#hi I got bleach brainrot
gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Bleach headcanon for no reason:
The 5th captain of the 11th division was just a really big fucking lizard that assumed the captainacy by eating the 4th captain. Tokagero Kenpachi served for 378 years (the longest-serving Kenpachi to date) of relative inter-division peace and popularity, mostly by eating anyone that annoyed it.
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the baftas: my eyes need bleach after the livestream chat.
I SAID I WOULD COME TO TUMBLR AND SLUT-SHAME ALL OF YOU, AND YOU BET YOUR GODDAMN BILDADDY I'M HERE TO DO IT. First, a huge thank you to @good-usernames-were-taken, Valerie, for enabling this entire chaos and streaming it. And of course to Disappointment the Main Maggot.
Second, as per requests from you maggots, I have to give an honourary mention to the tragic lack of an emotional support gaseous orange, the late half-eaten packet of Lays on my desk, and my nearly empty can of Monster energy. Idk either, you asked for the mentions you got them.
Without further ado, presenting the BAFTA Awards 2024:
I am busy drawing out the neckline stitches of Crowley's wedding dress, when I am reminded of the stream and I crash into it midway. Little do I know what I am getting into.
Everyone is here for David Tennant. No one is here for the actual awards. This is made very clear very quickly.
For context, David is in a kilt for the first half. I finally see why my relatives disapprove of skirts above knee-length. I never knew humanity's unholy worship of knees till I came here.
We interrupt our regular scheduled program of David knees to have an intense discussion about British versus French humour, and the misgendering of croissants.
RDJ wins an award and calls his wife his Alpha and Omega.
We're back to the knees. I can't handle how slutty David's knees are, says a worthy maggot.
This goes into a discussion about tickets for David's Macbeth, because, you guessed it, the kilt and the knees.
A lot of gorgeous and talented women in the BAFTAs tonight. I am floored.
I am not allowed to dwell in my awe because the chat is not a place of the lord. Curtain calls of Macbeth are discussed with unnecessary lasciviousness.
Thankfully, in the midst of this, I get a great Zodiac pattern reference for Crowley's wedding dress cummerbund. I was going to have to research the night sky for star charts but this is better.
People show their beautiful brainrot-induced Doc Marten purchases.
The knee thirst has moved into X-rated territory. I am terrified.
A song is sung in memory of film industry people who passed away this year, and people are sad about Dumbledore but at the same time are imagining Aziraphale and Crowley dancing to the song. The brainrot is real.
I accidentally spoil Saltburn's freakshow for someone. When I ask how I can make up for it, they say something about GOAD. I'm alarmed. Is that an OnlyFans, I ask. It's Good Omens After Dark, the chat answers. Is THAT an OnlyFans, I ask. Close enough, the chat says.
David has now changed outfits to a suit, which finally makes people pay attention to the BAFTAs, if only to alternatively thirst over the suit and bemoan the loss of knees.
Things, uh, happen, which I will have to include as quotes in another post. Cheers, @thearoacemess and @vitrilol.
Barty Crouch Jr is debated about as the Wolfstar child. Bratty Crouch Jr is said to be Crowley.
I obtain a banana, which I associate with blowjobs.
@thearoacemess talks about someone deepthroating a seven-inch banana without a hitch.
The stream does a flashback to the kilt time. It is a mistake. @queermarzipan barrels in and is being too slutty about the knees.
I tell them they need jesus, and they yell about how they've gone to mass twice today and they're an atheist.
Thankfully, @vitrilol starts chanting about the glory of Ireland. The only thing that will distract Marzipan from David Tennant is Ireland.
He proceeds to start screech-singing in all caps.
The BAFTAs end. People are still thirsting over David Tennant.
Uh, more dubious things about David, suits and the absence of said suits are discussed. I'm trying my damndest not to notice.
There is accidental Mascot lore: I am apparently from a different timeline (I mixed up timeline and timezone) and that's how Apollo deposited me in an illegal sushi restaurant where I became Neil Gaiman and Michael Sheen's intellectual child.
I am compared to a cat.
OKAY so I will end the summary here and make a list of out of context quotes in a new post. Because. Boy oh boy. That deserves its own post.
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otaku553 · 1 year
Hello! I saw your recent art of sabo, and in the tags you mentioned the big 3 of Shounen. I know it’s One piece and Naruto, but what’s the third? How come you like the character? Lovely artwork, it’s candy for the soul!! Thank you •u•
Ah thank you!!! The big three of shonen (for I guess the previous generation?) are Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Naruto and Bleach have already ended but it seems like One Piece is still going quite strong, despite the new generation of shonen anime (including Hero Aca, Demon Slayer, and the third spot is still debated! Probably JJK is my guess though that falls into its own sub genre of shonen dark fantasy I suppose)
Here are my favs! I’ll put the reasons why I like them in the read more because it’s quite long :)
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Despite watching Naruto first I could never actually finish it because it was so long so I kind of just osmosed the later parts of shippuden through fanfics and other such media ^^; I think it’s pretty difficult to pick a definitive fav for Naruto because I feel like it tends to fumble a bit of its character writing? I think if I had to pick one maybe young Kakashi but still kind of eh. Maybe I just didn’t watch far enough to get attached
As for Bleach, I picked it up years ago around middle school and then dropped it after the first hundred episodes or so because filler got boring for younger me but then I picked it up again in high school and managed to at least get past aizen! And then I dropped it there because I wasn’t interested in any continuation after what seemed like an already pretty strong ending.
Toshiro is my favorite because he falls into all niches of character tropes that I enjoy including but not limited to: child genius who acts responsible but is still somewhat immature, cold personality along with ice powers but fierce loyalty to close relationships. I especially enjoy child genius characters for the contradictory dichotomy of what is expected of them in terms of maturity and knowledge and the amount of pressure these kinds of characters face and how they handle it! That said, I enjoy him more for the tropes that he falls into and my personal interpretation of him rather than canon writing for him. I think that though canon is an alright base, he doesn’t get much time to shine (character-wise instead of combat-wise).
And Sabo. Oh my goodness I am brainrotting so hard over Sabo right now. The ASL siblings in general have a vice grip on my heart and really are not letting go. There is so much tragedy in the way that they are written, that works because there are three of them. Ace and Luffy spend so much effort trying to save the only brother they have left in the world not realizing that if they go they’ll be the first to go actually because Sabo is still alive, and Sabo could have done so much and changed so much if only he had regained his memories sooner. Why didn’t he remember sooner? I can only assume it’s because he didn’t want to remember, because he grew out his hair to cover a scar he wasn’t proud of, because he was running away from his origins when he lost his memories and maybe that stuck with him. I don’t even remember when Sabo was introduced as a character because I don’t think he was mentioned during Marineford? But he’s such a compelling character because he does so much to save the world and yet is unable to save his own brother! And he’s written to fit with Ace and Luffy incredibly well, being the voice of reason where they can’t be.
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lugwen · 1 year
there's a discussion going on about ethos haircolor irl and how ppl draw him in fanart (check out @daily-ethoslab for more lol) so i'd like to share my headcanon.
etho used to be a blonde kid but his hair got darker to almost a dark brown in his late teens.
he started bleaching, first just to remain his blonde but as time went by he started to like the "almost white" look. he kept bleaching his roots lighter and lighter until his hair was completely white.
he does it himself to save money. and since you have to go over bleached hair with purple to get rid of the yellow (and he isn't a professional) he usually ends up with slightly purple hair (he prefers slightly purple hair over slightly yellow hair).
welcome to my brainrot, now u know why i always draw him with dark roots and slightly purple hair.
