#her obsession with status is because she literally just wants to be loved and is projecting it in the wrong way
ouroborosorder · 2 months
my favorite genre of manga is “the author started this as a gag series but slowly got invested and now we’re getting character studies of people meant to be joke characters”
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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sephirthoughts · 4 months
Vincent’s lingering obsession with Lucrecia is excellent drama, but their story is not a doomed romance.
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This is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Lucrecia deserves nearly as much pity and excusing of her actions as she gets. This is not character-hate post, it's an analysis of a character I think gets short shrift as a Mother-Mary in a bell jar, and deserves better.
Lucrecia is morally grey. Charcoal grey. I love complex, morally grey characters, particularly when they're women, since usually women are relegated to roles that infantilize and objectify them, particularly in video games, which have historically been a very backward, androcentric medium. I strongly dislike brainless victims, subject to the whims of the male characters, without much agency, and Lucrecia was not such a character.
Lucrecia was an adult with agency and brains. She was a grown ass adult. She was a brilliant scientist. She made decisions with her eyes open, and even sacrificed her unborn child to her work. She is a very interesting character. The fact that she didn't idolize motherhood as the end-all of female existence, and that her obsession with her work was stronger than her desire to be a 'good mother' makes her far more interesting than otherwise. The fact that she regretted it later and wanted him back doesn’t magically make her a good person, or change the choices she made. It demonstrates guilt and remorse, which are part of character development. The bottom line is that she committed atrocities in the name of science, then felt guilty about it later, once she realized how devastating the consequences were to her personally. To say she didn’t know what she was doing or Hojo manipulated or controlled her is to infantilize and disrespect her character. She’s not some sacrificial angel who was a victim of circumstances; she was a willing participant in her own downfall.
Lucrecia is a tragic character, but she's not a romantic lead. Except in Vincent's head. After all was said and done, she had one of those too-late changes of heart that make tragedy so emotionally impactful. She had a human reaction to Vincent's death and felt terribly guilty for her role in all of it, as she should. That doesn't mean she loved him, it means she wasn't a monster. She lost her son, and gradually, Hojo's callous inhumanity and her inability to escape the net she wove with her own hands closed in on her. Did she deserve to never hold her baby son and never see him even once? No. But she caused it, with her own actions. That's tragedy. She was miserable, bereft, and riddled with guilt, so she made a last-ditch effort to make something right...by doing more insane science shit that turned Vincent into a monster. Seeing that she'd only made everything worse, she tried to kill herself, but was unable to, and thus ran off to become a crystal statue in a cave (this is a trope that I dislike, but that's the story, so that's what we've got).
Vincent is a bad judge of the circumstances. Vincent persists in seeing her as a lost love, and someone from whom he was unjustly separated by circumstances. The fact that he is so blinded by his feelings for her that he places her on this pedestal and can't blame her for what she did is excellent characterization, and I love it, but it's because he’s wrong. He loved her. She didn’t love him (I think she was in love with his father, but that's just icing on the tragedy cake, at this point). His lingering attachment, not to the real Lucrecia, but to the idealized version of her he has in his mind, is a very sad reality that adds so much delicious pain to his character. In the end, he is unable to blame her, because he loved his image of her (and Hojo is a way easier target for anger, because he's literally the worst), which speaks far more to his personal bias in the situation than to her actual role in it. She’s not moustache-twirlingly evil like Hojo but she’s not Vincent's star cross'd soul mate tragically torn away by cruel fate. Lucrecia was her own person.
In summation. Their story is not a doomed romance, it's a complicated, messy, ugly tangle of thorns, and one of the best written tragedies in a game that literally bleeds tragedy from every orifice. It's got one-sided love, obsession, mad science, betrayal, jealousy, fetal experimentation, murder, corpse reanimation, and a guy who can't die, and is left to deal with the consequences of everyone else's actions by himself forever. No one is innocent and no one comes out unscathed…strike that. Vincent is innocent and Hojo comes out unscathed. But still. Lucrecia is not a holy mother, she's not a brainless victim, and she's not Vincent's lost love. She's a person he loved, and who didn't reciprocate. Most importantly, she's a person. A whole-ass, complex, morally grey, fully developed person, who made terrible choices, then made even worse choices, and in the end, couldn't escape the fate she wove for herself.
And then wound up encased in crystal so she could be a pretty statue forever cause the game devs just couldn't help themselves I guess.
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pleasingforharry · 2 years
Quiet!YN Gets Jealous
college!harry x quiet!yn
SUMMARY: Based on this Ask -  Hey! Can we have more of college harry? Im literally obsessed with him😮‍💨 maybe something about y/n getting jealous with angst or she does something that pisses h off but they make up? Anything tbh!
WARNINGS: Angst and smut
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it’s back. did some changes here and there. hope you enjoy it (again)
Harry liked Y/N a lot. She knew that. And even though being in a relationship didn’t stop girls from trying to seduce him, Harry still continued to look the other way when they approached him. He only wanted Y/N. She knew that.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
Harry was popular, and even now that he was with someone, that didn’t change his social status. Everyone wanted to be around him because he was just a great person overall. But Harry made it known that certain parts of himself were only reserved for his girlfriend. And Y/N knew that.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
They’ve had many short but heated arguments about it. How every time Harry wasn’t with Y/N, he was accompanied by some girl who had attached herself to his side. And how Harry always brushed it off because to him, it didn’t mean anything. He loved Y/N and couldn’t get her off his mind. So, girls could continue to try, however, nothing was going to change.
But to Y/N, Harry was okay with girls having their way with him. She felt as if she was sharing her boyfriend when she wasn’t around.
Every time she would bring it up, Harry would kiss her long and lovingly, letting her know that it was nothing she needed to worry about.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
And those thoughts led to the couple's most recent argument. Y/N wanted to surprise Harry at his frat house with ice cream from their favorite spot, More Scoops, after her classes. She hadn't told him that her last class had been canceled, which met she would have extra hours with him. She was overjoyed about it and wanted to see him as soon as possible.
She asked her platonic uncle, Coach James, who was also Harry’s soccer coach, to pick her up and drive her there because the walk would have taken up valuable time.
“I’ve never seen you so eager to get to some boy’s house and eat ice cream with him, kiddo. I feel like I should meet him formally, huh?” Coach James chuckled as he held the bag of ice cream for Y/N. She slid out his truck and turned to give him an annoyed look.
“You see him all the time at practice, Uncle James,” Y/N took the bag from him and shut the door as he rolled the passenger window down.
“I know, but I just always wanted to say that,” He exclaimed. “Have fun, kiddo. See you later.”
“Thanks again,” She waved as he drove off.
Y/N made her way up to the frat house and knocked on the door. She was surprised to see that some random guy had opened it for her.
“And who are you, beautiful?” He smirked, moving out of the way to let her in. Y/N remained frozen in place, not wanting to give him the opportunity to check her out as she passed by.
But Niall was quick to intervene and save her. “Marsh, do something better with your life. Goodness,” he scoffed as he smacked him in the back of the head.
“Damn, I was just being nice,” Marsh groaned before stalking away, grumbling under his breath. Y/N internally relaxed and smiled, relieved. Niall let her in and shut the door behind them. 
“Hey, what are you doing here? Isn’t Harry supposed to get you from class later?” 
"Yeah, but my last one got canceled, so I came to surprise him," she nodded as she proudly showed him the ice cream bag.
“He’ll love it,” Niall laughed, gesturing for a high-five. “And we’ve got a busy house today, so yell if another version of Marsh bothers you. I’ll come save you again,” He winked at her. Y/N smirked and thanked Niall before skipping to Harry’s room.
He wasn’t wrong when he said it was busy because there were people everywhere. There was no party going on, but each roommate had about a thousand friends, and headquarters happened to be the house her boyfriend lived at.
It was definitely an adjustment.
Y/N finally made it to Harry’s room, but before she knocked, she heard voices on the other side.
“Yeah, practice was a fucking nightmare yesterday. My hamstrings are killing me.”
“Really? Want me to massage them for you?”
“Ha ha, yeah right.”
“No, seriously. I kinda wanna know what soccer thighs feel like. They look so tight and firm, but soft at the same time.”
“Something like that.”
“So, may I?”
Before she could listen to any more, Y/N swung the door open, her gaze darting to her boyfriend and the last person she wanted to see with him. Peyton.
Out of all the girls that Harry knew, Peyton was the closest to him. They'd been friends since freshman year, and she's always had a crush on Harry. He was aware of it because she made it abundantly clear, but he never felt the same way. She was like a sister to him, and he preferred her as a best friend than his girlfriend.
Peyton was annoyed at Harry for it, but she kept trying and wouldn't give up on them. Yes, Harry knew that she still liked him and should have communicated that there was a line that couldn't be crossed, but she was his best friend. It was difficult to keep her at arm's length when he never had to do so before.
Harry was laid out on his bed, and Peyton was in his swivel chair, but rolled by his side. Y/N was slightly relieved that there was some kind of distance between them.
“Hey, baby. What are you doing here?” Harry asked. He sat up from his bed and motioned her over with open arms. “I’m supposed to get you from class in like two hours.” He was a little taken back that she was in his room and not in class, but nevertheless ecstatic to see her.
“Canceled,” was all she said, not moving from her spot as she continued her stare down with Peyton, who had a short smirk on her face. “Hello.”
“Hey, Y/N. Haven’t seen you in a minute,” she spoke sweetly. “H and I were just talking about you.”
Harry rolled his eyes as he knew what Peyton was implying but executing in a taunting way. “Valentine’s day is coming up, so I was thinking about date ideas,” He corrected her, leaning over to push her shoulder, which she chuckled at. “Don’t be an asshole.”
Y/N nodded and fiddled with the ties of the plastic bag. She didn’t know what to say as she still wanted an explanation for what was about to happen if she hadn’t walked in.
“I heard you guys out there,” she mumbled, now uncomfortable with eye contact and glancing down at her twitching feet. Peyton sniffled a laugh and looked over at Harry. He knew what she was trying to accuse him of and that an argument was slowly stirring.
“Okay? So, now you know I need my baby to come and soothe my aching legs,” He jokingly whined, hoping to avoid it. “Come.”
“Why? You were about to let Peyton do it for me,” She shrugged. “I’ll get out of your way. Have fun.” She turned on her heel and stepped towards the door.
“Y/N, wait,” He stopped her. “We all know that wasn’t going to happen.” She scowled as she peered over her shoulder at Harry.
“Did she know that, though?” She motioned to Peyton. The girl was spinning in his chair, letting the couple duke it out. She only listened in smug amusement. Y/N made it too easy.
“Yes, because you are my girlfriend and she isn’t.”
“Shame,” Peyton muttered under her breath. Before Y/N could snap a remark at her, Harry got to it first.
“Get out, Peyton,” He pointed to the door.
She shot her hands up in surrender. “I’m joking, H. Swear.”
“I don’t care, don’t say shit like that. Get out.”
“You knew I was joking, right, Y/N?” She desperately sought to her for help.
“Don’t talk to her; you’ve already upset her. I will physically throw you out if you don’t leave now,” Harry barked. Peyton sighed and stood up.
She and Y/N exchanged dark looks that said a thousand words. As it was just Peyton, Y/N had no intention of backing down from her glare. She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “Ice cream?” She lifted the bag in between them.
“No thanks,” Peyton scoffed before walking out and slamming the door as a last statement.
When the couple was finally alone, Harry held his breath to cautiously watch his girlfriend. Her shoulders dropped as she realized how tense they were. Without looking at Harry, she moved to his mini fridge and stocked away the ice cream. She suddenly wasn’t in the mood for it anymore.
“Why’d you get ice cream? Special occasion?” Harry spoke first.
“Not really, but I killed my speech in Public Speaking and felt great. My last class got canceled so I thought ‘what better way to spend those two hours than with my boyfriend and ice cream’. Tried to get here as fast as I could to surprise you, and you know the rest,” Y/N explained, sitting across the room from him, on top of his desk. Her arms crossed as she stared at him.
Harry nodded, “Well, first off, I’m proud of you, baby. Congrats on a great speech.”
“Thank you,” She brushed him off quick.
“And thank you for coming to surprise me. I’m so happy you’re here.”
Are you? She wanted to comment, but bit back her tongue.
Harry tapped his thighs as Y/N blinked at him. He knew what she wanted to discuss, but he didn’t want talk about it. He attempted to divert the subject by asking about the ice cream she bought.
“What flavors did you get us?” He motioned to the fridge aside her.
Y/N just shook her head and laughed. “Can we just talk about it because I’m really concerned?”
“Why? I told you nothing was going to happen,” He shrugged. “Now come here and kiss me. I’m really concerned about my lack of kisses today,” He quipped.
Despite her intent to keep her strict demeanor, Y/N really missed him and was just glad to be with him. Her eyes rolled as she pushed off his desk and walked over to him. As soon as he could reach her, he snatched his girlfriend into his arms with a wide smile on his lips.
“My baby!” He cooed and threw her behind him on his bed, before quickly climbing on top of her.
“Harry!” She squealed out. He wasted no time in attacking her face with kisses. Some were wet and slobbery, traveling from her forehead to her cheeks to her lips to her chin and to her neck. “You’re so gross,” She groaned, trying to wipe away his saliva.
“Are you getting rid of my love?” He gasped. “Y/N L/N, what the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N laughed and held his cheeks before enveloping him in a long passionate kiss. He moaned within it and slyly rolled his hips against her in arousal.
When she pulled away, she smirked, “Forgiven?”
“Definitely,” He nodded, and they both laughed.
Y/N let the subject slide for a while, not wanting to bring it up as they were loving on each other for hours. She felt too good to just suddenly ruin the moment, but wasn’t going to ignore how Peyton was a constant problem, along with Harry’s other mild friendships with the girls on campus.
The couple was finally eating the ice cream she brought over, sitting on his bean bag chair and having pillow talk. Harry had Y/N straddling his lap as he kissed her between every few mouthfuls of ice cream. He leaned further into the bean bag chair, taking in the view in front of him.
She was in his shirt after being stripped naked—and well taken care of—a while ago and her nipples puckered from the cold taste of her treat. She had finished her cup and twisted to the side to throw it in the basket beside his desk.
She surprisingly made the shot and Harry cheered dramatically, using that as another excuse to kiss her everywhere. “You’re a future basketball star, baby. I know it,” He exclaimed.
“I made one easy shot, dove,” She laughed, now able to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Still, I think you as a basketball player would be hot as fuck,” He groaned at the thought, bucking his hips up into her. She giggled and brought their lips close but not into a kiss.
“You think everything I do is hot as fuck. You have a constant hard on,” She teased him.
“It’s called a love boner, smartass,” He laid a hard slap to her rear. “And yes, I do think so. Call me obsessed.”
Y/N shared a long loving stare down with Harry. Her gaze followed the length of his face before returning to his eyes. He was hers, but it didn't always seem that way.
The events of earlier, and times just like those, circled back to her mind, causing a noticeable frown on her face. Harry watched and one of his own fell on his lips. He ran his hands up her back, under his shirt, to get her attention. “Baby, what’s wrong? What are you thinking about?”
She shook her head.
“Come on, tell me. I can see it’s bothering you,” He pushed it.
She sighed and looked away as she didn’t want to see his reaction. “Peyton.” That was all she needed to say to sum up everything that was stuck in her head. It wasn’t just Peyton, but every girl that wanted him.
“Y/N,” He groaned, bringing her closer and kissing her cheek. “I’m sorry baby, but what do you want me to say about that? You know I can’t control them. I can only control myself, and I feel like it’s obvious that I’m doing just fine at it.” Y/N exhaled a sigh. Her hands were placed between them, and her fingers twitched nervously.
He released one of his hands from under her shirt to round to her front and up her face. He caressed her cheek while his thumb rubbed along her lips. Y/N smile sincerely for a moment, knowing he was trying to help her through her nerves so she could speak.
“Harry, this is a constant issue, and I just feel like I’m missing something,” She faltered. “There are always girls here at the house, which you can’t help so I try not to worry about that. But specifically Peyton, she’s always in your room. And I’m just worried about what goes on when I’m not here.”
Harry paused his finger. “Are you implying that you don’t trust me, Y/N?” He lifted a challenging brow at her. Y/N suddenly wanted to shrink up into a ball, simply from his expression. He was starting to get pissed. Trust was always a word that lingered over their heads.
Y/N simply shrugged and glanced away from his intense stare.
“I don’t know. I mean, yes, I do, but—“
“Why is there a but?” He interrupted her. “Why can’t you just trust that nothing will ever happen between me and any of them?” He brought his other hand to grab her face and force her to look at him. She had no choice but to stare back. “I don’t think you’ve realized that anytime I’ve been asked to fuck them or kiss them or do anything with them, none of those things have actually ever happened. Maybe because I don’t fucking let them, Y/N. I don’t want them.”
Y/N believed him. She really did. But she was dripping with insecurities. Everything she wanted, those girls had. And Harry had access to them. She became an overthinker that it made her forget everything about simple trust.
“So, if I never walked in, you wouldn’t have let Peyton massage you? Even though she’s your best friend and you guys used to do that kind of stuff all the time?” She asked. Harry immediately shook his head.
“Nothing was going to happen, baby. If you would’ve listened for a little longer and let me answer her, I would have said no and explained the boundaries we needed to set." He responded, irritated that he had to explain himself. Or that she had to pose the question at all. He was officially pissed.
“But why does she think she could do that? Why is her comfort level that high with you still?” Y/N shot at him. “Maybe you’re not making it known to every girl here how serious your relationship is. I just wonder if you have doubts about us or if you really want a full-on relationship with me. I’m sorry, dove, but it’s just what I think about.”
Harry paused, his face becoming unreadable. Y/N watched as it contorted to confusion, hurt, worry, sadness, then straight anger. Betrayal. “What the fuck did you just say?” He seethed, gently removing her off of him so he could stand up. Y/N followed, hugging herself, as he walked across the room.
“I’m not saying you are a bad boyfriend or anything, I just think that you sometimes miss the freedom you had before me,” Y/N shrugged.
What Y/N watched made her want to shove every single word she said back down her throat and to the depths of hell. She regretted everything.
Harry’s hands clenched and he sucked in a long breath. His eyes went dark and lost all the green that used to look at her with acres of love. That sight was gone and probably for a long time.
One of his hands dug into the side of his hip as it didn’t know where else to go. He turned away from Y/N, looking anywhere but her. He wanted to throw something or yell out a dictionary of curse words to let out the stinging feeling of anger boiling inside of him. But, he didn’t want to react like that in front of Y/N, though. As much as he was filled with betrayal and wanted her to see that, he would never act out with her around. So, she needed to go.
“Get out,” Harry ordered, his voice stern, trying to hide the rasp in his throat. It made her eyes widen.
“Wait, I didn’t—”
“Baby, I’m trying...” He sighed and shook his head, “I will only say it nicely one more time. Please, get out of my room,” His hand twitched as it pointed towards the door. Y/N waited a moment, her hands grasping each other. Harry’s eyes didn’t soften like she thought would happen if she waited. He was telling her to leave. He didn’t want her there anymore. Maybe a little space is what they needed for now.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I’ll go,” She whispered as she scurried away from him. But before she completely left, she heard the words she thought would never leave his mouth. “Y/N, we need to break up.”
Her whole body froze as her heart dropped to her trembling feet. They somehow brought her to Harry as she held his shoulders to get his attention.
“Harry? What?” She wavered. “What are you saying? Are you... wait I swear, I didn’t mean it.”
He closed his eyes and grabbed her hands from his shoulders to lace them with his own. He squeezed her hands softly. “Y/N, I don’t know. I think I overestimated myself. I’ll never be able to prove that all I want is you,” he huffed, still shaking. “I am so tired of trying to convince you that I can be trusted. You aren’t going to chance your views on me, so why am I continuing to waste my time?”
“I’m done fighting in a battle I’ll never win at. I’m tired, baby. I can’t do it anymore,” He sighed, rolling his head in different directions. He slipped his hands away from her to turn his back to her. Without saying another word, he pointed to the door.
Y/N stood there, unable to process what he said to her. She suddenly dropped to her knees, and her head fell into her hands. She wasn’t crying, though. Nothing was coming out. She was stuck in a shock.
Harry glanced behind him and saw her quivering body on the floor as if she was dry heaving. She didn’t realize he moved until she felt him reach under her arms. He helped her back to her feet and used a single finger to lift her chin.
Her eyes were glossy as she sniffled and panted uncontrollably. “Dove, I’m sorry. Please, don’t say that. I trust you, I really do.”
"But, baby, you don't. I'm certain you don't. And that's fine, but I genuinely think this is something you need to resolve with someone else because I’m at a lost." His tone was monotonous. He moved his finger to her hair so he could brush it behind her ear. "I can't help you anymore. I tried, but I failed."
“You didn’t fail, Harry. I promise that you didn’t,” She shook her head, ignoring him repeatedly mumbling but I did.
They stood there for another solid minute, bickering back and forth whether he failed her or not. Harry grew tired.
“Y/N, I need you to leave now, okay? I just don’t want to be near you, right now, baby. I’m sorry,” Harry spoke, running his hand down her arm. 
“Are we really done?” She dared to ask. “Please don’t say yes.”
Harry rolled his lips inwards and looked up. Y/N began to shake again as she covered her eyes with her hands. 
“I’m sorry that there are girls who won’t stop approaching me, but I have only so much control over that. I don’t know how to change their comfort level with me, because they blatantly ignore what I say. But I can swear to you, and you can even ask them yourself, that nothing has ever happened. I wouldn’t let it, and I’m sorry that it isn’t enough to convince you.”
“It is, I believe you. I do. I’m sorry, Harry,” Y/N tried to muster up a smile.
He only shook his head. “Y/N, I love you, I really do. I don’t regret a second of what we had, but baby, right now, I don’t want this. You can’t trust me, and I know that isn’t entirely your fault. But I don’t know... I just feel hate. It’s not fair, and I don’t understand why it’s towards you, but it’s there.”
“W-wh-Harry what?”
“I hate both of us. I hate myself for not doing what you needed me to do. But I hate you for not listening to me, Y/N. And right now, I need you to leave.”
I hate you.
Y/N didn’t want to show up at Harry’s soccer practices to take photos as the team’s photographer anymore. She wanted to avoid him at all cost, because if she saw him, she’d lose it. But Coach James would know something was up and blame it on Harry, so she went anyways.
I hate you.
That day when she left Harry’s room, she didn’t cry, only mumbled questions of why. She asked why’s for everything. Why did she say those things? Why couldn’t she trust him? Why was she so insecure? Why did she hurt him? Why did she never stop and actually listen to him?
They were constant. She couldn’t focus. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t function. She couldn’t. Harry really made up the happiness in her life. And now it was all gone.
I hate you.
She hated herself too.
The first few practices after their break up, Harry only nodded at Y/N when she arrived. Her eyes would dart anywhere else as she already felt a knot in her throat. She subtly sucked in a slow breath to exhale out and relax her shoulders. For the remainder of the time, Harry kept his attention away from her as he knew he was the reason for her uneasiness. He felt really bad, so the least he could do was not taunt her.
But it was the next practice when Harry finally spoke to her. It was when they had their water break and Y/N was pacing near the path that led back to campus. She was contemplating if she should leave. It was hitting her hard, really hard. So, Harry snuck over to her to help. He still cared for her, that was never going away.
