#hes second only to the holt siblings
holysheithyall · 1 month
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high school au sheith where shiros the loser
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
(how to resume the second half of this episode: *Captain Holt's voice* paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin)
Season 1 episode 5 [A Vile Hunger For Your Hammering Heart] - part 2/2
- The way Louis' face is still as a statue as Loustat make their plans. The way you can feel the resentment covering the entire house.
- Lestat immediately shutting down going to Paris.
- And now welcome to the portion I'd like to call "Claudia Suffered More Than [insert your favourite martyr figure here]". Oof, Bruce immediately gives off a bad vibe, more than that white student who is after all only reproducing classic patterns of racism and classism.
- [Louis] "As the depression set in on the nation, I barricaded myself within the dilapidating walls of 1132 Rue Royale, educating myself from Lestat's library, ignoring all other duties of the role Claudia once mocked me for - the unhappy housewife." - was the raccoon really necessary? It is a nice touch, I won't lie, but really hammering in the point: the depression Louis talks about isn't just the Great Depression, it's his own (I like hammering points too, sorry). But you know what, I WISH I could lock myself wherever my books are and just ignore the whole fucking world and everyone in it for 3 or 4 years.
- [Louis] "Flaubert's style is so dense." - L'éducation sentimentale is, I'll admit it, a horror to read (but less than Le Rouge et le Noir, Stendhal really gave it his whole to make that one unbearable). Madame Bovary on the other hand is a gem.
[Lestat] "Louis Armstrong is in town tonight, playing at the Pelican" - when a bookworm introvert dates a music addict extrovert - beware the conflicting schedules and discordant ambiances. (In which I am Louis and the perfect day is a quiet day with classic music playing lowly in the background and a pile of books)
[Lestat] "You sound like every pompous Sorbonne student I've ever eaten." - ... As a former Sorbonne student, I have absolutely nothing to say in my defence (I studied French and English literature and linguistics for a year with a minor in audio-visual media, fyi). I am sadly very self-aware of how pompous I sound whenever I start talking literature. Sorry not sorry. (would absolutely not protest if Lestat decides to give me a visit. Ahem. Who said that.)
- [Lestat] "'You draw me into your gloom.' [Louis] 'It's your fault she's gone. If you hadn't pushed her... ' [Lestat] 'Claudia.' [Louis] 'If you hadn't done your...' [Lestat] 'Claudia, Claudia. I cannot listen to this insanity about Claudia one more time, bordel de merde.'"
I know we justifiably talk about Armand's "Lestat, Lestat, Lestat" litany, but Lestat's "Claudia" is quite good too.
Also, can't quite decipher what Lestat says in French there. English accent too thick. I think it's "ils me chient dans la main [gibberish]" ("they" or maybe "he shits in my hand") but don't quote me on that.
- Bruce's been stalking Claudia for a while, huh. And interesting to note that it's partly Louis' fault, his repetitive calls to Claudia that attracted his attention.
- Louis's destroying that table. I'm going to focus on that instead of whatever happened to Claudia or what Louis's doing to Daniel, no thanks. Just like how Armand immediately calms Louis down, and gonna cheer for that slap, good one, Daniel, well deserved, about time.
- [Lestat] "It could be her, but I am the one who is currently standing in front of you, and unlike Claudia, I am a full-blooded adult... with all the right appendages. So if all my considerable considerables continue to be squandered..."
'Stat... Yeah, I have nothing to say.
- [Grace] "Whoever you are that took my Louis" - yeaaah, if one of my sibling would say that to me, I think I'd just crumble and shut down. But at the same time, kudos to Grace for having the strength to bury her brother while he's standing in front of her and keeping whatever secrets he's guarding.
- [Claudia] "I spent time following Louis and Lestat now that I am my own woman, with no obvious sense of why I follow them, other than meaning slowly disintegrates without them... my companions in immortality. But today at the cemetery, I finally understood something so obvious, which I pondered for a decade... why they made me. To be Louis' sister."
*silently sobbing* It's the way Louis knows that passage by heart, and the way Claudia's prose keeps on being heartbreaking.
It's how Louis curls around his pain, and how Claudia makes herself taller in the face of this pain. It's how they don't even need more than an embrace and a word to make it better. It's how siblings who have gone through the same shit know each other so intimately. It's how that's the moment Claudia goes from daughter to sister.
- [Lestat] "The vampires out there are vicious. Oh. But you knew that already. Who did you meet out there in the American hinterland?" - oh, you are being especially awful, Lestat. I love you but you are being unfair. Even if you fear loneliness and abandonment, even if you've just went through seven years of not getting a single kind word or affectionate gesture from Louis... Lashing out, refusing to tell Claudia the truth about European vampires, the cruelty, the violence... No, that's not a good reason for it. But then again you wouldn't be Lestat if you didn't lash out when terrified and angry.
- Ouch. Contrasting that fight seen through Claudia's perspective with the s2 scene seen through Louis and Lestat's... Shivering. This is baaaaad.
Oh, no, no, no, no, I don't wanna see that part. I don't want to have to think about it and analyse it.
Man, I had forgotten how much that episode fucking hurts.
No, but the way Louis won't even say "I don't love you" not just because he won't give Lestat that satisfaction, because he lives to be stubborn and contrary, but maybe also because after all, after everything, that would still be a lie, and Louis doesn't lie; he forgets, he obfuscates, he redirects, he refashions his memories, but he doesn't lie... Even when his own life depends on it.
Episode insider:
Rolin Jones saying for Claudia "why was I the thing to make up for your mistakes". Yeah.
"This is where we start building the Anne Rice universe. As Lestat rightfully warned her there are wolves around the corner."
"It's the kid that goes 'My parents weren't all that bad. I have gone out and seen life. It is not all easy and conquerable'. And she comes back with hat half in hand, but with a mission - to take the good vampire and continue on with her life, and that is at odds with the other vampire in the house."
"It is about the fight of Louis, the fight for Louis's soul. I mean, in the end, it's 'Everbody Loves Louis', isn't it?" - Louis is catnip for vampires. And honestly I can relate. Did I say lately he's my favourite too...
That shot of Lestat hovering in the air all dressed in black with his hair floating around him while Claudia covers Louis's broken body with hers... Enraged Angel. Oh, that's worthy of a full oil on canvas painting.
Alright. That was harsh. And we're so not done. We love angst and tragedy, yey! *sobbing*
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | part 1 | episode 6 | episode 7
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murdcrofcrows · 10 months
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stats • pinterest • connections
full name: vincent 'vinny' nolan nicknames: vinny, vin, nolan gender / pronouns: cis man, he/him age & birthday: 54, december 16th occupation: fbi unit chief affiliation: government orientation & status: bisexual - kinsey scale 2, single strengths: analytical, observant, cunning weaknesses: relentless, manipulative, uncouth
diving deeper -
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◟ : 〔 benjamin bratt , cis man + he/him 〕 VINCENT ‘VINNY’ NOLAN , some say you’re a FIFTY THREE YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both CUNNING and RELENTLESS trait, one can’t help but think of BLACK HONEY by THRICE when you walk by. are you still a FBI UNIT CHIEF at GOVERNMENT, even with your reputation as THE JERK WITH A HEART OF GOLD? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and SALT AND PEPPER HAIR, CONSTANTLY CHEWING ON SOMETHING, AVIATOR SUNGLASSES, although we can’t help but think of DAVID ROSSI (CRIMINAL MINDS), MALCOM REYNOLDS (FIREFLY), RAYMOND HOLT (BROOKLYN NINE NINE) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
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born in miami, flordia - the oldest of five, vinny has been working hard since the start. his family owned a restaurant that started small and ended up becoming successful enough to open a second location and sustain their family comfortably. the kids were expected to help out, whether it be taking care of younger siblings, working at the restaurant, or keeping the house clean. all while keeping their grades up to par. needless to say, there wasn't much time to cause trouble.
crime was never a secret to any of them, however. gang activity was all over the city and some of his own family had gotten involved with it or lost to it. vinny was never tempted by it.
out of high school, at seventeen, vincent joined the marines. he was deployed overseas for some time and when he returned home he chose not to take on another term. instead, he took the training and knowledge and decided to join the police force in miami.
because of his training, mixed with his constant persistence and relentless ability to track down and catch criminals, it was only a few years until he was able to advance into being a homicide detective. he was transferred to new jersey to help out a few struggling areas.
detective work suited him. the only downfall was the strict rules that needed to be adhered to convict some of the people he caught. over and over it became more and more frustrating that people would get off on technicalities. it was around this time that he started to work in gray areas and skirt some rules in order to get the evidence needed to put people away. eventually it left him with quite the ruthless record and it was suggested for him to apply to the fbi.
vinny liked the fbi the most out of all his positions. it sent him into new york city, an obvious problem area and around the country chasing targets. these were the big fish, and much more challenging to catch. to this day there are plenty he is still chasing, refusing to let go of any case completely. there were some he was able to bring in and the exceptional work he did with them allowed him to climb the ladder to unit chief once the current chief retired.
to this day, he takes his job very seriously, he prefers to be in midst of everything working right beside his team. he expects a lot out of those under him and he can be harsh when they aren't pulling their weight (or you catch him on a bad day). he is, however, very protective of them and those he cares about, he takes the time to get to know each of his team personally and check in.
over the years he's been in and out of relationships, having several failed marriages. the problem usually being his workaholic habits and commitment to the job, solving cases (even ones he's no longer on), and not making the time for his partners.
vinny never sugarcoats anything, it's said he has no filter most of the time and rarely thinks before he speaks outside of a press conference, interrogation, or presentation. some have seen his softer side, which is definitely present underneath all the grit. most think the job has turned him into a bitter man.
all he wants to do is make the world a better place and put the criminals where they belong, in prison. he can often be found in plain clothes, listening for clues - hitting up lower ranks in organizations for information, or having a drink while he studies a case. he's in the office to give briefings or meet with agents, otherwise if you want to talk to him you either need to find him or call him in.
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ex-lover/partner/spouse - he's had many
few close friends
people he's suspicious of
people he's been chasing for awhile but still can't prove anything so he shows up to annoy them and let them know he's still watching
people who work under him
old marine buddies
old cop partners/buddies from before he became fbi
maybe a kid?
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coming soon.
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nighthcwling · 2 years
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FACE CLAIM ; claire holt
ACCEPTED SHIPS ; chemistry, males, females
VERSE(s)/SPECIES ; human. vampire. siren. banshee.
TYPE ; oc
▬  🙇 GENERAL ;
FULL NAME ; easton taylor foster
NICKNAME(S) ;  foster
BIRTHDAY/SIGN ; march 14th; pisces 
HOMETOWN ; estes park, colorado
GENDER/PRONOUNS ; cisfemale; she/her
ORIENTATION ; bisexual
OCCUPATION ; traveling ( occasional bartender )
PARENTS ; tiffany and lawrence foster. ( deceased )
SIBLINGS ;  warren foster ( younger brother ). ( deceased )
PET(S) ; Nix ( golden retriever )
+ ; determined. self-confident. resourceful.  - ; selfish. impulsive. vengeful. 
▬  🙇 FULL BIOGRAPHY ; ( potential trigger warning ; mentions of abuse, death, and alcoholism )
☈ ᴡᴇ ʙᴜɪʟᴛ ᴛʜɪs ᴛᴏᴡɴ ᴏɴ sʜᴀᴋʏ ɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
Easton Taylor Foster was born on March 14th in Estes Park, CO. She was the first born to high school seniors Tiffany and Lawrence who got pregnant the night of senior prom. Easton was a determined soul from the beginning, achieving milestones before the typically timeframe - she exceeded expectations. She never had a good relationship with her parents, as if there was resentment towards her for their early entrance into parenthood. For the longest time she did everything she could to impress them and gain their attention but seemingly always fell short. She was a charming child, knew how to make friends and had a handful of classmates who all became their own makeshift family throughout their school years.
At fifteen her parents had their second child, Warren, it was the first time Easton had seen real and raw emotion in her parents eyes. It was also the first time she felt love in her heart, she vowed to show up and love her brother without condition. A year after her brother was born their parents fell hard into alcoholism and would spend all of their time downing bottles of liquor and left Easton to fend for herself but also ensure Warren's safety.
