#hero and villain dynamic
azul-nova-24 · 4 days
Do you want to watch a movie so gay that even if the main character is paired with someone of the opposite sex, it’s still incredibly gay? Then you need to check out Dhruva (2017).
It’s about an aspiring cop with a secret evidence lair that rivals any queer, neurotic scientist’s evil hideout. The entire movie revolves around him being so obsessed with putting the villain behind bars that he starts stalking the villain's every move, like a character from a Telugu movie obsessing over their love interest.
But wait, there’s more. In the second half, the villain discovers that the hero is stalking him and decides to get revenge by stalking the hero in return—by attaching a recorder/tracker right above his heart to hear his plans, especially after the hero gets injured and needs surgery. Is it just me, or does this sound intensely gay? It's almost like the characters are falling for each other. There are several moments where both the hero and the villain are genuinely impressed by each other’s intelligence.
Also, don’t miss Dhruva because Ram Charan delivers a phenomenal performance as the cop so obsessed with catching the villain that, by the end of the movie, he even asks the defeated villain if they’re interested in teaming up to catch other criminals.
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knight--error · 3 months
A random scenario or trope I love to see in fiction is when character A has been beaten to a pulp, totally brought to submission, and is about to be finished off by character B, but before it can happen, C, a much, much weaker character, steps in B's way and says something to the effect of, "I won't let you do this. If you insist on it anyway, you will have to go through me."
You often see this used as a way to humanize villainous characters—or make "heroic" characters much less heroic. In either of these, A is more heroic, B is more villainous, and C is someone B holds dear, usually a child. This can come across as very heavy-handed if done poorly, but when it's executed well, whether A relents or not, it's a gut punch. Seeing your downed enemy, knowing victory is yours, knowing the struggle is over, only to be brought up short by the realization that the person you just defeated is just that. A person. So maybe you stop, you reconsider; or maybe all your considering is done, and the hammer has to come down. Great drama either way.
Personally, I think it's even more interesting and dramatic when it's the hero who is down, and the villain is brought up short by a display of this kind. That's when things get really tasty, because it implies all manner of internal conflict. Your villain isn't the sort to simply blast through a vastly inferior obstacle—why? Is it the power imbalance that makes them think? If C were a fighter in their own right, would your villain just blast through them at once? If C is a child, is that the only thing saving their life? Or is it the simple and powerful display of love that makes them realize they've gone astray?
The power imbalance between A and C—whatever moral lines A falls across—is the real meat of the matter to me. C stands without a hope, without a whisper of a prayer of success. They have put themselves directly between the gun barrel and the person they love, even though they know that bullet can punch straight through them and still hit its mark. All they can hope is that their willingness to sacrifice themselves can make A pause, just for a moment.
Another excellent twist of the knife is when B is conscious enough to try to get C to leave them behind, to not sacrifice themself for B. When C is young, this is especially heartbreaking, because it usually takes the form of B insisting they'll be alright, and they just need C to turn away, go in the next room, go outside—because all B can do is spare C the sight of what's about to happen.
It can also be very effective if C and A have a connection, maybe even a more intense one than C has with A. In that scenario, it's usually C trying to pull A out of a morality spiral before they hit the event horizon, which is great climactic stuff.
I think the thing that makes the whole scenario interesting is how power shifts along unusual lines. C is the weakest of the three, but for a moment, they are the crux of the scene. Then that power passes back to A, because what happens next is up to them—but it's no longer a physical fight, like it was just a second ago when they took down B. It's a moral one. What are you going to do? Are you going to do the right thing? Is the right thing to take down B, whatever else happens? Or is the right thing to not hurt C, even if that means B leaves this place alive? All very juicy stuff, very fun.
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wiingdings · 6 months
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cat people
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nutsack90 · 2 months
just a normal girl
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Obsessed with villainous displays of affection.
violence on their beloved's behalf.
deranged compliments and praising bad deeds.
stealing nice things for their beloved.
jealousy and possessiveness.
encouraging their beloved to be worse.
crimes together.
