#honkai star rail build
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wynterrolls ¡ 1 year ago
˳༄꠶ BLACK SWAN | Honkai: Star Rail TL;DR Build
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Role: DoT DPS
Relic Set (More options below the cut)
4pc Prisoner in Deep Confinement
Planar Ornament Set
Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise
Firmament Frontline: Glamoth (More efficient to farm)
Space Sealing Station
Main Stats
Head = HP
Glove = ATK
Body = Effect Hit Rate (EHR) or ATK%
Boots = Speed or ATK%
Orb = Wind DMG% or ATK%
Rope = ATK%
Sub Stats
Endgame Stats to aim:
Needed EHR = 120% EHR
Minimum Total ATK = 3000
Speed Options: no SPD (if slow BS); 134+ to 145+ SPD (if using Ruan Mei or SPD buffers); 155+ (if fast BS)
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Black Swan Rotation
Assuming your BS doesn’t get hit by enemies:
Using ATK% rope: 4x Skill > Ultimate (4 turn ultimate)
Using ATK% rope: 3x Skill + 2x Basic > Ultimate (5 turn ultimate)
Using Tutorial LC: 3x Skill > Ultimate (3 turn ultimate)
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Light Cones
To know the damage difference between each light cone, check the tables below the cut.
Reforged Remembrance 5★
Good Night Sleep Well 4★
Incessant Rain 5★
It's Showtime 4★
Eyes of the Prey 4★
Fermata 4★ [S5]
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts 4★ [S5]
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— Black Swan Kit TL;DR —
All Basic Attack, Skill, and Ultimate deal Wind DMG on enemies.
Arcana = deals Wind DMG and Wind DoT damage at start of enemy turn
Arcana stack = increase DoT dmg%; max of 50 stacks; resets at enemy turn
Basic Attack: Chance to apply an Arcana Stack for each DoT on enemy.
Skill: Chance to apply DEF shred and Arcana stack.
Ultimate: Applies Epiphany on all enemies for 2 turns.
Epiphany = more DoT dmg% and Arcana effects are considered as Wind Shear, Bleed, Burn, and Shock; Arcana stacks don’t reset as long as Epiphany is on enemy.
Talent: when enemies enter battle, applies DoT; each DoT enemy gets, chance to get Arcana stack
If 3+ Arcana stacks = chance to apply Arcana stacks on adjacent targets
If 7+ Arcana stacks = DEF ignore on target and adjacent targets
Technique: chance to apply Arcana stacks on target at start of battle
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— How to Play Black Swan in Simplified Form —
Black Swan can’t detonate any DoTs. Her DoT damage depends on enemy speed = backloaded damage. Her kit revolves entirely around increasing the damage enemies take from DoTs at beginning of their turns, by increasing the Arcana stacks on them.
She needs another DoT unit to apply DoTs on enemy and to trigger DoTs outside of enemies’ turns (e.g. Kafka, E4 Sampo, E6 Luka, or Guinaifen’s ultimate). This is possible when Epiphany is on enemies, since her Arcana stacks can also be triggered by other DoT units.
Black Swan Gameplay in Razor Language:
Other DoT units take turns before BS, they apply DoT on enemy
BS takes turn to use skill or basic attack
Enemy gets Arcana stacks from DoTs and DEF shred (if used skill)
Enemy turn starts, DoT DMG and Arcana gets triggered; Arcana stacks reset.
Profit. ( •_•)👍
Black Swan using Ultimate: Use Black Swan’s ultimate first before her DoT allies detonate their own DoT DMG (e.g. using their Ultimate).
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— Pulling Priority: E1 > S1 > E2 —
* Calcs from iSUMMON = Increase from E0S0 (Solo DMG calc):
E0S1 = 15.64%
E1S0 = 31.25%
E1S1 = 51.78%
* Calcs from Hunterkee = Increase from E0S0 (Team DMG calc):
E0S1 = 7.71%
E1S0 = 23.27%
E2S0 = 2.28%
— Trace Priority: Talent > ATK/EHR/Wind DMG > Others —
* Calcs from Gladius’s Build Guide:
Ascensions first to unlock the trace nodes below
Talent = 7.65%
ATK / EHR / Wind = 3.05%
Skill = 1.88%
Ultimate = 1.86%
Basics = 1.57%
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— Theoretical Simulation Calcs —
Relic Set Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee: None.