☈ sᴏ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ, ɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ɪᴛ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ᴅᴏᴡɴ
Despite having a promising future, Easton's life was on a downward spiral - the mental, emotion, and physical abuse endured at home turned her into an impulsive and vengeful individual. There was only one person in the world she would give her life for and that was Warren, but she knew at some point she had to choose herself and her own sanity to survive and her parents had yet to cause harm to her little brother. At seventeen she made the decision to leave, saving any money she could while working at the local movie theatre she decided to backpack around the states.
Becoming a travel bartender who typically didn't stick around in town for long, she never allowed herself to connect with people on deep levels. She was smart, confident, resourceful, and knew the ropes of anything you threw her way. She thrived on moving around and never settling, the chaos and new adventure made her feel content. However, she never stopped thinking about Warren and if the town of Estes Park loved him just as much as she did and if he was happy. Every year when the clock struck midnight on June 17th, Easton would take a show of alcohol to begin her brothers birthday celebration.
☈ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ sᴀᴠᴇ ᴜs, ᴍʏ ᴀᴛʟᴀɴᴛɪs, ᴡᴇ ғᴀʟʟ
At twenty-two Easton received a 3 AM phone call from her best friend from her childhood that she still kept in touch with, her hometown had just been rocked with devastating news - a drunk driver ran off the mountain side and by the time rescue teams could locate the family they had succumbed to their injuries. Her parents and and her seven year old brother gone. It was the talk of the town, of course coming from a small town any devastation was quickly spread. Easton was notified to come and identify their bodies as she was the next of kin and surprisingly everything was left to her according to her parents wills.
---- more coming soon
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
Au version of little blade that everything is fine same except the Holts adopted Keith and Matt being even more scared out of his mind and pissed before hand if that's even possible. And Keith being even more adamant about not telling thier baby sister about this. Because let's face it Keith rather deal with his big brothers wrath any day of the weak verses their gremlin sister that they both love. And when Pidge finds out about Lotors feelings she first threatens him saying you hurt my big brother there will be nothing left of you to find after I am done making you suffer before she makes him suffer with her endless teasing of him about his crush on her oblivious brother and when Matt find out he threatens Lotor as well and only finally joins in after endless pestering from Pidge and even he has to admit it's fun. While Keith is trying to figure out while his siblings are suddenly teasingly Lotor but hey at least they seem to be starting to like/accept him even if it's just a little bit
Right so I'm saying that this follows on directly from my previous Holt-adopted-Keith post, which would be pretty great because it means that Pidge has been just as protective of Keith as Keith is of her since day one. So Lotor enters the picture only to prove himself physically incapable of not making eyes at Keith every second of every day... and when no one else is looking Pidge kicks the prince in the shins and grabs him by the collar to drag his face down to her level and just whisper: "hurt him, and i will fucking end you." before giving him the most brilliant smile and half skipping over to Keith to link her arm through his and escort him out the room before he can realise that poor Lotor is half doubled over still processing what the fuck just happened.
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lunnybunny12 · 4 years
Sandor Clegane X Reader (Your secret sworn shield)
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Thank you to @1ofjokersgoons for the request
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A/N: here you go hope you enjoy it. This my mind to all kinds of places so sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted.
Master list
Word count: 1,787
Warnings: Swearing, fighting
Your nose burned in the frigid air, and you squinted against the sun reflecting off of the armed men around you.
The cold wasn't something you were used to. Hells, you'd only ever seen snow twice in your life and you weren't exactly fond of it then either. Thankfully It was the summer when your father roped your family into his campaign across Westeros.
"You can always ride with your Mother of you're cold, princess, " Your father said in a mocking tone as he rode beside you.
"I'd rather lose a hand to frostbite," You chuckled, adjusting your position on the saddle.
You were the eldest of the Baratheon brood and the jewel of Roberts eye. Unlike your siblings, there was no mistaking you were your fathers daughter. You had the looks and grace of your mother, yes, but you also had the attitude, appetite for fighting and signature brown/black hair of a Baratheon.
" And father please don't call me princess. You know how much I hate it,"
"Ah but that's the issue young lady, you ARE a princess and I want you to act like one. When we're at home you can come on hunts and roam about all you like, but not here. At Winterfell you need to put on those dresses you hate so much and you will watch your tongue in front of the Starks. Am I clear?"
Your jaw clenched in frustration. Your father had been saying this for the past week in not no nice ways but you understood full well why. One reason being that he was the only one you'd listen to. The second was that since you were born a girl, the Iron throne could never be yours. Your place as the eldest princess was to be wedded off to whomever your father deemed worthy of you, and thankfully (since the king held you in such high regard) that day was long overdue.
"Fine... But I want Clegane."
"The Hound? What need do you have of him?"
"If you want me to be a lady I will, but if I get attacked I can't protect myself properly while wearing heels and a bloody corset. I need a shield."
Another chuckle left your father. This time it wasn't out of cheer it was more in amusement.
"Ay you have the mind of a Lannister"
"One of the few good things that family gave me," you smiled.
When you got to Winterfell later that day it was a relief, to say the least. As much as you enjoyed the outdoors and hunting around the red keep, the warmth the castle provided was a godsend. It seemed like everyone from the north had arrived to catch a glimpse of your family but it's not like it was hard to miss. Your mother and siblings wore the bold Lannister red and their heir shone as brightly as the gold they mined. Your uncle Jamie in the white armour of the kings guard and you in the Baratheon colours, sat on your horse, taking it all in.
As you were getting ready for the feast a knock was heard on your chamber door. An audible gasp was heard from your chamber made then they saw the hound lumber into the room and holt at seeing you.
You were stood there in a long, (Favourite colour) dress with long sleeves and a matching cloak. Your hair had been styled the northern way, simple yet elegant. The southern styles were too fiddly for your taste.
"Ladies, you are dismissed" you said.
The women immediately scurried out of the door and shut it behind them with a heavy thunk. You smiled as you watched the man search the room for any threats or anyone that could eavesdrop. When he deemed it safe he was the one that spoke first.
"You wanted me, you got me. For the whole week"
"You're making it sound like a bad thing, my love"
"It is if I can't keep my hands off of you" he growled and pulled your hips to kiss you roughly.
You were 10 when Joffrey was born and he was more of a disappointment to you than anything else. He was brash, rude, inconsiderate, boorish, egotistical and above all a coward. If someone. When he was younger hed always be at your heels, annoying you to no end and constantly tried to get you in trouble (The keyword being tried) and since Sandor's purpose was to protect the future king, he was with you too. You ended up becoming his babysitter and whenever you were training the boy would shout and say nasty thing to make you lose your concentration. One day you had, had enough of his heckles and asked him to spar with you. However, instead of being a man and doing it himself, he sent his dog to do it for him.
"Clegane isn't always going to be with you little brother and neither will anyone else if you don't lose that sour attitude. So be a man, and spar with me yourself."
It was the way you said it that shook Clegane. He expected you to lose your rag or just leave the training area all together but instead, you talked like you would a scared child. Calm and collected yet firm. As expected Joffery took the challenge, lost and then whined about it like the boy he was.
You parted from the kiss with a cheeky grin as you held his neck in your hands, making him shiver.
"You've controlled yourself before Sandor, and you can do it again,"
"You put far too much trust in me Princess"
"No Sandor I put all of my trust in you. and don't call me princess."
Two days had passed since the feast and you didn't like who you pretended to be. You didn't like the dress or hair or corset but it kept your parents off of your scent for a while. A couple of times you were able to sneak off with Sandor and do your own thing and since you were there to keep up appearances, you weren't missed.
One evening as you were walking across the courtyard, you heard a scuffle coming from behind the stables. You were met with a fully stocked armoury and training area. The walls were lined with a variety of weapons, from knives and slingshots to swards and axes. You reached your gloved hand towards a sword a sudden voice made you jump.
"Be careful, your grace. They're sharp"
It was one of the Stark boys. He was on the older side, about the same age as you may be a tad bit younger. Admittedly you'd been too caught up in being with Sandor that you hadn't taken the time to know your hosts.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, your grace,"
"Don't worry about it... um... sorry I'm so bad with names" You said to the black-haired boy.
"Robb Stark, your grace," He answered kissing your hand.
A deep growl came from behind you, and an amused smile crossed your face. Sandor knew full well the boy was just being polite but he felt protective of you regardless.
"and please be careful around the swords they are sharp. We can't have a lady hurting her self,"
The tone Robb used was like he was talking to a child that couldn't tell the difference between a knife and a toothpick. Sandor picked up on it too. He knew what you were going to do before you did.
From what the boy had said he wasn't aware of your training, nor your personality in general and a fake, sheepish, smile spread across your face.
"Well I have had a little bit of training in how to fight but since I came to Winterfell I've forgotten most of it... you look like you know a few things do you mind catching me up?" You said, acting naive and from the look Robb gave you, it worked like a charm.
Robb agreed to "help" you and took you into the training area. He introduced you to Theon Greyjoy and his half brother Jon Snow.
Sandor watched as you continued your act with an almost invisible smile. Whenever you were in the Red Keep you were a completely different person, you were you but god's did he find that facade entertaining.
By that point, Rob had shown you how to hold a sword, jab and do a couple of swings and before you knew it you were going to spar.
"Are you ready, your grace?"
"I'm a little scared" you answered in fake concern.
"Don't worry your highness, I'll take it easy on you"
You could hear the boys chuckle in the corner of the arena and you knew they were laughing at you... or at least Greyjoy was. Sandor had taken it upon himself to stand by the pair and tell them to hush and watch the show.
The second Robb called "go" you swiped his legs out from under him, knocking him flat on his ass.
"Oh sorry," you snickered "I did tell you I had some training didn't I?"
The Stark stood up and brushed himself off. "Its alright princess, let's go again shall we?"
Almost immediately he lunged at you again, that time you blocked his sword with yours and then knocked him down.
Round after round Robb lost and each time your smile grew.  By the tenth round, Robb had finished "Taking it easy" on you and you were completely fine with that, If he wanted to hurt you he would have done it already. It was all in good fun and after one more knockdown, Robb yielded.
"Nice skills Stark, your father should be proud" You said as you walked up to him and extended your hand to pull him up.
With a smirk, he grabbed your hand. "Likewise your majesty. Although you could have told me before I made a fool of myself"
"Aww and wheres the fun in that?" You said handing the boy the practice sword. "Its been a pleasure Lord Stark that was quite entertaining, but I must bid you good night."
As you walked to the exit of the arena you saw Theon and Jon looking at you gobsmacked.
"Have a good evening Gentlemen." you bowed to the 3 of them and they bowed back.
Many, hot, steamy, lustful kisses were exchanged that night. Not out of jealousy or anger or hatred, but out of pure infatuation. After a particularly long kiss, he rested his forehead against yours.
"Do you know what you did today?"
"You made me fall in love with you,"
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Okay, I'm just gonna write out my main ideas for my Reimagined Monster High. Here we go.
-it takes place in a world where monsters are outnumbered and shunned by humans, so monsters are forced to basically live in secret. Away from humans, in their own secret communities.
-The school itself was founded by Nora Bloodgood. Monster High was the first school of its kind to accept all kinds of monsters and has been running for hundreds of years. Also, it's a boarding school.
-The story will be mostly character driven with the main players being,
-Toralei Stripe. A werecat.
An orphan adopted by Headmistress Bloodgood. Toralei made friends with twin sisters Meowlody and Purrsephone Moon. Unfortunately, the 3 of them became the biggest bullies in the school. Though the twins were much more worse then Toralei. The twins were send to juvy after "the freezer incident".
"The freezer incident", Without Toralei's knowledge, the twins played their most dangerous prank of all. They locked Deuce Gorgon, a cold blooded monster into the school freezer, resulting in him almost freezing to death.
After that, Toralei took a long, hard look in the mirror and decided to change. Trying to redeem herself. So far most students are still untrusting of her. But 2 of them have forgiven her and became her friends, those 2 being...
-Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. A werewolf and vampire couple.
Clawdeen is a fashion designer with quite a following. Monsters love her designs and she's gotten quite a lot of commissions.
