#hes even taller than marisa
on-dragons-wings · 3 months
/ sf is among my favorite verses for xaos bc its one of the few verses where xaos isnt the biggest human character. for example sagat is 7'5. i love the idea of xaos this giant wall of beef entering a fight and having to look up
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Raisa fidgets, her hands clenching around the steering wheel of her car as Han directs her to park in a lot outside of a large, brick building. 
Han puts a hand on her shoulder, able to read her moods as always. “Don’t worry. They’re going to love you.” 
“Yeah, right.” Raisa huffs. 
“I promise you, after last night, Bird already likes you more than me.” 
Raisa deadpans. “Haha, very funny.”
Han coaxes her out of the car, the heat of his palm in hers sending tingles through her skin at every point of contact. 
Upon further investigation, Raisa notices that the building they had parked in front of was a restaurant, the words, Marisa Pines, written out in gold, cursive letters. A bright, red ‘Closed’ sign was hung in the glass door. 
Raisa was surprised when Han pulls her around to the back of the building, feeling sad when he takes his hand from hers to pull out a key, and open the back door. The door opens up to reveal a stairwell covered in threadbare carpeting. They walk up to a brown door on the first floor landing, and Han grabs another key to open it. 
Raisa stands behind him, her heart galloping in her chest. “Willo!” Han calls out, his hand once more cupping Raisa’s in his. Whether as an act of comfort or to make sure she didn’t run away from him, Raisa didn’t particularly care. 
The apartment was lit in a soft, orange glow. Potted plants are on the ground, hanging from the ceiling, and sitting on tables. Handmade quilts are thrown over the leather seating, fringed rugs on top of the carpeted floors. Multi-colored Christmas lights were decorating the entirety of the room, a tree decorated with mismatched ornaments and erratically placed silver garland. The apartment had a cozy, homey feel to it that Raisa immediately adored, having grown up in a sterile environment that was made to look not touch. 
“Willo?” Han calls out again, dragging Raisa further into the apartment, and into a roomy looking kitchen area. 
Of all the ways that Raisa had imagined Han’s foster mother to look, none could’ve prepared her for the beautiful woman standing at the stove in front of her. 
Willo is younger than Raisa would have expected, younger even than Marianna, who had not been old when she’d had Raisa. She was short, not much taller than Raisa herself. Her copper skin glows, not from the light of the room, but almost naturally, as if there was a brightness inside of her that could not be contained. Her long hair was pulled into a braid that fell down her back, a tan, flowing blouse falling over her dark, brown skirt. When she saw Han, she smiled, and Raisa could swear that it lit up the entire room. 
“Hunts Alone!” Willo exclaims, pulling Han into her arms. He goes willingly, leaning down until his head can rest on Willo’s shoulder, and she rocks them side to side. Willo pulls back, one hand on Han’s face, the other straightening out his hair. “Look at you.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Have you been eating enough at school?” 
“Yes, I have. I’ve even been using the recipes you gave me.” Han tells her. He looks over his shoulder at Raisa, and gestures for her to come closer, which she does, hesitantly. Raisa has never been a shy person, but standing in front of this beautiful woman that seems to love Han so much makes her feel nervous. “Willo, this is Raisa.” 
Willo grabs Raisa’s hands into both of hers. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Raisa. Hunts Alone has told me so much about you.” 
Raisa raises both of her eyebrows, glancing at Han. “Really?” 
“Oh, yes.” Willo nods emphatically. “He has talked about you non stop for the last several years.” 
“Okay, Willo.” Han jumps in, and Raisa is fascinated to note that his cheeks are glowing a bright red. “Where is everyone?” 
Willo looks around the empty kitchen, as if just now noticing that they were her only guests. “Fire Dancer just called to say that he and Cat are 
“Which is code for ‘last minute gift buying.’” Han informs Raisa. 
Willo continues as if there had been no interruption. “Bird is downstairs, working on some of the books.” 
“On Christmas Eve?” Raisa’s eyebrows furrow. 
“She does it to get out of helping in the kitchen or doing extra chores before me and Dancer get here.” Han tells her. 
Once more, Willo ignores what Han says. Her eyes light up as another thought occurs to her. “Oh, and—“
Suddenly, a door swings open, and all three of them turn around to face the young girl standing there, bouncing on the balls of her feet. 
“Han!” She yells, running at Han full force, and jumping into his arms. “You’re here!” 
“Mari!” Han is smiling so wide that Raisa can see all of his teeth, an expression that he wears too far in between in Raisa’s opinion.
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tribow · 2 years
2008 is a pretty eventful year for touhou at least in terms of canon. It marks the release of both Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Subterranean Aminism. I think Cage in Lunatic Runagate started releasing chapters around this time as well.
Mountain of Faith released late 2007 so the fanworks for those characters were fleshed out in 08 as well. So what happened in the fanon? Well, a lot did and a lot didn't.
Aya is now a big character from here on out.
Wriggle stays somewhat relevant somehow??? She's doing her best!
Hina is either the nicest character ever who deals with depressing topics/stories or the most evil character imaginable (usually in comedy-focused stories).
Medicine starts to show up more due to Hina existing. I always thought this character was ignored by the community, but she really wasn't.
This is the LEAST stupid year I've seen for Cirno. It's like everyone decided to let her doing something smart this year.
Momiji is commonly depicted as working for Aya (which is super incorrect). Outside of that she doesn't get much focus surprisingly.
Kaguya's antagonistic depiction is slowly getting overshadowed by her being a NEET.
Ran and Sakuya are having a very hard time keeping it together.
I knew Nitori would be into tech, but I didn't expect her to obsess over taking tech apart to see how it works. Aya's camera was in constant danger.
Reisen's PTSD is starting to set in.
Rinnousuke is ripped as hell and nobody cares. (Shoutouts to Rinnousuke being comedy gold when he isn't depicted as a disgusting pervert).
The Aki sisters bicker with each other quite a lot, but always make up with each other by the end.
Minoriko throwing grapes and potatoes at whoever she's angry at is top tier content.
Since the Aki sisters made the seasons relevant again, LETTY IS BACK LETS GOOOOO.
"Yukkuri shiteitte ne!" was 2008???? I thought it was way older!
The family dynamic of the Moriya Shrine heavily reminds me of Minami-ke (there's even a doujin that makes that comparison).
Kanako gets added to the list of "old hags". (Suwako avoids this despite being just as old)
Reimu is somewhat nerfed now. She's clearly still powerful, but the absolute dominance of power she has in fanworks isn't as prominent.
Suwako trying to be the mother she never got to be in past and be the mother Sanae never had hits me right in the feels bro.
Marisa's harem only gets bigger. (Is it because of the faith she gathered?)
Sanae gets sexually harassed a lot. Ya hate to see it.
Sanae is usually portrayed as a very nice, responsible, and innocent young girl which is funny...considering how long that lasts.
Suwako's height varies drastically, but starts being consistently short by the end of the year.
Mountain of Faith as a whole doesn't get much content even in 2008. Maybe it got overshadowed by the other releases, but it was one of the weaker touhou games in general.
Tenshi's masochist joke happens immediately. Also she is supposed to be short canonically, but Twilight Frontier didn't show it well so in fanworks she's a little taller than average for a long time (American sized).
Iku cannot read the room, a joke almost as good as "is that so?".
I'm disappointed that no one made a joke about Patchouli using bean danmaku to beat Suika in SWR. (maybe someone did and I didnt see it)
Iku almost becomes a sadist, but Yuuka existed so her motivation in bullying Tenshi just becomes a yuri thing
Several characters try to eat Tenshi's or Minoriko's hats.
Aki Eda said Parsee and Yuugi were gay for each other and everyone was like, "Yeah I'll add that to my religion" (idk if Aki Eda was actually the first person to ship them, but their doujin released pretty close to SA)
Satori frequently uses super weak spellcards (like Easy Perfect Freeze) exposing that the heroines got hit by them at least once.
Rin will absolutely throw your body in her wheelbarrow even if you're just unconscious.
Koishi's 3rd eye is usually shown to be shut normally...like without stitches. I'm used to seeing stitches.
Aaand that's really it for SA. SA released late in 2008 so anything else I say would be technically about 2009 fanworks. There was honestly way more stuff about older characters than the new ones for this year. The overall fanon for the older characters didn't change much despite SWR giving a lot of material for older characters. (I barely even saw Komachi in 2008!)
Ah well, I know 2009 goes wild. It's about when I started to really pay attention to doujinshi works and not just the games/music. Undefined Fantastic Object comes out and a lot of new stuff in general happens (honestly considering making two posts for it).
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lieutenant-amuel · 3 years
What do you think the heights are for reoccurring characters like armando and others?
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Thank you both for the ask! I honestly can't believe y'all are actually curious about it ×)
Anyway, I'll try to list as many characters as I can remember (and the ones who are at least a bit important).
However (I think it's actually pretty obvious), I will include only the human characters, so there's no jaquins, chanuls, sirenas (besides Marisa and Marzel since they're the only ones who can have legs), Orizaba, Marimonda, Zapilote, etc.
1. Armando - 4'10" (148 cm) (since he's a bit taller than seasons 1 and 2 Isabel)
2. Doña Paloma - 6'1" (186 cm) (because she's actually even taller than Gabe??? This woman is a goddess)
3. Julio - 5'8" (174 cm)
4. Carmen - 5'5" (165 cm)
5. Ixlan - 6'3" (190 cm) (I was comparing her to Esteban, and it was pretty difficult since they stand side by side only in one scene, and Esteban's knees are bent there, so I'm not sure about Ixlan's height. She's either as tall as Esteban, or a bit taller. Anyway, she's definitely very tall too).
6. Victor - 6'0" (184 cm) (I don't know if he's taller or shorter than Gabe, but they seem almost the same)
7. Carla - 5'4" (163 cm)
The Royal Guard:
8. Rico - 6'0" (184 cm) (yes, like Gabe, because they even have the same bodies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
9. Higgins - 5'1" (155 cm)
10. Antonia - 5'4" (164 cm) (not all EoA characters are giants ×))
Royal Friends:
11. Alonso - 6'0" (182 cm)
12. Valentina - 5'8" (174 cm)
13. Rebecca - 5'6" (168 cm)
14. Chloe - 5'4" (164 cm) (really, compared to the other characters, Chloe is petite)
15. Marisa - 5'6" (168 cm)
16. Marzel - 6'1" (185 cm)
Other royals:
17. Abigail - 5'6" (168 cm)
18. Joaquin - 6'0" (183 cm)
19. Lars - 5'10" (178 cm)
20. Raja - 5'3" (160 cm)
21. Hector - 5'4" (162 cm)
22. Ari - 4'11" (150 cm) (he's shorter than Isabel, so I suppose that makes sense)
23. Cristobal - 5'4" (162 cm)
24. Alacazar - 5'10" (178 cm)
25. Bronzino - 6'2" (188 cm)
Team Isa:
26. Amara - 4'8" (148 cm)
27. Quique - 4'7 (145 cm)
28. Olivia - 4'6" (142 cm)
I'm not sure about these characters the most. I just don't know who tall children are supposed to be.
