#hence recent faq
kittybroker · 3 months
congrats on officially being the most annoying account on tumblr. take the bud dwyer challenge!
We did it guys! First hate mail on kitty broker! Get a lot of asks, and a number of weird ones from time to time but this is a first!
Would also like to take this moment to thank everyone for their continued support. Just passed 10k followers earlier today which is absolutely crazy. People still seem to be loving the blog and I'm appreciate every message people sending in saying they like it. To get to 10k and to only now receive the first hate mail is wild.
Anyways I thought it'd be funnier to put the message here thanking people and I didn't feel like making my own post anyways. Here's a dancing cat for you all to enjoy!
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nyerus · 5 months
Overview of TGCF Versions
Due to recent(ish) events, I thought it would be good to make another post cataloguing all the different "versions" of TGCF, for newcomers and old fans alike! I'll also be going over some FAQs that I've seen or been asked so this post can serve as a decent info thread.
For simplicity's sake, first think of there being two "main" version of TGCF:
The Original -- what all the translations are based on, as well as the manhua and donghua.
The Revised -- what was released in print last year in China (only), and what was recently updated on JJWXC. The audio drama is adapting this
The original webnovel was itself not "censored." By that I mean, it contained everything MXTX originally wrote including kisses, swearing, innuendo, etc. MXTX did self-censor to avoid Real Censorship (hence the lack of NSFW scenes we may have gotten like in her previous novels), but that's a whole different thing. For all intents and purposes, consider the original version and (most of) its translations as being uncensored.
The revised version was first publicly released as a print novel in China. As such, it was actually censored. While "Hualian" is still there, and things are alluded to, it's a lot more vague. Kisses and a lot of other things were cut, including certain dialogue tidbits that perhaps were deemed a bit too obvious. (Plus a lot of Feng Xin and Qi Rong's cursing was removed lmao.)
HOWEVER, shortly after the print release, the audio drama started adapting the uncensored revised version. So we all knew there was an uncensored revised version somewhere in existence. It wasn't until the end of last month that we actually saw it! TGCF was available again on JJWXC after years of being "temporarily locked" to comply with regulations. (Though it was possible it was locked for other reasons. We will never fully know!) Not only was it finally unlocked, but it was actually updated to the uncensored revised version!
1.) Why did MXTX make a revised version anyway? MXTX has mentioned before that she was not entirely satisfied with the original version of TGCF. Because she wrote and released each chapter in a serialized manner, with frequent (possibly daily?) updates, it doesn't surprise me that it didn't turn out exactly how she wanted. Now that she has the opportunity to sit down with it and go over everything on her own time, she's able to get it closer to what she wanted. In short: she's just really passionate about this story!
2.) Is there and English translation, or will there be? What about other languages? Officially, not yet. We don't know if there ever will be, as MXTX would have to re-negotiate the rights with publishers for translations, and at this time, we don't know if that'll happen. Unofficially, there are a few options: a. ClearNoodle has done some fan-translations you should check out here! b. By purchasing the webnovel on JJWXC now, you can MTL (machine translate) the novel. If you've seen screenshots in English floating around that aren't part of the fan-translations above, this is probably the source.
3.) What is JJWXC and how do I use it/purchase TGCF on it? JJWXC is the webnovel publishing site where TGCF was originally released. It hosts a giant array of C-novels, including most other danmei that you may have heard about. SV and MDZS were indeed also on JJWXC, but are currently (still) locked. To purchase TGCF (or any other novel) on JJWXC, cangji.net has an excellent guide and list of other helpful links to get you all set up. Please do check it out! Additionally, buying on JJWXC seems to be the most direct way to support authors. You can also throw bonus tips at them!
4.) How much has really changed in the revised version? A fair bit. Mostly, the changes are to do with plot structure, minor characters, overall flow, and so on. It's still essentially the same story, but in a way that feels fresh. Hualian in particular have exactly the same dynamic as before. MXTX added extra scenes between them, including very sweet and tender domestic stuff haha! There's also a few new lines of spicier dialogue to go along with some of the scenes that already existed in the original.
5.) So what is considered canonical? Both, in a way. MXTX has stated that she's happy if fans can enjoy both at once, and that we're free to pick-and-choose as we wish. Personally, while there are many things I prefer from the original, the revised version is something closer to MXTX's true vision for the novel. So I feel that holds a little bit of weight there, too.
6.) Will the manhua/donghua be adapting any of the newly revised content? So far that seems unlikely. The revised version facelifts a lot from the early parts of the story, which is stuff these adaptations have already covered. It would be hard to change things down the line now. At most they could add some of the extra dialogue or such, but we'll see if that's the case. For now, we simply don't know and shouldn't count on it. If you'd still like an adaptation of the revised, please absolutely check out the audio drama! It's easily become my personal fave adaptation of the story, and is made by a small but very passionate team who are close to MXTX. Thus, it's quite faithful and does the source material such justice! <3
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notfreetoday · 2 years
China's censorship of Justice in the Dark - some FAQ
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photo cr @ 白夜飛行家 on weibo
Also known as The Abyss/Mo Du/Silent Reading (link goes to a great carrd made by a Mo Du fan) by Priest, the same author who brought us Guardian. The show was dropped on Youku China on the 18th of February and is now on Youku International (VIP needed from ep 3 onwards). 8 episodes have been released. There is no official release schedule yet, though the rumour is 5 episodes every Saturday at 10am China time. Total of 30 episodes, ending on the 11th of March (Yes rumours are this specific).
The English subs are AI generated, and they are not great. I hope they improve the subs as the show gains traction. (I watch on the China ver of the app, but I'll post any egregarious subbing errors if I come across them)
Changes made from the novel
The title, character names and premise has been changed. The ages of the some of the side characters/victims have also been changed. It's clear that scenes have been re-edited and re-dubbed, because some dialogue doesn't match the lip movements (WOH flashbacks anyone?) This is all to get pass censorship. A lot of the story, including the dialogue, has been preserved, and the changes aren't jarring.
Seems like there was a lot of uproar regarding the changes?
The show has been trending on weibo every day since it dropped, for good and bad reasons. Many book fans were upset with the changes on Day 1 and didn't bother watching pass the introduction of the premise, and there were complaints about the suitability of the actors' looks. By Day 2 the comments turned to "hey this isn't so bad??" And now everyone is just badgering youku for the next few episodes, cause they've literally released nothing else about the show since they dropped the episodes.
Has the story been sacrificed to pass censorship?
