#hetalia 2p nordic 5
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theunderneath · 1 year ago
Part 1 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere 1p and 2p America with a darling that chooses 1p America? (headcanons / EDITED)
2p America and 2p Canada's reaction to their s/o getting badly hurt in a car accident (Headcanon /
2p FACE + 2p Romano react to a s/o who bruise easily (Headcanon /
Yandere Canada that is a Wendigo (One Shot /
Would the 2p's still drug/tie up/lock their darling in the basement if they were in a relationship with them willingly? Could they have a normal relationship even if they are Yandere? (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Canada/James Williams and his darling fucking up the people who hurt both of them in the past (Headcanon /
2p Allies scared their Darling so bad they punched them (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Prussia SFW and NSFW headcanons (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Nordics headcanon (
Yandere 1p Allies in love with a Darling who yandere for someone else (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p and 1p Japan (
NSFW headcanons for 1p Russia (
A sociopath darling with Allies (Headcanon /
2p Norway sharing a Darling with 2p Iceland (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p Russia and 2p America (Headcanon /
2p Prussia, 1p Canada, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 1p Japan that has a big tiddie goth gf Darling (Headcanon /
1p/2p axis with a cold-hearted/sociopath Darling (Headcanon
Yandere 2p Russia, 2p England, 1p America, and 1p Germany with a darling that rejected their marriage proposal because of superstition (Headcanon /
2p Russia do if his kidnapped Darling one night comes to his room while he was asleep and cuddled to him (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Italy headcanon (
Yandere 2p Italy's favorite outfits to put a fem Darling in (Headcanon /
The most sexual vanilla p2's (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia and 2p Prussia proposing to their Darling and they turn them down (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Spain headcanons (
What 5 2ps are most baby-hungry (Headcanon /
What 2ps would want a personal Playboy bunny (headcanon /
2p Italy kink headcanons (
2p Japan with a Darling that gets flustered when he speaks Japanese (headcanon /
2p Axis most taboo kinks (Headcanon /
Part 2
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Just Between Us Brothers
Day 12 - 457 words
They were in a far-off region of Norway that was part of the 2P world that consisted of rugged snowcapped mountains and tons of spruce trees. Not too close to civilization to be disturbed by some random stranger or so far in the backwoods that they would get caught in the slowly approaching incoming snow storm. But not so far away from each other that their anger they were feeling between each other could not be felt between the two siblings.
The other 2P Nordics knew that Loki and Egil would go off on their own together for hours at a time and do something with each other. As to what, no one knew. They never say where they were going, what they were doing or when they be back. And when they came back, they didn't say a word to anyone for hours on end.
             What no one realized that the two Nordic brothers’ mysterious excursions where to hide the fact that they were fighting and they didn't want anyone to interfere with them when they were. The spot they chose was their favorite spot to argue. The jagged snowcapped mountains reflected Egil's need power and intense personality; while the black spruce forests showed Loki's true darkness and deadliness that was the core of his very being.
             "You are insane!" roared Egil.
             Loki then coldly retorted, "I'm insane. I'm insane! Damn it Egil you're the one who keeps babbling about your constant obsession for 1P Washington for days on end! And here you dare call me insane. Oh, you are nothing but a fucking hypocrite!"
             Egil was annoyed by Loki stating that he was a hypocrite. Unlike his brother, he was faithful to the plan and the goals that Rapture gave the 2P Nordics when it came to the 1P world. Unlike Loki, to Egil anyway, seemed to doing the opposite as of late. "Don't you even care about our world dying and all of us being annihilated? The information that Rapture has been showing us and what 1P R’lyeh is doing is proof of that!"
             "Oh, the ones that say if we don’t stop Raya from summoning her boss awake to conquer Earth, that her boss will come to our world and destroy us too?" Loki snarked in mock surprise, "Sure whatever. You can keep pretending that you're that huge filmmaker to that woman who is clearly happily married to your 1P; and oh yeah, can I be our world’s equivalent to the Antichrist while we're at it? Because the role of the Antichrist seems to fit my personality better."
             "FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" was the last word Loki heard before he headed back to his car and leaving Egil in the woods with his own car.
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rae-does-stuff · 3 years ago
(2P!Nyo!) Nordic Horror Movie Night
Something lighthearted with my interpretations of the 2P!Nyo!Nordics because I love them.
Prompt: Free Day
AU: Nationverse
Human Names:
2P!Nyo!Denmark: Freja Densen
2P!Nyo!Norway: Hella Thomassen
2P!Nyo!Iceland: Ragna StyrsdĂłttir
2P!Nyo!Sweden: Linnéa Oxenstierna
2P!Nyo!Finland: Leka VïżœïżœinĂ€möinen
Hella set down the popcorn and put her hands on her hips, "Alright! Who's ready for the Nordic movie night!"
Freja raised an eyebrow, "We're having a movie night?"
Ragna mimicked her big sister's gesture of putting her hands on her hips except with more enthusiasm than necessary, "Exactly! And we're going to have a good time as a family! Together!"
There was an audible groan coming from Linnéa's side of the couch, "Really? We haven't had a good time as a "family" since..." Linnéa paused, "Ever."
Hella pouted, "Come on! It'll be fun!"
There was no response from Linnéa.
Ragna tugged on her sister's sleeve and whispered to her, "Big sister, if Freja and Linnéa aren't too excited maybe Leka could be!"
Hella hugged her sister tightly, "Ragna you're a genius!"
Hella called out to where Leka was sitting in a singsong, "Oh Leka~"
Leka simply glared at the Norwegian, not saying a word. The Finn rarely said anything to anyone unless they were another Nordic or someone she trusted.
Hella smiled, explaining the situation, Leka's glare never leaving her face.
Hella finished, "So? Thoughts?"
Leka finally spoke, "Will you leave me alone if I say yes?"
"Yes! I will leave you alone so well, it'll be like I'm not even here!"
Leka ducked under a blanket, "Fine. Now leave me alone."
Ragna let out a triumphant squeal, "This'll be so fun!"
However, Freja and Linnéa were not so keen on the idea. Well, Linnéa wasn't so keen on the idea, Freja was okay with the idea.
After some convincing, they got Linnéa on board.
That's when Freja posed a question no one thought of, "So what movie are we watching again?"
Oh these Nordics and their shenanigans.
I think I'll have to do Day 7 tomorrow, I hope that’s okay.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
- Rae
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shibaacy · 5 years ago
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Some 2p nordics and if the nordic is a yokai au sgsgsg
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keiksy-cake · 4 years ago
All Hetalia Fanmade Content Translated On This Page (click “keep reading”)
Updated 1/23/23
Other Links:
Hetalia S7 sub
USUK translator
cashapp, kofi
My Favorites:
Lunatic Blue
The Day You Killed Me (Rus and Liet)
Hand and Hand (Rus and NyoUkr)
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Another Side of Valentine's (GerIta)
Romano Can't Sleep
Holy Rome’s Visit
Impermanence (Prussia)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Lunatic Blue (1000/10 series, highly recommended!!):
Lunatic Blue 1
Lunatic Blue 2
Lunatic Blue 3
Lunatic Blue 4
Lunatic Blue 5
Lunatic Blue 6 
Lunatic Blue 7
Lunatic Blue 8
Lunatic Blue edit I made :>
Child America and Russia
Russia and the Axis
Hand and Hand (Russia and Ukraine)
The Day You Killed Me (Russia and Liet)
Your Cold Room (RusAme)
Ivan and Francis
Holiday (RusAme)
Jumping In A Pool (RoPru)
Running Away (Frussia)
Till Tomorrow (RusFin)
RoPru Short Thingy
So No Head? (RoPru)
The Outside World (RoChu)
Until Death Do Us Part
A Star
Left On Read (RusPrus)
Walks With Lithuania (RusLiet)
Finland Is Strange
Staying Together In The Cold (RusAme)
Happy Birthday Russia (RusAme, TW: trauma)
Get Up
The Revolutionary Trumpet (RoChu)
The Summit (RusAme)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Where Are You Going (RusAme)
Russia Is Dead (RusAme)
Liet & the Ferocious Taiga Bear
Unrequited Love (RusAme, RusLiet)
Good Friends (liet)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
A Special Feeling
False Thorns Preview
Another Side of Valentine's
GerIta Prison Date
Can't You Be More Like (2p!GerIta)
Holy Rome’s Visit
Pasta Baby
Caught In The Rain (gerita)
GerIta Friendship Song
I Want To See You (HRE/GerIta)
The Voice Of God (hretaly)
Romano’s Blessing
Prussia (&hre?):
Das Blut fur Liebe (Child Germany)
Pomeranian Prussia
Prussia's Awesome Album
Prumano Pocky Game
Prussia’s Pumpkins (prumano)
NyoHre Bullying NyoPrussia
Prussias Military Uniform
The Strongest Country In The World (preview but really good!)
