#hetalia Minnesota
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hetastates · 8 months ago
Midwest Monday!
How each (Midwestern) state responds to scam calls
Illinois: Abruptly hanging up the phone. He doesn’t have time, patience, energy, or will to deal with this. As a kid he might have played along, giving a fake name like "Mr. Hugh Wang-Kerr"; as a teen he would have made threats to the spammer, but as an adult he likes to keep the line free for business opportunities and ladies in strapless dresses (for some reason, though, they never keep the line free for him…)
Indiana: Specifically answers to say "what do you want" and hangs up. Sometimes does this while driving. It’s quite concerning to those who share the road with her. Everyone wonders why she picks up if she knows she’s going to be hanging up within two seconds, but nobody has ever asked her directly why she does this. Indiana's response to scammers is an enigma and— INDI KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!
Iowa: WHAT? HUH?! He'll call you back, he says — and by that he means meet him at the Flying J later if you have something to say to him. He might be a strapping and toned young man — the type you’d think is attractive until you get close enough to smell that True Farmer Boy Whiff — but he’s an old boomer in terms of technology. He owns a LG 5450 for "business calls" and an iPhone 5 because his friends begged him to get a real phone, yet his monthly screen time is about forty two seconds.
Kansas: How do these people keep getting her number? She once took her grievances directly to the cell phone tower, but that wasn’t resolved the way she wanted it to be resolved. Kansas has a very communal way of fixing her scam call woes: If there’s anyone around her in the vicinity, she’s all up in their face. "Hey, do you know anything about how to get rid of these dang calls? Is there, like, a button I press or somethin'?" Oklahoma once told her to chuck it into a tornado. They haven’t spoken as of late.
Michigan: Are you calling about getting your car fixed by him? He’s told you a thousand times, these new cars and their computers have got to go. Oh, you’re not? Well, why are you bothering him? "We've called you about your car's extended warranty—" Oh have you? Have you now? Nah. He’s not buying it. Get off the line right this second or else he'll reach so far under your hood that you’ll be seeing via LIDAR until Teslas are reliable.
Minnesota: Poor Minnesota, easily flustered and not one to Karen around. Half the time, she’s not sure if it’s a scam call of if it’s genuine, and she doesn’t want to be too quick to judge. She'll sit there on the line for a couple of minutes to really gauge the situation, adding in a few "uh-huhs" and "mmms" until the time is right. Then — ope! There’s someone at the door! — or, — ope! My casserole is ready". Half the time, it’s not even a lie!
Missouri: The good thing about Missouri is that he likes good, cheap, reliable things — cell phones included. He has a Sonim XP8, meaning that every time a scammer (and this extends to tax collectors, insurance agents, and Oklahoma — "Seriously, Okie, go bother someone else!" —) gives him a ring, he just throws his phone at the nearest wall and picks it up after it’s stopped ringing. Concerned? Don’t be. The Sonim is designed for that type of treatment. There’s no point in buying something if you can’t huck it.
Nebraska: When she got her first scam call, Nebraska was quite surprised — she was under the impression that this sort of thing would never happen to her! She ushered over Minnesota, who begged her to be kind (oh, Minnesota — the trouble you go through), but Nebraska had heard too much about funny responses to scammers and wanted to try some out on her own. From inventing fake and morbid businesses to pretending to be in the mafia, Nebraska has demonstrated quite the creative streak when it comes to answering scam calls.
North Dakota: He doesn’t give much thought to the matter. He barely answers these calls. Sometimes it’s a one word "no" or a two word "go away", but NoDak works in silence when it comes to scam calls. Why give it time or energy?
