#hi fi fight club
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specificpollsaboutbooks · 29 days ago
Indie Comics Ships
Round 1
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You can find a preview for Heavy Vinyl here
You can find a preview for Patience & Esther here
More info and pictures underneath
Ah, my precious babies !
Chris has just got her dream job : she works at the record store in town ! Turns out the staff is mostly other girls her age, including Maggie, Chris' crush, who all seem nice in their own ways. However, it quickly becomes clear to Chris that the girls are keeping secrets from her.
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I've only ever read an excerpt of Patience & Esther but it looks quite promising ! Contrary to Heavy Vinyl which is a cutesy low stakes story, keep in mind it's advertised for mature readers.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months ago
BOOM! Studios To Celebrate Anniversary with"20 For 20" Collections
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Next year BOOM! Studios is celebrating its anniversary with a collection of "20 For 20" - 20 titles celebrating 20 years of stories, each for $19.99. Each selection will collect a series for the first time in new, exclusive editions.
The "20 For 20" titles and release months are:
January 2025:
Deep State Complete Collection - collects Justin Jordan and Ariela Kirstantina's Deep State #1-8.
February 2025:
Ronin Island Complete Collection - collects Greg Pak and Giannis Milonogiannis' Ronin Island #1-12.
Jonesy Complete Collection - collects Sam Humphries and Caitlin Rose Boyles' Jonesy #1-12.
March 2025:
Bone Parish Complete Collection - collects Cullen Bunn and Jonas Scarf's Bone Parish #1-12.
April 2025:
Joyride Compete Collection - collects Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Marcus To's Joyride #1-12.
SLAM! Complete Collection - collects Pamela Ribon, Veronica Fish, and Marina Julia's Slam! #1-4 and Slam! The Next Jam #1-4.
May 2025:
Hit Complete Collection - collects Bryce Carlson and Vanesa Del Rey's Hit: 1955 #1-4 and Hit: 1957 #1-4.
Avant-Guards Compete Collection - collects Carly Usdin and Noah Hayes' The Avant-Guards #1-8 and The Avant-Guards: Down to the Wire.
June 2025:
Black Badge Complete Collection - collects Matt Kindt, Tyler Jenkins, and Hillary Jenkins' Black Badge #1-12.
Heavy Vinyl Complete Collection - collects Carly Usdin, Nina Vakueva, and Irene Flores' Heavy Vinyl #1-8, which was originally published as Hi-Fi Fight Club #1-3 and Heavy Vinyl #4-8.
July 2025:
Zombie Tales Complete Collection - collects the anthology series Zombie Tales, Zombie Tales: Oblivious, Zombie Tales: The Dead, and Zombie Tales: The Series #1-12, featuring works from creators like Mark Waid, Keith Giffen, Steve Niles, Joe R. Lansdale, Karl Kesel, Andy Kuhn, Tom Peyer, Ming Doyle, William Messner-Loebs, Tom Fowler, Ron Lim, J.K. Woodward, Fábio Moon, and more.
August 2025:
Day Men Complete Collection - collects Matt Gagnon, Michael Alan Nelson, and Brian Stelfreeze's Day Men #1-8.
September 2025:
Clive Barker's Next Testament Complete Collection - collects Clive Barker and Haemi Jang's Clive Barker's Next Testament #1-12.
The Backstagers Complete Collection - collects James Tynion IV and Rian Sygh's (as well as Backstagers shorts by Tynion IV, Sam Johns, Brittney Williams, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Katy Farina, and more) The Backstagers #1-8, The Backstagers: 2018 Valentine’s Intermission, The Backstagers: Halloween Intermission, and the The Backstagers story from The BOOM! Box 2016 Mix Tape.
October 2025:
The Red Mother Complete Collection - collects Jeremy Haun and Danny Luckert's The Red Mother #1-12.
Hero Squared Complete Collection - collects Keith Giffin, J.M. DeMatteis, Joe Abraham, Nathan Watson, and more's Hero Squared X-Tra Sized Special one-shot, Hero Squared (2005) #1-3, Hero Squared (2006) #1-6, Hero Squared: Love and Death #1-3, and the Planetary Brigade spinoff series, Planetary Brigade #1-2 and Planetary Brigade: Origins #1-3.
November 2025:
2 Guns Complete Collection - collects Steven Grant, Mateus Santolouco, and Emilio Laiso's 2 Guns #1-5 and 3 Guns #1-6.
Ghosted in L.A. Complete Collection - collects Sina Grace and Siobhan Keenan's Ghosted in L.A. #1-12.
December 2025:
The Traveler Complete Collection - collects Stan Lee, Mark Waid, Tom Peyer, and Chad Hardin's The Traveler #1-12.
Misfit City Complete Collection - collects Kiwi Smith, Kurt Lustgarten, and Naomi Franquiz' Misfit City #1-8.
(Image - BOOM! Studios Logo)
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remnants · 1 year ago
why would i buy only 3 out of 5 of the tales of suspense hawkeye and winter soldier series. highschool me what was going through your head??? :-(((
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kaiwewi · 2 months ago
Their First Villain
Secret Santa gift for @the-modern-typewriter Prompt: "Scary villain x hero in a Christmas setting of your [the writer's] choice. Could go spicy, could go whumpy, could go unexpectedly sweet!" Hope you like this! Merry Christmas!! 🎅🎁
“You recognised me,” the villain observes, his tone unnaturally flat. His face betrays no emotion.
“Kinda hard not to, with your…” – the hero tilts their head at where the villain’s magic continues to spread, coiling around their limbs and securely fixing them in place – “…snake thingies?”
The individual tendrils really do vaguely resemble snakes, although the magic in its entirety reminds them more of some writhing alien monster plant from an old Sci-fi B-movie whose title they cannot remember. It’s not a good comparison anyway. The movie hadn’t been scary at all.
They experimentally try to wrestle one of their arms free, but despite the magic’s apparent fluidity, the moment they push or pull in any direction, whatever give appeared to be there all but disappears and they can’t move a millimetre.
“Oh.” The villain’s eyes widen. “You can see it.”
“See it. Feel it. Didn’t expect it to be this hot.”
An awkward pause follows.
They are decidedly not blushing. It’s just warm. All of them is so warm now that the villain’s powers have moulded themselves around the hero like something liquid but alive. Wherever the tendrils touch bare skin – their ungloved hands and that area just above their ankles where their pants don’t quite meet the rims of their boots – the raw energy buzzes, prickles just short of stinging.
They’d been shivering just minutes ago in their much too thin poncho and the not seasonally appropriate Agency office uniform. Well, they still are shivering, just no longer from the cold.
Where the villain’s magic is fever-hot, his scrutiny runs icy.
“You can see it, but not fight it,” he muses. “How curious. The Agency must be understaffed to send their defenceless little office drones out into the field.”
The hero would be glaring if the villain weren’t underscoring the point by pulling his magic tighter with the mere flick of a finger. That small, anxious sound that escapes them in response brings a self-satisfied grin to the villain’s lips.
“It’s Christmas,” the hero says, once the magic has settled again.
The villain raises a brow.
“Most of the regulars are on holiday, Christmas being a time best spent with family … or so I’m told.”
“Yet you are working.”
“Don’t have anyone.” They aren’t technically without family just … Sometimes, family isn’t a place of refuge and welcome. Not a home to turn to for holiday celebrations or company. Some families fashion themselves exclusive clubs with strict rules that refuse or revoke memberships as they please. The hero forces some levity into their tone. “I have nowhere else to be today, so, I’m helping out here.”
The villain chuckles. “Helping is perhaps not what I would call that.”
“Hey, I did recognise you,” they say, defensively.
“And look where that got you.” His smile is sharper than before, meaner. “Am I your first villain? My heartfelt condolences.”
They don’t dignify that with an answer. But the answer is yes. The villains they watched being interrogated through one-way mirrors at HQ don't count.
“Pity,” the villain says with zero warmth, “that you couldn’t just look the other way. What is it with you people that you're always so eager to cause unnecessary conflict.”
“Reporting suspicious behaviour is kind of my job.” It comes out barely above a whisper and carries the distinct cadence of an apology.
“Ah yes, and my mere existence struck you as suspicious behaviour because …”
Admittedly, once they’d recognised the villain, they hadn’t taken the time to consider his appearance beyond the magic he’d been wearing around his shoulders like a particularly weaponizable scarf. The lack of a combat suit in favour of a sleek, dark coat over a woollen jumper and cargo joggers – either an outfit designed to blend in or just what the villain happens to like to wear when he isn’t working – hadn’t registered any more than the total absence of weaponry other than his powers. And while he could have hidden those better, it’s not like he could have simply left them at home.
