#here's  pt  2
embarrassinglastwords · 7 months
“you’re my best friend, now i’ve no one to tell how i lost my best friend”
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“you believe me like a god, i destroy you like i am.
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i’m sorry i’m the one you love, no one will ever love me like you again
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so when you leave i should die. i deserve it, don’t i?”
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“your low warm voice curses as you find the strength to strike within me that rings out a note heard in heaven”
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“you know i’d always been alone till you taught me to live for somebody.
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that love is like a star. it’s gone, we just see it shining cause it travelled very far. keep a leftover light burning so you can keep looking up.”
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(PT 1 of this for anyone interested)
(and if anyone’s interested here’s a playlist as well as just a normal stsg playlist)
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ameliathornromance · 11 days
Link to PT1
Your Ex-Orc’s life has been going great since you broke up. He had been skirting around ending things with you for a while, and the relief of you breaking up with him crashed over him like a tsunami.
He’d forgotten how amazing it was to have his home to himself, to be able to sit in his front room without having to keep up a drab conversation with you about whatever happened at work, or to come home with a ‘shut up’ gift, just to make sure you didn’t complain about his prolonged absence.
However, there were times where we would walk into his flat and catch a whiff of your signature scent, or of a dish being prepared. He would ignore the way the pit in his stomach would open up and would head straight to his bedroom to go and get ready for a night on the town.
This feeling began to wake him up in the mornings too. When he rolled over and instinctively reached out for your figure, to drag in the smell of your shampooed hair and see your sleepy smile.
Every time this happened, your Ex vowed to go out that night. Going out and bringing home random women he met at bars and clubs always made him feel better.
And so, like clockwork when that all too familiar feeling kicked in, the pit reopening like a cut that just won’t heal, he would get on his best clothes and head out.
Tonight, he wanted to check out this new bar that had just opened up in town centre, named ‘Poena.’
Apparently, the drinks were all named after Roman and Greek plays, generals, philosophers and the like. 
It just begged for him to go in there tonight.
As he stepped through the front door, your Ex was greeted by Roman arches and Greek pillars with vines that wound around, up and over the bar itself, fake grapes dangling from the ceiling while the bartender was dressed in a white toga, a golden leaf wreath adorning his brow.
Taking a seat at the bar, your Ex Orc straightened out his blazer and began to scour the place for tonight’s lucky lady.
It was still early in the evening and the only other woman at the bar had her back to him and was admiring a statue of Venus, so your Ex decided to wait a little while longer and ordered a drink named ‘The Bloody 23’
After his drink had been given to him, your Ex’s attention went back to the woman at the bar, where he recoiled in shock. The woman… It was you.
He was stunned that he didn’t recognise you at first, but you just looked so… different. 
Had you done something new with your hair? Was your Make-up different? Or was it the clothes? 
You never normally wore club attire, you even said yourself that that kind of environment wasn’t really your thing.
But here you are, wearing a skin tight, red wine coloured dress. It was like you were a different person.
In front of you on the bar's counter, was an empty glass.
Your Ex smirked, and called the bartender over with a snap of his fingers, “would you kindly refill that lady’s drink? I’ll pay of course,” he said, almost lazily. 
Your Ex lifted his drink to his lips as he imagined your pleasantly surprised face when you realised he was there with you. Who knows, maybe even the pair of you could talk about what happened, make up and even-
His train of thought broke when somebody collided with him. Your Ex’s drink drenched his front, ruining his last good ‘going out’ shirt, staining it dark red.
“Whoops!” The collider said. It was another Orc, younger than your ex. This Orc had his hair tied back into a fishtail braid that went down his back and reached his waist.
He wore a leather jacket, black skin tight shirt and black jeans to match, boots undone, laces loose and unkempt. 
Your Ex Orc gave him a disgusted expression. “Watch where you’re going.” He snarled as he patted his front dry with a tissue the bar had provided.
The younger Orc held his hands up in defence, “sorry, must’ve had too much to drink tonight.” Digging into his pockets, he pulled out some cash and held it out to your Ex, “here, for the drink and… the shirt.”
