#hey wouldn't it be fucked up
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daily-metalsonic-and-others Ā· 1 month ago
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Day 10 (?)
I COME BEARING AN AU!! I read like 2 pieces of media containing Fleetway Sonic and decided to do my own thing
He's less 'VIOLENCE AND GOING NUTS' and more 'walking definition of an identity crisis'
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zivazivc Ā· 1 year ago
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. . . šŸ˜³
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vaguely-concerned Ā· 16 days ago
I adore it whenever rook rests their hands on their hips like a handyman or mechanic about to deliver some bad news as to how much the repairs are going to come in at. the hero equivalent of a plumber. they're out there saving the world with the gently beleaguered air of an overworked janitor and I quite simply love that for them
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moongothic Ā· 1 year ago
You know I wasn't going to post about this, but the more I think about it the more it drives me up the walls
So when Luffy and co release Crocodile from jail, it's specifically under the threat that if Crocodile tries anything funny, well, Iva-chan has a trick up their sleeve to put Crocodile back in-line.
So what the fuck was that actually about? What is Crocodile's secret weakness? I'm specifically looking at the way this is phrased in the manga, because the anime's added dialogue kinda messes with what's implied here. But what Iva specifically says is that Ivankov in particular holds the key to one of Crocodile's weaknesses, but they'll stay quiet about it as long as Crocodile behaves himself ("Vataashi wa koitsu no yowami wo hitotsu nigitteru", a very clunky but literal translation could be "One of his weaknesses is within my grasp". The way Viz translated the line is a bit different so I'm not bothering with getting a cap of the panel, you wouldn't be able to tell how these lines were phrased in Japanese based on Viz's translations anyways) (The dialogue Toei added was Crocodile furiously shouting at Iva-chan, telling them to not say anything and Iva-chan reminding Croc to watch his tone or else they'll reveal Croc's past to everyone. A lot of people don't remember this was in-fact added by Toei, hence I wanted to clarify/remind what happened in this scene originally)
And now. Obviously. When Oda went out of his way to introduce a brand new character whose entire personality is being queer and their power is giving people magic HRT. And then like five chapters later re-introduces Crocodile. And tells us that these two have Secret Beef. And never proceeds to fucking tell us what the hell that was about. Yes, the natural conclusion one would come to would be that Crocodile is stealth trans. That is basic, good storytelling. You (re)introduce two characters, tell us they have beef, one has a very specific ability; you're supposed to connect these dots in your mind. So that now, if Oda revealed to us tomorrow that Crocodile was canonically trans, it would not surprise anyone because it's already been set-up in the story, by this very scene. It's a logical conclusion.
But. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Iva-chan's blackmail might actually not be about Crocodile being trans.
Like the general fandom assumption for the past 15 years has been that Crocodile's stealth trans, but we actually don't know he's stealth. He could be openly trans, and between that being a borderline requirement for Crocodad to be real (since he would've been a Shichibukai for years before Luffy was even born) and the possibility that his earring could specifically be a gay earring, like. Yeah. Crocodile could be openly trans. If Crocodile's perfectly happy to let the whole world know he's gay, then him being trans shouldn't have to be a secret either. We the readers could just be unaware of it because it wasn't relevant information to us, and his transition would be old ass news in-universe and not worth bringing up.
And thus, if Crocodile isn't stealth, then Iva-chan can't blackmail him by threatening to out him, becaus he can't be outted.
Now for a while I did considder that Iva-chan could've been actually threatening to detransition Crocodile if he tried anything funny. Surely he would hate that, so much so that he might not have wanted to even hear Ivankov suggest it. But thinking about it. Unless Iva-chan can use Armanent Haki or get Crocodile moisturized, they shouldn't be able to hit Crocodile actually. Like Croc's Logia makes him impossible to hit unless he specifically allowed himself to be touched. So even if Iva-chan tried to surprise attack Crocodile with Estrogen, Croc should just turn to sand automatically, the attack should not land.