There hadn’t been time to ponder. It had all happened so fast. Their eyes had met, and a moment later the hero had already been scrambling away from the crowd, past a stall selling mulled wine and into the nearest alley, where they’d scrolled through their contacts with stiff, unfeeling fingers. The villain had caught up with them before they’d managed to call for backup.
Their gaze darts to the remnants of their smashed phone, sprinkled across the muddy snow, mere metres away but entirely useless even if they could reach it.
What if the villain hadn’t had anything nefarious planned? What if the hero’s brain had naturally jumped to the most prejudiced conclusion all on its own?
Of course, it is unfair to treat his mere presence as if it is a crime. But the things he could do ...
They think about the parents with their cameras, filming their ice-skating children, the squealing toddlers on the merry-go-round, the nice old ladies selling tea out of the back of a car.
“You could be a danger to all those innocent people,” they defend their judgement.
“And you could be a danger to me,” the villain replies coolly. “Would be unwise, letting someone roam free who can pick me out of a crowd with a glance. Perhaps I should thank you for revealing yourself. Very ill-advised. But quite convenient. You were so obvious about it, too.”
He has crossed the distance between them while speaking. Close enough now to reach out and tuck an unruly strand of hair behind their ear with his cold, slender fingers. His other hand settles almost gently on their throat, atop the magic that has slivered around their neck at some point during the conversation.
The tip of a new tendril is in the process of worming its way lower, nestling into the collar of their shirt. It laps against the crook of their neck and they cringe away from the touch as much as the magic allows. It doesn’t hurt. It would be so much easier if it did. The touch is light; it kind of tickles and, given the overall direness of the situation, the hero really isn’t in the mood for that. Or, they shouldn’t be.
Unhelpfully, their traitorous mind supplies them with a thoroughly inappropriate image of what else someone who isn’t the enemy could be doing to them with magic such as this.
“Tell me,” the villain says as the power shifts upwards, tilting their chin back with the movement, so his nails can bite into the newly exposed skin below their jaw, “is there anything else troublesome about you, or is it just the eyes?”
He looks most pleased when their breath hitches despite their best efforts to remain stoic. His grip tightens. He’s studying them intently, staring at their eyes like those are priced gems he considers adding to his collection.
Maybe, underneath the mockery, he actually does consider them somewhat of a threat. If he didn’t, why would he be looking at them like that.
It’s stupid, truly and utterly stupid, to feel flattered. This is not respect, they know, just sharp, calculating consideration. His attention promises imminent danger, might turn lethal at any second. It’s not something they should revel in. Still, it feels good, too – being seen.
Has anyone ever really seen them before?
Or perhaps that is the lack of oxygen speaking.
They struggle to focus their vision but all the twinkling Christmas lights in the trees are starting to smudge into dull, red and golden blurs. Vertigo is clawing at them.
There is absolutely nothing they can do against the villain's grip. They're so pitifully out of their depth.
They think about their bland, only half-furnished two-room apartment; their first day at the Agency HQ; their nth day – no more eventful than the first – sitting at the exact same desk in the exact same office and working on the exact same old computer; their colleagues’ looks of pity when their 14th application for a transfer to field work is being denied and their boss tells them, in stern admonishment, that their skill sets just aren’t suited to solo missions. They think about her condescending smile when she finally does assign them the Christmas market job, clearly convinced the worst thing that could possibly happen here is people getting drunk enough on punch to start throwing punches.
They think of their first split-second impression of the villain as just another guy standing by the ice rink with a cup of something steaming in his hands and a mellow, unguarded smile curving his lips.
They hope this montage doesn’t count as their life flashing before their eyes. It’s way too sad a summary of their depressing lack of accomplishments.
They think, with equal parts age-old bitterness and new-found sarcastic vindication, about their colleagues’ infantile, unofficial, end-of-the-year office rankings where flashier heroes with more impressive abilities always receive titles such as most likely to hook up with a hot reporter or most epic battle or best one-liners.
Meanwhile, all the hero has to show for are three consecutive wins of least likely to die on the job.
Which might have been a reassuring sentiment if it weren’t so clearly code for “you’ll never be a real hero”. Real heroes risk their lives on the job all the time.
Well, look at them now!
Will their colleagues manage to come up with a new title for them in time, they wonder, if the villain kills them now, just a week before this year’s poll results will be released?
Most unexpected death has a nice ring to it.
They should be trembling in terror. Might have, if the villain’s magic weren’t encasing them so – tight but soft and deceptively warm, lulling them in. The sticky heat of it leaves them squirming, stuck in a confusing limbo between gooey not-quite-discomfort and hot-bath sluggishness.
They’re drifting. Until they’re not.
It’s impossible to discern how much time has passed or when exactly the villain has released them; but their thoughts are beginning to clear and their brain catches up to the fact that there is air in their lungs again, and that the breathless, hiccuping gasps uncontrollably tumbling out of their mouth aren’t sobs. It’s laughter.
“Are you enjoying this?” The villain sounds incredulous.
They shake their head. “I don’t know,” they manage, between hysterical giggles. “Maybe. Yes?”
“How did you know I wouldn’t kill you?”
“I didn’t.”
That startles a short laugh out of him.
“I’ve never” – they pant, still struggling for air – “felt this alive before.”
“That sounds ... unhealthy.”
There is a long pause in which the villain silently stares at them while they are more or less regaining control over their breathing.
“You wouldn’t get it,” they say then, perfectly aware they must seem most unhinged. “Bet you don't even know what boredom is. Because your life is fun. Mine is not. I practically live at my stupid job, and my stupid job doesn't even pay well. No one there gives a fuck about me. And nothing exciting ever happens. So can I please just have this one damn moment without being judged?”
The villain hums, low. “And here I thought we were ruining each other’s days.” He presses a hand to their forehead. “Did the heat fry your synapses?” he asks, sounding more amused than concerned. His other hand comes up to cup the nape of their neck, as if he can’t help but reach out. Just as they can’t help but lean into the cooling touch. His gaze drops, as if drawn, to their lips. “Or, are you just naturally this unusual?”
They can smell gingerbread and mulled wine on his breath.
“Are you going to kiss me?” they ask, because yes their synapses are definitely fried and they do not care about consequences, awkwardness, or sanity anymore.
“Would you like me to kiss you?”
“I’d certainly much rather be kissed than killed. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” he repeats, smirking. “But we've established I’m not about to kill you. And that wasn’t a yes.”
“It’s not a no either.”
“Not how consent works, darling.”
They scoff. “You didn’t ask for consent first when you strangled me five minutes ago.”
The villain laughs again, in genuine delight judging by how his magic ripples and purrs.
“Okay, fair enough,” he whispers, shifting so his lips almost brush theirs.
The kiss that follows is sweet, surprisingly chaste, and initiated by the hero.
“So, since you mentioned earlier you have nowhere else to be today,” the villain says, afterwards, mischief gleaming in his eyes. “Have you ever had the pleasure of being kidnapped?”
Pleasure, as it turns out over the course of the next few hours, is an understatement.
If anyone at the office were to find out what the hero has been up to during their first (and best) and possibly only solo field mission, not only are they guaranteed to get fired, their colleagues will also surely create an entirely new office ranking category in their honour:
First to be seduced by a supervillain.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year ago
omg I have an idea (you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to) and I have to put it somewhere.
so rafe is this like super mean, big guy right? wrong. imagine r touching him and he just freaks out because ??the love of his life is touching him?? and r just giggles bc of the effect they have on him
This is suchhhhh a cute idea!! i ❤️ rafe. I hope you like this!! I don’t know if he did much freaking out, but she does much loving on him.
“I told him forty.” Rafe grumbles, fumbling with a pack of camels. His big hands rip at the new packaging frustratedly. He gives up and uses his teeth.
Topper winces. “That’s what told him.”
“So what’s the fuckin problem.” Rafe looks up, spitting plastic.
His knee bounces under the white country club table. “He wants a discount.”
“I know,” he breathes. “So I told him,”
“You’re not giving him a discount.”
Topper laughs nervously. “If you’d let me finish-“
“He’s gotta perfect amount of his mommy’s money to be spending on drugs.”
“You don’t give figure eight kids discounts.”
“Rafe,” Topper starts, frustrated with his lack of sentence.
“Rafe!” Your voice echos outside the private room excitedly at the same time. He sits straighter, smile fighting his face at the shriek of his name. Toppers still here. Rafe’s stoic.
Top sighs exasperatedly, leaning back in his chair. He’s not finishing that sentence.
The door flings open, your hand tight on the fancy handle. “Rafe.” You bounce. He watches greedily over you, this doesn’t deter you. “Guess what.”