Ohio: Aww, yeah! It’s his time to shine! He acts as though he’s in a Broadway musical or an award-winning Hollywood hit. He doesn’t want the fame and fortune that this career demands — no, he just wants the feeling of pride and superiority he gets from completely destroying the competition. He’s mustered up some quite imaginative responses to scam calls, and has concerned quite a few of the callers. His insurance company isn’t too happy with him, because he took it a step further and started doing it to them, too. Good thing they’ve got a lawyer…
South Dakota: Like Ohio and Nebraska, he has quite the enthusiasm to answer in funny and offbeat ways, but unfortunately, he’s got a brother to the north to put some sense into him. "No, SoDak, don’t answer the phone." "No, you’re not being stupid today." Dang it, NoDak, why do you have to steal his thunder? Can’t a state do anything fun? Saying funny things to scam callers isn’t even illegal this time!
Wisconsin: What's that? Wisconsin, pick up the phone! Or is she busy again, screaming over some sports game. What game could she even be this enthusiastic over? Does she even have any major sports teams? Regardless, that phone is not getting answered in a timely manner. Does she even hear it? Wisconsin? Wisconsin, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty! Wisconsin! Wisconsin! Nothing. Damn.
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panda-state-panoptic · 2 years ago
I’ve been thinking about fashion and
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This is such a Midwest girls vibe to me
(Left to right) Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana is how I’d dress them
I love the idea of all the female states with their hair done up (or done down) and wearing flower patterns it’s so cute to me
And then with the 70s being bolder with fashion and just having fun
Maybe it’s because of the casualness of it and the social revival going on, but 60s (and 70s) fashion just has such a happy vibe to me and I love to see it
This is more of the 70s but
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(Left to right) N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee is how I’d dress them
Like look at how gorgeous and fun yet elegant their silhouettes are that’s so awesome
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lunat1cc · 30 days ago
Minnesota... but hetalia
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ghulehday · 1 month ago
Did some art for a silly Hetalia AU that I made! His scar chart is below the break!
This is my OC Minnesota, also known as Wyatt F. Oxenstierna. He’s the Nordic 5’s nephew from across the ocean. He is the leader of a group in this AU. The group currently consists of Minnesota, Sweden, England, Japan, and Sealand!
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simple-persica · 2 years ago
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Whoa, it's Wisconsin! She's a hard-working gal who is hella down to get her hands dirty. Homegirl is nice, she just looks a little intimidating, it's the harsh weather for me. Yes, she wears that tank top no matter the weather, no she won't put on the sweater she always carries around. (not really related to anything, this is just the vibe she gives) Loves really weird soda. Like super weird. Hand her ranch soda and she'll swig it with no problem.
Design things!
Her hair is supposed to be this dark Aburn color but she's actually blonde with some auburn highlights, she just dyes it and is super lazy about fixing her roots.
Her super long hair curl is Green Bay, for obvious reasons I think
Her pants are based on those hunting "bibs???" that are supposed to protect your legs when walking through tall grass, but also the pants that cranberry farmers wear because cranberry farming is like...huge there. The top part is tucked back into her pants with the shoulder straps hanging loose.
Pictured below is a closer look at her ear cuffs. Mastodon skeletons are super common in Wisconsin, so I wanted to call to that by giving her an earring cuff that looks like mastodon teeth
She commissioned these as a treat to herself, so they're very special to her but none of her siblings really get what it's supposed to be
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I love what I have so far, but she's still super in the works. So if y'all have any suggestions for her design, personality, and relationships, I'm super down to hear them!
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objection-zero · 5 months ago
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- The leading state is GDP and population, she's an absolute powerhouse.
- Very sunny and happy, always got a bright air about her.
- When she puts clothes on, they shrink to be very revealing. But the states just perceive the regular clothes she put on. She could put on a suit and tie and it would turn into basically nothing on her. Idk why
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- Always shopping, full on girly girl
- You can usually find her sunbathing or by a lake too.
- She's just a girl!
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- As a past resident of Orgeon, I have enough credibility to say this man is a bitch.
- He pretends to hate California and Washington, but in reality he's very close with them, and just gets overwhelmed by them.
- He's a big hiker
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- My second favorite state design
- After the Wizard of Oz came out, she got sick of all the jokes about her name and started going by Dee-Dee instead.
- Owns a sunflower farm and will often gift bouquets to the other states.
