#hes the punching bag oc the creators put him through so much....
xaytheloser · 5 months
The Sinner's and the Saint
The beast's relations with Bengin Butter Cookie (oc x canon lore, aka, doomed polyamory /silly)
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Knowledge, Volition, Happiness, Change, Solidarity... and Benevolence, these virtues where imbued into the six ancient cookies, as the witches trusted them with the sacred virtues, in hopes of the dessert world would maintain a constant state of peace and prosperity... Benign Butter Cookie Remembers the good old days.. the times she laughed and watched Shadow Milk Cookie perform his iconic shows, as he takes pride in making her crack a smile even if she had an awful day. she remembers Mystic Flour Cookie, who showed just as much compassion as she did when aiding the common cookies of Earthbread, she was a passionate ancient through and through.. she remembers Eternal Sugar Cookie, and how she and her used to laugh and play in their free time, sitting calmly on her cloud, looking upon the glittering horizon.. she remember Burning Spice Cookie, as she took great joy watching him train to get stronger day by day, clapping and cheering for his growth as a virtue... and Silent Salt... while they spoke few words, their compassion for the cookies of Earthbread was clear, as they would show great care of the cookies of Earthbread, no matter the circumstance...
Oh, how power corrupts..
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Shadow Milk, who now cackled in sinister glee as he used the innocent cookies of Earthbread as mere toys for his sick entertainment.. as he played gruesome shows to his comrades.. and Benign Butter Cookie.. whose face now showed horror instead of joy like she once had...
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Mystic Flour could now care less for such insignificant speck of dough that weren't her comrades, as they now viewed herself as a godly figure, she was granted powers for far greater use than protecting the useless cookies of Earthbread.
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Eternal Sugar Cookie, who was now to tired to put effort into anything but commute with her fellow ancients, and even then, she barely lifts her head up from her pillowy cloud.. as she smites anyone who disturbs her alone time..
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Burning Spice to great joy in the suffering of the weak little cookies he terrorized... he viewed them as new targets to get stronger, just mere punching bags to play with..
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and Silent Salt.. they saw no point in saving cookies anymore.. only cutting them down, crumbling them without hesitation as if they were no more than insignificant grains of flour... Bengin Butter Cookie could not stand watching her once beloved comrades fall under their own strength..
And so she helped her godly creators seal them away..
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Shadow Milk pried at the bars at his cage, reaching out for Benign Butter as he yelled for her to save him... took look at him! there no actual way she would do this to him! ...right..?
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Mystic Flour was surely shocked when her forked cage fell onto her.. thought she did not show surprise.. she knew that Benign Butter was still blinded by her faith in the gods that she might have had no choice but to trap her comrades if they so wished... Silent Salt could not bare to lift their sword at Benign Butter.. her expression looked.. so sad... and full of regret.. that they just couldn't do it..
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Eternal Sugar was waken up by the sound of chains ratting against her newly established cage, as Benign Butter was on the other side of her cage.. her head lowered down as she ignored Eternal Sugar's pleas to let her out..
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Burning Spice was full of rage... not at Benign Butter, oh no... at the witches... how DARE they make his sweet Benign Butter trap him like this! he saw her broken, crying face, theres no way she's doing this on her own volition! he swears to make the witches pay...
Benign Butter now resides in Beast Yeast... guarding the SIlver Tree along with Elder Faerie Cookie, preparing for the day she may have to put the beasts back into the seal if they ever do get out..
she will keep Earthbread safe at all costs... for the sake of Earthbread.. and her baby..
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demxninyourdrexms · 4 years
Pacific Rim FF: As Above, So Below
“A Jaeger may only be as good as their pilots, but their roots stem from their creators. “
{Hannibal Chau X OC}
Word Count:  2,872
Rating: 18+ (M)
WARNINGS: Cursing/strong language,  adult activities (smoking,drinking, smut, kinks, etc), angst, death.
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The streets of Hong Kong were bustling as usual, the rain turned into a slight mist off and on throughout the day. Most people were off going home after the long day of work, but a blacked out car was headed the opposite direction of the normal. It headed towards the Bone Slums, careful about which building it was looking for, or who to look for. Deep in the middle of the district, the car stopped outside of a building built up around a kaiju hand and claw. The neon lights shining in the puddles of rain on the pavement as the back door opened. 
Stacker had been trying to track her down since before the Jaeger program had been given a set date for discontinuation. They were losing Jaegers right and left, and the longer he tried to keep the program going, the worse the Kaiju force kept coming. Scientists were in a constant state of upheaval trying to predict the attacks and gain whatever they could on the Kaiju. But the Jaeger program was slipping, and to find a good engineer who knew each Jaeger top to bottom, was a task in itself. 
The first was Cherno Alpha, with her parents  being the ones to spearhead the project and construct the massive tank of a machine. Having been raised around nothing but Russian military and slept to the sounds of welding metal, she was the best out of them all to bring back. 
Stacker headed into the building, which was obvious it was a bar or club of sorts, with glasses lining the wall above the cabinet of various liquors. Tables and chairs scattered across the open space and various signs and pool tables there. On the other side of the bar was a staircase that led up to the VIP area and office. A few employees scattered amongst the utilities preparing to open soon. Stacker looked at the bartender, who nodded and pointed at the staircase. They all knew why he was there, it wasn’t often they had military in. And when they did, it was always for their boss somehow.
Stacker made his way up the stairs, looking around the ornate decor as he reached the door. The guard nodded and left him in. The office was far different than the rest of the building. The walls were lifted with newspaper clippings and awards. Prototype models of the famous Russian machine on the desk beside a glass of what looked like whiskey. 
A woman stood on the other side of the desk, looking out the window across the city. Her long, jet black hair pulled into a ponytail that trailed down over her shoulder and formed curls at the bottom. Her slim figure casting a shadow over the wall adjacent from the fireplace on the other wall. Dark brown lips and soft pale skin lit up by the glow of the fire as she glanced over her shoulder.
A small smile formed across his lips. His stance was open, yet professional as he stood across from her at the desk.
“Talia Draider, you probably already know why I’m here.”
She smirked and crossed her arms, turning to fully face him. Her eyes are bright blue, lined with elegant winged liner and dark shadows. The way she dressed was like the kaidanovskys merged. Aleksis and Sasha practically raised this woman, so it’s no surprise she’s taken after them. A long sleeve, black shirt with a corseted laced bodice, and black sleek pants to match with laces up boots.
“Let me guess, they want me back.”
Stacker glanced around the room before looking her in the eyes. It’s obvious he wasn’t here for a simple visit to check in on her or catch up.
“How’d you know…”
“Because you’ve lost four Jaegers in a matter of months. The attacks are getting closer together and you can’t keep decent engineers who are competent enough to build or maintain them properly. You have a working one sitting there collecting dust with no compatible drivers and the wall is doing jack all shit to prevent anything.”