From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Planar Ornament Set Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee:
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From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Light Cone Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee:
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From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Theoretical Consensus:
Their calcs are mostly focused in stacking speed on their units.
In Hunterkee’s calcs, the speed ranges from 147 to 163 spd, where the healer is the fastest, while depending on the team comp, Guinaifen is the slowest.
The speed ranges from 153 to 162 spd in Bonk’s calcs, where Kafka and the healer are the slowest, while Ruan Mei is the fastest.
In GuobaCertified’s simulations, the speed ranges from 163 to 168 spd, where Ruan Mei is the fastest, while Kafka is the slowest.
Amongst the three calcs, Hunterkee’s is closer to home because that’s mostly the speed range that F2Ps and low-spender players can achieve for their character builds. GuobaCertified’s, however, looks something you’d only see in whale builds or minmax builds. In all 3 simulations, Black Swan’s speed is somewhere in the middle.
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— Does she need Kafka? —
BS could work without Kafka, but BS needs another unit that would trigger her DoTs outside the enemies’ turns. BS loses a lot of damage if her damage only relies on enemies’ turns, with no one to detonate her DoTs outside their turns.
— How much boost does Black Swan bring to Kafka DoT teams? —
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From Hunterkee’s calcs, Black Swan brings about 19% boost against single-target enemy and 33% boost on AoE.
— ATK% or SPD on boots? —
Slow BS = ATK% boots
Fast BS = SPD boots
BS in Pure Fiction = SPD boots
MoC has a limit of 10 cycles for you to defeat the enemies. Whether you use ATK% or SPD boots on her, Black Swan needs time to gain stacks to deal more DoT damage on enemies’ turn start.
However, Pure Fiction needs you to clear the enemies at faster rate. This means you need to clear out the first 5, before the next 5 could spawn in. This is where SPD boots would be more advantageous for her to act more turns before the enemies.
Also, SPD boots if you need to reach the SPD threshold for Glamoth set.
NOTE: There’s this discussion about building Fast BS, Slow BS, and “Classical SPD” BS. “Classical SPD” BS means her having 134 SPD. The post is written by u/L0wpriority here and a counterargument was posted by u/guobacertified here. To know what goes on in their talks, better check those links instead.
However, for me, I’d say to build your BS’s SPD according to what her allies’ SPD are. I’ve linked below some showcase for BS teams and the team order of each. I also explained how those teams are formed and worked together in the Practical Consensus below.
— ATK% or Wind DMG% on orb? —
Wind DMG% orb if no Ruan Mei; ATK% orb if Ruan Mei is in team. Difference is minimal.
Damage difference:
From Hunterkee’s calcs: 0.06%
From Guoba’s: 1.48%-2.75%
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— Black Swan Team Showcase in Practice —
NOTE: Team Order = Highest SPD (Fastest) to Lowest SPD (Slowest)
Black Swan + Kafka + Ruan Mei
Fast Black Swan + Slow Kafka DoT team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Black Swan > Kafka > Lynx]
Slow Black Swan + Fast Kafka DoT team – sample showcase done by Dreamy here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Tingyun > Kafka > Black Swan]
Black Swan Triple DoT team in Pure Fiction – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Kafka > Ruan Mei > Sampo > Black Swan]
Black Swan without Kafka using other DoT allies
Black Swan + Guinaifen DoT team – sample showcase done by Moon here. [Team order: Asta > Guinaifen > Ruan Mei > Black Swan]
Black Swan + Sampo DoT team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Black Swan > Sampo > Lynx]
Black Swan + Luka DoT team – sample showcase done by Lv.999 Silverwolf here. [Team order: Huohuo > Luka > Silverwolf > Black Swan]
Black Swan without Ruan Mei using other SPD buffers
Black Swan F2P team - sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Guinaifen > Asta > Black Swan > Lynx]
Black Swan with Asta as SPD support – sample showcase done by Moon here. [Team order: Asta > Fu Xuan > Black Swan > Sampo]
Black Swan Hypercarry
Black Swan Hypercarry team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Tingyun > Black Swan > Lynx]
E1S1 Black Swan Hypercarry team – sample showcase done by Sleepy here. [Team order: Tingyun > Ruan Mei > Hanya > Black Swan]
Black Swan as Debuffer
Black Swan as debuffer for Dr. Ratio team – this could work if you use BS for her DEF shred only (and you have Ruan Mei in your team); sample showcase done by Rehoo and EdenPlays.