“Hey, b—Y/N,” He caught himself. Her eyes never left her camera as she played with the buttons to control her overwhelming feelings of stress. “Can I talk to you, real quick?”
She was surprised he was speaking to her, and even though it hurt to be around him, she wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to talk as it might be her last. She nodded and moved her eyes to his water bottle by his side. He still used the one with stickers sprinkled around the length of it. And her initial was still there.
“Honestly, I have no idea what I want to say, I just needed to check on you. How’ve you been?” He shifted his weight to his other leg. “Thank you for still being the team’s photographer.”
“It’s fine, and I’m fine. Just been—well, doing a lot of thinking, but when I get down, it’s nothing a little ice cream can’t help with,” She said playfully, but Harry still stared at her worriedly. So, she moved on with a cough. “I’ve gone to the lake behind More Scoops more recently to take pictures. It’s a lovely setting, no matter the hour,” She answered. Harry frowned at that.
“You’ve been doing all of this alone?”
She shrugged, “I don’t have friends. Your friends were my friends, so...”
“Y/N, you can still come to the frat to see Niall and everyone. They miss you, and I’ll stay away so I’m not a distraction. You are their friend without me,” He pushed her shoulder as if he was offended she would believe otherwise. 
“Thank you,” was all she should said for him to drop the topic because she knew she still wasn’t going. Just being at the frat house was going to make her think of Harry, whether he was there or not.
The ex-couple stood together in silence, finally staring at each other. Y/N saw the gentle green in his eyes again. She thought they’d never come back, nor would he let her see them.
She wanted to ask him a thousand questions, mixed with a thousand more sorrys. But it wasn’t an appropriate time as she could tell he still wasn’t ready to forgive her. She still had more thinking and growing to do.
Coach James called the boys over, so Harry motioned behind him, not knowing how to properly depart from her without kissing and exchanging ‘I love you’. So, she helped him out.
“You can go, Harry.”
He opened his mouth to response, but suddenly shut his lips. He only nodded and jogged away.
For every other practice, Harry never spoke to her. He would sometimes glance at her during their breaks, but didn’t approach her like he did that one time. Y/N still had to take pictures of him so Coach James wouldn’t be suspicious, but he already knew something was wrong. Usually, Harry would pay more attention to Y/N than the ball when she came to his practice. And now, he could count on his fingers how many times Harry tried to get her to look at him. Zero.
He became a little ticked off because he believed Harry was the cause for Y/N permanent frown. Every smile was painted over a frown, none of them were genuine anymore.
Coach James waited until after practice to pull Harry to the side and question him. He had his arms crossed and shades over his eyes when Harry came out the locker room.
“Styles, come here,” He yelled for him. The group immaturely teased Harry for being called out, hitting him in the back as he moved through them. He only rolled his eyes and ran to his coach. Y/N had left as soon as he dismissed the boys to the showers, not even exchanging goodbyes. She darted away with her camera hanging sadly around her neck.
“Yeah, coach?” Harry was a little confused because nothing bad or amazing happened during practice.
“What’s going on?” was all he asked, rocking slightly. “I’ll be unbiased.”
Harry blinked in thought, wondering what story he wanted his side on. But it suddenly hit him so he awed with comprehension. Then, he laughed. "That's not possible. You’ll always see her as your niece.”
“Right now, she’s the girl that photographs my team. And you’re one of my players that I’ve seen a noticeable difference with,” He shook his head. “Now, tell me what’s going on because she sure as hell won’t.”
Harry groaned, before turning to face the turf field. As did Coach James, and they stood side by side. He didn’t want to be the first to say anything, but he knew Y/N could keep her mouth shut if she really wanted to.
“She doesn’t trust me, and I didn’t know what else to do to reassure her. I just grew tired of the fighting, and I need to prioritize myself sometimes,” Harry explained, rubbing the back of his neck. Coach James only nodded and looked over at him.
“I see,” He said. “So, you broke up with her?”
“Yes, sir.”
Coach James hummed and brought his attention back to the turf field. “Well, I can’t be mad at you because like you said, you need to prioritize yourself sometimes. And you tried to work through an issue, but in the end, had to step back. So, you aren’t in the wrong.”
Harry knew that, but to hear it from Coach James wasn’t all that comforting. He kind of wanted to hear that he did something wrong so he could finally feel bad about breaking things off with Y/N. But each day, he knew what he did was for the best.
“You’re free to go. Thank you for telling me. See you tomorrow.”
Harry suddenly frowned at Coach James, parting his lips to speak. He lifted a brow at Harry’s hopeless expression and raised his shades to look at him clearly.
“Why can’t she trust me?” Harry asked, begging to get an answer from someone. “I really tried.”
“I know you did, Harry. You did your best.”
“But why?”
Coach James shrugged, and it only made Harry angry. Why couldn’t he get a fucking answer?
“I told her I hated her,” He admitted. Coach James’ face didn’t change.
“Did you mean it?” He asked instead.
Harry shrugged. “I loved her so much, sir. Even though I continuously explain myself to her, it wasn’t enough. She wouldn’t completely believe me when I told her that all I ever wanted was her. And I hate her for that.”
Coach James shared a few encouraging words to Harry, before excusing him to leave. Harry didn’t feel any better, only confused. And he wondered how Y/N was feeling too.
Y/N had finished her classes for the day, so she went to the dining hall for some food. She saw it as an instant mistake when she noticed Harry and his roommates at a near table. But he seemed happy as he laughed loudly with the rest of the group, and that brought a sad smile to her lips. He was okay. At least one of them were.
Niall happened to catch Y/N walking around in the corner of his eye and waved at her. The rest of their eyes turned to her, and she suddenly felt vulnerable. She didn’t want them to see her because like she predicted, would get his attention.
Harry frowned in confusion as the boys sitting across from him were looking in another direction. He shifted in his seat to follow their line of vision, but when he realized who it was, he only gave her a brief glance before turning back around.
I hate you.
Y/N’s lips began to quiver, so she shortly waved back and made a beeline to the other side of the dining hall. It had been a long time since she was there alone because she never ate without Harry. He always enjoyed being with her, and Y/N enjoyed it even more. God, she missed him.
She had heard footsteps coming up behind her, and she assumed it was someone going to the bathroom as she sat near the doors, but that person was there for her. Niall.
He sat across from her and smiled. “Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join you?” He asked.
“What about—”
“Don’t worry about them,” He said. “They’ll think I’m shitting and eventually leave.” Y/N actually laughed for the first time that week. Niall reached his hand out for her, and she sadly accepted it. “Can’t let you eat alone, now could I?”
“Thank you, Niall.”
There was a moment of silence as Niall sighed. He glanced over his shoulder in the direction of his friends, then looked back at Y/N. “He wants to be here with you. He hates when you’re alone. So, I’m just doing him a favor,” He shrugged it off. “But you’re also better to eat with than those idiots. Who gets pizza with broccoli on top?”
“Isaiah,” they both answered together, before laughing. Y/N tilted her chin down and rolled her lips inwards to contain her smile.
Harry glanced in the direction Niall had left to go to the bathroom, and where he secretly watched Y/N go to sit alone. But it had been almost twenty minutes and Niall hadn’t returned nor did Y/N disperse from there to leave.
“You guys ready to go?” Sage asked, getting up from his chair with his tray. The rest of the boys nodded and joined him. Harry followed behind, shuffling extra steps in search for Niall... and Y/N.
But before he walked any farther to the other area of the hall, Niall appeared with stretched arms. “Hey, fellas.”
“Oh fuck no, were you in the bathroom that whole time?” Flynn gasped as Niall took stalking steps towards him with his hands out, as if he didn’t wash his hands.
“Sure was!” He smirked, before chasing all of them out the dining hall. Harry watched with a shake of his head. Before he followed them out, he searched a little longer for one more person. But she was already gone.
As much as Niall didn’t want to, he had let Y/N leave, wiping tears on her sleeves as she begged to be alone.
Y/N paused, her hand resting against the frat house's door. She shouldn’t have come, but there she was. Two days had passed since Niall's brief pep talk, which had left her wanting to collect her thoughts. And now she was back at the taunting frat house. She knew Harry wouldn’t want to see her, but she had to try.
Some random guy had let her in, but wasn’t nasty like Marsh. He was friendly and told her that Harry was in his room, as he had been all day.
She was taking her time down the hallway, shaking her shoulders to let the nerves out. The thought of being rejected as soon as he saw her was lingering in the back of her mind, but she pushed through and continued to walk.
Y/N reached Harry’s room and instantly grew sick when another voice accompanied him behind the door. Her shoulders slumped and her legs were ready to pivot away, but her voice did otherwise. “Harry? It’s Y/N.”
The noises behind his door suddenly silenced, and Y/N became exceedingly nervous. Heavy pads of feet, which she immediately recognized as Harry’s, reached her and then the door swung open. And so did Y/N’s eyes.
He was there. His hands over his head as he held the doorframe above them, stretching the length of his naked torso. He wore his signature navy colored sweats—they had a matching pair—that hung low on his hips to reveal his v-line.
If Y/N wasn’t worried about who had seen the sight that used to only belong to her, she’d be drooling.
Harry sighed as he watched her shyly examine his body. When her eyes traveled back up to his and she realized he had caught her, she turned her head towards the stairs down the hall. “Hi,” she mumbled.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He huffed.
“Are you busy?” She whispered, motioning behind him. His naked chest wasn’t helping the anxious knot in her stomach. All of the boys were together playing videogames in the living room, but he was upstairs with someone else in his room. It wasn’t a good sign.
Harry glanced behind him before looking back at Y/N. With her eyes looking down, she didn’t see the smirk spreading on his face. “Maybe, depends on what you want.”
She nodded and sucked in a brave breath. Just say it. “I’m sorry.”
“And I—” she fondled with the stitches along her jeans, “Um... I just wanted you to know that I didn’t mean what I said.”
Harry continued to eye Y/N intensely that she was burning on the inside. She felt her pits begin to sweat, and the thickness of the air wasn’t helping her breathe any better.
“Yes, you did, Y/N.”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have said that. I trust you, Harry.”
He rolled his eyes and took a step towards her so he could shut the door behind him. “You’re only saying that because you want me to forgive you. And honestly, Y/N, I’m still not ready to.” Her throat closed up and her eyes warned to water. She dug her nails into her palm to control herself. “You never trusted me and we argued about that constantly. I’m lost and I’m confused. You confuse me. And I’ll never understand why you never wanted to believe me.”
“That’s not true, I did believe you,” She sniffled so low that she could barely hear herself.
Harry chuckled, “Did you? So, were you not there for half of our arguments? How naïve do you think I am, Y/N?”
She rolled her lips inwards and shook her head. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. It was inevitable as her vision became a blur. She didn’t trust her voice to hide how close she was to breaking down.
This was a bad idea. She needed to leave.
“Y/N, you assume that I want every girl that even looks at me. I always have to defend myself because you jump right to conclusions.”
“No, I—”
“Shut up! Let me talk!” He snapped at her. Y/N did just that, but it was too late. Harry was over the conversation. “Never mind, you are still as stubborn as always. I’m done. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you. Just leave.”
She wanted to fight for him. She wanted to stay and talk things out. But the look of hatred that stuck on his face as he glared at her was too much to handle.
Her breathing became shaky as she nodded and whispered an okay. She made her way to the stairs, feeling his eyes hard on her back.
Before she could make it to the end of the hall, Harry called out for her. She touched the wall to steady herself and looked back.
“Yes?” She asked with a hint of hope as she stared at his genuine smile.
Before she was completely crushed.
“There is a girl in my room, and I would tell you what we’re doing in here, but it’s not like you’d believe me, right?” Y/N’s eyes widened. “Like I said, I’m tired of explaining myself to someone who will never listen.”
The door was shut to his room before she could react. She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until her throat begged for air.
Y/N raced down the stairs, ignoring the boys’ calls of her name, and out the front door. She ran as fast as she could to anywhere but that stupid fucking frat house. Her legs wouldn’t slow down, and she didn’t want to.
Her heart was heavy. So heavy. She didn’t know what do to or where to go. If she went back to her dorm, she knew the boys would find her there, and for the first time in a long one, she didn’t want to be found. She wanted to be alone. And quiet.
Y/N scooped her spoon full of ice cream and let the cold taste numb her throbbing heart. She was at a lake nearby the campus. It was a good hiding spot because no one knew she went there besides Harry. And she was for sure he wasn’t looking for her. He was busy.
She lifted up her phone for the tenth time to skim the messages across her screen.
niall: where are you y/n? i’m at your dorm
niall : i’m worried about you
niall: he didn’t mean it
niall: y/n it’s okay
niall: just let me know you’re alright
Y/N set her phone back down on the grass and sighed at the sky. It had been almost two hours and the day was soon to end. Y/N had no intention of leaving, hoping that the day could take her with it to yesterday. She didn’t want to move on with everything else. She wanted to pause in that moment.
Alone. With ice cream. And the painted sky. She grabbed her phone to take a picture and smiled at the results. It was beautiful, why would she go home when she could be here?
While still in her hand, her phone began to vibrate. It was the hundredth time, and Y/N was getting pretty aggravated, She knew it was Niall without even looking at the contact name.
“Hello?” She asked with a rasp in her voice from all the crying she did earlier.
“Y/N? Oh my god, where the fuck are you? I’ve—”
“Niall, please. Just leave me alone.”
“No, you need to tell me where you are, right fucking now. I’m serious, Y/N. I swear on everything—”
“Behind More Scoops there is a trail that leads to a lake,” was all she said before hanging up her phone and dropping it back to her side.
She really didn’t want to see anybody, but Niall wouldn’t leave her alone.
It only took him seven minutes to race to where she was. He was panting loudly as he plopped down next to her. He fell back and yelled.
Y/N sniffled a laugh and glanced over at him. “You okay?”
“You’re the actual worst. I’ve been so worried and here you are—eating ice cream by a lake,” He snapped, hitting her in the thigh with every word. She laughed again and hit him back.
“I needed to get away,” She shrugged.
“I know you did, but you didn’t need to be alone,” He snapped back. “You never had to be. This whole time, we’ve all been trying to comfort you, but you push us away. Stop doing this alone when we’re here.”
“I like being alone.”
“Well, I don’t,” Niall argued back. “Fuck Y/N, what happened today?”
She shook her head, not wanting to relive that moment again. Niall silently understood and didn’t push it for a few minutes.
“He needs you, Y/N. I don’t know what that idiot needs you to say to him, but please keep trying.”
“I did.”
“I know, but don’t give up on him because he hasn’t given up on you. He’s on the verge of forgiving you, I can tell. I know both of you want to be together, so save each other,” Niall sat back up to look at her seriously. “Save him like you did the first time. He needs you more than ever.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
Niall sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Y/N, listen to me,” He grabbed her hands to hold in between the both of them. “I don’t want the Harry ‘before you’ back. Yes, I missed him at first, but after I met the Harry ‘during you’, I never want the old one back. That is the best version of Harry there is, Y/N. Not the one before or after you, the one during you.”
“It’s too late, Niall,” Y/N looked away towards the water shimmering in the lake. “I messed up bad.”
“It’s not, though. You are doing everything just right. It’s working. I talked to him after you left and I could see it in his eyes. He fucking misses you. He knows you’re sorry and wants to trust him. He’s just being a stubborn fucker, so I need you to pull him out of it. Just one more time, Y/N. I know he’ll break,” Niall pushed her shoulder.
She gave him a hard glare, before hitting him. “How are you so sure? He would’ve have hurt me like he did earlier if he wanted me.”
“Are you willing to finally trust him?” Niall asked.
“Of course, I am. I always did, I was just insecure. But he’s right, I had no reason to because nothing ever happened. I’m just an idiot.”
Niall shook his head. “First off, you’re not an idiot because he should’ve taken your words into consideration if he cares so much about you. If you wanted those girls at arms-length with him, he should’ve found a way. So, stop beating yourself up so much, okay?” Y/N finally smiled. 
“Thank you, Niall.” A weight had been dropped. Niall got it.
“Now, if you want to really trust him and to finally get over your insecurities, then mean it. Let him know what needs to change and compromise. Get it through his thick fucking skull that you guys can work this out. “
Y/N sniffled and covered her eyes to cry in her hands. Niall reached over to rub circled around her back. “I’m sorry, I don’t—”
“Don’t apologize, you’re hurting. Let that out, it’ll help.” Y/N nodded and leaned into him. “He’s going to listen this time, Y/N. He wants to listen. Trust me. He’s hosting a party at the frat right now. He hasn’t done that in a long time. We need your help.”
“I’m scared, Niall. He hates me.”
“Not as much as he loves you. God, Y/N, Harry is so fucking in love with you. He needs you bad.”
Y/N opened her eyes and looked up. She gazed at the dusked sky. “I need him too.”
Y/N was at a frat party. She never attended those. Especially without her roommate by her side, but she was so desperate to find Harry that she pushed through.
The house was loud and reeked of alcohol and sweaty bodies dancing against each other. Y/N needed to find Harry and fast.
Her low voice tried to excuse her way through the crowd, but no one even acknowledged her presence; a good and bad thing.
As the host, she knew Harry wouldn’t be locked up in his room, so that made it a little more difficult to find him. She asked around at first, but no one seemed to know where he could be.
She had made it to the backyard when she finally found him.
He was against the wall of the house, talking to an unfamiliar girl. Y/N was relieved from the distance between them, and that Harry was shooing her, every time she tried to reach for him. He was facing Y/N, so she could see the disinterest in his eyes, and she hoped that would help her get him alone.
She pushed through more people who seemed to be deliberately making it difficult to reach him, which furthered her determination.
“Harry!” She yelled, but the speaker hanging above him deafened her voice. She groaned and hurried her feet as she watched the girl motion her hand down his chest and to forbidden territory.
What felt like forever, Y/N finally reached the two, and when Harry noticed her furiously approaching them, his eyes widened. “Y/N?!” He gawked. Y/N clenched her teeth as she shoved the girl’s shoulder to get her attention.
“What the fuck?” The girl gasped as she whipped around to face Y/N. There wasn’t a noticeable height difference, so the girl’s met eye level. “Who do you think you are, bitch?” 
Y/N knew she couldn’t take this girl as she had no fighting experience, but in the moment she didn’t care. She only took bold steps towards the girl so their chests touched.
“Stay away from him,” she growled darkly, trying her best to keep up her brave persona. But she was dying on the inside. Why the hell did she do that?
“Excuse me? Who even are—”
“Stop!” Harry moved in the way to break up something that was bound to happen. He grabbed the girl’s arm to yank her back so he could step in between them. Y/N felt a pang of pride as Harry stood in front of her with his back to the girl. “Y/N, what the fuck are you doing here?”
The girl huffed loudly, “Do you know her?”
“Yes, and we’re leaving,” Harry looked at Y/N as he spoke to the girl. He pointed to the house and Y/N nodded, before walking away.
She felt Harry close behind her as he muttered under his breath. She was a little ashamed of her actions, causing a scene like that when the girl technically did nothing wrong. But winning Harry in the end made it feel okay.
“Do you want to explain why you’re here and what the fuck happened back there?” Harry asked as they walked down the hallway to his room. Y/N’s shoulders tensed from his fatherly tone, so she shook her head. “Well, you’re going to tell me anyways, so figure the answer out.”
Y/N paused at the entrance of his room, remembering what happened the last time she was there. She suddenly grew hot as a layer of sweat formed along her forehead. The hurtful throb of her heart was back, and she needed out. Anywhere, but there.
“Hey, you okay?” Harry asked, moving to stand in front of her. He heard how hard she was breathing so he took another step closer to get her attention. “What? What’s wrong? Look at me, baby.”
Darting her eyes up at him, she shook her head rapidly. Finally face to face with him again, Y/N wanted to break down. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Harry, I’m so fucking sorry. I—I’m sorry for not trusting you because I had no reason not to. This is all my fault. You can’t control every single girl that likes you, and I should’ve—”
“Wait, you’re talking so fast, calm down,” Harry laughed, but Y/N shot him a dark look that he instantly stopped. “I’m sorry, go on.”
Y/N sighed as she remembered to slow her words down. She was still heavily shaking. “I want to be with you forever, Harry. My life before you is nothing compared to what it was when I was with you. That feeling I get every time I’m around you is so euphoric that I feel so selfish for only wanting to have it for myself.”
Harry only blinked at her. So, she kept going.
“I’m so fucking stupid, I wish I never said those things. I swear I didn’t mean it, you’re an amazing boyfriend and I know you only wanted me. You were doing everything just fine, it’s all me. Everything is my fault.”
Y/N started to hyperventilate, overwhelmed with her spilling words. Harry became concerned as her eyes filled with tears and her voice grew raspy. He reached out for her, but as much as she yearned for his missed touched, she put her hand out to stop him.
“No, I’m fine. Let me finish.”
“Harry, I miss you so much. And I don’t deserve you back, but I’m begging you to forgive me. If you want to start off slow and maybe just be friends, I’m so down for that. It’s completely fine. You need to trust me again. I get it.”
He sighed, “Y/N, I’ve always trusted you, and I still do.”
She only groaned and covered her eyes. “Don’t say that, I feel like even more shit.”
“I’m sorry.”
She dropped her arms and looked back at Harry. His arms were crossed, still willing to listen to her, and she was going to use the opportunity to the fullest.
“I’m insecure, okay? I know that, and I’ll work on it. I just... I love you so much, and I’m possessive, and I don’t know how to control myself, so I take it out on you,” Y/N finally admitted out loud, surprising both herself and Harry. “It was a horrible thing to do, but I promise, I’ll talk to you. I’ll communicate, and I—I don’t even know. Just... I’ll do better. I’m gonna do so much better. I’m truly sorry, Harry.”
He tilted his head to the side as he stared at her. His tongue rolled over his teeth, and Y/N was dying in anticipation.
“This whole thing... this is the most I’ve ever heard you apologize. You never do that,” He mentioned.
That wasn’t what she expected him to say, but she accepted it. “I know, I’m gonna work on that, okay?” He nodded and swayed. “I’m going to do better, please don’t give up on me, Harry. Fight for me again, I won’t let you down.”
The words he had said to her continued to cause constant pangs of hurt in her heart. “Please don’t hate me, Harry.”
His eyes suddenly softened as his lips parted. “Fuck Y/N.”
“If you really don’t want to forgive me, then I’ll learn to accept that. But, I’m begging you to not hate me.” Before she could say anymore, Y/N’s hand covered her eyes to hide the tears that spilled out the corners.
Harry took another step so that their chests finally touched. He held Y/N’s jaw and that was enough for her to break down completely. She continued to apologize and Harry simple smiled at her. God, he fucking loves this girl.
“I’ll do better, Harry. I’m sorry, I really am,” she cried, looking back at him.
“Will you let me speak?”
She shook her head and continued to cry. “I don’t want to know your answer. I can’t do this. Just know, I’m sorry. I have to go.”
Y/N escaped his hold, before racing towards the stairs. She needed fresh air so she could breathe properly. Her head was spinning and she could drop at any moment.
But what she didn’t expect was a familiar call of her name. Harry ran quicker than Y/N and grabbed her waist, pulling her into his warm chest that she missed all too much. His lips reached her ear as he laughed.
“I’m the athlete here, baby. You can’t outrun me,” he joked, pinching her sides.
“I need to go. I shouldn’t have come,” she shook her head, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
“No, we’re going to talk about this. You said it yourself that we are going to start talking.”