He couldn’t help but smile at her. She knew too well for her own good. Cherno Alpha had its picky drivers, only wanting the best on their team. But the government was even pickier, and they realized cutting their best asset for optimal operations was the biggest mistake. With years under her belt and exposure to the Jaegers since she was a kid, Talia knew the procedure inside and out. 
“Yeah, they’re asking me to get you back on board. But...uh, they’re not the only ones.” Stacker set his hat on the desk and her mood shifted. 
“The Jaeger program is being discontinued. PPDC believes the wall is doing what it’s supposed to do so far, so there’s no point in keeping a program that costs more than steel and concrete.”
Talia watched him, her mood changing instantly at the mention of the program being shut down. Her eyes sparkling slightly and looking up at him.
“We have six months, last stand here in Hong Kong. We’re stationed in the shatterdome and moving all the units in as we speak, and Cherno wants her girl back.”
She shook slightly as she looked over at the mannequin that had her coat. It was lined with fur trim, and donned Cherno Alpha’s name in Russian with the symbol on the back, just like Aleksis and Sasha had. She reached over and grabbed a cigarette and her lighter and lit it as she looked back over at him. Stacker smiled slightly and shook his head.
“Those things will kill you.”
“So will radiation exposure from a Jaeger, you of all people know that just as much as we do.” She smiled back at him, which made him straighten up and take his hat off the desk and put it back on. He looked at her with a slight fondness, Mako meant to him what she did to the Kaidonovskys.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then….” “Sir, yes sir.” She teased and punched his arm playfully as he turned to leave.
Hannibal and his men were preparing to close up shop for the night. With all the recent kaiju attacks, they have been out harvesting double the amounts of what they usually have been. Hannibal had his crew going double time to catch up with inventory before closing. Two of them stood outside the back door waiting for him as he exited, looking down the street he saw Talia exiting her bar after locking up. She pulled the collar of her coat up to shield her neck, the other coat folded and put in her messenger bag with the rest of her stuff. She looked both ways along the empty street, looking his way last and catching his eye. She smirked at him before turning her back and heading down the other side of the street.
“Boss…” the smaller one of the two guards went to speak to him when he spun around and grabbed him by the collar of his suit.
“We’re you about to try and tell me what to do? Last time I checked I was the one running this show.”
He let go and the man staggered back slightly. Hannibal looked back down the street to watch and make sure Tania was still there...still safe.
“I want you two to watch that woman. Make sure no one messes with her, got it?” He turned back to them and adjusted his suit jacket. 
“Yes sir.” They said in unison and headed down the direction she went. 
What was this, and why was he suddenly so concerned with someone he barely knows? Someone he only ever saw in passing when going out on site or just to get a drink and seeing her briefly at the bar. Hannibal shoved a hand in his pocket before going back into the building, another guard on the inside locking it behind him. He headed into his office and pulled at one of the jars on the case, revealing another room that looked to be a living quarters. 
“Who the hell are you…” he mumbled to himself, looking at what looked to be a photo taken of the woman by one of his men during an outing at the bar when she was coming out of her office. He thought he had seen her before somewhere aside from when she’s at her little establishment. 
He racked his brain for hours, going through the process of unwinding and getting ready for bed. He had picked up his glass of whiskey off the table when his phone rang. He scoffed and set the glass back down on the table and answered it.
“This better be fuckin good…”
“That woman you wanted us to watch? Name’s Talia Draider. Parents were dual engineers on the Jaeger program before they got killed by a kaiju attack on their way home. She was adopted by friends of the family and continued the work until she was dismissed.”
Hannibal sat on the edge of his bed as he listened. His brows furrowing.
“How the hell she end up in Hong Kong? And how the hell you find all this out in less than a few hours?”
The man half chuckled, he stood outside the apartment building he saw her go into and looked up at the window where she stood.
“She told us herself. Didn’t have to dig.”
“What do you mean she told you?! You let her see you?!”
“This one, sir, she’s not stupid. She knew you sent us after her. She said she appreciates the concern, but if you wanted to talk to just...ask. Also, whoever her folks are now, made sure she didn’t go without. Owns a bar in the slums yet has a nice place at the edge of the district.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle softly. It looks like he wasn’t going to be so cagey with this one if he wanted her, which he did. He wanted her, but not like he wanted black market items from kaijus. Not for display in his shop, or as a ‘trophy’. No, this one had meaning and he couldn’t figure out why. 
“She uh- she left her number too on a piece of paper. In case uh- in case you wanted it. This chick, she’s different.”
He wanted her safe at all costs, sending his men to watch over her walks at night or pop in at the bar to keep an eye on things. He wanted her close, with him at the shop or at the bar, in his arms, her company. He wanted to hear her opinions, her thoughts and about her past.
He shook his head as he hung up the phone, laying back in bed staring at the ceiling. He was brash and cold at times. Only looking into the business and not much else for the well-being or care for others. So, why is he all of a sudden concerned about a woman who is clearly out of his range of possible suitors. And he was too busy to even put that much effort into anything to do with it. Now he’s caught some sort of interest or feelings for this woman and he’s just as perplexed about it as his men at the sudden change. He eventually drifted off to sleep after almost an hour of pondering, eventually rising to the sun the next morning.
Talia had risen before the sun, racing around getting a shower and packing her messenger bag with everything she would need. She pulled the coat up over her shoulders as she heard a horn honk out on the street. Grabbing her bag, she headed down the stairs and put onto the street where the car waited. The driver held the door open for her with a small smile. She smiled back and quickly got in the car and they headed out.
She looked out the window at the passing people and cars. It wasn’t long before they made it to the gates of the Shatterdome and the car came to a stop. The driver helped her out before getting her two bags out of the trunk. Tania looked around at the many military trucks and personnel running around, some staring and pointing at her in surprise. They would dash around to groups of people near them and talking, drawing attention towards her as she headed into the shatterdome. 
Pentecost stood with two of his main technicians in the control room, going over schematics and regular calibration check ups on the Jaegers. One of his men came over and whispered in his ear, peaking his interest as he turned to see Talia. A grin spread across his face as he greeted her with a warm hug.
“You ready for this?” He asked softly as the technicians left to go about their usual business. Talia glanced around the room at all the equipment before out of the glass windows towards the main floor. Her eyes scanning each Jaeger, evaluating and taking in their upkeep and progression in development. She looked back up at him with a sly smirk.
“You didn’t tell them, did you.” she already knew that this wasn’t brought up to the Kaidonovskys. Pentecost was a soft one for reunions, and it wasn’t just the jaeger drivers that didn’t exactly know just yet. Their maintenance crew knew beforehand so they could assist with keeping the secret until otherwise. A small yet mischievous smile spread across his lips, which in turn made her do the same.
“Not exactly, but it wouldn’t hurt them to have a little bit of a surprise now would it?”