After watching 8 ep, I don't believe so. The novel covers sociopathy and the darkness of humanity - the show uses a "nuclear accident" as a reason for "genetic changes" in 1.3% of the population - causing these people to lose the ability to empathise with others. This is actually a very smart move because by blaming everything on a fictional, genetic mutation, the show can actually get away with showing the darker, more questionable parts of humanity, without having to censor it too much. The first case of the show mentions drugs and even has a short clip that heavily implies someone seizing from an overdose (you'll miss it if you aren't paying attention). There are underaged victims, and if they continue in this vein there will be more trigger warning worthy scenes from the book included. These things just don't get shown or talked about in c dramas - even if we don't talk about the BL, it's pretty crazy they managed to get this stuff out after the recent censorship changes.
Is the BL still.... there?
There are 8 episodes out so far and to me, it's working. We're not talking WOH level of chemistry here, but ep 3 onwards is when our CP starts paying more attention to each other. There is more than enough "candy" to find if you know what you're looking for. That said, it is not and will never be BL, just an adaptation.
Ok what am I looking for?
Glad you asked! Take for example the show's name change - from 深渊 (shen yuan) to 光•渊 (guang • yuan).
深 - deep 渊 - deep (often referring to a pool, so a deep dark pool, like in a cave) Shen Yuan comes from the novel and is translated as The Abyss, and represents Fei Du (Pei Su in the show)
光 - bright light Guang•Yuan is not a proper term by itself - it's a mash up of the words for bright light and deep pool. The light represents Luo Wenzhou (Luo Weizhao in the show), the one beam of light that penetrates Fei Du's darkness. Hence the English name "Justice in the Dark" is a pretty good translation.
The new names of the characters are Pei Su 裴溯 and Luo Weizhao 骆为昭. See the last character of each name? Su has the radical 月, for Moon in it, and Zhao has the radical 日, for Sun in it. The moon is considered Yin, and the sun is Yang. Together, they are Yin and Yang.
Hey maybe you think that's pushing it, but welcome to the life of a BL adaptation fan 🤣🤣
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livingfictionsystem · 10 months
System FAQs
✎. ﹏ Living Fiction
⁀➴ alter count: 200+ inworld, 25 of which who can front, about 6 of which do regularly.
⁀➴ Host: Sparrow Hemlock Harvey ‣ Core ‣ He/they ‣ Genderfluid masc ‣ Bisexual/Biromantic ‣ Monogamously taken with an outerworld partner
⁀➴ Recent Frequent Fronters:
╰ Xanthe C.L. Zeitstück ‣ Fictive / Protector / Co-Host ‣ They/It ‣ Androgyne ‣ Pansexual/Panromantic ‣ Dating an inworld partner, has one outerworld romantic interest, widowed.
╰ Xhaxhollari Ithuriel Icarus ‣ Gatekeeper ‣ He/it ‣ Non-binary Male ‣ Asexual/Heteroromantic ‣ Dating an inworld partner/ambiamorous.
╰ Cinder Harbinger ‣ Persecutor ‣ She/It ‣ Femme ‣ Pansexual/Aromantic ‣ Single
╰ Rune Hallows ‣ Trauma holder/Protector ‣ She/They ‣ Femme ‣ Bisexual/Biromantic ‣ Single
╰ Oscar Wilde ‣ Factive/Inspiration ‣ He/Him ‣ Male ‣ Bisexual/Biromantic ‣ No partner, but a litany of flirtations.
╰ Jasper Morgan Harvey ‣ Fictive/Vice holder ‣ He/Him ‣ Masc-leaning ‣ Homosexual/Homoromantic ‣ Committed to an inworld partner.
╰ Kaspar Blythe Dusek ‣ Fictive/Protector ‣ They/he/she/it Androgyne/Genderfluid ‣ Pansexual/Panromantic ‣ Exclusively polyamorous, with a few inworld partners at any given time.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
︵ Boundaries . . .
⤻ Do not use this system as a diagnostic tool for yourself or others.
⤻ Do not claim that yourself or our system members are literally inhuman/fae/vampires/elves/gods/werewolves/etc outside of the inworld.
⤻ No, you didn't know us in a past life.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
︵ System Facts
╰ x2 Cult Survivor
╰ Many enjoy reading and writing, hence the name
╰ Many alters, lore, and power systems were/are our abuser's OC's introjects
----- ~📖~ -----
"We didn't ask to be this crazy, but since we're here, we'll give them a show."
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skyfallscotland · 5 months
Also, as a follow up to the recent anon ask, for people who are here for Remi's Version, this is how the tags are organised in my slightly chaotic brain, or at least how I want them to be:
basgiath (remi's version): stuff, chapter updates, relevant inspo, etc
remi's version asks: questions readers ask about the fic/FAQ
remi's version quotes: excerpts as I work on chapters
I don't have a tag yet for me just replying to general excitement in my ask box, hence why some have gone untagged, but if you're interested in any of the above, you can search those tags on my blog specifically and find what you're looking for
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bloodcursecycle-if · 1 month
Sorry, I sent the Lore ask at like 3 am last night and I thought I had typed more and I uhhhhh hadn't
I was curious about how the blood curse works specifically, though all of that sounds interesting!
LOL! It's fine I was more confused than anything!
I plan on making more lore posts when this is off of hiatus. You can find a bit about the blood curses on the FAQ page, but I can elaborate a bit more!
So, blood curses are the result of doing something Real Fucked Up. They're "cast" by a strange karmic force onto a whole bloodline, hence the name Blood Curse. Curses are hard to study, in general, since each curse is different and has a different "signature", so to speak.
Most people don't know they have a curse until something happens, which is usually later in life. That's why most curses still exist, since the logical easy answer would just be "stop having kids". Recently, there has been developments in identifying people who have curses. This procedure can be done as early as 16, but most curses don't activate until the cursebearer is at least 20-21, which may lead to false negatives. It's also extremely expensive to get done.
It's also not clear what causes a curse exactly. Two people can commit the same act, but only one of them may be cursed.
Blood Curses will only be dispelled if the current cursebearer works to figure out why the bloodline was cursed in the first place and makes efforts to right the wrong committed or the bloodline dies out.
Curses effects are also all different. Some result in horrible death or injury while others do some pretty strange things, like turning the cursebearer into a tree. Some curses can be very specific while others may be more broad. The effect isn't related to the act committed.
