#hence; the official arts where he wears them..
linktotheheart · 6 months
One of my personal favorite legend of zelda headcanons is that Lynels were either not always bestial monsters who would attack on sight (or can evolve to be an intelligent social race after being freed from Ganon's influence, but I like the deep lore of them having been corrupted by Ganon and being able to return to their previous state once he is gone).
They're already clearly very intelligent. They're the only enemy that can figure out you're not a Lynel when you're wearing the Lynel mask just by looking at you. They're able to fire an arrow up into the air and hit you even if you're standing behind an object that obscures you. They switch from ranged to melee weapons based on how far you are from them. It shows they have some reasoning abilities and even understanding of physics beyond a very base instinctual level.
I like to imagine that Lynels would still be largely solitary creatures in their uncorrupted state, sometimes moving about in small groups based in either family units or teams united for a common purpose. But maybe they did at one point in the very distant past have a homeland where they could congregate, perhaps outside Hyrule which is why it's unknown in the present.
I think they'd actually be very academic, and would travel a lot to study and document in their chosen field, hence the largely nomadic lifestyle. The combination of hardy hooves and dextrous hands would help them easily traverse places that would be impassible for normal hooved creatures and footed creatures alike. They are capable of feats of both great strength and delicate dexterity, and once produced great works of art.
Given the way they seek out very high, isolated places, astronomy may have been a common chosen field of study.
Their fall was concurrent with the beginning of the imprisoning war, which was the first time they were recorded appearing in Hyrule in official histories. They had previously traveled into the wilds of Hyrule, but any accounts made by people of the time were lost to the ages, and the accounts from the war only survived due to the fact that so many Lynels appeared together that they were witnessed by many people.
I like the idea of, after the events of ToTK, the Lynels regaining their full intelligence and appearing to speak to Zelda. Link immediately moves to attack but everyone is startled when the Lynel speaks. Zelda orders Link to stand down and gives him the chance to explain, and he does so and offers allyship of his people, who mean to reestablish a society outside of Hyrule. Zelda offers aid and they accept, and though all the races of Hyrule are extremely nervous about them, they start to interact and work together.
Also, in any story where a version of Ganondorf is saved, is able to return and be reformed, etc, the Lynels at first regard him as a mortal enemy for what he did to their people, and only eventually tolerate him if he proves he has changed (or, alternatively was corrupted by a being/force like Demise himself, in which case many Lynels actually turn around and accept him and mourn over what was done to all of them together).
I have so many fanfic ideas now, tbh.
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noa-ciharu · 5 months
PLLLLLEASE *down on my hands and knes* PLEEASSE SHARE ANY NIKOLAI HEADCANNONS please brother I know you got some in you COME ON YOU GOTTAVE HEARD SOME MAN PLEASSE *sobbing*
Ohhh I do have quite a few. Since I regularly write smut I have a lot nsfw ones but I'll keep them sfw here. Here are some of them:
- he's strong af. I mean, that's sort of canon already with that one official art where he's holding onto iron bar and supporting entire body weight
- similarly, even if ability is innate, he didn't get good at utilizing it overnight. Therefore Nikolai had lots of trials and errors when younger; thus I hc he has lots of scars and tiny cuts over body
- scar over eyes symbolizes 'punishment' for 'having eyes open'. "Bird born inside the cage dies happily in it for it never knew it was imprisoned" - awareness of limitations of his mind (human emotions, instinct, conscience, ability to feel pain, to wish etc.) hurts him, but he'd rather be aware than close eyes to the truth ("over happiness I chose freedom of my soul"); also why he wears eyepatch over eye without a scar. Thus I believe Nikolai either gave himself that scar or somehow received it while 'fighting for freedom of his soul'
- before becoming part of doa and heading to Yokohama Nikolai rarely settled in one place for too long. He's always on a road, on search for something that'll bring him freedom; or on a run from himself, if you will. As result he has a knack for learning languages fast
- is a type of person that can blabber day and night without actually revealing anything about himself
- was an outcast as a child, perhaps even shunned by peers, thus that's where masking and theatricality took root. From there on he became more and more of a performer to the point where others were unable to tell what's real and what not about Nikolai - that way rejection wouldn't even hurt since it's not 'him' being rejected, but mask he's presenting
- is actually highly intelligent, hence can't stop pondering over philosophical topics. That's already sort of canon, but I believe he 'cant turn philosophizing and seeing things pass the surface off', therefore sees world through different lenses from other people. That additionally separates him from world around him
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ikoarts · 5 months
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December 2023 Art
final post for 2023 art! and... i guess probably the last one of these masterposts? it'll be nice to start fresh and post as i usually would, so, thank u if u have been sticking around and liking + reblogging and all that, i appreciate it! bit dramatic its like im moving to another country or something... but rly like it hasn't gone unnoticed, ty for sticking around :)
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 02/12/2023 : liked the idea of Heidi with a buzzcut, i think it really suits her, a radical change from her usual hairstyle, but a cool one... i love having futch OCs
2 - 04/12/2023 : chike chike chike.. frogot why i drew him think i was thinking of him doing cat things and it was gonna be a lot more than 2 drawings but i gived up x ,, but this is the most up 2 date drawing of his current design aside from like. the one colour wheel wip. so ur getting crumbs for him im sorry chike fans (1 person)
3-6 - 05/12/2023 : firstly, saw sum official art of Peach on twitter and wanted to redraw it, i loveee her eyes.. slay.. secondly, DIESEL REDESIGN YAY1!! it is now up to date. yippie. i decided he should be fat, very big brain of me.. i didnt Hate his old design but it was kinda giving kokichi danganronpa and like thats not him LOL.. but anyway i luv this drawing
thirdly, a Robin, was testing out the redesign a lil, think i was listening to his playlist again hence the comeback kid lyrics.. aaand fourthly (is that a word) another Diesel, a bit of a model series expression redraw, u kno the one where hes like >:D i enjoyed drawing his coat.. oo duende..
7 - 08/12/2023 : okay guys lets take a silly one now!!! erm anyway. was thinking about nina and the neurons, as you do, thought it would be funny to draw nina activating her neurons, like that 1 pic of the guy levitating pizza.... she served so hard with her claires accessories rave ball earrings and fluffy bobbles tho lets be real.. was very disappointed to learn shes not a real scientist
8 - 12/12/2023 : twas in the middle of finalising a design for my human Sonny, so heres some lil phone doodles where i was figuring out his hair and hat, i ended up going with the right hand side, thought it would be worth posting them
9 - 16/12/2023 : first sort of draft of his design being put to use, not my faaave drawing but it was nice to finally get him drawn, it was an absolute ballache trying to get his design perfect, the art block was Strong that week.. anyway, i did end up changing some things, just tweaks mostly, and i scrapped the hoodie, i wanted him to have a bigass varsity jacket collar to hide behind, so i opted for him wearing a plain t-shirt underneath instead, eventually
10 - 20/12/2023 : Buttercup and his scary ass big blue freak eyes, based on a tweet i saw, the OP went private eye fink but the og tweet said like "i don't have rizz, i have unsettlingly large blue eyes that are haunted by visions", and thats just Buttercup.. so heres him, having a jolly good stare
11 - 22/12/2023 : that chooshada drawing again, just recoloured with NER apple green livery :) i think she looks super cute with it, it's not entirely accurate in terms of lining coz i was referencing pics of her basis which are like 10p black and white taken on a potato kinda deal
12 - 28/12/2023 : silly little throwaway idea of a toni hair revamp, im not sure i would redesign it but, the idea is there... so who knows x
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toaarcan · 1 year
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I’ve generally lost my ability to actually draw Sonic character proportions since I learned how to draw more humanoid proportions but I actually don’t dislike how this one came out.
So hey, Miles in a Super form.
The basics of this design are like a decade old at this point, me and a friend settled on the grey fur and purple eyes way back in the day. At the time we were writing him rather differently, depicting him as a very morose and bleak character in comparison to Tails’ optimism (though the story where we first used the design involved Tails having a Pretty Bad Day and he spent half of it in a Dark Super Form). That was where we got the idea to use grey as his primary colour, a very muted tone in comparison to the vibrant golds, pinks, and purples that other transformations have used. Even the actual process of transforming was described as being very low-key, with the colour just draining from his body and his aura just fading into view.
I don’t characterise Miles that way anymore, I now depict him as very bombastic and quite a showoff, but the grey fur remains. Because frankly it looks good, IMO.
Originally, the form didn’t change his attire at all, but I later decided to have his coat and boots turn white, to feed into the whole idea of him being a “Light is Not Good” character. The cape, however, isn’t a product of the transformation. He actually wears that all the time, primarily as a deception. It means that people can’t tell whether he’s in his base form or his Turbo form (here envisioned as a stepping-stone between base form and this one).
The purple eyes and aura are pure creative license on my part. I recognise that, officially, “Anarchy Beryl” is just Scourge using a thesaurus to rename what are otherwise completely mundane Chaos Emeralds, and that the energy of them is probably negligibly different from Chaos, but I’ve always preferred to think of Anarchy as being distinctly different. The antimatter to Chaos’ matter.
And so, I will always depict Anarchy Beryl as purple, and their energy the same colour. Hence, the eyes and aura.
As for the blade around his arm, well, I noticed that a lot of Chaos-capable characters have their own unique skills. Shadow most famously has Chaos Spear, but Sonic and Knuckles have their own versions too: Sonic Wind and Thunder Arrow.
My initial thought was to simply give Miles a dark inversion of Tails’ one... but Tails was never given one. So I just went and made one up myself. And, being me, I made it a sword. He can create them around his arm, in his palm, or even just from the vague vicinity of his body. They can be hurled as is normal, but also wielded like, well, a sword, and he has precise control over their flight paths. Also they can explode.
The attack hasn’t got a finalised name yet, as I generally view him as being adept enough in his power use that he doesn’t need to call out his attacks, but I’m currently referring to it as Sword of Ruin.
The primary gap between Tails’ and Miles’ characterisations these days is their focus. Tails focuses his genius in the fields of science and technology, and often seems to almost neglect his powers. I view him as someone who never wanted the Chosen One status and the Great Harmony and everything that came with it. If he wants recognition (and really, he doesn’t), he wants it to be for his academic achievements, not for his being a rare genetic anomaly with superpowers. Really, he just hopes that the war with Eggman won’t be forever, and in a peaceful world, he’ll be able to help more people with science than he could with his powers.
Miles is the opposite. While he’s perfectly capable of working with machines, he has little active interest in doing so. Instead, he focuses his study and considerable brainpower on his powers and the arcane arts. He relishes power and craves respect and recognition, and styling himself as a living demigod, looming over battlefields and raining down radiant swords on people, is a clear path to that.
Miles knows of the Great Harmony, and desires to perform it himself. But whereas his counterpart ‘foolishly’ cast all the Chaos Emeralds of the Prime Zone into the Zone of Silence, Miles doesn’t intend to squander such power. Instead he wishes to keep the power, and wield it himself.
Oh, also, he’s taller. Like a lot taller. Why? Well, partially because that’s how I draw things. But also because he actually did grow up, very quickly.
In the aftermath of ‘King’ Scourge’s defeat, and subsequent incarceration in the No-Zone, Miles finally had the freedom to start putting his plans into motion. Content to let Alicia have her throne, as long as she recognised where power really rested, he left the resurgent Acorn Kingdom and began to travel across Moebius, meeting with his world’s counterparts to the most powerful mages in the universe. Anti-versions of Mammoth Mogul, the Order of Ixis, Regina Ferrum, Dr. Finitevus, Athair, and his own uncle, Myrrdin Prower, were all convinced, one way or another, to tutor Miles in their arts.
Unwilling to leave his anarchic world to its own devices for long, and fully expecting Scourge to return in time, Miles made heavy use of a Time Stone to accelerate time for himself, enabling him to study and learn the finer points of each arcane system at a much quicker pace. While the outside world passed time in months, Miles spent years within his time dilation field. From his perspective, he’s actually just grown up at the natural rate.
Whenever he ran out of things to learn, he would kill his mentor and move on.
Of course, eventually, Scourge did return, sprung from the No-Zone thanks to Fiona’s trained devotion and the warden’s blithering incompetence. He would arrive on Moebius, loudly confident that he could easily handle anything his former comrades could throw at him, but found that he was in for far more than he bargained for.
After all, this time it was Miles that held the Beryl-stocked throne.
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purity-town · 2 years
I have officially submitted all of my final projects! Just one more exam tomorrow and then I’m free for winter break! I’ll resume comic posting next Sunday now that I’ll finally be able to chill and draw again, but in the meantime, here are all of the ask replies I’ve been neglecting! Got the inbox cleared out again :)
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In theory, only that specific color of tan-brown narration rectangles are from Andrew, but so far, he’s been the only one giving narration. So, in short- yes, all of the narration panels come from Andrew!
And for your second question, that will be discussed more in-depth in coming chapters!
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AH!! Chewing!!!
(But I’m glad you’re enjoying my stuff! I have so much fun with these characters, and I love seeing other folks’ Terraria drawings too.)
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Kinda? Terraria has the ability to resurrect people. It’s not an entirely pleasant process, and takes longer depending on one’s age and power, but she can do it -- the whole reason why the Dryads died out was because of how much Cthulhu/Moonlord had drained her power, to the point where she couldn’t resurrect any of them, let alone create more. Hence why a few decades past the end of the war, as she regained some strength, she created the first Guides and the Guardian of the Underworld!
(Using things like intent/strength very loosely here, as it’s hard to pin such terms to a god who’s so nebulous and a part of the world rather than something you can speak to, but they’re the best descriptors!)
It is rare for someone to “respawn,” since it has to be Terraria’s will that they do so. You can’t just jump off a cliff and wake up seconds later in bed, unharmed. But it can happen, and will be discussed in a later chapter, as Andrew himself has died before.
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Thanks for reading!! And hahaha, a big reason why I chose mage for Chris was because of how fun it is to draw magic!
Really, though, I feel like I’ve learned and improved a lot over the past two years of working on this comic, so I’m glad that you enjoy the art!
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Yep! I’ve doodled him wearing a skirt a couple times before, but it’s never come up in the main comic before this chapter.
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Word gets around! The comic takes place in a pretty isolated region; it’s quite far out from the more settled areas and only has a few significant villages scattered throughout the various biomes in the area. So with such a low population, just about any news at all gets around quick, because everyone knows each other.
As far as that news spreading outside of that region goes, word might get out as rumor by traders or the like, but Andrew would probably be the main source of spreading that news, due to him being a Guide who’s trusted and reliable.
And “have there been people who have tried to fight it in the past and lost?” In a general sense, I’m sure there have been, but it won’t be a subject of focus in the comic. Most people who take on any sort of “adventuring” role either go into it for the money/magic items they find left by those who inhabited regions before them before such crafts were lost, or fall into a local hero role who handles things like Blood Moons. And even then, that’s mostly restricted to areas that are still mostly untamed and have ruins and similar, like the area around Purity Town; places like where Chris grew up have long-since been reclaimed for civilization.
The Eye is such an ancient, inherent part of the world that it’s hardly even thought of as a “thing” you can target. What Chris did is...kind of crazy, and a show of raw, unfocused power. But Andrew is specifically drawing him down this path, trying to help Chris reign in his abilities over time and grow.
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He’s had that hair tie since his very first appearance! As for where it came from…Chris is the sort to very rarely buy things for himself over others, but is from an area on the sea that often saw trader ships come through, so it was probably either a small gift from someone else or a special treat for himself. And hey, a pretty-colored hair tie that can keep hair like Chris’ in check (mostly) and doesn’t break or stretch out is a fantastical thing!
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The actual explanation for why they haven’t shown up yet is that I either don’t have a good design for them or don’t have the time/energy to add them -- a lot of stuff gets cut, and NPCs that I wanted to sneak into backgrounds while characters are in-town don’t make it in. The tavernkeep falls into the first category (I just don’t have a design for him), while the merchant falls into the second one.
I definitely want to add more of the other NPCs into the story! It’s just difficult to do so, sometimes.
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It wasn’t a part of the original script, but I’ve had a bunch of ideas for it, and so I was thinking of sneaking in a little chapter 6.5 aether interlude! Either that or bundling it up into the start of chapter 7, depending on how chapter lengths work out. It won’t be a huge thing, but I do want to include it!
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It’s hard to measure the time it takes, honestly. I find it very difficult to sit and work on Purity Town for longer stints without getting distracted; I’m often either understimulated or overstimulated and either one destroys my ability to focus and draw. With all of my schoolwork I tend to be very tired by the end of the week and want to just chill, which doesn’t help much. This isn’t a complaint, to be clear! I love working on Purity Town. It’s just difficult to do sometimes, and that makes things take a lot longer than they “should.”
I tend to have Saturdays be my “off” days, where most other days I have chores and school and homework, and so all of my drawing really takes place on Saturdays, and I do use most of the day to do it. But again, because I can’t stay focused on drawing for long and get distracted by other things easily, it’s hard to measure anything for certain.
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All of his theories are founded at least to some extent in reality! Malik and Andrew have some history and have known each other long enough for Malik to pick up on those sorts of things; he’s quite perceptive.
None of them are explicitly correct, but he’s not entirely off!
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Thank you for these kind messages!!! I really love getting to share all my Terraria ideas and it makes me super happy that other folks enjoy my comic too. I don’t have much more of a coherent reply, but this makes me really happy to see!
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Thanks for reading!! I’m glad you’re liking it so far!
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
WELL now I have an excuse to talk about it.
