#hes divorced be nice to him but he keeps inviting his ex to his place and oh god what happened to the kids
Nah anon, we cannot shame Snap for Eraqus, and he does say he'll only fuck emo Masato. Still wanting to fuck Masato/Aoki on ANY level is a crime and shame to yee
i never said i was without sin, i wholeheartedly concede wanting to fuck masato in any capacity is requisite to be put back in the ward </3
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deanwritings · 8 months
The Guest House - Chapter 8
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,961
A/N: Long chapter for a long wait! Really appreciate everyone's patience and please know that I do see everyone's comments and reblogs and it's much appreciated. I'm officially in grad school so my schedule is all over the place, so I've worked on and finished this chapter during various classes.
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You meet Dean in the driveway at 10am, per his request, your backpack slung over your shoulder as he’s throwing some bags of his own into the trunk. 
You had considered taking your own car up, in case you wanted to make a quick escape, but you felt embarrassed by the thought. Plus, it would be very obvious why you had taken your car. If you really didn’t want to go, you could have just said, “no,” not have an escape contingency. If you were going, you were going to go the right way. 
“Mornin’,” Dean greets you with a drawl and a fresh smile as you step around the back of the truck.
“Well good morning to you too.” You return as he holds his hand out towards you. You slide your bag off your shoulder and hand it over to him. “You’re chipper this morning.” You note as he makes a point to lower, not toss, your back into the trunk. 
This was probably the happiest you’ve encountered him in the morning so far. 
“How could I not be?” He grins, resting his arms on the trunk’s edge. “Get to work on some fancy cars, get to see my baby, AND,” he holds up a finger before he drops it and points it at you. “My mom makes the best apple pie you will ever have.” You can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm, and you don’t have the heart to tell him you were a cake girl. But hell, you’ll try that pie and grin and bear it if it keeps Dean in this good of a mood. You were really starting to enjoy his smile.  
“Let’s get to it then.” You smack your hands on the side of the truck before you heads towards the passenger seat and jump inside.
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Dean’s tapping his fingers along the steering wheel twenty minutes later, Bob Segaer singing quietly in the background as you watch out the window, Dean glancing at you occasionally.
You hadn’t said much since you first hit the road, just commenting on the few more brazen – aka jackass – drivers that had passed by, and the quietness wasn’t totally comfortable. At the end of the day, you were still basically strangers, and Dean can’t help but wonder what the hell he was thinking when he invited you up with him. 
He hadn’t meant to, it just fell out of his mouth, and once it was out there, he sure as hell hadn’t expected you to take him up on his offer. But you had. And his mother had raised him better than to rescind an invite.
He had made his bed, now he had to lie in it. 
After he got your text, he knew he was going to have to give his mom a heads up and decided to give her a call. 
“Is this the same girl you were complaining about the other week?” Mary’s voice rang through his headphones as he had begun packing for the weekend.
“Yeah, same one.”
“And you invited her to come up with you for the weekend?” Dean’s head fell back as he could hear the implication in his mother’s tone. 
“I was trying to be nice. That’s it.” He hoped to stop the gears that were definitely turning in her head. “Believe it or not, you did raise a gentleman.” He peppered in, knowing his mom loves to hear it. 
“Well that’s nice to hear.” Dean smirked, correct. Then a beat. “Is she pretty?”
After that, Dean had hung up, leaving Mary’s question unanswered. Because if he had answered it, it would have just opened a whole new conversation, and Dean wasn’t interested in having it. 
At this point, the two of you had become civil, hell, even friendly. 
And yeah, if Dean had answered Mary’s question, he would have said you were pretty, and had a confidence and sense of humor that, if he wasn’t going through a bitter divorce, would have had him asking you out in a heartbeat. But the last thing Dean wanted or needed right now was a relationship. 
“So what do you do at a car auction?” Your voice brings him out of his thoughts and he glances towards you, your Y/E/C eyes finding his. 
“Not much actually. I’ll go fix the cars up today, but the owners usually get me a ticket as an extra ‘thanks’ since they know I love it. So I more just get to enjoy the show then have to work it. Sometimes if one of my guys wants to buy a car they’ll get my opinion, but these guys usually know their stuff.”
You just nod.
“How many cars do you have to work on today?”
Dean clicks his tongue, thinking. 
“Got two to tune up for the show tomorrow, then my client, Rick, also wants me to take a look at his ‘69 Stingray. Shouldn’t take too long.” You just nod again, and Dean wonders just how much you know about cars. Though considering you had been rapidly turning over a dead battery earlier this week, he imagines it’s not much. But it gives him an opening. 
“Know much about cars?” He shoots you a quick look, seeing your shoulders shake as you snort out a laugh before he looks back out the windshield. 
“Figured it was pretty obvious I don’t.” Dean laughs out his nose, seeing you turn towards him in your seat from his peripherals.
“But when I was sixteen my dad wanted to get me a ‘74, baby blue Mustang. It was such a beautiful car and I was so excited. I would have had the coolest car at school.” You reminisce. “But my mom shot it down because it only had lap belts and I’m pretty sure there were no airbags. Guess she cared about my safety or something.” You laugh and Dean joins in. 
He liked hearing you laugh. It also meant you were opening up to him. Which he shouldn’t care about, but it brings a smile to his face nonetheless. 
“‘74 Mustang’s a helluva’ a car.” He can picture the exact model in his mind. It’s a hilarious comparison to what he sees you driving around in every day. “Would give your Sonata a run for her money.” You laugh again.
“Yeah no kidding. I’d probably be the worst person for a car like that, though. I would have no idea how to take care of it.” You take a deep breath and look out the window again. “Doesn’t stop me from thinking about it though.” You sigh, earning Dean’s attention. He turns back towards the road, but an idea is now forming. 
He grabs his cellphone out of the console cup holder, his eyes quickly darting between the fairly empty highway and his screen as he opens up his texts and swipes a message before hitting send.
As he looks back up, a sign catches his eye. 
The highway sign gives Dean a heads up that you’re about to hit the best part of the drive. 
“Well there will be plenty of cars you can dream about at the auction, even if you know nothin’ about ‘em.”
Dean flips his blinker on and merges into the right lane, getting onto the exit ramp for the bridge. 
As he slowly takes the curve, the Lake Champlain Bridge comes into view, the elongated, steel archway glistening in the morning sun and reflecting off the calm waters below. Beyond the overpass, the Adirondack mountains tower over the hidden town, complementing the scenery. 
“Woooow,” you breath out, sitting forward in your seat to get a better view out the windshield as the ramp straightens out, welcoming you across the bridge. 
“I know.” Dean agrees with a smile. “Never get tired of seeing it.” He sighs honestly. 
The shadows play through the windows as Dean speeds across the platform. It only takes about 15 seconds to get across, and you lean back once the bridge can only be seen in the rearview. 
“So how come your mom lives out here?” You ask as Dean takes the first exit off the bridge, headed for the outskirts of Bolton. 
“She and my dad had moved out here once my brother and I moved out. Mom always wanted to live on the water and Bolton is small enough and affordable that she was able to get her lakefront dream home.” Dean keeps his focus on the road, checking both left and right before heading straight across the intersection he had stopped at. 
“And she liked that she would still be close-by. Not that it really matters now that Sam lives in the city.”
“Sam?” Dean glances at you, your brows cinched together. Dean realizes he’s never mentioned his brother. And here he is taking you to meet his mother. 
“Sam’s my younger brother.” He explains and your mouth opens in understanding. “He’s a hot shot lawyer in the city where he lives with his fiancé.” 
“Ah. Billie had mentioned you had a brother but that was it.” 
Of course she did. Dean laughs to himself. He’s curious what else Billie has told you. 
But then another thought crosses his mind. He hasn’t told you anything about his family, and he didn’t want to blindside you as you got closer to his mom’s house.
“Also, I should give you a heads up that it’s just my mom.” Dean’s voice lowers as he navigates the familiar backroads. From his vantage point, he can see your eyes narrow, trying to work out his words. 
“My dad passed a while back.” Dean clarifies. “Ten years actually.” The words leave Dean a little breathless. He hadn’t really been thinking that this year would mark a decade since his dad had died. This really wasn’t his year. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, Dean.” Your voice is quiet, and Dean can hear the pain in it. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?” 
Dean’s lip quirks up for just a moment. It’s almost funny how you’re asking for permission to know how his dad died. Not that it bothers him.
“Brain aneurysm.” Dean sighs. “Old man never saw it coming.” He thinks back to the day he got the phone call. He had been at work when his mother called his cell. But still being a garage grunt, Dean hadn’t answered. A few minutes later, Bobby had stepped into the garage and called Dean into his office. Dean never would have thought there was a connection between the timing of his mom’s call and Bobby’s beckoning. 
Looking back, he was grateful Bobby was the one who told him. He didn’t need to think about his brother or mother at that moment. Just let the shock and grief overwhelm him in the privacy of Bobby’s office with his boss’ hand of support on his shoulder. 
Lisa had picked him up, after Linda had called her and broke the news. At the time, Dean was renting an apartment off Main Street, and Lisa spent the next few days staying over cooking and cleaning for him, making sure he would be prepared for the upcoming wake and funeral. 
Back when they had actually cared about each other. 
“God, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine.” Dean swallows down the lump in his throat and shrugs his shoulders. 
“It’s okay. Happened a long time ago now.” The familiar weight of John’s death settles on Dean’s shoulders, even after all this time. 
“Doesn’t make it any easier.” You counter. “Just more bearable.” A sad smile graces Dean’s lips as the lake comes into view through the barren trees as a silence falls over the cab.
“Anything else I should know before I meet your mom?” Your voice breaks through the silence. “Any sisters or more exes I should be warned about?”
Dean laughs before he can even think about it, and the weight lightens. He doesn’t thank you for it, but he’s grateful nonetheless. 
“I promise that’s it.” 
A few minutes later, Dean turns into the familiar driveway, the saturated sage A-frame nestled between the bare birches. One of the white-trimmed windows houses a familiar silhouette, eager for their arrival. 
Dean parks the truck behind Mary’s Nissan Rogue, a car he helped her pick out a few years ago when her decades-old minivan finally crapped out.
Dean kills the engine and sits back. 
“Ready?” He turns to face you, a bright smile on his face. 
You take a deep breath and find his eyes.
“Sure am.”
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You had lied. You weren’t feeling ready at all. As you stood at the trunk with Dean, looking up at the lakeside cabin, it was undeniably weird. The only parents you had met were your friends or partners. Never a random guy whose ex-wife was renting you their guest house. 
Not to mention you were still reeling from the story of Dean’s father. It was hard enough losing your aunt. You can’t imagine losing your father, and at that young of an age. You had to assume Dean was in his early thirties now, so to lose a parent when you’re barely an adult had to be even more devastating. You wonder if Dean’s father was around when he married Lisa. You can’t imagine getting married without both of your parents by your side to celebrate. Even if the marriage hadn’t worked out, you hoped he had been alive to see it. 
Dean reaches into the trunk and pulls out your pack, handing it to you. You give him a smile as you take it and throw it over your shoulder, and he smirks back at you. 
Once he has his bags, you follow him to the front step, a lone slab of stone, low to the ground, leading up to the tan double doors protected underneath a gabled roof, a lantern-esque pendant hanging overhead. 
As Dean reaches for the handle, the door pulls itself open, revealing a woman, a few inches taller than yourself, with blonde hair that’s so light it could be confused for gray, and green eyes matching Dean’s, not to mention the same, bright smile. Though the lines around her lips tell you she wears it more often than her son. 
“Dean!” She doesn’t hesitate as she throws her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in tight as his arms holding the bags get trapped to his sides.
“Hi, mom.” Dean huffs, a few beats going by before she lets him go and holds him at an arm’s length, studying him. 
“You look thinner.” She frowns, Dean takes a deep breath in and steps back. 
“I’m fine, mom.” He assures her the same way any child avoiding a lecture does. 
Her lips fold in and she sighs out instead of commenting. 
She then turns to you, her smile returning. 
“I’m assuming you’re Y/N?” You smile back with a nod. “I hope you’re a hugger.” She steps towards you and wraps her arms around you, giving you a surprisingly strong squeeze for an older woman. 
“Mom,” Dean groans, but you just wrap your free arm around her in return.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Winchester.” You pat her on the back before she pulls away and then swats her hand through the air.
“Oh please, we’re all adults. You can call me Mary.” You smile at her. 
“Well, thank you, Mary, for having me for the weekend.”
“It’s exciting!” She shrugs her shoulders up towards her ears. “It’s like Dean’s a kid all over again having a sleepover. Though they were never with girls.” She smirks at you and you can’t help but laugh as she shoots you a wink.
“Oh Jesus, ok. How about we go inside?” Dean steps around Mary and disappears into the entryway, effectively escaping and ending the conversation.
Mary just chuckles and shakes her head. 
“C’mon in.” She follows her son and waves you in and you step inside and close the door behind you.  
You’re surprised to find the house is almost completely open, with views stretching straight back to the ceiling-to-wall windows overlooking the lake’s shoreline. 
The open space is painted a soft yellow, with matching cream and light blue accents throughout the room. It’s the perfect picture of serenity, with not even a throw blanket out of place. 
Several plaques adorn the walls, each with cliché sayings like “Life is better at the lake” and “Living on lake time.”
Along the side wall, right in the center, is a gorgeous stone fireplace, with a natural mantle above it lined with various picture frames. 
“Your home is gorgeous,” You honestly gush. You had no idea what to expect, but it was like a living room straight out of Better Homes & Garden. 
“Oh well thank you, dear.” Mary puts her hands on her hips and looks around. “It took a lot of elbow grease and a few years, but I finally got it to where I wanted.” Your mouth pops open at her words. 
“You did all of this yourself?” You take in the vaulted, beamed ceiling and the wainscotting, appreciating the details that much more.
“Sure did. Needed something to keep me busy.” She trails off, and it takes you a moment to realize she’s talking about her husband. 
“Anyways,” she claps her hands. “Let me show you to your room.” She turns up the stairs to the right of the entrance. You look over at Dean who shoots up his eyebrows and you laugh before fixing your bag over your shoulder and following Mary. 
The upstairs hallway is just as gorgeous as downstairs, with four, stark white doors adorning the walls. You follow Mary towards the front of the house, where she opens the door for you.
“Here you are,” she ushers you in as she stands in the doorway. It’s a decently sized room, enough for a queen-sized bed, two nightstands, and a small dresser. The room has a farmhouse-chic look to it with a white-slabbed headboard and matching furniture. The bedside lampshades are a soft red, with the room tied together with a coordinated rug and throw pillows.
It was darling. 
“This is great,” you step inside past Mary. “Thank you.”
“I’ll let you get settled.” Mary smiles as you turn to face her. “If you need the bathroom, it’s right next door. Dean’s room is right past that, and then I’m across the hall.” She points to her door and you nod. With that, Mary steps out of the doorway, closing the door behind her.
You set your bag down at the corner of the bed and wander over to the window. Selfishly, you were hoping for a lakeview, but your room overlooks the driveway, Dean’s green truck and Mary’s SUV taking up the scenery instead. 
You take a deep breath as you head back towards the bed and kneel down at your bag, zipping it open and pulling out the very few clothes you brought for the weekend. You decide to put your clothes away, wanting to be a tidy guest, and hang up the only nice item you brought on the hook on the back of the bedroom door. 
You make a quick pit stop in the bathroom, making sure you still look fresh before passing the open doors of Dean and Mary’s rooms, stealing a glance into each before you head downstairs. 
As you return back to the foyer, you follow the muffled voices of the Winchesters around the corner to the closed-off portion of the house, stepping into the farmhouse-modern kitchen; a defined theme seamlessly integrated throughout the whole home. 
Dean is leaning against the center island, the base a vibrant blue that probably reflects the lake water in the summer, while Mary sits on one of the stools, her hands wrapped around a mug resting on the white countertop.
Dean notices you first, standing up a bit straighter as Mary turns in her seat to look towards you. 
“All settled?” Mary asks.
“Yes, thank you.” You stand under the room’s archway, feeling like you’re intruding on her and Dean’s personal space. 
“Would you like a coffee or anything? I can make you something to go.”
“To go?” You brow furrows. You know Dean has a work appointment, but you figured you would hang back at the house with Mary while he was busy. You look towards him, a sly smile on that stupidly handsome face of his as he relaxes next to his mother. 
“Figured you could come with me, learn a thing or two before the show tomorrow.” His eyes glisten in the sunlight shining through the multitude of windows. 
Your heart skips a beat at his words and his gaze.
“I really hope you’re not expecting me to help.” You shoot him a pointed look. You were useless when he fixed your battery just a few days ago, there’s no way you would be able to help him fix a speciality car. You wouldn’t even know the names of tools if he asked you to hand them to him. 
He chuckles. “I think I got a preview of your car knowledge this week,” he fully pushes off the island. “I think I’d be better off alone there.” You roll your eyes. 
Ass. Even if you just had the same thought. 
He steps towards you and flips his car keys in his hand. 
“But, I did set something up for you.” You frown at him. 
Did he sign you up for a car class or something? You did not agree to anything like that when he invited you up for the weekend. 
Scanning your face, he quells your concerns. 
“Just trust me.” You stare up at him, holding his gaze as he smiles down at you. 
Damn it. 
“Fine.” You huff. 
About fifteen minutes later, Dean turns down a long driveway, a sign in gold letters welcoming you to the Lime Rock Raceway. 
“A race track?” You turn towards Dean as he drives further down the path, a winding course coming into view. Grandstands rise up above the track, all empty this time of year. 
Dean just responds with a smirk as he parks in front of the raceway’s entrance. 
Without a word, Dean steps out of the truck, and you follow suit, one step behind him as he waves to the security attendant at the gate before finally coming to a halt at the edge of the track as your eyes widen at the car parked at the checkered finish line.
“Is that–” You point to the light blue, curving frame in front of you, your heart in your throat. 
“Not quite the ‘74 Mustang you wanted, but figured a ‘73 would do.” He grins down at you, but you’re too awestruck to return the gesture.
You step past him, your eyes glued to the only car that ever held your interest. It may be a year off, but it was just as beautiful as the one you had wanted since you were sixteen years ago. 
And it was parked right in front of you. 
“How–” you turn towards Dean, his hands in his pocket as he shrugs. 
“My client, Rick, has a collection and I asked him if he could bring this one with him.”
Holy shit. He did this for you. Went out of his way to bring your dream car to you.
Where the hell was the asshole you met only a few weeks ago? Because he certainly wasn’t standing in front of you now. 
“And,” he steps forward when you don’t respond, pulling his hands out of his pocket. “I haven’t even told you the best part yet.” He leans down towards you, his smile growing. 
“You get to drive it.”
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wutheringcaterpillar · 9 months
The Griever & The Grieving
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summary: A recently divorced Cillian finds himself spending Christmas with his dear friends, not expecting to find love in a widowed woman who happens to be his best friend’s sister. What will happen when two lost souls find theirselves in one another?
warnings: Cillian is divorced and a single dad (no mentions of his actual wife), reader is widowed, fluff, somewhat slow build, strangers to lovers (Cillian’s only heard of you until this trip),
sidenote: i’m aware this is late but here it is😂
Cillian watched through the partially foggy window, trying to take his mind off of the fact that he was now a divorced man and a single dad who now has shared custody of his child.
He wasn’t exactly in the holiday spirit by any means when Tom called, demanding he come out to the cabin he owned in Montana because if he didn’t Tom would’ve shown up and taken him against his will. He word for word said, 
“Cillian you’re coming down to this damn cabin, you’re not spending Christmas alone for christ’s sake. Get your ass dressed and packed before I show up myself, I won’t be so nice then.” 
Now here he was in his depressed not so jolly state.
He just wanted to get this Christmas over with.
Pulling into the snow covered driveway, the car followed an uphill trail surrounded by trees covered in the fluffy white snow. When they arrived near the front door Tom was already outside freezing his ass off as he was following the car’s location on his phone, ensuring Cillian didn’t pull a fast one and try to get out of this.
Tom watched as Cillian pitifully stepped out of the vehicle not a hint of happiness on his face, just sadness and maybe a small ounce of relief to have a break.
“Finally, the special guest has arrived! Been freezing my balls off out here waiting on your sorry ass.” He fetched Cillian’s bags walking him up the icy steps toward the enormous cabin.
“Yeah well, not exactly in the Christmas mood Tom.” 
Once inside Charlotte greeted Cillian with a warm, friendly hugg, taking his jacket from him and putting it in the nearby closet.
Relieving his feet from his shoes, he took in the cozy surroundings of where he’d be staying.
Decorations of tinsel and lights surrounded the walls and shelves, mistletoe place underneath the first arch in the hallway just a few feet from the door
All of the walls were made with refined, polished wood that brought an earthy smell to the atmosphere.
Family photos were hung in frames that added a little warmth and comfort to the vacation home, causing Cillian to think back on all of the memories he made with his ex wife and child that now just seemed to have no meaning anymore.
He stopped and glanced at one photo in particular of Charlotte and Tom in the hospital when she gave birth to their first child, making him reminisce on the day his son was born, thinking about where it all had gone wrong. How did he end up here at 47, a divorced man who was spending Christmas with his friends, he almost felt like he was invading their family time, like he shouldn’t be here, but then a particular voice, the kind that would have any man turning their heads pulled him out of his depressing thoughts.
“Cillian?” You spoke quietly, you had never met Cillian before and your wonderful brother didn’t say he invited anyone else but you knew who he was based off photos of him and Tom on set.
His angelic blue eyes locked with yours and his eyebrows raised in confusion.
He hadn’t known who you were but the sight of your hair in a messy bun and the way your e/c eyes reflected in the dim lighting had him faltering to find words. Your warm welcoming smile and the way you smelt of vanilla and how your voice sounded subtle and sweet he took notice of.
Your pajamas weren’t helping as they hugged your body tightly but not to the point that it was inappropriate as they didn’t reveal anything. He was a gentleman about it and did not stare, just simply happened to notice and went on with his day to keep the comfortability in the room.
His hand brushed to the back of his head awkwardly as he looked around for some assistance from Tom or Charlotte who seemed to have disappeared.
“I-I’m sorry, have we met?” He spoke cordially, setting his first thoughts of how breathtakingly beautiful you were aside.
Tom rounded the corner, his arm brushing over your shoulders as he pulled you into his side.
“How could I forget to introduce my loving, yet so very annoying sister. This is Y/N.” 
That sentence alone was enough to keep Cillian from acting on anything with this attractive woman he had just met. He’d never make a move on his friends sister, he was a gentleman and had the common sense and respect not to entertain his thoughts.
“Well Y/N its very nice to meet you.” Charlotte clapped her hands together calling everyone into the living room.
Tinsel decorated the fireplace while the tree pleasantly glowed from its white lights, presents wrapped with bows and strings underneath.
The Grinch played quietly on the television, while Charlotte had set down four Christmas mugs onto the table filled to the brim with steaming hot chocolate topped with whip cream.
Cillian glanced around the room taking in the quaint scenery before pulling up a velvet cushioned red stool taking his seat from across the coffee table.
Charlotte and Tom stayed closely near on another on the sofa that was piled high with blankets, while you took your seat next to Cillian, pulling up another stool as Charlotee began to speak.
“So, I know we’re all only here for the weekend but I thought we could make the best of it together.” Cillian listened to her intently being grateful of his friends, trying his best not to glance over at you. 
“Cillian I figured you may like some sight seeing so I’m sending you out with Y/N. We figured you may need to do some Christmas shopping. Tom and I are going to run to the market and grab things for dinner tomorrow and we’ll meet back here. Sound like a plan?” You were to take him sight seeing? He surely could use to get out a bit from the state of his  apparent saddened mood that he wasn’t hiding very well. He attempted to speak to get out of it but Tom was having none of it, basically pushing the both of you out the door, throwing your coats in your hands while he closed the door, turning to his wife with a mischievous grin, raising an eyebrow to give her a subtle hint. “Thirty minutes Tom.” He hadn’t needed to hear anymore before he began stripping gleefully on his way into the bedroom, following his wife whom he was too lucky to have.
“So you’ve never been to Montana?” Cillian shifted, folding his hands comfortably in his lap as he stared out at the snow covered mountains.
“No I haven’t. It does seem very beautiful though, the air smells very refreshing and the people seem to be nice, very different from Dublin of course, which is a good thing. Where are we going?” His question was answered when you pulled into a shopping mall, causing him to lower his sunglasses and lift his hood so nobody would recognize him. The sight saddened you that he was conditioned to do so, but he must not know about the people in this state. “I can assure you, you don’t need do that. No one will recognize you here.” He didn’t budge and you didn’t want to press anymore, already feeling bad and regretting bringing him here but where else were you to go?
An idea popped into your head, having you put the car in reverse, confusing him while his eyebrows etched together.
You ignored his questions and drove back to the house, he took the hint and a wave of ease settled in his bones that you weren’t forcing him to go in there. 
When you saw Tom and Charlotte’s car still in the driveway you rolled your eyes knowing damn well what they were doing. Any excuse to get alone time they would’ve used it.
Walking back in, Tom was putting his shirt back on making you shield your eyes in digust.
“What the hell are you two bloody sorry asses doing back here already.” Cillian smiled widely, flipping him off, forcing a laugh to escape from your lips.