and here's etho with an hair dye fail (he was playing terraria and forgot he put the dye on)
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coldblooded-angel · 6 months
OH IM SO SORRY FRIEND 😭😭 its currently on hold cuz I’m writing monster hunter! felix au (and godamn the au list is LENGTHY) BUT I CAN GIVE MORE BRAINROT MMMHMM
Oliver comes from a conservative traditional family and hes their “black sheep” but only in secret cuz im placing this au in the 80s wheb rock n roll was THE DEVILS MUSIC
He escapes out the window and dresses in the sluttiest leather fits and mesh he can find. He mostly gets inspo from the other girl groupies, the ones that get pulled backstage
Also hes got secret piercings (on his nipples) definitely and a tramp stamp (think trashy im ur baby type shit)
He is just as obsessive so he has to sometimes hide from security cuz he has been caught a few times sneaking into the tour van/bus and their hotel rooms
He’s got the most disgusting collection of Felix things. Im talking cigarette butts, gum, condoms, guitar picks, underwear, a sweet towel. Mfer has drunk that mans backwash out of a bottle he is nasty 🫶
He also deals drugs (it’s how he gets close enough to Ven and Farls) uses it to steal hotel cards or to snoop of their phones for shit about Felix
He sends the most. Freaky. Graphic. Disturbing fan mails and i mean CRAZY SHIT the usual delusions of him being Felix’s soulmate and how Felix will fall for him and then also lists down all of his own qualities that Felix would love. Drops a couple of nude polas so Felix knows what he’s working with and a splash of his cologne (which is the compliment to the one Felix wears cuz duh of course he knows that)
Oliver is delusional as fuck he will physically fight any bitch that says she is Felix’s wife cuz um no hoe THAT IS ME. And he has also definitely been kicked out of venues for these fights
He box bleaches his hair blonde like crispy fry cuz Felix daid in an interview that his ideal type is blue eyes and blonde hair. Oliver’s mother has a heart attack and makes him pray the gay away
OKAY I might go on forever if I don’t stop here but groupie! Ollie is my babygirl fanboy he is #1 Felix shooter that man will fight ANYONE for him. (I hope this was good enough for now🫶🫶)
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geekgirl750-writes · 1 year
Random Headcanons for the Scream (1996) Group
A/N Okay so I know I've been promising a bunch of fics and they will be coming...eventually. But right now I have major Scream brainrot so here are some of my headcanons for the characters
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, Billy & Stu being misogynistic, mentions of bullying, mentions of cheating, brief mention of alcohol, mention of murder/canon typical violence in Scream
Billy is the oldest and Randy is the youngest
More specifically the birth order goes Billy, Tatum, Sidney, Stu & then Randy
Billy & Tatum's birthdays are both in September and are two weeks apart
Sidney's birthday is in November
Stu's birthday is in late March because in my mind there is no way that man is not an Aries
Randy's birthday is only about a month after Stu's, but Stu uses any chance he gets to bring up the fact that Randy is the "baby" of the group to piss him off
For example:
Stu cuts off Randy during one of his rants about how the sinners are always punished in horror movies because, "What do you know about the sex rules in horror movies, anyways huh?! You're such a virgin, I bet you have wet dreams about Jamie Lee's breasts" Stu chuckles, blowing air in Randy's ear.
"Shut up!" Randy argues back, he feels a blush spread across his face and up to his ears.
"Aww look Billy, the baby's blushing. It is true!" Stu laughs louder.
"I'm not a baby! Your birthday is only 3 weeks before mine!" Randy pouts.
"Whatever you say, baby" Stu sticks his tongue out at Randy, devolving into a fit of laughter at his expense.
Randy has autism (I feel like this one isn't even up for debate)
Stu has ADHD and dyslexia
Tatum isn't a natural blonde:
Her real hair color is a shade of brown slightly lighter than Sidney's. She started dying her hair during junior year because she wanted to stand out more
Speaking of hair dying, Stu definitely bleached his hair sophomore year (think Tim Laflour from Senseless) just to piss off his parents
I wouldn't say Tatum is boy crazy but I think she definitely likes knowing that she can hold a man's attention
I feel like Stu and Tatum haven't been dating that long, having only gotten together about 6-8 months before the start of Scream
I also think Stu is Tatum's first real relationship
I feel like Sidney and Casey Becker would have been besties if they had gotten the chance to get closer
Tatum was always secretly a little insecure whenever Casey got brought up but if she had really gotten to know her they would've been friendly too.
I think Stu used to tell Tatum lies about Casey/ Casey & his relationship to make Tatum jealous on purpose
Literally if it wasn't for Stu then Sidney, Tatum and Casey would've been such an iconic girl group
I think in terms of distance Randy and Tatum live closest to each other, their houses are only a few blocks away from each other near the center of town
Billy also lives close to the center but heading the opposite direction from Tatum and Randy
Sidney's house is closet to Stu's with the two of them living on the outskirts of town in the more rural area.
Group hangouts & movie nights are usually at Stu's place because his house has the most space and his parents are rarely home
Occasionally Randy will host movie nights at his house but not as often as Stu because whenever the group hangs out at Randy's, Martha wants to be included
And while Randy loves his sister, they can't really watch slasher movies and drink beer with a kid hanging around
I think before Maureen was murdered the gang would hang out at Sidney's house a lot too
But after she died, Sidney found it hard to have company over because it reminded her of all the memories she had of her mom, like her baking cookies for Sid & her friends, or all the times she had begged her mom to let Tatum sleep over on a school night, and now it was too painful to try and create new happy memories in the house since she was gone
Billy always preferred hanging out at Stu's as he was finding it harder and harder to be at the Prescott's house
Each time he walked through the door he could feel his blood boiling thinking about what was going on between Sidney's mother and his father & how much of a slut Maureen was
Okay so I've found myself struggling to figure out how Randy ended up in that friend group
Because for me I think Sidney and Tatum have been best friends for forever, having been friends since the 1st grade
Stu and Billy have also been friends a long time, meeting each other in the 3rd grade when Billy's family moved to Woodsboro and the two instantly clicked.
But Randy... he feels like a bit of an outsider compared to the other boys and I doubt him and Tatum would have been friends first if it wasn't for the fact they already had mutual friends
I think Sidney was the one to introduce Randy to the group:
Like it's the 7th grade and Sidney and Tatum are a school dance (I'm imagining something like the Snow Ball from Stranger Things) and this group of popular guys come running up to them snickering being like "Our friend has a crush on you! This guy wants to ask you out... we're totally like his best friends." And Sidney can tell something is up
She sees the group of boys gesturing to this geeky looking kid sitting by himself all awkward on the bleachers and instantly knows that he's the butt of some practical joke.
"He wants to make out with you! He told me himself!" The leader of the group laughs pointing at Sidney.
"Leave us alone you creeps!" Tatum yells back, pulling her and Sidney away from the boys before they take off laughing.
And then Sidney is just standing there looking at this poor kid alone on the bleachers and before she can stop herself, she's walking over to him
Tatum is just watching her like girl wtf are you doing?!
Sidney sits down beside him and introduces herself
Needless to say Randy is shocked, like why is this cute girl talking to him of all people!?
"Hey I'm sorry those guys are such jerks! Would you like to dance with my friend and me?" Sidney asks pointing to Tatum
And then it's literally love at first sight for Randy.
Randy spends the rest of the night dancing and talking with the girls and Sidney starts to realize maybe this kid isn't all that weird and annoying after all
After the dance, Sidney and Randy start saying hi to each other in the halls or occasionally eating lunch together until it grows into a fully formed friendship
Also just because Tatum wasn't super open to Randy in the beginning doesn't mean that they're not besties now
Because they are!
I see Tatum and Randy being big time gossip buddies
Like Randy is obviously really nerdy so I see him as being the type of guy other people don't really pay attention to
Which means the more popular students will be gossiping right in front of him like he's not even there and Randy's holding on to every single word
Like one time he was sitting in the library only pretending to type up his English essay because the two girls next to him were whispering about how Christina from his biology class had not only gotten knocked up over summer break but how her boyfriend might not be the father because "Casey like totally saw her sneaking upstairs with this scary-looking guy at Steve Orth's 4th of July party"
And Randy is sitting there feeling like his head is going to explode if he doesn't immediately run and share this news with Tatum so the two can swap theories on who the mystery guy is
Stu likes to gossip too but Tatum is selective with what she tells him because he's a blabbermouth and will spread the stories all over school
I feel like the friendship as we see it in the opening of Scream didn't happen right away
Like usually it was just Billy & Stu hanging out and then Sidney & Tatum, or Randy and the girls hanging out separately
It was until freshman year that the 5 of them all started hanging out as one big group as Billy and Sidney got closer
Randy didn't want to admit it to the girls but I think he was happy at first to have some guy friends around
Although tbh Billy and Stu are more like his frenemies at best with how much they like to abuse and tease him
I like to headcanon that Randy was raised by a single mom, with his dad walking on the family when Randy was 8, leaving his mom to take care of him and Martha by herself
Because of this I think Randy can struggle a bit with his masculinity sometimes
I think before the murders he used to look to Billy and Stu as sort of guides on how to be "manly"
But as he got older, like during junior/early senior year, he started to see just how much of misogynistic jerks the two were
I think Randy is closer to Stu than Billy
Like during the rare moments where Stu isn't making fun of him they actually have similar interests in terms of movies and will chat about that
I don't think Randy ever really liked Billy as he always saw him as a sort of competition for Sidney's affection
But I feel like he tried to make an effort to get along with Billy until the start of their junior year:
Billy's mom had left him and his dad under mysterious circumstances a week before the start of the new school year & Billy had been acting a little more off than usual
Randy feeling empathetic towards him and remembering what it was like when his dad left tried to start a conversation with Billy about it:
"Hey, Billy I know we've never been as close as you and Stu but if you want to talk about y'know... your mom" Randy trailed off, glancing at Billy over the door to his locker, Billy's face unreadable. "Look I remember when my dad left I-"
Before Randy could finish his sentence, Billy grabbed him by the shirt collar, shoving him harshly into the wall of lockers.