Meaning Iva-chan shouldn't be able to detransition Crocodile against his will, at least not without Haki and we don't know if they can use it, so that can't be Crocodile's weakness either.
And so we have to ask the question. What the fuck is that weakness then that Ivankov mentioned?
All we really know is that Crocodile doesn't want this weakness to be brought up, it's a secret. And for all we know Iva-chan might be the only person in the world who knows about it.
And I just. Like.
There is one weakness, kind of a universal one that many people could have, one that has been brought up time-and-time again post-timeskip, one that has become more and more relevant in the story, especially now at the begining of the Final Saga.
A secret weakness.
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If pregnancy is what cracked Crocodile's egg and he transitioned immidiately/soon after giving birth, then it's entirely plausible Iva-chan could know Crocodile had a secret child. And surely he'd want nothing more than for his child to be safe, not end up in trouble because of him. And Ivankov most certainly could put that child in danger, especially now that Crocodile was officially no longer on the World Government's side, there'd be no protection for the baby. All Ivankov had to do was leak the information out, that Sir Crocodile had a child, and anybody who had beef with him could get their revenge by attempting to find the child.
Like I'm just saying. This could line up nicely, actually
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rat-rosemary Ā· 5 months ago
Okay so, I know some people are happy that we got this litte look at he future (because I don't think the nuke end was really retconned) but like. If it was, wouldn't it make it 100 times sadder?
The world is empty. Most people have left, most to just die somewhere else. Tommy is a ghost haunting a server long abandoned. Its dead but he just can't let go
Not even Dream is here anymore, Sapnap and George chasing after him like they always do, gone the second they woke up from their long dreams. If you were to look into their eyes they wouldn't recognize you
Wilbur and Quackity have both left to decay and explode somewhere else, and with them took a good handful of Tommy's friends. Bad always had a home-base to return to, and the original members rest there peacefully
And Tommy just. Stays. Hopes for a visit. Never grows, never changes, isolated from anyone. This is a worse ending then forgiveness and understanding and fire and brimstone.
He's just alone collecting dust
Please what you're describing isn't a happy ending is just a second worse bad ending. Healing comes from community and connection, not from defeating the big evil
In the corpse of your biggest enemy you will find no peace, only more blood
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dykedvonte Ā· 5 months ago
I know you've had to have already touched on it but you ask for Mouthwashing asks and your last post finally made me think of something to say: the one (1) time in the game when Jimmy gets the closest to asking Anya why she's keeping Curly alive. Buddy!! Why are YOU!!! Curly wasn't your Captain anymore the moment he started talking about moving on and leaving you behind; after the crash you realized he was just your little Redemption Barbie now. The first time we open the med cabinet I thought we were going to be able to kill Curly by pouring the disinfectant down his mouth instead of the painkillers. But no, Jimmy goes out of his way to keep him alive. His "why are you keeping him alive" (paraphrasing) felt so accusatory because it *is* an accusation. Everything he does is a self-report. He keeps Curly alive so he can force Curly to be whatever he wanted him to be-- his savior, his junior, his punching bag, his best friend, his mistake, his enemy. Anya escapes from Jimmy the only way she can in the end but by then he didn't give a shit about her anyway because Curly was the easier target.
Him asking that question to Anya could even potentially be a parallel to the pause before he tells Curly he's going to "take care of it" (or "handle it", idr). Curly had the opportunity to rob him of his power-- to stop him from crashing the ship, to assert his authority and step up-- but he didn't. Jimmy asking Anya why she's keeping Curly alive is in a way taunting her with a similar kind of opportunity: she hypothetically has the ability to rob Jimmy of his power over Curly, to use her authority as the medical officer to end Curly's care, but she can't. And Jimmy knows she can't, and she won't stop him from keeping Curly alive to use him, just like he knew Curly wouldn't stop him from crashing the ship. He only gives the chance when he already knows the answer.
I think this is a misconception, Jimmy is the one who brings it up. Anya doesn't even acknowledge the idea verbally outside of saying she feels nauseous, likely due to the pregnancy and the idea of eating him.