“I can’t tonight, Harry. This is too much.”
“You’re being stubborn, Y/N. It’s annoying me.”
Y/N turned in his hold with her doe eyes, looking up at him. His thumb brushed her lips as he smiled at her.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
“I know that, baby. You told me that already,” he chuckled, before leading her down the stairwell. She expected him to take her back to his room.
“Wait, where are we going?” She asked as he wrapped an arm around her while he pushed through the crowd.
They made it to the front door when he decided to answer. “You’re overwhelmed, it’s a hectic and loud party, so we’re going to your dorm.”
“Oh,” She nodded. 
There wasn’t much exchanged during the ride. Harry had grabbed Y/N’s hand sometime during the drive and rested their laced fingers on her thigh. His thumb brushed the back of her hand as he hummed under his breath.
Every time he glanced at Y/N, her eyes were trained on the passenger window. He could feel how stiff her hand was, and it had a slight shake. She was so nervous, so Harry brought them to his lips.
“It’s okay, baby,” He whispered in the silent car, before pressing a long kiss to the back of her hand. “We’re going to be okay.”
Y/N sniffled, still not looking his way. But from the dark sky and the luminated lights of the buildings they passed by, he could see her reflection. And the most hopeful smile sat on her lips. Harry kissed her hand once more, before bringing them back to her lap.
When they made it to Y/N’s dorm, Harry led the way with their hands still together. She allowed him to drag her to her suite, before shutting the door behind them. His hand slipped from hers so he could approach her desk, examining the space he hadn’t been at for a while.
“Sorry, it’s messy. Didn’t think you’d stop by,” She tried to chuckle, but it sounded like a rough sigh. Harry only shrugged as he walked to stand in front of her with wandering eyes. They finally fell on her, and she felt on display. Even though she was completely clothed, she crossed her arms over herself to hide whatever he was looking at.
“I missed it here,” Harry said. “You moved our picture,” He motioned to her desk, noticing the missing frame as soon as he walked in. 
Y/N’s eyes widened. “I did, I’m sorry. I just thought that—”
“Stop apologizing. You don’t have to explain yourself,” Harry interrupted her, swiftly pinching her side. Y/N squealed, before frowning at him. “I just happened to see that it was gone. I don’t have to know why you took it down if you don’t want to me to.”
“I’m sorry,” She repeated for the thousandth time. Harry rolled his eyes, which made her want to repeat her words again. So, she moved on and asked a question. “Can we be friends?” 
Harry cocked a brow up at her. “Friends?”
“I mean, I don’t know if you want... well, a relationship with me again. But I’d really like to be your friend again,” She swayed nervously in her spot.
Harry snorted while running his hands down her arms. “That’s considerate of you.”
“I just want to try again, Harry. I feel really bad for hurting you.”
“I’d like that too, because I, too, am sorry for hurting you,” His hands found hers again. “I’m trying to understand how to firmly create a distance. I just don’t want to come off as an asshole, ya know?”
Y/N nodded, “Everyone loves you. It’s not your fault.”
“It is, though. But I’m going to work on that,” He brought her knuckles up to his lips and continuously switched to kiss both.
Y/N hesitated to ask her next question, but she was desperate to know. “Do you still hate me?” She asked cautiously.
“Will you learn to trust me?” He lifted a brow at her. Her eyes instantly widened as she rapidly nodded. Harry laughed and reached for her cheeks to stop her. “Then, no I don’t. And I’m sorry I said that to you.”
A pile of relief spread across her as all the stress shed off her skin. She wanted to cry. And she did. She had a full on melt down.
Harry continued to hold her cheeks while he wiped her eyes as tears wouldn’t stop streaming down. She repeatedly apologized for being a mess, and Harry only nodded with a loving smile as he looked down at her lovingly.
“You’re so sensitive, baby,” he chuckled. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” she sniffled as Harry’s thumb closed her eye to wipe another tear. “I can’t stop. I don’t know what’s happening.”
Harry caught Y/N completely off guard by kissing her nose before nudging his against hers as a ‘butterfly kiss’. Her eyes were widened as she stared back at him, bewildered by his bold move.
It only made her lip quiver again.
“Shut up, stop. You’re making it worse,” she complained through more sniffles. “I need to leave.”
“We’re at your dorm, Y/N,” he laughed heartily. “And I’m trying to calm you down so you’ll stop crying. I don’t like seeing you cry. Even though you still look very pretty.”
Y/N was overwhelmed, and downright confused. Did he love her again? He was being very affectionate after wanting nothing to do with her not too long ago. It made Y/N think that he wasn’t affected by her anymore. He didn’t feel anything towards her as he touched and caressed her.
His feelings were somewhere else.
“What are you thinking about now?” Harry asked. Her tears finally stopped, but the sadden look across her face worried him that more were soon to come.
“Is there someone else?” She dared to ask.
Harry’s hands continued to hold her cheeks as his thumb trailed along his favorite features of her face. “What do you mean?”
“Another girlfriend,” she gulped. Harry lifted a brow at her, and her hands came up in surrender. “Oh shit, I didn’t even consider that. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw myself back at you like this.”
“Y/N,” He laughed.
“No, It’s completely fine, if so, Harry. I’m happy for you,” She lied right to his face with a forced smile. But he could see right through her.
Harry slowly smirked and dropped his hands from her face to cross his arms over his chest.
“Are you?”
“Yes, of course. She’s lucky to have you,” She nodded. “I really fumbled, haven't I?” She tried to joke, but it only made her lips quiver again. Harry nodded, trying his best not to laugh in her face. She was so cute.
“You did. I was an amazing boyfriend, Y/N.”
She didn’t response at first, only fiddling with her fingers. She wasn’t expecting to be in a new situation. Harry was now taken. And not by her.
“Well, congratulations,” She said, stringing with lies. “Uhh, can I just ask for a favor? You can honestly just ignore me and do it anyways because I have no—“
“Y/N, just say it.”
“It’s just that I’m there all the time, so I don’t know... it might be a little awkward. Not that it matters because you can do whatever—”
“Goodness, woman. Speak,” Harry planted his hands on her shoulders and shook them. “Spill it.”
“More Scoops. Will it be okay if you don’t go take her there? Like on a date? It’s just that it used to be our—the spot we went to.” She somehow got out, looking anywhere but at him.
“Y/N—“ Harry was done messing with her.
She assumed he spoke her name in offense and gasped. “Oh fuck, that was such a stupid question to ask. God, Y/N,” she scolded herself, slapping her hand over her forehead. “Oh my god, please pretend I didn’t say that. Of course you can get ice cream with her. What the fuck is happening to me? I need to go.”
Harry stopped her immediately, leaning down so they were eye level. “Baby?”
“Stop trying to run away,” He smiled at her.
“I’m embarrassed, I’m sorry I said that. Just forget it, okay?” She pleaded. Harry grabbed her jaw to turn her head towards him so their eyes had to meet.
He wiggled his brows at her, “Guess what, baby?”
“There isn’t another girl. Never has been, lovie,” He admitted, standing back up straight.
“But you said—“
“Wanted to hurt you a little. I apologize.”
Y/N blinked, before nodding slowly. “But the other day in your room. That girl.”
Harry instantly cringed and shook his head. “Yeah, that was weird of me. We were working on an assignment together, and I ordered pizza, which I somehow got on my shirt. I was in the midst of changing into a new shirt when you arrived. It was just horrible timing, and literally nothing else happen,” He explained. “Again, I just wanted to hurt you, but I went a little far. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s okay. I deserved that. And you succeeded. Congratulations.” Y/N stuck her hand out for Harry to shake. He threw his head back to laugh, making Y/N frown.
“Stop validating what I did, Y/N. You can be mad.”
“No, I can’t. You are single, and it’s none of my business what you do in your room. If anything happened, you aren’t in the wrong at all. Don’t worry about me,” Y/N rambled, hating each word she spoke.
Harry placed his hands on his hips. “Well, good thing we don’t have to be worried about an if because there wasn’t one at all. Wasn’t thinking about her like that. I never did, never will. I don’t want any girl on this fucking campus, lovie. Are you finally understanding me?”
“Oh, that’s cool. The single life is nice, I guess. No need to settle down, I get it,” she rocked back at forth. Harry sniffled a laugh at her oblivion.
“Let me change my statement. “I don’t want any other girl on this campus. Know why?”
Harry grabbed Y/N’s cheeks and leaned close enough where their lips barely touched. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Because I’m really into this stubborn, insensitive, arrogant—“
“But amazing smartass. And to add to my luck, she also happens to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She’s all I want.”
Y/N eyes lit up. “Really? Am I forgiven?”
“Of course you are, baby,” He shrugged. “I just need you to learn to trust me, is all.”
“I’m sorry, Harry.”
“I know you are.”
Y/N hesitated her next question. “Do you still love me?” He smiled widely and wiggled his nose against hers.
“Never stopped, Y/N. I can’t stop. I’m obsessed with you.”
She sighed. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Maybe so, but fuck it. I love you, baby.”
“Can I hug you?” She asked shyly. Harry chuckled and easily lifted her up in his arms. Y/N immediately relaxed in his grasp and wrapped herself around him. “I’m going to be a better girlfriend. I mean, well, if you’ll have me. You don’t have to. We can take this slow. It’s up to—“
“I’m gonna kiss you now, and when I do, we are going to go right back to the way we were. Okay?” Harry smirked.
“But did you hear me? I’m gonna do better. For you, and for myself. I trust you, Harry. I do,” She said, tangling her fingers in his hair.
“Good. And I believe you, baby.”
“I’m sorry.”
“How many more times are you gonna say it? I’ve already forgiven you.”
“Are you sure you want to? I don’t want you to hold in any anger you have against me. Just get it out, I can take it,” She sighed.
“You’re adorable.”
“Ew, no I’m not. Loser,” Y/N blurted, before her hand immediately covered her mouth. Harry knew how much she hated being called adorable. It was always used in a teasing way back in grade school. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
“There’s my baby. I missed her.”
Harry brought her close to capture her lips with his. They both sighed within it and Harry moved to her bed to lay her down. He settled himself between her legs and caressed her face. He stared down at her with his teeth sunk into his bottom lip.
Y/N looked back up at him and shyly smiled.
“I love you so much, Y/N L/N.” Before he could let her answer, Harry brought their lips back together for a long, very long kiss.
Eventually, their make out session caused their clothes to strip off their bodies. Harry’s hands touched Y/N everywhere as he was desperate to make up all the wasted time he could've had her skin against his fingertips.
When Y/N’s lips grew tired, Harry situated her to lay down on her side, in front of him. The covers were rested loosely against their hips, their entire top half exposed to the cold. “I got you, baby,” He whispered in her ear as she subconsciously pushed her ass against his hardened cock. The plush of Harry’s lips earlier had caused arousal between her legs.
His hips sharply bucked back in response, a deep moan graveling from his throat. One of his hands grabbed Y/N’s top leg to lift and push to her chest, keeping her still, while the other traveled between them to get a hold of his cock. Sensitive to the touch, he moaned against Y/N’s ear and thrusted in his hand.
Harry lifted his head to see Y/N’s eyes tightly shut and lips parted as she anticipated what was coming. She was spread open and dripping for him. “Ready, baby?” He asked, kissing her cheek. Y/N nodded and opened her eyes to look down as both of them watched Harry line himself up. He pressed his tip to her entrance, before letting go to turn Y/N’s head in his direction. Her eyes met his and he smiled while slowly pushing into her. 
Y/N immediately gasped, wanting to look at where she was being filled up. But she couldn’t move her attention away from Harry’s face. Her arm reached behind her to find his hair, her fingers pulling at his curls.
Harry moaned loudly, catching himself by biting his lip and hiding his face in the crook of Y/N’s neck.
“Fuck, you feel so good around me, lovie,” He groaned, starting at a slow pace. Y/N head pushed back into the pillow, her eyes rolling in pleasure.
“Harry please,” She whimpered. His hand was still holding her leg up so he had more space to thrust into her. His cock disappeared into her, before slowly sliding out and pounding back into her—allowing her to feel each stretch his cock did to her walls.
His free hand eventually found her breasts that were jumping wildly. He grasp one of them and squeezed before doing it to the other.
Y/N wanted to cry. From the relief, from the pleasure, from the love. She felt his love again. Nothing was hateful as he pushed his cock into her and moaned her name in her ear. When he whispered, “You’re the only one I want to feel around me like this forever,” her eyes welled up.
She tightened her grip in his hair, afraid that he might disappear if she wasn’t holding onto him.
Harry’s head lifted again to watch Y/N. He stared down at her with his jaw agape and releasing raspy moans. She couldn’t speak as his thick and lengthy size reached her stomach. And with his slow pace, he would push into her and keep himself deep inside her for a few seconds. She could feel everything, and it was so good.
“You’re clenching so hard, baby. Look at your leg, lovie. Look at it shaking. Does it feel good? My cock so deep inside of you?” Harry pressed his lips to her ear so she felt his hot groaning breath.
Y/N glanced down at her shaking leg that Harry continued to hold up. It was trying to close as he kept her spread. “Harry,” She whined for him again.
“It’s okay. I’m going to take care of you, baby. I always will.”
She suddenly felt a tear form in her eye. “I’m sorry,” She whispered, closing her lids shut. Harry noticed her wavering voice and slowed himself down to focus on her.
“Y/N, it’s okay. We’re okay, right? I love you, baby. Don’t cry,” He said, before leaning down to kiss all along her face. Y/N nodded and sniffled. “Open up, let me see your pretty eyes, baby. Let me know you’re okay.”
She slowly opened her eyes at looked over at him. He was smiling between every kiss to her face. Harry knew what would help her, and as he changed the angle of his thrust, he hit a certain spot.
Y/N gasped as she grabbed onto Harry. “Oh my... fuck Harry.”
“I know, right on your sweet spot, huh baby?” He chuckled as her hips moved on their own. His pace grew faster as he could sense both of their releases. Her walls were tight around him and became slicker with every thrust.
“I’m close,” She said between a loud moan. She laid her hand on top of Harry’s, which rested on her breasts.
“Yeah? You’re gonna be a good girl and come on my cock?” He asked with a slight growl. Y/N nodded. “You’re so good to me, baby. I need to feel you come so bad. I’m gonna be right behind you. Can’t hold it any longer when you feel this good around me.”
Just from his words, Y/N was able to come. Her head threw back as she moaned through her orgasm. Harry continued to pound into her, chasing his own. He brought his mouth back to her ear so she could hear every noise that left his throat. 
“Fuck, I’m coming, Y/N. Fuck, fuck, oh fuck!”
Releasing deep inside her, both Harry and Y/N moaned from the pleasure. They were panting loudly as they came down from their highs. Harry found her lips again to embrace her in another long kiss.
He eventually had to let her go so she could use the bathroom, and he could clean up. But when they were back on her bed, changed into pajamas and seconds away from sleep, Harry held Y/N against him.
“I’d like to ask you officially to be my girlfriend again, even though I don’t have any Ring Pops,” He said, referring to how they started dating the first time when Y/N exchanged Ring Pop rings with him. She laughed softly and nodded. 
“I would love to.”
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writers-potion · 5 months
when writing enemies to lovers, how to I avoid the trope of “hes mean to me but it’s okay because he likes me” and make the mmc redeemable after being mean, because so far all I have is have her be just as bad 😭 (I don’t know if I worded that right)
Redeeming The Bad Boy Character
Drop Subtle Hints of Redeemability
Okay. Rule Number 1 for romance heroes: They need to be LOVABLE. Full stop. 
Before you start coming up with possible justifications, place the actions of your bad boy on the emotional balancing scale of your girl. Do his real feelings shine through the meanness on the surface?
What readers usually DON’T want to see redeemed is:
Outright lying/manipulating the girl 
Being obsessive and controlling 
Physical/emotional bullying (i.e. stuff that real bullies would do)
“Crossing the line”: This will depend on character - like insulting a disabled sister the girl character feels super protective towards (like NO PLEASE NO)
Even if the “enemy” phase of your romance is meant to be intense, your bad boy needs to display “goodness of heart”. This is easy if you’re switching POVs or 3rd person omniscient where you can show him secretly beating himself in regret, trying to make up with her behind her back although she doesn’t know, etc. 
Even if you’re doing the girl’s 1st person POV, drop subtle hints that the guy character isn’t as mean as the girl is made to believe:
Him having the reputation with friends/teachers/neighbors for being kind 
Him being awarded in school for good deeds
The girl’s friend telling her stories about how the guy actually seems nice. If this is a YA setting, you can even get away with explicit comments like, “maybe you’re judging him too hard”, etc. 
A good example is Bryce  in <Flipped>:
Bryce is an innately shy middle schooler who finds himself inadvertently influenced by his toxic dad, who looks down on the girl (Juli) and her family. 
By flipping over to Bryce’s POV, his reluctance for the “mean” things he’s done is revealed (he’s kinda scared of his dad + he’s never been taught better)
Eventually, Bryce grows up and learns to treat Juli better. 
If you’re going to use family history/backstory as justification, remember:
The backstory doesn’t justify anything by just existing. That’s called an excuse. 
The bad boy needs to have a point of realization and grow up, moving away from his dark past into the light, towards the love interest. 
Another way to redeem a bad boy character is to shift some blame on the female character too. In fact, every story has two sides - the girl has her own goals and biases. 
For example:
Academic or workplace rivals: since the girl has to compete with him, she will tend to take offhand comments offensively, etc. 
A third person badmouthing the buy deliberately to the girl
The girl overhearing the guy saying something bad about her (which wasn’t in fact the case) and being determined to not like anything he does after
Make Him Suffer 
If you want to give your girl some backbone, just make her fight back! “Fighting back” can be in different forms:
Ignoring the guy outright
Just giving her another potential love interest who treats her better 
She literally correcting him with awesome logic and maturity that make him shut up
She crying (either out of madness or sadness), then proceeding to avoid him actively
Write about how your bad boy will eventually realize his mistakes and come around after he takes a real blow. Think about why your bad boy is being mean in the first place: it’s to get her attention. Tit-for-tat can work for female characters who have some teeth, but doing the same things he does would mean that she IS giving him attention, which ironically fulfills his initial motives. 
Personally, I think the best way to “fight back” is to no longer give him the attention, hinting that the girl wishes to move on from this unhelpful relationship status. This will set off warning signs in the MMC’s head that if he doesn’t change his ways, she would be gone for good. 
The point is, if your girl cannot tolerate something, you can’t make her sit around. If your boy is mean and immature, she needs to be the one to take the mature step - and walk away.
Apologizing in the Other Character’s Style
What the MMC will need to do to gain the girl’s attention back will depend on what she thinks, but this will often involve:
Explaining his true motivations/resolving the misunderstanding
A genuine apology 
Spending some time apart during which he can reflect and make up to her 
Undoing the damage, if this is possible
If she’s been just as bad as him on occasions, make her reciprocate the apology! Re-establish healthy boundaries that didn’t exist before, and show how they stick to it. 
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 5 months
How murderous is Karkat and Eridan?
Eridan: "killin is all i evver done practically the ocean wwas my killing cauldron"
Karkat: loves his friends so much that it hurts
They're both really blasé about killing things like imps or game enemies, and neither of them WANT to hurt their friends. Eridan's just more used to it because it was his whole job, and he's a lot better at fighting than Karkat is.
Vriska at one point says to John that her bodycount is probably "many thousands," so we can probably use that as a reference and assume Eridan's in that same bracket, because he and Vriska have a lot of parallels. In fact, I'd go so far as to call Vriska and Eridan a literary device called "parallel characters" - by listening to Vriska tell John about her feelings about her bodycount and of her place in society, we get to learn about how Eridan's feeling, too.
If we set the bar at 3000 (the low end of "many thousands") and Vriska and Eridan are both the equivalent of 13 years old, or a little less than 700 weeks, that meant he and Vriska were averaging out to multiple kills a week (and given they probably didn't start when they were newhatches and 3000 is a low estimate, like... it was probably an insane number like 5-7 kills/week). But never anyone they "cared about," in Vriska's words, until the Team Charge debacle, or Eridan went berserk on Feferi and Sollux (we should also keep in mind that Eridan outright says to Kanaya that he doesn't want to kill people he considers his friends).
But Eridan is significantly less emotionally intelligent than Vriska (a fucking feat), has less of a support system, and has a lot of Duty and Responsibility and Fate of the Species on his shoulders, so he copes a lot worse (again, a fucking feat). For Eridan, it's less about "being murderous," and more about "society demands that I be murderous" + "if I am not murderous, everybody dies" + "when I grow up, murder is my only viable career path".
He's ANXIOUS AS FUCK at his core. Via their parallel character status, we know from Vriska that they're both actually really nervous about growing up and taking their place in a society that demands bloodshed from them. When Eridan obsesses over genocide, it's a byproduct of Literally Being The Guy That Is Preventing Genocide (to the point of not really having other hobbies). We also know that he feels guilt towards his victims (or at least more than Feferi), which we know from Vriska is societally unacceptible. And if it's unacceptible for her to feel bad, then imagine how much less okay it is for the sea dweller.
So I wouldn't necessarily call Eridan murderous - like with most things regarding Eridan, it's more complicated than that - but I would call him "on a hair trigger", "conditioned to reach towards murder as an early solution," and "obsessively/anxiously trying to live up to how murderous society demands he be," all while not at all wanting to kill people he cares about. I think it's really important to note that, even though the higher the blood the more volatile the troll, and despite being unauspiced and unmoirailled, and without relying on sopor, Eridan did not start shooting to kill until Sollux and Feferi escalated the situation.
And before anyone mentions that Feferi's in the same boat, she spends practically the whole time with Sollux, who is foreshadowed to be her moirail.
Like, the tragedy of Eridan's character is that he's lonely and terrified, but does such a good job at putting up an obnoxious front that even a lot of the audience became convinced that he basically sucked and his problems didn't matter. His dumbass plan to go to Jack was a genuine attempt to save Feferi, the person he cared most about.
If you go back and look at that conversation, Eridan's casual casteist threats aren't genuine (see my pinned Eridan essay for details) - and SOLLUX is the one who says "I should have killed you when I had the chance". And Eridan DOESN'T KILL SOLLUX, because this whole time, Eridan has not wanted to kill his friends. It's not until Feferi - the person he cares most about, the one whom he concocted that suicidal mission in order to save - turns on him in agreement that Sollux should've killed him - that makes Eridan finally lose it.
Meanwhile, Karkat just loves his friends. He loves them so fucking much. I think this is pretty well-documented about him? He's got no qualms about murdering game constructs like imps and the black king, but he feels deeply fucking hurt and betrayed by Bec Noir since he bonded with Jack/Spades Slick. I don't think Karkat ever makes a genuine death threat against anybody but past!Eridan, but he and Eridan are heavily foreshadowed to be moirails, and that conversation has a hilarious bit in the middle where Karkat seemingly forgets that he's mad at the guy and just starts telling him he's a dumbass. Later on, he expresses missing his dead friends, including/especially the assholes, in the same segment as the meteor runs into dead Feferi and Eridan, so I think that that was more an angry outburst than a genuine desire to see Eridan dead.
In fact, even though he's basically shown nothing but scorn for Gamzee and Gamzee's religious beliefs and clown-ness, and even after Gamzee murders two people and seems to be trying to murder them all, Karkat can't bring himself to kill or even fight the guy, just shooshpap him down, later ranting that Gamzee was a lovable bullshit clown that he liked a lot, and (one of) his best friend(s).