Note: Cristina is not included since she's in a wheelchair. It's impossible to say how tall she is.
Parents (the main four):
29. Blanca - 5'2" (158 cm) (I don't care how much accurate it is, I just want Blanca to have the same height as me 😭) to be fair, she's actually pretty short, so let's pretend it makes sense and I'm not hopelessly biased.
30. Roberto - 5'5" (165 cm)
31. Scarlett - 5'10" (177 cm)
32. Daniel - 6'0" (184 cm)
33. Rafa - 5'6" (168 cm)
34. Lucia - 5'6" (167 cm)
34. Raul - 6'2" (188 cm)
35. Ash - 5'8" (174 cm)
36. Chatana - 5'9" (175 cm)
37. Shuriki - 5'7" (170 cm)
38. Fiero - 6'1" (186 cm)
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
thanks for the tag, @diphthongsfordays ❤️ 
my words are under, ugly, up, unite, urge 
under (Hurricane) (otherwise known as Aella Yes No) 
Aella smiled. “We weren’t popular, apparently. They didn’t like us ‘poking around’, so we got thrown out. Kind of literally. Oh, and I think I made some comment about treating their serving-girls better.” Marisa let out a short laugh, and Aella said, “What? I’m supposed to just pretend like the debacle with Elizabeth didn’t happen?” A patch of skin on her cheekbone, just under one eye, was reddened and starting to swell. 
“Of course not,” Marisa said. “You have to stick up for your friends.” 
“That said,” said Sequoia, “it was not the most diplomatic way to go.” 
Aella shrugged. “I’ve never been big on diplomacy. But I’m alright.” 
ugly (Hurricane) 
“She’s just a ship, Tempest.” Cai leant against the rail. “I know this means a lot to you, but is it worth all the risk?” 
“I’m planning to just take her back when he’s not looking, as it were. Only risk there is seeing his ugly face as we sail away.” 
If they turned around now, they wouldn’t have to see his ugly face, that was true. But then they’d never get their ship back. The ship that had been her home since she was a year old. And Theo might never get the Plenty Cedar, too. 
But chasing him would mean crossing him. Her stomach clenched at even that thought. 
up (Dragonsong) (ughhhh) 
“You’re still here?” The words were snide, the voice all too familiar. 
Isi turned slowly, lifted her head. “I am.” 
Brendon sneered at her. “Thought you’d have given up by now. You surely didn’t think you were really going to make it to the throne room, did you? You didn’t really think whatever this is would actually work.” 
If it was only Brendon she had to fight to get there, she did think she would make it. Even in her exhausted state, she was probably a match for him. But did she have to fight him? His words were hostile, but his posture was no more hostile than usual; he held his sword at his side, not up and ready. Though he was dressed to fight, his armour and uniform was pristine. He hadn’t fought anyone recently, and that might give her an edge. 
Still, she didn’t want to fight him. Maybe she could get him to listen to her. She didn’t want to hurt him, and it wasn’t too late. Sure, listening had never been his greatest strength. But it wasn’t too late. It was never too late to learn. 
urge (Dragonsong) (Fintan! he’s here!) 
The rock—no, the dragon—moved all of a sudden. The ground rumbled. Robin took a step back; Isi grabbed his shoulder to steady him. Her instincts said draw your sword, but she fought that down as the dragon uncurled itself to its full height. Even its front leg was taller than Isi. If it turned out to be unfriendly, they would be in trouble, sword or no sword. But perhaps it was friendly. In that case, she’d need no sword. 
Surely, when this dragon saw Enya, it would know they were friends. Holding a sword would only complicate things. 
The dragon stretched, spreading its wings wide, and Isi fought the urge to duck. They came as friends. Hopefully she had nothing to fear. The dragon lowered its head to look at Isi and Robin. 
Then the dragon spoke, in a deep rumble that shook the ground under Isi’s boots. “What brings a knight here?” 
passing this on to @writingbyjillian @ashen-crest @teriwrites and anyone else who wants to play! your words are believe, bare, bail, blunt 
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
Very filthy thoughts that I have to express or else they won’t leave my head. 
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A friend on Instagram (she knows who she is!) sent me a screenshot of David in a movie I haven’t seen yet where he’s in a tshirt, underwear, and socks. Oh lord, that underwear. There is a bulge, not because he’s hard, but because he has a huge cock. I know he does, I just know it, I can feel it in my bones. That big-cock intuition.
Then today, I saw another picture on Instagram that shows him from the side, during the episode of ST where they go to the library and he sees Marisa. Again, there’s a noticeable bulge. Not from an erection, just from his dick being massive. 
I cannot stop thinking about standing in front of him, rubbing my palm over his underwear, staring up into his gorgeous eyes as he towers over me, a full foot taller than I am. Then of course, I would drop to my knees, replacing my hand with my mouth, kissing and licking him over the fabric, feeling him getting hard against my lips.
I’m not even fantasizing about what happens after that. It doesn’t really matter to me what happens after that. Just getting to touch him like this would be so satisfying to me.
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twinfoxtails · 4 years
nekofantasia replied to your post “Oh, one more thing. How tall is Eri compared to Marisa? I ask because...”
"Hold on...I can't be taller than Eri, he's older!"
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“It’s okay, Miss Chen! I heard girls grow taller first, so it’s natural!”
magnificentmuses replied to your post  “Oh, one more thing. How tall is Eri compared to Marisa? I ask because...”
"H-Hey, don't go spreading that image around! Lies! It's all lies!" - Marisa
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“... Even without it, I think people could easily believe it the moment someone looks at you, Miss Marisa-”
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devilsknotrp · 5 years
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Congratulations, Jenn! You have been accepted for the role of Wendy Taylor (FC: Mary Louise Parker). Wow. What can we even say? You have brought Wendy a depth that we truly had not even envisaged. There were glimpses in her biography, but you have enhanced them and exampled how complex and nuanced she really is. The fact that she is a closeted lesbian makes a lot of sense, and I think exploring the notion of compulsive heterosexuality and her late relationship with Charlie will be a fantastic writing challenge - one we have no doubt you’ll pull off with aplomb. Your headcanons are extensive and beautifully written. This is a truly fantastic application. Thank you for writing her! Please have a look at this page prior to sending in your account.
Name: Jenn Age: 27 Pronouns: She/her Timezone: EST Activity estimation: I have a full-time job, but I can be around on weeknights and through the weekend! I can confidently approximate my activity at a few replies per week. Triggers: REDACTED
Full name: Wendy Marie Taylor Age (DD/MM/YYY): Fifty years old (09 October 1946) – Libra sun, Cancer moon Gender: Cis female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Lesbian, though she will assert she is Straight Occupation: Regional Manager, Great Lakes Cup Company Connection to Victim: Linda Goode is one of the moms. Even if her own daughter has been grown for a decade plus, Wendy feels connected to the other mothers in Devil’s Knot because motherhood is so important to her. When Linda first moved into town, Wendy was drawn to her bright-eyed enthusiasm. They talk after church about their children, and Wendy gives some gentle advice when she can. They’re friendly, if not friends. Linda’s optimism in the face of a mother’s worst nightmare has only bolstered Wendy’s desire to know her better. She remembers what Sandy was like when Pete disappeared. Linda’s going to need all the help she can get. Alibi: Wendy spent the morning at home, going through her closets for things she could sell at her upcoming yard sale. One of the skirts she’d set aside – an old favorite – had a broken zipper, so she brought it to Aisha around 1pm to see if her sister-in-law could mend it. She got so wrapped up in playing with her nephew and talking to her family that she stayed for dinner, and didn’t come home until 7:30pm, at which point she ran a bath, read a few chapters of her book club book, and fell asleep. Faceclaim: I was approved for Mary Louise Parker! :) Other alternate faceclaim ideas (not proposed to y’all) are Winona Ryder and Marisa Tomei.
The waiting really wasn’t so bad. At 11:15, the pie went in; by 11:30, the whole downstairs smelled like peaches and cinnamon, even all the way back in the laundry room where the dryer-sheet scent never left. This was what Heaven smelled like, to her. This was her Heaven, right here in Formica and linoleum. She closed her eyes to take it in. Sense is everything. That’s what Pastor Jeff had told her, last time they spoke one-on-one. She’d been struggling to stay grounded, with all the background noise starting up again: another missing boy, another swing to the slumbering hornets’ nest. She could feel the buzzing in her sleep, she said. Thank God for God. He made the world for us, Pastor Jeff told her, and we take it for granted. There are little blessings everywhere. All we have to do is open to receive.
Wendy pressed her shoulders against the back of the chair, imagining a coat hanger strung through her spine and then straightened just so. The birds were quietly tittering in the trees outside. The sky, she imagined, was blue. She wanted to believe that it was.
Her egg timer ticked. She could hear it better with her eyes closed. Sometimes she thought the insides of her eyelids looked like one of those abstract paintings that’re just colors and drips, chaos on a canvas. Like the blood splatter patterns. The photos Charlie pored over. You weren’t supposed to see that, he always said – but what did he know about supposed to? What did he know about her? He had heavy hands and a weak heart, and he–well, he–
Fuck him, she thought.
She opened her eyes. Some words taste sour on your tongue and some don’t taste like anything at all. By the refrigerator, Buddy flattened out on the floor, his head resting on his paws – Wendy hadn’t even noticed him come in. She reached for him with fingers caked in flour and dough. “C’mere, Bud,” she said, softly. “C’mon.” It took him a few seconds to stand; for those couple of breaths, she was sure he’d heard her curse. Then he was walking over, and exhaling, and nudging against her to make room for himself at her feet. “Hey, baby. How you doin’, huh?” She rubbed her hand through the fur at the top of his scalp. He didn’t react. “Oh, you’re mad at me now, ‘s that it?” Buddy was as much Charlie’s as he was hers or Jenny’s, but that’s what happens when you leave: you don’t get to claim ownership anymore.