She always speaks her mind and has an extreme dislike for lies and liars. She's also fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and family, especially her younger siblings, Clawd and Howleen.
Draculaura is vegetarian vampire, no meat or blood for her. Unfortunately, due to her diet she's also extremely vulnerable to direct sunlight and always carries a parasol or umbrella with her.
Draculaura is one of, if not the most kind person in the school. And yet, there's some hints she's got a dark past. She's 1599 years old, so of course she has some secrets she doesn't want anyone to know about.
-Frankie Stein. One of the 3 new students at the beginning of the story.
Frankie is only a month old and still doesn't quite understand how the world works. She only knows stuff from outdated teen girl magazines. So, yeah. She knows nothing.
Frankie is assigned as Toralei's new roommate. Which means Toralei is half the time busy with making sure Frankie doesn't piss off the entire student body with her antics. Luckily she's helped by Clawdeen and Draculaura.
The 3 of them become Frankie's guides to life. With varying degrees of success.
-Gil Webber. The 2nd of 3 new students at school.
Gil was raised by highly abusive and bigoted parents. Constantly talking about how dangerous and despicable other monsters are. They sheltered Gil never letting him outside or go to the surface. Gil grew up terrified of the world.
Eventually, word got out about Gil's situation and the authorities got involved. Gil's parents were arrested and Gil was taken to Monster High and put in the care of Nora Bloodgood.
Gil is assigned as the new roommate of...
-Deuce Gorgon. Half gorgon, half human.
Deuce has lived for thousands of years since ancient Greece. Son of medusa and inherited her stone gaze. If he looks someone in the eye, they turn to stone. Luckily, since Deuce is half human the gaze is only temporary. And it doesn't work on monsters made out of stone or the undead. Like ghosts, zombies and mummies.
Deuce is a nervous wreck. Freezer trauma notwithstanding, he's constantly worried about dropping his sunglasses and turning someone to stone. He's also insecure about his skills as a chef and artist. He tries to look cool and laid back but he's not fooling anyone.
The snakes on his head are named, Jefferson, Addison, Carson, Maddison and Ed. He treats them as younger siblings even though they're all the same age.
Deuce has some trouble helping Gil not being afraid of everything. So he finds help from other water monsters. Sirena Von Boo? Too ditzy. Finnegan Wake? Comes on too strong. So his only choice is...
-Lagoona Blue. Half Sea monster, Half Water nymph.
Lagoona is bubbly, kind, carefree and very much a Himbo. She's genderfluid so they go by any pronouns he feels like at the moment.
They have 2 passions. Sports. And helping people out. And Gil is just the person that desperately needs Lagoona's help.
-Cleo De Nile. A mummy.
A princess who disowned her family because of how horrible they were. Cleo's lived long enough to know that being bad doesn't get you anywhere.
She's kind, understanding, and extremely generous. She's a natural born leader who takes charge when needed.
-Billy Where. An invisible man.
Billy, or "Invisi-Billy" as some call him is a theater kid at heart. Aside from that Billy also loves discovering the unknown and mysterious.
While his father is invisible all the time, Billy can control his visibility at will. He can even make other objects or people he's touching invisible.
Billy was assigned a new dorm room by Headmistress Bloodgood. A room down in the catacombs. He was put there cuz Bloodgood believes he can help the student living down there with his problems. That student being...
-Johnny Spirit. An unchained ghost.
Johnny died during the late 50s and he's got the greaser look down pat.
Johnny refuses to leave the catacombs and interact with other students, he does not wanna get involved or get attached to anyone. So he does not like having a roommate forced upon him.
And yet, as time goes on Johnny starts caring for Billy and thinking of him as a friend. Eventually trusting him enough to tell him the reason why he shut himself off. The story of how he died.
But that's a story for another time. ;P
Other important characters include,
Abbey Bominable. 3rd new student. She's blunt and likes photography. She has no roommate but gets taken in by,
Clawd Wolf and Heath Burns. Boyfriends that guide Abbey through the school and drag her into their shenanigans and schemes.
Ghoulia Yelps. Cleo's best friend and assistant. Genius.
Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde. Mad scientist and laid back DJ sharing a body.
Neightan Rot. Gay zombicorn. Can go from dishevelled hobo to fabulous drag queen in 10 seconds.
Spectra Vondergeist. Ghost "reporter" that runs the ghostly gossip.
And many more students.
So that's my basic idea. What do you think?
Feel free to leave questions about other students and their roles and what kind of plans I have for this au.
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mystery-star · 2 years
Skank doesn’t need headcannons right?
Well, I mean the movie only covers a part of his life, leaving out much to speculation.
So, the guy too gets headcanons, whether he wants it or not 😊 I mean the whole movie needs more content and theories and everything.
He comes from a bigger family and had at least 3 siblings
His father has been on the team too but he got replaced when Skank was 16. Since he ended up a drunk as Skank said, he and his oldest sibling had to help raise the younger kids
The guy actually has a sad history with relationships.
His first girlfriend (they were together for some months when he was 17) cheated on him
He had his first time with his second girlfriend in his early twenties
They were dating for 3 years already when he got on the team and other ladies, well, were after him
Of course he fobbed them all off but in jealousy, his second girlfriend broke things off
So, he decided that if another woman does want him, he won’t say no
And I mean for the women he was the ‘best’ choice. From the “well-known” team only Biebe, Holt and Skank were on the team at that point. (the others were older and often in relationships. Latter applies for John too. And let’s be honest Skank is more charming than Holt(doesn’t mean Holt never got chosen tho))
That’s how he got his “reputation”
Before he became a teacher he had another job for a short time after high school to collect some money for college (since his family couldn’t help him out thanks to dear old Dad)
His child is a girl, no matter what
At first he and her mother tried dating or to get married but then just decided to be friends and raise the child together
At that point he also stopped sleeping around a little. He still had his adventures but not as countless as before
As I mentioned before, he took up a creative hobby after he had to leave the team
Finally, he also married his daughter’s mother, not really in a romantic relationship but more as best friends
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angstmongertina · 3 years
Happy posting day, @mendedwings/ @queen-scribbles and I’m so sorry I’m running a bit late (and therefore it’s a bit on the shorter side)! I hope you enjoy, and that’s in character for Adie and Clarmont!
The hall is getting more crowded by the second. Logically, he knows that there can only be the fifty odd delegates and chaperones in total, and each additional individual cannot truly add much to the spacious banquet hall, but somehow, the crush of people seems to press against him with each additional new body, making it harder and harder to breathe.
Or maybe that is just the suffocating presence of the royal heirs beside him, preening with various levels of subtlety, at least in the princess’s case, under the attention.
With a silent sigh, Clarmont casts his gaze around, glancing over the gathered delegates, scanning for a sign, a hint, of something that may prove useful to him and his. Fighting the sinister whispers in his mind, the ever present reminder that he is using them, that anyone he brings into the fold, if indeed there even is anyone he can, will be in just as much danger as he is.
That he is, in that sense, just as bad as the current rulers.
The arrival of one of the ladies in front of him is almost a reprieve. He has seen her about before, in his observation of the various kingdoms’ delegations, flitting about from person to person, but up close, she is even more striking. A far cry from the proper and collected Wellish crown siblings, her smile is mischievous, impish even, and while she is dressed in the formal dress one might expect for making the proper first impression at the Summit, her warmth and willful personality are clear just from observing her at a distance.
Now, with her standing right before him, her clear eyes and playful smirk are even more apparent, and, for a brief moment, he wonders if he has already gotten himself in too deep.
It is with some difficulty that he manages to tear his gaze away, only to land on another, far less pleasant, headache. After all, whatever he may think of his kingdom, he is, unfortunately, still a representative of it, and that means not allowing his crown prince to run rampant over all and sundry with his… forceful personality. Particularly to one as shy and hesitant as the young Wellish princess.
Before he can do more than suggest a rescue, however, she has set off across the room in that refreshingly open, confident manner, so different from the circumspection from the rest of the Summit’s delegates and not at all cowed by the intensity of the man whose very stature screams his arrogance and conceit.
Well, if nothing else, she would certainly have the gumption to stand up against the Revairan royals…
He shakes his head, pulling away from his polite farewell with more difficulty than he cared to admit. No, he has to focus, and not on the small hand in his, in the way her eyes sparkled a challenge at him. Not on how tempted he is to put aside his goals and plans, his entire purpose, and return to her.
No, he would have to be careful with her, this Countess Ariadne of Holt.
He runs into her, completely unexpectedly, in the garden, and he finds himself uncharacteristically warring between delight and dismay. He has already tested her, and more importantly, himself, once and found at once nothing and everything to worry about. She has proven herself to be honest, thoughtful, and caring in a way that he has almost given up on finding in the political machinations of the Summit, in the growing rebellion he himself is embroiled in. And he…
Well, he has proven himself to be far too vulnerable to her charms, a fact that he proves to himself yet again as he accompanies her through the gardens, letting her playful guidance and cheerful teasing wash over him, convince him that maybe, just once, he can put aside his worries and duties and be… himself.
With her mischievous smile and independence, with her bright eyes and golden curls—like daffodils and sunshine—stubbornly fighting any attempts at being tamed, he finds himself thinking of Elspeth.
For the first time, he finds that the thought doesn’t hurt.
He is not at the summit for romance or to find a partner. He knows this, has known it from the day he began making plans to expand the rebellion. His job here is to mingle, to find allies among the elite, to use external pressure as well as internal, and to maybe, just maybe, pray to find a solution that will not end another round of endless bloodshed.
That may, somehow, if it is even possible, grant those specters, the memories of his family, cut down defense in cold blood, that both haunt and buoy him, peace.
He is certainly not expecting to find her, someone who can still bring out the best in him, who can still make him laugh and tease and feel. Who reminds him that he still is, that he still can be, just a man.
And while he does not dare speak of her, of how he feels, to others, not yet, he knows, and she knows. And that, that beautiful, dangerous fact, is the most important of all.
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uhthor · 3 years
Liv,,, the Loki finale,,, a tragedy. I want to hear all of your rants about it and also fuck d*sney
hello sweetie it’s been almost 48 hours and i’m still in shock and disbelief that the finale was that messy but i’ll try my best!
first of all, kang was the highlight of the episode. yes, his chat was long and complicated but jonathan majors was very very good and i cannot wait to see more of him in the mcu!
second, loki himself was incredible as always, sylvie was incredible, mobius was incredible & hunter b-15 was incredible. i have qualms about how messy it all was in the end with ravonna and wtf she been off doing (why were the minute men in ohio finding her on earth? there was no real conclusion to that, no real ending to her storyline and hunter b-15’s self realisation and rebellion which annoyed me to no end) and the ending was a dumpster fire cluster fuck. all three of the shows have been so ambitious with their plotting in the first 3/4 of the series and then the finales are just trying to wrap up so many things that nothing gets the justice it deserves and they need to Stop That Right Now because they just fall FLAT and disappoint
but the k!ss...... literally ruined the whole thing for me. loki as a character went through so much growth in a six episode series and i couldn’t be prouder of the way he changed and learned to believe in himself and that he was worthy of happiness. it’s truly some of the best work we’ve seen with loki in the entire mcu in my opinion.
miss minutes offered him a place in the timeline where he kills thanos and rules asgard and the loki in episode one would have jumped at that opportunity quicker than anything. episode six loki shed a few tears and remembered that he was worth more than that. that the cause was worth more than that, that people other than himself were worth saving and rescuing from the tva.
is that not the most incredible growth for loki? is that not the best growth we have seen alongside his growth in ragnarok? his main reasoning for not killing kang was to be able to help others and for sylvie to be okay. the fact the writers turned all of the growth he had made due to meeting sylvie on its head and had them kiss will always be disgusting to me.
they set the series up so well for loki to discover self love and worth through meeting sylvie, especially in that he said he just wanted sylvie to be okay in episode six — to me it will always still stand that loki learned to love himself and believe in his own worth through discovering he cared about sylvie in a non romantic way and that it changed him as a person. seeing a storyline of loki learning to love himself after a decade in the mcu of being made to be so inferior to everyone else by the people around him would have been the biggest love letter to loki and to loki’s fans, and tom.