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text-ink-png · 2 months
The hero looked around the alley and startled as they saw two amber eyes staring right back at them. They cautiously backed away, hoping that the villain would at least give them a chance to explain.
"I've been waiting." The low rumble of the villain's voice brought goosebumps on the hero's arms. They were truly in trouble. The villain's usual jovial mood and happy demeanor were nowhere to be seen.
Oh no, they were truly in trouble.
"Look, I-" The hero fumbled, wringing their fingers nervously. "I know I messed up. It was just too nerve-wracking. Going against my mentor...I tried but honestly the pressure caught up to me. I was thinking that I was all alone but I was still trying, but then the media showed up which meant it was live and everyone was-"
"How is your leg?"
"Huh?" The hero stopped blabbering and looked at villain's face. The villain's face did not give away any signs of anger but it almost seemed...worried? No, the shadows from the street lights must be messing up villain's face.
"Your leg. I watched the broadcast and you took a terrible fall. Let me look at it."
The hero hurriedly stepped back as the villain reached for their leg. Was this some other kind of punishment for messing up? The hero had often heard rumors of the villain's brutal methods. Was this one of the tortures?
"Hero" The Hero stilled, shaking in fear as the Villain stood in front of them, daring them to take another step. They flinched as the villain bent down to observe their leg. They felt a warm hand rest on their knee. Oh lord, were they going to snap their knee?
The hero relaxed as they felt warmth seep into their leg from villain's palm. Right, they had heard about villain's ability to heal. The warmth seemed to be pressing a comforting hand to their back as if beckoning them to take rest.
The hero felt their body hit the ground but felt no pain. No, they felt as if they were in heaven, floating through clouds while angels sang in their ears.
One such angel looked down at them and shook their head. They ruffled hero's hair and whispered, "What am I supposed to do with you?" The angel was truly beautiful.
Oh, the hero must be in some kind of trouble.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
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there’s a universe where forces in a tails centric game where we follow him as he grows into his own hero i can feel it in my bones
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whatthehellami · 11 months
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artwork is not mine
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yourheartonfire · 2 years
"Hello! If you are receiving this, [medic] has missed their daily deadman switch check in. All client information will be released in 12 hours."
For a second villain stared dumbly at the text on her phone. Then she bolted from her desk towards the door. It was 10:17 - a taxi would be faster than the metro at this hour to get to midtown -
"Hey!" their coworker said, pulling out her airpods. "Where are you going?"
"Medical emergency," the villain snapped and slammed out the office door.
A precious 29 minutes later the villain arrived at the medic's apartment to find a motley gathering of capes and masks shuffling and looking suspiciously at each other in the hall. There was an air of a 2am fire drill - few supers operated on daylight hours, especially not the low to mid-powered supers the medic took on as clients, and the whole event had the awkward feel of meeting your neighbors in their pajamas.
The vigilante wore their normal black of course, but in the daylight the denim was faded and the jacket obviously cheap pleather. On the villainous side there was that grimy little clown themed duo in plain white face paint instead of their full make-up. For the heroes there was that kid goody-two-shoes try-hard - of course she'd rolled up in full uniform, minus the normal tracker camera the Hero Agency mounted on all its people now. And hero, the villain's nemesis, was there too, having jammed on the cowl and gloves over his t-shirt and jeans, just like villain had over her business clothes. He was standing in the doorway, and visibly sighed in relief as villain turned the corner.
"Oh thank God you're here," hero said and wasn't that terrifying that he had nothing flirty or snarky to say about villain's suit.
The goody-two-shoes did a double take. "Her?!" she snapped, even as she rocked her weight nervously from leg to leg. "You were waiting on her?"
"We sure weren't waiting on you to do something useful, cupcake," the female gremlin drawled from where she slouched against her partner on the hall floor, flicking her knife through her fingers.
"Yeah, didn't realize medic was a pediatrician too," the male gremlin giggled.
