to make it better. 
genre~ angst to fluff
word count~ 2.4k
valentine’s week masterlist
main masterlist 
Everyone knew of Travis and his playboy reputation. You especially knew. Everytime you were about to go exclusive with him, suddenly he was interested in someone else. As much as Nolan loved Travis; Nolan couldn’t let you live like that. Nolan could see how hurt you were, when Travis had his arms wrapped around another girl. He advised you to just let Travis go, but something in you wouldn’t let that happen. When you were finally able to forget about Travis and his compelling ways, he was at your door begging for another chance. You always ended up giving him another chance.
Want to go stargazing with me? Travis texted you at one am. You knew you should say no, but you couldn’t ever seem to say no.
Sure you texted back keeping it simple.
I’ll pick you up in 10 he had texted back after a minute.
You jumped out of bed and changed from your pajamas to some leggings and a sweatshirt that probably belonged to Travis is a previous lifetime. Waiting patiently on your couch, you noticed his headlights turn into your driveway. Before he even had a chance to text you, you were out the door with your bag. You had brought a blanket, water bottle, and some snacks to share.
Good morning!” you chirped as you climbed into his truck. “Your coach is not going to like you being out at 1 am.”
“Hopefully, he never finds out. Are you going to tell him, Sweetheart?” Travis’ eye briefly met yours, before going back to the road.
“My lips are sealed.” you faked zipping up your lips by running your pinched fingers along your mouth. Travis just chuckled and grabbed your hand with the one that wasn’t on the steering wheel.
“What have you been up to?” Trvais asked when he finally found a place to park.
“Just the same old stuff.” you shook off the question. You got out the truck, and laid your blanket out in the bed of the truck. The fall air was cool, and the stars were shining bright. They looked like diamonds. Travis pulled you into him, as you both just stared at the sky.
“Everytime I see you, I’m blown away by your beauty.” Travis whispered into your ear, as he hugged you closer.
“I bet you are.” you dismissed him. Sinking into his body. It’s always like this, but you were going to savor the good moments.
“I really am.” Travis concluded and you decided not to answer. He sat up and jumped out of your makeshift bed. You looked up at him confused when he took your hands, and tried to pull you out as well.
“What the hell are you doing, Travis?” you asked, confused.
“Come dance with me.” he simply said, as if he did this all the time. In reality Travis never wanted to dance with you. He barely wanted to show he knew you in public. Nevertheless, you got out the truck and let him sway you under the stars. Travis was staring at you, but you just kept your head tucked on his shoulder. Suddenly he started kissing your neck and you knew what he wanted. He only called you to be his booty call. You should’ve known. Travis was now kissing up your jaw, and found your sweet spot making you gasp out.
“Wanna take this to the backseat?” Travis asked, looking into your eyes, and you nodded. You couldn’t say no to him. He was your kryptonite. He opened the door for you, and you climbed in. You started taking off your shirt for him, and he was taking off his jeans. You hadn’t worn a bra, and you saw the hunger grow in his eyes when he noticed. “You are gorgeous.” he mumbled out as he started kissing your breasts. His tongue was working on your left nipple, as his fingers were playing with your right nipple. You were a moaning mess. You saw him growing in his boxers, and you were ready for him. He knew your body was ready for him, but he wanted to play with you for a little while longer.
“Travis I want your dick.” you moaned out.
“Patience, Sweetheart.” Travis grumbled out, but moved to take off your leggings. He felt all the blood rush to his dick, when he saw you red thong. He pulled it off of you as fast as he could in the backseat of a truck. Then he got his boxers off, and rolled on the condom that was in his jean pocket. “You are so wet for me.” Travis stated the obvious as his finger found your pussy. You were bucking your hips into his finger wanting more friction. “I told you to be patient.” Travis reminded you as he pushed your hips back down.
“Please, Travis, give me more.” you whined out into the heavy air. Without warning, Travis slammed his penis into you. Stretching you in a way, no one else has. “Travis! Fuck!” you yelled out.
“You take my dick so well, Princess.” Travis praised you. “Do you like taking my dick?”
“Yes! Yes! I love taking your dick!” you were a hot mess, and he loved seeing you like this. Your hair was big and you were falling apart under him. Travis was slamming into you so hard you could feel the truck moving back and forth.
“Look how hot you are. Taking me so well.” Travis kept praising you as you were both getting sweaty.
“I’m going to cum.” you warned, and when Travis heard that his fingers went straight to your clit. He was pinching it and rolling it, getting you screaming even louder. You tightened around him, and he helped you through your orgaism. You were panting, but Travis was still chasing his high.
“I’m getting close. You are doing so well, Sweetheart.” Travis admitted, and you mustered enough strength to tighten around him. That did it for him, and he exploded into the condom. He pulled out of you, and tied off the condom throwing in an old grocery sack he used as a trash bag. “That was amazing.” He praised you one lat time.
“Yeah, it was.” you agreed with him. You promptly start getting dressed again. you didn’t know how much longer you could do this. You were Travis’ secret booty call. That was a tough pill for you to swallow. “Do you even want to be in a relationship with me?” you quietly asked, nervously.
“Oh come on,” Travis scoffed out, “Don’t ruin the moment.” you stated quiet for a couple minutes as Travis was still getting his head in order from the mind-boggling orgaism you gave him.
“Can you take me home?” you asked even quieter. He obviously only wanted sex from you, and you needed to get out of the car before you started crying.
“y/n, don’t do this.” Travis signed.
“Just take me home, Travis. Please.” you pleaded with him, and he huffed as he got himself dressed. You were packing up the back of the truck. He was in the driver's seat when you got back into the truck.  
The car ride back to your house was awkward. The radio was the only thing to be heard. When you got home you broke down. How could you be so foolish to think he wanted something from you? You ended up crying yourself to sleep, and slept most of the next day away. You didn’t even bother to try and catch the game on TV, but knew they won when Nolan texted you asking for you to come out with the team. You didn’t want to see Travis, but you wanted to find someone else to fill the void he left.
You got into your best outfit, and did your hair and makeup. You tried telling yourself that you weren’t doing this for Travis, but even you didn’t quite believe it. Nolan picked you up, on his way to the bar.
“How are you?” Nolan asked as soon as you got into the car.
“I’m doing fine.” you stated, but Nolan gave you a look. He didn’t even believe you. “I’m fine, Nolan.” you said again with more force in your voice, and Nolan let the conversion go.  
“Travis had been a wreck. Showing up to practice late and tired, almost got himself scratched.” Nolan quietly said.
“I don’t care.” you lied. You really did care about Travis. That's why you had put up with his fuckboy attitude for as long as you did.
“You do.” Nolan stated the obvious, “Travis is just scared of commitment. He really does love you. He’s just worried about fucking it up.”
“He fucked it up, even if he didn’t mean to.” you stated. “But tonight I am going to be leaving with someone that isn’t Travis.”
You and Nolan had made it to the bar, where the rest of the guys were. You went straight to the bar, before even looking at them. When your eyes found Travis, you were surprised to find his arms empty. He wasn’t flirting with anyone, which was weird for him. He shyly waved to you, and you turned back to the bar not wanting to talk to him. He got the hint and left you alone for most of the night.
The air was too stuffy, and you needed a break from everything. You were leaning against the outside wall. “Hey, you okay?” when you turned your head to the side and found Carter Hart, the rookie goaltender.
“I think so.” you mumbled out.
“Bars not your thing?” Carter asked, and you scoffed out a laugh.
“You could say that,” you replied, “It’s proving to be increasingly difficult to avoid someone.”
“So your hiding?” Carter clarified.
“I guess I am.” you concluded, and just then Travis walked out the door, with no girl in his arms. “Fuck. Speaking of the devil.” you mumbled.
“Oh shit. You’re Konecny’s girl?” Carter asked.
“I am not Konecny’s girl.” you clarified. You saw the hurt that flashed in Travis’ eyes, but decided he was worthy of feeling that pain.
“Can I talk to you, y/n?” Travis asked, “Alone.” Travis waved off Carter. Carter left with no problem, and you cursed under your breath.
“What do you want, Konecny?” you sharply asked him.
“I want to ask for your forgiveness. I fucked up. Really badly. I was leading you on, and that was unfair of me. I truly do love you. I’m just not that good at showing it.” Travis pleaded with you. You glared up at him, but you saw the sadness in his eyes, and knew he was telling the truth.
“You really hurt me.” you confessed with tears in your eyes.
“I know. Please let me make it up to you.” Travis' eyes were also glossy. You just nodded, and his face exploded into a smile. “y/n l/n will you please go on a date with me?” Travis asked you.
“Travis Konecny, I would love to go on a date with you.” you smiled, when his smile got even bigger, which you didn’t even know was possible. With the light music coming from the bar, Travis dragged you off the wall and swayed with you under the stars. Just like he did a couple days ago, but this time it was in public. Travis leaned down to kiss you, and the kiss was sweet. He barely tasted like alcohol, which made you more confident. You now knew for sure that was him talking, not the alcohol. When he pulled back, he just let your forehead rest on each other.
Travis picked you up the next Friday night for your date. He was dressed up in a suit you’ve never seen him wear, making you think he went out and bought it. You had on a red dress, and did your hair and makeup. You felt beautiful and confident. Travis knocked on your front door, and led you to his truck. Then he opened the door for you helping you up into it. Everything was going great. He even let you play your music from the aux cord.
The restaurant he took you to was nothing less than fancy. There was chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and there were candles on the table. Everything was so romantic. You insisted on paying for your meal, but Travis was having none of that. He insisted that it would just be ungentlemanlike to let you pay, and you rolled your eyes.
After dinner, Travis asked if he could blind fold you. You were skeptical, but trusted him. He was driving through winding paths, and after what felt like ten minutes, Travis stopped the truck. He killed the engine, and opened your door for you. When he had you take off the blindfold, he had his arm wrapped around your waist. “This is where I go to just get away from everything.” he explained. Travis had taken you to his hiding spot. The spot was up on a hill, and overlooked Philly. All the lights were shining. When you looked over at Travis you found him already looking at you.
“It's beautiful.” you mumbled.
“Yeah it is.” He agreed but didn’t even look away from you. You stood on your tiptoes, and he leaned down to let your lips meet in a kiss. After the kiss, Travis got a blanket that was in his backseat, and laid it out on the ground. He sat down and you followed suit. He held you as he told you stories about his family and hockey teammates. Travis was letting you in, and you couldn’t be happier.
“I love you, Travis Konecny.” you interrupted his story, about something Nolan had done on their most recent road trip.
“I love you too, y/n l/n.” Travis said back. Leaning down to kiss you again. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” you said. As you laid under the stars, you couldn’t help but fall even more in love with Travis Konecny, and he couldn’t help but fall more in love with you.
141 notes · View notes
Smooth Operator (Rewritten)
So, yeah. I decided to rewrite Smooth Operator because I didn’t like how it was written. Here’s how I think it should’ve played out. I hope you like it!
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It was dark, cold, and frightful. A lock of red hair whooshes by as a hooded figure rushes through the bushes. They had just had an encounter with a terrifying creature and they were trying to get out of the forest as fast as they could. Little did they know that they would soon stumble upon Queen Poppy and the other TrollsTopians, who were getting ready to play a wonderful round of Glitter Ball.
“Ok, for my team, my third first pick will be... Dante!” Poppy smiled as she pointed towards the Classical ambassador. Honored to be chosen, Dante smiled and bowed to the crowd before floating over to join the queen and the rest of her teammates.
The hooded figure then heard the voices and began to creep closer, their eyes squinting as they tried to remain mysterious. Slowly lifting up their hood, a scarlet red mustache began to appear...
Val Thundershock was also on the Glitter Ball field, assembling her team for the game to come. But then she took notice of the mysterious troll in the shadows and, like always, began to be suspicious. Who was this troll? What did they want? Were they a threat to the society that she and the other ambassadors worked hard to build up? “And my fourth first pick will be... the mysterious figure in the shadows.” She concluded, motioning to the figure. Confused, everybody turned around to look at the stranger that had been eavesdropping on their conversations. Knowing they had been spotted, the troll stepped forward and slowly took off their hood to reveal... my word! It was the seductive siren, the sultry-silked, the devilishly divine god of romance himself... Chaz Deveaux!
Chaz calmly smiled at the crowd, seemingly not alarmed at all by the fact that his cover was just blown by a keenly-eyed Val. Why should he be afraid? He knew what TrollsTopia was all about due to the fliers that Poppy had sent out a few weeks ago. This was finally his chance to find a family! People who would accept him for who he was! No more running, no more hiding, no more drowning in a sea of loneliness and resentment due to his ex-boyfriend dumping him for something that he couldn’t control. It all ended today.
The crowd gasped along with Poppy, who couldn’t believe that one of the bounty hunters whom she had encountered back when Queen Barb had her famous world tour managed to find their way into her beloved city! “Chaz? The Smooth Jazz troll?” She asked, in complete disbelief.
“That’s my name, darling.” Chaz calmly responded, raising an eyebrow in a curious manner. “Why are you so surprised? Was it not you who summoned me with this flier?” He asked, pulling out the piece of paper. Poppy gently took it from his hands, giving it a thorough read before her face lit up with glee. “Oh, you found it! I was worried that we’d have to use one of our scouts to track you down ourselves, but this is way easier! Yes, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. Our city is expanding but I’ve noticed a lack in diversity of music. I was wondering if maybe... you would like to join our entourage? Come live with us in TrollsTopia, Chaz!” Poppy smiled, her eyes sparkling.
Val, extremely confused by Poppy’s optimism, got in between the two of them and looked the pink cupcake-lover in the eye. “Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Poppy, aren’t you going to tell us who this is? Where did he come from, what’s with his hair, and why does he have two tigers following him around?” She asked, motioning to the two tigers that were sitting besides Chaz.
“I am Chaz Deveaux. I’m half-Classical and half-Pop. My hair is naturally like this, but I do make my own conditioners, shampoos, and lotions out of natural ingredients such as Gigglefruit juice and Sparkle Berries. Also, when you say tigers, you mean Saturn and Jupiter? These are my pet tigers. They’re the only thing I have left of my tribe after... the war. Everybody I knew and loved was stolen from me. Everybody who was still alive, died shortly after. I’m the only survivor...” Chaz explained, tears coming to his eyes as he talked about his life story.
“Aww, you poor thing! What an ordeal...” Poppy frowned. She couldn’t believe that any troll would have to go through such a thing. Let alone a guy who was seemingly so sweet and charming on the outside.