Wendy let her breath come out her nose in one long stream. She used the heel of her palm to brush loose hair off her forehead; her hands were a mess. “Fine,” she said. She stood. She had Jenny’s number memorized by now, but she still grabbed her contact notebook and double-checked as she dialed. The answering machine picked it up. “Hey, honey, it’s Mom. I’m gonna be taking a pie over to the Goodes in an hour or so. I’d love some company.” She glanced at the hanging clock. 11:50. ”No pressure,” she added. “Just call me back before 1.” Wendy tightened her grip on the phone, readying herself to hang up – but her hand didn’t move. Her sigh went right into the mouthpiece, loud and clear. “And–maybe… if you haven’t yet, maybe call your dad, too. Just to–just to make sure he’s okay.” Okay. “Okay. I love you. Talk soon.” There were still 20 minutes left in the oven. They couldn’t pass quickly enough.
Here is my Pinterest board for Wendy! 
Wendy is a lesbian. Used to be. Wendy used to be a lesbian – and God, even the word is ugly, isn’t it? Lesbian, like the name of another species, something grey-skinned and hairless crawling out of a crater. She outgrew it when she grew up. There were thoughts, and dreams, and wishes and whims, and when she was younger there were girls her age who stopped her breathing just by touching her – but that was frivolity, that’s all. She can be so frivolous sometimes. If it weren’t for her Daddy’s looking out for her, she might’ve lit her life on fire years ago just ‘cause she liked to watch the sparks.
No one’s ever hurt her worse than Charlie Taylor did. Would you believe she really loved that son of a bitch? Being a housewife felt about as natural as waxing her leg hair off, but she did it for him – and, like waxing, it hurt less over time. Sweet, serious Charlie. He’d been impressive to her long before the Sheriff’s badge: just a kid at 20 when they’d first met, and even then there’d been something steady about him. Something safe. And as they got older, they got older together, and they got married together, and they had their daughter together. It didn’t matter who they were in the dark, because they were a family together, a whole of sums, a house united. That’s what kept Wendy from leaving, all those years ago, back when she could’ve left him. They had made something together. Even when things were bad, they were still warm like a burnt-up dinner, bitter but still hearty all the same. She couldn’t spit in the face of a home-cooked home. Guess Charlie wasn’t burdened with the same sense of sacrifice, though, ‘cause he gave it all up to be himself. As if she hadn’t bit her tongue for him. As if she hadn’t swallowed blood.
When she was younger, Wendy’s lifelong dream was to climb the tallest tree in Devil’s Knot. Up by the river, where Ely Street met North State and the water folded over the rocks underneath – right there, that one, the one that stretched bare and empty on top like it was just made for a Christmas tree angel to sit. It didn’t matter that there were taller trees by the Campgrounds; she claimed that one back in elementary school, pointing and shielding her face from the sun. She practiced on the trees in her front yard. Her legs still show the scars where sharp bark and misplaced foot-holds left their marks. Wendy’s mom used to patch her up quietly in the bathroom after she fell off, be it bike or branch, and now when she tries to remember her mother, she thinks of how they’d wince together when the iodine hit her skin. Her mother, watching Wendy’s face and sucking in her own breath through her teeth like she could feel it, too. Like it hurt her to hurt her, no matter how small the pain.
It was never her lifelong dream to work for Great Lakes Cups, that’s for sure – but she really does like it well enough. She’s the franchise’s first female regional manager in Michigan, if you’ll believe that. Her! Wendy Taylor! Sometimes, when she’s feeling particularly scatter-brained and stupid, she’ll remind herself to look at the little name-plate they put on the wall outside her door. If she can run a whole office of a consumer products manufacturing company, then she can do just about anything. And if there’s anything she can’t do – well, she’s got her Daddy to help guide her halfway to home. No one was happier for her than him when she got the promotion. Not even Charlie, who by then was already her ex on barely-speaking terms, divorce papers pending. Her Daddy has been her biggest supporter, coach, and strategist for longer than she cares to remember. She can see that now. No matter how many times she doubts him, it’s only the toughest love that gets people to change. She wouldn’t be who she is without his. 
Wendy always knew she wanted kids. Charlie wanted them too, and when they had Jenny, everything changed all at once. It was like another version of herself had been growing in her, too, right there in the womb next to her daughter. She gave birth to both of them. She saw it. She knows it’s crazy, but she saw it – and it wasn’t a hallucination, either. Pastor Jeff’s on her side. He says that the Creator has His ways of showing people what plans He has in store. After years of fighting and flailing and keeping God out of her heart, Wendy is finally ready to listen.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
AJ+ on Twitter: "Marisa Fotieo found out she had COVID-19 midflight. She spent hours isolated in the plane’s bathroom and recorded the experience on TikTok. https://t.co/PPKsEEOAAR" / Twitter
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Return today was separated from her brother and she became herself this is how am I going to get on the plane and stuff and said to find something to lighten your hair and wear the glasses and it should be okay sister laughing and maybe food but chose who You Are and he's going to do that with me and she started screaming this inside her head oh no so he has to and he's doing this amazing and boy is he a pain the third
Zues Hera
She was okay and she got on the plane she did what you suggested a little taller a little bigger than it was like a pig sound like her and looking there she goes in all sudden she's sitting there and she hears this you're here running for the plane and was looking around I couldn't figure out what they meant it wasn't her that is funny looking people behind her it looks real small since you let me figure out something this is not a good time to be here or near you so we can put the mask so I didn't say anything so we held her through the fight she's out of there just go through the UK because even better start looking redheaded which is good changed identity and left and she's on route he left last night was a real pig about it so it's a dirty things he's out there with her and he figured out something this is about that chip it's already morning there and I see this happened because he got buried the snow poured over him and he froze and the chip is in the locket and 007 only took the chip not the picture of the locket and put the picture back in it seels tight. It says it's kind of like a story you can use like Dr evil almost I got the picture of my wife the only picture I had of her was her as a baby it's kind of silly. So they're looking for him he's got a chip they figured out where you got it someone's been smuggling them out and Trump left on the plane
Thor Freya
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aardvark-123 · 7 years
Gensokyo Festival Day 15: Attack on Watermelon
Here’s a cute little story about Tenshi’s quiet introspection with Suika, and nothing else:
(Yeah, right.)
When Reimu first codified the spell-card rules, she tucked a very pertinent paragraph in among pages and pages of waffle about the precise definition of "a bullet". The so-called Blazing Fist Clause stated that, if all parties involved thought it would be fun and there was no risk of collateral damage, people were allowed to forget about danmaku and just wail on each other.
Although most Gensokyans had already fallen in love with spell-cards, Suika Ibuki was eager for a good punch-up. After several melee-centric Incidents, Reimu wrote a set of variant spell-card rules for large, complicated brawls and hand-to-hand duels. Energy levels in the Eastern Wonderland had never been higher.
"Oi, Tenshi! Are you home?!"
"Urf..." Tenshi slowly pried her eyelids apart and immediately wished she hadn't. Going to one of her mother's all-night dance parties had been a mistake; mainstream Celestial fun times always took it out of her. "More or less... Who are you?"
"It'sh me, of courshe!" Suika hiccupped loudly. "Your mum'sh planning a, like, a short of poetry recital-"
"Tell her to kill herself." Tenshi buried her head under the pillow and tried to get back to her dream. Let's see, Marisa was just about to take her bloomers off-
"Come on, lazy-bonesh, get up!"
A small, pudgy hand grasped Tenshi by the forearm. Before she could react, she was being swung wildly above Suika's head.
"That'sh more like it! Get up an'... an' carp the diadem!" Suika threw Tenshi into her private peach grove.
"Owww..." Tenshi pulled a few twigs out of her hair and wiped the worst of the peach juice off her nightshirt. "What time is it?"
"I jusht woke up."
"That late?!" gasped Tenshi. "I'd better go and... do something! Or whatever. Uh, feel free to make yourself at home."
Suika took a bleary look at Tenshi's place. It wasn't much of a home; just a futon, a bookshelf, a stove and some weights, plus a few well-watered peach trees.
"Help yourself to my library," added Tenshi, selecting a few tasty-looking peaches from her trees. "Have you had breakfast? I've got some bread and cheese under my bed for people who aren't Celestials. It'll be a bit flat and pongy, but you might like it."
"Uh... I don't wanna imposhe..." It wasn't much of a library; just a few yuri manga volumes, a copy of 'Journey to the West' and a few dozen Shonen Jump magazines in no particular order. "D'you wanna arm-wreshtle or shomething?"
"No way! Mum broke my arm last night and it still hurts," said Tenshi ruefully. "Apparently I have to wear some kind of jumpsuit if I want to dance. I don't know... She's been on at me to wear more pretty dresses for two hundred years, but the moment she becomes a bloody Celestial-"
"What if, like, we ushed our other armsh?!" cried Suika, glowing with pride over her amazing idea. "I mean, you ushe the one she didn't break, an' I ushe... Um... My equivalent arm!"
"No, thanks." Tenshi plonked herself down on the futon and ate her peaches, crunching the stones between teeth like very small granite boulders.
"Oh, you're no fun..." Suika swatted Tenshi on the shoulder, sending her tumbling into her bookshelves. A heap of paperbacks and splintered wood fell on top of her.
Suika cringed drunkenly. "Whoopsh... Shouldn't'a done that, should I?"
"You absolutely should not!" snapped Tenshi. She marched over to Suika, leaving a trail of mangled bookshelf in her wake, and gave the oni a swift kick in the face. Suika sailed right off the edge of the cloud.
"There we go!" said Tenshi, beaming with pride. "I'm sure that's not going to have any negative consequences whatsoever."
"Shtupid blue-haired meanie... I'll show her!"
"Wha-?" Sanae looked around in amazement. "Lady Suwako, did you hear that?"
Suwako gave Sanae a questioning look. "I didn't hear anything. What did you hear?"
"A voice." Sanae's eyes were wide with fear. "It was coming from over there. Or there, maybe. Or there!" She pointed in three completely different directions.
"That's a big help," said Suwako condescendingly. "It was probably just some youkai playing around. Come on, let's get back to-"
"I'm coming for you, Tenshi! Jusht wait 'til I work out which way ish up, I'll be out of thish shwamp in a jiffy!"
Sanae and Suwako almost jumped out of their skins. There was no mistaking it this time; a voice was coming from the muddy ditch next to the path.
Suwako stepped over a few brambles and approached the ditch. "Hello?! Anyone in there?!"
Something stirred among the reeds and sludge. "I think I am," the voice declared, bubbling up through the murky water. "I kind of fell in, and I can't sheem to, y'know, get out..."
"Are you stuck or just drunk?" asked Suwako.
Sanae shifted nervously. "I don't think we should stick around..."
"Come on, it's not as if that thing could beat the two of us!" said Suwako, smiling cockily.
"Whaddaya mean, 'thing'?! I am an oni!" The ditch bubbled and gurgled angrily as its resident spoke. "I'm the greatesht of them all, I am! Shuika Ikubi! I mean Ibiku! Whatever!"