Talia shook her head and laughed before he led her out of the control room and down towards the main hanger. As they walked, he ordered one of his higher ranking officers to call everyone together for a brief announcement. Everyone started slowly coming together as they stopped what they were doing. Some of the Cherno crew wrapped around the back behind Pentecost, shielding Talia from any possible view of their drive team as they approached the front beside Striker’s team.
“Everyone, I know you all have been concerned about the recent termination notice by the PPDC of the Jaeger program. It is with a heavy heart that this is true, and we have been given a last chance to defend ourselves here in Hong Kong, which will not go unnoticed or without valor. I have called each and every one of you here for your bravery and relentlessness towards this war. Striker Eureka, Crimson Typhoon, and Cherno Alpha.”
Pentcost gestured towards each Jaeger and their set of drivers before looking around the room, his eyes falling on the drive teams, the Kaidonovskys last, He took a deep breath and smiled wide before going back to addressing the room.
“This is our last stand, so why not go out with full force. As stated, only the top candidates have been pulled for this final mission. With that being said, a Jaeger may only be as good as their pilots, but their roots stem from their creators. Each being individually crafted with care by only the top engineers, and I promised them both that their work will continue as long as this program stays active.” Pentecost started to smile as he spoke, seeing the blonde pilots start to perk up the more they heard his words.
“Everyone, please welcome back combat engineer Talia Draider, daughter of the late Amaree and Nicholai Draider, and now Aleksis and Sasha Kaidonovsky.”
Pentecost moved to the side of where he stood, the crew of Cherno following suit to reveal Talia standing in the middle of them. The last person barely got to move out of the way before Aleksis was already rushing over and picking her up in a tight hug. The echo of applause and cheering were drowned out at this point to the three of them as Sasha came up beside them with tears in her eyes as Aleksis set Talia back down on her feet and got a hug of her own.
The crowd dispersed after a few minutes, giving them more space as they talked quietly. Talia looked over at Pentecost with a wide smile on her face as he came over. 
“I’ll give you three some time to catch up. Just keep an eye and ear out in case. Welcome home, kid.” He smiled back at her before leaving them be. 
Talia watched him go before she was gently tugged by Sasha taking her hand and leading her off to a more quiet space. It was true, she was home again. Back with what she knew best, with the people who cared for her so much and gave her everything to live a good life. But she couldn’t stop thinking about the night before, in the street where she saw him. It was like a magnet, drawing her in more and more and she couldn’t understand any of it. 
She wanted to know who he was, to know more about him. And why he had an interest in her...
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lucifer-lacroix · 6 years
Strawberry Chapter 2 The Devil in Red
Red Dead Redemption Fanfiction
Arthur x OC
The largest hotel in Strawberry was by far the most magnificent iron and brick structure in the town. On a rainy day such as today many people had flooded inside to shelter themselves with drinks, food and entertainment and the place was roaring with music. Lady Rosalyn Bush was trying to lead Mr Arthur Morgan to the hotel but was having a hard time getting through the mud. Even though she was sticking to the edges of the grass along the main road. Her long blue dress bundled up underarm as the thick brown mud caked up to the ankles of her black heeled leather boots. Arthur watched with amusement as she gracefully yet slowly made her way trying her best not to fall or dare not look like a lady walking in the muck. They were nearly there, and the stubborn woman despite her sweating and panting would not give up even as the rain began to pick up once again. Rosalyn stopped suddenly when her foot became stuck, a few people hanging around staring to glance over as she has a face people pay attention to. Arthur threw his jacket off his shoulders and tied it around his waist by the sleeves and walked up beside Rosalyn. The cowboy held out his hand to the Lady as she threw her weight into tugging her foot free. “Madam?” He asked her offering his help. “I guess my legs aren’t fit for the countryside just yet.” She laughed out of breath and took his hand and leaned into him trying to pull her leg free. Except once Arthur took her gloved hand he placed it around his neck and scooped her off her feet pulling her out of the mud and into his arms as she let out a yelping laugh. 
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“Oh, my aren’t you a strong one.” She said as he carried her for the rest of the walk sick and tired of the slow pace she was taking to get to the hotel.   “Well I can’t just watch you and that pretty dress get ruined by the nasty weather now can I,” Arthur replied and set her down on the bottom of the wooden staircase to the hotel. A few men and woman were smoking at the front door who stared over at them curiously as they made their way to the door. Rosalyn standing upright in a fit of giggles with an infectious smile on her face dusted off the water and let her dress fall straight once again. “I owe you again, seems like I’m going to run up a debt with you real quick.” She said as Arthur untied his jacket from him before stepping under the shelter of the awning of the hotel patio. “You are a mess, my friend,” Rosalyn said as Arthur took off the white jacket and shook it off over the edge of the patio. Deer's blood, mud and god knew what else staining it now. Rosalyn handed a white handkerchief it to him so he could wipe his face. Which he did before throwing his coat over his arm and giving it back to her. “Probably should order a bath then,” he said as they walked inside. “Well, you will have a long time to wait if you trying to do that here. The place is booked, solid sir.” A boy at the door with a clean dress shirt and black vest saluted them both. “Good afternoon Ms Rose. Welcome back, your party is in the yellow lounge waiting for you.” He said kindly. “Why thank you, William, would you kindly ask the owner to make room for my friend here. He will be staying on my tab tonight.” “But Miss I just said...” “I heard you loud and clear my boy, you can put Tracy and Sally together I’m sure they will be just fine sharing a room. Now go on, make it so and don’t forget he gets a bath too.” She said and shooed the boy. “Y-yes, mam,” William said and ran off inside. “Now come on cowboy, “ Rosalyn waved Arthur to follow and pushed open the gate and entered the lobby of the hotel. All sorts of people were gathered inside, soaked on the shoulders, muddy around the shoes and the floor was a mess of caked mud, spilt beer and food crumbs. At the front desk was a man watching the room sitting behind a desk where the office had a locked up cabinet of keys under his guard.  Few keys remaining inside the chest as most of the rooms looked booked. The soft song of a baritone-voiced man filled the room accompanied by an acoustic guitar and fiddle. His sweet song rocking the place as a few couples spun and danced in a cloud of cigarette and cigar smoke.