“I’m sorry... talking about it gets me all emotional. Yes, I would love to join TrollsTopia. Wherever shall I stay? You didn’t exactly mention a Smooth Jazz section in your poster the last time I checked and while I would love to reside in Classical Crest or just stay with you Pop trolls, none of those areas properly reflect... me. I need something genuine.” Chaz mentioned, brushing a lock of his hair to the side.
“Ah, yes. We don’t really have a place like that at the moment... but thankfully, my ambassadors and I are known for acting on a whim. Give us about an hour, and we’ll surprise you!” Poppy smiled, gathering the ambassadors and leading them away.
One hour later...
Poppy led Chaz along the grassy path as carefully as she could. The former bounty Hunter was blindfolded and as shown from her experience with the Trolls’ piñata festivities, being blindfolded could pose a bit of a threat to everyday life due to the one who’s eyes are being covered losing their sense of sight and therefore not being able to see what they’re doing or where they’re stepping. “A little farther. A little farther! Listen, Chaz, it breaks our hearts that you don’t feel like you belong. So, we’ve been working on a solution! I called up Barb and asked her if we could use that tiny little beach that she was going to give you back when you were hunting us down, and she said yes! If you would just stand right here...” she said, before stretching out her arms to reveal Chaz’s new home. “TADA!”
Chaz opened his eyes and gasped, his face lighting up with nothing but pure joy at the sight of his house. It was gorgeous. A beach condo made entirely out of what seemed to be marble was waiting for him along the beautiful sands of TrollsTopia’s beach. He could see everything, including the ocean stretching over the horizon. Tears began to well up in his eyes. “Poppy... it’s- it’s beautiful. Thank you...” he whispered, smiling softly.
“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet! Come on, let’s go inside!” Poppy giggled, opening the door. Once they were inside, Chaz could immediately see the luxury. A grand fireplace with a picture of him mounted over it, a soft and cuddly fur rug that was just perfect for him to swoon somebody over, comfortable plush chairs that came with built-in cup holders for the jazz troll to hold his many cups of grape wine, a grand kitchen for him to prepare his meals with only the finest ingredients (courtesy of Classical Crest), a deluxe bathroom with everything a troll needs to keep themselves tidy, and a bedroom that was all romantic-themed.
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“Wow... thank you, Poppy. I know I haven’t exactly been the best to you during Queen Barb’s world tour, but I was only doing what she said because I didn’t want my music to die out! If she didn’t offer that tiny little island, I would have never even helped her in the first place!” Chaz sighed, facepalming.
“Aww, it’s ok, Chaz! You’ll always have a family here. Your days of being alone are over. Bygones are bygones. After all, my people aren’t exactly squeaky clean either. We all have our flaws. Nobody’s perfect.” Poppy comforted Chaz, giving him a hug. As he hugged back though, Poppy began to internally cringe. She didn’t REALLY believe that Chaz had changed from World Tour! How could somebody who used to EAT other trolls change in the blink of an eye?! Surely he had to be faking it!
The next day...
Chaz was a little crushed, but then he shook his head and smiled. “That’s alright... I suppose I could get used to the new paint job. It does look kind of pretty...” he laughed, trying to remain positive about the situation like he always has. He then gasped as he saw his beautiful beach littered with spray cans and other garbage. “AH! My beach...” he frowned, his heart dropping another few feet.
“Sorry, Mr. Chaz. Queen Poppy never implemented a trash disposal system, so we had no choice but to dump all of our things here. I hope you don’t mind.” Priscilla piped up, the children leaving back to their pods. After that whole mess was dealt with, Chaz decided that maybe a trip into town would make him feel better. He waved hello to any trolls that would walk by, but they all seemed... scared of him. Some would nervously wave back while others would scream and run away. He then overheard a few Classical trolls speaking to each other about Chaz’s music. “Have you ever heard anything so repulsive? Smooth jazz... what a disgrace to our genre. It’s barely a step above lounge music!” One of them said.
“Pip pip to that!” Another one agreed. “The way he obsesses over his appearance is... nasty, to put it the nicest.” A techno troll whispered. Chaz couldn’t believe it. Nobody really liked him. They were only pretending to be nice to him because Poppy said so! Now Chaz didn’t feel positive anymore. Why should he? He was in a world where it didn’t matter what he did. Everyone would always see him as a savage.
“Hey, Chaz! Are you enjoying your stay in TrollsTopia?” Poppy asked, completely oblivious to the situation. A new feeling began to bubble up in Chaz’s chest. All he could see was red. He was tired of being mistreated. It was time to fight back. “That’s it... I have had enough... enough of the stupid pranks! Enough of the mockery! AND MOST OF ALL ENOUGH OF YOU, POPPY!” Chaz growled, letting his frustration and anger merge together as his hair began flowing like a siren’s hair would when she was angry. His hair began to move like tentacles, grabbing the trolls that were around him and holding them up against a nearby rock.
“Chaz! What are you doing?!” Poppy asked, squirming in an attempt to get free. “You think I’m an idiot? I know how you guys REALLY feel about me. All I ever wanted was to be accepted. I just wanted to be loved! But you guys keep treating me like garbage... all because of something I can’t control. If you want a monster so badly, then by all that’s Trolly, I’ll be that monster!” He growled, using his hair to thrash the trolls around.
“Yo, yo, yo! I finally found the red velvet blanket, guys! Would you believe this was the last one on the shelf? What a lucky break!” Synth cheered as he walked in. He gasped, dropping his gift as he saw what was going on. “WHAT THE BARNACLES IS GOING ON HERE?!” He yelled, feeling scared and confused. Chaz turned around, smiling evilly. “Another one? No problem. I can take another.” He laughed, before he began to play his saxophone again.
Surprisingly, Synth was not affected whatsoever! “Uh... what?” He asked, tilting his head before leaning in closer to hear Chaz’s music better. But no matter how much Chaz played, Synth was simply too oblivious to be hypnotized! He smiled at him, placing his hands at his hips. “Cool music, bro! Lemme show you how I play now!” He said, a techno beat beginning to play as water shot up from the ground. Synth formed it into a gigantic water orb and shot it at Chaz, trapping the smooth jazz troll in a ball of sick beats. The ball then collapsed, sending Chaz flying into the distance. The smooth jazz troll tried to launch himself back to Synth to land a punch, but the water had made his hair unable to stretch. Saturn and Jupiter, seeing their master rocket into the sky, emerged from their hiding spots to chase after him. Synth had just saved all of TrollsTopia from Chaz’s rage.
As she caught her breath, Poppy engulfed Synth in a huge hug. “SYNTH! Thank goodness! That was amazing, how did you do that?” She asked. Her eyes lighting up with joy. “You mean that giant orb thing? Oh, I was born with those sorts of powers. I wonder why the music had no effect on me...” Synth thought, before Meadow’s shiny new flower caught his attention. “GIRL! You shine like a glowstick! I could stare at you for hours!” He laughed, swimming towards her as Poppy shook her head and smiled.
“Classic Synth...”
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of TrollsTopia, Chaz fell into an area that was surrounded by marshmallow potatoes... Marshtatoes? He groaned, dusting himself off as he looked upwards. A sinister grin illuminated in the dark, an adorably high-pitched voice ringing out in the silence. “Well hello there... what brings a handsome guy like you to a place like this?” It asked.
“Ugh, I’m glad you asked. I just got kicked out by a walking fish stick. Who are you, anyway?” Chaz asked, raising an eyebrow. From the shadows emerged the mistress of mischief herself, Marshtato Mary. “Me? Call me Mary. And you, my devilishly handsome disciple, may just be the key to helping me get my revenge on those filthy little elves.” She smiled.
“Revenge, you say? Well then...” Chaz smirked, walking closer to her.
“I’d love to join your cause.”
The End
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Vanya and the Phantom
I asked and y’all answered (special thanks to @schizoidwire and @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace  and all the people who responded to my earlier post for encouraging me!), so it is time for how The Phantom of the Opera song introduction can be read as a look into Vanya’s self-narrative and also foreshadows future events in a really subtle and interesting way. 
I’m channeling my inner Elliot and going into full conspiracy mode. This is gonna be a long one, y’all. 
Part One: In Which I Expose Myself as a Former Theater Kid
So, for those who aren’t familiar with The Phantom of the Opera, it was originally a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux back in 1909. In 1986, Andrew Lloyd Webber rewrote it as a musical. For purposes of my analysis here, I am just going to be discussing the musical because 1) the score used in the opening scene is from it and 2) I’ve never read the book. (If anyone out there has read the book and wants to weigh in, please do!) 
It’s a very aesthetic show, and draws on a lot of gothic themes and imagery. The plot follows an opera house, and specifically a young chorus girl named Christine Daaé. I’m not going to explain the whole show plot in detail because wikipedia exists, but I will do a quick overview here and point out some things as they relate to things I’ll be discussing later. Also there will be a test after and it will NOT be multiple choice.
The show begins when the opera house is sold to new owners who 1) just want to make money and 2) do not respect the opera house’s resident ghost (who isn’t really a ghost, but we’ll get to that later.) When the Phantom makes his presence known, and freaks out the resident prima donna singer (who will be relevant later) Carlotta, who says she won’t sing under these conditions. It is then that Christine appears. She’s quiet and humble and has always lived in the background, but is incredibly talented. The woman who runs the chorus (also owner of the opera house’s resident braincell) suggests Christine sing the part. She does, and is amazing. Everyone is blown away, and she’s catapulted into instant fame and success. 
We later learn that Christine has been studying under the Phantom, who appears to her in mirrors. She calls him the Angel of Music, and thinks that he was sent to teach her by her recently deceased father. He isn’t. He’s actually pretty malicious, and is obsessed with Christine, wants to control her voice, and doesn’t like her dating anyone. Which is a bit awkward when her childhood friend shows up and promptly falls in love with her. 
Anyways, Carlotta is jealous of the attention Christine has been getting and threatens to leave prompting the new owners to cut Christine from the program. The Phantom doesn’t like it at all, sends a bunch of letters, things escalate, people are murdered, and the whole first act ends with the chandelier falling from the ceiling and crashing onto the stage (which is done with really cool effects, oftentimes beginning the show hanging over the audience. It’s a BIG MOMENT and one of the most iconic ones from the show. This will also be relevant later.)
Act two takes place a few months later, wherein no one has seen the Phantom. Shock of all shocks, though, he’s not dead. He’s been writing an opera and he wants Christine to star in it. More stuff happens, you learn the backstory of the Phantom (which is pretty sad, ngl, but in no way makes him less of a creep) and the story ends with the Phantom kidnapping Christine and giving her an ultimatum: stay with him forever, or he kills Raoul (aka childhood friend/romantic interest guy). She agrees to stay with him and he’s so moved by her compassion that he lets them both go and disappears forever. 
Part Two: Casting the Characters
That’s interesting, Rosie (note sarcasm) but you said this was about The Umbrella Academy? I did, in fact. So, we meet Vanya when she’s playing a medley of songs from The Phantom of the Opera. Since it’s primarily the melodies and not one of the orchestral pieces from her performance later (I don’t think), we can assume she’s just playing it for herself (which is nice! good on you, Vanya). 
Maybe she’s never seen the play and just likes the score, but for purposes here, let’s assume she’s familiar with it. 
You can tell a lot about a person by the stories they connect with (for example, I like TUA because I like fun sibling dynamics, found family, music, and being sad). And I think that it makes sense that The Phantom of the Opera would be a story that resonates with Vanya. The overlooked chorus girl finds power in music, and, after years in the background, is finally given a chance to show how special she is. 
So, yeah. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that Vanya sees herself as Christine. There are some discrepancies, sure, but this is Vanya’s self-narrative, which we learn pretty much immediately is unreliable. (Love her, but it’s true.) And if Vanya is Christine, then we can try and tap into her perspective to look at some other characters. 
Anyways remember Carlotta (the prima donna opera singer who always got the spotlight and tried to destroy everything good that happened to Christine because she felt threatened that someone might be as good/better than her whose entire personality and role in the story I just summarized, rendering my plot recap useless)? Carlotta is how Vanya views Allison. (Kind of all her siblings, but her relationship with Allison is the most important here.)
Think about the scene in the cabin? 
“You couldn’t risk me threatening your place in the house! You couldn’t handle the fact that Dad might find me special!” - Vanya, having a mental breakdown.
This always struck me as an interesting accusation to throw, since prior to this moment, I don’t think there was any indication that Allison had ever felt threatened by Vanya. She excluded her, sure, and wasn’t super friendly at times, but the idea that Allison has been pulling strings to keep Vanya out of her spotlight is new. But that is exactly the role Carlotta plays in Phantom. 
Fun fact! At one point in the musical, the Phantom enchants Carlotta so that she loses her voice right before coming on stage. 
Part Three: The Phantom of the Opera is there
So based on everything I’ve said so far, the most straightforward reading is then, that Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins (who for purposes here I’ll call Leonard) is the stand in for the Phantom, which works... really well. Both in helping to understand Vanya and also because it foreshadows the twist of season one in a really cool way.
So, the Phantom appears to Christine first not as an enemy, but as a friend and teacher, who encourages her to be more confident in her abilities. He trains her to develop her singing ability. While the teacher-student dynamic is actually inverted initially with Vanya and Leonard, from the get go, he is showering her with compliments, encouraging her to be confident in her abilities, and, at least on the surface, supporting her in a way she hasn’t been supported before (he’s a trash human but an expert manipulator). 
But, in the play, the Phantom is also very possessive over Christine and her power (er, I mean voice). He also is perfectly willing to kill and/or hurt people who he views as standing in the way of Christine and her success (see the aforementioned Carlotta incident). Which is exactly what Leonard does to Vanya. He kills the first chair violinist to help her get it, and orchestrates a whole master plan to get her to reveal her powers on his terms. 
Even the part where he starts “training” her to use her powers kind of resembles the second act of the play. The Phantom wrote a play for Christine and she’s going to star in it, whether she wants to or not. 
(One could even make the argument of the parallels between Christine believing the Phantom was sent by her father to teach her and Leonard showing up because of his revenge scheme against Vanya’s father, but I honestly don’t have much support for that.) 
Part Three: Two Conflicting Narratives
So, as you might’ve noticed, I sort of have two different threads of analysis going on right now. 1) The Phantom of the Opera parallel is part of Vanya’s self-narrative and in it she mischaracterizes Allison, making her more suspicious of her motivations and 2) Leonard Peabody is clearly the Phantom and doesn’t bother being subtle about it. I hope that I’ve been convincing (or at least intriguing) for you to get to this point, because here is where they come together.
