ironbonds · 2 years
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"Don’t you believe me?" { To Knuckles! } || @heroichedgehammer || angsty question starters ( accepting )
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" I don't. " It hadn't been a very good start to the Resistance. They'd had Sonic one moment, and then Knuckles had to drag their mutual little brother away from where Sonic had gotten himself beaten to a pulp. A few weeks passed, and all had been going well until their insistence that Sonic was no longer among the living...
Honestly, he was surprised he'd put up with them for that long.
" Tails 's fine. He c'n make a death ray out of paperclips, and he knows we can't take out that jackal without some help. If anything, kit's probably safer away from us. " The Resistance was a target, a rather large target despite their hidden base. All it would take is some well placed torture and anyone could give up their position.
Tails was too stubborn to let the jackal or even Eggman do anything to him while there was a chance for him to find his brother safe and sound.
And while the echidna needed to be realistic to lead a veritable army, there was definitely a part of him that wanted nothing more than to ditch it all and help his brother find their lost family.
" We leave him alone. He knows how to take care of himself, and I doubt he wants to see us right now. "
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spiinsparks · 2 years
         SURPRISE  ETCHED  OVER  THE  hedgehog’s  features.  less  so  because  of  amy’s  proposition  ,  and  moreso  because  —   ❝  y’know  ,  i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  done  one  of  your  readings  before.  ❞  sure  he’d  seen  her  do  it  for  others.  he  definitely  knew  she  had  a  talent  for  it.  somehow  it’d  slipped  his  mind.
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            ❝  how’s  it  supposed  to  work  again?  ❞
@heroichedgehammer​ / starter call !
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lowhowl · 2 years
@heroichedgehammer​ | Liked for a starter
    Whisper cracks open an energy drink, and leans over her desk in the corner of Restoration HQ’s main office. She wasn’t posted here- far from it- but she was more than welcome to stay if she was passing by, and so she was.
    More importantly, on her mind, was the map she’d been looking over for this last week of scouting. It’d been dead quiet. Absolutely nothing- not even a single badnik. This would be cause for some measure of celebration for most, but for Whisper? It didn’t stop her from continuing to go out and spend all her time keeping an ear to the ground. Even now, she drains half the monster in one go, and just sighs as she taps a pencil against the side of her head- staring at this damn map. 
    That is, until Amy approaches her little desk. Usually empty, most days- but right now, there were three empty cans of Monster, a fourth in her hand, and a lot of papers filled with scribblings and observations about things she’d seen, information she’d stolen from stealth ops into Egg bases- and nothing but work.
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    “ . . . ? “     “ Everything okay . . . ? “
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@heroichedgehammer​ liked!     /     amy & surge!
Surge knows EVERYTHING about Sonic.
She was BUILT that way, can’t even remember learning — but there’s a sharp, high - pitched pain the back of her head when she tries, the sort that always comes when trying to recall something that Starline TRAINED OUT OF HER.  It doesn’t matter — she knows who this is.  AMY ROSE, one of Sonic’s most important people.
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Surge was built to beat Sonic, not to be the smart one, but — Drippy’s back at the base where she’d left him, and she ain’t STUPID.  No, no.  Sonic wants to act like she’s some kinda villain...she can lean into that.  AND THE VILLAIN ALWAYS HURTS THE GIRL TO GET AN EDGE ON THE HERO.
The tenrec’s beside the heroine in an instant, that speed of sound closing the distance lightning quick.  “Howdy,” she greets, casual, hands shoved into her pockets.  “You’re Amy Rose, right?  I’ve heard lots about you.”
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heartlop · 2 years
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h0ptimists · 2 years
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achancetobehappy · 2 years
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@heroichedgehammer​ said: "Oooh, your voice is so pretty! You should be famous!"
The blonde hedgehog ducks her head a little, sheepish laughter falling from her chest.