“Change of plans, now get out of here now that, that’s out of your rabbid dog system.” Tom was taken aback, Charlotte giggling in the background. His muffled remarks slowly fading away as she guided him out the door, bidding you both ado.
Taking off his glasses and settling them on the counter, he tucked his hands in his coat, attempting to get warm again as the temperature outside was below zero.
“We’re making cookies instead. Besides I brought along one of Charlotte and Tom’s favorite recipe. Nothing is better than homemade gifts right?” Cillian nodded agreeing, simply stating he’d “take your lead”.
The cookies went terribly, Cillian and yourself making a mess of the kitchen. You were both staring down confused and disappointed by the sight of the burnt sweets stuck to the pan. 
“I don’t understand where did we go wrong?” Picking up the recipe, you both glanced at it for about the tenth time and finally realized it said ten minutes, not twenty and you hadn’t put the butter in as it called, it wasn’t even half of what it called for.
You couldn’t help but giggle hysterically, your infectious laugh causing Cillian to smile lightly.
“Oh, wait you have something in your hair.” His hand touched your wrists lightly before swaying up, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear while he picked out the cookie dough stuck in your hair.
His lips sucked over his thumb, making s disgusted face at the taste of the dough, making you laugh lightly. “Oh, this is terrible.” You rasied your eyebrows, your lips spreding in a wide smile. “Oh is it?”
“Yeah actually, I think you should try it.” He picked up the bowl with a small amount of dough left with a playful grin, slowly approaching you with the dreadful dough. You held out your arms to try to stop him as he circled you as if you were they prey and he was the predator.
“Cillian you mustn’t!” He bit his lips with a devilish grin.
“But I must.” He began to chase you around the kitchen island made of oak wood, chasing you into the living room when you took a sharp corner, running up onto the sofa pointing your finger down at him. “Dont you dare!” In a swift movement he pulled your leg forcing you down onto the soft cushion before smearing the dough on the side of your cheek, just barely getting it into your mouth. 
You screamed in disgust, trying to spit it out as the bowl fell from his hand into the floor, catching neither of yours attention.
The two of you lay there there wrestling and laughing relentlessly, almost getting caught up in the moment when he was on top of you, your laughs fading as you stared into each others eyes, hands in one another’s.
The sound of the door opening had Cillian stumbling up off of you, and your sitting up from your position, terrified of Charlotte’s reaction.
“What the hell happened to my kitchen!” Glancing over toward the living room, you both looked at her with guilty and scared eyes, knowing full well you’d be cleaning it up and unable to apologize without being scolded.
Later on in the evening, after a pleasant dinner that consisted of Cillian and yourself standing to avoid staring at one another. You all found yourself watching hours of Christmas movies and eating cookies you bought to replace the failed ones, Charlotte was passed out on the loveseat in Tom’s arms while Cillian was seated on the floor, and you at the end of the sofa.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the cookie dough fight, or how handsome Cillian was but your past was still present in your mind at times, holding you back from moving on and you hated it.
“You okay?” Tom asked. You nodded, and he knew that was a lie but didn’t say anything. Just grabbed your shoulder lovingly to let you know he was there if you needed to talk.
After insisting you’d be alright he woke Charlotte up, guiding her up to the bedroom to get some shut eye, telling you both goodnight.
The fire dimmed the dark room, warming the atmosphere while the wood crackled softly beneath it as the movie ended, leaving yourself and Cillian alone in the living room, nothing but the sound of the fire crackling faintly filling your eardrums.
You were currently wrapped in a blanket on the sofa while Cillian was sat on the floor staring into the fiery abyss, looking to be deep in thought.
You contemplated on whether or not conversation would be the best route at the moment, and where would you even begin? Tom hadn’t gone into detail of why he had invited Cillian all this way for christmas but you found it odd he was here alone without his son.
Rolling his thumbs, watching the flames arise and scatter much like the thoughts in his mind, Cillian was still finding his way, attempting to think of anything else but his son Michael yet here he was feeling like a failure of a father, just trying to make amends with himself that he had done his best to make it work, sometimes chapters just close and we can’t explain why.
“It’s peaceful here isn’t it?” The sound of your voice pulled him out of his head. When he turned to speak you were already at his side, a cup of cocoa in your hand while you crossed your arms, watching him intently.
“Yeah, yeah I suppose it is.” You nodded, pursing your lips trying to find another root of conversation, perhaps maybe bringing up why you were here and not with your significant other to make him feel more at ease, to know he wasn’t the only one struggling.
“Y’know I thought I’d be spending christmas back in Montreal, but my husband recently passed away unexpectedly.” Cillian’s eyes furrowed together in concern while he was thinking of how to respond, staring at you with his caring blue eyes.
“I- I’m so sorry I had no idea. Are you alright?” You shrugged, knowing the only way to get Cillian out of his shell was to speak on the matter, you couldn’t stop your voice from cracking when you spoke.
“Try to take it a day at a time. It’s not easy by any means. It’s almost been six months but I still find myself struggling. I had to sell my house, couldn’t be there anymore and process his death at the same time. I’ve been living with Tom since until I get back on my feet.” His hand settled upon your thigh in an innocent manner, while his eyes were fixated on yours with deep sorrows, noting the tears that you were attempting to hold back. Tom was much like him, not mentioning anything of his family struggles even to close friends as it wasn’t his place, which Cillian fully respected and understood. Hell the only reason Tom knew he was going through a divorce was because the media had caught an eye on them separately leaving the courthouse once it was done and boy did they have a field day once news of the custody case got loose. These were the time Cillian absolutely hated his celebrity status, even when he tried to stay off the radar, having so social media, speaking of no family matters, they always seemed to find out and follow his every move.
You couldn’t help but feel a small amount of closure with his hand resting on your thigh. He had it place just by your knee, nothing out of the ordinary for someone trying to console another struggling soul.
“Well that is very kind of your brother. Knew from day one he was a good man.” You nodded, glancing out the window at the snow falling lightly down before you found yourself non chalantly scooting closer to him, not thinking anything of it.
“So what brings you here, if you don’t mind me asking? You seem to be at a bit of standstill, some thoughts going through your head?” In all honesty Cillian was surprised you didn’t know, yet again he hadn’t known about you but you didn’t have that celebrity status, just a journalist that had two cats that your brother could not stand.
“I’d rather not talk about it but since you were so transparent with me willingly, I suppose it’s only fair I do the same. Probably would do me some good to talk to someone instead of drowning in it, eh?” He chuckled lightly, his infectious laugh almost making you blush. A man that was in turmoil still had a small lighter inside that lit the wick in you, finally bringing some sense of familiarity to you that there was life after the loss of a loved one.
“I um- I recently went through a divorce, was married damn near fifteen years, yet somewhere along the way tis wasn’t enough. Our lives didn’t align anymore now here I am without a right to see my son on certain days and this is just the first Christmas I’ve spent away from him, it takes some getting used to and feels rather odd. I hadn’t meant to be depressing this whole trip, and honestly- not to talk out of hand, but you have a smile that can just light up the room and bring out an energy in people I didn’t even know I had anymore.” He smiled half heartedly at you, his eyes yearning with curiosity and interest in you. He found it to be very brave of how open and willing you were to talk of the apparent troubles in your life so freely to him.
Most importantly the way you were looking at him at this very moment, no judgement, no comments, just allowing him to speak his mind, and listening to him intently, never breaking eye contact.
“That’s very kind of you, but how are you coping with all of this? Surely your son missed you as well, how old is he? Is he struggling with the change?” This is where Cillian’s mood seemed to shift ever so slightly, his shoulder now touching yours, his demeanor saddened just a bit. If you hadn’t been paying close attention to his emotions and body language you wouldn’t have noticed how he began to circle his thumbs once more.
“He’s struggling a bit yeah. He just turned thirteen and I know this is where he needs me the most, thirteen can be such a confusing age for children and they need guidance and I wish I could be there for him all the time but I can’t anymore. I was just glad my ex-wife allowed me to speak to him this morning.” You nodded understandingly, your hand reaching to massage his shoulder, attempting to console him.
“That’s great she’s not keeping you completely away from him though! You always have to try to look at the bright side of things. If you stay on the negative you’ll find yourself in an endless loop of misery and it’s not healthy. I’m glad you came out here Cillian, and I’m glad you’ve talked with me and I’ll always be here, stays just between you and I, I pinky promise.” You held out your pinky toward him with expectant eyes and eyebrows raised, he took the hint that you took pink promises very seriously, causing him to attempt to hold back a light hearted chuckle as he blushed, connecting his pinky with yours.
He couldn’t help but find himself staring deeply toward you, taking in your delicate features the way your face had hardly any makeup, the very subtle babs under your eyes and the way your lips curved when you smiled. Yet still, he was captivated by you, your flaws and not hiding them he found very attractive.
The two of you sat there in silence for a moment, the fire warming both of you that were still seated substantially close on the hardwood floor. That was until he noticed the placement of your foot.
“Fook, yer gonna fooking catch yourself on fire!” Glancing, your sock was almost in the flame, Cillian acted fast in pulling your leg gently up in a quick motion, ensuring your safety having you both laughing from your utter lack of attention for your well being.
“Shit! Cillian Murphy coming to my rescue, every girl’s dream.” You swooned mockingly, and his eyes couldn’t seem to stare anywhere but your eyes and how the fire illuminated them in the dim light.
Time seemed to stand still this time once your eyes connected, the way the fire light danced off the strands of your hair, the sun was beginning to rise in the background and he couldn’t tell if it was the conversation, or the subtle ease he felt being alone with a beautiful woman he had just met yesterday and he could tell when you began to stare at his lips that you were feeling the same, unexplainable profound feeling he was.
Leaning in together, your lips touched ever so gently, colliding in a way that sent butterflies fluttering their way into your stomach. The taste of hot chocolate was tenuous, and his hands found their way to your neck, laying fragilely on your warm delicate skin, kissing once more.
It was almost as if the world around the two of you had disappeared, like there was no one else.
The magnetic spark was almost too strong for you to handle and Cillian must have felt the same way as you both tore a part from each other. He began apologizing right away, realizing what he had just partaken in.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He went to stand up, but you pulled him back down by his arm.
“No. I- I’m glad you did. The kiss felt lovely, no harm done, besides I’ve been holding in my school girl crush ever since I met you yesterday. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and I hope I’m not now.” He looked at you stunned, as if he wasn’t doing the same thing since he walked through that front door the previous day.
However he didn’t want to rush into things, a simple reminder of hearing his friend snoring in the bedroom upstairs, reminding him of why he had to be patient.
“You’re not however, if we don’t go to bed soon your brother is going to wake up, most likely very angry with me. Allow me to walk you to your room, we should get some sleep.” You followed his lead im agreement as he helped you up from the floor.
When you reached your allocated rooms across from one another, you both found yourselves stopping in the doors, locking eyes in a hesitant motion, not wanting to break away but knowing you had to. “I’ll see you in the morning yeah?” You nodded and both went into your rooms, closing your doors simultaneously.
Cillian found himself crawling into bed, staring at the ceiling in disbelief at the event that had just taken place. Not being able to disregard his feelings for you and being saddened that tomorrow he’d be leaving, little did he know you were in your bed doing the same thing. Wishing you could just run across the hall and crawl under the blankets with him, imagining what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms, feeling his heartbeat as your head lay on his chest.
The following morning you woke up around ten, being reminded that Cillian’s flight was at eleven, he must’ve just left and you must’ve missed presents. Extending your arm underneath the pillow, you went to clutch it in sadness when you felt a piece of paper on the sheets.
Frantically, you opened the note, it contained Cillian’s number and his full name like the old man he was. You didn’t hesitate to text him, leaving it as simple as,
 “Hey, it’s Y/N. I hope you have safe travels, I wish you the best of luck with your son and  I hope we see each other again someday.” 
Walking down the stairs Tom and Charlotte stated a good morning to you, not really paying you much attention as they were indulged in a card game. They were both very competitive and it made you laugh at times.
Your phone lit up with a notification from Cillian making your heart nearly stop when you saw the message contained an image atttached.
Opening the notification, the photo was him cuddled up in a sweater outside while the snow was falling down endlessly.
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“Rather cold out, but the view is quite calming. Wish I wasn’t leaving just yet. Happy holidays Y/N and thank you for this weekend. Maybe have been short but very sweet and I don’t regret one moment with you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the photo. He was still here, his flight must’ve been delayed because you knew very well for that to be the balcony at the front of of the house connecting to the lower one that leads to the front door. Turning your head you made sure Tom and Charlotte were still focused on their card game on the opposite side of the sofa when you heard his footsteps walking down, confirming what you thought.
Tom couldn’t help but notice out of the side of his eye the way you were blushing down at your phone typing, unknowingly to you. Little to yours and Cillian’s knowledge he had gotten up the previous night, wanting to get a glass of milk but stopped at the top of the stairs when he saw the two of you giggling with one another in front of the fire. He hadn’t seen you happy or smiling like that in a long time, it was nice to see someone bring you alight.
Him and Charlotte nodded to one another before he made his way outside, meeting Cillian who seemed to also be smiling like an idiot in love while typing on his phone.
“Who are you texting?” The sound of his friends voice had him drawn out of his conversation with you while he attempted to stutter up a response on the spot. “Cat got your tongue does it?” Cillian may have been an actor but he wasn’t able to act his way out of this one. He looked defeated, when he stared at his friend, like he was a terrible human being and he wad waiting to get his ass reemed out.
“Tom I-“ He left the porch, pulling Cillian up under the roof in front of the door with him.
“I’m not a fucking idiot mate. You love her And that’s alright as long as she isn’t a rebound.” Tom rested his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for a confirmation from his lips that his sister was indeed not a rebound.
“Cause if you break her heart I’ll have to kill you myself.” Cillian exhaled, feeling a wave of tremendous relief leave his chest, he wanted to explain, to apologize but he could read Tom. He could tell he wasn’t asking for an apology, his eyes stared at him with understanding, and acceptance.
“I- I seem to have fallen in love with your sister and that wasn’t my intention I-“
“Oh get in there! Sneaking around like a bunch of teenagers! I’m not upset, if you can make her happy I’d trust you to be the man, the right man to do it! Now go in there and tell her you love her!” Tom basically pushed him through the door, Cillian sliding on the hardwood floor, the loud commotion grabbing your attention having you turning your head, jumping off of the sofa quickly.
“Y/N get over here. Let’s get on with this, we’re not children anymore. You love her, she loves you. Why not just cancel the flight eh? Doesn’t that sound great, what a solution I know. Give me that damn bag.!” Tom grabbed his bag, out of his hand, taking the luggage into the living room with him, not giving his friend a choice but to face his feelings. His sarcasm was very much noted by the both of you.
As you approached Tom took his seat next to Charlotte giving the two of you some privacy.
You both smiled like children who had just got caught eating all the Christmas cookies before the holiday.
The overwhelming feeling of seeing his hair wet, and the way the sunlight ricocheted off of his crystal blue eyes made you melt. You couldn’t resist pulling him into a hug, nuzzling your nose into his dampened sweated against his chest. 
He reciprocated, his arms wrapped around your sides while his nose rested upon your temple, smelling the sweet rose snd tea leave shampoo in your hair.
After a few moments you pulled away and looked up into his eyes giddily with somewhat anxiousness.
“Are we really doing this?” He shrugged, his eyebrows raising excitedely, while his eyes sunk into your comforting, yet gentle facial features, once more brushing a stand if hair behind your ear.
“I’m all in if you are, darling.” The pet name turned your cheeks a bright shade of pink, before you nodded.
“Eh! I should’ve won that!” You both heard Tom shout from the living room, and noticed Charlotte raising her hands in success.
“Honey you can’t outsmart a woman, you may try but let me know when you succeed.” Tom rolled his eyes, being fed up with his losing streak.
Cillian and you walked hand in hand toward the living room when Charlotte made you stop.
“Ah!” You huffed in defeat, you knew very well you were standing underneath the mistletoe. Thomas looked at you confused and followed your gaze up toward the arch in the ceiling.
The snow stopped falling outside. Cillian settled his hands on your waist, yours wrapped around his freezing neck. Leaning down, he kissed you once more as he had wished to since last night.
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btecboogiez · 1 year
⌗ 𓂃 Summertime Sadness 𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅
Jeff Sadecki x Fem!Reader
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SUMMARY: He’s your new next-door neighbour, and he just so happens to be recently divorced…
CW: AFAB!Fem!Reader (no use of Y/N), NSFW!! , p in v sex, reader on birth control is implied, p#rn with plot.
A/N: I wrote this for a friend and decided to post it here! I’ve never wrote this stuff before so I hope you like it! <3
WC: 1.8K
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jeff sadecki. your next-door-neighbour. the day he moved in, you went over to introduce yourself and ended up finding out about his recent divorce. he told you all about his homocidal ex-wife and how he just had to get away from all of it. the next day, you went over to help him with unpacking, just like how a good neighbour should. you were wearing a flowery little sundress that hugged your curves in all the right ways. the skirt of the dress, which was just covering what it needed to, was flowing in the warm summers breeze as you walked next door to jeff’s house.
you knocked on the door softly, waiting for a response. he opens the door and his hair is sweaty & messy. he’s clearly been busy. he smiles and invites you inside. “watch the boxes, they’re everywhere!” he says, shifting a large box out of the way so you can come inside properly. you walk in and take in the scene of the main room. boxes are stacked everywhere and there is trash bags right next to the front door. he has music playing through a little bluetooth speaker. system of a down is playing. “nice music taste.” you say, smiling.
“oh uh- thank you miss..” he smiles back, clearly a little flustered by your compliment. “should we get started on the boxes?” you ask. he nods and you two get to work. as you unpack, you both chat and tell eachother about your lives. quite a few hours pass and it’s almost midnight by the time you finish unpacking and organising his stuff. you sit down on his couch, sighing in relief. “thank jesus we are finished.” he flops down next to you and sighs aswell. “i should be heading home…” you say reluctantly, not exactly wanting to leave jeff, even if you live right next to eachother.
“i’ll walk you home..” he insists, standing back up again and opening his front door. the cool night air rushes in, causing you to shiver slightly. as you walk down his driveway, his hand finds itself on the small of your back. you look up to him and he smiles back. once you are at your place, he observes you walk inside, making sure you are okay and safe. you say your goodbyes and when you are finally inside and you lock your door, you sigh loudly and talk to yourself as you take your shoes off.
you walk upstairs before putting some grey sweatpants and a black tank top on. you tie your hair up, wanting to keep it out of your face for sleeping. you snuggle into your duvet and drift off to sleep.
his hands are touching your body lightly, his lips littering soft kisses along where his hands just were. his touch is like fire as he caresses your hips. “you look so pretty like this… all whored out for me…”. his voice is dominant yet soft. his fingers find the hem of your sweatpants, pulling them down. you lift your hips to aid his efforts to strip you. once he has your sweatpants off, he throws them somewhere in the room, just like he did with his shirt and pants. he spots your underwear. it’s a pale pink with lace covering it. he rubs the pad of his thumb against the wet patch on your panties, causing you to arch your back and softly whimper.
his fingers hook the gusset of your slutty underwear and pull it to the side, revealing your soaking cunt. “so wet for me sweetie, and you’ve only just met me…”. you blush hard at his words ; your whole body is white hot with lust and need. “please jeff…” you plead with him, needing more. he lets his index finger slide in and out of your wet folds, gathering your slick before pushing it inside of you. you moan out softly and your hands grip his broad shoulders, your nails digging in. he curls his finger, pressing against your sweet spot lightly before adding a second finger, stretching you even more. he pumps them in and out of your drenched hole, drinking in your soft and needy moans. “good girl… taking my fingers so well for me…” he coos in your ear. you feel that familiar feeling growing in your gut. “jeff… please i’m so close..!” you tell him and feel his fingers curl even more, his mouth moving down to suck on your clit.
as soon as his soft lips make contact with your sensitive nub, your whole body goes white hot. your toes curl and your eyes screw shut. you cry out his name, gripping his blonde hair tightly as you cum around his fingers. he slows down a little, letting you ride your high out. he pulls away from your soaked pussy and pull his throbbing cock out from his boxers before taking them off completely. he lines himself up with your drenched entrance and then-
your alarm goes off.
you open your eyes and groan, looking down at your body. your sweatpants are down to your knees and your hand is inside your underwear. your fingers are drenched so you slowly pull them out before getting up and plod to the bathroom. you wash your hands, your mind still spinning with the thoughts of your dream. you take a shower and can’t help but think about what it would be like with jeff. his muscles covered in droplets of water, his hips hitting against your ass, his whimpers as he gets close, his dick rubbing against-
you decide to stop thinking about him. you climb out of the shower and start to get ready. you have a towel wrapped around you, covering your ass almost perfectly. you start to brush your teeth when you hear a knock at the door downstairs. you hurry and open the door before spotting jeff. you blush bright red when you see him, feeling shameful about the thoughts you had about him previously. “good morning miss,” he says, smiling at you, “did i catch you at a bad time?”.
“uh- no, not at all!” you laugh a little, inviting him inside and letting him sit down on the couch in the main room. “give me 10 minutes and i’ll be back down here..!” you say before rushing upstairs and getting dressed. you put on a white, button up shirt and some low rise blue flare jeans. you then put on your slippers and glasses on. jeff wonders what is taking so long and walks upstairs. he watches you do your makeup from the bathroom door. once you finish putting your mascara on, you spot him and jump a little.
“jeff! you gave me a fright.” your hand is placed on your chest, trying to calm yourself down. “sorry honey.” he says, smiling as he always does. you feel yourself blush bright red and you loose your composure for a second. he smiles again, but it’s more cheeky this time. “are you done darlin? i’m getting impatient over here.” he says, his voice laced with a teasing tone. i nod and walk out of the bathroom and downstairs with jeff following me. we sit in the main room on the couch. “so jeff, why did you come over..?” i smile, trying not to touch him or kiss him.
“i wanted to speak to you about something actually…” he sounds nervous as he speaks, his voice shaking slightly. he collects himself and continues. “are you single?” the question shocks you a little but you answer. “yes i am. why do you ask?” he blushes and leans in a little. “because i like you. i like you a lot…” you feel your face go red-hot and you are convinced he can feel the heat radiating from your cheeks. “kiss me jeff..” your voice is quiet and sultry. he leans in and kisses you. you open your mouth slightly as you kiss and his tongue slips inside. you whimper into the kiss and his large hands cup your cheeks as you make out. the kiss slowly grows more hungry and passionate as he pulls you onto his lap.
“jeff…” you plead, grinding against him lightly. he groans and grasps your hips tightly, almost leaving bruises. he picks you up and your legs wrap around his waist as he walks upstairs and throws you onto your bed. he pulls his shirt off and his torso looks exactly like you dreamt it would. you get to work unbuttoning your shirt, revealing your lacy bra. you purposely put on your best lingerie, hoping something like this would happen.
he gasps softly, his hands moving to caress your chest. he unclips your bra and drops it onto the floor next to your bed. his fingers drag over your hard nipples, causing you to whimper and whine under his touch. his hands move down your sides and unbutton your jeans, pulling them down your legs and throwing them onto the floor. he kisses you again. the kiss is sloppy and needy as his finger hooks the gusset of your panties, pulling it to the side. he leans down and mumbles against your wet cunt before licking long stripes up and down. “so wet for me baby…”. he sucks on your clit before pushing the tip of his tongue into your entrance. he repeats these two montions until your legs are shaking around his head and your hand is grasping his hair.
you feel yourself grow close to your orgasm. it hits you suddenly and your whole body shakes as white spots cloud your vision. you cry out for jeff, hoping he’ll slow down so he doesn’t overstimulate you. he pulls off of your soaked pussy and fumbles to take his pants & boxers off. once they are off, his hard cock hits his stomach. the tip is leaking pre-cum, so ready to be inside you. “are you okay with this..?” he asks before lining himself up with you. “
yes.. please fuck me jeff..” you consent and he pushes into you slowly. you gasp softly. “fuck- so tight honey..” he whimpers and starts to move slowly. you grasp his shoulders as he pumps in and out of you. he speeds up and you clench around him, moaning out for him desperately. “you gonna come baby? c’mon.. come for me honey..” his hips start to stutter and you can tell he’s about to come. “c’mon baby, c’mon baby, c’mon baby…” you finally come, clenching around his cock like a vice. he spills into you, groaning and thrusting a little.
your foreheads touch and you both sigh out. he kisses your lips softly, this time with love and not lust. you both smile and jeff breaks the silence. “you did so well for me there baby..” he hissed as he pulls out of you. he gets up and grabs a washcloth from your bathroom, cleaning you up. once you are clean, he snuggles up behind you, not caring it’s only 1pm. you smile and thank him for such a good start to your morning. as your bare bodies touch, you can’t help but blush. you both fall asleep quickly in eachothers arms, just like how lovers do.
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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at smut! i think i got a little lazy near the end but i hope it’s good enough! <3
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
hello!! i would like to request some sweet love making with johnny after being separated for months? thank you!!
meant to be suh.j
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GENRE: fluff, smut and angst.
WARNINGS: johnny has a mean/nice gf, second chance au, kissing, slight drinking, flirting, mentions of twins, divorced parents, unprotected sex, and crying.
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“but, mommy!” the girls whine. “girls— no! we’re not inviting your father to the cabin trip! plus, there isn’t room for him.” you shrug.