Vanya has this parallel going, but she doesn’t see Leonard as the Phantom. In the beginning at least, he’s her Raoul. If I had to guess, I’d say Reginald Hargreeves is the Phantom in Vanya’s self-narrative (says he’ll train her but wants to manipulate her and keep her locked away for himself, strict teacher who doesn’t really care about her well being, wearing a mask to appear more normal/human... she wouldn’t exactly be wrong). Leonard, on the other hand, is Vanya’s supporter. He validates her, and believes in her, and taker her side when Carlotta and the opera house owners (er, the rest of the Hargreeves children) gang up on her and conspire to keep her out. 
This is all building to, of course, the final confrontation. The Phantom says Christine has to pick one or the other. When Allison comes to talk to Vanya, Vanya feels as if she’s been given an ultimatum and lashes out.
And that’s where everything (including this parallel) starts to crumble. 
(I honestly don’t know a lot about the other characters and how they fit in. I suppose we could have Five = Raoul if we ignore romance plot and focus on the childhood friend that hasn’t been seen in a while angle? And maybe also Pogo = Madame Giry. Vanya doesn’t really have any friends to be Meg.) 
Part Four: It’s All About the Moon
So that is kind of the gist of The Phantom of the Opera as a window into Vanya’s self-narrative theory, but there are a couple of other loosely related ideas I thought I might as well bring up since this thing is already ridiculously long. 
Remember how I mentioned the chandelier is like, THE scene from The Phantom of the Opera back in part one, and said it’d be relevant later? Bringing that back now, because I’m going to pull a Luther and connect everything to the moon. 
So, to get the obvious out of the way, the moon exploding and the chandelier coming crashing to the stage are similar because something falls, breaks into a bunch of pieces, destroys a bunch of stuff, and creates a powerful and memorable image to close off before an act/season break (the next installment of which begins with a time jump). 
Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that The Phantom of the Opera is told out of order. The opening scene shows a grown up Raoul at an auction for the items left behind after the opera house closes, and it switches to the past as the remains of the chandelier rise upwards to the ceiling, Phantom’s theme swelling (it’s a really cool moment, tbh). Following the prologue of The Umbrella Academy, we switch to the present with two images: Vanya alone on the stage, and then Luther alone on the moon. Which has a kind of symmetry that might mean nothing, but is still kind of cool. 
(Also the item that Raoul buys from the auction is a music box with a monkey crashing symbols on top of it. Which might mean nothing.) 
Part Five: How is she STILL talking about this? (AKA Conclusion)
To be honest, this is more a very tangled “things I noticed and thought were interesting” discussion than a formal essay with any clear thesis. While there is a chance that this was all coincidental and I’ve gone full Pepe Sylvia, the music selection in The Umbrella Academy is one of the things that they seem to be really deliberate about. 
I would love to chat with anyone about this theory, so feel free to reach out in the notes or message me! My inbox is always open. Much love, and thank you for reading, if you got this far! ❤️
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Owner Training - 7
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*Just a quick fluffy filler chapter. I needed some Yoongles fluff in my life. I hope everyone is staying safe!* 
“What is this?”
Your brother Jimin and his hybrid Taehyung are visiting, aka they invited themselves over, and were carrying a potted plant and a giant bag full of...
“Jimin, is that weed?” 
“No!” he looks down at his giant plastic bag filled with stuff that looks suspiciously like it IS weed. “Why? Do you want some? Because I know this guy that...”
“Right. No, this isn’t weed. For humans, at least,” he grins deviously and you narrow your eyes at him. He’s up to something. 
“Then what is it?” 
Keys jangle in the lock and you turn to the door, wishing you’d thought to send a warning text. 
“Hey, babe. They didn’t have the chips you like, so I just got another carton of ice cream. If you’re nice to me I’ll let you have some,” Yoongi says absentmindedly as he kicks off his shoes and closes the door. 
Jimin quirks an eyebrow at you, mouthing “Babe?” You pretend to ignore him. 
Suddenly, Yoongi freezes, his little sniff barely perceptible if you weren’t staring right at him and waiting to see if he was going to blow up. 
“Hi, Yoongi!” 
Taehyung bellows a happy greeting as he rushes towards the cat hybrid. He ignores the flicking tail and narrowed eyes, instead wrapping himself excitedly around Yoongi and giving him a hug. 
“Hello, dog.” 
Well, you supposed that was better than scratching his face. 
“Hey, Yoongi. Tae Tae and I brought you a housewarming slash apparently dating my sister present.” 
Jimin’s tone was innocent and sweet, but a lifetime of living with the secret Slytherin gave you access to all of his tells. Jimin was on the offensive and prepared to make Yoongi suffer. In a loving way, of course. 
“That’s uhh...nice of you?” 
Yoongi shot Jimin a confused look as he tried to peel Taehyung off of him, probably wondering what you’d told him. 
“Here’s a houseplant for you. His name is Esteban. Don’t let it die or I’ll be really hurt,” Jimin stated, smirking as he set the little green plant on the coffee table. 
It just looked like a weed to you - green, no sign of blooms or anything interesting. The pot was cute though. It looked like Taehyung had made it himself since it was hand-painted with little cats in a style vaguely resembling Van Gough. 
Yoongi glanced at it, his eyes narrowing a bit before blowing wide after a sniff or two. What could be so surprising about that little thing? 
“Andddd...a big freezer bag full of the dried stuff. All for you, Kitten,” Taehyung giggled, waving the bag that you’d been inspecting earlier in the hybrid’s face. 
“Don’t fucking call me kitten,” Yoongi murmured, but he accepted the bag anyway with a nervous look at you. 
“Well, we’ll just wanted to give you a little something to welcome you to the family. One of these days we’ll have a big party with the whole crew, kay? See you guys!” Jimin pulls Taehyung along with him as he heads towards the door, pausing only when he passes by you to whisper in your ear. 
“You and I need to catch up, it seems.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll call you later. Out.” 
Jimin giggles and waves one last time, winking at Yoongi before he slams the door. 
You sigh and fall into the couch, shaking your head. 
“I love my brother, but he gives me a headache.” 
“Same,” Yoongi grumbles and drops into the spot next to you, throwing the bag onto the table before he leans over and starts scenting your neck. 
You giggle and try to push him off, but he nips your shoulder in protest. 
“Seriously,” you laugh, “What is that crap they gave you?” 
He hums, pulling back and laying an arm across the back of the couch. 
He nods, quirking an amused eyebrow. 
“Does it make you high or something?” 
You peek at him in suspicion. “Kinda?” 
“It’s kinda like weed, but doesn’t last very long.” 
“So my brother just welcomed you to the family with drugs.” 
He snorts and kicks his feet up. “Basically.” 
You groan and rub your forehead as Yoongi laughs lightly, reaching over to casually clutch your thigh as he gets comfortable. 
“Can you put my ice cream in the fridge?” 
You snort, completely unsurprised. Yoongi was one of the hardest working people you’ve ever met - outside of the house. Once he was in that door, however, all bets were off. 
“So are you going to use some?” you ask as you make the trek to the kitchen. You throw the ice cream (pure vanilla, of course. Nevermind that you liked cookie dough) into the freezer and peek inside the bag to see what else he got. 
“Maybe. Maybe not. Don’t know yet. Get your cute butt in here so we can watch the show already.” 
“Fine, fine,” you blush and grab the treats he’d bought, rushing back to curl against him. 
He hums and kisses the side of your face, eyes glued to his show. 
It had been three days since Jimin’s crazy delivery and it still sat on the coffee table half-covered with magazines and random trash. You had been overtaken by curiosity and went to the internet for answers the other day and fell absolutely in love with how cute cats were on catnip. 
You still weren’t very clear on how it affected hybrids, but if it was anything like the videos you saw, Yoongi would be adorable. You figured half of his resistance to using it had been worry over your reaction, so you decided to take the initiative. 
Once Yoongi was out busking ( because he still refused to just stay home and hadn’t found anything else yet that hired hybrids), you took the chance to open the bag of catnip. You took a quick sniff and shrugged your shoulders, only really smelling a hint of mint to it. 
You take a handful of the dried plant and sprinkle it all over the couch. It’s going to be a bitch to clean later, but the couch is Yoongi’s go-to spot when he gets home. If you’re going to get a chance to make this work it needs to be done immediately. 
Then it’s just a matter of waiting. You prepare dinner, do laundry, make him a little treat in case you need to apologize and wait for the sun to fall. 
Soon enough, the familiar key jangle at the front door alerts you to his arrival. You’re so nervous you’re shaking, but you stand your ground and wait in your normal spot on the couch. You glance over as soon as the door is open wide, smiling happily in greeting. 
“Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?” 
“Not bad,” he answered with a sigh, rolling his shoulders and kicking his shoes so they went flying. 
“Wasn’t too busy in the park today so I was worried I wouldn’t get anything, but this old foreign lady and her yappy Yorkies came through. One of them lunged at me and starting barking like crazy, running around me in circles. It didn’t seem mad so much as excited, to be honest. But she apologized by throwing what she had in her wallet at me. $200.” 
He drops onto the couch with a groan as you tense in anticipation. 
It starts slowly - a narrowed gaze being pinned on you, those eyes widening in surprise as he realizes what you’ve done. The nose wriggle that made you want to die from the cuteness as he groans and faceplants onto the couch cushions.
You giggle when you realize he’s rubbing his face onto the cushion, pausing every few seconds to take another sniff. He sneezes and looks up at you in surprised wonder, like that noise had come from you. His eyes are blown wide and he has little green specks on his cheek from the catnip. 
“How you feeling?” You asked, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. 
His purrs grow louder and he rubs his face into your arm. 
You laugh and watch in amusement as he rolls over and rubs his entire body against the couch. To be honest, you hadn’t been sure it would work like this. You’d thought that maybe he had to light it up and smoke it because of his human side, but this was so. much. better. 
Suddenly, he sits up and stares at the hallway, licking his lips like they were chapped. Then he jumps off the couch and runs away. You can hear the moment he hits your mattress and...is he jumping on the bed? 
You stand up and go to the bedroom, peeking inside. He’s having the time of his life, jumping up and down with a smile. You cover your grin with your hand. 
His head turns sharply when he hears you, staring at you without really seeing you. He backflips off the mattress and runs back into the living room, vaulting over the couch. You had no idea Yoongi could even move like that! 
His purrs become loud again and you rush over to see him rubbing his face into the cushions again, only this time he was practically laying on the floor, only leaning his head up to get another fix. 
You lean your hand down to see if he wanted help up, but when he grabs the offered hand he pulls you down to him instead. He rolls you under him and tucks his head into your neck, licking your throat as his purrs rumble against your chest. 
“Wow, this stuff really takes you out of it, huh?” 
“Yeah? You got the munchies, baby?” 
He nips on your ear in retaliation, but you just laugh. 
“Alright. I got you.” 
You push the incredibly high hybrid off of you and walk towards the kitchen, peeking behind to watch him jump up and run back and forth between the couch and the hallway. You shake your head and grin to yourself, pulling a box of his cereal down from the fridge. 
The sound of the food hitting the bowl was enough to bring the hybrid running towards the kitchen, where he latched himself to your back. 
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll give you lots.” 
True to your word, you fill the bowl with his cereal and milk until it’s practically overflowing. He finally settles down long enough for you to bring him his food, his eyes zeroed in on it like prey. 
He digs in silently, only a slight purr of happiness coming through as he shovels the cereal without a thought into his mouth. 
Or so you’d believed. 
When he was finally done slurping all the milk down he pushed the bowl towards you with a sigh. 
You can feel that the bowl isn’t completely empty when you grab it, which seemed impossible due to how eagerly he’d been eating. A quick peek inside shows that he’s eaten everything except the triangle-shaped cereal pieces. 
“Yoongi, what’s that?” 
“Don’t like triangles.” 
You stare at the hybrid incredulously. “Really? Baby, they taste exactly the same. It’s all made with the same stuff, just shaped differently.” 
He shakes his head, “Nope. Triangles are gross.” 
You throw the bowl into the seat and shake your head. 
“If you say so.” 
It’s only been a few minutes, but you notice that his eyes are clearing up a little bit. 
“How are you doing?” 
“Good. Wanna cuddle.” 
You could totally do that. You grab his hand and lead him to the bedroom, letting him wrap himself around you when you lay down. He laces his tail around your waist and holds you close. 
“Smell good.” 
“Thanks, sweetheart. Are you mad?” 
“Nope. Had fun. Maybe not again for a while though. Old knees.” 
You giggle and he squeezes you fondly. 
“Love you.” 
Your heart stutters and butterflies go wild in your tummy, a phenomenon that happens every single time Yoongi says something like this to you. 
You kiss the top of his head and remind yourself to send Jimin a thank you text. 
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pocketfulofrogers · 5 years
To New Beginnings
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Summary: You earned your way to Intelligence, but suddenly Jay begins to question your every more. Or, Jay’s an ass and it takes him just a minute to figure how bad he’s messing up.
Request: Reader likes Jay, but he’s very cold and distant. When the reader gets tired of it, she blows up on him in front of the team with a cute ending. @fofisstilinski​ 
Notes: No warnings, really, few cuss words. Requests are always open!
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It happened so quickly- these things usually do.
Kevin had just breached the front door when he called out a runner near your position and suddenly you regretted skipping the gym this past week. A man in his late 20s, brown hair, average height - was that a scar on his right cheek? The chaos from your ear piece momentarily distracted you. Local gang tattoo on this left forearm
Adam called out an additional pair that sent him and Kim East on Cedar, hopefully away from other civilians.
You however, were not as lucky. Loud music perked your ears from what you had hoped was only a backyard get together, but the familiar nostalgic dinging from a carnival game made that unlikely.
There are aren’t many things better than a good block party, though you had wished they’d picked another day.
You had him- you swear you did. Feet pounding the pavement- reverberating in your teeth, breath heavy in your chest. The scrapes on your wrist from the chain link fence you had just jumped were barely an afterthought in the back of your mind.
You were closing in by the second.
Then he rounded a corner, cut through an alley and disappeared in the crowd, his sweatshirt left in a puddle near a trash can on the street. His Glock most likely tucked in his waistband. There were far too many people, but still you tried to scan the crowd.
That’s when you heard the gunshots.
Kevin’s voice bellowed out over the radio.
“Officer down.” Cut through the ringing.
In that moment you decided to turn back for your partner rather than look for a man you’re not sure you could even find, let alone get down safely, without traumatizing and endangering a neighborhood of unsuspecting civilians.