So they're both in this boat of not wanting to kill their friends, but feeling societally pressured into grandstanding that they're TOTALLY murderous assholes just trust me - but Eridan was in a position where he was forced to do it at the detriment of any other hobbies, or else everybody died, and is also one of the best fighters on the team, if not THE best. Thus, the fact that it's a viable option is not only near the forefront of his mind at all times, but he has the skills to resort to it. I guess technically, that does make him more murderous, but it's also, like... any normal person in his situation would wind up the same way, honestly.
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scremogirl · 1 year
How the Captains and Lieutenants (+) would react to PDA
I’m obsessed with this anime you don’t even understand. Imma do a spin off of this but with the arrancar and sterneitter and Yhwach… yes I like Yhwach. Suck my dick. All the captains are the ones in the picture aka pre attack TYBW captains. Ikkaku and Kaien are the only changed lieutenants. This took to long to write so I barley proof read it, it just gets a little reparative at times. Read the note at the end plz. Enjoy my loves.
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Chōjirō Sasakibe
W/ others: Young Chojiro would find it sweet. He has a very strong heart and will acknowledge the love of the couple but do nothing more. Older Chojiro would probably scoff and tell them to be a little more prideful about when and where they show their affection.
W S/O: I think no matter what age he’s pretty much the same. Wouldn’t do too much or too little. Younger him wouldn’t be as affectionate because he might have other priorities. Older him though, even tho he has more responsibilities, he’s laid back and will rest with you on a bench as you talk about your day. Would probably like feeding the ducks at a local park with you.
W/ other people: *Side eye*. She ignores it for the most part but wishes they would do it in private. As long as it’s not anything tooo intimate then she doesn’t mind really.
W/ S/O: She doesn’t like it. Again, she doesn’t mind anything very subtle. Intentional but discreet brushing of the hands, holding eachother pinkies under the table, or sitting close together, is all alright. Hugging and Kissing on the other hand? No. Maybe if she’s feeling a little soft or has a good day, a kiss on the cheek would be exceptional, maybe a pet name. Other than that, absolutely not. She does have a reputation to uphold after all. (*cough* and she doesn’t want Yoruichi to see *cough*)
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
W/ others: He finds it endearing that people can express their love for eachother so openly. He won’t comment on it and keep going on with his day. If it gets a little to handsy between the two he’ll probably strum his guitar a little harder to block it out or just get up and walk away.
W/ S/O: He enjoys it. He likes the feeling of his hands in yours and arms wrapped around each other. He’s a little more open about it in private but that doesn’t mean he’ll completely stop in public. He’s more of a words or affrimation kinda guy, I mean he puts so much emotion into his lyrics, how could he not be? He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and if he’s in the mood, a couple filthy promises.
Izuru Kira
W/ others: Izuru is a naturally introverted and quiet person. Seeing people so open and confident in their love for eachother makes him a little jealous. He wishes that sometimes he could put himself out there just a little more, but he’s comfortable in his little bubble so the thought alone kinda scares him.
W/ S/O: As I said before, he’s a shy lil boy. Not to much in public or you’ll kill him. In private tho, 🤭. He’s literally all over you, begging and whimpering for just a little bit of attention (he’s def a sub imo). He likes having someone to hold every night he goes to bed and every morning he wakes up. Tbh, I think he goes for the extroverts; he’d appreciate it if you make the moves most of the time. But when he’s in a mood, best believe he’s not letting you go anywhere, for someone so slim he can be exceptionally strong; aka his status as a lieutenant. He loves words of affirmation, giving or receiving.
Retsu Unohana
W/ others: She thinks it’s sweet, at least Retsu does. As long as they aren’t doing too much she just goes on about her day. Yachiru on the other hand would have scoffed a little, shaming them for their openness, thinking that those moments between two lovers should be saved for the more private and intimate moments. (*She a reformed crip*)
W/ S/O: Im a little indifferent on this one. I don’t really have an opinion on her when it comes to this. I think before the main story and tybw she wouldn’t even be interested in anything but battle. Main story Unohana (+) pre-attack tybw, wouldn’t mind hand holding. She’ll call you cute/endearing names like “dear or hun” but other than that, I don’t think she’ll be that mindful or care about it.
Isanae Kotetsu
W/ others/: She’s shy and reserved just like izuru. More prone to blushing at seeing other people cuddle up to each other . If she makes contact with either of the two she’ll put her head down and scurry away. She’s so cuteeeee☺️.
W/ S/O: FLUSTERED AF. Will blush, stutter, and whimper at any sign of affection; especially in public. Y’know when in anime the two love interests are walking home together and one grabs the other's hand and turns away blushing? That’s her. She rarely makes the first move but will silently ask you too.
Shinji Hirako
W/ others: Fuckin Hypocrite. He'll scoff and get in his “I wish that was me so imma be a hater,” moods. Seeing people canoodling with each other in public kinda makes his dick hard ngl. He imagines it’s him with his s/o. niggas a pervert on bro.
W S/O: Touchy grabby touchy grabby. Won’t keep his hands to himself. Loves the fact others can see how shy he makes you. Will whisper the filthiest, diabolical things in your ear. Scratch that, if he feels like it he’ll say it out loud. Depending on who you are though, he won't actually say anything, he’s truly a respectful person; just likes to tease. Besides anything sexual, he loves holding your hands and looking deep into your eyes. It’s not hard to make him blush either but he’ll do so with a big smile and soft gaze. He just wants everyone to know how in love he is.
Byakuya Kuchini
W/ others: He doesn’t really care. Little displays of affection are okay in front of him but for the most part, because of who he is, people tend to not take it too far when he’s around.
W S/O: Like Soi Fong, he has a reputation to maintain. He’s a very private and uptight person. Most would say he has a stick up his ass (*kenny*). Another person who prefers to show affection in private. He’ll let you lay your head on his shoulder or vice versa; hands intertwined while you observe the koi fish in his private pond. In meetings with the other nobles, he’ll grab and squeeze your hand from under the table to reassure you. Who knew he could be a lil softie.
Renji Abarai
W/ others: Doesn’t matter to him. Don’t try and bang in front of him and you're cool. Renjis a very laid back guy even if he can be a hot head. He prefers if people would do it in private but if it starts to get to much for him he’ll just get up and walk away.
W/ S/O: I can only imagine him w/ Rukia I’m so sorry. Butttt, if I had to give a take on it I’d say he can get really flustered.
Sajin Komomaru
W/ others: Slightest bit jealous. Because of what he looks like, afraid that nobody would wanna do those things with him. He doesn’t have an opinion on PDA, as long as they’re respectful of the others around.
W S/O: It’s a pretty known fact that Sajin is insecure about himself. However, after he takes his face covering off he does become a little more confident. He’s another private one. Loves cuddling next to the fireplace. In his human form tho, he feels like he has an opportunity to finally show how much he loves you in public without fear of getting judged. He’ll hold you hand and call you a little pet name but for the most part he’s “meh” about it. Afraid to get fur in your mouth.
Shunsui Kyōraku
W/ others: Also another pervert. Have you read his books? Is the cheesy romantic type who says shit like “they just love eachother so much”. That one guy in meet cute romance novels who sits in the back of the cafe or park benches and writes a story based on couples he sees walking by. On some “her big blue eyes started into his narrow darker ones 🥺,” type shit.
Would probably write smut about it ng hold you. Lisa peer edits 4sure.
W/ S/O: Shameless bastard. Like shinji, he does not care who he’s around. Gets a pass because the head captian thinks of him as a son. Will do it infront it him even, making you give him a slap to the head. He’ll just wink at you and give you the biggest, wettest kiss on your cheek ever (*que Yamamoto leaving the room mumbling about how the younger generation has no shame*). Physical touch and words of affirmation are his strong suit. Will tell you your beautiful no matter when or where. Loves taking naps with you under the many beautiful trees located in *byakuyas’ home* the seireitei.
Nanao Ise
W/ others: Unprofessional. She thinks things like that should be indoor activities in their own space. Would probably speak up about it if it was getting too much. Wouldn’t be bitchy about it but would definitely have a very stern tone.
W/ S/O: Again, save it for inside. Would be flustered at any type of affection but more so in public. Would have the brightest cheeks and tell you off for doing things like that in public. She kinda gives me veryyy subtle tsundere vibes, like you gotta squint to see it. In private however, she’ll come up to you with redden cheeks and an embarrassed/ little irritated expression and hold her arms out for a hug.
Kensei Mugurama
W/ others: Get it outta his face. Doesn’t like it with other people, but he won’t have any strong reaction to it. Probably just gives a roll of his eyes and a head shake. Just seeing other people be lovey dovey makes him cringe.
W S/O: Just like his flat skulled friend, very much a hypocrite. Will have a firm grip on your hand every time you two go out, arm around your waist, hand on your lower back. Even though he has this tough persona attached to him, he doesn’t mind showing just how much he cares about you. Will let you sit in his lap with his arms around you or hands on your hips with his face buried in your neck. He does this the most in public, especially if he doesn’t feel like socializing. Would be a little cheeky and start peppering kisses along your neck.
Shūhei Hisagi
W others: Tbh I’m a bit indifferent to him too. He’ll either glance at them and walk the other way. Or, B, become flustered and dip. He just doesn’t know how to react. Kinda just stares for a couple seconds, blushes, huffs, and walks away.
W S/O: Just like his best friend (insert Izuru), he’s a bit bashful about it, but just like his captain he can be a little slick. After a couple of drinks the boldness comes out. He loves wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you towards him with a kiss on your cheek. Will also pull you into his lap and would most likely fall asleep. When he’s a bit more in control of his actions, he’ll grab your hand as you stroll through the town. Still a fan of kissing you on the cheek and will throw in a babe here or there, the works.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya
W/ others: Another one who finds it inappropriate in public. He’s but a child, spare him please,
W S/O: Lil boy.
Rangiku Matsumoto
W/ others- Yet another one who finds it cute. Would comment on how adorable the couple is, will even say it to their face. She can tune it out if she wants too but finds it funny to tease them. Especially if it’s one of her friends (Izuru abuse).
W S/O- Loves, loves, LOVES PDA. Cute nicknames, hugs and kisses, holding hands, going on dates. Loves to feel wanted and appreciated. Probably loves PDA the most out of everyone on this list.*Gin can’t do anything about it cause he dead*
Kenpachi Zaraki
W others: Finds it disgusting but doesn’t care. Slighttttttttly a perverted about it. As long as you're not jumping each other's bones, you’re safe.
W/ S/O: Kinda like Kensei. Very protective of you and a little saucy. Does not care who's watching because he knows they won’t do anything about it. Won’t say it but he loves when you’re perched on his shoulders (your weight/height does not matter this niggas almost seven feet and beefy). Loves for you to sit in his lap too, another one who likes napping with you outside. Lowkey likes it when you, yachiru, and himself go out and do whatever, kinda like his own little family. (has a breeding kink btw)
Ikkaku Madarame
W/ others: Would straight up tell them to knock it off if it’s getting too much. He finds all that cheesy, coupley, romance stuff disgusting. (Would headbutt someone).
W/ S/O: Doesn’t give a damn just like his captain. Very brash and straight forward. Will come up and kiss you in the middle of training if he thinks he did something particularly good in which he deserves a reward. Would sling an arm around your shoulder and kiss the top of your head while sitting in a bar drinking and laughing. Plot twist! If YOU were the one showing PDA he’ll become bashful and scold you about doing things like that in public. Calls you babe 24/7 and does not care who's around when he makes naughty jokes.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
W/ others: Will stare at them until they stop or throw up in each other's mouths. Finds it absolutely repulsive. Why are you doing that in public, let alone in front of him? Will comment on it, telling them that wherever they are is no place for such nonsense. Will walk away and mutter how nasty it is under his breath.
W/ S/O: No.
W/ others: Does not care.
W/ others: Wouldn’t initiate it but would reciprocate if you did. She basically a robot ion know what you want from me.
(+ Akon)
W/ others: Why though? Might get flustered if they start making out but for the most part he gets second hand embarrassment.
W/ other: Again would get flustered by kissing, but wouldn’t necessarily push you away or tell you to stop.
Jūshirō Ukitake
W/ others- Thinks it’s so cute. Would smile and wave at the couple. If they started to get a bit more handsy with eachother his pale face would turn the brightest of pink as he excuses himself.
W S/O- In terms of the top three PDA lovers I’d say Rangiku, Shunsui/Rose tied for 2nd, then him. He’s literally the sweetest person in all the seireitei. Loves sitting out in the open with you, on a cute little picnic date. Pet names thrown around the room, hugges and kisses are open anytime. Would blush and rub the back of his head with a soft laugh and even softer smile if you ever catch him off guard in public. Would say he loves you no matter who’s around.
Kaien Shiba
W/ others: Won’t pay attention to it. They love each other, so what?
W S/O: Woule give you big bears hugs whenever he sees you. Timid smiles with a heart of gold. Around you 24/7 so everyone has gotten used to it. Your own personal shadow.
Sōsuke Aizen
W/ others. Pre betrayal Aizen would say he finds it charming in a way. Would softly smile at the two and keep going on about his day. Post betrayal Aizen would give them the side eye. Thinks it’s disrespectful to do things like that in his presence. Might rock your shit tbh.
W/ S/O- Pre betrayal Aizen would encourage it. He wants to show everyone how sweet and gentle of a boyfriend he can be. Will grab your hands, waist, hips, or arms at random times to catch you off guard. Post betrayal Aizen could not give 2 fucks.. Would come up behind you snaking his hand around your neck and kiss behind your ear, while you’re mid convo with someone might I add. Will have you sit on his throne with him, might force you too if you’ve been acting up, especially if he knows you hate attention (sinister af).
Gin Ichimaru
W/ others: Would observe them from afar. If they're getting annoying with it he’ll come up to them and purposely make them uncomfortable. Deep down though, he’ll find it cute and long for someone to connect to like that
W/ S/O: Similar to Aizen in the way he just does not care. Even after the betrayal of the Gotei 13, he stays the same. Would grab your hips and kiss along the column of your neck staring straight into the eyes of the person you're talking to. Would whisper teasing words to you no matter where you are. But as I said earlier, the real Gin would just want you to feel like you are always an attachment of him. He really does love you
Kaname Tōsen
W others: Can’t see them.
NAH IM JUST PLAYIN 😭. He thinks it’s a bit unsavory to be doin things in public. He does think, however, that if they’re that secure in the relationship and in their love they have the right to express it.
W/ S/O: Pre betrayal Kaname would hold your hands most of the time. Would possibly give you a quick peck on the cheek or forehead when he knows nobody is paying attention. Most of that stuff is in the privacy of your home. Defo gets more confident and will subtly grope you while whispering sweet nothings. Post betrayal Kaname may or may not be as strict about it. It’s 50/50 he wants you to know he loves you but he also wants to be professional. Maybe if you catch him in a less populated area. Who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Kisuke Urahara
W/ others: Would watch them from behind his fan and bucket hat. Doesn’t mind it at all, he’ll just laugh about it and say that they’re just doing what most couples do.
W/ S/O: Run. Will not leave you aloneeeeeee. Will grab at any part of you. Will grab or slap your ass in public too he dgaf: But when you whip around he’s already out of sight. Now you and the other people around you are left speechless as you stomp around to find him. He loves pet names and will let them spew out whenever. Likes to tease you a lot and does it even more in public. He just like seeing you so shy (* was gonna say blush but uh…👋🏾*). He’s way more on you in private though. Laying in bed cuddled up with you is his favorite. Likes having his face smushed in your chest no matter the size. Arms around your waist and breathing softly as you play with his hair. That won’t last long though, Defo sleeps in the starfish position and will slap or kick you in the face. Good luck tho cause he sleeps like he’s dead. You’ll either push him on the floor or sleep on the couch.
Yoruichi Shihōin
W/ others: She’ll just tune it out. If it’s getting too much she’ll ask them to stop. Just don’t do it when she’s around.
W S/O: Does what she wants. Totally think she’ll love to cuddle up to you in her cat form. Lives for head and belly rubs as well as scratches to her ears. Human form Yoruichi is way more devious. Would lay her head in your lap, arms crossed as she sleeps. Would kiss your cheek, say her 2 cents and walk away. She doesn't care who's around or what you're doing. If she wants to love on you she will.
Just as another psa I don’t write for Toshiro romantically or the lieutenants from squad 2, 5, or 7.
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queenjunothegreat · 2 months
Go For It, Jason!!
Excerpt from an abandoned HS AU
“Percy,” Jason hissed, clutching Percy’s hand tight in his own. “I do not got this!”
“Yes, you do!” Percy hissed back. “All you have to do is tell Piper and Leo that we’re having a little party at our place this weekend, and Annabeth suggested inviting them. It’s super easy, you just have to be normal.”
“‘Be normal!’ What kind of advice is that!?”
“It’s advice you obviously need on a daily basis!”
Jason groaned and slid down one of the sets of lockers. “This was such a bad idea,” he whined. “I can just go back to being obsessed with him from afar, right? I don’t actually have to talk to him.”
“So you admit it? You’re obsessed with him?”
“Obviously I’m obsessed with him, Percy! I drew our joint tombstone!”
Percy heaved a deep sigh and slid down the lockers to sit while Jason pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in them. He was suddenly reminded of when he and Percy were in elementary school and Percy had gotten in trouble for punching another kid who wouldn’t leave Jason alone during “egg time.” He pressed his face harder into his knees and tried to ignore the way he wanted to cry a little bit. He wasn’t a baby.
“Look, man,” Percy said gently after a few moments of silence, “I’m not going to sit here and tell you you’ve got to talk to him. Because you don’t. If you wanna just have a crush on this guy for the rest of the year without telling him then move on to college and find someone else to dump all your weird obsessive tendencies on, you totally can. People ignore high school crushes literally every day. It’s probably the most normal thing about you.” Jason snorted and he could hear the smirk Percy gave in reply. “If you really don’t wanna do this, I’m not gonna make you. It’s your call, Jace.”
“Thanks,” Jason mumbled into his knees.
“Buuuuuuut…” Jason groaned loudly, and Percy snickered. “I do think it’s a good idea. I mean, what have you got to lose? Either they say yes, you convince Leo to fall in love with you and you live happily ever after; they say yes, it turns out Leo isn’t your type at all once you get to know him, and you just move on; or they say no and you have a perfectly valid excuse to go back to your stalker status.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s more than just three outcomes,” Jason pointed out. “What if they just laugh at me?”
“Then I’ll kick their asses,” Percy scowled. “They can fuck right off if they’re going to act like that.”
“Thanks, man,” Jason smiled softly, leaning forward to headbutt Percy on the shoulder.
“So, what’s the plan?” Percy asked casually. “You want me to stick around here while you talk to them, or you wanna head to the cafeteria? I think I overheard one of the Stolls say that they had churros today.”
Jason considered that. He did really like churros. He shook his head. “Let’s get this done and we’ll get churros after.”
“You got it, bro.”
Jason stood, and led the way into the library over to where Piper and Leo had commandeered a pair of bean bag chairs and were building a very impressive house of cards out of an Uno deck. Apparently, Jason’s arrival shifted the airflow just slightly, and the house came tumbling down while Piper and Leo both swore at it in a fun mix of English, Spanish, and French. Jason winced. “Uh, sorry. My bad. I think.” Piper and Leo both looked up at him, wide-eyed and blinked. Obviously, they hadn’t noticed Jason’s approach. He smiled awkwardly and lifted a hand to wave. “Uh, hi.”
Leo scoffed and rolled his eyes and exchanged a look with Piper. “I got this, Beauty Queen.”
“Of course you do,” she hummed, rolling her eyes.
Before Jason could ask what they meant, Leo was on his feet, arms folded across his chest and giving Jason a very unimpressed once-over. “Look. Blondie. No, not Blondie. Superman? Yeah, I like Superman.”
“My name’s Jason.”
“Uh, sure. Okay. Anyway. Superman. She’s not interested.”
Jason felt his eyebrows knit together. “She’s not interested in what?”
“In you. Duh,” Leo scoffed. “I know someone who looks like you probably doesn’t hear that often.”
“I’m… confused.”
“Of course you are.” For some reason, Leo looked incredibly irritated, but Jason still wasn’t sure what he did wrong. “Look, I don’t know how much more plainly I can put it. She. Doesn’t. Want. To. Date. You.”
“Oh.” Jason blinked and cocked his head to the side. “That’s fine.”
At once, all the wind fell out of Leo’s sails, and now he was the one who looked confused. “That’s… fine?”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna date her either.” His eyes widened and he looked at Piper apologetically. “No offense. You seem nice, and you’re very pretty. Whoever you do want to date is probably very lucky.”
Piper snorted, but she was smiling, so it didn’t seem mean. “Thanks, Jason.”
Jason smiled widely at her, but Leo just looked even more baffled. “Then… what are you doing over here?”
“I did actually come to invite her to a party,” he admitted. “Both of you, actually.”
“A… party?”
“Well, kind of,” Jason said hesitantly. “The apartment complex Percy and I live in opened up the pool for summer last weekend, so we were inviting our friends over. Annabeth suggested that the two of you might want to come.”
Leo’s eyes widened, and he turned furiously on Piper. “You know Annabeth?” he hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s none of your business,” Piper told him, sticking out her tongue. 
“If I had known he had a mutual friend with you, maybe I wouldn’t have been a dick to him.” As if his own words just registered, Leo winced and ducked his head, looking up at Jason through his lashes. “Uh, sorry about that. By the way.”
Jason took a moment to reset his brain after it got fried, then smiled at Leo. “It’s cool, man. You were just looking out for your friend. I get that. I think it’s sweet.”
“You think it’s sweet. Cool. Coolcoolcool. I’m gonna go play in traffic now.”
Jason tipped his head back and laughed, probably louder than he should, but he couldn’t help it. He grinned so wide his eyes were squinting up, which made looking at Leo harder than it needed to be, which wasn’t ideal, but, once again, he couldn’t help it. “Please don’t. You’re probably going to traumatize the poor cars.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I’m too small to get hit by cars. I just lay down, and they pass right over me.”
Jason folded his hand over his mouth to at least somewhat muffle his giggles. “A very impressive skill.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m a special boy and all that.”
“I can imagine.”
Leo immediately turned bright red, and Piper tagged in, letting him hide his entire torso under a bean bag chair instead of talking more. She grinned at Jason. “So. You said there was a party? Where at?”
“Mine and Percy’s place,” Jason said distractedly, still observing Leo’s attempts to become one with the rug. “We’re over at Sunset on the Waves. There’s a subway station right across the street from us.”
“I think I know it. It’s over kinda close to Central Park, right?”
“Yeah, that’s it,” Jason said. “We’re all getting together Saturday around two, if you think you can make it.”
“We’ll definitely be there,” Piper agreed. “Do we need to bring anything?”
Jason shook his head. “Nah, we’ve got it. Just show up whenever.”
“Cool.” Piper turned and kicked Leo in the ankle. “Tell Jason thanks for inviting us out. Now we have an excuse to not watch those dumb soap operas with my mom.”
“Thanks, Superman,” Leo said, though his voice was muffled, almost indistinguishable, by the bean bag chair.
“Thanks for agreeing,” Jason replied earnestly. “Uh, I’ve got to go, though. The librarian kind of hates me.”
