#hero ⚜️
linkstem · 5 months
We're the LOZ members of our system!
You can call all of us collectively Link and use he/him but we do have our own names and pronouns, we'll be tagging our posts with whoever wrote it :]
Headmate Directory
Rei (he/it, the host + not a fictive)
Blue (he/him, most active fronter)
Red (he/they)
Green (any pronouns, gatekeeper)
Vio (he/they)
^ These four might use a collective "four" tag, but they want to clarify they don't fuse or split into one person like Linked Universe, they're specifically the manga version of the heroes of light and are always four different people
Link (he/they/it, could be called Toon or Rinku to avoid confusion, mute)
Wind (he/him)
Legend (he/bee)
Hero (he/bee, younger Legend introject)
Fable (she/her)
Revali (he/him)
Ravio (he/him)
These three are from Little Nightmares rather than Zelda but they're most comfortable in this space ⬇️
Six (they/them)
Runaway Kid (he/him)
Mono (he/it)
Link's house - random posting, chatting
Hero's trials - vent tag
Courage tag - comforting things we like
Wisdom tag - resources / things we deem important
Power tag - stuff we think is COOL AS FUCK
Kokiri art club - art tag
Please do not tag our content as these or send us posts supporting them, as they make many of us uncomfortable!
Hero of Legend x Princess of Legend Zelink
Wind Waker Zelink or Telink
Ravio x Link/Legend
Feel free to ask any of us questions about ourselves or opinions on source facts or headcanons, or even just being a fictive!! It's not uncomfortable, if anything it helps us :]
If you like our art consider following our other blogs!
@reisgeis for Undertale
@alchemicalrei for Disney
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Headcanons for Zev and Rolan to tide you all over until I can nail down a plot for the poll winner fic.
How they take care of Tav
The grumpy wet cat of a man is a little less grumpy and wet when Tav is tired or hurting.
If they're returning home after a long road full of fights and sleepless nights, Rolan takes a gentle approach.
After making sure they have something to eat and drink in front of them, he's drawing them a hot bath.
If they return with more severe injuries, then God's help Tav.
Scolding and fussing, cursing, and name calling.
He does it out of love, we know this.
Still feeds them and draws them a bath.
Helps remove their armor, all the while tutting and making aggravated comments about "always playing hero" or "can't go a day without a fight" even though tav knows he doesn't mean it.
Once they're in the bath, he sits beside the tub
He'd like to join him, but the tub isn't that big, and when there are two people, his tail gets painfully twisted
He talks them into comfort, what Cal and Lia have been up to, how things are at the tower, and stories about the threw siblings growing up.
Uses his long, glorious nails to really help scrub Tav's hair.
Purposely dumps the water over their head to help rinse without letting them cover their eyes.
Immediately feels bad when they yelp in pain.
Coos and helps rinse it out, pretending be just wasn't thinking.
After the bath wraps them in soft sleeping clothes and puts them to bed (mother hen, who?)
When Tav asks if he's joining them he replies "now now, I've got things to do. You sleep, I'll be back later."
And he does, once Tav is sleeping.
He watches then for a moment before sighing at their bruised Visage and whispering things about "my poor angel'
Curls up behind them, holding them tight.
Tails wrapped around their leg and arms squeezing them.
Falls asleep beside them, holding them like he can protect them from the life they've chosen.
Has almost certainly been either on the road with his beloved Tav or staying in their camp
He knows he said he'd like to retire in the city, but once he realized he loved someone who was such a menace to their own health, those plans went right out the window.
Fighting by their side is part of his way of showing care. Watching their back, shielding them from harms way, even if they scold him for it later.
His approach to love and care is so much more obvious than Rolan's.
Constant loving stares and words of affirmation, reverence to the person who dared show him kindness and love that he though he didn't deserve.
And when the day is done and a browbeaten Tav returns to him, he's got a hand on their back or an arm around their waist in an instant, leading them to the fire to eat and relax.
Watches carefully as he makes sure they eat least one full serving of their meal. Tail wagging in pleasure when they do.
Humming old Eltural lullabies while helping them clean up by whatever stream or river is near.
Brushing their hair is his favorite.
Once in their tent, he's pulling blankets over Tav and urging them to sleep. Strokes their hair until they are.
Stays up after they're resting, watching them, watching the camp for danger, enjoying the stars.
When exhaustion finally wins, he's back in the tent, curling up in a protective little ball by their side closer to the tents entrance so if anyone tries to get in they'll trip over him and wake Tav.
If Tav is ever severely injured, Avernus take this man, he is a wreck.
That face he makes when the guy gets shot by goblins in the Grove? That immediately followed by tears and sobs.
Even if it's not life-threatening, he's on this knees at their side and begging them not to go.
The most careful and methodical medical treatment Tav has ever received followed by the most protective and clingy Zev there's ever been.
He insists on doing everything for them now. He won't let them in harms way again.
Just a sad, overprotective, DILF of a paladin who loves his Tav.
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pursuitseternal · 4 months
“A Night with the Ascendant:” truths revealed and a delicious punishment is served
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Ascended Astarion x F!OC (Lumina) |E| 5K
Summary: While the Master’s away, Lumina decides to take matters into her own urchin hands. Hooded and cloaked, she finds the book she seeks on the Lower City streets… but Lord Astarion finds her, too. She is willful and reckless and disobedient, and a fitting punishment is required.
CW: Grieving AA, Half-truths, manipulation, orgasm denial, Lumina fails her charisma and stealth rolls, “borrowing her bf’s clothing” for nefarious purposes, AA having too much fun for the first time in centuries.
Previous Ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
Chapter 4…
Lumina was everything he ever dreamed someone could be—beautiful, willing, submissive. It was so easy to give her that final ingredient to remake her in his image, to dominate her so thoroughly. It shouldn’t have even felt like manipulation or deception to that matter, she drank the chalice of his blood so eagerly. He remembered the deep scarlet stain on those satisfied lips, the aftertaste of his power in the richness of his blood that lingered on her tongue.
But if she was so entirely his… why did it bother him to no end? He missed that edge of control, to compel her and weave his way into her brain like the beautiful marionette she had been. Where control and order once dictated his life, now all was replaced with… whims and desire.
With her smiles and her guile and her intelligence and her willfulness.
He hadn’t counted on such willfulness. Even if it was to insist on calling him hero. Hells. Heroes didn’t live forever with unrivaled power, needing to spend eternity numbing the pain of life. Heroes laid peacefully in their graves when all was said and done.
Graves like the five cut headstones that spread before him. They had never been this quiet, not when they were alive. The silence of the graveyard grinded at his resolve, eroding that perfect veneer of power and control crafted over two glorious centuries. He was weak right now, remembering the way his eyes would hurt as they rolled back every time Gale rambled… or the edge of sassiness in Shadowheart’s voice when she was peeved… or even Karlach’s hyena call of a laugh.
Instead there was only silence, the growth of moss on their stone tombs, and the rot of time on their remains, the same uncheck grinding of time that had swept them away and left him. Alone. Unaltered and untouched.
For the first time in ages, he stood in the wash of their memories, the ghosts of their voices and laughter and criticism and ferocity. In a moment, he would steel himself over once more, return to that visage of power and dominance and untouchability. But for now, he stood in silent remembrance, his damnable beating heart feeling the sting of emotions he had worked so hard to banish. Loss… grief… affection… desire…
A flash of bright blonde hair and crimson eyes passed through his mind. A tug at their bond that she was somewhere in the city, somewhere up to mischief and no good… if she was this petulant and unruly, why did he love her…
Hells dammit. He had remade her into something new, something even he had yet to experience in his centuries of vampirism—his Bride. But what was it she was remaking him into now?