"Listen shithead! Your father ran off with his cum dump slut of a secretary," Billy sneered his face inches from Randy's, a look of anger in his eyes that Randy had never seen before. "Don't try and fucking act like you understand any of this."
Billy let go slamming him back into the lockers and storming off, leaving Randy scared and speechless.
Billy gave Randy a half assed apology later that day during lunch, saying all the stress at home was getting to him and urged Randy to keep the whole situation between the two of them
Randy agreed but never truly forgave Billy and lost all trust in him after that
Lastly, this might be controversial but I feel like the queer relationship between Stu and Billy was one sided
Like Stu definitely had a crush on Billy
And Billy liked Stu because he was "different" and "understood him", but his feelings towards Stu weren't as strong as Stu's were for him
I kinda feel like Billy used Stu's crush to manipulate him a bit
Like Stu definitely went along with the murders of his own accord because he's sick and twisted and thought they were fun
But I think Billy sold him on this lie of how the pair would be the two sole survivors and they would go on to create a sequel
While Billy cared for Stu, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it meant he could get away with his plan as revenge was always what was most important to him
And one thing about Stu is that guy has a big mouth
He could barely go one day without not so subtly bragging about how he and Billy murdered Casey and Steve
I doubt Billy expected him to be able to keep the whole events of the Woodsboro murders a secret for very long
Which is why I think Billy cut him a little too deeply in the kitchen scene on purpose
Stu was just his muscle and lap dog to help him carry out his big plan
Billy always saw himself as the lone "final girl" in his revenge plot so Stu bleeding out from his wounds wouldn't have been that big of an issue to him
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mspaintbladie · 8 months
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The lore is that the lore is a lie. Just kidding there is some lore but I sort of made it up on the spot, so this is rather going to be a bullet point collection of things about Bladoodle lmao I'll edit this whenever I come up with more silly thoughts (or if you want to send asks about the scrunkly doodles I'll reply and then add it to the list) 1. Bladoodle is not Blade, he's a doodle that happens to be shaped like Blade Honkai Star Rail (so to some degree that does makes him Blade). Basically he's not 1:1 Blade but you can still treat him as Blade. 2. The original Bladoodle was drawn on July 9 2023, so July 9 can be considered his birthday (yippie). He was drawn to manifest luck on Blade's banner and then the brainrot got out of hand. 3. There is an unknown number of Bladoodles: the original, a bunch of clones of various sizes and other variations of himself (like Kitren) 4. A group of Bladoodles is called a sketch rack because I like making awful puns 5. Sesame Cake doesn't count in the sketch rack because he's meant to be more like the in-game Sesame Cake rather than a simplified doodle 6. Some Bladoodles have a Yingscribble counterpart to them. Just like Bladoodle isn't Blade, Yingscribble is not Yingxing but a scribble that looks like Yingxing 7. Yingscribbles are fewer in number compared to Bladoodles. Neither of them know why (the real reason is I thought it was funny to have an unbalanced ratio, Yingscribble is like a shiny Pokemon) 8. Bladoodle and Yingscribble don't really get along and are pretty much always fighting 9. Bleaching a Bladoodle or recoloring a Yingscribble won't swap them, though they might do that themselves to mess with eachother on purpose 10. All doodles exist either in my headspace or in the canvas and they behave like scrunkly menaces or just, exist 11. All doodles are essentially immortal, unless the files that contain them are deleted
12. Bladoodles don't like to talk, they mostly do non-verbal communication. Yingscribbles will talk but the doodles tend to communicate in something like their own little language
13. The doodles share a basic core personality but they will develop an individual personality in different ways 14. Foxian Bladoodle isn't a Foxian because he's part borisin. The other doodles aren't exactly happy about that
15. There is one Bladoodle that got lost and currently lives in a word docx page. He's drawn with a glitter pen
16. Haloviren is aware of the 'I can be your angle or your devol' meme. Silver Wolf keeps giggling at him because of that 17. The Orengami bird is just a Blade-colored origami bird. Silver Wolf custom made one in Origami Bird Clash, but maybe there are a few real Orengami birds in the Dreamscape
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doumadono · 9 months
Do you have any blog recommendations?
You're so amazing, I love your writing! Keep doing you bb, don't let that anon get you down. *hugs* ❤
Aww, your sweet words mean the world to me! 🌟 Sending you lots of love and positivity! ❤️ When it comes to recommendations, I've got a couple of blogs in mind that I'd love to suggest to you, dear Anonnie!
@gamergirl-niffler - she's undeniably adorable and holds a special place as a loyal and dedicated friend of mine. Her blog is a treasure trove of delightful headcanons and numerous posts about games. It's definitely worth taking a look! 🎮 She's a talented writer! Following her will lead you to discover not only incredibly intriguing headcanons but also an abundance of GIFs from anime and games! ❤️
@mrskokushibo - her blog is a haven for incredible writing. As a highly talented writer, she possesses a natural ability to describe even the smallest details in the most enchanting ways. If you're a fan of Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen, you're bound to discover a plethora of fantastic content related to these interests ❤️
@muzansfangs - undoubtedly one of the most skilled writers in the Demon Slayer & Bleach fandoms. Her storytelling prowess, intricate plot construction, and knack for leaving us on the edge with cliffhangers are simply too brilliant to overlook. And beyond her writing talent, she's a remarkably wise and lovely person! 💕 Please, consider following this talented woman!
@dabismoon - there are numerous things I'd like to express, but above all, she stands out as a talented writer. Her natural portrayal of characters consistently leaves me in awe. If you're a fan of Dabi from My Hero Academia, following her is an absolute must 💙
@ectologia - if you're a fan, much like myself, of impeccably written fics, following them is a necessity. The manner in which they construct plots and their mastery of language is so flawless that it feels like you're immersed in a captivating book. They're a creator of dark content, so if you appreciate something with a darker tone and if you desire a reading experience that borders on ecstasy, consider giving them a follow 🖤
@dabisqueen - yet another exceptionally skilled writer, who introduces us to Dabi in a multitude of fascinating settings. Her pornstar!Dabi fic is an absolute must-read for fans of this character. The way she crafts her descriptions and portrays characters immerses you fully in the story from the very first paragraph! 💙 If you're a fan of Dabi - following his Queen is a must!
@mizading - not just a gifted writer but also an incredibly sweet person. I've been with her almost since her first moments on Tumblr, and let me tell you, witnessing her growth as a writer brings me immense joy — it's like watching a star being born! ⭐ Following her will bring you a lot of nice things to read!
@shonen-brainrot - how could I overlook this small yet incredibly talented beast?! Her headcanons consistently leave me breathless — mainly focused on My Hero Academia, she introduces us to unconventional situations in her headcanon sets. Despite her immense talent, she remains super humble and is one of the kindest individuals I've encountered here. If you're a fan of MHA, giving her a follow is a definite must! ❤️
@lifeform286 - another exceptionally creative individual who also happens to be a wonderfully pleasant person to engage with! His writing and art consistently exhibit a polished and refined touch in every aspect. If you're a fan of the ShigaDabi ship from My Hero Academia, do yourself a favor and give him a follow 🤗
@bakubunny - a truly creative and talented creator! The way she describes everything keeps me super engaged in her headcanons and stories. As a multifandom writer, I'm confident you'll find something for yourself in her den! She's such a gifted writer, and I aspire to be as good as she is one day!
Among the numerous blogs I follow and adore, these stand out as my absolute favorites due to my deep appreciation for their writing 📝
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babybratzmaraj · 5 months
Fairytale Part 2: unappreciated
Starring: Yourrage as Javion Davis
You as Yourself
Summary: After a week of being a assistant for Javion, you weren’t shit but exhausted, you just might’ve reached your breaking point. Until…
Warnings: contains foul language, dual povs, sexual content, drug and alcohol use (teehee) brief arguments (and by argument its just {REDACTED}
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A/N: brainrot! im loving this series suarrr much, this is the chapter i said we will be whores on but IT WILL BURN SLOWLY AFTER THIS😭 my mind went other places, hope you enjoy this one, like comment n reblog fa mo!