Snatching it from the Orc, your Ex grumbled, giving one last disgusted glare up and down the collider, “and wear something more appropriate next time, oaf.”
The younger Orc didn’t seem to hear him however, as he continued on and to-
Your Ex froze.
Your face lit up at the other Orcs, jumping to your feet and throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
Eyes twinkling, grinning widely, your eyes darted over to your Ex. The pair of you locked eyes for a moment.
Your smile faltered slightly, the spark in your eyes went out.
The other Orc beside you looked over his shoulder, at his elder and then back at you. His hand reached out to your face, held it in his hands.
Heart thumping in his ears, your Ex stared. You hadn’t replaced him, had you?
The pair of you broke up only a few weeks ago!
You locked eyes with the Orc who held you and just as quickly as your light had faded, it reignited. 
The Orc said something, and it made you burst into a fit of giggles. 
You no longer had eyes for your Ex as you leaned forward and kissed the Orc in front of you. 
And this younger bastard, he kissed you back.
Like the pair of you had completely forgotten about your Ex, sat at the other end of the bar. 
When the kiss broke, your new lover looked over his shoulder at your Ex again and smirked.
Piercing pain shot through your Ex’s hand and he let out a gasp of shock. Looking down at his hand, he found the glass had been crushed by his grip.
He wanted to get up, rush after you and your lover, but the bartender stopped him, already trying to stem the bleeding from his green palm. He looked back up just in time to see you and your new Orc get up and head for the door.
As you and your new lover left, anger, frustration and remorse hit your Ex like a ton of bricks, one after another. 
And suddenly, the pain in his hand was gone. The pit in his stomach consumed him whole as he dissolved into tears.
He didn’t need more time out in bars or clubs, or to meet new women. 
Your Ex needed you. 
And he’d lost you, over a stupid woman at a club.
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@serendipitous-fernweh @seungfl0wer @sammywo @sunndust
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ glimpse of divinity
{☆} characters lyney, neuvillette [ separate ] {☆} notes cult au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 0.8k
× neuvillette
The first time he sees you strolling the streets of Fontaine with a glint of wonder in your eyes, he thinks he must have finally lost it. He has to rub his eyes and check a few dozen times before he's certain that you are, in fact, real and not some figment of his imagination conjured by a lack of sleep and overdose on caffeine.
..Though now that he gets a better look, it's not quite the same. Like a smudged painting, he thinks. Still, the uncanny resemblance to the visage of the Divine One has him lingering around the area just to stare a little longer, a deep, devoted sense of affection bristling beneath his skin.
And then you turn sharply on your heel, staring directly back at him, and he feels a sudden wave of embarrassment and something akin to shame.
Archons, he'd just made a fool of himself, hadn't he?
He quickly turns away, clearing his throat and hiding his embarrassment behind his hand. Though it does not seem to deter you, the soft tap of your shoes growing closer until you were peering up at him with wide eyes.
"..Hello." He offers awkwardly, a little too stiff and a little too formal, but you don't seem to mind in the slightest. He knows that your appearance, your vague similarities to the Divine One are mere coincidence, but it does not stop his heart from skipping a beat when you smile up at him. "I– apologize for being so uncouth and staring, it's just.."
His voice trails off into a breathy exhale, his hand twitching on his cane as if he wanted to reach out and touch you..but he restrains himself in time. He could not make a bigger fool of himself – he would never hear the end of it from lady Furina.
"You remind me of someone."
He decides, readjusting his hands on his cane as he bows his head for a moment is a show of genuineness, though it must look awkward with how stiff his body feels.
Yet he cannot help but want to get closer anyway, to hear the silky lilt of your voice grace his pointed ears. This is as close as he will ever get to the Divine..he is a weak man, he finds, as he offers a hand to you.
"I understand if this is a bit..forward, but would you mind joining me for tea?"
× lyney
He is a master magician – his entire work is built on keen misdirection and sleight of hand, but even he stumbles for a minute thinking he'd seen an illusion in your warm smile and striking features. Almost an exact copy of the Divine One, yet not quite..
Still, it's enough to pique his interest – enough, too, to give him the confidence to slip into your conversation with ease, all smiles and the slip of a card between his fingers.