Impermanence (Prussia)
Telling A Lie (Prumano)
Prussia’s Nendroids
Welcome Back (PruSpa)
PruHun Pancakes
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Shochu (Japan, Ger Bros)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
Prost Mit Pancakes (hre, germany, germania)
SpUK Lost At Sea
The Countries Feel That Winter Has Come
The Moon Is Beautiful (Japan and Tai)
TurGre Doujin
Nekotalia Axis
Nanakusa (AsaKiku)
RoBul Punishment
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Italian Brothers Fall In A Hole
Spamano Mid-Birthday
AngloSaxon 1
Ricetta (Romano)
Attachment (FrUK)
AsaKiku Youkai
Tomato & Port-san
Ranting A Bit To Germany (kinda gerpan?)
Japan & Belgium 150th Anniversary
School Classmates LietBela
Romano Can't Sleep
Refracting Circuit (Nyo!AusHun)
Queen Of Hearts (iggy)
Flowers For Belgium
Bel’s New Boyfriend
Tomato Toothbrush
Sesame Latte (Spamano)
Bel’s New Ribbon (SpaBel)
Spain and Germany
Don’t You Hate Being Here? (lietbel)
Near Your Limit (lietbel)
The Baltic Duo
Latvia’s Imagination
What Is “Goen”? (japan, russia, ame, iggy)
Summer Vacation (Spamano)
Quarrelling As Usual (ame & iggy)
Blooming Withering Flowers (Japan)
Smorgastarta (Nordics)
Delivering Chocolates To Russia (baltics/bela)
Romano’s Blessing
FACE At The Doctor
Hey Toris! (liet)
SuDen Comic 
SuDen Comic (Pt 2)
You’re Absolutely Right (japan)
Germany and the Kagamines (vocaloid crossover)
The Cold Rain Will Soon (aushun)
I Wish You Happiness (joan of arc)
Hetalia Art Logs:
Haruki Chise Log (mostly fruk)
Ristuka Frapan Log
Lac Russia Log (tw)
Lac Russia Log 2
Takibi RoPru Log
IchiAno Log (mostly tomato)
Touna Log (mostly lithuania)
Manatsu Log (mostly spain)
Kusao Log (mostly italy)
Kobu Log (hre, italy, prussia, japan)
Random Log
Kobu Log 2
Random Log 2 (russia)
KumaChan Log 2 (russia)
Mijiokane Log (mostly fruk)
Other fandoms:
Steven Universe’s Christmas
Kokichi Mask
Kokichi Ouma Murder Case
Other languages:
Ivan & FrancisÂ đŸ‡»đŸ‡ł
Frapan Log  đŸ‡»đŸ‡ł
Cold Cradle  đŸ‡»đŸ‡łju
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hetaaliajunk · 8 years ago
Muns muses:
The Nordic 5! and both Romanos (This includes 1p and 2p)
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aph-nordic-5-rp · 4 years ago
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Hello, welcome to my Hetalia Nordic 5 RP account I made this account because I was bored and looking for more people to role play with I muse all the Nordics, Nyo and 2ps including I'm chill with almost anything shipwise and roleplay plot-wise unless it is p********** or in**** other than that I'm pretty chill with a lot of things I hope you enjoy my account and role play with me my DMs are opened and the role plays opened!
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disaster-fruit · 5 years ago
Requests Guidelines
With my semester finally finished, I decided I can go back to taking requests. However, I will be more selective about which ones I’m gonna take this time, since I only have one month before my next semester starts and I have lot of projects going on that I also need time to dedicate, like my Paraguayan War fic, my Brazil askblog and also a lot of lusofam/African hetalia art I’m working on. Here are some guidelines to what requests I will probably take and which ones I will ignore. These aren’t rules, just suggestions (so feel free to ask for stuff I didn’t mention, the worst that can happen is me ignoring your request):
1.Please try to request ships and characters you know I like and am interested in. I used to get a lot of random stuff and I did them bc I wanted to make everyone happy, but I only have so much time in my hands and I would like to dedicate to things that are fun to me personally.
Characters I like: Eastern Europe, South America (latin hetalia), Lusofam (Portuguese speaking countries), East Asian famly.
Of course there are exceptions to this, especially when it comes to ships (like I care abt Nedport and engport even tho I don’t particularly care about England or the Netherlands, PruIta and SwissAus are some of my favorite ships, and I like HongIce even tho I can barely tell the Nordics apart), so its ok if you request characters I didn’t mention, since I can’t possibly list all characters and ships I will draw.
Wont draw  (most of the time): Het ships. I am allergic to every single one of them. Greece. Germany. The Nordics. Also popular ships I don’t like and will ignore, fyi: usuk, gerita, spamano, sufin, any spain ship.
2. For art memes and challenges I reblog, make sure to request poses/expressions/palettes/prompts that haven’t been requested yet. It defeats the purpose of these things if I’m just drawing 5 different ships in the same pose.
3. Feel free to request tutorials, art tips, and anything like that.
4. Don’t request group pictures. Limit the request to something with 3 characters max. (exception: mercosur bc I love them)
5. No 2p and no nyo characters.
6.  About OCs: you can request anything involving latin hetalia (community ocs with their respective creators) and my ocs/ocs I designed (lusofam). If you want me to draw your ocs, then I ask you to DM me to discuss an art trade, instead of sending a request
I am open to Art Trades and Collabs with other artists, regardless of skill level, so if you’re an artist (or a writer! I’ve traded art for fics before and it’s fun), feel free to DM me! For trades I am more willing to bend some of these “rules” and draw things i normally wouldn’t. 
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aphalleos · 5 years ago
Updated rules!
RP rules have been updated. Please check them out at:
For you people on mobile, I have them below the cut.
0. I WILL NOT ROLEPLAY SMUT WITH ANYONE UNDER 18. This should go without saying. I will ask you for your age if it is not apparent anywhere on your blog. If you lie to me about your age, the RP will be terminated and you will be blocked. I will also not RP smut with characters who are minors. 1. Please try to match my reply length. I have 10+ years of RP experience. I am literate-advanced literate! 2. Please do not dictate my muses. I feel like this should go without saying, too. However, if there is something specific you would like to see happen, and you could potentially see my muse reacting in a certain way, please feel free to tell me! 3. Please be aware that I am not always available. I am a student in the Netherlands, and I do have a share of other RPs going on both on and off Tumblr. Please remind me of an RP if it has been at least 72 hours since my last reply. If I am going through a busy time I will do my best to notify you. 4. Please do not interact with my RPs if you are not part of them. This is just kind of a pet peeve of mine. It's okay to read through it, but please refrain from even liking the posts. 5. Let me know if... - You would like to see something potentially happen in the RP - If you would like to end the RP - If you would like to start a new one I won't be mad! I prefer it if my RP partners are forward with what they want/see happening. I am always open to ideas. 6. I prefer only to interact with other Nordics. I'll be honest, I only like Hetalia because of the Nordics these days. Because of this, I am semi-selective. I am willing to consider other characters, including OCs! You must provide a thorough, detailed bio of an OC. 7. Canon AUs only. 2p, 3p, Gutters, things like that, are all AUs I wish to avoid. I simply do not vibe with them and I never really liked the 2ps as it is. Nyo!Nordics, although not necessarily canon, are okay (as they at least have official designs). 8. 18+ ONLY: Regarding NSFW headcanons for my muse If you would like to see my muse's NSFW headcanons, please feel free to send me a DM. Again, I will ONLY disclose NSFW headcanons with people who are 18+.
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hetalia-tlw · 7 years ago
Hetalia: The Lost World Part 3
“So you basically cursed Iyong ju, because he killed his own brother” said Oliver. “Yes I did. In fact it didn’t took long for Iyong ju to realize what I did to him, that he managed to gain his independence from Ivan” said England. “So he when did he actually discovered the curse?” asked Oliver. “I really don’t know when, but during this time, I managed to go back into South Korea to find some clues in Yong Soo’s house. I did find some blood on the floor of his living room and did some sampling. It turns out that the moment when he slapped Iyong ju on the face, Iyong ju managed to give the poison to his own brother” said England. “You mean Iyong ju gave Yong Soo the poison by having it rub from his face to his brother’s hand” said Oliver while figuring it out. “Apparently yes” said England.