Sanae looked at Suwako, who shrugged broadly.
"Tenshi short of kicked me offa' her cloud," Suika explained. "I'm gonna go an' shmash up Heaven, jusht ash shoon ash I can get out..."
Sanae gasped. "Smash up Heaven?! You can't! People live there!"
"They desherve it!" shnapped- sorry, snapped Suika. "It ish a bit high up, though... Maybe I'll jusht shmash up a few shrinesh, shee if Tenshi comesh down to try an' shtop me."
Now it was Suwako's turn to gasp. "But we live in a shrine!"
"Hey, great! You can show me where it ish!" said Suika delightedly.
"No way! If you even touch our shrine, I'll mash you!" snapped Suwako. "Come on, Sanae, we don't need to bother with her."
Suika exploded out of the ditch, showering Sanae and Suwako in mud and brackish water. Within a matter of seconds she was towering over them, growing taller at an incredible rate.
Suwako groaned. "I suppose I stand corrected."
Sanae slung Suwako over her shoulder and booked it.
Suika's terrible rampage started out as nothing more than a drunken totter over the meadows, with the now hundred-metre-tall oni kicking over the occasional tree. However, she soon set her sights on Youkai Mountain, at which point Kanako decided to do something.
"And I believe I know just the thing!" she added, smiling a dangerous serpentine smile.
"Really?" Suwako was not convinced. "We've hardly tested him, and there's no telling what might happen if he blows up with us still inside..."
"Oh, do let's go, Lady Suwako! It'll be so much fun!" pleaded Sanae.
"Fine. If we all die horribly, I'm blaming you, Kanako."
The goddesses flew to the peak of Youkai Mountain as fast as they could. A youkai from the Former Capital of Former Hell was already waiting for them, her broken wagon wheel blazing around her neck. She led them through the long, winding tunnel to the secret hangar.
The kappas, the tengu and all the people of the underground city had come together to build their new protector. As tall as a skyscraper and built almost entirely with recycled materials, he was truly a sight to behold.
Sanae slid into the pilot's seat, strapped herself in and immediately began examining the readouts. "Reactor at full capacity! Uranium reserves at ninety-seven percent! Main fuel tanks at one hundred percent in both arms!"
"Pilot's voice reaching critical annoyance levels! Recommend immediate smack upside the head!" said Kanako warningly.
"Sorry. I'm just so excited..." said Sanae sheepishly. "Everything seems all right. Can we get going?"
"Now's as good a time as any." Kanako activated the intercom system. "All systems are operational. Someone open the door, chop-chop!"
The peak of the mountain creaked slowly open, dropping half a ton of snow on top of a passing tengu. Late afternoon sunlight streamed in through the mech's windscreens, almost dazzling Sanae after her brief spell in the dark.
"All right, Sanae, bring us slowly up out of the mountain-"
Sanae floored the accelerator. "Bring light to the tear-stained Gensokyo! Now, with all your might! Unleash your light, Super Robot! Hisoutensoku, ADVANCE!"
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sovietorphan-aa · 5 years
@vilemonkey : “  you’re  not  old  enough  to  shave.  ” / accepting. 
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“ yes I am. Raffie said that ‘m almost big enough to. ” he finishes wiping the bubbles from the bath off of his face. blue hues looking up to meet hers. the smile on his face fading into neutral. she was always so serious. he regretted even mentioning the servant’s name at all. recently he’d found more comfort with them than he did with Marisa---maybe because he’d always seen himself as part of the lower class, always been told that’s what he was before her. it could also be because of the various snacks they snuck him if he asked nicely. “ he says ‘m almost a man! ” again, jack smiles, to see if maybe she’ll reciprocate. “ don’t ya’ think I've gotten taller? ”
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farfromhoes · 5 years
my LA red carpet experience!
Okay so this is my post about my experience at the LA premiere of Spider-Man: Far From Home! I’m going to try to go through it somewhat chronologically and if you have any questions you can feel free to shoot me an ask :’)
my friend and i arrived around 2:00 and there were graphers camping out on the barriers facing the carpet and a couple of fans were there too
as time passed, the street got really crowded because of the foot traffic on hollywood boulevard, pedestrians were yelling/pushing trying to get down the street which was wild
remy hii was the first of the cast to get out the car and he was SOOO sweet. he did some autographs and took pics with some fans before going to the carpet
he stopped right in front of where we were and my friend and i were like “you look GOOD” and he laughed and said “thank you, so do you!” and i think i died tbh
jacob was up next and he looked like an absolute king! graphers were being kind of pushy and yelling at him (and tbh i think he was a bit wary of signing things after what happened to tom in NY)
tony came through and did the same along with colbie smulders, martin starr, marisa tomei, and some more people! 
tom’s stunt double/another spidey was there and greeted all of the cars with the cast in them and took pics! he was even flipping off the hood of the cars too lol
jon watts came and had a lil moment with spidey and it was legendary 
zendaya got out of the car and she looked SOOO beautiful it was ridiculous!! i swear she’s an actual angel
people were going crazy and yelling and stuff and she signed a few things & took pics and then headed to the carpet (her mom and darnell were there and darnell had on this cool-ass yellow jacket)
people were being low-key shitty about her having to leave and literally do interviews but she came back after which i thought was super sweet since she didn’t have to do that like at all
jake gyllenhaal was in a plastered audi with mysterio all over it and the license plates said mysterio on them too! he’s taller than i thought in person tbh and he looked v tan and happy 
and then tom!!!
okay so sam, harry, harrison, and tom’s mom were all in the first car
harrison had on this super pretty suit and people were mistaking tom for his brothers even though he literally hadn’t even arrived yet lmao
and then tom came!! it was right around 7:00 and he got out of a car that was similar to jake’s but it was plastered with spidey stuff and the plates said spiderman on them 
he looked SOOOOO GOOOD oh my God i can’t even begin to describe how i felt when he got out of the car and started getting his photo taken
a ton of people were yelling and chanting his name (and again, mostly graphers were right on the barriers kind of blocking the fans behind them)
(once again graphers were being hella aggressive... shoving their posters, booing and yelling when the actors wouldn’t sign because they had to go to the carpet)
but yeah i was probably about 20 feet away from tom and he was so composed and it was almost surreal to see him and just knowing how far he’s come since the first spidey film made me so emotional
he didn’t come right up to us but he waved and took a few pics/signed some stuff before going to the carpet for interviews and stuff
that was about it for the big marvel arrivals but we ended up seeing the girls from the euphoria cast and kaitlyn dever too which was nice
and OMG lexi rabe passed by us and i said “we love you 3000!” and she said it back and did spidey poses it was the cutest thing ever
So, yeah! That’s basically a recap of the craziest 6 or 7 hours of my life. I am so so happy that I got to see some of my favorite people. Super proud of the cast and (somehow) even more excited for the movie! Make sure to check out Spider-Man: Far From Home in theaters July 2nd ;)
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Press/Video/Photos: Interview - Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie
From Star Wars to the new Top of the Lake, Gwendoline Christie has become a screen heroine for our times. Lorraine Candy meets the unconventional actress who embraces the joy of being an outsider
    SUNDAY TIMES STYLE – Let’s get the tall bit out of the way first, shall we? Gwendoline Christie is a delicate 6ft 3in tall. I say delicate because, personally, I’m always struck by how dainty the Game of Thrones superhero is. She is all fine blonde curls and flawless porcelain skin. Feminine, girly, graceful are the words that come to mind when I think of the Gwendoline I have known for several years. Gosh, we have had some fun together, this elegant outsider and me. “The world is absurd, Lorraine,” she will often observe with characteristic wry humour, “and if you can’t find it absurd, then I don’t know how you’d get through.” Indeed it is — especially when you look at it from Gwendoline Christie’s perspective.
  The 38-year-old actress is a composite of opposites, if such a thing exists: an introverted extrovert, a soft strength, the most conventional unconventional person I know. She’s both intellectually intense and wonderfully silly. Time spent with the ever-so-polite and well-brought-up Gwendoline is like going to a spa for your mind: it’s never ordinary, even if it is just having a cup of peppermint tea, as we are for this interview.
  For most of her life, mostly because of her height, Gwendoline has been on the margins of what is considered normal. From being bullied at her local village school, to the relentless fruitless auditions she didn’t ever get through, she was continually told, as she puts it, “that your outside can’t come on the inside”. How demoralising, but also, perhaps, how wonderful, because if you can overcome those cruel obstacles, you develop a rare confidence that is unbreakable. Then, one day, you wake up and deliver to the universe the gift that is Brienne of Tarth, the one woman who is everything all women want to be.
I don’t need to tell you how fantastic Brienne is — the defiant medieval knight, protector of kings and queens, slayer of evil men. One scene, her infamous fight with the Hound, took two months of intense stunt training (she is still seeing a physiotherapist twice a week). It is epic, no other word for it, and even if you are not a Throner, you cannot be anything but grateful that a character like Brienne has been imagined, written and brought to life so spectacularly well. She is, to borrow a phrase, a giant step forward for womankind.
  “I have loved doing Game of Thrones,” Gwendoline says. Season 7, the penultimate series, has just started on Sky Atlantic. “I’ll be devastated when it finishes. I’m so proud of that part and the way the audience created a connection with the character. Brienne is a different version of what we normally see. She is not just conventionally unattractive, she is unconventionally unattractive. This part was the reason for all my acting training. In a world where we have so much access to these sexy ideals all the time, this was such a subversive role.”
  Amen to that. But how do you follow Brienne? Captain Phasma in Star Wars was superb, if predictable, casting, but it is the junior detective, Miranda, in Top of the Lake: China Girl, a woman who is the polar opposite of the one Gwendoline has been playing for six years, that I feel will redefine her.
  Ever conscious of the need to test herself as an actress (she is rigorous in her devotion to the craft and has an accomplished theatre career), Gwendoline has created a new character who is physically and mentally fragile.
  She has done it with the acclaimed writer and director Jane Campion, with whom she has wanted to work since she was very young. “I asked the universe then — no, I told the universe nicely — to make it come true,” she recalls, after explaining how many buses she had to take across the Sussex countryside after lying to her parents about her whereabouts and sneaking into the cinema to watch Campion’s groundbreaking 1993 film, The Piano.
  Miranda is a broken, vulnerable, lonely and actually comic police officer who appears in the second series of Campion’s award-winning BBC2 drama Top of the Lake, on screens now. The role was written specially for Gwendoline, and she lived in Sydney for five months while filming it. I have seen the first two gripping episodes, and you are in for a treat — it’s addictive cinematic TV at its best. Elisabeth Moss reprises her role as the steely Detective Robin Griffin to investigate the death of an Asian girl washed up in a suitcase on Bondi Beach. The Oscar winner Nicole Kidman rounds out the cast.
