#hsr black swan build
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wynterrolls · 1 year ago
˳༄꠶ BLACK SWAN | Honkai: Star Rail TL;DR Build
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Role: DoT DPS
Relic Set (More options below the cut)
4pc Prisoner in Deep Confinement
Planar Ornament Set
Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise
Firmament Frontline: Glamoth (More efficient to farm)
Space Sealing Station
Main Stats
Head = HP
Glove = ATK
Body = Effect Hit Rate (EHR) or ATK%
Boots = Speed or ATK%
Orb = Wind DMG% or ATK%
Rope = ATK%
Sub Stats
Endgame Stats to aim:
Needed EHR = 120% EHR
Minimum Total ATK = 3000
Speed Options: no SPD (if slow BS); 134+ to 145+ SPD (if using Ruan Mei or SPD buffers); 155+ (if fast BS)
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Black Swan Rotation
Assuming your BS doesn’t get hit by enemies:
Using ATK% rope: 4x Skill > Ultimate (4 turn ultimate)
Using ATK% rope: 3x Skill + 2x Basic > Ultimate (5 turn ultimate)
Using Tutorial LC: 3x Skill > Ultimate (3 turn ultimate)
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Light Cones
To know the damage difference between each light cone, check the tables below the cut.
Reforged Remembrance 5★
Good Night Sleep Well 4★
Incessant Rain 5★
It's Showtime 4★
Eyes of the Prey 4★
Fermata 4★ [S5]
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts 4★ [S5]
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— Black Swan Kit TL;DR —
All Basic Attack, Skill, and Ultimate deal Wind DMG on enemies.
Arcana = deals Wind DMG and Wind DoT damage at start of enemy turn
Arcana stack = increase DoT dmg%; max of 50 stacks; resets at enemy turn
Basic Attack: Chance to apply an Arcana Stack for each DoT on enemy.
Skill: Chance to apply DEF shred and Arcana stack.
Ultimate: Applies Epiphany on all enemies for 2 turns.
Epiphany = more DoT dmg% and Arcana effects are considered as Wind Shear, Bleed, Burn, and Shock; Arcana stacks don’t reset as long as Epiphany is on enemy.
Talent: when enemies enter battle, applies DoT; each DoT enemy gets, chance to get Arcana stack
If 3+ Arcana stacks = chance to apply Arcana stacks on adjacent targets
If 7+ Arcana stacks = DEF ignore on target and adjacent targets
Technique: chance to apply Arcana stacks on target at start of battle
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— How to Play Black Swan in Simplified Form —
Black Swan can’t detonate any DoTs. Her DoT damage depends on enemy speed = backloaded damage. Her kit revolves entirely around increasing the damage enemies take from DoTs at beginning of their turns, by increasing the Arcana stacks on them.
She needs another DoT unit to apply DoTs on enemy and to trigger DoTs outside of enemies’ turns (e.g. Kafka, E4 Sampo, E6 Luka, or Guinaifen’s ultimate). This is possible when Epiphany is on enemies, since her Arcana stacks can also be triggered by other DoT units.
Black Swan Gameplay in Razor Language:
Other DoT units take turns before BS, they apply DoT on enemy
BS takes turn to use skill or basic attack
Enemy gets Arcana stacks from DoTs and DEF shred (if used skill)
Enemy turn starts, DoT DMG and Arcana gets triggered; Arcana stacks reset.
Profit. ( •_•)👍
Black Swan using Ultimate: Use Black Swan’s ultimate first before her DoT allies detonate their own DoT DMG (e.g. using their Ultimate).
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— Pulling Priority: E1 > S1 > E2 —
* Calcs from iSUMMON = Increase from E0S0 (Solo DMG calc):
E0S1 = 15.64%
E1S0 = 31.25%
E1S1 = 51.78%
* Calcs from Hunterkee = Increase from E0S0 (Team DMG calc):
E0S1 = 7.71%
E1S0 = 23.27%
E2S0 = 2.28%
— Trace Priority: Talent > ATK/EHR/Wind DMG > Others —
* Calcs from Gladius’s Build Guide:
Ascensions first to unlock the trace nodes below
Talent = 7.65%
ATK / EHR / Wind = 3.05%
Skill = 1.88%
Ultimate = 1.86%
Basics = 1.57%
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— Theoretical Simulation Calcs —
Relic Set Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee: None.
From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Planar Ornament Set Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee:
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From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Light Cone Comparison Difference
From Hunterkee:
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From Bonk:
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From GuobaCertified:
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Theoretical Consensus:
Their calcs are mostly focused in stacking speed on their units.
In Hunterkee’s calcs, the speed ranges from 147 to 163 spd, where the healer is the fastest, while depending on the team comp, Guinaifen is the slowest.
The speed ranges from 153 to 162 spd in Bonk’s calcs, where Kafka and the healer are the slowest, while Ruan Mei is the fastest.
In GuobaCertified’s simulations, the speed ranges from 163 to 168 spd, where Ruan Mei is the fastest, while Kafka is the slowest.
Amongst the three calcs, Hunterkee’s is closer to home because that’s mostly the speed range that F2Ps and low-spender players can achieve for their character builds. GuobaCertified’s, however, looks something you’d only see in whale builds or minmax builds. In all 3 simulations, Black Swan’s speed is somewhere in the middle.
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— Does she need Kafka? —
BS could work without Kafka, but BS needs another unit that would trigger her DoTs outside the enemies’ turns. BS loses a lot of damage if her damage only relies on enemies’ turns, with no one to detonate her DoTs outside their turns.
— How much boost does Black Swan bring to Kafka DoT teams? —
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From Hunterkee’s calcs, Black Swan brings about 19% boost against single-target enemy and 33% boost on AoE.
— ATK% or SPD on boots? —
Slow BS = ATK% boots
Fast BS = SPD boots
BS in Pure Fiction = SPD boots
MoC has a limit of 10 cycles for you to defeat the enemies. Whether you use ATK% or SPD boots on her, Black Swan needs time to gain stacks to deal more DoT damage on enemies’ turn start.
However, Pure Fiction needs you to clear the enemies at faster rate. This means you need to clear out the first 5, before the next 5 could spawn in. This is where SPD boots would be more advantageous for her to act more turns before the enemies.
Also, SPD boots if you need to reach the SPD threshold for Glamoth set.
NOTE: There’s this discussion about building Fast BS, Slow BS, and “Classical SPD” BS. “Classical SPD” BS means her having 134 SPD. The post is written by u/L0wpriority here and a counterargument was posted by u/guobacertified here. To know what goes on in their talks, better check those links instead.
However, for me, I’d say to build your BS’s SPD according to what her allies’ SPD are. I’ve linked below some showcase for BS teams and the team order of each. I also explained how those teams are formed and worked together in the Practical Consensus below.
— ATK% or Wind DMG% on orb? —
Wind DMG% orb if no Ruan Mei; ATK% orb if Ruan Mei is in team. Difference is minimal.
Damage difference:
From Hunterkee’s calcs: 0.06%
From Guoba’s: 1.48%-2.75%
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— Black Swan Team Showcase in Practice —
NOTE: Team Order = Highest SPD (Fastest) to Lowest SPD (Slowest)
Black Swan + Kafka + Ruan Mei
Fast Black Swan + Slow Kafka DoT team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Black Swan > Kafka > Lynx]
Slow Black Swan + Fast Kafka DoT team – sample showcase done by Dreamy here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Tingyun > Kafka > Black Swan]
Black Swan Triple DoT team in Pure Fiction – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Kafka > Ruan Mei > Sampo > Black Swan]
Black Swan without Kafka using other DoT allies
Black Swan + Guinaifen DoT team – sample showcase done by Moon here. [Team order: Asta > Guinaifen > Ruan Mei > Black Swan]
Black Swan + Sampo DoT team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Black Swan > Sampo > Lynx]
Black Swan + Luka DoT team – sample showcase done by Lv.999 Silverwolf here. [Team order: Huohuo > Luka > Silverwolf > Black Swan]
Black Swan without Ruan Mei using other SPD buffers
Black Swan F2P team - sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Guinaifen > Asta > Black Swan > Lynx]
Black Swan with Asta as SPD support – sample showcase done by Moon here. [Team order: Asta > Fu Xuan > Black Swan > Sampo]
Black Swan Hypercarry
Black Swan Hypercarry team – sample showcase done by Ikatsu here. [Team order: Ruan Mei > Tingyun > Black Swan > Lynx]
E1S1 Black Swan Hypercarry team – sample showcase done by Sleepy here. [Team order: Tingyun > Ruan Mei > Hanya > Black Swan]
Black Swan as Debuffer
Black Swan as debuffer for Dr. Ratio team – this could work if you use BS for her DEF shred only (and you have Ruan Mei in your team); sample showcase done by Rehoo and EdenPlays.