He mentions they all agreed to keep him alive and implies the first reason is a back up food source, though, that's likely his first reason and the others just couldn't bring themselves to kill a guy or thought he deserved it to some extent. I like to think of it less as him taunting her power and more him trying to supplement his ideas into her head the same way he would with Curly. It's very reminiscent of the last conversation he had with Curly of doing something dire and not getting any push back, not by way of her agreeing with him but a non answer.
The relationships between Anya, Curly and Jimmy heavily reflect each other specially when it comes to being victimized by him and how he gets in their head. Anya is way more aware than Curly but lacks the position/power to stop it while Curly is less aware/resigned due to how long it has likely been going on despite having the power to shut Jimmy down. Jimmy is dependent on the two to actually solve his problems and do most of the leg work but becomes hostile the moment he feels it undermines his perception of them or himself in relation.
I do agree that Jimmy is aware Anya won't fight back against him like Swansea does or question him like Daisuke will. He is putting her into the same space as Curly but the key difference is he doesn't see her as a person. He is using her to supplement the active role Curly can't be but doesn't have that loyal friend aspect from her as she just fears and resents him. He's projecting on to her a lot but she never really concedes or acknowledges it in the way Curly did. He hates it and the sort of emotional games he plays with her reaches their peak when she locks herself in medical.
It's very interesting to see how he acts in the post crash without Curly as he is 100% worse but you can see how much of that is because he is aware there is no one to actually cover for his sorry ass now.
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the-goddess-of-annoying Ā· 3 months ago
"Choose?" said Odysseus, nearly stumbling over the word.
"Someone's gotta die today, and you have got the final sayā€¦"
No. No, not again, he can't do this again, pleaseā€”
"You? Or your crew?"
"Please, don't make me do this," Odysseus begged. "Don't make me do this."
Zeus didn't answer.
All thisā€” he'd done all this to bring the rest of his crew home alive, as many of them as he couldā€” they'd mutinied, turned on him, yes, but he couldn't blame them; he should've warned them about Scylla, explained somehow, gotten them to see; it was his fault, it was always his fault eventuallyā€”
And now. And now he could get home, or they could get home.
He'd done all this for nothing.
He had failed.
So the question was, who would suffer the consequences of his final failure?
He thought of Penelope at home, waiting for him, of his little Telemachus growing up without his father. He thought of his own father, waiting for his sonā€” alone, now that he'd buried his wife. He thought of Ctimeneā€”
Waiting for her husband.
Could he take his sister's husband from her? Could he go home, look her in the eye, and tell her why her husband wasn't with him? And all the other men, the thirty-six leftā€” their wives, siblings, parents, children; how could he tell them that after fighting to keep these men alive for twelve years with everything he had, he'd killed them himself? He'd killed six of his men already; could he bear to do it again?
No. No, he couldn't. It had felt like dying the first time. To do it a second time would be worse than death.
A man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you. Eurylochus would lead them home.
His wound was bleeding again. His head pounded mercilessly. He felt weak. For the first time in twelve years, he could allow himself to be weak.
Politesā€¦ Momā€¦
"Let them live."
"Well, king of Ithaca. You've surprised me," said Zeus. Odysseus wished he would get it over with. "But I'm afraid that's not what the Fates have planned."
No, no, no, no!
"I doubt Helios would be satisfied with that solution, either," Zeus continued. "Soā€¦" He lifted his hand, a lightning bolt already forming, ready to throw.
"No!" screamed Odysseus. "Eurylochus!"
"Captain!" Eurylochus yelledā€” the whole crew was calling for him, but Odysseus could still pick out his brother's voice separate from all the rest as they begged him to lead them, to save them, for the last timeā€”
And there was a flash of light, and it was over.
Odysseus was alone.
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starishsky Ā· 2 years ago
free day / the moon will sing
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itsjustevil Ā· 11 months ago
So, the consensus from everyone on this platform I'm seeing on what the big thing happening in tonight's episode is that Ally is gonna roll Divine Intervention for Kristen 2 to immaculately conceive the baby of Cassandra and Akarna. That is what is going on. We're all agreeing on this. It's what is happening.ok.