Hungry for him, she paced between her suites and his sumptuous chambers. But there was one thing for which she hungered more—knowledge. What in the hells was she?
Every few turns around the room, Lumina paused at the window of his bedchamber, its arching frame overlooking the gardens, and the Lower City beyond. Creeping ivy trellised its way up the ancient stone walls. Every one of her urchin instincts screamed to escape—to reclaim the sun and discover all she could about her new abilities, to try to uncover more about her hero, her tyrant, and her love. She needed information, research.
She needed books. Or at least one. One to unlock what strange transformation had taken place to grant her safety from the sun like him.
How many times had she touched that green leather-covered tome, The Curse of the Vampyr? If only she could run to any book seller, Upper City, Lower City, surely she would find that book or… better yet… one that detailed the tether of a Master and Spawn. Fingers itched, mind whirred. She needed to taste her freedom, to learn what he wouldn’t divulge. Perhaps he would be impressed by her ambition, perhaps he would punish her for defiance.
But he wouldn’t begrudge her that freedom in the sun, not after all that she had just read about his past. Not when it was the same sweet prize he had sought and won to become the magnificent lord he was now.
He could be gone for hours, for all day, she decided. Sharp crimson eyes darted to his wardrobes packed with clothing. Practical clothing. Pants and tunics and cloaks. Maybe just… a quick rummage. Her light, little fingers danced over the rows of his garments, hoping to find something not too ostentatious or decadent. Black velvet trousers tied snug above her hips, a black silken chemise that wouldn’t reveal too much of her breasts with that low-dipped v cut—she was ready to climb and find her quarry.
Shoes slipped off, she knew it would be an easier climb barefooted, besides it’s how she had spent most of her time on the streets anyway. One leg out the window, and Lumina held her breath, that sunlight on her skin invigorated her. It bathed her, warmed her pale skin for the first time in weeks… it made every vein beneath her alabaster skin glow blue, it heated her bones and made her feel alive again.
Free again.
Emboldened by her freedom, she gracefully scampered down the vines. It was so easy to do, so glorious. She smiled to feel her feet in the dirt of the garden and vault over the stone walls back into the bustling streets of the Lower City.
Drawing the hood of his black cloak up over her head, she slunk in the shadows, surely a sight to behold. A small little girl, dressed in a man’s rich robes, stalking around like the urchin she was at heart. Bodies brushed against her on all sides, the pulse of the City, the bustling pace and breakneck ignorance of its populace for urchins like her… it would be so easy now to steal what she wanted.
Giddy, gleeful even, Lumina let her fingers dance into some fat vendor’s pocket to take their purse. It was just so easy, instinctive. Just a bump and an apology, and sure as Balduran’s balls, she was now one purse richer. Maybe a little weapon too… she smirked, mischievous and greedy. Just another helpless victim, another bump into her side and a mumbled apology… and now Lumina’s cool fingers closed around an elegant filigree hilt. She tucked its scabbard into her makeshift belt before continuing on to the closest book cart.
Her deft eyes skimmed the titles from beneath the canopy of her hood. Gold letters glint in the sun, her sharp eyes darting over every spine.
There… she gave a sigh of relief, the title she sought gleamed at her, brighter than a prized jewel. Stepping back, she eyed the cart vendor, a plump, stinking man who looked more interested in drinking than reading. She could practically smell the stale ale on his breath and scent the alcohol that tainted his blood, even from her distance.
Shaking her head, she tried to rid herself of these hypersensitivities, drawing back a pace until she couldn’t smell him anymore. Gagging, she tucked the purse of gold in her pocket; a man like that would be much more fun to rob than to waste her newly acquired money on.
All she had to do was wait…
After a few moments, he got up, lumbering around the corner, and Lumina smiled. Her undead heart would be racing with the thrill of the hunt, that rush of risk and reward, of being victorious or being caught.
Slinking to the far side of the cart, she pulled out the small green book, her quarry. Her steady hand began to slip it under her cloak until….
“What do you think you’re doing?” that stinking, sour breath was hot in her face as the cart keeper snatched her wrist and spun her around.
“Fuck,” Lumina cursed as fear gripped her soul and raced down her spine.
Out of practice, Little Light… she swore she could hear his mocking laughter in her head. Fuck, what would the Master say, she worried as she was dragged into the street.
“You wretched, dirty rat,” the keeper yelled in her face, spittle flying in her face and he yanked back her hood. Arresting the book from her hand, he flung her against the alley wall. “No one steals from me!”
“I have no need to steal,” Lumina lied, even as she caught herself against the brick wall. “My master is Lord Astarion Ancunín, and he will not like having his things manhandled thus.” She snapped, wrenching her hand from the man’s grubby fingers
More spit flew in her face as the man laughed, big and loud and rude. “Yeah sure, some hoity Council Member let his servant run in the streets barefoot to fetch books for them….”
“I fear the lady is right,” a silken purr rumbled from behind them both. Astarion stood, perfect in posture and confident in stance. “My Mistress is prone to such wild fantasies, wandering the street unshod, fetching books on drivel from half-brined booksellers…” Astarion turned up his nose and grimaced as he too took in the foul odor of the rotund man. “Beautiful women have their indulgences, and we must allow them their indulgences. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Astarion smirked, his silver brow quirked high on his forehead as he dangled a fat coin purse at the seller.
“Of course, my Lord,” came the reply as his fat fingers snatched it midair. “Lord Ancunín, I didn’t mean to…”
A withering, crimson stare was all it took to send the fat man fleeing back into the shadows.
“Come, Lumina,” Astarion grabbed her upper arm, firm but with a sickeningly sweet smile, “it’s time we got you home.”
With one last ditch effort, she snagged the copy of her desired book from the seller’s cart, a victorious grin on her pale face as she followed her master into the City’s fray.
Her little arm threaded through his, he walked her towards the Park, his head held high as if the woman on his arm didn’t look like some barefoot vagrant. Finally, he drew them to a stop beside the fountain. His crimson eyes leveled at her, Astarion’s brows furrowed. “Was it worth it, Little Light?” he asked, cold and yet casual in tone.
Lumina fought the urge to tremble. “My little shopping spree?”
“Thieving spree, you mean…” his brow quirked as he pulled out the purloined objects of her own efforts from his own pockets.. He pulled out her purse, her book, and her new little dagger carefully with a wicked, conceited grin, watching in amusement as she patted the places on her lithe, little body from where he had stolen them. “A rogue’s dexterity is not to be outmatched, no matter how desperate or eager you are…”
“Please give those…” she wanted to say more, but his other hand flew towards her face, planting a single finger over her lips.
And Lord Astarion smiled. “Ah ah,” he chided, “explain yourself first, and your punishments may be lessened.” His voice rippled with promise, a teasing and yet desirous tone lacing into his words. “Why does my newborn mistress, a spawn of several weeks now, need to conduct some… research of her own kind?” He set the purse and dagger in his pockets, flipping the pages of the little green book. Pausing, he locked eyes with her, licking his finger first, slow and deliberate, before turning to the next one. “What are you so eager to learn that you could not dare to ask your beloved Master?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” she braced her hands on her hips, head tilting up at him in a show of confidence. “I walk in the sun, I can smell things… hear things… I couldn’t before.”
“Such as?” came his nonchalant reply.