My url is a reference to the novel The Master And Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov written between 1928 and 1940. Bulgakov was Ukrainian (if anyone calls him "one of the greatest Russian writers" I will be UPSET) but obviously then it was the Soviet Union and well. Things were very very censored.
Wikipedia describes it as "The story concerns a visit by the devil to the officially athiestic Soviet Union. The Master and Margarita combines supernatural elements with satirical dark comedy and Christian philosophy, defying categorization within a single genre. Many critics consider it to be one of the best novels of the 20th century, as well as the foremost of Soviet satires."
So yeah basically the Devil, Woland, and his crew including a talking cat who plays chess and owns a gun and who is veeeery witty and sarcastic named Behemoth, a vampire demon succubus lady called Hella, a guy who wears checkered suits and it's implied he used to be an angelic choir conductor (he's the least violent one) called Koroviev (fun fact sometimes they call him faggot lol, фагот means bassoon in some slavic languages), an assassin with fangs called Azazello and yeah that's it I think, visit Moscow. In the first scene an editor and a poet are discussing how Jesus wasn't real, and Woland sits down beside them and basically says "no, he is. I've met him."
The novel switches between the stories of Woland and co, Ivan (the aforementioned poet, but only for the first half of the book. Sad. I like him 🙁), and some biblical chapters mostly from the point of view of Pontias Pilate. Another plotline that comes in about halfway through is about the Master and Margarita themselves (woo title characters!)
Basically, it's never really revealed who exactly the Master is. But a lot of people think he's some reflection of the author Bulakov himself. Idk I think there is definitely some truth to that. Especially when you're told about how the Master wrote books but burned his manuscripts (hence the line "Manuscripts don't burn). How does this tie in? Ok now for history:
Obviously, everything was horrifically censored in the Soviet Union. He started writing the novel, then was terrified that it would be found and he would be killed, the novel destroyed. So, he burned the manuscripts in 1930. He kept repeatedly writing manuscripts, I'm not sure how many but like.. a LOT. And the plot was pretty different in some of them. Actually, in one, margarita didn't even exist. A veeeery censored version was published in the Moskva journal in 1966 after he died (he died in 1940), and then basically it became this whole underground thing. A manuscript was smuggled to Paris where it was first published, the Moskva version was smuggled to Estonia, translated to Estonian, and published there, and for decades it was the only version that existed in the Soviet Union. Mick Jagger wrote Sympathy For The Devil about it after he was smuggled a copy.
It's quite literally the most colourful peice of art ever. It's wild, satirical, colourful, loud, so full of culture and it is, literally, life changing. It's my dad's favourite book and it is in my BLOOD to reccomend it to everyone. Thank youuuu for listening to my nonsense ♥️
i thoroughly enjoyed reading the entirety of this <333
THIS IS SO COOL I DIDNT THINK IT WENT THAT DEEP i have literally never heard of this before in my life Koroviev Is So Me (фагот) I WANNA REAS THIS NOW ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ THAT SOUNDS SO SO INTERESTING AND RIGHT UP MY ALLEY AND mick jagger jumpscare
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swirlwalker · 9 months
By far the hardest Sonic Channel Calander poll to ever choose
Since Sonic, Rouge and Infinite are all good choices when thinking about the fighting scenarios between them and Knuckles. But sadly can only choose one hence many many thinking, possibilities and questions as to who would get the spot for next month: -Sonic hasn't appear in this year Sonic Channel Calander Art hence would make sense to have his standoff against his very first rival. Plus would be nice to see what kind of costume he would wear, I would imagine something sporty like Muay Thai or Taekwondo (especially Muay Thai cos of the bandages around the wrists and legs, boxers, and the Mongkhon aka the headwear. **totally not biased as a thai here kdfhkj** ) -Would imagine Rouge in a stylish costume about to commit a heist at the museum in the middle of the night and Knuckles as a night guard has to catch her whilst she holds the stolen item. But for real would be nice to see the interaction between her and Knuckles in the official art!
-INFINITE THIS DUDE. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Can only imagine Knuckles as Sir Gaiwan and Infinite as the upcoming Warlock for SFSB. But if they need of a new costume all together then, perhaps a new look for Sir Gaiwan, kinda like Dragon Slayer Lancelot i guess? For now though I am very curious and anticipated to see where this is going for next month
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
Commentary ~ Little Red Little Green Episode 18, “Fruits & Found Family”
Link to original post in Chinese, posted 2021/05/23. Link to official English translation.
(Disclaimer / Notes + Commentary under the cut!) (TW: possible eating disorder)
Disclaimer / Notes:
While the posts by Little Red Little Green (LRLG) are among my most favourite candies, I’d like to remind everyone that they are fake rumours, and should be read and enjoyed as such. ie, all CPN below!
The English translation linked above is the only one authorised by the Fake Rumour House; therefore, please treat all content below as a very casual, very *unofficial* convo between fellow turtle friends! ❤️💛💚
With Chinese being a highly region-specific language, my reactions to it is necessarily filtered through my background, which is, admittedly, somewhat removed from Gg’s, Dd’s and LRLG’s. However, it is not uncommon for even c-turtles (and several times, LRLG themselves) to be lost with what they read / heard due to regional differences ~ which reflects the reality of communicating in the Sinosphere. In fact, the regionality of the dialects used by different “characters” in LRLG’s dialogues is among the most critical elements that make these posts so authentic-sounding, and so difficult to replicate. A fun activity of following LRLG is to watch c-turtles patch their regional knowledge together, from local slangs to food choices, to make sense of what’s going on. 
Okay, with that all said *phew* ... onto the commentary! “p. X” refers to the panel number in the official English translation (there are 7 total in the Twitter post). 
p1. “Fairy”
Likely referring to the similarity between Gg’s current role for 玉骨遥 (The Longest Promise) and LWJ. Dd was praising Gg for being “fairy-like”; Chinese “fairies” (仙) have a certain style especially in visual media, similar to ... LWJ’s ~ otherworldly, white robes that billow in the wind, peaceful to the point of distant, scholarly, delicate. In between the lines, Gg likely said he was simply playing LWJ (hence, the ”act another me” in the translation), which Dd protested... and said Gg was simply playing himself. Whether that means DD IS NOT LWJ!!!!! 😡😡😡 or something else, we’ll know what we get to watch the show!
p1-p2. “Heat”
Yes about the Chang’e 嫦娥 reference!! Despite Houyi 后羿 shooting down 9/10 suns and saving the day, his wife is, indeed, more famous (and therefore the star, the more powerful one), because she’s frequently featured in Mid-Autumn festival art, along with her pet rabbit 玉兔 (”Jade Rabbit”),:
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(Chang’e with her bunny, traditional Chinese painting. Source.)
Below is Gg’s rendition of Chang’e / Jade Bunny pair ~ Chang’e being the superman in the drawing while Jade Bunny is crouching on the planet!! 
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Guess of the missing convo from Gg’s side: Gg had wanted to bring something to Hengdian (where the filming of The Longest Promise was taking place) to cool himself down, and Dd had said it wasn’t necessarily. Hence Dd’s “My bad my bad” and the promise to send that something to Gg.
The loveliest line in this segment for me—and for many c-turtles— is the one about white hair. Turning grey a common, but very old-fashioned way of expressing worry and poor Dd, who hasn’t even turned 24, is claiming he was turning white because he got so worried every time Gg complained about the heat (Aww). 
Turning grey with worry isn’t limited to romantic situations — it may happen to doting parents with wayward children, for example, or to ancient patriots over their crumbling kingdom. However, it’s also one of the more (very!) dramatic ways to communicate tragic love in Chinese fiction before Western influence allows “love”, as a term / word / character, to be used explicitly in writing romance. 
Here’s a little example, a little diversion that may be of interest. Those who are familiar with the Wuxia classic Return of the Condor Heroes 神雕俠侶 by Jin Yong 金庸, whether it’s the book or its numerous visual adaptations, may remember how the hero, Yang Guo 楊過, went white at his temples overnight after his Shifu and lover, Xiao Long Nv (小龍女), didn’t show up at the cliff at the end of his 16-year wait for her.  
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Set photo from a TV adaption of Return of the Condor Heroes, 1995. Turtles may find the actress playing the perenially white-wearing, calm-to-the point-of-aloof Xiao Long Nv, Carmen Li 李若彤, familiar ~ she also played Lan Yi in The Untamed. 
The 16-year wait, the invitation to Carmen to play Lan Zhan’s ancestor (when the two shared similarities in aesthetics and personality), were two of the three references from Return of the Condor Heroes I picked up from The Untamed (the last one was more specific—WWX mentioned Yang Guo’s master 獨孤求敗). This tribute is unconfirmed, but MXTX did say before that Jin Yong’s works were her inspiration. I also read a (small) discussion on whether LWJ’s hair carried a few pieces of white in the final episode, or if the lighter strands in it were a trick of the sunlight. (Here’s a screenshot of the approximate place to look!!) 
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While I lean towards the latter (the sunlight), turning white with worry, with love, is a tradition in Chinese storytelling. Here’s a little something I’ve noticed too, on this note ~ both in the actual interviews and in these fake rumours, Dd’s word choices, the way he conveys emotions are sometimes surprisingly traditional. It can be because of his background (which would require a study of how Luo Yang people and Koreans talk); it can be because the traditional way of talking allows for fewer words to be said, fewer things to have to be explicitly explained (example: LWJ), but the effect is that Dd has supplied the most romantic lines in LRLG’s posts because of that ~ romantic because it harks back to the rhythm, the themes of old poetry, of ancient stories that, as were true everywhere in the world, were about love. 
Okay, back to the rumour (and hoping Dd won’t look like Bad Wig Yang Guo in a few more summers!) ....
The line after the one about white hair ... the way I understand the original Chinese sentence is “Heat is The Reason”: ie, anything Dd wants Gg to do and Gg disagrees, Gg would use heat as The Reason (R) to not do it. This anything may be eating, for example, which also has a strong possibility as conventional Chinese wisdom says that heat causes people to lose appetite. Dd’s worry would therefore be: Gg refusing to eat because he claims it’s too hot to do so.
“Corny joke” ~ the Chinese for this is, literally, “cold 冷 joke 笑話”, which becomes a pun as the gzry (team members)’s joke was about the (cold) winter and black hair. So... Dd threw a corny joke to combat a corny joke :D .
p3. “Apple”
The first half I also had to rely on c-turtles to help me interpret what it meant! Regional dialects aside, LRLG has captured dls’s very quick wit, the way his ideas freely hop from one concept to the next and this hopping carries traditional + popular cultural references that I know only a fraction of, not being a local after all. 
I’ve read an additional interpretation of this segment: “big fruit” 大果兒 (as in dls: “Those are all big fruits, all big fruits”) is a Northern Chinese, traditional slang for women—dls might have connected that with the previous line in the convo about being Guowang, as explained in the translation, and “big and juicy” + “touch to feel” being suggestive phrases. Then, given the rare usage of the big fruit = women slang, dls expressed surprise that Dd understood what he meant, went on to say he expected Gg to know it (implying Gg could’ve taught Dd the meaning) ... 
Which led to the entertaining part of this segment. Dd was like “You guys (= Gg + dls) talked?” Dls appeared to have thought of the scenario customarily inviting this question (scenario: someone on the verge of catching their spouse cheating) and began playacting that scenario, started to stammer ... as if he had just been got caught trying to chat up someone’s spouse  ~  ”I-I-I....how to say it ...”. Dd caught on dls’s playacting and went along, continued with the “accusation”: “You’re stammering”. Dls then noted that Dd’s accusation was scary and Dd smiled, ending the playact ~ so, ah, readers, never mess with Dd’s spouse!! Dd gets scary!! 
(BTW: ”nijia na kouzi” 你家那口子 was explained in the translation for a reason ~ It’s a warm, friendly term for a dear friend’s spouse. 😊)
p4. Lychees
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Lychees. Has everyone tried them? It’s important not to over-eat them though...
In which the “Feeding Gg” saga continues! This segment is one of those that are wonderful for fic writers who wish to capture Gg and Dd in words. Gg, like many brought up in traditional families, has trouble saying “no” outright, which is often considered rude. As such, he resorted to delay tactics, something he had also done with the fried noodles in The Makeup Room BTS. 
In the BTS, his delay tactics had been to argue that Dd hadn’t eaten his box of noodles and therefore, he couldn’t start (~2:35 mark)—as proper manners indeed dictated. In this dialogue, his delay tactics was to say he’d eat the lychees later, that the lychees would make him too full for the proper meal (rice). 
A cute thing about this convo is that rather than pouting and grumbling his only being LWJ’s replacement (as he had hilariously done in the BTS), Dd had, apparently over the last three years, become an expert on countering such delay tactics. He peeled the lychees, which not only removed a major obstacle for eating, but also set a timer as peeled lychees get dry quickly (and Gg, despite being a picky eater, didn’t seem to like to waste food). He said the fruit could make appetiser. He got the help of their team members, who assured Gg that two lychees would be all right.
Gg’s response to the assurance... takes a little time to explain. 
The original Chinese line for “Great, great, you’re so awesome” was 絕了絕了你們絕了。 “絕了”, a popular phrase used by Chinese netizens, was repeated three times.
絕, literally, means the extreme, the absolute, the end. 絕了 means pretty much the same ~ a thing that is 絕了 is standing en pointe at the edge of the cliff that is The Absolute End of a spectrum. It is the Ultimate. It can't be surpassed. It’s unbeatable. 
絕了 is usually used in a positive sense, as in the English translation, with the positive being implied. If I say the LWJ photo above is 絕了, for example, I don’t need to specify that the extreme in 絕 stands on the good end. It’s understood given the audience of this post are mostly turtles (HELLO *waves*). We’re all heart-eyes here. We agree, without saying, that this photo is The Top, The Pinnacle; it can’t be better. 絕了 is higher praise than Excellent; it’s so good that there are no adjectives for it. Its own presence defines How Good It Is. 
But 絕了 doesn’t have to be positive. If my audience is Su She ... he’s likely to take the same “This LWJ photo is 絕了” to mean the Mariana Trench kind of Absolute—the bottom of the bottom, the Unbeatable, Adjective-Defying Worst. 
絕了 allows for that understanding too.
In this scenario, I interpret Gg’s 絕了 as taking the meaning of both extremes (which make it a fantastic phrase choice!): that Gg thought Dd and the team members were being both the Absolute Best (for thinking of Gg, caring for him) AND the Absolute Worst (for going against his wish to not eat!) Gg’s 絕了 also signals defeat; if Dd and his team members were The Absolute ... Whatever, then poor Gg had no choice but to yield to their wishes. I can already imagine his “I can’t believe I lose this way” Look (see: every rock-paper-scissors he lost, which was ... pretty much all of them), mixed with, perhaps, a healthy amount of bunny tooth warning (how dare Dd et al banded up against him)...
Those bunny teeth had to be taken care of, right? And so Dd went on to say lychees being good omen that ensure things would go smoothly for the eater... targeting Gg’s being a, as c-turtles call it, 小迷信 (literally, “Little Superstitious”, a young + adorable + superstitious person). Dd said that to help Gg justify the choice to eat, to make Gg feel better about his defeat. 
(Of note: I had actually never heard of lychees being associated with good luck before, and a quick search online also didn’t yield any result. This could be a relatively rare association Google failed to catch ... or something Dd made up on the fly to make Gg happy.) 
(Lychees have, however, been associated with romance. If Emperor’s Smile 天子笑 was The Love Drink in The Untamed, then what is Concubine’s Smile 妃子笑? Answer: it’s the RL name of a type of lychees, lychees being the fruit very much adored by Yang Yuhuan 楊玉環, the consort of the Emperor Xuanzong (685-762 BCE) of the Tang Dynasty and one of the four most beautiful woman in Chinese history. Since lychees had only been grown in southern China, the emperor had had the fruit couriered, in express mode involving many horses, to the palace up north to please his favourite wife. Lychees had become a symbol of love from that historical tale.)
Did Gg get Dd’s message then, the love and care packaged in those peeled, sweet fruit awaiting his bite? Yes, but not without a little more fight! “Eat eat eat, (I’ll eat) until you go bankrupt” is a literal translation of his final line. Tonally, I can see the following as being an alternative translation: 
“Fine fine fine. I’ll eat, it’s not like I can bankrupt you by eating anyway!”
If it sounded a little sulky, that’s because it did ... a little sulky AND fiery. As expected from our favourite Chongqing Big Pepper 😂😂😂 (Poor Gg).
Dd smiled at that, needless to say. He won!!! He got Gg to eat!! The world shall rejoice!! 
p5. “Showtime”
There’s a show coming up for Dd (the YH concert maybe?), and Gg offered suggestions. 
The sweet point of this segment is about half-way down the conversation, in the piece of paper 📄 Gg gave to Dd (after “This is for you.”). Dd took the paper, noted the many words on it, and started saying 我把我整個靈魂, translated as “I bring my entire soul”.
c-Turtles have, based on these words, hypothesised that Dd was about to read out a quote that Gg had written on the paper, with the list of items Gg thought Dd should take, before Gg stopped him with a call of his name (“WYB”). The quote was included on the translation (”I give you my entire soul...only, a little good, love you.”) I have also talked about the same quote, in more detail, here.
I’m equally stumped on the final line of this segment. (Sorry!!)
p6. “Found Family”
It’s a heartwarming segment. While LRLG had previously noted that the TTXS bros had communicated with Gg, this segment made clear that they care for him like they do for Dd ~ as family.