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“ You really think so ? I suppose I had a lot of time to practice .. ”
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burningresolve · 2 years
@heroichedgehammer​ said: Amy will be in her driveway, uninvited, arms full of christmas- 
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⠀⠀               so you are telling me that over one night one man somehow visits every home on the planet to deliver presents, thereby also breaking and entering homes?
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timelocker · 2 years
“Oooh, *costumes?* I love making those too! What kinda stuff do you guys do?”
“ DEPENDS ON THE OCCASION ! our usual outfits are already PRETTY ICONIC where i’m from, an’ most of our efforts are put into keepin’ our INSTRUMENTS fresh an’ offerin’ a TOP NOTCH ATMOSPHERE to our audience. ”
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“ but we ain’t against SPICIN’ IT UP once in a while ! ‘specially for BIG PERFORMANCES that we’ve planned waaaay ahead. like the one they did RIGHT IN FRONT of that jerk’s castle ... ooh, that was a RIOT. ”
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greaterspeed · 2 years
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Does your muse, whilst fighting...
fight honourably  / fight dirty  /  prefer close - quarters /  prefer range / chat during / go silent /  low pain tolerance  /  high pain tolerance  /  attack in bursts /  attack steadily /  go for the kill  / aim to disarm  /  fight defensively  /  strike first /  provoke easily  / provoke their opponent  /  tease  /  get visibly frustrated  /  shout while attacking  /  use strategy /  focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly  /  fight calmly and/or apathetically  /  fight with anger /  fight with excitement  / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to  / fight without regards to wounds /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalised weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  / prefer brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  /  fight as they appear  / rely on strength /  rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly /  brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics /  use brute strength  /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings  /  avoid damaging surroundings  /  signature fighting style  /  making it up as they go  /  mastered their skillset  /  learning their skillset / fancy footwork  /  sloppy footwork  /  messy fighter  / elegant fighter /  accept defeat /  refuse defeat /  beg for mercy  / compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls )  /  move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge  /  prefer to block  /  defend their blindside  /  has no blindside  /  use all available advantages ( ex: use a gun but also throw punches, kick out while blades clash, etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly /  show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain  / fear killing / has ptsd /  avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight  /  has killed  / refuses to kill  /  want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly.
Tagged by: @heroichedgehammer​ THANK U <3 Tagging: steal it from me and say i tagged u if you haven’t done it already!
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archive-gaiaplanet · 2 years
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@heroichedgehammer ━━ ✰ . "Oooh! Cream! Don't move!" For a butterfly had daintily set itself right between Cream's ears—a polaroid moment if Amy ever saw one. The effort to both hurry around in front while not doing so too suddenly or loudly gave her stride a silly, prancing look. She squatted, her face scrunching in concentration as she carefully aimed her camera. "Dooon't… mooove…!"
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❝ Huh? ❞
Cream was sitting on the soft grass below, legs sprawled out as she had been working on eating the lunch Amy packed for the two. In the middle of biting one of the tea sandwiches, the girl felt something just barely settle on her head. Small hands lower from her mouth to rest on her lap-
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❝ Oh! Miss Amy, there's a butterfly on my head! ❞
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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            ||. ...  watching  amy  and  knuckles  freak  fight  be  like  ...
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lowhowl · 2 years
↳ what loot items do you drop?
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COMMON:  A singular ring. She’s not very wealthy.
UNCOMMON:  8 cyan prisms. They reflect light almost like a mirror.
RARE:  A wisp capsule! The wisp slips out and flies away before you can do anything with it. 
EPIC:  A wispon mask. One of a kind, it allows you to communicate with Wisps. This feature seems to be disabled at the moment, though...
LEGENDARY:  A faded out photo of a young wolf standing between her parents. The edges of the polaroid are a little scorched, and the father’s face is almost entirely burnt out.
tagged by: @/heroichedgehammer ! 
tagging: grabs you
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@heroichedgehammer​ : "Surge! Surge, wait!" Amy had to shout from there, but she was giggling as she plodded her way down the snowy hill with her snowboard under her arm, closing the distance between them.
