Tumblr page of FF/Ao3 writer: NegasonicWarhead Welcome to my official tumblr for all my writing/weirdness. "Can't you understand, oh my little girl... Take a look into the process of how I actually shape and bring my work to life. FAQ under the askbox tab Welcome to my inner ramblings ft. my dragons. Yes...yes I said Dragons.
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"And I hear you now when you said it hurt.
But it had to fall, fall apart to work.
As I see you now in what's left of me.
Is it too late to plead insanity?"
Rated for T and up, no major warnings other than character deaths.
Bellamort shipping (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Before people ask no I do not fully acknowledge Delphini, this is just for funsies. If people ask nicely and want me to include that into this and possibly create some interesting shit to add onto this. Just hit up the message box.
The train jostled the cars as it traveled the tracks towards Hogwarts. Draco made his way back to the small cabin after getting a few things from the trolly. Handing a few to Crabbe and Goyle before glancing over at the figure leaning against the window, shrouded by the shadows of the dark sky as they moved along the tracks. He frowned slightly and sat beside his cousin as they talked quietly and ate the sweets they had bought. Hearing a few other students laughing in the aisle. Crabbe stuck his head out of the curtain only to begin hitting Draco on the leg for him to come look. Draco poked his head halfway out of the curtain to look with him as Goyle leaned over Crabbe.
The students had found a wand in the aisle and were going to see if they could get it to work on one of their pets. Debating between them who’s it would be, Draco frowned as he took notice of the features of the wand a little more. It was a stained wood wand, the handle adorned in thorns and branches that twisted up the shaft and faded into the middle. The handle had etching in it and red stained inlays as his face twisted in anger. It was Ravena’s wand they had, it must have fallen off the bench of the cabin and rolled out into the aisle when she wasn’t paying attention.
Furious, Draco bolted out of the cabin and towards the group with his friends in tow. Storming up to them as they stopped laughing and turned to look at them.
“Acacia, exactly 11 and three quarters in length with a dragon heartstring core, and rigid. Stained dark, almost black, with blackthorn thorns wrapping around it and a red inlay on the handle.” He rattled off the specific details of the wand, making them freeze and a few go wide eyed. Crabbe and Goyle smirked as they watched them begin to panic.
“You picked up the wrong wand, lads.” He smirked as they watched them. Fumbling over their words trying to explain before the wand struck the boy who held it, causing him to hold his hand in pain. The wand shot between Draco and his friends and into Ravena’s hand, lowering her hood with the other. She approached the group, eyes hard as Crabbe and Goyle parted to let her pass. Draco watched as she moved by him towards the boy and his friends. Before the boy could begin to ramble and attempt to defend himself, her hand shot out, grabbing him by the throat and digging her long painted nails into the sides. She pushed forcefully, causing him to fall to his knees as he struggled against the grip around his neck.
Leaning over him, eyes piercing as she grinned evilly.
“Don’t you know what Ollivander says about wands made from Acacia.” She drawled out, voice almost like venom as she spoke. “They don’t serve anyone but the ones who own them. And hide their talents from all but the most gifted.”
Her nails dug deeper, drawing a little blood before she pushed him backwards onto the ground as she let go. Glaring down at him before her gaze shoots up at the rest of the group, causing them to scramble and rush back to their cabins, the boy stumbling and running off to his own.
Draco stood back as he watched her, smirking as they all ran off before looking up at her as she walked back towards their cabin. He sat down with her as she slumped back down in the seat, slipping her wand into the inside pocket of her coat. He waited a moment, thinking about saying something before looking at Crabbe and Goyle. Bringing up the fact that Sirius Black escaped Azkaban probably wasn’t a good idea with how she’s been lately. It seemed like the more days that went by the more she became secluded and harsh to people. There had been times where she had even snapped at him over the summer that drew concern in him. He left it go and leaned back before the train came to a sudden halt, the lights flickering before going out and the sounds of students talking could be heard.