* dls mailed Gg a lot of fruit for sharing with the film crew. “Family member needs to be impressive” is a rough translation, but this line does defy simple translation because 排面 a highly cultural concept that has much to do with the equally complex, Chinese concept of face (which this article explains... somewhat adequately). The message to take home is that dls cared enough about Gg that he wanted to make sure Gg wouldn’t lose face in front of the film crew; that, by having enough gifts (fruits) for everyone, Gg wouldn’t be viewed as cheap or inadequate or stingy, or whatever adjective that wouldn’t befit his top idol status. Because dls saw Gg as a member of his family. 
* The prescription from hg had been mentioned in a previous LRLG rumour. 方子 is a Chinese medicine prescription, which, unlike Western formulations, is individualised both to the discomfort / ailment and to the “body constitution” of the person who'll take it, the latter deciding the kind of ailments the person is susceptible to, and which ingredients are expected to be more effective. Chinese medicine also places a strong emphasises on long-term conditioning, whether it’s for recovery from a certain condition or for general good health. A good 方子 is therefore a far more complex and personal thing than, say, a scribble of “paracetamol” / “acetaminophen” on a piece of paper. :D
* fg’s gift for Gg (xx) is something for the waist. A brace support, maybe? For example?
My favourite line in this segment is when hg asked what will Gg and Dd do when they reach hg’s age. Given that the last two items (the prescription and xx) were health-related, I interpreted it as hg worrying about Gg and Dd’s health when they grow old... with all the health problems they already have. It’s the kind of thing a worried parent say to their children ~ my mom has said the same thing to me as well. 😢
p6. “The Cat Paw”
Not quite sure what’s happening here ... not sure what the cat paw is. (Sorry!!) But that é in the translation is Dd’s signature laugh (collection here), which is written as 鵝 (”Goose”) in Chinese 😂.
p7. “The Cat Toy”
Dd appeared to be shopping for a cat’s toy (something that can “hook the cat” in the translation, such that the cat can entertain itself and not rely on human companionship as much). Gg had already bought the toy though and sounded quite proud of it, told Dd to return the toy. The implied cat was, of course, Nut (堅果 Jianguo)... which had been repeatedly referred to in LRLG’s posts as Gg’s daughter.
p7. “Cool vs Cute”
Gg is often viewed as cute, and Dd as cool. Did Dd dislike Gg taking cute pictures for public consumption? Were they scheming an exchange of image? :D
And that’s it for this issue! Ooh, this took unexpectedly long ... I apologise for the ridiculous delay between the original post and this commentary! 
(I wrote half of it, then RL struck and I forgot about it.) (I’m hopeless.) (I need a 方子 for poor memory!!)
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nikethestatue · 3 years
La Dolce Vita
Part II
On the Wings of Desire
Warnings: Language
(I had to split this chapter into two because it was getting too long. Hence, no sexy times, but angst galore) Comments and reblogs and likes are always appreciated! Let me know what you think. 
Chapter One is here
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Two Years Ago
 Azriel pulled up to the flower shop.
There was a surprise that he wanted to share with Elain, and like a young boy on his first date, he was both excited and nervous. But he hoped that she’d like it. Funny how he still got a little nervous with her, exuberant even.
It’s been three months since they’ve met and he loved every minute that they’d spent together. The nature of their relationship was a little undefined, but he didn’t care. So what if they weren’t ‘dating’? So there weren’t official dinners and outings, to show only the best part of each other to one another? They moved beyond that right away. They simply loved being together. It was inexplicable, how quickly it happened, how easy it was between the two of them, but Azriel could never get enough of Elain.
He came to her shop whenever he wanted, helped her out, hung out with her, and she went to the garage to meet him. If he was busy and couldn’t meet with her, she closed her shop for lunch, and brought him a sandwich, so they could eat together. He loved it, even if he actually had a restaurant and a bar on premises and she technically didn’t need to buy him food. But there was something special about her coming up the stairs to his office, dressed in one of her cute, flowery dresses and heels. Every time it was a different sandwich, a different drink and a different snack—sometimes a cookie, or good chocolate, or weird chips, or a full-on pastry with cream and ganache and whatnot. He developed a strange fascination with his lunch options, never knowing what it would be and eagerly anticipating it.
Sometimes, he took her on long rides—one of their favourite past times. If he knew that she was up to her eyeballs with orders, since this was summer and it seemed like everyone was getting married, he would bring her takeout to the shop, and they’d sit and arrange flowers until the wee hours. When things calmed down, and there was a quiet evening ahead, she usually invited him to come and eat at her place. They cooked together, drank wine, and then went for a walk.
They haven’t had a kiss yet.
Did it bother him? He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t dream of Elain all the time, of her supple, soft body, of how she’d look naked, of how she’d feel when he filled her, what sounds she’d make, what her face would look like when she climaxed around him? Was she a screamer? A beggar? Was she loud or quiet and shy?
She never spoke of her past boyfriends, so he had no idea of how many men she’s been with. Secretly, he hoped that it wasn’t too many. Maybe it was some male thing, but the idea of her with another man, the thought of someone else touching her, making her moan, making her love—it didn’t please him at all. He thought that he was more modern, more advanced in his thinking—and usually he was—but in this case, he was struggling with accepting Elain wrapped around some other male.
 Surprisingly, even though it wasn’t even 6 pm yet, the flowers that usually spilled outside the shop were not gracing the pavement and the shop looked closed for the day. But Azriel went and knocked on the glass door anyway, seeing as there was some light coming from Elain’s office in the back. There was no response, but he knocked even harder, almost banging, until he heard Elain’s muffled voice yelling, “we are closed!”
“Laney, open up! It’s me!”
A few moments later, Elain appeared in the darkness and then the door opened.
And his jaw almost dropped.
She stood in front of him, wearing a slinky, satin, cobalt dress that looked almost like lingerie. Of modest length, it nevertheless emphasized her breasts very enticingly: soft and full, and pushed together just enough to create a hint of delicious cleavage. A simple set of glittering silver chains nestled seductively in that yummy valley between her breasts. One bare foot was clad in a strappy silver sandal, while she held the other, and jumped awkwardly on one foot, balancing herself on the doorframe. Her hair was curled and arranged over one naked shoulder.
He struggled to keep his breath from whooshing loudly.
“Hi Az,” she sounded…uncomfortable.
“Hey you. Hot date?” he chuckled, eyes gliding from her pretty toes up to her eyes.
Her throat bobbed and she didn’t answer.
He fought the urge to cross his arms on his chest. But then he’d look threatening, towering over her, much like his father did when he was in one of his moods. Azriel swore to himself long ago to never, ever cross his arms with women.
“I didn’t think you’d be coming over,” she began, voice wobbling.
“So, you figured that you could sneak out?” he spat unkindly.
“I am not sneaking out!” she snapped, flushed and defiant. “I am going out,”
“With whom?” he demanded.
He and Elain had never fought. Never even disagreed.
They laughed together. They joked and discussed. They argued over books and movies. They talked about design, food and travel, places they wanted to visit, and things they wanted to see. Elain randomly texted him names of 3 and 2 Michelin star restaurants from all over the world, telling him where she wanted to dine, why, and eagerly opining on the menus.
Elain was his.
His little foodie, who was a fearless eater, and sampled just about everything and anything.
Elain was his.
His little art lover, who had a surprisingly wide breadth of knowledge of painting, art history and strong opinions on artists and styles. When he found out that she adored Balthus and that Egon Schiele was her favourite artist of all time, his respect for her only increased.
Elain was his.
His little intellectual, who read Anna Akhmatova’s poetry, listened to Alain Elkann’s podcast, and who could easily talk about the history of Lamborghini or Aston Martin, and Formula 1, just to satisfy him.
What the fuck was this?
Why was his Elain going on some date with another man?
Anger rose in him so quickly; he had a difficult time stopping his hands from shaking. So, he clasped them behind his back.
“It’s none of your business,” she said coldly. “I don’t have to report to you who I am going out with,”
“You don’t?” he demanded absurdly.
“No, I don’t!”
“Please tell me who he is?” he decided on a different approach. His brain was working furiously, trying to dissuade her, yet not anger her, yet find out as much information as possible.
“No!” she shook her head stubbornly. “Why do you even care?”
Why did he care? WHY did he care?
He couldn’t have been misreading all the signs. He couldn’t have been misreading her interest, her acceptance, her want.
There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted him—emotionally, as a friend, as a partner, as a lover. Reading people was his job, his calling, and he’d never been wrong. He certainly wasn’t wrong with Elain—she was an open book to him. He didn’t need to evaluate her reactions to his company to know that she was absolutely enthralled with him.
So why this?
Was it something he did? There were no hints of anything amiss the last time they’d seen each other. They were at her place, they cooked Italian together—spaghetti and clams—and he opened a bottle of Petilia Greco di Tufo, a pure, harmonious white from Campania. Then they went to the rooftop—their favourite place—and watched the city, enjoying gelato and playing cards.
Squeezing his hands behind his back, he demanded, “Has he been vetted?”
“Vetted? Vetted?” she exclaimed incredulously. “Who is going to be doing this vetting?”
She stared at him and bit out,
“I don’t like this side of you. This is crazy behaviour,”
“Why? Because you are going on a date? Suddenly. Unexpectedly.”
At that, she blushed furiously, squirming under his heavy, icy gaze.
He continued, “And with some guy you refuse to tell me anything about. Have you told Cass?”
“What? What exactly is Cass? My father?”
“Cass runs security for,”
“I know what Cass does!” she cried, looking furious, but also uncomfortable. Insecure. Anxious. “But I am not telling him. Leave me alone. I am not telling anyone,”
“Not even Nesta? Elide?” he demanded. “And what if something happens?”
“What’s going to happen?!” she asked nervously.
Probably nothing.
He was being an overbearing creep, but he couldn’t stop.
He needed to know. And yes, he wanted her to be safe.
“Who knows?” he shrugged menacingly. “He is unvetted. No one knows anything about him. Have you even Googled him?”
She blushed.
That’s a no.
“Unless you tell me his name, I am not leaving,” he warned. “I need to know who you are going to be with.”
“I am not telling you.”
“Fine,” he propped himself against the door. “We’ll just stand here.”
The standoff continued for another few minutes, until, exasperated, she blurted,
“His name is Dorian!”
“Dorian. As in Dorian Gray?”
She rolled her eyes. “How funny.”
He took out his phone and asked, “Does Dorian have a last name?”
“Are you seriously going to Google him?”
“Absolutely I will. Since you didn’t.”
“I am not telling you.”
“Fine,” he shrugged. “I’ll await Dorian’s arrival and have a man-to-man talk with him,”
She paled.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Watch me.”
She glared at him, and then sneered, “Why don’t you invite Lorcan too! And Rowan. So the three of you can stand here, in your freaky silent vigil and glare at him, to scare him off.”
“Good idea.”
She shrugged, “And when Dorian comes here, you three can tower over him.”
“Why? Is he tiny?” Azriel snorted.
She rolled her eyes and then thrust her foot into her other heel, finally. As she tied it around her ankle, she muttered angrily, “so disappointed in you,”
“Get in line,” he snapped.
“His last name is Adarlan.”
Azriel immediately typed the name into the phone.
A pretty white boy. Columbia. Pre-law.
Of course, someone like that would want someone like Elain. And she’d want him in return. Pretty, proper. Pathetic.
“Satisfied?” she rose to her full height. Her cheeks were flushed, brown eyes gleaming with anger and challenge.
She was so beautiful and so annoyed with him, Azriel was blinded by her, by her light, her spirit.
“Not for a while,” he said blandly and shrugged.
That made her redden. Not the blush of anger. Her sexy blush.
So, he went for it.
“Call it off,” he begged.
“Call it off. Please.”
Because you are mine.
He wanted to tell her. To explain.
But did he deserve her? All that light and goodness? Perhaps, pretty boy Dorian was indeed more appropriate.
“Because,” he began and then heard a car pull up behind him.
He didn’t turn around.
Her face lit up with a smile.
She nodded. “Just let me grab my bag.”
When she disappeared, Azriel turned around at last.
Dorian was good looking, tall, thin. Young. Looked like a kid, though Azriel figured that he wasn’t much younger than him. But Azriel’s lived about 540 years by now…at least that’s how it felt, and Dorian—Dorian probably had many girlfriends, many friends, and daddy’s money.
He was about as interesting as a bag of beans.
They stared at each other.
Azriel didn’t give a shit.
He didn’t care about anything, other than this is what Elain chose. This Dorian may end up holding Elain’s hand. Perhaps going in for a kiss. That sensuous weak mouth may touch Elain’s perfect lips—the lips that Azriel only dreamt of kissing. And what if it went further?
What if,
Elain was not a ‘first date sex’ kind of girl. Never. Not his Elain.
“Treat her well,” he growled a warning.
Dorian blinked.
“Treat. Elain. Well.”
“Who are you?”
“Consider me her brother-in-law.”
“Oh. Okay. Alright. Sure, man. Yeah.”
Fucking intellectual powerhouse.
“I am one of many,”
“Many what?” Dorian asked in confusion.
“Many brothers-in-law. And they all look like me. Some are even bigger.”
“Ready?!” Elain chirped.
“Um, yeah,” Dorian’s eyes darted back and forth.
Azriel finally gave up and crossed his arms on his chest.
“Have fun you two,” he said sweetly.
“Thank you. I’ll see you at Rhys’s pool party on Saturday,” Elain acted like everything was normal.
“Sure. Bring Dorian along,” Azriel jerked his chin. “We’ll be delighted to have him.”
 “He is a charmer,” Dorian finally exhaled once they were inside the car.
She grunted in response.
“Does he have enough tattoos?” he started to reverse. “Oh, look, a Ferrari,”
“It’s his,” she bit the inside of her cheek, glancing quickly at the unmoving figure under the awning.
“His? What is he? A drug dealer?”
“Dorian!” she snapped. She was so on edge, she sat on her shaking hands the moment she buckled up.
“Sorry. Sorry. But really, do you want me to,”
She interrupted,
“What? Are you offering to beat him up?”
“I mean,”
“Dorian. He is a Navy Seal,” she said bluntly. “His bicep is the circumference of my head. His buddies are all pushing 6”7 in height and are all former Navy Seals. I am just saying. You aren’t taking him on.”
Dorian didn’t feel the need to disagree.
 Elain was his home. She was his happy place. His joy.
Her smile made everything better.
When she touched him--his fingers, his cheek—that touch carried more sensual promise than anything he’d ever experienced. And he’d experienced plenty.
Azriel’s only brush with love was when he was 18 and it was right before Morgana fucked Cassian, lost her virginity to him and got pregnant by him. He wondered if that’s what fucked him up, turned him off love for this past decade. Ploughing through endless bodies felt good, though he was usually left with the feeling of residual emptiness and longing. But he accepted it.
Elain though. He didn’t plough into Elain. Never even so much as seen her breast. And yet, his head was filled with her. Images, both erotic and mundane floated through his brain constantly. Elain’s eyes lighting up when he called her ‘baby’. Elain tasting a pastry, in her own special way, sometimes dipping her finger into the cream, and driving him wild. Elain reclining her golden head on the seat of his car, eyes closed. Elain being a little drill master when it came to arranging flowers, absolutely unperturbed by the idea of ordering Rowan and Cassian and Fen around.
That Elain was offering her smile, her time, her attention to that pretty prick Dorian was just intolerable.
If he could, he would actually climb the walls. But Azriel couldn’t climb walls, even if parkour-loving Fenrys would probably teach him how. Therefore, he went back to the shop, where Nuala was just packing up for the day.
“I need your car,” he demanded.
“We are in a garage,” she reminded him reasonably, but nevertheless tossed her keys to him. He caught them with one hand and said, “I owe you one.”
“You owe me like fifty…but who is counting?”
Nuala didn’t know why he needed her car, but she did know that he was beyond pining, at this point. He was in full love mode. As in LOVE. Capital letters, heart palpitations, sleepless nights, acting-like-a-drug-addict LOVE. Who would have thought? Not only that Azriel would fall in love at all, but that it would be with Elain.
Azriel got into Nuala’s ordinary Acura, drove to Elain’s apartment, and kept vigil the very same way she told him he would.
At this point, he didn’t care at all. He sat and waited in his shadows. Waiting like this—he learned this level of patience back in the Navy, during his recon missions—suited him, and his personality. Lorcan and he could sit like this for hours. Days. They weren’t bothered at all. Cassian and Fenrys would whine, complain and bounce like little children.
Shadows were his friends, as they’d always been, since he was a boy and hid from his abusive father. They protected him then, and concealed him now.
Finally, at an acceptable, and slightly boring, 11:23 pm, Dorian’s generic Audi pulled up.
There was no way that either of them would spot him, or assume that he was around.
Dorian opened the door for Elain, and she stepped out. They talked. She smiled. Then laughed.
It all grated on Azriel’s nerves. Go inside! He wanted to shout to her.
Then, Dorian made a move. Azriel tensed, when the pretty boy reached his hand out and ran his knuckles over Elain’s bare shoulder. The hand stopped entirely too close to her breast, as he squeezed her upper arm, holding her close. If Azriel sensed even the tiniest expression of discomfort from her, he’d be flying out of the car in a snap.
They talked some more, that gross hand still resting on Elain’s arm. But then, she opened her arms and Azriel grimaced. No way. No way was she going for a kiss.
And thank all the gods above, but she only hugged him, and not a close hug either—but that awkward, butts-out, shoulders pressed together weird hug. Something males typically gave each other, so careful to avoid any penile interaction. Then she walked to her building and gave Dorian a little wave. He hopped in his car and drove away.
What a prick. Didn’t even wait for her to get inside.
But she stood still, door unopened, keys in her fingers. And then, she peered into the darkness. A long, penetrating gaze. Aimed right at him. Like she saw through the shadows. She looked and looked, and he melted in the shadows, into the darkness of the car.
