a murder of crows
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how much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
he’s so beautiful
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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barry keoghan for bumble (2024)
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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a smile spread across the older man's face. it was a rare occurrence those days with everything piling up, what seemed by the hour at that point. "i've always considered it a good way to have a conversation," that and a few other things like taking a drive or drinks, but it was easy to focus on pool and talk at the same time. vinny pulled up the triangle after positioning the balls on the table. he motioned for janus to break while he went to the wall to pick a pool cue. "there's a few things. i'm sure you've heard about this group that calls themselves the snake den?" it was a rhetorical question, he knew they'd been contacted as well. what he didn't know is what the other man was planning to do with their side of the proposition. "are you planning on making a deal with them? i only ask because i don't think we will, but if this red eye group is in fact real and the names are out there. how do we go about finding them without siding with these psychopaths?" these were the types of things the government and the executioners could see eye to eye on. at least if you asked vinny. janus had a way of getting information the unit chief simply couldn't and that was not something he would admit lightly.
"the other part is a bit more personal, case wise. it was a cold case," one that he's tied to a few other cold cases since he'd gotten his hands on it when he first entered the bureau. "if i gave you a name or two do you know anyone who could look into them? dig up some information." or be bought. these things usually cost money when he outsourced. his own informants would give anything to him for the simple promise of staying out of prison. unfortunately he couldn't trust FBI informants with this one.
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Janus is a man whose life demands urgency and purpose, and he seldom finds the luxury of leisure. His conscience, a strict overseer, permits only those pursuits that cloak themselves in the guise of necessity. What it does allow is clandestine meetings in deceptive venues. It allows for him to don his most casual jacket he owns and indulge in a game of pool with a most illustrious man - however simple the game may become or wrought.
"Not often, but just enough to be considered dangerous. I appreciate the patience it demands," Janus remarks, his smile a subdued curve as he strides past the other agents to select a pool cue, aware that Vinny, too, understands the art of strategic patience. One does not ascend to unit chief without mastering the delicate balance of timing and resource accumulation. "Ah, I'm always keen for a challenge. My lips are sealed, as always." Janus lifts his brow, hopeful. "Please tell me it has something to do with our friends in the Snake's Den."
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
who: @gildcdglory ( link )
where: their apartment
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it was that kind of week, wasn't it? capitalist holiday blowing in to remind unattached people just how lonely they really are. it should be illegal. to counteract the effect of the whole thing she made the reasonable decision that any thirty year old woman in her prime would: make an oversized blanket fort and force your brother to watch cult classics until you both fall asleep.
she'd already purchased enough snacks to open a concession stand at a local little league game. brownies were in the oven. the skeleton of the fort was up with at least half the blankets already secured. "yo LINK!" she shouted from the living room, shoving the couch back a little bit more. "come help me, i need you to hold these sheets up so i can secure them." there would probably be several other things to do, at least, until she was satisfied with the enclosure but together they would get it set up in no time. looking over at link, there was a second of sadness wondering if he thought they did this as kids. they would've, if he would've existed back then. she shook it off. "we also need to grab all the pillows and cushions in existence to make this cinematic experience feel like we're watching movies on a cloud."
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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MIA GOTH photographed by Daria Kobayashi Ritch for Who What Wear (Spring 2019)
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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full name: zelda katherine adair nicknames: tbd gender / pronouns: demi-girl, she/they age & birthday: 30, march 21st occupation: jazz singer at godfather house of blues, ethical hacker affiliation: executioners, vigilante orientation & status: homosexual kinsey scale 6, single strengths: bold, protective, outspoken, friendly, talented weaknesses: overzealous, paranoid, impulsive, sarcastic, rash character inspo: nomi (sense8), darlene (mr. robot), allison hargreeves (the umbrella academy), mika (orphan black), mindy meeks-martin (scream vi), raven reyes (the 100), abby sciuto (ncis), jynn urso (rogue one), fox mulder (the x-files)
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* ◟ : 〔 jasmin savoy brown , demi-woman + she/they 〕 ZELDA ADAIR , some say you’re a THIRTY YEARS OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both BOLD and PARANOID , one can’t help but think of NO COMPLAINTS by NOAH KAHAN when you walk by. are you still a JAZZ SINGER , HACKER / VIGILANTE at GODFATHER HOUSE OF BLUES / EXECUTIONERS, even with your reputation as THE ICARIAN? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and LATE NIGHT CLICKING OF A MECHANICAL KEYBOARD, A FACE ILLUMINATED BY BLUE LIGHT IN AN OTHERWISE DARK ROOM, LIVING MULTIPLE LIVES, EIGHTIES & NINETIES VINTAGE T-SHIRTS, AND INSOMNIA INDUCED BLANKET FORTS & MOVIE MARATHONS, although we can’t help but think of ALLISON HARGREEVES (THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY), DARLENE (MR. ROBOT), MINDY MEEKS-MARTIN (SCREAM VI), NOMI (SENSE8), MIKA (ORPHAN BLACK) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
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tw: infertility
born in roanoke, virginia to ruth and clarence adair. ruth, a teacher, named her zelda katherine after katherine johnson a world renowned mathematician and one of the first african american women to work as a nasa scientist. her father, a senior game developer in his own company, picked zelda after one of his all-time favorite video games that inspired him to create his games and company.