E1 Black Swan as debuffer for Jing Yuan team – E1 Black Swan is like 5* Pela (but with RES reduce instead of DEF shred) for fire, lightning, physical, and wind; sample showcase done by Sleepy here.
Black Swan as debuffer for Blade team – not sure if BS in this showcase is E0 or E1, but BS acts as debuffer for him regardless; sample showcase done by Exodus here.
Black Swan using Freeze Mechanics
Black Swan Freeze team – sample showcase done by Hyrion here. [Team order: Luocha > Pela > Ruan Mei > Black Swan]
Practical Consensus:
In teams with Ruan Mei, Black Swan speed in team showcase mostly ranges from 134 to 140+, while her teammates are ranging from 129 to 153 spd. Sustains are mostly either the slowest or fastest in the team. Other DoT allies are positioned either before or after Black Swan.
Ruan Mei is mostly used in Black Swan teams. This could be explained by Ruan Mei’s talent where she could reduce the SPD needed by Black Swan. With the enemies having 158 spd and reducing to 154 spd due to break, instead of needing 155 spd for Black Swan, she could settle with 145 spd instead.
Asta is used as alternative for Ruan Mei in F2P teams because she could increase the SPD of allies with her ultimate. Both Ruan Mei and Asta are positioned before Black Swan.
But, if no Ruan Mei in team, Black Swan is mostly built with slow build, with her DoT allies stacking as much DoTs as possible for her Arcana stacks. If BS is built with fast build (e.g having 155+ spd), this could alleviate the SP usage of the team because she could opt to use Basics instead.
Black Swan DMG relies on enemy turns, thus avoid using slow debuffs and imprisonment on enemies in her teams. However, she could utilize freeze mechanic and Ruan Mei’s break delay because despite freezing the enemies, the enemies still take their turn before being pushed back to take another later turn. This means that the enemies get two DoT turn triggers after getting frozen.
Some teams are quirky, but eh, it doesn’t matter. As long as their team could 3-star the stage, why make a problem out of it?
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— Sample Black Swan Builds for Reference —
Fast Black Swan Build by u/-lightningstr1ike-
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Fast Black Swan and Slow Kafka Builds by u/Mozaary
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Black Swan Build Guide by Moon
Black Swan Build Guide by SevyPlays
Black Swan Build Guide by Braxophone
Black Swan Build Guide by Gladius
Black Swan Build Guide by GuobaCertified
Black Swan E1 vs S1 Analysis Video by iSUMMON
Black Swan’s Calculations by Hunterkee
Black Swan’s Calculations by Bonk
Black Swan Light Cone and Relic Comparison by Guoba Certified and Kygen
Black Swan E1 vs S1 Analysis Sheet by iSUMMON
2.0 Banner Warp Advice and Insights [Credits: @.regnum771 (Victor Charlie), @kuratine (Houseplant - EN), @soul_fish (Soul Fish), @1orange (1orange), @darkangel]
Black Swan Team Variations by Ikatsu
Zero Speed Swan and 200 Speed Kafka by Dreamy
Black Swan and Guinaifen Team Showcase by Moon
Black Swan and Luka Team Showcase by Lv.999 Silverwolf
Black Swan and Dr. Ratio Team Showcase by Rehoo
Black Swan with Dr. Ratio and Pela Team Showcase by EdenPlays
Black Swan with Asta and Sampo Team Showcase by Moon
Black Swan Freeze Team Showcase by Hyrion
E1S1 Black Swan Hypercarry Team Showcase by Sleepy
E1 Black Swan and Jing Yuan Team Showcase by Sleepy
Black Swan and Blade Team Showcase by Exodus
Fast Black Swan Build Showcase by u/-lightningstr1ke
Fast Black Swan and Slow Kafka Build Showcase by u/Mozaary
Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS Discussion by u/L0wpriority
Counterargument post on Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS Discussion by u/guobacertified
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Author’s Note:
I compiled this guide because I don’t understand the talks about Black Swan kit whenever I would go lurk around in HSR-focused servers. Also, I needed something to convince myself that my F2P self can’t afford her for my DoT team. 😂
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Update Log
02/10/2024 - Uploaded this post.
02/11/2024 – Added Moon’s BS + Asta team, Hyrion’s BS Freeze team, and Ikatsu’s BS Triple DoT team in Team showcase part; added Asta and freeze mechanic explanation in Practical Consensus part; added Gladius’s Build Guide in sources; added Trace priority; added the discussion links for Fast BS, Slow BS, and Classical SPD BS in ATK% or SPD on boots? part
02/13/2024 – Added classification in Team Showcase in Practice; added Sleepy’s BS Hypercarry team and BS + Jingyuan team in Team Showcase part; rephrased recommended SPD in Endgame stats; added ATK% in Body main stat
02/14/2024 – Added Exodus’s BS + Blade team in Team showcase part
02/23/2024 - Replaced the line dividers
02/29/2024 – Added GuobaCertified's and iSUMMON's video links in Sources
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amosprinz · 11 months ago
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ghastigiggles · 9 months ago
ive just come across your blog and your fics are seriously the cutest… plus you’re a wlw writer!! hopefully you’re still doing the mischievous prompts, if you are… may i request lee!acheron x ler!blackswan with “and what are you going to do, tickle me?” I could totally imagine acheron saying this as a joke and blackswan’s face lighting up thinking actually… thats a great idea!
Mischievious Prompts [Temporarily Closed]
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“It occurs to me,” Black Swan lilts, “That you aren’t often close with people. Physically.”
“It wouldn’t take a Memokeeper to figure that out.”
Her laugh is soft and melodic, a sound that makes Acheron shut her eyes, soothed and comforted; a latent part of her wonders if that’s just the effect a Memokeeper’s voice has on a person. Her heart knows it’s not. Either way, she could easily get used to the gentle pressure on her side, and the arm wrapped around her waist. The weight of the Memokeeper’s head on her shoulder.
“Where does this observation come from?”
“You seem tense, is all – even though you know I’m not a threat to you. My every touch is tender and sweet, yet you don’t seem to know how to take it. I don’t think it’s conscious on your behalf, but it affects you regardless. That much is plain.”
“Is it a problem?”
“I suppose not,” She concedes; “But I would like to help ease that tension for you. You deserve that much.”
The emanator opened her eyes at that, and tilted her head to inspect Black Swan with vacant curiosity. 
“And what are you going to do to achieve that?”
“Patience, my dear emanator.”
Black Swan purred into her ear, squeezing her gently in a sideways embrace that Acheron by no means hated. She felt the Memokeeper’s hand slide against her side, tugging her jacket back enough to expose the skin further – and Acheron didn’t stop her. 
The tracing started pleasant enough, a gentle rubbing that slowly got lighter and lighter, until it teased her nerves into a state of prickly unrest that made the corners of her mouth twitch unbidden and her arm start to fall in opposition.
“... Tickle me?”
The unsteadily spoken words were meant to be a continuation of her prior question – but Black Swan, with a gentle chuckle, took it as bait, digging in her fingers a bit more persistently to earn a quiet squeal from Acheron as the emanator jolted and folded against her, pressing into her body. 
She couldn’t say that it really relaxed her much at all, with how much she squirmed – but she relished every gentle touch regardless, and didn’t mind much about her loss of composure at all. She was simply glad it was the Memokeeper.
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racecarcat · 1 year ago
Once I learn how to build my character in HSR it’s OVER FOR YOU ALL.
(My Acheron does slightly more damage now that I realized I used the wrong artifacts on her that were meant for another lightning character)
(My Acheron does so little damaged bc I don’t know how to defeat the boss to level up her skills)
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pebbleaf · 5 months ago
My gaze has lingered on her for quite a while
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They’re gay and in love (it’s canon trust me)
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tjemegames · 8 months ago
HSR: Character Build Archive - Nihility
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The Aeon that presides over the Path of Nihility. THEIR existence is a mystery. IX doesn't interact with the other Aeons. THEY believe that the ultimate fate of the multiverse is nothingness, and therefore, worthless.
Certain character descriptions may contain story spoilers: Acheron. If you’re not caught up to the most current version of the game, please read them at your own discretion.
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An aloof and taciturn traveler, a Self-Annihilator who returned from the shadows of IX the Nihility. In her battle against destiny, she tirelessly brandishes her blade, seeking to sever the Paths.
unowned: not interested in pulling at this time. might pull in the future if I haven’t already dedicated myself to another 5-star lightning dps unit
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Black Swan
A laid-back and enigmatic Memokeeper who collects intriguing memories. She firmly believes that fate is not beyond comprehension and that everything will eventually become "known" within the eternal realm of memories.
unowned: not interested in pulling with my current roster
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unreleased (2.7)
not sure what I'll be doing yet, gonna have to wait for kit information to see whether or not she'd be useful to me. as it stands, I don't really play DoT so she'd need to be quite the debuffer or an enabler or some sort for me to want her. new design looks sick though, so she's got that going for her
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A performance artist visiting the Xianzhou Luofu — in other words, a street performer. She's chasing a new life on the Luofu when not concerned with food and shelter.