"Hello, stranger – I don't think I've seen you in Fontaine before," He laughs, his hand reaching around to rest gently on your opposite shoulder, his voice a ghost of a whisper in your ear. "Say, could I interest you in a bit of magic?"
He perks up at the way you seem to light up like fireworks at his offer, a spark almost like recognition in your eyes he brushes aside – he's quite well known, after all.
"Good! Now, if I may just borrow your attention for a minute.." He grins, stepping around you and turning sharply to face you, his hand outstretched with a deck of cards in his hands, face down. "Let's start simple, shall we? I shan't overwhelm my audience – pick a card."
He holds the cards out again, his features twisted in something like awe, though he hides it well.
His heart flutters at the briefest of glances of your hand against his as you pluck a card from his hand, and he quickly retracts it, reshuffling the deck with a broad grin and a wink.
"Do your best to remember it! If you could return it to the deck.." The card is placed back in it's place amongst the rest, and the magic begins!
"Now then, let's see..hm," He hums for a long moment, the silence filled by the constant shuffle of cards until he suddenly plucks one from the deck, flipping it around for you to see. "Is this your card?"
He frowns when you shake your head, almost pouting, before he lights up again and steps forward.
"Ah! How foolish of me, I missed it..it's riiight here, see." He winks, reaching behind your ear..and pulls free a card from seemingly thin air. He flips it around for you to see again, and when you tell him it is, in fact, your card, he flips it around again.
And before you can see it, he's holding a rainbow rose between his fingers, his hand outstretched as he bows.
His eyes glint with a sort of wonder as he looks at your features, his smile widening a fraction.
"Well, dear stranger? Did you enjoy the show?"
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ellieabbyy · 15 days
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Dear supervisors at work
You do not get to tell me to suck it up
I have endometriosis
I am sucking it up
It's a miracle I'm even at work right now so please
Sincerely, the kid you shouldn't be getting this mad at over a debilitating and incurable condition
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gyuzgrl · 4 months
her //kmg// pt.2
pt 2 of 'her'- the morning after reveals much to y/n, and she makes a difficult decision- one that neither her nor Mingyu seem to escape from unscathed.
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Dread, shame, confusion.
The morning after a night of love shouldn't leave one feeling this way, yet here you are, lying paralysed in bed, next to a man you can't seem to figure out.
Why did he find solace in another's bed? Why was it the same woman every time? Were his words from last night even true?
Questions haunt you, floating around inside your head like ghosts in an empty castle. When one fades, another takes it's place, poking holes in your rationality, mocking you for what you've done.
How could you give in so easily? After everything he's done, after the betrayal- how could you let him in? Vulnerable and exposed, you let him see you, hear you, touch you?
Embarrassment doesn't even begin to cover what you feel.
Your skin feels sticky and each spot he touched burns into you, like red-hot metal, sizzling tender flesh. The kisses, the grip marks, every point of contact feels wrong. Of course, last night was consensual- two grown adults made a decision to spend a night together- but you can't shake that sickly feeling taking over you; a thick, dark oil, staining your skin as you sink further and further into despair.
Turning over, you let your eyes scan over Mingyu's face- sleeping peacefully, unaware of the havoc he's caused in your mind. The gentle sighs of breath, the way his lashes tickle his skin, how his lips settle into the prettiest pout- it isn't fair. None of it is.
He doesn't get to sleep like this while your mind races at a thousand miles per second. He doesn't get to live ignorantly like this.
You won't let it happen.
You won't swallow your pride and pretend like everything's okay.
Slipping out from under the covers, you head straight for a shower. Silky, warm water embraces you, washing away the stains of yesterday, only for them to resurface and solidify the past. No matter how hard you scrub, no matter how desperately you scratch, the marks remain as they are- seething red reminders of how small you made yourself for Mingyu's affections.
Before you know it, tears begin to flow- tears of shame, of humiliation. All it took was for him to say he returned your feelings, and you forgave everything. You let him touch you mere hours after he'd laid his hands on another woman- god what has happened to you?
You step into your robe, the pearly white colour of the fabric mocking you as if to say- "you're the shell of who you once were."