Ravena looked up at the lights before over the edge of her hood at Draco and their friends, eyes drawn with worry as she reached into the pocket where she had just stowed her wand. Draco looked out the window of the cabin into the aisle, the train cars jolting here and there. He looked over at her and stopped for a moment realizing the change. Their breaths could be seen in the air, and the windows began to frost over, yet it wasn’t cold enough outside for them to do this. He glanced at Crabbe and Goyle, who sat shaken in their seats and they all looked towards her as her own gaze fixed onto the door, voice in a hushed whisper as she saw the shadows appear around the train cars.
Draco stiffened as she spoke, knowing very well what she meant. Dementors were the guards of Azkaban, beings almost skeletal and covered in veils or cloaks, with a small rip torn away from the mouths. They mean to seek out and steal the souls of their prisoners, in this case, Azkaban escapees such as Sirius Black. Yet even though he wasn’t stowing away on the train, Draco’s worry now was if they would detect or latch onto his cousin due to the nature of circumstances.
Ravena watched the door carefully, wand in hand as the dark cloaked mass came towards their cabin door, skeletal hand waving as the door unlatched and slid slowly open. Crabbe and Goyle sat frozen, unsure of what to do as they had the slightest clue as much as Draco as to how to handle it. The dementor floated into the cabin, looking around and observing each of them a little too much for comfort. It passed over Draco and fixed onto her, looming over her as she pressed against the window of the cabin, turning her head away. It hesitated a moment, holding its place before drawing away from the cabin and down the aisle and out of the train car.
Ravena opened her eyes again once she heard the door slide closed and lock. Slightly shaken, she sat back down on the seat and looked over at Draco, a look of concern on his face now as the train started back up and they proceeded towards the castle.
Madame Pomphrey bustled about in the hospital wing, attempting to tend to a now injured Draco after he antagonized the hippogriff Hagrid had for class that day. Ravena strolled in the archway with Crabbe and Goyle, her head low as she sat in the chair by the bed.
“What did I tell you about picking fights with things bigger than you.” She teased, smiling at him softly. “You’ll be alright.”
“Did you tell father?” Draco winced as Madame Pomphrey worked on his arm, using various potions and brews to mend the gash on his arm. Ravena watched her work, waiting to answer when she left to get a sling from the cabinet.
“He’s going to take care of it, as well as keep a close eye on the situation with the dementors being here.” She looked at Crabbe and Goyle, who looked down at the bed and frowned.
“If they are to remain on the grounds while I’m here and even so much as accidentally attempt something, he’s pulling me out of classes until they leave. It’s not safe if they’re going to sense even the slightest…” She stopped, taking a deep breath before looking down at her hands in her lap. “I’ve asked Pansy Perkinson to keep an eye on you when I can’t be there. She’s a good friend and knows what to do. It’s just to be safe in case I do have to be pulled away.”
Draco nodded, looking down at the blanket on the bed as Madame Pomphrey assisted him into the sling, telling him to rest and no writing or use of his wand for a few weeks. He nodded as she left, standing and looking at Ravena.
“I’d rather you be safe than stay here, we all would. We’re not risking you over something that can’t be controlled.”
She looked back up at him, a small smile forming across her lips as she stood with them and headed towards the great hall to get something to eat. As they sat talking over their food, Thomas came running in with a copy of the Daily Prophet, declaring that Sirius Black has been seen somewhere close near the castle. As the students at the table contemplated over if he would venture as far as Hogwarts, Ravena finished eating before getting up from the table.Draco and the others frowning and looking up at her.
“Take it easy in the rest of your classes, Draco. I’ll see you all before bed, alright? I need to tell something good to Uncle the next time we write to him.” She nudged his good arm before grabbing her bag and heading off to her next class.