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honestly didn't think that I'd play with guin when she first came out, but she's been very enjoyable to play with
currently one of my best built units bc I got really lucky during the week that I decided to hyperfocus on fixing her; my planars were synthesized and they rolled so much better than I was expecting them to
not a whole lot to nitpick with this one; she's a bit squishy but that's not really an issue since she's always paired with a well-built sustainer
might try to roll a new hand piece for better survivability; I can afford to lose a little bit of speed. who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and roll 6/7 speed + tank stats?
latest upgrade - 6.6.24
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An advisor under Feixiao. Responsible for her food and health. To him, a medicine-boiling cauldron is no different from a hotpot on a stove, and the ingredients of meals are also no different from medication...
unowned: not pulling due to high investment in guinaifen
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A member of the Stellaron Hunters. A dashing, collected, and professional beauty. Used the enchantment of Spirit Whisper to set up (Trailblazer) to absorb the Stellaron. Her hobby is shopping for and organizing her collection of coats.
unowned: lost 50/50 on debut banner & no longer interested in pulling
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The boxing champion in Belobog's Underworld, and one of Wildfire's most capable fighters. The consecutive reigning champion of the Fight Club, whose enthusiasm inspires children of the Underworld to dream big.
unleveled: lvl 1, e6
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An intelligence officer for the Silvermane Guards. She has a serious personality and is revered by other members of the Silvermane Guards.
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there’s a vision in my head of 4pc wind + vonwacq pela but the game is fighting me on it
vonwacq is incredibly stingy so getting the right pieces has been incredibly slow-going; my current pieces will stay +12 for the foreseeable future
need to farm eagle (def/hp body) & vonwacq (hp/def sphere + err rope); could also go for better head/hand pieces but I really don't feel like it
latest upgrade - 6.25.24
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A merchant who freely travels between the Overworld and the Underworld. He acts like he is everyone's friend, is enthusiastically humorous, and is good at bantering.
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crit sampo build: weights were adjusted to mirror a traditional crit build; .75 atk, 1 spd/crate/cdmg/wind dmg
this build is a bit of a meme that I've yet to fix because it surprisingly works well. he's hitting almost all the breakpoints you'd want him to in his traditional build; ≥ 67% ehr, ≥ 2800 atk, ≥ 135 spd (glamoth), his hp/def are a bit low but that's unsurprising with the relics he's got on
soon to be retired (mines permitting); head/hands can be kept for updated build, but the rest will need to be replaced
latest upgrade - 5.16.24
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Silver Wolf
A member of the Stellaron Hunters and a genius hacker. She sees the universe as a big immersive simulation game and has fun with it. She's mastered the skill known as "aether editing," which can be used to tamper with the data of reality.
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passively working on while farming new messenger and wuthering snow pieces for bronya/sparkle
haven't decided if I solely want to run her as a breaker or debuffer; main stats wouldn't change but I would need to roll more break if I decided to go that route
need to farm genius (ehr body or spd boots) & fleet (quantum sphere + err rope)
latest upgrade - 7.25.24
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A senior member of the Crew. The passion in his heart burns for another long and enjoyable adventure. Occasionally, he might draw the experiences of his journey in a sketchbook.
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outdated build: hand & sphere are the only recently rolled pieces
don't be fooled by the light cone lvl; both my copies are actually unleveled
won't lie, I have no idea how to build this man because I haven't played with him since 1.4
from my vague memory of his kit, I will more than likely need to replace half of his relics; don't know for sure though so I'll come back and update this after I do my research
latest upgrade - 7.14.24
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The most recent version of a character’s build(s) will be listed here; older build versions can be found on their designated changelog. To avoid word/image limit issues, information on a retired build will be removed from the path archive and a link to the build’s changelog will be provided in its place. Changelogs will only be created and maintained for the characters that I actively use; they will be updated whenever significant relic upgrades/changes have been made. Characters that have multiple builds (i.e. additional builds that are non-traditional, niche, or memes) will have a dedicated changelog for each one. Return to Navigation
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chronicles-of-the-cats · 1 year ago
making a team comp for black swan but I don't have/want kafka. Is black swan/Sampo (E6)/ Guinaifen (E4)/ and Huohuo (e1) good for her?
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hsrsimp · 1 year ago
Trying to build my black swan but i keep getting CRIT stats on the DOT set...i could have used that on my argenti to get 50 crit rate to match my 200 crit damage 😔
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inou-ie · 1 year ago
pairing(s): demon!(black swan, ruan mei, acheron) x sub!female reader
warnings: nsfw, (black swan - spanking, edging, fingering), (ruan mei - drugs, strap-on, blood), (transfem!acheron- demon form, size difference, creampie, belly bulge, breeding kink), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, rough sex, praising
read part 1 here
men and minors dni
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"Hold it in, my darling." Black Swan whispered, her voice a soft melody that washed over you like a gentle breeze, soothing your senses as she kissed your forehead lovingly. Her touch was tender as she caressed your stomach, her fingers tracing delicate patterns against your skin, as if she didn't just deny you of your supposed to be first orgasm.
"Be a good girl, you hear?" she cooed, her voice filled with affection as she ran her fingers through your hair, the gentle gesture calming your racing heart. You felt a pang of longing deep within you, the desire to release the tension building within you almost overwhelming.
"I want to cum..." you murmured, the words escaping your lips in a desperate plea for release. But Black Swan simply chuckled, her laughter like music to your ears as she continued to caress your hair with one hand while the other trailed down your stomach towards your dripping pussy.
"No," she smiled, her voice firm yet gentle as she placed a firm hand on your abdomen, her touch a silent command to obey. "Don't cum until I tell you to." she reminded you, her words echoing in your mind as she leaned down to offer her breast to you.
Without hesitation, you obediently suckled on her perky nipple, the taste of her arousal filling your senses as you fondled her breasts carefully, your touch reverent and eager to please.
You lay still on Black Swan's lap, your body tingling with anticipation as you spread your legs open, silently pleading for her touch to resume. Black Swan hummed softly, her eyes filled with affection as she watched you suck and lick her breast with eager devotion. "So adorable, my darling. You're so good at this." she praised, her fingers now trailing teasingly towards the hood of your clitoris.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as her touch ignited a fire within you, your hips instinctively lifting up in anticipation of the pleasure to come. But just as quickly as her fingers had approached, Black Swan withdrew them, keeping a distance to tease you further.
"Stay still, don't move." she whispered, her voice a gentle command that left you trembling with anticipation. With a whimper of obedience, you dropped your hips back onto the bed, desperate to please her.
"Don't worry, darling... I promise you it will be worth it, so just be obedient... be my good girl." Black Swan reassured, her words soothing the ache of desire that burned within you. And then, finally, her finger found your erect clit, rubbing it gently in slow, deliberate circles.
A low moan escaped your lips as pleasure washed over you, your hips bucking instinctively against her touch as you sucked harder on Black Swan's nipple, each stroke of her finger sent waves of ecstasy all over your body.
"Even your clit is adorable... look at how much it's twitching." Black Swan chuckled in amusement, her voice a melodic sound that sent shivers down your spine. You released her nipple for a moment, unable to contain a dirty moan, but she quickly stuffed your mouth full of her soft flesh, silencing you with a firm hand.
"Did I tell you to stop?" she asked, her eyes piercing through you with a commanding intensity that left you trembling with desire. You shook your head obediently, your eyes pleading for forgiveness as you resumed your sucking on her breasts.
Black Swan didn't tolerate disobedience, especially in the bedroom where she desired complete control over every aspect of your pleasure. "Keep sucking," she commanded, her smile returning to her face as she observed the desire burning in your eyes.
She sighed in pleasure, her fingers tenderly massaging your scalp while her other hand teased your dripping folds. The gentle touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to whimper softly in response.
Suddenly, Black Swan dipped a finger inside you, the sensation sending a jolt of electricity through your core. She repeated the motion several times, teasing your drooling pussy until you couldn't help but subtly move your hips in search of more.
"Do you want me inside?" she asked, her voice filled with desire as she gently pulled her breast away from your mouth, giving you a chance to answer. Your breath hitched as you pleaded, "I want you inside, please..."
Without hesitation, Black Swan immediately pushed a finger deep inside you, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure from your lips. She moved her fingers skillfully, exploring your inner depths as if searching for something elusive.