Blood Curses aren't taboo to talk about in world, but it is an uncomfortable topic for most people, so it tends to be avoided in conversation.
The true number of cursebearers in the world isn't well known, but it's suspected to be more than most people think.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Ask Compilation 02/10
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Yup! I just checked, and no new comics seem to have been unlocked since I first checked it out, so it seems like they all dropped at once. 
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@scouttf2isnamedafterjerma​ submitted: this is canon this really happened
LOVE when she said this, in the comic,
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Sburb Glitch FAQ? Color me fucking intrigued. 
Thanks! It’s going to be a long time till I can read any of these, of course, but I’m filing them away for later.
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Imagine meeting an alien for the first time, and not only are they shockingly humanoid, they also have your hairstyle. And your glasses. And - essentially - your name. What could be up with that? 
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Refer to the chart, Terezi!
Although with your intuition, you probably know the answer to that question better than I do. 
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Oh yeah! That’s some fun foreshadowing. 
I initially took that as a sign that the 8-ball was answering Jade’s question from an ‘out-of-universe’ perspective, but now that we have an in-universe explanation for its answer, I no longer think that’s the case. 
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I totally get why she’s the troll now. Hoping to see many more Vriska Incidents in the future!
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She did say she was into apocalypses, and this one is even dice-themed. I wonder if this is merch from Troll Problem Sleuth?
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Oh, god damn it. 
Are the forums really completely kaput? It’s absolutely bizarre to me that no large-scale backup or archive was made, in the decade(?) the website existed. 
I guess we’ll always have the Wayback Machine, but its coverage tends to be patchy for more obscure websites.
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(For context: I got a question from @krixwell​ about the blog’s spoiler policy a week or so before the pause, voicing some worries about potential spoilers in asks. The tl;dr is that I’m alright with some minor spoilers - for example, asks about what my Homestuck Title would be, or jokes about the weird structure that the comic seems to take(?) later on)
We’ll see! I really enjoy the discussions brought up by asks, and I’ve had a lot of fun with Titles that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’ve been fine so far, but I agree that if I do get burned, I’ll reconsider. 
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I did dodge a bullet here, admittedly! Mind you, I think if I’d noticed this before the Vriska reveal, I’d probably just have been smug about puzzling it out beforehand. 
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Vriska decides to beat the Noble Circle at their own game, and becomes Vah’ru-Ee’skaie, eldritch horror of the 8th Dimension. 
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Gotta give the Homestuck Forums props for picking these troll names - there’s so much going on with each of them. 
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She is constantly Spaced out. Mind you, half of all Sburb Players have their heads in the clouds!
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This relates to my theory that Vriska can only make people do things they already wanted, on some level, to do. 
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Hence, Karkat must have wanted to keep talking to her. Honestly, the idea that he still wanted to insult her is a pretty safe bet, and I think that’d definitely be enough for Vriska to work with, if this is indeed how her power operates.
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Oh, that is a challenge and a half. The trolls all look really cool, with appearances that reflect their personalities really well.
However, this is an undertaking I’d rather take with all twelve troll designs at once. Come back to me when we have all twelve sprites!
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Even if the the ‘games for girls’ thing was expanded on later, it’d be hard to prove it wasn’t a Hussie retcon. I love Karkat, but he’s a shitty teen, and it wouldn’t even be the worst thing he said today. 
Vrish-ka just feels right to me. Damn it, I can’t believe that’s how my Britishness comes out. This is almost as bad as ‘sweeties’. 
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I love how this, coupled with the previous ask, accidentally implies that Sollux is British. Now that’s a headcanon I can get behind. 
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He’s picked the wrong gimmick, then - he’s meant to be ‘never wrong’, but I’ve seen some wrong-ass spoilers!
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Yup, I’ve arbitrarily decided this is my OTP - especially given that Lord English has become a more prominent character recently. This is the arc this comic needs!
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Forgot about that. Perhaps your lusus’ diet depends on its subspecies, and Vriska - in a matter that she’d consider fitting - rolled the lusus with the worst diet of all. 
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If we can pick our Aspect-themed powers, can I call dibs on ‘always has energy?’ 
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True. Homestuck - the comic itself - has just one writer, though, so we shouldn’t be dealing with any Expanded Universe shenanigans. 
I guess Hussie could answer differently every time you ask a given question, or write multiple conflicting backstories for a character, but that would make the comic sort of hard to engage with or enjoy.  
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I wouldn’t say it’s completely cut-and-dry that canon Midnight Crew implies canon Problem Sleuth. For one thing, the Midnight Crew isn’t even canon to Problem Sleuth! 
I never considered that Godhead Pickle Inspector could actually be an imaginary entity, only ‘omnipotent’ in one sphere of reality. That would make sense, given his origins. It would be fun if he was the source of the dream magic which allows Jade to grow extra arms, since that’s pretty close to how Imaginationland works.
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We talked about it! Just in an ask, rather than the main liveblog. Quite a lot of chatter goes on on those asks, so check ‘em out!
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The I Dream of Twilight Sparkle Index
Since Tumblr seems to have broken much of the sidebar functionality at least on redux sites. I thought I'd move all important links to it's own post.
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #1 - FAQ for more general stuff from early on in the blog
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #2 (Secrets of the Dragon's Tear edition) - FAQ related to a large story that impacts almost all recent posts since 2021
Mod Blog - Go here to ask the mod/me questions if you're ever curious or just want to get to know me (I also have a Discord account and/or server you can join if that's a preferable. Though I'll have that now as a simply ask me if you want to contact me there.
Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us - A group blog focused on specifically genie ponies. Although as of recent kind of low on new exclusive posts. I also reblog most Genie Twilight posts here
Geniequestria - A brand new genie pony story that's on the more more mature side starring a genie version of the evil Starlight Glimmer from Season 5. It'll never go as far as to show or describe explicit acts, but there may be plenty of implications of not so family-friendly stuff sprinkled throughout.
Episode Responses - Back when Friendship is Magic I did weekly episode reponses to most episodes between Season 3 and Season 9. Not all episodes were responded to especially Season 9-wise. But here's an index of each season's tag
Season 3 - Season 4 - Season 5
Season 6 - Season 7 - Season 8 - Season 9
Specials - These are particular important, special, or otherwise noteworthy parts of IDOTS history that I want to give special spotlight to. They range from important plot point stories, to simply fun moments between some characters.
Origin Story - How it all began! How Twilight became a genie, and chose to stay one in the first place
Twixie Genies Crossover (And Reunion) - Some crossovers between the unfortunately defunct Twixie Genies blog and my Genie Twilight!
