#hero archetrope
yureipunk · 8 months
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Hero Archetrope - a archetrope identity for when one is or is like the archetype/trope 'Hero', or otherwise heavily identifies with or experiences this character model in a way that is central to their identity.
etymology: hero, archetrope (link)
requested by: @pwuppiboy
[ID: 4 rectangular flags, the 2nd and 4th being identical to the 1st and 3rd respectively, but without the symbols. the 11 stripes of the 1st go up diagonally, forming into a triangle in the centre, and are of varying sizes; thick, medium, thick, thin, thick, thickest, & mirrors. the 13 stripes of the 3rd flag are horizontal and of varying sizes; very thin, medium x5, thickest, & mirrors. the colours of the 1st flag go as such from top to bottom and mirrors: dark purple, dark lavender, lavender, dark red, red-pink, pastel yellow. the 3rd flag is the same, but with darker purple on the first and last stripes. the symbol on the 1st flag is in the bottom centre while the 3rd flag has it in the centre, and the symbol is a circle with two water droplets, one filled and the one behind it an outline, with cracks near the bottom. the symbol is coloured dull gold. End ID]
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gyalnextdoor · 2 months
The Gal Next Door Came By。She Left This For You、Dear。 ✚ 𓈒 ᴗ)
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📘  ー  Heroic Loser Flag。
A Flag For Losers Who Act Heroically。This Can Mean A Loser Themed Hero、A Hero Who Is A Loser Off — Duty、A Loser Who Acts Heroically Towards Other Losers、ETC。
💉  ー  Coinfight Attack On @rwuffles + Tagging : @coinfight。
。。。O7 Points ? Ai Think ? (*´ω ` *)
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a-dragons-journal · 1 year
On Questioning An Archetrope
So I'm turning over the concept of a potential paladin (or something similar) archetrope in my brain now.
I have... kind of always viewed myself as a guardian. I've been the Mom-friend, the one people go to for advice, for practically as long as I can remember. I have a protective streak a mile wide, partly due to my territorial instincts from my dragonself. I don't really want to talk about it publicly, but suffice to say that growing up I had what I would now, for lack of better words, call a rich imagined reality wherein I (and my few closest friends, though I hung onto it the longest) was a capital-G Guardian, a hero of blade and armor, a protector of the world.
Later on, in high school, those same friends and I took on a more realistic protective streak, primarily in the form of a habit of adopting girls who a) had just been through bad breakups and/or b) were being harassed/stalked by creepy boys and literally bodyguarding them throughout the day. I still fantasize about scenarios where I get to protect people, often strangers, on a regular basis, for no real reason other than it makes me feel good. I want to be that. I want to be a protector, a shield and sword for those who need it.
My first D&D character was a paladin, and a fairly stereotypical one (although not fully Lawful Stupid). Shail is a tiefling who was abandoned at a temple doorstep as a baby after they were born, raised by one of the priests as their father, and later took up arms after being inspired by a visiting paladin and took the Oath of Devotion. They were my first experiment with they/them pronouns. I am realizing their choice of class may also have been a bit of projection.
I don't know how much of this is inherent to me and how much is something I chose and how much is something I want to choose.
A brief tangent: it so happens that I very recently saw the musical Man of La Mancha, which is based on Don Quixote. While I was vaguely familiar with the story of Don Quixote, I'd never actually read or seen it in full in any form until now. I did not expect to be as touched by it as I was. Don Quixote is... for all we often make fun of him for the windmill incident, ultimately I think Don Quixote is someone we could all stand to learn from, and perhaps even to aspire to. To stubbornly, doggedly, adamantly adhere to honor and justice and a view of the world where good prevails in the end, to fight for what's right no matter the odds, to swear yourself to these things despite the way the rest of the world laughs at you - perhaps the world would be a better place if more of us were Don Quixote in this.
"A quest?" "How you must fight? And it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, if only you follow the quest."
"To dream the impossible dream. To fight the unbeatable foe. To bear with unbearable sorrow. To run where the brave dare not go. To right the unrightable wrong. To love pure and chaste from afar. To try when your arms are too weary. To reach the unreachable star."