"More..." you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, your body craving the intimate connection only she could provide. Black Swan smiled warmly at you, her eyes filled with affection as she added another finger inside you, the sensation stretching you deliciously.
"Do you like it here?" Black Swan's voice was soft, filled with mischief as she looked into your eyes, her fingers expertly rubbing at that one particular spot inside you before pushing deeper, twisting and turning them within your eager walls. "Or here?" she teased, adding another finger within you, exploring every inch of your sensitive flesh.
You clenched around her fingers, a soft moan escaping your lips as she began to thrust in and out, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Occasionally, she would curl her fingers just right, hitting all the right spots inside you and causing you to cling onto her desperately.
Your gaze drifted to her breast, her nipple still glistening with your saliva. Unable to resist the temptation, you leaned in and licked her once more, your eyes pleading for release as you hoped she would grant your wish this time.
"Hmm..." Black Swan hummed, her thumb brushing against your clit, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you. You reached out to fondle her breasts once more, this time pinching and pulling on her nipples in a desperate attempt to elicit a reaction.
She smirked in amusement, letting out a breathy sigh as she patted your head gently. "Good girl... your mouth and fingers feel so good, keep going." she whispered, her words sending a shiver down your spine.
Suddenly, she pressed her thumb against your clit with force, her fingers moving faster and faster inside you. You gasped for air, your legs instinctively closing around her hand in an attempt to control the overwhelming pleasure, but Black Swan didn't let that stop her, driving her fingers deeper and deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum..." you whimpered, your body on the brink of ecstasy. But just as you were about to reach that sweet release, Black Swan pulled her fingers out with a chuckle, leaving your pussy aching and pulsing with unfulfilled desire.
"Ah, my fingers slipped." she giggled, the sound sending a pang of frustration through you as you whimpered, releasing her nipple and wrapping your arms around her in a silent plea for comfort and release.
Black Swan hugged you back, her touch gentle and soothing as she caressed your back with tender care. "My poor darling..." she cooed, her voice filled with empathy as she pulled you onto her lap, offering you comfort in your time of need.
You sat on one of her thighs, a soft moan escaping your lips as the contact sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. The ache for release was overwhelming, and you couldn't resist the urge to seek out pleasure wherever you could find it.
Desperation fueled your actions as you began to rub yourself against her thigh, your movements becoming more frantic as you sought to satisfy the burning desire within you. You made sure to grind your clit against her flesh, each movement eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from your lips.
"Stop that, darling." Black Swan commanded, her voice firm as she held your shoulders to keep you still. But the desperation inside you was too strong to ignore.
"Just a bit... a bit more..." you moaned, your voice filled with longing as you continued to ride her thigh with eager abandon, your movements growing more frenzied with each passing moment. You clung onto her desperately, craving the release that seemed just out of reach.
Witnessing your disobedience, Black Swan's eyes darkened, a shadow of displeasure crossing her features. With a sigh, she pushed you off her lap, her expression calm yet firm as she regarded you with a piercing gaze, making it clear that your disobedience would not be tolerated.
"Please let me cum..." you whimpered, the desperation evident in your voice as you pleaded with Black Swan for release. In response, she moved you onto her lap, but this time positioned you so that your hips rested on her thighs while your ass was up in the air.
"You don't deserve to." she said darkly, her words filled with a commanding tone as she delivered a sharp slap to your exposed ass cheek, the sound echoing through the room. You winced in pain, the sting reverberating through your sensitive flesh.
Turning your head to look at her, you found Black Swan's expression impassive as she delivered another hard slap to your other cheek, the force of it causing you to gasp in pain. Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face into the mattress, unable to bear the intensity of the sensation.
"I'm disappointed." Black Swan sighed, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration as she continued to rain down blows upon your exposed flesh. Each slap sent waves of pain through your body, your skin tingling with the sting of each impact.
And as you lay there, your body wracked with pain and longing, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shame wash over you, knowing that you had disappointed her with your disobedience. Yet despite the pain, there was also a strange sense of arousal mingled with the discomfort.
Slap after slap after slap... the pain was relentless, each strike sending shockwaves of agony through your trembling body. You cried out, your sobs echoing in the room as you writhed weakly beneath Black Swan's punishing hand.
Noticing your defeated state, her touch softened as she caressed your now red and tender ass cheeks, eliciting another whimper of pain from your lips. Black Swan smirked, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes as she contemplated her next move. "You're forgiven... come here, darling..." she coaxed, her grip firm as she guided you to sit on her lap, but this time facing away from her. With a gentle yet commanding push, she guided you down until you were lying on your stomach against her legs, your red and throbbing ass presented prominently before her.
Without any warning, the sting of another slap echoed through the room, causing you to grit your teeth in anticipation of the pain. But just as the sensation registered, it was swiftly replaced by an entirely different feeling—a surge of pleasure that shot through your body as Black Swan suddenly pushed two fingers inside your dripping pussy.
You gasped in surprise and delight, the pleasure almost overwhelming as it mingled with the lingering ache of the previous slaps. Black Swan paused for a moment, her fingers buried deep inside you, allowing you to process the sudden shift from pain to pleasure. You turned your head to look at her, seeking some form of reassurance or guidance, only to be met with another sharp slap to your tender ass followed by a forceful thrust of her fingers.
Your mind and body were thrown into a whirlwind of conflicting sensations—pain and pleasure intertwining in a dizzying dance that left you gasping and moaning in ecstasy. With each thrust of her fingers, Black Swan expertly manipulated your sensitive walls, her touch driving you to the brink of madness as she alternated between spanking your ass cheeks and plunging her fingers deeper inside you.
Black Swan watched you with amused eyes, her lips curved into a wicked smirk as she savored the sight of your writhing form beneath her touch. Her fingers moved with precision, pulling out from time to time to give your neglected clit some much-needed attention before delving back into your dripping heat, all the while continuing to administer firm yet exhilarating slaps to your exposed flesh.
The constant onslaught of Black Swan's spanking and skilled fingers inside you sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your trembling body, your senses overwhelmed as pleasure consumed every inch of your being. Your eyes rolled back in bliss, your thighs quivering uncontrollably, and your knees threatening to give way beneath you.
"Please... please..." you whimpered, your voice laced with desperation as you pleaded for Black Swan's permission to release the building tension within you. With a firm grip on your battered ass, Black Swan wasted no time in granting your request, her fingers plunging deep and fast into your dripping heat.
Gasping for air, you spread your legs wider, surrendering completely to the overwhelming pleasure. Each movement of her skilled fingers sent jolts of ecstasy racing through your body, eliciting cries of pleasure that filled the room. "Cum, my darling." Black Swan whispered lovingly, her words like a soothing melody as she expertly manipulated your sensitive flesh, her hands working in perfect harmony to send you spiraling into ecstasy.
You whimpered in delight, your lips bitten raw as you were finally granted permission to release. Black Swan's fingers worked tirelessly to pleasure every inch of you, her touch driving you to the brink of euphoria. She repeatedly targeted your g-spot while simultaneously teasing your clit, pushing you over the edge into an explosive orgasm.
A primal moan escaped your lips, almost a scream of ecstasy as your body convulsed with pleasure, coating Black Swan's lap with your juices. She continued to move her fingers, prolonging your orgasm until every last wave of pleasure had washed over you, leaving you trembling and spent in her arms.
"Well, aren't you generous? Squirting all over me like this." Black Swan chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she lifted your body, allowing you to rest against hers. Your hips still twitched slightly, a tangible reminder of the intense pleasure you had just experienced under her skilled touch.
"You're so beautiful, my darling master." she whispered lovingly, her words like a gentle caress against your skin as she nibbled at your earlobe. The warmth of her breath against your ear sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but melt into her touch.
"Get some sleep, hm?" Black Swan poked your cheek affectionately, and you nodded obediently, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at your eyelids. "Thank you..." you mumbled before closing your eyes, allowing yourself to sink into the embrace of sleep, guided by the soft hum of Black Swan's melody that enveloped you like a warm embrace.
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"You're so rough, dear master..." Ruan Mei moaned, her voice laced with pleasure as she wrapped her legs tightly around you. With one foot resting on your lower back, she urged you to press against her even tighter, seeking more intimacy.
"But you can do better..." she whispered, her arms now wrapping around your neck, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss. Her tongue danced with yours, igniting a fiery passion between you as you explored each other's mouths with fervor.
Driven by the overwhelming desire coursing through your body, you rolled your hips against her, eliciting soft whimpers from both of you. As you pressed your strap deeper inside her, Ruan Mei couldn't help but moan into your mouth, her body responding eagerly to your touch.
"You're slowing down... shall I give you more of my special concoction? I have plenty." Ruan Mei's breathy voice sent shivers down your spine as she whispered against your lips. Despite the overwhelming heat pulsing through your body, all you could manage was a groan in response.