And then she flipped him off, and walked inside.
 Piled into Lorcan’s Range Rover, it was Elain ad Elide, Lorcan and Connall in the car.
It was a nice day for a pool party, for a long drive to the Hamptons, for enjoying the sunshine.
Elain was having none of it.
She hated this idea to begin with—pool parties—which were full of too-rich and affected young people, prancing around in skimpy underwear. The women too perfect. The men, full of unreasonable expectations.
Feyre and Morrigan liked this crap, Cassian too, Aelin—certainly.
All the people with their perfect bodies and big hair and bigger personalities.
This Range Rover was like the car for outcasts.
Lorcan looked like he wanted to be at a pool party as much as he wanted to have a rectal exam. Connall, she was sure, would just sit by the bar and nurse drinks all day long. Elide would always find an escape with Lor, and the two of them would huddle together and make snide comments about the attendees to each other.
Elain sighed.
She was such a stupid, inexcusably dumb, fucking idiot.
“Do you know why Az isn’t coming today?” Lorcan looked at her in the mirror.
She bit inside of her cheek, stifling a pathetic cry.
It shouldn’t have surprised her that Azriel decided not to attend, but she still harbored hope, somewhere inside of her that he would. That they’d be able to talk. That he’d…
Forgive her?
“No, I don’t know,” she mumbled.
“Did you have a fight or something?” Lorcan’s strange black eyes looked at her like they were scraping the edges of her soul. It wasn’t the most comfortable of feelings.
She spent the rest of the trip in sullen silence. Even Elide didn’t try to shake her out of her stupor.
 As expected, the party was ridiculously over the top.
There were throngs of people milling about, all in various stages of undress. Firm, golden flesh gleamed in the sunlight.
There were three bars—one for beer, one for cocktails and one for everything else. An ice cream station. A s’mores station. Wagyu beef sliders. Lobster hot dogs. Jamon Iberico. Wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Deep down, Elain was grateful that she’d never be this wealthy.
She was happy with her flowers, her shop, and she was considering opening a pastry shop down the road. And then Azriel had his wonderful garage, but successful as it was, it wasn’t on the Darling level of wealth…And that was alright. It was perfectly enough, too much even,
She stopped.
She should’ve just told him. Everything. A long time ago. But the intensity of her own feelings towards him frightened her, and then…she fucked it all up.
She meandered absently around the premises, listening to Feyre’s and Nesta’s screeching from the pool, where both were perched on the shoulders of their respective lovers, whacking each other and others with long plastic poles. Mor and her new girlfriend were making out passionately in a hammock. Fenrys was swarmed by a bevy of busty beauties. And so on…
She was feeling foolish and exposed in her pink bikini, wishing she had a wrap or something. Her body was no worse than all of these other girls’, but she couldn’t help but compare herself to them. They were confident. Exciting. Entertaining. They flirted and laughed loudly. They had sparkly teeth and giant lips.
She didn’t know how to flirt, and wasn’t glamorous or polished like them.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Without a drink?”
A man sidled over, his bold eyes roaming about her body, assessing.
“I am fine, thank you,” she made to get away and walk towards the pool, but he thrust an insistent hand in front of her, holding a drink.
“Come on, sugar. Join me.”
And then, there were four of them. Five.
None were threatening, but being surrounded by so many men, while basically naked was outside of Elain’s comfort zone. They were joking, laughing, chugging their beers. She didn’t know any of them.
“So, who are you?” asked one of them.
“A guest.”
She angled her body towards the pool, trying to sneak past them.
“A guest? We are guests too! Nice party,”
“It is. Pardon me, I have to go,”
“But why?”
One of them caught her hand in his and pulled lightly, grounding her in place.
“Excuse me!” she attempted to withdraw her hand, but he didn’t budge. They herded her a little closer to the house. A sixth man approached, carrying a little tray with tequila shots.
“Where do you got to go, baby?”
Another hand slipped down her back and brushed over her butt, making her jerk.
“What the hell?” she hissed, but her indignation was met with amused smiles.
“Such a pretty girl, all alone. Come, join us,”
“I am not alone!” she snapped angrily.
“Oh no?”
“And who are you with?”
“My fucking boyfriend!” she lied, a little scared now.
“Oh, a boyfriend?” teased one. “And who might that be?”
“Do we know this boyfriend? Where is he?”
She looked around desperately, and then lied again, “He is inside. And coming back, soon.”
“Ohh, I don’t think so. I’ve been watching you for an hour, and there is no boyfriend.”
“I think I need to go,”
“But why!?!”
They goaded, “Tell us about the boyfriend?”
“His name is Azriel Bagarat,” she blurted out.
More laughter. Challenging, condescending laughter.
“Mr. Fancy Garage is your boyfriend?”
“Good one! I almost fell for it.”
“Azriel Bagarat-I-date-a-new-girl-weekly makes for a bad boyfriend, honey,”
“You aren’t exactly his type.”
Tears threatened to pour out of her eyes, and she was horrified by her body’s reaction to the taunting.
She threw, “and what type is that?”
“He doesn’t go for squeaky clean girls like you.”
“Maybe it’s an experiment!” laughed one of them. “He is into all sorts of fucking kink. Maybe he is wetting his cock in some virgin flesh,”
“Are you even legal?”
“You look awfully young.”
At this point, Elain was not above screaming for Lorcan, or Rowan, or anyone else. Her looking weak and pathetic was the least of her concerns.
For a moment, the teasing and the laughter died down. One of them exclaimed, “Oh hey. There you are!”
Fuck. Another one.
The scent hit her first. The sharp, intoxicating smell of his expensive Armani cologne. She’d recognize it anywhere. That hint of cedar and a chilled night air. That was him. Her home.
And then, the familiar dark arm slipped across her stomach, tugging her firmly to his front. Another hand slid to her throat, laying on it, but not squeezing. He held her tenderly, close to him, possessively.
“I missed my girl,” he whispered, his gravelly, husky voice so familiar to her ear it sent a shiver down her spine.
Why couldn’t it be like this forever? Her in his arms? Forever?
“My gorgeous girlfriend always brings all the boys to the yard,” he chuckled. And then, to Elain’s utter delight and pleasure, he placed a warm, open mouthed kiss on the side of her neck.
She shuddered.
He’d never kissed her. Never intimately. Never kissed her like this.
His. She was his. And he just marked his territory.
It was glorious. To be kissed by him was something that she’d dreamt of and here it was—unexpected, sensuous, surprisingly erotic.
His thumb stroked the side of her throat, and then he leaned in and kissed her again. Same spot. Her bare vulnerable throat, her pale neck, his for the taking. She had no control of the situation, and she loved it.
“Thank you for keeping my girlfriend company, gentlemen, but I’ll take it from here.”
Not so brave anymore, in the face of this towering mass of muscle and tattoos, the men sheepishly offered him a shot, which he knocked back and then even attempted to high-five him, though he drew the line at that.
As they scampered away, Azriel did not release Elain from his embrace. She just stood there, with his arm around her, her body pressed into his almost-naked body and all she wanted was to turn around and peek. Or have him kissed her again. She really, really wanted him to kiss her again.
He did not though.
Finally, his arm fell away and he stepped back, causing a sorrowful sigh to erupt in her chest.
She turned around. His face was unreadable, as always, and though she picked out his little tells and signs of emotions now, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“Thank you,” was all she could mutter. He didn’t answer. “I didn’t think you were coming,”
“No need to talk,” he cut her off. Then turned around and added, “feel free to leave with Lorcan or Cass.”
He was walking away when she called out, “Wait. Az. I want to talk. Please,”
“No,” he said simply.
She ran after him, trying to keep up with his long stride.
“Az, please, I need to,”
“It’s Azriel to you,” he corrected bluntly. “You don’t get to ‘Az’ me,”
She swallowed, tears stinging her eyes.
“Okay…okay,” she begged. “Azriel, I want to explain, please,”
“You don’t always get what you want,” he threw back.
She paused, but then added,
“But sometimes, you get what you need.”
A tiny smile twitched on his lips. But he schooled his face into neutrality and without turning to her, said,
“If you must tag along for the rest of the day, pretending like you are my girlfriend, it’s up to you,” he shrugged indifferently.
She didn’t care. At least he didn’t send her away. At least, she could be near him, and with time, she’d thaw his anger.
She followed him silently, like dog. Trying to be inconspicuous, but she stayed at his side, even if they didn’t talk and he continuously ignored her. It allowed her time to ogle his incredible body, which she did with relish and without shame. If he was going to be nasty to her, she at least would feast her eyes on all that muscular gorgeousness. Those Cadre men—they were all stunning, at least when it came to their physiques. Azriel, though, was a little more stunning than the others. Only Fenrys, perhaps, was at the same level of attractiveness.
They went to the bar and she followed him faithfully, not letting him out of her sight. He glanced at her, sighed, shaking his head with annoyance, but Azriel being Azriel, he ordered her a mojito, while he drank Sipsmith London Gin and tonic, and after a while, thrust the drink in her hand and muttered, “I am going swimming.”
She took it and sat on a chair, stiff-backed and patient, watching him.
When he emerged from the water, she was waiting for him with a fresh drink.
“Your tattoos look like wings.”
He rubbed a towel over the black and blue tattoos on his shoulders and arms and looked at her.
“Your tattoos,” she said again, watching his wet body and the markings on it come alive on his skin. When he was in the pool, and his arms rose and fell in the water, they looked like wings. “They look like wings. Bat wings.”
“Is that a compliment?” his voice was still cold, bored.
She handed him his drink and then took his scarred hand in hers. He made to pull away, but she squeezed.
“You are my boyfriend,” she reminded him. “Would be strange if you didn’t want to hold my hand.”
He had no choice but to grip her hand back,
and fuck if it didn’t feel nice.
Two days, and he was going nuts without that little hand. Two days, and he’d missed her touch like it was his life’s necessity.
And then, she gently rubbed her thumb over his own.
“Stop that,” he ordered.
“No,” she said flatly.
“It’s not going to work,” he warned.
She shrugged, “we’ll see.”
They took a few more steps, her thumb still stroking his fingers, and then he stopped abruptly.
“What do you want?”
She looked up at him and said, voice surprisingly firm, “I want to get into your car and drive home with you. I want to cook you dinner. I want to hold your hand. That’s what I want.”
“And what do I want?”
“You want the same thing,” she assured him, unusual confidence in her voice and on her face.
He watched her, unblinking, but she did not balk from his assessing gaze, did not step back. She just clutched his hand like life depended on it. His jowls twitched and he bit his lip, before says, “go and put some clothes on. We are going home.”
“No. Come with me,” she tugged him with her. “I don’t trust you.”
He smiled, at last, and her heart fluttered with joy at the sight of that magical smile.
They found their clothes, threw them atop the bathing suits and as soon as they were dressed, Azriel took her by the hand and led her out to the parking lawn. It was a Maserati Ghibli today, beautifully embellished with subtle pinstripes. No one would dare do this to their 90K car, but Azriel did. And it looked stunning.  
 The drive wasn’t comfortable.
He still wasn’t speaking to her and she just sat there, for an hour or more, in silence, hands on her lap.
Finally, once they began approaching the city, Elain asked, “where are you taking me?”
“Home,” was all he said, his first word since they got in the car.
She thought and said, “I don’t want to go home.”
His voice mocking and obsequious, he asked, “Please tell me, Elain, where should your personal Uber take you? Would you like a coffee? A snack? A walk in the park? A trip to the library? Should I deliver you into Dorian’s loving embrace?”
“Stop it,” she snapped at him, all red and angry. “Stop with all that!”
Azriel plowed forth, ignoring her command, “where was he today, by the way? Why was I stuck rescuing the damsel in distress? Where is brave Dorian?”
“Nobody asked you to rescue me!” she lied, suddenly realizing that maybe, that kiss meant nothing to him. That it was all for show.
“Yeah, you looked like you were handling that situation very well,” he decided dryly.
“You know,” she folded her arms on her chest, “do take me home.”
Once they entered the city proper, Azriel fought the traffic aggressively, swearing under his breath more frequently than usual, obviously intend on getting rid of her as soon as possible.
She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t break through. Couldn’t get to him, not around the walls that he’d constructed around himself. She thought that she could, but she was wrong.
Finally, they were coming towards her block.
The silence was stifling. Unbearable.
“Why did you do it?” he blurted suddenly.
She looked at him, but before she could offer any explanations or excuses, he continued, not looking at her, “Was I not enough? Was he better?”
“He is nothing,” she managed, desperation tinging her voice, her whole being. She reached out to touch him, but he jerked his arm away.
“Don’t,” he warned. “Nothing? Why would you do this, Elain? Was I not enough? Too weird? Too brown? Too low-born? Too fucked up?”
Elain stared at him in horror. She was numb. Words failed her.
He was shaking his head.
There was true sadness, dejection written on his face. Devastation.
“I was falling in love with you, Elain,” he said so softly, she barely heard the words. “For three months, I’ve been falling in love with you. I’ve loved everything about you. I knew that the hammer would drop…One day, it would drop because it’s not like this could ever be,” he made a wide gesture with his hand.
He stopped the car next to her house.
“But I thought that it would be me. That I’d fuck up somehow and you’d dump me. Which would be…expected…”
He sighed, his breath so ragged it sounded like a sob.
“But I didn’t expect this. Truly. Though looking back, I don’t know why I didn’t?” he shrugged. “That’s what Mor did—the only other one I thought that I loved. But we were young and stupid, so…” he was looking out the window, seemingly talking to himself, not to her anymore. “But now I am almost thirty and for once, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this one time, I’d get what I want.”
Elain was weeping silently, fat tears pouring onto her hands, dripping off her face.
“I wanted you more than anything, Elain.”
Elain. Elain. Elain.
She hated that he called her Elain.
She hated that he didn’t use his usual endearments with her, that she was no longer his ‘baby’ nor his ‘love’. She wasn’t his ‘gorgeous’ or his ‘beautiful’. She was just Elain.
There was no warmth in his voice. Only some kind of hollowed emptiness, instead of the usual teasing smirk, the undercurrent of humour and love, of tender softness that he always used with her. Only with her.
“You can have me,” she managed finally through her sobs. “You can ha--…”
He finally turned his head and looked at her, that gaze dark and pitiless.
“I am not sure I want you anymore. We’ll coordinate the wedding situation and we’ll be civil to each other, for Feyre and Rhys’s sakes. Goodbye Elain.”
She sat there. He waited. Then, with a groan, he got out and went to open the door for her.
As she stepped out of the car, she begged one more time, “Azriel. Please. Please just allow me the opportunity to talk to you,” she wiped her face, with her fist.
It destroyed him completely.
He didn’t know what to do with himself, as he tracked her movement, that childish, simple, raw flick of her fist over her eyes. It wasn’t the modelled, reserved, dab-the-eye practiced move that you saw on reality shows, the fake tears, the faux sadness.
This was Elain; sorrowful, devastated, begging.
“Please,” she pleaded again.
“I asked you to call it off,” he reminded her. “I begged you. You didn’t.”
She choked on a sob.
“You threw it in my face, Elain. This random man, whom you also led on, by the way. Led him believe that you were interested. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I am too old for this…Allow me the opportunity to just deal with this break up—or whatever it is—however I can. We both need to move on.”
He’d never left a crying woman on a sidewalk.
But he’d also never been in love before. And his heart had never been broken like this.
 Nuala Gennaro has been trying to reach her boss for three days, to no avail.
He didn’t respond to texts, or to calls. He didn’t show up to work. He wasn’t at the garage, at the tattoo shop, or his design studio. He didn’t seem to be home either, because she drove by his loft a few times and the windows remained dark.
She had keys to his house, but that was a violation of privacy that she didn’t feel like engaging in just yet. Was this an emergency? He gave her the key for ‘emergencies’. Was this one? A healthy, 29-year-old handsome man disappearing for three days didn’t seem like an emergency, but still, Nuala was concerned.
She was going to give him one more day, and if he was still AWOL then she’d begin to worry.
Azriel was responsible. Whatever was happening in his life typically did not reflect on his work ethic. Besides, he was usually so guarded and seemingly unemotional, it was hard to say if he was affected by anything. Nuala had met him in high school—a beautiful, quiet, mysterious boy who looked like a fallen angel and who seemed unusually confident and astute for his age.
They reconnected after he and his brothers returned from the Navy. He was darker and quieter than she remembered, and hardened in his manner and bearing, and had a haunted look in his eyes which worried Nuala for quite some time. She’d been apprenticing as a tattoo artist and they’d met to discuss her joining his venture. She wasn’t sure if this whole garage/restaurant/tattoo parlour for rich people thing was going to be feasible or even realistic, but Azriel believed in the concept and somehow, got her enflamed by his passion as well. They’d slept together over the years, but even if she would have wanted more, he wasn’t willing to give it to her. Azriel went through women with the determination to conquer, mild interest and lack of follow up. But he never gave any of himself to them. Pleasure—yes. Self—no. So, Nuala had decided—staying with him and in his life, in his business, as his protégé and associate was more important than having him as a lover, even if he was by far the best lover she’d ever had.
The only thing that did seem to affect him—deeply, powerfully—was Elain Archeron.
Nuala didn’t think that it would happen. Didn’t think that Azriel was a man to fall in love so passionately, so completely, and even if he was denying it to himself, Nuala knew him well enough to know the truth. And whatever happened between him and Elain, approximately a week ago or so, truly devastated him.