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West Virginia:
- The laziest man to ever live.
- Everything is a mess in his house, but he does care enough to clean it.
- He's the nicest one of all the states though.
- Virginia greatly dislikes him but he doesn't mind her.
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- He makes a living off of scamming people so he's naturally very suave and handsome.
- The second you mention anything alien around him he goes off the rails, with his hair all messy and clearly unstable.
- He was probably experimented on at some point.
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- I don't have much to say about Nebraska. I don't think anyone has a lot to say about Nebraska.
- He's really funny though. He has the best sense of humor.
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- The chillest state in the union, he's definitely a stoner.
- Has OCD in my mind, used to be crazy about Mining but has learnt to chill out. He's very cool in my opinion.
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North Dakota:
- Tends to wander off on adventures without really telling anyone.
- He gets lost very easily.
South Dakota:
- Fears disappointing people a lot. He's a big people pleaser.
- Cries a lot.
- The Dakotas are rarely seen without the other. They're truly inseparable.
Check reblogs for the other states!
What if I showed you guys my Hetalia OCs for the 50 states that I've been working on for the past 2 months?
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- Overly stressed all the time, he has a complex where he needs to feel important. So he opts to do work that would normally fall on the other 49 so he can seem important to them.
- He's the busyman of Delmarva, he gets everything squared away.
- He has the biggest, most effective puppy dog eyes in the world. They're just big and sad and it's hard to say no!
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- Very active, has a gym in her home for sure even though she prefers to go outside and work out.
- She and Delaware are very close, as the first two states they became good friends (and New Jersey!). She does her best to protect Delaware when she can.
- Very straightforward, she doesn't mess around. You always know what to expect from her.
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New Jersey:
- Loud. So very loud. Always wearing gaudy makeup and unappealing clothing.
- She's very loyal as a friend though–her and New York hang out constantly, with half of their time dedicated to debating something or other loud enough for everyone around them to hear.
- She and New York have been in a battle over the ownership of the Statue of Liberty for a long time. Since the statue is technically on an island that belongs to her, but New York will not give it up. She owns the gift shop.
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- One of my favorite states, I love her and her design very dearly.
- I like to think of her as a Mary Sue type, where she's always busy and has an overwhelming amount of work to handle, but she does it all so easily and so effectively that you'd never guess how much she does.
- Also, she owns a peach orchid absolutely.
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- "Um, actually—🤓👆" embodied.
- Everyone is sick of how entitled he is, because he acts like he's so much more intelligent than everyone.
- Which is funny because he is really really smart, but still not as smart as he pretends to act.
- He's one of the only states that's friends with Ohio.
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- Do not utter the word "revolution" around this man or he will go nuts.
- Very quick to act, very quick to anger. He likes to set things on fire—he always carries a lighter on him— and argue. If he ever came face to face with England, it would probably go very badly.
- He despises tea, to the point he physically cannot drink it.
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- The mediator of Delmarva, this man is the master of solving problems. He's the sweetest.
- Also, the best chef in the country aside from Louisiana and I cannot stress that enough. You know this man has a BIG kitchen in his house.
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South Carolina:
- The bimbo of the country okay.
- I just love the idea of her being so determined to be a farmer, but struggling so much because she's just not designed to be a farmer. But she won't give up even though she probably should.
- She's good friends with Georgia but her and North Carolina definitely have a rivalry going on.
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New Hampshire:
- Can this man calm down? Please?
- He basically bounces off the walls, definitely has ADHD, and always down to do somethint stupid.
- He spends a good portion of his time bugging Vermont because she's easy to annoy. New Hampshire and Vermont are very close though. The siblings ever.
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- I had to make one of them emo okay.
- She's the confident leader of Delmarva for sure. As the first state colonized, she's got a good heart for leadership. She's the state that works the closest with America directly.
- Despite being emo, she's very sweet.
Ahhh Image limit. Check repost for the other states!
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angelthefatal · 8 days ago
New Chapter!!