Throughout the encounter, Ruan Mei had introduced you to various liquids and pills, each one her own creation. Her fascination with human physiology seemed to grow with each experiment, and now you were the subject of her latest inquiry.
Under the influence of her concoctions, you felt like a puppet, controlled by the irresistible urge to connect with her. As you moved your hips back and forth, thrusting the strap in and out of her tight pussy, it didn't feel like you were manipulating a toy; rather, it was as if your own skin and flesh were intimately entwined with hers.
Every clench of her inner walls, every contraction of her pussy sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You could feel her arousal building, matching your own, and it was all too much to bear.
"So tight..." you whimpered through gritted teeth, feeling the strain in your weakened knees as you struggled to maintain your pace. But Ruan Mei wasn't satisfied with your faltering movements; she wanted more, and she knew just how to get it.
With a sigh of disappointment, she reached for another small bottle of pills, popping them into her mouth before pulling you down to force the pills into yours using her tongue.
As she kissed you deeply, the pills melted between your mouths, their unpleasant taste dulled by the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body.
With a faint smile, Ruan Mei pulled away, pressing a kiss to your forehead before enveloping you in her arms. "Move those hips, my dear master..." she urged, her hands gripping your ass and guiding you into her. Your eyes rolled back, overwhelmed by the potency of the drug coursing through your veins.
With a loud grunt, you obeyed, seizing her hips and lifting them slightly before plunging into her hungry hole with deep, fast thrusts. Each movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, fueling the insatiable hunger you felt for this demon.
It was as if a potent blend of love potion and aphrodisiac had taken hold of you, driving you to satisfy your cravings for her with every fiber of your being.
"Good, you're so good at this. Move faster... deeper..." Ruan Mei's voice echoed through your mind like a hypnotic melody, urging you to obey her every command. With fervent determination, you quickened the pace of your thrusts, driving yourself deeper into her eager cunt.
You cried out in pleasure, the sensation of her velvety walls enveloping you in their tight embrace driving you to the brink of madness. With every withdrawal, her inner muscles clung to you desperately, urging you to delve deeper into her intoxicating depths.
"Gonna cum..." you whispered, locking eyes with Ruan Mei before trailing hot, fervent kisses down her neck, nipping and sucking on her delicate flesh. Her moans of pleasure spurred you on, igniting a firestorm of desire within you.
"Keep going, my dear master..." she cooed, her words dripping with sweet temptation. With one final, desperate thrust, you cried out in ecstasy, your body trembling with the force of your release. Hot, sticky juices spilled from your depths, trickling down your inner thighs as waves of pleasure washed over you.
Ruan Mei's muscles clenched around you, holding you captive in her embrace for a few fleeting moments longer before finally releasing their hold. With a contented sigh, you withdrew from her, collapsing onto your back in a state of blissful exhaustion, your body tingling with the lingering echoes of ecstasy.
You tried to catch your breath as you held the strap-on in your hand, stroking it lightly, but it felt like nothing more than a mere object. Your thoughts were interrupted by Ruan Mei's voice as she sensually climbed onto your lap, her movements fluid and graceful.
"It's just a toy, my dear master... but I can make you feel like it's a part of you... only I can do that." she whispered, her words dripping with seduction. With a mischievous smile, she reached down and took hold of your cock, squeezing it firmly in her hand as if to prove her words. A gasp escaped your lips as pleasure surged through your body, causing you to writhe and whimper beneath her touch.
Ruan Mei's eyes sparkled with amusement as she lifted her hips and slowly aligned her dripping pussy with your cock. With agonizing slowness, she began to sink down onto you, inch by inch, until every inch of you was buried deep inside her warmth. A moan of pure delight escaped her lips, matching the soft groan that slipped from yours.
Once fully impaled on your cock, Ruan Mei began to move her hips in slow, tantalizing circles, grinding against you with exquisite precision. Every movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to close your eyes and moan with ecstasy.
The sensation of her tight, wet walls engulfing you was unlike anything you had ever experienced, and you found yourself lost in the intoxicating rhythm of her movements.
You gripped the sheets tightly, trying to steady yourself as you whimpered softly, feeling a mix of exhaustion and lingering arousal coursing through your body. Ruan Mei's gentle touch on your breasts elicited a shiver of pleasure, causing you to arch into her hands instinctively.
"Does it feel good? Do you want to feel more?" Her soft voice washed over you like a caress, her hands continuing to fondle your sensitive flesh with care. You hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire for more pleasure and the need to rest.
Before you could think of a response, Ruan Mei had already retrieved a bottle of red liquid, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "Please, open your mouth, dear master." she cooed, cupping your cheek with a tender touch as she waited for your compliance.
You obediently opened your mouth, and Ruan Mei wasted no time in pouring the liquid inside. The sensation was immediate and overwhelming, causing you to cough and sputter as it hit the back of your throat. Some of it spilled onto your neck and chest, creating a warm, tingling sensation that spread through your body.
"No good, dear master... you shouldn't waste a drop." Ruan Mei sighed in disappointment, her expression turning stern as she reached for another bottle. Without hesitation, she forced your mouth open with her free hand, pouring the contents inside as you choked and struggled to swallow.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you gagged on the liquid, feeling it burn its way down your throat. As soon as the bottle was empty, Ruan Mei immediately held onto your shoulders for support, her touch both reassuring and commanding as she began to move her hips slowly.
Ruan Mei's tightness enveloped you, each deliberate squeeze making you whimper beneath her. "So hot... inside me..." you whispered, the potent concoction she had administered taking effect almost instantly.
It was a searing heat, spreading through your body and leaving you weak and helpless on the bed, but the sensation of being buried deep inside Ruan Mei only grew stronger with each passing moment.
"My dear master..." she called, her hands wrapping around your neck with just enough pressure to make you gasp for air, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. You looked up at Ruan Mei, your eyes pleading for her to guide you through the overwhelming sensations.
"Look at me, feel me... keep your focus on me." she urged in a soft voice, her words both soothing and commanding. With each lift and drop of her hips, you felt yourself drawn deeper into her, the rhythm of her movements syncing perfectly with the erratic beating of your heart.
With each drop of her hips, she sent ripples of pleasure coursing through your body, the rhythm slow and deliberate, driving you to the brink of madness. You clenched your fists, trying to hold on to your sanity as she rode you with a controlled intensity that left you trembling with desire.
You whimpered softly, the sensation of Ruan Mei's hips moving against yours sending shivers down your spine. Despite your exhaustion, you found yourself thrusting upwards to meet her movements, desperate for more of the pleasure she offered.
"That's right... don't fight the heat, embrace it." Ruan Mei whispered, her voice like a siren's call urging you to surrender to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body. Leaning down, she captured your lips in a searing kiss, her tongue dancing with yours as both of your hips moved in perfect synchronization.
As you lost yourself in the heat of the moment, Ruan Mei's lips trailed down to your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses and gentle bites in their wake. With a deft hand, she reached for the stock of bottles lying nearby, her curiosity driving her to explore further.
Pouring the liquid into her mouth, she drank deeply before returning to you, her lips finding yours once more as she shared the contents of the bottle with you. You drank it down eagerly, the taste mingling with the heady rush of sensations already flooding your senses.
Your vision blurred, your mind clouded with the intoxicating mix of pleasure and drugs swirling within you. Ruan Mei pulled away with a satisfied moan, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she took in the state you were in.
"Your nose is bleeding... looks like your body can't take so much." she murmured, gently wiping away the blood from your nose before claiming your lips in another kiss.
The two of you kissed fervently, lost in each other's passion as your bodies moved in perfect harmony. Limbs entwined tightly, you reveled in the intoxicating sensation of being connected to Ruan Mei in every way possible.
"I'll bring more next time... I'll create more for you. Just for you, my beloved master." Ruan Mei whispered, her voice dripping with affection as she gazed into your eyes. Despite not fully understanding her words, you felt the depth of her devotion washing over you, igniting a primal desire within.
Driven by a newfound fervor, you shifted your positions until you were on top of her, ready to take control. With each powerful thrust, you pounded her into the bed, your breaths coming in heavy gasps as blood continued to drip from your nose, staining Ruan Mei's skin.
"Keep going, I'm close..." she murmured, her voice thick with desire as she reached up to wipe the blood from your nose with gentle fingers. Your gaze locked onto her, captivated by the sight of her pleasure-filled expression.
With a primal instinct, you reached down to rub her clit, eliciting a chorus of moans from Ruan Mei's lips as her legs wrapped around you tightly. In the heat of the moment, she let out a loud cry of ecstasy, her nails digging into your back as she climaxed hard, her walls pulsating around you in blissful contractions.