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Taglist: @megamindsecretlair
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You had your AirPods on blasting your usual playlist, Slow Down by Bobby V. had your hips swaying like Ava from Abbott Elementary
💫Slow down, I just wanna get to know you. But don't turn around, 'Cause that pretty round thing looks good to me. Slow down, Never seen anything so lovely Now turn around And bless me with your beauty, cutie💫
You had Jay’s stream on your iPad while your music played off your phone, tapping on the right one in your ear to pause your music, you tuned in to hear his stream. He was reacting to Like That by Metro Boomin, Future, and Kendrick Lamar, and man did he love it, you heard his screams of excitement from the kitchen, you resumed your music, glad one of yall were having a good week.
It hasn’t been a full week and you were stressed the fuck out, and he did not make it better not one bit. Most days were sane and stable because Shanae was there, but on the days she had to go see her OB/GYN? felt like a badass kid in a store. The responses grew colder, he did not listen and he avoided you every chance he got, if it wasn't for the dispensary G hooked you up on, you would have been lost your shit.
You took a hit of your pen and tucked it back in your bra, washing the dishes that were left in the sink by the residents of the house.
Call it your inner mama, but cleaning with some nice music always destressed you, the dishes piled up more since you got here and it’s been bugging you every time you ask him to wash them and he completely ignores you. You reached your breaking point but you refuse to back down now, mama ain't raise no bitch!
You paused your music just in time to listen to Javion give his opinion on the song: “I fuck with all parties involved, but Drake ain’t gone do shit, Cole waiting to drop his response because we know that nigga strategic with his shit. Actually, My nigga Cole caught a stray if you think about it.”
“On god he did! My nigga Jermaine ain't do shit!” you yelled at the screen as if he could hear you, which he and his chat did.
“‘Who the fuck was that?’ Yo mama. I was banging her and she making me breakfast as we speak nigga.” He clapped back at a commenter, making you chuckle.
You felt somewhat happy that he took your defense in a way, even after all of these days he's been ignoring you, you take what you can get from the little shit.
You ignored the rest of the stream as you resumed your music again, returning your focus to the dishes still in the sink, putting some elbow grease into these dishes.
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He put his stream on a commercial break to stretch his legs, thinking of a nice but not too-nice way to tell you to keep it down. Javion didn’t inform his followers that he would be having a new assistant/manager, so as of right now, you were a private residence.
He walked out of his room to hear pots and pans and plates clanging around, growing more concerned about what you were doing.
Jogging down the stairs, the closer he got, the more he realized you were doing the dishes, the smell of green apple dawn dish soap and bleach smacking his nostrils.
“Damn!” He shouted fanning his nose, “Smell like you down here cleaning a murder scene.” His comment fell on ghost’s ears as he couldn’t see your airpods.
He shook his head as he examined his newly washed dishes, he hadn’t seen any of these plates in weeks, so he picked up one to see his reflection with no problem.
“OH bashota,” he heard you breathe, turning his head to see you leaning forward clenching your heart. “Youn know how to make yourself known?” you questioned him while tapping your chest, “Giving a nigga heart palpitations.”
“I said some ‘bout a murder scene, you ain't hear that?” He sat the plate down on the sink, staring directly into your eyes.
You threw a face at him before removing an airpod, his eyebrows raising from realization. “My bad, didn’t know you was listening to something.”
“I’s forgives you massa, I’ll keeps it down.” you joked, making him smile a bit showing you his pearly whites.
“Thank you. save that pretty voice for the party tonight.” he softly hit your shoulder before turning around and walking back up the stairs.
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Shit. With all the management shit and runarounds and cleaning you've been doing, you completely forgot about the party in a few hours for his 100k subscribers that he hit two days into your stay and he had to celebrate it, by throwing a house party.
You stared at the outfit you had on the bed, still trying to figure out if you were going to hide yourself in your room or force yourself to be the social butterfly you wished you were.
You bit the corner of your bottom lip, staring at your phone and then the fit. Sighing a big irked sigh, you facetimed your best friend, praying that she answered the phone.
The phone swooped and there was Megan, propping her phone on the counter chopping up onions, “What’s it to ya toots?”
“Fashion meeting pretty princess.” You propped your phone on the nightstand.
“At your service Bunny boo, what's the problem?”
“My outfit for this damn party tonight,” you rubbed your temple, “I’m afraid it's too boring.”
“Throw it on and let me decipher,” she asked politely.
You took off your hoodie and basketball shorts for the planned-out outfit, you tipped your glasses up the bridge of your nose and zipped up the jacket before stepping back into the frame.
She gave you a look before tossing the diced onions in a bowl, “Bitch don’t piss me off, I like this fit.”
“You do?” you gave yourself a once over, snapping your neck around to the mirror behind you.
“Yes, Plus who gives a fuck what the fuck you look like? It’s not they problem nor job to deal with it.” she said waving the knife around, “And if they gotta mu’fuckin problem widdit, tell 'em to give you some money!”
“Money makes the world go around.”
“All around town.” she finished, dragging all of her words making you both giggle.
“What are you even making? cutting up veggies n shit like you Gordan Ramsey.”
“I'm making me some breakfast.” she answered, pouring the egg mixture into the skillet.
“It’s 7:48 pm.” You reminded her, causing her head to jerk to the side.
“Mother if you don’t get off my phone! I is a grown-up!”
“A grown-up who probably left a piece of shell in the eggs.”
“Bye Felicia!” she hung up the phone, probably proving your point.
You chuckled and grabbed your phone, walking out of your room to hear Shanae and G having their usual bickering session, because, of course, he didn’t get the other chicken option.
You laughed to yourself, prepping your mind to tell your boss he needs to start getting ready and head downstairs. ‘Hey Jay, get ya clothes on, party starts in 10’. You rehearsed multiple times approaching his door.
You fuckin hated talking to him, not because he’s a bad person, he's great with others but shit with you, you just couldn’t understand why the fuck he resents you so much.
Kicking your nerves in the ass, you opened the door to him fully dressed and ready for the party, his room smelling like nothing but toothpaste and cologne fresh off of a Macy's commercial. “What?”
“I see you ready, so you gotta head downstairs in 5 minutes to help them with how you want everything.”
“They know how I like shit, they don’t need me or you,” He shot at you, your heart dropping into your stomach.
The way he spat his response just made you tear up, the coldness making you anxiously hot.
“Ok but still,”
“But still nothing, they don’t need me. You dismissed.” He waved you off, heating your face up to the point hell couldn’t even compete with you.
“You know the fuck what,” you finally snapped, having enough of his shit. “You wanna act like a fuckin’ female? Be my fuckin’ guest, but you ain't finna snap on me like I’m some fuckin pussy ass bitch.”
The weight that came off your shoulders was so relieving, but you weren’t done. “After this fuckin party? I QUIT! I won’t be your assistant, We both can enjoy this party, I’ll go home after. Everyone Wins! So fuck you, Jay.”
You slammed the door walking down the stairs to Shanae and Gerald's eyes bugged out like they just walked in on two people doing drugs. “Let’s go get that chicken G.” You insisted, after all, it was your last day being an assistant to this household.
You walked out of the house into the Dallas heat and it distracted you from the tears that came, your face becoming sticky and wet from the salty tears. “You Good?” G asked, placing his hand on your shoulder. “Just ready to enjoy my time.”
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You stood in the corner with a red cup with your drink and a blunt intertwined with your fingers. You didn’t smoke anything besides a pen inside the house out of respect but that went out the window, plus other niggas were doing it too so boohoo.
You bopped your head to the music, You hired a DJ but you gave him some songs to play and you smiled when the song you chose played, happily sipping on your drink.
Shanae waved you over to the food table with two freshly manicured fingers mouthing something to you but you couldn’t make out what, you were a little crossfaded with the music blasting right in your ear.
After the blowup you had, You and G went shopping for drinks and you took it as a chance to buy some Russian Cream Backwoods, almost fighting G who battled with you to pay for your stuff, he won the battle when he sipped the cashier his card when you went to get other snacks.
You took one long last inhale before putting out your blunt, exhaling, you put your blunt behind your ear like a pencil.
She pulled you into a hug, rocking you both side to side, “I know he being an asshole love,” She said a little louder to compete with the music. “Do not let him fuck up your mood, enjoy this party and enjoy your time.” she broke the hug to rub your arms with her thumbs, “We will talk about this in the morning when we had enough rest and everyone is calmer.”
You smiled to hide the fact you were almost brought to tears. You had been brought to tears at the fact that someone didn’t see you as the villain, that you weren’t automatically the bad guy for standing up for yourself.
You mouthed her a sweet thank you and returned her hug with a sweeter one. “I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be back down in 10 minutes.”
She nodded and pointed to the one upstairs. The bottom one was for the guest and the residents used the upstairs one, you were glad she reminded you because you were crossfaded as fuck.