Had your instructor from the academy been there to time your sprint, you’re sure you would’ve broken some kind of record somewhere.
When you approach the back door, there’s glass everywhere and a few chunks blown out of the walls giving way to half rotted wall bearings. The smell of gunpowder mixed with something… unpleasant hangs in the air, but you continue forward. Your weight shifts to the balls of your feet and you keep your gun drawn, body low as you search the house.
Harsh voices draw you towards the front of the house. Peaking around the corner of the kitchen, there’s a suspect in the living room with a gun by his side, clutched tightly in his grip, standing before Kevin. Jay is laying a few feet away from him, still, and you feel sick.
“Put the gun down.” You order.
“Y/N, we’re good, you can go. Me and my friend are just talking some things out.” Kevin’s voice is tight, his jaw taught and pupils wide.
“Sorry, Kev, can’t do that.” You tell him and turn your gaze towards the man. “Let’s get that gun on the ground and then get you out of here.” His hand twitches and you steady your aim in response. “It’s not worth it, man. Come one, we got SWAT five minutes out and they’re not going to be as nice as we are. So, let’s just…”
You reach a hand out to try and take the gun, but he raises it towards you instead, his eyes wild and darting between you and the door behind you.
“Don’t come any closer!” He yells.
“Hey man, if your gonna point a gun, point it at me.” Kevin shifts his weight to draw attention and you take the small distraction to get closer.
He’s able to talk the man into lowering the weapon at least to his side, a small compromise that still leaves you both unnerved, but the sound of leaves crunching under the boot of a uniformed officer outside spooks him into raising his gun again. This time with the intent of pulling the trigger.
You put two in his back before he gets the chance.
A superior takes your statement and you are promised that today will be ruled a clean shoot. Adam and Kim return with their runners and you can’t help but feel guilty for losing yours. Kevin raises a brow and wordlessly conveys that there’s no use in falling down that rabbit hole, but it’s hard not to.
You take a deep breath and try to shake it off before meeting him by the patrol car he’s leaned against. Jay’s voice carries in behind you and you have to bite your lip to not laugh at the sight of him swatting at the medics just trying to do their jobs.
“He gonna make it?” You scrounge up an ounce of humor.
Kevin turns his gaze back to you and smiles. “Bullet hit the vest, few bruised ribs. I’m sure-“
“What the hell was that?” Jay comes charging up, slightly less intimidating as he winces when he breathes. “You came back here when there was an armed suspect loose?” He yells.
You’re stunned, mouth slack and eyebrows drawn together. “I’m sorry, what-“
“We called out a runner and it was your job to get him. Not come back here and play superhero.” He bites.
“Don’t talk to my partner like that, Jay, she just saved out asses.” Kevin defends you.
“Yeah, how about a ‘thank you’ or a ‘nice work’?” You add.
“Oh, I’m supposed to congratulate you for failing to do your job? Who knows what that suspect will do now? That’s on you.”
“He got away. Yeah that blows. But you and my partner were taking fire with no back up. I came back to, yes, save you rather than aimlessly look for a man who disappeared, risking the lives of about a hundred people. That’s what I’m trained to do.” You’re fuming now, Kevin’s assurances that you had made the right call are doing nothing to soothe you.
“This is Intelligence, Y/N, not patrol. If you feel like you’re out of your depth or that you were moved up too quickly, talk to Voight.” He leaves you there, both you and Kevin’s mouths agape.
“I don’t know where he gets off coming at me like that!” You yell, again, but Kevin still voices his agreeance. “I mean, he’s not the sergeant, he wasn’t even lead. That was you!”
Kevin says something he hopes is supportive, but it borders on patronizing. Yesterday’s blow up was not the first and he’s become increasingly convinced it will not be the last. You plop back down on his couch, your beer sloshing with you, and sigh. He smiles, again, a little patronizingly, at you as you thread your fingers through a blanket and you pout.
“Things were going so well.” You say softly.
That was news to Kevin. Save the last two weeks, the only interactions he had seen between you and Jay didn’t go past a bit of witty banter. Did he know you had a thing for him? Of course, he’s your partner, but Jay has always been harder to read.
He waits patiently for you to elaborate and when you don’t, he rolls his eyes. “Are you really going to make me ask, Y/L/N?”
You groan obnoxiously and throw yourself back. “We weren’t dating or anything, but we were kind of seeing each other?” You can feel his eyes burning into you and can almost feel the ‘partners tell each other everything’ speech encroaching, but you continue before he has the chance. “We were waiting to see where it would lead before telling anyone.”
Kevin huffs. “And where did it lead?”
You’re quiet for a moment. “To my place. A few weeks ago.”
You throw a pillow at him. “No details, Kev, don’t be a perv. I fell asleep and when I woke up a few hours later, he was gone. Now he won’t return my texts and he’s being an absolute ass.” Kevin is uncharacteristically quiet. “I don’t really know what to do.” You add quietly.
“We’ve got analysts combing through his GPS history, but, so far, no leads on where he might be keeping Mia.” Adam’s face drops as he looks towards a picture of a young woman, graduation cap tilted to the side, smile as bright as the sun shining behind her.
Of the four girls who had gone missing, three had turned up dead. Mia Edwards, a recent engineering graduate, was the most recent and she was quickly running out of time.
You place a hand of support on his arm as you move past him to get a closer look at the board. Jay makes some kind of comment, but you’ve learned to tune him out these days. There’s something within the information delicately placed in front of you that is screaming for you to see it.
“Three isn’t enough to confirm a definite pattern, but these abduction sites,” You run your finger along the addresses, “fall within 5 miles of Little Italy. And if you…” You trail off for a moment and grab a city map, placing a dot for each location where a body was found. The math is messy, but you draw a circle “If you take the crime scenes, that narrows it down to here, around Roosevelt.”
“Oh, did your years on patrol teach you this?” Jay asks sarcastically.
“No, the FBI from that seminar you skipped did.” You shoot back and he glares in response.
“There’s a low-income housing unit that was condemned six months back in the same area.” Adam announces from behind his computer. “Fits the area and there’s been calls about squatters.”
“Because it’s empty houses.” Jay interjects. “Everything about this guy says he keeps it close to home. On the other side of town. What if you’re wrong?” He presses. “If you are, and we bust down those doors, we waste hours of her life. That’s on you.”
You’re not sure what it is. Jay had been coming for you the last handful of weeks, second guessing your every move, being an over obnoxious, hard headed, sanctimonious ass hat and you had yet to let it shake you. But something about the way he’s looking at you right now in this moment has your blood boiling for the first time in weeks.
It’s as if he truly believed you would endanger an innocent woman in an act of showing off. As if you didn’t really care about doing your job and saving her. For you, that’s the last straw.
“I’m right.” You start slowly, darkly. The calmness in your voice a thin veil for the daggers hidden within. “Just like I was right about last weeks suspect being a woman, that cop being dirty, that kid being innocent, that mother still being alive, and coming back for you and Kev.” You slowly take a few steps forward and Kevin can’t get the image of a tiger about to kill it’s prey out of his head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, or why you seem to think wasting this teams time by nit picking my every suggestion rather than doing your job is a good call, but if you don’t stop coming at me like this,” You take the final step that places you directly in front of him and pull your shoulders back. “We’re gonna have a problem.”
He matches the intensity in your eyes and you wonder for a second if you’ll have to really lay him out in front of everyone.
You lower your voice to barely above a whisper. “You want me gone, Jay? You want me to transfer units? You’re about to get it.”
“Enough!” Voight bellows. “I’ve had it. You two used to push each other to be better, but now you’re just wasting our time. We will go sit on that development while you figure out how to either work together and stay in Intelligence, or if I do need to start a transfer.”
“I’m not leaving.” Jay says defiantly.
The team had left in a rush leaving you and Jay sitting in unbridled tension from your respective desks. Your jaw was clenched, his arms were crossed, fists balled at his elbows.
You roll your eyes. “You sound like a petulant child.”
“Says the girl who got us kicked of the case.” He mumbles.
“Are you serious right now? I- god- what is with you?!” You explode, rising up to pace the walkway. “I mean, Jesus Jay, what? What could I possibly be doing better right now? Please tell me because I honestly cannot do this anymore. What did I do to make you not trust my judgement or my skills? Because you certainly didn’t have a problem before we slept together.”
For the first time in weeks, Jay Halstead is speechless.
“Yeah, go ahead and do some inner soul searching for an answer. I have done nothing, nothing, but support this team and do the best job I can.”
He’s silent still and you can’t tell if his lack of words is more or less infuriating.
He stares at his hands for almost two hours before he says anything.
“I’m sorry.”
It’s barely above a whisper. In fact, you can’t really tell if you heard him correctly over the paper balls you were shooting into the trash. When you look over at him and he’s still watching his fingers, you chalk it up to your bored and desperate brain making up something.
“I’m sorry.” He says again, louder. This time he’s looking at you, really seeing you, and it’s hard not to feel exposed under his gaze. “You were right.”
A phrase you thought you’d never hear him say.
“What do you know of the detective who had your desk before?” He asks. He’s calmer now, yet still poised as if he’s guarding something.
“Erin Lindsey? Not much, really. Heard she was a great cop. Good instincts, even better in a fight. What? You think I don’t deserve her spot or something?”
He shakes his head with a small smile before it fades. “You’re just as good, if not better.”
“Then what is it?” There are no harsh tones in your voice, no clipped vowels, just simply the need for some kind of answer.
“I almost proposed to her.” He says simply. That was definitely not what you were expecting. “We started dating, things got serious and I got my mother’s ring, but before I got to ask her, she left. Just packed her stuff and left Chicago. It just left me with a lot of questions.”
You’re stunned into silence and Jay smiles sadly.
“I guess it gave me more problems than I thought, things I never dealt with. So that night, with you, it came back.”
“What did?” You ask softly, moving closer to him.
“That fear and sadness I felt after she left. I guess it was easier for me to channel it into anger, and, in turn, direct it towards you. For that, I am sorry and I swear to never let it happen again.”
“It was one night, Jay, I wasn’t professing my love.” You try to stay soft in your approach.
“But I felt something I hadn’t felt since then.”
When he meets your eyes, that’s when you see it. The hurt man scared of love and willing to do what he has to protect himself.
“So, you started to push me away.” You add for him. It’s not an accusation, rather an observation.
He nods. “But you’re too good, too kind to let even a dick you hate get left behind by you.” He wipes the corner of his eye, catching a tear you had missed.
To his surprise, you grab his hand and sigh. “I’m not her, Jay, you cannot punish me for things she did. And I don’t hate you, I actually don’t think I can. I care about you and while I can’t promise you that we won’t break each other’s hearts, I can promise you that. I truly, deeply care for you.”
“So, we just pick up like the last few weeks haven’t happened? Y/N, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“That’s not what I’m asking. If you are willing, though, I think there are some things that you and I can work through.” His eyes perk up and he radiates hope. “But you have to put in the work.” He begins to nod eagerly. “I’m serious, Jay. You cannot hold her against me.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He grips your hand in his tighter, thumbing the back of your hand.
“Okay.” You say softly
You raise a brow. “Yeah, if you’re done being an ass.”
He eyes you carefully until you burst into laughter, a loud, contagious sound he can’t help but join in with.
“Oh, thank god.” Kevin sounds from behind you.
Adam joins him. “I thought we were going to have to start picking sides.”
“Alright, alright, enough. Tell me, was I right?” You ask.
Kim smiles at the sight before them, you and Jay’s hands still intertwined. “Mia is on her way to Med. She’s going to be okay.”
“You’re amazing.” You hear jay whisper from behind you.
“I know.” You quip, turning back to him with the brightest smile he’s ever seen.
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
you scared me - john b
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requested? yes: “what about the idea of the pogues coming to john bs house and he’s gone because DCS took him? and the reader is more attached to him, but they’re not official yet. thank you!!”
paring: John B x reader
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open!
warnings: swearing, descriptions of anxiety and panic
word count: 2.9k
The familiar sound of the van’s horn caught your attention. Immediately, you started to get excited. Another day with your best friends, but you were most looking forward to seeing John B.
You hadn’t had “the talk” with John B yet, so it’s not like you two were official, but it sure felt like it. Especially recently, he’d keep eye contact a little longer, and he’d linger his hands just near yours, so they’re just barely touching. Put that with staying over at his place sometimes, hanging out without the others, and the occasional stolen kiss... you’d call it “unofficially official.”
When you finally make it outside, you’re surprised to see JJ in the driver’s seat. Kie and Pope have their heads stuck out of the back with big smiles. You try to hide your confusion as you jump in with them.
“Come on, Y/N. I know you’re in love with John B, but you could be at least a little bit happy to see me.” JJ teases you with a wink.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes.
“I borrowed the van for some business I had to take care of last night, but we’re taking it back to him now. No reason to fret.”
“Please, keep all of the information about last night’s antics to yourself. I’m not going to jail for something illegal you probably did.” Pope shakes his head, and Kie agrees with him.
Soon enough, JJ is parking the van next to John B’s house. Immediately, you know something is wrong. The front door is open, slightly swinging from the breeze that has just blown through.
“Uh... JJ, do you have the-“
“Obviously. It’s under your seat. Hand it to me.” He interrupts Kie. Everyone’s eyes are on the house, and it stays that way as the four of you slowly get out of the van.
“I’m going in first, you guys stay here. I’ll yell if I need help.” JJ keeps the gun at his side as he makes his way up the stairs.
“John B?” He yells before entering, and then he disappears inside.
Your heart is beating fast. Kiara is gripping one of your hands, and Pope is standing in front of you both. Vaguely, you can hear JJ yelling John’s name, but there’s still no answer.
“Come on, John B.” You whisper, mostly to yourself, but Pope and Kie hear it too. You’re hoping he’s playing a prank and will jump out to scare the shit out of you guys any second now.
Then, JJ appears at the doorway. “He’s not here, guys. His clothes are gone too.”
As if you didn’t already feel uneasy, your heart dropped to your toes. “What?”
Kie grips your hand tighter, but you let go, push past Pope and JJ, and into the house. JJ is right. Trash liters the countertops and tables like always, but the few personal belongings John kept out were nowhere to be found. You frantically run to his room, but the only thing that’s there is an unmade bed.
“Something is wrong. He didn’t tell anyone he was going anywhere. What if DCS took him? Or those guys looking for the compass came back, and he was caught off guard? Why isn’t he here?” Suddenly you feel your chest swell, and your voice is caught in your throat. You swallow to try and keep the tears from falling. As you turn around, you crash into JJs chest.