Draco watched her leave, frowning and looked over at his friends and Pansy worriedly. What they weren’t aware of is that Harry and his friends were also watching her reaction towards the news of Sirius being spotted. They looked between each other confused, wondering what he had to do with her and the Malfoys. Harry knew the dementors were just as much a threat towards her as they seemed to be to him, and if Malfoy’s parents were as protective of him as they were her she would be removed. If Dementors were as unhinged as they said, either one of them could be attacked even in their sleep. Grabbing their things, Harry and his friends cleaned up their food before heading off to class.
The quidditch pitch had been prepped and readied for the match today, rain or shine. Draco walked with Crabbe and Goyle towards the stands, looking back over his shoulder every once and a while to check on Ravena, who was walking a little slower behind them with Pansy. Her hood drawn up over her head as the rain continued to drench them. He noticed her eyes darting around constantly as they walked, idly talking to Pansy as they went, the dementors were just out of sight in the clouds, and something as simple as a breath could bring them down onto the pitch.
Crabbe and Goyle stood on either side of Draco, Pansy staying close to Ravena as she leaned on the tower near them. It wasn’t very long before they were chasing the snitch well up into the clouds, invading the barrier that the dementors had created for the pitch itself. They began to shroud closer over the pitch, clearly agitated that Harry and the Hufflepuff seeker went into their territory. A few wandering even lower near the pitch and circling. Draco panicked and looked for his cousin, who had already moved from her spot and was making her way down the stairs under the tower.
He looked up at the teacher’s tower, where they were already moving from their seats. Snape made eye contact with him for a split second before rounding down the stairs and rushing over to where they were. Harry had begun to fall from the sky after his own attack as everyone watched in horror. Snape darted through the beams of the stands towards where Draco and his friends were, seeing everything around them begin to freeze over and the feeling of dread fall over them as they meet at the bottom of the stairs. Ravena hadn’t gotten far from them before a dementor was already looming over her outside, beginning to draw her very being out of her.
Snape drew his wand quickly, aiming it as a blue mist shot from it and into the side of the dementor. It screamed in pain before retreating back to the clouds, Draco rushing over to his cousin and catching her as she fell unconscious. Snape watched as the dementor flew off before going over to them, wrapping his arms under Ravena and lifting her up into his arms as the others ran up to them.
“Hospital wing, make sure she’s alright and don’t let her leave until she’s told she can.” He said sharply to them as they followed him there, settling her into a bed as Madame Pomphrey rushed between the already injured students there. Her face furrowed and looked up at him as he laid her in the bed.
“This one now, too? Severus we never should have let her-”
“Silence, Madame Pomphrey.” He drawled and looked down at Ravena before over at her. “Careful care with this one, we already have Malfoy’s father irate, we don't need more fuel for the fire.I’ll handle contacting him.” He looked at Draco and his friends before strolling off.
Draco sat in the chair next to the bed, holding Ravena’s hand tightly as they left Pomphrey work, after determining she would be alright and just needed rest, she huffed softly and went off to tend to the other students again. Pansy stood on the other side of the bed, worry across her face as she looked at Draco. He kept his eyes on his cousin, watching for any sign of her waking up and refused to move from the spot. He was sure Snape was already contacting his father, informing him of what just happened. He didn’t want it to happen, but if it kept her safe he would support their decision to pull her from school for the time being. They waited for what seemed like hours before he felt her hand squeeze around his lightly. He jumped up in his seat, leaning over and smiled as he saw her eyes open. Releasing a sigh of relief, Pansy stepped closer to the bed and sat on the edge.
“No arguing, you rest for the remainder of the holiday.” She smiled at her, gaining a soft smile back. “You’re lucky, getting away when you did. There were dozens of them.”
“Considering we’re not going to be here, I can rest so much better then.” She whispered hoarsely, squeezing Draco’s hand and looked over at him.
“Father’s been told, Snape-he-”
“I know, that’s what he’s supposed to do.” wincing, Ravena sat up in the bed slowly, the room spinning for a moment before looking over at Pomphrey as she caught her attention. She nodded over at her that she could leave, and looked up as Snape came back in. She winced and shifted her weight to sit up a little straighter on the bed.