Before England can say anymore, a timer went off and Oliver went over to the oven. “Oh, my cupcakes are done! Now let’s see what condition these cuties are in” he said. Oliver took out his cupcakes just to find that there’re fine. He then carried the tray with him down the basement stairs, as England follows him. England kept following Oliver until he reached the same room where they left Roland. “Uh lad did you just followed me?” asked Oliver while he turned around thus surprising England.
“Uh, yeah I just did. Tell me where’re you going with those cupcakes and why” said England. “Oh I was just coming down here for feeding time” said Oliver with cheerful look. “Feeding time? Let me guess, you’re feeding 2P Austria cupcakes?” asked England with his arms crossed. “Yeah you got that right, poppet” said Oliver while turning back around to open the door and going inside, with England going in after him. “Lad can you do me a favor? I would like some help to removing that handkerchief off his mouth” said Oliver. “Fine! I’ll help you” sighed England in defeat.
England then went over to Roland to remove the handkerchief that’s covering his mouth. “Argh! Finally it’s about time zhat I can talk again!” said Roland in excitement. “Since you’re so happy, it’s your feeding time” said Oliver smiling. “Feeding time? Zhanks but I’m not hungry for cupcakes, I’m hungry for pizza” said Roland. “Now now Roland, you are hungry and you need something better than pizza” said Oliver. Before Roland could anything else, Oliver was pulled by England.
“Uh Oliver just give it up there is no way you can give him cupcakes” whispered England. “Oh of course he will! Just watch, I’ll using my secret method on him” whispered Oliver with a sinister smile. ‘Did he just used a sinister smile? I’m not sure what my 2P would do to another person or 2P. However since he’s the opposite of me, what could go wrong? Who knows what he’ll do’ thought England as he watched Oliver walk over to Roland and stopping in front of him. “Now listen up Roland. I have been such a nice and caring person, since the day we first met. But there are some people who get on my nerves, especially when they turn down my friendly offers” said Oliver still keeping his smile, while England stands watching the whole scene unfold. “Now Roland, if you try to turn down my offer of cupcakes I’ll be forced to grab you by the base of your neck and with a knife, I’ll slice your throat till you bleed and I’ll start shoving cupcakes down your throat of your already dead body” said Oliver with a creepy smile and a venomous voice. “Okay, okay I give up! Not because I’m hungry, but I’m afraid of vhat jou’ll do to me!” yelled Roland while panicking.
“Now that makes me happy! Here, pick whatever one you want” said Oliver while holding out the tray in front of Roland. Roland is trying to pick one until Oliver cut in saying “Go on ahead poppet, pick your poison” “I’ll guess I’ll chose zhe red one, since it’s mein favorite color” said Roland. “Good choice poppet” said Oliver with a smile. “Actually I can’t move mein hand to grab it, so can jou give me a hand?” asked Roland while trying to move around proving his point to Oliver. “Oh of course! Here let me help you” said Oliver. Soon Roland finished his red cupcake that was made by Oliver, the next thing was both England and Oliver walking out of the room and were heading to the stairs.
“What was that weird atmosphere that I just witnessed?” asked England. “Oh that? Well it counts as your dark side and since 2Ps are created off of your painful and dark times, we even act as the opposites of your personality as a 1P” said Oliver. “When you were talking to Roland, was it true that you have been a nice person to the other 2Ps?” asked England. “Of course I was lad! I’m still am. but however when people turn down my offers to them, even though I was being nice and if they keep giving me a hard time, I’m forced to kill them, by either using a knife to slice their throats or but putting poison in their cupcakes” said Oliver. “Okay, I hope the red cupcake you gave to Roland wasn’t poisonous” said England. “Oh it wasn’t, but I was about ready to drive him into insanity” said Oliver.
“Okay then, if you need me I get ready for a world meeting” said England. “World meeting? I haven’t been to one for a long time. Is it okay if me and Roland tag along with you?” asked Oliver. “Wait
 what!? Hold on you just can’t-” England was about to finish his sentence, until he noticed Oliver doing the puppy eyes. “Fine, you guys can come with me. But don’t cause any attention on yourselves. Got it?” said England. “Why thank you! You’re too kind! It’s a deal! Let me go get Roland” said Oliver as he turned back around and quickly came back with Roland behind him. “Okay then, let’s go to the meeting” said England. “Yay!” yelled Oliver in excitement.
~Meanwhile With The Axis~
“And that’s our story” said Norway who was done telling a story to Germany, Italy, and Japan. “So you’re saying that North Korea just scared you to death when you saw him?” asked Japan. “Yes, he did. In fact he even scared Simon way too good” replied Sweden. “I-I wasn’t scared of him! What are you guys talking about? I was so awesome” said Denmark while standing up in a spotlight. “Oh yes you were. In fact you were so scared of him after he sliced your axe in two” said Finland. “Hey what are you doing!? Quit making a mess! If you
. ahh!” yelled Iceland.
“S-Sorry! I-a was trying to-a make-a pasta, but my-a fingers slipped when you-a scared me!” yelled Italy while trying clean up the mess. “Sorry Berwald about the kitchen even though I should clean it; however, it’s Simon’s turn” said Iceland. “What!? The king of the Nordics doesn’t do chores! Instead his royal and most trustworthy subjects do the cleaning” said Denmark while crossing his arms. “Technically kings also do everyday chores, they even do chores when it’s just their own privacy” said Sweden. “What!? So I’ve been doing chores during my conquering days!? How could I’ve not known!?” yelled Denmark in defeat. “Looks like somebody needs to go to the box of shame” said Norway.
“Seriously!? Do I have to?” asked Denmark. “Yeah you do. For only ten minutes so you can clean up the mess. Then it’s back to the box for about twenty minutes” said Finland. “T-Twenty minutes!? Well then I better get it over it” said Denmark while standing up and having Iceland lead him to the box of shame. “Japan ve need to go, ve got a vorld meeting” said Germany while looking at his phone. “Another worrd meeting? Who is it being run by?” asked Japan. “It’s by England. Verdammt, it better not be about France or America” said Germany.
Germany then went into the Nordic’s kitchen to get Italy and was surprised by the mess. “Mein gott, I need to teach Italy how to clean up after himself” said Germany. “No, not the pasta! Let-a me fix this-a bit” said Italy. “Italy! Ve need to go! Ve got a-” Germany was soon cut off by Italy who pulled out a white flag and started to wave it around saying “No no no! Don’t-a hurt me! I-a surrender!” Germany then made Italy turn around to face him and Italy then stopped waving his flag. “Oh, Germany! When-a did you-a get in-a here?” asked Italy. “Zhis isn’t zhe time to be playing games, Italy! Ve need to go, right now! Ve got a vorld meeting!” said Germany. Soon Italy, Germany, and Japan then left the Nordic 5 territory and are heading to the United Nations in New York.
~Meanwhile At The United Nations~
“So this is your United Nations headquarters? I like it” said Oliver while holding a rope to Roland. “I vas hoping it vill have a lot of shades of red” said Roland who was disappointed with the colors of the walls. “Anyway we’re almost getting closer to the meeting room. When we get there I want you to take a seat by the window” said England. “Isn’t there suppose to a lot of seats for every single country of the world?” asked Oliver. “There is. However, since a lot of countries aren’t around and some of them are dissolved there are a lot of empty seats” said England. “So if they are empty seats that belonged to countries that are dissolved or busy doing their own thing, then is it okay if we seat in them?” asked Oliver.
“Find you may. But you and Roland must be together so people won’t get confused” said England. “Okay, thanks” said Oliver as he and Roland found two seats and sat down in them. Soon all the countries came and sat down, even the Axis came along with the rest of the Allied Powers came (expect for America, cuz’ he’s late again). Canada who was one of first people to come in and went unnoticed sat down between Oliver and Roland. “Ello there lad! You must be Canada! Nice to meet you!” said Oliver while smiling at Canada.
 t-thanks y-you’re too k-kind. Wait
 Arthur you know me, so why are you saying that I must be Canada?” asked Canada. “Oh lad. I may be England, but I’m 2P England and my name is Oliver Kirkland. The gentleman next to you is 2P Austria” said Oliver. Canada then turned his head over to 2P Austria and waved a hello sign to him, which to his surprise he heard 2P Austria saying “Hallo zhere! Nice to meet jou! I am 2P Austria, but jou call me Roland Edelstein und I like rock ‘n’ roll” said Roland. Soon America then came in late, while trying to catch his breath. “Jou’re late, America! Vhy iz zhat?” asked Germany while looking at America who was sweat dropping.
