sillykitty26 · 1 year
Help us pay for Marco's medical bills
Hi! I'm currently trying to get together funds to pay for over 3k in vet bills for my cat. I'm very overwhelmed and struggle to pay and I just want my kitty happy and healthy. If you can help in any way its greatly appreciated!
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marypicken · 2 years
The Ugly Truth by L. C. North @Lauren_C_North @TransworldBooks @Emily_BookPR
'Very well done and with the ring of authenticity this is a cautionary tale that should leave us all reflecting '
Source: Review copyPublication: 16 March 2023 from Bantam PressPP: 368ISBN-13: 978-1787636378 My thanks to Bantam Press for an advance copy for review Melanie Lange has disappeared. Her father, Sir Peter Lange, says she is a danger to herself and has been admitted to a private mental health clinic. Her ex-husband, Finn, and best friend, Nell, say she has been kidnapped. The media will say…
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carrymypet1 · 3 years
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Be A Part Of Our Resolution- Message us your stories, experience and vision and take a step to be the change! In the year 2021, when the whole world came to a standstill and governments of the world declared a lockdown once again, people got stuck wherever they were. Some were fortunate enough to find comfort of their homes, while most people had to stay put away from theirs. This might have paused the honks and noises on the outside, but created a chaos in uncountable minds. Anxiety, loneliness, and depression started crawling in people's minds and they could find only one way out, one ray of hope which was to adopt a pet. In those pets, people found companions to share everything with. As people started feeling better, and the world started to reopen, people felt burdened by the responsibility of the same pets who, once, provided comfort to them. This emotion of burden turned out to be a curse for the adopted pets as people started to abandon them. Soon, this news broke out! Surveys were run and statistics concluded that more than 50% of the pets adopted during the lockdown were abandoned by people who adopted them and the number is still rising. As per reports, India has 80 million homeless pets. However, this new year we take a pledge to stop it. Pets are not gifts or toys that we can used till we want to and discarded later. Pets need us as much as we need them and we should fulfill our responsibility towards them like they do. So, let's come together and take a pledge. A pledge to adopt and care till the end.
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ynel0209 · 4 years
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Gracias mi hermano por el apoyo a pesar de la distancia...Gracias a @suhaco_ @harold_slac por el gran trabajo 🙏🏼❤️🐶🐱🇨🇺 . . . . . . . . . #helping #helpinghands #helpinghandsproject #diseño #dogsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #care #takecareofanimals❤️ #helppets #perrosygatos #perrosygatosfelices (en Trinidad, Cuba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_0axPJs-o/?igshid=ojl662qh8gjp
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pharmahemp · 5 years
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CBD oil can offer relief to many dogs who are suffering from various ailments. Studies show that by interacting with your dog's Endocannabinoid System, CBD may do several things such as: - reduce anxiety, - fight cancer, - relieve pain, - reduce inflammation, - help nervous system, - help with epilepsy, - help joints, - fight arthritis, - stimulates appetite, - is save & effective. #cbdoil #cbdfordogs #cbdforpets #reduceanxiety #fightcancer #relievepain #reduceinflammation #epilepsy #dogswitharthritis #dogswithcancer #dogswithanxiety #dogswithepilepsy #helpjoints #helpdogs #helppets https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ZT2ephrf9/?igshid=1fdrpoy7u3lpb
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pastone62-blog · 5 years
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Support our 😢 pets and we'll soon see these adoptable cuties patooties 🐶🐱in a new Home!✔ @Animal House Shelter Support the fundraiser for a building expansion 🔨⛏🛠 Wwwavon.com/fundraiser/ahs1 #adoption #pets $shelter #adoptapet #avonrep #Huntley #helppets #care #funding #cause https://www.instagram.com/p/BvzQeFlFDZN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gope75r9xwhp
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esperanzaanimal005 · 5 years
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MUY URGENTE!!!! @malenita_morey ‼ATENCIÓN CASO MUY URGENTE, PERRA EMBARAZADA EN AVANZADO ESTADO DE GESTACIÓN EN NATURA PARC ‼ Se llama Lola, tiene un año y 6 meses, de tamaño grande y ha sido denunciada hoy en Natura por matar a una oveja. Debido a esto la policía obliga a sacar a la perra con licencia. Es una perrita muy buena ❤ Alguien podría acogerla para que no tenga que parir en la perrera por favor??? #helppet #ayudaunperro #ayudaaunperro #ayudamallorca #ACOGIDA #acogidasmallorca #perreramallorca #perreromallorca #perrosdemallorca #perroenacogida #perroenadopcion #nomasabandono #nomasabandonos #nocompres #noalmaltrato #noalmaltratoanimal #nomásjaulas #esperanzaaimal #adopcion #adopta #adoptadog #adoptadog #cansdemallorca #casadeacogidamallorca #cusses #cepadnaturaparc #naturaparc #instadogs #ABANDONO😭 #adorables #amorperruno https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ERNjMoXzj/?igshid=17dvdmpdz6su0
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greenirin-blog · 7 years
Как помочь животным необычным образом
Мы часто видим в соц. сетях разнообразную рекламу приютов для животных. 