it’s just so unfair and sad that they went down the route that they did. loki and sylvie had such a good relationship, something i saw parallel loki and thor’s relationship in the last ten years, and after loki was taken from the timeline and never allowed to see thor ever again, something good and stable and healthy loki could have had in his life from then onward.
but noooooo they had to make it romantic. they had to make things weird and they had to throw away a relationship they’d built so nicely with loki and mobius, too. people keep claiming that it wasn’t a romantic kiss and that sylvie was doing it to manipulate him and hit him where it hurts but as i re-emphasise again... there are literally thousands of other ways she could have done that. she could have hugged him. she could have just straight up pushed him. she could’ve pulled a hans of the southern isles and cupped his face and THEN pushed him. there literally had to be no romance involved. it was a choice made directly by marvel to engage in a selfcest relationship. there’s no ambiguity about it.
it also irritated me that people were saying it was typical for loki to fall for himself. we’re seeing a loki in this series like we’ve never seen before. he is so afraid of being alone and very clearly hates himself so much that to me, i don’t think he’d ever fall for himself. yes, he’s narcissistic, but he’s acknowledged that it’s only covering his absolute fear of being alone. i don’t think in any given circumstance would loki fall for himself because he loves himself. loki doesn’t love himself, which is one of the tragedies that this series focused on and created a beautiful journey with.
by meeting sylvie and learning that he cares about her and that she cares about him and believes that she deserved her own happy ending made him realise that he also deserves that, too. that’s the greatest love story that marvel should have written in this series after all the shit loki has been through. having him loving sylvie because she replicates his own self love and wanting her to be okay and have a happy ending is the way it should’ve gone. they are the same person, variations of the same person. her name is literally sylvie laufeydottir. they’re practically siblings. musical composer for the show natalie holt has said and i quote that loki looks at sylvie like he looks at his mother. ?!!!??!!!!!!??!??!? they’re family and it’s so so fucking weird for them to be romantic. it just ruined all of the work and excellence they provided in the first five and a half episodes and it pissed me off so bad. marvel have the uncontrollable need to pair every m/f that speak to each other for more than five minutes (st*ggy), even if they have no chemistry (bruc*nat, st*ron), EVEN IF THEY ARE RELATED OR THE SAME PERSON but won’t touch same sex relationships with a barge pole. funny, that
i just wanted the finale to solidify all of this — loki finally learning to love himself and discover that he has self worth and cares for others after his journey through the mcu being one of pure pain and suffering. i just wanted it to make sense and set up something with a tiny bit of coherence but i left the series more confused than i have ever been and just angry and betrayed really.
obviously i will watch season two and can only hope that things are fixed (wtf is going on with ravonna, hunter b-15, where is kid loki and allokigator, was the k!ss truly romantic, will they denounce all the selfcest etc. etc.) and don’t even get me started on the ending with mobius... not a jet ski in sight just fucking suffering. like twelve of my mutuals predicted he’d have his memories wiped yet it wasn’t any less painful when i saw it happen. justice for wowki, the actual only good and coherent and healthy relationship to come out of this series </3
also can someone PLEASE tell me if they saw casey anywhere cause eugene cordero was credited but i never saw my boy ONCE! he deserved BETTER!!!!
ok think i’m done tldr: fuck the finale i am gay and confused
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faedawayyy · 3 years
hank carmichael (- grandfather of the family, grew up in a wealthy family in london & gained control of his family’s multimillion dollar film company by killing his older brother, who was supposed to take it over.    sylvia carmichael - the daughter of a widowed russian man. she moved to london at 16 to model and was cast in several films from hank’s studio before they met and married.  
edwin carmichael - (eldest son) a very successful real estate agent, he came out as gay when he was 14 and was bullied a lot but has refused to not be proud. theatre enthusiast and married jonah when he was 45 & adopted ruby from italy as a baby. 
james carmichael - (second eldest son) an ambitious visionary, a creative and worked with hank from the age of 15 on the film studio. it’s always been his passion but he also got greedy later in life and dabbled in a lot of crime which got out of hand.  jonathan carmichael - (youngest son - written by synn) so how I imagine Jonathan is that he is very strict with Theo, and has held him to the standard of “why can’t you be more like Anastasia and Leo?”  I always imagined he was a bit jealous James was head of the company, and really wanted to be it too. However, I feel like he’s doing what he can to keep a “my life is going exactly how I imagined it” façade, and won’t really voice his frustrations other than with Theo and his wife behind closed doors (important to note this doesn’t mean any form of physical abuse. Only verbal). I feel like he’s kinda excited that Theo is coming around to more acting because it’s closer to what he wanted for him, but he won’t admit to it ofc  hes a bit salty with Theo for not wanting to marry Margaret even though that’s what HE wanted, like with brody and Disney and Kendall and mason. elizabeth carmichael - (oldest daughter) she got married incredibly young to the man hank pushed her towards and it was toxic from the get-go. when she fell pregnant, he left her and she spent all of her twenties as a single parent raising marcus. she’s now the cool rich aunt. 
cynthia billings - (youngest child) also married the man she was pushed towards - an owner of a successful restaurant chain - and it worked out like a fairytale. they live in lilac heights. cynthia is a complete disney adult and proud, basically a big kid. 
patricia carmichael - (wife of james) she never wanted to marry james in the beginning but her dad, who was the governor of new hampshire at the time, knew hank and thought it was a brilliant idea. she’s artistic, passive, quiet, idealistic and the calm to james’ bold and abrupt nature. she grew to love him and lived most of her life in his shadow. 
jonah carmichael >> edwin’s husband  agatha carmichael >> jonathan’s husband laurence billings >> cynthia’s huband 
THE GRANDCHILDREN - age order/the characters in the same block are around the same age (oldest/middles/youngest) 
theodore carmichael (?) - (jonathan’s son, played by synn)  denver billings (29) - (oldest son of cynthia) - went through college and trained to be a doctor before deciding against it & travelling the world, a backpacker, owns a camper van, homosexaul, responsible. (sam claflin)  anastasia carmichael (28) - (oldest of james, played by zoë) - driven and intelligent, business-minded and has a great eye for fashion. never wants to disappoint her parent or grandparents but has recently divorced her husband, ryden banks. (elsa hosk) iris billings (27) - (second oldest of cynthia) - worked as a fashion journalist in los angeles for the longest time & was constantly made to feel less than because of her body and size. at 26, she threw in the towel and ditched city life for the east coast. she now lives in her grandparents hamptons holiday home and is starting a fresh. (nicola coughlan)  leonardo carmichael (27) - (second oldest of james, played by katie) - leo’s the oldest son of james and often put on a pedestal because of it. he was raised to be an all-rounder and has the typical mindset of a carmichael man. however, unlike his younger brother, he often fails to meet the extra expectations on his love life and avoids settling with the girl his parents want for him. (chad michael murray)  marcus carmichael (27) - (son of elizabeth) - elizabeth’s child. despite their money, he grew up seeing the heartache and crap his dad put her through and became hardened through that. he also did a lot of underhand and shady jobs for james, landing him in jai once or twice. (bill skarsgaard)  hayley billings (26) - (third oldest of cynthia) - hayley started living with a boyfriend none of her family approved of when she was 16. he was 42. she dropped out of school and worked at his bar in london, cutting of the rest of the family when they objected. her boyfriend - shocker - turned out to be a piece of shit and majorly abusive. 10 years later, she’s escaped him and has plucked up the courage to move back home and is reconnecting with the family. (victoria pendretti)  mason carmichael (26)  - (third oldest of james) - mason’s artistic and on the more introverted side of the family. even though he’s praised in his own way, he’s always felt like he needs to be more like brody and leo. his love life is definitely in the spotlight just as much as his projects. (austin butler)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- brody carmichael (25) - (fourth oldest of james) - the product of being raised on “masculinity”. in high school, he was a sports star, he’s always been a charmer and never learned how to lose. people would call him a mini-leo but it quickly became clear who the real favourite was when he made his relationship with disney official. despite the aggressive drinking problem, it’s been hard for any of his siblings to impress their parents quite as much. (zac efron)  marie billings (24) - (fourth oldest of cynthia) - her mothers daughter, a lover of fantasy, magic and romance and never wants to grow up. she works as a primary school teacher & adores it. yet, she struggles to actually date/branch out like most do. her expectations and daydreams of romance are more fulfilling than the real thing to her. (sophie turner/saorise ronan)  ruby rosini (23) - (edwin’s daughter, played by nadine)   miles carmichael (22) - (second youngest of james) - cynical, sarcastic and the self-proclaimed black sheep of the family. miles is massively introverted and the least enthusiastic about any family gathering. last year he found out he isn’t james’ biological son and has felt disconnected ever since. (hero finneas-tifin) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------betty billings (21) - (fifth oldest of cynthia) - betty simply hates the idea of having to work. she’s dramatic and extroverted and the family’s kim kardashian. she has star quality, for sure and a ton of charisma. she’s a shop-a-holic and people struggle to get her to do anything else. (olivia holt)  bella carmichael (19) - (youngest of james, played by nadine) - bella is the youngest child of james and has burnt out. after being thrown into ballet, sports, tutoring and every other class you can imagine from the age of 4, she’s done with teachers and being an over-achiever. bella hasn’t been herself since her dad’s “death” but is very good at hiding it to the point where everyone thinks she’s doing amazing. (anna bruevla/katherine newton/elle fanning)  hadley billings (18) (twin, youngest of cynthia) - hadley is the oldest of the billings twins by five minutes. he’s vegan and an animal lover and very interested in politics. he is an anti-carmichael man in the sense that he shows more than anger, saddness and horniness in his emotional range. very gentle and arguably the nicest cousin. (ross lynch)  freddy billings (18) (twin, youngest of cynthia) - freddy is the youngest and also the brightest of the bunch by far, to the point where an IQ test dubbed him a genius at just 7. he was put into all sorts of competitions and given all kinds of scholarships. but because teachers and adults love him so much, he’s also a little shit, the definition of a class clown. he doesn’t work hard to achieve, he just does and that’s what annoys people the most. (romeo beckham) 
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Romantic epiphanies are dope
At what point, though, had she decided that it was Jake of all people who would disrupt her calendar so completely, while also fulfilling the dreams she didn’t dare write down on it?
After all, if 11-year-old Amy had been asked to create a binder on her future husband - Jake would have not even been mentioned in the footnotes. If she could’ve wished for a partner back then, she definitely wouldn’t have specified that he had to be dorky and clumsy, constantly making bad jokes, living on a diet that would send any other person to the hospital for malnutrition, obsessed with action movies and cop heroics, spending his free time and money on the most useless things anyone could think of, and pranking and bothering her to his heart’s content.
On the evening of their engagement, Amy wonders about her own romantic epiphanies and what made her decide that Jake was the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with.
Read it on AO3
“What about you?”
The scene at Shaw’s bar had settled down a bit after the united ring of the squad had broken down into their own little groups as they always did. Gina was busy admiring Terry’s biceps from a corner booth, phone in hand as always, while he played a game of darts with Jake, who was shooting glances over to Amy every few seconds as if they had been apart for months again instead of just a few minutes. Charles was extolling the virtues of some new restaurant to Captain Holt, who definitely looked like he was preparing to leave ever since he’d stepped foot into the bar. Hitchcock and Scully were… well, somewhere, either asleep or eating, probably.
And Rosa was sliding onto the barstool next to Amy, a cocktail glass - Moscow Mule, her favourite, Amy had learned after literally a year of sleuthing - in her hand and a curious glint in her eye that didn’t quite fit the usually stoic face.
“Hmm~?” Amy gave her a quizzical look - she was not yet anywhere on her scale of drunkenness, still holding the beer she’d used to cheer during today’s round of toasts. She didn’t  want to get drunk tonight - she wanted to remember it all, forever. The little diamonds of her wonderful new ring were shining just perfectly against the dark brown bottle.
“What about you, Santiago. When was your romantic epiphany? Knowing that you’ll say yes if he asks?” Rosa raised an eyebrow and schooled a more appropriate, serious look on her face. “Because let’s be honest, as sweet as Jake is, his’ was pretty lame. You do cross word puzzles like, every night.”