“You’ve waited too long to give me my hello kiss?” He taps his pen against his thigh, elbows resting on the chair.
“No, silly,” You laugh, airily walking over to him to plant a kiss on his cheek. He swerves, smiling against your lips instead, reveling in your laugh as you pull away. His arms wrap under your butt. “Sarah’s having a party tonight.”
Tops eyes flit up curiously.
“What?” Rafe’s face drops.
You squeal. “We have to go.”
“It’s my house too, babe, I think I’ll be there against my will.” His eyes flit to Topper.
“Not at your house.” You pout, pushing his hair back. His eyes fight against fluttering closed. “Joint party, Scarlett’s house.”
“Oh, we’re not going.” He decides, squeezing the flesh of the back of your thigh.
“What,” Topper laments, no mind of his own. If Rafe’s not going, obviously he can’t go. You both ignore him.
“Please, Rafe.” You whine, E’s extended longer than Top thinks necessary. You walk behind him to grip his shoulders.
He short circuits. You’re warm behind him, the perfume you spritzed this morning making its way to his nose. You knead your fingers into his back. Digging into the tense muscle he tries so hard to relax around you.
“Baby,” He grumbles, wary of your hands on his shoulder. “That shit’ll be so lame.”
You sigh working deeper into his muscle. “You know I love Sarah.” Then afterthought. “And Scarlett.”
He holds back a noise at your thumbs pressing into his back. Grabbing your wrist, his warm fingers press into the tender skin they find.
“Can’t see you.” He murmurs.
You round the chair, sitting on his lap. His arms wrap around you heavily and securely. He bounces his knee a couple times as you brush hair out of eyes, both wary of Top three feet away. “Better?”
He grunts a nod, smiling at you brilliantly. “So much.”
Your hands card through his hair, raking gently against his scalp. His hair is soft, clean, the smell of his shampoo hitting you easily. You tug, gently, his hair back, till he’s looking up at you lazily.
“You know you have hazel in your eyes?”
His demeanor changes. “Stop.”
“Im serious,” You laugh, head tilting to the side to eye Topper. “Someone’s cranky.”
“I am not cranky.” Rafe scoffs, unable to bring your hands from his hair.
“Then play nice.” You whisper, cool air fanning Rafe’s face. “Let’s go to the party.”
He frowns, overly aware of your dancing fingers. “You know what you’re doing.”
“If loving on my sweet boyfriend was a crime-“ you start.
“Then you’d be in jail by now.” He finishes.
“Exactly!” You grin, leaning down to kiss his jaw. His eye twinkles. “Let me love on you in public.”
He scoffs softly, bouncing the knee you sit on. You squeak at the sudden movement, turning to laugh prettily in Toppers direction. He can’t help but to smile through his annoyance.
“What d’you think, Top?” Rafe sniffs at the way you’ve worked him.
“Well,” He starts in the shifty tone of his. “Uh, I think it’d be good-“
“He wants to see your sister.” You laugh.
“Y/N.” The younger boy glares pointedly across the table. “Seriously?”
“I don’t give a shit who Sarah’s doing this week.” He gruffs out. You push his shoulder.
“Be nice.” You whisper.
Rafe rolls his eyes, big hand splaying over your face and pushing away from him.
“Hey!” You muffle as he smiles.
“You wanna go?” He looks at Top.
“I guess.” He shrugs nonchalantly.
Rafe snorts at him. “Cool.” He lets up on your face. “We’ll go.”
“Yay!” You jump, wrapping your arms around him. He leans into the touch, uncaring of the company.
What a simp, Rafe sulks.
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oshikiri-toru · 8 months ago
Thinking about the 141's music taste
I know deep in my soul that Soap is into classic dad rock, classic metal (nothing too heavy), and some hype hip hop (only the songs you'd hear on a school bus full of high schoolers going to an away game type shit) and has no clue about anything else
Gaz strikes me as a 90s/00s R&B lover first and foremost. He'll dabble in anything on the Hot 100, too, and loves a good female pop star (think Gaga, Beyonce, Charlie XCX). I also think he'd be into EDM, but really only listens to it at club's/raves
Price is one of those freaks that don't really listen to music. He's big on sports radio, podcasts, and silence. When he does listen to music, though, it's probably the Beatles or some other classic British band because that's what his dad listened to
Ghost is more complicated because I want to go obvious and say anything alternative (goth, punk, emo), but I also think it'd be funny as hell for him to get the aux and it's just pure pop (think Britney Spears, Kesha, Katy Perry). I like to think he listens to everything and just picks whatever is funniest at the moment. Someone wants hype gym music? Bam. Classical. Looking for something soft and moody? Fuck you. He's putting on speedcore.
Laswell likes soft background noise. White noises (brown, green, etc), rain recordings with some piano, maybe some smooth jazz or lo-fi if she's feeling crazy. Sometimes audiobooks. When she's drunk though, she'll bring out the 90s hip hop and go absolutely nuts, rapping the entirety of wu-tang clans discography without a sweat.
They all absolutely hate each other's music taste and will fight to the death over the aux cord. It caused enough fights that they are all required to wear headphones unless they are driving.
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thejollywriter · 4 months ago
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WELCOME FRIENDS, TO THE BEGINNING OF AN ADVENTURE! Allow me to introduce to you, DELILAH JONES; free-lance Robin Hood and bad-ass extraordinaire.
In the cyberpunk future of The Redwood Files, Delilah Jones is half film-noire private detective, and half western-gunslinger, who rides into a lawless town and fights the bullies and the bastards that hurt innocent folks.
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This anthology contains SIX, count 'em SIX short stories and novellas detailing Delilah's Adventures.
Through a Dream, Lethally; When tech CEO Michael Lense decides to hijack the soft-RAM in his employees heads in order to make people do his bidding, things can get awful, FAST. Being forced, without your consent, to be an assassin or a thief or a sex worker, and more. But Lense also has the city under-thumb. Only Delilah's got the brute force to break Lense's control, and free the city from his cruel influence.
Happy Endings, Guaranteed; Delilah has a partner, and after a long day of nonsense, is looking forward to visiting them at work to unwind. Only to get to the club where her partner works, and discover that they've been KIDNAPPED! Delilah races around the city, squaring up with every underworld hard-ass she comes across following every lead to find her partner. Except nothing is what it seems, and a simple (but tragic) kidnapping turns out to be way more nefarious than Delilah expected. . .
Delilah's Heart; recovering from the last adventure weeks later, Delilah meets a handsome butch at a dive bar. Things between the two show promise, but the butch gets called back to work by an abusive bastard who violates and exploits his employees. The butch asks Delilah for help, and as she digs into it, discovers a deeply connected mafia bookmaker who uses that underground protection to kill and exploit people without fear of consequences. Delilah's the only one who can bring justice down on this bastard, but it threatens a gang war if she does. . .
Gutter Medicine; a gang of outta-town skinheads robs an impoverished clinic in a rough neighborhood. Delilah digs into the theft, and promises to recover the medicine, only to discover that the outta-towners are stirring up trouble to pave the way for an invasion from the South. A Kingpin from Los Angeles is hungry for expansion, and Redwood is fertile ground. Unless Delilah can stop the gang, and convince the Kingpin it'd be too expensive to expand beyond the safe borders of LA.
Restitution; Delilah's robbing a rich billionaire's museum-like mansion one night when she's caught by an unlikely sentry, a very old man who'd had plans of trying to embarrass the billionaire for reneging on a deal, and leaving the old man destitute. Delilah invites him to tell his story, and she volunteers to see justice done, according to Delilah's exacting standards.
In a Name?; every trans person's name comes from a personal place and an intimate choice. This story is about a young thief, with big dreams and a hard head, how she picked her name, and the day she was reborn into Delilah-fucking-Jones.
These stories have literally been years in the making. Some of them are personal, all of them are personal favorites, and this anthology is a collection I've worked very hard on.
Genre fiction is deeply important to me, and I love bringing queer characters to this space. Every story published in this book appeared first, both as ideas and in rough-and-final drafts on my patreon.
my ko-fi store: this is the most direct way to support me (a disabled queer novelist) and I get the biggest cut if you buy the e-book from this source
AMAZON! you want a paperback, YOU GOT A PAPERBACK
and lastly, if you want to see my writing in advance, get your name in the credits, or get special copies in advance, my patreon
thank you for your support, and happy reading <3
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kenobers · 6 months ago
✨Jason Todd's Bookshelf✨
i think it's so interesting to see what books Jason Todd would read/own, so here's my own contribution! some of these are canon* (hence the *), some are popular headcanons and some are my own speculation. i'll probably continue to add to this.