You sat down your cup and grooved up the stairs walking past your room which you locked. Glad you did, not because of people, just to keep you calm and not have one of those paranoid highs.
You finally reached the bathroom and closed the door behind you, staring at yourself in the mirror, you finally let everything out. The tears, the little curses turned into sounds of tiny wails of exhaustion, and your legs buckled but you found the support of the sink keeping you up and your feet grounded, everything you had kept from this week was coming out and it felt fuckin amazing.
You breathed short breaths until your breathing regulated, wishing you had your cup with you to drown out your sadness, you just had a blunt behind your ears which you forgot about till now.
The door opened and you quickly turned towards the wall that faced away from the door, not letting who even walked in see you weak, you hated that shit.
“You crying?” Javion asked, sounding genuinely concerned, which had you stuck. He never sounded like that towards you, which made you cry harder.
You yelped as you felt his hands pick you up as if you were as light as a baby and set you on the sink, his deep brown eyes searching for something in yours. You both were silent. No words, no movement, not even someone else to ruin the moment, just words being exchanged through eyes and all you could see were apologies and worriment.
He cupped your face in his big soft hands, rubbing away your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry.” he repeated his apologies, resting his head on yours.
He wrapped his muscular arms around you as he sunk his head into the crook of your neck, rocking you both side to side, and you finally saw what you've been yearning for, been wanting to experience from him, been craving for him to be towards you, caring and loving.
“Please don’t leave, I didn’t mean it.” he begged
“You can just treat me like shit and just expect me to stay loving,” you managed to say through your tears, choking up on your words. “Breathe then speak.” He rubbed your back slowly, giving small pats in between.
You finally returned his hug, throwing your arms around his neck. You felt at ease, relieved that you two were not enemies anymore, happy that you two were having a moment, a moment you two can look back at and smile at.
He broke the hug and returned his gaze to yours, his eyes now not as heavy as before. You smiled at his face, feeling your face heated up. You felt like you were on a cloud, a goddess looking at her perfectly built god, his smile growing wider than yours, felt like you were dreaming this whole thing. “Am I dreaming?”
“This ain’t a mu’fuckin’ dream.” He smiled, locking the door beside him. You caught him looking at your lips while he licked his, “Do sum,” and he did, crashing his lips onto yours. You tasted his cherry chapstick on your mango lip gloss with a hint of Tequila. he removed your gray jacket and tossed it on the floor, returning his arms back around your body.
You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the weed, but what you did know? you were kissing your boss and you didn’t give a fuck, guilt can settle in tomorrow morning.
The attraction you had for him before you took this position all came rushing back, the days you’d wish you can just see what he felt inside of you just made your pussy flutter, his voice was the cherry on top, you just knew he could talk you through it.
“Stay with me,” He spoke between kisses, picking you up off the sink making you tighten your grip around his neck.
“Jay!” You shrieked, grabbing onto him and he chuckled, pissing you off a little.
It ticked you but made you happier than a kid in a candy store that he was able to pick you up, you've been a big girl all your life and we’re jealous that you weren’t going able to experience shit skinny girls do, but Javion debunked your insecurities by carrying you to his room, closing the door with his foot and locking it.
He set you on the bed, standing back up to remove his beige satin pants while you removed yours, thanking god you didn’t wear granny panties tonight.
Smiling at each other with lust-filled glares, he returned on top of you, placing kisses on your neck while he slowly pressed his bulge against your wetness. “Don’t leave me,” He moaned onto your neck, hooking your legs on his shoulders as he dragged you to the edge of the bed, continuing his steady pace.
His gold chain dangled in your face as he rocked his hips into you, your moans filled the air and covered the room corner to corner, wall to wall, he just felt amazing, making you wonder what the real thing would be like.
“Fuck,” you moaned grabbing the back of your legs while he leaned in between your legs, giving you lazy sloppy kisses, his tongue desperately searching for yours.
Without breaking the kiss, he flipped you two over so that you were now on top, he laid his back down on the bed so that now you were in control, and that was all that you needed.
You rested your hands on his chest to steady yourself, breathing a shaky breath, you rocked your hips in a circle, feeling his member press into your wet entrance which boosted the little demon that sat on your right shoulder.
“Use me,” He growled, “Use me like the good little whore you are.” and you did, quickening your pace almost spelling words on his thick member.
“Fuckkk,” You both hissed in unison, his hand repeatedly smacking your ass leaving pleasurable stings of pain on each cheek when you felt something form in the pit of your stomach.
“I’m finna cum, baby girl.” He gripped your hips and moved your lower half with his to match his pace, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, “Use me,” you threw back at him.
He moaned lowly, searching for your hands as he intertwined his fingers with yours. You rested your head on his chest as your legs started to shake uncontrollably, moaning into each other's ears as he rutted into you through each other's orgasms.
“Ou, Fuck!” you shook for a few minutes until you went completely numb, twitching whenever you felt him twitch as well.
The room that was once filled with moans was silent, with nothing but asymmetrical breathing and the bass from the music down below, you giggled loosely as he rubbed your back to bring you back to reality.
You couldn’t lie, that was the best sex-but-not-actual-sex you had in a while, didn’t even think you could do all of that but you did, and it felt good as fuck, even if it was with your boss.
You two stayed in the same position for however many minutes passed by, his chest rising and falling underneath you.
“You good?” he asked, checking his Apple watch.
“I am now.”
“Good, because I was due for a speech 20 minutes ago.” he swiftly reminded you that there was a party going on downstairs.
“SHIT!” you jumped off him and scurred to find your pants, sobering up little by little. “Why didn’t you say shit?”
“They coulda waited, they waited this much.” he smirked, raising up to pull his pants to his knees.
“Besides the point! An assistant is supposed to keep you on trac- Where is my jacket?”
“In the bathroom.”
“See! This is why I need to get sat in a corner.” you sighed before rushing out of the room to the bathroom.
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He calmly walked down the stairs, immediately getting dragged by Shanae to the party area, “I’m kick yo fuckin ass, you better give this speech and hope ion kick yo skinny scrawny ass into the next eclipse.” She threatened with a smile on her face like she did this shit one too many times, and she did, it’ll be your turn soon.
She scooted him into the living room and signaled to the DJ to tone down the music, as the DJ obliged, he passed off the microphone to Jay, his smile waved across his face as he tried to find some words.
“Ian gone lie, I don’t know what the fuck to say,” The room erupted in laughter, it was very on brand for him to just blurt shit, one of the things that made him relatable and loved.
“I do want to thank the folks who followed me, this whole shit wouldn’t have even been possible without y’all. My mama, for believing in a nigga, and not kickin’ my ass out.” he nervously chuckled. “Her brother, My uncle. He ain't a man of many words, just don’t give that nigga a Budweiser and we good!” He joked with scattered laughter as a reaction. “My best friend, who I owe my whole career to,”
He zoned out until he met with your eyes, fighting a smile which he ended up losing very badly while waving you over. “And to my new assistant, who I can’t wait to share many memories with and hopefully won’t leave my ass with the coyotes.” The room stared at you along with him and gave you an applause, mouthing the words ‘We forever.’ while nobody was looking at him.
He watched you slowly approach him, shyly waving at the applauding audience. As you reached the spot next to him, he threw his arm around you, scooting you closer to him you could almost taste the cologne he reapplied before walking back down into the party.
“Thank you all, please, enjoy yall selves for the rest of the party, and don't fuck up my shit.” he ended, setting the mic on the DJ booth, scooping you away from the people of the party, away from the attention that could be drawn to you two.
“You good?” He asked, facing you towards him with his back to the crowd.
“I’m horny, high, and ready to sleep, what do you think I am?”
“One of my elite employees!” he jokingly smiled making you burst out of laughter, not caring if anyone heard you at this point. “They still want this meeting tomorrow, do you still want to go through with it?” He checked in on you, reminding you of your blowup which you wish you didn’t have, but if you didn’t, none of this would be happening.
“Yes, we just have to set shit straight, no bullshit, just gonna get it over with, and man you look sexy in this lighting,” you confessed, a chuckle leaving both of yall’s lips. “Go enjoy yourself, you can have a piece of me in the morning.” he rubbed your back, smiling at you, closing your eyes while you licked your lips.
“I’ma go get some punch, I’ll see you around boss.” you tapped his chest as you walked away, not turning around as he stared holes in each spot of your body. He shook his head and smiled, he was ready for what adventure god would throw at him, as long as you were by his side.
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abliafina-18782 · 2 years
Mr & Mr Kazansky
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Pairing: Iceman X Maverick
Author's Note: @ghostlydarknight sent me on a complete brainrot imagining IceMav as Mr & Mrs Smith so I had to write it😌👀 this is a work in progress, I'll update it when I can.