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Sealand (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Seborga (Hetalia), Kugelmugel (Hetalia), Hutt River (Hetalia), Molossia (Hetalia), Ladonia (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Nevada (Hetalia), USA States (Hetalia), Oblasts of Russia (Hetalia), Regions of Italy (Hetalia), States of India (Hetalia), Prefectures of Japan (Hetalia), Minnesota (Hetalia), Michigan (Hetalia), Lombardy (Hetalia), Apuila (Hetalia), Tuscany (Hetalia), Kaliningrad Oblast (Hetalia), Republic of Karelia (Hetalia), Leningrad Oblast (Hetalia), Punjab (Hetalia), Sikkim (Hetalia), Nagasaki (Hetalia), Fukushima (Hetalia), Westphalia (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Vienna (Hetalia)
Summary: "Why did he exist?" Peter though. "Why did they all exist?"
The Micronations are all a bundle of joy and mischief to the normal eye, but unfurling evens reveal that there is something more going on in their smiley facade. Are they just sad and frustrated, or does someone have malicious intent and is using the micronations? And what does this mean to the nations? Just what was going on with those kids…….
And most importantly, what were they searching??
Keep an eye out, Good Friend…..
Max ubzzxlm lxvkxm mh ukxtdbgz max knexl bl mh ftdx bm ehhd tl mahnza rhn'kx yheehpbgz maxf -Chatg Ebxuxkm, Gthdb Nktltpt'l Fhglmxk
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w0rlds-end · 6 months ago
this song fits the hetalia story im writing well (its russia x my oc personification of minnesota, charlotte)
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hetalia-minnesota · 5 years ago
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((Redrew an old picture of Minnesota and her past selves
Old version from 2017: http://fav.me/dbb0p5y ))
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aph-wisconsinites · 5 years ago
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//some gay ass minneamadi??? minnmad? whatever the ship name for madison and minneapolis is???//
//usually they’re wearing glasses but they just woke up in this so yee//
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ifindus · 2 years ago
sorry if you’ve gotten this question before but what do you imagine america’s and norway’s relationship looks like?
((i grew up in the us south and remember a lot of people who were norwegian or from norwegian parents))
America tend to be very loud and might be a bit too much for Norway for a longer period of time, but he recognizes the good intentions and tolerates him. Norway definitively is much more mature than America, and sees him as this young country who became too powerful too quickly. But overall, I think they're pretty amicable and on good terms - though they might not hang out very often or at longer periods of time.
Norwegians are very 50/50 in opinions on America because we consume a lot of American media, tv-shows, movies etc., but at the same time... politics. And then most Americans haven't even heard of Norway, or at the very least is very confused about what/where it is. Talking to American exchange students in Glasgow, half of them forgot I was Norwegian and thought I was Swedish most of the time 😔 It's a bit of an inside joke in Norway that "Norway is the capital of Sweden, right?" is an American thing 😅
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gamer-logic · 4 years ago
2p America Headcanons
Wears a dog tag received from his version of Davie who died in their world's war. This is his most precious thing other than his bat and sunglasses and is almost never seen without it. It was once taken by Lutz in a prank and let's just say, Lutz was bed bound for a month.
Get him angry enough and he slips into a Brooklyn accent. Also gains a New Jersey accent when the show Jersey Shore comes on which he detests with a burning passion.
Hates the aforementioned show and will join New Jersey in burning every bit of merch/DVD/CDs they can find.
Dresses up as a villain on Halloween to freak out Alfred.
Has a fear of clowns following the 2016 killer clown fiasco but will never admit it.
Loves his Louisville slugger bat and just about brings it everywhere. Has since taken all the nails out since living with America and the states. No one knows how it's able to fit in his jacket.
Knows what happened to his world's Roanoke Colony but will never tell.
Since coming to the 1p world, he along with the rest of the 2ps, have gained the same up-to-date scars their counterparts have. Most notably, he has two long scars on his back (towers), one on his forehead hidden above his hairline (pentagon), and one on his back calf(Pennsylvania) from the 9/11 attack to mirror Alfred.