“Oh, I see.” Amy gave the label on her beer a good scratching, peeling off the edges slightly. “I guess-” she started, but nothing else came.
While Rosa usually enjoyed drinking in silence far more than anything, right now she was on the level of inebriated where she would actually let loose enough to, ugh,  chat . And she wanted to chat with Amy, of all people. Well, she supposed, maybe that wasn’t quite so strange, considering she was one of her best friends. Actually, her best friend. Girl-wise, next to Jake. It was still a struggle to admit to herself that these two absolute dorks were far more than just co-workers to her, sometimes even more than just simple friends.
But Amy was still silent, staring at her drink as if it held the answer to everything (which it definitely didn’t if it turned her into Spacey Amy on drink 1).
“It’s fine if you don't have one, you know. S’not always like the movies.”
“No no, it’s just- it’s kinda-” The beer’s label was peeling some more, and the bottle was almost empty after another sip.
It was just kinda… the fact that Amy had always been split down two very different sides concerning marriage.
On the one hand, it had never really occurred to her. Her life plan, hanging proudly over her bed while she was living alone, now replaced by a movie poster of Jake’s that was luckily not Die Hard and the plan relegated to her little office corner, made no mention of it. She had plans for her career - many of them - and actually a few goals for her private life as well, to maintain a healthy work-life-balance as one should. But marriage? There had never been a date set on her wall for that. It was too risky, she’d reasoned even as a teen while drawing up her first plan. Unpredictable, since it involved a whole other person, and relationships couldn’t be planned and dated down to the day, which she hated to think about, and she wouldn’t have much time to date anyway if she was gearing up to be the youngest female Captain in NYPD history. And, if she was completely honest, it was sometimes too scary to think about as well - she knew she was a difficult person to be around, in some ways. Definitely difficult to handle as a romantic partner. What if she couldn't find a man willing to put in that work? And then see the dates on her calendar pass by, alone, or crying from heartbreak? No, marriage was not on her life plan at all, she’d decided at the ripe age of eleven in her pink and off-white bedroom while writing down all the big moments of her life to come.
On the other hand, it had always been an obvious yes. Having a husband,  having a family - she could imagine nothing else, growing up with all her siblings, with her parents still being obviously in love with each other after all these years, with her tias and tios and abuelas and abuelos all around her. What would life even be like without that kind of family? Without people over at her place every holiday, without someone trusted by her side tag-teaming all the tasks and duties of everyday life, without that little group of people that she knew would always be there, would always be loving and caring for her the way she loved and cared for them. It was unimaginable. She’d seen the endlessly romantic scenes in films and read about them in her books, and while she was not easily impressed or swayed even as a teenager, she was definitely... expecting some of that in her own life. She wanted the romantic moments, the flashbacks to tell her children and grandchildren about, the beautiful proposal, the perfectly-planned wedding, the photo album of years and years together, of all the milestones a couple could have. Yes, marriage was definitely on her life plan, tucked into the back of her mind and ever present.
At what point, though, had she decided that it was  Jake  of all people who would disrupt her calendar so completely, while also fulfilling the dreams she didn’t dare write down on it?
After all, if 11-year-old Amy had been asked to create a binder on her future husband - Jake would have not even been mentioned in the footnotes. If she could’ve wished for a partner back then, she definitely wouldn’t have specified that he had to be dorky and clumsy, constantly making bad jokes, living on a diet that would send any other person to the hospital for malnutrition, obsessed with action movies and cop heroics, spending his free time and money on the most useless things anyone could think of, and pranking and bothering her to his heart’s content.
Then again, that wasn’t Jake anymore - maybe it had been during their first few years as only co-workers, but he was constantly changing, growing up step by step, maybe a bit later than others, but definitely growing. He was always willing to learn, as much as he’d moan about it all. He was willing to get better, spurned on by competition, maybe, or by the desire to be the best -anything- he could be, not just best detective, but he was willing no matter the reason.
And then again, that wasn’t all that Jake had really been, ever - maybe on the outside, to the unknown onlooker, but not to those who really spent time with him. As careless as he was with his own health, he was always caring for everyone else in his own subtle and not so subtle ways. As ridiculous as his jokes and pranks were, he also knew exactly when they were not appropriate anymore, and he could lend a hand or a sympathetic shoulder just as seriously as he could stand guard for you if you needed a moment alone in the evidence lock-up. As much as he would boast about himself and throw jabs at everyone else, he would also turn into the ultimate hype-man for everyone on the squad at the mere mention of one of them failing or stumbling.
And if Amy had been given the chance to write a wishlist for the man she wanted to spend her life with at any point of her planning - that kindness, compassion and support would’ve definitely been on the top of it.
She realised she still hadn’t answered Rosa. Luckily, Diaz was exactly the kind of person who knew how to hold onto a weighted silence and give her all the time she needed without interrupting her. She simply sipped her heavy-on-the-vodka-please drink and waited.
“I don’t think I-” Amy started up again, realising that her beer bottle was now completely label-less, a small heap of paper on the bar counter next to her. “I don’t think it was one big moment, to be honest. I think it was a lot of little ones.”
“Like what, buying folders together to get his desk straightened out? The moment when he actually used a five-syllable-word right? The day he finally stopped mixing gummy bears with red vines and calling it ‘sugar bolognese’?”
“I know you’re making fun of it, but those were all milestones in their own way, okay?” Amy shot Rosa a little glare, which proved to be extremely ineffective against the other Latina’s taunting grin.
“But they weren’t the moments?” Rosa continued to poke her, turning her voice several octaves higher for the last words. “Where Jake turned into the knight in shining armour baby-Amy definitely used to draw into her diary?”
No, they weren’t. Sure, Amy was proud of Jake for all of them. But they weren’t the moments where she’d realised that this was it, that this person was  her person. That there would never be anyone who loved her the way he did, and that she could never feel for anyone else what she felt for him.
She tried to think of something romantic, something big to throw back into Rosa’s face, make her stop the jokes and understand. Make her see that it wasn’t about the grand gestures or the perfect match that made Jake her one and only, as cheesy as that sounded.
They’d had many big moments, that was for sure.
When he went in front of the whole precinct here at Shaw’s to cryptically talk about how much just six days with her meant to him. When she knocked on his door to say  screw light and breezy and his eyes lit up as if she’d just taken the weight of the world off of his shoulders. When he sat at the back of an ambulance, a bullet wound from her in his leg and the memory of Figgis’ gun still on his temple, and none of that seemed to matter because they were back in sync and he’d get to finally go back home with her. When he forfeited a bet, lost a collar and gave up his entire apartment for her happiness. When she was knee-deep in files at the precinct long after her working hours and her phone rang, an unknown number on the screen, and when she picked it up she heard his voice so far away and metallic and realised that he must’ve broken several rules and put himself into danger just to get a phone into prison to talk to her. When he spun an entire Halloween heist around today to get her to win it, all so he could give her that soft scared smile as she turned and saw him down on one knee.
Rosa knew about all of these. She’d witnessed them, or heard her drunkenly ramble about them during their weekly get-togethers. And they were all big moments, good moments, special moments she would re-tell to everyone who wanted to hear about her and Jake and their story.
But they weren’t all of it. They were the big plot points in their shared book of life, that was for sure. But they weren’t the kind of quotes she’d underline, the ones she’d write little notes into the margins for. The ones that made her love this book more than any other story she’d ever read.
Yet when she thought about those definitely underlined quotes that came up in her mind now, they all seemed so… trivial, compared to what you’d expect about romantic epiphanies.
Like the time she picked him up at the airport coming back from prison, when he leant back in his seat and took a deep, almost inappropriate sniff of her stupid little pinetree air freshener, telling her how unreal it seemed that someone could miss a smell like that, but that he’d longed for it for weeks now. That it wasn’t pinetree to him anymore, it was the comfort of Amy’s car, and their morning drive to the precinct when he was too tired to get into his Mustang, and Amy picking him up after a few hours too long working on a case, all wrapped up in one scent that he never realised he could miss. He was sniffing an air freshener, with his uneven beard scratching all over it, red eyes from an early flight and maybe a few tears they’d shed at the pick up area, and Amy was sure her heart could never ache as much for anyone else as it did for the tired man sitting in her passenger seat.
Or the time she’d come home from work on his first day off after they’d moved in together, expecting to see her prim and proper apartment turned into a slouchfest the way his old place had been. Only to realise that nothing had changed - safe for the take out containers next to the sink, which had enough left in it that they could share it for dinner. Only to realise that he had actually done all of the laundry,  and  folded all her socks and underwear exactly right,  and  even folded the fitted sheets properly,  and put it all into the closet in the system she’d developed but never actually written down, because it came to her like second nature. Only to realise that meant that he’d watched her, every time she’d done it, to learn it all perfectly so he could do it for her. And she looked at him as he jumped up from the couch to heat the take out for her as she changed out of her work clothes, and realised that she never wanted to share her home with anyone else.
Or the time he’d first been invited to the big Santiago summer get together, and she’d stressed over it just as much he did, making information binders on her family and their quirks and their habits and what he could say and what he should absolutely not say. But when the party finally came, and he’d squeezed her hand so nervously stepping into the living room, he managed to remember every single brother’s, sister-in-law’s, niece’s and nephew’s name, made extra time for her abuela Claudia’s stories and waited for her tia Maria to translate everything someone yelled in Spanish for him, sat down at exactly the place on the table that would’ve secretly been reserved for him as a test, and slipped into dinner conversations and children’s games down at the lake as if he’d always been there, always been a part of her family. She watched him running from her nephews’ water guns and secretly rolling his eyes at her while talking to her brother David and offering his arm to her abuela Sofia on a walk the way he would usually offer it to her, and she realised that it fit so well because he should have always been there, that this spot in her family had always waited for him.
Or the time she’d started her period while staying over at his place for the first time ever, waking up to stained sheets and cramps and the rushing feeling of pure embarrassment, telling him she was so, so sorry and would buy him new sheets and probably better get home so she could deal with this and not bother him for the rest of the weekend despite the plans they’d made. And he’d simply gotten out of bed, rummaged through a cabinet in his bathroom and returned with painkillers, a hot water bottle, and a box of pads and tampons he’d bought after an awkward day at the academy when Rosa had lectured him about always being prepared for anything his fellow detectives could need. And he’d parked her on the sofa after she’d changed into one of his boxers, and the washing machine was already cleaning the sheets and her underwear, and he said  be right back and returned from the bodega on the corner with ice cream and salt & vinegar chips and her favourite chocolate. And she looked at him as he sat down on the other side of the couch, remote already in hand to see what they could binge-watch this weekend, acting as if nothing was wrong and she hadn’t just completely inconvenienced him and weirded him out with her problems, and she realised that she hadn’t. That they’d been together barely a month and a half, and he was already so comfortable having her around that he was prepared for anything. That she could lay it all on him, without the fear of being embarrassed or rebuked as she had been with any other man in her life before him.
Or the time she cancelled what was meant to be their second date ever (after that awkward, chaotic, yet happy-ending first one) because she’d gotten sick. When he showed up that evening at her door, she’d been worried he hadn’t gotten her text (she was too stuffed up to speak properly on the phone, she’d realised when calling in sick to work). But he was wearing an old t-shirt and sweatpants instead of a date outfit, and carried a grocery store bag and a drug store bag, and then he made her take a bath with one of those cold-remedy bath salt sachets he’d found, and cooked her his mom’s sickly-soup (with store-bought matzoh balls, he had to admit, he never quite got those right), and let her pick any movie she wanted to watch while they ate their soup wrapped up under one blanket so she could steal all of his body heat. He’d been to her place as her boyfriend only twice before, but she realised as she snuggled into his arms under the blanket and blew her nose into one of the extra-soft tissues he’d bought that she’d felt so wrong being sick and alone at her home, that she’d subconsciously hoped he could be there to rub the vapo-rub on her back before she went to sleep that night, and that nothing felt more right than him already whistling in the kitchen when she woke up feeling slightly better the next morning.