Mane 6 Genie Simulation - Twilight putting the rest of the Mane 6 through the Genie Simulation for the first time. A temporary genie transformation that allowed them to feel what it's like to be a genie, without any of the responsibility of power.
Genie Sickness Arc - A month long arc that had Twilight become sick and eventually has to ask Discord to help
Motherly Revelation/Anniversary - The moment where Twilight and Spike adopted eachother as Mother and Son in the blog's continuty. Prepare for d'awww's.
I Dream of TwiDash - The moment where Twilight and Rainbow Dash realized they loved eachother very much and will have plenty of children an- Phbbbbt, not actually. This was an April Fools special I did for fun. Although, you could say I did actually go through with something like this for real over on Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us...
Mother's Day Special - A special starring Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. Some details I admit I'd retcon if I had done the story more recently. But at the time there was barely anything known about Twilight's mom. So alot of it was just personal headcanon of Twi's mom's personality and such.
Trixie Reunion - Trixie returns to Ponyville to inform Twilight of her intention to move here. Twilight and Trixie are on better terms between eachother then Twilight and Trixie were in Season 6 of the show. Hence why she had no problem with Trixie in the No Second Prances episode response.
Return to Saddle Arabia - The first major text story of the blog! Twilight and Spike return to Saddle Arabia for the first time since Twilight was genified. They find lots of new friends... but also a very dangerous enemy.
Genie Ember-lation - A simple Genie simulation sequence done between my Genie Twi and a friend of mine's OC
Secrets of the Dragon's Tear - An even larger text story that seeks to answer many unanswered questions leftover from the end of Friendship is Magic in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe. And take things to a bold new direction that have impacted this blog ever since. Just a heads up, this is a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG story.
Pinkie Pear Pie - Are Applejack and Pinkie Pie actually related in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe? Read this, and you'll find out!
Starlight's Sisterly Simulation - Twilight performs the genie simulation on Starlight Glimmer again, this time without a reluctant Trixie.
IDOTS Stories - More one-shot stories (Though it also contains the chapters of Earnest Empathetic Change) that either take place or are related to events to Secrets of the Dragon's Tear
Earnest Empathetic Change - 10 Years after Twilight took sole rule in Canterlot, Starlight is tasked with reforming none other than Queen Chrysalis. Can she thaw the ice cold queen's heart?
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wynterrolls · 10 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 Speed
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Speed breakpoints within 5 cycles (550 AV in MoC):
• 109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn • 128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns • 146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns • 164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns • 182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns • 200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
** Scroll down below to read about the order priority for buffer/debuffer/sustain/DPS.
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Long Text Below
To start off, the MOC requirements now needs 10 cycles max to clear. If we are going to consider that each floor has two halves, each side needs to be cleared within 5 cycles.
This means, when it comes to building your units, you need to consider building some speed into them so they could have extra turns within this 5 cycles.
I know there is this common concept that goes like this:
121 spd = low investment
134 spd = high investment
161 spd = desirable spd for supports
Ever questioned why the recommended speed has this gap in between 134 and 161 spd? Like, why is that a big difference? What do these numbers even mean?
These recommended speeds are actually from speed breakpoints that considers the fastest clear of MOC. This means, it only considers getting 2 turns in cycle 0 if you have 134 spd and getting 4 turns in cycle 1 if you have 161 spd. Those speed breakpoints are just for speedrunning MOC if you already have enough crit ratio for your DPS.
But, since we are going to consider balancing our build with enough required stats and enough speed for max 5 cycles, we are going to breakdown all possible speeds we could aim for and we'll know as well how many extra turns each unit will get if we have these specific speeds.
For this, we'll be using this chart from u/Elhant42 from Reddit that showed the speed vs number of turns comparison for each cycles.
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The highlighted cells showed the cycles in which we'll have double turns. This means that within 5 cycles, you'll see how many extra turns you'll get if you have a specific speed in your build.
From this chart, you could see that 134 spd is the minimum speed you'll need to have double turn in cycle 0, but overall, within 5 cycles, you'll only have 2 extra turns, which is also achievable with 128 spd.
Here's another chart from u/Yamasir which shows the speed breakpoints that is commonly talked about by other HSR players.
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** I only included until cycle 4 here because that is what we're aiming for - 5 cycles, if we are counting cycle 0 as the starting point.
Additional chart I recently added (since I only saw this chart late already) is from Hunterkee. The spreadsheet linked below has available SPD vs Cycle charts for 3/5/6/8 cycles. But in this post, I’ll only consider from Cycle 0 to Cycle 4 in his chart.
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** The charts showed the speed breakpoints down to its decimal places, but in-game we can’t see any decimals, hence I only wrote the values above in whole number. To know the exact decimal points of your speed, you could use this site: https://enka.network/?hsr
From the chart, you could see the speed breakpoints that will give extra turns for each cycle. People only consider 121, 134, and 161 since those three speed values gives the most turns at cycle 0 and cycle 1, but there are other speed values we could look into that could be useful to us if we either have more or less than those commonly mentioned three speed values.
Notable speed points we should glean on are these values below. Within 5 cycles, if you have these specific speed values, wherein the starting point is at cycle 1, you'll have these certain cumulative turns:
109 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 5
112 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 4
115 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 3
121 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 2
128 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 2/5
134 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/4
143 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3
146 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/5
156 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/4
161 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4
164 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4/5
172 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/5
178 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4
182 spd = 10 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4/5
200.1 spd = 11 turns, triple turn @ cycle 1, double turn @ cycle 2/3/4/5
At this point, you could already see how the 134 spd and 161 spd is just similar to 128 spd and 146 spd when it comes to number of turns within 5 cycles.
It goes to show how these two values are overused as advice to players and that other speed values weren't really that gleaned on despite having the same number of turns with these two speeds.
— What SPD should I get for my DPS/Buffer/Debuffer/Sustain? —
This, my friend, is also my question before. Now, I'll say here what I learned.
The answer is -- it depends on how you want them to act within the cycle limit.
Normally, people would say to get 134 spd for your DPS. But, I would like to rephrase that answer.
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
The SPD values to choose from are these:
109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn
128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns
146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns
164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns
182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns
200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Now that you have decided how much SPD you can afford to get for your DPS, the SPD of your buffer/debuffer/sustain would depend on the SPD of the DPS.