Prior to his disappearance, he operated as if he was in some sort of fog. He answered questions, he gave instructions and directions, he did whatever was expected of him—met with clients, held meetings with his car suppliers, negotiated deals—but his heart was not in it. His beloved business was no longer his priority, and that confounded Nuala, for she had never seen him like this before.
She arrived early, earlier than usual, because she needed to get crackin’. Without Azriel, things seemed…tighter…more difficult. She’d never noticed it, but somehow, he carried this business, made it seem easy, and she falsely believed that it was a walk in the park. Gods, it wasn’t! It was busy, and difficult, and required constant attention and decision making, and reports only piled on her desk—financials, inventory, guest lists, requests, specs. It was endless.
Azriel’s office, a glass cube perched at the top of the building and overlooking everything below, the entire operation, was very dimply lit this early morning. Cassian installed one-way floor to ceiling windows in the office, so no one could look inside, but Azriel was able to see everything, if he so desired.
Nuala climbed the industrial-style stairs and opened the door without knocking.
At first, she thought that there was a fire. The office was entirely engulfed in smoke, but before she could hit the alarm button, nauseatingly pungent stench of tobacco assaulted her nostrils.
“What the hell?!” she exclaimed, rubbing her eyes, and rushing to open the outside windows. She left the door open as well, to encourage some sort of ventilation.
“What the hell,” she muttered again, finally making out Azriel in the dimness, who was sprawled on the leather sofa, in jeans and boots and a black t-shirt, his arm hanging listlessly to the floor, a cigarette between his fingers. On the floor, an almost empty bottle of Jameson’s and an overflowing ashtray, stuffed to the brim with butts. Tom Waits’s insanely gravelly, bourbon-and-tobacco-soaked voice filled the space as well.
“Wow,” she crossed her arms on her chest. “Wow.”
“Why are you here so early?” he asked by way of greeting.
“Funny thing—my boss disappeared for three days. Four days, actually. No word. No text. No call. No email. No warning. No idea whether he is dead or alive. So yes, it’s made for some early mornings for some of us.”
No answer.
He took a deep drag of his cigarette and said nothing.
“What the fuck, Az?”
“Like you said,” he shrugged indifferently, “I am the boss. I don’t have to report to anyone.”
Nuala bit her lip, but did not retort in the way she wanted to retort.
“Where were you?” she inquired calmly.
“Rhys’s Bachelor Party.”
“I won money. It’s somewhere,” he glanced around absently. “Give it to some charity…”
“Which one?”
“I don’t care.”
She didn’t push him. But added, “you can’t smoke here.”
“It’s my shop,”
“Even though. State and city regulations.”
He put out his cigarette compliantly.
“It’s 5 am. When did you start drinking?” she asked, pointing to the bottle.
He gave a lazy glance and shrugged,
“Technically, I didn’t stop drinking…It’s been a few hours…”
She was shaking her head.
He stared into the ceiling blindly, wordlessly.
Nuala didn’t know, but she also knew. So she took pity on him.
“I’d like to be alone now.”
“I will leave you alone,” she promised. “But…” she let out a whoosh of air, preparing herself. “Elain,”
He didn’t react.
“Elain is downstairs.”
To that he did react. He sat up so quickly, she didn’t track the movement with her eyes.
“I found her on the steps, outside,” said Nuala. “She looks like hell. I barely recognized her.”
“Why is she here?” he asked stupidly.
“I think you should probably ask her that. She wouldn’t come inside,” Nuala explained. “She said that she’s been sitting outside since 4 am, hoping to catch you.”
But Azriel was already out the door, sprinting down the stairs, making Nuala gasp, as he took three at a time, and she feared that he’d fall down on the concrete floor and break every bone in his body.
It was only five in the morning, and the streets, even NYC streets, were empty.
It was drizzling, a summer thunderstorm about to erupt.
Elain was sitting on the doorstep, arms wrapped around her knees, huddling into herself in the morning chill.
She jumped up and turned to him.
He never saw her like this—wrecked. Utterly devastated. Wilted.
His lovely flower girl, his little rose, his darling beauty—wilted. Instead of her usual colouring of pink and golden, caramel and honey and cream, she looked black and white. Like everything was leeched out of her, every spark, all joy, each remarkable hue.
They did not greet each other. She just looked at him, and,
“I’ve hurt you,” she said, her voice surprisingly steady, the tone firm. “I know that. And you can leave and discard me, and you have every right,”
Azriel just stood there, looking at her, unable to get enough. Thinking that there was a possibility that this was going to be one of their last conversations. And that possibility was unacceptable to him. It was intolerable.
The rain began to fall.
Azriel moved under the awning, angling his body so she would come and stand under it as well, but she didn’t move.
Steady droplets pounded the pavement, giving off that fresh smell of wet asphalt. The air was heavy and humid and felt unsettled, like it was preparing for a torrent.
“But know this one thing,” she continued, staring at him, unblinking, eyes brimming with tears. “I fell in love with you on Saturday, May 9th, at 7:14 in the morning. I had loved you every moment of my life since then. I will love you every moment of my life until I die. Nothing will ever change that. I don’t speak to you as some besotted, inexperienced girl, who is smitten by a handsome man…I speak to you from my soul. You have my heart, Azriel. Every broken and sad piece of me, you’ve managed to put together with your beautiful, scarred hands. I will never ask for anything of you—not even a word back, but I needed you to know this. I want you know that I’ve never loved anyone, no man, no being, not my sisters or my parents, as much as I love you. All my joy, my peace, my dreams are connected to you. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last when I fall asleep—and then I dream of you. I don’t care if you know this, but I’ve built up my whole life around you in my head, all my fantasies are about you. All I want is to love you. That is all. Not very ambitious, I know,” she wiped the tears that were flooding her face, mixing with the rain, “but I can’t think of anything that would ever bring me more happiness, more satisfaction than to love you. And…” she choked a quiet sob, “if you don’t want me—that is alright…I want you to be happy. And if I don’t make you happy, then, so be it, but,”
Azriel couldn’t help himself. Couldn’t contain his bursting breath, his aching heart. Every bit of him felt electrified, wild, untamed.
He grabbed her, his arm pressing her soaking wet body to him, the rain pouring over them, and she trembled and sobbed next to him. Such indescribable hope in her eyes. That maybe, just maybe, it would all turn out like her fantasies.
He cupped her wet, pale face in his palm and murmured,
“You want me?”
Her trembling fingers traced his cheekbone and she nodded mutely.
“Say it,” he groaned.
“I want you,” she whispered.
“Say more,” he begged. “Say everything.”
“I love you. I choose you. I want you.”
He soaked it all up. Every breath. Every word. Every emotion on her face.
“Well,” he muttered, “if we are keeping score…then I fell in love with you on Tuesday, May 5th, at 4:47 in the afternoon.”
She laughed through her tears, clutching at him with desperate hands, as if fearing that he would disappear. Turn around and leave her.
But he wasn’t going anywhere. Ever.
He was exactly where he wanted to be. Yearned to be all his life.
“First glance, baby,” he lovingly caressed her face, “first glance. Love at first sight.”
She kissed the tips of his fingers.
“You are my home, Elain,” he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him, her cheek pressed to his chest, his hand cradling her head, “my favourite person in my life. With you, all things are possible. Sometimes, I feel like I can fly. Like I’ve grown wings and I hear the song of the wind. But I think that it’s just your voice in my head. You won’t leave, right?”
She chuckled and shook her head, “No. Never.”
“Because this week,” he shuddered, “it’s like I lost a limb…There was this phantom reminder of you, always within me, and yet, you weren’t there. I couldn’t reach and find you next to me. I’ve never felt such emptiness,” he brought her hand to his chest and lay it on her booming heart, “there was nothing here,” he pressed her hand closer, and she felt the steady beat, “empty…You weren’t with me, and there was nothing left.
“I think I’ve been in love with you—forever. I don’t even believe in past lives or other worlds, but sometimes I feel like I’ve known you for eternity.”
She raised her face to him, surprise and awareness in her red-rimmed eyes,
“I feel the same. Az, I’ve always felt the same thing!”
“Yes,” she nodded vigorously, “when we held hands the first time, when we just met, I recognized your touch. I knew your scars. It was all familiar to me, like stepping back into my own home, after a long absence. Reacquainting myself with something that I already loved.”
He cupped her face in his hands and asked,
“May I kiss you?”
“You have to kiss me,” she smiled a happy, luminous smile at him. “I’ve waited for a long time for you to kiss me.”
Azriel smiled, and looked up, rain drenching his face and their bodies.
“Are we really going to do this? In the pouring rain?”
She was grinning, smiling happily, nodding, “All the cliches in the world!”
He clasped her jaw in his hand, wrapping his other arm tighter about her.
“I loved when you kissed me at the party,” she admitted, a little breathless.
“Yes?” he murmured and then dipped his head, and gently pressed his lips to her throat.
Elain shuddered against him, her breasts, nicely full, round and soft pressed tightly against his chest, and she sighed her pleasure.
“Like that?” he whispered against her cold, wet skin, and she half-moaned, nodding. So he kissed her neck again, on the other side, raking his teeth gently along the warm, pulsating vein. He kissed along her collarbones, tender and sweet, but with acute intention. Her breasts moved against his chest, their shirts nor her bra providing much of a barrier between his skin and her firm, swollen nipples.
Up her throat he went with his lips, kissing softly, until he pulled away for a moment, their breaths mingling, warm next to each other. He tilted her face just so, to have better access to her full mouth, and then kissed the plump lower lip. She clutched at his shirt and pulled him closer, the rain forgotten, the world encapsulated in his mouth, in the loving pressure of his lips against hers.
Elain looked irresistible. In his arms, where, let’s face it, she belonged, with her cheeks finally, finally taking on the familiar rosy blush.
Azriel, all 6”4 or “5 of the dark, bestial sexiness of him was wrapped around her. The low, sensual purr that he emitted turned into something more primal, hungrier when his mouth moulded into hers. The base, animalistic attractiveness of him, the bronze arms, the thick markings of his tattoos all over his skin, slithering like shadows, was almost too much for Elain to handle all at once, and she moaned, loud, and desperate against his lips. He brushed his nose against her cheek, and then nose to nose, and she was so stupidly needy for him that she struggled to stay upright. He brushed his fingertips over her lips, squeezing them between his and her own, and she licked on the pad of his thumb, laving some of the scars with the tip of her tongue.
Gods, this man could kiss.
Brutal, savage and noble--all amalgamated into one indescribable, unforgettable experience. Hungry and knowing, agonizingly slow, he devoured her mouth like it was some succulent, exotic fruit that he’s been craving. His lips explored her thoroughly, unhurriedly, tasting and savouring, caressing and worshipping. It was she who slipped her tongue inside his mouth, tentatively at first, but then gaining in boldness and confidence, especially once he sucked her in and stroked it with his own. He tasted of something masculine: alcohol, maybe, deep and rich and smokey, and tobacco, certainly, which, surprisingly, she enjoyed, but also something sexual. If Elain ever thought that she could taste passion, this lazy, indulgent sucking of his tongue on hers was exactly that. He groaned into her mouth, low and hot, and then licked on her tongue, with sensual playfulness which she loved.
She was hot in his arms, against his towering, heated body, and even the pouring rain couldn’t cool her off. The slabs of his abdominal muscles pressed into her belly and she was growing positively addicted to having him so close to her, his massive strength enveloping her so nicely, cushioning her against him. Nothing in her life has ever felt so wonderful, so sublime as Azriel felt in her arms.
Their kiss went on and on, heady and glorious, with him exploring every bit of her mouth with his tongue and lips, his hands caressing her body unobtrusively.
“Gods, I want to kiss you for eternity,” he moaned, tearing himself away from her lips at last.
She was panting, glassy-eyed, in love. He squeezed her face between his palms, looking down at her, her happiness, the unabashed joy in her eyes.
He’d finally made someone happy.
“Okay,” she agreed easily.
He smiled and kissed her again, then again, his lips creating a certain magic between his mouth and her skin and their bodies.
Elain had fought for him.
She didn’t give up. Didn’t shrug it all off. Didn’t leave in anger or panic. His absence meant something to her—perhaps, meant more than he could understand. He knew the misery of not having her in his life. It was only a week, but it was a week of pure hell. Now, he assumed that it wasn’t only he who felt that gaping chasm in his heart. She, for some inexplicable reason, loved him. Of that, he was certain.
“Now, I think we’ve satisfied any girl’s quota of romantic cheesiness,” he decided and she laughed, slapping his bicep lightly. He kissed her softly, “and I am taking you inside,” he said.
Elain only now realized that her feet haven’t been touching the asphalt for the duration of the kiss. She was literally floating aboveground, in his arms, in the throes of their first kiss.
The cheesiness quotient has been achieved indeed.
“Will you kiss me more?” she asked, as he swung her in his arms and carried her inside the shop.
“I am confident that I will never stop kissing you,” he assured and made his way up the stairs, to the office, clutching the dripping mess that she was in his arms.
She’s been here before, but he brought her straight into the attached bathroom, which was appointed outlandishly, and with a nice shower too.
“Get in there,” he ordered, “now. Before you catch a cold because of your love for kissing in the rain,”
She giggled, kiss-drunk and toed off her soaking wet converse that smacked limply on the tiled floor.
“But what am I going to wear?”
“My clothes, obviously,” he shrugged. “Unless you don’t want to, which is fine, because naked is just fine by me. Actually, preferred,”
She snickered, but looked at him, a little uncertain, and he rolled his eyes and muttered, “yes, yes, I will leave! Don’t worry. Though you know, I will eventually see everything anyway. So your modesty is misplaced on me.”
Azriel was correct. A hot shower was perfect. Despite it being late August, standing under pouring rain wasn’t as much fun as they made it seem in the movies.
The door opened and he came in, “here is some stuff for you.”
She looked at him over her shoulder, probably a little sultrier than she intended, and he winked, “Nice ass!”
“Ugh, stop looking!” she croaked, but he only laughed.
“You are the one with the bare butt!”
Then, he scratched his chin and bit his lip, making no move to leave.
“Az!” she exclaimed, blushing, but also kind of … intrigued.
“This is a very, very, very nice ass,” he muttered to himself, but loud enough for her to hear. Her blush only intensified, when he said, “the things I am going to do with it. Mmmm,” he rubbed his lower lip with his thumb, as if contemplating what he will be doing with her butt and then finally walked out, shaking his head.
When Elain emerged from the bathroom, with her hair wrapped in the towel and wearing Azriel’s t-shirt and shorts, she found him in a leather chair, sipping coffee. He’d also changed and his hair was mussed and damp, his bare feet crossed at the ankles, resting on a leather stool.
“There is coffee for you,” he jerked his chin towards a marble coffee table that had a basket of pastries and two large cups of coffee.
He marked everything.
How she looked in his clothes, which were much too big on her, yet cozy, though the shorts that she wore were hilarious, reaching below her knee.
How she brought him his coffee first, before taking her cup.
How she sat on the stool, by his feet and crossed her legs, before giving him a croissant and biting into her own.
“Have you warmed up?” he asked, sipping his coffee. Chugging gallons of coffee American style wasn’t his thing—he preferred quick, small espressos, but this giant cup did take the chill away.
She nodded.
“Do you want to talk?” he asked.
She tensed right away, and he said, “All is forgiven, I swear. “
She eyed him suspiciously, nevertheless.
He smiled at her, and added, “But...I think that I need to understand what happened? Did I do something to,”
“No!” she exclaimed immediately. “No. It was nothing you did. Never think that it was you,”
“Alright,” he said calmly. “Then what was it?”
She didn’t look up from her cup, running a finger over the rim.
“Talk to me, love,” he encouraged softly.
“You’ve consumed me, Azriel,” she confessed, her voice barely audible. “From the moment I saw you, you’ve consumed me. And I guess…” she sighed, “I was stupid…a stupid, stupid person because I didn’t know,”
“Whether I was infatuated, or in love with you. So I thought that maybe, if I expose myself to another man, even in some minor way, I might be able to tell what I feel,”
“And? Did you?”
“Dorian…” she swallowed nervously, “he is a nice guy. He is in Law School with Nesta—that’s how I know him. When he asked to go to dinner, and I said yes,”
She looked up at him, tears threatening to spill out from her eyes,
“And I felt nothing,” she admitted, her voice broken somehow. “I could only think of you. The entire time, I could only think of you and I knew that it wasn’t fair to him…”
Azriel agreed, “probably not”.
“And I knew that I’d made a colossal mistake… But,” she set her cup on the floor and squeezed her fingers. “I…”
She halted. Said nothing else.
Azriel waited.
“What?” he probed, sensing that there was something she wasn’t telling him. He reached for her, but she only shrunk into herself.
“Elain, what is it?” he pressed.
She blushed and murmured, “promise me you won’t leave me, if I tell you.”
His brow furrowed, “Please,” he begged, “tell me what’s going? You are legit scaring me right now.”
“You won’t lea--,”
“Don’t be ridiculous! I am not leaving you, no matter what. But are you alright?”
She pulled her hair from the towel and it spilled over her shoulders, half-obscuring her face. He reached and tucked the wet strands behind her ears, so he could see her face.
“Talk to me, baby,” he urged gently.
She exhaled and then said, looking straight at him,
“I’ve never been with a man, Az.”
He looked at her and then blurted, absurdly, “Like a virgin? But you are so hot!”
She couldn’t help and burst out laughing.
“I guess not hot enough,” she shrugged, a bit more relaxed about the situation now that he seemed relieved and smirking too.
He exhaled, deeply, bubbling his lips, “Phew…I thought it was something,” he shook his head, not able to express his relief. “Important…Something, I don’t know, serious?”
