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dvrtrblhr · 1 year ago
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(22) family picture
i was feeling uninspired yesterday so i decided to 'finish' this today. still not feeling my best (after 22 days, i think it's to be expected)
request was henry and olivia together. i added a baby inigo because i thought it would look cute :p
i tried to think of what kind of clothes they would wear later on in life i guess!
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feaincorrectquotes · 2 months ago
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Hand collection
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tinypaperstar · 2 years ago
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Henry & Olivia won the poll so here they are <3
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djtitus921 · 1 year ago
Inigo tests out his new pickup lines
This video was inspired by @captainschmoe
Give him some love ^^^
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sillyruna · 1 year ago
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Does anyone even do shipping charts anymore?
Meh, whatever
List under cut but no explanations bc uhhhhhhhhhh idc
OTP: m!robin x chrom, inigo x gerome
QPPs: henry/miriel/anna/olivia
Love: henry x olivia, virion x libra, maribelle x lissa, chrom x gaius, cherche x lon'qu, kellam x panne
Like: morgan x nah, laurent x lucina, inigo x owain, sully x stahl, cordelia x sumia, basilio x flavia, olivia x gaius, f!robin x chrom
BROTP: frederick & chrom, awakening trio (inigo, severa, and owain), donnel & ricken, chrom & vaike
Tolerate: sully x virion
Didnt put any in dislike or hate not bc i dont dislike any but just bc i dont rlly feel like dealing with likers of the ships getting mad at me
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otomess · 10 months ago
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almoststedytimetravel · 2 years ago
Doing colour coded thumbnail sketches made me realise, The Henry/Olivia family is the colour of the Bisexual flag.
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somekindaangel · 11 months ago
Henry is Inigo’s canon father because he’s the only one who kills himself if he doesn’t get any pussy
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eway · 2 years ago
Thanks to @margarine-cat cat for this commission!
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writingtoomuchtrash · 2 years ago
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year ago
hey remember when dancer inigo was released in feh and hes a tome unit. he wields magic. he wields wind magic. they couldve made him a dagger unit but no its the first time he wields magic as a default. then on halloween on the same year halloween henry came out and he also wields wind magic. do you see where im going with this. do you see how happy i am.
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 8 months ago
Henlivia this, Henlissa that. Consider: Olihenlissa. Lissa helping Olivia be more confident, Olivia helping her get more comfortable with her tomboyishness, Henry having two morality compasses and being a good dad. This also means that whenever Inigo asks Owain why he's like this, Owain drops his character for a minute to go, "You should know why we have the SAME DAD!" They're half brothers and super annoying about it.
(Gee, Inigo and Owain, how come you guys get TWO moms.)
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feaincorrectquotes · 4 months ago
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flowersandfalchions · 8 months ago
(Yeah I know you haven't posted since 2017 but here's a idea)
This relies on Henry being Inigo's father. Since he grew up around someone who is basically an animal whisperer (able to communicate with Wolves, Ravens, and the like) Inigo also has a connection to them.
And thus when he and Lucina get together, she finds herself in the forest feeding wolves with Inigo. It's a bit odd at first, but still.
I dunno, I just love Lucigo, and I love Henlivia, and this combines both.
Also Chrom freaking out when he finds out Mr. Loves Killing is his brother in law
Welcome to the resurrection of Lucigo, folks
Inigo becoming a Disney princess who talks to animals + Lucina being an actual princess
also vote on your phones: who is Chrom more uncomfortable having being added to the family? Henry or Inigo? 🤔
-Mod Tonic (same mod, new name :p)
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djtitus921 · 1 year ago
Who is the prettiest woman in Ylisse?
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felikatze · 1 year ago
Plusquam Chapter 7 director's commentary because i adore being a blabbermouth
hi hi hello. i am going to talk about my fic and nobody can stop me but i don't want to turn the ao3 author's notes into their own 30k novel so yelling on tumblr it is!!
if you are interested in SOME of the machenations of my enigmatic mind, feel free to read. If not. Well i don't care really it's your life. I'm writing this for MY enjoyment.
First of!! I dunno if I talked about them before!! (I have the memory of a goldfish). The silly codenames!!