E1 Black Swan as debuffer for Jing Yuan team – E1 Black Swan is like 5* Pela (but with RES reduce instead of DEF shred) for fire, lightning, physical, and wind; sample showcase done by Sleepy here.
Black Swan as debuffer for Blade team – not sure if BS in this showcase is E0 or E1, but BS acts as debuffer for him regardless; sample showcase done by Exodus here.
Black Swan using Freeze Mechanics
Black Swan Freeze team – sample showcase done by Hyrion here. [Team order: Luocha > Pela > Ruan Mei > Black Swan]
Practical Consensus:
In teams with Ruan Mei, Black Swan speed in team showcase mostly ranges from 134 to 140+, while her teammates are ranging from 129 to 153 spd. Sustains are mostly either the slowest or fastest in the team. Other DoT allies are positioned either before or after Black Swan.
Ruan Mei is mostly used in Black Swan teams. This could be explained by Ruan Mei’s talent where she could reduce the SPD needed by Black Swan. With the enemies having 158 spd and reducing to 154 spd due to break, instead of needing 155 spd for Black Swan, she could settle with 145 spd instead.
Asta is used as alternative for Ruan Mei in F2P teams because she could increase the SPD of allies with her ultimate. Both Ruan Mei and Asta are positioned before Black Swan.
But, if no Ruan Mei in team, Black Swan is mostly built with slow build, with her DoT allies stacking as much DoTs as possible for her Arcana stacks. If BS is built with fast build (e.g having 155+ spd), this could alleviate the SP usage of the team because she could opt to use Basics instead.
Black Swan DMG relies on enemy turns, thus avoid using slow debuffs and imprisonment on enemies in her teams. However, she could utilize freeze mechanic and Ruan Mei’s break delay because despite freezing the enemies, the enemies still take their turn before being pushed back to take another later turn. This means that the enemies get two DoT turn triggers after getting frozen.
Some teams are quirky, but eh, it doesn’t matter. As long as their team could 3-star the stage, why make a problem out of it?
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— Sample Black Swan Builds for Reference —
Fast Black Swan Build by u/-lightningstr1ike-
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Fast Black Swan and Slow Kafka Builds by u/Mozaary
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Black Swan Build Guide by Moon
Black Swan Build Guide by SevyPlays
Black Swan Build Guide by Braxophone
Black Swan Build Guide by Gladius
Black Swan Build Guide by GuobaCertified
Black Swan E1 vs S1 Analysis Video by iSUMMON
Black Swan’s Calculations by Hunterkee
Black Swan’s Calculations by Bonk
Black Swan Light Cone and Relic Comparison by Guoba Certified and Kygen
Black Swan E1 vs S1 Analysis Sheet by iSUMMON
2.0 Banner Warp Advice and Insights [Credits: @.regnum771 (Victor Charlie), @kuratine (Houseplant - EN), @soul_fish (Soul Fish), @1orange (1orange), @darkangel]
Black Swan Team Variations by Ikatsu
Zero Speed Swan and 200 Speed Kafka by Dreamy
Black Swan and Guinaifen Team Showcase by Moon
Black Swan and Luka Team Showcase by Lv.999 Silverwolf
Black Swan and Dr. Ratio Team Showcase by Rehoo
Black Swan with Dr. Ratio and Pela Team Showcase by EdenPlays
Black Swan with Asta and Sampo Team Showcase by Moon
Black Swan Freeze Team Showcase by Hyrion
E1S1 Black Swan Hypercarry Team Showcase by Sleepy
E1 Black Swan and Jing Yuan Team Showcase by Sleepy
Black Swan and Blade Team Showcase by Exodus
Fast Black Swan Build Showcase by u/-lightningstr1ke
Fast Black Swan and Slow Kafka Build Showcase by u/Mozaary
Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS Discussion by u/L0wpriority
Counterargument post on Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS Discussion by u/guobacertified
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Uploaded on Patch 2.0
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Author’s Note:
I compiled this guide because I don’t understand the talks about Black Swan kit whenever I would go lurk around in HSR-focused servers. Also, I needed something to convince myself that my F2P self can’t afford her for my DoT team. 😂
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Update Log
02/10/2024 - Uploaded this post.