There's this theorycrafting term called "relative speed breakpoint", which means the allies' spd breakpoints would need to consider the give-and-take of SP economy in the team. Another is “turn relationships” which is about the SPD combos that are impactful/useful for DPS and supports. To learn more about these, you could check the sources below which links to the Reddit posts made by u/EtherealEch0.
But in this post, I'd rather make it simple instead because I'm lazy to do such menial minmaxing of SPD and RNG isn't really that cooperative anyways.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
That's it.
TBF, it doesn't really need to be 5 spd, but any number would do as long as the buffer/debuffer/sustain is faster than the DPS.
The reasoning behind it is that the three support roles should do their job first before the DPS action, because the buff on ally and debuff on enemies could greatly boost the dmg done by DPS on enemies.
As for the order priority of your team members, they could go in these ways:
Sustain could be the fastest or the slowest in the team. Buffer/debuffer should be faster than DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sustain
Bronya is recommended to be a bit slower than your DPS so the DPS could have double turn with her skill.
Sustain > Debuffer > DPS > Bronya DPS > Debuffer > Bronya > Sustain
Sub-DPS could either be faster or slower than DPS depending on how the sub-dps kit works. Preferably, Sub-DPS have similar SPD with DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS > Sustain Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS > Sustain
** Buffer & Debuffer are interchangeable depending on your team.
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Speed spreadsheet: number of turns per 10 and 15 cycles by u/Elhant42
Extended Speed Breakpoint Chart by u/Yamasir
134 SPD is a social construct
Relative speed breakpoint by u/EtherealEch0
How Do Speed and Turn Order Work in Honkai: Star Rail?
SPD vs Cycle Sheet by Hunterkee
Turn relationships by u/EtherealEch0
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Uploaded on Patch 1.5
➥ Back to my HSR masterlist.
Author’s Note:
Back then, when I’m drafting this post, I can’t find any reliable sources for the speed breakpoints (partly because I’m not really part of the TC community). After 3 months, now I could find some more info about it which expands on the topic itself.
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Update Log
11/30/2023 - Uploaded this post
02/29/2024 – Added Hunterkee’s SPD vs Cycle Sheet; added more SPD values in the list
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AHH Lena ive got a problem!! so i think my blog got hacked into???? but theres nothing diffrent/changed so im not sure but it i was looking at stuff and it says i was "active" at some place ive never been to? but the thing is that weekend i had traveled and somewhat close (like to the neighboring state but it was on the other side away from me) and im not sure if it could just be a glitch? but im still quite worried. i mean i just changed my password but it says it was active recently and i dont know what to do and i dont want to delete my blog (its super small anyways so it wouldnt matter tho)
Don’t panic friend! I’ve got some ideas for you based on some research I’ve done.
(Also apologies for any typos, i’m typing this out on mobile in a waiting room lol)
So, i hadn’t heard of this “active sessions” section of Tumblr before, but quickly found it on the web version under account settings. According to Tumblr’s FAQs, this shows any log ins/access sessions to your Tumblr account by browser, and includes location info, to help you keep your account secure.
Looking at mine, I recognized various devices I’ve used over the past several months, with the locations as my home town. Two logs stood out to me though. 1 - my current session (marked as “current” in green) says my location is in a different part of the state. Odd, but could be due to having a new phone? 2 - apparently a session back in April came from a completely different state. Very odd right?
If i’d come across this back in April, i probably would’ve freaked out like you anon. But the fact it happened 3 months ago (and i haven’t noticed any unusual activity on my account), i couldn’t help but wonder how accurate these locations are…
Hence a research rabbit hole about IP addresses. You’ll notice underneath the city/state display is a string of numbers. This is the IP address of the browser’s network connection. There are several free websites where you can search that IP address and get a much more accurate location… Apparently, IP addresses may not always be accurate due to the geolocation databases they run through. So at the time of that connection, my location was displaying as one place when I was really somewhere else. But when I search that IP address now, it shows my current and accurate location.
I’ve also experienced odd location issues in other areas… like when I access Netflix from a new device and it sends a confirmation email, it usually has the city wrong.
So… this is what I did to look into the odd location activity on my account and i’m comfortable saying it was a IP address geolocation error. It’s possible that’s what you’re seeing on your account too.
If not… next step i would recommend is to double check the email address you have on the account. If someone actually hacked your account, that would be one of the first things they’d change in order to keep access. Really look at the address because sometimes they’ll try to throw you off by making a similar email but with like an added dot, or an extra letter that you wouldn’t catch at first glance. You can change it back to your own address in addition to changing your password.
Those are my two main ideas. I’m not an expert in these things but that’s where i would start, especially if you’re not seeing any suspicious activity on your account. Anyone else with ideas or experience here, feel free to chime in!
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
Hello, I adore your work and wanted to let you know how much I love it. I’m new here and I saw from some of the recent posts that you probably get a lot of the same question often and was wondering if there’s an FAQ? I think there is but I’m on mobile and I couldn’t see the link to it or a pinned comment so I thought I’d ask about that first before asking a question you’ve gotten like 80x
Thanks again for sharing your story with us, I read it all in a day lol and it was definitely worth it!! Wish you all the best!❤️
I do indeed have an FAQ! (and I love you for thinking to ask ♡)
Possibly more helpful to you if you have a specific question in mind, however, is my navigation page as I tag meticulously for the purpose of keeping this unruly beast of a blog as neat and tidy as possible; it includes (but is not limited to) character tags for Keith, Lotor, keitor as a duo, the BoM, the galra girl gang, and Team Voltron as a whole, as well as separate tags for my worldbuilding/lore pertaining to not only the galra, but humans and alteans too!
...I like to be organised, hence on desktop, I have (very cute) buttons!
I will take this opportunity to apologise profusely for your experience of my blog on mobile though, because it's ugly, tumblr hates me, and all my beautiful hard work in crafting a pretty & functional online space counts for //naught// on the app >:(
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shivkunjauto · 5 days
Lucknow Car Service: Shivkunj Automotive Bringing Expert Care into the Portable Envelope
Car Service in Lucknow always had a thing or two linked with quality work since the car repair and maintenance division. On any aspect right from engine trouble or maybe brake problems to routine check-ups, at Shivkunj Automotive your vehicle has always stood its chance to get its best out of life, providing a smooth ride, as well as safe journey. This is car service Lucknow.