Time passes as it usually does, and you find yourself at the breakfast table, staring into the distance. Your mind has finally settled to a conclusion.
This must end.
As you sit, unmoving, Mingyu begins to stir from his sleep. An arm extends itself out of habit, feeling for your body beside him, and he jolts awake when his skin comes in contact with cold, lifeless cloth.
Panic fills his nerves in the flash of a second and he scrambles out of bed, stumbling over to the hall. Clumsy, frantic feet thud along the ground and he calls out your name, voice hoarse as if holding back a sob.
"I'm here," you state, eyes still fixed at the wall.
Mingyu feels his muscles slump back into relaxation. You're still here. You didn't leave.
"I uh, I thought... Never mind, have you eaten?" he grins, eyes sparkling as he gazes at you lovingly, "I'll fix something up for us- what do you feel like eating? something soup-y? pancakes? eggs? I make really good eggs-"
"last night was a mistake."
His voice fades to a deathly still. The luster in his eyes dulls to a cold brown and he slumps down onto the chair opposite yours.
"oh." he says softly.
"I've had some time to think..."
"I don't think we should live together. Or be together. No matter what your reasons were, Mingyu, the fact remains the same- you cheated on me. Nothing will change that, nothing will make that go away."
Mingyu leans forward, tears springing in the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry, y/n- I wish I could c-"
"I know you're sorry. Trust me, I know, Mingyu- but you've done this to yourself. You've been aware of every decision as you made it, you did what you did, knowing fully well that it was wrong. There's no forgiving that. Whatever our feelings are, it doesn't matter anymore."
His head hangs low as your words tear into him. You're right, after all. He did in fact cheat on you. It was his decision, his choice. It's unfair for you to suffer because of his mistakes.
"I'll come back for my things sometime this week." you sigh, moving from your seat, taking hold of your handbag, "Goodbye, Mingyu."
A few days have passed, and you've settled into an expensive hotel, gathering yourself together as other things call for your attention.
Formalities make divorces so much harder than they need to be...
While you sort through legal matters with your family lawyer, Mingyu finds himself falling into a dangerously dark hole. You've been gone all of three days and he's lost himself completely. He hasn't slept, hasn't gone outside, hasn't eaten- it's as if he's lost his will to live.
Your words haunt him, echoing in his head over and over. Desperately, he's tried to silence his thoughts, tried to chase away your voice, but he can't. What makes it all so much worse, is that he knows you're right.
This is all his fault, after all. He really has done this to himself, and he's hurt you too in the bargain.
It's late in the evening, the sky outside flushes dark grey clouds along, as a faint outline of the moon peeks through. Winds howl terribly all around, hinting at the storm that is to come.
The doorbell rings, echoing through the empty house, startling Mingyu out of his daze. Sloppily, he treads to the door, cracking it open to reveal an unfamiliar face.
"can I help you-?" he mutters, eyes skimming lazily over the suited man before him.
"Mister Kim Mingyu? I'm Miss Y/n's lawyer. I understand you've separated, yes?"
Just when he thought he couldn't sink lower than he already has, Mingyu feels his stomach drop as he descends into anguish.
He's smart enough to gauge what's happening. You're legitimizing the divorce- making it real in the eyes of the law.
A voice pulls him back to reality, and he lifts his head up, nodding as he motions for the man to come inside. Dull, confused footsteps lead into the living area and Mingyu takes a seat on the couch, beckoning your lawyer to do the same.
"There are papers you are required to sign, sir." he begins, reaching into his bag to pull out a stack of crisp white sheets, stapled perfectly.
Mingyu stares dumbly at the paper, back hunched, throat dry. He's frozen. There's not a thought in his head, not a sensation in his body.
A minute passes in silence, and he stays unmoved.
The man clears his throat, clicking his pen open before handing it to Mingyu.
"here, you can use mine," he forces an encouraging smile, feeling his heart break at Mingyu's disheveled state. Although he's been made aware of your situation, Mingyu's helpless state tugs at his heartstrings and he can't help but feel sympathetic towards the latter.