Perhaps the recency of this exposure to Don Quixote, and my thoughts and feelings about it and about him as a character, is influencing how I'm reacting to the exposure to archetropy. Or perhaps my reaction to Man of La Mancha is indicative of my resonance with Don Quixote as someone I would argue has an archetropal identity (if of the Knight Errant rather than of the Paladin, though the two really aren't that different) himself. Perhaps both.
Either way, I think it's an admirable thing to take up such a mantle in the face of the world's cruelties - to take up the Guardian's armor and sword again, illogical as it may be, and to aspire to such a lofty ideal as this despite the way the world may consider it foolish or daft.
(And there I go getting poetic prose-y again. Perhaps that's also part of why the paladin archetype appeals to me, ha. I have been known to monologue.)
Even my job can be argued to fall into the paladin - a healer, a helper, a servant who at least tries to value The Good Of The Patient above all else. it's not quite a guardian role - but then, a paladin is often a healer as well.
On top of all of that, there's the fact that when I, out of curiosity and experimentation, put a major problem of indecision I've been facing regarding my current job hunt through the lens of "what would a paladin do," it immediately answered the question with "wouldn't let the difficulty of the task scare them off." Which didn't completely solve my problem, but solves a good solid chunk of it.
So it appears that this may be a helpful tool for me. Even if the thought of "what would Xenk Yendar do" is a slightly silly one. (And yes, Xenk Yendar is an extremely good representation of what paladin looks like to me - and perhaps it's telling that I really latched onto him as a character almost instantly upon watching Honor Among Thieves.)
Perhaps my one big hesitance to latch onto the paladin archetype is the religious connotation of a paladin - while I suppose my relationship with Asclepius could qualify, under the "paladins are also often healers" thought, Asclepius does not cover most of what draws me to the paladin archetype. But a paladin doesn't always have to be religious; in D&D paladins technically draw their power from their oath, Xenk Yendar comes up as an example of a paladin who doesn't obviously seem to have a particular god, and besides none of the alternative archetypes I'm finding or coming up with fit quite as well. The Knight Errant is close, but requires wandering in a way I am thoroughly uncomfortable with (I am still a territorial beast at heart) and also implies seeking evil rather than defending from it.
So... perhaps that's not as big a block as one might think. I'm going to chew on this a while longer, and I'm certainly open to suggestions on similar archetypes for my consideration, but... I might have tripped into a new alterhuman identity. Oops.
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aestherians · 1 year
Hero's Lament
Inspired by Vyt's "Archetropy" panel and Rani's "On Questioning An Archetrope" essay
Word count: ~600
Estimated reading time: 4-5 minutes
What is a hero? Someone who fights for glory, fame, and wealth? Someone who fights for the greater good? An idol or icon? A humblebragger? Someone who saves cats stuck in trees and never speaks a word about their deeds?
Yes, all of that, and more.
'The Hero' is an archetype as old as humanity itself, and it speaks to desires that live in all humans (and nonhumans raised by humans). To be loved, to not live in fear, to aspire for something better, whatever that may be. To make the world a bit better.
The Hero is a paradox; a walking contradiction. Her greatest desire is peace, yet she lives and breathes conflict. What will the Hero do when the war is won? Find a new fight? Or stop being a hero?
Life is one conflict after another, and I complain when I can't get a moment's rest - one issue is solved, two more take its place, like Heracles battling Hydra. Except, the Hero doesn't win when he kills the Hydra. He becomes restless, aimless, pointless. What do you do when the quest has ended, but 'questing' is in your blood and bones?
I complain about my endless battles, but peace leaves me frazzled, more than anything. When I'm at war, my existence has a point - when I'm at war, I can rest in my existence. When I'm at war, I know my role, and my endless search for a unified identity takes a break.
When the Hero is at war, the Hero is at peace.