(Strawberry Roan by Marty Robbins for your pleasure)
Rosalyn and Arthur ascended the stairs at the back of the main room and headed up to the private party rooms on the second floor. The music and chatter were so loud that Arthur could barely hear the Lady trying to chat with him as she marched quickly up the stairs and towards the back. A small painted sign hanging over the curtained door speaking out ‘yellow lounge’ caught his eye as Rosalyn stopped in front of it. She pulled open the curtain and inside was a gaggle of girls crowded inside. Teenaged girls, older ladies and young adults all dress in well-kept dresses and fancy wear. Some wearing gold earrings, rings and lacy hats. The amount of money flashing in his eyes inside the room as the temptation to rob them all blind struck in his mind as they sparkled and glittered in the low light. “Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Mr.... you know I just realised you never gave me your name,” Rosalyn said standing in the middle of the room amongst 13 or so Ladies inside. “Arthur Callaghan, at your service,” Arthur said giving his fake name and tipped his hat to them all.   “Mr Callaghan here stepped in the middle of Bella’s spat outside earlier. Let’s show him a good time as a thank you to his bravery and generosity.” “Ah, Ms Bush you give me too much credit.” “Please call me Madam Rose, I am the mistress of these girls there wishes are my commands and their care if under my charge. Tonight you are our honoured guest and saviour from those who dare swindle us so far from home.” The blonde said and picked up a bottle of wine from the table and two glasses. As drinks were poured and the room filled with chatter once again Arthur was pulled onto the couch with some of the other Ladies who started asking him twenty-one questions about himself, where he was from and how old he was. All of which he carefully dodged with pure lies by avoiding details. “So Mr Callaghan, what brings you to Strawberry?” A Brunette in her late teens asked wearing too much makeup and a low cut dress too mature for her age. “Just stopping for the night before I go hunting up in the mountains, looking to see something rare and shoot something rarer.” He said sipping the wine. Wouldn’t Dutch be jealous of him now, wining and dining with the face and creator or Bush’s Cooked Kidney beans in maple sauce? To be surrounded by what seemed to be enough ladies to run a whore house in the city. His confidence had never been so high, knowing that his gruff disposition in life still had a certain charm to the ladies. Though even with the drinks, the conversations and laughs, deep in his chest he felt empty. No matter where or what he did, the ghost is his mistakes wounded him gravely, and a deep sadness was buried within his grin, these parties were shallow attempts to flaunt wealth and power from desperate people who wanted the world to notice them. Ms Roslyn being a true shining beckon of such a fact. She had left Arthur in the company of a few Harlots who wanted to peel him out of his clothes for money, and very quickly he was learning more about these people. They were indeed whores within the group, a few overly painted girls had disappeared as the night went on, escaping to their rooms with men they met in the dining hall. After about 2 hours of conversation, eating and drinking. It was only him, Lady Rosalyn left at the dining table still trying to enjoy their dinner. "So, Mr Callaghan. You were telling me what you did for a living." Lady Roslyn asked sliding her chair closer to Arthur only halfway through her tomato bisque. "I hunt." He said simply. "What do you hunt?" She asked "Large game, Rare creatures..." He tried to continue eating his steak and potatoes, but she had him in a staring contest. "People?" She asked with a grin. Arthur's eyebrow raised in concern with the husky tone she spoke with. After the fourth or fifth seconds of silence between them, a pair of angry boots was heard stomping down the hall. Catching Arthur’s attention away from the threatening blonde and he hand rested on his side on his pistol out of instinct. A  woman wearing men’s clothes marched to their table. The woman in the mud was clean as a whistle as her cherry red hair was still wet and cascaded down her back in curls her pale white face was clean except for the freckles which speckled her face. She was beautiful, and now her face was clean she seemed familiar too, but this was a different familiarity. Her face made his chest tight, and the hateful glare in her eyes sent a chill up his spine, unlike anything he had experienced before. He recognised the shape of her ears, the bridge of her nose and the colour of her eyes like he would his own. As she entered the room, he stood up quickly to greet her as Rosalyn followed suit. “Izzy!” Rosalyn called out fondly as the blonde trotted over to her and Arthur's head snapped at the nickname and he looked at the blonde. “Would you mind tellin' me why I just got kicked out of my room?” She asked with an angry tone dropping a bag of clothes on the floor at her feet. “You gave my room away?” She asked ready to punch to blonde with her fists clenched on her hips. The well-dressed woman in red was now this spitfire of a woman, with muscled arms and chiselled features she was healthy and lean like an acrobat from the circus. Her thick thighs were too much for the masculine cut pants, and they clung to her like they were painted on. Everything about her silenced him, and he could only watch s the two met face to face. “Oh dear, no one listens here. Sally and Tracy are to be sharing a room tonight. I'll make sure one of them of you gives you a key. Or you can always share with me." Lady Rosalyn rubbed the other's arm trying to soothe her. “So who took my room?” She asked demanding an answer. “Why our new friend Mr Callaghan, I believe you owe him a thank you. Since he did save you from getting bludgeoned to death by a bucket,” Rosalyn said equally giving some sass back to her friend.
Bella, or Izzy... Arthur was getting confused, but she looked at him for a long hard moment, her green eyes like a hungry cougar prowling through the grass. Arthur could feel his chest tighten even further, did she recognise him. Did she remember him? How could he not remember her but know her so fondly like this? "Thank you, Mr Callaghan. My name is Isabella Morningstar." She introduced herself and turned away from him and walked away. That moment, he was stunned. It had been Ten... no thirteen years maybe. As if time had stopped for a moment, Arthur had remembered her as the colour fell from his face.
Isabella Morningstar was the first woman he ever robbed.
For a moment he hoped Isabella would recognise him even with all the trouble that would come along with it. They had met when he was a teenager and had become close friends those many years ago. Yet now she could look him in the eye and not remember him at all... and it hurt. She turned on her heels taking the keys from Sally and grabbed her bag heading out of the room once again leaving Arthur feeling relieved yet empty at the same time. He put his hand to his face feeling just how long his beard had gotten over the past few weeks and looked back watching the redhead stomp down the hall. “Don’t mind her, that’s Isabella Morningstar for you. They don’t call her the red-headed devil for nothing.” Rosalyn snickered. As Rosalyn returned to her dinner, William entered the room with a set of keys in hand and darted up to her. “Here you are mam room five is ready and a fresh bath awaiting for your guest.” He said as it looked like someone had thrown him into a water barrel as he was soaked from head to toe dripping all over the floor. “Arthur why don’t you go get tidied up and meet me later for some poker. Go on go on, the girls and I have business to discuss.” She said and shooed him out of the room where William lead him to the bathhouse.
After a rushed bath where he scrubbed himself as clean as possible Arthur rushed to set himself up in the hotel room. It was minimal but cosy enough with a freshly made bed and grooming supplies available to him. He gave himself a full shave and put pomade in his hair and looked at his reflection realising he just made a terrible mistake. “My god you are old. She didn’t even recognise you. She's.... different.” He shook his head at himself and got dressed in some of his more higher end clothes. His fancy black dress shirt and fancy brown pants with a red and black paisley vest on top. Was he trying hard? Entirely since that flutter in his chest had not stopped. Once he was dressed and clean, he sat down to his journal and began writing quickly.
“Of all the places in the world to Run into Isabella Morningstar I would have never thought she would come back to the west. Let alone be shopping for expensive jewellery. I believe it has been around thirteen years since Dutch, Hosea and I found her on the trail when I was a just a kid running with them. Of all my regrets in life, watching her leave on that boat to Washington after taking her coin purse is by far closest to the top. I don’t know what to do, I have come across a group of ladies with more money then the bank and could easily sneak off in the night with a good score. But I want to stay and see if there is a chance Isabella remembers me and what she would do when she did? Is she angry with me? For once, I wish Hosea was here to give me advice, and he isn’t.”