“What would be serious?”
“I don’t even know,” he admitted, “but certainly more serious than a hymen!”
He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.
“And I appreciate you telling me,” he said seriously, kissing the inside of her hand, but then, that glint in his eyes returned and he asked, “so did you want the hunky Dorian to deflower you?”
She pushed at him with her foot and he fell back dramatically in his chair,
“Auuu, you are so unbelievably violent!” he complained, rubbing his side.
“I can be even more violent!” she threatened.
He was laughing, but then he caught her feet in his hands and squeezed them gently, holding them on his lap.
“So you didn’t have boyfriends in high school? In college?” he asked at last, genuinely perplexed.
She sighed and explained,
“In high school I was dating Luce,”
“You were dating a girl?” his brow furrowed. “I didn’t know,”
She started to laugh,
“No! Luce is a man. Lucien,”
“Oh…Oh. Every time you mentioned Luce, I just assumed he was a she.”
“No, he is my best friend. The closest friend I’ve ever had, besides maybe Nesta. We’ve always been close and then in high school, we began dating,” she tugged on her wet hair, “or rather, go on dates.”
“What’s the difference?”
“I didn’t know either—not in the beginning. But then, when we were juniors in 11th grade, he came out, to me only.”
“Lucien’s step-father is really horrible. Like, awful. Physically abusive to all his sons, and always fancied himself this alpha male. So for Lucien to come out to him would have been suicide.
“We agreed that we’d continue our ‘dating’, until we graduate, and Luce was looking at schools only in California. As far as possible from here, from Beron.”
“And you were…okay with it?” he inquired, gently massaging her feet.
She shrugged, “I suppose I was. Luce and I had a good relationship,”
“But it was without any,”
“Intimacy,” she nodded. “I don’t know, I suppose it was enough…My mother had died recently and we lost most of our money, so I guess dating and boyfriends weren’t a priority, if I am being honest.”
He nodded with understanding.
“And college?”
“I had a boyfriend,” her voice wobbled a little, “but he…”
The heavy gaze that Azriel levelled at her told her that he already guessed.
“Sometimes,” she said, “when you are in the situation, you don’t see the warning signs,”
“Did he hit you?” his voice, so cold and menacing, sent a chill down her body.
She shook her head, “No. It didn’t get that far…Cass interfered,”
“We’ve known Cass for at least a year,” she reminded him, “before he started dating Nesta. He spent a lot of time with us, at the house, because I think he didn’t want to part with Nesta,”
Azriel smiled, “No he didn’t. He wouldn’t stop talking about her for a year…I’d never seen him like that. First Rhys, then Cassian…Guess there is something special about these Archeron sisters,” he decided and stroked her face lovingly, smiling at her. She tucked his palm between her cheek and shoulder and kissed it.
“They do have a tendency to fall in love with the three brothers,” she agreed.
“Yes, they do.”
“Cass, he called us ‘his girls’—Feyre and I. Always asking after ‘his girls’, bringing us presents, doing fun things with us. And I came to love him so much,” she sighed. “And I know that he truly loves us too…But you know Cass—he is a no-nonsense kind of a guy. So once, he observed Graysen with me,”
“Graysen?” Azriel rolled his eyes. “That’s a horrible fucking name,”
She laughed,
“It matched his personality. But you know, on paper, he looked great. Handsome, good family, money,”
“So basically Dorian?”
Elain rolled her eyes,
“You are never going to have me live this down, will you?”
“Not for a while.”
“At least you are honest. Gray, he just…didn’t care, I guess? It was all about him. When I’d talk about opening my shop, it would just be a plain ‘no’. He’s put me down…” she sighed, “sometimes comment on my weight—I was either too fat or too thin.” Azriel flinched at that. She continued, “He’d tell me what to eat. What to wear. Where to go,”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered.
Then, he sat up straight in the chair and opened his arms to her.
“Come here.”
Elain, a bit unsure, and a bit rattled by the memories, moved towards him. He cupped her face in his broad scarred hands and said, “All in the past. Now, it’s just you and me.”
She nodded, gently squeezing his wrists. He leaned in closer and she nodded. His sort of power, the more aggressive and primal, and seemingly more dominant than what Graysen could ever conjure up, did not scare Elain at all. He beckoned and seduced her with that pursuit and challenge, but he did not frighten or oppress. It was similar to what Cassian possessed and how he managed to seduce Nesta with it, turned her compliant to his demand and instruction, or Lorcan with Elide. Azriel’s power, his seduction, were more cerebral, his affection passionate, but controlled. Elain could abandon herself to him, and yet she knew that she’d never be abused or taken advantage of, no matter how much control she relinquished.
This kiss was sultry and voluptuous, and it felt dirtier, heavier than their first one. He sucked her lips, is tongue softly grinding against her in a smouldering, almost smug rhythm. He fucked into her mouth steadily, and purposefully, rendering her completely breathless in his arms almost instantly, forcing all thoughts of previous loves and heartaches out of her head. She made a tiny, strangled noise deep inside her throat and squeezed his wrists harder.
“Tell me things, baby,” he muttered heatedly against her lips, thumbs brushing over her cheeks.
She smiled, “what things would you like to hear?” He kissed her softly, lips pecking on hers playfully, and said, “all the things…all the good things that you told me before,”
“That I love you?” she asked simply, looking at him with earnest, undimming desire.
“Yes,” he groaned, pulling her closer to him, until she was straddling his thighs, her legs naturally falling on either side of him. A desperate moan escaped his lips, as Elain licked on them with the tip of her tongue, before he demanded, between kisses and caresses of his tongue in her parted mouth, “more,”
“I love you. I love you,” she breathed, then panted, “you are mine…I am yours. Forever, if you’d like,”
“I’d like forever,” he agreed.
She pulled away, her soft, lovely face serious,
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” she asked, and he grinned, nodding. She sounded absurdly solemn about this, like she was signing a business contract. “I love you. I want you to be my boyfriend,”
“Alright, babygirl, I will be your boyfriend,” he nodded easily.
“No jokes.”
“No jokes.”
He then said in turn, “But you’ll be mine.”
She nodded.
“In every way,” he added, in a tone that did not allow space for much argument. “Body,” and he lightly ran his knuckles against the side of her breast, and she nodded. He added, “but I want more,”
“What do you want, Az?”
“Love,” he said simply.
She kissed him. “I love you,” she said.
He waited.
“I chose you, Azriel, the moment I saw you. When my heart dropped at the sight of you, and when everything fell into place. I don’t mind choosing you for the rest of my life, if you have me,” she murmured shyly.
“I will have you,” he agreed, her admission making him swallow hard, a thick glob of air lodged in his throat. He might have cried, if he weren’t so happy. His flower girl. His.
He looked and looked, and considered something. She waited, silent. Silence was always a friend between the two of them. Silence was easy and unoppressive and welcome. It allowed them space, and yet they remained together in that mute, mutual understanding. While he was thinking, she took his hand and softly kissed each scarred fingertip.
“I am calling on my bargain,” he declared suddenly, and stroked her head.
Confused, she scrunched her face and muttered, “what?”
He grabbed her behind in his strong hands and somehow, managed to rise up, with her clutching at him. His nose burrowed into her ear and she squirmed, giggling, when he grunted, “what a nice little ass!”
“You seem to like it,” she laughed, wrapping her arms around him.
“I love it!”
“Now what about this bargain?” she reminded him, a bit concerned. “What are we doing?”
“Whatever I want!”
He headed for the door, with her in his arms, and she screeched, “I don’t even have shoes on!”
“You don’t need shoes where we are going,”
“Why are you so fussy?” he mused, smirking, as he made it down the stairs.
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“I don’t have to tell you. All I promised was that it’s not going to be ‘bad’ whatever that means.”
She sighed, shaking her head, muttering under her breath. He, in turn, very much enjoyed her clutching at him, her body in his arms, her wet hair swiping over his arm. She looked very cute, if very ridiculous in his clothes, and frankly, he was too elated, too disbelieving that this was even real, to let her go. He held her and nuzzled at her neck, at her face, sometimes returning to her beautiful mouth.
He carried her through the still-empty premises, though waiters at the bar and delivery people in the kitchen were starting their day. When they saw their boss carrying a woman, who frequently visited him here in the past few months, they pretended not to notice, as if this was a normal affair. In fact, no other woman ever came here, to visit him. He’s never been seen with a woman, never said that he had a girlfriend, even if women seemed to lose their minds in his presence. But until this one—absolutely not the type of a woman he typically attracted—he never allowed anyone to get close to him.
Azriel made his way into the cavernous insides of the building, at last entering the tattoo shop that he had on premises. It was elegantly outfitted and bore his usual aesthetic—restrained, modern, striking with its use of black, white, and splashes of cobalt.
Elain looked around, when he set her down and pointed out, “I’ve been here before.”
He nodded.
As she wandered about, looking at various lithographs and prints with unique tattoo designed, she finally stopped abruptly and whirled to him,
He was laughing under his breath.
“No!” she exclaimed again.
“No what?” he winked, sitting down on a stool, and patting on a leather recliner beside it.
“You…” she fumed. “No!”
He tsked, “A bargain is a bargain.”
“Azriel!” she stomped her foot.
He crossed his arms on his chest and looked at her, “Elain.”
“I am not getting a tattoo!”
“You most certainly are. Stop being a wuss and come here.”
“I am not going to,” she insisted.
“You know,” he notified her conversationally, as he started to prep his equipment, “a shitty little Bagarat tattoo is like $800 bucks,”
“Congratulations. Give it to someone else,” she offered, scowling. “Maybe someone would like a sleeve for twenty grand!”
“I won’t give you a sleeve. Jeez, you’ll probably faint at the first prick,”
She huffed, “I will not!”
He shrugged.
She pressed, “I will not. I am not afraid of needles and I have a high pain tolerance.”
“Lots of talk, babe, no action,”
Stomping angrily, she crossed the open space and challenged, “do you even know how to tattoo?”
“Cass and Rhys…” he winked. “And whenever Rowan decides to add to his collection…Or Gavriel,”
Those were some of the finest, most intricate designs that Elain’s ever seen.
“You did those?” she asked, brow furrowed.
He nodded.
“They are beautiful,” she whispered.
“Will you trust me?” his voice softened and he extended his hand to her.
Elain sighed and then slid on the lounge chair. It was comfortable. She was nervous.
“What will it be?” she asked. “May I see it?”
Wordlessly, he pulled a piece of paper from a folder, but then did not give it to her. She waited. He suddenly seemed uncertain, almost shy.
“Az,” she said gently, “may I see it? I am sure it’s beautiful.”
He swallowed and then explained, “I traced it the first day…evening…When we met, and you were here, at the garage. I,” he exhaled and then looked at her, “anyway…I was overwhelmed, I guess. I fell in love with you and all I could think of was you.”
The words warmed her up, and everything in her softened at his nervousness, at his admission.
“I want it,” she took the paper from him.
“It’s just for you,” he clarified. “It’s unique to you. I needed to quiet my brain and capture the essence of you, and this was it,”
Elain looked at the drawing. It was smaller than she expected, and rendered masterfully—an absolutely exquisite flower cradled in an embrace of two wings.
He swallowed tightly, and then said, “It’s called On the Wings of Desire.”
Without saying anything, Elain pulled up the shirt that she was wearing, just up to her chest. He looked down at her, expectantly.
She put her hand under her left breast, where her heart was and said, “there. I need it there.”
He nodded, remaining silent.
She saw that this was important to him, some ritual that he desired for her to go through, some sort of marking. That’s what it was. It dawned on her, at last. This was his mark, on her. He was going to do it himself, put a part of him, of his creation, of his work, not just on her skin, but within her blood, into her.
She clasped his hand and his eyes flew to her, a shadow of apprehension and anxiety in them, probably as much emotion as he’d be willing to show. He feared that she’d changed her mind.
“Az,” she licked her lip, suddenly nervous to request this of him. “Can you,”
“Can you do it on you as well?” she proposed quietly.
He, it seemed, was unable to verbalize what he needed to, so she helped him, “Same spot, alright? Across your heart. So you know that I am always with you, as you are with me.”
He nodded vigorously, clearly relieved and absolutely in love with her proposition.
“Who will do it?” she wondered. “Please don’t ask me!” she laughed.
He smirked. “Nuala. She will do it. Only Nuala or Rowan tattoo me.”
She nodded and then relaxed back into the leather.
“No crying,” he said.
“Alright,” she shrugged. “Kind of weird that you are this sensitive to pain, but okay. I’ll hold your hand.”
He was laughing.
“I thought only Nesta had a big mouth like that,” he said, as he prepped the skin and pulled on his gloves.
“Mistake number one,” teased Elain.
“I am seeing that now,”
He then said, “Okay, I may accidentally brush against the boobie,”
“How accidentally?” she chuckled, while he pressed the outline into her skin. Then, the needle began its wheezing and Elain winced, as the first prick of the needle stung her skin.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” it was more painful than she expected, and she figured that the spot that she selected was probably not the best and would hurt more than an arm or a leg, but she was set on it.
“Absolutely, totally accidentally,” he lied. “You are the one who chose the spot,” he pointed out.
Elain was a trooper. She did not make any hissing noises or any sounds at all throughout the tattooing. The shading was the longest and most painful part, and even then, she remained composed and only winced a few times.
“I am sorry,” he murmured repeatedly, especially when a bit of blood seeped onto her skin.
“Prick your finger,” she whispered.
“Prick your finger,”
The soft doe-eyes blinked at him a few times, and she said, “I think you know what to do.”
So he did. He pricked his finger and mixed his blood with hers.
 Nuala offered to tattoo ‘No Regerts’ on Azriel’s chest, if Elain so desired. She considered it, while Nuala explained that Azriel was now at their mercy and they could do whatever they wanted to him. At the end, he walked away with only a small tattoo over his heart.
 It was about 8 am when Azriel and Elain left the garage. The sun was shining and there were no remnants of the previous storms. It was like it never happened. But it did happen. Everything happened.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, slinging his heavy, muscled arm around her shoulders. She’s been clutching at her side the whole time.
She shook her head no and looked at him. He smiled and then kissed her.
“I love you,” he murmured suddenly. Elain’s face broke into a loving smile and she reciprocated by kissing him back. “Let’s go home.”
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
any headcanon about the past of trc!seisub? (p.s. your fanfics are sooooo good)
Awwww thank you so much! 🥰 also what coincidence because I am just in process of writing trc!seisub fanfic. I say in process because I'm a student who barely has time to sleep normally, let alone write fics. So I don't expect to finish it until March ;-;
p.s: ofc it'll be a sin fic :D how to miss out on ust and angst of sinful!priest/pure!vampire dynamic 😈
I do have some headcanons about trc!seisub and their past in general
First thing first, I doubt original world vampire twins were living in was 'safe' for them. There's official art of Syaoran and Fai posing with guns in what appears to be world similar to Victorian gothic times. Clothes they wear are very similar to ones twin wear on other official art (one where they're standing cuddled together). Also, I don't think guns are seen in trc except in acid Tokyo arc. More precisely - Fuuma's crew. Fuuma himself used a gun during fight with Kamui (more in 'shoo shoo go away' manner). So all of that led me to believe that maybe vampires can be harmed by guns in serious ways. If twins' original world had some specialized guns used for vampire hunting then damage could be even more severe.
Why would humans want to get rid of vampires? There could be countless reasons really, starting from fear to wanting superiority over creatures superior by birth. So being hunted in their original world could be one half of reasons why twins were forced to leave in the first place. Other half of reasons probably has to do with Seishirou.
One thing I'm certain of is that some sort of betrayal happened between Seishirou and Subaru. It's very likely that Seishirou was a vampire hunter in disguise that befriended Subaru for whatever reason. Who knows, maybe their relationship went past platonic bonds, maybe they really were lovers back then. Anyhow, I doubt Subaru had any clue Seishirou is a vampire hunter (maybe he really was a priest in his original world, aka just like in TB where he has a kind and noble job of being a vet, being a priest can be just as eye-masking facade), but it's also possible Seishirou didn't know right off the bat Subaru was a vampire. Still I doubt that part, Seishirou is perceptive and cunning, maybe he didn't know immediately but certainly did figure out in due time.
Betrayal from Seishirou-> Subaru side would be clear as day: Seishirou reveals his true nature and tries to kill him. I always headcanoned that something there went terribly wrong and Seishirou ended up being fatally wounded. Maybe Kamui got involved, who knows. Or it's possible something Rainbow Bridge style happened, Seishirou realized he could kill others with ease yet there's this one vampire he's emotionally unable to kill and was unable to accept he cared about someone. It's possible he realized on his deathbed he truly cared about Subaru.
Just like in X where Subaru was weeping over Seishirou's soon-to-be corpse and was unable to let him go, trc!Subaru would be a similar wreck. Just he has something X!Subaru doesn't: ability to grant life but at heify price. So he gave Seishirou his blood to save his life (if Subaru didn't bite insides of own mouth then kissed Seishirou and gave him blood then what's the point?). Somehow I'm inclined to think the turning into vampire part happened against Seishirou's will, that he was more than content dying in Subaru's arms in that moment.
I see Seishirou's reaction being either 'hehehe I got OP now, thank you Subaru-kun for being so kind, now I can chase prey that continues to elude me' or being angry. I don't think Seishirou would be pissed off about vampirism itself, but the fact Subaru imposed decision for him. That he had no control over what happened to himself. Hence it won't be too farfetched to me if Seishirou started dimension hopping for sake of revenge (also eye as price got roped into all of this, either half of his magic was stored in eye just like with Fai (so by giving up half of magic, Seishirou would have to rely more on vampire abilities) or there's some other special meaning).
