#henry basically loses his love for science
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thecountoflondonfansite · 2 months ago
What Has Science Wrought Au
So Henry and the lodgers along with Robert and Rachel somehow get cursed and frozen in stone for about 200 years They are freed...but by B.E.A.W labs which forces Henry and the lodgers to work while Rachel and Robert are to be treated as experiments since they don't serve any value to the labs. The guards and scientists at the lab hear one of the lodgers call Henry his full name and realize "Holy cow! Henry Jekyll is a real person!" This information gets sent back to Darius who is basically delighted to have the most infamous mad scientist in his clutches. He forces Henry to work on creating multiple batches of HJ7 for the labs and in exchange he doesn't kill his friends. To keep Henry focused on his work, Darius isolates him to a lab where he is made to make the formula. To Henry's further horror and devastation, the formula is not only used but altered as well by the other scientists. Let's just say, those who are given the formula don't just have their souls split. Henry is completely broken by this. All he wanted to do was make science not feared. Now seeing science used for such evil, it feels like a slap in the face. He blames himself for all this evil. Hyde doesn't taunt Henry anymore. He too is shaken by everything that he has seen. This place, these 'scientists' is worse than anything Moreau has done. Basically by this point, Henry has given up on science. He lost his spark and dream. He nearly loses his spirit if not for a certain little girl that he encounters a year later. A little girl who was also captured by the B.E.A.W labs. A little girl that reminds him of his morals. (Darius Brewster and B.E.A.W labs is my friend @melodythebunny creations.) @tgs-au @unhingedexperimenter
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joydoesathing · 5 months ago
heres a challenge say everything you love about every single tnmn characters
BET ( but only some doppels will count and the rest don't)
Roman - I like me some serious no-nonsense/ i-am-done-with-life looking guy in accounting :). But he seems to also be actually someone with a soft spot for some things and is actually a really nice and chill dude
Lois - She's so pink and plump and has a beauty mark/mole (people with moles will always have a bonus in my book)
Albertsky - He gives grumpy uncle vibes. Looks like would probably throw hands without hesitation if the situation calls for it
Robertsky - He silly. Love the little quirks in his dialogue where he just greets the doorman "Hi." and says "I look as handsome as ever". Also, I love his outfit. Bro may have no eyebrows and neck visible, but his clothes slay so hard . Like there is no reason why his fit should have a fancy little blue scarf, but yet it does .11/10 XD
Angus - He's a devious looking little shit >:))). And he wears purple and is Italian.
Elenois and Selenne - They pretty women and have a mole
Arnold - His design is just SO CUTE. He reminds me of Jake from Adventure Time with his mustache. But mostly it's the eyes for me. I like to imagine that his eyes would kind of work like this
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Gloria - Gives literal ✨Q U E E N ✨ (she could slap me up to the stratosphere and I wouldn't be that mad). Purple and has a mole. Her golden eyes are mesmerizing too
Izaack - His name's cool and he has the stare-into-your-soul blue anime ahh looking eyes
Margarette - Gives nice little auntie vibes and she knows how to make clothes. I would legit ask her for dressmaking tips just so that I could make historical clothes (I love fashion history)
Nacha - Honestly, when I first played the game, she scared the shit out of me because of the Stitchface doppel and I haven't seen her the same for a bit. But after I figured out she's a mom, she didn't seem that bad and I grew quite fond of her. And she cooks too (If you can see a pattern here, I like people who give of parental/familial vibes)
Anastacha - Girl literally gives the doorman attitude like she owns the place XD
Mia - Again, pretty woman. Love the style of her red dress with the pearls.
Dr. W. - Fucking nerd (affectionate)
Francis- The milkman fit looks nice with his face (but I still get war flashbacks from the plethora of thrists arts and the "save the cow, milk the milkman" line being done to death)
Steven - Here's me being a basic bitch rn, but I really, REALLY love them real rugged guy guys (military soldiers, firemen etc.) That, and also he's a tan boi.
Mclooy - Same reason why I like Steven + He's a DILF/GILF. Also I love to point out a little observation of how him and Steven are one of the most American and typically masculine people I can think of (it's quite endearing for me). A military guy and cowboy in one family? They've probably asked what a kilometer is at one point in their adult life.
Alf - He's so tiny and looks so polite. Posh looking lawyer. I love sweet old grandpas.
Rafttellyn - She gives marites energy (it's a Filipino term, you can go search it up) with her dress and style. No joke, she would low-key fit in with these people.
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Even her name sounds Filipino to me with the -lynn at the end of her. I even jokingly pronounce her name as rap-ti-lin.
Others + VIPs
Henry: Looks like he really never signed up for the doorman job frfr XD
D.D.D : Amongus???????
Clown Mask: Silly face behind mask
Nightmare Clown: I like how the guy just gets so MAD and in denial when he loses the game in Unlikely, he phases out of the astral plane XD.
Keppler: He may not have a face or proper lore yet, but all I know is that he messed up big time and I wanna know how he's handling that.
42: Reminds me of that one time in science class when we were observing fingerprint patterns
Peach Peach: Probably one peach seed is his only brain cell that's floating around his brain space
Ghost Mask and The Flesh Nurse: Cool looking designs. Do they have lore???
Xezbet - Gargamel looking aah
Drugia - Arabian NIIIIIIGHTS ~~~~~ like Arabian DAAAYS~~~~~~. She looks like a genie :)
Barbatos- Chonky and spiky
Excel - Chonky and spiky, Christmas ham looking ahhh
Abducius - Well, he still has the little devious smile
Anazareth and Lilith - Pretty witchy ladies. Though I like Anazareth a lot more.
Chaugnar - *Siri, please play Ganesha by MASA Works Design". Also elephant <3
Nyogtha- Nice little details with her eyes
Zoth - I like his red robe (?)
Shub - Thick Medusa and she has a little heart shaped tattoo on her forehead
Yog - The fact that he was probably intentionally made to be a Great Value Edward Cullen by Nacho sama as an inside joke about Francis' simps
Quachil - Cute biblically accurate angel. And she floats
Yan - Ooh Chinese mythology reference.
Orcus - "Thirty years since all this happened, thirty years it took to rise. Blood on the floor and in their eyes, they took a bite and left it to die-". I had a FNAF phase before so this was a funny throwback
Ishtar - Goofy ass smile (affectionate)
Teutates - So, does he play in a band ??? XD
Ah Puch - Cutie pie that looks like a slasher villain. Also the surname tho? Gives me The Book of Life flashbacks
Dagda - Bug eyed scarecrow. He does have cool looking mouth stitches
Izanami - Ooooh Japanese mythology reference
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hexwatch · 4 months ago
Doing a Jekyll and Hyde/TMA crossover because I'm obsessed with both of these things. So here are my ideas of the characters so I can share my madness:
Jekyll is a Spiral touched Eye avatar, who in his college years was tormented by a creature of the spiral because of how different his outter and inner being was, but this pushed him into seeking information about what was following him getting the attention of Beholding until he fully but willingly fell into it's service.
Hyde is an Eye touched Spiral avatar who makes up that parts that were already designated to the spiral before Henry made his choice to fall for the Eye. Henry tried to get rid of all the spiral and evil in him when taking to potion but made Edward instead, because he was pure spiral he was basically born into being an avatar.
Gabriel is Lonely touched. He started to fall into the lonely once cousin dies, having not really had a connection with anoyone outside of him for years (im having his cousin die from seeing the trasformation and Edward's powers not Hestie for plot reasons.). But Henry seeing the spiral, stepped in so that the lonely couldn't take him. But it still has its affects and if Gabriel wishes he could give into the lonely at anytime.
Robert isn't aligned with an entity but the Eye does try to pull him to it. He researches the different powers and knows more about them than anyone. He takes great strides into helping Gabriel away from the Lonely not wanting to lose a friend like that. He also loves studying Henry and Edward having never seen someone with two entities attached to them like that. And after some research lobotomizes himself so he doesn't feel fear anymore so he can more safely study the Dread Powers.
Some story information under cut for those who would like it
They form a very gay 4 way relationship after some tense times. Henry desperately tries to keep his Eye powers from fucking up everything by either just Knowing things about his partner's or by ripping out their statements whenever he gets peckish.
Edward and Henry's relationship is hard as they work for such opposite entities, but they manage to slowly work things out. Henry likes to annoy Edward with random Knowledge that is unneeded or wanted at the moment while Edward manifests doors and illusions around Henry constantly. Hyde once accidentally trapped them in his hallways for two hours as he can easily make door appear while not in control of the body but making them actually do what he wants requires full control. They both have to feed differently so Henry has to always give Edward control after some time so that he can run off and horrify someone, this intern though helps feed Beholding as Henry can watch everything. It's a win win though it doesn't fully feed Henry's hunger and inevitably he as to find someone of his own to traumatize.
Hestie and Henry have a love filled but very tense relationship as Robert told Henry not to fall into the dread powers but he didn't listen. This is why they stop talking for a bit and instead of just Henrys mad science. One day Hestie found Henry alone trying to focuse on his studies only to find him bearly hanging on after not having eaten a statement in almost 2 weeks. At that point Hestie let Henry compell a statement from him. Henry tried to refuse, not wanting to hurt him, but eventually with some persistence and Henry asking a question in his weakness eventually got what was needed. There relationship was hard after that but it was the start of what would lead to their romantic relationship.
Gabriel has the favor of the Eye as he does love snooping into things and spent weeks trying to find out what Henry was really working on in his labs. And once Henry stepped in to help keep him from the Lonely their relationship was very quick to become romantic.
Gabriel and Robert have a platonic lovers sort of thing going on and Gabriel goes to Hestie first if he sees anything strange so that they can tell Henry together, which helps keep him from accidently pulling a statement from either of them or asking too many questions. After a while this isn't needed as henry can better control his eye power but it's always used as a fail safe just incase.
Robert hated Edward at the beginning, never having liked the spiral after seeing it's effects on people(being a doctor and all), and never liking how Edward could just know so much (thanks to Henry's connection to Beholding) to better fuck with people. But after Edward saves Hestie from almost dying several times, they start getting along.
Edward instantly loves Gabriel, due to Henry's love of the man, but has a problem with jealousy and throwing every man that ever talks to Gabriel into his corridors. This does include Robert but Edward always lets Robert out because Gabriel gets mad at him for it, Robert also gives Hyde a stomachache due to not feeling any fear. This loss of any other connection outside of the main cast doesn't help with Gabriel's loneliness but Edward is learning to control himself(it takes a while)
I do have my thought process for why Edward would be Spiral though I'm open for any other ideas if you would like to contribute to this madness.
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connectionterminated13 · 10 months ago
(For the fallout au) is Charlie a character in the au? Or Henry? I think Charlie would have a blast traipsing around the wasteland lol
Yes! There's a lot of lore to this LOL sorry it's so long
Just like in normal fnaf Henry and William make fazbear entertainment together! But they don't just run a diner instead they sell family friendly robots and (also run a diner chain). Both William and Henry are able to get enough spots for their families in a vault Because of their wealth.
Anyway the bombs drop and Henry and Charlie are able to make it to the vault and so is William but Mrs. Emily or Afton along with Sammy, Evan Elizabeth and Michael. William is immediately declared overseer, Well Charlie and Henry morn their lost loved ones. William mostly tried to push past the grief of losing his wife and children focusing on being the overseer, What he didn't know was vault tech had specifically chose him as the overseer for the experiment of the vault. They wanted to see what would happen if someone with multiple mental illnesses was forced into a leader position.