He closed the book after making a quick sketch of Rosalyn and Isabella and stashed it into his satchel. He marched out of the room onto the patio to light up a cigarette to clear his head. The night had come, many of the patrons had turned into their rooms for the night, and the rain had turned into a full downpour. The streets flooded as the hoof prints in the mud filled with murky brown water. As he deeply inhaled the smoke, he combed his wet hair with his fingers and tried to think on what to do.
After he chain-smoked three cigarettes in a row, he left his hotel room and headed down to where the poker table was, cleaned up an presentable and no longer hidden behind a beard. "I should have left a moustache on." He said quietly to himself as he reached the table seeing the red-headed woman sat with her back to him at the table with Rosalyn and two other gentlemen. "My My My, Where did this handsome cowboy come from." Lady Rosalyn said catching his sight first.   "I get it I was dirty," Arthur responded in jest taking a seat at the table and looked to Isabella, whose green eyes were focused on him like daggers this time around. /she knows./ Arthur thought to himself as he could feel the scalding hot fire which was her gaze on him. Never before had he felt so vulnerable and guilty, let alone it is caused by a mere look of her emerald eyes. "So what's the buy-in?" He asked. "Five Dollars," Isabella said sternly. "Oh Ho! We playing for real tonight?" Roslyn asked excited and took out her flip book of bills and placed it on the table as she was handed the chips. "That's a little rich for me ladies." One of the gentlemen stood up from the table and took off. "Sounds like a good time to me. I'm in!" The other said sapping his money down mostly in change. "Oh, Charlie I didn't know you had that kind of money to lose," Rosalyn said with a grin. Arthur looked at Isabella who was waiting for him to put his money in, he knew why too.  "Alright, I'm game." He said and casually added five dollar bills to the pot. Isabella without a word, placed a full five dollar bill into the pot and collected the cards and began to shuffle to start the game as Rosalyn handed her set chips.  
Isabella dealt the first hand as Rosalyn and Charlie added their blinds to the pot, Arthur glanced at his hand as a mere 2 of hearts and 10 of hearts sat in his hand. He put 10 cents to the centre to play the round and sat back in his chair ready to play a very high stakes game of poker with the Devil in Red. "So, You're the Red Devil Isabella Morningstar? The famed gunslinger who caught the Bayou Bandit." Charlie asked like he was talking to a celebrity. "Yes." She replied still glaring at Arthur as she added her 10 cents into the table to play as well. "She has caught much more than that murderer. She saved the lives of my girls in Washington and in Mississippi too. Hell, any riff raft who thinks a whore is an easy target for murder should beware of her." Rosalyn said and folded her hand. Arthur was confused, he had never heard these stories before and his confused face sparked Roslyn's attention while Isabella was distracted revealing the flop. A queen of hearts, a three of hearts and jack of spades. "Have you never heard of the devil in red Mr Callaghan?" Rosalyn asked. "No, I haven't, I'm from the countryside, but please do tell. I'd like to add a small wager first." Arthur said and added 25 cents to the centre.   "Well! There was this killer you see, he would hunt down carriages going through the swamp road of the Bayou and kidnap ladies and daughters from their wagons on their way into or out of the city." Charlie started the story as Isabella silently put her money in and Charlie followed suit. "About 12 girls had gone missing altogether, only 4 were found in pieces in the swamp where the gators lived. You see he would kidnap them, rape em then drag them out into the swamp after beating them. Tie them to a sandbag and throw em in the water for the Gators. Alive!" Charlie exclaimed. Isabella flipped the next card revealing a 2 of clubs to the flop. Everyone checked in response to it. "You see my carriage was on the way out of the city, I had plans to meet with a buyer of my whore house in St. Denis. I had come into a hefty sum of money when my father passed away, so I wanted to close them all down and bring my girls away from the life of whoring and give them a chance out west to find husbands and find better lives than being the pleasure tools of men in the city." "That's very admirable Ms Bush, What happened on the road?" Arthur asked as Isabella flipped the last card. A 5 of hearts on the table completing his hand with a flush of hearts. He slid a full dollar worth of chips across the table into the pot. "I was kidnapped. That's a bluff if I ever saw one though." Rosalyn said pointing at his bet, so people were not too distracted by the story to notice his technique in playing. Isabella silently slid her chips into the pot as well. "I don't trust it," Charlie said and folded his hand.   "Well, what happened?" Arthur asked Rosalyn. "Ah ah, show us your hand." Isabella finally spoke almost barking at him. "Whoa, What's gotten into you sugar, you're all a fire tonight," Rosalyn said intrigued on Arthur's cards. The table went quiet as Arthur's flipped his hand over revealing his heart flush which made Charlie hoot in relief. "That's a good hand," Rosalyn said as Isabela threw her cards in. A pair of Jacks the best thing she had. "I got lucky on the last card," Arthur said with a shrug of his shoulders and collected his chips still glancing back at Isabella who would not give up the staring contest she had challenged him to. Rosalyn collecting the cards and dealing the next hand. "So, you were kidnapped by the Bayou Bandit." Arthur continued the conversation after quickly folding this hand one once he saw a two of clubs and a three of diamonds in his hand. "Yes sir, snagged me with a rope from the driver's seat and dragged me off into the swamp off the back of his horse. He didn't notice Izzy here was saddled up on the other side of the carriage talking to me with a rifle in hand and gave chase after us. He dragged me behind that horse for I think 3 minutes before she shot me free of the rope. I lost sight of them after that, but once I ran back to the carriage, she came back with him hogtied on the back of her horse bloody and beaten. We took him into the Sherrif, and they gave us a huge reward. He was hanged the next day." Rosalyn looked to Isabella with a sweet smile and placed a bet which Authur wasn't following. "You hired me to protect you Ms, and I intend to do so where ever you go and to protect you from everyone you met," Isabella replied to Rosalyn but gave Arthur a dirty look at the end of her sentence. "I've never heard of a female bodyguard, are you sure you're tough enough for the job out here in the west?" Charlie asked "Care to challenge me to find out yourself?" Isabella gave Charlie a hint of her scornful look at like a mouse he shrank in his chair under her gaze. "Play nice deary," Rosalyn said and folded her hand leaving the win the Isabella who pulled in the chips.