"th-thank you,"
With shaky hands, Mingyu takes hold of the pen, stopping at the blank spot resigned for his signature. An indescribable pressure weighs him down. His future, his love, his sanity all sit under the blade of this guillotine- a mere pen.
This pen might just be mightier than any sword he'll ever face.
Sensing his reluctance, the suited man places a hand on his shoulder-
"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, I know we don't know each other- but I've, uh, I've seen this before. I've handled cases like this before and all I can say to make this easier is that you're doing this for her. Not for yourself. If you truly feel guilty for the past, if you truly love her, this is the way you give her her pride back. This is how you can do what's good for her."
His words spur Mingyu into action, resonating deep within the latter's being. Letting you go is unbearable. It stings and burns and swells all at once, but if it lets you heal, if it's good for you, he'll do it in a second.
Scribbling his signature onto the bottom of the page, Mingyu hands the papers over.
"thank you," he says, genuinely this time, "is she-" he hesitates, "is she doing okay?"
The man smiles sadly, rising to his feet- "I'm afraid that's a breach of confidentiality, sir"
And just like that, he's gone, leaving Mingyu alone once again. He settles into bed, draping your blanket over himself as his mind floods over with thoughts of you.
"I hope she doesn't think I gave up on us..."
Then, like a soaring wave, it hits him. What if you think he's taking the easy way out and that his feelings aren't real? What if you expected him to throw a fit and come swoop you up from whatever hotel you're hidden away in?
"fuck-" he curses under his breath, digging around the sheets for his phone.
Mingyu types out a messy apology, pawing at his phone with thick fingers.
"I hope you don't think I'm giving up. As much as I wanted to fight for you, as much as I wanted to rip those papers to shreds, I know this is what you deserve- a shot at real love. Love that doesn't hurt you like I did. I love you so much, Y/n, but you're right, this is my mistake. You shouldn't be the one to suffer for it. I'm sorry for it all. Letting you go is the hardest thing I'll do, but it's what I deserve now. I had the world in my hands and I gave it up for nothing."
Your lip quivers as you read his words. There's a sense of defeat in his tone, as if realization has finally hit and he's understood the gravity of his actions.
Despite his acceptance of your decision, you feel a sharp pang of hurt deep inside your chest. You're doing the right thing. You're protecting yourself. You're being strong.
So, why does it hurt this bad?
Unfocused eyes begin to water, dripping salty puddles onto the screen below, and you realize you're crying.
Mingyu's words from that night play in your head, like a devastating melody, planting seeds of doubt where revenge and empowerment were beginning to grow.
You need to snap out of this.
Surely, one text message shouldn't have you forgetting all the pain he's caused. You simply cannot give in.
"It's late." you tell yourself, hoping that speaking aloud will give you some semblance of authority over your frenzied feelings, "gotta get some rest"
While you drift off to sleep, Mingyu's thoughts hone in on you, just like they have all these nights. Lying on your side of the bed, huddled in a swarm of your blanket and clothes, he does his best to pretend like you're still here.
He curses himself for that night, chastises himself for all the nights before. There really is no excuse, no explanation that could make what he did okay- he knows- which is why, he's leaving you alone. No matter how much pain he's in, no matter how many bottles he's downed, Mingyu doesn't let his toils bother you.
No drunk phone calls, no angry visits, not even a text. Not one attempt to try and beg you to change your mind.
Ironically, the respect he extends now, by leaving you alone, makes you feel worse somehow. Guilty, even.
Taking a deep inhale, Mingyu lets your fading scent flood his senses, and instantly, the memories come flooding in- how you kissed him so tenderly, how your skin tasted, how you came alive under his touch.
"fuck," he whispers, voice trembling, "if I knew that night would be the last time I could touch you-"
Oh, he'd worship you.
Mingyu pictures it- clear as day.
He would've held you tight in his arms, pressing his forehead to yours as you share one breath. He would've kissed you so deeply, making sure to commit your taste to memory, pushing further, harder, until his own mortality forced him to pull away.
When your face fell at the sight of her marks, Mingyu would've kissed your eyes and placed your hand on his heart saying- "you hear that? that's all for you, my love- no one else, just you". And if that didn't do the trick, he'd be more than willing to dig those marks out of his skin, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much it bled.