I say started because keep in mind this is man with lack of emotional self-awareness we're talking about. Who knows for how long Seishirou was searching for twins. It's very likely he realized after some time he's actually searching for Subaru not for revenge or harming agenda, but simply because he wants Subaru.
For example, look at expressions Seishirou makes when talking about twins:
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For a man that's allegedly devoid of emotions these expressions are loaded with emotions. That led me to believe he knows deep down he's not searching for Subaru solely out of malicious intention. Whether Seishirou actually knows why precisely he's searching for Subaru is also debatable. It could be an impulse at this point, something he feels deep down is right. Now what lies Seishirou possibly convinces himself into believing are his true goals, who knows.
Also Seishirou constantly says he's searching for twins, but I doubt he's intrested in Kamui anyhow. Of course, unless his goal is to really kill the twins because of their vampirism but I serious doubt he'd make such, dare I say, despondent expression while thinking about someone he wants to kill. Perhaps he wants people to think he wants to kill them hence he claims he's searching for vampire twins (accent on pair of them, neither is special by their personality but by species) rather than just Subaru (accent on bond they share, implication that Subaru must matter to him). Way of keeping facade for others and not showing 'weakness' I'd say.
And yet:
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Apparently Seishirou shared this piece of information (a vulnerability) with Fuuma. Perhaps trc!Seishirou is a bit different from his TB/X counterpart and can accept his attachment to Subaru. If he did that then he'd truly not care for who he harms in process of fulfilling his wish. If he has to destroy a whole universe just to find Subaru (ahem, Outo), so be it.
As for Kamui, he probably hates Seishirou on his, well, bastard personality. He's not a good man, hides behind facade and is completely amoral and selfish. Of course Kamui would be wary of person like that, especially if Seishirou tried to harm him or Subaru in the past. I guess one of reasons why twins are on the run is because if three of them were to meet someone wouldn't make it out alive. So twins running for a lifetime would be status quo, sort of 'happy' ending for all 3 of them.
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Okay, maybe not for Kamui, he'd be hissing for eternity
But ofc that's just my opinion and it's very likely clamp had something totally different in mind
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sigynappreciation · 3 years
Sigyn Meta: Who is Sigyn?
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A Norse Goddess who is known for being the wife of the Trickster, Loki, and holding the bowl to protect him from the snake’s venom. 
But besides that, Who is Sigyn? What does she mean to others? 
Journey with me as we explore who she is -- not only in the mythologies, but in other forms like the Marvel Comics, Worship and through fans.
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Sigyn’s Origins (Mythology):
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived till today. She is only attested in the following works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. 
In the poem, Lokasenna, the most famous of poem’s with the couple, it talks of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.” 
Sigyn’s name means “Victorious-Girlfriend” in Old Norse. 
Sigyn may appear on the Gosforth Cross and has been the subject of an amount of theory and cultural references.
She appears in the 9th century skaldic poem Haustlöng from pagan times, written by the skald Þjóðólfr of Hvinir. Due to this early connection with Loki, Sigyn has been theorized as being a goddess dating back to an older form of Germanic paganism.
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Sigyn in Worship/Honor: 
I’ll be speaking on this through my personal experience of working with Sigyn while also sharing some tid bits of basic info from others on this subject. I’m someone who works with Sigyn primarily, but sometimes gets help from Loki. 
A Lokean is someone who honors Loki as their primary deity ( or at least one of their primary deities.) Most are polytheists that respect a variety of worldviews and a wide variety of gods. FOR MORE ON THIS SUBJECT, VISIT THIS BLOG: https://lokeanwelcomingcommittee.tumblr.com
For those who work with Loki, you will also find yourself working with Sigyn. And sometimes you don’t even need to work with Loki first in order to work with Sigyn (like me!)
Sigyn is usually a calming and motherly presence. Loki is protective over her, but they usually work in unison together to help. 
Holding the Bowl: It is a reflective act of Sigyn holding the bowl to protect Loki from the snake’s venom. This is usually the major one. 
Helping to support mothers (especially single mothers)
Support single parents
Supporting Women’s Rights
Keep fighting through the hardships 
Wear earthy tones
Commitment in everything you do.
Help others, but remember that self-care is important too
More devotional acts
Wife of Loki
Lady of Staying Power
Lady of Unyielding Gentleness
Lady of the Unconquerable Heart
Mother of Narvi and Vali
North Star
Victory Woman
Lady of Loyalty
Loki’s Treasure
Devoted Mother
Lady of Endurance
Goddess of Constancy
Goddess of the Heart
Goddess of Neglected Children
Goddess of Comfort
Healer to All
Mother to All
Beloved of Monsters
I’ll cover more on this subject soon in a separate post, but this is the basic. 
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Sigyn in the Marvel Comics:
Sadly, Sigyn is not portrayed the best in the Marvel Comics of Thor, resulting in her being missing from the comics since 1996 and practically killed off (only being referenced to in flashbacks.) 
Loki comes across her and desires to have her. However, she is already engaged to an Asgardian named Theoric, who Loki has killed and ends up taking on the disguise of in order to take Sigyn for his own. On their wedding day once the vows are said and done, Sigyn accepts her duty as his wife, granting her the title Goddess of Fidelity by Odin. 
She doesn’t have much of an agency or personality besides being Loki’s faithful wife in this. 
Fans wish for her to make a comeback in the Comics and MCU with better characterization. Hence, much Fanfiction, Cosplay, Roleplay and Fanart has been made of others own interpretation’s of Sigyn and #JusticeforSigyn is shared around in hopes of this. 
Thor Vol 1 #275 (First appearance, 1978)
Thor Vol 1 #276
Thor Vol 1 #277
Thor Vol 1 #278
Thor Vol 1 #301
Thor Vol 1 #302
Thor Vol 1 #303
Thor Vol 1 #307
Thor Annual Vol 1 (9)
Thor Vol 1 #313
Thor Vol 1 #321
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 (1)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 (1)
Gamer’s Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 (1)
Thor Annual Vol 1 (14)
Thor Annual Vol 1 (19)
Thor Vol 1 #479
Thor Vol 1 #483
Thor Vol 1 #484 (1995)
Thor: The Legend Vol 1 (1) (1996, last appearance)
Avengers: Loki Unleashed #1 (2019, first & only modern day appearance since 90s. FLASHBACK ONLY)
Thor Annual Vol 1 #10 (1982)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 #11 (1983)
Thor: Asgard’s Avenger Vol 1 #1 (2011)
Mighty Thor Vol 1 #12.1 (2012)
Loki Vol 3 #1 (2019 - referenced)
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Sigyn and her impact with Fans:
Sigyn is still not that well known among others, but there is a small community of us fans who honor her through all forms she is displayed and her relationship with Loki. This is the reason this blog and @dailylogyn​ were created: to help unite fans and spread the word of Sigyn and her relationship with Loki through appreciation and education.
Fans also show their appreciation for Sigyn through Art forms like Fanfiction, Cosplay, Fanart & More! The cool thing is that she can be interpreted however you wish, but her love for Loki and her compassion is always her strong points. 
There is a tag #JusticeforSigyn in order to help give her the proper attention she deserves. MORE HERE. 
I’m not going to post any of their art here in order to make others visit their blogs and give them the appropriate credit they deserve. 
Let’s support content creators! <3
@nanigram​/Nanihoo: This artist makes wonderful fanart of her own interpretation of Sigyn and her relationship with Loki (plus their children.) You can usually find most of it on Deviantart. 
@sigynart​: This artist makes lovely art of Tom Hiddelston’s Loki, but has recently come out with their own interpretation of Sigyn and has even started to draw Loki & Sigyn together. 
@dank-art​: This artist makes a lot of interesting twists to Sigyn and Loki either if it���s a modern look, an alternate universe or a certain aesthetic of the couple. They have a lot of amazing concept designs concerning Sigyn and Loki! 
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@bubbleteycosplay​: She is known as the German Sigyn! This cosplayer has done a wide varieties of different versions/outfits of Sigyn. Besides here, you can usually find her on Instagram, Deviantart and other websites. She also helps inform others on Sigyn and her relationship with Loki.
In fact, HERE IS A LIST she has created pertaining to other Sigyn Cosplayers. I’ll list the others below though with links to their pages:
Vontrug (Instagram)
lady_laufeyson (Instagram)
Mizerious (Instagram)
Maryintothewoods (Instagram)
danni_darling (Instagram) 
I myself am planning to join these wonderful cosplayers too as I work to create my own Sigyn cosplay as well. :) They are all such an inspiration! 
I could go on and on about the subject of Sigyn. She’s an amazing, caring and loving goddess who teaches us many helpful traits we need throughout life. Despite still not being that well known, she is greatly loved by this community -- and none other than Loki. 
Hopefully someday she will make a comeback in the Marvel world and get the proper characterization and love she deserves. Till then, us fans will continue to share the love, joy and appreciation we have for Sigyn and her relationship with Loki, welcoming anyone as Sigyn does with open arms and loving hearts. 
Holding the Bowl: https://lokeanwelcomingcommittee.tumblr.com/post/102422224083/a-bowling-tutorial
Lokean Welcoming Community: https://lokeanwelcomingcommittee.tumblr.com
Small Devotional Acts to Sigyn: https://bramblevitch.wordpress.com/2020/06/23/small-devotional-acts-to-sigyn/
Sigyn on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigyn
Lokean Welcoming Community’s topics on Sigyn: https://lokeanwelcomingcommittee.tumblr.com/tagged/sigyn
Sigyn on Marvel Database: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Sigyn_(Earth-616)
Sigyn’s Shrine: Who is Sigyn?: http://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/sigyn/sigyn/who-is-sigyn.html
Sigyn - Norse Mythology for Smart People: https://norse-mythology.org/sigyn/
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Fun fact time <33
Sandor doesn’t have any nipples
hey <33 why would you do this <33 (/lh /nm)
okay but also i've pulled up the official art and sandor?? just looks like a warped ken doll?? like the skin is stretched taught and smooth and nipple-less, but because it's sandor and he's so...textured...it reminds me of warped plastic for some reason.
but he doesn't have the defined pecs that humans (and ken dolls) do, they're more triangular and less defined, melding into the abdominal muscles a lot smoother--partially because there's no nipples disrupting the pattern. wait!! rock candy!! that's what he reminds me of! or at least, the texture of his skin. like that crystalline effect that's rough and bumpy but still capable of having a defined shape. don't know what his anatomy is like to make his muscles look like that but hope he gets better soon because that is. weird <33
oh oh also!! his eyebrows??? don't exist?? where did they go. i don't remember it ever being mentioned in the story that he didn't have eyebrows, but maybe i'm just forgetting that. grizel doesn't have eyebrows either tho, so unfortunately it's not a personal fashion choice by sandor. but! that probably means something about the rock candy texture of their skin doesn't allow hair to grow, there's no follicles. hence, they are very smooth hair-wise. probably still bumpy to the touch. but?? grizel has hair on the top of her head for that iconic ponytail that's mentioned so often. so why?? can she grow that hair but not eyebrows?? because i'm assuming sandor being bald is not a stylistic choice either, because that texture that isn't allowing hair to grow continues towards his entire head. yet grizel has like a bump instead, the texture stopping and the hair starting. why?? what is the evolutionary purpose of female goblins being able to grow hair on the top of their heads?? or has the need to feminize and soften female characters--long hair and hair in general being seen as attractive and feminine--become so prevalent that we're giving species hair just to identify them as female members of that species. because i don't know why else grizel would be capable of growing hair when sandor isn't. logistically, I think she should be bald.
anyways!! back to your point!! sandor does not have nipples and is in fact, made of rock candy instead. which is something I didn't necessarily need to be aware of but now I am. wait, do ogres have nipples?? bo and ro are both wearing chestplates in their official art and we've never gotten art of dimitar, and it wasn't mentioned whether he had any. i have several questions
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x0401x · 4 years
Violet Evergarden Movie Summary
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The initial plan was to make this a short bullet-point thing, but I felt like there was too much to clarify and I had no choice but use novel references to explain certain parts, so I decided to just write a normal summary. Many thanks before-hand to my friend Yuuki, who gave me all this info.
Apologies for taking relatively long with this thing. Not even I expected that I would end up writing this much. Buckle up for the ride, ‘cause it won’t be fun.
Nope, not kidding. It really won’t.
First thing I need to make clear is: this movie is one and a half hour long and divided into three parts and two different timelines: the times when Violet existed and the times after she dies. Already in the beginning of the movie, Violet is dead.
Yes, you read this right. She’s dead.
Now, I don’t mean that she’s dead in the literal sense. This is 60 years in the future. She might be alive or not, but it’s never said. However, the timeline of 60 years later is considered an era without Violet, apparently because she has retired and her “legend” is over, so to say. It’s also a time where Auto-Memories Dolls don’t exist. That’s one good punch in the face. Let’s keep counting.
The movie is sort of like a tale being read by someone else, which at some point goes into Violet’s first-person POV. The whole thing is kind of a look back on Violet’s life tragectory and how it took a new turn when she decided to continue looking for Gil despite all the mess of the TV series.
The era where Violet exists is an era where telephones are being introduced to the people, so Auto-Memories Dolls are starting to become unnecessary. I would argue that the creation of the telephone isn’t enough for an entire occupation to start disappearing so quickly, since new inventions are normally extremely expensive and not everyone has access to them (or even knows about their existence) so immediately after their conception. Realistically speaking, ghostwriters would still be important as long as there were still so many people unable to buy phones. Not to mention that this is a steampunk world where compulsory education doesn’t seem to be a thing yet, so even in the off chance that everybody can buy a phone, there would still be a lot of people who can’t read or write on their own. But all of this clearly went over the animators’ heads, so not only ghostwriters but also the mail business in general are nearing their doom in the movie.
The one looking back on Violet’s life was Ann, who was telling it all to her granddaughter, Daisy (who, by the way, is voiced by Morohoshi Sumire, the same girl who voiced the seven-year-old Ann). Ann had kept all the letters that Violet ghostwrote for her mother, as well as the newspapers about the CH Postal Company. Looks like the article was printed after Violet left CH, since she isn’t in the picture with everyone else.
In this era, CH’s main office has been turned into a museum. Nerine is shown working in it. Of course, she’s a grandma by then. Speaking of the CH personnel, Erica also quit being an Auto-Memories Doll and became a playwright like Oscar. She appears in the newspaper, though, so she probably a while left after Violet did. Taylor also appears there.
Back to Daisy, she was writing a letter to her parents, in order to learn how to properly convey feelings with written word. The message of this scene seems to be that, no matter the tools, what’s important is that we convey our feelings to the people we love.
As we see in the trailer, Gil’s mom has passed and Violet runs into Dietfried when visiting her grave on the anniversary of her death. To anyone who is wondering: yeah, Gil never went to see his mother and she died thinking that he was dead.
Nobody knew that Gil was alive. Not his mother, not Dietfried, not the Evergardens and not even Hodgins. No one.
Here’s what happened to Gil in the anime: he survived the incident at Intense, of course, but got separated from Violet in that explosion. His tag miraculously stayed on the same spot, though, as we saw in the TV series. Now, since this isn’t explained in the anime at all, I have to make it clear: the tag is that necklace the soldiers wear. It contains their names and ranks, so that their bodies can be identified even when they’re irrecognizable. Without the tag, the people who rescued Gil had no idea who he was, so he was sent to a different place to get treated. He ended up at a monastery hospital instead of the one in Enchaîné. I would debate that his uniform alone is enough to identify him as someone from the Leidenschaftlich Army, or maybe they could’ve just asked him which troop he belonged to after he woke up and relocated him to where his fellow men were, but who even cares about all these plot holes anymore? Definitely not me.
Anyway. After Gil was discharged, he ran the fuck away. Like, literally.
If anyone out there was hoping that Gil would finally have his moment to shine as the self-sacrificing, thoughtful and ridiculously kindhearted character that he is in the novel, I have bad news for you. What we had here was even worse than it being Gil’s excuse movie. It’s like the whole thing was made to drag his character so deep through the mud that he’ll never be able to get up again. There’s pretty much nothing in this one and a half hour that actually justifies what he did to Violet. I’ll elaborate on this as we go on.
Anime!Gil became a nomad and went traveling. He offed his ass to the island where that lighthouse displayed in the most recent official art is located (that’s why Gil and Violet were at the beach on the movie poster). He doesn’t have a prosthetic in the anime because, apparently, he was more worried about disappearing as fast as possible to somewhere he would never be found, and never attempted to contact anybody. So nobody knew that he was alive, hence the grave, which, as we feared, was not a fake one. His family really did think he had died.
This is a point that I have already addressed before, but that also means Gil really did abandon Violet to luck. If anything dangerous ever happened to her (as it did, and it was always very obviously likely to happen, since she was the southern army’s most outstanding soldier and quite literally fled from the military), he wouldn’t even know. If word ever got to him, it would probably be too late. And even if it weren’t, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to help her. More than allowing her to live freely, it felt like he was running away from his responsibilities regarding Violet.
Punch on the face count is currently at six.
By sheer coincidence, Violet learns that Gil is living in that island. She goes to see him and Hodgins goes with her after trying to stop her at first. When Gil finds out that they came to see him, he outright refuses to meet them. It pretty much takes the near entirety of the goddamn movie for them to see each other face-to-face. I say face-to-face because all of the following shit happens:
Hodgins goes to talk to Gil. It lasts about 20 minutes.
Gil talks to Violet from behind a door. This one is about 10 minutes.
Dietfried also comes to the island to talk to him. Also about 10 minutes.