“That oaf for one, I could almost taste the effects of his tenday long bender,” Lumina tried not to wretch at the memory. “And then there was the moment where I heard your voice inside my head…”
Something in his gaze shifted, something veiled now lifted, as if he was also surprised. “Indeed,” he purred, thumbing another page of the text. “And you decided to be disobedient and break my rules to seek out this uninformed drivel?” He scoffed, “Not to mention violating a few laws for good measure?”
“If you just gave me answers, Master; if you just gave me my own coin and a dagger, I wouldn’t need to steal them.”
“Oh, pet, I can deny you nothing,” he purred, “unless you might end up harmed in the process. You’re fortunate I stumbled upon you when I did, Lumina, or else you would be rotting in some Flaming Fist cell by now….”
“Pugh,” she folded her arms, that stare growing more defiant. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Astarion couldn’t hide it anymore; his chuckle rumbling in the air between them. It was undeniable, her petulant spark, it made him grin just slightly, that youthfulness that he would have once been drawn to, instead of seeking a way to snuff it as he had done for centuries as Ascendant.
Perhaps he would indulge this spark, just a little more.
A wry look on his face, he extended the book towards her. “If you want it, it’s yours, but in exchange, you’ll be punished, my dear.”
Lumina narrowed her crimson eyes, weighing the cost. She smirked to flash her own fangs, “Alright, I’ll bite.”
Astarion rolled his eyes at her cheap humor. “Puns are beneath us, Lumina,” he scoffed, irascible in tone. “Perhaps I shall extend your punishment for such plebeian humor.”
“And just what will be my punishment?” she goaded, thumbing her way through her hard-won prize. “Once I finish my research, that is…”
“You’ll have your answers, but they aren’t found in that layman’s examination of vampiric bonds. You are a near-secret of our kind, and just as there has never been a Vampire Ascendant before me, there has never been a creation quite like you before.” His eyes darkened with lust and glimmered with impatience. “And there will never be another like you after, I promise.”
Then, his fangs glinted as he grinned wider. “But those answers will only come once I’m through with you. You wish to know your punishment?” He leaned in until his lips brushed the shell of her ear. “I'm going to make you scream my name until your voice gives out, Little Light.”
His form seemed to ripple, and with a snap of his fingers, they both burst into mist and flew from the Park.
A strange tingle on her skin, or what would have been her skin, coursed through her. Pure magic unmade her, shifted her until all that remained was essence. Wind rushed around her, the sounds of voices and the smells of the Park rushed past her consciousness. It was as if her very being was cradled in his arms. Astarion pushed into her, threading into the very fabric of her existence—everywhere, all at once. Inside her, on her, through her… nothing more tangible than the sensation of his power taking root at her core as he raced them both up his palace walls and into the window of his own chambers.
Gasping like one near-drowned, Lumina once again stood on her own two legs, on her own bare feet, facing his crimson stare of ire.
She winced, surely, he would be brutal, beat her and punish her for her insolence. He would make her scream, he promised, the thought of it making her back sting in anticipation of a lash.
As her old master would, she thought with a pulse of fear and disgust.
Astarion’s presence before snapped her out of that pit of self-loathing. For now, he just tilted his head and gave her that lazy, mischievous smirk. Long, skilled digits grasped her hand, pulling her against him to bring her finger into his mouth. With precision, his fang sliced into its pad, his tongue sucking the blood as it seeped. “Such sticky fingers need cleaning,” she heard him say, right into her mind, his mouth preoccupied and his eyes flashing a dangerous amusement at her shocked expression.
“What in the hells…” she gasped, the thought somehow making him smile around her bleeding digit.
“Oh, darling mistress, seems you have more and more to uncover by the second,” he purred, his voice now a caress in her mind, a tender brush up her spine to tingle her ear. He pulled his finger from her lips with a pop. His true voice was almost sticky with that ripple of danger and the lingering dregs of her blood. “But first, we must see to your punishment, my Light, as delicious as it might be.”
His grip on her waist was firm, guiding her towards his bed again. His teeth glinted as he grinned, that dark mischief shining in the crimson of his eyes. “By rights, you should be cuffed in a cell for thievery. I should know, I once, long ago, gave such sentences for urchins like you.”
Lumina caught it, just a glimpse, a far off look in his eyes, a dower frown, his mind recalling pieces of him so deeply buried by time and pain. Somewhere in her own chest, she could sense that grief, that ancient, nearly-forgotten longing. Then he turned away, and the feeling vanished.
“As your Master, I shall have to take matters into my own hands, I suppose,” he commented, reaching into his drawer, the one where he kept all sorts of things for play and punishment, Lumina knew. She heard his choice before seeing it, the heavy clanking of chains filling her with excitement and dread. “A nice pair of shackles will do, nothing elegant for my little thriving urchin of a mistress.” He rounded on her, the irons in his skilled fingers. “You know what to do, darling,” he just stared at Lumina, a challenge of a smirk on his full lips, eyes darting towards the bed.
Pausing, she waited for the tendrils of his compelling to take root, sought that shadowed presence to command her body, but they never did…
“Well, darling?” he just repeated, firmer and more agitated.
Lumina drew in a breath and moved to sit at the edge of the bed, her wrists in front of her, a smile growing on her face. He shed his decadent coat, his own silken shirt following to lie in a mess on the floor. His boots followed the same fate. “Now, Lumina, you seem rather youthful, bent on willful defiance, this need to discover who I once was and who you are now. Stuff of fools and children.” A chilling smirk on his lips, his eyes still sparked with a sense of mischief, the same she had found with increasing frequency in their fucking. “Since you insist on acting like a child, let’s play a game,” he smirked. “I will ask you a question, a simple one… and if you are correct, I’ll let you find your release…”
The implication as to her failure hung in the air, his hand firmly guiding her to lay in the center of his bed. Her shackles clanked as he drew her arms overhead and bound them to his headboard. His chuckle reverberated in her bones as he leaned to press a kiss on her pressed lips. “Now, here is your question… what are you?”
“If you had let me read my book…” she started to argue, but Astarion just shoved two fingers in her insidious mouth. His gag as effective and sudden, her tongue pressing against him, fighting for breath as he pumped his fingers slightly between her lips.
“Hush,” he smirked at her, condescending and delighted. “You are allowed one answer each time,” his smirk twisted all the darker, “and you just used your first one…” His hands splayed wide on her hips, pulling her taut against her restraints. Fingers dug into her ass, lifting her to rip off his own loosely fit trousers. Her pale legs writhed, rubbing together to already seek the friction she craved. “Ah ah,” he corrected with a low growl, “I’ll be the one to dole out your delicious punishment. Now hold still and take what’s coming to you.”
With that, he lifted her hips up, his mouth ready to lick her and devour that already dripping essence. Tongue parting through her folds, he lapped through her seam, teasing her, toying as he licked and sucked everywhere between her thighs but her hard little bud and her clenching channel.
“Master…” she whined.
He lifted his head slowly, eyes blown wide and dilated as he chuckled. “For what you are, my Light, you get the privilege of screaming my name as you beg and plead.” His tongue danced along the edge of her folds, sucking and nipping the flesh of her thighs until she bucked hard against him.
“Astarion…” she whined, nervous at first, as if unsure she truly had his permission for it.
“Louder,” he crooned his order, letting his breath alone tickle her clit.
“Astarion,” she whined full-throated this time, making him chuckle.
“That’s it, darling, you’ll grow sick of my name on your lips, soon enough, but for now, let’s drive you right to the edge….”