What, then, does the Hero fight for? Not for the greater good, but for self-fulfillment? That is the original meaning of the word:
A hero is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength. [...] The original hero type of classical epics did such things for the sake of glory and honor. Post-classical and modern heroes, on the other hand, perform great deeds or selfless acts for the common good instead of the classical goal of wealth, pride, and fame. The antonym of hero is villain. "Hero," Wikipedia, retrieved today
What sets classical heroes and villains apart is not our motive - we are both just fulfilling our nature. What sets us apart is outsiders' interpretations of us. We are classified, less by our drives and desires and our actual feelings, and more by how strangers like or dislike us.
What makes me a 'hero' is not my drive to act. It's my desire to be liked. My fear of being disliked. Like the villain, I crave conflict in life, but unlike the villain, I only join conflicts where I have decent chance of coming out the other side looking good.
But it comes at a cost. Can you believe it? That concerning yourself with being appealing to others, and with joining the conflicts others want you to join, has a cost?
The Hero is an idol. The Hero fights, because fighting is her lifeblood, but the Hero fights for others, because simply joining random street fights won't win you any love or fortune. And because the Hero fights for others' sake, the Hero is idolized. And idols don't have personhood.
The Hero reduces himself to an object, because being a well-like object still beats being a maligned villain. The Hero sacrifices autonomy for acceptance. Heroes don't exist without idolatry and objectification, in the most basic sense of the words. The Hero may as well be a helpful footstool.
But at least, at last, the Hero is liked.
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therianomalocaris · 1 year
the othercon archetrope panel really made me think more about my own archetypal identity and i think i'm gonna call it like... the Dark Prince?
i guess i can just call it The Prince because that's what i am, in a homestuck sense. but i feel like saying "yeah i'm a Prince" conjures way softer images to most people than the sheer force i have in mind when i say it. but maybe adding "dark" in front of it feels too edgy and too inherently evil?
the thing that comes to mind for me is, an oppositional force. ruling over something, not as a necessarily evil person but definitely not in a benevolent way. using your power over the thing you rule to your ends, to bring down whatever it is that would try to stop you. there's a militaristic sense to it, because "prince" comes from the roman title "princeps" that when used alone most often designated centurions in command of a unit.
or, in a more general fiction archetype sense, a character who is a young masculine royal and opposes the hero in a significant way. right now the only characters i can think of are Prince Zuko from atla and Prince Lotor from voltron though... idk i'm just rambling, it's a part of my identity i haven't really thought about as much.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Jaguar & Tezcatlipoca's Reunion Photo Tour!
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Commentary: You can consider this a spiritual successor to Babylonia Omake: Jaguar Man's Último Adios.
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Jaguar PELIGRO!!!
You thought I was out of Jaguar Memes? You're wrong! I just saved the best for last.
As a loyal minion of Tezcatlipoca, Jaguar Man joining up with Quetz is kind of like the pet (or No. 2) of the villain shacking up with the protagonists for an episode. It's a cute change to the dynamic, but you know it can't last because that mutt's only really doing that out of convenience until the status quo kicks back in.
So Quetz treating her with suspicion is pretty justified. They've been enemies for an entire mythos and she knows that Jaguar's only trying to kiss up to her because her usual boss isn't around.
Likewise, I'd like to think that Jaguar wouldn't mind getting a good hit in on Quetzalcoatl before scampering off back to the Throne and the Court of the Smoking Mirror. At least, that's how I like to regard their dynamic.
This comic and its punchline were partially inspired by this X-Play sketch. Anyone else remember X-Play? Good times.
The title of the comic is a reference to "Mi Ultimo Adios", the final poem of Filipino writer and national hero Dr. Jose Rizal.
While Cabron technically means "male goat" in Spanish, it is usually used as a catch-all expletive/insult. Please don't recklessly say it in public. I wash my hands of the mater.
Jaguar puts the (True) label after her boss' name to further distinguish him from how his four fellow creator gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochti and Xipe Totec are alternatively known as the White, Blue, and Red Tezcatlipoca respectively.
Tony the Tiger and Star Trek references. Couldn't resist. Sorry.
We'll be going back to the regular schedule after this strip. I hope you enjoyed these back-to-back marathon miniseries!