Most of all, he'd savor you.
As he crawls down your body, he would kiss every inch of your skin, thanking you for letting him. No God could give him this power, no divine force could allow him to touch you- only you had that authority.
And that, makes you greater than any God he's ever prayed to.
Each kiss would be deliberate, slow. He'd close his eyes, brows set in a deep furrow as his lips take you in greedily, like Jesus' first disciple eating at the Eucharist.
Mingyu feels himself grow hard at the thought- being so close to you, kissing you, feeling you. He takes in a shaky breath to compose himself, but in vain.
It has no effect.
No number of breaths, no volume of alcohol, no hours of sleep will ever be enough to push you away.
So, he gives in.
A hand sneaks down under the blanket, beyond the waistband of Mingyu's sweatpants, ghosting over his cock. He hisses as his fingers graze the reddened tip, hips jerking up to chase that feeling.
Letting his thoughts resume, Mingyu works himself in time with his imagination.
His hands explore your skin, soothing their way down to where you need him most. You tremble under his touch, back arching when he puts his mouth to your cunt.
Eagerly, he laps at your slit, taking in your sweet-salt taste- so addictive he's sure this is all he needs now. Not food, not shelter, not money- just you.
You writhe under him, slipping your hands into his hair, tugging at his locks, and his eyes roll back. The sting of his scalp only spurs him on, and his tongue prods your clit in rapid bursts.
"Mingyu-" you choke out, his name like a plea on your lips.
He sucks harder, pushes you further, and dips his tongue inside you, nudging into your pulsating core. It takes you by surprise, and you can't help the cry that escapes you-
As you tighten around him, Mingyu devours you from the inside out, swallowing every last drop you have to offer, coaxing as much as he can from you until you're spent.
"Mingyu," you moan, clutching his hair tighter as you feel your release mere seconds away, "Min-"
A sticky white pool of shame sits at the groove of his thumb, collecting in the dip between his fingers.
Stupefied by disbelief, Mingyu stays deathly still. It's pathetic, honestly. He's aware of how he must look, aware of how wrong it is to use you for his own pleasure, but he just can't help himself.
He really can't.
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bloodfreak-boyking · 3 months
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mirror traps - hera lindsay bird//supernatural - 2x22, 4x09
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princessmaybank · 8 months
Crazy JJ Sex Dream PT2
Pairings: Gentle!Dom!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: MDNI, Blindfold, teasing, oral (Fem receiving), unprotected p in v, nicknames, creampie, slight Choking, hair pulling, ass slap, etc.
Summary: JJ asks Y/N to tell him about her dream and wants to play a game.
Authors Note: Sorry this took so long, I wanted to make it good for you all!
If you haven't read PT1:
Crazy JJ Sex Dream PT1
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"So what's this game, Maybank?" I asked, honestly kinda flustered. This man was so hot and he was on his knees in front of me. Obviously my head was racing with thoughts of everything he could possibly do in that position.
"So you are gonna tell me this dream, but you have to keep your eyes closed for me. At all times. Can you do that for me doll?" He said looking very serious, I only nodded. "Lay on the bed." Obviously I complied. "Alright, here's something to make sure you don't open your eyes. Okay relax and tell me about your dream." He said while he tied a bandana around my eyes.
Fuck. I'm already hard and she's not even naked yet. I could see that she didn't understand where this was going, but to any dirty minded outsider, it was pretty obvious. "You can start whenever baby, just be very detailed and don't leave anything out. Go very slowly, take your time to think. We aren't in any hurry." I smirked but she had no idea.
"Uhm okay, I'm not sure where to start..this is a little awkward JJ.." I could tell she was nervous. "Don't be scared baby, I am not going to judge you. Pretend like you aren't saying it to me. Pretend you are telling someone else." I rubbed her thigh in a comforting way which made her jump at first. When I didn't remove my hand and began rubbing the inside of her thigh, I noticed that her breath hitched.
"Whenever you're ready." I never stop moving my hand.