“Fuck!” she cursed, unable to hide her urchin-tongue as his finally swiped over her clit. Relentless, he swirled around it at last, making every nerve ending between her thighs burst into flame. She could feel her wetness leaking, summoned more by every pass of his mouth over her entrance.
But never in it.
“Please,” she yanked on her restraints, “your fingers too, please…”
He merely laughed into her folds, letting his tongue swirl and vibrate against her clit until she was gasping above him.
Then he sat back up, wiping the arousal off his chin with the back of his hand.
Lumina groaned and writhed, that wave of climax once so close, vanished just as quickly. Her little noises of frustration from her pale throat made him chuckle. He rose to his knees, a sinister and delighted smirk on his face. “So close, weren’t you, my darling?” he chuckled again, fangs peeking from his parted lips. “Care for another guess in our little game?” He tilted his head, a hand running through his shoulder-length waves of hair. “What are you?”
“Your obedient, loyal, loving spawn, master,” she answered dutifully. She smiled as he crawled closer, pressing his clothed hips against hers as he lowered into her.
“Tch,” he sucked his teeth, “closer, but still shy of the mark.” He ground his hips against that sopping apex of her thighs. The thick velvet of his pants was soon soaked by her, but he just gave that low, rumbling laugh. “Another round of punishment then, my sweet.” He yanked her by the hair, pulling her head back, his lips brushing her neck where it curved just right for him. “And you forgot to use my name, dear. Not master. Not when it’s just you and me…”
That grinding between her legs made her eyes water, just enough friction to drive her wild, but still not enough. It made her ache. Made her burn. Made her stare up into his face with utter desperation in her own crimson eyes as a few tears dripped down. “Astarion,” she whimpered, more pathetic sounding than she wished.
“Well, when you sound that remorseful, what kind of Sire would I be to deny you some of what you seek…” he crooned, an edge of victory in his voice, a shine of amusement in his gaze. Deft and quick, he unbuttoned his trousers, a low chuckle as he watched her strain against her shackles to watch. She practically drooled for him, her seam leaking in equal amounts of wet to finally feel that pressure inside her.
Gods, she was beautiful, wanting him.
“You’re so perfect, Lumina,” he growled, “and you’re so totally and utterly mine…”
Her shriek pierced the quiet of his palace, a heady mix in her tone of ecstasy and relief as he filled her to the hilt in one thrust. His breath was hot against her neck, his hands skating his nails down her sides, “But remember, my Light, you don’t get to come until I say you may…” His tone was venomous and playful, a promise and a dare all wrapped in the velvet notes of his voice. A slow, grinding pace he set, taking his time to savor every flutter of her walls. It would be quick, he grinned, letting his hips slowly roll into her, he didn’t have long to push her right to the edge once more….
“Think hard… my dear… just what are you?” his question rumbled in her ear, gravel in his voice making her shudder hard beneath him. He groaned, quickening his pace, his own need for release taking root. Easy, he warned himself, his eyes locked on her face, observing every clench of her jaw in bliss, every gasp she made as she grew closer and closer…
Just as her body began to buck and clench, his cock slipped out, his hand wrapped hard around it. His fist beating his length was good, but her cry of anguish was all the more exquisite, sending that burst of pleasure from his core to race through him as he came. Cum spewed out on her belly, her hips bucking and grinding before him as she bemoaned her fate.
“Fuck…” she cursed through clenched fangs, sweat dripping down her angelic face. “Balduran’s… balls…” she tried to clench her thighs together, but his hands pried them apart so easily.
That made him laugh, breathless and a bit exhausted through his open mouth. “Having met the legend myself, I doubt he would appreciate you speaking thus of his balls. And I certainly don’t approve of you speaking of anyone else’s either, pet…” his fingers stroked through her hair gently before giving her head a corrective yank. “My balls will just have to be enough for you for eternity.”
She stared at him, a mix of frustration and longing that set his heart racing again.
“Now, let’s try this question one more time for now, before I leave you to contemplate your choices, my love.” His gaze skimmed the sight of her half-naked in his bed, his own black silk shirt stained now from his seed and her sweat. “Think hard, my cunning Little Light, what… are… you?”
Lumina chewed her lip, her gaze flickering around his room, lost in thought as she considered her response wisely. “You said I was your… mistress… not your spawn, not your concubine…”
“That’s what I said,” he purred, sliding his fingers through his cum, gathering it on his fingers before he teased it into her folds. “My question, love, is what do you think you are now?” He let the slick sounds of his fingers inside her distract that train of thought she was clearly attempting to recover. “Well?” he insisted, catching her clit with his thumb and making her gasp another curse.
She seemed to relax, a serenity in her gaze, a softness around her mouth as she tilted her head most alluringly. “Yours… I’m yours,” she whispered, toneful and beautiful in its submission.
“Mmmm, a beautiful proclamation,” he crooned but withdrew his touch and stood from the bed, regardless. Flashing her a wicked smirk, he savored the look of devastation on her pale countenance. “While I thoroughly enjoy such a confession, it’s just… not quite the response I seek.” Fastening his trousers, he shrugged his shoulders, smiling twistedly like that arrogant bastard he truly was.
“Astarion, please!” she panted, wretched and devastated as she could only watch him depart.
He paused at his wardrobe, choosing a new shirt, sliding that crisp cream silk over his immaculate body as he turned one more time. “Don’t fret too long, my love. I’ll return soon. In the meantime, you can use your time wisely. Weigh your answers… Oh, and you can use this, if you can manage to open it, that is.” He tossed her that green-covered book, the title accusing her as it landed just within reach of her bound hands. The Curse of the Vampyre, indeed. He laughed merrily, low and rumbling in his chest. “I’ll see you later, I’m sure, darling.”
The thud of the door shutting behind him only spurred Lumina into action all the quicker. She would give him his answer and earn her release. Physically and carnally.
Hours it seemed creeped by, that little book her only distraction from the arch of her arms and the wet, lingering burn between her thighs. She awkwardly flipped pages, dropping it on her face from time to time when the shackles got in her way. Page after page revealed nothing new, and she cursed Astarion for being right, dreading how he would preen and gloat when she admitted defeat.
Food sources… seduction… vulnerabilities… that section no longer applied to her, she furrowed her brow. The creation of a spawn… the nourishment of her kind…
That made her hungry belly growl, and as if she wished it into existence, she smelled blood. The door creaked open, and Lumina fixed her gaze on the silver cup brimming with blood.
Only once that chilling laugh sounded from its bearer did Lumina glance at who held the cup.
“Morana,” she hissed fangs bared as she tried to hide her half dressed state.
“I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to replace a poor, freighted servant from entering the Master’s chambers to bring you your meal at his orders,” the tiefling’s dark eyes glimmered with hatred, her voice like vitriol as she sarcastically pouted and preened, “Is the Master’s Bride starving?”
“The… Master’s what?” Lumina went deathly still. There had been one line that book… the unknown characteristics of a Sire’s Bride or Groom. She had thought nothing of it an hour ago. “What did you just call me?”
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look both ways,
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before you cross my mind.