Anyway over the first year in the vault William became increasingly paranoid that radiation would leak through the walls and began constructing Antimatronic suits to protect himself and others, He began to convince almost every resident of the vault of this too, Spiking paranoia except for Charlie and Henry who both knew how science worked. But Charlie was too young so no one listened to her and Henry was too busy being sad... And life kind of continued on for a while everyone paranoid and scared but trying their best to live until 1 day Charlie got a message on her pit boy that someone with Michael's pit boy was trying to enter the vault.
Charlie despite the danger decided to open the vault for a minute. And income tumbling Michael and Elizabeth. Of course the vault door being open made everyone go into lock down fearing that the radiation was going to get them, This terror only intensified upon seeing Michael who was basically in the middle of his transformation into a ghoul. Michael was locked in a containment area well Elizabeth who seemed to be unscathed by the radiation was immediately given medical attention. William took advantage of everyone's fear Telling them that what was happening to Michael was going to happen to them all if they didn't prepare. Well everyone in the vault was freaking out Michael was dealing with his body decaying, The only person who would even get near his isolation area was Charlie who came every day with food and water and medical supplies, Henry came too but very rarely since he was basically just a shut in at that point Only asking if Michael knew where Sammy and Mrs. Emily were.
After only 2 months William decided that Michael would be thrown back out into the wasteland to not contaminate the Vault any further, Charlie was the only one who disagreed watching as Mike was forced out. After Michael left things quieted down for about 4 years, William told everyone that Elizabeth had died from injuries sustained in the wasteland and people moved on.. Until Slowly children started disappearing. William blamed it on Sickness Caused by the radiation which no one really believed but there wasn't really anything else to believe. This happened for about 2 years with everyone living in complete and utter terror that their children would be taken in the middle of the night, It went on like this until Charlie caught William in the act of kidnapping a child. She tried to tell everyone but only a few people listen to Her. The few that listened all left the vault with Charlie. But Henry chose to stay inside with William.
Charlie and the other people of the vault resettled hurricane Utah, Charlie lived a relatively happy life there, And you're right she did enjoy it in the wasteland. For a while she tried to find Michael but eventually gave app he was gone... And even if she did find him Charlie knew the community that she was a part of would not accept him. So Charlie Grew old and married a man named John and a couple kids and passed away, Not knowing what happened to her father down in the vault.
What happened to Henry down on the vault if you're curious is the same thing that happened to everyone else. William shoved everyone in a suit, He ripped apart the vault basically to make more, And of course he put Henry in one since he didn't want his sweet Henry to ever die. Luckily Henry isn't mindless like The others but he's lonely. He mostly just spends his time making more machines.
Sorry this was so so so long I thought I'd use this ask to establish a bit more of the Lore for my AU :) Also I don't think the Henry thing is set in Stone as much as the stuff with Charlie I'm still working on this after all LOL
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krispenelopebacon · 8 months ago
Missing children headcanons because why not
Susie Hopkins 
• Daughter of Patricia and Leon Hopkins, and older sister of Samantha Hopkins 
•    Died at 10, tying for the second oldest of the five children 
•   Died first (minus Charlie) by ingesting antifreeze 
• Stuffed into Chica the Chicken 
•      Leon owned Jr’s, that bar in Midnight Motorist. That’s how he already knew William and Henry. Susie was probably friends with Elizabeth 
•     Wealthy, but not spoiled 
•     Sweet, cheery and tends to anthropomorphize, but can be very naïve  
Jeremiah "Jeremy" Belanger 
• Son of Ken and Suong Belanger, and younger brother of Thùy Belanger 
•   Also died at 10, tying for second oldest with Susie 
• Died second by being left in a subzero freezer overnight and contracting hypothermia/sepsis 
•    Stuffed into Bonnie the Bunny 
•     Parents both worked late, so he was often left alone with a nanny or day camp 
•     Very much resented this, came to be very independent  
•   Very smart, reads a lot 
•    Secretly a nerd, loves science fiction 
•    Seems pretentious at first, but all he really wants to do is infodump about robots. 
• Gay af but it’s the 80s and he’s a small isolated child. Has a big ol schoolboy crush on Fritz 
Fritz Armstrong-Lopez  
• Son of Manuel Lopez and an unknown (to him anyway) woman with the last name Armstrong 
•   Died at 11, making him the oldest of the missing children 
•   Died third from a split skull via a fire axe 
•   Stuffed into Foxy the Pirate Fox 
• Absolutely loves the concept of pirates. Will not shut up about it. You’re gonna hear pirate facts whether you like it or not. 
• Loves dogs. Would probably have a dog if they didn't move around so much. He even had a name picked out and everything: Rocky 
• Likes to get into things he rather shouldn’t  
• Gay af but doesn’t know you can do that yet. Is happily oblivious to Jeremy’s crush 
• Saw Jeremy get lured away by Afton, but as nobody else did Afton was released. Fritz being the catalyst for his original imprisonment was the reason Will targeted him next 
• His father, Manuel, tries using his job to investigate William and look for his son but ends up being put in a springlock suit by William and dying, becoming Shadow Bonnie 
Gabriel Rogers 
• Son of Theodore and Adeline Rogers, elder twin of Cassidy Rogers, and grandson of Johan Rogers 
• Died at 9, tying with Cassidy for youngest of the missing children 
• Died fourth from a stab wound to the heart 
• Stuffed into Freddy Fazbear 
• Quite mellow and carefree, with his only concern being that everyone is happy. Strangely opposite to Freddy Fazbear, he doesn’t tend to lead, instead preferring to be a mediator to his more confrontational sister 
• Likes video games and space travel. Is obsessed with the first moon landing. 
• Hs a small growing grudge against his sister. Although he loves her and they’re best friends, he feels a small bit of resentment about his sister getting so much attention while he was basically neglected by both parents (this comes to a head during a potential UCN fic, where he says that Cassidy thinks the world revolves around her and leaves her alone in her hellspace. I like to think they resolved it in the afterlife though) 
Cassidy Rogers 
• Daughter of Theodore and Adeline Rogers, younger twin of Gabriel Rogers, and granddaughter of Johan Rogers 
• Died at 9, tying with Gabriel for the youngest of the missing children 
• Died last from a slit throat and a springlocking 
• Stuffed into Golden Freddy AKA Fredbear 
• Angy. So very, very angy 
• Very prickly and defensive. The only reason she doesn’t start more fights she loses is because Gabriel steps in before things get worse 
• Has onset retinitis pigmentosa, which means that, as of her time of death, she had no night vision whatsoever and her peripheral vision was dwindling. Had she not died, she would have eventually lost her central vision as well and been declared legally blind 
• Her mother basically figured that she wouldn’t be able to do anything, and therefore did the Toph thing where Cassidy was stripped of all agency. This led to her acting out in the outbursts we see from her 
• Was close with her grandpa before he died in 1987, as he was the only person besides her brother who wouldn't treat her like she was completely helpless. They used to go fishing 
• Likely aroace and/or gray-asexual but doesn’t know it 
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lizajane2 · 2 years ago
I have a lot say about the "morality" of what Joel did. Now you are more than welcome to look at it from a moral standpoint, but to apply it to a world where right and wrong is a bit obscured... I have always thought that right and wrong is a matter of perception. Because what you think might be seen as wrong is right to another.
Let's take Kathy (Kathleen) for example (there are a lot of parallels here that can also be used for season 2 spoilers), she is completely motivated to avenge her brother. From her story about how he would protect her from the storms you could get the sense they were joined at the hip since they were kids. But then outbreak happens, and they lose everything they know and everyone they love. They just have each other. In her mindset, she is doing what she believes is right, she's thinking "who gives a fuck about kids? Who gives a fuck about anyone else? The world's gone to shit and I lost the one person, the one purpose I had to survive." Her last purpose, what spurred her on was killing Henry and Sam. I 100% think she was mentally fucked up enough to opt out if she had achieved getting revenge. She had no reason after that.
As for Joel, "he took away the world's only chance for a cure," yeah, with what advanced technology could they use to mass produce a cure for a fungal infection? Early computers from the 40s had a basic central processing unit; contacting over long distances became a thing in the 50s which is around the same time Computer Sciences started to emerge... shit the internet didn't become an actual thing until the late 60s. And then it was on the rise between 1990 & 03'. It was still new and evolving but then the world went to shit. And even now here in real life we have yet to find any cure for a fungal disease despite the technological advances we've made. You're gonna sit here and tell me that a cure was possible based on a hypothesis that hasn't even been tested? No. But what the show fails to mention, is that in the game you find out that the Fireflies did find people who were immune. And they all died.
Joel who lost his daughter wasn't about to sit there and let the Firefly's extract Ellie's brain for a hypothetical. Now I completely agree that his decisions were 100% selfish. He was operating solely on the fact of not wanting to experience the pain of losing another daughter. NO parent would allow a doctor to operate on a 14 year old child for a so-called cure that is solely based on belief... okay, yeah that makes sense. I don't think he was wrong for saving Ellie not one bit. I think he was wrong for lying, I think he was wrong for taking her choice away. But he's never gonna regret saving her because ultimately Joel believes he did the right thing; and first and foremost, he's a father. That need to protect, to keep safe, to make sure that she is gonna live and have a life that she wants, is always gonna be there. I think he did the right thing saving Ellie, not lying to her.
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screwhope · 7 months ago
IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE ? 5’5”. tall for a girl. made her feel 'other' as a teenager. ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ? yeah , she doesn't care. WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE ? though naturally brown if she wasn't gifted with light magic, emma's hair is golden blonde &* naturally forms "princess curls" no matter how little effort she puts into it. ( this is a 'straight hair emma' hater zone. getting rid of her curls was a hatecrime against me specifically. ) DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING ? nope. she rolls out of bed &* gets outta there. sometimes, when she's going on a date -- mostly for the bail bondsperson jobs -- she does herself up really nice so the person is captivated. DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ? not really. she only cares that she does her job. otherwise, she prefers to be comfy &* practical. she obv wants her partners to find her attractive, but ??