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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas*
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen*
1984 by George (Wh)Orwell*
The Prince by Machiavelli*
The Complete Works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle*
The Art of War by Sun Tzu*
An additional complete works of William Shakespeare
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion
Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
i think Holden Caulfield secretly reminds him of Bruce
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Metamorphosis and The Trial by Franz Kafka
specifically owns a copy that has both of them in there
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
this may be a bit on the nose, but Jason would love a good satire
The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Hayy ibn Yaqdhan by Ibu Tufail
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
but lowkey he hates it
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The Stranger by Albert Camus
The Iliad by Homer
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
i don't see Jason as being a big fantasy/sci-fi guy unless it falls under the magical realism or gothic categories (i.e, Beloved, Frankenstein), however i do think he would jive with Ray Bradbury, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and (unfortunately) Harlan Ellison
i can also see him jiving with R.F Kuang and i think The Poppy War specifically would be an exception to his usual disinterest in fantasy
i think he maybe also has a stash of paperback Star Wars novels stashed away somewhere
if jason is a theatre kid into adulthood, i think he would be the kind that reads solely straight plays
Fat Ham by James Ijames
Complete Works of Arthur Miller
Everybody by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
he typically avoids stuff that’s so directly about mortality, but this play would really resonate with him and honestly be a healing read
being the hater that he is, he's also hate read at least one Collen Hoover book (and promptly left it in the Batcave to frame Bruce for the crime)
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konigbabe · 2 years ago
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader Word count: 1.7k Tags/warnings: no y/n; domestic Satoru Gojo; Gojo being a menace of a boyfriend in public; eventual smut (part V only) Summary: Gojo's an ass man. Part of my JJKS2 writing week; also written after being inspired by @greycaelum's ask.
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It starts off innocently enough.
Even before you’ve got together, Satoru makes it a habit of his own to give your ass an amicable pat for "good luck" or "to bless him". Make it obvious that the young teacher’s rather fond of his fellow teacher’s backside, going as far as openly making up compliments. Spreading heat through your cheeks when his little game of teasing starts.
("Nice derriere, that skirt’s doin’ you wonders," he says, grinning from ear to ear while watching you walking down the hallway with Ijichi, discussing recent curse spirit’s activities.
Your companion’s breath hitches, a blush spreading over his cheeks when you turn around, "what does that mean?")
But you know Satoru too well, and his quirky sense of humor never fails to amuse you; even when you try to keep your face blank whenever he starts talking. Satoru's compliments are akin to a playful serenade. He isn’t holding back; not even in front of his own students.
("Y’know," forearm resting on your shoulder, he leans closer to you, "your tush deserves its own fan club and I'm officially the first member."
You don’t even look at him, rather starring blanky at the fighting students on the field, "Tush?")
As your relationship with Satoru turns intimate and romantic, his playful teasing takes on a new dimension; it becomes a form of worship.
Lying sprawled on the couch, your head cradled by a pillow nestled beneath your chin, you watch the flickering TV screen with a mind adrift, sometimes diverting your gaze to scroll through your phone. Days off are a rarity amongst jujutsu sorcerers. The teachers especially. So you use the day to relax, unwind and let your body mend and rejuvenate after the latest mission.
The tranquil ambiance, however, is fleeting when Satoru returns. Discarding his shoes and jacket with a careless thud, he drops a small paper bag onto the nearest drawer before making a beeline for your relaxed form.
With a wordless playfulness, he plops the full weight of his body onto your back—or more accurately, the back of his head lands snugly on the supple, rounded globes of your butt.
"Satoru," you whine, neck straining as you try to turn around, "you’re way too heavy."
His arm restrains you, slithering around your lower abdomen like a sinuous serpent, fingers kneading the squeezable flesh of your hip. The other hand lands right at the apex of your back thigh, kneading the subtle build before moving upwards on the lower part of your butt.
"Mmh," he huffs, engrossed in massaging your body, too preoccupied to offer a proper response.
You can’t complain either; Satoru is skillful with his fingers, always knowing which spots to apply the right pressure and leaving you in a state of pure relaxation.
"You want me to stop," he asks after a second to which you promptly deny; letting out a contented sigh, prompting a small chuckle from Satoru. "Then I'm glad you're enjoyin’ it," he says, voice carrying a warm sincerity.
The plates clash with each other, sound loud enough to make you think he broke it instead of washing it. A soft, gentle hum swirls around the air as Satoru moves the sponge in circles.
You watch from the arched doorway. Tall, lean frame covering your view of his task, yet the clanking confirms your initial suspicions. Satoru, focused on the chore, wears a well-worn apron over a simple, black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal strong forearms that move with practiced precision.
Staying in place, you shamelessly marvel at the sight; watching him set another plate in the drying rack. Eyes gliding over the broadness of his shoulder to the contour of his waist, they land on their target.
Simple grey sweatpants, a black ribbon belt holding them in place, hide your target from your eyes. But you know where to aim when you start taking cautious, quiet steps toward Satoru.
The attack is quick. Calculated. The impact of your palm sends a loud slapping sound throughout the kitchen. A lively laugh escapes your lips at the same time Satoru’s head turns to the side, eyes locking yours in a frozen stance.
You take off.
He doesn’t rush. Calmly continuing to hum the song, he finishes the last dish and puts it on the rack. One hand turning the faucet off with a dangerous nonchalance, the other reaches for the washing cloth. Drying his hands and taking the apron off, he turns to where you ran off.
You make it to the stairs before you feel Satoru’s grip on your wrist, firm but playful. Tugs you backward; gentle force turning you around, bending you at the waist. Arm deftly sneaking around your shoulders, locking your arms by your sides as he stands tall by your side.
"You really thought you could get away with this, peach?"
His fingers, long and slender, dance over the small of your back. Barely grazing the surface of your skin over the material of your shirt; tracing a tantalizing path down your body.
As you squirm within his firm however gentle grasp, a soft and brief laugh escapes your lips, a mix of nervousness and delight. "I didn't mean it," you admit jovially, the words imbued with a tinge of mischief, "I didn't know it would lend so perfectly."
"You didn’t know," Satoru chortles, leisurely placing his palm flat upon the rounded curve of your pants-covered butt, fingers sinking into the pliant flesh, exerting a measured pressure as if savoring the feeling, "Think you can win this?"
With that, his hand leaves your body–
"Wait, Satoru," you try to swat him away but his hold over your upper body remains unyielding, steadfast, allowing him to orchestrate the next move, "Gojo!"
–and he delivers the first slap; earning a surprised yelp from you, body jolting forward. The sound of the impact reverberates throughout the open space, accompanied by Satoru’s contagious laughter as he lets you go. Hand supporting your weight, making sure you don’t fall flat on your face, you still end up on the ground.
The skin of your butt stings as you palm the flesh.
"You’re in for it now, Satoru Gojo," with a daring grin, you prepare yourself to retaliate. Not now. But the time will come.
The man in question throws his hands in the air, smiling brightly as he takes a step back, "Oh, I’m scared."
"We just need some edamame, more pickled ginger, and white miso," you list the items from your phone, taking the lead as you and Satoru both stroll through the aisles. He holds the basket, staying a good step behind you with his gaze focused on your back, a smile playing at the corner of his lips–eliciting a suspicious feeling out of you.
Even with the obsidian-tinted glasses covering his eyes, the glimmer of amusement in his gaze hasn't escaped your perceptive senses. A whisper of suspicion trails through your mind; you know he's scheming something.
As you approach the edamame section, you start searching for the perfect bag, seeking the one with the right plumpness and vibrancy.
But before you can grab one, Satoru unexpectedly announces “butt-five” before springing forward with playful exuberance, the resounding clap of his hand meeting your butt reverberating through the store like a percussion note, commanding the attention of nearby shoppers.
Involuntarily, you release a startled, high-pitched yelp—a symphony of surprise and embarrassment entwined. But before any further fallout can unfold, Satoru suppresses the escalating situation, covering your mouth with his warm, large hand, and steering you behind an aisle. Out of sight from curious onlookers.
Holding back his laughter, you feel his chest pressed tightly against your back, vibrating as he silently laughs, palm flat against the lower part of your face, muffling the remnants of your outburst.
"Sorry ‘bout that," he manages to stifle his laughter, an undercurrent of amusement still evident in his voice. "Couldn't resist, y’know?"
Through the slight crack between his fingers and your lips, you muster a muffled threat, "I’m gonna kill you.”
He releases his hand, feigning innocence, his eyes wide with mock surprise.
"What?" he questions you, knowing full well the extent of his antics.
"You’re a dead man walking, Satoru Gojo."