"Knock it off." The hero stepped aside, opened the door. "I kept them out, kept the scene clean for you."
The goody-two shoes groaned, buried her head in her hands. "This can't be happening."
"Quick, did someone bring a pacifier?" one of the gremlins stage whispered.
The vigilante pointedly stepped over the two clowns, forcing them to jerk backwards or take a combat boot to the face. "We're assuming this is about us," they breathed to the hero and villain. "What if they got hit by a bus? Dropped dead of a heart attack?"
"No reports from the hospitals or morgues of unidentified persons matching medic's description," Villain said curtly. "Checked on the way here. No communication to or amongst medic's friends and family about an emergency."
Goody-two-shoes blinked. "You... know [medic]'s real identity?"
"And that is why we were waiting on her," hero said patiently. "Now everyone shut up."
The villain curtly nodded acknowledgement, stepped into medic's apartment though it would not be necessary. The medic had disappeared from the street, at some point after they'd used their debit card to buy their usual black coffee at 7:04am and at some point before they'd failed to badge in at work by 8:15am. Still, the villain did a quick scan. The little homemade exam/treatment area had been freshly cleaned, the trash emptied. The tablet and laptop were missing from their docking station, but the go-bag was still in place under the desk.
"Y'all are gonna give me a minute with [medic] when we find them," the male gremlin drawled. "This 12 hour deadline is bullshit. They said we'd have 24 hours if they missed a check-in."
"You're not getting shit," the vigilante growled around the toothpick they were chomping.
"And they shortened the deadline because I told them to," villain said, breathing in the smell of antiseptic and bleach. She'd also told the medic to set the deadman switch to every 8 hours, not every 24, but the others didn't need to know that.
"You what?!" said the gremlins and the goody-two-shoes in unison. The vigilante choked. Even hero looked startled.
"I advised them to consider how long they could hold out under torture to reveal the abort protocol," said villain, using a tongue depressor to lift a latex glove from the kitchen trash. "I'd say medic was pretty generous. Speaking of generous, I've seen enough." She pointed to hero. "Last person you referred to medic and when?"
Hero tilted his head, realization blooming. "You," he said to villain. "Nine months ago."
One of the gremlins pointed to vigilante. "We did you! We did you last Arbor Day!"
Vigilante sighed and jabbed a thumb at goody-two-shoes. "The kid," they sighed. "I dunno when. Summer?"
The goody-two shoes swallowed. "Um," she said very quietly.
As one, the group turned to the kid. She froze, eyes going wide behind the mask. "It was - I didn't mean to!" she cried, backing up. "Just - he noticed the scar and realized it wasn't sanctioned medical care and I - and I - !"
"Okay, slow down," said hero gently, shooting a warning look to the gremlins who were both holding knives and on their feet now. "Who did you tell?"
The goody-two shoes' shoulders collapsed. She looked miserably at her toes. "Superhero. Yesterday."
Everyone flinched.
"You idiot," the vigilante breathed.
"We're going to kill you," the female gremlin said to the goody-two shoes. The male cracked his knuckles. The hero took a deep breath and pushed the goody-two-shoes behind him -
"Save that for 12 hours from now," villain said briskly and dropped the glove back in the trash. "We've got just under 11 hours to find where Superhero's got medic stashed and mount a rescue before our identities and medical records are splashed all over the internet. And frankly, I think it's going to take every single one of us to meet that deadline."
The six of them looked at each other in the shadows of the hall. The hero mustered a grin. "That's why we're all here, right?" he said. "Instead of hiding or running. Medic's saved all of us- now we save them."
"They didn't save me, I wasn't dying," one of the gremlins muttered. But no one walked away.
"Right," said villain. "Let's do this."
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the-modern-typewriter · 8 months
hi! i adore your writing!! please consider this a request for a bit you'd like to write! a coupon, if you will, to use when you have a story that you're itching to tell, or when you need to put words on the screen but don't feel like using a prompt. please snuggle some kitties, drink a big glass of water, and have a bright and lovely day <333
"You didn't try to stop me," the once-villain said.