INDOORS OR OUTDOORS ?  out. she doesn't like being caged up. RAIN OR SUNSHINE ?  sunshine. FOREST OR BEACH ?  both ? she didn't get to go to the beach as a kid so it's weird to her. she's not much for swimming. PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS ?  metals ? she likes silver a lot. she's never had anyone get her like anything expensive tho. FLOWERS OR PERFUMES ?  flowers. for sure. she can't keep them alive, though. PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE ?  personality. she loves a charmer, even if she won't admit it. BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD ?  she's been alone her whole life so that is comfortable for her, but once she's exposed to the big system that is storybrooke, she prefers that. ORDER OR ANARCHY ?  order. she hates things being chaotic. PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES ?  painful truths. she'd much rather you be honest with her than hide shit from her. SCIENCE OR MAGIC ?  science. she doesn't come around to magic even when she HAS it. she's still like this is stupid &* i don't understand it. PEACE OR CONFLICT ? peace. obviously as the savior conflict clings to her &* always finds her, but she fights it to achieve peace every time. however, were her life perfectly peaceful, i think she'd get bored after so long in fight or flight. NIGHT OR DAY ?  day! night is for sleepies &* smooches. DUSK OR DAWN ?   dawn ? i don't know. she doesn't clock me as a morning girlie. WARMTH OR COLD ?  warm! very warm. she hates being cold. catch her bundled up in 5 layers at all times. MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS ?   again, she's been alone her whole life. she valued having close friends but they all fucked her over, so she's wary. but she grows to love it &* need it. READING OR PLAYING A GAME ? hi i'm emma i'm 19 &* i never learned how to fucking read. ( she knows how. she just hates it. )
WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS ? prone to shutting people out or blowing up. she can't keep her car clean -- there's fast food &* protein bars all over the place. she can't feed herself -- she lives off of grilled cheeses &* cereal. she likes to take apart things when she's angry or anxious but she cannot put them back together -- rip to mary margaret's toaster. she is overly sarcastic &* catty, often pushing people away before they have the chance to get close. she can't trust for shit. HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE ? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM ?  so, her first friend (&* girlfriend) was lily, who 'betrayed' her &* left. then you have ingrid (her adoptive mother) who technically erased her memories of her so emma doesn't directly remember that, but she still has the feelings of loss. you have neal, who she pictured forever with, who left her with a baby. henry was her choice to give up, but no mother does that easily. you have cleo, who she wasn't close to persay, but did teach her a lot -- this was emma's first death. you get around to storybrooke, she loses graham. she loses neal right after getting him back again. she loses henry momentarily &* that fucks her up. she loses hook for a bit. she loses august. you have the overarching loss of her parents &* childhood. basically, emma has lost everyone in her life that was ever important to her. loss has fucked her up so significantly that she cannot let people in, for fear that they will leave or damage her even more beyond repair. WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS ?  i think her time with neal &* lily are genuinely her best memories as a kid. as an adult, her life is not 'memorable' until storybrooke. any moment she has with henry is engrained in her from there. in particular, she holds on to learning new things about him that remind her of neal or herself. that moment in neverland where neal admits he loves her &* she can open up &* say she never stopped loving him was so cathartic for her. IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL ? god, no. she only kills 1 person in the show &* that was by accident &* it fucked her up. WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN ?  really fucking sad. she just exudes her emotions in waves bc of how often she's choking things down. so when she's upset, you can feel it in your bones. she sobs &* yells &* lashes out. she has to be physically restrained if she's angry or crushed in a hug if she's losing it. IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE ? ' the only person who saves me is me. ' but she will make sure everyone knows she'd jump on a grenade for them. WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE ? dedicated. i think when emma falls in love ( great song by the way. very emma coded. ) she is very ... zoned in ? like. she doesn't see other people. i personally write emma as having BPD so she is very scared of being in love -- knows its the easiest way to lose someone. but she is endlessly compassionate &* loyal &* will protect them with her life. she is also very sensual ? that's not specific to love persay, but it like ... triples ? when she loves someone. very touchy -- &* not just like sexually. she just wants to touch you &* lay her head on you.
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ameliaashdale · 7 months ago
Ohohoho, I have yearned for this specific opportunity!
Below the cut, in no particular order:
1) Medical Stuff! I used to be obsessed with diseases as a teen to the point where i was planning on studying pathology in college (until I realized that math and science are married and, no, you cannot avoid math when researching statistics and/or measuring out biosamples or chemicals for a cure.) Polio, Cholera, Yellow Fever, and Smallpox are the illnesses I fixate on, specifically because of the symptoms, treatments and responses. For example, the polio epidemic paralyzed countless people in the 1950s: being in leg braces was the least of your worries compared to an iron lung. The polio vaccine was never patented, so it could be readily accessible to people who needed it (but couldn't afford it).
2)Fucked Up History! World War 2 has a lot of these moments. Hitler took a lot of inspiration from the USA in terms of how Nazis would subjugate victims of their racial and ethnic crimes. One of the Americans who spread hate towards the Jewish population in particular? Henry Ford, the entrepreneur who supposedly perfected the art of running assembly line based manufacturing (at the cost of fair wages), helped his employees get better schooling (Learning English basically, not just for effective communication but because he advocated for american assimilation) and kept people in the know of world events when he acquired The Dearborn Independent newspaper, with a regular but notoriously reprehensible section being titled The International Jew: The World's Problems. (I will not be offering a counter fact here because he influenced anti-Semitic views and violent world events through this outlet. Free from censorship and judgment at the cost of over 6 million lives.)
3) Psychology! As an autistic individual with crippling OCD, I'm curious as to how and why I think the way I do. Only to find out that my family history has had the same problems I have, albeit handled a bit differently based on time periods. When my great grandma was institutionalized for postpartum depression (and possibly schizophrenia and manic depression/BPD) in the 1930s, it led to my grandma and her 5 siblings being placed in an orphanage at the height of the Great Depression. Having to steal to survive after losing everything she loved led to my grandma becoming a compulsive hoarder. She continued to steal from everyone--even her husband and seven kids. (But the money she robbed was usually relegated to bingo games. Spend money to make money.) My mom grew up in poverty. She's always been anxious, but growing up as baby number six of the Token Peasants changes you. I was born in 1998, so I have been around to see the rise of the internet (including the indie horror games gold rush of the 2010s). That leads me to my next point:
4) Horror/Scary media! Amnesia:Justine. Return of the Living Dead (1985). Pumpkin Eater (by Thugzilla, Steam). All these things give me joy and nightmares.
5)1950's Alien Invasion Aesthetics! Planet 51 was a movie I watched during my 6th grade sci-fi phase (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Metroid Prime, and Stark Trek: TNG are all side-eyeing me) but the movie itself is awful. Like, the reversed alien invasion trope is good in concept (It appeared in Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and Miles from Tomorrowland), but the execution in Planet 51 was dull. It doesn't do much except a buddy comedy with 2000s humors tainting the town of Glipford. I actually have been toying with the idea of Planet 51's premise myself for almost 15 years, though my own life has been in the way for that exact amount of time and thus I'm still struggling to finish this reblog even after two months.
What if the aliens got invaded by humans, but What if it was actually like the 1950s with a global scale war or other major conflict beforehand, Mccarthyism-fueled paranoia about the invading forces, the main character has his life upended by this (ex., overly obsessed science intern runs into the alien at the observatory?) Throw in the love interest (who is dating the town golden boy football jock but secretly loved the MC but because of societal pressures and all that...)
That is all for now. Thanks for letting me infodump (two months later.)
what’s everyone’s weird/fucked up interest/special interest/hyperfixation
(doesn’t have to be a special interest but bonus points if it is your special interest)
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sniigura-archive · 3 years ago
the trees have eyes. 1
pairings: henry creel/reader, eddie munson/reader, robin buckley/reader (it makes sense i swear)
summary: there's something in the forest
warning/tags idk: huge canon divergence (basically an AU), me messing around with the timeline, blood warning, reader is gn and bi
nothing ever happens in a small town.
you were born in hawkins, you grew up here and you are still growing in it. and after years you were able to establish a stable routine.
wake up, go to school and suffer through it, get home, eat and take a walk with your dog in the forest.
right now you reached the walking part of your routine. your old best friend was slowly walking ahead of you. after the gray hair set in, together with the arthritis you decided to stop the running you did with him. your leash was loosely held in your left hand, while your right hand was in your hoodie pocket. playing around with the little plastic bags you brought with you.
while you usually stay on the path, you left it to take a left turn, reaching an old wooden and rotten picnic table, with a bench. sitting down, you whistled to call the old man over.
„hey, baby, are you tired yet? don’t worry, we will go home soon.“ making sure to give him extra pets, his tail wagging in a obvious excited way. poor guy was out of breath, even though barley 15 minutes passed. you couldn’t help the frown on your face, what were you without your dog?
after you made sure you gave your old friend all the love he deserved, you started your walk back home.
you safely got back on track and to be honest, you were happy you didn’t get lost for the 3rd time in a row.
and then it was there. the feelings of needles slowly piercing through your neck, a hot and than a cold wave washed through your body. you were being watched. slowly letting go of the breath you were holding, you turned to your right side.
when you were younger, smaller, stupider, you were upset that nothing ever happens here. fantasy of action and drama taking place here were stuck in your mind. not anymore though. now you were counting on it. like right now. because what you saw, made you question your life in hawkins.
what you saw was a someone. a pretty boy, a beautiful man dressed in a complete white outfit. there was blood, so much blood. he gave you a death stare, like he was trying to explode you with his mind.
your ears were ringing.
you turned back towards your path and started rubbing your eyes dramatically. you did that for a good 5 minutes, to give a clear hint: you did not just see that. please, go away mystery man.
when you were, you turned to the right again, seeing no one. sighing with relief, you made your way back home, this time in a slightly faster walk. meanwhile, you tried to think of other routes you could take, besides the forest.
once you arrived home, you did the sensitiv thing of locking all your windows and doors. honestly, you were just trying to successfully repress the memory. you couldn’t help it though, you turned on your TV and the radio. maybe a serial killer was on the lose. but, who would have guessed, nothing came up.
hawkins was small and quite. if you thought of he definition of suburbs hawkins came up.
still, that didn’t stop you from thinking there’s something going on it the background. the vans which seemingly patrol the area, with hawkins electrics written on it, but no one ever called for them. how the lab in the forest was guarded by soldiers. how you could a hear a silent click, silent breathing on the phone once a call connected.
you believed in science, in facts, in things you could see. but conspiracy theories also have a special place in your heart. the truth is out there.
maybe that’s why it’s in the middle of the night and you’re back in the forest, this time without a dog. your flashlight in one hand, the other held a plate with leftovers. reaching the picknick table, you set down the plate.
„oh! i would really be a shame… if someone dressed in white would wat this. would be a shame to waste this.“
obviously, no one answered you. you looked around, only darkness. looking at the plate, with the fork and knive, you took the knife. self defence or whatever. you’re not that stupid, that you would give a potentially dangerous stranger a knife.
ok, now the true challenge came with finding your way back home
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years ago
JANSNSNS OK BUT if ernest is henrys parent i would love to see *that* awkward reunion at the society 😭😭 AND WITH THE CREATURE THERE TOO?? All those stories henry has heard about his uncles tragic deaths not knowing that it was basically frankensteins story, PLEASEEEE THE DRAMA!!!!
I honestly don't know what's better; if Ernest is still a man and Henry's dad and no one in the family putting the dots together despite Henry being absolutely obsessed with Frankenstein, or if Ernest, too, was a woman all along and she just desperately tries to keep her family from knowing the truth, and desperately tries to keep Henry from being so obsessed with Frankenstein and away from science so he won't fall into it the same way Victoria did. Ernest (woman or nah) meeting Victoria again at the Society???? Seeing the Creature??? Knowing that Creature murdered his entire family-- even little William? Knowing the Creature very well could have killed him??? Knowing fully well that Victoria is the reason why they are all dead???
Victoria maybe thinking Ernest died a long time ago-- maybe Creature had some sort of sympathy and told Frankenstein that he killed them too but only to keep Victoria from trying to contact them again. Ernest being absolutely terrified and yet absolutely furious, desperately trying to keep their son safe from the monsters that killed their entire family??? Refusing to lose more of their family???
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quilna · 4 years ago
A very long time ago I suggested a MBaV au then later took it down because I didn’t think that many people watched the show so not many people probably knew what I was talking about. I’ve decided to bring it back.
I had art to go with this (Which I might have posted earlier so my apologies if this is the second time you’ve seen this au) but people didn’t seem particuarly fond of it and I was worried that the art would be offputting from the actual concept.
Anyway, MBaV stands for My Babysitter’s a Vampire and it was this cheesy supernatural show I watched when I was a kid. This au has a few differences from the show, either because the time frame doesn’t fit (MBaV is set in the modern day, TGS is Victorian London so some things don’t match up), because I don’t properly remember the episode (It’s been a long time, not everything will match up. There are some episodes that I didn’t see at all.), or just because the change seemed better fitting for the au.