Feeling her release wash over you, you followed suit, succumbing to the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing through your body. With a few final thrusts, you collapsed on top of her, both of your bodies trembling with the intensity of your shared climax.
Ruan Mei tenderly hugged your head, allowing you to rest against her soft breasts as she ran her fingers through your hair soothingly. "You did good... you were so great, my dear master. I have something to make you feel better, don't worry." she reassured, her gaze filled with warmth and concern as she noticed the blood still flowing from your nose.
You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over you as you hugged Ruan Mei back. Her gentle humming and soothing scratches on your back lulled you into a state of relaxation.
After a few minutes of blissful rest, Ruan Mei gently guided you to lie down on the bed, her tender touch guiding you into a comfortable position. With a sense of purpose, she searched for another bottle from her collection, her eyes flickering with excitement at the sight of the empty bottles scattered around the bed, evidence of how much she had made you consume.
Instead of feeling remorse, she felt a rush of anticipation, eager to continue her exploration of your human body and fulfill her insatiable curiosity. Returning to your side, Ruan Mei held a small bottle in her hand, her affection evident in every gesture. She lay on top of you, showering your face with tender kisses before trailing down to your neck and chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses in her wake. Finally, she returned to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, her actions speaking volumes of her fondness for you.
With gentle hands, she cupped your cheeks, delicately coaxing your mouth open before carefully pouring the contents of the bottle inside. "Rest well, dear master... this should remove any discomfort inside your body." she whispered lovingly, her embrace providing a sense of security and warmth as a faint smile graced her lips.
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"Relax... you're making this painful for the both of us." Acheron's voice was gentle as she pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, her touch soothing against your skin. Despite her reassurance, you couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of being stretched to your limit. She was so big, filling you completely, and the intensity of it left you breathless.
"If you truly can't take it anymore, I will stop." she offered, pulling back slightly to gauge your reaction. But before she could retreat further, your hands reached out to grasp hers, silently pleading for her to continue.
Acheron nodded in understanding, a faint smile playing on her lips as she brushed her thumb across your cheek, her touch sending shivers down your spine. Her large hand trailed down to your neck, her fingers skimming over your breast before coming to rest on the slight bulge in your stomach, a silent testament to the size of her cock buried deep inside you.
"Take deep breaths, I won't hurt you." Acheron's voice was a soothing melody as she cooed softly, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your cheek before capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. Her touch was tender, her lips moving against yours with a sweet intimacy, attempting to distract you from the discomfort.
Her tongue licked your lips tenderly before slipping inside your mouth, her hands trailing along your thighs in a comforting gesture, soothing the ache with her gentle caresses. Despite the throbbing sensation between your legs, Acheron's kisses provided a welcomed distraction, filling you with warmth and affection.
"You're doing amazing... just a little more, you can do it." she whispered against your lips, her crimson eyes filled with adoration as they locked onto yours.
Her words were like a balm to your frazzled nerves, calming you and instilling you with a newfound determination. With each deep breath you took, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, your body gradually adjusting to accommodate her size.
As you relaxed into her embrace, your fingers traced the bulge in your stomach, the memory of her cock's impressive size still fresh in your mind. It was thick and long, with prominent veins that only added to its intimidating allure. Despite its formidable appearance, the smooth texture of her cock had surprised you, a stark contrast to its imposing size.
Just the thought of it was enough to make you squirm and whimper, eliciting a soft chuckle from Acheron as she enveloped your body in her large frame, holding you close and reassuring you with her presence.
"How do you feel?" Acheron's voice was soft, filled with concern, as she looked into your eyes, her own expression mirroring your discomfort. She took long, deep breaths, perhaps trying to steady herself, to calm the storm of desire raging within her.
"...full," you managed to whisper, the sensation of her inside you overwhelming your senses. "I'll be fine, you can move..." Despite the discomfort, you offered her a faint smile, knowing that Acheron was likely holding back her own desires for your sake.
Her cock throbbed within you, and you could feel the warmth of her arousal seeping into your depths, coating your walls with her precum.
"Then... just a bit." Acheron breathed, her voice strained with restraint as she pulled back slightly. Your tight walls clung to her, as if reluctant to let her go, a silent plea for her to stay.
Acheron gritted her teeth, her body trembling with the effort to hold back her desire. "I want to fuck you so bad." she admitted, her words a low growl as she struggled to rein in her urges.
"But not yet... I want you to be comfortable." Acheron murmured, her voice gentle as she leaned down to brush her lips against yours. "It'd be painful for me too... if you're this tight." she added with a faint chuckle, her eyes closing briefly as she savored the sensation of being connected to you.
With deliberate slowness, Acheron began to withdraw her hips, her movements careful and measured. You could feel the stretch and pull as she eased out of you, a sensation both uncomfortable and oddly satisfying. Then, just as slowly, she pushed back in, her cock sliding back into your depths with a deliberate, unhurried pace.
She wasn't thrusting in the traditional sense; instead, she was grinding against you, the tip of her cock seeking out the deepest parts of your being. Each movement was calculated, each stroke designed to maximize your pleasure while minimizing any discomfort.
You moaned softly, the sensation of her cock filling you to the hilt sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Despite the discomfort, there was a sense of intimacy in the way she moved, in the way she sought to connect with you on a deeper level.
And as she continued to grind against you, you found yourself surrendering to the sensation, letting yourself be consumed by the overwhelming pleasure of being with her.
"I'm going to move..." Acheron's breath was warm against your ear as she leaned in to kiss it, her tongue flicking out to lick and nip gently. Moving down to your chest, she maintained eye contact with you as she fondled one breast, teasing the other with slow circles of her tongue around your nipple.
Lost in the sensation of her touch, you barely registered her movements until she began to pull back, withdrawing until only half of her cock remained inside you before thrusting back in. Each movement sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body, and soon you found yourself moaning in pleasure, your hips instinctively rising to meet hers.
Acheron leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction, groaning softly as she kissed your now perky nipple one last time before pinning your wrists down. "I have taken my time getting you ready," she murmured with a faint smile, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I shall enjoy your body to the fullest."
"Brace yourself..." Acheron's whispered warning sent a shiver down your spine, and before you could fully prepare yourself, she pulled back abruptly, causing your walls to cling desperately to her before she thrust back in, hard. Your eyes widened in surprise, a tear escaping as you choked out a moan, squirming beneath her.
Feeling your discomfort, Acheron pinned you down with her weight, wrapping her arms around you tightly as if to anchor you to her. Your arms instinctively wrapped around her large frame, hands gripping her back tightly as she grunted beside your ear, her heavy breaths washing over you and making you feel even more sensitive.
"It hurts a bit..." you managed to murmur, but Acheron only held you tighter, her grip almost possessive. "Please, bear with it. I can't hold myself back anymore." she sighed, her thrusts becoming faster and more forceful, each one reaching even deeper than the last.
With your face buried in her shoulder, you couldn't help but let out choked moans with each powerful thrust, the pain blending with pleasure as Acheron took you with an intensity that left you breathless and completely at her mercy.
Acheron's frustrated groan reverberated through the room, echoing the intensity of her desire to be closer and deeper within you. Whimpers of need escaped her lips, a testament to her struggle to maintain control as her primal instincts urged her to merge with you completely. With a possessive fervor, she tightened her embrace, one arm cradling the back of your head while the other encircled your body protectively.
Her hips surged against yours with increasing urgency, each powerful thrust driving her deeper into you. The slick, squelching sounds emanating from your joining fueled her arousal further, heightening her need for you to belong to her and her alone.
"Why do you have to be shared? You should be mine... and mine alone." she whispered fiercely, her eyes locking onto yours with a possessive intensity that left no room for doubt about her desires.
With a primal hunger, she drew your head closer, capturing your lips in a sloppy, demanding kiss. Her tongue moved clumsily yet hungrily, exploring every inch of your mouth as it sought to claim you completely.
Shared saliva trickled down the corners of your mouth as she eagerly swallowed your moans and whimpers, her movements relentless and unyielding as she consumed you with her fervent need.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks, a silent testament to the overwhelming feeling of being trapped beneath Acheron's powerful presence. Her body pressed against yours, pinning you down with an unyielding force that left you feeling utterly helpless. As she pulled away from the kiss, resting her forehead against yours, her gaze bore into your soul, ensnaring you in its intensity.
Whimpers escaped your lips as you felt her eyes probing your very essence, as if seeking to control your every thought and desire. With a tremble, you closed your eyes tightly, attempting to shield yourself from her penetrating gaze, but Acheron's faint chuckle resonated in the air, a haunting reminder of her dominance over you.