02/11/2024 – Added Moon’s BS + Asta team, Hyrion’s BS Freeze team, and Ikatsu’s BS Triple DoT team in Team showcase part; added Asta and freeze mechanic explanation in Practical Consensus part; added Gladius’s Build Guide in sources; added Trace priority; added the discussion links for Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS in ATK% or SPD on boots? part
02/13/2024 – Added classification in Team Showcase in Practice; added Sleepy’s BS Hypercarry team and BS + Jingyuan team in Team Showcase part; rephrased recommended SPD in Endgame stats; added ATK% in Body main stat
02/14/2024 – Added Exodus’s BS + Blade team in Team showcase part
02/23/2024 - Replaced the line dividers
02/29/2024 – Added GuobaCertified's and iSUMMON's video links in Sources
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crash-tube-the-seawing ¡ 6 months ago
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My first attempt at a Himeko build, it can be improved but this is it for the time being
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charlotteswallet ¡ 11 months ago
My improved dr ratio build ^3^
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Also dont comment on why my characters are lvl 70, im too much of a pussy to do the last equilibrium mission and i dont want to waste fuel to farm for mats
Im using the lc that you can get from hertas shop bc i REFUSE to pull on anyones lc banner (except for aventurine. Losing half of my money is worth it if it's for aventurine 🙌🙌)
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There are my relics substats :33 the only relic substat im not really proud of is the body, my body substat luck is so shitty 😭😭😭
It's better than nothing ig 😔
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underleveledjosh ¡ 2 years ago
your luocha build is amazing, could you please show me your build, including relic stats? thank you :3
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Sure. Here is the build so far.
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trustmeifyoudare ¡ 1 month ago
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i'm just going to drop this here
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peaklordofprocrastination ¡ 2 months ago
Hi! can anyone help me improve my moze build? my level cap is 70 because I'm only tb level 52 and i'm still in the process of building him. thanks!
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koipudding ¡ 3 months ago
jing yuan, who loves when you’re wearing his clothes, and you return them to him. it’s so domestic and simple but he craves it. (gn reader, not a serious drabble.) reader is characterized as smaller than jy, interpret as you wish.
wc: 470
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The clothes smell like you, of course. The laundry detergent you bought, your shampoo and the little scent beads you like to put in the washing machine. He doesn’t mind the musk that lingers on his old shirts after you clean the whole house, no of course not. Jing Yuan adores smelling your musk, lotion and conditioner melding together and melting into his shirt.
You go out to buy new scent beads every other month, a tiny little jar of them. Jing Yuan swears to anyone who listens that you’re doing this on purpose. Mixing your shampoo and lotion to match with the scent beads, changing the fabric softener to mess with his head (and laundry). He laments this to Fu Xuan, Qingzu, and Yanqing, who all beg you to stick to one routine before the General loses his sanity (of course, everyone groans and ignores him. they’ve had enough of his marital escapades, and they just tell him to marry you again if he’s this smitten. Thus, after a decade of marriage, Jing Yuan has rewritten his vows.) He likes these little variances in his routine, the little harmless surprise that keeps him on his toes.
(He swears it's just because you picked it out. You know it's because it reminds him that there's finally a home for him to return to.)
"I'm back, do you know what the others said during the meeting, they were planning on handing off more paperwork, but I insisted mimi and you would--" He stops in his tracks. This must be unfair. Divine Punishment? Did he anger Lan? his ancestors?
Jing Yuan sees you wearing nothing but some socks, his shorts and t-shirt (both of which hang off of your smaller frame). He runs over, pace quickening.
You yelp quietly, backing away before he pounces onto you, bearing all of his weight onto you. He can't help it, you're so cute wearing his outfit, doing laundry and making dinner.
“You smell so good.” he buries his face into your neck, inhaling the sun on your skin, lotion he bought for you, and the conditioner you've taken from his stash.