“Hehe! Sorry Germany, I was just running from trouble and coming from McDonald’s. In speaking of which, I’m gonna chow down on this delicious Big Mac” said America while unwrapping a Big Mac and began eating it as he went to sit down. “Okay zhen vith zhat out of zhe vay, let’s get down to business” said Germany. France who got up without being asked said “I got a vhole lot of text messages from Arthur, some of zhem said 'bloody frog’ and vat vas zis about an old friend vho returned?” asked France. While everyone was talking about this, America was having a moment with himself.
“Damn it! The hero just got a whole lot of text messages from Arthur. Oh! What’s this? Holy crap, I gotta get going!” yelled America as he gotten a message from England to come to another world meeting. While America ran out of his house, cut through the woods to get to the United Nations (and McDonald’s) faster.
In the woods, America kept running, until he was suddenly stopped by a North Korean swat team. At first America couldn’t make out the flag design on their arms until he realized what country they’re from. America was about to say something until he was tackled to the ground by a mysterious person wearing a full black military uniform, that looks similar to Germany’s. While America was on the ground he yelled at the person who tackled him saying “Just who are you and why would you tackle the hero like that?” “Geuligo dangsin-eun geuleon na hante eotteohge silhaeng gamhi (And how dare you run from me like that)” said the man. “What? Umm
 dude I don’t know what you just said. Do you have a translator or can you please speak English?” asked America. Just after America finished talking a man with glasses came along with a woman wearing a military uniform.
“Well of course he has a translator and you’re even looking right at him. What he just said was in the language of Korean and he was asking you why were you running from him” said the man. “Uhh
 I was going to a world meeting and I’m even more late because of you guys. By the way can I get some names here?” asked America. “Well umm
 sorry about that. I am North Korea’s private translator and my name is Hyeon” said Hyeon. “I am North Korea’s leader and commander of the both North Korean army and swat team, but you may call me Chung-Cha” said the woman standing next to Hyeon. “Okay cool dude and dudette! I am Alfred F. Jones, but I’m known as the hero, but you may call me America!” said America with smile and giving a thumps up on the ground. “Hello America hero” said Chung-Cha with a stern expression.
“By the way who’s North Korea? I thought I heard Arthur saying that he dissolved” said America while giving a puzzled look. “Dangsin-I wi ui hananeun, dangsin-eun babo (The one who’s above you, you moron)!” yelled the man who’s atop of America. “Uh
 dudes I need some of that translation here” said America. “He just said that he’s North Korea and he’s the guy who tackled you” said Hyeon. “Oh you mean this guy who’s on top of me? Umm
 dude can you please get off? I would like to stand up now” said America as the man the did what he was asked/told and allowed him to stand up. America then got up and started to do superhero poses, as a form of checking his circulation.
“Geulaeseo migug eun hangug jeonjaeng e daehae alh-eun nalaleul gieog (So America remember the country whom you battled against in the Korean War)?” asked North Korea. “He asked if you remember battling against him during the Korean War” said Hyeon. “Well I do recall helping South Korea in order to stop North Korea, but I never knew who was the actual personification of North Korea” said America. “Geuleom dangsin eun yeojeonhi hangug-i jug-eossdaneun geos-eul deudgo gieog haneunga? Nuga geuleul jug-in geos gat-ayo? Geugeos-eun jeoleul haessada-eun jeoleul haessda, bughan (Well do you still remember that Korea died? Guess who killed him? It was me, North Korea)!” said North Korea. “He asked you if you remember getting a letter saying that Korea or also known as South Korea died” said Hyeon. “Well technically it was China who got the part that his own brother died. But it didn’t say who killed him” said America.
“Well you’re not gonna like it when I tell you who did it” said Hyeon, while bringing down his head and putting it back up in order to look at America. “You mean you know who killed South Korea? I don’t care who did, but at least I should know so I can give him something on his memorial plate” said America. “It was North Korea himself” said Hyeon as he looked away. “What? Why would you kill him North? Why would you kill South Korea?” asked America. “Iyu ui won-in-idoebnida. Annyeong amelika! Geugeos-i majimag i doel geos-ibnida e daehan dangsin-ui jag-eun segye hoeui leul jeulgil su (Cause for reasons. Goodbye America! Enjoy your little world meeting for it will be your last)” said North Korea. Before Hyeon could translate, North Korea did a hand gesture for his North Korean swat time to head back to North Korea.
Hyeon even got grabbed by Chung-Cha along with North Korea following behind them and his swat team taking different routes. “I’m glad that they left, but the hero feels bad of how they treat Hyeon. He seems to be a nice guy, but why does he work for the person who killed South Korea? Oh my god, I am definitely going to be super late! I need to get to the meeting before Germany kicks my butt!” yelled America as he started to run.
*Flashback Ends*
After America was done a moment to himself, he looked up just in time to see both England and France in a wrestling ring who both began fighting as a bell dinged. “VHAT DID I TELL JOU TWO DUMMKOPFS ABOUT FIGHTING DURING ZHE MEETING!?” yelled Germany at the top of his lungs. “Sounds like someone needs a cupcake” said Oliver with a smile. “More like a punch in zhe face” growled Roland.
“Excuse me? Now zhat doesn’t sound very nice” said a Austrian voice. Canada, Oliver, and Roland looked over and saw Austria. “A-Austria!? H-how long h-have you b-been standing there?” asked Canada. “Vell I’ve been here listening to jour conversation and I just vanted to know if England created zhis look a like of me” said Austria while pointing to Roland. “How rude! I have jou know zhat I’m perfection” said Roland. “Excuse me kind sir, I’m sorry that this lad has been trying to give you trouble. I’m sure it won’t happen again” said Oliver while smiling nervously.
“It better not happen again or else I’ll have resort into using mein anger to play on a piano” said Austria. “Vell zhen, I’ll be using mein anger into playing on mein awesome rock guitar” said Roland through clenched teeth. Austria then let out a angry grunt and walked away, while Canada was trying to find the regular England who was seen fighting in a wrestling ring with France. England managed to punch France so hard, that he flew out of the ring and came crashing down on Canada. “Finally, I’ve managed to beat up that bloody frog!” yelled England in victory, while Sealand who came unnoticed grabbed chips from the snack table. When Sealand turned to leave he was stopped Roland who said “Vell look vhat ve got here, a little boy stealing chips. How cute”
“Oi! Hey you punk rock reject, how dare you scare this child like that? Hey there little lad, are you okay?” asked Oliver who came behind Roland. “Yeah, I am. Hey, Arthur why are dressed up like that and since when do you care about me?” asked Sealand. “Oh lad, I may look like Arthur but I’m-” Oliver was soon cut short when England came and said “Sealand, what did I tell you about coming into the meetings and stealing chips?” Sealand then gave a confusing and questioning look, while looking at both England and Oliver. “I see you’ve met my 2P counterpart, Oliver Kirkland and yes I know, I just couldn’t keep both of them away from trouble” sighed England in defeat. “Both of them?” asked Sealand.
“Yes, I mean both Oliver and Roland” said England. “Roland is a 2P? If Oliver is your 2P, doesn’t that mean I have a 2P as well?” asked Sealand in excitement. “Well apparently you once did lad. Until the Great War came and nearly caused a lot of deaths. However, there are a few 2Ps left” said Oliver. “Speaking of which Sealand, Roland is Austria’s 2P counterpart” said England. “What he means lad, this is the punk rock reject, who’s standing right next to me” said Oliver with a smirk. “Vhy jou little
 jou are so lucky zhat I can’t put jou out of jour misery in front of zhis child” said Roland with his arms crossed.
“Uh okay. If you guys need me I’ll be swimming with the Nordics at the water park in Disney World” said Sealand before running off. “F-Francis!? C-Could y-you get o-off of me please?” asked Canada while France wakes up and gets off of Canada’s back. “Japan what’s that, aru?” asked China. “It’s a grassed rose. Itary found it in the forest” said Japan. “Ve~! I-a even showed it to-a both Germany and-a Japan. When it-a opened it was-a big surprise!” said Italy. “When it opened, we got shocking surprise from South Korea or how I rike to carr him Korea” said Japan.
“Really!? What did he say to you guys, aru?” asked China. “Werr he said that North Korea is back and has returned for unknown purposes” said Japan. “So North Korea came back for a reason that we don’t know, aru?” asked China. “Werr maybe we courd get more information if the rose opens up for a second time” said Japan. “Does Romano knows about this, because he currently grew afraid of North Korea during his rise, aru?” asked China. “Knows about-a what?” asked a voice.