"How pure..." she mumbled softly, her hand moving to rest reassuringly on your back while the other cradled your head. With a swift motion, she pulled you into her lap, her strong arms enveloping you possessively as her knees bent and her hips began to roll, each movement deliberate and calculated to heighten your pleasure. Gasping for air, you found yourself unable to escape her grasp as she remained buried deep inside you, her hold on you growing more possessive with each passing moment.
"Gonna cum... just a bit more... I'll give you all I have." she whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of desire and possessiveness. With each slow and deep thrust of her hips, she pierced the depths of your being, sending jolts of pain and pleasure coursing through your body in equal measure.
Acheron's hand tightened in your hair, tilting your head back to expose your vulnerable neck to her hungry lips. With a primal grunt that bordered on a cry, she buried herself to the hilt, pressing her cock tightly against the entrance of your womb. The sensation was intense, a mixture of pain and pleasure that left you gasping for air.
Your teeth gritted against the overwhelming sensations as Acheron released a torrent of hot, thick cum deep inside you, painting your walls with her essence. Your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as the fullness of her load filled you, satisfying some primal urge deep within you.
As Acheron pulled back slightly, some of the shared essence seeped out of your quivering hole, only to be pushed back in with each forceful thrust. The rhythm of her movements was relentless, each deep thrust driving her load deeper into you while thick spurts of cum continued to seep out, forming a small puddle beneath you.
With each thrust, Acheron seemed to revel in the pleasure of leaving her essence deep inside you, taking her time to ensure every part of you was filled with her intoxicating release. And as you whimpered in her arms, there was nowhere to escape the overwhelming pleasure and the possessive grip of her embrace.
Your mind felt numb, consumed by the intense sensations coursing through your body as Acheron's essence filled you to the brim. Despite the suffocating embrace, there was a warmth in her hold that made your heart swell with a mixture of emotions. Gasping for air, you whimpered softly, finding solace in resting your head against her shoulder.
"That was great... Did you feel good as well?" Acheron's voice broke through the haze. Her delight was palpable as she expressed her satisfaction, her grip on you unwavering as if determined to keep you plugged up with her cock, her hands gentle as they cupped your face, drawing your attention to her crimson gaze. "Master." she called, her eyes pleading for your response, for some acknowledgement of your shared experience.
Struggling to form coherent thoughts, you managed to nod weakly, acknowledging the intensity of the pleasure you had just experienced. "It felt nice, yes..." your voice trailed off, barely above a whisper as you looked into her eyes, your own barely open.
Acheron's smile was warm and affectionate as she kissed your cheek tenderly, a sigh escaping her lips. "Please don't sleep on me... I have more to give." she whispered, her words stirring a whimper from deep within you.
Acheron allowed you a few minutes of rest, giving you time to recover before she shifted you beneath her once more. This time, she ensnared you in a mating press, ensuring you were completely trapped as she filled you to the brim again and again, each round leaving your hole overflowing with her thick, potent essence.
With every thrust, your shared essence seeped and dripped out of you, but Acheron maintained the position, ensuring your womb could accept each drop of her release. The experience was overwhelming, your sobs and moans echoing through the room for hours on end.
Finally, Acheron ceased her relentless assault, withdrawing from you after numerous rounds. Your pussy oozed out thick, copious amounts of cum she had deposited within you. With a tender embrace, she held you close, her form slowly shifting until her crimson eyes transformed into bright violet orbs.
She purred softly as she held you close, showering your face with tender kisses instead of speaking, understanding the state of your body and mind in that moment.
Acheron's hands delicately played with your hair, the gentle strokes soothing as her other hand massaged your stomach. She felt a surge of satisfaction and happiness knowing that a part of her was deep inside you, intimately connected to you.
The desire to keep you plugged up pulsed through her, but she knew it would be too much for your exhausted body... or would it? The uncertainty prompted Acheron to glance at you, ensuring your well-being as you rested.
With careful movements, Acheron shifted you to lie on top of her, your bodies melding together seamlessly. Despite your fatigue, a soft groan escaped you as she stroked herself before spreading your pussy open, her cock sliding effortlessly inside thanks to the remnants of your shared essence.
Both of you moaned in unison, the sensation of being joined once again sending waves of pleasure coursing through your bodies. "Please rest, I just want to stay connected." Acheron whispered, her lips pressing softly against your head. You nodded weakly, allowing yourself to sink into her embrace.
Though she promised to refrain from thrusting, Acheron couldn't resist the occasional slow and deep movements, each one eliciting a mixture of pleasure and contentment from both of you. As she caressed your back with gentle strokes, she sought to soothe any lingering discomfort, ensuring that you could rest peacefully against her chest.
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chiara-hotel · 27 days ago
Their Phasmophobia Roles!
Author Note: Just a fun fic I thought of because I’ve been playing it nonstop recently
Fandoms: HSR, BSD, JJK & GI
SPOILERS WARNING: Penacony Questline (hsr), JJK manga up to final chapter, Genshin fontaine questline, BSD manga spoilers!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
The Pro Player
They’re always on the hunt! Immediately using their EMF and thermometer to find the ghost room. They often take multiple trips back to the van for the required materials & they know everything about every ghost.
~ HSR: Welt, Silver Wolf, Serval, Bronya, Jing Yuan, Aventurine, Jade, Aglaea, Mydei, Phainon, Black Swan, Acheron | JJK: Suguru, Gojo, Megumi, Robin | BSD: Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Mori, Kunikida, Fyodor, Nikolai | GI: Alhaitham, Ayato, Ayaka, Yae Miko, Shinobu, Tighnari, Scaramouche, Heizou, Tighnari
The New Player
They may not be completely experienced although its definitely amazing playing with them. They might ask quite a lot of questions though!
~ HSR: Robin, March 7th, Boothill, Welt, Himeko | BSD: Kyouka, Atsushi | GI: Kaveh, Nahida, Raiden
The Ghost’s Favourite
The ghost loves them so much, they’re always the first one hunted. Unfortunately they end up dead most of the time.
~ HSR: Sparkle, Seele, Robin, Dan Heng, Sunday | JJK: Yuji, Nanami | BSD: Chuuya, Kunikida, Atsushi, Sigma | GI: Kaveh, Cyno, Itto
The One Who Rushes in without a plan
Maybe they forget to bring an EMF or temperature reader to check the room. Maybe they also didn’t check where the generator room was… They’re just excited about finding out what the ghost is. Sometimes they also say its name a bit too much to make it mad.
~ HSR: Boothill, Blade, Sparkle, Sampo | BSD: Atsushi, Nikolai | JJK: Nobara
The Van Princess
They’re not afraid of dying, that’s definitely not they hide in the van for the entire time watching the cameras. Maybe they’re looking for a Goryo or a Mimic, but most of the game they’ll always be inside of the van.
~ HSR: Gepard, Sunday, March 7th | BSD: Kunikida, Tanizaki, Ranpo, Poe, Sigma
The Cursed Object User
Soneone loves a good gamble… Or they enjoy starting a hunt for fun. Either way the cursed object is not safe in their hands.
~ HSR: Aventurune, Sampo, Sparkle, Black Swan | JJK: Gojo | BSD: Yosano, Dazai | GI: Childe, Arlecchino
The Ghost
They’re the one who died, the one whos haunting the building! Its you’re job to figure out what type they are.
~ Dan Feng, Misha, Gallagher, Cocolia, Nikador | JJK: Suguru, Gojo, Junpei, Toji, Nanami, Mahito, Mai, Yuki | BSD: Oda, Kunikida, Tanizaki, Bram, Ace, Teruko | GI: Focalors, Signora, Teppei, Guizhong, Tomo
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strwbmei · 10 months ago
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
(An extensive take featuring the HI3, HSR, Genshin Impact, R1999, and PTN women in my characterlist)
Would have no idea how to deal with it and just keeps you near them at all times:
Zoya, Mattilda, Lynette, Aponia, Seele, Yukong, Jean, Beidou, Barbara, Rahu
Would become a worm with you—you'd live happy worm lives together:
Lilya, Ninety-Nine, Kiana Kaslana, Acheron, Firefly, Yoimiya, Vertin, Hecate
Would experiment on you:
Arcana, Mobius, Ruan Mei, Silver Wolf, Lisa Minci, Sucrose
Would love you no matter what form you take:
Elysia, Eden, Dr. MEI, Seele Vollerei, Natasha, Raiden Ei, Sonetto, Nightingale
Would squash you the second they see you:
Mona, Rosaria, Herta, Tingyun, Sushang, Amber, Raiden Shogun, Macchiato
Would train you to be their partner in crime:
Raven, Tennant, Murata Himeko, Pardofelis, Trailblazer, Regulus, Uni
Acts disgusted, but they would still love you:
Eula, Asta, Guinafen, Topaz, Fischl, La Signora, Sotheby, Chief, Hella
Tries to build you a home and awkwardly stares at you every night before bed to make sure you're still alive:
March 7th, Serval, Hanya, Jingliu, Keqing, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Anne, Garofano
Jokes about eating you/feeding you to an animal except maybe it's not really a joke:
Black Swan, Sparkle, Kafka, Shenhe, Yae Miko, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Corso
Would panic at first thinking you disappeared, cries out of relief when they find out you only turned into a worm:
Raiden Mei, Bronya Rand, Ganyu, Kamisato Ayaka, Furina, Robin, Kelvin
Makes you the most extravagant terrarium perfectly tailored for your needs:
Countess Chelsea, Rita Rossweise, Himeko, Lynx, Yelan, Arlecchino, Druvis III,
Looks at you like you're crazy and just walks away without answering the question:
Fu Hua, Bronya Zaychik, Cocolia Rand, Fu Xuan, Pela, Ningguang, Kujou Sara, Iron
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tragedy-of-commons · 6 months ago
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hello! as a thank you for 200 followers, i've decided to host my first ever event! ♡
the premise is simple: send in a dialogue prompt with a character and receive a drabble! (make sure you send in an ask instead of messaging me or commenting on this post.)