“And you smell icky.” You push him off gently, but his arms only tighten. He just got back from work, and he reeks of sweat. But you can’t ignore how your heart races whenever he gets up to these antics, and you can’t help but indulge in his whims. 
This is a regular habit. He barely removes his armor before running to you, and clings to you like a sullen child, asking about dinner and how his darling and mimi have been. You can only sigh and pat his head while he recharges in your lap (or, in Yanqing’s words: naps.) 
"thank you, for everything," He whispers into your ear, "You're doing great, sweetheart."
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a/n: I was talking to a coworker abt how the only thing that brings me joy now is a 2d man (jy) and buying new scent beads/laundry scent boosters or sample perfume. then I had this idea. also that ending bit :,) sending good vibes to all with my first fic of the new yr!
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pcktknife ¡ 9 months ago
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and the trophy for best character goes toooo
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yoursweetwife ¡ 1 year ago
Veritas Ratio respects you as a friend and as a colleague of a scientist with whom he has known for a long time, but sometimes Ratio cannot understand why at some point you behave like a smart and educated person, and then you approach to him during lunch and show him a toy that you say looks like him! This purple angry cat. If Ratio didn't know you (and if he weren't a fool in love), he would scold you in his usual manner, but the only thing he can do at that moment is to gently call you an idiot and change the subject( You're both adults, but he'll be damned if he sees you sad because of him, and he definitely won't let others laugh at you), although his gaze still keeps returning to the toy in your hands.
And you might think that it would all end there, but after a while you see on his table a toy in the shape of a cat, suspiciously similar to you. The strangest thing is that he doesn't even get angry when you tease him about it, which makes you doubt whether this is really Veritas Ratio. But the moment his book almost touches your head, you realize that he is still the same.
“Veritas, look - you brought the purple cat to the toy in his hands. - now we will always be close to each other!”
A small smile formed on his frowning face at the sight of your beaming smile. It turns out that sometimes it's nice to be an idiot.
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mlkinis ¡ 11 months ago
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A Royal Flush!? ♠️
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lilac-cat-draws ¡ 1 year ago
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When your current team is being carried by a hotel bell boy who's trying his best...
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wynterrolls ¡ 2 years ago
【Honkai: Star Rail Build TLDR】
⚔ Natasha
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For Healer Build (Recommended!)
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[Relic Set 1 = Optimal Relic Set] → 4pc Passerby of Wandering Cloud → 2pc Broken Keel
[Relic Set 2 = Biggest Heals] → 2pc Passerby of Wandering Cloud → 2pc Longevous Disciple → 2pc Fleet of the Ageless
** Why Broken Keel? Explained here.
** Healing amount comparison explained here.
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Main Stat (Pick one of the two sets) [Full HP set = Biggest heals] (Estimate Total HP = 6.8k to 7.7k+) > Head = HP (constant) > Hand = ATK (constant) > Body - Outgoing Healing Boost (OHB) > Boots - HP% > Sphere - HP% > Rope - HP% [Get-her-ult-fast set = Lower heals, faster Ultimate] (Estimate Total HP = 5k to 5.6k+) > Head = HP (constant) > Hand = ATK (constant) > Body - Outgoing Healing Boost (OHB) > Boots - SPD > Sphere - HP% > Rope - Energy Regeneration Rate (ERR)
Sub Stat > HP% or HP > Speed > Effect RES
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Things to Consider ➤ Without ERR rope: → using S1 Post-Op LC = you need 4 basic atks before you get her ult up. → using other abundance LC = you need 5 basic atks before you get her ult up. ➤ With ERR rope: → S1 Post-Op LC doesn't need ERR rope. S5 Post-Op LC needs ERR rope and 2pc Sprightly Vonwacq to get her ult fastest, but the heals are lowest. You only need 3 basic atks. → using other abundance LC with ERR rope = you need 4 basic atks before you get her ult up. ➤ Optional: Build her with 120+ SPD to get the atk buff from Fleet of the Ageless set effect. ➤ Optional: Build her with at least 30% effect RES to get the crit dmg buff of Broken Keel set. Things to Remember > Her skill could cleanse/remove debuff from an ally. It is only available when you unlock her A2 trace - Soothe.