"You have a pinecone in your quills," she tittered, rising daintily up onto her toes (and sinking a half-inch into the snow by doing so) to reach past Surge's ear for it. "Let me just—!"
Surge keeps thinking about it — has she ever heard anyone use her name like that?
Not fearful / Kit, Sonic, Starline at the very end / or furious / Sonic, Starline / or judging / Sonic / or holier - than - though / Sonic / or WORST OF ALL, PITYING / Sonic.  Not horrified or disgusted, but — happy?  And without the edge of frantic drowning that Kit’s voice so often held.  Happy / happy / MAYBE JUST NORMAL, like Amy and Surge are just friends, like Amy is less than a hero and Surge is anything more than a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
Her head jerks up at the sound of her name, and she thinks her tail is wagging — she does her damndest to tamp down on that, GAIA BELOW THAT’S HUMILIATING — and a brow quirks, her own board shifting under her arm.  This boarding thing’s been a breeze, and FUN, too — running should be fun, too, but it’s just another way for her to be a weapon — and she smiles, easy and cocky and almost relieved, as the hedgehog makes her way nearer.  She smiles, right until —
A reaching hand / her smile drops, eyes widening and teeth barring / she winces back and away from the other, eyes wild.  MIND BREAKS / NOT AGAIN, NOT FUCKING AGAIN — a reaching hand / a vision of a cruel smile and a glove around his fingers, the hissed, mocking syllable of SLEEP.
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Amy’s hand snaps back / AMY’S HAND, NOT STARLINE’S.  Amy’s hand, who’s never hurt her / but it’s just a matter of time, isn’t it, because everyone and everything exists to hurt Surge / the way Starline or Sonic have.  Amy’s hand.  Amy, who’s looking at her like —
Who’s looking at her with an expression Surge can’t name and doesn’t want to.
(  she’d hurt kit for flinching, once, ‘cause that was WEAK and they weren’t allowed to be that.  but she’s just as fragile.  pathetic.  never enough.  )  
“S - Sorry,” the tenrec mutters, struggling to force the panic out of her voice, and Starline — the one who lives in her head — is back, of course, as if invited by the brief memory.  He stands at her shoulder, tutting, disapproving.  NOT REAL.  SURGE IGNORES IT.  “Jus’ startled me, I’m all good.”  She tugs the pinecone out and fries it in her trembling hand, just for good measure.
Beside the panic, Surge is surprised to realize she’s afraid — not of Starline or Sonic, but of AMY ABANDONING HER FOR SOMEONE WHO ISN’T SCARED OF BEING TOUCHED.
“I’m good.  We’re good.”
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resolutewarrior · 2 years
{ There's an overall vibe to your Shadow that I enjoy. You balance his ego with his pain in a way that really works, and I always look forward to seeing him on the dash! Also, small detail: love the inclusion of him using Chaos Heal in your headcanons. Good touch! }
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」     * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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aAA, thank you sm!!! I know a lot of people forget his moves from Sonic Battle, but I really liked them. They gave names to some of his moves, like Chaos Snap, which we see in the opening of his game. But like, Chaos Heal is so important!!! Shadow was created to help and heal and he’s got an endless amount of healing Chaos Energy inside him, so he can heal you. He can and will save your life. This is a threat.
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h0ptimists · 2 years
Another windy day... Another mundane day as he trended through the thick forest; sword in hand and expression hidden. Despite the quietness of the forest; it only made the warrior unease, as it usually meant trouble was brewing in the background.
And ensure enough, he was right when a creature jumped out of the brush and tried to rip him into pieces with their claws... However, he was fast and blocked the incoming attack before swinging his sword at the creature and knocking it down in one strike.
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He looked at the creature for a moment before walking away with a frown on his face.
Dust from Dust An Elysian Tail
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