  “It feels like Jane is always subverting form,” Gwendoline says, “and that’s exciting to me. In 2008, a friend of mine offered to introduce me to her because she felt we would get on so well, but even then I couldn’t do it. When I saw she was doing Top of the Lake, I wrote her a letter — I knew I had to be in it. I can’t tell you what I said, but I kept it for 18 months before posting it. I tried to keep it short, didn’t want her to die of boredom reading it, then she emailed me back about four months after I sent it. We spoke on the phone for hours and she told me she would create a lead part for me. I asked for a challenge and Miranda is a challenge. She is constantly destabilised, she fails at everything, she is on the outside and still continues to be on the outside. This is a new story for me to tell.
  “It’s great to be a hero, but the reality for many of us is that we feel like we are failing all the time. We’re all trying to find ways to deal with that.”
  If you watch one box set this summer, watch Top of The Lake — it will give you goose bumps. Everyone is playing the opposite of the characters you expect them to be, so it’s constantly surprising — just like Gwendoline herself.
  I was editing Elle when we first met on the fashion front row. We got on like a house on fire: she is more than a foot taller than me, though we have the same size feet; the physical comedy of us never fails to delight. Her partner is my friend the fashion designer Giles Deacon, and Gwendoline takes getting dressed as seriously as I do. “I have always been fascinated by clothes and their transformative powers,” she says. “I was about 6ft at the age of 14 — I was enjoying the process of youth, wondering what kind of human being I would grow into, what kind of size I would be, what the dimensions would be as I grew more.
  “A doctor had told me I would be lucky if I stopped growing at 5ft 11in, but I thought, why stop there? I thought it was brilliant being so tall, and they were quite shocked by that response. I didn’t see what was interesting about conforming to the rule when the rule seemed nonsensical.
  “I read a lot of fashion magazines as a child. I was fascinated by who the stylists and photographers were. The images were captivating for me. I used to scour second-hand shops for vintage clothes, and I delighted in the different proportions of my size. It doesn’t make sense to me not to embrace being outside the norm. I don’t want to feel inhibited by anything.
  “I like to experiment with scale. I used to dress up a lot. My male friends would wear women’s jackets, and I would wear massively oversized things I’d found in vintage places. I really enjoy wearing men’s clothes, and often still do. I also liked the way Courtney Love dressed at the time, all those 1990s dresses, but worn with a femininity that had a violence to it. It seemed inappropriate at my height to wear such floaty dresses, so I enjoyed wearing them. I am all for drawing attention to the differences between us and not hiding from them — it is good to be spectacularly different.”
  When we meet, she is wearing a black Chloé dress, carrying a brown Margiela handbag. She buys mostly designer: Giles, Henry Holland, Roksanda, bits of Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu and more recently Isa Arfen.
  Gwendoline is a very private person, and I can see interviews are a form of torture for her. She wants to be known for her work and questions about her home life are playfully batted away with humour. It’s understandable given the level of fandom surrounding her, thanks to Game of Thrones and, of course, Star Wars. Plus, she can never hide, never be anonymous in the street; she is someone you stare at, famous or not.
  Last year when I interviewed Giles for a book about London designers, I asked him what kind of women he designed clothes for. Someone smart, confident in who she is, different from everyone else and happy with that, spirited, unpredictable, a woman who is fun “and looks like she would be a bit of trouble on a night out”, he told me. I think he has described Gwendoline perfectly. And, if I had my way, she wouldn’t be the outsider — we all would.
  Top of the Lake: China Girl, Thursdays at 9pm on BBC2
  Styling: Katie Felstead. Hair: John D at Forward Artists for Tresemmé. Make-up: Stoj at Streeters using Charlotte Tilbury. Nails: Marisa Carmichael
    I’ve loaded the beautiful photo shoot in the gallery. Check it out! I should be adding the scans to the gallery later today.
    Gallery Link:
Photoshoots > Photoshoots in 2017 > Photoshoot 011
  Press/Video/Photos: Interview – Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie was originally published on Glorious Gwendoline
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skylerklew · 7 years
Cafe Lalo Writing Session 2017-08-21
1. I am thankful that I finally cut my hair today (after nearly 3 months), and it turned out OK.
2. I am thankful thank that Jia met up to have dinner with me.
3. I am thankful for my good health, which is why I made it a point to get back into my work out routine today.
4. I am thankful that I am going to Boston this weekend.
5. I am thankful that North Korea backed off from bombing Cuba.
6. I am thankful that I get to spend time with my grandparents, even though I feel like I miss having my own space/apartment.
7. I am thankful for having my cousins Wes, Cass, and Jaime in my life.
8. I am thankful that I told Jia about my faith in God.
9. I am thankful for getting to explore New York City since I decided to make the big move here.
10. I am thank for that cool message about world peace with regard to the solar eclipse.
================================================== 10 FAVORITE MEMORIES FROM THIS SUMMER (10 MINUTES) @10:00PM
1. The last night we dj’d at Soho with the crew with our equipment, which I ended up taking with me to New York City.
2. Conquering a solo x-country trip in 2.5 days. Reaching New Mexico circa 15 hours of driving and being totally exhausted and wanting to pull over, but feeling scared about the two hill billies that came out to smoke cigs and eyeing my car down from afar. Saying to myself, fuck sleep and pounding an energy drink to power through another 200 miles of driving to a safer stop area. Being surrounded by mostly 18 wheelers and driving through the 2 lane highway in Kansas with no divider between the opposing traffic for hundreds of miles and little sleep.
3. Cooking dinner for my grandparents.
4. My nephew Oliver’s first birthday party @ Sam’s aunt’s house.
5. Aunt Amy’s bbq for Daniel’s man cave debut, even though the man cave was just meh.
6. Late night Battery Park walk with Jia.
7. Dog-sitting Winnie for Cass & Ash.
8. Biking with Cass during Summer Streets.
9. Not settling for less, knowing my worth, and getting a FAT ass annual raise at work which I negotiated like a fucking boss.
10. Working remotely by Pacific Beach with Ardes on a bench at the end of Zack’s street, right before I gave Zack my bong as his bday gift.
11. Sammie throwing my going away party that me, Vinh, and BT DJ’d then house rolling. That was one of the most thoughtful things ever.
12. When Jia came to visit San Diego and hung out with Minh and I. Taking her to North Park. We hotboxed my car and smoked her up for the first time in Hillcrest. Taking her to Soho. Then she came over and I spun some electro house for her hahah.
13. Aunt Tammie’s bbq for Corey & Grandma’s birthday.
14. Lance’s high school graduation, driving to Boston and back to NY with Bren. Partying with Bren like actual adults :D
15. Going to see The Chainsmokers with Sean, Marisa, and their mom Sandra LMAO.
16. Sean showing me around the city to check out Arlene’s Grocery, Fat Buddha, W&W @ Webster Hall, Brunch Bounce to see Sosupersam @ La Marina, A-Trak @ Coney Island.
17. My 33rd birthday dinner @ Georgia’s with grandparents and Caitlyn.
18. Helping Aunt Jean scrape the old paint on the side of her house in Long Island.
19. Making travel plans during this summer into the autumn/winter time (i.e. Berlin/Singapore for work, Cancun to be in Uncle Bobby & Raziel’s wedding, then Thailand with Scott for a week, SF/LA/SD in December).
20. Late night city excursions to the Upper West Side indulging in debauchery, writing at Cafe Lalo, and eating Thai comfort food with Jia.
I remember Minh telling me that he was going to meet up with a friend from New York that he met while he visited. I was just coming along for the heck of it at first. Then I realized that this could and would be a good opportunity for me to make a friend for when I move to NY, so all the more reason. When I met Jia, I was like wow, she’s so much taller than Minh and I but whatevz. I hope she doesn’t mind hanging out with two short guys looking like we’re her younger brothers’ friends. Her vibe seemed laid back though. I wondered if she had the impression that Minh and I were fuckboys haha. I was really impressed with how she does her eye makeup and had very nice hair lmao ;)) I got kinda worried at first when she said she doesn’t drink that much and never smokes. I thought she might be a sheltered goody two shoes girl that would judge me. However, all of that cleared up when she was down to smoke for the first time with us. Then while we were smoking in my car, I realized that she might not handle weed well, then I started to feel paranoid that she was gonna get paranoid about being high around strangers, but she was actually chill about it. I thought she was going to judge me when she came to my ghetto ass studio in City Heights, but she was fine. She really liked the music I spun for her and I was imagining what her friends in NYC were like and if I would ever be able to DJ in front of them. Time.
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
@sleepyowlwrites I love how you just know I will do ALL THE WORDS lol 
said words are sleepy, expression, friendship, promptly, kids, protest, delight(ed, ful), warning, abandon, instinct 
sleepy (Dragonsong) 
Holly concentrated firmly on packing up her kit, not looking up to meet anyone’s eyes. Her dark hair fell over her face, hiding it partially from view. 
Sierra didn’t notice, or didn’t mind. She leaned over from the log she’d found to sit on and nudged Robin’s shoulder. “Hey, sleepy. Food’s here.” 
“Mmf?” mumbled Robin, and rolled over. His eyes opened. He blinked a few times. “Oh. Hi.” 
expression (Dragonsong) 
“Can we talk? Over there?” said Isi, gesturing to the tree line. 
SB grumbled, but followed her. 
Isi kept her expression polite, but folded her arms. “Here’s the thing. If you want to travel alone, you’re entirely free to leave. I won’t stop you. But if you want to travel with us, you had better act like it. And you had better work with us. Do you understand?” 
friendship friends (Hurricane) 
“Sail to starboard!” Sequoia leant out of the crow’s nest.
Tempest shouted, “What sort? Friend or foe?” 
Sequoia frowned. “Pirates, I think. They’re flying the Jolly Roger.” 
Perched near the helm, Aella twisted to look over her shoulder. 
“I’d hope friends,” said Tempest. “But keep an eye on them, just in case.” 
Aella glanced at Tempest. “Could be Anvindr’s friends.” 
Tempest sighed and nudged the wheel a fraction to port. “Exactly.”
promptly (Hurricane) 
“If you want, but later. I’d like my arm free, just in case.” She rotated her bandaged shoulder in a few different directions. Apparently satisfied with its range of movement, she tapped her sword hilt with her now-free hand. “You never know. We might not be too popular.” 