“Don’t panic. We’ll all drive through town to see if we spot him. John B can hold his own, I’m sure he’s fine.” JJ wraps his arms around you, but it doesn’t stop the panic that’s building in your chest.
“Yeah, good idea. We can ask the Sheriff if she knows. John B said she had tried to help him.” Pope speaks up. He’s entered the house with Kiara, and you can see him over JJs shoulder.
JJ spins around, eyes wild. “The cops? Why would we talk to the cops? No way.”
Pope’s eyes dart to you and back to JJ so fast that you almost missed it. You lean your head back against the door frame as they step closer to each other. Pope mutters something like “Can you not make her panic anymore? She’s obviously not okay, dude.”
They both look back at you, but you turn your head before they see you looking at them. “Okay, okay yeah. We’ll ask Peterkin.”
“Let’s get moving. If DCS has him, they could be off the island already.” Kiara speaks up from the kitchen, and Pope smacks his hand against his forehead, wondering why no one is considerate of how you’re feeling.
“I’m staying here.”
All three sets of eyes are on you at once.
“What? I’m staying here. He could come back here, and someone needs to be here when he does.” Your arms cross over your chest.
“No, Y/N. You can’t be here alone. Like you said, we don’t know if those guys got him or not. They could come back, and then you’re gone too.” Kie worries, her forehead is wrinkled, and she’s shaking her head. The four of you have moved back towards the entryway of the house.
“Give me the gun then. I know how to use it. I’ll be able to protect myself if someone comes around.” You reach your hand forward, but JJs eyes drop from you to the gun.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” He shakes his head as he looks back up.
“And it’s a better one to leave me here alone with what, a butter knife to defend myself with? It’ll be fine, J.”
JJ looks at the other two, hoping they’ll say something that works in his favor.
“We need to go. The sooner, the better. Give it to her.” Pope nods. JJ sighs before carefully placing the black object in your hand.
“Be careful, please.” You lock eyes with JJ for just a moment, but he says a lot in the silence. The main thing is that John B would kill him if anything happened to you.
Only an hour after they left, it was evident that you were not cut out for this. Sitting and waiting but not knowing what you were sitting and waiting for was the worst. You’d resorted to cleaning the house, which was an absolute disaster.
It took almost the entire day. The other pogues arrived back at the house around sunset. A pile of trash as big as the boat was in the yard, and it was their first clue that you’d been going crazy here all day.
“Y/N, it’s us!” They knocked as they entered, finding you on the couch. A blank look on your face, staring at the wall. You’d worn yourself out, mentally and physically.
Kiara sits next to you, reaching out for one of your hands. “We brought food. Do you want to sit outside on the hammock for a little bit? Get some fresh air?”
Pope and JJ are standing in front of you.
“No news? You didn’t find him?” Your voice is weak, and it makes all three of their hearts break.
“Why don’t we go outside first? It doesn’t look like John B got any groceries before he left, so I know you’ve got to be hungry.” JJ stutters, and it’s immediately a big red flag. Loud warning signals are all you can hear.
“I want to know now. Cut the shit. Why aren’t you telling me?”
The three of them look at each other. Your stomach feels like it’s bottomed out again. It has to be bad news if they don’t want to tell you.
“Come on. What happened to no secrets between pogues? What the fuck?” You stand up, clearly angry with them.
“Do you think I can’t handle it?” You poke JJs chest. “Huh, JJ? What I can’t handle is all of you acting like I’m a child for having feelings for him! I can’t handle not knowing what happened to him! So tell me. I’m a big girl.”
Your screaming makes the corner of JJs mouth turn down. His eyebrows are knitted together. He’s upset, just like you.
“Alright, fine, yeah. Peterkin said that the DCS lady showed up this morning asking for an officer to escort her here. That’s all she knows. The plan was to get on the ferry.”
The room falls silent. You can feel the tears coming, but there’s not any willpower left to hide them. A deep breath is what you need, but instead, everyone around you hears broken gasps for air.
JJ starts to reach out for you, but you shake your head and step away. “I’m gonna... I need... to be alone... Right now.”
You shut yourself in John B’s room just as the first of many tears fall. As you lean against the door, you feel someone else’s weight on the other side.
For a little bit, they take turns coming to the door and trying to coax you out. None of it worked. You didn’t want to leave. Leaving felt like giving up hope that he’d ever come back. Your heart was broken, even if nothing was for sure.
Time passed slowly. John B only had a few small things left behind, and it didn’t take you long to look at each one in detail. His bed smelled like him still. You’d stayed in here before, but never without him. It felt weird.
You don’t know what time it is when Kiara and Pope come to the door together to say that they have to go home. JJ tells you at the same time that he’ll be sleeping on the couch if you need him. They’ve left food right outside the door, but it’s gone cold by now. Any appetite you had is gone anyway.
The covers of John B’s bed engulf you as you fall asleep.
Knocking on the door, startles you awake. The only thing you can hear for a moment is your heart beating fast, and then the knocking sounds again.
“Y/N? Can you hear me?” It’s just JJ.
You open the door, and JJs shoulders immediately relax.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. The sun is going to rise soon. Peterkin called, my dad was picked up, so I have to go get him. I wanted to let you know I’m leaving, but I’ll be back in a couple of hours at the most.” He looks down at his feet, wondering if you’re still mad at him. Wondering if you’re going to yell at him again.
“Thank you, JJ. I’m sorry about yesterday.” You feel bad, almost ashamed of your actions.
“All is good. I get it.”
Without any other words, you embrace him. It takes him a second to reciprocate, but he does, hugging you just as tight as you are him. “It hurts.”
JJ exhales through his nose. “I know, god, I know. But John B is John B. He’ll make his way back to us.”
“You’re coming back here after you get your dad?” You lean back to look at his face.
“Yes. I promise. I’ll leave the gun in the couch cushion.”
He leans forward and kisses your cheek. For the first time in the last twenty-four hours, you smile. Well, as much as you feel like, which really is just one side of your mouth lifting a little bit.
“Okay. I’ll be fine. It’s early. No one’s going to come here.” You’re mostly trying to convince yourself, but JJ pats your shoulder, and then he’s gone.
Instead of going back to sleep, you sit on the couch. The cold leftovers are pretty much devoured only thirty minutes after JJ leaves. You’re about to stand up to but the box in the trash when there’s a crash outside, you immediately freeze in place.
Then, there are footsteps in the gravel outside. You’re sitting right underneath a window, the worst possible place. Slowly, you grab the gun. The footsteps are on the stairs now, you just have to wait until they swing the squeaky porch door to move, maybe it’ll cover the sound of your own footsteps.
As the porch door opens, you bolt around the corner. The house is dark and silent for a second. You peak around the corner, eyes trained on the door. Whoever it is is being less careful now, their footsteps not as slow or cautious. The doorknob starts to turn, and you cover a gasp with your empty hand, moving back out of sight.
Your tears are back. JJ would’ve announced his presence, but it hadn’t been long enough for him to return yet. Kie or Pope wouldn’t be so sneaky. The door opens, and you quickly wipe away your tears, returning both hands to the gun.
A thud sounds through the empty house, like a bag hitting the floor. You’re trying to decide if you should wait until the stranger turns the corner to find you or if you want to jump out and ambush them. The closer they get, the harder you cry. Your sobs are going to be hard to contain, and the thought of having to use the gun in your hand upsets you even more.
In a split-second decision, you step halfway out from around the wall. The person is a lot closer to you than you thought, and you almost collide with them. A scream leaves your lips, and theirs too.
“I have a gun! I have a gun!” You yell and cry at the same time, sounding and looking crazy as you pull it up towards the guy.
“Woah, woah, wait! Don’t shoot. Y/N?” The voice is familiar, one you’d know anywhere. It’s John B.
Your suspicions are confirmed when he clicks on a flashlight in his hand, it only illuminates his face for a brief second before he’s shoving it in your face. “What the hell? Why do you have that? What are you doing here?”
His hand covers yours and lowers the gun until you can set it on the floor. You’re both looking at each other. John B kicks it out of the way, but you both stay crouched for whatever reason. Suddenly, your body shakes with sobs. Your heart is still racing, you’re pumped so full of adrenaline that your whole body is overwhelmed.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Oh my god. Come here.” John B falls back onto his ass and reaches for you, helping you crawl to him.
Feeling his shirt in between your fingers, his body pressed to yours, smelling his gross sweat, you’ve never been more thankful for any of it.
“What the fuck, John B? You scared me. Where have you been? I was so worried. I was so scared that you weren’t coming back.” You almost feel pathetic crying in his arms like this, but the look he gives you indicates that he feels the same way.
“I know, I know. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t call or anything, and they didn’t let me leave a note. I found a way back here, back to you. I always will, Y/N.” John B squeezes you tighter, pressing a long kiss to your forehead.
You’re still panting, and John B hasn’t quite caught his breath either. “Fuck DCS. I don’t want to lose you, John B. I can’t. The last twenty-four hours have been the worst of my life.”
John B sighs. “We’re going to figure something out. I’ll get someone to sign on as my legal guardian, so I can stay. I never wanted to leave you.”
He brings one of his hands to cup your face and pulls you to look at him.
“You know what this made me realize, though?”
“W-what?” You sniffle, thinking about how red and puffy your face must be.
“That I love you. Even when you’re crying, and there’s snot running out of your nose.” John B smirks, and you hit his chest, looking away to wipe your face on your sleep. The butterflies in your stomach are going wild.
“It made me realize I don’t want to live without you. It also made me realize that I have a badass girlfriend who’s willing to pull a gun on someone, even if she’s crying hysterically while doing so.” John B laughs again, the softest smile on his face. Your cheeks heat up from embarrassment and flattery at the same time.
“Girlfriend?” You ask, your eyes shining with more tears as you look into his that are just the same.
“Yeah. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
All you can do is nod. You nuzzle your face into his neck and squeeze him tight. He feels your smile against his skin.
“Hey, John B?” You lean back after a few more moments of silence to look him in the eyes.
“I love you too.”
You both fall asleep right there, on the floor, leaning against the wall that you’d been hiding behind.
Hours later, neither of you hear the other pogues enter. They’re all panicked because you hadn’t answered when they announced their arrival. Just to find out you’re perfectly safe, and so is John B.
thank you for reading! feel free to give feedback :)
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Like We Used To: 13
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A/N: I started writing this chapter thinking it would just be a filler, but I ended up really liking it!
Message me what you’d like to see in the upcoming chapters
[Click here for previous chapters]
The loud chimes of Elizabeth’s phone alarm started blaring, shaking her from a deep sleep. She reached over to turn it off. 7 AM. Harry stirred beside her before settling back down and she smiled, still blown away that he was even here with her. Not wanting to wake him, she cautiously slid out of bed, grabbed a change of clothes, and headed towards her bathroom in the hall to take a quick shower and wash away the filth from last night’s activities.
Today was Elizabeth’s first day ‘back to work’ since her best friends’ wedding, and even though she worked from home most days, she did feel more productive when she got dressed and ready for the day. After her shower she brushed her teeth, put her damp hair in a perfect low messy bun, got dressed in a black halter top, tucked it into a pair of high-waisted brown plaid pants, and layered it with a chunky knit beige cardigan and gold necklaces before creeping downstairs to make breakfast.
There wasn’t much food because she wasn’t able to do her weekly shopping yesterday, but she did have eggs and veggies, so she decided to whip up a couple veggie omelettes for her and Harry and make some tea.
While the tea brewed, Elizabeth grabbed the trash out of the can and took it out to the waste bin. Wednesdays were trash collection day and she always took hers and her elderly neighbor’s trash to the curb to collect. It was drizzling outside so she tried to hurry.
“Oh, Elizabeth!” 
Elizabeth looked up and smiled politely at her neighbor who was watching her from her window “Good morning, Judy! How are you?”
“I’m well, dear! Thanks for taking my trash again! Will you be joining me for dinner tonight? I’m making stuffed peppers!”
“That sounds wonderful, Judy, but I actually have a friend over for a few days.”
“Is it that handsome fellow that showed up yesterday?” she asked, making Elizabeth silently chuckle to herself. Judy resembled a younger Iris Apfel in appearance. She was an eccentric 83 year old retired widow with no close relatives, so she spent most of her time staring out of her window and observing the neighbors. Just is very sweet, but she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind. “You can bring him along if you’d like. 6 o’clock, then?”
Elizabeth nodded, you can’t say no to Judy, “Ok, we’ll see you at 6, then.” before scurrying inside to see Harry, still only wearing his boxer briefs, in the kitchen pouring two cups of the now-brewed tea, .
He looked up, confused, “What were you doing out in the rain?”
Elizabeth kicked off her shoes, eyeing his body and his perfectly placed tattoos, “I was taking mine and my elderly neighbors trash bins out.”
He smiled at her, “You take your elderly neighbor’s bins out? What are you, perfect?”
“Yeah, I’m an absolute saint and don’t you forget it,” she laughed, taking the cup of tea from him, “Speaking of how amazing I am, I made you breakfast. I’m gonna take mine to the office and get started on work.”
Harry pulled her closer to him before she could leave, looking into her eyes for a moment. They smiled at each other before he kissed her forehead and let her continue upstairs.
Work seemed excessively mundane today. All she found herself thinking about was how much she wanted to go downstairs and hang out with Harry, wondering what he was even doing, and thinking about how she could just save some of this work for another time, but she really wanted to get as much done as she can so she didn’t have to do a ton of work later. 
It was lunchtime and her video conference with one of her clients and some members of staff was running over time. Elizabeth jotted down notes as they wrapped up their meeting. She was in the middle of talking when her door creaked open and a still-shirtless Harry tip-toed in, carrying a plate and a drink. 
She powered through the interruption and continued, “...So I think we’ll let Connor take reign of that particular platform and we can have that ready for approval by Monday morning, how does that sound?” she said, gesturing for Harry to have a seat on the sofa on the other side of her desk so that he was out of view.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” her client agreed with satisfactory approval from her team, “And you’ll be sending us the agenda for our next call?”
“Yes, I’ll get that over to you by the end of the week,” Elizabeth assured, feeling Harry’s gaze, “Alright, everyone. Well thank you for another constructive meeting. I’ll let you all go so you can grab some lunch and I’ll see you on our next call in two weeks. Kathy, if there’s anything else you need just shoot me an email.”
Everyone sang their goodbyes and Elizabeth closed her laptop, deflating in her chair and turning her attention to Harry who was looking at her with a lopsided smile and an eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know why,” Harry started, “but seeing you working is really hot.”