Japan, China, and Italy turn there heads to see South Italy aka Romano. “Ve~! Romano! Do you-a mind telling us-a your experience with-a North Korea?” asked Italy. “What!? There-a is-a no way, that-a I’m-a telling you-a idotas about that-a bastardo. He’s-a worse than-a the potato loving bastard!” yelled Romano. “Vho are jou relating me to, Romano?” asked Germany who came behind Romano. “N-Nothing! Get-a way from-a me!” yelled Romano as he turned to look at Germany. “So I’m guessing zhat jou told China about South Korea?” asked Germany, while both Italy and Japan nodded in agreement.
“Yes, yes they did, aru” said China. “I suppose ve talk about zhis after everyone has left” said Germany. Soon after seven hours had passed everyone soon left the meeting, while the Allied and Axis Powers remained. “Say it’s getting late, ve should be going home now” said France before yawning. “There is plenty of leftover food on the table, da” said Russia, while standing next to the snack table. “Ello there everybody, how’s everyone doing?” asked Oliver who got on top of the table until he was dragged off by England.
 Arthur who’s that?” asked America while pointing at Oliver. 'Oh just great, someone just had to noticed’ thought England until Oliver said “Well I’m 2P England and my name is Oliver Kirkland” said Oliver with a smile. “Oliver? Vat kind of name iz zat?” asked France. “You bloody frog, I’ll have you know that Oliver is a popular boy name yet its barely used as a name in real life” said England. “Okay then who’s that?” asked America, while pointing at Roland. “That’s the rock punk reject 2P version of Austria. His name is Roland Edelstein” said Oliver.
“Quit calling me a reject, jou cupcake loving freak!” yelled Roland. “Okay then nice to meet you dude! Quick question: who’s that standing next to Francis?” asked America while pointing at Canada. “I’m Canada!” yelled Canada. “Who are you again exactly?” asked America. “Your brother!” yelled Canada. “Oh sorry about that dude” said America who then begins laughing.
“2P? What is that?” asked Japan. England then turned off the lights in the room and turned on a projector. He than placed a piece of paper in the middle. “This paper here is a list of the 2Ps, who were created after us. We are called 1Ps” explained England. Romano then raised his hand and asked “Excuse me? But why-a I am-a called Flavio?” “Well lad, it’s because your 2P calls himself fashionable and decided to name himself that” said Oliver.
“Also since 1Ps and 2Ps are different from each other, we have the same appearances and body shapes. However our personalities are different” said England. “So my 2P doesn’t call himself a hero?” asked America while giving off a sad expression. “Well yes. For an example: 1P England is serious and likes making scones, while his 2P which is me, is always so happy and loves to make cupcakes” said Oliver. “Since I’m 2P Austria, I like wearing punk leather outfits and I like rock 'n’ roll music, while my 1P wears fancy clothes and enjoys classical music. In speaking of classical music, I find my 1P so
. boring” said Roland while ending his sentence with a yawn. “So does my 2P rike to tark more, whire I don’t unress I have something to say?” asked Japan. “Well actually no lad, your 2P only talks when spoken to and when you walk by him, he doesn’t say a word but he thinks of something perverting” said Oliver.
“So my 2P is rike the regurar France. I show respect, but my 2P shows royarty” said Japan. “Does-a my 2P still likes-a pasta?” asked Italy. “Well he still does. However, unlike you being so nice and kind, your 2P is actually ruthless and mean” said Oliver. “WHAT!?” yelled Italy, while panicking and running behind Germany. “Also Germany or should I say 1P Germany, since you’re serious and a neat freak, your 2P well he’s sorta lazy and most of all messy” said Oliver. “Say vhat!? Does mein 2P like do anyzhing, like train or fight?” asked Germany.
“Well he does. He mostly sleeps all day, but still makes wurst, trains, and most importantly he still can fight with a AK-47” said Oliver. “I actually meant does he like fight in hand-to-hand combat? Zhat’s all I need to know” said Germany. “Apparently he can, unless he’s provoked or forced to. Otherwise he’ll fall asleep in battle” said Oliver. “Hmm
. zhat sounds pretty lazy to me. I’m surprised zhat mein 2P can get zhings done or else I’ll just have to kick his ass” said Germany. “There was a time that he was a heavy drinker and a smoker. In fact one time he was so depress, I caught him before he committed suicide” said Oliver. “Ve~! Why-a would-a he want-a to do-a that?” asked Italy while coming from behind Germany.
“Because he was suffering from loneliness” said Oliver. 'So mein 2P has been suffering from Einsamkeit?’ thought Germany 'I’m surprised zhat I didn’t zhink about doing zhat, till zhe day Italy und I became friends’ “Germany, Germany
. Oliver is-a going to-a tell us more about-a the 2Ps” said Italy while waving his hand to snap Germany back into reality. “2P Russia has been a quiet and depressed person after since the Soviet Union times. But however, he does have a brutal personality” said Oliver. “So you’re saying that my 2P and I both share the same tragic past, da?” asked Russia. “Yes I am. Moving onto 2P China, he is rude and mean unlike 1P China who’s nice and polite. In fact 2P China dislikes anything that’s cute” said Oliver.
“Well that sounds kind of right to be honest, aru” said China. “2P America calls himself even more superior than anyone and he’s a huge fan of baseball. He also calls himself the best gang member and street fighter” said Oliver. “I guess my 2P does kinda mentions that he’s a hero” said America. “2P Canada usually talks, but remains silent during a battle. He uses his quietness to sneak up on his victims and kills them without anyone noticing him. In fact he’s a huge hockey fan and often hangs out with 2P America. 2P Canada also has polar bear named Kuma, however Kuma is larger than 1P Canada’s bear” said Oliver. “So my 2P uses his quietness to kill people without them noticing him? I bet he isn’t even nice and polite to people who he crosses paths with” said Canada. “Hey you black sheep of Europe, vat about my 2P?” asked France.
“Stop calling me the black sheep of Europe, you bloody frog!” yelled England. “2P France is depressed and doesn’t wear fancy clothes. He is even a dangerous pervert and he has a lust for more love” said Oliver. “So my 2P has a bigger lust of more love zhan ze 1P country of love?” asked France. “Okay my lads, since I’ve told you about your 2P counterparts, what are you planning to do next?” asked Oliver. “Vell ve’re going to talk about a glassed rose zhat Italy found” said Germany. “Si! Here-a it is! Isn’t it-a beautiful?” asked Italy while putting the glassed rose on the table.
“Cool dudes! Where did you guys find it at?” asked America. “We found it deep in a forest. It opened up and it was unberievabre” said Japan. “It was a message from South Korea or should I say Korea, aru” said China. “Korea?” asked everyone who were all shocked. “It’s-a been-a long time since-a I heard about-a Korea” said Romano. While everyone was looking at the glassed rose and talking about Korea/South Korea, England noticed that America was staring off into space.
“Alfred, what’s wrong. It looks like you’ve seen a ghost” said England. “A ghost!? Why no Arthur, it’s just I ran into something when I was running late to the meeting earlier today” said America. “What exactly happened before coming to the meeting with a Big Mac from McDonald’s?” asked England. “Well I was running through the woods which is like a faster route to the meeting, I sorta ran into trouble. I tried to run away from a swat team, until a man tackled me. He then spoke in the language of Korean and he did had a translator with him, who told me that the man who’s speaking Korean says that he’s North Korea” said America. “What? You ran into North Korea?” asked England in shock. “Yeah I did, but it seems that you know him. So do you know anything about North Korea?” asked America.
“Well of course I do, because he was my former friend and ally. He was even the man that you were hanging out with and was responsible for ambushing me” said England. “You don’t mean
. that was the man I was hanging out with during my childhood?” asked America. “Yes, it was. Listen to me Alfred, the North Korea that you fought was once the older brother of Korea and was the capital Seoul. He was responsible for killing his own brother” said England. “I know he killed his brother, because he already told me. But he never told me how he killed him and we’ll never know to this day” said America. “You want to know how he killed his brother? Well I tell you how. He killed his brother by poisoning him through his hatred” said England. “What!? North Korea poisoned his own brother and did you really placed a curse on him?” asked America.
“Of course I did! But I didn’t bother to tell anyone. In fact I thought the curse killed him years ago” said England. “But even though that curse was suppose to kill him, he’s still alive to this day” said America. “But how can he still be alive!? There was someone who probably saved him, before the curse could kill him” said England. “Kesese~! Zhe awesome Prussia has arrived, just in time to party!” yelled Prussia as he came through the doors. “Wait Alfred, I think I know who probably saved North Korea from his own death” said England. “You do? So who is it then?” asked America. “Why are you such a bloody idiot at times? It’s obviously Prussia, just take a look” said England. Soon America and England were facing Prussia who made his way towards the snack table.