They played for many hands for Arthur was playing one of the hardest games of Poker he had ever played in his life. The ladies were hard to read. Isabella was bold with her bets, but it was hard to tell when she was bluffing or not. An attempt to call her out on a bluff ended up getting Charlie busted out of the game when he went all in on a three of a kind to her full house. Rosalyn ended up throwing the game entirely to Isabella in a pathetic hand which ended up with her holding the most chips at the table when it came down to the finals hands between the two of them. The final flop was on the table, the chips scattered across a beer-sticky table as Arthur flipped the last card of the flop n the centre. A small crowd gathered around watching the large pot of Twenty Dollars sitting on the table and these last two players with all their chips in the pot on the previous hand. Isabella, however, still sitting on Six extra dollars but Arthur was sitting with a full house. The two black aces sat in the flop with a king of hearts a jack of clubs and 3 of clubs lined up in front of him.  A pair of Kings lay stacked under his hand which he tried to not nervously play with. He had a damn good hand and not enough money to bluff her into a more substantial bet with. It was his bet, and the game had gone on long enough. He needed to get out of here, his plan wasn't thought through carefully enough, the stories of her wild riding with Rosalyn had him sweating, he couldn't rob the Lady of Beans with Isabella at her side, she was suspicious of him, aware of his outlaw status and had eyes completely fixated on him. "Let's make this interesting shall we, I bet my horse," Arthur spoke with calm confidence, and the room gasped as well as Roslyn who had seen the rare white Arabian in the barn he talks about. "What kind of horse is it?" Isabella asked with a sly smile on her face.   "Mr Morgan I have to insist that's too much." Ms Rosalyn tried to interrupt. "Shhh Shhh Shhh, he's a grown ass adult who makes his own decisions. If he wants to throw his property around so carelessly that's on him. I accept your bet. My black Clydesdale versus your?" "White Arabian," Arthur said and flipped his cards revealing his pair of Kings and the room was a buzz. Isabella's face dropped for a moment, she licked her teeth and pursed her lips to resist making a look at the room chattered.  Roslyn herself palming her face with her hand at the loss of one of her caravan's most muscular horses. Arthur felt victory at hand and leaned forward to collect the chips when Isabella placed her hand on the table stacked neatly. She smiled at Arthur Maliciously and flipped them to reveal a pair of red aces in her hand. "I believe my four aces beats your full house, Mr Callaghan," Isabella stated with a well-deserved air of confidence as the room went up in a roar as Arthur's eyes widened at a loss. The room became so loud with people talking about the game and Rosalyn jumped up and hugged Charlie in a fit of laughter as Arthur had become to punch line of the night, losing his horse to the Devil in Red on a careless bet. Isabella, however, was not up in arm in her victory though she was staring Arthur dead in the eye with a blank expression across her face. Arthur stared back at her as the same empty expression came to his features as well. She stood up abruptly and collected the money on the table and looked to the stable chip he had placed on the table. "I don't want your fucking horse. I want Artex back." She said and spit on him landing it square on his jaw as she walked past him and headed outside into the rain. "Isabella!" Rosalyn gasped at her rude behaviour. "It's alright! I'll take care of it." Arthur said wiping his cheek clean with his sleeve and standing from his chair to follow after her. He pushed open the gate to the front of the Saloon and saw Isabella at the end of the patio trying to light a cigarette under the light of the lantern, alone as the rain showered behind her falling off the roof of the awning like a waterfall.
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Lone Wolf (Stiles Stilinski x OC) Chapter 4- Shopping trip
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem OC (Riley Lowe)
Summary: Riley Lowe was torn from her quiet life in Jacksonville, Oregon to move to Beacon hills with a friend when a terrible tragedy tore through her family. Once a happy, loving girl, Riley had now became detached and cold, letting no body past the walls she had now built so high, until him.
(kind of AU where the pack can be normal teenagers/ Werewolves can get drunk)
Warnings: Strong language, Explicit Content
Word count: 2,067
I do not own the Teen Wolf Characters or story.
I do not own any of the Gifs used in my stories, I usually find them on Google and Pinterest and all credit goes to the creators
A few weeks had gone by, and I had spent most of my time playing my guitar, studying, hanging out with Derek and avoiding Scott and his pack like the plague. They had made quite a few attempts at getting me to hang out with them and as much as I felt bad to reject them, I couldn't bring myself to let myself get close. I will give it to them, they are quite persistent.
I sighed in relief as I opened the door to the apartment, closing the door and walking over to the sofa, flinging myself on the couch and closing my eyes, completely drained from the day with little to no sleep. My subconscious had proved to be relentless and has yet to cease haunting my dreams with the memory of that night. Meaning, that I had barely slept for the past few weeks and had spent my nights reading.
I was startled from resting my eyes and jumped up as I heard Derek enter the room, not knowing he was home. "Hey kid, did I scare you?" Derek looked at me in amusement. I laughed and let out a sigh, rubbing the corners of my eyes as they had begun to sting with exhaustion. "Yeah, I've been a little jumpy lately I guess" I said softly, letting myself sink back down into the soft fabric of the couch. Derek looked at me, worry apparent in his eyes. He then sat next to me and lay back on the couch with me, our heads titled up, looking at the ceiling and sighed. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" I smiled softly and turned to look at him. "I know." he also turned his gaze toward me, with such protective, gentle eyes. "You know, I had nightmares about what happened to my family for months, but I promise kid, they'll fade away and be replaced with better dreams." my smile faded and my eyebrows furrowed. "How-" I began before he smiled sadly. "Because you show all the telltale signs that I did. You're constantly exhausted and I hear you up at night. I used to avoid sleeping too. I did everything I could to keep myself from reliving that day in my dreams." "Oh." I said moving my head to stare in my lap to avoid his gaze. I felt the all too familiar sadness set in as I hated that he also had went through this torture. However felt slightly better that I wasn't alone in experiencing this. "It gets better little wolf I promise." He said pulling me into a hug then slowly letting go, assuming our previous position as before, with our heads staring at the ceiling.
We stayed there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he broke the silence. "Oh, I forgot to ask you earlier, I'm apparently having a party at the loft tomorrow per the request, more like demand from Scott and his friends and wondered if you would sing alongside the DJ." I laughed in surprise at the fact that Derek had actually cracked and allowed them to use his loft for a party. He must like them quite a bit to allow that as he is usually very against that type of thing. "I don't know D, I haven't done a party in god knows how long, i'm kinda rusty." I say, thinking back to when I used to play for my school dances and the odd house party here and there, I have to admit I kinda missed it. I felt free. Derek laughed, causing me to playfully frown. "If there's anything that I have taken from the constant noise from you practising playing and singing at unholy hours of the morning, it's that you are far from rusty." I laughed and playfully punched his shoulder causing him to fake being hurt, which I rolled my eyes and giggled at. "Fineeeee, I'll do it, for you." I said dramatically, earning another chuckle. "Attagirl" He said, getting up and going to the kitchen. I then heard his car keys jingle in his hand as he stood at the door with an amused grin. "What?" I asked in confusion to his apparent amusement. "Oh, did I forget to mention that it had a theme? We gotta go get you something to wear, can't have you standing out" he said, his voice thick with amusement knowing full well that I hated dressing up. I scowled at him playfully and he burst out laughing, approaching me and dragging me by the arms off the sofa and out the door as I was being as dramatic about this as possible, staying as limp as I could, making it as difficult as possible for him to drag me which he found all the more hilarious.