Dr Jekyll is a powerful spellcaster who, after a mishap with a spell years ago, accidentally split himself into two. While Jekyll is known for being one of the older and more skilled spellcasters in London, Edward has a bad habit of messing up spells, either by not reading through the consequences before using them or reading them backwards. He’s technically still powerful but it’s difficult for people to tell when so many of his spells go sideways.
The pair can hide memories from each other and both use it to screw with the other.
Jekyll runs a society for the supernatural, trying to keep the supernatural side of London from messing around with the normal side too much. However, the society has a cover of being a society for the sciences so it attracts a mixture of regular humans and the supernatural meaning that:
A. The supernatural side of the society has to be hidden from some of the society’s members
B. They’re not actually sure how many are human and how many are supernatural, leading to some more malicious monsters slipping in.
Lanyon, meanwhile, is a seer. By touching people or certain objects he can receive visions of the future or the past but they’re not always clear.
Throughout his life, these abilities have allowed him to learn a lot of things he didn’t want to know about - he always knew when other people were just trying to use him, he always knew when something bad was going to happen to someone, and it left him rather cynical and detatched. He does his best to avoid contact with people to avoid getting these visions.
However, he starts to get particularly bad visions from Dr Jekyll, hinting that Edward Hyde will eventually start being a danger to Jekyll. As a result, he’s doing his best to figure out what the deal with Edward is before it’s too late or, at least, get rid of Edward before things can come to pass.
Rachel and Henry don’t seem to take him seriously about Edward (Rachel doesn’t want to believe that Edward could hurt Jekyll and, therefore, reasons that Lanyon’s visions aren’t telling him everything and Jekyll, obviously, already knows everything and wants Lanyon to stay out of it before he learns the truth.)
Rachel is a fledgling vampire, bitten and turned by Moreau, the leader of a vampiric cult. She hasn’t drunk human blood yet which means she’s weaker than most vampires, hoping that, if she remains a fledgling (continues to not drink from people) she might one day be cured.
Jekyll helps make a blood substitute for her so she never has to drink from a human.
The Elephants are an all female all vampire group so Lucy and Elsie are very supportive of Rachel’s vampirism and often give her advice on the matter. (Although they don’t really get her aversion from drinking human blood.) Lucy is a very old and powerful vampire.
Eli was killed by Moreau when he ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Frankenstein is a necromancer who came to London looking for the  powerful spellcaster she had heard so much about, wanting his help to cure vampirism entirely. However, the moment she arrived she ended  up in an altercation with Moreau, leaving her injured. To her annoyance,  she had to pick up the cover of being a scientist looking for a cure  for her son’s terrible condition (The son being Creature.) and was taken in by the society while  she searches for the spellcaster in her spare time. To her extra  annoyance, every time she slips away and starts trying to track the  spellcaster, it always somehow seems to lead her directly into the path  of “the naive human” Dr Jekyll leading to her being put back to bed every time.
In all fairness, Jekyll has perfected the ignorant human act.
Things become trickier however when her spell finally leads her to Edward Hyde instead, leading her to believe that he’s the spellcaster. Edward doesn’t correct her or even let Jekyll know about this, wanting to prove himself as powerful as Jekyll.
Eventually, he starts searching for a powerful magical artifact which could help them. A magical artifact with absolutely no corrupting properties at all. Ever. It’s perfectly safe and will not at all ever send Hyde, already the personification of evil, towards trying to eliminate his good half and take over London. Of course not.
Jekyll knows that something bad is afoot but, with Hyde blocking his memories from him, he doesn’t know exactly what. Neither does Frankenstein realize her mistake until it’s too late.
The lodgers:
Helsby is a mermaid. When he’s touched by water, he turns into his mermaid form and his singing voice can send everyone around him into a rage. After he causes a lot of chaos around the society, Lanyon, Rachel, and Hyde set out to try to defeat him in a music contest. If he loses, he has to stop. This plan goes sideways when Hyde marches in with a trumpet cursed to make the most horrible noise possible and basically forces Helsby into submission instead. And destroys Lanyon and Rachel’s eardrums in the process.
Jasper is a werewolf as always. He came directly to the society, looking for help with his condition, fearing the danger of his werewolf half. Werewolves and vampires have a natural rivalry but Rachel just decided that the taboo of it was just more romantic and fell for him. When the full moon came, though, everyone found out that Jasper just turns into a harmless dog. Rachel was a little disappointed but still loved him anyway.
Cantilupe is an ancient god who slipped in with the intent of collecting followers in the society to bring about the apocalypse, pretending to be a zoologist. However, she then met Lavender, a newer human zoologist who viewed her as her senior and constantly looked for Cantilupe’s help with her work. Cantilupe decided she was fond of this tiny human and stopped trying to end the world. Lavender still isn’t aware that her senior is a literal god.
Maijabi is a spirit that can inhabit mirrors. His cursed mirror was accidentally taken in by the society where he began to manipulate people who looked into his mirror into harming people around them to get revenge for his death after dying in a prank gone wrong. As it turned out, though, Lanyon could see him for what he was thanks to his powers. After stopping him, Jekyll used his magic to make him visible to other people so he can sort of live again. He still can’t touch people without passing through them.
Sinnett is human but, at one point, a sentient tree ends up getting into the society and taking control of all of the automatons, technology, and clockwork in there, including Sinnett’s arm. He helps arm the trio with flamethrowers to fight the tree but they couldn’t get the last bit of tree of out Sinnett’s prosthetic arm. Now he has to deal with an evil tree in his arm which occasionally tries to convince him to destroy the world. He tunes it out.
Tweedy is also human but he’s a “paranormal investigator” who came to the society looking for ghosts. Most of his equipment suspiciously goes off around Rachel (She is undead and all) and everyone has to keep trying to hide the numerous ghosts and zombies in the society.
Bryson is the ghost of a once famous aeronaut looking to regain his lost fame. He tries to force Lanyon as the only person who can see him into helping him with this but Lanyon knows absolutely nothing about aeronautics.
Other things:
Once, as a lesson to try to teach Robert, Rachel, and Edward to work together, Henry secretly used a spell to send each one of them into their own pocket dimension based off of each of their fears. Initially it was supposed to have safeguards in place to keep the exercise safe and keep the fears mild.
Hyde was given the fear of being alone (A world completely devoid of people)
Rachel was given a fear of losing herself to her vampirism (A more powerful and evil version of herself)
Robert was given the villain from a play he watched recently which frightened him. (An automaton dentist gone rogue.)
However, either by Hyde messing around with magic to try to free them all or by some malicious outside intervention (Because it would be mean for Jekyll to do this himself but I can’t miss out the angst of a proper worst fear episode.) the safeguards got removed and the worlds started to twist themselves to everyone’s deepest darkest fears.
Hyde ended up chased by his own friends, turning on him after they discovered his secret.
Rachel was chased by the ghost of Eli, blaming her for his death.
Robert got a monstrous version of Hyde from his visions, the version of Hyde he knew was someday destined to kill Jekyll. (Hyde was very flattered when he found out.)
All of them try to hide their fears from the others and the worlds continue feeding off their fear and becoming more monsterous and twisted as time goes on.
They all only just escape.
Jekyll and Hyde have been seen in the same place before which doesn’t help anyone figure out that they’re the same person. Thanks to messing around with an old cursed camera from Jekyll’s collection, Hyde accidentally makes an evil clone of himself. Everyone kind of notices that Hyde’s acting a little worse than usual but Jekyll’s the only one who knows that something wrong’s going on here (Because that’s himself just standing there mocking him.) and Jekyll has to try to stop the evil Hyde alone, unable to tell anyone why he knows that isn’t the real Hyde.
Jekyll once accidentally hired a carriage haunted by the ghost of a dead vampire and everyone had to work together to stake it because it wouldn’t stop running people over.
They don’t talk about it.
The horses came out fine.
Hyde once tried to resurrect an old pet of Lucy’s to attempt to impress her (Pets don’t live awfully long when you’re immortal after all.) but ended up bringing to life every dead animal in the area. Every last one of them turned out violent. After getting rid of most of the animals, they found one little zombie dog that somehow didn’t become violent. Jekyll took it in and named it Zosi.
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mcrcki · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
Was that [MARGARET QUALLEY]? Oh no no, that was just [CARINA SMYTH BARBOSSA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN]. They are [TWENTY-ONE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
just arrived ?? so maybe 48 hours at most
what is your character’s job
honestly she will probably be trying to get into university so that she can be an astronomer, but will also be looking into getting a job in one of the smithsonian museums !!! girl just loves space and will be doing anything and everything in her power now that women can do all of it to learn as much as she possibly can about the stars. will be absolutely blown away by all the information people have about space and lose her mind @ people being from there thank u
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
i’m gonna pull her from the end of dead men tell no tales, so she’s fully up to date with her current canon
has any magic affected your character
nope !! she’s totally fine~
any other information
sarcastic once accused as a witch space bitch. like right up my alley thank you. she’s kind of abrasive in her own way and doesn’t really know how to keep herself chilled out and v up front from the moment she meets you. honestly she’s just trying to vibe knowing that her life can be kinda easy now??? and trying to wrap her mind around her dad being barbossa and learning that right before he died??? she’s kinda dealing with a lot so adjustment has been a little difficult??? but that’s the tldr before all the long information ig kgfjgkf 
carina was raised in an orphanage in england in the 18th century, her mother having died and her father leaving her there for a better chance than she would have with him. 
she never knew his name, was never given any indication of who he was except for a diary with a ruby attached. 
she grew up in the orphanage, found work as a maid and quickly started to consume as much information about astronomy, time and mathematics. 
it became a passion of hers and despite the times, and the fact that she was once held on trial as a witch, she never strayed from that desire to be an astronomer. 
she’s always had a sharp tongue and been outspoken, even when it caused her far too much trouble it was something she never tried to hide. 
as she grew she set her sights on reading ‘the map no man can read’ and locating the trident of poseidon. she hoped it would help her finally learn who she was, and where she came from. 
she arrives in the caribbean, hoping that it will only lead her closer to the trident, where she finally meets, and eventually teams up with, henry turner and jack sparrow. ya know, hijinks ensue, pirates, escapes from prison, etc etc
she does eventually meet hector barbossa, it’s tense and they fight but ya know, more shit ensues, and eventually there’s a whole “you are my dad, boogie woogie woogie”
either way, they find the trident there is a whole really wild fight/possession what have you, i dont wanna like give away the whole movie ??? so being vague, carina learns about her father and after everything starts to settle and they’re all returning home to reunite will and elizabeth, she decides to officially start going by ‘carina barbossa’
girl is just kinda dealing with a lot, finding her father and then losing him all at the same time, and now after seeing everything settled, she gets thrown here, she’s just really dealing with it and struggling a little. she is really looking forward to having a fresh start here in the city though, despite it all
she’s excited she can finally get the education she’s been craving, she can be taken seriously as a woman of science and basically just happy to be in a time where things are feeling safe for her. 
sure it’s an adjustment to the time change but she’s willing to work with it, instead of against it
possible connections ::
space buds
pls if u like space be her friend. esp those from space?????? she will have a million questions enjoy your ear being talked off
she’s going to be enrolling in school here for the spring semester so would love some people to vibe with from classes and all !!
a roommate situation ???? 