ALSO I'm not claiming I own the rights to the movie, credit goes to the scriptwriter Simon Kinberg. I've just rewritten it so it works as a story and with the Icemav pairing.
Warnings: Depictions of violence, like fighting, altercations, guns and explosions. Spoilers for the movie Mr & Mrs Smith
Word count: 6k
Iceman and Maverick are secret agents that get tasked with killing each other, inspired by the movie Mr & Mrs Smith
Marriage is about trust. Period. You can have attraction, shared interests, if you don’t have trust it’s like you got an anchor, an eighty-foot sail, and no boat. You sink like a stone.
Those were the words that Tom Kazansky had built his marriage upon. For nearly ten years, he thought he’d lived a picture-perfect life. He had a successful career and lived in a two-story house mortgage-free together with his darling husband, Pete Kazansky, formerly Mitchell.
They’d met in a bar in San Diego, during karaoke night, and Tom had fallen head over heels for Pete almost the minute he saw him. The short, dark-haired man, with a grin still so boyish, had dared him into singing a duet of “You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling” and since then Tom had been hooked.
So where did it all go wrong?
Tom pondered this as he pulled into the driveway of his house, fingers drumming against the steering wheel. He narrowed his eyes and did a once-over of the house he’d once called home. No sign of Pete in any of the kitchen windows.
He parked in the garage and made his way into the house through the garage’s side door. The corridors were empty and the only indication someone might be home was the turned-on lamps. Tom slipped on his wedding band, he never wore it at work, as he passed their kitchen that looked like something straight out of an IKEA catalog.
Suddenly, Pete stood in front of him, a vodka martini in each hand.
“Perfect timing.” Pete smiled, except it didn’t reach his eyes.
For the first time in years, Tom really looked at his husband. His eyes wandered across the body he knew every nook and cranny of and checked for any sort of clue. Pete, who usually looked so ruffled from his “job” in his car shop, didn’t have as much as a strand of hair out of place.
His left hand was angled perfectly so you could see his wedding ring. He’d swapped the regular white T-shirt and jeans he usually wore for a black button-down shirt and navy blue slacks. An apron was tied around his waist and his hair had been neatly combed back. Tom thought he smelled cologne too. There wasn’t a single crease on Pete’s clothes and the perfection was suspicious.
“As always.” Tom approached his husband and took the martini from Pete’s hands, forcing a smile on his lips, “This is a nice surprise.”
“I hope so.” Pete’s gaze lingered on the martini, “You’re home early”
“I missed you.”
Tom shot his husband a smile and shifted sideways, scanning a mirror in case they would reveal something hidden, never fully turning his back against Pete. They were both on the edge, Pete craned his neck to follow Tom’s movements, their eyes equally wide open. A bottle of bleach was left out on the kitchen counter.
“I missed you too.” Pete’s lips curled into a tight smile. He motioned towards the dining room. “Shall we?”
Continue reading
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masterwords · 7 months
Hi 3&30&56 if you don't mind<3<3<3
Of course I don't mind! I'll talk about these fools all day every day. I haven't watched much CM lately (which is very rare for me, I'm a lifer with this damn show and the brainrot but I've been very up in SWAT these last few months) so I'm missing them big time. Thank you for indulging me!
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Absolutely. I think Hotch steals a lot of Derek's really worn in clothes, especially his sweatshirts. Hotch walking around their home on a Saturday in a Northwestern Law sweatshirt with ragged cuffs and bleach spots and missing drawstrings for the hood, this decades old sweatshirt that Derek shoves in the back of his drawer and Hotch fishes out because it's so so soft. And Derek definitely sneaks into Hotch's tie collection when he's got to dress up.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I shall tell this tale in photos.
Derek is putting Hotch in pure, unadulterated casual. The kind of thing no one but him ever gets to see. Hotch looks great in suits, great in everything, but t-shirts are an indulgence. And he's putting Hotch in jeans, really expensive dark jeans so he can hook his thumb through a belt loop and tug him close.
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And Hotch is going to put Derek in this sweater, not much caring about the rest. This sweater is indulgent and it makes Derek look so soft and warm. It's probably a mistake, because all he can think about is being close and if he can't be, well then it's just torture.
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56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Derek was born in the mood. It doesn't take much. The sight of Hotch in a certain pair of shorts after a long run, the way the water drips down his spine after a shower, the curve of his lower back when it peeks out from beneath his t-shirt as he bends over...Derek is there and waiting. And I'm willing to bet Hotch isn't far from it, he is just a mortal man after all and Derek is very easy on the eyes...he's just a little more timid and a little more duty-oriented. He's got a list of things to accomplish a mile long every single day and that doesn't leave much time for things that are purely for his own pleasure. If Derek wants to get Hotch there, he'll make sure everything is in its place - the dishes are done, the tasks are checked off, the office is shut down and the house is secure. He just needs to make sure the only thing on Hotch's to do list is him. And if there's just too much and he doesn't want to wait, well he's stronger than Hotch...it's not too hard to just manhandle him a bit. Hotch will protest weakly but he won't mind in the end. Even if he does have to get up and load the dishwasher afterward.
want me to talk about hotchgan? i will...at length...and hey, if you don't vibe with those questions, ask some of your own. i'll talk about them all day.
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spacebuck · 5 months
Fandom get to know me better!!
Tagged by @voxofthevoid thank youuuuu you caught me at a time I can actually do this jcjfjcndnd
Three ships I like
As much as I still have my lowkey long term ships they're definitely backgrounded to hoyo brainrot. Though satosugu is swinging back in to kick me in the gut and Hua Cheng is always a mood with his adoration of Xie Lian
first ship ever
Oh god. I didn't really Do or Get shipping initially but. Probably deancas. Yeah. Deancas.
last song i heard
Ascensionism by sleep token. Unless you count the penacony fight music
favourite childhood book
The series I remember most is deltora quest!!
currently reading
Tgcf. Again.
currently watching
JJK S2! We're a little behind because we watched 200 episodes of bleach then got aggressively into Dan and Phil play the Sims for a bit but it's fine we're fine.
currently consuming
Nothing it's 10.35pm lmao
currently craving
Vox said soda and now I want a fizzy but. I will not have. It's bedtime. Why must you curse me with this
Tagging! @frostbitebakery @slutaciouslestat @birkholtz why won't it let me tag youuuuu
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bittertomato · 9 months
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A lil late but happy new year!
Characters under the cut, plus some fun facts
Tomato's faves for each month of 2023
January: Diana Cavendish (Little With Academia)
February: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
March: True Rider — Hippolyta (Fate/Strange Fake)
April: Psyche Callista (Your Throne)
May: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
June: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
July: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
August: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
September: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
October: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
November: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
December: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Brainrot of the Year 2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Hall of Fame (aka brainrots of years past)
2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
2022: Tsuruhime Yachiyo (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2021: Tsuruhime Yachiyo and Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2020: Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2019: Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2017 & 2018: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
2016: Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla the Webseries), Elsa (Frozen), Tohsaka Rin (Fate/stay night), and Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
2015: Carmilla Karnstein + Laura Hollis aka Hollstein (Carmilla the Webseries) aka my gay awakening
2014: Elsa (Frozen)
2012 & 2013: Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha), Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Mouri Ran (Detective Conan), and Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2011: Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2009 & 2010: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Pre-2009: Who knows? My memory sure doesn't!
And I promised fun facts, so...
The early days...
The reason I can date my first fave to Rukia in 2009 is because that was when I made a Fanfiction.net account and posted my first fanfic. Don't read it I was young and foolish.
Bleach, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon were my first animes. The first two I definitely watched on Adult Swim back when I still watched cable.
I used to be pretty skilled at self defense and even have a first degree black belt. One of the reasons why Ran from Detective Conan really left an impression on me.
There's a few unnamed faves that I also had from more obscure anime that were from so long ago that I can't pinpoint the exact years. A special shoutout to Asuka from Ask Dr. Rin! This show is in no way affiliated with Tohsaka Rin lol.
And yes, I do have male faves besides Mamoru! I love Hak and his constipated repressed feelings for Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) and my in-game name in FGO is inspired by Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles). And for whatever reason, Fred is my favorite from Scooby Doo.
Honestly, I have to give Elsa some credit. I think she started the trend of my faves being "blonde/light haired "regal" rich/well off BAMF ladies who seem cold and distant on the surface but are actually dorks over-burdened and forced to grow up too fast, with a dash (or a ton) of family angst dumped on them." I mean, do you see any of my past faves being blonde? xD
The college days...