She looked over at the crowd around Harry’s bed, who was recently unconscious. Ron and Hermione looked over at her and the group around her, a look of worry on their face but mixed with curiosity and concern. Her and Harry both fell unconscious, but the after effects were different with each person. Some felt dread and despair, others were knocked off their feet, lack of motivation or energy to move. Dementors sucked the life out of you, in more ways than the obvious. She felt like a sack of potatoes slung onto the mattress of the bed, heavy and like she had no reason to even care.
Snape leaned over her, whispering in her ear for a moment, careful as to whom was around them. She nodded stiffly, drawing her attention away from them. He looked to Madame Pomphrey for confirmation before moving to pick her back up, moving through the group as they all followed after him back to the common room.
Hermione leaned in closer to Ron as they left, eyebrow raised at the interactions between the three of them across the room. She went to say something before Neville chimed in. A bit of malice in his tone of voice as he did so.
“He’s her guardian while at Hogwarts, not surpassing the Malfoys word, but just in case. Her blood is in Azkaban,dementors pick it up rather quickly, like sharks.”
“Neville, are you ever going to tell us what the deal is between you two?” Ron questioned, looking up at him.
“In time.” Was all Neville said, looking back over at Harry in the bed. “Not ready for that just yet.”
They nodded, focusing back on Harry and letting the topic go for now. The tension coming from the room subsiding a bit, yet still lingered like a dense fog over the remaining ones in the Hospital Wing. Just as weighing as the presence of the Dementors.
They made sure the door was securely closed behind them before Snape settled her onto one of the couches, a deep frown etching across the features of his face as the rest of them hung their robes on the coat racks strewn around near the entrance. Draco perched himself on the arm of the couch she was on as Snape paced slightly. They watched him silent and motionless before he turned, stopping and looking at their disfunctional group of friends. His mind mulling over a few things before looking down at her.
“You will return to Malfoy Manor in the morning. Mr. Malfoy has already been informed and will expect repercussions for what has happened. Dumbledore has already sent the Dementors away for Potter’s sake-”
Ravena scoffed and crossed her arms, as did Draco as their friends shook their heads or make various mumbled remarks.
“Course he did, that’s all he cares about anymore. If it wasn’t for you and my father she would’ve been dead a long bloody time ago!’ Draco snapped.
“I understand that Potter’s existance has given a rather large grievance not just to your family but many others Draco, but-”
“BUT?! He should’ve died that night. If it wasn’t for his pathetic parents-”
He was cut off by the sudden movement beside him. Ravena had sprung to her feet angrily and stood in front of him. Her fists clenched and expression hardened as she stood over him. He avoided her gaze and fidgeted with the engraved ring on his finger.
“I hate seeing what it’s done to you. You hardly sleep or eat, burying yourself into your classwork or distancing yourself from everyone.You don’t even bother to talk to me anymore. Nothing’s like it used to be. It’s all different, you’re different and I don’t know what to do.”
Snape watched the exchange between the two before gliding towards her and resting his hand on her shoulder lightly. She relaxed ever so slightly, frowning and looking down at her own feet as he leaned closer between the two.
“You two are more like you’re mothers than you could ever imagine.” “ I think we picked up on that a while ago, Professor.” She spoke softer, glancing over at Draco as he finally raised his head to meet her gaze. She reached a hand out to him, watching him hesitate a moment before taking it as he rose from where he sat. He pulled her into a tight hug, letting her bury her face in his shoulder before looking over at Snape as he left with a curt nod. They gathered their things and headed back towards their dorms, Pansy ensuring Ravena got back to their own safely.