it's safe to say they both expected great things from their only child. they'd wanted more, but as time went on and conditions of the world worsened the subsequent attempts failed. this was something that seemed to upset zelda more than her parents growing up, as it always felt incredibly lonely in her world.
school always went well for zelda in terms of performance. she was exceptionally good in science, math, and technology. computers were her top interest, but she also enjoyed her extracurriculars like theater, choir, and track. she even reinstated and led the paranormal club, another hobby of hers that carried on well past high school.
because of their academic prowess they were able to get a scholarship to nyu and mixed with their college fund it was feasible for her to actually go. it was hard to say goodbye to everything she knew but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and there wasn't anything truly holding them back except maybe her parents. everyone has to leave the nest eventually, right?
zelda had been excited for college, to be out on her own in a big city and with the freedom to meet new people, learn new things, and maybe start building a life. though she always had a problem with dreaming big and reaching for the stars without a space suit on.
some of the things she hoped for came true, she did learn new things. lots of new things. in fact life became a series of lessons, some good and some bad, that never really stopped. unable to blossom in the social department they focused on their studies and it paid off in the form of a paid internship at stoneage industries. it was there they started on a project, creating a replicant code meant to be able to fulfill a hole similar to the one that was in her own family. perhaps even make it so they could age, and develop just like any other human. give them free will which was against the mold but she didn't care.
unfortunately she wasn't as experienced as she should've been in order to be advancing code like she was trying to do. zelda should've stuck to the basics instead of trying to reach for the stars but she didn't, she wanted to do something great ( and if you ask her, she did ). link was great, his code a little off but that's what made him special - he could ( kind of ) think for himself and even if he had a few bugs, it wasn't like she couldn't fix them. all code had bugs to be worked out.
she didn't get a chance to do that at stoneage, however. in fact, the longer she worked for stoneage the more she realized just how barbaric they were. one thing was certain, there was no way she was going to let them destroy her creation brother, just because his code was a little off - she could fix that, she knew she could. he had feelings, he was her family. so, she quit stoneage and declined continuing on in the masters program at school. her and link found an apartment where they could live in peace ( hopefully ).
each of them were able to get a job at godfather house of blues, that way they could each make money and she could keep an eye out for and on link. she made extra money doing hacker/coding work on the side and in her spare time did a lot of ethical hacking, primarily chasing those trying to hurt others, especially the innocents of the world. like link, like she was once upon a time.
it was through that work she was discovered by the executioners. of course she agreed with their cause and while she'd never work for the government again, she would still like to see the crime in the city stop. her days and nights are spent in a roundabout between all these positions, all the while trying to keep blade runners from catching on to them and still attempting to live a normal life. at this point, though, she had no clue what tomorrow would bring.
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college friends / rivals
people who knew her when she worked at stoneage
people suspicious of link
fans of jazz music
failed dates ( female only )
best friend (s)
other executioners
replicant sympathizers
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lives in a two bedroom apartment with her brother link. she has outfitted the place with a make-shift security system in an attempt to protect them, though it's always a toss-up if link will remember the code or to set it when he leaves.
she can regularly be found on forums online dedicated to paranormal, aliens, conspiracies, and, of course, replicants. the former items have been a lifelong hobby - the latter has been since she created link. she runs a blog specifically themed to paranormal / alien / cryptid stories, sightings, and reports.
zelda fell out of contact with her parents when things really started going south in the world in terms of environment, etc. they refused to leave roanoke and she is afraid she'll never talk to them again.
her hair changes a lot, color, style, etc. some would think it's to evade anyone looking for her and link, but really it's because it's her way of letting out expression or rebelling against society in general
more coming...
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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most of the time frankie talked about something to do with chemical compounds or engineering. new things were being discovered all the time ( some by her, though she didn't share that with the public ). she couldn't help it, and it truly didn't matter if anyone was listening. in fact, at times, the scientist was caught off guard when a question was asked.
"what is what?" eyes shot up from the tablet she was entering in measurements on. the small machine whirring about a foot from her is what they pointed to ( not that it was very precise ). "that is a micro-centrifuge, it mixes a few samples at a time so i don't have to go to the big one all the way over there." a head full of red curls shook as she nodded to the bigger one on the other side of the lab. the noise of the table pulled a frown from frankie. "here's a concept, brainiac," frank snarked over. "why don't you sit on a chair?"
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@murdcrofcrows ft. Frances @ the lab 👀
Nate sat on the table, looking at what Frankie was doing, his eyes following every moment. They weren't that interested in... chemistry or something, but they enjoyed it when Frankie spoke about it. And when they could ask questions and were shut down like, only half of the time. A huge win for them.