They were all these little moments, these facets of life that barely even mattered to outsiders, that happened and re-happened several times a year. But they did matter, and they came into her mind every time her mom warned her on the phone not to be ‘too hasty’, every time her non-work friends asked her if she was really sure she was talking about ‘Peralta, the guy you used to moan about so much’, every time someone made a joke to Jake and her about her being ‘above his pay-grade’ or them being ‘an odd couple if they ever saw one’. It was these little moments that mattered so much more to her than any grand romantic gesture could, and that manifested in her mind that Jake was it, and always had been.
The bottle of beer in her hand was still label-less, but she noticed that it was also empty. She didn’t know when she’d transitioned into Spacey Amy, but looking up at Rosa’s face, seeing Gina next to her who’d apparently walked up at some point, she realised that she’d been talking, not thinking all of this.
“Daaaamn, girl.” Gina replied, but her voice was quiet, not even close to the usual mocking tone she’d take on for Amy. Rosa next to her was silent, blinking hard, and if she didn’t know her any better Amy would’ve almost believed she was fighting back a few tears. Which was ridiculous, because this was Rosa, and she’d only had six drinks, which brought her barely close to the emotional level she needed to even think about crying. Rosa’s drunk-scale started a lot later than Amy’s did.
Amy swept away a little tear from her own cheek while grinning awkwardly down at her bottle.
“Good thing that was one drink Spacey Amy and not two drink Loud Amy, huh?” She tried to joke, but Rosa only shook her head.
“Santiago, shit like that, you should shout from the fucking rooftops. Or at least into your fiancé’s stupid grinning face. Damn, I’m genuinely so happy for you two dorks, you’re so perfect. Don’t ever quote me on that, though.” Rosa had at least reached the swearing stage of drunkenness, the one where she’d wrap genuine emotion in as many rude words as possible to make it seem like she still didn’t care as much as she did.
Amy looked over at Jake and caught him looking away just as quickly. He’d been watching her again. He often did when he thought she wouldn’t notice, she’d realised that early on in their relationship. They’d be watching a movie, or hunched over case files, or simply hanging out at her kitchen counter nibbling on take away leftovers and discussing their day, and she’d look up and notice him almost flinching away. On the rare occasions that she woke up after him - once in a blue moon, when the night had been far longer than she’d planned, like tomorrow, probably - she would roll to the side and meet with his eyes, half-closed and shining and definitely, completely focussed on nothing but her.
It was almost unsettling to be the centre of someone’s attention like that, but in a good way. In a way that made her heart skip a beat, because she’d never expected to be anyone’s point of focus like this, ever.
Maybe, besides all the little moments and epiphanies, that had actually been the point of no return for her, love-wise - when she realised just what she was to Jake. Everything, he’d told her not just once during his more romantic moments, whispering in her ear and pressing a kiss to her temple.  You’re everything to me, Ames, and sometimes I think you’re even a bit more than that.  
“Hey.” She heard his voice next to her as he walked up from the long-forgotten dart board, where Gina was quick to jump in and challenge Terry to another round to see him flex his shoulders.
“Hey yourself.” She grinned back, one drink Amy still on the clock.
“Thought I should come over here to tell you something really important.”
“Oh, sure.” The serious tone in his voice made her steel herself almost as a reflex. “What is it?”
“I realised I’m absolutely, crazy in love with you. Is that okay?”
And there was this grin, this stupid wide grin she knew so well, that always looked a bit different when it was directed towards her than anyone else. Amy couldn’t help but laugh as she softly punched his arm.
“Yeah, you know.” She looked at the ring on her finger as she stroked over the space she’d only just hit. “I think that’s pretty okay.”
He leant down for a kiss, and they could both hear a gagging sound from the side.
“Knock it off, Diaz.” Jake shot Rosa a fake-angry look. “You’re not allowed to make fun of us today.”
“Alright, alright. I don’t need to watch it, though.” Rosa stood up from her bar stool, only to punch Jake into the other arm, definitely stronger than Amy just had. He grinned at her nonetheless, knowing full well that was as close and emotional as a tight hug would be from his old friend.
“Better take your fiancée home before she turns into two drink Amy, though. Think you’ve got some stuff to say that shouldn’t be heard from the whole bar.” She grinned again before walking off to beat both Gina and Terry at darts.
Jake followed her with his eyes before smiling back at Amy.
“My fiancée.” He repeated, and she could see how strange the word still felt in his mouth, strange and new and absolutely joyful.
“Your future wife.” She smiled back, and it didn’t sound strange at all. It sounded perfectly right. Because it had always, always been.
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escxpiism · 3 years
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( olivia holt, 23, she/her ) * hey, i’m looking for the office of ALICE ADAMS. they’re the EMPLOYEE who’s known around the office as THE MASK if that helps ? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re ADAPTABLE but JADED, is that true ? i also heard that they’re the one who CATFISHED DAVID HASSELHOFF. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
hi y’all !! i’m may ( 21 // est // she/her ) and i am super super pumped to be here !! i’m also very much writing this against my better judgment ya girl’s running on four hours of sleep and has the option to sleep more but......... is not tired ?? so i do apologize if my mind is secretly tired and makes this intro,,,, even worse than it would be fahouedn. on with the show !! anyway anyway!! feel free to like this if u wld like 2 plot and i will hit u up!!
( also, for some vibes if you so choose to read, here’s the link to her playlist ! )
full name: alice audrey adams
date of birth: october 26th, 1997
*will not perfectly reflect the zodiac big three below because that’s.... math.
zodiac big three: scorpio sun, virgo moon, taurus rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual
education: ged, bachelor’s degree in film — pratt institute
enneagram: 4w3
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine-melancholic
label: the mask
various inspirations: “nutshell” - alice in chains, “santa monica” - everclear, “polly” - nirvana, “jennifer’s body” - hole, “creep” - stone temple pilots, kate wallis ( cruel summer - shhhh ), heather davis ( crazy ex-girlfriend ), satana hellstrom ( marvel comics ), bojack horseman - without the amount of problematic ego ( bojack horseman ), eddie huang ( fresh off the boat ), the great britney spears evolution ( temporarily stopping at circus era )
triggers in order: toxic family dynamic, grooming (nothing super in-depth), kidnapping (? like it was ‘willing’ but no. see next trigger for why), toxic “relationship” (and 11yr age gap w/ a 16y/o we hate it), straight-up captivity, very brief mention of suicide + heroin (very!)
*would like to quickly preface that this isn’t just Dark for the sake of being r/im14andthisisdeep but that’s for a later time **(also! i have markers for where the grooming + Super Dark parts begin and end! -- also, the Super Dark part is all very public knowledge. had articles. media frenzy. first thing that comes up if you google her name) *** also. if u need it then a tl;dr is below this section hfkldsa
alice audrey adams was born to the type of family that names all of their children alliterative names ( however, they sadly didn’t get their own kardashian-style show )... alexis adams (working name, utp if taken as a wc)... alfie allison adams (working name, utp if taken as a wc)... born to anna adams and allen adams... we hate it here.
as u can see... all of the kids were basically named after allen... they all had ‘al’ names.... extremely confusing 
plot-twist: THAT’S the darkest part
the adams were very concerned with public image. as a family in the upper echelon, they simply had to be! a narcissist father, a distant mother, put in competition with her siblings — there was no truly healthy dynamic in the household. but they looked good. they went to church every sunday, a ‘wwjd’ sticker on the back of her mother’s car. they did just enough activities and took just enough trips together to get the image across. they threw parties. they attended parties. they were the picture perfect american family — they even had two cats in the yard! life used to be so hard! 
of course, in reality, this all left ms alice quite the lonely gal. but don’t worry! she didn’t turn to hedonism! lord no! instead, she turned to other people. a lot of friendships — couldn’t tell if they were real or #fortheclout — but at a point, did it matter? 
grooming tw: it all came to a screeching halt when she met luke johnson, the son of their neighbors. he came back from california to georgia to visit family, care for his ailing father. oh, he was a good man! sure, he was ‘somewhat’ older than her — 27 when she was 16 — but he was such a good, handsome young man! and they were all still calling him young man, after all. 
alice ‘began’ a torrid affair with luke after about a month into his visit. although she saw no immediate wrong in it, he insisted she keep it a secret ‘for the time being’ — which really just made it all the more exciting! he made all the storm clouds that hovered disappear.
one day, the levee broke for alice (still figuring out what exactly happened because i don’t wanna go too dark since this is already extremely dark, but trust that it had something to do with her parents and was just enough to push her over the edge). convinced luke was the only safe person, she turned to him. knowing their small community would catch on and essentially exile him, he took that opportunity to convince her to go back to santa monica with him where they could ‘start anew’ after his father’s death.
there are a few details i plan on adding regarding like. how legality playing into it. but i may just reserve those for an official bio lhakfsdfj
**BEGINNING OF SUPER DARK** for a while, there was the question of whether they should consider it a kidnapping or not. she went with him willingly, but she was still underage (and… you know, that age difference… the power dynamic... gross y’all). the adams insisted that it was (bc it basically was lbr) — primarily because it would make them look far better — but the community still questioned the logistics and legalities of it all… ugh. did the police really wanna deal with that? ugh. 
in any case, on the other side of us america, autumn was nearing. alice would have the very occasional inquiry over how school would work (very occasional! don’t worry, luke!), over the logistics of her new life… and, after receiving multiple calls from various friends (in addition to her siblings) that sounded genuine, began wondering… if she’d made the right choice. questions about him.
when she began bringing up the idea of going back — at least for the school year!! — he would continuously remind her that she was not old enough to buy herself a plane ticket (and he was not about to do that). she also couldn’t rent a car yet (and he certainly wouldn’t let her take (one of) his car(s)!). but most importantly? he loved her. and she loved him. (what a creep!)
so, for a hot second, it seemed like she was stuck. damn legalities!! damn love!! you know, until she texted her older sister back with all of the problems that only being 16... and “in love”.... caused. her sister offered to fly down, buy her a plane ticket, and fly back with her. 
when luke saw this (with all the unrestricted access to her phone he had so he could block, delete, and manipulate as he pleased), he confronted her. things went awry. she wound up in his budding wine cellar (which he soon emptied, of course… those merlots :( ….). he messaged back and, as her, said it was actually all good!! luke had figured out the logistics and she could call whenever she wanted!!
and those calls became frequent! because she would pick up when luke held it up to her! because she was pretty sure luke would kill her if she didn’t!
she wasn’t sure how long it was until she was officially Found. it took what was ruled a suicide by luke, a shot to the head and heroin in his system, to finally get any authority’s attention. all she knew was that she went to santa monica in mid june and she stopped seeing regular daylight by late july. so some time in august to some time in april… **END OF SUPER DARK + GROOMING**
she was returned to georgia shortly after and everything was different. from herself to her friends. but everything was also the same. from her room to her family. it was all… teasing. she began going to therapy, but she really sucked at it?? so she just let her therapist rely on various articles that covered the event. because it had been a media circus. good enough, amirite?? 
she didn’t have the will or patience to put on that peppy facade she’d had before, but there were still a few things she found a smidge of joy in. music (although her taste had… slightly altered and wow! it’d been almost a year since she’d picked up that bass!), videography… just those small things, you know?? 
for the first half of the ~ 2014 fall semester ~, she attempted actual school. really was not working out. with, for probably the first and only time, her parents’ approval and understanding, she dropped out and studied for a ged -- shorter and self-led -- instead. 
she passed with a pretty decent grade... but it’s been argued that she really shouldn’t have gotten into pratt institute (she was at least realistic and didn’t apply to, like… cornell), but she did. national news helps. 
while in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, she learned of masters. she submitted an application as a joke — because her grades sucked!!!!! — but guess who got a job?? oh, she could pretend it was because her selected portfolio was actually genuinely good… but, man… we all know…
fun fact: my uncle applied to harvard as a joke. some twenty-five years later, we still haven’t heard back :\
she… continues to suck. like… she kinda wants the place to eventually burn down?? figuratively speaking (or is it…) but ya, for all the monopolizing she has seen turn people Evil?? but the hell can she do about it… just gotta make sure she keeps her in-house videographer job… maybe she can do something about it when she like… is capable. fuaihoelwdjkn
she sees an in-house therapist and i’d say ‘good for her,’ but it was mandated l m a o 
doesn’t talk about herself all that much!! but that might not matter for some people, yk?? ugh journalism <3 
y’all im so bad at ending intros.