“he can sleep on the couch, mommy!” they girls pout and cling onto you. “aaannndd,” jaeri, your oldest extends. “we know you still love daddy.. right here.” she pokes above your left breast.
you sigh.
she’s right.
you hate how she’s exactly like her dad. maybe this could be a chance to build back the relationship you had with him months ago.
“fine. i guess i can ask him to come along. you girls owe me.” the girls cheer and run around while you cover your ears, keeping them from bleeding.
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“i’ll get it, mama!” jaeri squeals and darts for the door. “no, i’ll get it!” hewon chases after her sister and runs past her.
“girls, girls.” you sigh and speed walk towards them. “mommy will get the door.” the girls whine as you open the door to find a women standing there.
you look over her shoulder when hearing a door slam. your husband— ex. husband. your ex husband was walking up the walkway with two duffel bags.
“it is freezing!” the women says and pushes past you while rubbing her mittens together “maybe because you’re wearing a tennis skirt in the middle of winter.” you mutter under your breath.
“hey, y/n.” the gorgeous, 6’2 man smiles down at you. it was a pleased smile. a relieved smile. “johnny. good to see you, again.” he nods and the corners of his lips twitch.
you mentally smack yourself. “i’m sorry— come in.” johnny laughs and walks in. “wow,” johnny sighs and he looks around. “i haven’t been here in forever.”
he slightly jumps when seeing his girls. “daddy!” they both squeal and climb on his legs. “girls! girls! let your dad rest. i’m sure the drive was already tiring enough.” you pull the girls off while johnny laughs and watches you struggle.
“uh.. i see you brought someone with you.” johnny shrinks. the blood from his face drains and his eyebags deepen. “yeah.. mayce. she’s my girlfriend.” you bite your lip and nod. “since there’s two of you— i will take the pull out couch.”
“what, no?!” you’re shocked by johnnys reaction. “what do you mean no? there’s just me! i’m totally fine with sleeping on the pull out couch. now, cmon! let’s go bring your bags upstairs.” you grab his bags and run upstairs before he can say anything.
johnny sighs and drops his arms. “daddy! come play with us!” jaeri pulls johnnys hand and he chuckles. “yes, but can daddy rest first? daddy is very tired from driving.” jaeri and hewon frown. “okay, daddy. we understand.” hewon says with a firm nod.
you regret this.
inviting johnny to the rented out cabin you and him went to several years ago— you got pregnant after the trip.
“johnny,” mayce sighs as she kicks off her limited edition boots. “come rub my feet. they hurt from the long drive.” johnny takes a slow breath in and exhales slowly. “sure, babe.” johnny walks to the living room and starts to rub her feet.
“ow, babe!” mayce whines and yanks her feet from johnny. “you’re doing it too rough! do it softer.” she plants her foot back down in johnnys hands. “okay, im sorry.”
“hey guys. are you guys hungry? i’m just about to make some dinner.” johnny drops mayce’s feet causing a huff and a whine from her. “i’ll help. it’s the least i can do after letting you pay for this whole place.” you hesitate but then nod.
johnny follows you to the kitchen and washes his hands. “so, what can i help you with?” johnny asks while drying off his hands. “uh, you could.. cut up the meat.” you open up the fridge and pull out the pack of pork you bought before heading to the cabin.
“should i cut it into small pieces or big pieces?” johnny asks collecting the pack of meat from you. “small. the girls hate big chunks of meat.” johnny softly laughs and tears open the clear wrap. “right.”
“uh.. i’ll cut the veggies.” johnny nods and you grab the onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and broccoli from the fridge.
over five minutes you’d finished cutting up the bell peppers while johnny was taking his time cutting up the meat.
the onions were peeled so all you had to do was cut it. you cut the ends and stand it on one of the cut sides before cutting it straight down the middle. you grab one of the cut onions and you slice it thinly.
“oh, shit.” you mutter under your breath and feel your eyes start to tear when you move onto the other one.
you sniffle and johnny lifts his head to find you wiping your nose with the back of your hand. his eyebrows quirk up and he sets the knife down. “y/n?” you slightly jump when his voice is heard right next to your ear.
“hm?” you turn your head, eyes wide open when seeing how close his face was. “are you crying?” he cups your face and your eyes shift down to stare at his hands. “n—no—?” you go to shrug him off but he wipes your tears.
johnny then stops and brings his eyes back to yours. it’s full on silence in the kitchen— besides your daughters screaming in the other room over who’s doll gets a boyfriend.
“uh.. johnny.. i wasn’t crying.” he doesn’t budge— instead, his eyes move down to your lips. “i—it was the onions!” you say quickly and johnny looks down at your cutting board. “oh,” he steps back and stands up straight. “i’m sorry.” you shake your head and clear your throat. “it’s.. fine.”
johnny bites his lip and returns to his spot.
how fucking awkward.
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“kids! dinners ready! and, uh.. may.. cee—? come eat, everyone!” you say placing the last dish on the table while johnny grabs the cups from the cabinet.
“finally,” mayce sighs and sits down in an open seat. “it’s been hours.” she sets her phone down and then slightly gasps. “um.. hm.” she softly laughs and looks up at you. “i actually can’t eat meat— vegetarian.” she tucks her hair behind her ear.
you cover your mouth. “oh, i’m so sorry. i didn’t know— johnny didn’t inform me!” mayce bites her lip and looks to the side. “it’s fine.. i’ll just go to bed with an empty stomach.” she sighs and you shake your hands and head when she gets up to leave.
“no, no! stay! i can quickly whip something up for you— i’m sure we still have veggies!” you run to the kitchen and johnny looks at you in confusion. “what’s the rush?” you shake your head, grabbing a pan and grabbing a few extra veggies.
half an hour rolls by and johnny comes into the kitchen. “hey, we’ve been waiting for you. are you coming—?” he looks over your shoulder to see you presenting a veggie pasta.
“what’s that?” you hold up the plate. “it’s a veggie pasta!” you say with full satisfaction. “but we have dinner on the table?” johnnys thumb points back toward the door. “yes but, mayce’s a vegetarian— which, you didn’t inform me about— so, i told her i’d make something for her.”
johnny scoffs and you turn. “what?” you scrunch your face. “jealous that i didn’t cook you something personally?” you tease and johnny softly laughs. “no.. it’s just.. she isn’t a vegetarian.” your head jerks back with a shocked face.
“but, she— she said she is??” johnny laughs when hearing your squeaky voice. “no, she just doesn’t like vegetables.” he laughs and take the plate from you. “and she especially hates broccoli.” he says looking at the cutely places broccoli.
“goodness— she’s more picker than our girls over there.” johnny laughs and you join him. “she sure is. and on the topic of our girls— they’re super hangry so let’s go eat before they start eating their play doh.” you laugh and nod.
you follow johnny and mayce sets her phone down with a heavy sigh and a forced smile. “smells good— oh, broccoli.” she gulps and stares down at her plate that had broccoli on it. “it’s fine, i can just take it off.” she mutters quickly and picks up her fork.
not even a thank you?
“who’s hungry, huh?” johnny asks and sits next to mayce.
the girls cheer in excitement and stand on their knees.
“i am! i am!” jaeri yells.
“me! me!” hewon raises her hand.
johnny laughs and scoops some rice into their bowls— along with some of the meat you and him made together.
“mommy, i don’t like onion.” jaeri frowns and rubs her mouth when seeing the onions. “i do!” hewon squeals and moves her bowl towards jaeri’s bowl. “put yours in my bowl, please!”
jaeri does and then looks into hewon’s bowl. “mm.. can i have your bell peppers?” jaeri asks— her shy tone making you and johnny smile both at the same time. “sure! i don’t like them anyway.” jaeri shimmies and grabs the bell peppers from hewon’s bowl and into hers.
“thank you, hewon!” jaeri giggles and begins to eat.
you sigh and look down when seeing your bowl was filled up. you look up at johnny who grins at you before looking away and filling up his plate.
you bite your lip and smile, grabbing your utensils and digging in. “thank you for the food, y/n.” johnny says while blowing on his food. “mhm— thank you for helping me.” johnny nods.
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you sigh, grabbing your book off the wooden coffee table— along with your wine glass that was filled to the rim.
“hey,” you let out a scream before it’s muffled by an overly large hand. “shh shh,” johnny whispers and calms you down.
he finally removes his hand from your mouth and you heave. “what the absolute fuck, johnny?! i could’ve had a heart attack.” you set your wine down— plus your book.
“i’m sorry.” johnny apologizes and hugs his pillow.
wait, his pillow?
“mayce kicked me out of bed.” he says as if he’d read your mind. “oh,” you fiddle with your nails. “here, come have a drink with me and you can tell me what happened if you want.” johnny grins and walks around the couch, sitting on one side and leaving the other for you.
you leave and quickly come back with another wine glass. “so, what happened?” you ask, filling his glass up with wine. “well.. basically,” you hand johnny the wine and he says a quick ‘thank you’ before continuing.
“uhm, i’d told her that i wanted to.. end things.” you gasp and johnny softly chuckles. “because things with her didn’t feel right.” he finishes. “seriously?” johnny nods and sips his wine.
you grab your glass and you quickly gulp some wine.
johnnys a free man now.. he’s a free man again. he could be all yours— all you had to do was make a move—?
no! get your head out of your ass! he just broke up with the girl for gods sake!
“wow, im so sorry, johnny.” johnny laughs and shakes his head. “it’s fine. we were only together for two months.” johnny presses his lips together.
“well, since you’ve been kicked out of your only place,” you sigh. “i can help you with the pull out the bed and i can go sleep with the girls.” johnny shakes his head and quickly declines. “no, no, y/n.”
you go to protest but johnny stops you. “it’s fine if we share the pull out together— right? we’ve slept in the same bed before— i mean, o—only if you’re fine with it.” you laugh, he was so cute when flustered. “that’s fine, johnny. but, hey, if you didn’t want to be alone for the night— you could just say so.” you joke but johnny doesn’t laugh.
“right?” you laugh awkwardly and nervously.
“y/n, i don’t want to be alone.” johnny says and you blink repeatedly.
how do you respond?
johnnys thumb messes around with the rim of his glass. “not just for tonight.” more information, please johnny.
“not ever.” he sets his wine glass down.
“i— what.. what do you mean?” johnny grabs your wine glass and sets it down before grabbing you by the waist and pulling you on him. your leg straddling him, hands on his shoulders— your body stiff as ice.
his gaze made your panties dampen. “what i’m saying is that.. i miss you.” his thumbs rub circles on your hips. “i miss us.”
i miss us too; the voice in your head cried.
“johnny,” you could feel your eyes burning. “i miss you, too. i miss us.. so badly.” johnny bites his lips and softly laughs.
“oh, mama.” johnny coos and hugs you tightly. your hands hesitate to hug him back. “oh, how i’ve missed you.” he inhales your scent and you squeeze your eyes more tighter.
you didn’t want your tears to fall but they did either way.
“don’t cry, baby. please don’t cry.” johnny wipes your tears and presses his lips onto yours. “i’ve just— missed you so much.” you sigh and wipe your eyes. “i’ve missed you, too, baby.” johnny grins.
“i felt like.. without you i was gonna go nuts.” you confess and johnny laughs. “it’s so good to have you back in my arms. i tried so hard to not think about you whenever mayce was around. it was so hard.” you brush the back of his hair down.
“like, there would be times where she did the dishes— she’d have songs on just like you— and the songs would be the songs you to listen to.” you frown— johnny had a type.
secret eye roll.
johnny stares at you for a bit in silence before softly laughing with a smile. “god, i’ve missed you.” he sighs and grabs your cheeks, pulling your lips to his.
“uch,” johnny exclaims. “if only we had the bedroom right now.”
did he want to.. have sex?
“i mean, there isn’t anything wrong with.. doing it here?” johnnys lips part. “i meant.. to like.. sleep in. b— but that works, too!” he tugs you closer.
you bite your lip, holding yourself back from kissing him. “should we pull out the bed?” johnny nods and you hop off his lap.
you watch at johnny pushes the couch back a bit so there’s room. then the two of you pull the cushions off and toss them aside before johnny tugs out the bed where it unfolds into a queen size mattress.
johnny reaches down and pushes down on the mattress. the springs squeeze and johnny quickly jerks his head to the side before looking up at you.
“looks like we’re gonna have to be a bit more careful.” johnny grins at your flustered face. “climb on, mama.” you climb on the bed with caution as the bed sinks and the springs cry.
johnny joins and you bounce when he carefully plops down on his back. “careful— i don’t wanna pay for this if we break it!” you say, straddling johnny with his help. “if we break it, i’ve got it covered. no need to worry.”
you shimmy your hips, making yourself more comfortable in his lap. “fuck,” he groans and dips his head back. “i’ve missed this so much.” he rubs your thighs and rests them on your ass cheeks.
johnny then reaches over and grabs the folded blanket, unfolding it and covering his feet all the way to your waist.
“get these sweats off, ma.” the man is rock solid below you. “say it nicely.” you gasp as he flips you with your hands pinned above your head. “get your sweats off, ma.” he repeats.
“please.” he adds.
you bite your lip and shake your hips. johnny looks down and fixes the way his hands are pinning your down. he frees on hand and pulls down your sweats.
“looks like someone was planning to be fucked, hm?” you blush as johnny points out your baby blue panties. “was not.. just.. felt like wearing something sexy.” you say with a slight whine.
the baby blue panties johnny favorited when the two of youse were married.
johnny smirks, pushing it aside and uses his fingers to tease your slit. “fuck, you’re so wet, ma.” your knees buckle jerk with the way his fingers brush your clit.
“j—johnny,” you gasp and toss your hands around the back of his neck. “stop touching me like that and fuck me already.” you demand.
johnny chuckles at your needy whines. “i’ve gotta prep you, baby. it’s been months since we’ve last had sex.” you shudder at the feeling of his finger slipping into your pussy.
“oh, god.” you drop a hand on your forehead and stare at the wooden ceiling, afraid to meet the mans eyes. “look at me, baby.” you shut your eyes and shake your head. “cmon, baby.” johnny encourages you.
you slowly blink your eyes open and tilt your chin down, bringing your eyes onto his. “good girl.” you gasp and kick your knees against his hips when feeling him slip in another finger.
“goodness, ma. you’re so fucking tight.” you groan in embarrassment. “how long has it been since this pussy of yours been fucked?” your cheeks flush.
should you lie and brag about getting dick when you haven’t (just to piss him off) or should you just be straight up?
“i..” you start but stop. “you can tell me.” the movements of his fingers slow down. “ever since our divorce.” you whisper.
you had sex with someone a few weeks after the divorce. you’d slightly fell into a hole of depression and had a one night stand. a mistakenly one night stand.
“that’s alright, baby. i’ll take good care of you tonight. really good care.” johnny says planting a kiss all over your face.
your hands slip from his neck and to his jaw. you cup his face and stare into his eyes while he fingered you.
you could feel his fingers scissoring you and brushing your g-spot. “oh, johnny.” you moan and dig your nails below his ear.
“i—im cumming, jo—john—!” you squeal and johnny slaps a hand over your mouth. “shhh, shhh.” your wide eyes shaking in their sockets.
your legs tighten around johnnys waist when feeling your orgasm hit you. your eyes squeezing shut in fear of someone catching the two of you.
“fuck,” johnny groans softly.
you peek an eye open to see him tossing his head back and his neck flexing. you blink your eyes open to see johnny clearly as he tips his head back down.
“baby, you’re so fucking tight.” johnny hisses and pulls out his fingers. “fuck.” he clicks his tongue and plops his fingers into his mouth.
johnny groans around them and pulls them out. “you taste so sweet.” he licks his lips and undoes the strings of his sweats.
“i think you’re ready, don’t you?” you nod, eyes busy focusing on him sliding his sweats and briefs down to his knees.
“oh, shit.” you groan and drop your head back down onto your pillow when seeing the hard, nine inch dick standing and waiting and leaking precum.
johnny scoots up and sits up on his knees with your legs resting on his thighs. “i’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” he holds his cock lightly and taps it along your slit.
“oh, god.” you moan, growing more needier for his cock. “please, johnny.” you beg, hands gripping the corners of the pillow.
“since you’re asking so nicely.” he dips his tip into you shallowly before pushing himself in fully.
you gasp loudly but johnny rests himself on you and quiets you.
your body quivers and you squeeze your eyes tight while your nails scratch his back. “fuck.” johnny curses and arches his back.
“let’s not leave marks, again, ma.” johnny grunts and pushes himself back up. “how are you? does anything hurt? any pain? discomfort?” you shake your head, letting out shallow breaths.
“um.. no, i feel fine. my hips feel a bit sore.. just a little bit.” you say with nods. “we can fix that later,” he leans down and presses a kiss on your forehead. “little massage later for the lady, yeah?” you nod.
there’s a silent pause— beside the wood cackling and popping. “you.. you can move now.” johnny massages your hips and nods his head to the side before picking up your hips and slowly forcing his hips forward.
you wince a bit and shift your hand to his chest, firmly resting it there, telling him to be gentle. “my god,” you sigh, curling up his cotton shirt in your fist.
“would you prefer to cockwarm?” you shake your head. “no, please, no. i’ve missed this. i’ve missed us. i want this, john.” johnny drops his head between your neck and groans.
his grip on your hips tighten and his hips start to thrust. minute by minute the bed springs start to squeak from the way johnny rocked his hips into yours.
“here we go, ma.” johnny yanks the pillow next to you and shoves it under your hips. “wha—? oh, my!” you gasp, johnnys cock bumping into your g-spot.
johnny rests his thumb on your clit and instantly, you melt. your body shrinks and shivers as your orgasm grows closer.
“fuck— don’t do that!” you laugh and attempt to push away johnnys hand but he pins it down beside your head before quickly bringing his hand back down to your hips.
“you feel amazing.” johnny whispers and kisses your shoulder. “you’re amazing in general.” you slightly giggle but are interrupted by your orgasm smashing against you.
your knees fly up and together. your head flies back and your mouth hangs open.
“fuck,” johnny curse and rolls his hips once more before loading his load into you.
your hand finds his locks and your fingers are tangle themselves in his locks. johnny winces a bit as you yank on his hair.
you and johnny stay stuck for a while until he silently gets up and leaves to the dark kitchen. he comes back with several damp tissues and silently wipes your thighs and between them.
he was.. very silent.
had he regretted this?
a ping stung your heart as you started to overthink his silent-ness.
“johnny?” he hums and continues to wipe you clean. “can you look at me please?” he looks up as you but you can’t read his face or eyes.
“do you regret what we did? i mean.. i understand if you do—?” your eyes fly to the tissues being tossed onto the table next to the couch.
“regret? baby, no. i’m so happy we’re back together.” johnny cups your face and kisses you several times. “but, you’re being quiet.. really quiet.” you shrug and tug the blanket up to your chest.
johnny scoots closer and cups your face once, again. “i’m just processing what we did. it feels like.. if i blink.. you’re going to disappear and this whole thing was just a dream. i don’t want that, baby. i want you with me forever.”
you throw your arms around his and you yank him onto you. “i’m going to cry if you continue so please don’t.” you and him laugh before he pulls away.
“i can’t believe this is real.” his hands explore your face. “it feels like a dream.” johnny softly laughs and brings his lips onto yours.
“need a snack? water?” you shake your head, resting your forehead on his. “just sleep. my hips are killing me.” you laugh and johnny nods. “cmon, then.” he flips until he’s resting in his spot.
johnny turns his head to you and lays out his arm. “cuddle?” you nod and join him in bed.
once you’re laid down, johnny rolls his arm and tightens it around you. “hopefully when i wake up, you aren’t gone.”
johnny presses a kiss on your head and sighs. “i love you, y/n.” you sigh and smile widely. “i love you too, johnny.”
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“mommy and daddy are sleeping together!” a voice squeals and footsteps around heard jumping around.
you crack and eye open and attempt to sit up but a heavy arm pins you down. “don’t leave just yet.” a croaky voice croaks.
you sigh and give up in your attempt of trying to escape.
“mommy, mommy!” you groan when feeling a tiny yet heavy body land on your sore and aching hips. “i’m very hungry.” you turn your head to see jaeri straddling your hip.
“morning, mommy.” she giggles and flattens herself you. “morning, princess. what would you like to eat for breakfast?”
“waffles!” jaeri shouts.
“pancakes!” hewon side eyes her sister and puts on a face of disgust. “pancakes are better, riri.” jaeri disagrees strongly with a head shake.
“i think waffles are better. i like it when it’s hot and crunchy.” hewon tilts her head and nods.
you sigh and bring a hand up to johnnys cheek. “good morning, baby. i’m still here.” johnny holds your wrist and kisses your palm. “morning, gorgeous.” he releases your hand and brings it under the sheets and above your ass.
he tugs you closer to him and kisses you.
“girls,” the two girls hum at their dads sudden announcement call. “let mommy and daddy have their morning cuddle for ten more minutes.”
“mm, five.” hewon says holding up her five fingers. “okay, five minutes then. run along now.” the two girls whine as they slide off the bed.
“peace and quiet—?” before johnny finishes his sentence, squeals and crashing are heard. “or not.” you and him laugh.
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sumeruin · 2 years
Heyoo, I've been following you fir quite a while now and this is my first time making a request, im obsessed w/ your ffs like litteraly, so uhmm can i perhaps request smthing?
Like diluc being our ex husband, (we divorced him bcs he was too possessive), manipulating us into getting back with him, like he'd try and guilt trip you while whispering thing into your ears and eventually it leads to them doing the deed, in the mfing kitchen/bedroom.
(sorry its not too detailed:<)
minor writing smut, dni if uncomfortable!!!!
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omg hi nonnie!!! ofc you can make a request!!! i love this idea so much :( creepy ex husband diluc. sigh.
he’d just feel so betrayed when you divorced him :( weren’t you supposed to be together forever? through the good and the bad? and now you’re leaving him as soon as it gets a little hard? he wouldn’t know how to react except for crying and begging you not to leave, and as much as your heart cracked at the sight of such a strong, amazing man on his knees in front of you, you’d know that his behavior would just get worse if you let it slide this time :( after the divorce was finalized, diluc wouldn’t know what to do with himself and would eventually regress back into the stalking and jealousy from the start of your relationship :( he’d memorize your new schedule once you moved out of his house, completely ignoring everything else but you. he’d just be so broken without his one true love!! can you really blame him? if anything, this is your fault for leaving him :( he’d start to force little interactions once a week, really playing up how crushed he still is from the divorce. he’d make sure he had visible tear tracks on his cheeks, make sure his eyes were just a little bit red, that you could clearly see the dark circles under his eyes, that he was putting less effort into how he dressed :( he’d really try to make you see just how much you hurt him, a pity date is better than no date at all :( eventually you’d feel too bad for doing this to him and you’d invite him over to your place for dinner, and that’s when he’d pull out all the stops!!! he’d show up dressed nice for the first time since the divorce and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from falling in love with him all over again :( he’d convince you to let him fuck you everywhere in your house but refuse to let you cut until you promised to get married again, he’d go for hours if he needed to, he just couldn’t lose you again now that he had you back :( he’d make sure to keep you even closer this time!! he won’t let you leave him again :(
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astoldbychae · 8 months
how many emojis can I send for Miss Monet and Mr Handsome over there? because I’m tryna be all in they business. But for now I’ma send 🩶 . 🥡. & 🧸
As many as you'd wanna know 😁 Also, The 1st emoji for some reason doesn't show up, so I'm not sure which question that was. You can ask that one again, if you'd like to.
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🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Mel is very romantic (and physical touch is definitely his love language), so He really enjoys a nice, relaxing candlelit bath with her (glass of wine is optional). Especially since He does work a lot, this is something that he looks forward to after a long week. Afterwards they end up watching a movie (that He always ends up falling asleep on because She always ends up rubbing his ears. Yes! his big ass loves to be the little spoon don't tell him I told you.) 🥺
Now that baby girl is born she sometimes throws a wrench in their relaxing night time because if she wakes up, the ONLY way she'd fall back to sleep is if she's on his chest. So now that she's learning to sleep through the night, they can ease back into their little routine.
🧸BONUS! Include one of your favorite moments between them!