! will be pretty inactive and won’t interact as much, sorry beloved mutuals 😞🙏
you can call me evvy, teo, dorian, ruth, or any variation of those names. i use they/he/she pronouns (in order of preference) and i am genderfluid, sapphic and maybe ace :)
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ and i ran, i ran so far away, i just ran ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
i do have some personal obsessions on this blog that you’ll find
music (as on record): abba grandes exitos vol. 2 (abba) ✦ the returner (allison russell) ✦ outside child (allison russell) ✦ aretha’s gold (aretha franklin) ✦ self-titled (carpenters) ✦ “awaken, my love!” (childish gambino) ✦ visions (grimes) ✦ self-titled (hozier) ✦ wasteland, baby! (hozier) ✦ grace (jeff buckley) ✦ self-titled (kc & the sunshine band) ✦ be the cowboy (mitski) ✦ bury me at makeout creek (mitski) ✦ greatest hits (queen) ✦ i am the dog (sir chloe) ✦ sawayama (rina sawayama)
tv/movies: bullet train ✦ arcane ✦ spider-verse trilogy ✦ knives out film series ✦ brooklyn 99 ✦ jurassic park ✦ the brothers sun
what’s the screen playing? [jujutsu kaisen.]
i spend my time writing, playing drums, pacing around my room, listening to music, and doing fuck-all with my life ❤️️
☂︎ oh, come on, angel, come on, come on, darling ☂︎
my silly little peoples you’ll find around this blog <3
my official unofficial bandmates: @literatureisdying ✦ @bassguitarinablackt-shirt ✦ @gently-decaying-flowers
mutual list:
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt — asher 🌊
@gently-decaying-flowers — goobie 🛸
@iwouldkickahorse — innocent sin’s no. 1 fan
@rapidlydecayingcorpse — decay 🪦
@takeutothemoon — sun li ☀️
@literatureisdying — attie 🎶
@catinasink — cat 🌸
@dumdumdumsalot — deedee 🧐
@browngirl-inthering — cool mutual ⁉️
@arcangelise — coco ⭐
@talesfromtheunknowable — noorie 🍄‍🟫
@eden-has-rotted — ed 🎸
@gayoticbeing — moth 🐌
@serendipititties — wren 🪶
@ringhoarder — cal 💍
@starryeyeddarlings — cristie ⚜️
@my-lady-macbeth — thea ⚔️
@blood-slushy — taz 👻
@waitingforthesunrise — ari 🪻
・༓☾ so if you need a hero, just look in the mirror ☽༓・
my tagging system:
#ruth speaks — answering asks/joining tag games
#dorian talks to the void — random (usually) text posts
#evvy still uses wired headphones — music related posts
#ruth engages in media consumption — posts about what i’m enjoying at the moment
#teo is typing — stuff about my writing projects
#innocent sin — band stuff
don’t go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me
eventually i will have a sideblog for writing, but for right now just know that i have two WIPs, Made Of Our Own Storms (#mooos) and Way Down On The River (#wdotr).
mooos is about a group of teenagers doing their best to survive 100 years after the apocalypse while also struggling to balance their mental health and the burden that comes with being alive in the post-apocalypse. tags: (#mooos, #art o’cahan, #arun nidhi, #cy segal, #daya da silva iglesias, #azi tyali, #domi larieux morais, #naia zorita.)
wdotr is about a collection of serial killers that all manage to find themselves on the same riverboat, heading to the same destination. it only gets complicated when they set their sights on each other as their next victim. set in an almost-Earth, wdotr takes place in a steampunk-y world with parallels to earth, but it’s not exactly the same. tags: (#wdotr, #anastasia marie, #cheli malviya, #sam malviya, #zexi malviya, #the triplets, #akachi moriai, #moriai toyoko, #the brides, #ruhi arana, #don nekvasilová, #ash vanich.)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
lyrics used in this post:
‘look both ways before you cross my mind’, george clinton featured on wesley’s theory by kendrick lamar.
‘and i ran, i ran so far away, i just ran’, i ran by a flock of seagulls.
‘oh, come on, angel, come on, come one, darling’, running up that hill (a deal with god) by kate bush.
‘so if you need a hero, just look in the mirror’, after the storm by kali uchis ft. tyler, the creator & bootsy collins.
‘don’t go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me’, lay all your love on me by abba.
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
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⚜️Welcome weary traveler, it would seem that you have stumbled upon my blog. Come, rest yourself and relax, enjoy some reading and indulge.Wish to make a request of your own, do take note of the rules below before you send anything in. This masterlist contains requests and another separate one shall be created for my match-ups. I do hope to hear from you soon~ 300 Follower Event Rules for requesting
🪞Twisted Wonderland Masterlist🪞
Riddle Rosehearts with a jealous S/O
All dorm members x Albino!reader
Platonic!MC telling him that he is her favorite
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Magic shift trio + Jack with Hogwarts!Yuu teaching them quidditch
All dorm members x Albino!reader
Platonic!MC telling him that he is her favorite
Malleus and Leona with crush (angst to fluff)
Savannaclaw with raccoon beastwoman MC
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Platonic!MC telling him that he is her favorite
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
All dorm members x Albino!reader
Platonic!MC telling him that he is her favorite
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Vil with an S/O who has a hard time saying his last name
Magic shift trio + Jack with Hogwarts!Yuu teaching them quidditch
All members with Albino!MC
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Platonic!MC telling him that he is her favorite
Baking together with Lilia Vanrouge
Malleus and Leona with crush (angst to fluff)
All members with Albino!MC
OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
🎤Ensemble Stars🎤
Rei Sakuma with a sleepy S/O
🔥My Hero Academia❄️
⚔️Demon Slayer⚔️
Giyuu finding child!reader
Kokushibo reuniting with gn child in the afterlife
Kokushibo with adult reader who gives him a rock
Hantengu Clones with adult!love clone reader
Love clone reader in love with a human
Modern!Au Zohakuten with baby sister reader
Child!Love clone in normal time line
Both love clones within the Demon slayer timeline
Modern!AU ZOhakuten meeting girl always around the quads
Zohakuten x platonic!best friend reader
Child reader with sentient braids representing the Hantengu clones
👑Ikemen Series👑
⚜️Nothing at this time
Magic!And the boys who love me
⚜️Nothing at this time
Arcana Twilight
⚜️Nothing at this time
Black Butler
⚜️Nothing at this time
Court of Darkness
⚜️Nothing at this time
Ouran Highschool Host Club
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What are the OP Hotties Romance tropes? Like if Akainu was a romance trope, would he be friends to lovers? Would Eustass be childhood friends to lovers?
Hmmm…I’ll try my best with this one😉 let me know if you want Drabbles or one shots on specific OP hotties listed here😁
Kizaru ✨: secret admirer
Akainu🌋: arranged marriage/ marriage before love
Ryokugyu 🌱: Fling/One night stand
Fujitora 🐅: Friends to lovers
Sir Crocodile 🐊: enemies to lovers
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: secret royal/billionaire/boss
Benn Beckman 🔫: pen pals
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: rivals
Killer🔪: Oblivious to love
Kaido🐉: sudden/unexpected baby/marriage before love
King 👑: honorable marriage/ one true love/ soulmate
Queen👑: friends to lovers/ marriage pact
Izou🔫🔫: arranged marriage/ friends to lovers
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: secret identity/ unrequited love
Oven Charlotte 🍞: friends to lovers/alpha hero
Buggy🤡: friends to lovers/ secret admirer
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: marriage before love/ friends to lovers
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: friends to lovers/ opposites attract
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: friends to lovers/ oblivious to love
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: friends to lovers/ matchmaker
Gecko Moria🦇: love/hate relationship
Iceburg💜: opposites attract/ marriage pact
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: emotional scars/ enemies to lovers
Rob Lucci🐆: secret identity/ injury
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sundove88 · 7 months
Avians (Planes Parody Casting)
Tsubasa Yuunagi is a small-town bird who dreams of one day competing as a high-flying avian racer. However, poor Tsubasa has two strikes against him: He's not built for racing, and he's terribly afraid of heights. To achieve his dream, Tsubasa turns to naval aviator Mighty Eagle. Mighty Eagle helps Tsubasa qualify to take on Dark Raven, the race circuit's defending champion. Tsubasa’s courage faces the ultimate test, as he takes aim at heights he never dreamed were possible.