Satoru has you in a vice grip; arms encircling the fat of your thighs with unrelenting strength, fingernails making deep crescent moons into your sensitive skin, setting your whole body aflame. Every inch of your being screams for more as you sink into the mattress, burying your face into the pillows to muffle all sounds of pleasure his mouth is drawing out of you.
He’s merciless. Relentless. Ruthless.
Tongue teasing your soaked slit, lapping hungrily at you like a man starved. The tip of his nose gleaming with your juices as he expertly fucks his tongue inside of you.
In and out. Going as deep as the position allows him.
Pulling your body more into him, burying his face into you; so close that it seems as if he wishes to be swallowed by your cunt whole.
You can barely concentrate before he pulls away; especially when another wave of pleasure washes over you. Wet lips worshipping your hungry bud, thin strands of wetness glistening around it, something he greedily laps up before moving upwards. His wet tongue leaves trails of fire along the fleshy swell of your ass, teeth soon following suit as they bite lightly into the plump globes.
Satoru nibbles at the flesh, one hand sneaking back between your legs to cup your sex, tease the entrance with his fingertip, collecting the wetness before pushing in two fingers. He fills you up, soon adds another finger as his mouth continues its sweet assault on your ass.
"Could eat this ass any day–"
He drives his fingers in and out of you. Fast and unrelenting; massaging your walls while making you gasp as he moves his mouth down, licking and biting at your back thighs before concentrating back on your asscheeks.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 3 months ago
Hello, may I ask what it would be like for Wukong to see all his descendants he had with the reader (i.e. his grandchildren) being equally chaotic or worse (sorry for sending too much ^^)
I love family reunions especially with a bunch of immortals monkeys🥳 also don't be sorry
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(Lmk Wukong) The family would come over every year with many kinds of movies for everyone to watch, from action, horror, comedy, animation, sci-fi, live action and even a couple of guilty pleasure kids movies we tend to watch as adults😅. Anyway, Wukong enjoys the food and drinks the kids and grandchildren would bring over even Mk, Mei, and Redson would join the reunion as you both always considered the traffic light trio as family. Wukong would always enjoy the growing love and Chaos of his whole growing family 😊
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(NR Wukong) Having you and your husband's descendants over is always full of love and Chaos. Every family reunion you guys ever had would quickly become a Party Rave that would last for a good week at best. I'm seriously It's no surprise considering Wukong was always found at a club our drinking alcohol, but your kids and grandkids knew how to throw down and they bring their own food and booze along with Playlist and stories. You all would party till the end of the night 🥳 unfortunately you guys Keep Li, Su and the whole city awake at damn week.
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(HIB Wukong) Large Picnic Reunion with all the Monkey King generation. Wukong is always happy to have the family over, especially Luier and Silly girl's own families come over. It's also becomes a large fish fry as many family members would share interesting stories with each other and share tea and other drinks. You always admired your generational family and all your children you had with Wukong, as he would sit and listen to his grand cubs many questions Luier used to ask him all those years ago.
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(MKR Wukong) GLADEATOR THEMED FIGHT ARENA EVERYBODY😈😈😈!!!!!!!! You and Wukong would entertain your relatives by having sparring matches with each other. You cubs would spar each other for fun as well, even some of your grandchildren join the fun, as everyone gets to burn off their aggression and energy. Even fruity would come to greet all of his siblings, i also imagine he would be much bigger, especially knowing how to use his Chi energy better. Either way everyone enjoys each other's company and is always glad to see each other.
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(Netflix Wukong) SPA DAY!!!!!! that's what your reunion is all about. It became a giant sleepover where your whole extended family would sit around and do each others makeup and fur, and gossip about anything and everything in life. Wukong would of course brag about himself to his grandchildren, along to new his in-laws and even to the children you both had together who grew up listening to him talk and tell stories. All jokes aside, Wukong would never have to deal with loneliness ever again as he had you, Lin, dragon king, and his ever so growing family 😊
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(BMW Wukong) Dinner and a show is how you guys spend your family reunion, you guys would rent out a tavern where all of your relatives would come and meet up. You would listen to your husband brag about himself and his achievements to his children and grandchildren for the millionth time considering you guy's ever growing family. You also would have dinner and watch plays with each other and have rice wine together as you enjoy the company of your Humongous growing family.
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(Destined one) You guys would have the world's largest family reunion potluck. Generations of your grandchildren and great grandchildren would come with every type of food know to man, especially if your kids married demons or humans of different cultures. It was always such a blast especially when The destined one gets overwhelmed by his grandchildren adorable mischief, it's one of the only times he truly smiles🥰
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undiscovered-horizon · 2 years ago
"Four Crow Investigation II: Lovebirds' Outfox" - Kaz Brekker x Reader
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[Four Crow Investigation]
Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi
SUMMARY: Nina and the rest of "crow-vestigators" are not as inconspicuous as they think. Being a little too spiteful for your own good, Kaz and you string them along. What the amateur detectives consider "evidence" of an affair is actually a well-thought-out scenario.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist&lt;<
You stare with amusement as Wylan, Jesper, Inej and Nina are sitting around the table in a hardly inconspicuous manner. They’re leaning so close to each other, their bodies are covering their faces but you don’t need to read their lips or expressions to know exactly what they’re talking about. Meaningful glances, small nudges, animated whispering - none of that escaped your attention.
Then, you feel Kaz squeezing your hand in an attempt to shift your focus from the gossiping friends back to him. His eyebrows are slightly raised in a silent question.
"Do you think they know that we know that they know?" you ask, cringing at the word salad filled with repetitions.
"No," Kaz answers without hesitation. "Considering how long it took them to notice something so obvious, their observation skills are more underwhelming than I had originally thought."
The two of you glance towards your friends once more, left to only guess what tall tales they were making up. Observation skills, Kaz’s voice resounds in your head. Yes, they are good at noticing things they are desperately looking for, so, maybe, if they are looking for crumbs…
"Actually, I have an idea,” you begin in a hushed tone.  Kaz turns to look at you, his expression hardens the moment he notices your mischievous grin. “Up for a bit of roleplay?"
It’s been a wild week for the four Crows. They sat down at a corner table, across the club from you and Kaz talking about something by the bar counter. Absorbed by the conversation, you’re pouring a drink in a record-long time. Your hand hovers above the rum bottle as you’re closely listening to Kaz saying something. Then, to the surprise of the gossip club, you erupt in laughter.
Jesper frowns. “I’m telling you, there’s two of them. She gets the nice Kaz, we get the mean one.”
“No, the mean Kaz is still inside,” Inej refutes. “The nice one is making an effort to bury him but he’s definitely in there. Saw it myself.”
He turns back towards the group. Jesper puts his finger up in a warning gesture and speaks slowly: “Do not tell me Kaz Brekker is a knight in shining armour because there is no way I’m treating that as anything but a bad joke. I’m barely believing the stuff I’ve seen with my own two eyes.”
“N-no, there is some truth to that,” Wylan interjects. “I didn’t see him get angry,” he quickly adds, ”just… strangely protective.”
“So we can agree,” Nina says with expected giddiness, “there is passion in the perpetually grim Kaz Brekker.”
Jesper squints his eyes with suspicion. “I hate the fact that you used passion and Kaz in the same sentence but at the same time I’m curious why.”
“Oh, you’re going to love it!” She taps the table excitedly. “I’ll go first.”
╚ Nina’s Evidence ╝
You’re pacing around the office, jumping from one leg to another, shaking and fidgeting as much as you can without making much noise. While preparing to fool the Heartrender’s power, you’re ensuring that you look the part:
“Is this obscene enough?” you ask unbuttoning your shirt further. Tugging at your clothing, you’re making yourself look even more disheveled. Even the smallest sound outside the office door makes you jump as you’re impatiently waiting for a certain creek of one of the steps.
Kaz doesn’t answer. His watchful eyes are following your movements as he’s focusing on keeping his attention on the task at hand. That bright mind of his, however, fights relentlessly to memorize your unkempt look instead.
Not hearing him respond to your question, you turn around to look at Kaz. Leaning against the desk, he’s just staring at you with a quite inexplicable intensity. His unspoken passion is only making the voice in the back of your head louder: what if it was Him undoing my shirt?
But you stifle this thought. It’s not the time for this. Searching for distraction, you look at Kaz’s collar - the first two buttons are undone but they make him appear more sleepy rather than caught red handed at a moment of weakness.
“May I?” you ask, gesturing towards his garment.
“Go ahead,” he quietly answers. There’s a lot of trust in his lack of movement and calmness about your closeness.
Carefully, you grab the hem of his collar and open his shirt further, while making sure your fingers do not even graze the bare skin underneath, despite the urge sitting deep inside your abdomen. Then, you take a step back, examining his general state and whether it sets a believable scene. A proud smile creeps onto your face.