rn she’s living in the assigned housing set up by the city, but she’s going to want to be moving out of there and getting her own place so if you’re looking for a roommate , hmu
co-workers / museum fans
she’s going to be working @ the smithsonian air and space museum so if you’ve got a character who works there, or even if your character goes there ??? just looking for fun vibes with that idea
honestly just here for friends and good vibes
pls just be her friend thanks , just would love to have some friends and people she can hang out with around the city, so if you think any of your people would be a good fit with her ?? let’s do it
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sokkadora · 4 years ago
tattooed heart; an ellie williams x fem!reader
chapter 3: a cold morning
masterlist here.
part summary: a tad bit of backstory on how joel, ellie, amelia and you met, seth being annoying, y/n and dina escapades, ellie apologizing for the kiss.
trigger warning: none .... i think
a/n: enjoy! and please check out my book safety net on wattpad! my account is @/CATRAMITYS <3333
- ☽ iii ༓ iii ☾ -
                life in jackson could be described as fairly easy - slow and consistent. the people who were living there never actually left and there weren't many people that would move into the city. most people you've known since they were the ones living inside the walls ever since you had come there.
some of the children were born there, yet most of the people came to the settlement as the time passed, seeking protection from the fireflies, infected or bandits. and so far, so good. the settlement was started by maria, tommy's wife, and her father a long time ago. when tommy left the fireflies in search of a normal, peaceful life, he ran into wyoming, finding this place. before their hard work, it was quite hard to manage - they needed to protect the settlement, build walls around it and make sure the people in there were safe, yet the young married couple was way more ambitious.
they wanted to make the old hydroelectric power station work again and that was one of the settlement's biggest projects to date. and to the wonder of everyone, they made it work again, so jackson had a stable supply of electricity almost every day. except for huge storms, which you all were waiting for to end sitting in the dinner, telling each other stories in the light of candles and so. these occasions were fun.
the city was independent - you had your cattle, horses, hens, and pigs, you had women who could sew clothes and make fabrics, you had a few men who were capable of making a gun. also, your mechanics were capable of making a few old cars work if the things would get really bad. in spring and summer, you always made sure to harvest vegetables and fruits, hunting throughout the winter mostly. you had a school and a kind-of-a-cinema when you were bored. for existing in a post-apocalyptic world, jackson was fairly normal.
and though you never got to know your parents, you had amelia. this lady was pretty old in the time she found you — she wasn't that kind of a brutal survivor who would bash someone's skull, twist her knife inside someone's body, or shoot them dead. she was the quiet traveler who was purposely avoiding big cities, who was traveling through woods and walked among rivers to see where her road will lead her. from the moment you bumped into each other, you became friends. family even. but once you got bit, she almost shot you. until she found out you were immune.
you and amelia didn't know what to do, but once amelia caught word of an old man and a 14-year-old immune girl traveling to the fireflies in salt lake city, you two went to find them. it took a few months to find them, the two of you almost giving up after taking shelter in what you thought was an abandoned apartment in pittsburgh.
"y/n, in here." amelia called for you quietly, gesturing to the apartment inside. you nodded, glancing behind you before quickly moving inside and locking the door.
you let out a sigh of relief, readjusting your ponytail and checking out the apartment. amelia jumped in front of you, pulling out her handgun, "get behind me, sugar." she whispered, softly moving towards the bedroom where she heard noises.
once she opened the door, the two of you aimed your guns at the people inside, two dark skinned boys, one around your age at the time and an older man with a red haired girl also around your age.
"amelia, they're not bad." you say, lowering your gun slowly to look at them better. the older woman glances at you before putting her gun down too.
the young man steps forward with his hand outstretched towards you, "i'm henry, who are you?" he asks nervously, glancing
you look up at him, then glance at amelia. she nods, signaling that it's okay, "i'm y/n." you respond with a small smile.
henry grins a bit, gesturing to the others, "we all just met but, this is joel," he starts, gesturing to the older man in the flannel, "this is ellie, and this is my little brother sam." henry finishes, gesturing to the girl and the boy.
"amelia and y/n." amelia introduces, gesturing to her then you. "sorry for the, uh, abrupt entrance. we thought this apartment was empty." she laughs nervously, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.
"no worries. we were about to head out anyway." henry starts, beginning to walk out. "wait, would you two like to come with us?" we're planning on getting out of this city tonight."
you and amelia look at each other before she turns her head towards the henry again, "i don't thi—"
"amelia, c'mon! safety in numbers, remember." you remind her, crossing your arms over your chest and looking at her knowingly.
the woman scoffs and shakes her head, looking at her lap for a moment, "fine, okay, we'll join you guys."
upon leaving the apartment, you, sam, and ellie began to talk to each other. once you found out she was 14, like the immune girl, you went up to amelia while you were waiting in henry's "office".
"amelia, can i talk to you for a second?" you whisper to her, gesturing to a quieter spot. amelia's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she looks away from the outside to you, nodding.
once in a quieter spot, you tell amelia your hypothesis about ellie and joel, them being the two you’ve been searching the country for, "no, no way. they're probably just father and daughter."
"don't daughters usually call their fathers dad instead of their actual names?" you ask her, irritated while your arms fold over your chest. amelia stares at you blankly, hands resting on her knees. "this is the man and the immune girl we're searching for, amelia. we have to tell—"
"guys?" a voice calls into the room, making yours and amelia's head shoot towards the sound. it's sam. "henry says it's time to go." sam tells you two awkwardly.
amelia sighs heavily, rising from her place on the desk and looking at you, "you and i will finish this conversation later."
that conversation never went as well as you hoped, you and ellie finding out that you both are immune in the radio station during a slow game of truth or dare. neither of you knew what it was, but henry gave you the basic gist of it.
ellie was thrilled to know she wasn't the only immune person, and she wasn't alone in that area. after losing henry and sam the morning after, you four headed off to find joel's brother, tommy in wyoming after finding a car.
after finding tommy and heading to the university of eastern colorado, things only got more rough from there. joel and amelia both got impaled, barely making it out of the science building alive before getting on their horses and passing out. resulting in you and ellie panicking before getting yourselves together and finding a nearby town to stay at for the winter.
during that winter, you encountered david, and his friend carl. you and ellie almost lost your lives after getting captured by them, then joel and amelia swooped in saving you and ellie from becoming the monsters you both fear.
the rest of the journey carried into the spring, you, joel, ellie, and amelia becoming much closer during the time from winter to spring. once you all got to the firefly hospital and joel and amelia found out what the cost for the vaccine was, they saved you and ellie.
you both had become to loved and valuable to them, neither wanting to bear the loss of another child. and they lied to you both to keep you safe. so after they took out most of the fireflies in the hospital, including their leader, marlene, you all headed back to tommy's, to jackson.
you and ellie both stopped the elders before entering jackson, "hey, wait." ellie called, looking to you for a bit of comfort.
amelia and joel turned around, looking at the two of you. you bit your lip as ellie started talking, "back in boston — back when i was bitten... i wasn't alone." she reveals, glancing between joel and amelia.
"my best friend, riley, was there and she got bit too." ellie tells everyone.
"and i was with my best friend, carly." you tell the group, fidgeting with your fingers. "we didn't know what to do. so, she says 'let's just wait it out. y'know we can be all poetic and lose our minds together. we're still waiting for our turn."
"then it was tess." ellie states, fidgeting with her fingers anxiously.
"then henry and sam—" you continue the statement for her.
"none of that is on you." amelia states, stepping a bit closer to you and ellie.
"no, you don't understand." ellie says sadly, rubbing her face.
joel suddenly steps forward, "i struggled for a long time with survivin', and you-" he briefly clutches his watch. "no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for. now, i know that's not what you want to hear right now but it's—"
you shake your head, looking away before turning back at joel, "swear to us." you interrupt, looking between the two adults seriously. "swear to us that everything that you said about the fireflies is true."
joel and amelia look between you and ellie with a hesitant look, "we swear." she says to you two, placing a hand on joel's shoulder.
you and ellie take a pause, processing everything before looking back at amelia and joel, nodding, "okay." you say together.
MARCH 2ND, 2038:
that was how you got into jackson. the first months there were pretty weird to you - the city had rules, schedule and they gave you food every morning, midday and evening, calling it breakfast, lunch, and dinner. the first week, you spent with vomiting since your food wasn't used to eat regularly. it was also pretty hard trying to trust strangers before you realized they don't mean you any harm. amelia was immediately capable of working at their farm with their animals, while you were getting the jobs like cleaning up mess or help in the kitchen - which meant that you didn't see each other that much.
- ☽ ♡ ༓ ♡ ☾ -
but after last night you and ellie went your ways after the talk with joel and amelia. there were many exchanged glances as she walked you home although you insisted you were fine. when you stood in the doorway of your house, ellie kissed your cheek before waving goodbye shyly.
a knock wakes you out of your sleep, groaning as you sit up and walk to the door, "just a minute! geez." you call out, walking to the door while scratching the back of your neck tiredly.
once you open it, you see dina. your other best friend, "hey dina." you yawn, squeezing the door handle as you look at your friend who's already dressed. "oh shit-"
"yep. hurry up and get ready, stupid." dina grins, stepping inside and sitting on your couch as you head into the bathroom with a new set of clothes. "maria also wants to talk to you."
stepping out of the bathroom, you reload your pistol and grab your switchblade that joel made you, "alright, dina, let's go."
she nods, opening the door as both of you step out into the cold air, "are joel and amelia up yet? or ellie?" you ask curiously.
"tommy and amelia went out early for patrol. something about a herd or infected up north, i don't know where joel is, and ellie, is still asleep. like ellie." dina tells you as you nod in understanding, chuckling at the last part of her sentence. "are you four... good?"
you glance up at her, sighing, "yeah, i guess so." you shrug, looking away and itching your nose.
once you and dina get downtown, she leads you into a restaurant, "this way." she says, motioning towards the nearly empty restaurant.
once you two enter, dina walks away to socialize with the others. you glance at her anxiously as she just smirks, shooing you in maria's direction.
"hey, y/n! over here!" maria calls from across the bar, making you groan and walk over unenthusiastically.
you walk to maria, "yes?" you ask, rubbing your face with your gloved hands.
"seth has something he wants to say to you." maria tells you, glancing towards the kitchen.
you glare at maria, irritated, "i don't wanna hear what that bigot has to say."
maria looks at you with an unreadable expression, "do it for me, please?" she asks gently.
you scan her face over, and sigh, resting your foot on a small crate, "fine."
"seth! seth, come here." maria calls towards the kitchen.
"fuck me." you mutter under your breath, as you look up.
seth walks out of the kitchen sheepishly, with something in his hands, "hey. look last night, i was drinking too much." seth starts, making you scoff quietly.
"sure." you say in disbelief, crossing your arms as you rest your right leg on the stool next to you.
"i'm trying to say i'm sorry!" seth exclaims, getting more irritated with you. "maria tells me that you and dina are heading out." he tells you, making you glance back at dina. "i made you two some sandwiches." he reveals.
seth places the sandwiches on the bar counter, giving them a pat before scooching them towards you.
"okay." you mumble, staring at him awkwardly.
"they're steak." seth informs you, gesturing towards the sandwiches you haven't taken yet.
maria gets tired of the awkward silence as she takes the sandwiches as she shoves them into your chest, "thank you, seth." she says assertively, scaring seth back into the kitchen.
turning around with the sandwiches, you bump into dina, "what've you got there?" she asks curiously as you shove the sandwiches into her hands.
"some... surprisingly decent looking bigot sandwiches." you scoff, dusting off your pants while looking around the outside room.
dina lifts them to her nose, taking a whiff, "they smell absolutely scrumptious." she says in a fake posh accent, making you laugh as she secretly throws them away.