Tsubasa Yuunagi, the famous racing bird, learns that his core is damaged, so he must shift gears and find a new career. He joins an elite corps of firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston Peak National Park. When a massive wildfire threatens the park, Tsubasa -- with the help of his fearless colleagues Terra, Splash Woman, Gyro Man, Meta Knight and the Brave Gang -- learns what it takes to become a real hero.
Tsubasa Yuunagi/Cure Wing as Dusty Crophopper (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Mighty Eagle as Skipper Riley (Angry Birds)
Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly as Chug (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Skyla as Dottie (Pokemon)
Sora Harewataru/Cure Sky, Mashiro Nijigaoka/Cure Prism, and Elle-Chan/Cure Majesty as Themselves/Dusty’s Friends (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Chill Penguin as Sparky (Mega Man X)
Kakeru and Puwa Yuunagi as Themselves/Dusty’s Parents (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Storm Eagle as El Chupacabra (Mega Man X)
Panchito Pistoles and Jose Carioca as Themselves/El Chu’s Coworkers (The Three Caballeros)
Golden Cheese Cookie as Ishani (Cookie Run)
Dark Raven as Ripslinger (Billy Hatcher and The Giant Egg)
Stop and Freeze as Ned and Zed (Go Princess PreCure)
Storm Owl as Bulldog (Mega Man X)
Guardian Bird as Rochelle (Balan Wonderworld)
Various Other Bird Characters as the Wings Around The Globe Racers
Pigeot as Leadbottom (Pokemon)
Boomer Kuwanger as Echo (Mega Man X)
Gravity Beetle as Bravo (Mega Man X)
Pilot Cookie as Colin Cowling (Cookie Run)
Haoyu Chang as Franz (Balan Wonderworld)
Tropius as Little King (Pokemon)
Host Cookie/Fruit Roll Up Cookie as Judge Davis (Cookie Run)
SplashWoman as Lil Dipper (Mega Man)
Bandana Waddle Dee as Maru (Kirby)
Terra as Blade Ranger (Mega Man)
GyroMan as Windlifter (Mega Man)
Meta Knight as Cabbie (Kirby)
The Brave Gang/Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Custard Cookie III, and Chili Pepper Cookie as The Smokejumpers (Dynamite, Drip, Blackout, Avalanche, and Blackout) (Cookie Run)
Professor Kukui as The Secretary of The Interior (Pokemon)
Harukichi and Youko Hoshina as Harvey and Winnie (Star Twinkle PreCure)
Hikaru Hoshina and Parents as Themselves/Harvey and Winnie’s Family (Star Twinkle PreCure)
Green Biker Dude as Nick Loopin Lopez (Mega Man X)
Mammon as Cad Spinner (Helluva Boss)
Ramos as Ol Jammer (Pokemon)
PumpMan as Mayday (MegaMan)
FlashMan as Ryker (MegaMan)
HydroMan as Pulaski (MegaMan)
Waddle Doo as Flap (Kirby)
Iris as Patch (Mega Man X)
JewelMan as Andre (Mega Man)
Here’s your hint for the next casting (It’s Dreamworks):
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
Intro- Mari
Hello, I’m Mari!!
I’m assuming a lot of you already know the basics about me, but… I figured I’d introduce myself while I’m here!! ♡
💌 Name/s: Mari Suzuki, Mar-Mar (Heros only!!), Miss Madame Mari (…again, Heros only!!), just plain Mari works fine for me!! But if you come up with something i’d be okay with it!!
🎧 Interests: Piano, Hero, baking, reading, singing, anime, cats
⚜️ Likes: my friends, my brother, my mother
🌙 Dislikes: mean people, discrimination, name-calling, my father, violence
🎀 Be my friend: kind, cool, Hero (any of my friends!! Or Broken’s friends :3)
🍰 Don’t talk to me…!: above 18, rude
(+ Broken’s requirements)
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whoreforsamwilson · 3 months
⚜️Louisiana Welcome⚜️
We rushed around like chickens without heads trying to make everything just right before Sam would lose it or even cancel and we’ve come too far for any of those things to happen.
Sarah finished setting up the tables as I worked on finishing the last decoration, the Welcome banner.
A welcoming party for Sam’s good friend Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel.
I was super excited to meet her, Sam had been talking about her nonstop and couldn’t contain his excitement.
Once I had finished I stepped off the ladder, closed it, and took it back to Carlos’ old pickup.
“Everything looks good, baby,” said Sam, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead.
“Thank you, have you talked to Monica?”
“Not yet, but I sent her a message. She should be here any minute,” Sam replied, his voice humming with anticipation. “You think Carol will like it?”
I nodded with a smile. “She’ll love it, Sam. You’ve made sure every detail is perfect for her homecoming. The banner, the food, the music playlist full of her favorite '90s hits—I think we nailed it.”
Sam chuckled, his eyes scanning the backyard adorned with twinkling lights and gold and red streamers that fluttered gently in the breeze, a nod to Captain Marvel’s iconic suit. “Yeah, I guess I did go a bit overboard, huh?”
“Overboard is good; it shows you care,” I reassured him, smoothing down his shirt. “Plus, this is not just any party. It’s for a superhero. Normal standards don’t apply.”
Just then, a car pulled up, and Monica stepped out, her expression a mix of excitement and nerves. She was dressed casually but with a precision that spoke of her military background.
Sam jogged over to greet her, their conversation a series of enthusiastic gestures and quick laughs.
I took the moment to look over everything once more. The tables were laden with an array of snacks and drinks, including Carol’s favorite, nachos with extra jalapeños. In one corner, a makeshift photo booth was set with props—alien glasses, pilot helmets, and faux photon blast gloves—for guests to play with.
The sound of another vehicle approaching signaled the arrival of more guests. The backyard quickly filled with friends and colleagues, all buzzing with chatter and laughter. The atmosphere was electric, a collective exhilaration for the guest of honor’s arrival.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, a hush fell over the crowd. We all turned towards the sky as a streak of light shot across the heavens, growing brighter and larger until, with a soft boom, Captain Marvel landed in the center of the yard. Her suit glinted in the fading sunlight, and her smile was as powerful as her presence.
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Carol stepped forward, her eyes finding Sam’s in the throng. Their embrace was one of long-standing friendship and mutual respect. As they parted, Carol’s gaze swept over the party, and her smile broadened.
“This is incredible, Sam. You really didn’t have to do all this,” she said, her voice carrying over the crowd.
Sam just shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. “Well, you know me. Go big or go home.”
The party kicked into full swing with Carol at the center, regaling everyone with tales of distant galaxies and daring rescues. Her laughter was infectious, her stories captivating, and as I watched her, I understood why Sam admired her so much.
The night was clear, the stars twinkling above as if in celebration. And in that moment, with everyone gathered around, the world felt a little smaller, a little warmer. It was a night of joy, a welcome fit for a hero among friends.