the submission window is from september 11th-19th (cst/utc−06:00). they will likely be posted after this window ends, time varying a smidge depending on how many submissions i get. you don't need to be following to participate!
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sfw only. for more stipulations, please read my other rules here!
make sure the character you request is from either hsr or genshin impact!
optional: include a romantic, platonic, or familial tag at the end of your prompt - it just helps me out and adds some extra flavor.
i may pick and choose which requests i fulfill.
i'm only accepting reader-insert submissions for this event.
regarding characters, no one from natlan and no one from the xianzhou yaoqing. i haven't played up to these points in either of the games, sadly.
all drabbles posted will be tagged with #[200] everybody talks!
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"are you hurt?" + aventurine
"do you have to annoy me like it's your life's mission?" + beidou + romantic
"you're supposed to be dead." + sunday + familial
"...why are you on the floor?" + furina
"there's no need to hide things from me. i'm not your enemy." + gepard + platonic
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"why is your smile fake?" + lyney
"can't sleep?" + aventurine + platonic/familial
"someone get the medic. get the medic!" + jing yuan + platonic/familial
"do you ever think about that drunken kiss we shared?" + dan heng
"you are a genius at misunderstanding me." + dr. ratio
"you're not good enough for him. just break up..." + jean + platonic
"let's meet again, in our next life..." + dan heng + romantic
"are you crying?" + blade + platonic/familial
"you're burning up." + aventurine
"wanna make a bet?" + ayato
"i just wanted to hold your hand." + dan heng + romantic
"who did this to you?" + xiao + romantic
"i may not be a formal therapist, but..." + black swan + (queer)platonic
"that was but a moment of weakness. think nothing of it." + dan feng + romantic
"i've spent my whole life building walls around my heart..." + dan heng + romantic
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— TAGLIST: @flower-yi, @moineauz, @aphrodict, @nomazee, @singularity-sam, @harque, @thestarswhisper
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spirit-lanterns · 1 year ago
Constance stepping into the casino, making the building quiet down because member of Annihilation Gang stepped inside and their presence only result in bloodsh—
Why is this bunny cuddling up to her?
Immediately everyone in the casino freezes. All the patrons are stiff, the bunny workers are quaking in their boots, the HSR women are on edge, your boss is about to piss herself, and—
Wait a min. The HSR women look around and realize you’re not sitting on Robin’s lap anymore. In fact, you’re…NUZZLING CONSTANCE OF THE ANNIHILATION GANG?!
SOMEHOW DESPITE THE MENACING AND DANGEROUS AURA THAT CONSTANCE GIVES OFF, Bunny Reader immediately scurries over to her, cotton tail wagging like crazy while she cuddles up to Constance like another one of her women. And of course, Constance is super smug about it as she stares at Black Swan specifically whilst patting your cute lil head 🥺
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roseapov · 11 months ago
I can't calm down!
Major Spoilers to Honkai: Star Rail Main Story of version 2.2 (about basically everything) under the cut
First of all GENSHIN COULD NEVER AND IT NEVER DID! None of the Genshin Archon Quests could ever compare to this.. Masterpiece!
Hoyoverse outdone themseves completely! This whole update was truly perfect!
(Because I saw the leaks) I was like, so Harmony MC wasn't needed in the Sunday fight? But weren't they mandatory? Why was it so easy?
Until the plot went farther and we had a real fight with Sunday! And my jaw dropped. I'm a big fan of this fight! But I expected it to be harder- I literally build my Ruan Mei with some random pieces in one day for it-
This was the most beautiful and emotional moment in this entire version! Also MC's response to 'Why does life chose to slumber'? BHJDwfabshkjnlaksvdjfbkhjsnlBKHAFSDBKJEFL
That moment and the whole quest made me really love this sibling duo! It was so sweet how Sunday was always concerned for Robin and was caring about her more than for himself. Also, Robin got shot at the neck-
I'll admit the moment when Dan Heng and Jing Yuan appeared in Ena's dream was so funny and random, but the entreance was indeed surprising and gorgeous! Honestly I couldn't stop smiling at Jing Yuan🥹
Mikhail's indentity was WTF honestly, the fates of the 3 Nameless were sad, mostly Tiernan. And Acheron's real name!
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*inhale and exhale*
Sunday looked so good and sexy during his boss fight~🤣
I'm happy we got lots of Sunday this version and that Gallagher wasn't really as bad as I thought he would be!
Sunday in the confessional?!?!!?!? I'm dead
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But I have so many questions at the end of it all, such as, what exactly happened to Firefly? And will Boothill and Black Swan still travel with us (The Astral Express) just like in the dream? Would everyone really get along in the negotations in the end?
And.. What will happen in the next update? Is story in Penacony really finished?
Our next destination will probably be
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Regardless if it happened in a dream or not, they thought it was reality so it's still prob gonna be our next stop-
(Because this planet is mentioned every time, no matter which option you chose, and it wins 4 votes for Edo, and 1 abstained - if you decide to abstrain)
Btw, Harmony MC has such a beautiful icon!
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Why does March 7th have Question Marks?
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So yeah-
This update had gorgeous illustrations and stories! I love Robin's song in Sunday's fight-
Me casually before facing Sunday's first boss-
The best part is, I was like something's wrong, it's not like on the leaks when the 1st battle with Sunday happened but I eventaully forgot about it and had a big schock at the end- A truly delicious plottwist!
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I have lots of the ss's from this update...
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fatuismooches · 8 months ago
Oh yeah also, i main Clara/Svarog and Topaz/Numby in HSR. I love Clara and Svarog so much 🙏😭 even though they are a standard banner character, they still hard carry me through simulated universe, memory of chaos and pure fiction.
Also their dynamic is sooooooo cute 😭 i love found-family troupe character so much, especially when its a non-human parent with a human child or the other way around. It's really rare to see this troupe in a video game these days.
(Not me forgetting to answer ur questions i'm very sorry- 💀😭 i also wonder what's ur main in hsr smooches?)
I LOVE CLARA SM!!! SHE WAS MY FIRST MAIN!! i was literally FATED to main her... she was my first 5 star, and then i somehow got her 5 star lightcone shortly after!! she CARRIED me... i need to get better artifacts for her tho. I also love her and Svarog's relationship 🥺 found family FR.
Right now though i am an Acheron main (i got her e1s1 somehow) along with Black Swan <3 However i recently pulled Ruan Mei and Firefly so once i've finished getting a good build and team I'm hoping to play with them more!! In the future I hope to be a Screwllum and Sunday main~
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crguang · 6 months ago
I was wondering why you don’t like Jade from hsr. I don’t like her either but I would to hear why you don’t if you don’t mind sharing
my dislike of jade is mainly from her wasted potential. how her character was advertised and received by the player base irritated me to no end, i was not the fan being serviced by her trailer and i hate how when she dropped no one cared about her actual (interesting) character or anything, they focused on calling her mommy and shipping with her topaz. she didn’t even do anything on penacony fr. i cant call her well written at all, she was barely written. i know we’re not done with the stonehearts and hopefully that saves her but i just feel like for a character with so many biblical references to the devil she’s nothing so far. she’s also IPC and i need every employee to fall off a 10 story building. i can’t stand that evil corporation at allll, we need to free aventurine
despite that tho i personally see the potential in jade cause she’s literally my type of character but in game so far? she’s a flop. i also wish they gave her pants, it would have elevated her design but yall know hoyoverse hates covering women so
but yeah i hate when a character gets reduced to a ship, it happens with black swan and it’s so irritating like people see her as an extension of acheron when she’s such a good person and character. seeing it happen with jade was strike 3 for me
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