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* Lightcone list is from the HSR General Build. Link below in the post. (They did the calcs, so now we have the weapon rankings.)
1. Time Waits for No One 5☆ [S1] 2. Post-Op Conversation 4☆ [S1] 3. Warmth Shortens Cold Nights 4☆ [S1~5] 4. Shared Feeling 4☆ [S1] 5. Cornucopia 3☆[S5]
** Quid Pro Quo 4☆[S1~5] *Utility LC → gives energy to team
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Long Explanation Below
— For Healer Build —
Natasha's healing scales off of HP so I'm going to calculate the estimated HP threshold the builds would give her at max lv 80/80.
— Total HP Calculation —
Natasha's Max Base HP = 1164 HP
+HP% from traces = +28% HP > from Lv 1 = +4% HP > from Lv 80 = +8% HP > from A3 = +4% HP > from A4 = +6% HP > from A5 = +6% HP +HP% from Relic and Ornament Sets > 4pc Passerby of Wandering Cloud = no HP passive, but gives OHB. OHB isn't reflected in her HP threshold. > 2pc Fleet of the Ageless = +12% HP +HP% from Relic and Ornament Pieces > each 5* HP Main stat Relic piece = +43.2% HP > each 5* HP Sub stat Relic piece ⇢ Max relic lvl is +15. Every 3 levels, the substats are either enhanced or added. ⇢ Substat roll for HP could be any of these three: 33.8 / 38 / 42 ⇢ Substat roll for HP% could be any of these three: 3.46% / 3.89% / 4.32% ** In the calculation, I'm going to consider the lowest substat as a reflection of RNG pain. This would mean that the value that would come out of the computation would be on lower side and irl HP values more than the estimated values are more likely to happen. Base HP and +HP% from Lightcone Besides the 1164 max HP from Natasha, she could get additional base HP from equipped LC. These base stats could vary from rarity, so to make my life easier, I'm just going to consider the current highest ranking LC for each rarity (not changing the calcs once newer LCs comes out in future tho) and not consider the HP% passive of each lightcone cause I'm lazy and the LC passives are different from each other, which means not all LC gives additional HP%. The LC ranking above was done by other people, so I'm pretty sure they already consider the LC passives in their calculations. ⇢ 5* lightcone = 1270 HP (from Time Waits for No One) ⇢ 4* lightcone = 1058 HP (from Post-Op Conversation) ⇢ 3* lightcone = 952 HP (from Cornucopia) Calculating Estimated Total HP for Each Build > For full-HP set ⇢ Using 5* LC = (1270 + 1164) * (1 + 0.28 + 0.12 + 0.432*3 + 0.0346*6) + 705.5 = 7772.86 HP ⇢ Using 4* LC = (1058 + 1164) * (2.9036) + 705.5 = 7157.30 HP ⇢ Using 3* LC = (952 + 1164) * (2.9036) + 705.5 = 6849.52 HP > For Get-her-ult-fast set ⇢ Using 5* LC = (1270 + 1164) * (1 + 0.28 + 0.12 + 0.432 + 0.0346*6) + 705.5 = 5669.89 HP ⇢ Using 4* LC = (1058 + 1164) * (2.0396) + 705.5 = 5237.49 HP ⇢ Using 3* LC = (952 + 1164) * (2.0396) + 705.5 = 5021.29 HP
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Honkai: Star Rail General Build Guide
Edisonsmathsclub's Energy Requirements Sheet
Relic Sets
Relic Stats
HP Calculation
Natasha Artwork
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Uploaded on Patch 1.1
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Update Log
07/20/2023 - Added the update log, artwork source, reformatted source list
07/21/2023 - Added Broken Keel set
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painregretsandsunday ¡ 6 months ago
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Drawing Sunday every day 'till his release!
Day 137 - FREE HIM!!11!!!!1!
The real culprit of his unfortunate imprisonment… da work….
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liorlen ¡ 9 months ago
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hate me baby, maybe i’m a piece of art~
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grandfangarbagechan ¡ 4 months ago
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I don't talk about my gacha pulls literally ever but holy fuck. Holy fuck. This was at 30 pity. What the fuck??? This is literally the only 5 star i have at anything other than E0?????
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taphwa ¡ 9 months ago
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