"come on you two, time to go." maria calls from the doorway of the restaurant, gesturing to the outside. "y/n, i need to talk to you for a minute before i head back inside."
you stop next to maria, gesturing for dina to go ahead without you as she closes the door, "are you amelia and joel good?" maria asks quietly, making you roll your eyes. "they seemed to be in a better mood this morn—"
"we're fine maria." you interrupt her, your eyes closing in annoyance as you're getting tired of this question.
the blonde woman puts her hands up, "just wanted to make sure. i worry y'know." she chuckles, bringing you into a short embrace. you nods, pulling away, "go find dina." she tells you heading into the restaurant as you head on your way.
you find dina and overhear how she's about to start a snowball fight with a bunch of the kids. you sneak up behind the kids, snowball in hand. dina glances up and spots you, making you put a finger over your mouth to shush her. she looks back at the kids, egging them on as you come up and headshot a girl named, isabella.
this made the kids go feral, sending them to one side of the playground as you and dina hid on the other side, laughing your asses off.
you and dina played with the kids for around fifteen minutes before you heard ellie's voice. you turned around and saw jesse, waving politely at him before returning to the game.
"dina! come on! you and i are paired for patrol today." jesse calls out to his ex, making her roll her eyes before heading out of the playground, following jesse.
"hey, y/n! can i talk to you?" a familiar voice called, you turn your head to see ellie. you smile and wave at her before putting the snowball fight on a pause so you could talk to her.
"hey." you say breathlessly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"hey." ellie responds awkwardly, tapping on the wooden fence.
"i just wanna say sorry for ditching you after the... thing last night." ellie apologizes, making you tilt your head in confusion.
"oh, no, it's okay. i totally get it. i- i just- i felt bad." you tell her, looking at her apologetically while fidgeting with your fingers.
ellie shakes her head lightly, "why?"
"because, i started the whole thing and i... i just shouldn't have kissed you in front all those people and—"
"no! it's okay, you were drunk." ellie says, laughing off the light embarrassment.
"well, still i don't want you to think—" you start before ellie interrupts your once more, making you chuckle lightly.
"no, i'm not reading into it or anything." ellie tells you, making you shake your head.
you look up at ellie, smiling softly, "you know what i love about you?" you start, making ellie blush a little. "how you let me finish my sentences."
ellie chuckles, shaking her head, "alright. well, we should probably get going." you nod, before a snowball nails ellie right in the shoulder. "ow!"
you turn around angrily, glaring at the kids, "what the fuck?!" you exclaims at them, making them giggle.
"i'm not even playing!" ellie yells at them.
"cause you're a chicken?" one of the kids yells out, making the rest taunt ellie playfully.
"i hate those kids so much." ellie mutters to you irritated, making you look at her mischievously.
"you wanna fuck 'em up?" you ask evilly, giving ellie a side glance.
ellie looks to see if anyone's coming before nodding, "yeah, i do." ellie leaps over the fence as you both start playfully shouting at them.
"you asked for it!" you yell at them.
"you better run you little shits!" ellie exclaims, you and her taking cover behind a structure.
the game was the first to ten hits wins, it took you and ellie a minute, but you beat to little shits 10/3.
"no fair!" isabella whines, wiping the snow off her coat.
you spread your arms out victoriously, "eat it shrimps! how's it feel?" you brag to them, making them all run up and tackle you. "you'll never get away with this!" you yell happily as they dog pile on you before ellie comes and rips one off.
"get off of her you little monsters!" the red haired girl exclaims, making them scurry away before helping you up.
"i guess i asked for that huh?" you ask your friend, heading towards the gate.
"yep." she deadpans at you, making you smile. you both exit the playground, heading to the stables. "so, jesse wants us to do the creek trails. he's gonna relieve amelia and tommy."
"oh, okay. that's nice he assigned us together." you tell ellie, greeting the lady at the front of the stables. "you're gonna like this one."
someone yells to you and ellie they'll take your horses in so you can grab them. yelling out a quick thanks, you head over to grab your horse, moon. walking to the east gate, you pet his neck, greeting him.
"look who decided to join us." jesse tease you and ellie, making you roll your eyes.
"ha ha, you're so funny." you tease back, elbowing him gently in the side and taking your rifle from him.
"open it up!" he yells up at the gate keepers. "settle down. alright. you all know the drill." he assumes, looking to all the patrol groups. "run your routes, mark your logbooks, clear any infected you see. you run into anything you can't handle, you come back." jesse tells everyone. "be smart about it. alright, get going."
you and ellie glance at each other with a small nod, getting on your horses and riding off towards the creek trails.
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henrylevesconte · 5 years ago
@chernoblank requested on discord for some wonderful Fitzconte and I could never say no to my dear friend. Enjoy an au where they lived!  
44- Baking pastries for me
How hard could it really be? James thought back to the eager man he had been that morning as his wrist started to ache and cramp from whipping cream for about five minutes straight. His cook Miss Peterson, a lovely woman with a talent for all sorts of pastries wished for the day off to tend to her aging father, and the once Commander had taken it upon himself to carry on with her duty. After all, he has survived everything life had thrown at him thus far, including a failed but celebrated Arctic Expedition, how hard could making a cake really be?
Fitzjames had never thought of himself as a chef, he cooked small meals for himself throughout his time as a midshipman and during his bachelorhood when it was cheaper to make a small meal for yourself than keep paying precious coin to inns and stalls, but never had he thought about baking. It was a science and science he knew well from all of his travels. James had prepared the ingredients as instructed, setting a basic sponge (one he knew his dear friend Henry loved so much), placed it into the heat stove, and left it to cook while he prepared the rest. He had a grand vision in mind, one involving a tower of cream and berries, like the elegant cake served as his retirement party. Le Vesconte, his silver haired companion, had enjoyed at least four pieces of it before he became miserable and spent the rest of the evening moaning to him about his disposition.
After nearly perishing, Henry had been the one to talk his closest friend out of continuing a life they were both not meant to live. They had settled down together as two bachelors sharing a county estate, living off of retirement pensions and whatever wealth James’ brother William had secured for him while he was away in the Navy. It was a fine life, one James found more comfortable than he thought he would after spending his youth chasing after fame and glory. Now he just wished for the glory of a good gift for the man that had never left his side, his closest friend, his first, his Henry.
“Don’t come in here!” James warned as he heard footsteps approached, hesitated, and then remained at the door. Fitzjames felt the intruder watching him with a great deal of glee.
“What are you making- or am I even allowed to ask?” The silver haired man sounded as pleased as the cat who caught the canary. Which riled the hard working James up. He paused his work, stretching his aching hand before deciding to tie his chocolate locks up into a ponytail. His hair, his prized feature, hadn’t been the same since he returned but slowly it was gaining back its glow (while also a few grey hairs seemed to sprout every time he glanced at himself in a mirror. Maybe one day he would match Henry...)
“You’ll find out later. Shoo! Go play with the dogs or the horse or the chickens-or whatever beast you’ve dragged here.” His arm hurt a great deal as he whisked harder, waiting for the peaks to form in the white mess below him. The once Commander was easy to tire out, after the scurvy passed through him, his joints ached and tuckered out faster than they did when he left England. It had been a year since they had returned and he hadn’t gained even half of his strength back, but he was determined to fight the ongoing fatigue.
“Am I allowed to gaze at the cook at least?” Henry quipped back. His Henry came back just like him, bits and pieces missing and not quite the same. He walked with a cane after losing many of his toes to frostbite and he had days where Le Vesconte hardly moved from his bed. But they were alive and they were together.
“You may, but nothing else in here.” James paused, setting aside the bowl before going to dust sugar onto the berries he picked that morning from their growing garden.
“Well I quite like the view, so I’ll stay. I’ll be as quiet as a church mouse.” Henry grinned and James caught it as he glanced back at his not so silent observer. The man, a fiend for sweets, had already commandeered the abandoned spoon used to mix the batter and casually lapped the remnants off of it while leaning against the doorframe.
“You’re a terrible thief!” James balked, “I was saving that for later!” He watched as his Henry winked cheekily at him, only riling Fitzjames up even more.
“Is something burning?” Henry paused his teasing as the smell of something burning indeed came to his attention.
“Aw hell’s teeth.” Fitzjames ran to save the forgotten dessert from the oven.
“By god what a masterpiece we have here.” Henry clasped his hands together excitedly after enjoying a hearty dinner.
The cake was burnt to a fine crisp and the under whipped cream lay a soggy mess on top of it. Both men watched comically as the berries James had placed elegantly on top of his creation to give it character slowly traveled down the oozing white river and onto the decorative plate beneath it. Henry dare not laugh, he knew better, instead he took to serving himself and James each a slice of the sponge that seemed to deflate after being released from its charcoal confines. James lowered himself into his chair as his ego deflated with his baked creation.
“It’s terrible!” Fitzjames declared as Henry placed his serving in front of him. He weakly lifted his fork to prod at the mess, which jiggled and then finally collapsed, earning a miserable noise from its creator.
“I think it will be quite the treat. Besides you put so much effort into it, well by god, I’ll eat the whole damn thing myself.” Henry smiled, being the first to dive in and try the dessert himself. James studied his face, searching whiskey colored eyes for any sort of displeasure to validate his failure and finding a bit of delight. He was either the worlds greatest actor or actually enjoying the burnt monstrosity. James tried his own small piece, raising his fork and putting it away like a thimble of lime and vinegar. The texture was off and the burnt portions overwhelmed the sweetness of the sunken cake but overall it was not bad. He even reach for a second bite.
“See, not so bad. You’re a pastry artist in training. And it means more to me that you thought of me while making this.” Henry grinned, he had already finished his piece and was gathering up the berries and whipped cream he could from his plate. James had never loved him more. “I love you, my dearest. If you want to take up learning this trade, I’ll be the one to happily taste whatever you make.”
“I love you as well. And we shall see what my career holds for me.”
Send me an otp prompt
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nullanythorm-ao3 · 4 years ago
Just Some Random Fanfic Concepts
So I was going to wait and see if anyone else was interested in me posting up some of my general fanfic ideas. However, I’m bored and struggling to work with the CiM update I’m working on right now. So I’m just going to do it? Also, a heads up to look out for another post coming later, because I want to share some of my Variro YouTube playlist, too.  BUT FIRST, story ideas. You’ll get some working titles for the ones I HAVE working titles for, but otherwise I’m just winging it cuz there are a lot of them. These are in no particular order. Things being higher or lower on the list doesn’t mean they’re more or less likely to be worked on. 
#1 - A continuation for Land or Sea (title pending)
So a little background on this one. I got the idea for this one at the same time as I got the idea for Trust is Something Earned. I put which one I worked on first up to a vote on the Tangled Amino. 
It’s a mermaid(merman/boy??)!Varian AU that centers on the idea: What if, in Queen for a Day, instead of coming up with a solution that created the amber when interacting with the rocks, Varian creates a different one and winds up getting himself turned into a mermaid instead?
It’ll feature 4 OCs: two created by me, and two created by a friend. The perspective will shift between Varian and an OC that belongs to a friend of mine named Charlotte, Varian’s childhood friend and love interest. 
Without spoiling too much, it takes place primarily during the events of season 2 (and maybe stretches into season 3). It switches perspective between Varian, who’s sent to live in the ocean after the accident and becomes friends with an adventurous merboy named Caspian who helps him rediscover his passion for science and alchemy, and Charlotte, who’s left behind in Corona and is trying to rediscover her sense of self and direction after losing her best and only friend. Charlotte’s perspective will help show how the premise changes events in Corona, while Varian’s is wholly original. 