They made it about two minutes into the town before they were promptly arrested. 
kids (Dragonsong) 
One of the kids held the ball out to Robin, then snatched it away when he reached for it. The group’s giggles carried even over to Isi. Even Robin’s. Isi wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him so relaxed; so permitted to be childlike for once. She hadn’t known him as a child, but seven seemed quite young to join the knight system. Between five and ten was typical, yes, but it seemed awfully young all of a sudden. There was not much childhood one could have before that. Nine years hadn’t been all that much, and Isi was someone who had worked well with the structure of being a trainee knight. 
protest (Dragonsong) 
Enya spat fire again, and the wolf cowered, pawing at its snout. And as it did so, it turned its unprotected ribs to Isi. She drove her sword in, disregarding the ache in her arm. The blade scraped bone, and her shoulder screamed in protest, but she leant on the hilt until she was sure the wolf was dead. 
delight (Dragonsong) 
A man whom, when he turned, she recognised. Brendon. 
She sighed, readied her sword and called his name. 
“Should’ve known I’d find you here,” he sneered. “Getting in my way, as usual.” 
Isi said nothing as he approached her, armour clanking with each step. 
“And you’re not a knight anymore, are you?” He slapped the royal symbol on his chest. “You look like you want to tell me off. But you can’t tell me what to do now, Isi.” He seemed to take great delight in not attaching her former title. 
“I may not be a knight anymore, Tor Brendon,” she said. “But I don’t need a title to know that what you’re doing here is wrong.” 
warning (Hurricane) (apologies for the angst, and trigger warning for shooting/guns) 
Theo didn’t move, but his chin tilted very slightly upwards. A gun cocked with a soft click. Aella’s blood ran cold. She grabbed the back of Theo’s coat like she could pull him aside. She wouldn’t just go with them willingly, of course she wouldn’t, but she couldn’t let Theo be in the line of fire like this. She’d said they’d take him home. She’d promised him. It wasn’t fair—
A crack echoed through the trees. She let go with a shriek. Her ears rang. 
But nothing happened. No one moved. Aella took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Obviously it had only been a warning shot, so everyone was alright, and it wasn’t like she’d seen which direction the bullet had gone, of course it was just—
Theo staggered and collapsed. 
abandon (Hurricane) 
Sequoia shouted, “Back water! Back water!” 
It snapped Tempest out of her distraction. What? Belowdecks, Marisa took up the call too.
“Tempest!” shouted Cai. 
Then she saw it: ahead of them, a large tree had been felled, blocking the entire strait. Heart in her throat, she added her voice to Cai’s. “Back water and drop anchor! Do it now!” 
Cai was already disentangling the anchor cable. Emmy and Victoire abandoned the sails to help Cai heave the anchor over the rail. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, the Firebird came to a halt. Not a moment too soon. Her phoenix figurehead bobbed against the tree trunk. 
instinct (Dragonsong) 
This was what she’d hoped for, but a dragon hidden by a barrier… that didn’t seem right. Isi frowned. What was going on? 
The rock—no, the dragon—moved all of a sudden. The ground rumbled. Robin took a step back; Isi grabbed his shoulder to steady him. Her instincts said draw your sword, but she fought that down as the dragon uncurled itself to its full height. Even its front leg was taller than Isi. If it turned out to be unfriendly, they would be in trouble, sword or no sword. But perhaps it was friendly. In that case, she’d need no sword. 
Surely, when this dragon saw Enya, it would know they were friends. Holding a sword would only complicate things. 
I will tag ... @ardawyn @zmlorenz @ellatholmes and @vellichor-virgo! your words are sense, sugar, squint, sun
8 notes · View notes
thekrazykeke · 7 years
wRoNg (Release the Beast) Part I {Revised}
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Fandom(s): DCEU, Suicide Squad
Relationship(s): Joker x reader
Rating: Mature
Summary: What would you do out of love and self-preservation to protect your family? How far would you go to keep your secrets?
Warning(s): Mind games and emotional manipulation. Mystic-y stuff. Power plays. Violence. Smut. 
Tagging: @ashmuck @alexisbagans143 @toxic-ink @kirsty-lou666 @coppercurlzz @snow-massacre @suckerforsmilex  @lovelylittlekittn @melaninharleyquinn @roneykuni @twilight-loveer @ms-clown-queen-of-crime @jokers-queen-of-hearts @keya168
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three (Part I) Chapter Three (Part II)  Chapter Four Chapter Five
A/N:  When you see this §, it means that J and the reader have temporarily linked up, so to speak, or synchronized. Some Assassin Creed fans may recognize this terminology, which is basically, the reader experiences what J feels, he feels what she does, etc. More shall be revealed as the story and plot continues. 💋
Chapter Six
An angry man’s power will shut you up Trip wires fill this house with tip toed love Run out of excuses for everyone So here I am and I will not run
Time had a strange way of progressing in a rapid and sluggish manner when in the presence of the Joker. He moved about in this manic, illogical rhythm, never fully staying true to the script he laid bare for everyone else to see. After Marisa’s death and subsequent proclamation that you were his Queen, he swiftly hid you away again.
You can still remember how he called out the few goons he’d hired to patrol the area, lined them up in a straight line before opening fire on them with his customized AK-47.
“Y/N, get in the car. Please, get in the car.” Leo was speaking to you with patience only a hair’s breadth away from collapsing. Not once in the entire time he’d been working for your family had you given him such trouble and now you were just rebelling for the sake of it.
“I will. In a second.” You murmur, trying to peer around the taller man’s body to see what J was doing.
“Well, boys and girl, it’s been a wiiiiiiiiild ride for some of you…” J’s voice rang out.
“You don’t need to see this.” Leo insisted grimly.
“Moving at the drop of a hat, protecting my assets and being lots and lots of great fun. I have not fully shown my appreciation for your, ah, s a c r i f i c e.”
“Mr J, please do–”
With a firm hand, Leo grabbed your elbow, opened up the passenger’s side door, shoving you inside just as gunfire broke out, along with J’s maniacal laughter and the cries of panic, fear, and pain.
It’d been three months since then. The current location you’d been moved to closer to the heart of the city and meant for disgraced high society family members, celebrities desiring anonymity, corrupt politicians, etc. Even if people knew your face, no one was stupid enough to oust their neighbor, fear of scandal or retribution, depending on the person, enough to silence another’s wagging tongue.
“Miss Y/N, please come away from the window.”
Blinking, you lifted your head off the clear surface of the windowpane, turning to see a man in his early to mid twenties had stopped about an arm’s length away. “I was just trying to find something to occupy my time, Toby.”
“It’s Tobias.” he corrected automatically. “And Romina is here for your daily lessons.” Beckoning with his fingers, Tobias encouraged you to follow him. “All work and no play makes Toby a very dull boy.” You whispered in the boy’s ear before taking off with a chuckle, amused with how he froze for a second before hurrying to catch up with you.
Sad as it was to say, you’d been reduced to one of those bored housewives on reality TV, seducing and playing with the staff’s minds just to pass the time. Unlike most, you hadn’t done it in a truly malicious way, it was just to prove a point, if only to yourself, that you weren’t afraid of a man like the Joker and he didn’t control you. Steadfastly, you ignored the faint voice at the back of your mind scoffing and pointing out the constant hypocrisy of your actions and beliefs. You knew exactly who to push and play with so that they wouldn’t go running back to J to tattletale.
The two of you walked down the hallway in silence for the most part. You had one-sided conversations about anything you could think of while he tried to be a decent foot soldier.
“You’re dismissed.” Flicking her fingers in a ‘go away’ gesture, Romina pushed off the wall she was leaning against, barely sparing the youth a glance as he flushed subtly in indignation but ultimately walked away. “We’re working on sit ups and push-ups today.”
“But we did that last session.” You pointed out.
“And in a street fight, you would be dead.”
“You always say that even if it’s not a relevant topic.”
“Clearly, the truth hasn’t sunken into your thick skull then.” Done with the conversation, in an imperious tone, Romina commanded, “Come.” Stalking off towards the plaza’s basement which had been transformed into a training center. Grudgingly, you followed after her.
While the Latina made no secret that she didn’t like you, the two of you reached somewhat common ground on the fact that you were a walking target and if you weren’t brought up to speed on self-defense, you’d be dead in less than five minutes once the news that you were the Prince of Genocide’s significant other, just like the news of your father’s dirty dealings were leaked.
Everything in the dark had a way of coming to the light.
As soon as we stepped through the basement doors, a chorus of greetings were directed at Romina, some rowdy and jeering while others were packed with innuendos and playful. Gaze darting all around, once again marveling at what money and fear had gotten a man like J.
“Come on. We can practice over there, it’s quieter.” Gesturing vaguely, Romina firmly grabbed you by the elbow, a floor mat in hand. Without waiting for your agreement or disagreement, she led you to a wide open area with natural lighting, placing the mat onto the floor, next to a woman who was doing her own exercise.
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Romina gave a pointed cough and you flushed, realizing that you were shamelessly staring though the woman didn’t glance at either of you. Deciding you’d made a fool of yourself long enough, you did as Romina wished, getting in position for some push ups.
“Okay, just like we practiced. Tuck your elbows…”
Normally, the bar was set for ten push ups, fifteen max, but today she made you do an extra five. Your abdominal muscles were on fire, your arms were throbbing and felt like wet noodles. Romina was pleased though, so you supposed your suffering either amused her or she was genuinely happy to see you not act like a total wimp.
It might have been both.
To reward you for your success, she made a humongous batch of pancakes and eggs with a pitcher of chocolate milk, when you’d first started this workout type of thing, you’d balked at the idea of eating so much, but the meal was entirely too delicious to ignore. Seeing that no one else batted an eyelid at your intake also helped with your confidence as they ate just as much, if not more than you did.
“Alright, alright, alright.” Leo clapped his hands sharply. “Look alive, people. Mister J is on his way back to this site and we know–”
When the room began to clear, ready to return to their normal stations, or suddenly invent something really important to be doing, you snuck away from the household’s staff members and bodyguards, filled with cautious excitement at the thought of seeing J first. He hadn’t seen you in awhile either, so maybe, just maybe…
“Y/N, what are you doing out here?” Closing your eyes briefly, you resisted the urge to stomp the ground with your foot out of frustration. “Y/N, we need to go back inside, to your quarters preferably.”
“Aww, Toby, I knew you were trying to get me into bed.” You teased.
“H-Huh? NO! Of course not. I respect Mr. J way too much to even think of–”
In a moment of pure happenstance, you caught a flash of signature, neon green hair before the gangsta himself came into view.
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You were paralyzed. Utterly transfixed by the sight of him after weeks and weeks without his presence.
True, most of the time, you couldn’t even stand him. He loved to poke fun at your former comfortable, cushy lifestyle. He mocked your emotional moments of weakness. But there was just this presence that radiated from his very being. He exuded his will into the universe and made everything in his sight kneel in submission.