The hero glanced around, though they weren't surprised to see the familiar figure standing on the other side of the room. They turned back to the cracked window, lit cigarette dangling between their fingers. They exhaled a mouthful of smoke.
"Would there have been a point?" the hero asked.
"You normally find one. Morality, yada yada. That pet peeve of yours."
"Mm. How bad off are they? Can I send a doctor down or is it, like, more of a clean up crew situation?"
"Why didn't you stop me?"
"Did you want me to stop you? Or try to?"
The villain crossed the room to stand next to them, leaning over the window too to catch some of the fresh night air. Their hands were perfectly steady, but a little white, on the sill. "I'm merely surprised you didn't."
"I don't approve, if that's what you're asking."
"Of course not."
"But I guess I understand, given what they said. There was no way you weren't going to retaliate," the hero shrugged. "And I...I don't know. Maybe I'm just not that stupid."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, I feel icky."
"What a day."
"You didn't answer my question."
"They're not dead," the villain said. "As much as they'd deserve it."
The hero could feel the villain's gaze trained on their face, intent, probing. Something else that the hero would have to glance over again to read, but didn't quite dare to.
"Oh?" they managed.
"Figured you probably wouldn't like me killing them," the villain said, lightly. "Is that why you left? Because you already knew you'd got in my head?"
The hero snorted, even as their heart stuttered. "I had no idea what you'd do."
"No idea at all?"
"Eh, hopes. Dreams. Vague aspirations. Again, I'm not stupid enough to have expectations for you. You'd take it as a challenge."
It was the villain's turn to snort.
"Are you alright?" the villain asked.
"I'm pretty sure I should be asking you that, or something."
"I'll be fine."
"Well, fine, then."
A small silence stretched between them. The villain snagged the cigarette, taking a drag, before stubbing it out. Their hands shook a little then. "Disgusting habit."
"Bite me."
"Are you going to be fine?"
The hero glanced over again, before they could stop themselves. The villain's expression was not exactly soft, but it was somewhere in the ballpark of affection. Dangerous. Confessional. Too full of understanding on exactly what it meant for the hero to have done what they did, and why.
"I'm going to see about that doctor." The hero straightened up, squaring their shoulders. "Don't wait up."
But, of course, the villain did.
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fleur-a-whump · 2 months
Overloaded (#1)
Preventative Measures
so like. this is a thing. been toying with this little guy in my head for a few weeks and like, almost nothing is concrete but I'm hoping I'll turn it into a series.
content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, just like a LOT of manipulation, collars/collaring, referenced electrocution, low self esteem, subtle threats, guilt trips
I've never done this before, let me know if I missed something!!
masterlist | next
Villain has finally been given a chance. A chance to prove he's more than what the whole city has always thought of him, more than what his father raised him to be. He wanted to do good in the world. The heroes were finally giving him a chance to be more than they've always thought of him. 
...or so he thought.
He gulps as he stares at the shock collar in Team Leaders hands. It's a small thing, sleek and unassuming. But he knows exactly what it is because Team Leader had shown him how it worked.  The man is currently speaking to him nonchalantly. Villain should really be listening to the hero that holds the key to a better life. But that collar... shakes Villain's faith in Team Leader. Just a little.
"Villain," the man says shortly. Impatiently. Shit.
Villain jumped to attention, nerves only growing worse. 
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just-just a little confused. I thought... I was a part of the team..." He tries to keep the heartbreak out of his voice. He doesn't quite succeed. 
"If you'd listen..." the Team Leader sighed deeply. Villain was going to throw up. 
Team Leader began again, speaking slowly as if to a child. Or a stupid person. Villain thinks he fell into the latter column. "I was just saying this will help you better mesh with the team. I'm sure you've noticed people are a little nervous with you around."
Hostile. Villain would use the word hostile.
"Given your past, everything you've done," the man drawled. Villain can't hold back a wince. 