“You’re really enjoying this,” Kaz states.
“Actually,” you say as you lean against the table, fairly unaware that because of your disheveled clothing your cleavage is significantly more visible, “I’d be enjoying this little scheme a lot more if we were in fact being scandalous.”
Whether that was your objective or not, Kaz’s heartbeat picks up noticeably, his rogue mind flashing explicit images before his eyes.
A creek of stairs.
You and Kaz give each other a meaningful glance and you push the paperweight off the desk, knowing that Nina can hear it. The door swings open and you’re immediately in character, looking away with the most embarrassed expression you could muster.
Kaz clears his throat. “Is there a reason why you’re barging in?”
Nina looks a bit lost, still piecing together what she might have just interrupted. “I… uhm… I talked with Lizzie Hardy. She’s in, we can count on her.”
“Understood,” he says in a low, firm voice. “Now go. And learn to knock.”
A half-grin enters her face as she gets rid of any doubts as to what the two of you had been presumably occupied with before she entered. With a skip to her step, Nina throws a “You bet I will!” before leaving the office. She’s quite sure no one will have a better gossip than her.
╚ Wylan’s Evidence ╝
Wylan is startled by your yelp of pain, almost dropping the delicate vial in his hands. His focus immediately shifts to you, who is now frowning with your hand raised slightly above your head. A string of curses leaves your mouth as you check the wound again - yes, still there and still bleeding.
Right, bleeding.
“Are you okay?” he asks in a worried tone. Part of you feels guilty for fooling Wylan because of the sheepiness he wears most of the time but, on the other hand, he is part of the gossip girl club. This little scheme is just a consequence of his choice.
“Yeah, no problem. I’m a big girl, I’ll just wrap this and I’ll be fine,” you answer casually.
Pretending to look for something that can work as a bandage, you’re praying that Wylan can’t smell the cranberry preserve slowly dripping down your forearm. There’s an urge deep inside you to lick the jam, almost tasting the sweet and sour fruit in your imagination.
Kaz, who was waiting for the well-played-out yelp, rushes into the room with a grim expression. The moment he’s supposed to notice your injury, he makes a show of dropping his shoulders. He’s not saying anything, only giving short sighs and annoyed grunts as he reaches for a random rag laying around. 
“I’d advise against cutting off your fingers,” he says loud enough for Wylan to hear as he’s tightening the wrapped rag around your palm. "You need to be more ca-" Kaz cuts himself off, suddenly realizing he was about to use an off-limits word. "You need to pay attention to what you're doing."
Looking over Kaz’s shoulder, you see Wylan nervously glancing at the two of you out of the corner of his eyes. Jesper is going to hear world-shattering news in the next hour - on that you can safely bet any number of limbs.
╚ Jesper’s Evidence ╝
Too busy retelling what he had learned while following Lizzie Hardy, Jesper doesn’t notice the tiny signal you give Kaz while the three of you are walking through the streets of Ketterdam.
Air, cobblestone, a lost dog - it doesn’t matter. You stumble over something but ever watchful Kaz manages to grab you by the waist, preventing you from falling. To be honest, until this moment you weren’t completely sure this is going to work out because you never practiced this with Kaz. Well, you did, once, but the two of you got significantly distracted early on. So the plan to outfox Nosy Jesper was a leap of faith - literally and figuratively.
Jesper, the man in question, halted his story as he’s watching the unbelievable occurrence of Kaz having a caring reflex. For a moment he considers whether this wasn’t some kind of miraculous coincidence but on the other hand, the movement looked so natural and purposeful that it simply had to be deliberate.
Standing on your own, you look towards Jesper, who’s still staring at you and Kaz with furrowed eyebrows and his mouth slightly agape. “You were saying?” you coax him to continue as though nothing happened.
“Yes, right, the thing,” he stutters out as he’s trying to remember what he was talking about before seeing something so strange he’s questioning his own sanity.
╚ Inej’s Evidence ╝
Due to the late hour, or rather an hour so late it can be considered early, the club is deserted except for you and Kaz sitting by the bar. He’s silently watching your profile as you’re applying another layer of theatrical paint and makeup.
“Does it look realistic?” you ask for the hundredth time while examining the bruise in a small hand-held mirror.
“It’s good enough.”
You set down the mirror and look at him. To a degree, you know he won’t agree to your proposition but you try anyway, just to make sure:
“Maybe you could hit me?” you suggest. His expression grows colder. “Just for good measure. To really sell this,” you add in your own defense, as though there is a possibility of him retaliating for such a ridiculous proposition. Even when furious beyond imagination, you’ve heard him yell exactly once out of anger.
He leans closer towards you. Paradoxically, it’s you who is uncomfortable with the sudden intimacy but maybe the uneasiness is not due to the proximity but the chilling tension that has sprouted between the two of you. Kaz studies your expression for a moment, his jaw relaxes and clenches over and over again as he’s clearly pondering the earthiest way he can put his thoughts into words.
“I will never raise my hand against you,” his voice is quiet and wavering with emotions, “even if my life depends on it. So don’t ask again. Ever.”
Suddenly, you feel strangely small next to him as though Kaz is but a shadow that quickly grows larger as candlelight dims. “Right, sorry,” you answer awkwardly.
The door to the club opens with a creek and the nervous conversation has to be cut short. You cover your face with hands, having rubbed some chili seeds into your palms earlier. As the capsaicin reaches your nostrils and eyes, forcing yourself to cry is easier than ever. Pretending to be agonizing over something, you keep reminding yourself not to actually touch your eyes or nose.
You can’t see her face but you’re sure Inej is wearing a worried or confused expression and you’re quite correct in your guess - she walks towards you and Kaz with apprehension as though she’s still wondering whether she wants to intrude. Inej momentarily grows anxious, noticing the vibrant bruise on the side of your face.
Then, in a truly dramatic fashion, Kaz gets up from the bar stool and storms out of the club as you had agreed beforehand. While he’s passing Inej, she calls out to him:
But he’s quick to cut her off in a harsh voice:
“Not now, Inej.”
The door closes behind him with a slam and considering the state of the two of you, she prefers not to ask questions. It will be easier to sleep at night.
“They’re staring,” you inform Kaz while pouring him a drink.
“As far as I know, they have a reason to,” he answers, taking a sip of the beverage. His eyes are boring into you like his trying to look past your skin and bones, into your mind if not your very soul.
A wide smile brightens your face. You lean on the counter, face close to Kaz’s. Although it’s been some time, it still makes your heart flutter that he doesn’t move away. Perhaps it’s just his unreadable expression or maybe he really is unbothered by the proximity.
“To be honest, I enjoyed our little theatrics.” Smiling at him, your teeth glisten in the dim light inside the club.
“You make an impressive con artist, I have to admit.”
“Ah, forget the con part,” you wave your hand in dismissal. “It was entertaining, alright, but the best part was just spending time with you.”
Kaz almost chokes on his drink.
____ @moonstruckpoet @shara-ne @queenkalico
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grimst4rs · 2 months ago
sirius headcanons for you (no one asked me anything)
is really a great driver besides the fact he gets road rage (he tends to be quite impatient with people who are not as competent as him)
intimidating demeanour and he usually keeps people away from him with it (he does not complain)
completely terrified of children and the idea of being a father but he’s so gentle and kind to them
prefers pubs to clubs
chainsmoker and physically cannot smoke just one cigarette
sleeps in sweatpants and an old band tshirt
gets attached to clothes he loves and wears them till they’re horribly worn out
his favourite shoes are combat boots
has pouty lips
likes reading, but exclusively books he doesn’t have in the curriculum (he likes camus and dostoyevsky as authors and he’s a fan of psychological horror/ psychological stuff and political stuff as a whole and also sci fi (rip sirius black you would have loved george orwell))
his favourite movies are thriller and horror
his biggest fear is disappointing the ones he loves and betrayal
loves all animals and regularly takes in strays until he can find someone to take care of them. if he doesn’t, he just keeps them
has a lot of scars and marks from whatever batshit crazy thing he does. he is constantly with a project on his hands and doing something
dislikes routine and monotony and tries his best to make his days interesting
would have tried polygamy but he gets possessive and jealous and knows it’s not gonna work out (see exception: jilypad)
his strongest point is his loyalty and would willingly give up his life if that meant that someone he loves lives
speaking of which the only people he truly truly loved from the core of his life are james lily and harry
used to sell homework answers for cigarettes when he didn’t have the opportunity to buy some himself
hands in his essays the night before the due date and they’re always way longer than they should be
has protection runes tattooed on his fingers and engraved into his wand and charmed so that his wand can be used only if the runes from his fingers and wand meet so essentially no one else can use his wand
his duelling style is combat and basically attacking rather than defending but he WOULD use defensive magic to protect the ones he loves or members from the order than are weaker than he is (he’s also an aggressive dueller)
he can also fight with his fists and gets into playful wrestling with jpr
the only members of his family he always liked are alphard and andromeda (he never liked regukus k bye)
his favourite alcoholic drinks are whiskey and jack daniel’s
loses his patience really easily with people who are not as efficient as him AND annoy him (see: peter, sometimes) but he’s slightly more patient with people he likes
likes eating greasy shit but his favourite foods are a good caesar salad and a good teriyaki sub (self projection: i need his order to be the same as mine)
never pays attention in class but somehow he’s always top of the class (he only pays attention in dada transfig runes and arithmancy)
is either completely unaware or completely aware of the fact that people are into him and he Does Not care. sometimes snogs people at parties but nothing more than that
night owl and also an insomniac
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sanjoongie · 2 months ago
𝐹𝑒𝒷𝓇𝓊𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝐹𝒾𝓁𝓉𝒽 𝐹𝑒𝓈𝓉 ~ 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒
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The Intro
🖤Welcome to this year's February Filth Fest. This is my third year participating, and I rather look forward to this time to challenge myself. It may seem like just a lot of smut, and don't get me wrong--it is, but it also opens my mind and expands on short-term worlds that are so fun. I don't think I ever would have sat down and written a Naruto au or the fanboys wooyoung fic without FFF.
