#( thread 🔺 privacy or safety )
ironbonds · 2 years
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"Don’t you believe me?" { To Knuckles! } || @heroichedgehammer || angsty question starters ( accepting )
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" I don't. " It hadn't been a very good start to the Resistance. They'd had Sonic one moment, and then Knuckles had to drag their mutual little brother away from where Sonic had gotten himself beaten to a pulp. A few weeks passed, and all had been going well until their insistence that Sonic was no longer among the living...
Honestly, he was surprised he'd put up with them for that long.
" Tails 's fine. He c'n make a death ray out of paperclips, and he knows we can't take out that jackal without some help. If anything, kit's probably safer away from us. " The Resistance was a target, a rather large target despite their hidden base. All it would take is some well placed torture and anyone could give up their position.
Tails was too stubborn to let the jackal or even Eggman do anything to him while there was a chance for him to find his brother safe and sound.
And while the echidna needed to be realistic to lead a veritable army, there was definitely a part of him that wanted nothing more than to ditch it all and help his brother find their lost family.
" We leave him alone. He knows how to take care of himself, and I doubt he wants to see us right now. "
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