Do you guys prefer to call not!Taiga "Jaguar Man" or "Jaguar Warrior"?
orojuice commentary More Primeval Villain + Cat Archetrope Adventures! Had this idea since LB7 dropped, but I could never get Georgios to look right for the lead-up panel. That is until I remembered that CE of his. Finding that red waterfall background was also a huge boost since initially, I just placed a blood splatter on the final camera shutter background before the last panel would show the same background before that but without the duo. Much more fun this way. For Quetzalcoatl. According to the 8th Anniversary FGO interview with the creators, the giant robotic ghost that Tezcatlipoca summons for his NP sometimes? Apparently, his illustrator Shou Tajima was given complete freedom to do whatever he wanted for the Sun God's Third Ascension so long as he followed the specifications for the first two. The robotic ghost was his initial submission for that. And yes, this Third Ascension Tezcatlipoca was always that big. Nasu and the other creative heads liked it a lot, but they couldn't find a way to feasibly program it into the typical three Servant line-up. Mr. Tajima was asked to make a more typical Third Ascension in its place. However, while they couldn't have it in the game as a playable sprite, they did model it for use in Tezcatlipoca's First and Second Ascension NP sequences. So if he had, theoretically, transformed into that to fight Quetzalcoatl in this comic, he could've produced roughly this much blood.
spacebattles comments
Mash: Jaguar Man! Tezcatlipoca!
Fujimaru: D-D-Did you just take pictures of a m-murder?
Georgios: That's the scary part, Master. I didn't.
Fujimaru and Mash: Huh?
Georgios: Those pictures you're looking at? All of them were taken at the same spot at roughly the same time. It was supposed to be a photo of them enjoying their day in the city. Then, when I took more shots, I got those images. (shudder) The whole thing just creeps me out. I'm thinking of brining my camera to a temple to have it cleansed or something along the line.
Mash: What could this mean, Senpai?
Fujimaru: I'm not s-
Jaguar Man (passing by): Oh boy, nya! I can't wait to go on that hiking trip! Just you and me, Tez!
Tezcatlipoca: Yup! Just the two of us in the woods! No one to bother us as we enjoy ourselves! Wait, what about Coatl?
Jaguar Man: Nyot to worry! I sent her on a wild goose chase across the Sahara Desert!
Tezcatlipoca: Ha ha! What an idiot!
Fujimaru, Mash and Georgios: …
Georgios: Umm … guys? Do you think that my camera could have been taking photos of the future?
Fujimaru: Georgios? For our remaining sanity, please just drop the subject.
Georgios: But-
Mash: Senpai said to drop it.
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txmpus-edax-rxrum · 10 months
welcome to my kin blog.
my main is @chronolxtry
below are all of my tags for each kintype, which will be updated with new ones if they pop up. this post is also tagged with all of them, so you can just look through this list and click below.
aesthetic - #aes
stimboards - #stim
art - #art
textpost - #txt
original posts - #time mutters
time deity/conceptkin - #horologium
felinekin/domestic cat kin - #felidae
hunter archetrope/hunterkin - #the hunter
ice conceptkin/objectkin/deitykin - #glakiat
big catkin (white tiger, snowleopard) - #panthera
knight archetrope/knightkin - #in shining armor
nekomatakin - #vengeful
demonkin - #azazel
vampirekin - #sanguine
android/robotkin - #unfeeling
mae borowski (night in the woods) - #borowski
polyblank (jazzpunk) - #blank
nepeta leijon (homestuck) - #leijon
enderman (minecraft) - #the end
lugia (pokemon) - #burned tower
the batter (OFF) - #purification in progress
stephen stills (scott pilgrim vs the world) - #stills
dirk strider (homestuck) - #dirk
dave strider (homestuck) - #dave
umbreon (pokemon) - #moonlighting
arceus (pokemon) - #a thousand arms
ruv (friday night funkin) - #ruv
chien pao (pokemon) - #chien pao
sniper (team fortress 2) - #headshot!