The Challenge
🖤to write a short fic each day, including the member randomly selected and the kink.
🖤If anyone wants to participate, you can copy my list or alter it to your desires {This is during the month of February} Twenty-eight fics straight
🖤mine features ateez, but you can pick whoever
🖤feel free to freelance it and do whatever days you want, or not. Do once a week. Do one every 5 days. You pick your schedule. I simply enjoy the challenge of one fic a day.
🖤yes I'm aware it's Jan.1 and I'm posting this but I wanted to put it out early in case anyone needed some time to think it over/prepare!
The List
Creampie ~ Seonghwa {Sci fi Au} 🩶Summary: when you agree to take on a stray bunny hybrid as a passenger on your transport, you had no idea you’d hit your fertile cycle and lure Seonghwa into a rut
Soft dom/sub~ Hongjoong {Historical Au} 🤍Summary: when Hongjoong decides he wishes to study how your body appears in the sunlight next to the flowers in his garden to better his paintings, who are you to say no?
Restraints ~ Wooyoung {Fantasy Au} 🖤Summary: when your partner gets on your final nerve, you tie him up and let out some pent-up aggression on him
Shower sex ~ San {Modern Au} 💛Summary: you meet your husband in the shower after a long night on the red carpet, and are gifted with a scene making you wish you were a porno director instead.
Hand kink ~ Jongho {Sci Fi Au} 💜Summary: when you get trapped in a storm with a soldier, you shed light on a kink Jongho didn’t even know he had.
Double penetration ~ YunGi {Sci Fi Au} 💙🩵Summary: when yunho decides he’s tired of you and mingi fighting over him amongst a zombie apocalypse and a threesome is the only way to settle the aggression.
Aphrodisiacs ~Yeosang {Fantasy Au} ❤️Summary: when Yeosang escorts you through the forest back to your mountain, you come across a part of the forest that has changed, including a rather interesting flower with some lusty influences
Temperature play ~ Yunho {Modern Au} 💙Summary: when your villain lover enjoys playing out pre-negotiated scenes of cnc with you as the in-denial hero and you indulge him
Degradation ~ Seonghwa {Modern Au} 🩶Summary: when your ex shows up, needing money, you do your best to give him the best orgasm of his life so that he can leave and never come back into your life.
Predator/prey ~Mingi {Modern Au} 🩵Summary: you join a public event held at an exclusive club where 20 men hunt 5 women and whichever man catches you claims you
Praise ~Yeosang {Modern Au} ❤️Summary: when you praise your boss rather forcefully, Yeosang pursues a more carnal activity in the kitchen
Edging ~ San {Sci Fi Au} 💛Summary: You and San are in the middle of a rebellion, but the possessive dragon has demands of his own
Corruption kink ~ Yunho {Historical Au} 💙Summary: as a starved succubus, you find a priest in training to restore your energy, and corrupt a pure soul in the process
Somnophilia ~ Sanjoong {Fantasy Au} 💛🤍Summary: San and Hongjoong are hired to wake up a slumbering elven princess but they had no idea that it was pleasure you were seeking to raise you from dreamland.
Mommy kink ~ Jongho {Modern Au} 💜Summary: when you current situationship takes care of you so well in the vampire club that the urge to call him mommy and fuck him in his SUV hits
Tentacle sex ~Wooyoung {Sci Fi Au} 🖤Summary: Wooyoung kidnaps you from San’s arms to try his new ideas of what the ship could do to you–and him–and the alien is very good at finding loopholes to his captain’s orders
Dacryphilia ~ Hongjoong {Modern Au} 🤍Summary: when a rival mafia group believes it’s a smart idea to kidnap your husband, you have no choice but to kill them all. and perhaps admire how beautiful your husband is when he cries
Cuckolding ~ WooSang {Historical Au} 🖤❤️Summary: when you dare let another man lay hands on you, you pay by yeosang having a gladiator in the way your husband only takes his wife– and are forced to watch it all unfold before you
Size kink ~ Mingi {Sci Fi Au} 🩵Summary: Mingi uses his Furyan night vision to steal you from Wooyoung’s bed, just to fuck you in a hammock in the cargo bay. And perhaps to win a bet. Or to sing to your eggs in Furyan. Or all of the above
Breeding kink ~ SeongJjong {Fantasy Au} 🩶💜Summary: when you hear of a mated pair of griffins nearby, you take the opportunity to steal their egg for some money. unfortunately for you, the mated pair end up being two males. fortunately for you, they’d be more than happy to help you with your egg problem
Mirror sex ~ San {Historical Au} 💛Summary: as a spy of a different country trying to keep up with your allies, you attach yourself to a particular soldier who will take you to the front lines, you just have to seduce him first
Hate fucking ~ Jongho {Historical Au} 💜Summary: when San takes a bullet, it’s up to you to take command of the ship and deal with the crew. Jongho’s making it really difficult to do your job and keep it together. lucky, there’s a way to solve everything and get compensation
Deepthroating ~ Seonghwa {Historical Au} 🩶Summary: you shared a passionate night with one of the musketeers sworn to protect the king, your husband, and he can no longer keep himself away from you.
Pervert kink ~ Hongjoong {Sci fi Au} 🤍Summary: as an agent of the special division devised to take down subway gropers, you slowly succumb to wanting to be a target instead of capturing yours.
Free use ~ Mingi
Public sex ~ Wooyoung
Hard dom aftercare ~ Yunho
Voyeurism ~ Yeosang
If you're eager for more, here is FFF2023 and FFF2024
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rowan555 · 6 months ago
Before Six years, five months, two days
Can we talk about how obsessed they are with each other before they even go on the subway?
At the Keepers meeting, as soon as they start talking they are touching elbows and arms, super close. SO much eye contact in the conversation and Lila is like TEXTBOOK flirting - her lips slightly parted through their whole convo, sexy face on, and so many mischievous glances at Five. Nonchalantly placing her hand on his chest to put on his nametag and like ???lingering??? Oh yeah Nancy, make sure that nametag isn't coming off, very thorough name tag application.
Then the cafe, obviously more touching of the face, more eye contact, and smiles. Am I imagining it or does Lila's façade drop a little and she looks kinda guilty about wiping the powdered sugar off Five's face when Diego sees them through the window? She's then laughing right after, but a part of me wonders if she wanted to touch Five, did, liked it, felt bad, then bounced back and started laughing before the scene was over.
Then we have two scenes with Diego in the van, one with Five and then one with Lila.
When Diego confides in Five his concerns about Lila and the "little Greek guy" it's a VERY clever bit of writing that is TEEMING with doublespeak, Five states:
"Whatever this is (him and Lila), it's nothing. You guys have a family, kids, a home, only an idiot gives that up. Lila is no idiot" Five looks almost remorseful as he says she's not a idiot. IMO by calling it "this" Five acknowledges that there is something between them, but seems disappointed since he believes nothing could or would happen between them, but only due to her current circumstances.
Then Five states to Diego "Bury it. Deep. Cover that shit in concrete." which in this context makes way more sense for his own feelings (his growing affection for Lila) vs. advice you would give your sibling about concerns over their partner's potential infidelity.