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We at Shivkunj Automotive provide all sorts of car services tailored to meet the specific needs of every automobile. Our technicians are experienced in diagnoses, repairs, and preventive maintenance to ensure long-term performance for your car. Oil changes and filter replacements are matched with advanced engine and transmission repairs.
Our state-of-the-art facility is adept at using all the latest tools and technologies. We can carry out services for each make and model of a vehicle. Whether you are driving a compact car, an SUV, or a luxury vehicle, you can trust us for reliable car service in Lucknow.
Why Shivkunj Automotive?
Experienced Team: Highly experienced mechanics of ours who have experience and keep abreast of the recent advancements in automotive technology.
Reasonable Charges: We feel that only the best car service in Lucknow should be offered at truly competitive rates so vehicle maintenance can be afforded by all.
Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our priority at Shivkunj Automotive. Transparence in communication, definite timely service, and extraordinary results every time are guaranteed.
Authentic Spares: We incorporate only the best-quality, manufacturer-approved parts so that the longevity and reliability of your vehicle can speak for themselves.
Preventive Maintenance for Long-Term Performance
A regular car service in Lucknow would keep one from any break down or costly repair. Hence, at Shivkunj Automotive, we stress preventive maintenance, which also includes regular inspections, checks on fluids, and timely replacement of parts to put you at ease while you drive.
Q1- What are the services offered through regular car servicing?
A- Regular servicing includes oil changes, replacements of filters, rotation of tires, checking the brakes, and checking the levels of fluids, among others to keep your car in motion.
Q2- How often should I take my car for service?
 A- It’s best to take a car to the service station between 5,000 to 7,500 kilometers or as reflected on the owner’s guide.
Q3- Does Shivkunj Automotive offer any form of warranty on services?
 A- Absolutely. The company provides a guarantee on the parts, as well as services, to ensure complete satisfaction.
Q4- Does Shivkunj Automotive has an online appointment booking for car servicing in Lucknow?
A- Absolutely. You can book your appointment just like that using our website or just give us a call.
Q5- What should one do if it breaks down when one is going a little further away?
A- If your car breaks down, then immediately call Shivkunj Automotive, and we will arrange for towing and quick repair.
For professional car service in Lucknow, Shivkunj Automotive is your partner for all your needs!
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clydedonahue961 · 5 days
Apple Announces AirPods 4: Release Date, Specs & Features!
Apple recently announced the AirPods 4 release date on 9 September during the Glow Time event. Plus, they announced that AirPods shipping will begin on 20 September.
Apple has finally launched a new version of AirPods 4. It has been reshaped and designed to be very comfortable for every user. Apple has also claimed that these are the “most comfortable AirPods ever.” These latest earbuds have various exciting features, like ANC (Active Noise Cancellation ) and more.
Besides, this new model continues to have an open-air design. It offers an enormous improvement in audio quality. Which also includes support for personalized spatial audio. Let’s jump into this blog to see what else AirPods offers in its new version.
Apple AirPods 4 Versions: Entry Level Model & Higher End Model
Apple earbuds will be launched in two versions. The first is an entry-level model named AirPods 4, and the second is a higher-end model. The latter version comes with an ANC feature. The higher-end version is also known as the AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). This version is the first in the standard AirPods line.
In the higher-end version, you’ll see Transparency Mode. It lets users stay aware of their surroundings while on the move. Additionally, Adaptive Audio works to minimize environmental noise. As a bonus, Conversational Awareness automatically lowers the volume. It does so when you’re having a real-life chat with someone.
AppleAirPods 4: Pricing, Availability Date, Pre-order
The standard model costs $129, and the higher-end ANC model costs $179. However, both will be available on September 20th. Otherwise, you can also preorder today; just visit their official site.
Apple is also integrating the earlier Pro-only force sensor. This sensor lets you squeeze the stem to play and pause your music or videos.
Coming to its size, the newest model is 10 percent smaller and comes with USB-C charging without a cable. Meanwhile, this higher-end model, i.e., the ANC model’s case, has a speaker. It is helpful with Apple’s Find My Locator and is compatible with wireless charging.
What Does Apple Offer in AirPods Models?
Since the release of iOS 18, Apple has been offering AirPods models with the Pro, the latest Siri Interaction. This feature, first announced at WWDC, allows you to nod your head yes or no to answer Siri’s queries.
The standard AirPods series was updated in 2021 with the integration of the third-generation AirPods. However, no feature canceled the noise. According to sources, it was not a big seller. Hence, Apple discontinued it and retained the previous-style second-generation AirPods in the series.
Apple Announced the Launch of AirPods Pro 2 & AirPods Max
During a recent event, Apple announced the launch of AirPods 4, Pro 2, and AirPods. The new features of AirPods Pro 2 are hearing protection, hearing aids, and hearing tests. It can help you monitor your hearing ability and make you aware of your ear’s well-being.
AirPods Pro 2 Features:
Apple claimed that integrating 3 health-related features into AirPods Pro makes it unique.
AirPods Max was also introduced at the Glow Time event. These devices come in alluring new colors, including Purple, Orange, Midnight, Blue, and Starlight, and they support USB-C.
AirPods Max Features:
You can use AirPods Max with Apple’s ecosystem, and it is priced at $549. Additionally, you can use a wired connection with Lightning to 3mm (audio cable). You can use it with Apple’s ecosystem; the earphones cost $549.
Question 1: When are AirPods 4 coming out?
Answer: The latest AirPods 4 will be available on September 20th, and users can also preorder them. Apple has added many new features to it and released two versions. The standard version and the high-end version. The high-end version’s Active Noise Cancellation feature cancels background noises.
Question 2: What is the price for different AirPods series models?
Answer: Apple has released the price for every AirPod model, including AirPods 4, AirPods Pro 2, and AirPods Max. The prices for AirPods 4, AirPods Pro 2, and AirPods Max are  $129 & $179, $249, and $549, respectively. Apple recently released these prices for their recent launches.  All of them have an incredible set of features, making them the top choice for users worldwide.
Question 3: What features does AirPods 4 include?
Answer: The latest AirPods 4 earphones include exciting features, such as a version that offers Adaptive Audio to reduce environmental noise. It also has conversational awareness features, which minimize the volume of talking to anyone in real life.
Question 4: What is the official release date of AirPods 4?
The release date is September 20th, and users can also preorder them. Apple has added many new features to it and has released two versions: the standard version and the high-end version. The high-end version, also known as Active Noise Cancellation, mainly cancels background noises.