At long fucking last, Gil goes to see Violet. But that, too, is only for about 10 minutes.
Hodgins gives him a speech very similar to what happens in chapter 8. Now get ready to fall back from your seats: Dietfried basically goes there to tell Gil that he won’t run away from taking over the family anymore, so Gil can live freely. Yes, Dietfried is officially a better Gilbert than Gilbert himself. I crave death.
So, after much ado, they come to a conclusion: Gil will stay in the island. In order to completely free himself of the shackles of his bloodline, he stays behind, living the way he wants to. ‘Cause all anime!Gil wants is to rot away alone by the sea, apparently. Now prepare yourselves, for it gets worse. Ready?
Violet stays with him in the motherfucking island.
That’s right, ladies and gents. Another fear became true. She quits her job at the CH Postal Company and goes to live with him. Well, at least, not as a housewife. She starts working with mail services in the island, and Gil helps her with it. Her life goes on like this and she dies in the island as well.
This is where the timeline after Violet passes away comes into light, parallel to the era when Violet was alive. Daisy talks about what happened after Violet left CH, as if it were a tale from the distant past.
That’s it.
The movie paints this as a happy ending. I can hardly see it as one. I know it almost looks like everything was solved, but it just got swept under the rug.
The main point that makes me sad in this ending is that Violet’s character development did a 360 degree flip. In the end, she threw everything to the air and went to live in someone who she always put before everyone else, even herself, but who didn’t do the same for her (in the anime). She’s gone to a crammed little island, where she led an uneventful life away from everyone and everything that’s ever had a positive impact on her. All she has is Gil.
Of course, he’s all she needs, but he isn’t all she should have, and that was the entire point of pushing her to go live on her own. Which is exactly what she earns in the novel: two loving parents, a father figure, a brother figure, a best friend and several other friends and acquaintances whom she formed a bond with. She has all she needs, so she doesn’t have to cling to Gil for any reason. There’s no emotional dependance on him anymore. She doesn’t need him to be whole. She just wants him because he happens to be the best person she’s ever met.
Anime!Violet is most definitely not whole. She almost got there, but then she backtracked completely. And anime!Gil... in my friend’s words, is a weakling. There’s nothing in him actually worth all this undying blind love. Sure, he’s full of regret and shit, but it’s too easy to only act upon it now, by vanishing into thin air like a coward.
The deal with novel!Gil is that he looks around at everything he has, everything that had been burdening him and killing him on the inside all his life, and decides to make use of it for Violet’s sake. He continues being family head and working in the army, amassing money and connections in order to have every means possible to protect Violet should anything happen to her. And as it turns out, he does end up having to use those means, more than once, but he will keep this up for as long as he needs to, because he lives for her now. That’s what makes him worth all the blood, sweat, tears, mental sanity and even body parts that she gave away for his sake: he pays it back. Every cent.
Punch in the face count ends at twelve. Thirteen if I include the fact that the movie ends with a last shot of Violet after she and Gilbert do a pinky swear. Looks like they were really trying to buy everyone with tears.
Oh, well.
I hope this has been a good enough summary. Sorry if I rained on anyone’s parade. I’m pretty sure we won’t get a remake ever, so I really wish we all can get over this soon.
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incorrectsnkships · 3 years
So at first I just thought he was a really confident and comfortable heterosexual, y'know? BUT NOW! NOW!? oh no, no, no!
Reason numbrero uno! He has feminine hips. Straight boys don't strut like that, straight boys don't fucking be flexible like that.
Reason numbrero duex! He says bitch waaay to much. So if you don't know the history of the word bitch, bitch was also used a a gay slur for y'know twinks. You don't see Jean or Levi OR EVEN EREN going around going bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking crazy bitches. Sure maybe once in awhile, but Connie use it like a sister y'know?
Reason numbrero drei! Look at who the fucking hell he's hanging 'round with! Ymir; the fucking bitch lesbian. Christa/Historia; the lesbian or bi girl dude. He's the fucking second lesbian protector (next to Eren). You see that gay ass gay homie grab in like what season 3? Or was it 2? He's friends with Sasha, who does she hang out with most of the time!? Ymir and Historia! Sometimes Jean and Mikasa. Speaking of Jean, he ain't sleek either! Connie hanging 'round with a fucking bi-saster a bi disaster! Not to mention Reiner and Armin! We see him worry about Reiner and Bertholdt when they “missing” asking someone to check on them to see if there alive! Man looking out for his gay homies! Also in one of the games he asks Armin why he spends so much time with Eren, to which Armin shoots back with one of the most gay awakening responses, “Hm well what about Ymir and Historia, or Reiner and Bertholdt?” Like yo.
Reason numbrero shi! He mom picks out gay ass fucking names! Sunny, Martin, Connie. Fucking gay dude. (everyone seems to think Sunny is a girl but judging by there titans I actually think Sunny was a boy dude. That’s just a hunch tho~)
Reason numbrero five! He seems like the kinda guy who would wear jewelry. Not really necessarily gay BUt~ I think earrings would so be he thing, and if he we’re to come out he’d probably start wearing one earring!
Reason numbrero six! Look at the kind of shit this man does! He fucking carried Armin princess style, put him down like a prince, bruh he fucking CHOSE to he CHOSE to. He knew what he was doing. And that one official art where he’s wearing that blonde lopsided wig with makeup on. That dress with the fake boobs in it!
Reason numbrero 7! My mama always say, that if a boy is best friends with a girl he will almost always usually fall for her. Connie is close as HELL with Sasha. And while I LOVE springles. This know discovery is D A W N I N G on me! Connie don’t really seem to show that much interest in women. But not necessarily to men either. And that factor being. I think bby Connie is shy!
Overall I think he’s a great fucking character! I love Connie, but this just made me open a whole new chapter for him. I’m currently rewatching AOT with my mom ‘cause she done wanted to watch it and I couldn’t let her watch that cringey dub so yee. I’ll be paying attention for other Easter eggs and clues. I never researched Connie to much but now that I have I’m made some pretty interesting discoveries! In conclusion Connie Springer is probably fucking gay. SO in other words you were RIGHT! ATTACK ON TITAN IS FUCKING GAY! 😍
( j u s t l i k e m e l o l )
srry for the late reply, but you’ve actually convinced me
mans comes across heterosexual but he definitely had a crush on every single male member of the 104th. literally every one. and like many others, one of the older scouts was his gay awakening. and im not saying that connie had a crush on them or anything, and this is definitely not a ship post between connie and any adult in the show, but im just saying that he admired them. a lot. too much. and had to look away when they got changed in front of him.
“connie why do you offer to go kill titans with captain levi whenever we have a mission?”
“i admire his skills!”
“connie, you do realise that erwin doesn’t have time to have tea with you right?”
“no i know i just wanted to talk about stuff with him. professional stuff. as a soldier.”
“connie, you know that moblit doesn’t need an assistant right? he is the assistant”
he’d simp for armin so hard. every week he has a crush on someone new, and then it goes in a loop. and he’d “practice” kissing too. like he’d occasionally bring the topic up in conversation and then go from there based off of the persons reply. “hey uh, jean, so like- have you had your first kiss yet?” and then jean would tell him no and connie would go full internal gay panic. “o- oh yeah, thas- thas cool, um, well, i havent- had mine either so like- would you wanna practice? it doesn’t count-“
connie would have his first everything with jean and it would be so funny because it just happens all at once. like hed get asked if hes ever kissed someone and hed just glare at jean and be so flustered
connie finds it so difficult to tell romantic and platonic feelings apart and thats why hes fallen for all of his friends
armin: oh, connie, thanks for doing that favour for me! i dont know what id do without you!
eren: wait! hurry, where do they keep the extra blades?!
connie: in the cellar!
eren: great- connie, i love you!
marco: see connie? if you just fold the paper a little more, youll get there :) youre a pleasure to teach and i love spending time with you :)
also why do i feel like connie and marco dated for a little while? not even dated then, had a thing going on for a bit. like besides from jean because he doesnt count, but connies first romantic encounter was with marco, fight me
and i definitely feel like connie went to hange for some advice about his sexuality. he was so confused and liking everyone at the same time, so who else better to go to than the person who tried to convince erwin to start an lgbtq+ youth club right?
but when eren and armin announced that they were officially dating, that was an eye opener for connie and it made him realise that its okay to be yourself
and it took him a while to actually realise that he was gay. hence the fact that hed physically gag whenever someone suggested for him to date sasha, and all those times in the boys changing room that hed have to turn around or leave completely
so yes, i can see where youre coming from, and i agree with you. but if we were to list the people connie has simped for from most-least?
levi (not really simping, more fanboying/celebrity crush)
moblit (same as levi)
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Character redesign references: Danny, Sam and Tucker .
(Art by the wonderful @gally-hin-phantom / @gally-hin ) click/tap image for higher resolution.
This is way overdue!! Sorry for the delay!
Full name: Daniel A.Jax Fenton
-Yes his middle name is A.jax and it's entirely bc of this post and this post .
-Danny is Trans, (note the cute bracelet!) having officially transitioned over the summer between middle school and his freshman year.
-Danny is still fourteen, and is the youngest, as well as the shortest out of the trio.
-12 ounces of whoop ass, snark and anxiety. Also puns. Dear God, the puns....
-hobbies include: Astronomy, astrology, D.O.O.M and horror movies.
-Astronmy is more of a hyperfixation tbh.
-Proficient in gymnastics, having taken classes from ages 6-12, and participated in jr. cheer-leading throughout some of middle school as a flyer. Actually used to be friends with dash and paulina.
-Favorite classes involve Science and Mathematics, he’s good at understanding difficult concepts when he can pay attention. Absolutely awful at reading comprehension.
-His style hasn't changed all that much; he absolutely lives in graphic tees, jeans and sneakers. He usually wears the hoodie to cover up the litchenburg figure scars he received from the accident.
-The Accident occurred roughly a week or so before the start of his freshman year at Casper High. 
-Much of how Danny got ghost powers remains in line with the established canon, with Sam urging him to investigate the ghost zone portal, and his getting caught and electrocuted within the frame after accidentally turning it on. 
-Sam didn't have to do very much convincing though, Danny's definitely a lot more interested in his parents work that in cannon, even if they can be super embarrassing about it a lot of the time.
-And this is the point where I break off from that canon: but I'm going to make a seperate post for detailing Danny's ghost half / Phantom.
Full name: Samantha Nicole Manson
-Sam isn't an Amity park native, she moves into town over the summer after getting expelled from a fancy private school and finishing the year out online/ at home.
-At 15 years old, She's the oldest out of the three of them- having gotten held back a school year at some point for "behavioral issues"
-Sam's personality is still very much in line with her cannon counter part, although while she may still be stubborn to a fault, she knows when to admit she's wrong.
-Her revised style is really more punk, than goth.
-Sam's family is still pretty well off, as her father is the Owner of "Manson refrigerators" which has had a long-standing partnership with Dairy-King Co.
-She doesn't have a great relationship with either of her parents- they view her as out of control while she feels that they're too controling. Her grandmother is a constant mediator between the three of them.
-she's a vegetarian, she won't eat meat, but ethically sourced eggs and dairy is fair game.
-Pan-romantic Asexual.
-hobbies include: Cooking, Gardening, urban exploration, social activism, Anime, horror films and novels, and D.O.OM.
-She meets Danny over the summer at the movie theater during a horror flick marathon. After talking with him for a while, she's intrigued when Danny explains what it is his parents do. Being equally shocked that she doesn't immediately dismiss their work and call him a freak, he invites her over to see the portal...
Full name: Tucker Foley
-Meet Danny in kindergarten, and the two of them have been pretty much inseparable ever since. He's only older than Danny by about a month.
-Was the first person that Danny came out to.
-Dated Danny VERY briefly (like, a week) in middle school, which, unfortunately leads to a lot of people assuming they're still a "thing" (it's annoying but I has absolutely gotten them out of a few sticky situations *cough* fake out make out *cough*
-Not really a fan of sam at first. Tuck Actually feels somewhat threatened by her in the beginning beacuse for the longest time it's been JUST him and Danny, the dynamic duo. He gets worried that Danny'll stop hanging out with him because Sam is just SO much cooler. (These worries are completely unfounded, of course.)
-Still a tech wiz, same as in cannon. Even though I've decided I'm going to set the rewrite in the early 2000's, there's gonna be more "modern" technology. (bc I love the fact that Jack, Vlad and Maddie were in college in the 80's and also don't feel like doing math to adjust the timeline) Tucker probably still has at least one PDA somewhere cause hey, vintage shits kinda cool! But it's definitely not gonna be his go to device anymore.
-Tucker has an issue with iron deficiency...hence, an increase of red meat in his diet. The "meat vs veggies" debate is absolutely a heated issue between him and sam, although after a while it settles into friendly banter rather than lengthy arguments that have Danny pulling out his hair at the lunch table.
-Tucker hates the horror genre, cause he's a freaking wuss, lmao. But he lets Sam and Danny drag him out to see movies anyway.
-Tucker's hobbies include tinkering, computer games, (including but not limited to D.O.O.M) coding and yarn crafts.
-His grandmother taught him to crochet when he would visit her in the hospital, Tucker Actually made his beanie himself.
-Danny's the only one who knows about that though because he doesn't want to be teased for liking something "girly"
-He still has a phobia of hospitals. Watching has grandma slowly deteriorating in one is what caused it.
I think I've covered everything, but odds are I'll be adding onto this at some point.
Next post will probably cover Danny's ghost half in depth!
(on a final side note, if anyone is interested in drawing character refs for this project, dm me! I can compensate with a fic based on prompt of your choice, or if you have set commission rates, $$$)
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Page 6
(Selden being unsatisfied that the analogy that beauty being applied to vulgar clar doesn't fit Lily) a course texture will not take on a high finish -> deep down he knows Lily is a good person but also valuable in her own right as a person beyond the function of siciety-- the core of Lily is comparable to the raw materials of the clay. A kind of analogy similar to beauty is only skin deep, where Lily's beauty, as Selden views, is a product of her person, not just a mask she wears.
the material was fine but circumstance had fashioned it into a futile shape -> again the idea that women, particularly in the upper classes, are restricted by their need to fit into societal boxes. The restrictions don't lessen the women, but lessen what we see of them, as we look for only what is useful to us, and the only purpose of women in these ranks is marriage, which Selden views as futile.
the sun came out, ane her lifted parasol cut off his enjoyment -> the setting, parricularly the weather, has a big impact on setting the mood. The sun often symbolises happiness, so here the fact that Selden is blocked from the sun is telling that he can never think about Lily for too long, like it's a secret. The fact that it's Lily who cuts of the sun is interesting. As an overarching metaphor, the sun is his happiness and his happiness comes from Lily, but she also is the cause of the direct opposite, curbing his happiness by the barriers she puts up. In this sense (and I'm probably going out on a limb here) where Selden is seen as Lily's hope, Lily is also a cause of her own demise by distancing herself at times from him, by putting up those barriers.
The weather is used on the previous page as well which I didn't mention: A rapid shower had cooled the air, and clouds still hung refreshingly over the moist street. -> this feeling of refreshment and invigoration is linked to the meeting of Lily and Selden, where they each view the other's company as refreshing and invigorating, which is also to say honest and open.
"... what a hideous place New York is!" -> I've probably mentioned this before but Lily is quite overly expressive and blunt when she talks, which may read as rude but I like her for it: it's a refreshing contrast from the setting and other characters, where etiquette is of high concern. It also demonstrated how unsuited she is to life in high society. (and also discord between reading people/situations and reacting to them in a way that society deems appropriate makes me think she might be neurodivergent but I'll revisit that idea when I have more evidence)
American craving for novelty -> to maintain novelty is to constantly create new things which is unsustainable and frivolous. This can be linked to specifically the upper classes' desire to show wealth by always having the latest fashion, but also high society itself which is unsustainable as Lily learns. It also points out the driving force of capatilism in America which is still unsustainable without great damage to many people. Hence Lily becomes a victim of a culture breed from capitalism.
He paused a moment -> This shows that Selden considers the consequences of asking her to his rooms before he asks her, because he knows what the consequences are for Lily to be caught in such a position. Despite this, he still asks her, giving her a choice, and ultimately agency, even if she is biased towards following him.
Her colour deepened – she still had the art of blushing at the right time -> instills the idea that everything is a performance done to observed and judged. The fact that there is a right time to blush, something that is an involuntary reaction, highlights the ridiculiusness/futility of societal expectations as discussed preciously. This also implies that there have been previous occasions in Selden's presence that have had cause for Lily to blush, which is intriguing, and speaks to a deep relationship.
"... I'll take the risk," -> it seems as though all of their time that they can spend tozgether is fraught with danger. Hence something thrilling and exciting for both of them is gained on each others company. Perhaps this among many other things is why they never become an official couple, because then they would lose that sense of forever chasing their affection.
"Oh, I'm not dangerous," he said in the same key. -> I'm sorry i can't hear you for their flirting ajsjkfg. The "Oh," is a clear indication that Selden is flirting, but also it adds an extra layer of meaning to "I'm not dangerous.". This carries both the literal meaning that Selden is aware of what a proposition like that could look like and is telling Lily that he knows for her to go up to his rooms is dangerous, in terms of what people's perceptions of that will be, but that he is not going to realise those assumptions. He would never harm her and is telling her he actively cares for her well being. It also, with the flirtation, could be read as that Selden could be dangerous if Lily wanted him to be, where dangerous means desirable. "said in the same key" refers to flirtatious tone that they share with each other but I think it also shows understanding of one another, which they both find hard to come by.
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