We finally reached the mall and Derek yet again grabbed me by the arm, dragging me into the closest clothes store. Never in my life did I think that Derek Hale would be clothes shopping with me. I scanned the store to see that a lot of this clothing was actually my style. "So what is this theme you're talking about?" I asked in genuine interest. Derek just flashed me another amused smirk and called over a very pretty employee. The employee looked Derek up and down and smiled at him, and I rolled my eyes in amusement. Derek visibly enjoying this. "Hi, do you happen to have any UV/blacklight reactive clothing for this lady here? She has a party to go to tomorrow night." I looked at Derek in pure horror as he sent another shit eating grin my way. "We sure do, come with me sweetie." the girl then put her hand on my back and led me away from Derek and toward the changing rooms to show me what was available. "I turned my head back toward Derek to see him trying and failing miserably to stifle his laugh. I glared at him and mouthed 'I'm going to kill you', which only seemed to amuse him more. Fucking Derek. I can't believe he's subjecting to me to this. We finally made it to the changing rooms and the girl smiled at me , handing me a stack of outfits and led me into a changing stall. "Here you go sweetheart, just call if you need any help." She said in that sickly sweet customer service voice. I feigned a smile and closed the curtain, turning to scour my way through the giant pile of neon and black clothing items she had given me hoping I could at least find a few things that I liked.
After sorting through the extremely large pile of clothing, I finally spotted an extremely pretty lace neon purple crop top/bralette, which was ironically very close to the colour of my wolf eyes. I also spotted the matching fish net stockings to go with it and a stunning, black, short and extremely fitted faux leather skirt which had a slit up the side. I tried them all on, putting my doc martin boots back on, along with my signature black leather jacket and looked at myself in the mirror. The skirt although quite snug, fitting quite nicely to my curves and the crop top to my surprise, supporting my chest nicely and showing off my toned waist. Happy with the fit and style of clothing, I walked out of the changing room and was met by Derek and the girl employee who were shamelessly flirting with each other.
I rolled my eyes and smirked at the sight, clearing my throat obnoxiously to get their attention. They both turned to me startled and then looked at me in shock, eyes wide. I felt my whole body heat up as I quickly became embarrassed and extremely self conscious at their stares, pulling my jacket closed to cover myself. "Wow Ri, you look good, different" Derek said smiling, probably taken aback by the sight of me in colour for a change. "Girl, you look amazing" The girl said, proceeding to walk around me, opening my jacket back up and adjusting the clothes here and there, making me even more uncomfortable. "I know what would go amazing with this outfit, hold on" She quickly sped off toward the storage room and was back in a second, holding a stunning pair of black faux leather ankle boots/heels. "here, try these on" she said enthusiastically. I sat down on the waiting chair and removed my beloved docs, the heels surprisingly fitting me perfectly although I hadn't told her my size. I stood and walked around in a small circle to get used to the height. Admittedly the heels made me feel me so much more confident and powerful, almost sexy which is something I never thought i'd feel. The girl let out a girly squeal of happiness. "We'll take them" Derek said smiling like a proud father as he watched me looking into the mirror. I turned around in surprise. "These are on me, after all, you're doing me the favour by going" He said and smiled. I just laughed and nodded, a grateful smile on my face.
We walked out of the store, Derek holding the bag with my outfit in and laughing as he poked fun at how uncomfortable I looked being in colour and how the girl fussing over me, while I kept my gaze at the floor in complete embarrassment. When we turned the corner, I was suddenly startled as I had bumped into the chest of someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry are you okay, I-." The familiar voice stuttered, obviously flustered and apologetic. I looked up and my eyes were met with the sight of Stiles Stilinski, his face red and flustered. I then laughed awkwardly extremely aware of how close our bodies were. "No, It was my bad I should've been looking where I was going" I said, brushing it off and took a step back, moving to Derek's side and saw that Scott and the two girls they often hang around with accompanied him. "Derek? what are you doing here with.. Riley? do you guys know each other?" Scott said in shock. Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten that I hadn't mentioned that I already knew of them through Derek. Derek looked at me in confusion then seemed to catch on, realising that I probably hadn't spoken to them much. My eyes were still fixated on Stiles who had taken to staring at the floor in embarrassment, to which I smirked, visibly amused. Finding myself to becoming quite fond of the weirdly charming, awkward boy.
"Oh, Riley is a friend of the family who's been staying with me for the summer." Derek quickly explained. Before anyone could say anything else, a pretty redheaded girl stepped forward. A friendly, confident smile on her face. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure, I'm Lydia." She said shaking my hand then motioned behind her, "And this is Allison" She said, and the girl offered me small smile and a wave. "Nice to meet you" I said with a smile and a nod noticing that Scott's hand was placed on her waist. Cute. Derek must have sensed how anxious this interaction was making me and spoke up. "It was nice to see you guys but Ri and I have some stuff we've got to get done before the party." I shot him a grateful smile and he met it with a knowing nod. I then saw Stiles's head shoot up at the mention of this. "You're going to the party?" He said, shock evident in his voice his honey coloured eyes lighting up. "Uh.. yeah" I said with an awkward laugh. Lydia then cut in again. "Well, we'll see you there, hopefully we can hang out more" she said with that seemingly genuine smile on your face. "Yeah, see you then" I said smiling back. I have a track record of attracting bitchy girls for some reason but these girls actually seem quite nice. Everyone said their goodbyes as we turned toward the exit to leave, Stiles's eyes meeting mine again one last time, causing a knot to form in my stomach. Well shit. I cursed myself as I realised that I seemed to have become very attracted to the awkward boy.
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flamingtalegod-blog · 7 years
Tales of a bartender episode 3
Episode 3: bee and the golden sphere
“Seven times… SEVEN TIMES you got us lost Grillby. Again! is your sense of direction that bad? I can't believe I let you lead the way. The first chance we get we are getting a map and I'll lead the way. Don’t give me that look. I’m annoyed at you not the other way around. At least this time we found a temple and not a mountain sized beast. Yeah I know they weren’t that big but still.” Bee said to Grillby as they walked in to the temple. At first Bee didn’t even notice they walked in, lost in her own thoughts while giving out to grillby. Grillby didn’t say a word however his flames shine brighter do to him being mad at the complaining she was saying.
The moment they stepped inside the door slammed shut behind them trapping them. Grillby knew he could easily melt the door away if he became mad enough but the hallway was too narrow. If he tried he would hurt bee. The continued down the hallway as grillby light the way. A sound of an object rolling behind them sent a chill up their spine. Bee and grillby turned slightly seeing a bolder rolling quickly behind. Grillby turned seeing bee already began to run leaving him behind. He chased after seeing a door closing slowly with bee on the other side already. The bolder came closer and closer. He slide under the door while his glasses fell off just on the wrong side of the door. Just before the door closed he grabbed the glasses pulling them to him. The door shut closed and the sound of the bolder crashing in to the door could be heard on the other side.