"So, to ease their worries, and allow them to see how great I know you can be, this is just a little precautionary measure. A bit of a show."
Ryan swallowed thickly.
"So... It wouldn't be used..."
He tries to keep himself from thinking about electricity burning the sensitive skin of his throat as it shoots down his spine and into his skull to paralyze him. He's familiar enough with the feeling; he doesn't need to imagine it.
Team Leader gives him an easy smile. "As long as there are no issues, of course not."
"Oh, stuff that'll never happen. Just breaking any of the rules."
Villain arched his brow, slightly dubious. "Rules.”
"Yeah, like, follow orders, don't fraternize with any of your old contacts, don't leave our level, don't work unsupervised, don't harm the team. Stuff you've been doing this whole time."
"Wait, don't leave the level?
"I mean, that's pretty obvious, bud. If we can't see you, we can't know that you're following the rest of the rules."
He nods mutely, gaze wandering. this whole thing just. He didn't know. It hurt.
Team Leader gently tilted his head up. "Villain, I'm only doing this because I trust you. I know you'd never do anything that could jeopardize your place here."
He doesn't trust that Villain is a hero though, obviously. That he's good. Because Villain could never be good. Not now. Not after all he's done. 
No, he can only hope to do good. And the only way he'll be able to do that is with the team. If this is what it takes to ease his team into working with him, if this is what it takes for him to stay, then he'll do it.
"Atta boy, Villain! I knew you could do it, man."
Villain nods, trying to give him a smile.
Team Leader moves towards him all too quickly, and he can't help the flinch. The man doesn't seem to notice—or at least he doesn't acknowledge it—and is soon once again gently tilting Villain's chin up from where it had fallen. 
Villain fights the urge to lean into the touch.
While he's distracted, Team Leader swiftly brings the collar, already disengaged and bent open at the hinges, and presses it to Villain's skin. 
Villain jolts at the cold metal and fights to swallow as it's closed around his neck.
The locking mechanism clicks right up against his spine. He can't help the shudder that trickles down his back at the finality of the sound.
"I'm so proud of you, bud," Team Leader says with a big smile and a ruffle of Villain's shaggy curls.
The tightness in his chest eases, just a little. A little part of him flares in anger at how easily he's comforted. He doesn't deserve the comfort.
But he's trying. The collar now fit snuggly around his neck, like it was made for him, is proof of that.
ps ex-villain whumpee on the hero team but whumped by the hero team is my all-time favorite trope and it is so hard to find I have finally hit the point of needing to produce my own story to scratch the itch
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markantonys · 1 year
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the forsaken are Extremely Normal about rand
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ruthless hero who destroys everyone verbally, doesnt take shit + chatty villain who just grins and loves banter(if its not too much) have a great day!
The hero swallowed.
Although the gun was shaking in their hand, they took in a deep breath and steadied their mind. No time for second thoughts.
This was it. They’d been searching for the villain for weeks now. They’d finally found them and they were not going to let them escape again.
“Oh?” the villain asked. They eyed the hero carefully, as if the hero was the object of their attention instead of the gun. They were sitting on the couch in their lair with all the casualness in the world. “Aren’t you a little too confident for your own good, darling?”
“Aren’t you?”
The villain cocked their head and the grin followed as so often. They stood up slowly and raised their hands but despite their actions of surrender, they were clearly mocking the hero.
“Mhmm. That’s how it is, I see. How spunky you can be…”
Determined, the hero took their handcuffs and threw them into the villain’s direction. Even though the villain seemed to be more confused than intrigued, they caught and inspected them.
“Cuff yourself,” the hero said.
“Gosh, you can be so kinky.”
“And you’ll be bleeding out in a few seconds if you don’t do as I say.” Their grip around the gun tightened. It didn’t matter that the villain had saved them so many times. It didn’t matter that they were occasionally nice.
It didn’t matter because the hero had a job to do.
They had to arrest them.
The villain rolled their eyes.
“All bark, no bite.”