Is surprisingly really good at horse riding and can lasso anything from yards away. This comes in handy when corralling states. Likes riding with Texas.
Doesn't know how to ice skate so Minnesota and Michigan helped teach him.
Extremely vulnerable to Hawaii and Alaska's puppy dog eyes despite his tough-guy image.
Makes sure to teach every kid baseball and joins New York at the Yankees games.
Often helps California with her vegan recopies and helps states like Kansas, Iowa, and Georgia grow their corn/peaches. Can actually cook because of this and Oliver's lessons as a kid, unlike Alfred who's tastebuds were ruined by Arthur.
Likes pranking other countries with the states.
Knows magic and helps tutor Lousiana and Massachusettes in their magic. (See my 2p America's Magic post for more info.)
Is really protective of the states and goes into papa bear mode when they're threatened.
Holds a grudge with Luciano and often terrorizes him.
Passed out when first introduced to Tony and still a little freaked out by him. interestingly, it's harder for him to believe in the concept of aliens than magic while it's the opposite with 1p America.
Loves taking care of the family whale, but will never admit to being a softie (He totally is).
Has a mouth on him and curses like it's going out of style. Censors himself rather creatively around the states though.
Trusts Delaware and Virginia the most out of all the states to be responsible and not do anything stupid.
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hetaliaboyhalo · 8 months ago
I'll be honest I got not clue what wttt is. But I keep seeing your posts and it's bringing back memories of having state OC's on hetalia amino and roleplaying with them like Barbies with my other friends I'm having the time of my life here.
It's also funny bc there was a notorious person with a Minnesota oc so every time I see it in your posts I get like the uncontrollable urge to get mad at whatever WTTT Minnesota is saying
wttt 🤝 hetalia
personified places, silly political events with only occasional seriousness, four min episodes that would lose their magic if they were any longer.
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simple-persica · 3 years ago
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So for the stream, I found a massive OC prompt list and randomly chose from my states to use for it. Here are some of the prompts I drew XD
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These were so much fun and there are a handful more prompts to pick from! Maybe I'll do them for another stream.
Thank you to everyone who showed up and participated! It was lovely!
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years ago
Ice Sisters (Alaska and Minnesota)
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Alaska and Minnesota can handle winter better then anyone else. They especially loved to go ice skating or play a round of hockey. But the best part is when they hang out together cuddle up and cozy in Minnesota's home with some warm hot chocolate and cookies. And of course their pet's lapine, los', and ulv tag along. 🐰⛸❄🏒🌨☃️🐺
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angelthefatal · 1 day ago
New Chapter!
Summary: "Why did he exist?" Peter thought. "Why did they all exist?"
The Micronations are all a bundle of joy and mischief to the normal eye, but unfurling reveal that there is something more going on in their smiley facade. Are they just sad and frustrated, or does someone have malicious intent and is using the micronations? And what does this mean to the nations? Just what was going on with those kids…….
And most importantly, what were they searching??
Characters: Sealand (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Seborga (Hetalia), Kugelmugel (Hetalia), Hutt River (Hetalia), Molossia (Hetalia), Ladonia (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Nevada (Hetalia), USA States (Hetalia), Oblasts of Russia (Hetalia), Regions of Italy (Hetalia), States of India (Hetalia), Prefectures of Japan (Hetalia), Minnesota (Hetalia), Michigan (Hetalia), Lombardy (Hetalia), Apuila (Hetalia), Tuscany (Hetalia), Kaliningrad Oblast (Hetalia), Republic of Karelia (Hetalia), Leningrad Oblast (Hetalia), Punjab (Hetalia), Sikkim (Hetalia), Nagasaki (Hetalia), Fukushima (Hetalia), Westphalia (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Vienna (Hetalia)
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Mjgf jt b Esfbn, Efbui jt Bxblfojoh -Mfp Upmtupz
"Iwt aphi tctbn id qt sthigdnts xh stpiw."
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