I was in denial about being queer and swore I was straight until I somehow found Carmilla the Webseries (I don't even know how) during the summer of 2015 and had a multi-step process of acceptance that went something like "Oh the actress for Laura Hollis is hot. Oh the actress for Carmilla is cute, pretty, and a huge dork. Oh everyone is pretty attractive. Wait mostly just the girls. Wait is that why I don't give a shit about men?"
Little Witch Academia is not only the first series where I published fanfic on AO3, but it's also the series that got me to write AND finish longer stories. So congrats, Diana! I really wanted to angst you :D It's also the fandom where I found my closer Discord friends. Love y'all, mwah.
I think Revue Starlight might be the series that squeezed the most faves out of me. It holds a special place in my heart for numerous reasons, but the main one might be the collab fic I worked on with Quill, who is now my partner 😊So thanks, ReLive even if your gacha game is somehow even worse than FGO.
That said, the series I seem to always go back to seem to be the To aru and Fate franchises. Maybe it's because they're still ongoing.
Those two are also the reason I started messaging Quill back in the day, so they hold an extra special place in my heart. Even with all their flaws.
And then Lostbelt 6 hit FGO and blew everything out of the water. I rave about Morgan a lot but that chapter of the game truly had a stellar cast. Nasu wanted us to remember that he can cook lol.
Where is my Lostbelt 6 anime, Aniplex?
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nevaronn · 2 months
Looking for some Ikkayumi fuckery? You've come to the right place!
About Me:
Hi! I'm Nev! I have recently stumbled back into my middle-and-high school bleach phase, and with it I have stumbled back into Ikkayumi brainrot.
However, I come with a secret weapon this time-- quality writing (I like to think so at least)!
I do write fics, and if you keep an eye on this pinned post, you'll see it update as I form new ideas for new fics; My goal is to get the Ikkayumi tag to 500 completed fics!
Fic List:
Updated: September 22, 2024
Tangled Up [Branches In A Flood] | AO3 | FFN | LJ |
Published: August 4th, 2024
Updated: September 4, 2024
Current Word Count (via AO3): 23,200
Status: In Progress (3/35)
Ship(s): Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Main Tags: Pre-Main Series, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Enemies to Friends to (sort of) Lovers
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mentions of Nonconsensual Acts (not in great detail and not between ikkayumi), Minor Character Death
Summary: "So what do you say, Ikkaku Madarame?" Yumichika meets Ikkaku's gaze. "Shall we be friends?" Ikkaku heaves a sigh, lays back on the blood-soaked earth, and glares at the clouds.
In Your Arms [I Am Whole Again] | AO3 | FFN | LJ |
Published: August 11th, 2024
Status: Complete
Ship(s): Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Main Tag(s): 5 +1, Romance, Lap Sitting, Mild Sexual Content, Hurt/Comfort, Pre and Post TYBW, Drunk Yumichika, Shikai Reveal
Warnings: None
Summary: 5 times Yumichika gets in Ikkaku's lap and 1 time Ikkaku puts him there himself.
Forever Yours [Until The Sun Burns Out] AO3 | FFN | LJ
Published: September 22, 2024
Status: Complete
Ship(s): Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Main Tag(s): Smut, Fluff, Pre-Hell Arc, Post-TYBW, Lots of emotions, Sexting, Lingerie, Pain Kink, Rough Sex, Choking, Possessive Sex, Slight Degradation, MENTIONED Blood Kink
Warnings: None
Summary: Smartphones in the soul society seemed like a good idea at first... and then Yumichika got his hands on one, and he's making it his goal to make Ikkaku suffer
In-Progress/Planning Stage
PWP Two-Shot: Yumichika x Ruri'Iro Kujaku x Ikkaku
One Shot: MCD/Hurt no comfort/suicide
One Shot: Crack fic, ikkayumi and company attend a demolition derby
PWP One-Shot-- Ikkaku x Yumichika
PWP One-Shot-- Hozukimaru x Ruri'Iro Kujaku x Yumichika x Ikkaku
One-Shot: American University AU, Ikkayumi and CO go tailgating
One-Shot: crack fic, Kurotsuchi does some shit and Yumichika ends up 2" tall. Ikkaku puts him in a terrarium
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my-little-loverboy · 1 year
Persona 5 hcs!!
Lol I had to rewrite this TWICE bc I use ctrl-z a lot and tumblr deleted my ENTIRE FUCKIGN POST
I’ve been reading fanfic all day and the p5 brainrot is strong lol I wanted to do all the PTs + Akechi and Maruki but I got bored of writing this
Not all of these are positive (esp Futaba)
There will be nsfw, so mdni pls :D
Some are reader insert, some aren’t
Reader is gn unless I fucked up somewhere and didn’t notice lol
Characters: Akiren, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba Triggers: mentions of abuse of all varieties, panic attacks, dissociation, past homophobia, Kamoshida being himself, self image issues, eating disorders, obsessive behavior, needle phobia, blackmail, hallucinating.
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╰┈➤ Akiren
→ The man is TOUCH STARVED. He’s so used to being the shoulder for people to cry on when you offer to cuddle with him without expecting him to comfort you he fucking reels.
→ To elaborate on the above; in public he’s pretty subtle, usually just holding your hand or letting you lean on him when the trains are packed and you can’t reach a handrail. But in private he’s the walking definition of clingy. He has on more than occasion begged you to sit in his lap while he does whatever task he needs to do just so he can feel you near him.
→ Whether his name is Ren or Akira is an ongoing joke that Sojiro knows the answer to because of having done all the probation paperwork, but he won’t spill no matter how much the PTs beg him to
→ Despite his maxed proficiency stat and the amount of time he spent playing video games prior to moving to Tokyo he is entirely mediocre at mario kart.
→ He can draw! He doesn’t do it often and is unwilling to admit that he’s actually pretty okay at it.
→ He bluffs his way through the first time you sleep with him because he is a virgin somehow even with almost every living human in Tokyo throwing themselves at his feet.
→ The fact that he’s a quick shot is a closely guarded secret that you unearthed because you noticed he makes a point of making you cum on his fingers at least once before fucking you and when confronted about it he went very quiet and tried to stay stone faced despite the comically bright blush that painted his cheeks.
→ Awful phobia of needles post 11/18 to the point where he avoids seeing Takemi because the cartoon needle on one of her posters is enough to trigger his panic attacks.
→ He has frequent nightmares, and won’t tell you why. But they worsen significantly post 11/18, with him calling you at least once on most nights to help him through his panic attacks.
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╰┈➤ Ryuji
→ He has a reputation for being desperate, and he definitely is, but in reality he’s far less shallow than it seems.
→ When you ask for his help dying your hair he practically leaps at the idea, and you learn that he’s really fucking good at it from maintaining his own bleached hair.
→ Ren got him a super sonico figure as a gift once and it lives unopened under his bed. Not because he has shame or doesn’t like it (he very vocally loves it actually) but because he’s worried about his mom accidentally seeing it one day.
→ The smell of alcohol gives him panic attacks, and he makes a point of avoiding the trains at night because of this.
→ Despite his initial reaction to conflict being fighting, he crashes hard after and often isolates himself for hours after while he dissociates.
→ He smokes more than he’s willing to admit, and thoroughly hates himself for it bc he can feel it fucking up his lungs and making it harder to catch his breath when he’s running.
→ He is bi, but is very defensive and unwilling to talk about it because he’s still working through the homophobia instilled in him by his father.
→ He is also a quick shot, but isn’t really good enough with his hands to compensate. 
→ He does however really like watching you get off without him while he waits for you to finish so he can fuck you.
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╰┈➤ Ann 
→ Women <3
→ She often asks you to model with her, and should you agree she beams like you’ve just given her the best gift she’d ever received.
→ Her love of sweets seems to be contagious, as the more time you spend with her the more you find yourself enjoying them.
→ Really hates being touched, it takes her several months of gentle encouragement to let her hold your hand because the only person who ever had was Kamoshida.
→ Extremely anxious around men, and often gets you to stand between her and any dudes on the trains/in public in general.
→ Horrific self image issues, she covers it well with faux confidence, but she is deeply insecure and tends to hide herself away when she’s doing poorly.
→ She cries a lot, just in general. It doesn’t even need to be sad, she’ll cry just as hard over a really cute dog as she will a heart wrenching scene in a movie.
→ The local Romance Expert despite never having been in a healthy relationship.
→ You can tell when she’s struggling because it’s the only time she could be caught dead in sweatpants.
→ The pink highlights from her P5D outfit are canon to me, argue with the wall.
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╰┈➤ Yusuke
→ He asks to paint you often, but rarely actually does. Often breaking down into fits of insecurity about his “inability to capture your beauty” as he puts it.
→ So very autistic, he is easily overwhelmed and carries a little notepad that he uses for communication when he inevitably goes non verbal, and for little doodles to help him ground himself.