"So, we were at the annual back to school bonfire, all the pogues were there and we were all having fun. You and I were dancing and drinking together all night, just enjoying ourselves." She paused to think. "Then it got later into the night and I told you I was cold, so you gave me your jacket to keep me warm." I wasn't wearing a jacket right now, even if I was, it would be a weird thing to start off with. I decided I'd lay next to her with my arms wrapped around her, trying to keep her warm. This clearly fogged her brain for a minute but she started back up with no questions. "Then-" her breath hitched again, I must have some power over her that I never noticed before. "Then what baby?" I asked while caressing her arm. "Then we started to kiss...a lot" I wanted to kiss her, so badly, but I didn't want to pause her story. One little kiss won't hurt. I threw my leg over her hips and hovered her, lowering my face so our lips could meet. She jumped a little but didn't pull away. She enjoyed it as much as I did.
When I pulled away she continued. "You whispered in my ear and asked if I wanted to go back to the chateau with you. When we got back you took me to the guest bedroom and laid me on the bed." She explained. How convenient, we were in the guest bedroom.
"You started to kiss and suck on the sweet spots on my neck." So I did just that. I heard a small whimper escape from her lips. I removed my lips from her neck for a moment "keep going baby, I'm listening." I could tell she also liked that, her hips twitched upwards a little from my comment. "Uhm- at that p-point, you started to take my shorts off." I smirked against her neck. "anything else princess?" I asked, reaching down with one hand unbuttoning and unzipping her pants after reattaching my lips to her sweet spot, sucking until I knew there would be a mark. "Also- m-my pantiesss.." She slurred out. I was making this beautiful girl feel so good.
I did as she said, leaving her bottom half exposed, waiting for my next cue. "You took off my top next, and stood there for a few moments to admire me." She stated, trying to sound more comfortable and confident. Once again I did as she said. Damn this woman was amazing. Breathtaking. Gorgeous. Outstanding. She was just sitting in front of me, exposed and helpless. "Your lips traveled all over my body, you placed small kisses that tickled wherever you wanted to place them." My lips made their way to her pretty titties, placing kisses all over them. I knew she didn't say anything about licking or sucking, but I couldn't control myself. My tongue ran circles around her nipples, tickling, nipping, and sucking when I got the chance. I started kissing down her stomach, heading to the place my lips want to rest most.
"Th-the-then you gave me a heavy and sloppy kiss." Of course I did, why wouldn't I cockblock myself in her dream? My hand found the bulge in my pants and I lightly palmed at myself. I crawled up to give her the kiss that she had described and it caused her to moan. "After that y-you-" She was clamming up. "Tell me baby, no need to be embarrassed, I'm here to make you feel good." I said as I rubbed my hands up and down her hips. "y-you- traveled down and placed your head between my legs." I knew what she meant, but I wanted her to say it, so I sat there, with my head between her legs, staring at her beautiful plump pussy. My hand found my bulge again. She wiggled her hips in my face, you could tell she needed it. I blew on her pussy teasing her even more, she made a sound that clearly said she was annoyed.
"Please Jayj-" She whined. Fuuuck. That turned me on so bad. "Say it pretty girl, what do you need me to do to you?" Her mouth fell open with a moan.
If I would let her take that blindfold off, she would have done it by now. I sat and continued looking back and forth between that beautiful face and her delicate little flower. "You-u ate me out." She sounded slightly embarrassed. She had nothing to worry about. I was going to take good care of her.
I dipped my head between her thighs and began to tease her. I kissed all around but I wouldn't touch any of her sensitive spots. She was going crazy for me, I could tell she just wanted my tongue already.
My tongue met her sensitive bud and flicked back and forth until I felt her back arch. She still had to tell the rest of the story. I was polite enough to remove my mouth from her delicious little pussy so she could continue telling me about her dream. "Tell me more baby, what else was happening?" I asked in a caring tone. This had to be the best day of my life.