(consult above trigger list): bright kid in a super rich and toxic family because obviously. everything they did was just to look good <3 also they all had ‘a’ names which is the biggest tragedy of all :( ‘fell in love’ when she was 16ys/o with a 27y/o who was visiting to care for his father in his final days. had a torrid affair. creep. creep (luke) basically made her ‘fall in love.’ she thought creep was the only safe person at one point and creep was like ‘wanna go back 2 santa monica w me?’ and she was like ‘yes.’ and everyone was like ‘was this kidnapping... we cant tell....’ then he became even more possessive when she started questioning him and some logistics. when she finally found a way she could go back to georgia for a spell, he was like ‘no u can go in my wine cellar btw i will be taking all of the wine out.’ he kept her there from august to april and... only reason he didnt keep keeping her was bc he was Caught so. back to georgia where the devil went down. everything was Worse. even the things that were the same. but hey, the sob story that landed her in the news plenty of times got her into a college she shouldn’t have gotten into and gave her a leg-up in a joke application for a job at masters (in-house videographer). really bad at doing her work but like... fuck the man i guess?? 
has no time for Fake Nice (which, as a born southerner, she’s really good at sniffing out!). has no time for arrogance. kind of makes her at odds with the nyc upper class...
on that note, still got a lil bit of some georgia twang
she lets herself indulge in various vices, but has left a previous hedonist status. weed and alcohol are still pretty common, but everything else is kept at arm’s length.
also, while on that topic, she Does Not drink wine. being trapped in a cellar... kinda makes u averse. like. literally despises it. will go on autopilot and make it KNOWN if offered wine.
also ALSO while on that topic, after looking it up and seeing she fits the new york city requirements, she has a medical marijuana card <3 the one good thing, if u ask her, to come out of therapy/psychiatry <3 will not show it off unless absolutely NECESSARY bc then it gets personal or <3 will lie about why and say it’s like for epilepsy or sumn unless ur rolfe but <3 she has it <3
at odds with herself. enjoys the company of others, definitely has a history of being an extrovert, but has become very selective with the company she keeps. 
VERY private person! has had enough public standing! 
...has occasionally used her story to advance her tho bc it’s her national newsworthy tragic story and she can exploit it if she wants <3
when good charlotte said “i don’t wanna be in love”?? she felt that. her last ‘relationship’ ruined that for her <3 save her <3 
used to be really into pop! bc pop is fun! she loved some britney (i mean... she still does... how can u not!)! but. her taste has changed drastically. rarely listens to pop. has traded britney for like.... hole and the like.
her parents didn’t use this as the basis for her name but,, 2 me,,, she’s named alice for a reason <3 gotta luv alice in chains <3
y’all i found a youtube comment on a video called ‘nirvana - half the man i used to be’ (the song was, in fact, ‘creep’ by stone temple pilots) and it’s <3 her music taste <3 click here for it <3
the above said, dresses like she’s in seattle in the early 90s. 
her rumor is true btw she DID catfish david hasselhoff and she will proudly tell u. it’s her best accomplishment.
completely stopped talking to her parents and got cut-off a while back ago so now she’s livin like the Prols
which is how a rich kid one of my profs once advised referred to his classmates.... hilarity ensues.
the above in mind, her parents say she’s testing the waters as a ‘normal person’ to save face. they can’t have anyone knowing their family isn’t perfect <3
she has a pet turtle whom she named “dr. turtle,” although he’s constantly referred to as “doc” or “the doc.” he has his own youtube channel and tiktok account.
she has a wall full of evidence that courtney love did not kill kurt cobain... it makes sense, believe me.
became a vegetarian...... partially because it was different from her original life and a way to control something, partially because this commercial made her feel SO BAD.
literally her default mode is stoned like... a totally sober alice is rarer than a nessie sighting
when she was 18, before she could ‘hold her liquor’ as well as she can now, she got a lil too drunk and now has a portrait tattoo of courtney love on her forearm. but it was done well at least!!
kind of ironic considering her career, but RARELY posts on any social media site except twitter. after the media circus in 2014 and All Eyes On Her, she’s just..... so tired...... of ppl seeing her face and being like ‘omg ur that wine cellar bitch!’
(drugs tw) has become more and more Addicted to playing around with fate. j chill on a ledge, talkin to some pals, but deciding it’s a good idea to swing her legs on the wrong side of ledge? totally! mixing a lot of alcohol with opioids which she is not accustomed to? DEF!! (end tw)
more to come!!
i have two (2) queued up!! but while we wait for them to post, i’ll just… link them over here: 1, 2
muse u <3 the other half of her subplot from the main <3
her older sister!
her younger sibling!
some of the basics!! you know: close pal, roommate, drug buddies (but she gotta hit them up), fwb, ons, frenemies, enemy
ppl who recognize her from the 2014 luke johnson articles and have either brought it up or,,,,,,, act Awkward™
cld be fun 2 just have like. a jam bud. someone who plays any instrument and they j. jam sometimes.
ppl she sells. some of her medical marijuana to. bc yk what weed may be legal in nyc now but,,,, she’s still found a way to be broke she will accept anything. and also it just became legalized THIS YEAR so!!
i have a budding wc page @ https://escxpiism.tumblr.com/wcs (and when i say budding, i MEAN budding) so feel free 2 check it out!!
more to come!!
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mytarnishedsilver · 3 years
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Have you seen LACY HAUSER around Faerune? She’s a WEREWOLF who SUPPORTS restoring the Seelie Court. People have heard she’s KIND, DILIGENT, and RESPONSIBLE but can also be TIMID, SUSCEPTIBLE, and MANIPULATIVE. We’ll see where she falls when the revolution arrives, but until then she can be found working as a BARISTA and looking for COLTON LAVINSKY, her BROTHER.
FULL NAME: Lacy Hauser
FACECLAIM: Olivia Holt
BIRTHDATE: June 25th, 1997 [24]
SPECIES: Werewolf
IDENTITY: Cis Female, She/Her
ORIENTATION: Hetero-romantic/Demisexual
BIRTHPLACE: Hauser Commune, Colorado
RESIDENCE: Faerune, Feywild
cw: abuse, miscarriage mention
Lacy was born one of the many biological children of Thomas Hauser, an alpha and cult leader in Colorado. She grew up on the commune with her brother Leland, and their siblings, suffering atrocities at the hands of their controlling and possessive father. She was married off at sixteen, to a werewolf in his fifties, a close friend of her father’s, expected to give him children as was her duty. As a woman of the compound, gender roles were greatly enforced, and she was given no freedom without permission from her husband or father. This is the only life she knew, not knowing any better, and she did her best to be a good housewife.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to bring any pregnancy to term. Despite getting pregnant multiple times, the fetus always miscarried, resulting in a deep guilt-complex and depression that nobody but Leland acknowledged. When Leland disappeared one night when she was twenty, about to turn twenty-one, she volunteered to try and find him and bring him back, wanting to prove her usefulness to her father.
She followed her younger brother as he traveled, always at a distance, experiencing the real world for the first time. It was a terrifying experience, but knowing Leland, now going as Colton, was close, even if he didn’t know she was there, helped. She began to see the outside world through different eyes, discovering there was a lot she liked about it. Being free, truly free, for the first time, was exhilarating.
She followed Colton to Faerune, but by this point Thomas had grown impatient and ordered her to come home, convinced she didn’t have the nerve to confront her brother. Lacy returned to the commune, where she as punished for her failure and re-indoctrinated.
A few weeks ago, she convinced Thomas to give her a second chance at bringing Colton home, wanting to prove herself as useful and longing for the brief freedom she’d experienced. She entered the city for the first time two weeks ago and got a job as a barista, hoping to come up with a strategy to convince Colton to return to the commune with her.
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Glee OC Masterlist
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Name: Aurora Anderson
Story: Somewhere Only We Know
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
Summary: Aurora had always known that Andersons go to Dalton, she just didn’t think that she would be included in that legacy.  But after the incident at the Sadie Hawkins dance left she and her half-brother in the hospital, their father told them that Aurora would be the first female student in Dalton history, regardless of what she wanted.  Of course the Dalton Brotherhood had always been her family, and being with her closest friends was exactly what she needed, but when a spy shows up in their midst, she knows that her home is going to be changed forever.
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Name: Abbie Hudson
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love Interest: Sam Evans
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Name: Betty Fabray
Story: A Family Matter
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Freshman year of high school was supposed to be the start of the best years of your life, right?  That’s what Betty Fabray thought when she walked through the doors of William McKinley High School for the first time. It’s what she thought when she joined the Cheerios, it’s what she thought when she heard about a singing club, and it’s what she thought when she got accepted to the New Directions.  But then she got slushied, her position on the Cheerios was threatened, and her big sister was kicked out of their house.  Now Betty has no idea what to think, but between Sue Sylvester and Sectionals, no one is giving her time to figure out what she wants, other than to get her sister back.
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Name: Christina Hummel
Story: Don’t Stop Believing
Face claim:  Laura Marano
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Ever since their mother died, Kurt and Christie Hummel had somehow gotten even closer.  They did everything together; voice and piano lessons, dance classes, working in their dad’s shop, enduring the daily torture that was McKinley High, and, of course, joining glee.  But there was one thing that the twins didn’t agree on: Finn Hudson.  While Kurt saw him as their knight in shining armour, just because he offered them the barest hints of dignity while his friends tormented them, Christie saw him as just as guilty as the rest of his teammates, watching their endless humiliation and letting it happen.  Despite their polarizing opinions, the twins had always been able to look past that - to not let Finn Hudson come between them.  But when Finn joins the glee club, bringing even more jocks and Cheerios with him, their seemingly indestructible bond is going to be put to the test.
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Name: Daphne Carter
Story: Anything Goes
Face claim:  Ashleigh Murray
Love Interest: Leon Elliot, Mike Chang, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Daphne Carter didn’t miss Lima.  She hadn’t been there since she was five, back before she booked her first commercial and suddenly found herself as The Child Star of her generation.  And ten years later, starring on Broadway across from her best friend and dating one of the biggest up and coming rock stars around, Lima didn’t even crossed her mind enough for her to miss it.  But once the drugs and drinking that her parents had always chosen to ignore made her the front page of every gossip rag across the country, something had to be done.  Not for her well being, of course, but because addiction wasn’t profitable.  And that’s how Daphne Carter finds herself being shipped halfway across the country to live with her parents’ childhood friends, and being dragged into the McKinley High Glee Club.
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Name: Delilah Puckerman
Story: Wish You Were Me
Face claim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Delilah Puckerman hadn’t actually wanted to leave her boarding school.  Of course, her expulsion hadn’t been a surprise considering what had happened, but being sent to public school?  Unfair and unnecessary, in her opinion.  But nobody cared what the crazy girl wanted, and she found herself sent off to McKinley High.  She honestly thought that things couldn’t get any worse, until she meets a boy named Noah Puckerman.
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Name: Dylan Ayers
Story: Bet On It
Face claim:  Liz Gillies
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce
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Name: Eliana Lopez
Story: Get It Right
Face claim:  Victoria Justice
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Name: Faye Anderson
Story: Teenage Dream
Face claim:  Vanessa Hudgens
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  To any outsider, the Anderson twins had it all.  4.0 GPAs at Dalton and Crawford, lead soloists of their respective glee clubs, a big house in Westerville, and a celebrity brother.  They didn’t see behind the curtain; didn’t see the absentee parents, the lonely, empty house, or the brother who only texted a few times a year.  But Faye was happy. She loved her school and her glee club and her brother.  And then Blaine decides to go to public school, and her parents decide to send her to McKinley with him.  And although she loves her twin, and would do anything for him, she can tell that her teenage dream is about to become a teenage nightmare.