→ He really awkwardly asked you out after a long conversation with ann about the difference between romantic and platonic feelings
→ “Ah… So my urge to include them in every single one of my paintings in some way is not platonic?”
→ He borders on obsessive about you once you & him start dating officially, and often cancels plans with the PTs to spend time with you.
→ Shy of losing himself in his painting he will drop anything he’s doing regardless of its importance on the off chance he can see you.
→ He asked at one point to paint you nude but for the first time in his life got so flustered at the sight of you that he had to excuse himself, and never asked again after that.
→ Past the first time asking him to hold your hand, he’s very casual about physical affection. Often attaching himself to you in one way or another unconsciously.
→ The only PT besides Akechi who isn’t a virgin.
→ Everyone was fucking appalled when they learned this ^ because how did yusuke end up with bitches and akiren didn’t???
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╰┈➤ Makoto idk much about her I’m so sorry makoto enjoyers
→ Really fucking weird music taste? Like her study playlist is 90% breakcore and the first time akiren heard it he got fucking whiplash.
→ Teetering on the edge of gifted kid burnout and only manages to survive because of the terrifying amount of black coffee she drinks
→ She’s got an eating disorder and has a really bad habit of talking about her disordered habits like they’re normal.
→ Then is shocked when everyone is like “girl what????”
→ Haru was her lesbian awakening and even though they’re not dating anymore she still loves Haru dearly
→ That can be said about most of her exes, she tends to fall in love quickly and never really fall out of it, thankfully the rational part of her has prevented her from being seriously hurt.
→ Absolute pillow princess, despite the ongoing bit about her pegging ryuji there is not enough money in the world to convince her to be any kind of dominant.
→ almost kissed ann once on a dare and was so nervous she literally started sobbing, which caused ann to also start sobbing, they never ended up kissing.
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╰┈➤ Futaba
→ She has bugs on everyone’s phone, and listens in on them constantly even after they change her heart.
→ She’s really creepy in general, and has a massive stash of audio clips and videos taken from security cameras and the bugs that range from mildly entertaining to blackmail worthy levels of incriminating
→ Has a document dedicated to everyone’s taste in porn.
→ She is autistic in the opposite direction as yusuke, she’s perpetually underwhelmed and needs to have 5+ different stimuli going at any time for her to be able to do anything
→ Likes akechi a little too much literally just because he likes featherman as much as she does.
→ Didn’t stop hallucinating after her heart was changed, they just became mild enough to ignore.
→ Had a really weird crush on akiren before her heart was changed, in hindsight it was probably just because she has a voice kink and she spent a lot of time listening to him talk.
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
Because I have brainrot I have been making a crossover thing of my BLEACH AU (HATY) with One Piece (even though I'm not even 100 episodes in yet lol) and no surprise I've made a big bit of Kuchiki lore. Why not post it just if anyone is entertained hearing other people's AUs lol.
Byakuya, Sen, and Muramasa are the triplet sons of Sojun and Aratani Kuchiki. Sojun's sister, Nanami, married a man named Koga. Little did they know, Koga was a pirate captain after Kuchiki riches. He manipulated the youngest of the triplets, Muramasa, to join him. When the triplets were ten years old, Koga and Muramasa made a plan to steal billions of berries from the Kuchikis, but Sen and Byakuya caught wind of it. As such, Koga kidnapped the two boys as well. He made off with the Kuchikis in the middle of the night, taking them all to his ship. Koga demanded the two work on his ship, but Byakuya vehemently refused. As such, Koga threatened to send him overboard with no hesitation. Byakuya and Sen both begged for his life, before the middle triplet hesitantly conceited. They now became members of the Zanpakuto Pirates. The boys learned a lot. Sen learned to cook, Byakuya learned navigation and better leadership skills, etc. Fourteen years later, the Marines spotted the Kuchikis on the boat. Muramasa refused to come in favor of staying with Koga. Sen tried to plead for him to leave, but he couldn't convince him, and Sen and Byakuya were rescued and taken back to their kingdom. Despite being older, Sen rescinded his opportunity for the throne in favor of letting Byakuya become king. They agreed Byakuya had better leadership qualities. A year later, Byakuya was married with a child.
That was thirty years ago. In the modern day, Byakuya had fallen extremely ill. The kingdom was in shambles. Byakuya's sons, Sojun-ko and Yoshi, tried to maintain order. But Sojun-ko's mind was fractured from the potential of losing his father, struggling to take his place to lead. Coming back from the sea one day was Sojun-ko's uncle, Renji Abarai, who married Rukia Kuchiki. They spent a year on the sea as pirates, despite the metaphorical spitting in the face they received from the rest of the family. Sojun-ko, despite caring a lot for Renji, was angry at his return. Sojun-ko mentioned that Byakuya was deathly ill, and Renji suggested that he take them on the sea with him. He could take Byakuya to see Seinosuke Yamada across the ocean, that man's healing is known to be magical. After many arguments, they agreed to this idea.
The Kuchiki family stepped foot on Renji's ship. The main members of his crew were him, his wife, their daughter, their son, a man named Sentaro, and a father and a daughter named Yumichika and Akari respectively. (Mixing HATY's squad 6, 11, and 13 into one boat) The immobile Byakuya was hauled to his own separate quarters. Byakuya passed his navigation skills and history knowledge onto Sojun-ko, who helped him in this endeavor, much to Sojun-ko's annoyance. ("How did you survive a whole year on the sea without a fucking navigator?") As they travelled on the sea, Rukia and Renji's son, Kaien, abandoned the ship in favor of another group of pirates. They left so quickly and mysteriously that nobody knew who they were. But Sen seemed to recognize their Jolly Rodger...
They finally made it to Seinosuke Yamada. Byakuya was taken in, and after several weeks, was miraculously healed. His mind was still fractured, with a struggle to form new memories, and he still suffered joint pain, but he could walk. He could talk without crying. He could cough without there being blood. He could act for himself. The family cried with joy that Byakuya was alright. When they went to go back on the sea, Byakuya shoved Renji a little, figuratively and literally. They got into an argument. Renji demanded to know what makes Byakuya think he'll lead the ship better, to which Byakuya answers that he has fourteen years of experience as a pirate, when Renji only has one. When he drops the name "Zanpakuto Pirates," Renji is shocked. That crew was known for being ruthless and dangerous. And Byakuya of all men, apart of a filthy blood soaked pirate crew? For fourteen whole years? Renji didn't let Byakuya entirely take the reins, but he did listen more to his demands input. They started taking the trip back to the kingdom, when one day...
They were attacked by another boat. The boat Kaien left them for. And as they finally saw the crew, it became obvious who they were. The Zanpakuto Pirates. A colorful crew, consisting of the now elderly Koga, Muramasa, Kaien, two boys his age named Kikuo and Jushiro, older members of the Zanpakuto Pirates, such as Nozarashi Zaraki, Katen and Kyokotsu Kyoraku, Jizō Kurotsuchi, and dozens of others. As fighting progressed between the crews, Koga dumped Muramasa for suddenly hesitating against his brothers. Sen jumped in the water to rescue his brother, while Byakuya fought and defeated Koga. Sojun-ko found himself having to kill Kaien. As the Zanpakuto Pirates wrecked their boat and left them to die, filled with a sudden grief and rage at Sojun-ko for killing his son, he, without thinking, pushed Sojun-ko into the water. He expected the boy to swim up to the surface, but did no such thing. Byakuya shoved him to the deck, screaming at him for being an idiot as he went after his son. The injured boat barely made it to dry land. Once they were safe, Renji initiated a conversation.
Renji and Rukia were both angry as Sojun-ko for killing their son, and Byakuya shut them down. ("Trying to kill my son won't bring back yours!") Byakuya explains that Sojun-ko has Devil Fruit Powers, and thus couldn't swim, something Renji was also unaware of. He watched Sojun-ko using his Chi Chi no Mi to heal everyone's slash wounds, including the Abarais and Muramasa. As he did that, Sen forced the conversation to change to his aforementioned brother. When Renji questioned Sen and Byakuya's motivations for wanting to keep Muramasa safe, the two simultaneously replied "Because he's my brother." Muramasa started to realize just how awful Koga has been to him. Koga was family too, and he treated him like an object when he was useful, and dirt when he wasn't. Has he made an awful mistake these past thirty years? He thinks to himself. Sen asks him to stay to make things right between them all as brothers, and Muramasa agrees. He apologizes for everything he put Sen and Byakuya through. Byakuya replies "It's all Koga's fault." as a dismissal and roundabout way of saying he forgave him. Now, with high tensions still in the air, they have to find their way home.
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