“You are a lot louder than you probably realize,” Piper agreed, then winced. “Sorry, that came out way meaner than I meant it to. You’re just a loud guy. It’s cool. I like it. Leo’s also super loud. You match.”
“Cool,” Jason agreed, consciously trying to lower his volume, which made Piper snicker at him. He grinned at them and waved. “See you this weekend.”
“See you!” Piper and Leo chimed in perfect unison at his retreating  back.
When he finally made it back to Percy’s side, he groaned and yanked his shirt up over his head. “Okay, I did it.”
“How did it go? They don’t look like they’re laughing. Well, actually, I think Piper is laughing, maybe.”
“Pretty sure she’s laughing at Leo,” Jason told him. “And it could have definitely gone… worse? They agreed to come.”
“Nice! That’s great, dude!”
“Leo did try to intimidate me out of asking Piper on a date, though.”
Percy snorted so hard it sounded like it hurt. “Well, he definitely doesn’t have to worry about that.”
Jason finally decided to emerge from his shirt so that he could grin at Percy. “Yeah. Tell me about it.”
Percy clapped a hand down on his shoulder. “I’m really proud of you, dude.”
“Thanks.” Jason took a moment to just bask in the praise before he frowned and tilted his head to the side. “Percy, am I loud?” Percy barked out a bright, friendly laugh. “Dude, you are so loud. Come on. Let’s go get some churros.”
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morinuu · 7 months
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☢|tamaki x reader. 2,4k words. sorry this is so late i literally forgot to post it last week anw the next n final part is coming in 2 weeks while i work n post some other stuff hehehe
“yes, love?”
“how did you not lose it when you realised dad was going away for good?”
that was the first thing you’d asked your mum on a saturday morning after waving her good morning. needless to say, the woman was taken aback to hear this question from you. she knew her daughter never asked about her parents’ divorce, not wanting to dissect those wounds.
it took her some time to come up with a response.
“i had you to look after.” she lied, not looking at you and instead focusing on her cake. “you kept me going.”
“but how was i helping in that situation? wouldn’t i make it worse?” you pressed on. if there was one thing your mum knew about you, it was that you were weirdly emotionally intelligent for a teenage girl.
she frowned, putting down the fruit she was decorating her cake with, and sighed deeply. she didn’t like lying to you.
“well.” she inhaled, “your question is phrased wrong.” she finally looked you in the eye. “because i did lose it. but before i was too far gone, i got back up. i couldn’t have you suffer like i did.”
the conversation replayed over and over in your head for the following week back to school. you wondered if heartbreak ran in the family. while not knowing much about your parents’ separation, you knew your grandparents also had a bad history. maybe love was just something the gods didn’t want to bestow upon your bloodline.
tamaki’s visit had, surprisingly, not been very pleasant. partly because your sickness made you… well, sick, and partly because tamaki was distracted the whole time. he’d brought you commoners’ food (haruhi’s recommendation), along with some more commoner candy ‘to sweeten your mood’ (what haruhi’s dad would take to work, according to haruhi). oh, and of course, you can’t forget how he would glance at his phone every so often. you ignored it at first, figuring out it’s the host club group chat, but your patience had its limits.
he’d come to your house, to check up on your health - his friend. supposedly. had you already been demoted to client status? well, you had the entire week to think about it as you rested.
during that time, tamaki seemed to reach out a bit more than usual, and once more, you believed he cared. you believed he realised you were important to him, even if your feelings weren’t exactly reciprocated.
and once again you’d been wrong.
because as time passed and you started making weekly appointments again, you began to feel that something was off. what exactly it was you couldn’t tell, but your gut was telling you to be suspicious. ‘suspicious of what, or who? tamaki?’ you didn’t like that feeling one bit.
no matter how many times he screwed up and misunderstood or failed to satisfy you in a host-client setting, you couldn’t give up on him. your mum’s words echoed in your ears, reminding you that men are a waste of time, that they just suck the soul out of you, that they’re not worth the heartbreak — but you were weak. and especially weaker than your mother. she disagreed, of course, but what did she know?
time seemed to start flowing normally again, tamaki wasn’t distant, haruhi and you never spoke to exchange more than greeting words, and your obsession was flourishing once more. you’d shower the halfer with gifts, spending a stupid amount of money — which the host club’s “mum” greatly appreciated — and you didn’t regret it one bit. everything was going smoothly, except for that tiny voice in your head.
it wasn’t until one of the host club’s organised excursions at the beach when your gut proved to be right. you wore your favourite swimwear for tamaki, and his compliments became straight up electricity up your spine. and just as you went to flirt with him like always,
“yo milord don’t forget about y/n’s gift today!” a familiar voice echoed by the palm trees. you could immediately tell it was hikaru, but you didn’t really understand what he meant. ah! perhaps they were expecting you to bring tamaki a gift again? well, you did, but this one felt a bit more personal so maybe you should tell him not to talk about it with the hosts— “even if it’s something stupid again, you ought to thank her for—”
the twins emerged from the bushes only to see you standing by the corner, hidden by the wall from their previous view. tamaki stood there, next to you, frozen. his facial expression almost screaming at the ginger to shut up but he’d been too late.
you furrowed your eyebrows at the two boys before turning your head to that stupid boy you were head over heels for.
“what?” you asked, obviously confused. but it didn’t take long to understand the situation.
tamaki thought your gifts were stupid, and he discussed it with his friends. and none of them thought to tell you. at least that's what the situation told you.
for what reason? well it could be a) manners or b) they didn’t care enough to.
but jokes on you because it wasn’t any of the above, it was c) they had to keep you happy because your mother asked for a favour. the favour being to make sure tamaki didn’t abandon you.
well, that’s not exactly what tamaki said when he pulled you to the side to explain, but it’s what the twins confessed to when you started poking for the truth.
you were more than disappointed with the news, your gut feeling now transferring to your throat and making it so tight you couldn’t get any words out, so you returned to your beach bed, dragging it away from tamaki’s. but the universe seemed to really hate you that day.
“miss l/n, is everything okay?” haruhi’s ever-annoying voice reached your ears and all you wanted to do was turn around and strangle her small little neck until it snapped. it was her fault. it was because of her that the boy you swore would become your boyfriend before graduation would no longer be apart of that plan. her. her, that stupid bi—
“i’m fine haruhi.” you smiled at her and continued dragging your bed across the sand to get away from this madness. you didn’t bother with any formalities.
“do you need help? i could bring your things so you don’t—”
“for fuck’s sake will you shut up?!” you snapped, raising your voice at the host. she didn’t say anything, just nodding and bowing before leaving. thankfully nobody else had been around to witness the scene, or you would’ve been involved in ouran gossip. only gods know how tiresome that is.
tamaki didn’t come to talk to you after that, you wanted to believe he wanted to and the hosts told him to give you space, but at this point you gave up all hope. he wanted haruhi, some cross-dressing nobody, a commoner, and you could do nothing about it.
the bracelet you had in your bag stayed there, and there it would remain for the rest of your trip. you’re kind of glad you never got to give it to him, at least it saved you the embarrassment of possibly being ridiculed by a bunch of boys calling themselves “hosts” with no shame.
but you guessed you were the one who should be ashamed; for wanting a host — a man notorious for seeing women as bank accounts.
when you went back home, you didn’t talk to your mum about the twins’ confession. sure, you were angry, but you knew she just wanted you happy. as for tamaki, he’d texted you a couple times but you knew if you called him you’d just burst into tears, so you went straight to bed, not bothering to wash the sand and sea salt off your body.
the following month had been… weird. you didn’t bother dropping by the host club anymore. kyouya, expecting this, just sighed and deleted you from the list of clients. he didn’t think you’d come back again after the fiasco at the beach.
haruhi, however, felt bad for some reason. like, okay, yeah, you were a bit more than mean sometimes and yeah, you barely looked at her if not to glare at her to get lost, but you didn’t seem like a bad person. your affection toward tamaki seemed genuine, and your last interaction didn’t sit well with her. it wasn’t the usual glare, eye roll, scoff, avoidant gesture or whatever else you “greeted” her with. this time it seemed more hurt, more… defeated. and she was right. because you’d been defeated.
haruhi had won.
she didn’t know, but she didn’t have to. because at the end of the day, it was all one-sided. one-sided affection, and one-sided dispute.
the twins both had different reactions to this revelation. kaoru (being the emotionally intelligent one) felt guilty for not handling the situation better but hikaru (the… other one) told him not to bother, and that they did what they could. he’d miss having you around, but you were never super close to begin with.
as for tamaki, he didn’t really register what had happened at first. when his hosting routine started again but without you in it, his clients had some questions.
“is it true that you kicked l/n out of the host club?”
“i mean what did you expect, she had it coming after harassing haruhi like that.”
“yeah, i agree. i mean, i understand some jealousy, but wasn’t that a bit too much? it’s not like tamaki’s her boyfriend.”
“i don’t think she was too harsh, but i guess the hosts know better…”
tamaki didn’t know what to make of this. he’d never kicked you out of the club, he thought you’d come back. you always did. if you were jealous, all you had to do was say you wanted more attention and he’d give it it to you. after all, you were a client, you had every right.
wait, what was that?
“whatever do you mean, princess?” he questioned in that melodic voice of his. “haruhi and y/n are on perfectly good terms, we’re all friends here!” he smiled widely and sat his cup down, using his pinky to erase the klank! noise.
“come on tamaki, you don’t have to keep such appearances around us.” one of the clients giggled. “we could all see it. to be honest, i never really noticed her much until haruhi came around.”
another girl continued, “yeah, totally. i hope it wasn’t a repeat of anayokoji, at least.” she rolled her eyes. “she seemed nice… such a shame.”
“i… don’t understand, ladies. what are you saying?” tamaki looked puzzled. the four girls looked back at him and at each other. it was times like these that tamaki showed he was a little dumb.
“tamaki… l/n is totally into you. she’s, like, super jealous of haruhi.”
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tamaki didn’t know what to do with this information. he was pretty annoyed when kaoru made fun of him for not noticing until now. and really, he didn’t notice. he was told.
“why do you think our mums got involved? this is what the female sex calls ‘girl issues’, sir.”
tamaki resisted biting their heads off; he had no time for their bullshit. he had to meet with you and apologise, right?
y/n>.< : y/n? can we talk please?
you didn’t respond. neither to that, nor to the other 10 messages he spammed you with. calling you sent him straight to voicemail, and he swore if he heard that damn automatic message voice again he would explode.
why did it happen this way? why were you even jealous of haruhi? did he look gay to you? but then you wouldn’t want him, right? his head was filled with so many questions, until haruhi answered them all with a single sentence.
“don’t sulk too much senpai, it was inevitable that she’d find out about me and get suspicious.” she patted his shoulder, “i guess that’s what happens when you’re a popular boy surrounded by women.”
tamaki’s head rose from his knees, his eyes wide staring at haruhi’s. “wait, what do you mean ‘she’d find out about you’?”
haruhi sighed and sent him a look of pity. “oh yeah, you guys don’t know. y/n’s known about my sex for a while now.” she shrugged. “she saw me changing.”
a light bulb went off in most of the hosts’ heads (wait, i’ve seen this before) before they all glanced at each other in mutual understanding.
“i wish we would’ve gotten closer since we’re both girls and you’re so obsessed with me having female friends, but i would feel horrible if i made her feel sad whenever she’s around me.” haruhi continued.
oh, so he didn’t look gay, you just knew haruhi was also a girl.
but why would you get jealous of his little girl? he was just protecting her like a father would.
“oh will you stop with that crap, milord?” hikaru whined “we all know, there’s no point in denying it anymore.” he stopped when his brother slapped him on the head and they left the room.
“well, club activity’s over. we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” they all waved goodbyes and soon enough so did haruhi, but tamaki just sat on the club couch, thinking about his (very) recent discovery.
so he came to the conclusion:
you like(d?) him → he likes (???) haruhi → you realised and grew jealous → he prioritised her over you → he ended up looking like an asshole.
because he is an asshole.
“guess that’s what happens when you’re just too pretty.” he joked to himself, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t find it funny if you were here.
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“mum, why did you and dad divorce?” you finally found the courage to ask the woman when she was relaxing in her bedroom one night. she sighed and looked at you, putting her book to the side and patting the spot on the bed next to her. you got in, looking at her expectantly.
“i didn’t want to tell you this because you were so young. you looked up to him very much.” she gave you a sad smile and caressed your cheek. “your father fell in love with someone else, darling.”
you stayed quiet for a bit, and your mum grew worried. should she not have told you?
“is that why you asked tamaki not to leave me?” you asked and your voice cracked. your mother sighed and apologised, wrapping her arms around you.
“i want you to be happy, y/n. don’t be like me. please.”
maybe love really wasn’t something the gods wanted to bestow upon your bloodline.
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hiii can i ask ur thoughts abt damian... lately ive been a little obsessed and u have such a great grasp on dc canon... id love to hear what u think abt him !!!
for damian, a huge part of his motivation is (both real and imagined) disrespect. there’s this pervasive interpretation of him where he’s a swing the sword first, ask questions later kinda guy, but the truth is that he gets provoked, interprets this as someone being condescending, then acts.
tim is kind of an asshole when they first meet, and damian has no context for when he’s joking or not. dick is an adopted child, who threatens damian’s place in the hierarchy. tim put him on a list of people he specifically doesn’t trust, etc. he can definitely be very rude, absolutely, and a lot of that ties into how addresses people (“grayson” to “richard,” as an example, from his surname to his first name as dick earns his trust). he’s very rude to steph, and ironically damian is also very condescending depending on who he’s talking to, but again he has a high opinion of himself and how he should be treated by others. the biggest change is that he learns that others are also owed respect, regardless of their birthright or status.
a lot of this ties into bad faith interpretations of him as a literal feral baby, when that just isn’t reflected in canon at all. he’s talia’s kid, he was raised as literal royalty, and he does not need etiquette lessons from alfred pennyworth. he doesn’t bite people at galas, he doesn’t need help to do his math homework, and he respects u when u prove urself to him. he starts out with a very distinct black and white idea of the world, and slowly learns otherwise.
im a big fan of steph and damian’s friendship in particular, because like dick she exists in opposition to his worldview. she isn’t a wayne or an al ghul, she’s just a person who independently decided to do good. she was also mistrusted to the point where it led to her death, but she is still kind, still loving, and still motivated by empathy. the same as dick being batman, that’s confronting. she looks past what everyone else sees (the al ghul heir, a murderer, etc) and acknowledges that he’s a little kid who’s never learnt to play.
because he’s prickly, it’s easy to misinterpret his intentions. the same as bruce, even when he’s being respectful, people can assume the worst out of him. and that’s hard! he genuinely wants to do good. he has to unpack so much in his head about how to act, and what the idea of respect means in this new context. him being robin is a crucial part of that — it isn’t an insulting mantle as a placeholder for his eventual ascension into the bat, it’s simply something more.
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killshotbabe · 2 years
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Title | Overheated
Pairing | high school friend’s crush/bf!Jeno x reader ft. nct dream (minor appearance)
Warnings | minors dni! mention of smoking and alcohol consumption, use of swear words, reader stuck in an “uncomfortable” situation, close proximity, drunk!reader at some point, sexual tension, cheating/affair, jeno gaslights reader (or does he really?), fingering, implied solo masturbation, slight somnophilia, a bit "dub non-con" in the beginning, overstimulation, sex under the influence (reader only), dirty talk, unprotected sex (please wear protection!), implied public sex, no romance in any type of context
Word count | 4.5k
Song(s) | red - santino le saint, link up - kid travis
A.N | May or may not have dreamed about the idea of this lol. Just finished it today so happy valentines! (this one-shot won't make you blush that way...)
You’re not sure why your friend decided to it would be a good idea to go out with someone like him to begin with.
At first, you thought she’d get over him like usual, hoping it’s just a part of her “hyper-fixations” just like how she’s got maybe five crushes all at once (from what you can recall in one of those nights you spent hanging out in her bedroom) but much to your horror, it wasn’t as simple as that.
You remember her gawking at him at the cafeteria after she had jokingly pinched you, nudging you to check him out in which caused to roll your eyes and proceed to open the cap of your cold tea.
You didn’t care about crushes at all, and yes, he was cute, handsome even but the only thing that piqued your interest at the moment was that sleek navy blue motorcycle he brought to school. You’ve always wanted one and to say that you were jealous of him flexing one at such young age is nothing but an understatement — you wanted what he had even if you couldn’t afford it.
And that wasn’t fair to you. Not when he barely has to do anything when you’re out here working part-time at a pizza parlour and you can barely even pay half of the bills at home.
Him and his old money status can go to hell, you think. He doesn’t even need to show up to any of his classes and you’re one-hundred percent sure he’ll be able to get into any top universities so easily, he just has to maybe tell his parents—
“Hey, are you listening?”
You blink away from your train of thought, the faint bustle of the library buzzing into your ear.
You realize you’re still in the same place for about three hours now, trying to study with the same friend (which would be your only friend, not best friend yet though because you don’t like getting attached to things, let alone actual people) who had been yapping about him for the past hour, and you may or may not have told her to shut the fuck up in your head twice.
“Wait, sorry.” You lie, typing away as your friend broke into a sly grin after finally catching your attention. “What did you say?”
“I said I’m gonna talk to Jeno today.”
You couldn’t help but squint, almost bursting out of laughter.
You didn’t mind your friend at all.
She was fun, even if she’s the complete opposite of you. Loved cute things like pastel colours, calico critters and dressed the part as 1/4 of the future art majors in your campus (quirky, and she happened to obsessed with colour yellow), and collects a shit ton of squishmallows she even has a separate storage for it. She’s literally the true epitome of cute, preppy and pure.
Way too pure when it comes to that said department actually.
You weren’t even sure how someone like you were friends with her, and why she wouldn’t leave you alone but she was quite persistent with you — having to initiate things first after meeting you then following you around until you decided to just let her have at it.
Ever since then the two of you had been inseparable.
Though that didn’t mean you two were automatically best friends (even if she did say this a couple of times) and you would be lying if you saw it that way too when she mostly talked about herself, her hobbies, her interests, etc. unlike you who just sits there and listens, nodding your head off as if you do agree (mostly you don’t because you can’t relate or it’s just not your style) but you don’t really have the heart to tell her that… not when she’s generally nice and hasn’t really done anything to offend you.
You just admire the fact that she keeps dragging you around and never gave up on you. You don’t even know what made her want to work her butt off to earn your approval and have her invade your space like that, but you guessed that maybe she’s just someone you might need in your life.
…And that maybe, she’s there for a reason you can’t quite guess.
She hasn’t done anything stupid anyway.
…Until today.
You balked, brows raised as she sighed dreamily, already planning her wedding dress for when she ends up marrying Jeno, her “soon-to-be high school sweetheart” as she mentioned just a few times and might have tried to manifest too with you in her room in front of her mini crystal collection she’s been obsessed with lately.
“I’m gonna say hi to him today! I’m sick of him not knowing who I am.”
If anything, you weren’t really surprised with this sudden revelation.
It was about time for her to finally try to introduce herself to him after crushing on him for two months now, and you do know she would have the great confidence to almost pursue anything, including him but you didn’t really want this day to come (hell, the thought of it was already dreadful) because you already knew what was bound to happen once she approaches him.
It’s like… surrendering a fawn to a den full of lions, and you can’t do anything but watch her get eaten, figuratively-speaking.
“You don’t look too happy, but that won’t stop me y’know.”
She winked mischievously, stealing a tomato chip off your lunch as you shook your head, a little smile playing on the edge of your lips.
“Do whatever you want but don’t rope me into your shit.”
You shrugged only to earn a scowl from her, her round eyes practically begging you to tag along when she introduces herself to him later on.
“But… c’mon! You don’t even have to say anything you just have to be there for moral support, pretty please?”
You could only sigh, pausing whatever you were doing just to look at her in the eye, already incapable of saying ‘no’ to her because in your defense she looked too cute.
You couldn’t afford to break her heart by saying no.
“Fine… whatever! Just get me ice cream after then we’re good.”
“Oh, I was about to say that too in case he rejects me ha ha,” she laughs off as she sipped on her watered down mango juice. “But at least I tried, yes? Then we can just enjoy our little ice cream date but I might cry…”
You weren’t even worried about that all, but you don’t say that part to your friend because guys like Jeno fancied cute girls.
Especially the innocent ones.
And your friend just might be the perfect girl for him.
To say that you weren’t right would be a goddamn lie, and you wished you were anywhere else but here, inside Jeno’s black sports car, the posh leather seat cold under your lap.
It’s been a month since the day your friend had introduced herself to him with such spark in her eyes you thought Jeno’s friends might have fallen for her too. One of them was even eyeing her from head to toe, visibly amused after seeing her short little skirt hugging her little frame.
Your friend, on top of being the real embodiment of cute, was still gorgeous and easy on the eyes, so it didn’t really surprise you when Jeno ended up giving his number to her as you tucked yourself away from his plain sight, hiding behind your much shorter friend when she confessed her feelings to him with so much confidence, it made you gag.
You weren’t really sure what happened overnight but just a week after, you found yourself on your own as your friend started hanging out with Jeno, his friends and their equally cute “girlfriends”, but she still made sure to spend half of her lunch break with you, even trying to drag you to their table but you could only reject her offer and excuse yourself because you had to catch up on an “assignment” when in reality, you would rather sit in the library by yourself than sit with them.
Then, today, you and your friend was supposed to go shopping by train but what she didn’t tell you was Jeno was gonna be there to drive the two of you so you don’t have to commute on the way to the mall and on the way back.
At first, you fumed having to deal with him being in an inclosed space as you, but it was indeed cold outside now that it’s halfway October and you certainly didn’t want to wait for the train with you friend in this type of weather (and maybe you did want to see his car up close and personal…) so you begrudgingly agreed, letting her yank you off your misery and plunge you into it all when she voluntarily pushed you to the backseat, your eyes drifting to Jeno who’s still talking to one of his friends, Mark, another guy from his group you do find just as attractive.
You could only roll your eyes as your friend wore her seatbelt on, giddily humming to herself. You gradually shifted your attention elsewhere, quite amazed with the clean and sleek interior of his car, but again it made sense.
Jeno was neat, never messy.
“Sorry, Mark was being clingy.”
You briefly hear him quickly apologize with a low chuckle as he slipped behind the wheel, his classy, citrusy scent invading your senses.
You cross your arms and looked away, trying to get him off your head as your friend’s slightly high-pitched voice cooed him “it”s okay!” and that “we can wait” ultimately, ignoring that fact that she just called him “babe” after.
This was one major thing you couldn’t bring yourself to fully admit — the fact that he’s now officially “seeing” your friend not even after a few months in which you felt no ounce of happiness about.
Your friend did inform you about it just a few nights before when she asked if you could come over and watch a scary movie with her because she noticed you were too busy and had no time with her (and you did feel bad because even if she’s always with him, she till spent some time with you only for you to run away for the most part) but she didn’t confront you about it at all.
If anything, it seemed like the usual chill nights you’d share with her until she brought him up and dropped the bomb on you without some sort of a warning beforehand especially when she can tell you’re not fond of Jeno nor his friends.
It felt like a sick joke, and it just feels like you friend is doing her best to make you change your mind about him which you don’t plan on doing so, not when you catch him doing PDA with your friend here and there you couldn’t help but swear at him in your head and look away.
The more time you had to spend with those two, sometimes with their friends, made you want to crumble or run off to the opposite direction.