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kinginthemask · 2 years
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ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 𝔴𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔫'𝔰 𝔡𝔞𝔶 ⚜️
I draw Joan of arc for celebration! Saint Michel the archangel behind her as well. She is my hero, what is burning not the flame, it is our fiery destiny.
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sofiaalazwar · 4 months
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✶ ࿐ 𝕾𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝓐𝑙-𝓐𝑧𝑤𝑎𝑟 ⚜️ (john wick fantasy au)
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🪽 ⋆ 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦
Born as Sofia Al-Azwar, she was the daughter of a fierce tribal leader and an unparalleled warrior in her own right. Her prowess on the battlefield and her unwavering sense of justice caught the eye of the Norse gods, who were ever watchful for mortal souls of extraordinary valor. During a brutal skirmish against invaders threatening her people, Sofia’s bravery and strategic brilliance led her to a heroic death, one that echoed through the realms of the gods.
Odin himself descended from Asgard to offer Sofia a choice: remain in the afterlife of her people or rise as a Valkyrie, an immortal warrior serving the gods and guiding fallen heroes to Valhalla. Driven by her unyielding spirit and thirst for justice, Sofia accepted the divine offer. She was transformed into a Valkyrie, her mortal form enhanced with divine strength, agility, and the power to traverse realms.
As a Valkyrie serving the High Table, Sofia embodies the epitome of divine warriorhood. Enhanced by the blessings of Odin and the Norse gods, Sofia’s transformation into a Valkyrie bestowed upon her not only enhanced physical prowess but also a profound connection to the ethereal realms.
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🌞 ⋆ 𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠
Enhanced Physicality: Sofia boasts superhuman strength, speed, and agility, surpassing mortal limits.
Divine Insight: She possesses supernatural intuition and understanding of the balance between life and death.
Realm Traversal: Sofia can navigate between mortal and ethereal realms, accessing divine resources.
Divine Weaponry: Armed with weapons forged by gods, she wields lethal, mystical arms.
Immortality: Sofia is ageless and nearly invulnerable, granting her eternal life on her quest for justice.
Guidance of Souls: Sofia guides fallen heroes to Valhalla, honoring them with dignity and respect.
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 & 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝚑𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑘𝑒𝑝𝑡 𝑡𝚑𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒
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littlemissagere · 11 months
saw you doing hc's! is it possible to do either little!venti or little!aether? i personally hc them as like, around 1/3 age range, but its really up to you!
Hiya! Thanks for the request!<3
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———+ Venti and Aether AgeRe headcanons!
—————; 🪽💚🍶 Venti!
🍶 Venti regresses to 0-3, he’s definitely a little guy
🍃 the first time he regressed around Aether/Traveler, he was very scared, since it was always him alone—or around the other Archons. Aether ended up being very accepting, and even explained his regression too!
🍶 Sneezes, and then hesitated on if he is going to cry or giggle
🍃 Whines until he is picked up
🍶 He regressed at the Tavern one time, and ended up babbling and crying for a whole ten minutes until he got distracted by Rosaria talking to him. She knows about regression from Barbara and Kaeya.
🍃 Shy, veryyyyyy shy
🍶 In the Traveler's teapot, he has his own little playroom.
🌱 His caregiver(s) spoil him!
🍶 Sensory overload is very easy unfortunately for poor little venti, he will cry :<
🌱 Many babbles and giggles
🍶 He really likes to play outside and feel the wind, he sometimes forgets he IS the anemo Archon…
🌱 Zhongli has witnessed him regress many times before, and has grown to learn a lot about it. He takes great interest in the subject
—————; ✨💧⚜️ Aether !
⚜️ Aether regresses very little, he doesn’t have much time, being a Hero and all. His little age is around 1-5, but it’s usually younger, around 1-3 due to him regressing less often, and being little little instead!
💧Aether has regressed around Paimon, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli, and Yae Miko before. They all understand how he works… though he is usually in big space most of the time
⚜️ He Regressed because of a game of hide and seek one time, due to some children in Liyue
💧A big ‘crybaby’, water works are easily triggered
⚜️ He is an “impure” regressor, he’s sad very often, usually missing his sister
💧Amber sewed Aether a stuffy of Lumine, so he wouldn’t feel so sad
⚜️ He enjoys bottles!
💧 He is light, and also loves to be held, so if he is regressed—depending on who he is around, they will hold him.
⚜️ He regressed around Yae Miko on accident when talking about how he missed his sister, and how she’d brush his hair and braid it, because it made me relaxed. Yae Miko knew a bit about regression, due to hearing it around Inazuma.
💧 Xiao surprisingly was a natural at handling Aether's regressing as well… Aether calls for him a lot when little.. Xiao is his primary caregiver. “Papa Xiao?” “Dada?” Is usually his call to him.. he’s crying 90% of the time :’(
⚜️ Semi verbal, usually stumbles on his words, and will get frustrated over it
💧 Though, he is an absolute sweetheart, giving hugs and little kisses to show appreciation <3
I hope you enjoy it!
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sourrcandy · 2 years
character asks as taylor swift ‘midnights’ tracks
— or, i’m procrastinating hard on writing and can’t stop listening to taylor swift
🥀 lavender haze : tell us about your oc’s relationships (romantic/platonic/etc).
💄 maroon : what old wounds do your ocs have that affect them in your story?
⏳ anti-hero : what insecurities do your ocs struggle with?
❄️ snow on the beach : do your ocs show different sides of them to different people?
💭 you’re on your own, kid : tell us something your ocs have given up.
🌧 midnight rain : are they a morning bird or night owl? sunshine or rain?
🐚 question…? : if there is one thing your ocs can change about themselves, what would it be?
🦹 vigilante shit : tell us about the significant events that shaped your ocs
💎 bejeweled : describe what your oc would wear to a party.
🎯 labyrinth : what are your ocs’ biggest “uh-oh” moments in your wip?
🐱 karma : what tropes do your ocs fit in? (click here for inspo)
🍬 sweet nothing : do your ocs give or take? do they expect things in return?
🧭 mastermind : tell us what your favourite and least favourite thing about your ocs.
⚔️ the great war : do your ocs have rivals? tell us about them.
🌌 bigger than the whole sky : did your ocs lose someone important to them? what would happen if things had turned out differently?
⚜️ paris : tell us your favourite moment in your wip.
❤️‍🩹 high infidelity : are there things your ocs regret? what are they?
💣 glitch : what did your ocs not plan to happen but it somehow worked out?
🎐 would’ve, could’ve, should’ve : what are the experiences that left your ocs scarred?
🔮 dear reader : what advice would your ocs give their younger selves?
📸 hits different : what song/lyric do you associate your ocs to?
🍑 bonus (thanks @wordsbynathan): which of your characters has the most "sexy baby" energy?