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hibernianbok · 7 years ago
Mobile Masterlist! ((Will update every 2 months))
Allies sleeping with their S/o
Axis at the zoo (+Romano & Prussia
Nordics with face masks
Tomato gang 4/20 blazin it
Baltic’s + Norway, Romania and Iceland sleepover
Baltic’s + Iceland, Ideal Partner
Baltic’s + Scotland & Australia Love at first sight
Nyo Axis dating head-canons
2p Allies music head-canons 
2p America Boyfriend Head-canons 
Netherlands, Denmark, and Thailand Lost the anti-gravity hair
Nyo Allies cuddles~
2p Germany and non-binary s/o
Baltic’s + America & Seychelles Perfect person 
Nordics Chubby s/o working out and doing exercise 
Axis raising a child together 
South Africa Dating Head-canons
Norway & Iceland’s sister makes a pun
England, Germany & Prussia dating head-canons 
Netherlands and an artist S/o
Romano’s sister being cat-called 
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Taiwan and China Dating head-canons
Allies being swamped with make-up
England, Spain, America and Norway’s child falling in love with their enemies child
Russia.Italy, Japan (+England and Germany) Fall in love Headcanons 
Germany meets a woman wearing Gothic military clothing
Japan’s s/o wants him to slice a watermelon with a sword
Nyo! Axis cuddle headcanons (Nyo!Romano + Nyo!Prussia included) 
Germany Sex Headcanons (NSFW)
Who would fall for a girl flirty in a nerdy but cute way (List)
Liechtenstein Girlfriend head-canons
France’s reaction to a pretty woman climbing the Eiffel Tower 
Germany’s reactions to a pretty woman poking him thinking he’s a bodyguard
China’s reaction to someone calling him a god
Norway, Denmark, France, England and Prussia with a Bohemian/Festival loving S/o
Italy’s Reaction to his S/o’s skirt being a bit too short
Germany’s reactions to having his younger states drinking
Germany’s reaction to a woman taking an interest in him
Spain, Prussia, Hungary and England’s reaction to their teenager making them breakfast when they’re sick
Germany’s reaction to a female friend collapses during training
England’s reaction to a girl with a pastel pink bob
Germany’s reaction to a little girl calling him “Mommy”
Prussia papa’s headcanons
Romano papa headcanons
Scotland Boyfriend headcanons
Scotland papa headcanons
Germany papa headcanons
Spain, Netherlands and Austria papa headcanons
Happy Birthday Canada & Hong Kong Headcanons
Prussia reacting to not being invited to a party for Germany
Axis (including Prussia & Romano) Reacting to their S/o never getting orgasm (NSFW) 
Happy Birthday America Headcanons
Germany’s reaction to a German woman forgetting about WW2
2p!Nordics cuddling headcanons
Italy’s reaction to his S/o freaking out in concerns to his sanity 
Scotland being broken up with
Scotland dying (Because Rommy Roo thinks hurting me mentally is fun)
Happy Birthday, Hetalia! (Headcanon for every country)
“How often do you play with yourself?” Germany/Italy/France/Canada’s reaction NSFW
China/Germany’s reaction to their S/o admitting they’re a virgin even though they made the first moves NSFW 
Prussia and Germany reaction to going to the future and seeing Borussia’s grave
Germany Boyfriend Headcanons
Happy birthday Liechtenstein headcanons!
Puerto Rico Boyfriend headcanons (With NSFW)
Axis playing chess with their S/o 
Scotland with a male S/o
2p!Sweden X 1p!Finland headcanons
Poland and Liechtenstein sleepover headcanons
Germany, Italy, America, England, and Spain reacting to a man telling them their S/o isn’t who they think she is
2p!Axis preferred type of S/o
Happy birthday France headcanons!
Germany’s reaction to his f*ck buddy liking kinky sex NSFW
China’s reaction to finding a purely communized  village 
Scotland’s wedding headcanons
Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain and France Papa headcanons
China’s reaction to his S/o telling him they were raised by their grandparents
Germany’s reaction to his photographer S/o wanting to take photos of him
Allies with an artist S/o that lacks inspiration  
Happy birthday Belgium headcanons
Germany, America, France, England and Japan’s reaction to seeing their Nyo!2p!
Germany, Italy, Romano, Russia and China’s reaction to getting an expensive gift from their child
Germany, Russia, America and France’s reaction to an 8-year-old saying they’re dating
Romano’s reaction to Italy’s girlfriend being a racist towards south Italy (him)
England and France falling in love with the same person headcanons
France, Prussia, and China reacting to finding their child crying (drunk) in the bathroom
Italy and Romano on social media headcanons 
Romano’s reaction to Spain’s flamingo dancing girlfriend actually being rather cold
Germany, England, Romania, Romano, and Spain reacting to a vampire child bitting them
Vaults and ghosts ((Scotland x reader fic))
Romano with a rebellious child part two
Pirate and NSFW Scotland headcanons NSFW
France’s reaction to his S/o’s parents wanting them to separate
Romania, England, Norway, Denmark and Prussia’s reaction to a lapdance NSFW
Nordic 5 papa headcanons
Happy birthday Switzerland headcanons! 
What 2p!England, France, and Greece look for in an S/o
Italy Bros with Nyo!Poland headcanons
Romano with a pregnant S/o headcanons
Happy birthday S.Korea headcanons!
How the American Bros would get back an Ex-S/o
England, Romano, Prussia, and Spain rasing a mermaid/merman child
America, Italy, Belgium, Spain, and Prussia helping their S/o when they’re on their  period
The past and Present ((Fanfic))
Happy Birthday Hungary headcanons!
Happy Birthday, Ukraine headcanons!
Happy Birthday Belarus headcanons!
Happy Birthday Moldova headcanons!
Nordics favorite thing that their S/o wears
Norway, England, Iceland and France Bff headcanons
Magic trio, France, and Bulgaria confession headcanons
AmeViet headcanons
How Iceland, England, France and the Baltics act around their crush
Platonic Ladonia x reader ((Minific))
Romano x reader ((Minific))
Sex with Spain headcanons NSFW
Awesome trio getting into an accident and having their S/o assigned to them
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hetalia-tinyworld · 8 years ago
May 13th conference
All times are EST 
11:30 - Introduction
12:00 - Bad Friends Trio: Spain: @roma-antiqua-vincit-mundum Prussia: @ask-aph-jules France: @ask-aph-francis
1:00 - British Isles: England:  @ask-cosplay-nyo-lithuania Scotland:  @awesomerevolutionarytomato Wales: @ask-the-welsh-dragon
2:00 - Nordics: Denmark: @ask-a-dane Sweden: @ask-the-lion-of-the-north Finland: @theonewiththefryingpan Norway: @ask-hetalia-norge Iceland: @ask-aph-jules
3:00 - Nyotalia: Nyo America: @ask-the-fabulous-polska Nyo France: @awesomerevolutionarytomato Nyo Lithuania: @ask-cosplay-nyo-lithuania
4:00 - Nyo Nordics: Nyo Denmark: @ask-a-dane Nyo Sweden: @awesomerevolutionarytomato Nyo Finland: @ask-the-welsh-dragon
5:00 - Frying Pangle: Austria: @awesomerevolutionarytomato Prussia: @ask-the-most-awesome-me Hungary: @theonewiththefryingpan
6:00 - Awesome Trio: Prussia: @ask-the-most-awesome-me America: @ask-burger-boy Denmark: @ask-a-dane
7:00 - 2P: England: @ask-the-irl-oliver-kirkland Ireland: @the-better-brits Wales: @the-better-brits
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germanysgooglehistory · 8 years ago
Mun: What are your top 5 favorite hetalia characters in order? (No ocs/2ps/nyos)
YOU CAN NOT ASK ME THAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAno but seriously i can’t answer that, i love them all too much. i can give you my 5 favourite groups though!1. The Nordics. (no i haven’t read Gutters nor DS yet)2. Magic Trio3. FACE4. Awesome Trio5. BTT
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Deeper Monsters
Day 12 - 424 words
"What is the condition of the patient?" asked the first doctor to the second one.
             "Alive; barely." Said the second doctor, "His spirit is broken, but it is alive never the less."
           Walking to Egil's room, the first doctor looked at Egil. Egil just looked at the doctor with a look of ice-cold hate in his eyes and started to give the doctor a deep angry growl.
             "When was this patient fed last?" asked the first doctor as he checked the straps that kept Egil in his hospital bed.
 Seeing a chance to escape, Egil took the opportunity to grab the doctor and bit off a finger of the first doctor and started to drink the blood from it.
 "Ah! My finger! That blasted psycho tore off my finger!"
             The second doctor then said, "The patent hasn't eaten in over two days. You should be more careful."