Elizabeth chortled, rolling her eyes, “You bored yet?”
“No, I’ve actually been catching up on emails and calls, too. My publicist just sent me this,” he lifted his phone up to her to show a few pictures of Harry at the club he attended with their friend group on Sunday. Her and her friends were seen in the background, “The article said nothing of the fight and just mentioned me being there with friends in passing, so everything is still in the clear. There was nothing of me at the carnival, either.” Elizabeth blew out a ton of fresh air in relief as he continued, “Anyway, I just thought I’d bring you some lunch because you never came down,” He placed the plate on her desk that carried a beautiful turkey sandwich and some chips with a glass of water.
“Wow, I’m spoiled.”
“I figured it’s the least I can do since I invited myself over.”
“That reminds me,” Elizabeth swallowed a chip, “Judy invited us over for dinner at 6.”
Harry hesitated, “Uh….who’s Judy?”
“My neighbor. The one with the trash bins. She’s 83 and has no relatives in the area, so I have dinner with her every few weeks and we do a puzzle together.”
“Alright, now you’re just showing off. You’re gorgeous, smart, GREAT at sex, and you play puzzles with your elderly neighbor?”
“My god, you’re such a flirt!” Elizabeth crooned, rolling her eyes, “Anyway, I doubt she’ll know who you are. She saw you at my door yesterday and called you ‘the handsome fellow’.”
Harry laughed, “Judy’s got good taste. Maybe I ended up on the wrong doorstep.”
Elizabeth scoffed and shooed Harry away, “Okay, let me get back to work so I can be done earlier. And please go shower. Judy’s 83, she’s not stupid. You wreak of sex.”
“You sure you don’t want to have another quick go at it? We can make room on your desk.”
“Out!” Elizabeth demanded, laughing.
By the time 5:30 rolled around, Elizabeth had completed double the amount of work that she was meant to. She was eager to check out what Harry was doing, because she thought she couldn’t hear the faint sounds of a guitar. Sure enough when Elizabeth reached the end of the staircase and peered into the living room she saw Harry sitting on the edge of the sofa with a guitar in hand, humming and muttering along to a tune and occasionally stopping to jot something down in his phone. The floorboard creaked and Harry sat up straight.
“Whatcha singing?” Elizabeth smiled, walking in.
He put his guitar down and sat up, “Just...working on some music. Gonna work on it a little more when I see Mitch and the guys next week.”
Elizabeth nodded and the two got ready to head on over to Judy’s house. She was slightly worried how Judy would react.The odd’s were small, but what if she did know who Harry was? Or what if she had said some things that were a bit inappropriate? How would Harry react? Elizabeth was used to Judy’s eccentricity and knew how to communicate with her, but would Harry be able to manage? She could be a bit much sometimes. But, given the amount of interviews Harry’s been in over the course of almost ten years, surely he knows how to handle himself. 
They decided to make their way over in the pouring rain, using their jackets for cover, as they were greeted at the door by a thin, pale woman who had way too much pink blush on and the brightest red lipstick imaginable. Her eyes looked magnified behind her bold, black squared glasses, and her white hair peaked from underneath an emerald green headdress with gold brooches of bumblebees and butterflies along the side. Her long blouse set was almost disorienting as it was covered in bold chartreuse and magenta geometric shapes and she wore layers upon layers of gaudy costume jewelry. 
“Come in, come in, dinner is just about done!” She ushered them inside.
Elizabeth glanced over at Harry to see his eyes widened as he looked from Judy to her home that was an antique hoarder’s dream and she giggled to herself, following Judy towards the dining kitchen. 
“Judy, this is my friend, Harry,” Elizabeth introduced, grabbing some plates out of the cabinet for her.
Judy turned to look Harry up and down, noting his tattoos before saying, “He’s not the prick that cheated on you after three years, is he?”
Harry smiled as Elizabeth laughed and said, “No, that’s not him.”
Judy nodded in approval, “Alright, then. This boy’s got a nice face,” she declared, turning to Harry, “Are you having sex with her?”
Harry’s eyes widened and Elizabeth shouted, “Judy!”
“What?” She shrugged her shoulders, turning the stovetop off and stirring up the pot before looking back at Harry, “All I’m saying is if you’re having sex, just make sure you’re getting her off, too. You young men these days are so selfish in the bedroom.”
Harry laughed as Elizabeth asked, “Is that from personal experience, Judy?”
Judy cackled, “Honey, I may be old, but I’ve still got it,” causing Harry and Elizabeth to bust into laughter.
Dinner was delicious and Elizabeth noticed Harry getting more comfortable as conversations went on. She saw him loosening up, realizing he could joke with her. When dinner finished up, she brought out a puzzle for them all to start together. It was small enough for them all to be able to finish before night’s end. 
By the time they were halfway finished, Judy asked, “So, are you two dating or just screwing around?” When she noticed the look Elizabeth and Harry gave each other she waved her hands, “No judgement to ya! Everyone needs some casual fucks every now and again.”
Harry cleared his throat and took a sip of water, “Well I’m trying to get her to date me, but she’s playing hard to get.”
Judy looked over at Elizabeth, “What’re you doing that for? Is he bad in bed or something?”
Elizabeth laughed, pushing a puzzle piece into its spot, “No he’s fantastic in bed. I’m just trying to...take it slow.”
“Taking it slow is for the birds if you found a guy that’s handsome and good in bed. That’s rare.” Judy scoffed.
Harry grinned, “Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to date her since I was 15 years old.”
“For that long?!” Judy exclaimed, shocked, “What are you making this poor boy wait so long for? Does he have a shit job or something?”
Elizabeth shook her head no while Harry, jokingly, kept adding fuel to the fire, “I’m rich, Judy! I’ve got money, the looks, I’m good in bed, I’m a gentleman. What more could she want?”
Judy shook her head, “She’s out of her mind, is what she is, I’ll tell ya that!”
Harry winked at Elizabeth before turning back to Judy, “Might just cut my losses. What do you think, Judy? You and me?”
Judy hooted, “Ooh, I’ll tell ya what. If Elizabeth doesn’t come to her senses soon then I’ll snatch you right up! It’s been a long time, but I reckon I still got it!”
Harry laughed, “Judy, I’m trying to convince Lizzy to come travel with me for a bit. You think you can help me out?”
Judy looked over at Elizabeth, eyes wider, “This handsome boy wants to take you away from this god forsaken city, and you said no?”
“Because he wants to leave on Saturday! I wasn’t properly prepared!” Elizabeth defended herself.
“Girl, you need to learn how to live a little! The best adventures are always spontaneous! You should go! I can take my own damn trash out while you’re gone!”
Harry smirked over at Elizabeth. Judy was smitten with him, now, and Elizabeth knew that she would never hear the end of it from Judy if she didn’t go. There were too many factors working against them, though. Again, he was famous. Every step he made was scrutinized. People would eventually notice a different woman being seen around him. What would the backlash look like? She also had her own work to worry about. Sure, she could manage to do her work on the road, but would she even have the time to? Who knows what his PR touring looked like? And what about the people that worked for him? What would they say about her tagging along? She wanted to go, but she wasn’t sure if she should.
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nostalthicc · 5 years
best friends saga | jeff wittek
jeff wittek x bestfriend!reader
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summary: just a ton of shorts of jeff and his unlikely best friend in a high school au :)
warnings: mentions of abuse, light blood/injury, slight angst, fluff
1.9k words
note: jumps around a lot- none of these happen in order opps lol
“aright so i was thinking-” jeff started but y/n but her hands up motioning for the boy to stop his talking. she was not going to be bossed around by someone who intimidates kids to do his homework.
“i’ll stop you right there.” she grabbed a stack of papers handing half of them to jeff. “i was thinking i will finish this half and you can finish the other and then we will combine what we have.” y/n's words fell off her lips in a bored, blunt tone. she was stoked to be working with jeff on this project but y/n was just tired. she had been up with her mother all night trying to convince her that no one was in the house.
jeff pursed his lips lightly, a slight smirk making it’s way on his lips. “but what if i want to spend time with you.” he pushed, his voice growing a bit deeper.
“stop- I’m not doing this whole presentation, now I have to get going. don't screw this up I need the grade in this class.” y/n gathered her things. it was true, she did need her grade to go up in this class.
“so why is it your jeff side is completely sealed off.” erin and carly, two of y/n’s close friend had been questioning her about jeff ever since they suddenly became close friends. It was a shocker for the whole school, jeff didn’t have girl friends- he didn’t really have friends at all. 
y/n huffed, she was tired of talking about him. that's all anyone ever wanted to talk about with her. now that she had befriended the mysteriously handsome boy, girls from all cliques wanted to become friends. although y/n knew they were all fake, she still felt a little warm in all the attention. “why does it matter, it’s not like i’m dating him. i haven’t changed and neither has he.” 
“sorry, i find it a bit strange that you and the hottest guy in school became friends, in a matter of months.” erin had always had a thing for jeff, y/n always thought it was a pointless school girl crush- and still does, it all seemed to cliche for her. 
“speak of the devil.” carly mumbled stuffing a scoop of mashed potatoes in her mouth.
“hey...ellie and...carly?” y/n couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt to remember her friend's name. most would take it as a joke but jeff really could care less.
“erin.” She corrects him through a mouth full of french fries. He simply nods, turning back to y/n.
jeff gave y/n a lopsided grin. “my mom wants to have you over for dinner. No code red so it will be enjoyable.” she knew he hated having dinner with his mom and her, he wanted something. she motioned for him to continue. “And after I was thinking we could go to murphy’s.” murphy’s was a club. 
“i don’t even have a-” jeff holds up a fake ID with her driver's license photo printed on it. now y/n really had no excuse to say no, other than the fact clubbing was not her scene. “fine, but on one condition. erin and carly get to come.” she smiled in triumph, collecting all the trash onto her tray, handing it to jeff for him to throw away. 
he flashed his award-winning smirk towards the girls. “the more the merrier.” 
y/n shoved her car keys back into her bag, this was the third time jeff had blown her off to finish this project. she was tired of it, she wasn’t going to take no as an answer this time. 
“i thought i told you today wasn’t a good time.” jeff kept the door cracked around his face, he kept peering back every once in a while.
y/n positioned her foot in the door, so jeff couldn’t close the door in her face as he did the past few times. “no, i don't care.”
“i need to get this project done and quite frankly i don’t care what you are hiding in your house.” she looked up at him with the sternest face she could muster up, even though she looks like a mad teddy bear, jeff he complied. he knew as soon as she saw what was on the inside y/n would immediately want to leave.
he pushed the door open letting her walk-in, his house looked neat and put together, nothing like y/n suspected. jeff’s mom was sitting on the couch, an icepack on her wrist and his father was nowhere to be seen. “momma this is y/n, we are going to be working on a project in my room.” jeff spoke so kindly with his mother like anything little thing would set her off, she kindly smiled at the girl and nodded looking back down at her bruised hand sadly.
No matter how hard y/n tried not to flinch when the yelling started downstairs she couldn’t help it. jeff’s father's outburst scared her more than she knew, she finally understood why he wanted to keep her out and she couldn’t blame him. if anyone witnessed y/n’s mother’s outburst she would be ashamed as well. 
“i’m sorry.” Her apology came out quiet and soft, she felt bad for barging in like this. she should have known better. She peered through her eyelashes waiting for jeff to lash out on her, or cry, or force her out the door but instead a smile crept onto his face. In fact, he started laughing, it caused the hell out of y/n. “w-what?” 
jeff put his hand over his mouth trying to contain his fits of laughter. “i’’ sorry, i’m sorry but i never thought i would have a girl in my room while my dad is blowing up on my mom for no reason- c-can I be honest here?” he didn’t wait for her to answer. “for so long-” jeff’s voice became soft once again, he looked down to his hands. “i had to listen to my father tear my mother to pieces and now that someone’s here it doesn’t hurt as bad. is that wrong of me?” his watery eyes met y/n’s, who wore a clear expression of understanding across her face.
her heart broke for him, she brought herself in front of him, putting his hands into hers. “no, no, no. it’s not wrong, not at all. jeff- pain, it’s easier when you have someone there. it’s human nature.” 
“you seem like your speaking from experience.” a sad smile formed on his lips, although he was just talking it still caused y/n to tense slightly. she knew it wasn’t fair to want to conceal her past after jeff just confessed his but it still made her feel uneasy.
“y/n/n, I think it has a nice ring to it.” jeff continued to try and come up with a nickname for y/n while his head laid in her lap. They were watching the outsiders-  y/n’s pick- it was movie night. 
she just hummed in response, even though secretly she loved it, she had been calling jeff bubs, for the longest time now and he wanted a nickname of his own for her. “I like it.”
it was a normal night for y/n, she would do a small workout, cook dinner for herself and her mom, go to sleep. it was a basic schedule and only changes when she’s at jeff’s or he’s here. 
she was about to lie down but her phone buzzed, y/n groaned, she had already taken melatonin and was almost asleep. jeff’s number flashed across the screen. “hello?” 
“y/n/n?” jeff’s voice was quiet like he was hiding. “i’m outside. could you let me in?” as he talked y/n ran down the stairs to her front door, her eyes met with jeff’s before they traveled down to his bloody cheek.
her eyebrows knitted together, she asked no questions, she knows he will tell her. y/n gently dragged him into the house, leading him to the bathroom and to clean his face and wounds. y/n sat on the bathroom counter, jeff was standing between her legs, slightly flinching at the sting of alcohol on his cuts. 
jeff couldn’t help but smile while looking at the girl. whenever y/n was concentrating, she would stick her tongue out a bit, he learned that the first day he was assigned the project with her. 
“going to tell me what happened,” she questioned throwing the bloody tissues away. jeff held his hand up, it was as well bloody and bruised, y/n frowned. “buds, what happened?”
a sigh fell through jeff’s lips. “i threw a punch at him, he was going to hurt her again and I couldn’t keep watching. he got a nice swing on me, though.” his body was filled with so much pain and anger, this is one of the few times jeff has intervened in one of his parents fights- let alone the only time he's gotten physical with his father. “y/n/n,  you know usually i let it play out but i couldn't listen to her cries anymore. fuck, i'm sorry.”
y/n cut him off, she didn’t want him to finish his sentence. she knew it hurt him and that was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. “stop- it’s okay. i get it, don’t be sorry. he doesn’t deserve your apologies.” she rested his head on her shoulder. 
“i just want to kill him sometimes and it scares me because i might have enough hatred to do so.” jeff looked her in the eyes to see if there was any form of fear in them, fear of him but he only saw pain and that's even worse. 