They were exactly like what you imagined them to be, a couple of rich, privileged kids with filthy heads, the filth your friend is too innocent to be able discern.
They were sneaky about it too especially that Haechan guy who might have tried to get into your pants before, and you hated him so bad you had to tell him to back off you in which he called you feisty in return with the sinister promise of “you’ll want me someday.” before he left you to go smoke.
The rest of the group hasn’t really said anything to you yet. Sometimes they did but it was shallow and the girls hated your guts which is fair because you hated them as much (and with passion too). The only person you could perhaps stand in the group was Renjun.
The guy didn’t make any back-handed comments and he kept to himself for the most part but he did flash you a gaze occasionally wondering why you’re even here to begin with when it’s so damn obvious you don’t like anyone except your friend who always made sure you were included even if you tried to get away, and when you do try… it always ends with her getting what she wants.
And now you’re here, lost in your thoughts as you bore your full attention to the rows of yellow lights in the tunnel, the loud laughter your friend shared with Jeno mocking you.
He did leave the two of you alone to go shopping, and just came back to pick the you up as promised, then he’s supposed to drop you off first before her then they might go on a date like she told you earlier with so much excitement she couldn’t even choose between the two purses at a high-end store you were helping to choose from.
In the end, the two of you walked out the store satisfied — her with a new heart-shaped purse and you with a cashmere scarf you’ve been fancying on for months now that was on sale (which did hurt your bank account but your friend offered to pay half of it so you can just pay her back with instalments) this then provided some sort of a distraction for you, even offering to buy her a warm drink from the cafe as a sweet treat but since Jeno was already parked by the exit, you had to hurry.
They were still giggling as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, the urge to strap your headphones around your head getting stronger the more you tuned in, even rolling your eyes when Jeno asked for her hand so he could give it a kiss as if you weren’t just there, witnessing the horrors.
Much to your looming demise, you try to relax and lay your head back with a determined attempt to lull yourself to quick nap anyway since your apartment is around thirty minutes away, so you fold your arms, turned your head to face the window and closed your eyes.
Not even ten minutes later, just when you were about to actually let sleep take over, your hear the deep rumble of Jeno’s voice.
“She’s asleep isn’t she?”
There was a slight movement from your friend, causing you to hold your breath as you feel her check on you.
“Yep, she did say she was tired.”
“She doesn’t talk much. Why are you even friends with her?”
Jeno snickered, taunting you from the rear-view mirror as you tried your best not to reach out and strangle him god willing.
He doesn’t even know you like that.
“She’s nice! Just give her some time.” You friend sighed, defending your honour which you almost snorted at but pretending to be asleep at this very moment was more ideal for you, you think.
You pushed yourself to further into the door, eyelids slightly parting just in time to see him give her a sleazy wink before you saw his hand land on her lap, making your heart drop at the sight.
You weren’t sure if you liked where this was going at all.
“She’s sleeping Jeno…”
You clawed on your sleeved, clenching your jaw when you hear Jeno whisper rather suggestively.
You knew it was meant for your friend, but he didn’t even bother hiding it, assuming you’re fully knocked out at the back seat.
“If you can keep it down, she won’t know.”
You swore you almost cried, knuckles turning white for how hard you formed into fists when you hear your friend’s shy giggles which enveloped to a series of quiet moans from the front seat when he began touching her down there as he drove, the soft r&b blaring from his speakers in an attempt to suppress the noises your friend was trying so hard to hide so she won’t wake you up, when in reality, you were very much awake to witness all of this happening.
At this point, you genuinely wished you were dead, begging for the door to just unlatch itself so you can slide off your seat and fall into the road to your death than sit here, being forced to hear your friend let out a strangled moan as he fingered her, easily dragging her close to her peak.
You wanted it to stop — for them to just cut it out and put an end to your nightmare but it only got worse as the time went by.
You can practically hear the lewd noises Jeno was making with his fingers as he played with her sheer arousal and the way he was talking to her in such a dirty manner for the sole purpose to make her cum in which she violently did just a few minutes later, an animalistic high-pitched squeak leaving her lips before she heaving and moaning his name shakily with him still fucking her with fervour, overstimulating her.
The subsequent scarlet hue spread on your cheeks, heating your face up, second-hand embarrassment kicking in as you chewed on your lip until you drew blood from your cracked ones, neck craning all the way to your side so your scarf could hide the horrified expression on your face.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or laugh — cry because he had the audacity to finger your friend at your presence or laugh because of the high-pitched noise your friend made. You think it’s a mixture of both and you think you might have gone clinically insane from that alone as this was not a part of your bingo card.
It’s only been a few weeks. Have they fucked already?
You try to contain yourself as you kept still when you hear them share a languid kiss in which your friend giggled to before she flashed you a quick gaze, making sure you were in fact, still asleep.
“She probably didn’t hear that did she?”
“I’m sure she didn’t.” Jeno’s mocking tone caused you to move slightly, but not enough to make him think you were awake all along.
Your neck became stiff after what seemed like forever, and as much as you wanted to stay in this painful position you knew you had rouse yourself up just because you couldn’t handle “sleeping” anymore, so you waited until your friend led him to your street as she navigated for him.
It was then the only time you stirred yourself up, alerting the both of them that you were now “awake.”
“Hey, sleepy head!”
You yawned, trying to look at her in the eye in the dark as you borrowed into your scarf, hiding half of your face.
You diverted your to the windows and recognized your surroundings as the car halted just in front of your apartment complex, relief surging through you in sudden realization that you’re finally home.
“Thank god.”
You murmured under your breath, hand already fixed to the door handle, about to yank yourself out of there when your friend stopped you just before you can leave.
“See you next week!”
She piped up, her pupils shaking in pure excitement you almost asked what the hell she smoked to look like that when you already knew it was due to post-orgasm high.
You couldn’t help but to mirror her expression, but with a completely different reason.
You think you might want to commit right there if you kept smiling for ten more seconds, much like an unhinged criminal.
“Yeah! See you and thanks for the ride, Jeno.”
You see him nod at you, acknowledging your thankful nature (he probably though you were incapable of doing that) before you sprinted off, the two of them watching you attentively as you pushed yourself inside the lobby, cursing vehemently under your breath.
You didn’t even sleep that night, not when you find your underwear being wet from your own arousal after thinking about it again.
You don’t even like Jeno to any degree and yet, you still dreamed of him but not for good reasons.
Not at all.
And if your friend was to find out, it would be game over.
“I might have a friend who can take me in so Tony can come and fix this.”
You sigh, seeing as how the flooding got worse over the weekend due to the nonstop rainy weather and you, unfortunately, still rents the basement of a hosting family your mother personally knew but since they were on vacation in the UK and the main floor is locked, you can’t even access the floor and camp in the couch until the flooding issue gets fixed.
You’ve been on the phone with your host for an hour now explaining everything, and that they were going dispatch a friend to fix the damage shortly but still advised you that you’ll probably want to look for a friend to sleep over at for the mean time which you were okay with but you didn’t really want to do that even if you had no choice.
Hotels were costly so you dialled your only friend anyway whilst chugging what’s left from your coffee cup before tossing it in the nearby bin.
You’re in a local library now, left with nothing but a small suitcase you hastily shoved most of your every day necessities in to cover one week’s worth. Your host did say it should be okay to come back in a week or less so you made sure not to overpack, and you didn’t really want to stay there for longer, not when the slightly murky water felt cold around your feet.
“What? Are you serious!”
You sighed for what seemed like the 100th time today as you told your friend the whole situation.
“Not sure if this is going work but do you think you can take me in?” You inwardly groaned. “I can pay you.”
“Boo, I wish I can but my aunt’s over with my cousins I don’t have a space for you. Maybe after four days? They leave on Friday!”
“Well that won’t work, thank you though. I’ll go find a hotel—”
“No, no that’s going to be more expensive I can get someone to take you in though if that’s ok?”
You hummed, picking on your nail at the thought. Might as well give it a try.
“Ok, great! Give me a sec!”
You hear some sort of a movement from the other line before you hear your friend’s muffled voice once again.
“I just texted Jeno! He should be done working out right now. Where are you?”
“What?!” You let out a harsh whisper, trying to calm down realizing you’re in fact, still in a library. “Jeno—? I didn’t even agree just yet!”
“Well, he’s the only person I one-hundred percent trust with you even if you guys don’t talk but he’s got a huge place you can stay in and then he can even pick both of us up for school!”
“No,” You clutched your head in annoyance, trying your best not to hiss. “I— I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“What? Why? He already said he can do that though just now and I really don’t want you to spend money in a hotel. Too expensive. Good luck with Jeno though because he’ll say no with paying so you’re in good hands!” She laughed a little, making you huff on the other line. “Please? Maybe you guys can be friends. It gets so awkward when I’m with the both of you and you don’t even talk to him…”
“It’s just…” You try to explain. “I don’t know I feel like it’s so rude of me to just—”
“Honey, you’re not being rude! He literally said yes, and he’s got like two cars over there that you might like. If you ask nicely, maybe he can let you drive one to school? How about that?”
You wished she didn’t mention that at all, especially knowing that sport scars were your weakness in general and Jeno happened own two more aside from the one he drives to school.
You weren’t even sure if you had any ounce of dignity left at this point.
Hotels were costly, and you didn’t want to ask your mom for money to spend in a hotel thinking you’ve got a friend to cover for you, plus what you make from your part-time job wasn’t enough to foot the bill if you were to opt for a hotel.
If it was someone else, perhaps Mark or Renjun, you would probably agree without missing a beat (not like they would offer themselves in the first place, but if they did, you’d rather be with them) but this was Jeno.
The guy you’re friend is “seeing” and the same guy you thought about that night when you shouldn’t have.
You don’t even know if you could look at him in the eye anymore, and now you would have to stay over because he’s that nice?
“Heeeey, are you okay? I thought you ended the call for a second there.”
You cleared your throat, trying to make up your mind.
Am I gonna do this or not? Why the fuck would he even agree to this…
“I’m here sorry…”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? I really want you guys to start talking… Don’t you think this is a good idea? He thinks it might be good too.”
“He said that?” You almost laugh. “Thank you, but…”
“He did actually and no buts! Do this for me please?”
“You… fine, fine…” You say as you give up, letting her win over you again.
“Okay! Yay!”
You hear her clasp her hands together before she asked where your exact location was again, intending to forward it to Jeno.
In the end, she simply gave your number to him so it would be easier, logically speaking, but you didn’t even want to save his number at all or have that exchange. It felt so weird to have him there, in your short list of contacts when you don’t even consider him a “friend” for that matter.
You weren’t even sure if you were doing your friend a “favour” even if she did say she trusts Jeno because deep down, you knew she shouldn’t be putting all the trust to him, not when you’re in the picture.
Especially not when you’re about to be confined in one space with no one else but him for god knows how long.
He didn’t even bat an eye when you slipped into the front seat of his car as he was in the middle of a conversation what you can assume would be Jaemin, blabbing something about some new pc game he got, so you strapped your seatbelt on quietly, not sure when would be the good time to thank him when you can’t even look at him in the eye.
“K, heading home. Talk later.”
He didn’t say anything either so you slowly fixed half of your attention to the road ahead of you and his one hand steering the wheel expertly, then gradually moved past that so you can finally glance up there, to his gorgeous side profile in which you admire a little.
He’s even more handsome this close, with his tall nose, perfect jawline and glowing fair skin — you thought you might have forgotten your words but you quickly look away, feeling the nervous energy course through your veins.
“No thank you?”
There was a slight tinge of tease in his tone, so you clear your throat, refusing to actually spare him another glance afraid that he might catch you looking more that you should have.
“Sorry… Just sad about the whole situation, but thank you for taking me in. I hope that’s okay with your parents…”
“Don’t worry.” He chuckled a little. “They’re in the Caribbean Islands right now. No one’s home.”
“Oh, that’s great.” You weren’t even sure if that offered some sort of relief on your end. “Always wanted to go there.”
“Maybe if you start hanging out with us more then I can take you there for the summer with the group?”
You think he might be joking, so you treat it as such, trying not to derail from what seemed like a pleasant conversation you two are actually having.
You knew your friend would be happy to hear the fact that you can actually get along just fine, but because of how you see Jeno and his friends in such a negative light, you’re not sure if you had the ability to stop being stubborn for once.
You sigh, now shifting your gaze to him again, noticing his muscular, yet lean upper body hugged by just one layer of his black turtle neck. You couldn’t help but to ogle a little, but you do look away, feeling the slight guilt creeping down your spine.
He’s literally one move away from dating your friend, so why do you find it so hard to look away? Not when there are more conventionally attractive guys in the group? Like Mark? Renjun?
I have eyes. I can look, that’s it. It won’t hurt.
“Oh, c’mon the more the merrier.” There was some sort of a drawl in his tone you couldn’t quite miss, but maybe you might have been imagining things. “Let’s see if I end up liking you enough though then maybe I’ll work so hard to drag you into the group and come with us to the Caribbean next summer vacation, yeah?”
Or were you really imagining things?
The first night wasn’t bad.
You learn that your friend wasn’t exaggerating when she did tell you he lives in a mansion.
There was a huge fountain in the middle of a private cul-de-sac, two mermaids made out of a slab of rock perched in right in the centre, flowing water trickling from the matching queen conches.
The gate was tall, and the impressive gigantic lot is nestled in what seemed like a canopy of endless tall pine trees. They literally had no neighbours close by and the entirety of the driveway was an actual boulevard, you think they could possibly fit another house over the area.
It felt like you entered a different dimension — the gated community of the rich didn’t feel real at all. Even the air felt expensive, and just when you thought that wasn’t enough, Jeno allowed you to spare a longing gaze to his two other fancy cars parked in a quadruple-door garage.
He did notice your obvious interest with the exterior of his cars so he lets you have your fun until you found yourselves darting inside his own floor which could pass as some sort of a penthouse.
You think he might not even see his parents even if they were in one house altogether halfway in. Hell, if there was party being hosted by him for two days in a row his parents won’t probably hear any of it.
“I have a spare room when the guys sleep over so you can stay there for now. Don’t think I’d have anyone over soon so you’re good.”
You stand in the middle of the spare room, checking the surroundings like some sort of a curious cat.
It was super neat, had some distinctive art pieces by the walls, but it did look like where they would hang out judging from the game consoles tucked into the black drawers under the gigantic screen tv and the mini fridge with a snack bar situated in a corner surrounded by neon lights.
“Thanks again, Jeno.”
You tell him as he leaned against the doorway, a pleasant expression on his face upon noticing the way you looked awestruck with the room arrangement.
“No probs. I’m just one door away so let me know if you need anything. Usually up until 1 am. My maid isn’t here she’s on vacay so just it’s just us two.”
He left you alone like that, letting you bask at thought of him even having a maid. You think he might have an entire staff like a “head chef” running the house, but sooner or later you learn they’re all on vacation since they were all related which leaves you and Jeno all alone in such a big house, though despite that, you couldn’t help but feel the foreboding anxiety blaring through you like fire alarms.
There was an itch you couldn’t pinpoint and it drove you crazy the more you stayed over, and even if the first night went equally well like normal, you couldn’t help but feel some sort of guilt wrecking through you, so for the next two days you got in touch with Tony, the maintenance guy, in hopes to hear something positive about the situation back home so leave early.
Much to your demise, it won’t be until a few days so you gave up, trying to calm yourself down as you tucked yourself to bed right after doing your homework on your third night.
Your friend visited you a few hours before but since her and Jeno had plans for the night which involved the guys, Jeno might be coming home around dawn. You couldn’t help but feel the crash of relief to be finally alone for once which was bad for you to admit since you’re literally staying in his house for free, but having him there to share a space with made you feel too damn guarded and you hated that.
It wasn’t like he was watching you either — if anything, you’re the one who was doing more of that especially when you ate together after he offered to cook, and if he did order take-out, he asked what you wanted and delivered it right to your door just because you didn’t feel like going downstairs when you should’ve offered but upon finding out he was in the ground floor from their own home gym, you decided not to.
He didn’t even bother putting a shirt on when he knocked on your door, letting you see his bare abs through the wide split of the door so you were quiet thankful you didn’t make your way downstairs even when the damage has been done and it did nothing but make things worse for you.
“The passcode is the last four numbers of you number.”
He concluded as he gave you a quick rundown of instructions in terms of the security system.
You nodded obediently, quite touched at the fact that he made you your own designated password even if you’re only staying for a couple of days.
You weren’t friends with him yet, but he sure made things easier and was quite civilized the entire time, even putting all the trust in you to be in the house but the cams were all on so he can literally see what you would be up to unless you lock yourself in your room.
You follow closely behind him and your friend now holding hands with him as the three of you entered the garage. Your friend gave you a little pat on a head muttering a “good girl” in a light, teasing tone before they eventually drove away, leaving you by yourself for the next few hours.
You actually planned to do a mini tour and explore the other floors besides Jeno’s floor but because you didn’t want to end up falling to any “trap” doors (Jeno did mention that once as a joke but you didn’t want to risk it) you chose to stay in your room instead and watched movies on netflix with a plan to reheat the leftover pizza from last night.
Around midnight, you found yourself by the mini bar, wanting to try some of the alcohol he had so you pop a Hennessy from the glass shelf into a mug instead to pair with some sun chips to munch on at midst of a thriller movie you picked.
After downing what seemed to be a couple of glasses within the passing hours, you nursed an impending headache throbbing in your head. You could only curse, the thought of being completely hangover the next day already pissing you off.
You were more of a social drinker, but you think it’s been a while since the last time you attended a party and back then, it wasn’t so bad. You were still able to walk and say sentences incoherently after a few shots but this was worse.
You’re severely tipsy at this point, gaze all hazy as you attempt to shut the tv off, squinting over the rolling credits you can barely read off from.
You yank your crewneck over your head after feeling too hot, opting for just a mid-length slip as you tumbled out of your room, wanting to head to the bathroom with the sudden urge to splash some icy cold water on your face but you weren’t fully thinking as to where you were heading until you managed to somehow push into Jeno’s room, arms splayed in the dim-lit space.
You stumbled your way into his own bathroom adjacent to his bookcase, locking yourself in.
You were about to pass out inside, suddenly too sleepy to function but still made it out of there only to end up locating his equally large, yet better bed, his sheets cool under your skin which eased up the liquid fire running in your bloodstream.
You weren’t really sure what you did next, but the faint smell of his citrusy scent from his nice, cold sheets, you didn’t care about anything else and instead, slept through the great comfort of it all.
Unbeknownst of you, Jeno did end up going back home earlier than planned, but without your friend this time.
He was too exhausted to even notice that something was truly off by the time he got into bed, shirt off, sleep knocking him out a few minutes in.
“She won’t know.”
He placed your arms on the curve of your back as he pinned you to the wall in a hallway absent of any light.
You feel his sweet, minty breath on your nape, his strong hand tight around your wrists in a vice grip with the intention of not letting you go.
You were so breathless now, letting him do what he wished, his free hand tracing the outline of your thigh as he yanked the hem of your dress upwards, groping you from behind, whispering sinisterly in your ear before kissing the slant your shoulder, his hand snaking dangerously inside the silk fabric until he replaced your bra with his, playing with your breasts in a manner that drove you nuts.
“You’ve thought about this haven’t you?” He pressed, as you whimpered helplessly, back arched with your behind brushing against his. “Answer.”
You sigh, unable to control the soft moan emitting from your throat when he eventually slid his hand in your underwear, callused fingers rubbing your clit now covered with pure arousal, spreading it all over your aching sensitivity.
“I didn’t even have to spit.” He hissed sardonically. “But I think you’ll like that, yeah? What do you think? Do you want me to spit on your pussy?”
“F-fuck… yeah…”
You feel him pull his fingers off you, causing you to whine at the loss of contact when you hear him spit behind you, immediately sliding his hand back into your soiled underwear after doing so, messily mixing the glob of his spit with your slick arousal you think if he kept this up, you would cum in no time without even having him fuck you at all.
“You’re disgusting…” He hummed in satisfaction, ultimately parting your pussy lips so he can pump a finger in, his lips leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your spine. “I like that.”
You hear him groan at the feeling your tight walls around his long, slender fingers, a series of swears rolling off your mouth when he began fingering you, fucking his spit into your throbbing hole all desperate for him and him only.
You rubbed your thighs together in a desperate attempt to itch the pulsating sensation between your legs, the bundle of nerves you eventually pressed on in your sleep made you whimper softly, the pleasurable feeling intensifying the more you rubbed yourself.
This was the second time Jeno had unmercilessly plagued your dreams again — like an incubus haunting you in your sleep, but in the end, he gives you what you desire — to come so hard you thought you’d black out.
You’ve never even drawn yourself to that type of high before you even knew who he was, but after what happened in the car, you couldn’t help but think of how good it would be to have him fuck you instead of your friend.
You did feel guilty for having this type of thoughts about your friend’s own boyfriend, but having him wreck havoc in your head after hours, was mind-numbing, it was almost addicting.
You’ve tried and fought so hard to stop thinking about him, trying to replace his face with someone else like Mark, or even Renjun or some other celebrity you fancied but when you’re just a minute away from reaching your peak, you can’t help but bring him back and let him take over you, his face alone making you come so hard your legs would shake as the raw lust mixed with shame riddled all over your skin.
Tonight was the same, except you were actually in his house and on his bed, touching yourself without any awareness about your surroundings and absolute care in the world, not when you had creeped your finger inside your now wet underwear, intending to finger yourself on your side, but before you could do that, you tucked yourself under the comforter seeking for warmth, back flat on the mattress as you slide your hand back in, moaning at the contact once again, legs propped with your knees bumping against each other as you played with yourself, eyes tightly shut.
“It hurts…” You whimpered lightly, still dreaming as you tilt your head to the side, brows furrowing in frustration. “I need…”
Jeno, who had been sleeping just right beside you, eventually stirred, turning to face you with a sigh, starting to be aware with the noises you were making but thought it was a part of what seemed like a dream for him too so he made no move until you inched closer and closer, now only one move away from touching him.
You’re facing him now, his familiar sweet scent elating your senses, it being the only thing to make you move faster, your middle finger playing with your growing wetness before you eventually slid it in, biting your lip at how tight you felt and wishing it was him doing it for you instead.
“Jeno…” You huff, you free hand snaking under your slip to grope your breast, hissing from how hard your nipples had gotten.
Jeno, now half-asleep, responded with a tired “hmm” as he hovered closer, his hand landing on your hip to pull you closer to him, sealing the small gap between the both of you with his face now resting on the curve of your shoulder.
He hears you purr sweetly, fingering yourself faster when you feel him lay a light kiss on your bare skin, his hand finding your jaw so he can tilt your chin up, kissing you there but deeper.
You didn’t even care anymore. No shame surging through you thinking this was a mere wet dream even if it felt too real, so real you could actually see him in the shadow but because the lights were so dim, you couldn’t make a face but his beautiful scent and warmth was more than enough.
You just needed to feel him, have him ruin you more just like how he does in your dreams.
“Aren’t you tired?” He whispered huskily, realizing you were fingering yourself when he circled his own around your wrist, stopping you. “What are you doing?”
“I want…” You mumbled, distress coating your tone when he yanked your hand from your underwear ever so gently. “I want to cum…”
“Want to?” he cooed, keeping his eyes close as he parted his lips open to suck your slick arousal from your fingers, earning another moan from you before he let you grab him on the shoulder, his own hand now snaking inside your underwear.