The snow thawed on the ground, and the Whomping Willow shaking off any excess on its branches. With the thaw came the determination by the Ministry that Buckbeak was a danger to the students, and was to be executed. Draco returned to school, alone. His mother and father refused to send Ravena back with the constant threats over her head as it was. Lucius had sent to Hogwarts that any learning material that was needed be sent directly to the manor, as she would be continuing her studies from home yet not constricting herself for the year with falling behind her peers. Even though she was ahead of them as it was, he wanted to keep it that way.
She sat in her room, watching the crystal ball she had gotten for Christmas swirl with a mist as Narcissa opened the door, softly closing it behind her. She went over to the window sill where Ravena sat, sitting across from her with a concerned expression falling over her features.
She had taken notice of it too, of what Draco had talked about with her behaving differently as of late. Here she was, looking at this young woman she had become. That curious, determined look deep within those brown eyes like when she was a child. Narcissa and her husband raised her like their own, keeping her and Draco as close to their chests as possible. Just as her Bella would’ve wanted her to, and their children were just exact duplicates of themselves.
The two had become inseparable, just like she and Bella. Yet Narcissa could see the drastic differences taking over her niece as they once did her mother so long ago. The change is mood, sudden anger bubbling up at an instance. How she spoke, almost as if shooting thorns from her tongue on occasion. Her potential was just as harsh and violent. Her niece didn’t know the full truth, about how much of an importance she was, just as much as Harry Potter himself.
Narcissa watched her niece carefully, scanning her gaze over her features and her posture as she watched out the window. The soft breeze from the small opening from it blowing at the various trinkets and wind chimes scattered around the room. Curtains drawn just enough to let a small amount of light in to catch the various shades of purple, green, or silver that decorated the young woman’s room. Stacks of books that she had gotten over the summer or recent holiday scattered about. A specific one stuck out apart from the room itself. It looked to be some sort of scrapbook made from an empty journal. Pictures and newspaper clippings scattered throughout its pages, some with drawings or entries she had written herself.
Narcissa glanced over at it on the side table, opened to a specific article about her sister being sent to Azkaban. At the time, no one knew about Ravena because she was so well kept amongst their own. It wasn’t until Narcissa and Lucius had left the Ministry that it had spread. Journalists having sat in on the trial hearing that they had gained custody of the then four year old girl just after they had Draco. Even the Ministry having been shocked themselves to learn that she actually existed, as most didn’t believe it and assumed it was a rumor. She quietly leaned over and closed the book, picking it up and cradling it in her lap before attempting a smile.
“I remember when she first told me, her eyes lit up like the stars outside your window. She thought it was a dream in the beginning, that she was having you. And before we knew it you were here. She stumbled on picking a name for so long.” She gave a soft laugh as a tear fell down her cheek.
“When we were finishing up this very room, waiting on you, a raven perched right on the windowsill. It watched as Bella…bustled around trying to get everything. It stuck around until you were born. It would come and go, right back to this window and check in. Usually, ravens can mean death or misfortune; but they also mean a change in life will happen, or you’re about to leave a piece of you behind.” Narcissa reached over and took her niece’s hands, squeezing them gently. She saw the tears on her face and reached up to wipe them away gently.
“That change happened, and that piece was you, darling. You are the most important thing to your mother. If she had a choice she would have never left you. Your uncle and I took you because no one else could, and we wouldn’t have let them anyway.” She placed a kiss on her forehead sweetly, pulling her closer into a loose hug as Ravena curled into her side.
“Everywhere I go people look, whispering or saying things about me. They’re not good, Cissy. Most of them I don’t even know and they speak with venom in their words about me or towards me. Draco’s right, I’ve secluded myself because people paint this picture of a horrid person I never was, at least used to be.” Ravena frowned and looked up at her. “The more they try to poke and prod the more it makes me feel like I really don’t have a choice…”
Narcissa took a deep breath, glancing at the crystal ball before settling a hand on Ravena’s knee, looking at her as her expression stayed constant. Regal and slightly rigid in her posture as she watched the young woman gaze out at the rain hitting the window panes.