“What is she doing out in the open like this, vulnerable and exposed for everyone to see?” Like a whip, J’s voice pierced the silence that had enveloped the area. “Boy!” Tobias flinched at the snarl. “I’m talking to you. Explain to me what’s she’s doing out here.”
“B-Boss, that is…”
Feeling a tendril of pity, you spoke up over the brunette’s stammering. “I was getting claustrophobic, staring at the walls of my room all day.”
“Wha-?” he cupped a hand to his ear, pretending to barely hear. “You got bored, basically that’s what you’re saying, yes.” Leaning up, he laughed though there wasn’t any mirth in the tone; the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. “Do you think your brains would look better splattered all over the kid’s face or the pavement near the pool? Because, honey, I can list at least five tactical positions a sniper, or even just a lucky son of a bitch, would have to be sitting in order to kill you.”
You skin paled and you swallowed but said nothing as J made a slow circle around you, stalking you almost, a continuous growl rumbling in his chest. “Boss, maybe you should…Calm down? You’re scaring Y/N.” Tobias spoke up, hesitant but hopeful.
J’s head snapped around, eyes wild as he stared at the younger brunette.
“I-I mean…”
“Did you just…Did you just call my…Who gave you the right to call Y/N by name?” Tobias was silent at J’s question and the green haired crime lord whipped his head to stare at you. “Oooh, I see.”
“Baby, no–” You tried to reach out and cup J’s cheeks, make him stop and see sense but he dodged your touch, teeth grinding.
“Are you fucking her?” J’s eyes widened a little, breathing becoming more labored.
Tobias blanched.”W-Wha?”
“A-Are you fucking her, or maybe you just want to, hmm?” J repeated himself, putting special emphasis on ‘fucking’, enjoying the way Tobias flushed slightly and shrunk in on himself.
“No sir! No, I swear I wouldn’t. I-I-I don’t want any beef.”
“Oooh, you don’t want no beef? You don’t want no beef? Don’t want no beef?” He was getting more and more agitated, that much was clear, to you and to Tobias.
“Sir, please! She’s not, we’re not, I have no interest in her, like that.” Now Tobias was babbling, making excuses to calm a raging beast.
“Why, is she ugly?” He ran his hands through his hair, a small smile appearing on his lips.
“No, sir! She’s, she’s beaut–” In a fluid motion, J pulled his gun from the gun holster and pulled the trigger.
You covered your mouth to stifle the scream as Tobias’ corpse fell into pool. J grabbed you by the nape of your neck, eyes swirling with mania, “That’s your fault.” Turning to Frost, always a shadow to his boss, Joker stated in a frigid tone, “Get that thing out of my pool – it's contaminating the water.”
“Yes, Boss.” With a decisive nod, Jonny whistled and a couple men appeared from various locations, ready and willing to help with the cleanup and disposal.
J glanced back at you, running his tongue over his silver teeth. “Get your ass in the house before I kick it all the way there.”
As soon as he let go of your neck, dropping you that small distance to the ground, you stumbled to your feet and took off like a bat out of Hell, occasionally glancing back. J prowled after you, his features might as well have been carved from stone.
You were going to get it. You were reaaaaaalllly going to get it.
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Dread swirled around in your stomach as you perched yourself on the bed, Joker’s bed, to be precise. His room was only slightly bigger and more extravagant than your own. You felt uncomfortable, as if you were invading some sacred territory as silly as it was to think, but it was true. Even though the two of you were married, he never brought you in here. You fucked in your room, against the wall, the floor, in the bath or shower, but it’d never been here. Clenching the violet silk sheets in your fist, you tried to will yourself to stand. To run out the door and keep running but your feet didn’t budge.
Hearing a door open and close, you turn to see J coming out the bathroom, he was dressed and looked extremely well polished in black slacks and a white dress shirt. Wait, he was leaving, again? Before you could ask, he ordered in a curt tone, “Face down. Ass up.”
“What?” Dumbfounded, the words slip free of your lips without permission.
“Since you persist in acting like a child, causing problems for everyone around you, I’ll treat you just like the unruly, disobedient child that you are by disciplining you.” He raised nonexistent eyebrows. “Face down. Ass up.” Hearing in his tone that he wasn’t going to change his mind, your lips firmed and slowly, ever slowly, you did as he commanded. Laying on your belly, your mind drifted as you heard him take off his belt, the leather brushing against your blue jean clothed buttocks.
The first hit was just a swat, deceptively soft. Hands clutched at a pillow, and you breathed in, trying to relax, because wow, that didn’t hurt.
The next two, in rapid succession, stung a little bit more and reflexively, unable to help it really, you made the aborted motion to rise up.
Big mistake. He pressed the palm of his hand against the dip of your back, forcing you back down again. Then he pulled your jeans down. Embarrassed, you tried to use your hands to shield your panty clad behind. J let out an enraged snarl, roughly forcing your hands out of the way so he could get a better look at what you were wearing and you knew that you were in for it, as you never had the time to really dress up before he ambushed you for sex. Today, you’d felt daring and donned the lingerie. He would assume that it’d been done to further tease Toby, not because you just wanted to feel pretty and sexy.
Legs twisting and fingers trembling, you gripped the pillow to you in a death grip. These hits from the belt hurt even worse and internally, with all your might, you prayed that this was the end of the punishment. The gods weren’t listening because soon Joker hauled you over his legs, one hand circling the nape of your neck and easily held you in place as he yanked your underwear down to reveal your bare bottom.
You couldn’t even utter a word of protest before J’s hand descended on the soft flesh.
Once again, humiliation burned through you, because while it hurt, your body was having a decidedly different reaction to the pain than expected.
As soon as it’d started, it was over.  Trying to prove yourself independent, you attempted standing but couldn’t even manage to half sit up right so Joker ended up depositing you on the bed.  With all that touching, of course he would notice your predicament. “You’re wet for me.” It's a statement, not a question and you both knew it to be true as your pussy lips were drenched in your juices. Soaked. “Tell me what you want.”
Silence stretched out between the two of your for a few seconds then several minutes. He scoffed at your stubbornness but just before Joker could get up, in a hoarse tone, you whisper, “I want you. Please Daddy.”
“The crap I put up with for you, I swear...” The words are growled and the sound created a fresh wave of moisture. You cried out as his tongue ran across your nether lips, lapping up your juices before swirling around your clit. Moaning, you tried to hold of the inevitable, but when he sucked your clit in his mouth, nipping it, you came with a scream. While you were coming down from the high of your orgasm, Joker was stripping of his clothes, and you couldn’t help gazing at his lean, muscled form. The tattoos that covered practically every inch of his skin. Well, you amended to yourself mentally, licking your lips as you looked at his cock; long, thick and hard, most every part. Ignoring your nerves, you decide to return the favor. 
Pulling him close, you kissed him, running your hands over his chest, down to his hips and penis. Running your fingertips gently from the base to the tip, you swiped your thumb over the pre-cum gathering at the tip. He groaned. Wrapping both hands around his shaft, you were about to take his cock in your mouth, but he stopped you, pushing you back. He got in the bed on his knees, reaching for your hips and pulling you to him. You felt him slide against your heat and you both moaned. Lifting you up slightly, he aligned himself with your heat. Then you rolled your hips backwards, taking the tip inside of you. He went in slow, letting your body adjust. You rocked your hips against him until he let out a low growl that made your inner muscles clench. He began moving and you met him thrust for thrust as he got a little bit rougher, then he brushed up against your g-spot and it was just too overwhelming. You came with a short scream for the second time that day. He snarled as you clenched around him, slamming into you a few more times before going still, hot jets of his release spilling inside you.
§ It was late evening but dark enough to pull off an ambush. By the last account, both sides were down to a handful of men each. He and the boys would come in from behind and mow them down.
“Boss, we’re pulling up to the area now.”
As if he couldn’t see that. Idiots, the whole lot of them. Still, sometimes it paid to reward idiocy.
He noticed the driver’s shoulders lost their tension at that single word and didn’t bother to stop the slow smirk that spread across his face.
“What the hell was that?”
Oh? Could someone have actually shown a bit more of a brain and managed to figure out about his arrival? Goody. It’d make the bloodbath all the more entertaining.
“It’s the Bat! Oh God, shoot it! Shoot it shoot it shoot it shoot it–”
A bubbling feeling welled up in his chest. First, he snickered quietly, then giggled and changed into a slow, high pitched, insane cackle as he saw the Dark Knight standing in the middle of the road.
Reaching over, Joker stomped his foot on the gas pedal, hands on the wheel. “Boss, what are you doing? Boss, Boss?!” The car was on a direct head long collision for the dark armored vigilante. Mere few feet from hitting him, the Bat threw three batarangs at the vehicle; two projectiles hit the windshield, and the first broke the glass and another struck the driver in the throat and narrowly missing Joker’s face, while the final took out the car’s wheel. The vehicle swerved. J kicked the dying individual out of the driver’s seat, trying to regain control of the car by grabbing the wheel and force it back into the proper lane, but it was too late. It hit something and the world t i l t e d. The screech of sparking metal, putter of an engine dying, was annoying. Oh. Dying.
Laughing again, that’s how ol’ Batsy Batsy Batsy, found him. Or dragged him out of the tin can of a car. 
“It’s over Joker.”
“Then do it! K-Kill me!” Suspended in mid-air, held up by the throat, J spread his arms in an arcing motion. “DO IT!” He could see the indecision. The rage. And something so dark and delicious, that all it needed was a push. “COME ON! Put me out my misery, just like I did your precious little R-OOMPH!”
He was punched in the gut. Dropped unceremoniously to the ground as he vomited his lunch back up. “O-Oh, hit a sore poin--” A right hook to the jaw shut him up. Then a left. An uppercut. Joker was laying on the ground, groaning and laughing with pain as Gotham’s supposed savior sat on his chest, repeatedly punching him in the face. The world went dark after the seventh blow. § 
You didn’t know what it was that woke you up so suddenly, except an acute feeling of wrongness. Your face felt swollen and bruised although no one had hit you, your limbs bound by something tight; you processed this all in a few seconds, the exact amount of seconds it took to realize that there was a stranger in your, J’s, bedroom and he was about to stab you. In the span of a single breath, time was suspended as attempted killer and intended victim stared at each other, then, without even thinking twice, you rolled, hitting the ground hard and landing on your shoulder.
Shock waves of pain rolled up and down, as well as through you. The pained scream that tore from your lungs was loud but the assailant would not be deterred. He approached you quickly again and was about to swipe at you when the door was kicked in.
It was Leo.
He didn’t waste a second telling the person to stand down and just started shooting. Romina, where the hell she even came from you didn’t know, seamlessly moving around the dark haired man, getting you up on your feet and hustling you out of the room. Leo covered the two of you, which was more than necessary as more men were coming from each which way. You didn’t know who they were but as they were cutting down the staff and some of J’s men, you knew they weren’t friendly.