“Fuck, just-just put it in, please…” You begged, circling your arms around his neck as you lifted your leg, resting it on his hip.
You hear him hum, the deep rumble of it making your head go numb.
He wasted no time, pleased with your whines when he slid his finger inside your soaked pussy, fingering you slowly until you found yourself in a verge of breaking out of a sob, your knuckles turning white on his shoulder as he fucked you faster and harder at your request, fully attentive with the way you were squeezing him, sucking him further into your throbbing cunt, making him go crazy for how increasingly wet you’ve become.
You half-screamed, back arching as he hovered on top of you, his head disappearing on the crook of your neck to kiss you right there before you feel his teeth bite the strap of your slip, yanking it down your shoulders.
He was going way faster now, fingers curving up to rammed on your sweet spot as you struggled under him, thighs closing tightly around his flexed arm just when you’re about to reach your peak.
“Don’t you want to come?” He smiled sleepily, sucking your left nipple with so much want it only drove you closer to your orgasm. “If you’re a good girl, you will, won’t you?”
It was scary how it feel too damn real — you could even hear him up close and personal and it was too overwhelming, but you couldn’t open your eyes, not wanting this dream to ever end, not when he’s about to make you cum so hard like this.
So you pushed through it, the lewd squelching of your wetness from him fucking into you the only thing you could hear, his equally pleased moans gracing your ears when you tell him you’re almost there.
“Fuck, fuck…fuck! I’m,” You cried, shaking violently as you finally snapped, hands flying on his in an attempt to stop him from fingering you in a brutal pace but he didn’t allow you.
Instead, he forced you to ride through it all as you cursed, head thrown back until you began sob from overdrive, thrashing and squirming under him only to make him pin your arms above your head, your slip pulled all the way to your neck, letting him feel your bare skin, your underwear being torn by him, tossing it on the marbled floors.
“I’m fucking you.” He growled, eyes parting slightly, unable to see you fully but the feeling of having you all naked and weak under him made him a little crazy. He wasn’t even sure if this was just a dream anymore, but he had his own personal desires needed to be taken care of. “You’ll let me, right?”
“Please…” You begged as he lifted your dress all the way to your face, turning it into a blindfold causing you to spread your legs wider for him, too aroused with the way he was trying to limit your senses. “Fuck… just do whatever you want, please…use..use me…”
“Can you even take me?” He smirked, tracing small kisses from your jaw all the way to your sternum as your breath hitched. “You’re this desperate, huh?”
You hear him unbuckle his belt as you begged, wanting him to give it to you already, afraid that this dream might come into an end.
“Please, Jeno…”
“Sounds better when you say it like that…”
He sighed, giving himself a few generous strokes before you felt the tip of his hard cock rub your pussy, giving you a few jabs before he slowly slipped inside you just halfway, wanting you to get used to his size so he waits for a tap which came just a few moments later, and gives it to you, a matching lustful moan being knocked out from yours and his.
“So b-big…”
You grabbed his biceps as he held his breath, trying his best not to fuck you like a wild animal for how amazingly tight and warm you felt around him, squeezing around him repeatedly, almost drawing him to the edge.
“Your pussy can take it…” He whispered, fucking into you slowly. “If I fuck you like this, you’ll take it…and if I go faster?”
“Ah!” You cried as he snapped his hips into you, the wetness of your pussy coating his entire cock, drawing him deeper into your cunt. “Don’t stop… fuck, f-fuck feels so good, so so good.”
“I know, baby…” He hissed vehemently, face buried into the crook of your neck as you let him fuck you faster, the slightly deep baritone of your tone intensifying the fact that he wants to ruin you, even if this wasn’t reality because god knows what he will do it had been, but for some reason, he didn’t felt any type of shame if this wasn’t a dream— just the carnal desire he felt for you, the girl who seemed to hate him for no valid reason.
You clutched the sheets as he pistons in and out of you, ultimately driving the both of you to each other’s peak.
He doesn’t let you touch him, his hand fixed to your wrists on top of your head as your jaw went slack, breath hitching as your legs trembled, alerting him that you were there.
“Fuck, spread your legs wider.” He demanded through gritted teeth, strong thighs stuttering against yours as you obediently did what he asked. “That’s it, pretty girl.”
It didn’t take long when the two of you finally came, you being the first to snap as he followed-through just a few seconds later, pulling out of you so he can cum on his bed sheet instead.
You immediately fell asleep right after, smiling through it all just like he did, the looming taste of regret awaiting to ruin everything in the morning.
Or would it?
You awoke to an unfamiliar bed, already panicking upon finding out you’ve been sleeping in his room the entire time so you quickly pad down the silent hall, disappearing inside your own room with a huff.
You ignore the throbbing headache in your head as sat on your bed, a little shaken and not knowing to go about explaining what just happened if he was aware of it, but you think he’s not even home or if he was, did he end up sleeping elsewhere?
You grabbed your crewneck and fixed yourself in front of the mirror, about to head downstairs and find him when you feel something odd, so you lift the hem of your dress, discovering that you didn’t even have an underwear on.
The memory of him taking it off you haunted your train of thought — last night felt too raw, too real and you think it maybe because you’re starting to be delusional, using the advantage of staying in his house and touch his stuff that weren’t yours.
You assume this might have catered to it all and you weren’t even sure if that’s something to be happy or angry about.
You figured it wasn’t — in fact, it was too wrong and you wanted out so you immediately text Tony for an update before heading downstairs to find Jeno.
Jeno, you learn, was not alone.
It was a Saturday after all, and he happens to be on the phone by the living room, his full attention watching the glowing fireplace in front of him, energy drink on-hand as your friend darted from the kitchen, immediately seeing you.
“Oh, she’s up!” She announced, running to hug you with a beam. “Jina and I are going to get our nails done and she’s picking me up, you wanna come?”
“Oh, um… that’s okay.” You falter as Jeno turned to look at you, gaze unreadable. “I’m leaving soon anyway, like going back to my place.”
“Oh! Well maybe next time? Jeno is leaving soon too but won’t be dropping me off. Jeno, help her okay?”
You avoid the way he’s looking at you now, quite embarrassed with the fact that you literally just slept in his bed and even dreamed of him fucking you. You just hoped he had no idea, and if he did know, you knew you couldn’t bear to show face any longer.
“I’ll plan us another date. Just you and I. I promise!”
You let your friend drag you to the entrance and albeit dazed from the unholy thoughts you were suddenly having about Jeno, you managed to brush it off and watch your friend leave, waving her a small good-bye, the guilt surging through you once again after seeing her.
You were just about to lock the door when you feel him hover behind you, the hairs on the back of your neck raising at the sound of his deep voice invading your cloud of thoughts.
“I’m gone for one night and you’re suddenly touching stuff that aren’t yours?”
So he did know. But does he know?
“I’m sorry…” You exhale, sighing regretfully but refused to look at him in the eye. “Got a little drunk then looked for the bathroom—“
“See… that wasn’t the only thing I’m upset about though.”
You gulped as you feel him walk closer so you slowly back away, the shocked gasp leaving your lips as you feel the pressure of the door behind you, him towering over you now.
“Do you know what I’m talking about?” He questioned, a little on edge. “Don’t act dumb now.”
“I said I was drunk and I’m sorry.” You apologized sincerely, the overwhelming silence skyrocketing your anxiety. “If there was any damage—”
“No, that’s not…” You hear him chuckle as he drove his hand to the door, cornering you like a predator, but you remain still, stopping yourself from looking up or it was going to over. “Do I have to explain?”
“I don’t…”
“You don’t care about your friend, do you?”
Your eyes rounded in shock, immediately tilting your chin up so you can look at him in the eye this time, suddenly angry at his accusation.
“What made you say that?” You snapped, watching him shake his head in amusement but you weren’t buying it. “Jeno.”
“You’re something else.” He whispered softly, eyes searching something in yours before you feel him inch closer to your ear, his lips brushing across the shell of your ear. “You’re insane. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Jeno, what the fuck?”
You pushed him off you but he could only laugh, head tilting to the side, a smirk now evident on his face.
He was too handsome, it almost drove you nuts if it wasn’t for the way he just insulted you.
“Guess I’d be the first but don’t worry, I’m not that angry, you know?”
You clenched your jaw, watching him advance to you again with an intent to pin you against the door.
“You’re full of shit. I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about when all I’ve done is —”
“We fucked.” He sighed, reeling closer when you clamped your mouth shut, looking away from him. “Why, you thought you were dreaming?”
“You’re joking.”
“See, I’d like to think I was. The whole time I thought the same until I find you in my bed in the morning.”
You faltered, unable to think straight when you feel him trace the outline of your jaw, grabbing you by the chin gently to make you shift your attention back to him.
“You said my name too. Just like this.” His darkened gaze pierced yours, pupils blown. “You like me that much?”
“We can’t do this.” You grab his wrist, pushing him away with a huff. “It was a mistake!”
“I’d like to think the same but for some reason…” He took another step, completely caging you in just like you were always meant to be for him. “You’re fucking everything up.”
“How is that my fault —”
“You should’ve pursued me first, that’s all.”
Your eyes widen as he cradled your face, drawing you completely speechless.
Turns out, he was crazier, even more sinister with the way he’s touching you so inappropriately right now you feel like pushing him off and running out to escape but you simply couldn’t. You knew you wanted him too even if you shouldn’t.
Not when the damage has already been done, and you’ve opened a pandora box, unleashing his hidden desires on board with yours, the sinful thoughts you’ve been trying so hard to seal away for no one to figure out.
“You don’t give a fuck about her?” You swallowed a lump in your throat, a pained expression on your face as he kept up with his ministrations, his hand now holding yours. “Why are you touching me…”
“I like you.” He confesses with a shrug like it was something so simple to do, his piercing gaze meeting yours again. “You think I’m into your friend?”
“You’re sick.”
You say through gritted teeth, raw anger still there but the more you allowed him to stare you down like this, the more it dissipated. The desperate hold you had around it vanishing to thin air.
“And you think you’re not?”
There was that same fiery edge to his tone now, his grip around your hand tightening. You try to break free from his grasp until you hear his phone ring. You were just about to use that as way to completely push him away, but he cut you off, demanding you to stay still.
“We’re not done.”
You watch him answer the call, fear on your eyes when you discovered it as your friend asking if he could pass the phone over to you just because you weren’t answering yours.
“Talk to her.” He demanded, his stern tone sending shivers all over your body when you placed his phone near your ear.
“Hey,” You greeted your friend, trying to sound as normal as you could before shying away from the way Jeno’s eyeing you right now. “Was in the shower. What’s up?”
You let your friend take-over, asking if you wanted anything from a specific shop near the nail salon she was in and had been trying so hard to get your mind out of the gutter for the past minute that seemed to flow by in forever. You found yourself stuck in the middle — part of you wanted to tell her about what you did just like that no matter what the consequences were but the other half simply haunted you, did you really want to stop? When the guilt should be burning you alive right now but for some reason, you hardly felt anything and you weren’t sure what to make of that.
“You don’t care about your friend, do you?”
“The one with stars is cute but you don’t have to— it’s okay,” You shook your head, completely missing the fact that Jeno had gotten even closer. You catch on to him before he lowers his head to the side of your face, about to murmur something.
“Stop.” With the phone away from your lips, you attempt to get away but he only holds you still, hand fixed to the curve of your waist. “Jeno—”
“Just tell me the details later!” Your friend squealed over the phone. “And tell Jeno to read my text!”
The call ended just before you could utter something but the phone from your hand was snatched away in a millisecond, suddenly finding yourself gasping when Jeno placed his knee in between your thighs, feeling you up with his clothed knee, his hand now groping your breast.
“Quit it, won’t you?” You bit your lip, hand fisting his top as he placed an open-mouthed kiss on your collarbone. “You want to run away so bad but I can see it in your eyes. You want this as much as I do so don’t lie to yourself.”
“Jeno, stop,” You begged, arousal already pulling in your underwear when he forced you to grind down on his thigh, holding all your weight up alone with just that alone. “Jeno…”
“I’ll let you go f that’s what you want.” He grunted as you began to grind on him, growing more aroused with the way you were whining, struggling on his thigh. He challenged you, even if he knew you wouldn’t be able to resist all of this.
Resist him.
You whimpered as he removed his thigh between your legs, letting you off but you don’t make a move.
“You want to go?” You could only gaze back at him, completely in trance as he grinned down at you, his sardonic expression reeling you in. “Then go.”
It didn’t take long until you finally snapped altogether, crashing yourself to him to latch your lips on his in sheer frustration, an audible groan coming from him as he nibbled your bottom lip, lifting you up, hands all over your body.
Sooner or later, you found yourselves in bed, having to have exhausted each other but there were no words shared after it all.
You weren’t even sure what to do next as you laid there beside him, watching him sleep on his back, head turned away from yours. It was then you felt your heart crumble into pieces, the immense jolt of pain suddenly waking you up from trance.
Do I really want to do this?
You left the next morning just like that, not wanting to pursue this wrong deed at all, and without a word other as you hailed a taxi. You deleted and blocked his phone number and made a plan to somehow try to avoid him and your friend for the next few months, but it wasn’t simple like that, and yet, you tried to stay away.
For the next six months, it was like that — with you and your friend slowly falling apart because you no longer shared classes for second semester and you made no amends to even see or spend time with her, having to have met other friends you shared classes with and then her, with the boys and their girls.
You were also thankful of Jeno not pursuing anything with you too. You barely saw him around due to the fact that he did sign up for more sport-related activities so naturally, he disappeared from your sight. He must have thought that it was clearly a mistake just like you did, and you fought to repent for your sins and you wished he did too.
You didn’t keep track about anything that had to do with them anymore and decided to focus on your studies like you’ve always had from the beginning to prepare yourself for graduation and university requirements. Your great efforts did pay off in the end, having to graduate with almost on top of all your classes and getting into one of your top three universities.
Life seemed great for you — quite elated for the next journey you’re bound to go on for the next two years now that senior year was over and so was the evening dinner you had to attend because it was mandatory despite wanting to opt out of it but you made sure to leave early as you had no plans to sit in the fancy banquet of a five-star hotel and “get entertained” when everyone either sat around to chill or lose themselves in the dimmed down dance floor.
By 11 pm, you bid your goodbyes to a panel of teachers, one of them being your favourite, just in the next room in the hall, then gunned down to the parking lot where you parked your car.
You dug your keys in your purse, humming to yourself when you spot someone’s slick black shoes right next to your car so you stop and blink, shifting your attention the wide plain of his familiar broad back, his white dress shirt being the only article of clothing he has on with some tailored black plants that probably cost five months worth of rent.
“Nice ride you got.” He drew the cigarette away from his lips, grey smoke hitting your face as you slowly took a step back, unable to form any coherent sentence upon realizing that he’s standing before you now. “New model too. Gift, maybe?”
You do know you’ve been trying to avoid him.
As much as you tried however, he was there, always in a crowd and you never missed a handsome face like his. He burned in the back of your head so easily, but it was too difficult to get him out no matter how many distractions you could come with, and even if most of it worked in your favour he still lived inside your head like a parasite.
A parasite you may never end up getting rid of.
“I’m going home.” Was all you said, trying to stay stoic and unaffected as he advanced to you, even more irresistable now that he’s worked out more and grew his hair a little longer, a strand from his gelled back fringe curving on his forehead and it did nothing but clench your jaw.
He was just too handsome, you were close to believing no one would be able to resist him at all, not even the new arm candy he brought as a date to dinner since your he has apparently broken up with your friend a month before graduation due to a sudden drastic change in her family’s living situation.
You soon find out she was never coming back, and apparently “long distance relationships” wasn’t Jeno’s thing.
“This early?”
There was a coy smirk on his face, cigarette resting between his lips. You stood there, liking the smell, reminding you of your father back home so naturally, you stayed where you are, feet starting to hurt from the five inch heels you regretfully wore to dinner.
“Yeah, I have work the next morning.”
He’s one step away from you now, his full attention scanning your red dress from head to toe, liking the tight fit around your soft curves. You try to stand your ground anyway, albeit about to burst into shivers from the way he narrowed his eyes to you now, blowing another puff of grey you ended up inhaling into your system as well for how damn close he’s gotten, invading your comfort zone.
“That’s a shame.” He circled around you like some sort of a predator, but without touching you until you feel him stop just inches away, his hard chest brushing against your back. “Well go on, your car is right there.”
Your breath hitched as you began to walk to your car, unlocking the back door to throw your purse into with a slam. You don’t say anything as you placed your hand on the handle, chewing on your lips as he quirked an eyebrow, wanting to know what seemed to make you look a little stressed and all tensed up.
“Your date.” You slowly met his amused gaze. “How long?”
“Didn’t sleep with her if that’s what you were wondering.” You didn’t even want to lie — the wave of relief crashed through you, engulfing you in so you let go of the handle and headed to him, letting your burning desire drag you all the way to his arms as he pulled you into a suffocating embrace. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”
Jeno flung his cigarette off his lips to kiss you hungrily causing you to moan in his mouth, tasting the peppermint candy he’s had and the slight bitterness from the cigarette but you didn’t care.
You didn’t care until he threw you in your backseat, ripping your underwear off you so easily and gave it to you right there and then, until you were in a verge of tears, unable to think straight as you moaned his name all over again like some sort of a mantra, dragging the both of you into eternal hell.
And to hell with him it is.
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anticanonsposts · 10 months
SFW Alphabet-König
SFW Alphabet, hehe there's some nsfw so mdni
 A= Affection (How Affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Definitely is not super into PDA because of his social anxiety, he already commands a lot of unwanted attention due to his size and he’d rather not get any more.
That being said when he is nervous, holding hands/you holding onto his arms can be very comforting and grounding. Also if he is drunk he will be a lot more into PDA but sober not really.
Other than in public he shows affection by just paying attention to a lot of the things you do/say. He is the type to remember that you like something and then buy it for you.
Also when you two are alone he really likes touching you, anyway really he just likes your touch. 
B= Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Once he realized he liked being around you, he definitely got more nervous around you because he also wanted you to like him.
It took him a bit to figure out if he liked you as just a friend or more than a friend, he knew for sure though that he wanted you to be with him to some capacity.
Otherwise as a best friend he would always be someone you could depend on, and in turn would need validation from you/your help walking him through his problems and giving him advice. 
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
At first he is very timid when cuddling because he doesn't wanna bother you but once he gets comfortable and finds out that one of your love languages is touch he is ALL over you.
He is fine being the big or little spoon.
He also really likes laying on your chest and just being buried in your tits.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Due to his hectic career he definitely wants to retire and settle down so he can just relax a little bit.
Since he was in the army he is pretty clean and organized, but lets himself be a little cluttered since he no longer has to be as rigid as he used to be.
He always asks if you need any help with anything and will clean things without being asked.
He also loves to cook you things from his culture, especially things that his mother used to cook for him. 
His heart literally melts and he can’t stop smiling when you make him something his mom said was his favorite. (You called her and talked for hours, and she is also obsessed with you).
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
Unless it was an abusive situation I think he would be very apologetic during a break up. I think he would explain how it truly isn’t his partner, it's him.
He definitely has a few issues/insecurities and he would make it clear that it was him who needed growing.
He also gives me the vibes that he would wanna still be a support for his ex-partner if they wanted to, but he would also understand if they never wanted anything to do with him. 
F= Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think he would wanna be in a committed relationship pretty quickly, not necessarily marriage but long term partner status.
He is also very open with communication and you two have talks about what you each want, and how quickly you would want to get married. 
If you want to wait, just not wanting to rush things, or another reason that you explain to him he would be very chill with that.
However the day you did get engaged would be one of the happiest days of his life.
He would want to do whatever you wanted for the wedding no matter how big or small. He would be fully aware that your wedding day is about you and he is just Ken, you are Barbie, ALWAYS.
Also not to be dramatic but this would quite literally be the best day of his life. Nothing can compare to the happiness that swelled his heart when you two had your first dance after the ceremony, he would defo cry into your shoulder.
That being said this man is a wreck before hand, he is for sure nervous but his groomsmen hype him up.  
And once he sees you at the end of the isle the Nile river itself could not gush as much as he did, he literally has a small thing of tissues in his pocket because he knew this would happen.
Also when you guys give your vows you give them both in English and German so that both your families can understand. You don’t tell him about this until the moment, once you finish your vows in English you start to recite them in German and he just starts crying even more. He then gives his in both languages.  
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
Physically his default is gentle because he never wants to hurt you, he will only be more rough if you explicitly say so.
The only exception to this is if you guys are drinking he might get a bit rougher but again nothing that would hurt you.
Emotionally he really prefers to be calmer and talk through issues the two of you have, especially if you have a bad past with people yelling and throwing things so he is very conscious of that when he does get upset.
He also is just so used to hostile environments when at work that he wants his time with you to be the antithesis of that. 
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Again when he first gets to know you he is not super touchy out of respect. As you get more comfortable he loves it when you hug him, because he also knows you don’t hug many people so he takes it as a compliment. 
He really prefers to hug you under your arms, so yours are over his shoulders, partly because of your size difference he sort of scoops you off your feet when you do hug. He also just loves wrapping his arms around your sides/back.
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L=word?)
Not gonna lie I feel like he catches feelings pretty quickly and really devotes himself to you.
At first you just notice that his stares linger for longer and he does that sleepy half blink at you alot. 
When he does say I love you it’s when you both wake up from a night together and the sun comes through the window and he is just overwhelmed with how loved you make him feel and he says it. 
When you say it back he is floored and over the moon happy.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I feel like he only gets jealous when he sees you with people that have skills he doesn’t.
Like if he sees you darting through a crowd with another smaller friend he gets mad that he isn’t able to do that.
Sometimes he just feels like a burden more than anything in that he needs comfort in social settings. But he brings this up and you talk about it and assure him you don’t mind at all.
Otherwise his jealousy really just comes out when he is drunk, because he gets cocky and if he sees some sleaze walk up to you and start talking or god forbid touch you he gets very territorial and pushes the guy away. 
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they  like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Since he doesn’t have a lot of sexual or relationship experience he isn’t the most skilled kisser, but he learns quickly.
If anything it is just super sloppy, both because of his lack of experience and because his mouth is just bigger than yours.
However when it comes to pecks and simple kisses he loves it when you kiss his hands or arms in any way, he also goes nuts if you are on top of him tracing kisses along his neck and shoulders.
He really likes to kiss your face, neck, and head. Sometimes you’ll be home and he just plants a kiss on the back of your neck out of nowhere. 
He also really likes to trap you in his arms and hold your face with one hand while he litters kisses all over your face (Very Gomez Adams adjacent).
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
He is for sure a bit nervous around kids at first because they are tiny and he doesn’t want to be too rough and hurt them.
But once he figures out that they just wanna use him as a jungle gym he is very good with them. 
Once at a family event you found him with about 6 kids hanging on him and it made you even more attracted to him.
He notices that after you two see a child/hang out with a child that the following night you fuck his brains out. 
M= Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He is a pretty early riser since he is used to getting up so early.
This usually works out for you, since you need to get up for work anyways.
However on the days that you can sleep in, this man will keep you in that bed until at least noon. Whining like a toddler whenever you go to get up. 
This is the only time that he uses your size difference against you without asking. 
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights for you two is your time to de-stress from the day and really relax.
Whether that be having sex or just being with each other it does not matter.