“Great now we're trapped in here. At least there are two doors to pick from we can go. I know that look and no we are not going your way. Odds are it will be the worse option of the two. HEY DON’T IGNORE ME!” bee said as Grillby walked through the right door. She took a deep breath deciding to take the left door. She didn’t worry about Grillby knowing he would be ok. Bee flew down the hallways using her wings trying to reach the end as soon as she could. As time past she thought of her actions and how she acted to grillby. The feeling of guilt filled her heart knowing she could have solved the problems in a more passive manner.
She sighed as she walked down long stairs. Before she made it to the bottom she noticed there was no torches to light the way at the bottom. She opened her bag that held everything she needed and pulled out a flash light. Bee walked down finding it harder to breath. She could hear some kind of hissing around her. She moved the light around seeing many level two beasts around her. They where the scared type so instead of having claws and fangs they resembled more of turtles and a skunk. The beasts where smaller than bee and would move away from her as she walked. A constant of gas came out of there protective shells. It was not flammable but something else. Bee pulled out a match and light it. With in seconds the gas put the flame out.
Bee's eyes widened knowing what this meant. In this world even the weakest seeming beast could be the biggest threat to some monsters. Bees wings began to move a great speed from worry. With no time to spare she flew as fast as she could down the halls. Bee reacted to traps in seconds as if they where nothing flying past them. She turned corners with no fall in her speed. The thought of grillby falling to these beasts scared her very being. She rushed in to the second final room only to stop. She looked around to see an open area like arena. A creature lurked in the shadow sneaking behind Bee.
It crawled towards her as its body’s colour shifts blending him in to his surroundings. Bee felt something approaching her. She flew in to the air turning around only to see nothing in font of her. She knew something must have been there. With in seconds she noticed a shadow on the ground with nothing it was connected to. Bee quickly summoned stingers sending them at the shadow. The stingers stopped in mid air above the shadow. The beasts form slowly turned back to its normal colours. Bee knew she would be in for a very tough fight against it. It was a level 6 stealth type beast. It resembled a lizard with sharp claws and teeth. Its strongest feature was its blade like tail. It shrugged off the stingers as if they only ticked it.
Bee was worried about Grillby but knew she couldn’t go on if she didn’t defeat the beast here and now. She clapped her hands together and focused her magic. She moved her hands apart summoning two shields in each hands. They where her main magic. Knowing her stingers where useless she had to find some way to out smart it. Before she could think of a way the beast leaped up at her swinging its claws at her. She reacted faster and faster using her shields to block each attack. On the beasts last attack it swung its body around slamming its tail at bee. She moved both shields to block it only to crash in to a wall from the impact.
Bee stud up losing her balance from the hit. She rubbed her head and saw blood on her hands. Anger filled her from seeing the blood. As she made a fist with both hands she summoned a shield just in front of each fist. She was done trying to think of a easy way to defeat it. Instead she decided to do what grillby would do. Walked to the middle of the arena trying to sense where the invisible beast’s next attack would come from. Shadows faded over her eyes. The creature leaped towards bee opening its jaws to devourer her. Inches away from the mouth bee suddenly seemed to have vanished. A second later as the beast was still mid air from its leap bee was flying through the air at high speeds around the wall of the walls. The beast skid its claws off the ground stopping its momentum is it land. The moment it stopped bee flew at it punching it with both shields blasting it through a wall.
On the other side the wall Grillby fell to his knees about to surrender to the gas putting his light out. The beasts producing the gas moved closer to him. Just then the level 6 beast crashed through the wall in to the other beasts. Bee saw Grillby as the smoke cleared dragging him in to the middle of the arena she shouted his name with tears in her eyes. Grillby breath in the air of the arena. He leaped up in a fright happy he survived. His flame became as bright as it always been before. He hugged Bee speaking one sentence.
“…Thank you so much...”
The door to the final room opened. Bee and Grillby apologized to each other about how they where acting. The forgot how much they meant to each other as friends but going through the temple reminded them how much they needed each other on this quest. As they entered the final room they found a golden sphere on a pedestal. A monster stepped out of the shadows seemingly great full to see them. She was a cat type monster. Her hair was long and black with white fur. Her eyes where only X’s. She was dressed as an adventurer.
“Thank god someone came to save me. I got trapped down here a few days ago by a level 6 stealth beast. It trapped me in here. Oh where are my manners I’m raven its nice to meet you two. As thanks for saving me take this sphere. I read the mysterious scriptures on the wall and it seemed to have belonged to one of the two creators of the world we live in. From what I can make out it gives enlightenment in the darkest times.” She said as she handed the sphere to them. Soon after all three of them walked back out of the temple.
After some more talking between them raven gave bee a spare map she had and parted ways. Bee was happy they met raven even if it was for a very short time. She hoped there paths would cross again and what she didn’t know then was there paths would cross again far sooner then she thought. Bee put the sphere in her bag and lead the way to there the future.
Hi its cu. This is episode 3 of my series. I hope this is good enough for u all as it is a fun episode to make. Thanks again to Bee for letting me use her oc and image for this episode. The same gos for яαvєи who let me do the same. There is not much more I can say but till next time have a great time. 😁
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torchiiko · 2 years
things i want to happen in toh s3
harpy lilith??? helloe???? she has the curse too now. shes been in owl beast form. its only fair and epic that she gets a harpy form as well
sillies and funnies to balance out the Everything Else going on i need them to have silly human realm shenanigans
i also need luz hunter sibling momence !!! licking someones hand when they put it over your mouth is The Sibling Thing Ever its basically canon i said so
i also also need gus hunter sibling momence . hunter big brother frfr
ikk theres probably gonna be a conclusion to the wittebane arc at some point but i hope. hunter does Not suffer any more than he already has (unlikely but i can hope)
he also better not die!! no more casualties. if anyone dies ill cry forever
raeda :) they didnt work out in the past bc eda couldnt bring herself to ask for help but now shes grown and she can be more open so like,, let em get back together
odalia and alador divorce /j. but something better happen with the blights bc aladors on his way to a redemption but odalia doesnt seem willing to change
hunter gets adopted by everyone
luzs palisman hatches and gets all cute and cuddly with amitys palisman :)
camila and luz teach all the kids spanish
collector actually just being a kid whos too powerful for their own good and not like. actively malicious. perhaps they can be persuaded not to destroy the world so long as they have a willing playmate
hunter sees a cardinal !!
grimwalker lore??? hunter was reading up on them in the school and we still dont know exactly how they work
gus sees a giraffe :)
in general luz just introduces everyone to human world things
a happy ending please god i wont be able to handle it if the ending isnt happy. if its even bittersweet ill sob for years let these kids be happy
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