ghoulkin (general, tokyo ghoul)/kaneki ken (tokyo ghoul) - #spider lily
hero of time link (legend of zelda: ocarina of time and majora's mask), dark link, and fierce deity link - #hero of time
trainer red (pokemon) - #mt silver
mangle (five nights at freddy's) - #taken apart
princess luna (my little pony: friendship is magic) - #insomnia
twilight sparkle (my little pony: friendship is magic) - #dusk
finn harmaajarvi (dungeons & dragons oc) - #lilium
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fallen-and-holy · 1 year
uhhh questioning an archetrope bc identity can never be easy can it??? /rt It would be an archeguardian bc, well- i've always been a Guardian. As an angel, and as a Fallen, i was a Guardian of the outcast bits of humanity. I was designed to be a Guardian, created for that purpose, though humanity was not the ward that was given to me. No, i chose humanity for myself. To protect is something that was woven into my very essence from the Beginning.
As a nokken, i was the guardian (lowercase, it was never truly official) of my river, and the swamp it led into. In a somewhat feral way, because it was my territory and to an extent a part of me. the humans that lived relatively nearby knew that it was Off Limits, unless you brought a proper gift and minded your own buisness. And if a human decided to move in, as long as they respected the swamp, they'd also go under my protection.
As a dragon, i was the protecter of my thunder/pack, and of our territory. it wasn't much of an official 'job', just me stretching out metaphorical wings to encompass and guard what was mine.
and now,, i still feel like its my job to protect. It feels baked into my DNA, it feels like it's what i was brought onto this earth for. To protect and guide those who dont have anyone else. To find my pack, my people, and to keep them safe. It feels like,, a part of me.
idk if its an archethrope or just,, a coincidental line up of guardianship in past lives? or some hero complex fkjhlakj- but yeah i'll be thinking abt this for a whileeee
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herd-of-creatures · 1 year
The cycle of denial and becoming hyperfixatied on something is so real
So anyways how do you do fellow archetrope and conceptkin!! i personally am a hero archetrope and paradox conceptkin 🖤💛
Since both tags can be somewhat empty and these two are more so universal types for the system, I would LOVE to talk more about each on this blog
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twinkthing · 2 months
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cassie hcs ⸺
cassie from crush crush is ply queerhet, xeamel, twink girl, magicaen, & magacaeian, who is hero & magical girl archetrope, fairy regressor, & dragon dreamer, who uses any pronouns with a preference for they/she!
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nyctohyloph0bia · 3 years
🐾Welcome to my alterhuman blog!
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Hello! We are 🌺Reko [ it/he ] , 🌕 Cyrus [ he/him ] , 🌘 Yuro [ he/him ], hosts of the Cabin In The Woods Hub 🌲. We are bodily 19 as of 2024 and our collective name is 🌲Woodland [ No pronouns, use determiners (the), or just it/its ].
Please read our CARRD (guidelines, requests, my ALTH identities and more!) , my likes n' stuff come from @woodlandscab1n , previously known as "itsmeowmeowtime"
-Last updated: 06/08/24
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✒️📖 Journaling and plural blog on @scribere-diurnus
💾🎬 Fictionkind blog on @bolts-n-fingerguns
🏛️📜 Currently working on an archiving blog and website named The Alterhuman Hub! Check this tag for updates!
🎨 Dividers by @spectral-pup and @sable-dream ! Check 'em out!
🐾🌊Rainfang pack member. (on hiatus currently!)
🌟Tiny pack member.
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🌿 Identities !
🌺⊶‣ Polymorph. Russian sable, Cacuraptor, Mountain Nyala, Wolf, Coyote, Cryptid Cat, African Wild dog, Leopard Seal (?).
🌺⊶‣ Sonic "Spikes" The Hedgehog, Leon S. Kennedy fictionkin. Both canon divergent. I'm sort of a fableing for Spikes, only label that seems to describe what I experience.
🌺⊶‣ Wolfhearted, canine parahearted.
🌺⊶‣ Interanthrope, polymorph stuck in a humanoid form. Might change as I discover more about myself. Probably a delusion? Not sure!
🌺⊶‣ Shonen protag, hurting hero archetrope.
🌺⊶‣ White Fang, Sonic Unleashed talehearted.
🌕⊶‣ Physical werewolf therian (hell-wolfhound). Holothere. Fully a werewolf in all ways. Could also be described as an extranth.