The other OCs that will be involved in the story will be my OC Adrian Claire, who followers of TiSE will know, and my friend’s OC Henry. 
#2 - Stitched Together (originated from Ragdoll)
Okay so the original premise for this was for it to be a Variro story. The focus was Hiro living a double life: a college student in San Fransokyo who realized the existence of the several magical realms that ran parallel to his home after discovering he had magical blood passed down from his mother (maybe even throwing in superhero and making it a triple life - poor Hiro). He finds what’s known in the multi-realm as a living doll - a doll that gained a soul either through devotion and affection of a previous owner and desire to become more human, or having a human soul literally shoved into it. 
Varian, his doll, is the latter. Due to crimes against his home realm of Corona and his own uncontrollable magical talent, they forced him into having his soul magically “stitched” into a rag doll, until Hiro’s magical talent allowed him to awaken.  However, because of his nature as a living doll, Varian now depends on and is subservient to Hiro, but the two soon grow a bond much closer than expected. 
Now, after working on the lore and world of the story, I’ve grown its scope a little. Rather than simply being a crossover with Tangled and Big Hero 6, I want Stitched Together to be a bigger-scale crossover, including How To Train Your Dragon and the Tales of Arcadia series as well. 
It’s going to be Hiccup/Hiro/Varian, along with Jim/Claire from ToA being close friends with the trio. They’re all going to be young wizards from different realms, with different magic specialties studying in Arcanum, the central realm that connects all magically advanced realms. Other characters from each series will show up as well! You’ll see a bit of all of them, it’s a pretty enormous project.
#3 - Maybe some Hogwarts Shenanigans?
I’d really like to do a short, maybe 7-chapter story on the Hogwarts Headcanons for the OT3 I did a while back. The big issue is I’m still trying to figure out where I stand on posting Harry Potter/Hogwarts content after the whole J.K. Rowling thing. 
It’d be a chapter focusing on each year the three spend at Hogwarts together, some key moments through the years, and things like that. Just a small, random story about some kids at Hogwarts having fun. 
Might do it, might not, we’ll see. 
#4 - Time Travel Variro Fic (title pending)
This is another one sort of meant to run alongside season 2 of TTS, and maybe s3. It also replaces the S3 of BH6 the series. Just cuz. 
Basically Varian escapes after being put in prison, and decides the best way to save his dad is prevent the amber from capturing him all together. Vindictive, feral little villain raccoon decides that if he can’t have his happy ending, he won’t let Raps have hers and plans to make a time machine so he can go back and prevent Eugene from rescuing Raps. 
Unfortunately, a slight user error and hiccup in his plans (namely the fact that Ruddiger doesn’t appreciate being left alone and hops in the machine with him and all the noise and flashing lights of a steampunk-medieval time machine spook him) causes him to catapult into the future instead. 
Meanwhile, Hiro’s dealing with his friends moving on to find work, his own internship at KreiTech while attending school, and being fifteen and struggling with hormones and his sexuality finally starting to rear its ugly head after being dormant for 15 years of being in an ongoing relationship with SCIENCE (aka he’s seeing guys, thinking ‘he’s cute/handsome’, and he’s PANICKING). Then, as he’s on his way home from internship one day, a random af raccoon tugs at his pants leg until he finds a boy in weird clothes unconscious in an alley somewhere
Varian, after being woken up, and unsure if he should bring up that he’s from the past or not, makes up a fake story about running away from a small town. Hiro, feeling there’s something more but empathetic to Varian’s story, invites him to stay with him at the Lucky Cat and introduces him to Cass. 
Varian is stand-offish at first, absorbed in his “pet project”, as he calls it around Hiro. Basically, the machine didn’t time travel with him, he’s stuck, and is determined to get home and continue his plan. Hiro, however, is drawn in by the mysterious boy and tries to reach out to him and open him up.
Varian catches on to modern technology and science pretty darn quickly. He’s a smart boy. He also stays holed up in Hiro’s lab or the room they allowed him to borrow reading all day. Until finally Hiro cracks him out of his shell, he starts attending SFIT, and meets the rest of the BH6 crew.
There’s more to the story than this but that’s all I’m saying for now. Lots of drama, tension, etc, and just a fun time as boys discover their sexualities, learn where they can call home, and all that good stuff. 
#5 - In Someone Else’s Shoes (Time Travel Team Awesome Fic!)
So this one is kind of meant to work in tandem with the Variro fic. While the Variro fic explores Varian failing in his plan and getting catapulted into the future, this fic shows the results of what would happen if the time travel worked.  
It centers around Team Awesome! Varian travels back to the past, and tells Eugene that he dies if he hides in the tower. He convinces him that he’s his partner in his future, by knowing his name and stroking his ego a bit. But inform him that the crown will lead to nothing but trouble and his death (conveniently leaving out the part where he meets the love of his life and gets brought back from the dead because of a magical healing flower). 
The alteration to the timeline erases the former Varian’s existence and overwrites the Varian of the new timeline with his memories - giving him the memories of both the former and current timeline. He wakes up in bed at the palace, being woken up by his personal attendant Flynn (Eugene, who only allows Varian to call him by his proper name when they’re alone) and told to get ready for his coronation as crown prince. It turns out, in this timeline, because Eugene and Rapunzel weren’t there to stop him from his running water experiments, the devastation on Old Corona caused the death of his dad and several others. Since he was the son of an old friend, and they longed for their missing princess, Frederic and Arianna take him in as their son, and monitor his scientific hobby to prevent him from causing more trouble. 
Of course, this won’t do. He confides the truth to Eugene, that he was trying to save his dad by returning to the past (but again, keeping out key elements), and the two decide to work together to rebuild the time machine and alter the past without the catastrophic results. 
Won’t spoil too much, there are some wild twists and turns here. But it’s one I’m really looking forward to, again!
#6 - Maybe some Percy Jackson/Camp Half-Blood shenanigans
I’d just really like to make some Camp Half-Blood AU stuff. It’d be more a series of one-shots, or just a story that jumps around in time in the course of it. 
Crossover with Tangled, Big Hero 6, Tales of Arcadia, and How to Train Your Dragon with a focus on (as usual) Hiccup/Hiro/Varian. 
Not going to say too much about it though, because I want to do an AU Headcanons post with some details on this one! I have lots of ideas.Some you might expect, some you might not. 
#7 - Hercules Inspired Variro Fic (Title pending!)
So this one is wild. Basically, after the events of BH6 s1, Obake escapes. He stays on the run, escaping to Germany, and finds a young boy of genius on par with Hiro, but in the field of Chemistry, and takes him under his wing.
Varian is distraught after his father, who’d contracted an incurable disease, falls comatose. The government does nothing to help him, even though he has friends that hold political power, and Obake uses that to lure him into becoming his protege. 
The pair lie low for a while, wreaking a little havoc in Germany while Varian looks for a cure for his father. The boy dabbles in all manner of fields while trying to help his dad, and before long finds out that the last component he needs is in America, in San Fransokyo. 
Varian, now in his early 20s (which means Hiro is too!), Varian travels to America. He’s currently working as a villain under Obake while daylighting as the head of a German medical research company. 
He meets Hiro by chance. He flirts a little, but tries his best to keep his distance while trying to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, Obake notices how flustered Hiro gets around Varian, and has Varian continue flirting with and pursuing him as a form of distraction, and confides in him about Big Hero 6 and their identities. Varian is against it at first, but goes along with his mentor. 
Varian continues flirting with Hiro, gets in with the group as a friend, and begins distracting Hiro and sabotaging Big Hero 6 while working on a plan to steal the last component he needs for his cure - a solution being stored under high security at KreiTech - where Hiro works, partnered with Krei.
It’s Hercules inspired so there’s a bit more to it, but that’s all you need to know for now!
#8 - Phantom Thief Varian! (Title Pending)
Similar to the time travel one, this one KIND of links with the Hercules-inspired one. It’s not necessarily meant to link narratively or thematically, like the two time travel fics, but it has some similarities. 
Namely the fact that Varian came to America after forming a company to research a cure for his terminally ill father. Whether or not Quirin is comatose in this one, I don’t know. 
But it’s hard for a small company to get the influence or money Varian would need for his research. So, he steals valuables and rare compounds and materials to fund his research and keep him going, under the name “der Waschbär”, which Google Translate tells me means “the Raccoon” so I’m rolling with it.
He meets Varian in a business meeting with KreiTech, or one of those fancy business parties or something along those lines. They become infatuated with each other pretty quickly (as adults that are more sexually aware, I always picture these two precocious kids being pretty flirtatious when attracted to someone so they just kind of click pretty quickly). 
It’s basically the story of Varian, the charming phantom thief who worms his way into Hiro’s life, and Hiro, the superhero aiding the cops in his capture. All while being completely oblivious to each other’s identities and flirting/pursuing each other constantly on the side xD I just like phantom thief stories okay?
#9 - POKEMON!!!!!
Yeah, I still want to do something with these pokemon headcanons
I’m still not entirely sure what kind of pokemon thing I’d want to do. Similarly to the other ones centered around my headcanon posts, it would probably be something I write in short bursts or one-shots and such. 
I’m not sure if I want to do something focusing solely on Corona as a region and the Tangled Characters, or continuing the Hiccup/Hiro/Varian that the headcanons focus on. 
#10 - The VTuber AU
Yes, I’m doing this! I’ve fallen neck-deep into the VTuber pit, and I love the idea of a VTuber Varian. I feel like his avatar is probably a combined effort between him and Rapunzel, who would probably be the artist behind his character. He’s probably an independent VTuber, streaming on his own with his own model - either because he was genuinely curious about the boom and wanted to try it, or due to the influence of his friends (whether a bet or something along those lines).
As stated in a previous post, I feel like his vtuber character is super steampunk, and probably raccoon-temed. There are a lot of VTubers that use the animal-ear look after all. His VTubing character is super chaotic, and tends to fly solo when streaming. 
Hiro is a pretty big gamer himself, but never got big into VTubers. He felt it was just a fad attached to regular streamers, and never really got into watching other people play games, so vtubers make it even weirder really. 
He was looking for help getting past a certain point in a hard game, though, and in his search came across Varian(in the fic, his VTuber identity will have a separate name! I just haven’t htought of one yet) streaming the game, and stuck around to see what he did in that part, and wound up staying because he was chaotic and fun to watch. Before long, he realized he was watching clips from previous streams and catching his streams regularly. The others start teasing him about it. 
Meanwhile, Varian, who’s recently joined in with the group after having started SFIT the year or semester after Varian (maybe Year, since Hiro can be watching it while the others graduate and start looking for work, since he doesn’t really have any other friends in SFIT so he just kind of falls into it to pass time)
Still dunno how he figures out Varian is a VTuber, and whether it’s before or after they start planning though. I just rcreated this one it has work to do.
Anyway that’s about it. There’s probably a few smaller ones I put off to the side of my brain for the time being that didn’t get added here. I forget which ones I start planning a lot and I almost never write them down, I just plan them in my brain as I go and the ones that stick are just keepers. Hope you like these though! Curious to see what everyone things and which of the ideas the, like, 20 of you that follow me like. 
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Share a Lair 08 || Share Our Talents
The two of them had been at each other’s necks all day, a little more than usual. On the one hand, Max generally seemed to be playing around with Henry or at the very least, unaware of how much he was bothering him. But, he definitely had to be purposely upsetting him today. Charlotte… didn’t want to get involved. In general, she was a peacemaker, and specifically, she was their peacemaker. But… This was supposed to be a fun weekend!
She had been having a blast with Oyster, who wanted her to try to do his hair like hers. “Your hair isn’t the right texture for this style.”