“jeff if you’re anything, it's not a killer. don’t think like that, I know it is a touchy subject but I’m going to let you talk to herself like you are going crazy. if anyone is a killer is him.” y/n could feel jeff tense. “you can stay here if you want to.”
“can I?” He questioned, his voice soft and quiet, y/n nodded, hopping off the counter. she watched him carefully as he pulled out the futon in the corner, spreading on the sheets she keeps in the closet just for him before taking a few pillows from her bed. jeff removed his shirt and laid down looking at the wall, y/n knew on so many levels how broken he was but he, himself never wanted to admit it, it made her sad, almost as if everything he felt she felt a small part of it too. 
“and jeff, i swear to god if you don’t call me everyday i will not hesitate to beat your ass.” y/n sassed, trying to lighten the mood. she didn't want to get upset as she was saying her goodbyes to jeff at his new dorm, he was finally going off to college. 
“yes ma’am.” he teased bringing her into his arms for a long-awaited hug. neither of the two really wanted to let go. y/n was first to pull away, she didn't want to cry because she knew they would still be best friends and they will always see each other but it hurt. 
jeff turned to his mom, gave her one last hug before taking his first steps into college life, away from his dad, mom, high school, y/n. “bye bubs!” she shouted waving her arm frantically, with the biggest smile on her face. “wish i could say i’m sad to see you go!”
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writemoment · 4 years
Babysit The Babysitter
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 1/1
Summary: Babysitting was Y/n’s part time job. To her surprise, the school’s prized heart-throb is basically a full time mom.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings/Rated: None
Word Count: 1,833
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( Reader ) P.O.V.
Hawkins, Indiana. My newfound home. 
I’ve been here for two months. Two glorious months of blending into the crowds and trying to not become the target of social ridicule. In that aspect, nothing has changed from my former hometown on the southern tip of the state. No matter where you go, peers are jerks.
I clamber into my house, hanging my backpack on the edge of the kitchen chair. “I’ve got you a job.” Mom says while stirring something sizzling on the stove.
My brow raises curiously. “A job? What kind of job?” I linger over to the fridge and open it to browse it’s empty shelves as a distraction. Finding work has been a source of stress for me, especially in a small town like Hawkins where everyone knows everyone. 
Mom smiles reassuringly, setting the food to simmer. She walks over to me, closing the fridge so I will look at her. “It’s a babysitting job for the Wheeler’s. I know how much you like kids, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity! Holly is around four and their son, Mike, is thirteen.”
It’s true, I do love kids... However, thirteen is a difficult age between I-don’t-need-a-babysitter and I-will-set-the-house-on-fire-if-I’m-not-watched. That’s the only thing that gives me a millisecond of hesitation. I smile at my mom, her expression mirroring mine.
“When’s my first shift?”
So, Friday after school, I drive over to the Wheeler residence to meet with the parents before they went off to have a ‘date night’. Holly was your typical four year old, playing with her toys on the living room carpet. Mike, on the other hand, was less than thrilled at the thought of my company.
“Mom, I don’t need a babysitter! This is ridiculous!” He cries as Mrs. Wheeler slides in a pair of earrings. “Will, Dustin and Lucas are supposed to be coming over to finish our campaign!”
“And you can finish your game just fine while Y/n is here. Nancy is out with Jonathan and we need someone here to put Holly to bed. I’m sorry, Michael, but you’re just going to have to deal with it.” Mrs. Wheeler finishes as she slips her heel into a pair of pumps.
“Dad, you can’t be serious?” Mike asks incredulously. My presence, standing like a statue in the middle of their house, seemed uncomfortable. I wanted to vanish from the throws of this disagreement between parents and child.
Mr. Wheeler was a very monotone man. Without much of a glance at his son, he said, “Listen to your mother.” He slipped on his coat, patted Michael’s head and followed his wife out with a definitive shut of the door.
Mike groaned loudly and he was obviously aggravated.
I drop my things beside the door and decide to check on Holly while I let Mike simmer down. She smiles at me, not finding me too intrusive, and continues to play with her dollies. Mrs. Wheeler said she ordered pizza and left the money on the counter.
Mike stands in the doorway, eyeing me wearily. “So... what kind of campaign are you having?” I ask, trying to break my way past his defense. He looks unimpressed with my efforts but answers anyway.
“It’s for D&D. I’ve been working on it for weeks and everything has to be perfect-” He’s getting antsy about it and I can tell that he’s afraid it’ll be disappointing.
“Dungeons and Dragons...Got it. It’ll be perfect, I’m sure. How about you go on down and set up? I’ll bring the pizza when it arrives.” Mike furrows his brows at me. “Listen, I get it. You’re too old for a babysitter. I’ll respect that, but you gotta cut me some slack. Deal?”
Something shifts and I can sense that I’ve made quite the impression. “Fine, deal.” He agrees. I sigh in relief and he spares no time in going downstairs to prepare. At least I’ll only have to really focus on Holly until her bedtime.
A few hours later, Holly was tucked in and knocked out in slumber. The boys downstairs kept to themselves and didn’t budge character even when I came sloping down the stairs with pizza boxes. Though, they did take the liberty of introducing themselves to me briefly.
Now that I had free time, I ventured back down into their lair with the intention to clean up whatever mess they’ve made during their game. Four boys sat around a fold-up table with junk food wrappers and crushed soda cans littering the area around them. All of them looked very high on sugar.
The bottom step creaked underneath my feet and all of their eyes turned up at me. “Don’t stop on my account! I’m just gonna pick up the trash so your parents don’t kill me.” I say, holding up the trash bin I’ve dragged along with me.
Mike shrugs nonchalantly and continues to describe the scene they all just rolled into. I can feel the hesitation to launch into full-blown roll playing while I’m walking in such near proximity. Hurrying my clean up, I try to make as little noise as possible as I crouch over to scoop the evidence of their escapades from sight. There must have been some sort of acceptance of me since they all begin to scream in horror, roaring with accents and acting out their advancements as they roll their dice.
My lips pull up into a smile at their excitement. All of them are out of their seats, focused on the board in front of them as Dustin rolls for dexterity. I don’t see the number in which it landed but the hollers mixed with ‘yes!’s lead me to believe it was exactly what they needed.
Suddenly, the door behind them slams open and Steve Harrington prances through looking stern. “You guy’s said you would be done at nine! I’ve been waiting outside for thirty minutes you shi-”
His eyes land on me as the boys lower themselves into their seats. I can’t imagine the expression I’m wearing. Shock? Confusion? Interest? Either way, I just saw golden-boy-heart-throb Steve freaking Harrington go into full mom mode.
Dustin speaks up, “I’m sorry, Steve. We didn’t know it would take this long! We are almost finished, if you could just-” His words are cut off by Holly’s voice roaming the living room. She must have been woken up by the commotion.
Looking sheepish, I silently excuse myself, though all eyes watch me ascend, to go take care of the disturbed four year old. Holly looks pitiful with a blanket draped over her shoulder and a pout tugging at her lip.
Picking her up, I stroll back up to her room. Her head flops onto my shoulder, still very exhausted and obviously troubled at being stolen from her precious rest. It takes almost no time to get her to settle back into her mattress with a sigh. My fingers brush her golden strands away from her mouth and I see her become heavy as she goes under. I close the door, only leaving it open a crack, behind me. Hopefully it’ll be enough to buffer out the sound of the boys downstairs.
Assuming the boys would have dispersed after the arrival of Steve, I'm quite surprised to see them all continuing their game as if nothing happened. Even more so when I notice they’ve convinced the brown hair senior to participate.
At the grounds of Hawkins High School, I’ve seen Steve around. Rumor has it that he had changed quite a bit from last year, though it’s inconclusive as to why. Steve was a popular. He had girls chasing after him, he was athletic and fell underneath another high school cliche. That’s all that I knew about him.
Yet, here he stands in front of me. Purple pointed hat and matching robes clothe him as a poor excuse for a wizard. He recites some line Mike had written out for him with thinly veiled irritation, though he does put a bit of effort forward to sound mighty. 
Will and Lucas join up to strike him down, their combined skills making for an epic conclusion to their campaign. Seeming as if Steve almost gets into it, he falls to his knees, hands grasping his chest as he curses them. With a dramatic cough he falls flat on his back, tongue lolling out of the corner of his mouth- dead. 
The boys laugh and I join in, covering my mouth in a weak attempt to hide my amusement. My burst of giggles must contrast very differently because it immediately makes Steve’s eyes open and him hop up, shedding the ridiculous getup. “Nicely done, boys! Mike, your parents should be home soon. Do you need help cleaning up?” I ask.
Lucas waves me off. “Nah, we can put everything away.”
“Thanks.” Will adds.
Together, they start gathering up their things while discussing the events that took place on their way to a victorious game. I’m so focused on the boys that I forget Steve for a moment.
“Hi, I’m Steve. Harrington, that is.” He introduces, holding out his hand for me to take. I accept it, smiling at him. Of course I know who he is, but I won’t point that out. “You’re that new girl that moved here a while back, right?”
Drawing my hand back to my side, I nod. “Yeah, a little over two months ago. I’m Y/n.” Bending at the waist, I gather his wizard robes and playfully extend them toward him. “These are yours, I presume?”
“What? No-no, that-” He stops at my smile, realizing my attempt at banter. “Oh, ha-ha. You try saying no to these kids when they’re hyped up on D&D and sugar!”
I laugh.”I’m sure I’ll have to at some point. That is, if I can keep this as a regular babysitting job.” I toss the robes into a basket setting on the couch. “I assume I’ll be seeing you around here as well. Seems like you’re....” I avoid calling Steve a ‘mom’ to his face, “close with them. I suppose I’ll have to learn from you on how to gain their respect.”
Steve laughs but he doesn’t get a chance to respond. “Stop flirting with the babysitter, Steve. If we’re out late again, we’re toast.” Dustin says, pushing the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. I instantly flush at the words and Steve knocks the kid’s hat down to obstruct his view.
“I’ll see you around, Y/n.” He calls, pushing Will, Dustin and Lucas out the door.
Shaking my head, I sigh lightly. Mike and I are left in the basement, standing in the quiet they left behind. My hand cups the back of my neck in an attempt to cool down the warmed skin there. “Thanks. For tonight, I mean. I guess you aren’t so bad.” Mike says, folding the table up.
I bite my lip to suppress my grin. Perhaps Hawkins won’t be too bad after all.
Masterlist Here
A/N: How do you guys feel about short(er) one shots compared to long series? I’ve been trying it out! Let me know what you think and what you prefer! Thank you for the support and feedback! - Ellie-Mae 
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tnystrk-exe · 4 years
we both know how this song ends
Jack Daniels x Reader
Warnings: Emotional/Physical abuse, mentions of suicide, death. Starts in high school. Each chapter is roughly 4k 
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Chapter One
The buzzing of your alarm clock woke you away. Mind still fuzzy, you slapped a hand on it to turn it off. Finally, school was starting up and you wouldn’t have to hear about how much of a waste you were from your mom and her newest boyfriend. 
Since your father had died, your mom kinda lost it. One day she was normal and the next… Well she just wasn’t her anymore. Your dad was her everything and you just weren’t enough to keep her sane. It had been hard to deal with losing both of your parents at once. Sometimes, you weren’t sure which was worse. 
Your father was gone and that had been painful. But your mother was here and she couldn’t even look at you unless she was angry. At first you had tried, you really did. You cleaned the house. Made her dinner. Showed her all of your accomplishments. It was never enough for a smile. No. The laundry wasn’t done. The food was too salty. Jessica’s daughter did better than that. So, you stopped. After a while you learned your lesson. 
Not too long after that came the men. Some would come for weeks. Others minutes. Never particularly long enough to know them other than angrily traded words. You stayed locked up in your room or out of your house as much as possible. 
Sighing, you forced yourself to start the day. Grabbing a shirt and pants you threw them on before slipping on your shoes. You glanced at your hiding spot. This new guy had gotten your mother into pawning your stuff and looting around your room for money for his fix lately. The money hidden under your bed would be found quickly, no doubt. Sighing you went to grab it and placed it in your backpack. It would be better if you just started to keep your valuables close. 
Shouldering your bag you walked out of the small room. It seemed like your dad left and everything good with him. The house was sold, one income meant goodbye home sweet home. Your mother had blown the money so quickly in her depression? Anger? You weren’t quite sure what to call it. So you moved into a shabby too close together apartment in the middle of Who Knows Where, USA. No trace of the good, old times in sight. That is other than the box of old family pictures the newest one had his dirty work boots propped on top of.
“Hey, kid, where’s the fucking rent?” He asked, already smoking his first cigarette of the day.
“Take your fucking feet off of that.”
He lifted his foot, slamming it back down. The crunch of the glass angering you instantly. “What are you going to do about it?”
You balled your fist. Soon you’d be out. Soon it wouldn’t matter. Soon this whole life would be behind you. “Fuck you, Steve,” you scoffed in disgust. 
He laughed at your retreating form. “If that’s how you want to pay your rent that’s fine. Bet you’re better at it than your mom anyway.”
Red flag noted. No being alone with that creep. 
You started cycling to the school. Of course you got to be new in your last year. Just your luck. The small town could have been really cute, that is if your personal life hadn’t soured the experience. It was a big change from the city life you had been used to. The air was fresher and it was way quieter than anywhere else you had ever been. 
Maybe it would have been nice if you hadn’t felt so alone all the time. So much had changed in seven months. Hopefully, in another seven they would change for the better. You weren’t sure just how long you could keep going like this. It was getting to be too much already. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. No use in being a baby about it. This was your life and it would have to be for just a little while longer. There was a banner across the school’s entrance that read welcome class of ‘91. Just this one year and you’d go to college somewhere far from your mother and her new life. 
You left your bike at the rack and went to follow the mass. Most people were walking toward the cafeteria. Others were already flocking into their cliques, which made you miss your own all the more when you heard their laughter and inside jokes. When you finally made your way into the crowded cafeteria, you made your way to the senior lines. 
“Hello, there pretty lady,” greeted a guy with a god awful start to a mustache.
You nodded, “Hey.”
“I haven’t seen you around here, I’d like to think I woulda remembered seeing an angel.”
“Jackie boy!” Someone called out from behind you, “I already called dibs on that piece.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. Just one year. 
“Name miss?”
“YN LN.”