🌕⊶‣ Questioning Death from Never After as fictionmere.
🌕⊶‣ Half fictive of Cyrus "daímó hunter" RE AU.
🌘⊶‣ Songkin. A whole genre/theme of music, mostly rock vocaloid or any sort of rock.
↑ For more alth identities and info on my kintypes go to my carrd ! ↑
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📜 Important posts n' playlists !
Posts I feel either proud of, coining of terms or has relevance.
📅🌌 - 30 Days Of Alterhuman Art Prompts.
💘📖- Coining of Talehearted ¦ 🔄🌌- Coining of Gendermorph ¦ 🎏🐺 - Werewolf Therian flag ¦ 🎏🌌- My personal Otherkin flag ¦🌺🎨 - Re-coining essay of Astylic.
💖🌟 - You are Otherkin, You are valid. ¦ 🐾🐕 - Very important message (VERY!!!) ¦💖💫 On Voluntary Nonhumanity , Part two.
🎶📼 - Pack inspired , General Therian inspired , Stray/Feral/Carnivore inspired , Cryptic horror inspired , Winged inspired
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🔖 On the go tag list !
💌- #info - information on alterhuman stuff
🎨🐾- #kitty cat art - my art!
💬🐾- #kitty cat rambles - my crazy ramblings, it's most likely alterhuman related
💬❓ - #kitty cat answers - an answer to an ask, feel free to ask or say anything to me, i do not bite! most of the time...
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🔖💭(Almost) The Full Tag List , Warnings included
📷🐾-#kitty cat media - op picture that is not art.
🎨💬- #kitty cat request - it's a requested doodle, goes hand in hand with my art tag!
🎶🎧 - #kitty cat playlists - custom playlists
💟🪔 - #kitty cat moodboard - custom moodboards!
🔮🕒- #packed up and ready to go! - Queue/Scheduled !
🗣- #discussion - alterhuman related discussion and/or discourse!
🐾 - #community - interaction with the community; people looking for traction on something important, just looking for friends or me interacting with my friends!
🌴 - #tips - DIY gear, 'kin euphoria inducing practices, general being in touch with your 'kinness :]
����- #positivity - For those days that you need to remind yourself to be happy about your identity, make you feel validated and loved. :]
🛑 Warnings (in media or text)
I will tag the following general triggering content:
⚠ personal vents , fictional violence , (non-fictional and fictional) animal death/injury, (moderate and up, fictional or non-fictional) blood , hunting, bug, suggestive content, eyestrain, gifs , flashing.
Misc triggering or concerning content:
⚠ (fictional or not) animal aggression , (non-fictional) outdoor cat, (non-fictional) prey-predator interaction, (nonfictional) anthropomorphism, ex: probably a cute, harmless animal video or post which only crime was putting human emotions on it.
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yureipunk · 8 months
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Anti-Hero Archetrope - a archetrope identity for when one is or is like the archetype/trope 'Anti-Hero', or otherwise heavily identifies with or experiences this character model in a way that is central to their identity.
etymology: anti-hero, archetrope (link)
requested by: @pwuppiboy
[ID: 4 rectangular flags, the 2nd and 4th being identical to the 1st and 3rd respectively, but without the symbols. the 11 stripes of the 1st go up diagonally, forming into a triangle in the centre, and are of varying sizes; thick, medium, thick, thin, thick, thickest, & mirrors. the 13 stripes of the 3rd flag are horizontal and of varying sizes; very thin, medium x5, thickest, & mirrors. the colours of the 1st flag go as such from top to bottom and mirrors: dark purple, dark lavender, lavender, silver, light silver, off-white. the 3rd flag is the same, but with darker purple on the first and last stripes. the symbol on the 1st flag is in the bottom centre while the 3rd flag has it in the centre, and the symbol is a circle with two water droplets, one filled and the one behind it an outline, with cracks near the bottom. the symbol is coloured grey-ish gold. End ID]
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yureipunk · 8 months
could you please coin a hero archetrope , villain archetrope & anti - hero archetrope? thank you in advance if u do mewtie ... :33
all have been queued!
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