             "He is nothing more than a feral animal." Said the first doctor as he and the second doctor left to quickly reattacked the torn finger on the first doctor's hand.
             Seeing the two doctors leave, Egil whispered to himself, "Animal, am I? You fucking pricks have no idea what a feral animal is!"
             As the coast was clear, Egil did everything to quickly escape the hospital and return back to the 2P Nordic mansion as soon as he could. Tearing off the IVs and other things off of him and undoing all the straps, Egil hopped off the hospital bed and searched for his clothes. When he found them, he got dressed and snuck out of the halls of the hospital before finally running off to the closest portal to the 2P world he could find.
 Running he was just thinking about one thing and one thing only, ‘All doubts I had about myself have now left me. I have a focus now. A purpose and everyone will die in my wake if they try to stop me. I will leave the 1P Nordics a corpse of their former glory and the 1P world will be nothing but a long-forgotten myth. After I am done, nothing will be left but memories and destruction. My desires and the hunger from those desires are now unleashed an unquenchable; and I truly relish every dark moment of it. The cosmos is doomed and I am its destroyer. The dark demon whose heart is as dark as pitch and as powerful as a gamma ray burst
Then he said out loud, “I am Egil Steilsson and I am an unholy god!”
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Personal Brand
Day 11 - 1699 words
              It was very so often the Swede would go to a tattoo parlor and get his old Viking tattoos reinked. But it was rarer that he would get his Viking branding redone. Since he was a personification of a nation and had a practically immortal life, it would only mean not only tattoos, but branding would fade and heal with new skin. Berwald didn’t mind. To him it was a symbol of his past and national pride.
              Normal people would cringe if they saw someone with tattoos in the past, but not so much anymore, which tattoos being more acceptable. Branding on the other hand was less acceptable, unless you were a farmer or rancher, but he couldn’t say for the cows that got branded with various ranch and farm logos. But then again from personal experience, branding wasn’t that fun. In fact, it was extremely painful. More painful than getting a tattoo.
                It was around nine in the morning when both he and Urd walked into the tattoo shop. Both him and here were going to get tattoos. Urd was getting a new one, while he was getting touch ups on his Viking tattoos. But that wasn’t the only thing he was getting that day. He was getting his Viking brands redone as well. This actually concerned Urd, but she knew that Berwald knew what he was doing when it came to the branding.
The shop’s tattoo artists greeted them both with smile. Then one of them went to the counter and flipped the computer of people who had reservations and asked, “Do you have a reservation or is this a walk in?”
 “We both have an appointment. For 9:30am.” Berwald said.
 “Oxenstierna. One for Urd and one for Berwald.” The Swede said calmly.
 As the tattoo artist looked up the reservation she did a double take, she wasn’t sure if she was seeing it right. There were two appointments for an Oxenstierna, one for Urd for getting a tattoo. But the one that made the tattoo artist raise her eyebrows was the one for Berwald Oxenstierna for a touch up on not only a few tattoos but a branding as well.
This was unusual since people only get brandings once for one branding. Never touch ups. But when the words VIP special, call Karl was seen then it dawned on her. The only branding pro in the shop was old man Karl who was in his mid-50s, which meant one thing. The personification of Sweden was in the tattoo shop she worked at.
 Looking at her, Berwald asked, “Is there any problem with the reservations?”
 The girl shook her head and giggled. “Um
 no. So, it is going to be an all-day session today Mr. Sweden sir?”
 “Yes. And I hope Karl is available today. I need some touch ups.” Berwald said.
 sure. Let me check.” The girl said who got on her cell phone and quickly called Karl.
 Waiting for his fast food to be handed to him at the McDonalds drive threw, Kail picked up his cell and answered, “Hay, Karl here. What is it Fern?”
 “I got a Mr. Oxenstierna waiting for you here at the shop. He said he has an appointment with you for some touch ups on some of his brands.” Fern said with a nervous sound in her voice.
 When the words brands, touch ups and the name Oxenstierna was heard, Karl knew who exactly Fern was talking about. “Tell him I am on my way; till I get there, them get him some coffee and sweets, on the house.”
 “Got you Karl, bye.” Fern said as she got off the phone with him and looked at Urd and Berwald. “Just got a hold of Karl and he is on his way, until then do you want anything from the deli next door. On the house strait from Kail’s mouth.”
 Berwald looked at Urd who was getting hungry. Urd looked at him back, “Well I and the baby are hungry.”
 Nodding in both agreement and understanding, Berwald smiled. “Sure, let my wife go with. She knows what I want and all.”
 “Got it.” Fern said as she looked at the other tattoo artist, “Hay Max, going next door with Mrs. Sweden
 Urd cleared her throat, “I am the personification of the Norwegian island of Svalbard.”
 Fern blushed, “Sorry I mean Mrs. Svalbard to the deli next door. Karl is on his way. If you want to get to work on Mr. Sweden, go for it.”
 Laughing a little at Fern’s minor embarrassment, “Sure thing Fern. Have fun.”
 As soon as the two ladies left, Berwald was waiting for his turn to get his tattoos worked on before came over to brand him. “So can we get started?” Berwald asked.
 “Sure. So, you just need some touch ups on your Viking tats huh. Well, let’s get started.” Max said with a smile as he got his equipment prepped.
 Meanwhile, Fern and Urd walked to the deli and in as they saw a line but since Berwald was going to take all day, they figured they could take their time waiting in line. But little did they know Thurston was waiting for his coffee that he ordered earlier. He was shocked to see Urd and when he heard Urd and Fern talking about Berwald getting his tattoos and brands touch up.
This was a boon for him. He wasn’t expecting to bump into Berwald anytime soon during his current trip to Stockholm, but here he was in the best position to spy on the Swede and report on him to Rapture. Clearly, she would give him something like some extra money in his pockets. But then if he didn’t get any money. Just to impress Rapture in any way was a worthy goal for the 2P Fin.
As soon as Urd and Fern got their drinks and food, Thurston waited for them to pass before he carefully slipped a recording device in Urd’s perse. As soon as the ladies left the deli, Thurston turned on the recorder and started recording everything he could during Berwald’s tattoo session. There had to be something that would be heard that would be of some significant to Rapture’s plans.
 “We got some coffee and some doughnuts sweetie. And I got myself a breakfast sandwich. The baby needs to have a healthy meal.” Urd said.
This surprised Thurston, he was unaware that Urd was pregnant with Berwald’s spawn. When Bernard was captured by Berwald and Urd he never said anything about the Svalbardian being pregnant. Maybe she wasn’t showing. Hell, he couldn’t tell if she was pregnant or not. So that would be understandable. But with Urd being pregnant, it wouldn’t pass him Rapture would be interested. Double hell, he wasn’t passed kidnapping or even sudden early C-section surgery if Rapture asked him too.
 “Good, after what happened last week, I don’t want our baby under the weather when they get born.” Berwald said to Urd.
 Thurston raised an eyebrow. ‘What the fuck happened last week to Urd?’
 “What happened?” Max asked as he started inking Berwald’s back.
 “Well, you know strange brake ins and the scary clown thing going on, well we found a prowler that broke into the house and hiding in the closet of the new baby’s room. In a clown outfit no less.” Urd said in frustration as she took a sip of hot tea.
 “That is terrible, thank god you didn’t have the baby yet. So, what happened? How did you know he was there?” Fern asked as she walked back behind the counter next to the cash register.
 “Well, Berwald was installing the new baby monitor when he noticed the door to the balcony in the baby’s room was open.” Urd said.
 “Yep, and decided to check the security cameras inside the house since the last person up in the baby’s room was me. So, when I spotted moment in the baby’s room, and Urd and the boys were in the kitchen carving pumpkins I decided to grab my gun and brought the wolves into the house.” Berwald said calmly as his tattoos were getting done.
 “Wolves? You’re joking right?” Fern asked.
 Urd and Berwald shook their head and said, “Nope. We have guard wolves on the estate.”
 The look of concern on Thurston’s face when he heard this only made his stomach turn. Did this current housing break ins and the scary clown rage cause Berwald to be that paranoid to getting his home protected or was it the fact that Bernard had something to do with Berwald’s overprotective behavior as of late.
 “Oh; what happened next?” Max asked as they saw Karl walk in.
 “Well, the wolves started sniffing and cornered the guy in the closet as I called the cops as I followed the wolves. And when I opened the closet door to the baby’s room I aimed my gun at the guy, while the wolves were growling at him.” Berwald said.
 Urd continued the story, “Well I was confused but Ber said if there is a knock at the front door it would be the cops and tell them I went upstairs, so sure enough the cops knocked on the door and I let them in and pointed to upstairs.”