One thing he always does though is make sure you eat dinner (he knows about girl dinner and does not approve) he also asks to see what you ate earlier in the day and really goes into parent mode if you say you haven’t eaten.
srs/ the most angry you ever saw him was when he asked what you had eaten by 4pm and you said coffee and a cheese stick. 
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
He definitely doesn’t unload everything on you at first, but he opens up eventually.
The more he tells you, the more and more comfortable he is getting with you. 
One of the first things he tells you is his anxiety issues because he knows that it will have the most day to day effect on your relationship/lives. In turn you also explain to him your various mental health issues.
Later on he explains his past of being bullied and feels really safe with you because you offer nothing but support and love, and absolutely no judgment. 
P=Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is more the type of person to get sad if you hurt him, his anger usually manifests into silence and he stews.
However, when it comes to people disrespecting you he gets angry very quickly, if anyone is rude to you or is physically aggressive towards you, he sits that shit down immediately, and it usually takes him a few minutes to cool off.
You are much quicker to anger than him, and he picks up on this very quickly and honestly really likes it because sometimes it’s in his defense.
When YOU defend him he honestly kicks his feet and giggles because he genuinely feels so safe with you. 
Q= Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
He would remember EVERYTHING about you.
Literally you mention something once to him once and it will be locked in his brain forever.
To the point that you get a little insecure about how much less you remember, you have a pretty good memory but not as good as his.
He legit doesn't care though, he is more than ok repeating himself.
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moments in your relationship are the small ones.
For example there was one night where you were just laying on top of him like dead weight with your cheek pressed against his mindlessly scrolling through your phone.
You actually ended up falling asleep on him and he was oh so careful moving out from under you, he really didn’t want to wake you.
For the rest of the night he just stared at your sleeping form, memorizing every detail of your face. 
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) 
He is very protective of you and you also are of him. He always checks in with you to see how you are feeling.
He is physically and emotionally protective of you, physically he knows that he makes you feel safe. Like you have a whole ass tank of a man with you at all times. But you have also expressed that you feel comfortable and secure that he would never use his size against you.
He is emotionally protective of you and your mental health issues, and he is there to support you through those tough times. 
As far as protecting him goes, he really likes how he is able to go to you with any problem or thought he is having and you will have an open mind and want to help him.
Surprisingly too he physically feels very safe with you because despite your size difference you are a very fierce and confident person. 
He knows that if shit really went down and you needed to fight that you could and would hold your own. And to be honest that is a turn on for him lol, like he loves how dominant and straight forward you are. 
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
Not gonna lie he puts a fuck ton of effort into doing things with you. On special occasions expect to wake up to flowers and food.
He will take you out wherever you want and really devotes time to working on his social anxiety so that he can be more in the moment when you do go out. 
Day to day he would wait on you hand and foot if you let him, you usually insist that you can do things yourself but he usually weasels his way into doing small tasks for you.
Of course you return his effort back and if anything he sometimes is just faster to do things than you are. 
U= Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
Sometimes he really lets his anxiety get the best of him and goes silent just letting his thoughts run wild. 
You have a really hard time with silence typically and that is the biggest hump you two need to pass. Is that when either of you are upset, no matter how uncomfortable, you two NEED to just talk about it because it makes it so much worse for you to just sit in your thoughts.
V= Vanity (cow concerned are they with their looks?)
He is only concerned with his looks in the sense that he knows he has a very obvious presence when he is in public, and he understands the scary effect he has on some people.
Otherwise he doesn’t care that much, he takes care of his looks physically but in a maintenance way more so. 
If anything he is really nervous about what you will think of how he looks. Like when you see him naked for the first time or without his mask for the first time.
Before that his stomach was in KNOTS because of how nervous he was. But when you do finally see all of him you don’t stop complimenting (and just staring at) him for hours afterwards and his confidence goes through the roof as you two continue to date. 
It takes him a while to accept that someone truly loves him and how he looks 100%.
When he gets drunk he definitely gets more vain, checks himself out in the mirror longer, and has more confidence with the effect his looks have on you and gets more flirty. 
NSFW but the first time you guys have sex in front of a mirror is when he is a little tipsy since he needs a little confidence boost in order to try it. Spoiler alert he loves it.
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
In the least codependent way possible he would not. Once he meets you, everything just makes more sense to him and he knows that he just wants to be with you for forever and then some. 
You are the sun that rises and sets on his days and he is obsessed with you, but is also very receptive to your boundaries and doesn’t want to be too clingy.
Cliche but you truly are Barbie and he is just Ken, and he is 100% ok with it. 
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) 
Coupled with him being obsessed with you, he sort of has a staring problem and sometimes if you are doing work or on your phone he will just stare at you for so long.
He also does this when you are driving the two of you around, his body will be facing yours when he is in the passenger seat. 
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Sometimes your love language is teasing and he has a few names/insults that he does not want to be called at all because they are similar to things he’d been called when he was bullied growing up. 
On a lighter note he hates pickles and will legit side eye you when you are together and you are eating whole pickles. But this makes you the perfect restaurant pair because he always gives you his pickles. 
Z= Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Like previously mentioned he is a pretty early riser but also can be a night owl if that is what you’re used to. However it gets to the point where he is comfortable enough that he can fall asleep pretty quickly as long as he is with you.
He is used to sleeping in cramped spaces because there are rarely beds big enough for him so you typically do fit on the bed with him, but you always tell him to take up as much room as he needs.
Once you guys move in together, you buy a special bed that has plenty of space for the both of you.
 When sleeping with you he loves to just be in your arms. Sometimes when you need some grounding he will act as your weighted blanket and just become dead weight on you. Both of you are very heavy sleepers so once he is out , and if you need to get out from under him, it is definitely a challenge.
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amor-areia · 4 months
Hey petals~🩷
I created this devotee account because I want to connect with other devotees through this app and I can’t wait to hear about your experiences with deity work!!!🌊🦪
I was just wondering today how grateful I am to Lady Aphrodite because of her presence in my life. She literally has my back and is protecting me from negative shit as hard as she can and I'm just so happy to be her devotee. I also wanted to tell you guys random things that are connected to her and me:
🩷 I was obsessed with her since I was a child, I always collected seashells and kept them on my shelves.
🩷 I smile every time if I think about how many times doves were literally walking on my windowsill when I just woke up. There was a time when I opened my eyes and the dove was staring at me and I was like: What the actual fuck is happening? Hah. Apparently, she tried to reach out to me.
🩷 I always loved Aphrodite, that was the name that stuck out to me the most when I first heard about Greek Mythology. When I was in Greece a few years ago, I had to tell my family that I bought Aphrodite’s statue for my grandma (even though it was for me). I don’t even know why I told them that, I was just so insecure!
🩷 I remember that I lit a candle and I was talking to her (statue) so many times when I felt lonely. I suddenly felt like I became more calm and I was just so grateful for that feeling.
🩷 Few years ago when my aunt was in Greece, she said she bought me a present. I was so surprised when she came home with an Aphrodite T-shirt that my jaw literally dropped. My uncle said that he wanted me to get a Hades shirt but my aunt had a feeling that said no, they have to get me the Aphrodite one and I was so happy! I consider this a sign, because my aunt doesn’t really like it when I wear something „girl like”
🩷 I was really insecure in my body (I’m not that skinny), but since I started working with her, my confidence went up. I still have a long way to go but I’m just happy that I can be a baddie and I feel comfortable in my skin.
🩷 I also feel her presence when I do my skin-care routine. Or when I take a bath and l light a candle.
🩷 When I look into the mirror, I always blow a kiss for myself and I really think Aphrodite is proud of me when I do this. I deserve the best and she wants the best for me!
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Hi, I saw you were accepting requests, could you do sibling scara in SAGAU with a reader that’s oblivious to courting attempts of her yandere acolytes?
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❀ synopsis: how will the acolytes pursue the favor of an oblivious god? this is going to be a various x god! reader
❀ pronouns: They/them
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Ok, this solely depends if this is regular sagau or if this is my interpretation of cult au where the reader is a god who has existed since immemorial. If this is regular sagau the acolytes will lean into the idea of being your possible consort since you seem human despite the claims that you are the primordial god who created the universe. Some of the bolder acolytes like Venti, Childe, Kaeya, and Kaveh will be open about their attempts to woo you. While others like Xiao, Diluc, Rosaria, and Raiden Ei will be subtle with their approach.
While the big reason for wanting to be with you is because they (obsess over you) love you, some also like it for political power and the status that comes with being your lover. It would be easier to control and manipulate the people who aren't there for business to stay away from you, making it easier to cut off your personal ties and isolate you from everybody. Some examples of acolytes who would do this are Ayato, Zhongli, and Ningguang.
Poor reader, whatever profession they had in their old life wouldn't compare to their new life being the ruler of all of Teyvat. Your workload would double because of your followers trying to win your hand in marriage (that you never wished for). Some of your acolytes like Aether and Wanderer would try to reach out to you and convince you to take a break with them and steal you away to travel. Meanwhile, the others like Albedo, Ganyu, and Ayaka who promised to help you lessen your work will wonder where you left and notify the others of your disappearance.
Your obliviousness doesn't help in the acolyte's cases, and even some considered just yelling to you that they wanna (fuck you) marry you. But some are patient and will take their time in making you realize that their intentions are far from platonic and that they are more suited to be your partner. Ngl some of your acolytes might die in this situation since some of the characters will play dirty if it means they get to be your partner in the end.
Now, onto (my version of) Cult AU darling...
Cult AU darling has a bigger advantage here since 1. they have powers. and 2. they are one of the gods who existed before time so managing Teyvat is nothing to them. I would like to think in this case most of the acolytes would hesitate on courting you since, well, your YOU. You're the personification of life and death, your knowledge of the world exceeds every one. But there will still be some acolytes who will try to court you despite this fact.
Shenhe would be one of the followers who despite knowing she will never be your partner, will try to win your favor by being as helpful as possible to you. Every time you visit the adepti she would be right beside you waiting for your every order. Noelle is similar to her but she takes it to the next level, every lunch break she brings you a cup of freshly brewed coffee along with some of Monstadt's delicacies.
I feel like you wouldn't be oblivious in this situation since you are literally an omniscient/omnipotent god, but you just decide to ignore their advances. Which doesn't hurt any less for your followers. Some of the followers like Tighnari or Jean will cover up the hurt by working, but it seems almost impossible to not acknowledge the gaping hole in their hearts. But they understand.
Lovers are supposed to be the other's pillar for support, but your responsibilities as the god of Teyvat are too heavy for anyone to bear other than you. Lovers are supposed to have knowledgeable conversations with one another, nobody can match your knowledge of the universe other than yourself. Lovers are supposed to protect one another, you can easily defeat everyone without anyone's help. You can't possibly be anyone's match unless you duplicate yourself then it might be possible.
But you shouldn't underestimate their determination, some will try to look for ways to ascend beyond the heavens so they can be equal to you.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
Do you think Nolan or Thragg would ever be a GirlDad (TM)? Like, I can imagine Nolan finding out his wife is pregnant with a girl, and he thinks he's going to treat her the same as Mark, but then he holds her in his arms for the 1st time and all of a sudden she's Daddy's Little Princess and he's teaching her how to subjugate her enemies during her "princess tea parties" and they're both wearing tiaras cuz "Please daddy?" with puppy dog eyes.
Hooting hollering howling and slapping my knee because I never finished the goddamn post but if you take a gander over here in my drafts
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That gif is his response to you asking when you get to date lmaooo
I almost wrote like something short for it, and I kind of am constantly bouncing around between "Do I want this to be short or long or what" but I can just imagine daughter Reader and Nolan going at it "you just don't want me to date because you want me to save myself for a VILTRUMITE man, don't you?! Humans aren't good enough, huh?! I'm 'too good for a human man'?!" And he just loses it and shouts back "you're too good for ANY man, you don't NEED any man, I'M the only man you need, I'M your FATHER!!" Like. Nolan is one of those super dare I use the term emotionally incestuous yandere dads
Like. Ok I guess this is a throwaway spoiler because I would be absolutely fucking shocked if they bothered to animate this, it's such a small deal, but like. Idk. Idk. How do I phrase this. "There's another character in the series who also has to deal with their daughter wanting to have A Ho Phase and Daddy Doesn't Like It" and for the love of fucking god Nolan and Thragg wouldn't let you date for absolute shit. No dating, no fucking, you are, their pure innocent sweet but also savage little fierce warrior princess and you are untouched by no man like the goddess Artemis to them.
God. Having a yelling screaming argument where you're just so upset, "OH YEAH WELL YOU KNOW YOUR CHANCELLORS SON, THE ONE I MET THE OTHER WEEK? YEAH, YEAH, I FUCKED HIM, I FUCKED HIM IN MY BED, IN THE HOUSE YOU PROVIDE FOR ME, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, DADDY" and that's like OH MY GOD you've cut them so deep it's like actual fucking sacrilege to them. The EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. Fists are nothing knives are nothing bombs are nothing BUT HEARING THAT THEIR BABY GIRL GOT DEFLOWERED? It's like a fucking DEBUFF. Imagine you scream at Nolan about how you sucked off a Viltrumite HIS AGE and he just PHYSICALLY STUMBLES, HAS TO REGAIN HIS BALANCE, HAND OVER HIS HEART
And Thragg is, obsessively hollering about how you're the Grand Regents daughter and you're of too high status for any of these males, just screaming at you, "WHY DID I CATCH THAT MAN'S TONGUE IN YOUR MOUTH? HE IS BENEATH YOU" and you hit him with "YEAH HE WAS BENEATH ME, AND BEHIND ME, AND ON TOP OF ME--" and Thragg gets so fucking RED, I feel like he's one of those wall punching dads. He won't ever hit you but he might manhandle-grab you and physically intimidate you at times. Thragg can just give you The Look and you INSTANTLY know you're in for a punishment, or that he's absolutely furious, and you're on your knees, "Please Daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I was angry, please don't be upset with me, i-i-i just dont like you being disappointed in me, i love you and i want us to get along 🥺" and like. Obviously it works. But. He's not mad at YOU, he's mad at THE GUY, so, as cute and effective as buttering him up or even just genuinely being afraid and pleading earnestly is, you're not his target. The guy's still getting, tortured and maimed or something. But thanks for telling Father you love him, that'll perk him up during his next planet raid ❤️
BUT NO LITERALLY ACTUALLY Nolan with his knees bent in a little tiny plastic chair nearly on the ground with his little fake cup of tea as he sits there having "tea" with you and your Princess Ladybug doll and he's all, "now sweetheart, what did we learn today?" "That if we defeat our enemies, we should also take out their family and their allies, so they don't come back for vengeance?" "Yes sweetie, that's so good, you're so smart 🥰"
Nolan/Thragg getting in a physical fight and they could be getting maimed and disembowled or taking punches and it's like whatever, they're still chilling, but, do some shit like, knock their treasured keychain out of their pocket that you gave them or an embroidered handkerchief or just a little personal photo of you they keep on them gets ruined in the scuffle, oh, oh, NOW they're fucking pissed, NOW they've got some serious unfinished business in this fight and their opponents get DEMOLISHED and they're sitting there pouting with their broken/ruined thing you gave them because even if they got a new one from you, this one still had memories and sentimental value
I feel like similar to parents keeping baby teeth, Thragg would keep things like, first weapon you ever trained with, memorial photo of your first spar with another child that you won, your first flightsuit, a toddlers toy that was crushed on accident because you suddenly got your powers and had far too much strength than you knew what to do with. And Nolan, if he's raising you on Earth with Debbie, he's at all your school functions, whether it's dancing or sports, and if you aren't in those things, he encourages you HEAVILY (it totally isn't. Training or anything or making sure you're staying fit and active for anything in the future hahaha). He's taking photos and cheering in the crowds. He wants your art in his office. He wants to play games with you once you get your powers. He buys a case for any medals and trophies to proudly display.
Also like do you have any idea how much of an actual phenomenon it is, I've seen videos of it, where dads basically have infinitely more sympathy for their new daughters when they already have sons. I distinctly remember a video where a man was holding his second-born, his first daughter, and he was like weeping because he was feeling intense empathy for his infant daughter because she was crying and looking at him as he held her, and the wife was filming and it was captioned "he never did this with our son" and like. LMAO, THAT'S NOLAN WITH YOU WHEN YOU CRY. THAT'S THRAGG SUDDENLY GIVING A FUCK ABOUT ONLY YOU SPECIFICALLY AFTER LIKE TONS OF KIDS.
Daughter Reader would definitely be their spoiled little princess but you're also their spoiled little princess under very specific terms of CONTAINMENT AND SURVEILLANCE. You've got curfews, they need to know who your friends are, what families do they come from, what do their parents do. They'll treat you like a princess but they'll also socially isolate you from others and. Basically control your life. And if you ever try and pull away from Dear Old Dad, well. Viltrumites can have some pretty extreme reactions. Will Nolan have to disfigure that boy you won't stop talking to? Will Thragg have to build a pretty little cell so that his adult daughter doesn't sneak out to drink and fuck unknown men? That's up to how much of an obedient faithful daughter you want to be. Don't make them do something only you will regret ❤️
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No but absolutely you're sitting there in your little costume jewelry as you twist a barbie doll and wring her like a towel "for disobeying High Queen Princess Barbie" and here's Thragg, "that's very good. The chain of command should always be respected" and you just happily start chattering away in that "im a small child and I don't know how to keep secrets or lie" kind of way
"Then Teddy Mason from down the street chased me into the woods and I kept telling him to stop but he kept using a stick to pull up my skirt so I grabbed him by the leg and threw him up into the air so he went SPLAT when he came back down!!" And you bang your little hand down on your table and Thragg is nodding in approval and Nolan just comes in looking mortified because he has no idea why Thragg is there until he. Sees that you're putting all kinds of stupid plastic hair clips in the man's hair and even his mustache and giggling and putting stickers on him And Thragg Is Just Totally Letting It Happen. Just totally casual, "Ah Nolan, you're finally here" and stands up to talk to Nolan with you in his arms or on his shoulder or just, hovering around him continuing to play with all the hair clips while your very horrified father is wondering what alternate dimension he just stumbled into to see the Grand Regent so. Calm.
The two men go into the other room "to have a grownup talk" and are they talking about the invasion? About Viltrum? No, Thragg is demanding to see all your baby photos as Nolan starts pulling out all his photo albums with absolute glee
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muzsmoux · 5 months
Reviewing tgcf characters because I have thoughts
I finished S2 recently and I need somewhere to put my not exactly hot but like warm (?) takes because it's taking up too much storage space in my brain.
🤍 Xie Lian 🤍
It's a good thing I'm not into guys because if I was I would be on my knees for this man in every sense of that expression and his pet menace to society would mince me up like garlic.
So I'll try to be brief about my overflowing feelings about him. Xie Lian is the best main character I have come across in a WHILE. He's the embodiment of compassion and kindness. And also a cold blooded murderer. A babygirl. A father figure. A terrifying martial god. A silly little guy. A pathological liar. The most genuine man you'll ever meet. He's everything, and Hua Cheng is 100% valid in his obsession. I'm right there with him.
Rating: 10/10
❤️ Hua Cheng ❤️
Idk if we ever figured out who wrote My Immortal but I'm pretty sure we have our culprit.
"Hi my name is Hua Cheng Crimson Rain Sought Flower Red-Robed Ghost King and this is my evil weapon of death E-ming. I've killed soooo many gods with it!! My dark power is I can summon storms of BLOOD and SUFFERING. I have my own scary city of DEMONS and they all love me and think I'm HOT but I only want my BOYFRIEND who's the only REAL GOD so STOP FLAMING HIM YOU POSERS-"
Needless to say I love him. Being the 8 time winner of the Loverboy of the Century Awards with unbeatable records in the yearning olympics is truly a remarkable feat.
Rating: 9/10
(Bonus: E-ming. Cute little guy. Likes his stepdad more than his real dad. Not afraid to show it's feelings even if it makes it look like a muppet, 10/10)
🧡 Feng Xin & Mu Qing 🧡
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum gets a shared rating because they would hate to be grouped together like that and that's funny to me. Their dynamic is great, they're good characters, I wasn't sure which one was which until midway through the second season. But then also I have a pair of 7yo twin cousins who I still can't tell apart despite them not looking even a slight bit similar so that might just be a character flaw on my end. Oops.
Rating: 7/10
🩵Shi Qingxuan🩵
I'm doubling the rating because she is best boy and best girl at the same time. I love that I can use any and all pronouns for him because he's literally a pride parade personified and therefore all of them are correct. You don't get that type of chaotic fun just anywhere.
He is truly living my dream, presenting as whatever gender they want depending on what's more convenient and/or funnier in the moment. Super useful, for things like gathering intel and terrorizing Feng Xin by being a woman.
And I personally think we should crown her the new emperor. She'd look significantly better on that throne, with her Barbie-like radiance and flourishing Kenergy.
Rating: 20/10
🖤 Ming Yi 🖤
Listen, I hate to say it because I like a sunshine x grump moment as much as the next gay but he's just... not giving what he thinks he's giving. Everyone is whispering ominously about him having some dark devastating secret but MY point is no matter how big his boobs are in his female form, Shi Qingxuan could do better. I'm sorry. She really could.
Rating: 4/10
💙 Lang Qianqiu 💙
Just an honest man with good intentions and a sickass fucking sword. He did NOT hesitate to attack the infamous Crimson Rain Sought Flower on SIGHT and I respect a quick decisionmaker, even if it shows some himbo tendencies. He also has the same distinct energy as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Rating: 6/10
💚 Qi Rong 💚
He's got some odd dietary and moral choices going on. Definitely. But he's just such a fun villain!!! Being Xie Lian's nr 1 source of migraines SHOULD make me like him less but I'm sorry, every time he was on screen I was LIVING. He would do numbers on reality TV. Someone put this guy on Kitchen Nightmares, I need to see him 1v1 Gordon Ramsay.
Rating: 7/10
🌚 Jun Wu 🌚
He has his emperor status & DILF card going for him but something about this man just ain't right. If he came to a party I was attending I would cover my drink is all I'm saying.
Rating: 2/10
🔥Pei Ming🔥
I don't know much about him besides he had that one shady empolyee or whatever (could not hear the plot over the deafening sound of Hua Cheng's yearning) but I'm partial to a good manwhore character. The thought of people praying to him like "Hugh Mungus, who art in heaven-" really tickles me.
I know he's probably straight but I headcanon him as at the very least bi-curious because you can't be that hot with that much game and not use it for evil. (That evil being causing large scale gay awakenings among his soldiers.)
Rating: 7/10
❓Pei Xiu❓
Unreliable, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed.
I remember not a singular thing about him besides fucking up Xie Lian's daughter's life and also being on my last nerve from the jump. If you're going to be evil at like least be memorable about it, you know? You can't be a bad person and a bad character at the same time. Pick a struggle.
Rating: 1/10
📚 Ling Wen 📚
I heard she committed some war crimes but honestly if I had to do an entire realm's tax returns by myself AND teach Pei Ming how to read (I refuse to believe that man is literate, just look at him) I would want to rage on occasion too. I hope she has a hot wife waiting for her at home to give her massages after carrying the whole system on her back all day. It's what she deserves.
Rating: 8/10
Thank you for reading!! Opinions might change once I read the books but as of now this is it. Remembering everyone's names has been a journey and a half so this post is sponsored by @kirstenly 's character cheat sheet go look at it! and everything else too!!!
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