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vaguely-concerned Ā· 4 months ago
in his and davrin's banters, lucanis exhibits a certain little shit energy I don't think we see him have with anyone else other than illario and honestly I am living for this
#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#lucanis dellamorte#davrin#also that's really interesting. with illario it's clearly not ever meant to wound but it serves a similar function of 'hey fuck off'#they have that friendly insult game going that veils some real resentments and conflicts that perhaps. should have been dealt with#considering that you could hardly find two people less alike in fundamental character than davrin and illario... fascinating#I suppose both of them push past lines of comfort and don't really let up at subtler signals to back off#(illario to needle and davrin mostly because he's that straightforward I think haha)#but the sheer viciousness with which lucanis responds makes me think there could mayhaps be some resentment with that dynamic#that he won't let out with illario himself b/c he has so few interpersonal relationships and wouldn't risk disrupting one#even when illario is getting up to some Shit even outside of the whole betrayal thing#and davrin is sooo uninterested in doing anything but call 'em as he sees 'em and it's glorious haha#it also means that I think lucanis is more honest in those banters than he is with anyone else I've seen#including the fact that he's mad and that the ossuary really did suck that bad actually#with bellara he's like 'don't worry about me I'm fine *thousand yard stare*' and with davrin he goes 'yeah I'm haunted forever by it.#does that satisfy your curiosity' lmao. and then they're just trading barely veiled death threats for a while#davrin is confrontational but he's also a safe person to be angry with b/c I think at the end of the day he is also fair#many thoughts. all the time. all veilguard up in my neurons 24/7
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schwazombie Ā· 2 months ago
So Monday is my set-up day for my meds, i.e., I sit down and put my meds in the little containers for each day so I know if I've taken it or not, and I decided to have a glass of juice while doing dishes only to be like hm. I have not taken my meds yet this morning; I'll have to wait a bit now since I've been drinking this juice before I take them to make sure they work.
Which fucking reminded me of the fact that I have two ADHDs in my life, Husband and K, and NEITHER of them were aware you can't take your ADHD meds with fruit juice and that you shouldn't consume food or drinks with charcoal in them because both of those things will make your med not be effective. Neither of them knew this because neither of them read the fucking info that comes in the medicine box. Husband doesn't read them because he doesn't think it's important and K doesn't because the list of possible side effects is 'scary'.
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sayhellotothedusk Ā· 4 days ago
Ovulation thoughts: Wanting you to stare at me because I'm objectifying myself on purpose
Like I'm not sitting here rolling up my shirt to be silly, I want that to have consequences, maybe I want you to need me about as badly as my brain is telling me I need you
Maybe I want you staring at me, maybe I want you to possess me the same way I'm wrapped around your every word
Maybe I got tempted to take a particularly embarrassing photo because I want you starving for touch in about the same way I am. I want you to want to touch every inch of skin I show in that photo because I feel like I'm dying with you not touching me in those places.
It's not even a breeding thing yet, but God I look at myself and I look so pretty and grabable, I look just about good enough to eat (metaphorically here) and I want to imagine your mouth watering thinking about it
I enjoy pretending I'm a much more confident, conniving person then I actually am
I want you to look at my skin and wish it was between your teeth and fingers
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cassettemoon Ā· 2 years ago
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and I'm still here
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koukouture Ā· 8 months ago
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To find comfort in a ghost
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ardenrosegarden Ā· 9 months ago
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canary-song Ā· 2 months ago
Noir's universe is a 21st-century telling of a Noir-genre-alike but still visibly full of era inaccuracies and 21st Century stylistic flairs to me. Incongruous with any true time period and more stage-drama than grit with lots of monologuing.
Pete's universe would be either rotoscoped or filmed if we'd permit such a sharp divergence in style - and perhaps hand-colored. Realistic and weighty and just a bit less forgiving.
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