 “Well, the cops came upstairs and found me pointing my gun at the guy in the closet and they arrested him, handcuffed him and took the creep downstairs and out to the cop car and asked if I wanted to press charges and I course I said yes.”
 Karl was in shock, “I did here about this guy in a scary clown outfit being arrested for breaking and entering one of the nicer mansions in town, didn’t think it was your place.”
 “Yeah, it was. But at least I am keeping my home safe for my family.” Berwald said as he looked at Urd, “And she called me paranoid.”
 Back at the deli where Thurston was sitting, he was shock as hell. Then he told himself, ‘I got to talk to the scary clown that broke into Berwald’s house. He owes me and Rapture answers.’
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Day 7 - 1836
              It had been a while since he started with Robin and Emil. It wasn’t hard to convinced them to let him stay since he did an excellent job helping them with their son Agnar, who kept calling him dada. But he didn’t mind. In fact, the 2P Icelander liked it. Much to Emil’s annoyance. The little baby couldn’t help it really. There was two men that looked exactly alike in Agar’s eyes and both of them looked like the man he recognized as his father.
              So, Emil couldn’t blame his own son for not knowing the difference between him and his look-a-like by any means. The only true difference was the color of the hair and eyes. Egil’s hair was brown like Robin’s while his was platinum blond and his eyes were violet which Egil’s being red. But even then, it was hard to tell the difference. For all Emil knew, that Egil was really Agnar from the future to time travel to see his parents of some other strange thing.
                Robin on the other hand enjoyed Egil’s company. He was kind, charming and very sweet. As well as great with Agnar. It made things easier for her with Egil around. She and Emil were able to get their government work done in half the time and someone was always watching out for Agnar while both of them were busy, even if one of them was working at home. Which tended to be Emil more than anything.
              It was during this time that Robin showed him around various important places in her state so Egil would get a good idea what to film and what to avoid. Which helped Egil greatly and he thanked her for helping him out with everything. From helping around the house and taking care of Agnar when her or Emil couldn’t, Egil was a god send.
                Or so Egil have them believe. He didn’t think he would luckily be living with them as he did his real work, which was watching Robin and keeping her at bay while the other 2P Nordics did their work for their mysterious benefactor. He would occasionally leave the house to go exploring as he told them, but in reality, he was just going to meet with one the other 2P Nordics to exchange information and such.
              He would either say was going out to the bar for a couple drinks or doing various research for the movie if it was during day time. Which they believed and let him do. Egil wasn’t sure if these to were just too stupid to know what was going on right underneath their damned noses or to damn busy to the point to be blinded to the truth. Either way was good enough for Egil.
                But as the days passed, Emil started to notice something about Egil, he was getting a little to damn close to Robin for his own good. Something told the 1P Icelander to watch out for this mysterious dopple of his and keep track of anything that might be enough out line. One small move or one wrong proposal for anything of a sexual manner the Egil made toward Robin, Emil would have to put his food to and probably his foot up Egil’s ass too.
              And from what Emil have been seeing, that his dopple was to slick and sly to have Robin see. Same with him at first. But some sixth sense kept telling Emil to watch out for Egil. Maybe it was the slowly increasing number of nightmares he had been having as of late. All of which had the same theme of Egil seducing Robin and convincing her to divorce him to only marry Egil and run away with him taking Agnar with them. Each dream worse than the last.
              It was to much for Emil to take and he had to do something, so he had to spy on their so-called house guest. He knew Robin wouldn’t forgive him for being such a creeper to Egil, but he was right he would at least have a chance to get rid of his companion. But if he was wrong, he will admit he was an asshole but Emil would rather admit himself being an asshole for being wrong instead of being right.
                Emil followed Egil one night to a bar and was watching him as the 2P Icelander made a phone call on his cell. “Here Bernard. Got the goods? Good. I got stuff to tell you and the others. I hope it helps because it is getting to me being at that place.”
                ‘Bernard? Goods? Stuff to tell the others?’ Emil thought to himself as he over heard Egil at the bar where he was sitting in a booth hiding from his 2P. ‘What the hell is this guy really up too?’
                “Yeah, it isn’t Robin or her kid Agnar that is driving me nuts. The kid is wonderful to be around and as for Robin, got I would love to tap that ass. But the only thing standing in my way is that damn blasted 1P of mine. If I could get rid of him, I would have Robin and Agnar all to myself. The dumb ass doesn’t deserve her or the kid. I do!”
                Emil’s eyes widened as the pit of his stomach dropped. So, he was right. Egil wanted to get him out of the equation and take his wife and child away from him. But a few things didn’t add for him. Why was Egil calling him his 1P and what was he trying to get from this Bernard guy. He clearly had to find out and soon, because this was getting strange.
                “How is Felicia doing? Oh, she did, did she? Good I knew that if I sent her to you, she would get the experience she needed in the film industry. Yeah, I know I am the better actor out of the four siblings, but she is gorgeous and very eager to learn. Even if her first acting jobs in film is being a porn star.” Egil said to Bernard.
                Emil almost spit out his Coke when he heard Egil say that. ‘He sent his sister to get a job in acting in the porn industry and this Bernard guy is some sort of smut peddler. Oh god. That is the last thing I want or need Robin and Agnar exposed to. The darker side of the film industry.’
                “Oh, really now, he first film debut is her getting her cherry popped by you. Awesome. That would skyrocket her to fame overnight. Especially since the guy doing the deed is the biggest porn star in all of Stockholm Sweden.” Egil said casually to Bernard.
                ‘I didn’t need to hear that. Not now, especially under these circumstances. My marriage is on the line and here the guy staying with use is BFFs to a damn smut peddler and a porn star. Great.’ He swallowed his soda hard with one galp, ‘My instincts about this guy were right on the money. He is very bad news. I got to find a way to stop him from getting any closer to Robin.’
                “Yeah, I will meat you at the overpass next to the park-in-ride on 14th Avenue South East. Yeah, next to Watershed Park. Be there in fifteen minutes, need to take a piss and pay the bill before I go. Okay see ya Bernard.” Egil said as he hung up and kept finishing his drink.
                This was more than enough time to motion for the waitress for the bill and pay for it and slip out before Egil spotted him. As soon as Egil left the bar to go to the restroom, Emil sped out to his car, started it up and headed to 14th Avenue South East park-in-ride and hide out in a good place and watch what Egil was going to and figure out who this Bernard guy Egil was talking to on his cell phone was.
He looked around for a good place to hid his car and follow Egil when he did show up to meet Bernard. When he found a space to hide, he stayed there. The first car to show was Egil’s which was good since it would make things easer for Emil to record the interaction between Egil and this Bernard guy. Then a second car came. Soon a very tall looking man that Emil couldn’t recognize, came out of the second car with a briefcase and walked to Egil.
“Heh Bernard.” Egil said shaking Bernard’s hand. “You got the goods?”
 “Yeah, I sure do.” Bernard said opening the briefcase. And inside the brief case was money, documents, some kind of cases and a hand gun. “I hope this will help you. Why the hell do you need the gun for?”
 “Oh, just to get rid of the competition and to use as a needed threat if needed.” Egil said looking the gun over.
 Raising an eyebrow, “You mean Emil? Like Robin will fall in love with you if you hurt, let alone kill her husband.”
 Emil swallowed hard. Was Egil that desperate to get Robin that he would go and kill him? ‘Good fucking luck asshole, I am immortal.’ Emil thought to himself.
 “No, I mean the other competition. No damn gangs, corrupt politicians or mafia people are going to stop our plans for this world. Especially here. You know damn well that this state is of major significance to our mysterious benefactors plans. If our boss wants them gone, then I am happy to oblige her. As long as I get what I want in the end, I don’t give two shits what happens.”
                “Just be careful. What is in the two bags are nasty but delicate things. All the instructions for their use are in the files here.” Bernard said as he saw Egil but the gun back in the briefcase and close it.
                “Did the boss lady tell you or the others about what the good do?” Egil had to ask.
                Shaking his head Bernard said, “Nope all I was told was to hand them to you and to tell you the instructions for use are in the files. Nothing more, nothing less.”
                “I see. Well then. Thanks Bernard and tell Felicia I said hi.” Egil said as he took the briefcase and walked to his car.
                “Will do bud, will do.” Bernard said as both men got into their cars and soon left.
                Turning off his recoding device from his cell, Emil felt more confused. Egil and this Bernard guy seeing the mafia, corrupted politicians and gangs in Washington state as companion? Strange stuff in bags with instructions for use? And a mysterious female benefactor? What the hell was going on?
                “Either I just walked into the Twilight Zone or there is something major going on that the others have to know.” Emil said as he sat in his car and started to think.
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