As I may or may not have mentioned before, the inspiration for this came from the Project Thabes mod for Awakening. In the ferox duel, the mod replaces the generics with inigo, severa, owain, and gerome. The awakening trio get their fates names (a coward's move, but one i understand), but gerome is named michalis, which i just enjoy soooo much???
so when i initially planned out for all the future kids to band together with lucina, i decided they all had to have codenames! otherwise there's really no point in lucina having one....
merric for laurent was the biggest no brainer of all of them, with caeda for severa being a close second. feel free to interpret why. gerome was obviously taken from the thabes mod, and the rest were... a challenge... to come up with!
owain actually gave me a lot of trouble. what WOULD he name himself? i've not finished shadow dragon myself (I only played the prologue so far... haha...), and most i know of the cast comes from mitosis. and scarf's new mystery lunatic reverse run on youtube. and it was that run that reminded me. that kris's confect is an item in the game. meaning that awakening era people know kris exists. except wasn't kris' deal that they like. did not want to be noted down in history.
hence kris being a "heavily debated historical subject". which of COURSE owain would name himself after an unsung but vitally important hero of the shadows.
others i may discuss as they come up? eh, we'll see. not every future kid is gonna be important (god knows that's way too many characters for me to handle), but they will be There. main focus of course being the fp3 squad, with the addition of two others. it is very obvious who it will be, i think.
next up, pairings!
most pairings werent set, outside the ones that are my obvious favorites (panne/lonqu, henlivia, chrobin (duh)). others were up in the air and just happened as i wrote. as i thought about gerome in this, and chatted about the subject with friends, frederick/cherche came to be for this fic! (and for the shrek au, oddly enough. it may have just been on my mind, and i thought chrom missing freddie's wedding was funny.)
it suited my purposes best if gerome had a stronger emotional tie to the blueberry siblings, and a knightly duty to protect them served just that. hence the dialogue of lucina being his liege. he's so utterly disinterested in getting to know the people of the past that i needed that extra bit to keep him coherent. he won't get close to anyone, but he'll do anything to support lucina's aims as though they were his own.
which brings me to the next subject, lucina's PoV! This is the first perspective switch in all of plusquam (not just because I couldn't meet my 4k benchmark with morgan alone this time). Since Morgan and Lucina act separately and won't encounter often, I needed the extra time to establish her character here. To me, there's a clear dissonance between how Morgan views her and how Lucina is. Both of them are unreliable narrators to varying degrees, yet how they differ is where the meat is.
Like, for example, Morgan completely rejecting that Lucina is Robin's child as well, and not just Chrom's, because Grima told them Lucina was different. As compared to the actual Lucina still deeply affected by Robin, and even engaging with grimleal theology on an even field because of him and the other plegian influences in her life.
there's also the matter of her narration style. I waffled back and forth on whether to give her second person narration as well, but ultimately decided on third person limited, with a catch - she exclusively refers to everyone, including herself, by their codenames.
in both their perspectives, i want to create separation between their original names and who they act as. With morgan, this succeeds because the viewpoint has no need to mention their name whatsoever, and with lucina, it succeeds because she's the one creating that distance in her own mind. it's fun to play with!
ah, siblings. so different, yet so similar.
as for the pronouns situation on lucina's pov. well. schrödinger's transgender.
minor thing. i hate adapting canon scenes close to script, hence me just freestyling when lucina and co meet chrom and squad. there's also just... no future portal risen roaming about, which would've made the point moot anyway. that's a very interesting consequence to play with.
having an endless army of generic undead is lame. having to draw on the actual dead of the immediate area - now we're getting spicy!
despite everything, i have grown attached to the risen wyvern and its chittering ways, but it sadly has to go. there's a reason morgan never named it. farewell my sweet prince. aurgh. i mean. this thing has been with morgan through the entire past so far. and it just fell apart more and more over time. crashing into a wall and breaking its neck, having half its throat torn out - poor thing. good thing it can't feel pain anymore.
that is, i think, all i wanted to blabber about? if you're a reader of plusquam, hi, i love you, i hope you have a great day, you may summon me for one turn of battle without expending an action and i will appear as a shimmering blue specter to protect you from harm.
that's all!! see you next time!! as usual, if anyone has questions of their own, or wants to yell at me for hurting their feelings, shoot me an ask, a comment, or anything at all! see ya!! ily!!
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