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24kmar · 6 months
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🍁𝓟𝓙𝓞 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼🍁
🥊Ares Cabin #2🥊
🎯Daughters of Ares🎯
🧨Sons Of Ares🧨
🔅Poseidon Cabin #3🔅
🍪Hestia Cabin #2🍪
🥧Daughters of Hestia🥧
☕️Sons Of Hestia☕️
💰Hermes Cabin #2💰
🃏Sons Of Hermes🃏
🚕Daughters of Hermes🚕
👑Daughters of Tyche👑
❄️Dark! Kihone Cabin❄️
🤍Dark! Sons of Kihone🤍
🌨Dark! Daughters of Kihone🌨
🗡Aphrodite Warrior🗡
🍎Daughters of Eris🍎
💀Daughters of Thanatos💀
⚜️Dark! Heroes of Olympus⚜️
🫶🏻Bsf! Annabeth Chase🫶🏻
👟Daughters of Nike👟
🎾Sons of Nike🎾
🥇Children of Nike🥇
🎉Children of Dionysus🎉
✨️Farleigh Start x Daughter of Dionysus✨️
🎊Dionysus Kids at a party🎊
🏹Felix Catton x Daughter of eros🏹
🪭Daughters Of Dionysus🪭
🧡𝓒𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓷 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓼🧡
💧Poseidon cabin color💧
❤️Aphrodite Cabin Color❤️
🌑Nyx Cabin Color🌑
🍷Dionysus Cabin Color🍷
❄️Kihone Cabin Color❄️
💋Eros Cabin Color💋
🏹Apollo Cabin Color🏹
🪔𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼🪔
💸Rafe Cameron💸
🎀Charlie Bushnell🎀
🍬Charlie Bushnell🍬
🌟Charlie Bushnell x Broadway Star🌟
🩰Kate + Anthony Bridgerton🩰
🎬Charlie Bushnell + Actor🎬
👻Ghostface! Ethan landry + Ghostface! Reader👻
⭐️Jude Bellingham⭐️
⚽️ Dating Jude Bellingham⚽️
🚬Farleigh Start Second Chance Trope🚬
🌊Jeremiah Fisher + Friends to lovers trope🌊
🎀Lana del rey girl essentials🎀
🎸Luke Castellan x @mischiefmoons🎸
🐈‍⬛Moodboard for @mischiefmoons🐈‍⬛
🎾Ben Shelton x Tennis Player🎾
🛻Driving In Cars With Boys🛻
🎸Tara Yummy x Rockstar gf🎸
🖤Landon Barker x Rockstar gf🖤
🎬Olivia Rodrigo x Actress🎬
🦺𝓛𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷🦺
🏀𝖡𝖺𝗌𝗄𝖾𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖾𝗋! 𝖫𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗇🏀
💞Luke Castellan + Daughter of Aphrodite💞
🧛🏻Vampire Luke Castellan🧛🏻
🍷𝖫𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗇 + 𝖣𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖣𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗒𝗌𝗎𝗌🍷
🥁Drummer Luke + Bandmates Sister🥁
🥥Luke Castellan + Daughter of Poseidon🥥
🎱Luke Castellan + Daughter of Melinoe🎱
🥀If Lukes gf joined Kronos with him🥀
💔Luke Castellan Betreyal💔
👑Luke Castellan Bad Religion👑
⚔️Lukes Betreyal to Annabeth⚔️
☀️Luke Castellan + Daughters of Apollo☀️
🥊Luke Castellan + Daughter of Ares🥊
🌈Luke Castellan + Daughter of Iris🌈
🧢Frat! Luke Castellan x Academic! Daughter of Hecate🧢
🎭Luke Castellan x Daughter of Dionysus🎭
🍷Trouble! Verse moodboard⚕️
🗡Trouble! Verse moodboard🎱
🎭How i envision trouble in the trouble!verse🎭
🎶Songs that remind me of the trouble!verse🎶
🍃Smoke Sessions with luke castellan🍃
🫳🏻Losing luke trouble!verse🫴🏻
🎒The one where luke leaves before you wake up, trouble!verse🎒
⚔️Lovers or partners in crime, trouble!verse⚔️
💞Luke and trouble admit theyre inlove, trouble!verse💞
🗽Luke Castellan x Daughter of Athena🗽
🧸Luke Castellan x Daughter of Hebe🧸
🪽Luke Castellan x Daughter of Icarus🪽
🐌𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓸 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓼🐌
🦇Matt Sturniolo🦇
😽Chris Sturniolo + Hello kitty GF😽
🎸Matt Sturniolo + Rockstar GF🎸
🐈‍⬛Matt Sturniolo + Black Cat! GF🐈‍⬛
🫂BSF Nick Sturniolo🫂
📷Chris Sturniolo + Youtuber📷
🎧Matt Sturniolo + Podcaster🎧
🗣Chris Sturniolo🗣
🧸Nick Sturniolo🧸
💋Chris Sturniolo + Rockstar! GF💋
🏎Street Racer! Chris Sturniolo🏎
🚘Street Racer! Matt Sturniolo🚘
🎃Halloween With chris sturniolo🎃
🌙Late Night Drives With Matt Sturniolo🌙
🚶🏻‍♀️Late Night walks with chris sturniolo🚶🏻‍♀️
💋Chris Sturniolo x Model💋
🎤Matt Sturniolo x Singer🎤
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count-alucard-tepes · 10 months
Okay have you done OP babygirls with a stronger S/O?
I have done this before but I’ll add the new hotties😆
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
He doesn’t really like that his S/O is stronger than him but he does like that they are able to fend for themselves when he is not around. He can’t have someone who will slow him down and put him in any danger. Now this is all in public, because behind closed doors, he loves being tossed around like the baby girl that he is.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
He absolutely loves it because he just thinks it’s so sexy to have a strong S/O who can take care of him and themselves. He literally has hearts in his eyes every time he watches them in action.
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹
It took him off guard the first time he realized that his S/O was stronger than him and he didn’t know how he felt about it because he had never been with anyone who was stronger than him. He accepts it because he knows it’s really hot to watch his S/O take down so many with easy. Also he wanted a partner who could fend for themselves, he’s not into being a hero.
Gecko Moria🦇
He’s very intimidated by it all at first but he soon realizes how beneficial this is to him and that he could worry less about them and how they’re doing. He also knows they would take care of all those in his care so that gives him the confidence he needs.
He falls ten times more in love with his S/O, he loves a strong partner than could literally throw him around like he’s an expensive trash bag in the wind. He often plays damsel in distress so his S/O saves him by carrying him bridal style from boring meetings.
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
It really grinds his tits that they’re stronger than him because he’s never dated anyone who was even remotely strong enough to handle a serious conversation with him! He’d rather they be on his side than against him though, at least they can hold their own.
Rob Lucci🐆
He’s pleasantly surprised that his S/O is stronger than him and he absolutely adores it. He does brag to those that he’s friendly with about them. However, he does not wish to test his strength against them…he’d like to keep some dignity intact.
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
⚜️ hello doves. im going to try keep this relatively short and sweet, whilst getting across what im looking for. im a twenty one year old cis woman, looking for other women or non binary writers! (i personally don’t feel comfortable writing with men, im sorry! personal reasons.) i am an advanced lit / novella writer who writes solely on discord and at the very least a paragraph. i prefer more but that is just for minimum reference. i require a writing partner who matches the same love for world building, creating fictional worlds and characters together, matches the energy and puts the same amount of effort in. i want somebody who enjoys creating headcanons, pinterest boards, playlists for our muses, sharing aesthetics and more. it helps me keep interest and aids in inspiration. i have no triggers other than animal abuse and detailed descriptions of pedophilia.
currently i’m looking for original fantasy plots, oc x oc. the only pairing i’m not currently accepting is mlm, only because i have the maximum roleplays for that particular one. i’m only interested in medieval settings! it’s my favourite time and it boosts my motivation. some troupes i enjoy and wish to include… enemies to lovers. chosen ones. fated mates. friends to lovers to enemies to lovers. war settings. morally gray characters. one bed. found family. anti hero’s. and there’s many more but those are all i can think of at current time.
i prefer using realistic face claims, it really helps setting the scene for me and the image of characters in visualisation. if we seem like a good match and you are 18+, please interact and i will reach out. until then, loves.
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