Final Words
In this blog, I’ve explained the latest features of AirPods, AirPods Pro 2, and AirPods Max. I have also included the prices, features, and the release date. After the recent events, all the updates came in September 2024. In simple terms, it came when the Pro’s second-generation version found a new USB-C charging box and wireless audio support.
Visit: ij start canon
Source: https://ijstartcanen.com
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tirupathitiru · 5 days
History of Srinivasa Mangapuram Tirupati A Sacred Pilgrimage Destination
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Srinivasa Mangapuram, located near Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh, India, is one of the most revered sacred destinations for devotees of Lord Venkateswara. The temple here, dedicated to an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, carries immense religious and cultural significance. This village is deeply connected to the legend of Lord Venkateswara’s marriage, and over the centuries, it has become a symbol of devotion, history, and spirituality.
Legend of Lord Venkateswara at Srinivasa Mangapuram
According to the Hindu epics, after Lord Venkateswara descended on Earth and married Goddess Padmavati, he resided at Srinivasa Mangapuram for a brief period before moving to Tirumala. This marks the village as a sacred spot for followers, believing it to be where the Lord blessed the local people and meditated before continuing his divine journey.
The temple in Srinivasa Mangapuram is believed to be constructed during the reign of the Vijayanagara dynasty, known for their patronage towards the arts and architecture. The temple architecture here reflects the traditional South Indian style, with majestic gopurams (tower gates) and intricate stone carvings, typical of temples in the region.
Historical Importance of Srinivasa Mangapuram Temple
The temple has been a center of religious activity for centuries. Historical records mention contributions from various dynasties, including the Vijayanagara kings and later rulers, to ensure the maintenance and development of the temple premises. The historical significance of this temple is not only due to its ancient architecture but also because of the cultural continuity it represents. Religious rituals, festivals, and traditions that were practiced centuries ago are still being performed with the same devotion and grandeur.
One of the most important festivals celebrated at this temple is the Brahmotsavam, a grand spectacle that draws devotees from all over the country. The temple also hosts regular sevas (ritual offerings) and daily poojas, attracting thousands of pilgrims every year.
Architectural Splendor
The architectural beauty of the Srinivasa Mangapuram temple is a testimony to the Vijayanagara architectural style. The temple is adorned with a grand gopuram (entrance tower) that stands as a gateway to the divine. Inside, the sanctum sanctorum houses the idol of Lord Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy, who is believed to be a form of Lord Venkateswara.
The inner sanctum is designed with precision, reflecting the temple's rich cultural heritage. Stone pillars with intricate carvings narrate stories from Hindu mythology, making this temple a must-visit for history buffs and religious devotees alike.
Pilgrimage Significance
Srinivasa Mangapuram is an important stop for devotees visiting Tirumala. It holds a key place in the pilgrimage circuit for those seeking the blessings of Lord Venkateswara. It is believed that a visit to this temple is auspicious for newlyweds, as the Lord here is also known as "Kalyana Venkateswara" (Kalyana meaning marriage). Hence, devotees pray here for marital bliss and prosperity.
History of Srinivasa Mangapuram Tirupati,
 Srinivasa Mangapuram temple history, Lord 
Venkateswara Srinivasa Mangapuram, temple near Tirupati,
 Kalyana Venkateswara temple history
Modern Developments and Maintenance
In recent years, the temple and its surrounding areas have undergone several developments to accommodate the growing number of visitors. The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), the administrative body overseeing many temples in the region, has undertaken initiatives to preserve and restore the ancient structure, ensuring that it remains a thriving spiritual hub for future generations.
FAQs about Srinivasa Mangapuram Temple
1. What is the significance of Srinivasa Mangapuram in the life of Lord Venkateswara?Srinivasa Mangapuram is believed to be the place where Lord Venkateswara resided after his marriage to Goddess Padmavati. It holds immense spiritual significance as it marks an important chapter in the divine legend of Lord Venkateswara.
2. How far is Srinivasa Mangapuram from Tirupati?Srinivasa Mangapuram is located approximately 12 kilometers from the city of Tirupati. It is easily accessible by road.
3. What are the main festivals celebrated at the Srinivasa Mangapuram temple?The Brahmotsavam festival is the most significant celebration at the temple. It is a grand annual event that attracts thousands of devotees. Other notable festivals include Vaikunta Ekadasi, Rathotsavam (chariot festival), and Kalyanotsavam.
4. What are the temple timings at Srinivasa Mangapuram?The temple opens early in the morning at around 5:30 AM and remains open till 8:30 PM. There are multiple sevas and poojas throughout the day, offering devotees ample opportunity to seek blessings.
5. Is there any dress code for visiting the temple?Yes, devotees are expected to dress modestly, in traditional attire. Men are required to wear dhoti or pants with shirts, while women should wear sarees or salwar suits.
6. Are there any accommodation facilities available nearby?There are several accommodations available in Tirupati, which is just a short drive from Srinivasa Mangapuram. Additionally, the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams provides guesthouses and dormitories for pilgrims.
7. What is the best time to visit the temple?While the temple is open year-round, the best time to visit is during major festivals like Brahmotsavam, when the temple is vibrantly decorated, and special poojas are conducted.
8. Can I book sevas or poojas online for Srinivasa Mangapuram?Yes, the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has an online portal where devotees can book sevas and poojas for this temple in advance.
What is the history of Srinivasa Mangapuram Tirupati?
The history of Srinivasa Mangapuram revolves around the divine legend of Lord Venkateswara. After his marriage to Goddess Padmavati, it is believed that the Lord resided in this village before moving to the Tirumala hills. Over time, a temple was built here in his honor, and it has become a place of significant pilgrimage.
Srinivasa Mangapuram, with its historical and spiritual importance, is not just a temple but a site where legends and faith come alive. A visit to this sacred village is a journey through time, reflecting centuries of devotion, rich heritage, and cultural continuity. Its connection with Lord Venkateswara makes it one of the most cherished pilgrimage destinations for millions of devotees across the globe
Related Posts:
Sri Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy Temple,Narayanavanam
Sri Parasurameswara Swami Temple, Gudimallam:
Sri Venugopala Swamy Temple,Karvetinagaram
Sri Veda Narayana Swamy Temple, Nagalapuram
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epcysblog · 18 days
Transform Your Look with Expert Precision: Rhinoplasty in Turkey
A common cosmetic surgery is the rhinoplasty also known as the nose job; surgery that modifies the shape of the nose for aesthetic and or functional purposes. In recent years Turkey has become a renowned hotspot for people seeking rhinoplasty operations especially due to proficiency of surgeons, optimum utilization of technology, and reasonable charges being incurred in the country. Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:
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Why Choose Rhinoplasty in Turkey?