The teacher started looking through her files. When she finally found it, she handed you a thick folder of papers. “Your schedule and locker number are on the first page. The rest is everything your parents need to sign and information on your graduation ring and gown. Your teachers should give you all the books you need as you see them.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
You left the cafeteria and started an attempt at looking for your locker. “Where do I even start?” you muttered under your breath.
The sound of boots behind you and a tap on the shoulder made you turn around. “Look, I’m sorry about Eric. He’s a dick. He likes to say stupid shit like that.”
“We’ll call it even if you help me find my locker,” you offered. “For Eric and that awful line.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” he nodded as he took your folder and took a look at your schedule. “Looks like I got lucky. Yours is across from mine. If you want I can show you the way around.”
“I’d appreciate it.”
“So what brought you over here?” He signaled you to follow him as he asked.
“Something’s changed recently,” you shrugged, “New start. You always lived here?”
“Born. Raised. Hopefully, this won’t end here.”
“Oh yeah, you’ve got so much more to see than this small town.”
He laughed, “What’s the outside world like darlin’.”
“You wouldn’t believe it. There’s people that don’t all exclusively wear flannels and Stentons. Buildings and crowds as far as the eye could see.”
“I’m getting the heebies jus’ thinkin’ about it, he shuddered for added effect, “Name’s Jack Daniels.”
“Your parents do realize-“
“Yeah. Mom had to talk dad down from Daniel Daniels. Let’s just call this one a win. What’s yours? I wanna judge your parents' choices too.”
“YN LN.”
“Damn. That’s actually kinda cute. I’ll let that mouth of yours slide just this once.” He stopped and pointed to a locker and then another, “Yours. Mine. First days here are usually just ice breakers. I’d recommend just bringing a pencil, paper, and your backpack for today. Your path doesn’t cross your locker until you hit fourth period. Go put some of your things up and I’ll walk you around.”
You nodded and had done as he said. Honestly, you hadn’t thought you’d find someone you’d be so comfortable with this early. But Jack had seemed kind enough, so you’d roll with it and see where it went. He showed you throughout the school, making sure to show you short cuts you could take for your classes. It wasn’t too long before he ended the trip at your first period class. 
“Well, this is where we end. Is my debt paid off?”
“Yeah, it is. We’re all squared up.”
“Then sweetie pie, I hope I’m lucky enough to see you around.”
You laughed, “How many of those are you going to try?”
He shrugged, “I’m a fan of Pretty Lady. Can’t promise I won’t try out more.” Jack turned heel and walked off to his own class. 
Part of you berated yourself for not comparing schedules when you had the chance. He had been the first real interaction you had had in awhile. Even more if you had to admit it, other than the ‘stache he was easy on the eyes. 
It wasn’t until you met Vanessa in second period that you stopped thinking about him. Maybe you weren’t so infatuated and just missed having company. 
“Let me see your schedule?”
You handed it over. “Any matches?”
“Lunch and seventh period. You should have fifth period with my Jack.” You could have sworn she sighed lovingly. “Well, he doesn’t know he’s my Jack, but he will be.”
“Ah... Jack Daniels?”
“Yeah,” another sigh and a doped up look, “You’ve met him already?”
“Yep, he walked me around the school in the morning.”
“He’s always a gentleman.”
Okay, Vanessa probably wouldn’t be an exactly close friend. Not because of Jack, but she just seemed like the type that crushed on people too hard for your liking. Nice girl, couldn’t deny that. Pretty soon you knew a decent amount. She had a crush on Jack since the beginning of first grade. He worked on her family’s farm during the summer and one time he even winked at her when her daddy wasn’t looking. 
The bell rang and your icebreaker bingo was thrown in the trash.
It was still a surprise when Jack looked around the class in fifth period and caught you with a big smile. “Well, wouldn’t you look at that!” He sauntered over toward you, “It looks like you and me have chemistry lil’ miss.”
“Not as much as you and Vanessa,” you joked.
He took the seat next to you, condemning himself to be your partner for the rest of the year. “I promise, I’m not her Jack.”
“Mmm, you sure you just don’t know it yet?”
“I’m certain. She’s a good girl, but she’s just not for me. I got grass in my eye a while ago and she thought I sent a wink her way. Vanessa wouldn’t stop making eyes at me the rest of the summer. I dunno, she may just be too clingy for my taste.”
You patted his back. “Good luck. She’s got it bad.”
“I know, she’s stuck on me being her first kiss.”
“You were her first kiss?”
“And she was mine. It was a little kiddie school play. She was a princess and I was a frog.”
“It couldn’t be any more obvious. Got any pictures I can make fun of?”
“You can stop by mine sometime. I’ll show you. Speaking of, what are your plans after school?”
You shook your head, “I don’t really have any.” You were embarrassed to admit that you were gonna ride around town and avoid going home as long as you could. 
“Great. There’s this burger place, best milkshakes in the town. Also the only place you can get one but that’s beside the point. If you don’t mind hanging out that is.”
“No, um, that sounds really nice.”
“Me and you after school. It’s a plan.”
After school, Jack put your bike in the back of his blue Chevy and drove you to the best shake spot in town. He had made you laugh and smile more than you had in a long time. You almost pitied Vanessa for not grabbing his attention. Jack really did seem like a great guy. Too bad you’d probably leave and he’d stay here. The conversation stayed light. You didn’t want to get to the poor girl with the sad life pity party yet. For now, he gave you a sense of normalcy that you wanted to hold onto for a while longer. 
That was until it was time to go home.
“You can leave me here.”
“What? No, I can take you down the street.”
You sighed, shaking your head. “My mom’s real strict, J. If you drop me off, I’d never hear the end of it.”
“Okay, fine. Can I pick you up for school? You’re on my way anyhow.”
“I don’t want to impose.”
“6:30 sharp,” he said with a tone that left no room for argument, “Then, just maybe, we’ll be able to get some decent breakfast.” You went to get out the car and he followed after, taking your bike back out for you. “If she’s so strict you should probably keep bringing your bike. I don’t want you to get an earful on my account. See you tomorrow.”
You started to walk your bike down the street. When you started to put your bike up is when you noticed the old truck start to drive away. It made your heart flutter a bit with how much this still stranger cared about you. The feeling of it didn’t last long when you looked at the apartment door. Steeling yourself you walked in.
“And where have you been you little bitch?” Your mother asked, instantaneously. “Whoring around no doubt.” 
“You know what they say,” you shrug, “the apple doesn’t fall far.”
You couldn’t react with how quickly she got in your face. Her nails dug into your jaw as she made you look at her. “Don’t disrespect me. I’m your mother.”
“I remember a time you liked me.” You don’t know why you said it, but it had just fallen out. The part of you that still wanted answers no doubt.
“You’re just a burden and a disappointment,” she scoffed, disgusted by the idea. “You know, YN, I bet you’re the reason your dad killed himself.”
Tears blurred your vision but you didn’t let them fall. “Take it back.”
“What? Are you going to cry?” Her alcohol laced breath wafted into your face, “Daddy killed himself and mommy doesn’t love you anymore. Does the little baby want to cry?”
“You’re such a fucking bitch.”
Her hand slammed heavily against your face. For a split second she looked surprised, but it was gone in an instant. “Go to your fucking room and don’t come out.”
No need to be told twice. You went to your room and locked the door behind yourself. With a shaky breath you sent your backpack down and went to look in a mirror. Wincing at the damage. 
“Let’s see if you’ll think twice about opening that fat mouth,” you heard your mother yell into the house.
Just a few months, you could make it. Things would get better. 
The next morning, you woke up and instantly went to check your face. God, you could have cried the second you saw the ugly bruised skin. What would Jack say? You tried so hard to keep this all quiet just to be ruined the next day. Grabbing whatever was closest, you changed and got ready for the day. Still checking yourself in the mirror every so often hoping that somehow it would go away. 
You didn’t even throw a comment to Steve on the couch this morning. Didn’t do anything at another of his lewd comments. Something about being open to a blowjob from that pretty little mouth. 
It was like you were in auto pilot. Just kept walking with your head down, bike in tow. You didn’t realize how far you had walked until you heard Jack’s increasingly familiar engine. 
“I know you said your mom was strict, but you could have given me a warning you wanted to get picked up this far out,” Jack said, the truck crawling along the road beside you. “YN?”
“Hm, sorry,” you got yourself back into the real world, “It’s okay. It’s a nice day out. I feel like walking some.”
“That’s nonsense,” he protested, jumping out from the truck and walking to you, “Just, lemme load her up and- What happened to you?” You flinched when his hand came up to your face, but it was much gentler than last time it happened, “I wouldn’t hurt you sugar. Ever. Tell me what happened.” His thumb stroked your jaw as soft as possible as he tried to comfort you. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it, Jack.” You pulled away from his hand. “I just want to get past all of this. Please?”
“Was it because of me?” It made sense to him, you got home late, maybe his cologne had lingered on you since the truck was so small.
You shook your head, “Things were tense long before you. You’re not even in the cards.”
“How are you feeling about school?”
“I don’t think so, not with this,” you motioned at the forming bruise, “It’s just going to get worse.”
“Tell you what. We’ll pick up some make up, so you can feel more comfortable with it being covered up. Then we’ll go do who knows what together. Okay? You and me.”
He put your bike into the truck and helped you into the car. At the store he dealt with the disproving look from the cashier. What was he supposed to say? Oh that wasn’t from me. This was a small town after all. It wouldn’t matter what he’d say. Word spread as fast as fire. Soon everyone would know about the Daniels boy going around with a strange new girl. Keep your girls safe, the bruise on her cheek looked especially horrible. 
Jack handed the money over and grabbed then he grabbed the bag. Grabbing your hand in his, he took you back to the truck. You had entered this calm daze. Not really speaking, just doing as he asked. 
“Would ya mind staying at my house?” He hadn’t bothered to add that you needed to rest. With a shake of your head he started up the old truck and went home.
The home was nice. Classic American if anything. Two stories, baby blue with white trim, and a white fence. Not all white you noted. There were pink, blue, and yellow hand prints on the door. Mom, dad, and Jack were fading words underneath them. Your family had had something similar with a height wall, though little you never quite caught on that your parents never changed much. 
“It’s really pretty, Jack.”
“Thank you, darlin’. My dad would appreciate it more than anyone. He built it when mom and him got engaged.”
“That sounds really sweet.”
“I’m hopin’, one day I get to do the same. C’mon. Meet my old girl Bess.” He nodded for you to follow him up the path. Jack patted his thigh, “She’d never been the best at hunting. But she is a lovely girl.” 
The old bloodhound stood to nuzzle it’s head into his thigh when he reached the porch, before going over to give you the same treatment. “Hi, Bess,” you scratched behind her ear. 
“She likes you. She’s not very fond of strangers. Let’s get on inside and I’ll make us all some breakfast. You’re welcome to look around.” 
The inside of the home was modest enough. You could have sworn the place smelled of freshly baked cookies. Jack immediately made a beeline for the kitchen. Which left you and Bess alone in the front room. You took the time to look at the pictures that had been placed around the living room as Bess made herself cozy on the couch. 
Jack smiling a wide smile, with what you assumed was his first tooth he lost, held out proudly to the camera. An older picture of his parents kissing on their wedding day. The woman holding Jack, looking tired but relieved to see her son. Another of Jack sitting in his dad’s lap in the same truck he had brought you home in. The pictures were sweet but they made your heart clench horribly. They reminded you of a life you didn’t get to have anymore. That was enough to let loose the tears you had been reluctant to let fall. 
You tried to keep your sobs down, but Jack noticed all the same. His arm wrapped around your shoulder and he led you to the couch. “Talk to me, sweetheart. I can’t help you the way you need if I don’t know…” 
So you spilled it all, every single detail. How your father had left and didn’t even leave a reason. Not even a note. You hadn’t been worth a note. There wasn’t any way to find any clues with everything gone. Your mother’s spiral downward. The ever revolving door of men. The growing fear that maybe she’d start to depend on drugs as much as the alcohol. “She’s never laid a hand on me. That was the first time and for a second, Jack, I thought she was back, but then she got buried up again. She’s right there, but she’s so fucking far. And I want to be angry. More than anything. But I’m just so depressed. I don’t know, maybe it was me, maybe I am the reason he killed himself like she said.”
“Hey, hey, hey. Slow that down,” he grabbed a cloth and wiped away your tears, “I don’t know much about your father, but you couldn’t have been the reason. Your mom is just spouting bullshit because she’s angry at the world. Taking it out on you is a shit thing to do. You deserve so much better.”
You gave him a faltering smile, “I don’t deserve anything.”
“Don’t say that. I’d give you the world if I could.”
You sighed, leaning into him. There was no denying how comforting Jack Daniels was. “You’re just saying that to be sweet.”
Jack pressed a kiss to your temple. “I’m not sweet to just anyone.”
“Sure, J,” you sniffed, “Is something burning?”
“The pancakes,” Jack confirmed.
“What? I had to pick my battles. You were more important.”
“Sunshine, you can’t just do that!” The term of endearment lost to you. You stood and rushed into the kitchen. The room was grey with smoke. Taking the skillet off the stove you stuffed it into the oven.
Jack opened up the windows, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. 
You raised a brow, “What got you so happy?”
“Nothin’ pretty lady. But take a seat, I promised you a breakfast and you’re getting one.”
Jack went to go grab a fan and pointed it to the window, pushing out more smoke. He pulled out a bar stool and motioned for you to sit down. Your luck had been shit lately and he was hell bent on giving you a nice day. A good homemade breakfast would be a nice start. 
“Now, sugar, I’mma try out these pancakes again. You need to try this homemade blueberry sauce ma makes. You’re going to love it.” He started to make the works. Eggs, bacon, and pancakes, no clue what you’d actually like so he gave you a selection. Jack served your plate and set a mug of coffee and a glass of orange juice in front of you.
You plucked a piece of bacon from your plate and fed it to Bess who had taken to laying on the floor beside your chair. “This is really too much. You didn’t have to.”
“I know I didn’t, but you’re so cute I couldn’t help myself.” He winked at you, “How else am I supposed to show you I’m prime husband material?”
“You’re right,” you nodded, grabbing your cup of coffee and taking a sip, “I’ll be sure to pass that on to Vanessa. Then again she doesn’t need any convincing.”
He grimaced at that, “Eat your food. Try the syrup.”
You laughed, but did as he said. A mouthful, you moaned almost instantly. “How the hell did I live so long without this?”
“It’s honest to god the best thing in the world.” 
You smiled and he noticed the small wince that followed. In that second he knew he wouldn’t be able to ever see you hurt again. Who could see your precious face and think about hurting you. As far as he was concerned all you deserved was happiness. 
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