It'll have to be when they first met each other again, after Mel's divorce. He was staying in Jasmine Suites because He just needed to sign a lease ASAP. It was a small, crappy apartment but He made it feel like home. Monet's older brother Mekhi is one of Melo's best friends since high school (so they know his ex-wife because they all went to high school together). Monet was staying at her brother's house until she could find her own place (she had accepted a writing job in the city). It was the beginning of Summer and Mekhi was throwing a party and Melo showed up. He hadn't seen Monet in YEARS (She's like 5 years younger than her brother & Melo). During that whole party they were damn near inseparable (playing Uno, beer pong, dancing etc). She ended up flirting with him before the party was over and that's how they got their little pink bar started. Melo's mood/whims would be all over the place because he was still in his mood about the divorce but would randomly be thinking about Monet. On top of that, she would call & invite him out often (I personally think that was her way of shooting her shot but also just trying to keep him in good spirits...and that was the cutest thing to me because He would be so happy/energetic/inspired whenever He would spend time with her). It's also cute that She's hot headed and he will literally go over and just kiss her and she'll calm TF down. LMAO
BONUS: Now that the baby is here, it's always funny to see them literally race to take care of the baby then give eachother their little smirky-look as if it were a competition. LMAO
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Because I'm getting back into writing, how about I write when Lynx and Graves met and fell in love :3 --------------------------------------- (Lynx POV with notes from Adler as he was the one who picked Lynx up from the airport. Written like a Journal) March 2019 I fucking hate customs. Of course I was pulled aside for being of Russian descent. They questioned me for hours (5 minutes - Adler). They mostly questioned about my prosthetic arm. The drive was long. I'm used to long (European long is like 45+ minutes - Adler) drives, but this was loooong. Who knew that going from New York city to Lancing, Michigan would be 10 FUCKING HORUS!! (Not that bad to be honest - Adler). We stopped a couple times for food and bathroom breaks. Adler had to do most of the talking since I only spoke Russian and broken English (And a couple other languages, Lynx's father taught him well - Adler). It was close to midnight when we finally got to Adler's house. A medium sized house in the suburbs. Close enough to the inner city for it to not be a bad drive and far enough so that the sounds of the city are quieter. He had a couple extra rooms. One for his son who visits occasionally, and a guest room for some of his old friends. I took the guest room with the assumption that his son would visit while I was staying (He did and now their married - Adler). It was nice, once I fully learned English, I started helping out with some chores. I even got to go shopping with Adler. We ran into an entitled bitch who I humbled (He threatened her in Russian. It was fun to watch. - Adler). ---------------------------------------- (still Lynx. It was a time skip. No more notes from Adler) August 2019 Adler has been pacing around for a while. His son is coming to visit and he's nervous because they've been talking to each other about me. Something about Adler being worried that I won't be what his son is looking for. I don't know what he means by that. August 2019 Holy fuck he's adorable. Phillip Graves, that's his name. Adler explained that his ex wife, Phillip's mother, took Phillip in their divorce and changed her last name back to Graves. It's a nice name. Phillip Adler doesn't have the same ring to it. No offence to Adler. Phillip runs a PMC called Shadow Company, says he wants me on the team. Thanks but I don't want to join another military group after what I went through in Konni. September 2019 I caved and joined. Shadow 0-2. That's my callsign. Most of the other Shadows are American. I felt out of place being there. I was put as second in command almost immediately. I don't think anyone liked me. October 2019 I'm having second thoughts about joining. I've tried being kind to the other Shadows. I'm mostly in my office working on paperwork but I also have to run training. They don't fucking listen. Found a raven near the lake behind base. It was hurt and I brought it in. Phillip was nice and helped me get it out of the water. I named him Reaper. November 2019 Had to break up a fight today, that might have gotten the Shadows to respect me. Phillip jokingly (God I hope) said that I looked hot disciplining the Shadows who got into a fight. November 2019 Found a little area where I can catch a break from the Shadows, my office and bedroom aren't safe, Shadows like to pester me while working and Phillip keeps breaking into my room. December 2019 My parents invited me back to Russia for Christmas, I want to go but at the same time, I'm kinda the reason my brother is in the Gulag. I've gotten closer with Phillip so I might spend Christmas with his family. One of the only times that Adler willingly goes to visit his ex wife. We're taking a train down to Mrs. Graves' house. ---------- This has gotten to long for Tumblr to autosave it lmao I will Reblog this with part 2!!
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Enjoying the warm sunshine at Swan Isle
Out of all the seasons, I feel like winter drags on the most. Maybe that’s why most of us feel sluggish during these months - I mean, I kinda get it. In the dead of winter it gets so cold and dark that sometimes your brain just doesn’t wanna function properly - same for the summer when it gets unbearably hot. Slumps like these happen and sometimes you just gotta pull through.
Luckily I’ve found a way to break through that winter funk - well, actually Dixie did. She has a couple cottages in Swan Isle so she invited us campers and Emilie and her family to spend a week up there. It’s spring so the weather’s been nice and warm, allowing us to enjoy the outdoors after being cooped up inside for so long.
Since it’s off season and the weather’s still a bit cloudy the isle has been quiet, which is good for us. Dixie says she prefers visiting around this time of year as it can get a little hectic in the summer, which makes it hard to go fishing. Ebony lace, verdant jade, and amethyst silk are some of many types of uncommon fish found in these parts. They look more like decor pieces than fish, which adds to the novelty.
Dixie’s had the main cottage for over a decade, having brought it from an old acquaintance, the great-granddaughter of the founder of Haines City in the mainland. She sold the place after her grandson OD’d over there and cut her ties with the city and isle for good.
Dixie says it’s a shame how life turned out for Judie. First she gets stuck in an unhappy marriage with some dud who lacked respect towards anyone who didn’t worship him. Things were going okay after they split and her son became a hot shot lawyer. He found someone just as ambitious and they married, had a son and started their own law firm. But then it all went downhill when they started doing drugs. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they started drugging their kid. Judie thought that by taking in her grandson, away from this dangerous lifestyle, his troubles would be long behind him.
In the end, he was unable to overcome his demons. The press was relentless, partly because the engineer’s ex-wife, a prominent politician who has since fallen from grace, didn’t like the fact that he was dating her daughter. It’s no wonder Judie left - Dixie said the press was needlessly cruel towards her grandson. When she left the city, Judie gave the cottage to Dixie because she didn’t want anyone turning that place into some sort of spectacle.
The second cottage was owned an engineer who often worked overseas so he was rarely with his family. So to make it up for his daughter, he purchased a cottage where they can spend vacations together. He later surprised her with a boat on her fourteenth birthday, which Dixie also inherited when she got the place. That daughter happened to be the one who dated Judie’s grandson.
After the incident with Judie’s grandson, the engineer felt that his wife had gone too far and filed for divorce. He also wanted his daughter to move in with him overseas after she graduated high school. The politician wife didn’t take too well to both. He was supposed to come home for his daughter’s graduation but work got in the way so he couldn’t make it until a couple weeks later. Not too long after, the daughter died suddenly from a brief illness and he too cut his ties with the isle.
Since then, the city has long moved on, as did Judie and the engineer. Dixie says she occasionally keeps in contact with Judie, who she says is doing well. Swan Isle continues to be unaffected by the world outside it, which is probably why it’s served as a retreat for the city folk. The isle used to be more touristy back in the day, not just in the summer, but then things kinda declined when a lot of family businesses retired. Only the tackle and bait shop remain while everything else has been replaced over the past few years.
Dixie, me, Daisy Jane, and the campers are staying in the main cottage and guesthouse. Emilie, her sister Valerie, brother-in-law Maxwell, niece Bonnie - aka Bonbon because she’s a sweetie - and honorary brother Gram are staying in the other cottage.
Valerie is Emilie’s younger half sister from her father’s second marriage. She has another sister, Mackenzie, who was Bonnie’s mother and Maxwell’s ex-wife. Emilie doesn’t have the best relationship with her parents - she said her mother raised her as best she could but wasn’t the maternal type while her father was never really around. She does get along well with her stepmom and sisters, even more so after her father eventually left them too.
From what I’ve heard, Mackenzie was a bit of a wild card. Emilie said it seemed like she was never satisfied, always trying to figure out where she belonged only to wind up with more questions that left her even more confused. In a way, she said she was most like their father, except that she felt things more deeply. After dropping out of college she left home and met Maxwell.
The marriage was said to be a rollercoaster, part of it was likely because they rushed into things too soon. It also didn’t help that Mackenzie was known to be impulsive, which then led to her having a short lived affair out of fear that Maxwell was cheating on her. Just when it seemed like things were looking bleak the couple reconciled when Mackenzie became pregnant. But then it went downhill again when they realized how stressful parenting can be. Eventually Mackenzie couldn’t take it anymore and walked out much to everyone’s surprise. Several months later she committed suicide.
Over the years Emilie and Mackenzie drifted apart to the point they’ve become distant relatives. She had hoped that Mackenzie would come to her senses one day and stopped running as soon as things went south. Even if marriage and parenthood isn’t suited for her, the least she could have done is talk about her problems as well as admit that she wasn’t cut out for it. Instead she chose to avoid her problems, pretending that nothing’s wrong until she can’t lie anymore so she just takes off without thinking.
From how it sounds, I think she was conflicted and insecure, and she was never able to deal with those feelings. We can go on and on about what went wrong but there’s no use trying to pick apart every single thing that goes on. I can’t help but feel bad for Mackenzie as she was unable to overcome her demons. But whether or not she intended to, she still hurt her family badly by leaving not once, but twice.
Though it’s been rough, Maxwell carried on. He had considered moving back to his parents after Mackenzie left but Ann, Valerie, and Gram managed to convince him to stay. He admitted that he didn’t really want to move, he just wanted to get away, which he later realized didn’t make him that much different from her. Despite it being a tumultuous marriage, Maxwell gets along well with his in-laws, even more so than his own parents.
Like his brother-in-law, Gram considers Ann and Valerie family more than his own. His father was dating Ann for about a year before he was killed in a car accident. Gram lived with his mother and stepfather for a time but things didn’t work out so he ran away to live with Ann and Valerie. With his stepfather having to constantly travel for work his mother felt that it might be best for Gram to stay with Ann for a time so his education wouldn’t be disrupted. Valerie said it took some getting used to - more for Ann than her - having him live with them but it wasn’t before long he became part of the family too.
And now it looks like Gram’s probably staying at the Tavel household for good. The living arrangement was supposed to be temporary as the original plan was for Gram to move back with his mother last summer. As a trial run since they rarely saw each other the past three years he spent spring break up there, only to cut his visit short when he heard about Mackenzie’s death. Valerie, Emilie, and Maxwell didn’t expect Gram to show up on short notice until they later found out that he wasn’t getting along well with his mother and stepfather.
Emilie and Valerie suspect that Gram’s mother resents Ann for taking her son away from her. That’s funny considering that she was the one who suggested that she take him in. It took some time to pry it out of him, but Gram eventually admitted that moving back with his mother wasn’t going to work out. Apparently she wasn’t happy about it but it seems like she’s not going to do anything about it since it wouldn’t be right to force him to stay when he doesn’t want to. Valerie says she and Ann are happy that Gram’s staying, especially since he seems a lot happier with them.
However, even though things have gotten better for the family, there’s still some problems that need to be addressed. Valerie told Emilie a while back that she’s worried about Maxwell and Gram. Since Mackenzie first walked out they became close as Gram stepped up to help him take care of Bonnie and be there when he needs a guy to talk to. So Maxwell’s relying too heavily on a teenager for emotional support. Meanwhile Gram’s more than happy to help out, probably to compensate for the fact that he feels like he doesn’t fit in with his own family. Sounds like a complicated situation all around.
For now there’s not that much Emilie can do other than provide support and listen. Ann’s aware of the problem so Valerie trusts that she’ll be able to work things out between the guys. It won’t be easy and despite how things may seem, Maxwell and Gram are getting better so at least there’s that. Again, family stuff is complicated as those kinds of problems aren’t always easily resolved. I hope things improve for them.
Fishing at the docks has been pretty chill. Dixie wasn’t kidding when she said that catching the fish took little effort - they practically came to us! Of course, we put a lot of our catch to good use - ebony lace for pot pie, verdant jade for sushi, and amethyst silk for frying. We also set aside a few of each for smoking so those will be ready tomorrow. I’m looking forward to making salads to put on bread and rice. While fishing is enjoyable, I think I enjoy cooking with fish more.
Since the weather’s warm enough, we also went sailing and even spent a day in Haines. To be honest there wasn’t much to the city but it was worth a visit. Sailing was a lot of us, especially when Dixie’s calling the shots. I can see why she likes it here, it’s quiet and charming, plus the fish look cool.
There’s actually not that much to the isle but sometimes that’s okay -  not everything needs to be flashy or special in order to be appreciated. Nothing wrong with finding charm in the mundane and ordinary, especially in a world where almost everyone and everything is pressured to stick out in order to be noticed.
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teenmomcentral · 6 months
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…
Maci Bookout Explains Why She Invited Her Ex Ryan Edwards (and His Girlfriend Amanda Conner) to Easter Dinner
The Teen Mom stars posed for an Easter Day portrait, along with Maci and Ryan’s son Bentley, and the photo was posted to Instagram by both Maci and Amanda.
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In an interview with Us Weekly on Monday, Maci discussed her holiday meet-up with Ryan and Amanda.
“Ryan is doing really well,” she said. “I believe in a week, he’ll be a year sober, which I have never seen since his act of addiction really began. But he’s doing really well, doing the work.
“I feel like him and Bentley are in a really good place,” Maci continued. “All I say is hope and expectations are two different things. I’m still very, very hopeful every day. But I will also say that over the last year, I think expectations have changed a little bit too. He’s doing really well. It was really nice being able to have — for Bentley — all of his family in one spot. It was cool. It was great.”
While some fans were surprised that Maci and Taylor would invite Ryan and his galpal into their home for Easter dinner, others– including several of Maci’s ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ co-stars– applauded them for their co-parenting growth.
“Love this for Bentley,” wrote Sean Austin (whom Maci commended in a later comment for being “rock solid for Bentley” stating, “he really looks forward to getting to hang with him.) 
“Love this,” wrote Kayla Sessler.
As The Ashley has previously reported, Maci and Ryan have worked in the last year or so on repairing their once very strained relationship. Maci attended a few of Ryan’s many court dates in 2023, and, in a July 2023 interview, explained why she refuses to give up on her baby daddy, despite his recent legal and relationship issues (which include, but are not limited to, a divorce, numerous drug arrests and more). 
“Ryan made bad decisions, but at the end of the day, his whole world has just completely fallen apart, and I just wanted him to know that just because this has all happened, it doesn’t mean I’m just going to quit on him,” Maci said, adding that she was doing it “mainly for Bentley. I felt like it was important for him to see me support his dad.”
In her interview on Monday with Us Weekly, Maci credited her husband Taylor for helping her and Bentley pursue a healthy relationship with Ryan.
“I feel like Bentley especially wouldn’t have had the courage to really keep pursuing and stay hopeful in certain situations, but I think Taylor provides that constant for Bentley and for me,” she said. “We can kind of dip our toe in the water here even if it’s scary because we always know this guy’s gonna be there. And it’s a lot of pressure on him, but he’s always there.”
Ryan began seeing Amanda last year, and Amanda and Maci seem to have a good relationship. In fact, last week Maci defended Amanda on Instagram after Amanda posted old photos of herself that appeared to be from an escorting site.
In the Instagram post, Amanda stated that someone was trying to expose details of her past by “finding old pics of me & trying to extort me.” Although Amanda didn’t name the person allegedly doing this, she did write that she decided to ‘expose’ the information herself before the other person could.
“So this is me airing out my past and keeping it real with everyone,” Amanda wrote.
Maci commented on the post, writing, “I don’t know anything about whatever ‘this’ drama is, but I do think being supportive of a woman trying to be better than her past self also makes the world a better place.” 
‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Tanks Again in Ratings; Chelsea’s Houska’s Show Gets Ratings Boost
More and more ‘Teen Mom’ cast members are joining in on the ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ festivities, with Mackenzie McKee and her boyfriend Khessy Hall entering into the Dojo Mojo Casa house on the most-recent episode. Unfortunately (for MTV), more and more viewers aren’t really joining in.
Last week’s episode of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ brought more abyssal ratings, with only 151,000 viewers tuning in to watch Maci, Catelynn & Co. slurp down margaritas and twerk in Spandex outfits. These ratings are slightly higher than those of the previous week’s episode. (That episode clocked in at only 135,000 viewers, making it the lowest-rated episode of a ‘Teen Mom’ show of all time.) 
The March 27 episode of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ had a .08 ratings share for the coveted 18-49 age group. Despite the low ratings, MTV has opted to keep the show on-air, and in its original Wednesday night slot.
Chelsea Houska’s show, meanwhile, climbed in the ratings a bit with its most-recent episode. ‘Down Home Fab’ clocked 602,000 same-day viewers (up from Episode 1’s ratings of 569,000 same-day viewers.) 
Briana DeJesus Defends Jenelle Evans Against Haters; Says Jenelle Probably Needs Help Right Now
Jenelle has a friend in her former ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star Briana DeJesus.
The fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ star— who is currently on the outs with her husband David Eason, as well as her mom Barbara Evans and just about everyone else who was once in her life circle— received some support from Briana on Twitter on Monday. After several accounts on Twitter replied to a post Bri made about wanting to buy a second house (mockingly suggesting that Briana buy Jenelle’s house on The Land if it goes on the market), Briana hit back, defending Jenelle in a series of statements.
“I’ll never understand how u guys can hate someone so much that u have to constantly talk crap about them…” Briana wrote. “I’ve had my fair share of saying mean things but I’ve learned a thing or two and I keep certain s**t to myself. Pls do better.”
When some of Jenelle’s online haters pushed back, mentioning Jenelle’s alleged neglect of her kids/animals, Briana doubled down, writing that Jenelle probably needs help right now.
“But the thing is…nobody really actually cares… actions speak louder than words… have u personally asked her if she needed any help?” Briana wrote to one account. “I’m sure rn she needs the most help. Instead of talking s**t maybe take some action in helping her move forward and help w/a safe environment?
“Being kind may actually help her… talking s**t and pointing out all her flaws does nothing but only make u feel better so how does that help the situation? Anyways I said enough! lol.”
Briana also blasted the social media users who create accounts to mock Jenelle.
“I see so many ppl say the craziest things about her and the kids and other former castmates,” Briana said. “I understand ppl dont agree with things but to constantly talk s**t or even make fake pages and dedicate their time to be so mean is just wild!”
Jenelle– who has had an on-and-off friendship with Briana over the years— has yet to comment on Briana coming to her defense.
Kail Lowry Reveals What She & Her Baby Daddies Did With the Money Their Kids Earned on ‘Teen Mom 2’
Kail recently hopped on TikTok to discuss the drama regarding Mama June Shannon allegedly spending all/most of her daughter Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson‘s reality TV money.
During that same video, though, Kail gave her followers insight into the financial mistakes she made with the money from her early years on ‘Teen Mom 2.’ She also revealed how she and some of her baby daddies daddii have managed their kids’ TV money in more-recent years.
“I had no guidance. My mom is an addict and former drug user. I never met my dad until I was 18 and had no relationship. I had no financial guidance,” Kail said about her first years on the show. “I have made so much money and have nothing to show for the beginning dollars that I made.”
Kail said that she eventually got smart with her reality TV earnings.
“At some point I had to make changes and, in this industry, you eventually make connections that help you invest your money, make more-responsible choices… ultimately, for me, I wanted to see my money grow,” she said. “At some point I was like, ‘OK, we need to do something about this. Changes need to happen if I want this money to last longer, if I want it to increase, double, whatever.'”
Kail said that she eventually hired a good accounting firm and financial advisor to help her manage her money. She also made lucrative decisions when it came to managing her sons’ MTV earnings. (Only the first four of Kail’s seven kids have appeared on TV. Her last three– Rio, Verse and Valley– have not.)
“When I started TV, Jo and I were already split up— we split up that same first year— he was in control of half of [our son] Isaac’s money,” she said. “I’m in control of the other half of Isaac’s money. And, somebody from [MTV] had to come with us to set up these custodial accounts [which you can’t take money out of].”
(The Ashley wants to interject here and state that each of the ‘Teen Mom’ girls had a different financial situation for the money earned by their kids, as each state has its own rules.)
Kail said that, for her second son Lincoln, she and Lincoln’s dad Javi Marroquin each managed half their son’s money after they got divorced.
“We split [Lincoln’s] money in half where [Javi] has control of half and I have control of half,” Kail said.
Kail went on to state that she invested all of Lincoln’s money from the show that she had control of. When she showed Javi what she invested it in, he agreed to invest the other half of Lincoln’s money as well. (Kail stated that she has invested all of the money her sons Creed and Lux earned on ‘Teen Mom 2.’)
Kail went on to talk about the importance of keeping the kids’ money safe, adding that, if she found out that one of her baby daddies took their kids’ money, she would help her kid sue that parent.
Kail is not the only person from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise to discuss publicly what they did with their kids’ MTV money. During a 2020 podcast interview, Tyler Baltierra revealed that his daughters are “set up for life” financially, thanks to the money they earned by appearing on ‘Teen Mom.’
“As far as [the kids] getting compensated for the show, my kids are totally set, they’re totally set up for life,” Tyler said. “They’re great. College is paid for. That was mine and Catelynn’s main thing; that each of our children have trust funds that their [MTV] money goes into and they can’t touch.”
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imarawbu · 1 year
I've not posted in awhile.
Thing were OK until Friday. My husband's best friend got married. It brought back unpleasant stuff. He got into a fight with me and basically this whole week before I first realized that I wish I didn't have kids. I went to his best friend's fiance at the time bridal shower. I had to have my daughter with me because he can't/won't take care of her for more than 2 hours straight, he says she just keeps crying and he can't calm her down. I've had exactly one break from my daughter for more than 3 hours in the 7 months she has been alive. And he was texting me and calling and asking when I would be black because he still has not learned how to calm her. It was at another pre-wedding event for this woman as well.
The bridal shower was difficult because she was so fussy, I could barely eat, someone had to get food for me, I couldn't get her calm, couldn't interact or participate in anything- I couldn't even sit at the table with everyone else, then I had to leave early as well. I realized I could have enjoyed this even if she wasn't with me. This was on Tuesday. And I finally realized that this is how the next several years will be. I have taken her to other stuff, I went to a hangout with friends for the first time since I had a baby, I spent all my time taking care of a baby, it didn't really bother me. Even at the other pre-wedding event where I had to bring her (before the bridal shower event) it still didn't really bother me.
What happened on Friday is I missed most of the dancing and stuff that happened because I got to leave early while my husband stayed. I was upset for this reason, how he does the minimum help (I will give him credit for taking her for one hour and giving me time to eat). But still says I'm a mother so I'm not allowed to enjoy anything now. I was looking forward to this kind of wedding as I've never been to one before but I missed mostly everything.
The other thing that bothered me was how little effort my husband put into our wedding celebration since we got married during covid. We did a wedding celebration last year to make up for not being able to invite anyone to our wedding. It was nice but it seemed like we ran out of money when it came to the decorations and alot of things I didn't like. I paid for more than half of the wedding and he didn't take the things I wanted seriously. He has off and on promised a wedding in his home country for his family (and paid for by his family) since none of them could come for our celebration and it's the culture to have a celebration. After I completely missed out on and didnt know I wanted a real wedding in my first marriage, I wanted to go all out for my second. Instead it left a bad taste.
The other thing is they actually love each other or at least it's so early in the relationship and she has lots of friend who go out of their way to do nice stuff for her that they did alot of cutesy activities at the bridal shower and the wedding and the party after the wedding as well.
I went into this marriage unsure if I wanted it but knew I needed out of my current life and this was the only way out. He had some red flags and was emotionally and verbally abusive in the 6 months we knew each other before he proposed to me. So seeing someone in love with someone, especially at the place where I am now in the marriage, hurts.
I've been mentally ill my entire life, I only started getting friends after I divorced my ex. I have poor social skills from not having friends my entire teenage years. I had to ask some friends to do stuff for me like a bachelorette and what not. I paid for dresses, hair, makeup, and a limo to and from the venue for my bridesmaids, $3000 of my own money. Nobody did that kind of cutesy stuff for me.
But she made an effort to include me and has made an effort to get to know me since they got engaged, she included me in almost all her pre-wedding events, she didn't have to do that. The only reason she knows I exist is my husband and his best friend have a very intense friendship. They literally have no other really good friends besides each other, have known each other since high school (15 years) and have lived with each other for 10 years as roommates in college, grad school, and various moves to different countries and across the country. They are literally at each others apartments/houses almost every day- that has only recently changed since he got engaged. Apparently he listens to her and care for her opinion, whereas my husband tells me I do whatever he wants/says like it or not but I'm not supposed to tell people he behaves this way. His response is to tell me I'm so nice and understanding compared to most women- but it is nice to not have to deal with him for half a day.
Regardless the wedding. After, I was frustrated and upset. My husband's way of helping is to tell me to shut up, threaten to divorce me, and tell me to behave.
It escalated into my "last warning". There were some compromises discussed, but I doubt he will ever follow through with them.
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javier-pena · 3 years
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Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Word Count: 8.6k (I know it's a lot but it's mostly just smut)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dave moves in with you and your husband after his divorce to help him get back on his feet.
Warnings: protective Dave | mention of divorce | mention of food | infidelity | oral (m receiving) (mentioned) | mirror sex (mentioned) | masturbation (female) | getting off on cheating | use of a bullet vibrator | dirty talk | name calling | slight degradation kink | mention of canon typical violence | injuries (nothing too graphic) | slapping | edging | fingering | choking | anal (f receiving) | spitting | spanking (pussy and regular) | double penetration (kind of) | use of restraints
Notes: This is ..... the secret fifth fic in the "Hard Holidays" series. It was supposed to be finished for Christmas because this is a Christmas present for Dani @javierpcna ... it didn't quite work out that way but i have it on good authority that Dani is still very happy with it. Dani, I will do better this year and surprise you with a secret fic on December 25, I promise. I also need to thank Kelli @frannyzooey​ because this fic wouldn't exist without her hard work, without her Dave. He has been with me for more than a year and I love him and I was trying to do him justice with this. This isn't an Equalizer 2 fic, this is a Kelli's Dave fic. Love you, Kelli!!