“Can you do it to Angus?” He wondered. Angus’ afro was 3c, maybe 4a, so close enough to her curl pattern where she might.
“What makes you think that Angus wants this hairstyle, Oyster?” Charlotte asked.
“I’ll take it,” Angus said, laughing. Charlotte then proceeded to make rows of braids on the sides of Angus’ head, pulling up into a fro hawk, as he played videogames.
On the other side of the room, Henry glared at Max and Ray came up with a plan, “Look at that! Look at that!” He said.
“What?” Henry and Jasper wondered.
“Charlotte and the puffy haired kid. They’re hitting it off, right?” He asked. “What if… he asked her out on a date?”
“She’d say no,” Henry said, at the same time Jasper said, “He’d get embarrassed in front of his friends.”
Ray rolled his eyes and said, “You kids no nothing. I’ve gotten rid of a TON of women by just pushing them off on somebody else and I’m sure that I can get Charlotte off of that kid you hate, the same way.”
“Charlotte’s NOTHING like anybody that you’d date,” Henry tried to point out to him.
Meanwhile Jasper said, “You can’t outsmart Charlotte, Dude.”
But Ray was on his way. He flopped down next to the two and made Charlotte mess up her current braid. She scoffed and looked at him. “So… This is cute,” he said and pointed between the two. Angus glanced at him, confused. “You two look… mighty cute together. Anything in common?”
“Max,” Angus said. This was Max’s girlfriend, as far as he could tell.
“Oh, that guy, yeah. I don’t see how either of you are friends with him, if I’m being honest, but you’re JUST friends, right Charlotte?” Ray asked. She laughed nervously while Angus got distracted from the game to look up at her reaction, messing up the same braid again.
“Yeah, yeah, we are,” She said, then told Angus, “Eyes front, Bro. I’m almost done.”Angus returned to the game, but Max had just won the match. He groaned, but this wasn’t Max’s girlfriend? That was… interesting… But, she definitely wouldn’t be interested in him though. She seemed really smart and stuff. He was some artsy dude who embarrassingly had once referred to himself as a living Drake song.
“Well, I think that you would be adorable together,” Ray said.
“You don’t know anything about this guy,” Charlotte told him.
“I know that he’s beautiful. His voice is very soothing. His hair is nice and full. He’s great at video games. He has fashion sense, I think… for your generation, I guess. You like fashion and video games, too.”
“I’m a musician!” Angus said, more to Charlotte than Ray.
“Charlotte LOVES music!” Ray said, giving him a playful punch in the arm. Charlotte squinted her eyes at Ray. What was he up to? “You know, she was in a band once?”
“I was too, with Max,” Angus said. “Now, I have my own. I make tracks, they’re kinda rock, kinda rap, but not like that metal rap stuff from your day. Good, honest rap and good honest rock. It’s a vibe, really.”
“My day?”Ray repeated. “I’m not that old…”
“So, there’s like an age gap between you and your partner?” Angus wondered.
“My partner?”
“He thinks you and Schwoz are together,” Charlotte presumed and clarified.
“WHAT?” Ray said and now, he was done speaking to this guy. He returned to Henry and Jasper and told them, “Not gonna work. Kid’s a complete moron.”
“You sure about that Mr. Schwartz?” Henry asked, laughing. But, they heard Angus ask Charlotte, “So… You’re… really single?”
She laughed and looked at him, “I don’t know how anybody finds the time not to be, to be honest. I’m single by choice. I have no idea why he’s trying to play matchmaker. He’s not good at it. He’s not good at most things…”
Angus got eliminated and sighed. Two losses for him, then. “Well, yeah… I can’t imagine what somebody like you would see in me,” he said.
She furrowed her eyebrows and said, “All done! We oughtta take selfies.”
Max was watching the whole time. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but he felt territorial, nonetheless. Technically, he knew that he probably shouldn’t be. Charlotte was very independent and wasn’t officially his, and even if she was, she was the type to value her freedom and love someone who could trust her to be around anybody else. But, not everybody else knew her like he did. He had paid a lot of attention and learned a lot of information. While Angus might be hitting it off with her or was happening right now, he had no idea that their little whatever was happening right now, he had no idea that their little superficial brief connection was cutting into Charlotte’s lunch time.
Soon, her blood sugar would be low, she’d be cranky and ready to snap at people, then be mad that she had to fix something  to eat/that she had let herself get hangry.
Max left them to their laughter and such and went to fix her a sandwich, some fries, put a few cookies on the plate, and make some tea. He set everything down and went outside to grab some flowers, just to accent the tray. Whenever he got back inside, she was getting up from the couch with her grouchy face on…"Char!“ He called.
She looked up, and he could tell that she was about to brush him off because she needed to get something to eat, so he spoke quickly as he handed her the tray, “Made you lunch. I know that you’re approaching hangry hours.” She stared at the tray for a moment as he announced, “Grilled gouda BLT with arugula and spinach and honey mustard, fries, lemon white chocolate cookies and a chai latte… Your… brunch order, right? Whenever you call The Deli Royale? I just… hacked into their system for the recipe so I could make it for you at home for a fraction of the price… free to you!”
She looked up at him, and he could see in her eyes that he had won. She stepped closer and smiled, picking up a fry. “Wanna share?” she asked.
“Not really hungry, but might grab a few fries.” They sat at the island and chatted while she ate and touched him casually, numerous times. They were sitting close, knees touching and he leaned in to tell her stuff the entire lunch.
“So… Are you on truce with Henry right now?” She asked. “You two sure seemed out for blood earlier.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “He was out for my blood. I basically was just plucking him in the forehead. You know that if I ever actually wanted to come up against Henry, he’d be destroyed.”
“I appreciate you holding back for him,” she said with a little smile.
“I don’t do it for him.”
“You know, you’ve said that before to me, but you never expound. You do it, why? For the sake of being a hero? Because you’re bigger than that or something?” She wondered as she took a sip of her drink.
“I do it for you,” he said, as plainly as one might say ‘hello.’ She choked on her latte and he winced. She laughed at herself by the time she stopped choking and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to catch you off guard,” he said, blushing. “You all set to destroy these guys?” He asked.
“Yep!” She was about to take her dishes away, but he grabbed the tray from her, kissed her on the temple of her head, which she leaned deeper into, and he smiled against her skin and went to put the dishes away. Charlotte slowly slid off of the stool to go back to the others, unable to stop smiling about what had just happened. That was… not platonic, right? That was definitely not her imagination. Max had made her lunch, told her that she mattered and kissed her on the face. Sure, friends did stuff like that, but… This didn’t feel like that.
“Where’d you vanish to?” Oyster wondered when she showed up again.
“I was right there, at the island, having lunch,” she said and pointed to it. Max laughed from the kitchen… which was open to the living room. “Or, are you messing with me, Oyster. Because, I honestly can never tell if you’re actually confused or pulling my chain.”
“I actually have never joked about anything, ever in my life. I’m a very serious person,” he said. Charlotte sat down in between Oyster and Angus as Angus played against Henry. Max came to the couch and Oyster and Charlotte slid over so that he could be in between her and Angus.
Whenever Henry and Max played against each other, they were bickering again. Charlotte laughingly watched them, but the more that they played against each other, the uglier it got. “I mean, maybe I won’t beat you in this game, but I definitely think that there’s something that I have to be able to beat you at.”
“Whenever you think you’ve figured out what that is, let me know and I’ll be happy to prove you wrong,” Max retorted and stuck his tongue out.
“Invoking Best Friend Privilege for Charlotte to tell me Max’s weaknesses!” Henry declared, on the verge of losing the match.
Charlotte’s legs were draped across Max’s lap as she listed off on her fingers, “Well, I know for sure that you can’t defeat him in anything academically especially not math or science related, he’s a former tennis champ, master of pranks (Henry scoffed, but he knew that it was probably true. Max was smart. Smart goes a long way with pranks), his Hero Tracks shows that he’s got more hero credentials than you, he’s whupping you in video games…”
“I asked for weaknesses, not to add insult to injury while he decimates me!” Henry fussed at her.
“SORRY! I’m doing the process of elimination out loud!” She fussed right back. “For instance, we know that he can cook AND ALSO bake, he plays guitar, is good with animals and babies… OH! Can you draw?” She wondered. “Henry is pretty artistic. Remember that time you carved that pumpkin to look like Ray?” She asked Henry, excitedly hoping that she was helping, because Max had just beat Henry and Henry had fallen back onto the couch in exhausted defeat.
“I can draw. Remind me to show you some of my gadget designs and portraits,” Max said, coolly, then asked Henry, “Can I get you some ice, Hen?” He smiled as Henry slammed the controller into Schwoz’s hands.
“He’s not good at writing,” Oyster said. “Remember those songs you used to try to write?”
Max narrowed his eyes at him, but just as well, because Charlotte shook her head and said, “Henry sucks at writing. Jasper’s the writer of our group.”
Max’s head turned quickly towards her and he pointed a pinky at Jasper and asked, “That Jasper?”
“He’s the only one I know,” she said, defensively. Jasper lowkey worshiped Max. There was no need for him to start being ugly to him. “He could’ve helped you write a song, Mr. Extra Toe.” Max chuckled and handed off his controller to Wolfgang. Charlotte tilted her head, trying to think. “Oh! He’s good with flowers!” She cheered, excitedly.
“Once brought a plant back from the dead,” Max bragged.
“It became a room sized monster,” Nora reminded him.
“So, I made it EXTRA alive!” Max said. His sister rolled her eyes.
“I need to know that story,” Charlotte said. Max moved his mouth to begin, but she cut him off. “Not now, though. Jasper… I’m invoking Best Friend Privilege for you to remind me of Henry’s strengths as his best friend and soulmate.”
Henry frowned. He couldn’t BELIEVE that it was this hard for Charlotte to tell him something that he could be better than Max at. But, Jasper was READY to be tagged in. He yelled, “Dance Battle!”
Henry’s ears perked up, but when Max smirked, his shoulders sank. “Are you a dance champion too?”
“I mean… not a champion, but if you’ve seen me fight, you should know that I’m very fluid and agile… also I’ve danced for many years.”
“Didn’t you have a dance battle at a school dance one time?” Nora asked.
“Sure did. Dude got served. Then, I swerved on the girl that I battled for.”
Charlotte sat up more erect and asked, “It was for a girl?”
“Mostly for my pride. After she chose me, I realized it was really pitiful that I was willing to put all those moves into getting her to like me.” She nodded, but she looked bothered. “You… okay?” He asked.
“Sure.” She laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Then, after Jasper yelling out random things, Charlotte finally said, “Brotherhood!” Max furrowed his eyebrows. “No offense, but whenever we met you, you sold your sister out and while that may have changed by now, your siblings are here way less than Piper is and Henry NEVER would have done anything to ever hurt, harm or shame Piper, all the years of her life, so… I’ll say that. And, it’s gonna have to be enough for Hen, because I have racked my brain.”
“Max has DEFINITELY done a lot of crappy things as a brother,” Nora said, nodding her head. She and Billy began to list off some stuff while Henry gave Charlotte a high five.
Max smiled and said, “Well, at least there’s that, Henry Hart.” Then, he began a slow applause that made Henry feel less excited about the small victory.
Charlotte placed a hand on Max’s and stopped him, giving him a look and mouthed the words, “For me?” Her eyes did the questioning. Would he stop bothering Henry right now , for her? He immediately stopped taunting Henry and intertwined his fingers with Charlotte’s.
“Anything,” he whispered.
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