Diego then states "You're a good brother." and the shot lingers on Five's face as he looks painfully guilty. We follow up with a long shot of Lila, peering at them secretly, which adds to the perception that this exchange may be more significant than what the surface-level conversation appears to be.
Also, at the beginning of this whole conversation, Five lies for Lila by saying "Well she has that book club" to Diego. I think it's interesting that Five's first instinct here is to be loyal to Lila and keep up her lie rather than coming clean to Diego. His loyalty is already to her over him.
At the New Grumpson Christmas festival, when Diego throws axes to impress her, she looks at him (very annoyed) for a whole 2 seconds then immediately starts scanning the crowd, super distracted, not caring what Diego is doing or saying (this is a little sad). What is she looking for?? Five of course. She quickly excuses herself from Diego and seeks him out, finding him trying to blink. Then there is all this cutsie talk about kegels. They keep their heads down in a little tet-a-tet, and look annoyed when Diego joins them and starts asking questions. I melt a little when Five says "Mulled wine for myself, egg nog for the Lady". They are already on the same page. They already consider themselves a team of two within this larger team.
Then the van conversation with Lila and Diego, we get a shot of Five's face as the convo is starting, which makes sense because they do speak about him in their fight/conversation. But what stands out to me is that once Lila confesses that she has been working undercover, Diego gets upset Lila states
"You're acting as if I had an affair"
to which Diego responds "This is even worse!"
and they cut to Five's face and he looks SO annoyed. To me, he's thinking "Wait, you're with Lila, you've gotten to settle down, be normal, have kids and you think Lila going undercover tangentially with the CIA is worse than her having an affair and losing all that?" which I think is crazy to Five because Diego has the normalcy Five craves, with the person Five has the most chemistry with.
And this is BEFORE all the subway stuff. I honestly think they left us so many breadcrumbs before episode 5 and I'm having a delightful and delicious time finding them!
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astraaa3 · 1 year ago
please please please can you do valentino and male reader please i really like your writing
anything sfw and/or nsfw is fine :3
A/N: You want it, you got it, Anon. Thanks for the request toots. Had a blast writing this one. >.<
Feedback is much appreciated (also, if you would like to proofread the degenerate shit I write please send a dm).
Valentino x Male!Reader
Note: You can imagine the reader to have whatever body type you prefer. While in this request Reader has a bodyguard position that doesn't mean that he was chosen for his physique. (Valentino is an asshole so he most likely hired Reader for shits and giggles) Now off we go.
Valentino likes teasing you. A LOT. Grabbing your hips, hugging you from behind, patting your head, rubbing your cheeks whenever you forgot to shave, linking his arm with yours, he always found an excuse to touch you.
Why was Valentino so tactile? Well, his love language was physical touch. Of course, he would take any chance he could to indulge. That said, the biggest reason was how you always blushed or laughed embarrassed at the public displays of affection.
Valentino loved teasing you. From changing in front of you to other…. explicit acts, he adored flustering you. And he wasn't quiet about it either. "Aww, what's wrong baby? I'm just helping you accomodate~" or "Oh come on papi, don't tell me you don't like what you see." (at one point you started keeping a catalog of the pet names he used for you)
After you decided to ask Valentino out for a date (you hyped yourself up while looking in a mirror for days before actually being able to get the words out), you found out that there was more to your boss than you had come to know. You learned that Valentino ADORED fast food, that he was shit at taking care of pets (Queef reference whom), and that he loved dancing and laughing at romcoms.
You asked him out initially out of some pathetic crush, but after the first few dates, you fell. And you fell hard. Following him around like some love-sick puppy, pouting when he was hooking up with girls at the club.
Valentino thought that it was fucking cute. So he did what he always does with things he finds interesting. He took you to bed. He didn't expect you to cuddle him the moment you were done. Much less for you to praise him. HIM. He had a minor mental breakdown while you fell asleep.
After Valentino came to terms with the fact that he started caring for you more than he planned to initially, he immediately claimed you as his. Taking you out in public and overplaying how lovey-dovey the two of you were, dressing you up in tuxes, and dining at high-end restaurants. Getting 'accidentally' caught fondling you inside of one of the clubs he owned, Valentino did everything to make sure there was not a single soul in Hell who didn't know that you were his.
A fun fact that Valentino learned about you when you officially started dating was that you would melt after being praised. And oh boy did he take advantage of that. Flattery fell out of Valentino's mouth like a waterfall whenever he saw the opportunity. "You are so handsome sweetheart, turning heads wherever you go. But those worms better keep their hands to themselves or I will FUCKING END THEM." (cue aggressive moth clicking noises)
You did get into fights with Valentino. Particularly about his short temper. While you were rarely on the receiving end of his rages, you did witness them quite often. Thankfully, Valentino agreed to try to be less rash and aggressive when he got mad. But it was still a work in progress. And there was a LOT of progress to be had.
Small prompt: How it started
You had just gotten used to your new job when your life took a new turn yet again. It seemed like a normal day at first, you were just helping with putting the props in their places when the door slammed open, Valentino angrily stopping in his moth wings unfurled hanging behind him like a cape. It was the first time you saw Valentino without his signature coat…wings….whatever on. You blushed and started dumbly at him as your brain tried to process… heart…. nipples….(homerotic panic ensue). Valentino being Valentino of course noticed this. And making a mental note of your admittedly cute reaction he made a decision.
The next day you were called to his penthouse at the top of the V tower. You once again found yourself staring dumbly at the pictures of Valentino hanging up on the walls, your whole face turning red. Hearing a chuckle behind you, you immediately turned around embarrassed, fiddling a bit with your pants to hide the reaction caused by the pictures. (if Valentino noticed it, you were thankful that he said nothing about it or you would have died on the spot from embarrassment).
"Is this the first time you see any of my photoshoots, amorcito?" Valentino said with a smirk staring at your flushing face.
"U-uh. Yeah. I didn't know you also work in front of the camera and not just behind it." you said trying to sound more professional than you actually felt at the moment, it helped calm down the flush on your cheeks a bit.
Valentino nodded heading to the plush couch in the room sitting and crossing his fishnet-clad legs. Staring at you for a second, he took a drag of his cigarette.
"To keep matters short, you're getting promoted. From now on you will act as my bodyguard."
You stared at him confused for a second. He was an Overlord and well, you were just some random sinner who barely knew how to defend himself.
"I'm sorry, Sir, but I... I'm a bit confused. You are an Overlord and well, I think you could protect yourself better than I would be able to. Respectfully."
You could see his eyebrow twitching in what you could tell was annoyance. Smiling a few too many teeth at you, some pink liquid dripping from his lips, Valentino snarled out.
"Do I need to explain myself to you? Don't forget who's your boss bitch. You're working as my bodyguard from now on because I say so, bitch."
His fury seemed to disappear in an instant afterward, getting up and sliding his hand across the back of your shoulders in an overly sweet manner.
"You're going to do great amorcito. Now, off you go, enjoy your last day of setting up props."
With that, he sent you off. Sighing nervously, you couldn't help but think: 'Well, this is going to be interesting. That's for sure' (You had no idea how true those thoughts would prove to be) =========˚ʚ♡ɞ˚========= Send requests ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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kyojurotrans · 2 months ago
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hi, presenting my silly fella here too, his name is alejandro and he’s a goth NOT affiliated with the eltingville club, he has his own club. it’s a little extensive to resume his whole backstory so I’ll concentrate on how his relationship began with bill, who he met one day he was roller skating at the street and the boys were rolling their dices in the middle of the road, this caused alejandro to trip over and provoke for their dices to end up in the sewer; of course bill started insulting him along with the group, but he was the louder one and who caught alejandro’s attention, fighting back. the second time a new spiderman issue came out, the planet of the symbiotes, ale as a spiderman fan saved money to buy it, he entered joe’s store and noticed the last copy of the issue was prettily positioned on the shelf, once examining it closely he felt a hand on his shoulder asking him harshy to not buy it since he wanted it to himself, guess who it was? obviously, william alan dickey being an annoying little bitch, anyways alejandro ends up getting it and bill gets super pissy about it.
finally, their third encounter was at a blockbuster, bill wanted to rent the star wars trilogy, browsing the sci-fi shelf he looked up and noticed alejandro right in front of him just a few centimeters away, his face focused on the cover of ‘wes craven’s new nightmare’ (he loves horror movies), to resume bill starts walking behind him yelling at him that he stole his precious comic but then notices the tape on his hand, to which his attention picks up and starts getting interested in alejandro; a few weeks later their situationship starts and both suffer for the other cuz they’re stupid.
thanks to anyone reads this, if someone does !
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silly thing also, creds in the image :-)
if you wanna know more about my silly creature just ask me in my inbox I suppose !
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