Dave moved in a month ago. Before that, you had only ever met him briefly at your husband’s Christmas party. Or that one time Earl’s company had invited the wives along to that boring trip to the golf course. Dave and his wife had also visited your summer BBQ a few years ago. But other than that, you had no idea who Dave was – was he even really Earl’s colleague?
But much has changed since then. For one, Dave’s wife is now his ex-wife. And that is the reason why he moved in with you. You never asked, but him moving out and leaving the house and the kids and the car to her feels like an admission of guilt. It’s none of your business though, and you won’t run after him, begging for scraps of information. If Earl says Dave is good people, then you believe he is. If Earl wants to help him get back on his feet, then you help too, in whatever capacity Dave wants you to help. And if Earl won’t ask him about the divorce, you won’t either.
Living with another person in the house – another man – isn’t as difficult as you had anticipated. Earl and you don’t have any children, so there is plenty of room for a third person. You even get to keep your own room (Earl and you stopped sharing a bed years ago because of your very different schedules), a place to hide when Earl and Dave decide to get drunk and watch football. But it also surprised you how much unlike Earl Dave is. You don’t know much about the line of work he’s in, just that he sometimes disappears without a trace for a few hours, even days. Other than that, he’s around. And he helps you with chores, picks up after Earl. He doesn’t have to, you told him that multiple times, but it’s his way to earn his keep. And it’s so nice to have some help around the house for things you’re too busy for with your fulltime job. And Dave seems happy enough to help.
Much has changed since Dave moved in a month ago. Most of it changed that night Earl went out with friends and Dave came to your room. He wanted company, so you talked about your favorite books, places you had visited, music you liked. And then, after two hours of pleasant conversation, he told you to get on your knees and suck him off, which you had done, swallowing every single drop. You felt so guilty about it afterwards, promised yourself to confess to Earl the next morning. But you woke up with a pleasant warmth in your limbs and a fuzzy, happy feeling in your stomach, and when you went to take a shower, Dave knocked on the door. You let him in, he told you to watch yourself in the mirror while he fingered you, even held your chin in place when you couldn’t hold up your head. Then he had gone downstairs to make coffee.
That’s how it started.
How it would end, you couldn’t tell. You don’t want to think about it, because every scenario you come up with ends with someone getting hurt. Usually, that someone is you. But you can’t resist Dave, not when he is so much more than Earl. More forceful, more dangerous, more demanding, rougher, bigger, better. At first, you couldn’t admit this to yourself, but after a week of sneaking around, of Dave fucking you frantically every chance he got, of you touching yourself to the memory of him inside of you when he’s not there, you have to admit that you love this. You love what he makes of you, you love that he hardly says three words before making you come, you love how he gets off on fucking you with Earl right there in the next room. You love how forbidden it feels.
If that makes you a bad person, you don’t care.
Because there’s two of you – you and Dave. And Dave is also going behind the back of a person who cares for him, who took him in when he had nowhere else to go, someone who shares his house with him, his food, his … wife. That thought evokes a pleasant tingling somewhere between your legs while you stand in the kitchen, preparing tonight’s dinner. There was a burst pipe at the office, and they gave you a few days off so they could fix it. And you’re using that time to play at being a housewife, cleaning, cooking, baking. You’re surprised by how much you like it, especially with Dave stealing kisses from you once in a while, right before he reminds you of your other wifely duties and fucks your eager mouth.
It took Earl three days to notice you’re not going into work. And right now, he’s in the living room, watching TV, a beer can in one hand, the remote in the other, not caring about what you’re cooking, just as long as it’ll be done soon. Dave, however, knocks on the doorframe, two quick raps, before stepping into your sanctuary. You acknowledge his presence with a quick glance over your shoulder, then get back to stirring the sauce you’re preparing to go with the meat and the vegetables and the potatoes.
“I have a present for you.”
You expect him to press his front against your back, to show you the present, his hard length insisting in its push against your soft backside, but instead he reaches around you, a small, wrapped box in his hand. The pretty red bow tied on top of it twinkles like forbidden fruit.
You dry your hands on an old dishrag. “It’s not my birthday,” you tell him, but grab for the box.
He moves quickly, raising his arms, so it’s out of reach for you. “Can’t I get you a little something as a thank you? For being such an accommodating … host?”
The last word is so suggestive it makes you swallow hard. You ignore your tight throat and reach for the box again. The smile tugging at his lips is infuriating.
“Come on,” you sigh, one eye on the stove. You’re not in the mood for games tonight.
“I want you to kiss me,” he declares, “then you can have it.”
You don’t. You pinch his side instead.
With a growl, his free hand closes around your wrist so hard it’s painful, and you flinch.
“If you do that again …,” he starts, but is interrupted by Earl shouting for you to bring him more beer.
You try to ignore the wetness dampening your underwear as you pull away from Dave, trying to do as you’re told.
He pulls you back toward him with insistence, then carefully places the box in your hands. “Open it,” he tells you. “I’m going.”
He doesn’t have to, it’s not his place, his job, and that small gesture makes you ache. You’re not in love with him, you can’t be, but you love how he always finds ways to show you he sees you. And even after he opens the fridge, takes out a beer, closes it again, and leaves for the living room, you’re still holding the box with great care, like it’s a small, injured bird.
You open it, only to find a small, oval thing inside that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. It’s smooth, rose colored, and surprisingly heavy. And when it starts vibrating without any warning, you almost drop it with a loud shriek.
Dave is leaning in the kitchen doorway, his phone in his hand, swiping across the screen with his thumb. The vibration increases, and you close your hand around the thing to secure it, the feeling of it making you clench with interest.
“It goes inside of you.” His voice is too casual for this situation.
“I –” You don’t know what to say, so you close your mouth again.
“You’re cute when you flustered.” You love it when Dave calls you cute because he always gives that word a demeaning edge. “Go on, try it.”
Your mouth falls open. “What? Now?”
“I’ll watch our dinner.”
“Dave …,” you start, but he interrupts you.
“I’m not sitting through another dinner of him barely acknowledging you or the food you cooked for him without any way to reward you for your patience and diligence.”
You know it’s only half the truth. You know how much he gets off on fucking you behind Earl’s back. But you get off on it, too … and the thought of sitting down at the dinner table with your husband while a vibrator is buried in your pussy, one that Dave controls, makes you so wet you clench your thighs. He acknowledges the movement with a brief flicker of his eyes downward.
“Go on, then.”
You nod. “Not here. I’m going to the bathroom.”
He shrugs like he doesn’t care and brushes past you on his way to the stove. “Don’t take too long. Dinner’s almost ready.”
Earl doesn’t even look at you when you walk past him to the downstairs bathroom, the vibrator hidden in the palm of your hand. It’s only when you close and lock the door behind you that you realize you’re panting, your hands sweaty with anticipation. You lift the skirt you’re wearing, pull down your underwear, and carefully place the vibrator at your entrance. You expect resistance, you expect a sting, but it glides in, as easily as if it’s where it’s meant to be, as if it’s a missing part of your body. Once it’s nestled inside of you, you wash your hands at the sink, running your fingers under hot water to get your own slick off them. You brush your hand over your skirt to smooth down the fabric, then go to unlock the door.
The first wave of vibration hits you so unexpectedly that your grip tightens painfully around the doorknob, that your head connects with the wood with a dull thud. A low groan is your answer, as you try not to sink to your knees.
“Fuck,” you whisper. You have no idea how you’re going to survive this dinner.
But it stops as abruptly as it started, leaving you panting, leaving your panties sticking to your skin. You try to catch your breath, try to relax, but every inch of your skin tingles with anticipation. You want more, more of this feeling, more of him being in charge of your pleasure. With your back straight and your head held high, you walk back to the kitchen where you find Dave stirring the saucepan slowly, acting as if nothing is out of the ordinary. He turns around when he hears your steps on the linoleum floor, and it’s too late that you notice his phone in his other hand.
The vibrations are less strong this time, merely a soft caress of your already sensitive walls, but it still makes you ball your hands into fists. Don’t grip the doorframe, you tell yourself. Don’t give him the satisfaction. But the muscles in your cheeks are twitching – he can tell exactly how much he’s affecting you. You stare at him, not breaking eye contact, but it doesn’t stop. And when he doesn’t get what he wants, he goes up one intensity, then another one, until a small whimper escapes you.
“Are you wearing it?”
His cockiness makes you want to slap him. But you only nod.
“Which hole?”
It makes your face heat up. After everything you’ve done with him, after he gave you this gift, after he used it to send jolts of pleasure up and down your spine with a mere flick of his thumb while your husband is right there in the other room, this is what gets to you.
“You’re impossible,” you grit out.
“I bet he never filled you … there.” There is so much disdain in Dave’s voice, and it’s not the first time you suspect he might actually hate Earl.
“Maybe it’s not something I’m into,” you say, not confirming his suspicion. The answer is no, Earl has never done that, and he never would, at least not with you. It’s not something a man like him would do with his wife. But the thought of Dave … no, you can’t be thinking along those lines, not when pleasant vibrations are massaging your … “Maybe I –”
He interrupts you. “Of course it’s something you’re into.” The vibrations increase again. “You’re a dirty little thing. Wearing that thing for me, soaking your panties … you’re a little slut.”
You clench around the vibrator, fighting down another moan. God, what are you doing?
“Of course you’d like a cock to split open your ass.”
You do moan this time, and you twitch, very slightly, trying to rub your thighs together. If he keeps talking like that, you’re going to come.
“Babe, hurry up!” Your husband’s voice pulls you back from the edge. “I’m starving.”
Dave switches off the vibrator and you want to scream. You are so close! But instead, you take a deep breath and reply, “I’ll be done in a minute.”
You walk toward the stove – toward Dave – on shaky legs, like a newborn fawn. When you reach him, he cups your cheek, a gesture so at odds with his words from earlier that you look at him, confusion written all over your face.
“If you get through dinner,” his voice is just a whisper, “without giving away our little secret, I’ll show you what it feels like … I’m going to split open that pretty little ass of yours.”
You know you’ve never been wetter.
It’s hard, harder than you had anticipated. Earl is not the most engaging of conversation partners, so he’s not much of a distraction. And Dave? Dave doesn’t want to distract you. He wants to see how far he can push you, wants to find out how long it will take for you to break. But you’re determined to put up a fight. You won’t give in so easily.
Dave is often on his phone, even during the meals the three of you share. So it doesn’t raise suspicion when he looks at the screen frequently, swipes, clicks. And you? You do your best to keep quiet, to keep your hands from clawing at the tablecloth every time he changes the intensity or keeps it so slow it becomes an unbearable feeling deep inside of you – tingly, insistent, not enough to push you over the edge. Your underwear is soaked through, and you’re sure you’re leaving a stain on the chair, but you keep your eyes cast down, determined to get through this meal, to get the reward he promised you.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight,” Earl observes through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
You only flinch when Dave swipes up and your cunt clenches tightly around the little thing inside of you.
“Did something happen between you two?” The question is directed at Dave, not you.
“Not at all,” Dave answers, his voice a drawl, so different from the one he uses when he speaks to you. “I think she’s just tired.”
The vibrations stop.
You draw in a deep breath. “Yes, I –”
It’s a new setting, one he hasn’t used yet, a pounding against your walls. You bite down on your tongue and shift on your chair, but you can’t keep down a tiny whimper. Lucky for you, Earl is too busy chewing. Dave hears your slip-up though.
“You what?” he asks, and the pounding becomes harder, faster.
You let out a shaky breath, your hands trembling in your lap. “I …,” you swallow hard. “I have a headache.”
“You work too hard, baby.” Earl washes down some of his dinner with big gulps of beer.
That’s it. No offer to help, nothing. The pounding becomes a gentle caress, like Dave is trying to soothe you. You relax your shoulders.
“Yeah, maybe,” you shrug.
“We haven’t spent an evening together in forever,” Earl goes on. “Why don’t you come to my room later and let me take care of you?”
The thing in your core goes quiet at that. And you do, too, knowing full well what it means for Earl to take care of you. A quick fuck, one that usually doesn’t even make you come, and after a comment of, “That was nice, babe,” you’re dismissed. The prospect of living through that again makes you shudder in disgust.
“As I said, I have a headache,” you decline his offer. “I’ll just go to bed after dinner.”
Earl huffs, not satisfied with your answer. “When did you become so boring?” he wants to know. “There was a time you loved to bounce on my dick, no matter the state you were in.”
Earl gets like this after a few beers. You know that. Dave knows it, too.
“That’s enough,” he says, dangerously casual, not even looking up from his phone.
You open your mouth to tell him to leave it be, but he hits you with more vibrations, and you’re barely able to swallow a gasp.
“I’ll talk to my wife however I please,” Earl replies. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I don't care.”
You’re torn, you’re so torn between the waves of pleasure soothing your body, between the warmth spreading on your cheeks that comes from Dave looking out for you, and between wanting to defuse the situation. Realistically, you can’t do anything – the pleasure is so intense you wouldn’t even be able to stand up straight. It’s a welcome distraction from how sick Earl is making you feel tonight.
“It’s disrespectful,” Dave says, and, “Not just to her, but also to me.”
“If you have a problem with how I run things around here, you’re free to leave anytime.”
You’re not sure if you said it out loud, but the men aren’t looking at you, so you probably didn’t. The thought of Dave leaving you here – you can’t lose him, not yet.
The vibrations become a low thrumming as Dave turns his attention to you. “What do you think?” he asks. “Have I overstayed my welcome?”
You try to act casual, like your world wouldn’t crumble if he left tonight. “I don’t mind,” you say.
“You don’t mind?” Earl snaps at you and you flinch. “He’s disrespecting your husband, woman.”
You hate it when he calls you that, but you know better than to tell him so. On the other end of the table, you see Dave turn white with anger. You try to shake your head, to call him off, but then his eyes fall to his phone on the table.
“I have to go,” he says to no one in particular, catching you all by surprise.
“Right now?” You hope it doesn’t sound too desperate.
“Something’s come up at work,” Dave answers.
“Yeah, right.” Earl scoffs. “You run and hide.”
“Earl.” You freeze, not just because the vibrations stop suddenly, but also because Dave’s voice is so quiet, way too quiet. He doesn’t sound calm, he sounds like a predator ready to pounce. “Let it go.”
And to your surprise, Earl shrugs and turns back to his dinner.
“I need you to help me find my jacket.” Dave is typing away on his phone, but you know he means you.
You get up and follow him to the hallway where his jacket hangs on a hook by the door. He slips into it.
“I won’t be too long.” His voice is low enough so Earl doesn’t hear him over his loud chewing. “If he touches you, you tell me.”
“Dave …,” you start, not sure what to say to that.
“I don’t have time,” he cuts you off. “Just … stay safe.”
And with that, he’s out the door.
Earl and you finish dinner in silence. You are expecting a long rant about Dave, but Earl deems the topic not worth his time. And you’re glad because there is nothing you want to say to him about Dave, at least not anything he’d want to hear. Earl also doesn’t mention you joining him in bed tonight again, and the more time passes, the more relieved you feel because you don’t have the strength to reject him. And you’re terrified of what Dave will do if you let Earl touch you.
It should be the other way around, you think while doing the dishes (Earl is back in front of the TV). You should be worried about what you’re doing with Dave behind your husband’s back. But there is something about your guest, something he hides beneath those boring suits, that makes you question if he’s all that he seems to be. And you would be lying if you said you don’t like the attention, if you claimed that sneaking around wasn’t something you enjoyed. But something was different tonight – something had shifted in the dynamic between the three of you during dinner, and you couldn’t tell what it was, but one thing is certain – Dave isn’t the one you should be worried about.
When the vibrator is switched on again, you freeze, letting the waves of pleasure wash over you. The only distraction you get is a text from Dave that makes your phone screen light up.
Leave it in.
Your hands shake as you pick up your phone to reply.
And don’t touch yourself.
The vibrations grow stronger.
I want to be the one to make that pretty little cunt of yours come.
And then it stops.
It doesn’t come back. You finish cleaning the kitchen and wait patiently, you take a shower and wait patiently, you sit on your bed with a magazine and wait patiently. But nothing happens. You even start to forget what he put inside of you, only feeling it when you shift or stand up. And you do shift around nervously whenever you hear Earl move around the house, afraid he’ll come into your room, afraid he’ll catch your scent. But he stays away.
As does Dave.
Whenever he leaves suddenly, it usually takes him a few days to come back. But he promised you he would be back tonight. So the later it gets, the more nervous you feel – nervous, on edge, your heart a racing mess. You should try to sleep, you should sink into that dark, soothing bliss, but you can’t. You sit on your bed and listen – for the engine of his car, for footsteps on the stairs, for any sign he’s on his way back to you.
But then tiredness does overtake you. It does make you lie down, curl up on your side, and close your eyes. It does make you succumb to oblivion. And you sleep a fitful sleep, one full of dark shadows and whispered promises, one where you’re often not sure if you’re awake or dreaming. And when the howl of a car outside your window makes you jolt awake again, you see that barely half an hour has passed. You sigh in frustration.
The low aching between your legs doesn’t help, either. You’ve been on edge for too long now, you miss the lightning-like pleasure, you miss the thrumming, you miss the possibility of release. He told you not to touch yourself, but that was hours ago, when he promised you he would be back soon. And he wouldn’t be able to tell, would he? He wouldn’t know if you went ahead and did it, if you brought yourself a bit of relief.
You tenderly press one finger against your swollen clit and hiss. You can feel the heat even through the fabric of your panties, and your body responds to the touch immediately, your hips bucking off the mattress. It won’t take long to make yourself come, and then you can finally sleep. You roll your clit gently, a small circle, and immediately clench around the vibrator. If Dave were here, he would switch it on, tease you, make you feel embarrassed about how needy you are. Your teeth dig into your bottom lip as you imagine the sneer on his face, as you imagine all the things he’d say to you. Some part of you wants him to find you like this, wants to see how he would react to you ignoring an order. You want to know how he would punish you.
That thought only spurs you on and you whimper as your walls clench harder around the toy. You’re close, but this is not enough; you need something more, something you’re unable to name. With a frustrated sigh, you sneak a hand into your panties, even though Dave will surely be able to smell your arousal on you should he get back tonight. But when you run your fingers through your drenched folds and up to your clit, you decide you can live with the consequences.
This is before you hear heavy steps on the stairs. After … after you hear them, you wipe your fingers clean on the bedsheets and wait, your breath stuck somewhere in your throat. You didn’t hear Earl leave his room, you didn’t hear Dave’s car pull up – it could be either of them, or it could be an intruder. And you were too busy chasing your own pleasure.
The steps reach the top of the stairs and you dig your nails into the duvet, prepared to push yourself off the bed and make a run for the bathroom. And there is no knock on your door before it swings open, so you’re already halfway out of the bed before you recognize Dave, and you sink back down with a sigh of relief.
It doesn’t last long, that feeling of reprieve. Not when you see the bloodstains on his shirt, the cuts on his face, his disheveled hair. It makes you jump up and rush toward him instead of to safety.
You put a hand on his arm while closing the door gently, careful not to wake Earl. “What happened?”
He straightens his back and scans your room as if making sure you’re alone. “Things didn’t go according to plan.”
“Are you hurt?” you ask, a stupid question. But you mean other injuries than the small cuts.
“It’s nothing I didn’t take care of myself,” he answers.
You lead him to the bed and help him sit down, then start to unbutton his shirt. He grabs your wrist and pushes your arm away from his body, so hard and fast it makes you cry out.
“There are some things you should know about me.” His voice is suddenly nothing more than a threatening whisper. You didn’t pick up on this sudden shift, you have no idea what you did to provoke it, but it makes you freeze, ignoring the sharp pain in your arm. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need anyone to do that for me, not even you. And after nights like this one, after things go wrong, I need to regain some of that control. I need you to let me do that. Understood?”
You nod, your arm now trembling from the strain.
“Say it,” he hisses.
“Yes.” You swallow. “I understand.”
He lets go of you and your other hand immediately rubs soothing circles over your aching wrist. Dave on the bed in front of you shifts, spreads his thighs, then takes your aching wrist again and pulls you down, so you’re kneeling in front of him. This time, his hold on you is only brief, but he replaces it by grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at him.
“Now,” he says slowly, “tell me – did you touch yourself or were you a good girl?”
Heat rises up your neck to your cheeks and you try to avert your gaze, but he doesn’t let you. Instead, you’re forced to look at his hooded eyes while he tries to read your expression.
He tightens his hold on you. “Did you touch yourself?”
Fuck, his voice is so low and dark you feel your body respond to it with pants and shivers. “Yes,” you breathe out, barely able to move your jaw in his strong hold. “But I didn’t –”
Before you can finish, he slaps you. The sound of his hand hitting your cheek still echoes around the room when your body responds to it, a rush of wetness coating your panties.
“I told you not to touch yourself,” he grits out.
“I didn’t –,” you start again, but, again, he doesn’t let you finish.
Instead, he pulls you up, turns you, and shoves you down on the bed. Your instincts tell you to get into a position that’s less vulnerable than being sprawled out on your back, but while you try to scramble away from him, he pushes up the sleeves of his button-down shirt, then grabs your legs to pull you back toward him.
You have never felt this alive.
You must be moaning and screaming – you’re not sure what kind of sounds you’re making – but he clamps a hand over your mouth and presses, “Be quiet. Do you want him to wake up?” But how could you be quiet? How can he blame you when everything he does makes you feel so. fucking. good? How can he blame you when he uses his other hand to tear away your panties with such force you hear them rip? How can he blame you when he leans down to inspect your pussy like it belongs to him, like he lent it to someone else and wants to make sure it wasn’t damaged?
“Did you come on it?” he asks when he finds the toy still inside of you.
You try to shake your head, but the grip he has on you is strong.
“What? Too fucked out to use your words?” he teases you. But he lets go so you can talk.
“I didn’t come,” you say immediately. “I was just –”
But that’s all he allows you to say. He shoves two of his fingers into your mouth this time to shut you up, and you barely have time to focus on the taste of iron, disinfectant, and blood before he speaks again.
“I didn’t know you like to tease yourself.” His tone is still mocking. “Well, if you’re that much into edging,” he grips the short string attached to the toy and pulls, “let’s see how long you can take this.” Two of his fingers replace the smooth silicone, bigger, rougher, and you gag on the ones in your mouth as they mirror their twins further down.
You had no idea it could feel this good to surrender, to give yourself over to another person. It’s pathetic how hard you clench around him, it’s embarrassing how your saliva coats his fingers and runs down your chin, and the wet sounds, the squelching sounds coming from between your legs make you feel hot with shame. You feel vulnerable and degraded and used, and that thought makes you slicker, makes his fingers glide between your folds with more ease.
You can’t help yourself – you moan loudly. You need him to know how good he makes you feel. He just pulls his fingers from your mouth and closes them around your throat. Only a gasp can leave your mouth now.
“You’re such a desperate. little. slut.” Each word is emphasized with a vicious thrust, and then he twists his fingers.
Tears fill your eyes and you cry out, every muscle in your body trembling. He tightens his grip around your throat, tightens it until you feel light-headed, then bites out a quiet, “Shut up.”
You try, biting down hard on your bottom lip, but every thrust into you makes you want to scream his name. There was one time he fucked you after coming back from one of his trips, but it was nothing like this. Yes, it was rougher than usual, but the way he uses his fingers now, almost like he’s trying to cause you pain as well as pleasure, is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It makes hot release coil in the pit of your stomach, it makes your limbs shake, and you struggle against his grip, just so he’ll fuck you harder. He obliges and everything pulls tight, you feel the sizzling at the edge of your consciousness, and your breath stills in your chest, while your body goes quiet under his grip.
And then he stops.
He lets go of your throat and he pulls his fingers out of you with a wet sound, as if your body is actively fighting to keep him inside of you. Your moan of pleasure turns into a sob of frustration, and tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You were so close – can’t he see how much you need this?
“Greedy little thing,” he tut-tuts. “I thought you liked to be teased.”
Shame washes away the fuzz of your orgasm and you move to cover yourself, closing your legs, feeling foolish for wanting … what did you want? A quick fuck? An earth-shattering orgasm? For him to take care of you and being allowed to take care of him in turn? Whatever it was, you feel embarrassed that you ever wanted anything from him.
A strong hand lands on your knee and he pulls your legs apart again, until you lie bare in front of him, on display, glistening, temptation incarnate, a sight that would drive your husband wild if he was looking at any other woman than you. Dave, however, a picture of self-control, seems utterly detached when he presses two fingers against your clit and starts moving them around in tight circles, much too slow for you to come. You drag your gaze along his arm up to his shoulder where he stands in front of you, then down his chest until you reach the hem of his trousers. And there it is, the proof that he’s not unaffected by this, straining against the fabric of his pants, so big you can spot it in the dim light of the bedroom.
It sparks something inside of you again, something you thought had been extinguished by shame and embarrassment, and all you can think about is that you need something of his inside of you to come on – you don’t care if it’s his fingers or his tongue or his cock, as long as he fills you.
“Please,” you whisper, a broken sound, your voice husky from the strain of keeping quiet. “I need you inside of me, please. Please, Dave, I --- fill me, please, I need to be full of you, I …”
You’re not making much sense, but from the way he smirks at you, you can tell he’s enjoying this. So you continue to give him variations of “fill me” and “I feel so empty” and “please, I just need something to come on”, until a flush spreads across his cheeks and determination settles into his gaze.