“Get in there!” With firm hands, Romina shoved you into a room, slamming the door shut. Frost was already inside, features placid and calm, gun out and at the ready. His large frame dwarfing and almost blocking the sight of a pregnant red haired female.
“What’s going on?” Frost said nothing, merely unbuttoned his suits jacket, draping it around you. “What the fuck is going on?” He raised a finger to his lips, a wordless command to shut the hell up and normally you would protest but when a thump hit the door, you went quiet.
For hours and hours and hours, gunshots rang out followed by the screams and yells of the dead and dying. It was early morning, maybe dawn, when the walkie talkie, sitting on the desk let out some static and then you heard Romina saying that she and Leo were coming back.
“Is it over?” The redhead inquired in a trembling voice. “It’s over, right? That means that I can go home.”
“What even happened? I’m completely lost here.” Waving my hands around with agitation, I glanced at the taller man who, after saying ‘Copy’, into the device, had clicked it off and set it back down. “Someone tried to kill me. How did that person even get inside?”
“They just came out of nowhere. They, they, they knew the hidden passageways and emergency exits. Frankie didn’t even…” Overcome with emotion, the pregnant lady couldn’t continue.
“We have a snitch.” That’s the first thing that came out Leo’s mouth when he burst into the room, ignoring how Frost had a gun leveled on his forehead, finger on the trigger, and the small scream the pregnant woman let out. You had jumped too but feeling safer in the daylight, you thought her reaction to be a little dramatic. “Or at least we had one until Lucy Liu here got all overzealous with working him over.”
“Say that to my face, and I’ll come over there and kick your ass, you self righteous pussy.” Romina snapped, getting all up in Leo’s space. It should have been intimidating, but as she was an inch or two shorter, it just seemed silly. “You’re just upset that I had the balls to do what you couldn’t.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me if you did have a cock underneath those jeans. Wanna whip it out and see who’s bigger?”
Frost whistled sharply, causing the bickering duo to pause. “The boss is gone. I noticed some of Penguin’s guys, a few of the Riddler’s and the one who got into the boss’ room is Two-Face’s specialty. Did you kill them or not?”
“We got them.” Romina spoke firmly. Looking at the pregnant woman, her tone gentled. “You can go, Myra. Would you like an escort home?”
“No, I…No, thank you.” Despite Myra’s weak protests, Romina took her by the arm, saying something that was probably comforting in a too low voice, closing the door behind them both as she left, most likely to be an escort for her anyway. Looking at the remaining two men in the room, Jonny’s feature placid, while Leo couldn’t hold eye contact, the feeling of wrongness increased. 
“Where is J? He wouldn’t miss the chance to be apart of something like this.”
For a long time, neither said anything. “The Bat got Mister J.” Leo rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s in Arkham Asylum.”
Again, there was this long period of silence. “…What?”
“It’s an institution for the criminally in–”
With an impatient hand, you cut him off, “I know what it is! Mother and Father used to funnel money there all the time to pay for better security, better staffing. I know… What I want to understand is what happened, why attack us in this specific place, at this time?” As you spoke, you paced back and forth. “There was a snitch, as Leo said. Who was it? Who are our enemies, who are our allies?” Taking a deep breath, you glance at them both. “Tell me everything.”
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And so the explaining began. Jonny even brought a couple maps, blueprints, anything current and relevant to the situation currently happening. During that time spent talking, Romina came back with clothes for you to change into, obligingly standing guard while you used the bathroom and got dressed into something presentable.
Then the conversation continued.
“So, to summarize, Two-Face, the Penguin and Riddler are all making moves to seize J’s territories while he’s locked away in Arkham?” Looking at Jonny for confirmation, only to receive a single nod. “I…” Breathing in deep, glancing around the room at Romina, Leo, and Jonny. These were the people who knew how to fight best, who would do their best to support you. “Letting them do that is obviously not going to happen and I have some ideas but implementing them might be tricky, a little bit scary and crazy.”
“Girl, we got you. Just tell us.” the black haired woman said in a gruff tone.
“There are abandoned buildings here and here…” Pointing at the map on the table. “And a sewer connected to both areas here…” Grabbing a marker, you start circling little points. “If we do this just right, we can come up from behind and ambush them while the ‘peace talks’ are happening.”
“I feel there’s a ‘but’ in there.” Leo commented wryly.
“Killer Croc lives down there and I don’t think he’d appreciate the boys dropping in unannounced into his home.” Leo stared at you with blatant horror. Jonny’s features were serene. 
Romina...Romina looked thoughtful.
Before you could try and further explain your point, Jonny’s cellphone rang. Glancing at the brunette, you watched a practically one-sided conversation occurred, with him occasionally grunting and making affirmation noises to signify that he was listening. Once the call ended, he glanced at Romina. 
“The Penguin rescinded his claim for the Smile and Grin Club. He still wants to talk to....” He crooked his fingers. “‘Joker’s woman’.” Crossing his arms, he gave you an indescribable look. “Says he has valuable information.”
“Oswald doesn’t want any backlash. He’s always been afraid of J.” Romina explained, taking note of how confused you still looked. Nodding, you accepted that. “If we meet him right now in a neutral area, it’ll be showing that you understand he made a mistake.”
Leo scoffed. “A ‘mistake’? This guy knew exactly what he was doing, He’s pussying out because everyone knows that Arkham doesn’t hold the Joker for long.” Romina rolled her eyes. He glanced at you. “Meet him at the very club he was trying to claim, then you show him that nothing is forgiven.”
“Must you do everything in your power to one-up me? Is your masculinity that fragile?”
“Excuse you?”
“Last I checked, neither of you were the Boss’ woman.” Jonny cut in, ending the escalating argument before it could change into an all out screaming match, as it was known to do. “Miss Y/N, what’s your next move?” Caught like a deer in the headlights, you had the attention of both Leo and Romina, both of them were your protectors, but they had very different view points and valid concerns. 
“....Tell him to meet us at the Smile and Grin.” Although you were looking at Jonny’s face, you heard Leo crow with delight and could practically feel Romina radiating disappointment. “We’re not going in there to break his arms or legs but his actions cannot be ignored. So, only one of you will accompany me.”
“Wait, what? No!” Just as easily, Leo’s good mood evaporated. Romina didn’t look very surprised. “It’s my job to protect you.”
“I’ve said what I had to say.” Looking at Jonny once more, you asked, “What time is the meeting supposed to take place?”
“Midnight. I’ll tell him the location has changed.”
“Good. That gives us time to clean this place up. Get reinforcements to move to this house to secure it.”
Although you didn’t know it at the time, this is the pivotal moment where Jonny, Leo and Romina started to see you as Joker’s Queen, and not the little girl bequeathed the title but really didn’t know anything. They watched, quietly impressed, as you actually participated in getting the scene of the carnage and destruction cleared away. You didn’t turn your nose up at the arriving goons who also joined in to help get the place looking decent. 
That took the better half of the day. 
Once everything was fixed up and tidied as best it could, the time was nearly eleven p.m. Romina hurried you through the showering process and you dressed quickly. That all done, you were seen off by a stoic Jonny and agitated Leo. There was no time to reassure either of them that things would be fine since in a squeal of tires, Romina drove away, the motorcycle pretty much hidden underneath darkness of the night.
Arriving at the Smile and Grin should have taken twenty minutes, tops, with the speed she was going. The two of you never made it there. He never had any intentions of letting you arrive at the meeting place. The creature you thought was a myth but was whispered about even in socialite circles.
The Dark Knight. Batman.
You could only vaguely make out his figure standing in the middle of the street and saw him throw something. Whatever that was, it exploded, flipping the bike, and subsequently, Romina and you, off and suspended in midair. Time seemed to slow down as you met the eyes of the caped crusader, in your peripherals, you could see Romina reaching out, futilely trying to catch or shield you. Then you closed your eyes and your body hit the ground with an unforgiving vengeance. 
“Y/N!!!!” The yell of your name was the last you heard and the Batman’s cowl as he leaned over you before you lost consciousness.
The next time that you woke up, it was in a comfortable bed. These sheets, that ceiling...You knew this place. But, that meant...No. Shaking your head, you threw the covers off of you, seeing the expertly applied bandages on your arm, leg and torso.
Grabbing the clock off the bed side dresser, you launched it at the door just as it opened. That didn’t stop the individual from entering, revealing it to be Bruce Wayne. The bad feeling in your stomach increased and you glared at him. 
“You were in an accident.”
“That you caused.”
“Batman caused the accident.”
Snorting, you laughed a bit hysterically. “Dissociate much? Bruce, you are Batman. The same vigilante that tried to murder me in the street, like a mongrel.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be you. The woman, Romina, she was meant to be alone. Meet Cobblepot by herself. By the time I noticed that you were also on the bike, it was too late. Besides, we have something else to address.”
“More than you needing to be administered to Arkham for possible psych evaluation? Do enlighten me.”
Bruce, tired of the games, reached out and snagged your wrist, the one that wasn’t injured. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
“What the hell are you doing? Get off!”
“I know your parents made a deal with the Joker.”
The expression, ‘you could hear a pin drop’ is appropriate after his declaration. There wasn’t any need for you to say anything, judging by his darkening expression. “He’s not a good person, Y/N. Why can’t you wake up and see that?” Bruce yelled right in your face but you didn’t flinch away.
“So, you think that you’re the city’s savior? Wearing a suit of a flying rodent, beating up criminals and throwing them in jail just so they can break out later, you think, you think that makes you superior? Why don’t you open your eyes, the Gotham that you’re trying to protect doesn’t exist. It never did!”
“You’ve changed.” Bruce said with growing horror. “He’s gotten to you, warped you.”
“No. I just… I’m awake now. The Wayne family, my family, several other elites, we were supposed to be the pillars of the community. To give to those in need. Throwing a couple million dollars at a charity or orphanage doesn’t make you…” Placing your hands on your head, you do a little spin, exhaling explosively. “Have you even seen the Narrows, the West Hills? We have failed.”
“Just because one part of the city is rotten doesn’t mean the entire city deserves to be painted in the same brush.”
“I can see that I might as well be speaking a foreign language to you because you just don’t get it. Even I still struggle to understand but you’re not even trying and… Never mind, Bruce. Batman. Whatever you call yourself when you fight crime in your pajamas.”
Backing away from you, shaking his head, Bruce walked back towards the door he’d entered, slamming it on the way out. Running over there, you twisted the knob but it was locked. 
This arrogant little fuck boy didn’t know who he was dealing with if thought a locked door was going to cage you. Glancing at the window, a slow smile spread your full lips. 
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