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Name: Gilbert Hummel
Story: Anthem
Face claim: Casey Cott
Love Interest: Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans
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Name: Jason Conwright
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim:  Ross Lynch
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Name: Jeanie Boyer
Story: Loser Like Me
Face claim:  Grace Phipps
Love Interest: Ryder Lynn, eventual Marley Rose
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Name: Joy Schuester
Story: By Its Very Definition
Face claim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary:  Joy Schuester knew what glee was - how could she not?  Her dad never shut up about the good old days, his glory years at McKinley High.  He even named her after something his old coach would say - by its very definition, glee is about opening yourself up to joy.  Big whoop, she’d never really cared.  Really she was just interested in cheer, drama club, and dancing around her room while singing along to Taylor Swift. But then her dad takes over the glee club and Joy has no choice but to join.  She expected the showtunes, the divas, and even her dad’s white guy rapping.  She didn’t, however, expect to fall in love, and she definitely didn’t expect to find herself caught in the middle of a war between her coach and her dad.
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Name: June Harris
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jesse St. James
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Name: Kendall Pierce
Story: Songs Of The Heart
Face claim:  Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Summary: Maybe it was her age.  Maybe it was the special Pierce… intelligence.  Maybe it was just that she was a better person than most students at McKinley High.  But whatever it was, Kendall Pierce didn’t understand why she couldn’t cheer and sing.  She didn’t understand why Quinn Fabray was so insistent that she not join Glee, or why the New Directions were so suspicious of her “intentions”.  She loved to sing and she loved to cheer, it should have been simple.  But when Quinn Fabray suddenly joins the club, with her sister and Santana in tow, Kendall starts to realize that nothing about high school is as simple as it seems.
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Name: Lilibeth Anderson
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Name: Logan Hayes
Story: Dream Maker
Face claim:  KJ Apa
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Name: Luci Meadows
Story: Maybe This Time
Face claim: Maia Mitchell
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Name: Marilyn Pillsbury
Story: Life Can Be Beautiful
Face claim:  Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, eventual Quinn Fabray, possibly Quinn Fabray & Sam Evans
Summary: When Marilyn Pillsbury was ten, her mother died.  When she was twelve, her dad was arrested.  When she was thirteen, she moved in with her aunt Emma.  And when she was fourteen, she started at William McKinley High School.  And she was nothing but the weird guidance counsellor’s weird niece.  But then, after a fateful encounter with three Cheerios in the girls’ bathroom, Lyn finds herself being dragged into the spotlight. She becomes a Cheerio, she’s hot and popular and the school loves her, she’s everything she ever wanted to be.  And when Quinn joins the glee club, Marilyn is right beside her with Brittany and Santana; finally she can do what she really loves without fearing the consequence.  She’s on top of the world, life is beautiful.  And then she finds out that Quinn is pregnant, and she has to make a choice.  Will she seize the opportunity to rise to the very top, or will she stay loyal to the girl who brought her up from the lowest of lows?
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Name: May Taylor
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Paige Callahan
Story: Light Up The World
Face claim: Zendaya
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Robyn Conwright
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim:  Olivia Holt
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Name: Roxie Flores
Story: The Greatest Star
Face claim:  Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Rosalind Flores was used to living in Quinn Fabray’s shadow.  Quinn was the head Cheerio, even though Roxie was the better cheerleader; Quinn got the boys, even though she had a stick up her ass; Quinn had the friends - lackeys, even though she treated them like dirt.  And then Mr. Schuester takes over the Glee Club and Roxie sees a refuge from her life as Quinn’s understudy.  And it’s great.  Sure, Rachel is as obsessed with being number one as Quinn, but Roxie loves to sing and she’s really, genuinely happy.  It’s everything she hoped for; it’s perfect.  And then Quinn Fabray walks into the choir room and Roxie’s sanctuary collapses around her.
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Name: Savannah Evans
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Valeria Ramírez
Summary: The first thing that the Evans siblings learned when they moved to Lima was that rumours spread much faster than they did back home.  The second thing that they learned was how to lie.  And lie they did.  They were just three siblings; their financial struggles were because of their dad’s job; they absolutely most definitely didn’t have another sister who’d been in the hospital for as long as they’d been in Ohio.  And everyone believed them.  Right up until Rachel Berry sees Sam hugging some blonde girl outside of a motel and drags the entire glee club on a witch hunt that ends with them meeting the Evans siblings in their motel room.  All of the Evans siblings.  Even Savannah, Sam’s twin and best kept secret who, rumour has it, it about to start at McKinley High.
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Name: Valeria Ramírez
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Savannah Evans
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A Look at the slate of Countdown to Christmas Movies airing this year on the Hallmark Channel
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Jingle Bell Bride  Premieres: Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Julie Gonzalo, Ronnie Rowe Jr.  Official synopsis: “Wedding planner Jessica Perez (Gonzalo) travels to a remote town in Alaska to find a rare flower for a celebrity client and is charmed by the small town during Christmas, as well as the handsome local (Rowe Jr.) helping her. 
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Chateau Christmas  Premieres: Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Merritt Patterson, Luke Macfarlane  Official synopsis: “Margot (Patterson), a world-renowned pianist, returns to Chateau Newhaus to spend the holidays with her family and is reunited with an ex (Macfarlane) who helps her rediscover her passion for music.” 
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Christmas With the Darlings Premieres: Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Katrina Law, Carlo Marks  Official synopsis: “Just before the holidays Jessica Lew (Law) is ending her tenure as the assistant to her wealthy boss to use her recently earned law degree within his company, but offers to help his charming, younger brother (Marks) as he looks after his orphaned nieces and nephew over Christmas.”
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One Royal Holiday  Premieres: Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Laura Osnes, Aaron Tveit, Krystal Joy Brown, Victoria Clark, Tom McGowan  Official synopsis: “When Anna (Osnes) offers a stranded mother (Clark) and son (Tveit) shelter in a blizzard, she learns that they are the Royal Family of Galwick. Anna shows the Prince how they do Christmas in her hometown, encouraging him to open his heart and be true to himself.” 
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Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater  Premieres: Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Ashley Williams, Niall Matter  Official synopsis: “Single mom Maggie (Williams) is facing Christmas alone until Lucas (Matter) crashes into her life and becomes an unexpected houseguest. Together they overcome Christmas while finding comfort in their growing bond.” 
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On the 12th Date of Christmas  Premieres: Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Mallory Jansen, Tyler Hynes  Official synopsis: “Two seemingly incompatible game designers team up to create a romantic, city-wide scavenger hunt themed for The 12 Days of Christmas.” 
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Christmas in Vienna  Premieres: Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Sarah Drew, Brennan Elliott  Official synopsis: “Jess (Drew), a concert violinist whose heart just isn’t in it anymore, goes to Vienna for a performance. While there, she finds the inspiration she has been missing, and a new love.” 
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A Timeless Christmas  Premieres: Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Ryan Paevey, Erin Cahill Official synopsis: “Charles Whitley (Paevey) travels from 1903 to 2020 where he meets Megan Turner (Cahill), a tour guide at his historic mansion, and experiences a 21st century Christmas. 
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A Nashville Christmas Carol  Premieres: Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Jessy Schram, Wes Brown, Wynonna Judd, Sara Evans, RaeLynn, Kix Brooks, Kimberly Williams-Paisley  Official synopsis: “Vivienne Wake (Schram), a workaholic television producer in charge of a country music Christmas special showcasing newcomer Alexis (Raelynn), never lets personal feelings get in the way of business. On the verge of accepting a job in L.A., and with the return of Gavin Chase (Brown) — her childhood sweetheart and manager to the special’s headliner, Belinda (Evans) — she receives a visit from the ghost of her recently deceased mentor, Marilyn (Judd). Her mentor warns her current path leads to a dark future and has recruited both the Spirit of Christmas Past (Brooks) and the Spirit of Christmas Present (Williams-Paisley) to help her get back on track. The Spirits’ time-jumping adventures force Vivienne to take hold of her life." 
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The Christmas House  Premieres: Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Robert Buckley, Jonathan Bennett, Ana Ayora, Treat Williams, Sharon Lawrence, Brad Harder  Official synopsis: “Working through some difficult decisions, Wade family matriarch Phylis (Lawrence) and patriarch Bill (Williams), have summoned their two grown sons — TV star Mike Wade (Buckley) and Brandon Wade (Bennett) — home for the holidays. It is their hope that bringing the family together to recreate the Christmas house will help them find resolution and make a memorable holiday for the entire family and community. As Brandon and his husband Jake (Harder) make the trip home, they are anxiously awaiting a call about the adoption of their first child. Meanwhile, Mike reconnects with Andi (Ayora), his high school sweetheart.” 
New movie to be Announced  Premieres: Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: TBD Official synopsis: TBD 
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A Christmas Tree Grows in Brooklyn  Premieres: Nov. 24 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Rochelle Aytes, Mark Taylor  Official synopsis: “Erin (Aytes) is planning the town’s Christmas celebration and must win over firefighter Kevin (Taylor) in order to obtain the beautiful spruce tree from his property for the celebration.” 
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A Bright and Merry Christmas  Premieres: Nov. 25 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Alison Sweeney, Marc Blucas  Official synopsis: “Two competing TV hosts (Sweeney and Blucas) are sent to a festive small town over Christmas. While pretending to get along for the sake of appearances, they discover that there’s more to each other than they thought. 
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Five Star Christmas (Working Title)  Premieres: Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Bethany Joy Lenz, Victor Webster  Official synopsis: “After moving back to her hometown, Lisa (Lenz) plots with her siblings and grandparents to help her father’s new bed and breakfast get a five-star review from an incognito travel critic (Webster), but ends up falling for him, not knowing he is the real critic.” 
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Christmas by Starlight (Working Title)  Premieres: Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Kimberley Sustad, Paul Campbell  Official synopsis: “Annie (Sustad), a lawyer, must help her loved ones this holiday season. Her family’s restaurant, the Starlight Café, is slated for demolition. The heir to the development firm responsible, William (Campbell), makes her an unlikely proposition: He’ll spare the café if Annie spends the week ‘appearing’ as the legal counsel his father is demanding he hire in the wake of some costly mistakes.” 
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Christmas Waltz  Premieres: Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Lacey Chabert, Will Kemp, JT Church  Official synopsis: “After Avery’s (Chabert) storybook Christmas wedding is canceled unexpectedly, dance instructor Roman (Kemp) helps her rebuild her dreams.” 
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If I Only Had Christmas  Premieres: Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Candace Cameron Bure, Warren Christie Official synopsis: “At Christmas, a cheerful publicist (Bure) teams up with a cynical business owner (Christie) and his team to help a charity in need.” 
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Christmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing  Premieres: Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Holly Robinson Peete, Colin Lawrence, Rukiya Bernard, Antonio Cayonne, Barbara Niven  Official synopsis: “As Michelle’s (Peete) wedding approaches, Hannah (Bernard) steps up to help finish the launch of the new Evergreen museum while questioning her relationship and future with Elliot (Cayonne).” 
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Christmas She Wrote  Premieres: Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Danica McKellar, Dylan Neal  Official synopsis: “When Kayleigh (McKellar), a romance writer, has her column canceled right before Christmas, she heads home to reconnect with her family. Kayleigh gets an unexpected visit from the man (Neal) who canceled her column who fights not only to bring her back to the publisher but also for her heart.” 
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Cross Country Christmas  Premieres: Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Rachael Leigh Cook, Greyston Holt  Official synopsis: “Former classmates Lina (Cook) and Max (Holt) are traveling home for the holidays, until a storm hits and they have to work together to make it home in time, no matter the mode of transportation.” 
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Christmas Carnival  Premieres: Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Stars: Tamera Mowry-Housley, Antonio Cupo  Official synopsis: “Emily (Mowry-Housley) is a top newscaster who has achieved her career dreams but still has regrets about the guy (Xavier) who got away five years earlier. When the Christmas carnival comes to town, a ride around the carousel takes her magically back in time to the carnival five years before... giving her a second chance at love before she must return to Christmas present.” 
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A Christmas Carousel  Premieres: Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Rachel Boston, Neal Bledsoe  Official synopsis: “When Lila (Boston) is hired by the Royal Family of Marcadia to repair a carousel, she must work with the Prince (Bledsoe) to complete it by Christmas.” 
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Love, Lights, Hanukkah!  Premieres: Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel Stars: Mia Kirshner, Ben Savage, Marilu Henner  Official synopsis: “As Christina (Kirshner) prepares her restaurant for its busiest time of year, she gets back a DNA test revealing that she’s Jewish. The discovery leads her to a new family and an unlikely romance over eight nights.” 
Info from the ew.com article, Link HERE 
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