Dave removes his fingers from your clit, and you steel yourself for the feeling of his cock pushed into your cunt, for him taking what he is owed and you letting him, just as long as you get to have him inside of you when you come. He has trained you well.
But then he spits onto his fingers, rubbing it into his skin with his thumb. He holds your leg with his other hand, stretching you open, before pushing one digit into you, but not where you had expected it. It penetrates you lower, somewhere slightly painful, somewhere he’s met with resistance, resistance he overcomes, until he’s inside of you, two knuckles deep. You scream, caught off guard by the mingling of pain and pleasure, by the depravity of it all, and he clasps a hand over your mouth again, holding you down until he feels you relax.
It becomes easier after a few seconds of deep breaths, pleasure winning over pain, and you adjust to something penetrating you where no one has touched you before, not even you. A whimper makes it past his hand when he slowly starts to pump in and out of you, carefully, giving you time to get used to the feeling.
It’s only when he feels your arousal drip down to his hand that he speaks again. “I told you you’d like it.”
You do, you fucking love it, maybe too much. Your arousal is coating his hand, mingling with the spit, making the glide easier. But you need more.
“Please, Dave, it’s not enough.” You’re not scared of this anymore, of him, of being used like this, of showing him how much you need all he’s willing to give you. “I need more, please.”
He shakes his head, something like regret on his face as he looks down on you. “It’s enough for now.”
He picks up the pace though, and you try to swallow your disappointment while you relax around him more and more, gasping every time he pushes into you a tiny bit deeper than on the thrust before. It’s still not enough, but you know better than to ask a second time. Whatever he wants to give you should be enough for you.
And your patience pays off. After some long, torturous minutes, he adds a second finger, mumbling, “It’s gonna hurt if I don’t get you ready properly”. The burn you feel is muddled by his words, by their meaning, as you pick apart what he meant, what he’s trying to say. It only dawns on you then what is about to happen, why he needs to get you ready. He’s going to fuck you. He’s going to be inside of you, fill you up with so much more than two fingers, split you open – just like he promised you. That thought makes you so desperate for him that your body decides you can’t take a second longer of this.
Your hand has barely made it between your legs, you’ve barely grazed your clit, when he slaps your hand away. “Behave,” he hisses, his brow furrowed in concentration.
But he adds a third finger, and the stretch is so much you almost come. You don’t know how it could happen, but you’re so close you feel your cunt pulse desperately, and he can feel it.
“I’m the only one you’re doing this with,” he tells you, slapping your thigh to get you to look at him, at the smug smile on his face. “He will never get to touch you like this.”
“No, never,” you grit out, nodding furiously. “I promise.”
A vein pulses in his neck as he says, “This,” a tiny twist of his fingers inside of you, “belongs to me.”
“It does,” you agree, “but please, please, make me come.”
“No,” he says again, and you could have screamed, “you’re not ready.”
You are, though, you’ve never been so ready for anything in your entire life. Your fingers land on your clit again and you breathe out a sigh of relief, too far gone to care about the consequences. There is only so much you can take, and if he doesn’t want to give you what you need, after you asked nicely, after you begged him for it, then there is nothing you can do but take care of it yourself. He doesn’t slap your hand away again as you expect him too – instead, he pulls out of you. It’s an odd sensation, feeling so empty in a place you never felt empty before, but before you can get used to it, before you can complain or whimper or do whatever your oversensitive body wants you to do, your attention is pulled to him.
The first thing you feel is how the mattress dips toward him and then your vision is taken up by his broad frame, his imposing presence. He kneels down on the bed, thighs straining against the fabric of his trousers from the effort of finding purchase on such a soft surface. You’ve never noticed how strong they are, how hard they look, but any thoughts of what you’d like to do with one of them between your legs fizzle out as he unbuckles his belt and pulls it out of its loops. The sound of leather gliding against cotton makes your breath catch and your body grow taut. Instead of tossing it aside and finally freeing himself, he grabs your wrists and wraps the belt around them, binding your hands together. The leather is old and worn but the years haven’t softened it much, and it digs into your skin when he pulls and wraps and restrains. You’re breathless with arousal when he tosses your arms above your head carelessly, too wound up to struggle, to try to touch yourself again, even though you could easily lower your arms, bring your bound hands near your clit.
He expects you to do something like this, knows you’ve defied him before, so you’ll probably do it again. To prevent more insolence, he flips you over and spanks you hard, so hard your hips shoot into the air. Another slap, more painful than the first, lands with a loud crack and you groan, closing your eyes. Your ass throbs and you feel a hot sting spread across the skin, but he does it again and again and again, until you’re certain you’ll be covered in marks tomorrow. You deserve it.
That thought excites you.
Before you can ponder on it for too long and roll it around in your mind to examine it, he pushes three fingers back into you. Your scream is muffled by the duvet, as your empty pussy clenches around air, as hard and fast as if you’re coming. You’re not, though, you’re just so aroused that anything could push you over the edge at this point. Through your haze, you feel his other hand between your thighs. He runs his finger through your wetness coating the skin there, smearing it around, drawing random patterns up to your ass. Then he collects some of it on his finger and pushes it back into you.
“I had no idea little suburban housewives could be so depraved,” he whispers, close to your ear, his chest pressing you down.
You also had no idea you were like this, but you don’t care. Your entire world is spinning when he has three fingers buried as far as they will go, all the way in, when he spits onto where his fingers are inside of you to make them glide in and out with more ease. But you also had no idea Dave could be like this, could do all this without hesitation, like he’s planned this out for weeks, months, like he was just waiting for someone who would let him off the leash and give him free reign over her body. Your knees give out when his fingers push into you rougher, faster, but before you fall, he catches you, holds you by your hip.
“I think you’re ready,” he announces, pulling out of you.
You don’t move. You couldn’t if you wanted to. Instead, you remain kneeling, exposed, completely wrung out yet strung up, waiting for him. Like an offering. Like a sacrifice. He moves behind you, the sound of fabric against skin the only thing you hear beside your own labored breathing. And then, surprisingly gently, he turns you around.
He’s naked, and the first thing you notice is his cock, an angry red color after being caged in for so long. But there are also scratches, there is a patch covering a wound on his stomach – you don’t ask him about it though. Seeing him like this makes you understand. Seeing him naked, exposed, yet utterly in control, seeing where others hurt him, where they caused him pain, makes you comprehend why he needs to gain back control, why he needs this to ground himself. He needs to feel like he can command one thing in his life, and if it’s your pleasure you’re only too willing to let him have that.
He grabs your chin, holds it between his thumb and forefinger, and asks, “Are you ready?”
You nod slowly, not taking your eyes off his, not daring to look away, because if you do, your nerves will catch up with you. Rough hands spread your legs again, slightly lift you off the mattress, and then he guides himself into you, every inch stretching you further, every careful roll of his hips making you see stars. It’s so much more than his fingers, fuller, rounder, and you’re not sure you can take it. The further he moves into you, the more uncomfortable you feel. You’re about to ask him to stop when you hear his voice.
“You’re taking me so well,” he says through gritted teeth, focused on pushing all of himself into you. “You’re such a good girl.” His eyes flicker up to your face for a second before gazing back down to where you’re being split open on his cock. “Look at you. I wouldn’t know this was your first time.”
And then the discomfort doesn’t matter anymore. All you want is for him to praise you more, to tell you how good you are for him, to call you pretty or depraved or a slut. You don’t care, as long as he talks to you in that voice, sweet nothings, hot praises, filthy promises. The way your body stretches around his cock is still too much, too intense, your muscles fighting against the intrusion, but you take it until he’s seated inside of you, buried to the hilt. Carefully, almost gently, he rolls his hips a few times, watching your face for any reaction, any sign of pain before slamming into you.
It’s unbearable, that sensation. He does it again with a low grunt and your body responds with a shiver, drunk on the heady cocktail of pain and pleasure, drunk on his cock pressing into you at a completely new angle. You can feel every vein on it, feel his head glide almost all the way out before he pushes into you again with such force the bed scrapes against the floor, moving a few inches. His hands are on your hips, holding you in place so he can fuck into you more easily, chasing that pleasure he has denied himself for too long. And you let him, unable to move, unable to do anything but take it, every slap of skin followed by a low scrape as the bed shakes with his thrusts. Your bound hands rest uselessly against your stomach, every thought of touching yourself having vanished from your mind – you don’t even have the strength to lift a single finger.
He does, though, and he slows down to let go of you with one hand, bringing it down against your clit with a slap, and you howl.
“You like that?” he hisses, now rolling his hips almost casually, his earlier force and intent gone.
He slaps you again, the snap dulled by how soaked you are, and then he pushes two fingers into your cunt. His fingers match the speed of his cock as he fills you completely. Your desperate whimpers are answered with low grunts as his arms strain with the effort of keeping you in place. His chest, neck, and face are flushed, his teeth dig into his bottom lip, and he has his eyes on where you two are connected, focused purely on the act and nothing else.
You come with a scream. Your own orgasm takes you by surprise, but there it is, suddenly, punishingly hard, and you squeeze him, hold him inside of you, and he fights through the way you clench around him to thrust into you over and over again, until your screams turn into loud sobs.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” he encourages you. “Let him hear how well I take care of your little ass.”
It’s too much, your body won’t stop fluttering, your throat is raw, and yet he doesn’t stop. You try to move away, but both his hands are on your hips again and then he stills after two rapid, violent thrusts, and he empties himself inside of you with a growl. It feels so depraved you could come again from feeling the hot wetness inside of you.
When he pulls out of you and his release leaks onto the bed, you finally do close your legs, feeling embarrassment settle in your stomach. Every muscle in your body hurts, every thought that crosses your mind hurts – you’ve never been this exhausted, you’ve never felt so sated yet so on edge. You want him to stay, to hold you, to put you back together, but he’s not that kind of man, not tonight anyway. So you watch him get dressed meticulously, feel him release your bound wrists, weaving in and out of consciousness, still lying in a puddle of your release mingling with his.
Everything smells of sex.
He comes back from your bathroom (when did he leave?) with a wet cloth and tosses it to you so you can clean yourself up. When you do a poor job, your hands still shaking, he helps you, then presses a quick kiss to your temple, followed by a bite at your neck.
You’re too exhausted to notice it much, notice your body responding to the bite with a feeble flicker. There is something else on your mind now that the aftershocks have worn off and you’re slowly coming back down to reality. “What if Earl heard us?” you whisper, suddenly remembering the too thin walls, the fact that his bedroom is right next to yours, remembering that you have a husband who doesn’t know you’re having an affair with one of his friends. The implication makes your throat go dry.
Dave looks down at you, his head slightly cocked to the right, contemplating. “He definitely did …,” he confirms your worries. “How do you feel about that?”
You swallow hard. “He’s my husband,” you start slowly, not quite sure where this thought will lead you.
“Yes,” Dave nods.
“But I don’t think he likes me all that much.” Saying it out loud hurts less than you have expected, maybe because you’re not alone, maybe because Dave took good care of you today in more than one sense.
“Well, he’s an ass,” Dave mumbles to himself. Then adds, in a firm voice, “If you want to get rid of him, just say the word.”
You huff, closing your eyes. There is nothing Dave could help you with, except maybe drive you to a friend’s house when you finally work up the courage to ask Earl for a divorce. But then you remember the scratches on his chest, the wound on his stomach, you remember the wild look in his eyes when he got back to you, and how you never know where he goes when he vanishes like that. And was that blood you tasted on his fingers?
He leans down to softly stroke your cheek. “Put the vibrator back in,” he tells you. “I’m not done with you yet.”
Then he leaves your room, not bothering to shut the door quietly.
Hard Holidays Taglist: @300mirrors​​​ | @a-reader-and-a-writer​​​ | @a3trogirl​​​ | @amneris21​​​ | @astroboots​​​​ | @bibblebobbl3​​​ | @c4psicle​​​ | @charnelhouse​​​​ | @chronic-nosebleed​​​ | @cowboy-turtle​​​ | @djarinsbeskar​​​​ | @dobbyjen​​​​ | @fastandfeminist | @frannyzooey​​​​ | @gingersnappe-9​​​ | @highsviolets​​​​ | @honestly-shite​​​​ | @javierpcna​​​​ | @javierpinme​​​​ | @jettia​​​​ | @jubileestreetv​​​​ | @kirsteng42​​​ | @krissology​​​​ | @leaiorganas​​​​ | @lowlights​​​​ | @mandocrasis​​​​ | @nobodys-baby-now​​​​ | @peonyprose​​​​ | @phandoz​​​​ | @pilothusband​​​​ | @practicalghost​​​​ | @radiowallet​​​​​ | @redcrvette​​​​ | @the-wishmonger​​​​ | @thirstworldproblemss​​​​​
618 notes · View notes
starryhyuck · 4 years
dangerous game. (m)
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pairing: dilf!jaehyun x younger!reader
words: 1.9k+
summary: jaehyun is your father’s co-worker, but it’s not your fault that he’s undeniably hot.
genre: smut
warnings: older!jaehyun, younger!reader, car sex, public sex, creampie, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy
“It’s not like he’s your dad, you know.”
You glare at Sookyung, who’s innocently sipping at her glass of champagne. You pinch her arm and she squeals.
“He could be! He’s just as old as my dad,” you comment, eyes roaming over Jeong Jaehyun’s figure.
He was just recently hired into your father’s corporation and proven himself to be a worthy asset, his dimples charming everyone who comes his way. He’s built up a strong relationship with your parents, bringing over his daughter to hang out with you sometimes. You wonder if he’ll always see you as a kid — a friend of his daughter’s to have play dates with.
Speaking of the devil, Haerim bounces over and smiles at you and Sookyung. Luckily, Haerim got her looks from her mother so you don’t feel so odd when you gaze over at her.
“How are you two doing? I’m kind of bored,” she comments, fingers gripping her own champagne glass.
Sookyung gives you the eye and you know what she’s thinking — you practically sped home from college just to stare at Jaehyun all night, jumping at your father’s invitation as soon as he called.
“We’re doing fine,” Sookyung replies, and you grow wary of her mischievous smile. “How about you and your dad? Any luck with finding him a date?”
Haerim shakes her head. “Nope. He’s probably just not ready to move on yet.”
Sookyung grins. “Maybe he just hasn’t met the right girl.”
You glare at her. Haerim shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe.”
It’s only a few weeks later when you come home for Christmas. Your father greets you at the door and your mother lets you know they have company over. You try to keep your resolve when you see Jaehyun at the table, his smile taking your breath away like it always has.
“Jaehyun’s spending Christmas with us,” your father mentions as you take your seat.
“And Haerim?” You ask, eyes locking with Jaehyun’s.
“At her mother’s for the holidays,” Jaehyun responds, dark eyes gazing at you. You nod, and as soon as you dig into your meal, your father and Jaehyun are chatting it up. “That’s crazy, Doyoung. I couldn’t imagine any of the investors buying that crap.”
Your father laughs and your mother leans over to speak with you.
“I want you to be nice to Jaehyun while he’s here. He’s having a rough time, first holiday after the divorce and everything.”
You smile. “I’ll keep him good company, I promise.”
She pats your cheek. “That’s my girl.”
It’s later in the night when you keep your promise, knocking on the guest room door. You’ve taken Sookyung’s advice and luckily packed all of your best underwear, matching bra and all. You know deep down you shouldn’t get your hopes up, especially since Jaehyun is still learning to live without his wife.
All those thoughts are thrown away, however, when he opens the door. You grin innocently at him.
“I hope you’re enjoying your stay, Mr. Jeong. I was just checking up on you.”
He smirks, leaning against the doorframe. “Is that so? Well, thank you for being such a hospitable host.”
Sookyung’s words bounce around in your head, still lingering when you called her after dinner. Flirt. Remind him you’re very mature for your age. And wear that red thong I bought you for your birthday!
You laugh. “Yes, well, I think my father would be upset if he knew I wasn’t being very friendly.”
He chuckles and nods his head. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“No, we can’t.”
Your gazes lock, and you swear his eyes darken a little. He opens his mouth to say something before you hear footsteps. Your father comes around the corner, smiling and placing his hand on your shoulder.
“I can see you’re treating Jaehyun nicely.”
“She was,” Jaehyun answers. “You raised her well, Doyoung.”
“I hope so,” your father laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Listen, Jaehyun, we’re going out tomorrow to get all the groceries we need to make Christmas dinner. I was wondering if you would tag along with Y/N to find a suitable tree for the living room.”
Your eyes practically light up, and Jaehyun chuckles.
“I think that would be fine,” he nods, gaze returning to you. “We’ll leave in the morning?”
You smile. “Sounds good.”
Car rides with Jaehyun are more arousing than you expected. You’ve been on edge since you’ve been on the road with him, mainly because you’re unsure of how to make the first move. If he ends up not even liking you in that way, he could definitely tell your father and further humiliate you.
“You’re quiet this morning.”
Your head darts to look over at him, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly. “Oh,” you laugh awkwardly. “Just a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Care to enlighten me?” He hums.
This is a very dangerous game.
“I just- um-“ you pause, trying to comprehend your thoughts. Jaehyun chuckles at your internal struggle. Oh God. What if he just sees me as a kid? I’m wearing this uncomfortable thong and all he sees is his daughter’s little friend-
“I don’t think we can,” he comments, taking you off guard.
You frown. “Don’t think we can what?”
He sighs. “I want to be with you in that way, but your dad-“
Your eyes widen. “Wait wait wait. You like me? I mean, you like me like that?”
He smirks, taking his eyes off of the road for a mere second to glance at you. “Yes, I like you like that. But it’s too complicated. You’re young, and-“
You scoff. “I’m not that young.”
“You’re as young as my daughter,” he reminds you. “And your father and I are good friends. Plus, he has all the power to fire me whenever he wants, and I don’t think I can afford to lose my job right now.”
Sookyung’s voice grows louder in your head. Make him want you. Show him he can’t resist.
Your eyelashes flutter closed, fingers drifting down to your core.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
You ignore him, one hand slithering into your underwear and stroking your folds gently. You throw your head back and moan. You can feel the car swerve a little.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be doing this. I’m driving, this is dangerous and I-“
“Touch me, Mr. Jeong,” you beg, opening your eyes to stare directly at him. “Please?”
It isn’t long before he pulls over on the side of the road and leans over the console to press his lips against yours. You whimper when his fingers tug on your hair, exposing your neck to him.
“Such a little slut,” he hisses, lips attaching to your neck and sucking gently. “We could’ve gotten into an accident.”
“But we didn’t,” you remind him, guiding his hand to your core. “Can you fuck me now?”
He growls. “Filthy little mouth. Does your dad know you talk this way?”
You shake your head. “No, daddy wouldn’t like that.”
He curses lowly and you know you’ve got him. He pushes the seat all the way back and climbs until he’s hovering over you, tongue desperately exploring the expanse of your mouth. He replaces your fingers with his, digits slowly playing with your folds before sliding two into your waiting hole. You whine into the kiss and he pauses briefly.
“You’re not a-“
“Virgin?” You raise an eyebrow. “No. But don’t tell daddy.”
He growls, attacking you once again and curling his fingers upwards. You’re both lucky he’s pulled over to an abandoned part of the town, and his tinted windows giving you even further security.
“We have to be quick, baby,” he whispers breathlessly. “Still have to bring a tree home.”
The clothes come off quickly after that, your hands gripping Jaehyun’s shirt and flinging it over your shoulder. He laughs at your eagerness, palming at your breast and kissing your mound.
“Such a pretty body,” he murmurs, lips darting over your nipple. You moan and arch your back.
“Yeah? Prettier than your ex-wife’s?”
He smirks. “Prettier. Younger. Hotter.”
You whimper when he throws your dress to the side, fingers dancing over your choice of underwear.
“Isn’t that pretty? You wear that for me, sweet girl?”
You giggle. “Only for you, daddy.”
He flips you over, smacking your ass along the way. You enjoy the way he manhandles you, pulling your hair back and tugging it harshly.
“Is this how you like it? Exposed like a whore for anyone to see? What would your parents say if they saw you like this?”
“What would your daughter say if she saw you about to fuck a girl the same age as her?” You counter.
He smiles. “She wouldn’t like it, that’s for sure.”
You feel his tip prod your entrance and you moan, gripping the headrest of the passenger seat. Jaehyun kisses your shoulders, cupping your breasts and sliding into you.
You cry at the stretch, feeling every ridge and vein of his cock as he enters you. He’s thick. And huge. Definitely the biggest you’ve ever taken.
He curses in your ear. “Fuck, baby. Your pussy’s so fucking tight.”
“Never-“ you gasp, catching your breath when he sinks deeper and deeper. “Never had someone this big, daddy.”
You both groan when he bottoms out, lips parting at the pleasure you’re receiving. You feel so full, and Jaehyun’s cock is like a fever dream.
“Jaehyun, please,” you beg, aching for him to move.
He follows your order, grabbing your hips and snapping into you. You moan loudly, the sound of his hips connecting with your thighs echoing throughout the vehicle. He feels so perfect inside of you and you blubber his name over and over again.
You imagine how sinful you both look, with Jaehyun fucking you desperately in the passenger seat of his car, where Haerim probably sat when he used to drive her to school everyday. You whimper at the thought as Jaehyun drills into you, panting in your ear.
“Feels so good, baby,” he praises you. “Wanna fuck you all day.”
“Will you?” You ask, whining when he nudges against your sweet spot. “Will you fuck me when we get back home?”
“If you can stay quiet,” he chuckles and you giggle with him. He groans when you clench around him. “You going to cum for me, baby? Show me how much you want it, sweet girl.”
You fall apart around him, squeezing his cock for dear life as you orgasm. You’re completely spent but Jaehyun still plows into you, chasing his high. You prod him a little.
“Please, daddy. Want to feel you cum inside me.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, his voice dropping an octave. “Are you on the pill?”
The beat of silence is deafening. “What if I wasn’t?”
He groans. “Don’t mess with me, baby. I’m going to explode.”
“Wouldn’t you like to see that? Your cum dripping down my thighs at dinner, trying not to let my dad see? What if he found out I was pregnant? What would he do then?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jaehyun hisses. “Baby, I can’t. I’m going to cum.”
“Knock me up, Jae,” you giggle, pushing back against him. “Show everyone how filthy you are, getting a girl half your age pregnant with your child. What would Haerim think?”
He pushes deep inside you and cries out, shooting ribbons into your waiting womb. You smile deviously, pushing further back onto him so none of his cum would spill out. He’s still cumming after a minute, and his warmth fills your stomach.
You grin. “Had a lot to give me, didn’t you?”
He growls and leans down, nipping at your ear.
“I’m getting you pregnant while I’m here, you little minx.”
“Looking forward to it.”
3K notes · View notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Start Over
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Summary: Jensen invites his old co-star down to Texas for the week and his soon to be ex-wife is not happy about it...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2,500ish
Warnings: language, angst, divorce, implied smut
A/N: An OFC is used as Jensen’s wife in this fic. No hate towards Danneel!...
“You bring your new girlfriend over?” said Lauren. You glanced over at Jensen as he slipped on his shoes with a roll of his eyes. “I’m still your wife, jackass.”
“Actually, no, you’re not. We are divorced and I’m nice enough to let you stay in my house while you get a new place but if you’re going to insult my guests, you can walk right out the door,” he said. She narrowed her eyes and stormed over, poking him in the chest.
“This is my house,” she said.
“Well last I checked and according to the lawyers and the deed, no, it isn’t. You have until the end of the month to get out which is only a few days away so I’d get packing,” he said.
“I don’t give a shit. Throw me out. I’ll rip your reputation to shreds,” she said. “You’ll never work again.”
“Anything to get away from you,” he said, grabbing his jacket. “Come on, Y/N.”
He grabbed your hand and you blinked at him as he pulled you outside, dropping it with a sigh.
“Wow,” you said.
“Yup. Two more days and then she is gone forever,” he said, the two of you walking over to his car. “When she’s gone, you can totally stay at the house like you were planning.”
“It’s cool, Ackles. I got my hotel room for a week,” you said, smiling as you took the keys out of his hand. “I am driving.”
“You are so not driving Baby, Y/L/N,” he chuckled.
“Oh yes, I am. If anyone knows how to drive her besides you, it’s me. Also, I’m totally offering to be designated driver because boy, you need some fun tonight,” you said.
“I missed you,” he said, giving you a hug. “Move down to Austin. Come on, please?”
“I’m still looking for my next gig. You know how it is,” you said.
“Oh, we both know Jared and the network would kill to have you on Walker with him,” said Jensen. “At least come visit me more. I haven’t seen you since the wrap party.”
“I know,” you said, Jensen still hugging you. “I got to see my bestie more. You doing okay?”
“I want Lauren the fuck out of my life and yesterday,” he said.
“Just a few more days and she will be, Jens. I promise. In the meantime I promise to keep you very, very busy.”
“Oh, very nice,” you said a few days later, Jensen humming from where he floated around in the pool. “What’s this one called again?”
“It’s an unnamed brew. Test batch. You like it?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, setting the can on the edge of the pool, swimming over to him. “It’s fruity but...smokey if that’s a thing.”
“Smokin’ sweet,” he said. “What do you think?”