They had to wait somewhere until they were needed to drive anyone anywhere - or pick them up. The call could come at any time. Or it would not at all. No wander they slept so badly.
"What's that?" they asked, as they pointed somewhere, shifting the table and finding it wobbling under them. They balanced themselfs and the table made a sound as it firmly cemented itself in its place again. Very bad tables. "Sorry."
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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the redhead narrowed her gaze immediately after him, a mild mocking to hers but not in a harsh way. often frankie did this when she felt someone was trying to be intimidating or getting mad, for assumedly, a stupid reason. which she fully believed was the reason ORSON was narrowing his navy blues at her then. there was nothing wrong with an obsession. many have pointed her many long hours ( sometimes days thanks to the sofa in her office ) spent at the lab when she gets into a new idea. not once did she get offended by it because, duh, of course she's going to spend a lot of time with what she loves. it's important to do other things too, however, and hence why the two of them were there together. out of their respective habitats, conversing and taking in the fresh air. though she knows she tends to balance her vices out with more vices and even then it's far more than orson does. "mmm," she hummed, rethinking it, "best not put any focus on that. you need to get out in the wild occasionally, i'd miss seeing the way the neon reflects off your skin!" she had half a mind to pinch one of his cheeks but stayed on her side of the table in the end.
she tried to hide the smug smile that followed when he obliged her suggestion with another quick sip from her mug. the twinkle in those earthy green eyes remained, however, not truly hiding much. frankie didn't point it out or make a deal out of it, just a silent thank you to ease her worries. "is it not? i don't know why else you'd be so insistent on being so formal." then again, now that she'd said it, perhaps it was him liking formalities. GROSS either way. "versatile, yes. done? not so sure on that one. i am not willing to send an unstable product into the world and call it good enough." this could be the only part in the scientist's life that she strove for near-perfection in ( because nothing in science is one-hundred percent ). suddenly, her interest went from formulas to piqued at the words chemical prowess in the air. "that sounds like flattery, sugar plum," oy vey. she leaned forward with a look crossed between worry and intrigue. "tell me, please, what on earth you would need from me..."
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duller irises narrow at the mention of an obsession ― such an ugly word, that, with connotations of frantic insanity that orson believes antithetical to the delicate nature of his interests : he is not a man obsessed, but rather a man impassioned ! an important distinction, were you to ask him. and he should know ! it is with astounding frequency that such accusations are thrown about ― whether in his presence or simply in reference. but for the life of him, the funeral director cannot fathom why. languid limbs fold across a chest cloaked in thick wool as he fixes frances with a flat stare. ( in spite of the sweater ― this, and the steaming beverage he's kept curled close in hand ― there exists a chill deep in spindly, anemic bones that will not ease into thaw for many months still ! and yet, he does not yearn for the gentle warmth of spring. no, orson make his home in the cold here, the inhospitable. to be alive is to be uncomfortable. orson leans into this. ) he blinks. sighs. there's no untruth to her words ; solitary though he might be, she's one of select few whose company he'd seek out of his own volition.❝ perhaps i could even host them myself. ❞
and then he'd never have to leave the funeral home !
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and she's right about another thing, too ― truth be told, she's right about many things and her ( rather opinionated ) mind happens to be one of several reasons he's drawn to her, but orson is mindful when stroking her ego ― this is a world where there are very little fucks to be given. would he have put it a bit more eloquently ? perhaps. but the point remains, and orson should be so lucky to have someone looking out for his livelihood atop their own. particularly someone like frances. he suspects at times she's done more for him than his own flesh & blood ever has ― and orson would be so narcissistic to think it some sort of karmic blessing unto her that she's the only one he's not yet buried ― and it's for this reason he allows her to worry and fret after him far beyond where his patience would've run thin with anyone else.
( he does not acknowledge her suggestion aloud, but there's something very deliberate about his movements as he reaches for the small pitcher of cream sat between them on the table. the pour is but a half-second's splash ― hardly anything ― but it's more than he ever takes with his espresso. whether or not it'll be palatable remains to be seen, but it is a simple way to oblige her. )
lips twitch up into a smirk as he returns his gaze to her. ❝ is that why you believe i call you frances ? because it's . . . old - timey ? ❞ orson laughs then ; the sound is quiet, odd, but genuine. he settles himself with a sip of his americano ― and no, it isn't awful with the cream, but he expects it's likely an acquired taste ― and listens as she elaborates on her recent experiments. ❝ hmm. ❞ orson taps a finger thoughtfully against the side of his cup. ❝ but destruction has its own applications . . . it sounds to me like you've got a versatile compound on your hands. ❞ there's a pause as orson deliberates for a moment before continuing. ❝ and speaking of your chemical prowess, i've been meaning to ask a small favor of you . . . ❞
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
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EUPHORIA | S02E03: Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys
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murdcrofcrows · 1 year ago
@bloodiedfields @warystares
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