“Would you like to find out? I recall breaking your arm pretty easily,” the hero said. They were aiming at the villain’s shoulder and slowly, very slowly, their anxiousness faded. It was a job like every other.
A villain, just like all the others.
Shooting at them in this moment seemed irrational. They weren’t a threat nor were they extraordinarily provoking them. Of course the hero knew it would be difficult to explain to the team how the villain had surrendered without much of a struggle.
They had to find a solution to that later.
“Mistakes happen in the heat of the moment. I understand you were distracted by my muscles flexing during the fight.” The villain was in a good mood, as so often. But the hero could also sense some sort of uncertainty.
It was in the movement of their fingers that traced the handcuffs. In their restless eyes that went over the hero again and again. If they wanted to admit it or not, the hero had surprised them.
And that was something the villain absolutely despised. Surprises. Not being in control. Not knowing what happens next.
“I can assure you it was intentional. Your muscles aren’t that special.”
“Ouch.” The villain contorted their face as if they were truly hurt. The mockery should’ve made it easier. But it didn’t.
The hero turned off the gun’s safety.
“Handcuffs. Now.”
“Fine.” The villain cuffed themselves, one wrist after the other. Once they were finished, they stretched their arms out and presented themselves. “Am I not the sweetest present?”
“The most annoying, definitely. Sit down.” The villain did as the hero commanded and leaned back, pushing their hips forward. Lounging like that was definitely not what the hero wanted them to do.
They’d been chasing the villain for weeks and they were determined to put them behind bars. Whatever had happened in the past, it was gone now. The hero had let go of it and could only pray the villain had done that too.
“We’ll wait here until my team arrives.”
“I suppose that’s enough time for me to escape. You know you love our little hide-and-seek game.” Their smile was genuine and sweet. The hero didn’t know what to make of that.
“No, this is it. It’s over. I can’t let you go.”
“But you will. You’re still so soft for me.”
“You’re really not as important to me as you think.” Then why are you hesitating?
“You’re not as cold as you think,” the villain said. “Not when it comes to me.”
They jiggled with the handcuffs. The hero could hear their own pulse.
“Just tell your team it was a good fight and I escaped, hm? Just like last time,” the villain suggested. Sweat was running down the hero’s back. Their fingers were ice cold.
“I cannot do that.”
“You’ve done it before, darling,” the villain said. “As long as I can walk, I can still escape. You know I’m skilled enough to do that.”
“Then why are you still here?”
“I enjoy my time with you,” the villain said. They looked at the ground. “…and I still have feelings for you.”
The hero felt sick in their stomach.
“I wish you hadn’t said that.” Suddenly, the hero lowered their gun and pulled the trigger. They couldn’t let them escape again. They couldn’t put their own feelings before their responsibilities. As soon as they pulled the trigger, they regretted it.
Their heavy heart sank fast.
They hoped one day they could forget the villain’s reaction when the bullet entered their knee. That stare of utter fear and betrayal. That scream and those tears of pain.
But that would haunt them forever.
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shadowgale96 · 3 months
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I’d like to think Megamind goes on to support Metroman’s music and they become better friends. Megamind would watch and like his videos of him singing. He’d leave positive and encouraging comments (even if there’s no other comments or all the other comments are negative). Megamind would go to his events to support him even if no one else came. Cheer for him at any gigs he gets. Meanwhile, Metroman’s just happy doing what he loves even if it’s not received well. But he does appreciate his new friend (former foe) being there to support him as he is and not the hero everyone else wants him to be. 
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jasontoddsguns · 14 hours
Soulmates, but in the way that we are both distorted images of each-other, a reminder of who we could’ve become if we had taken a different path. We will inevitably die at each other’s hands- both attempting to destroy our antithesis.
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
Villain monologue? Excuse me I am infodumping to you about my special interest and my special interest is death traps, machinations, and machiavellian plans.
You'll find that if you've paid enough attention to my interests, you'll be able to escape your inevitable death at my nefarious hands, and we can start building a relationship out of this.
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