“Interesting. I like it,” you said. Jensen flipped around and swam over to the shallow end, coming back to you, trying to tease you into chasing him around. You smiled as he went past the second time, grabbing onto him and wrapping your arms and legs around him. “Caught you.”
“Yes, you did. What are you going to do with me?” he smiled. You titled your head at him, Jensen’s face soft as you leaned in close.
“What is that?” you said, poking his chest. He glanced down at a small scar over his pec and quickly shrugged.
“Must have done something at the brewery,” he said. You let go of him and stood up in the shallow end, Jensen doing the same. “Want to take a break from the heat?”
“Yeah,” you said, climbing the stairs and grabbing a towel. Jensen followed you out and you watched him pick his up, looking over the skin of his back closely. You spotted a few more little scars and you watched him freeze. “Jensen.”
“What?” he snapped. You stared at him as he spun around, wrapping your towel around yourself, imagining you looked like a scared little kid. He sighed and dropped his head. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”
“Where’d you really get the little scars,” you said.
“Lauren wasn’t happen when I came home to Austin for good. She uh, she thought I was cheating on her, with you. She was pissed and threw a few glasses. It hit me a little. It was fine,” he said.
“Nothing in that sentence was fine,” you said, closing your eyes. 
“She’s gone now and it got brought up in the divorce so she knows she’s on a short leash with the judge. I don’t want to think about her ever again,” he said. “Come on, let’s wash off and then have some lunch.”
Fifteen minutes later you were in the car with Jensen, headed out for some barbecue to fill your stomachs. 
“Jensen,” you said, staring out the window.
“Y/N that was the only time anything like that happened ever, I swear,” he said. “She cheated, more than once, and I was tired of her being mean and fighting all the time. I don’t love her anymore. I don’t think I ever did.”
“You had a prenup,” you said. He was quiet and eventually nodded.
“I knew I was settling. It’s why I did it. I’m glad I had one,” he said.
“Jens. Next girl you marry, love this one. Please,” you said, turning your head and giving him a smile. “Don’t settle.”
“I promise,” he chuckled. “Oh and on a brighter note, I have a surprise for you. A certain tall fellow will be joining us.”
“I missed my boys,” you said, giving him a big smile. “Oh, I miss you guys so much.”
“Us too. We’ll have a Winchester reunion.”
“You guys excited for the con this weekend?” asked Jared late that night on Jensen’s back porch. You hummed and rested your head on Jensen’s shoulder, closing your eyes. “Someone’s tuckered out.”
“We’ve been going like crazy all week and getting up early to check out stuff. I don’t blame her,” said Jensen. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you curled into him.
“Someone’s looking a little friendly there,” teased Jared.
“Jared,” you groaned, lifting your head.
“I’m joking,” he said. You rested your head back down on Jensen’s shoulder, looking over to Jared. “Dean and Hannah were always a cute couple.”
“Uh, what?” said Jensen.
“I’m just saying, you’ve been feeling shitty for months now over Lauren and now that Y/N’s here, you couldn’t wipe that smile off your face if you tried,” said Jared.
“She’s my best friend, like you. Being around her makes me happy,” said Jensen. You smiled and glanced down at your lap.
“So you haven’t said how you really feel yet then,” he said. You sat up and turned to Jensen. “I’ll take that as my cue.”
“Jared. That is not your call to make when-” you said, Jared smirking. 
“I never said which one of you I was talking about, was I? Yet you are both looking very nervous all of a sudden and given Jensen’s gotten rid of the hell monster and Y/N is going to be living here at least the next few months on Walker and oh yeah, I’ve been keeping it a secret that you both feel something for one another for years...yeah, it’s my call. Goodnight. Go talk. You two idiots love each other. It’s about time you got it out in the open.”
Jared finished off his drink as you watched, refusing to turn back and look at Jensen.
“You’re staying?” he asked quietly.
“For the time being. I was going to surprise you,” you said, risking a glance over your shoulder. “You love me?”
“...I knew after a week of knowing you that I loved you,” he said. “But I was married and felt so guilty for even thinking of such a thing. She’d already cheated on me and I knew even back then that she married me for money. I just thought if I ignored it, it’d go away.”
“Did it?” you asked.
“Never,” he said, shaking his head. “But uh, you too…”
“You were my best friend. My ridiculously attractive, funny, kind, walked me to my car at night, helped me learn how to do stunts, was there when I had a rough scene and couldn’t get it out of my head...Jensen I tried so hard to keep my feelings for you platonic. I did and I never tried to lead you on or anything ever. You were married and I told myself it was a crush. It was a crush was all,” you said.
“Was it a crush?” he asked.
“Honestly, the day you called and said you were divorcing that bitch was the happiest of my life,” you said. 
“It doesn’t answer the question,” he said. You leaned in close, Jensen brushing his nose over yours. “Was it a crush?”
“No,” you said. The second the words left your mouth, he was kissing you. Soft but with purpose. His always there light scruff tickling your cheeks. Pink lips lush and smooth. Warm and safe feeling with a spark that shot down your spine and made your head spin.
You sucked in air when it broke off, Jensen panting for a second as his forehead touched your own.
“I have waited three damn years to do that,” he said. “I should have left her a long time ago. God, that’s what it’s supposed to feel like, isn’t it? Home?”
“You are in love with me,” you said. 
“I am,” he said, almost like he was afraid to say it. You leaned in again and kissed him briefly, giving him a smile.
“Me too,” you said.
“I guess we should let Jared off the hook for sharing secrets,” said Jensen.
“He caught me staring at you once. I told him the truth. I always thought he’d breakdown and tell you someday but he never did,” you said.
“He knew better. Hell, he almost got me to talk to you about all this in the first place,” he said. “Years ago.”
“But you were married.”
“It was never a good one,” he said. “Jared knew it. My parents knew it.”
“Can I ask why you married someone you didn’t love?” 
“I got scared,” he said. “Who was ever going to tolerate me being gone so many months a year. I was getting to an age where I thought I needed to be married. I haven’t been single in years and years. I was afraid.”
“Well you promised that the next girl you married would be because you loved her. I expect you to keep it,” you said.
“I will,” he said. “I’m a long ways away from being ready for that though.”
“That’s okay. You need to remember what being in a healthy relationship is,” you said.
“Would you want to show me?” he asked. You looked down at your lap and turned away. “Are you blushing?”
“No,” you said, your face hot as you looked out into the distance. His hand on your shoulder spun you around. You shut your eyes, opening them again when you felt him gently kiss you. 
“If you don’t want to-”
“I do. I don’t know how to have a healthy relationship is all,” you said. He cocked his head and gave you a smile. “I’m serious. Mine always end messy.”
“Alright. Let me rephrase. Do you want to learn together?” he asked. 
“I’d be willing to try,” you said quietly.
“Good,” he said. He kissed you again, your nerves falling away. You moved closer and straddled his lap after a moment, Jensen taking heaving breath as he looked up at you.
“Remember that first time we had a kissing scene? You told me if I got a boner you’d kill me,” he said.
“Oh,” you said, moving your leg, feeling the bulge under his jeans. “Wait, really? I did that?”
“Geez, Y/N,” he blushed. “You’re only super hot and making out with me. Sorry.”
“I am not super hot. You are,” you said.
“Agree to disagree,” he said. He pulled you closer and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “Hold on.”
He put his hands under your legs and stood up, carrying in from the back porch towards his room, kicking the door shut on the way. He set you down on the edge of the bed, staring at you for a moment.
“How far do you want to go?” he asked. You titled your head, Jensen chuckling quietly in the dark room. “I can keep this PG-13 if you want. What are you comfortable with?”
“No one’s ever asked me that before,” you said.
“There’s probably a far sexier way to ask,” he said.
“That was still pretty sexy,” you said, reaching out with your hand. “Tell me what you want.”
He moved your hand aside and stepped closer, settling between your legs. He bent down and kissed you, his hands resting on your hips before they stopped at the button of your shorts. 
“You have protection?” you asked. He nodded. 
“You on the pill?”
“Yes,” you said. “Jensen. Get in the damn bed already.”
“Yes mam.”
“Good morning,” said Jensen as you yawned and walked out to his kitchen. “Coffee?”
“Obviously,” you said, smiling as you scratched your arm and went to the back window, looking out at the trees. “It’s pretty in the morning. You’re in like a little forest almost.”
“Yes, it is,” he said. You looked over your shoulder, Jensen smiling back at you. “You look very pretty.”
“I’m wearing your shirt,” you said.
“Like I said, very pretty,” he said. You walked over to where he had the coffee going and gave him a hug, Jensen closing his eyes with a hum.
“Are you happy?” you asked.
“Yes. First time in a while,” he said. “I missed you.”
“You don’t have to miss me anymore,” you said.
“No, I don’t. Anything you want to do today?” he asked.
“I don’t care. As long as we can have some fun and relax together,” you said.
“I’m very okay with that,” he said. “You know Lauren is going to say shit when she finds out.”
“Let her. She’s a bitch and people know it. For now though, I will take just us knowing though,” you said.
“I’m more than fine with keeping you all to myself,” he said, squeezing your hip. 
“Let’s go back to bed,” you said, taking his hand. 
“I thought you wanted coffee?”
“Oh, the coffee will be there,” you said, smiling as you walked back. “We’re making up for lost time.”
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swinterr · 4 years
fic rec vii ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
kpop oc/s
1. jane by @baejiyeonz
2. bee by @purpleyellow
3. lian by @nct-lian
4. taehui by @jeontaehui
1. [10:47 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. [5:21] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
2. you’re warm by @dreamystuffers | f
- a drunk hyuck can only mean a clingy hyuck.
3. you’re short too by @pastelsicheng | f
- 5 times hyuck teases u for ur height.
4. no title by @heychan | s 
- dirty thought cockwarming haechan and johnny comes in to the room while you are trying to hide it but haechan doesn’t care.
5. wishes by @lucaswithnoshirt | a f
- standing on stage is everything you’ve dreamed of. except in the time it’s taken you to get there, you’ve been dreaming about other things, too.
1. moving in: the series by @jaehyun-ified | f
- after agreeing to move-in with jaehyun, you decided to curate a little series on your channel to both give in to your viewer’s request to have jaehyun frequently on your contents and to document your moving in process with the love of you life.
2. [8:14 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam. 
3. boyfriend by @simpsiren | a 
- a relationship with jaehyun wasn’t always perfect. there wasn’t a definite label on it, which only sent the relationship down a complicated pathway as we tried to find the meaning of our love once again.
4. best part by @okayoongii | f
- don’t know how to describe this tho, just read it. also 10/10
5. can i help you? by @sugarjaee | f s
- when working an extra long shift at work, your boyfriend surprises you with a visit.
6. stages of love by @biletdoux | a f s
- a playlist for the trials and tribulations of a beating heart. 
7. [9:04 am] by @jeongvision | // f
- domestic fluffy blurb. 10/10!!
8. suds by @kim-taehung | s
- first person to move does the dishes for a week. nothing is off-limits.
9. promise by @bvbyxuxi | f a
- jaehyun has loved you since you were both kids, things were going well until he messed everything up; meeting again as young adults, he refuses to let you go again but would you give him another chance?
1. one minus on plus one by @wonjaekook | f a 
- in all of the years you’ve known jungwoo, you should have figured out to not take his words at face value because, though you haven’t even met, mark lee seems to hate your guts. 
2. [12:03] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
3. pretty boy by @epinebleue | f a
- fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, the reader is two years older than mark, jaehyun makes an appearance as the reader’s fuck buddy, use of alcohol and drugs (marijuana), mentions of violence (mark punches someone), smut (protected sex, inexperienced!mark, dry humping).
4. camera flash by @morkleemelon | f
- mark taking a picture but forgot to remove flash waking up oc, pretty fluffy and cute! 10/10!!!
5. retrouvailles by @kireimarkeu | f
- counting down the days until you finally see your long-distance boyfriend.
1. [1:14 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. man-icure by @haejunehui | f
- based on jcc ep. 26
1. reverb by @lovingonrepeat | s
- taeyong + studio sex. 
2. unspoken by @bvbyxuxi | f s 
- you had never thought to see taeyong again after your one night stand with him until this year where he takes you by surprise; turns out he wasn’t the guy you sought him out to be after all.
1. [2:32 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. [4:31 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
2. king of hearts by @raibebe | f s a
- a little bit of everything, a chef’s kiss. 
1. [5:51 pm ] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. redamancy by @heavenlyhaechan | f
- this is just so fluffy! i wished to be doyong gf please. 
2. fools together by @yongiefilms | f
- two fools in love with each other? 
3. acedia by @jaeminscoffee | f
- a day in the life of yours and doyoung's love life.
4. our little secret by @haejunehui | f
- read to know their little secret. hehe.
5. caught red handed by @hannie-dul-set | f
- all you wanted to do was take a picture of the handsome law student during your train ride home. you did not expect things to end up like this.
1. i see red by @0097linersb | s
- pure filth 🥵10/10 tho.
2. addiction by @love-mi | s f
- you and jeno keep your relationship a secret to avoid backlash from your companies and fans; but keeping himself away only makes him want you more.
3. surprise visit by @nakamotonudes | f s
- you hadn’t seen your boyfriend for over a month because of his hectic schedule so when he suddenly shows up at your place one night for a surprise visit, you both have to make every second worth it.
1. the pitter-patter of the heart by @koorara | f s a //
- pieces of newlywed domestic moments with jungkook, your husband. the young film and literature lecturer and his wife, you, who works as a journalist of a web magazine. both of you managing the career, the time for each other and the new house. not to forget, chip, the cat that has been with you for years. 
2. please love me by @ahundredtimesover | // f s a 
- as the only unmarried jeon and kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. but despite developing an affection for jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. you’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t.
3. first love, last love by @floralseokjin | f s //
- a collection of drabbles following the longterm relationship between jungkook and you... 
4. second chances by @parkhabits | a s
- work. one of the most important things to him. It kept him company at night, it was all he thought about, all he put his attention to. his work had become the mistress within your marriage. years after you left him you’re back with only one goal in mind. get him to sign the damn divorce papers. yet you should’ve known that your husband wouldn’t let you go that easily. 
5. crush by @jungxk | f s 
- jungkook woke up with amnesia (?) he totally forgets that he has a wife and child. and he totally has a huge crush on his wife. 
6. bare necessities by @gguksgalaxy | f s a
- when you ask your boyfriend for a relaxing vacation you don’t exactly expect him to take you to disneyland out of all places. luckily, jungkook knows just how to get you to relax — being needy is definitely not the way. or is it…
7. krampus for christmas by @ddaenysus | f
- when your daughter overhears your nightly activities close to christmas, jungkook takes it upon himself to convince her it was the sounds of the legendary demon goat.
8. a date with destiny by @imjustfanfictrash | f s
- you are a boss lady in the tech industry traveling to world for work. he is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
9. stranded by @gguksgalaxy | f s a
- jungkook’s offer to help you study for your exam is unwelcome. his entire presence is unwelcome. you don’t want help from the guy who passes all his classes without even trying. it’s annoying — he is annoying. from the way he grins whenever he catches you staring at him, to the way his eyes shine whenever he smiles at you. oh, and let’s not forget the way his tattoos shift when he stretches or the way his jawline sharpens when he’s focused. nope, you definitely can’t stand him.
10. sprout by @v-hope | f
- after a nice evening out with your friends, you find yourself coming home to your sleeping toddler and the new hairstyle she had tried on your husband.
11. friday nights and take-out by @ahundredtimesover | // f s a
- you meet pop star/idol jeon jungkook at the café, you get close, and as hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. but you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
12. jealousy by @ephemeralkookie | f s a
- jungkook’s closest friend, namjoon is getting married and he invited you three to his wedding. the only unexpected thing was jisoo, his ex, and we’ll just say that you were not too happy to see her flirting with your boyfriend right under your nose
13. a quarter past us by @jjiimin | f a
- when you break up with him out of fear of losing your freedom in university, he finds himself showing you why leaving him isn’t the answer. 
14. pretty boy by @angelguk | // f s a
- alternatively known as the jock!jk universe drabbles in vague chronological order. 
15. summer solstice by @boulevardk | s
- down on your luck and desperate for a successful harvest, you pray to the gods. you figure no one in heaven was listening to your prayers when nothing happens immediately. but one fateful night, your prayers are answered. are you willing to pay the price? the sacrifice might not be what you were expecting….
16. lilac wisteria by @blushoseoks | f a 
- over the years, things change - but the one constant is your love for lilac wisterias.…okay, maybe jungkook’s been there too.or, alternatively:the first time jeon jungkook says that he is going to marry you, you are five years old sitting underneath a large wisteria tree.
17. obsessed with your ass by @kooklovesu | f s 
- jungkook has an obsession with your body he cant get enough of praising you. he wasn’t comfy showing the world his affection towards you in public because he’s a private guy, but when he finally did, good luck.
18. from home by @gyukult | // f s a
- jungkook is the youngest of five boys, the last in line to truly inherit any his parents’ money. but what if his mom suddenly cuts him off due to his current poor behavior and he’s forced to learn how it feels like to be part of the working class?
19. black card by @minsprings | // f s
- black card fic and drabbles, also a chef’s kiss.
20. oh my god, they were (quarantined) roommates by @ot7always | f s
- what do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with jeon jungkook - s tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? fuck him, you guess.
21. let the games begin by @venusiangguk | s
- just another fic where oc rides jk in his gaming chair pls still read it tho lmao its hot i promise
22. the probability of us by @jiminrings | f s
- jungkook’s the son of the university’s president, y/n’s cardigan is everyone’s favorite, and adjacent walls mean shared victories. 
23. open when by @iluv-hobi | f
- jungkook likes to write letters to you, especially ones with purposes, like “open when ___”. one day, on a particularly bad day, you open, “open when you’ve had a shitty day”. 
24. good day by @ilikemesometaetaes | f s
- his motive was made quite clear once he called you out of work. he just wanted to spend a nice day with his girlfriend. is that too much to ask for?
25. calculated by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // s 
- some people would call you far too serious. some would call you stuck-up. and some would call you a bitch. but to freshman jeon jungkook, you’re the head calculus I TA noona  – and he’s determined to fuck you.
26. brat taming by @sugasbabiie | s a f
- jungkook has been your roommate for almost a year. since the day he moved in he has acted like nothing but a spoiled little brat who is used to getting anything and anyone he wants. he eats your food, he doesn’t clean, he’s loud, oh and now he has colored his hair the exact shade of blonde as you. He’ll do anything to get under your skin. you’ve had enough of his filthy mouth and his fuckboy ways. it’s time to tame that bratty little roommate of yours. think you can handle it?
27. sugarplum energy by @bymoonchild | f s a
- you know no bounds nor depth with jungkook. while your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on soundcloud. all’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while. or, jungkook has one braincell, but it’s heart-shaped.
28. ancient history by @moononthejoon | a s f
- there is no way to deny that you and jungkook have chemistry. the two of you used to be a couple, after all. what happens when after a not-so-amicable breakup the two of you are cast as opposite leads of a movie?
29. that’s not daddy by @nochuobsessed | f
- jungkook comes home with a new hair color and his sons can’t tell if he’s appa or not. pretty cute! 10/10
30. no title by @himbojk | s
- jk got a blowie from his oc while on a zoom class meeting, like cam on with a whole set up but his oc under the table sucking the life out of him while he sits and tries to take notes .
31. dilf jk by @himbojk | // s f
- dilf jk drabbles.
32. no title by @himbojk | s
- blond jk with full tattoo sleeve who looks like the baddest boy but is actually baby and just wants a handie in the library while studying with his oc because she aspires to have those high grades. 
33. no title by @noteguk | s
- bf!jungkook going down on the reader while they watch anime.
34. silent treatment by @blu-joons | f
- baby kook asking daddy kook to say sorry to mommy. 10/10 too!
35. getting railed by @dearlytea | s
- getting dicked by your boyfriend during a train ride.
36. the view by @koyamuses | s
- jungkook knows exactly what turns you on; every kink, every dirty fantasy that’s buried deep within your mind. he knows exactly how to make you beg for it.
37. let’s play: dirty by @jungkxook | f s
- on today’s stream, watch as the king of gaming jeon jungkook gets totally pwned by some newbie player on overwatch (he swears he was stream sniped)! to make matters worse, he can’t seem to focus anymore when you’re in the room but he promises that’s not because he’s in love with you or anything. use code ‘jungkook’ on any game purchase through steam at checkout for 25% off so that jungkook has something to feel better about! iloveyou btw!
38. more dilf!jk by @cutechim | s
- oc thirsting over jk, talk about finances, jungwoo is an innocent cock-block as infants are, disrespect towards a major film franchise. 
39. you are inherently beautiful by @ggukachuwu | f a
- when y/n and jungkook accidentally reveal their relationship to the public because she walked in on him doing a vlive and now netizens and kmedia are tearing apart her appearance because y/n is chubby from struggling with pcos. jungkook takes it upon himself to cheer her up because he absolutely adores her.
40. morning with jk by @min-arya | f
- jungkook drabble of him catching his s/o admiring him in the morning with soft sleepy cuddles.
41. even a forest fire dies out by @9uk | a s
- it became from “grab a coffee with me?” to “why should I grab a coffee with you?” too fast for your liking. you had thought the both of you were so in love with each other—only to realise it was only you who had fallen into this trap of feelings. and as for jungkook, he might have just been as confused as you are.
42. all that we had by @starlightauroras-writes | a s
- four years, two months and five days ago, you lost the love of your life with no explanation. living with a failed marriage at such a young age without knowing why was impossibly hard, and when you’re invited to your high school reunion, knowing he would be there, you really don’t want to go. what happens when you do leaves you questioning fate. 
43. aquarium by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // a
- life after jeon jungkook was grey. you had to find your own color, grow your own rainbow. but what would surprise you the most is the appearance of white cosmos, seven of them clutched tightly in kim taehyung’s hand.
44. contentment by @btsqualityy | f s 
- oc’s using jk’s card to buy rug and the rest is history. 10/10!!
45. heartbreaker with a heart of gold by  @filmflowersbangtan | a s
- love this!!! you know i love me some angst! 10/10!!!!!
46. the ikea test by @mercurygguk | f
- you and jeongguk face the IKEA test. successfully? sure!
47. before you universe by @ephemeralkookie | // a f s
- jungkook has taken a huge place in your life after he tattooed you, and you can’t even picture how life was before him. he has always been there for you since day one. but how will things change after you find out you’re pregnant?  
48. christmas cream(pie) by @smoochkooks | s f
-  a day before christmas dinner with your boyfriend’s parents, you discover another alternative way to use the chocolate cream you’re making. jungkook is more than willing to indulge in your little fantasy.
49. last minute by @moononthejoon | f s
- christmas day had gone by, and now you were back home after holidays with your family. your friends had agreed to have a late christmas party, but as always, you and jungkook procrastinated gift buying.
50. you go in knowing bros together by @blu-joons | f
- a cute fluffy knowing at knowing bros moment. 
51. no title by @v-hope | f
- the way y/n would react when someone else flirts with jk and how he’d handle the situation.
52. hair dye by @mercurygguk | f s
- jungkook got his hair dyed while at work. you lose your mind the moment he steps through the door.
53. stay gold by @yeojaa | s
- blond!jk being a good boy?
54. crystal snow by @honeyj00ns | f
- when you join Jungkook and the rest of the guys for some fun in the snow, he can’t help but feel jealous.
55. 6:21 am by @sincerelyourfangirl | f
- in which he makes your morning extra special.
56. plan b by @btsracket | s
- dressing room quickie, unprotected sex request, use of Plan b pill
57. possession by @bngtanah | s
- jungkook is your boyfriend, sometimes you have to remind him what that means.
58. puffs and touches by @mintseesaw | f s
- “Stop doing that with your face, someone else is going to snatch you up”
59. the quiet things by @btsracket | s
- sleeping bag sex.
60. good boy by @ephemeralkookie | s
- secret, read to find out AHAHAHHA.
61. make it right by @jungkxook | a s
- you’re wholeheartedly, madly in love with jungkook and yet you shouldn’t be because it’s been almost a year since you broke up with him. worst part of it all is that you know he’s still in love with you too
62. it takes two by @junghelioseok | s
- struggling with the idea of your ex-boyfriend moving on, you enlist the help of your quiet roommate in a scheme that quickly spirals out of control.
1. picking petals by @cutechim | s 
- you asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. 
1. daddy by @btsracket | f s 
- there’s only one choice when this happens on a date out.
2. love me or we both go down by @gukyi | f s a
- after going through with an arranged marriage to please his parents and secure his inheritance of the family business, kim taehyung thinks he’s got it all figured out. he doesn’t. apparently just being married to you isn’t enough, not when everybody and their mother can pick up on the fact that the two of you absolutely loathe each other. but taehyung wants his inheritance one way or another, so he decides that desperate times call for desperate measures: the two of you need to fall in love, and you need to fall in love fast.
3. saudade by @jiminssthetic | a s f
- a demanding idol lifestyle was something taehyung and yourself were all too familiar with. it wasn’t so hard when considering your unconditional love for one another, but lately, taehyung wasn’t the same anymore; and you decide it’s time to find out why.
4. ineffable by @99liners | f
- boyfriend taehyung takes care of his sick s/o.