"Uh-uhm from what I-I remember, you flipped me into doggystyle-" Before she finished her sentence I wanted to make sure she was ready for me. She was so easy to toss around. Fuck me. I wrapped my arms around her and flipped her onto her hands and knees. She sunk down to her stomach so her ass was in the air. I would be lying if I wasn't thinking about just skipping the rest of this shit to go to town on her, but luckily my horny ass, got what I wanted. "Then you just fucked me the rest of the time." My eyes lit up after she said that. I took my pants and underwear off then lined myself up with her entrance, but something was wrong.
I've been waiting so long for this but I wanted to do it right. "Are you sure you wanna do this Y/N? I don't want to make you do anything you'll regret. I know I should have asked earlier and I'm sor-" "Shut up and fuck me JJ!!!"
Damn that was enough for me. I slipped my dick inside of her, thankfully she was soaked from all this teasing. She whimpered from the sudden pleasure which caused me to tilt my head back and moan. I moved my hips back and forth slightly, causing a little bit of friction but it felt so good. I quickened my pace.
"Fuck you've been such a good girl for me. Telling me all the dirty things you dream of me doing to you. Now you're taking my cock like a good little slut." My hands grabbed onto her ass tightly, it helped me pull her back to meet me with more force. She was feeling good I could tell, she couldn't even respond. My hand left her ass cheek to grab her hair in a makeshift ponytail. I pulled it forcing her to sit up, her back was now against my chest. My other hand found her neck giving it slight pressure. I tilted her head to the side and nipped at her neck. "Who's my good little slut? Who's taking my huge fucking cock?" I ask panting in her ear. "Meee.." She whined out barely above a whisper. "Who's your daddy?" I started fucking her harder. "You are JJ." "Good girl."
I threw her back into doggystyle and continued pounding into her. I gave her ass a good slap which caused a lovely sound to escape her lips. "F-f-fuck JJ I'm almost the-there." "Me too princess, just a little longer."
I flipped her into missionary, I wanted to see the beautiful face she makes when she releases. I reached down and caressed her cheek, after removing her blindfold, never stopping my pace. "Look at me pretty girl. I wanna see those pretty eyes roll back into your head." I was gentle with her now. We had our fun but she means so much to me. I don't want this to be a one time thing, and I want it to be more than this.
"JJ I can't hold it back anymore!" She squirmed and moaned. I plowed into her a few more times to get to my high faster. "Fuck I'm almost there." Just a second longer. "Cum in me JJ.." Oh fuck.
"Okay let go baby.." We both came at the same time. I moved my dick back and forth slowly in her pussy to ease us through our highs.
I slipped my dick out of her and looked at all of my cum leaking out of her, well and her own, but damn, it was hot, I was almost hard again.
I took care of her, I wiped up our mess and got into bed with her. We cuddled for a little while, almost falling asleep. "I loved that dream babygirl, thank you for letting me experience that with you." I kissed her temple. When she didn't respond I looked down and saw that she was sleeping. I held her closer and fell asleep with her. I don't see what was so 'crazy' about that 'sex dream'. Seemed pretty awesome to me.
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futuristichedge · 4 months
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beatcroc · 1 year
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something about perspective, representation, or finding beauty in imperfection, i don't know. i mostly just wanted to say that fake pep looks like shitty ice cream.
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factoseintolerant · 1 year
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Bit of that? | Hey ho, on we go.
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synkverv · 6 months
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you thought i was made in your image with the sole purpose to pass on your lineage
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sneez · 3 months
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i love seeing everyone's interpretations of gwynplaine and dea so i thought it would be fun to redraw some friends' designs in my own style to compare all the differences! in order the artists are Meee, @elmorinn, @chiropteracupola, @castledock, @gwynsplainer, and @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 :D
[ID: Six pairs of portraits in an uncoloured digital ink style, each depicting Gwynplaine and Dea according to a different artist's design. In each, Gwynplaine is set against a black background and Dea against white. Detailed descriptions in alt text. End ID.]
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lionbearfox · 2 years
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just read all of csm in one day and im not ready to start unpacking that emotionally so here is a meme
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Jimmy: Why do you like being in the rain?
SpongeBob: I like splashing in the puddles!
Danny: I'm trying to get struck by lightening
Timmy: No one can see me crying
Jimmy: ...Are you guys okay?
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kth1 · 2 years
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set me free pt 2 
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