Turkey has been featured as a leading destination in the provision of cosmetic surgery, which among others include the famed rhinoplasty surgery. The country offers:
World-Class Surgeons: Cosmetic surgery in Turkey is famous throughout the world and especially the surgery of the nose or the ‘Turkish operation’. Most have practised in premier lemaning schools hence they have lots of experience in their field of practice.
Advanced Technology: That is why the clinics in Turkey use the newest technologies such as 3D imaging and CAD to perform surgeries carefully and individually.
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What to Expect During Your Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty in Turkey typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: Your journey starts with consultation when you reveal your expectations and when you receive an overall check-up. During the surgery, surgeons have the advantage of using 3D imaging in order to see the desired outcome and personalise the surgery based on your needs.
Procedure: Open and closed techniques are used in the operation of nose surgery. This is where surgeon makes a small incision across the columella while in closed rhinoplasty no external incisions are made but only internal ones. It depends with the type of surgery and your preference because it is mainly determined by the intensity of the operation.
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Benefits of Rhinoplasty in Turkey
Opting for rhinoplasty in Turkey offers numerous benefits:
Enhanced Appearance: Rhinoplasty surgery will enhance the profile of your nose to help in creating a well balanced facial structure.
Improved Function: Apart from aesthetical functions, rhinoplasty has medical applications and can correct such problems as breathing problems in patients with nasal septum deformities.
Expert Care: Turkish clinics have patient’s safety and satisfaction at high regard, which follows up every patient so as to come up with the best results.
Choosing the Right Clinic for Rhinoplasty in Turkey
To ensure a successful rhinoplasty, consider these factors when selecting a clinic:
Surgeon’s Credentials: Check on the doctor and ask about his or her background, experience, and the experiences of patients who has been treated by the said doctor. Check for the certifications that the medical boards and other related associations have given.
Clinic Accreditation: It is recommended to go to the clinic that is accredited by the international services in the sphere of health care. This aspect helps in making sure that good standard of care and safety is delivered as expected.
Patient Reviews: Identify previous client experiences from their blog Tear and learn the experiences of patient before and after visiting the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How long does the recovery period last after rhinoplasty in Turkey?
A: The initial recovery period typically lasts about 1–2 weeks, with most swelling and bruising subsiding within this time. Full results can take several months as the nose settles into its new shape.
Q: Is rhinoplasty in Turkey safe?
A: Yes, rhinoplasty in Turkey is safe when performed by qualified and experienced surgeons. Turkish clinics adhere to strict safety protocols and provide comprehensive post-operative care.
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dcdigitalcanada · 25 days
Navigating Social Media Algorithms: Tips for Better Marketing Outcomes
Better marketing results in digital marketing depend on knowing and adjusting to social media algorithms. Social media algorithms are the unseen forces guiding users' view, access frequency, and interaction with material. Learning these algorithms can help social media marketing firms like Digital Cappuccino distinguish between a campaign that soars and one that fails. Here's how you properly negotiate these algorithms.
Prioritise Engagement 
Content that encourages user participation takes the stage on social networking sites. Content is more likely to be pushed to a larger audience the more likes, comments, shares, and saves it earns. To increase significant involvement, Digital Cappuccino promotes producing interactive materials like competitions, quizzes, and polls for viewers.
Optimise Posting Time
In social media marketing, timing rules everything. Since algorithms often favor recent postings, providing material when your audience is most engaged is essential. Using sophisticated analytics techniques, Digital Cappuccino finds periods of most activity for your target market and plans postings in the queue. This approach raises your chances of quick participation, thereby improving the exposure of your material.
Use Video Material
Social media algorithms favour video content more because of its better engagement rates. Video content that retains people on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikHub is a top priority for these platforms. Digital Cappuccino shines in producing engaging, shareable films that appeal to viewers, including instructional, behind-the-scenes footage and live streaming, therefore fostering engagement.
Apply Hashtags Deliberately.
One very effective strategy for raising content discoverability is hashtags. To increase the reach of your material, Digital Cappuccino advocates combining popular and specific hashtags pertinent to your company. Still, the emphasis should be on a few properly selected hashtags that fit the interests of your target audience, therefore avoiding the dangers of stuffing posts with too many hashtags.
Stay Consistent.
Developing a great social media profile calls for consistency. Frequent publication of high-quality material indicates to algorithms that your profile is active and relevant, therefore raising the possibility of your posts being seen by more people. Digital Cappuccino helps companies create a content schedule to guarantee a consistent supply of exciting ideas.
Adjust for Algorithm Changes
Social media algorithms are constantly changing. Hence, it is essential to be current on the most recent developments. By tracking industry news, platform upgrades, and insights, Digital Cappuccino remains ahead of the curve and can rapidly modify plans for more significant outcomes. For example, Digital Cappuccino changed its strategy quickly to keep ahead when Instagram turned to give original content priority.
Review and hone your plan.
Understanding what works and what doesn't depends on routinely reviewing your social media metrics. Digital Cappuccino specialises in spotting excellent material and honing techniques based on thorough study. Different post forms, captions, and images in A/B testing offer insightful analysis that helps to continuously optimise.
In summary,
Navigating social media algorithms calls for a combination of strategic preparation, inventiveness, and flexibility. Digital Cappuccino's knowledge helps social media marketing firms prioritise interaction, optimise posting schedules, use video content, and keep updated about algorithm changes, thus optimising content reach and obtaining better marketing results. The secret is to be adaptive and sensitive to the constantly shifting digital terrain. 
1.How can I stay updated with regular algorithm updates on social networking sites?
Following professional advice from organisations like Digital Cappuccino and being updated via industry news and platform upgrades will enable you to react fast to algorithm changes.
2.How does content quality help one negotiate social media algorithms?
Good content is essential as it not only motivates interaction but also tells algorithms that your material is worth advertising to a larger audience.
3.Does succeeding with social media algorithms require using sponsored promotions?
Although organic reach is conceivable, combining it with sponsored campaigns can improve awareness, particularly when aiming for certain groups or increasing very successful material.
4.What differences exist between the algorithms of many social media platforms?
Every network has different algorithmic priorities; for example, Instagram could give visual materials like images and videos top priority, while Twitter might concentrate more on real-time interaction with retweets and comments.
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