“The Carrow twins sent it to you. I told them about how you’ve taken to Divination recently. About how you’ve been doing with your studies and that it’s never seemed to be enough for your mind.” her voice soft as she spoke, watching the smoke in the ball swirl idly. “Every person attached to a gift you’ve gotten knows every single thing about you, Little Bird. Even if you’ve never met them a single day, they know. Messages back and forth, spoken or written.” Narcissa drew her attention back towards her niece, looking her in the eyes. She deserved to know what was actually happening, and the longer it was forced to be held from her the more her mind got curious.
“I told you mother, promised her, that I would take care of you with every breath. That includes making sure the ones close to even her knew you were alright, and that they were persistent in letting you know you’ve got more support than you think you do. Why do you think I had to ensure your safety at that blasted school? Severus volunteered knowing he would be able to do so the best. They will do anything to make sure you’re taken care of. I’ve always told you how much of a treasure you are, darling. One that I never wanted to have forget how special you are. Even if you don’t think or realize it yet.”
“I’m not going to forget, Cissy.” Ravena sighed and looked over at the ball again. “I can’t. Even if I asked you lot to stop reminding me.”
Narcissa frowned as she went to speak, before her head jerked towards the ball, the smoke within beginning to swirl faster as Ravena looked as well, pulling away and moving to look at it closer. The contents of the ball changing from purple to variant colors of green before manifesting a series of broken images inside. Ravena sat forward, looking closer at it. Her Aunt tensed as the image formed, her jaw setting as she moved on the cushions on the windowsill to look straight at it. Flashes of the dark mark and swirls of black inky smoke with a sinister laugh, and what looked like a wand with a bone handle to it. She jumped up, covering the ball with the cloth before turning to look at her. She held up a finger as Ravena went to speak, her expression turning hard and guarded.
“Not a word.” She hissed out before striding towards the door. “Stay here, I’m going to find your uncle.”
Ravena nodded as she watched her go, staying frozen in her spot as she watched the door fly open and then close just as quick. She listen, the sound of the heels on the wood floor growing distant more and more until vanishing. Springing up and locking the door behind her, her hands trembling as she struggled to control her breath. Turning back towards the crystal ball, hesitating before rising from her spot, approaching
They had grown more adamant over time about things, keeping Draco slightly in the dark the older he got. They couldn’t keep hiding the fact that things were drastically different. Lucius had gotten more harsh as days went, Narcissa more protective and worryful.
She looked over at the ball again, ripping the cloth off of it as the smoke swirled again, turning shades of green before another image appeared. This time it was that of a large snake moving across a wood floor, flashes of people in another room. She reached out and plucked the ball off of the stand, watching intently before the door knob started to rattle. The image faded and the ball went clear again as it flung open, Narcissa and Lucius standing there in the doorway. She looked up at them, eyes harsh as she held the crystal ball carefully in her hand.
"Start talking...."
#harry potter ff#harry potter#bellamort#bellatrix lestrange#harry potter fanfic#hp fandom#harry potter oc#hp oc#bellatrix x voldemort
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CH 3 of NE should be up by the end of tonight. Sorry for the long wait but IRl got a little crazy. I promise I'm gonna work on writing more it's just this data analytics class is eating up a lot of time atm.
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You have been booped by this empty wrapping paper tube.
You have been booped by this empty wrapping paper tube.
Reblog to boop all of your followers with it.
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Reblog if you think fanfiction isn't a waste of time.
Reblog if you think it’s a good way to practice writing.
Reblog if you have made friends because of fanfiction.
My sister called it a waste of time and I want to prove her wrong.
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Bellatrix: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is under it
Narcissa: Bellatrix no
Lucius, nodding: mistlefoe
Narcissa: Please stop encouraging her
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Things are hectic here with work during the holidays and just trying to stay afloat. I haven’t stopped writing or forgot about you guys. I’ll be working on an update for stuff soon 💜
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