5. tease by @caiuscassiuss | s
- you knew you were hot. you saw how the guys looked at you, how their eyes were drawn to a tight t-shirt or short skirt. and maybe this would fail epically—crash and burn like a failed experiment—but you wanted to get under kim taehyung’s skin the only way you knew how.
6. aquarium by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // a
- life after jeon jungkook was grey. you had to find your own color, grow your own rainbow. but what would surprise you the most is the appearance of white cosmos, seven of them clutched tightly in kim taehyung’s hand.
1. yugyeom as you boyfriend by @sunshinekookie | f
- i need more yugyeom fics in my life.
1. rainy say saviour by @imsarahbum | f a
- upon seeing you getting bullied after school for being short, dongmin can’t help but step in and defend you - despite both of you not really knowing anything about each other.
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 25 - The Family Dinner [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 5300
Summary: Family time can be chaotic.
Tumblr media
Sharing secrets was difficult, but sharing secrets about one’s past was quite possibly one of the most difficult things that a person could do with who they loved. You knew how difficult it was for Spencer to talk about his past with you, but he stood by his word and told you absolutely everything, with nothing to hide. By the time you finished that conversation, it was almost dawn and yet you didn’t feel tired at all.
After that night, something changed but it wasn’t a bad change like Spencer feared.
You felt even closer to him, if such a thing was possible. In the following week, your relationship was better than ever-
Until now.
“I don’t believe this,” you shook your head, “I just… I refuse to believe this. After everything we’ve been through, I don’t even want to believe you’d put yourself in harm’s way and betray me like this. I get that you have no regard for your happiness, but doing this?” you ran a hand over your face, “This is too much, Spencer. You have no idea what you’re walking into, what kind of danger that’s going to be waiting there to ruin you!”
Spencer just raised his brows, then looked between the two ties he was holding up.
“So that’s a no to the blue one?”
“No to this whole thing!” you let out a groan, falling back to the bed, “No to this dinner with my family nonsense!”
He chuckled at your dramatics as you huffed out.
“Don’t you think maybe you’re worried about the wrong thing?” he asked, “You’re also meeting your father today.”
“But we know my father is a sadistic cruel demon sent to earth to make everyone’s life miserable,” you pointed out, keeping your eyes on the ceiling, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but my father isn’t the only dangerous person in my family.”
“It’s just a dinner.”
“No, that’s what they want you to think,” you insisted, sitting up in bed, “Before you know it, they invite you to our place by the lovely countryside, and you’ll walk in thinking it’s just like any other place, there are wolves howling outside and-“
“Why are you giving me the plot of Dracula right now?”
“Because that’s what they are!” you exclaimed, “They’re like vampires! Have you ever wondered why my sister was named Mina? Dracula’s Mina!”
“Your mother loves horror books?”
“Spencer you can’t ignore the signs!” you insisted as he started tying his tie, a small grin pulling at his lips, “They’ll- they’ll suck the life out of you! By the time the dinner is over, you will be begging to see the sunlight again, and you will never be able to. Figuratively speaking.”
“Sweetheart, I’ve already met all of them,” he said patiently and you felt your heart melt, “In case you forgot.”
“Yes, and do you remember how that went?” you asked, “Nolan threatened you, my mother treated you like she was going to hire you and questioned you about everything, and Mina… Mina is a warning by existence.”
“Kenzie was nice though.”
“Yeah, she’s the only good person in our family,” you muttered, then turned your head when you felt his glances on you. “What?”
“Nolan is a part of your family?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you scrunched up your face and grabbed your lip liner and lipstick to walk to the mirror, uncapped it and started applying it, “I’m going to have a billionaire stepfather who looks like a puppy around my mother— that’s not the point.” You put the lipstick into your purse and went to sit down on the bed again while he ran his fingers through his curls as if trying to keep them under control, “I just don’t want you to change your mind because my family doesn’t know how to act normal.”
“Change my mind about what?”
“About this,” you motioned between you and that was more than enough to make him turn his head, his brows furrowed. “I love them, but they’re going to be overly prying, overly dramatic, overly….everything and the next thing we know—“
“That’s never going to happen,” he approached you to crouch down so that he could look at you better, then reached out to entwine his fingers with yours, “That’s why you were so nervous about this?”
You pursed your lips, heaving a sigh and shrugged silently.
“Do you remember what you said to me a couple of days ago, that night?” he asked, “How trust works both ways?”
“You already know almost everything about my past.”
“That’s not it,” he shook his head, “This is about our present, and future.”
“Or lack thereof,” you commented dryly, making him chuckle.
“Do you seriously believe that?”
“They can be a little intimidating.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured you, “And no matter what happens tonight, or on dinners to come with-“
“Social vampires.”
“With your family,” he corrected you, “It won’t change anything. I promise.”
You cupped his cheek, running your fingertips over his slight stubble and he turned his head to place a kiss into your palm, nuzzling there.
“Fine,” you murmured, “Let’s go see my sadistic demon father then. Should be enough of a practice for tonight.”
When you and Spencer got to the prison your father was held in, Luke was already by the hallway, waiting for you.
“Hey,” he said, “He’s going to be ready in five.”
You nodded, “Okay.”
“And don’t worry, after you guys are done here, I’m taking him to bullpen and he will leave at 7 p.m. latest. Rossi promised, even if there’s a dead body he’s gonna attend the dinner tonight.”
You looked up at Spencer, “Wait, there was a possibility of you not attending if someone ends up dead?”
“I mean if there’s a case…”
“Please don’t kill someone so that you guys can avoid this dinner,” Luke pointed out and you made a face at him, “We took you off our suspects list way too soon.”
“Hilarious,” you deadpanned and one of the guards opened the door.
“He’s ready.”
“I’ll be behind the glass if you two need anything.” Luke said and Spencer squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you everything would be alright.
“Come on,” he coaxed and you nodded, then took a deep breath and entered the interrogation room, Spencer following you. Your father looked up, then raised his brows.
“Oh look at you two, together again,” he said and you rolled your eyes, trying your hardest not to show how nervous you were. You took your seat across from him beside Spencer, and crossed your arms.
“Dr. Reid.”
“So that’s why you haven’t had the time to come and see me lately,” your father motioned between you, “I can hardly say I approve but…”
“Oh that’s good. I’d probably kill myself if I did something you’d approve of.”
“Honey, you’re surrounded by CEOs and businessmen, and you went for an FBI agent?”
“What the fuck does that have to do with-”
“How much do you make monthly?” he asked, turning to Spencer, “I mean, I need to make sure-“
“Oh shut up, will you?” you cut him off, “He’s going to be hearing all that nonsense and more tonight, I don’t need this from you too.”
You and Spencer exchanged glances and he shrugged slightly, as if telling you to continue. A small smile pulled at your lips and you turned to your father.
“We’re having a family dinner tonight,” you said, “Naturally it doesn’t include you, so there’s one good thing about this bullshit, I guess.”
“Well, if it doesn’t include me you could hardly call it a family dinner.”
Your smile widened and you clicked your tongue,
“Nah, Nolan is going to be there so we’ll be fine. The whole family is there.”
Your father frowned, “Nolan?”
“Yeah,” you said, “Yeah, mom’s boyfriend.”
A silence fell upon the room as he stared at you for a couple of seconds,
“Your mother has a boyfriend now?”
You hissed in a breath,
“You’re right, boyfriend doesn’t exactly cut it,” you said, “He’s going to propose, so I guess we could call him mom’s future husband-“
“You’re lying,” he cut you off and you tilted your head.
“Am I though?”
“She wouldn’t get married,” he shook his head, “No way.”
A laughter escaped from your lips, “Why not?” you asked, “Because she loves you?”
“Yes she does.”
“The last time I checked, she called you a monster and was hoping you would die as soon as possible,” you stated, “Barely a love story.”
“Of course you wouldn’t understand,” he said through his teeth, “Your mother and I were in love, Petal. We still are, regardless of divorce, or this.” He motioned around the room and you blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap your mind around it.
“Jesus, you really are delusional.”
Spencer muttered your name to remind you to be careful, but you shook your head, keeping your eyes on your father.
“I’m pretty sure Nolan could buy this whole prison,” you motioned around, “I should suggest that, as a wedding gift.”
“They won’t get- hold on,” your father said, “Did you say Nolan? Nolan Yates?”
“Mm hm.”
“Nolan fucking Yates is going after my wife?”
“Ex-wife who hates your guts,” you corrected him and he gritted his teeth.
“I knew it,” he spat, “The first time I saw him at that gala, I saw the way he looked at your mother. They’re not getting married.”
“Okay then you lunatic,” you scoffed “I guess you need something to have delusions about while we’re out there moving on—“
It happened in a flash. One second you were talking, the next you were cut off as your father jumped on his feet, Spencer pushing you out of your chair to behind him almost automatically.
Then, something in Spencer’s eyes shifted.
He grabbed him by the arm, twisted it and slammed him down to the table in front of you, making you cover your mouth, your heart beating in your throat as the door opened with a bang and Luke and two guards came in.  Luke was the first to pull Spencer off of your father, telling him to let go while one of the guards grabbed you and pushed you out of the room before he made his way to your father still trying to get out of the handcuffs and lunge at them as if he was a man possessed. They dragged him out of the interrogation room to what you assumed was the hall that led to his cell while you stood still by the wall, trying your hardest to snap out of it but your mind was almost foggy.
“Excuse me,” you managed to say as you made your way to the bathroom, your hands still shaking. Thankfully no one was there, so you rested your palms on the sink, taking a deep breath before you turned on the tap, holding your hands under the ice cold water.
“Okay,” you muttered to yourself, “It’s fine. You’re fine. It happens, you have a fucked up family.”
You rolled your shoulders back, that crazy light in your father’s eyes flashing in your mind before you shook your head, exhaling slowly.
“Y/N?” Spencer’s voice reached inside as he knocked on the door, “Can I come in?”
Your heart was still pacing in your chest but you cleared your throat.
“Yeah,” you called out and he stepped inside, his lips pulled into a thin line as he offered you a small smile.
“Hi,” he said gently, still keeping his distance, standing by the now closed door. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, crossing your arms, adrenaline still pulsing through you, “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m sorry,” he said and you pulled your brows together.
“That you had to see that,” he said, “I know I shouldn’t have slammed him down like that, but when he lunged at you, I just…. I saw red. I understand that it was hard to watch and I apologize—“
“Hold on,” you cut him off, gawking at him “You’re apologizing because you stopped that psycho from lunging at me?”
Spencer frowned as if he was confused at your own confusion, and nodded.
“Yeah. Human mind is very complex, so even if you think you hate him, it could’ve been difficult for you to see him hurt, not to mention it was me who did that. Jung has a theory that states—“
“Spencer,” You interrupted him again, “Lock the door.”
His frown deepened but he did as you asked, but he didn’t get to ask why when you walked to him and pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes. His hand cradled your head, a sigh of content escaping him but he pulled back when you grabbed his tie to loosen it.
“Wait, here?” he asked, “Y/N, this is a bathroom.”
“Yeah, I’m aware?”
“Do you have any idea how unsanitary this place probably is?”
“Oh, very unsanitary,” you stated, “On the other hand, though…”
You shrugged your shoulders and pulled your silk blouse over your head, so that he could see you in your bra. He stared at you for a moment and he swallowed thickly, his eyes snapping up to yours when you giggled.
“You make a good point,” he muttered before he pulled you into a kiss and walked you back to the sink.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day wasn’t that fun, especially when it was time to get to your mother’s house for the family dinner. You had insisted on picking Spencer up from work after you were done at your work, so that you would at least try to change his mind on the road again, but when you actually arrived to your mother’s place, he still looked like he wanted to do this.
“Last warning,” you said as Spencer looked up at the house, then twirled the flower bouquet in his hand, “Not too late to change your mind professor.”
“I’ll be fine, come on,” he offered his free hand and you took it, then both of you climbed the stairs to the front door.
“I’m a little nervous, in case you couldn’t tell.”
“You hummed the Darth Vader theme for the whole road,” Spencer reminded you, “I had a feeling you were nervous, yeah.”
“Abandon hope all ye enter here,” you quoted Dante as you both reached the door and Spencer scoffed a laugh.
“Ah we went from the den of vampires into the gates of hell, then?”
“Yeah! As Dante would put it, to a place we come where nothing shines.”
“I doubt he envisioned this when he was talking about the circles of hell.” He rang the doorbell and you let out a small whine, looking up at the dark sky.
“There are worse people than me out there,” you said as the footsteps came closer, “Why am I being subjected to—“
“Spencer!” your mother greeted him as she opened the door and you frowned.
“Since when do you answer the door?” you asked and she shot you a look before smiling at Spencer.
“Hello Ms. Knight.”
“Welcome, both of you!” she gasped at the flowers, “For me?”
“Oh—yes, of course.”
“They’re lovely, thank you!” she said and took them from him, “Come in, come in!”
“No I’m serious, did something happen to Tina? You never answer the door.”
“It’s nice to see you too sweetie, I see we started our dramatics on the way.” she kissed your cheek and you smiled.
“Hi mom.”
“Let me put these in a vase.”
“Spencer!” a gleeful scream rang in the hallway as your mother went to the kitchen and Lily threw herself at Spencer who crouched down as soon as he saw her “Hi!”
“Hi there! Whoa, you’re very strong!”
“Just in time for bedtime,” Kenzie walked into the hallway with a wine glass in her hand, “Hi guys.”
“I told mommy you’re a magician! And grandma, and Nolan too!” Lily counted with her fingers, “And I told them- I told them you can make coins disappear, and that you can do magic with paper, and then—“
“Bug, breathe,” you said, “Also, where’s my hug?”
Lily hastily rushed to you to hug you, then turned to Spencer as if she wasn’t interrupted while he just watched her with a fond smile on her face, listening intently to everything she was saying, and that warm feeling spread through your stomach again.
“And then I told Bobby I know a superhero, then he told me superheroes can’t be magicians but he’s wrong! Do you use magic to catch bad guys? Because if you do, I can help you with your superhero name!”
“Alright, auntie time.” you lifted her up into your arms as Spencer straightened up, “Sorry about that.”
“No, don’t,” Spencer shook his head, still smiling, “Please, I… she’s amazing.”
“Lily,” Kenzie said, “Bed time, come on.”
“Can you show me a magic trick please and thank you?” Lily said breathlessly and Spencer let out a laugh before turning to Kenzie.
“Is that okay?”
“Sure thing.”  
Spencer took out a coin from his pocket and held it in her sight, “Alright Lily, this is just a coin, right?”
“Don’t let him trick you,” you whispered to Lily who giggled, then nodded fervently after checking the coin.
“Okay, keep your eyes on it,” Spencer showed it to her one more time before he put it into his palm, closed his palm and when he opened it, the coin was nowhere to be seen. Lily gasped, her jaw dropping and you couldn’t help but smile at her expression, her eyes shining with awe. You pressed a kiss on her cheek as Kenzie took her from you, and she let out a whine.
“But you all will have fun here!” she murmured, pouting and you heaved a sigh.
“Lily I can assure you, no one will have fun here.”
“Don’t be like that,” Kenzie shot you a look and smiled at Spencer. “She didn’t intimidate you, did she?”
“She tried,” Spencer said as you wrapped your arms around his torso and he kissed the top of your head, “Didn’t exactly work though.”
“For some reason,” you grumbled and Lily waved at you.
“Night night!”
“Good night!”
“I’ll see you later bug!” you said and entwined your fingers with Spencer’s, then pulled him to the dining room where Kenzie and Nolan were talking. Before you could even greet them, the sight of the dinner table caught your eye and you gawked at all the food there, your mother was definitely out of control and this was the proof of it.
There was enough food for a small army.
“Oh God please don’t tell me we’re going to have live music too,” you muttered and Mina raised her brows.
“Yeah, you might want to lower your expectations,” she shot a fake smile at Spencer, “But then again, that seems to be the theme of tonight. Hi Dr. Reid.”
You gritted your teeth, glaring at her and of course the jab didn’t escape Spencer’s attention, but he chose not to respond with the same sarcasm.
“Hi again.”
“Welcome, Dr. Reid,” Nolan smiled, “Y/N.”
“Hi Mr. Yates.”
“So this is where you grew up?” Spencer asked you as you led him away from them towards the library, and you nodded.
“Yeah,” you said, “Right over there me and Mina got into a fight and she pushed me into a vase.”
“Spent the next ten minutes begging me not to tell mom. Over there,” you pointed at the corner, “Used to be this huge Christmas tree every year.”
“Yeah, and we used to have another room next to this, dad’s study, but after he was arrested and we all figured out how evil he was, mom grabbed a sledgehammer and smashed the—“
“Dinner is ready!” your mother called out and you heaved a sigh.
“Just saying, we could just tell them there’s been a murder.”
“You don’t give up, do you?” he smiled at you fondly and you shook your head, Kenzie entering the living room again.
“I’ve been called stubborn before.”
“Can’t imagine why,” he joked as he kissed you on the forehead and you turned to your family who was slowly taking their seats around the table, then both of you approached the table to sit down as well.
“I’m so glad we decided to have this dinner,” your mother clasped her hands, “It was about time, wouldn’t you say?”
Spencer smiled at her after thanking the maid who was filling his glass, “Thank you for inviting me Ms Knight.”
“Y/N was trying to make him change his mind,” Kenzie sang and your mother tilted your head.
“Spencer, I promise you we’re not as bad as my daughter tries to make you believe.”
“I’m not saying you’re bad,” you defended yourself, “I’m just saying you might be a little too much.”
“Define too much.”
You gawked at her and motioned at the table, making Spencer chuckle silently beside you.
“I really appreciate the effort you put into this,” he added, making your mother smile.
“Why thank you, Spencer,” she said and turned to Nolan, “Honey, Spencer works for the BAU as you know, you should introduce him to your friend.”
“Your friend?” Kenzie asked.
“The head of FBI,” Nolan said, “That’s a great idea. He might also help you in any position you want in the bureau.”
Spencer blinked a couple of times, as if he was at loss for words, then cleared his throat.
“Thank you,” he said “I already- I already have the position that I want though.”
“Ah for the future,” Nolan waved a hand and your mother sipped her drink.
“Yeah, now that it came up,” she said, “What are your future plans?”
“Mom,” you said warningly and Mina leaned back, looking between you with a smirk on her face.
“It’s just a question, don’t be so nervous,” she commented and Kenzie arched a brow at her.
“No it’s okay,” Spencer pushed his hair behind his ear, “I um… I think I’d like to focus more on teaching.”
You lowered your glass, “Hm? Really?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I mean I do love BAU, they’re my family but seeing murders every single day, seeing all those victims, it becomes too much sometimes. But I love teaching already, so I think I will do that. In the future, I mean.”
“Oh how lovely. How about something other than your career though? In your future, would you say you’re planning to have chi—“
“New topic,” you cut her off quickly, “I saw dad today, and he knows you two are dating now.”
Your mother frowned but Nolan reached out to squeeze her hand, “It’s okay, he would learn eventually.”
“He actually thinks he is in love with you,” you told your mom and she scoffed.
“Please don’t say that, we’re eating,” she said, “I don’t want to feel nauseous.”
“It’s actually understandable that he’s under that disillusion.” Spencer said, making all of you turn to him, “Especially people in his situation, they feel this need to hold onto some outside world that’s waiting for them to get out of their minds. In a way, he hopes that because if he feels cut off from here, he will probably crash down. It’s very common in people who are imprisoned.”
“Well he can hope all he wants, I never want to see him again.”
“I’m sure Y/N doesn’t want to see him again either, but she’s not that lucky, thanks to FBI. What do you think about that, Spencer?” Mina asked, and Spencer looked at her.
“I think that’s a decision left to her.”
“Is it though?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Mina I need you to remember what I was like when we had dinner with Kenzie, and return the favor.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means shut the fuck up.”
“Y/N!” your mom gasped and Mina tilted her head.
“Ah well, excuse me if not all of us are in a forgiving mood unlike you.”
“None of that!” your mother said, “Both of you, honestly…”
“Spencer, you strike me as a whiskey guy,” Nolan said, attracting his attention, “I purchased a bottle of limited series in an auction in London the other day, would you like to try it after dinner?”
“Sure,” he nodded fervently and you held up your hand.
“I want to try that too. And what about that rum you were talking about the other day? Is it here too?”
“Sure thing.” Nolan snapped his fingers, “In fact, I know a great distillery, why don’t we visit there after dinner?”
You lifted your head, “That could be fun. Where?”
“Costa Rica.”
Spencer looked between you, “You—um, you want to go to Costa Rica after dinner?”
“We could take the jet. We’d be back before the dawn, obviously.”
“People,” you cleared your throat, “Has no one read the normalcy manual I e-mailed you the other day?”
“Yes but the manual said we could talk about drinks.” Nolan said and Spencer turned to you, frowning.
“Normalcy manual?”
“I just thought it’d be useful for tonight.”
“Oh it was very useful,” Mina commented, “Especially the footnote about murders, even if it was unnecessary. No one will joke about murder Y/N, we don’t want your boyfriend to arrest you again after—“ she was cut off as Kenzie kicked her leg under the table, and Spencer pursed his lips, as if he still felt guilty about that.
“I wasn’t in the city,” he said calmly, looking her dead in the eye, “I came back as soon as I heard, I was trying to get her out when you got there.”
“You don’t have to explain anything,” you said, “Mina , stop it will you?”
She didn’t even look like she heard you, “Get her out? Ah so that’s why I walked into that interrogation room when she was being hounded by your team?”
“Okay!” Kenzie said loudly, throwing the napkin on the table, “I’m so sorry, I just remembered something about Lily’s school that we missed. Babe, can you come with me to the kitchen for a moment please?”
Mina huffed out and put her glass down, then pushed her chair back and followed Kenzie to the kitchen.
“Honestly….” you downed your drink and motioned for another one but then Spencer squeezed your hand under the table, as if trying to assure you.
“I bet you miss the serial killers right now huh?” you mumbled and he tilted your head, humoring you.
“Drinks are better here,” he admitted and you tried to smile before you grabbed your cigarette pack from your purse.
“I’m gonna go to the backyard for a moment to smoke,” you said and your mother shot you a look.
“It’s dinner time, Y/N.”
“It’ll take like five minutes, tops,” you said and pushed your chair back, “I need some fresh air anyway. Spencer?”
“Sure, I’ll come with you,” he said and followed you down the hall until you reached the door to the backyard, opened it and stepped outside.
It was a silent night, as silent as it could be in the middle of the city. You looked up at the stars as you lit your cigarette, then heaved a sigh and leaned back to Spencer’s chest when he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I apologize on her behalf,” you said and he shook his head.
“You don’t have to,” he muttered, “She has a point. I should’ve… I should’ve been there, in that interrogation room.”  
You looked up at him, then reached up to run your fingernails over his slight scruff while he lowered his head to press his nose into the crook of your neck, nuzzling there.
“Spencer, you need to stop blaming yourself,” you said slowly, “I mean it. I don’t blame you for that at all— and….you know Mina. She just turns into someone else when it comes to protecting the family. She doesn’t mean it, not really.”
He nodded silently and you combed back his hair with your fingers, making him heave a sigh.
“This is nice,” he muttered and you let out a small laugh.
“So are you ready to admit that I was right?”
“I said you would regret it, do you regret it yet?”
“The dinner?”
He shook his head “No.”
“Why not?”
His arms around you tightened and he pressed a kiss to your neck, “Because you’re here.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours and you stubbed your cigarette before you turned to him. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but stare at him under the dim lights of the backyard before you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his.
“God, I love you so much,” you said, making him smile, “Thank you for being here and… I don’t know, going through this absolute torture. I know it’s a lot.”
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone, “I need you to listen to me, okay?”
You nodded, looking up at him.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” his voice was silent, almost hesitant, “To make you happy. You know that, right?”
You could feel the burning in your eyes and you sniffled, your heart skipping a beat before you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his chest. The rest of the world felt like it disappeared as you swayed from side to side, inhaling his scent and you pulled back.
“I know now,” you wiped at your nose, clearing your throat and he pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Good,” he grinned, “Glad we cleared that out.”
Someone knocked on the door and you turned your head to see Mina as she opened the glass door.
“So about earlier,” she leaned sideways to the doorframe, “Apologies and remorse, etc.”
“That means she’s sorry for what happened earlier,” you said helpfully and Spencer scoffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said, “I get it. Trust me, I felt exactly the same when I saw the tape, but I was trying to get her out with minimum damage.”
Mina nibbled on her lip, eyeing him up and down.
“I guess,” she said, “But just so you both know, mom and Nolan are actually planning a weekend trip to Costa Rica. It’s like what happened with Kenzie all over again, only there’s two of them now.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you muttered and Mina nodded at Spencer.
“Yeah so you might need to tell them you have murders to solve during the weekend Sherlock, because they’re not going to listen to us.” she said and Spencer looked down at you.
“I’ll be there in a second,” you said and he pressed a kiss into your hair before making his way inside. Mina lingered there for a moment, inspecting her fingernails in a complete nonchalant manner.
“I guess I could trust you to know what you’re doing,” she said, “Just make sure he doesn’t screw you over, okay?”
You raised your brows, then clicked your tongue.
“Kenzie said no sex unless you apologize huh?”
“She meant it too!” Mina whined as you walked past her, letting out a laugh.
“Unbelievable,” you shook your head with a smile, making your way to the dining room. “All of you.”
Chapter 26 
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