Как часто вы отправляете им свои кровно - заработанные? 
Признаюсь, когда я вижу эти посты, внутри меня все сжимается :(
Или, возможно, вы мечтаете о питомце, но в силу аллергии не можете забрать к себе, а реклама в соц. сетях не вызывает у вас доверия на перевод средств? И вообще,соц. сети - это не ваше.
У меня для вас кое-что есть. 
Вот здесь - http://teddyfood.com/ru вы можете сами выбрать питомца:
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Узнать о нем больше и выбрать способ помощи:
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Например, накормить песика можно от 70 рублей. Не так уж и много, правда ведь?)
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Вылечить питомца -385 рублей.
А можете рекламировать и необязательно делать для этого репосты или ходить по городу с флагами:) и это всего от 50 рублей :)
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Как насчет игрушек?) И можно ли сделать что- то еще?)
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Вы можете просмотреть всю истории помощи каждому любимцу и выбрать то,что посчитаете наиболее необходимым - согласитесь же, очень удобно!
Но и это еще не все - следите за любимыми подопечными онлайн и будьте уверены, что их обеспечат всеми вашими подарками!:)
Каждого питомца можно навестить и погулять с ним, для этого необходимо оставить свои контактные данные)
Как просто и быстро бывает сделать добро, правда ведь?)
Узнать больше о проекте: http://teddyfood.com/ru/about/
Желаю удачи и новых верных друзей!:)
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anastgal · 6 years
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Репост. Крови в теме нет. Есть жизнь. И есть люди... Regrann from @egorova_daria_ Прошу помощи. На днях у нас подходит срок оплаты передержки #заброшенный_мальчуган, а у нас ещё за предыдущий месяц долг 2300 руб не закрыт. :( Я прошу помощи для нашего мальчика. Необходимо закрыть долг за предыдущий месяц и оплатить новый, а это 73ОО руб. :( Он совсем не виноват, что стал никому не нужен и его просто бросили на верную смерть. Нам невозможно было остаться в стороне. Нам больше некого просить, кроме Вас - прошу помогите! Для помощи Мальчугану 💳СБ 4276 💡4ООО💡3458💡О911, привязанную к ☎️+7-926-238-54-21 Дарья Александровна Е., PayPal: [email protected] #дашкавыручашка #нужнапомощь #помогитеоплатить #помогитеоплатитьпередержку #собака #помогитесобаке #финпомощь #пожертвование #доброедело #пожертвования #вместемысила #спасемвместе #ineedhelp #pets #help #helppets #helpdog #dogs #dog #помогите #дашкавыручашкафинотчет #репост - #regrann
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petshelps · 2 years
How to Help Pets with Post-Holiday Blues
https://www.petshelps.com/?p=921 How to Help Pets with Post-Holiday Blues - #helppets #postholidayblues - https://www.petshelps.com/?p=921...
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serraknal-blog · 5 years
Purchase from us: Gravity-nourished dog feeders are the least complex kind of dog feeders available. They have a vertical store that holds the dog food, associated with a little dish that loads up with food. As your dog eats the food in the dish, gravity cuts down extra food from the store.
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carrymypet1 · 3 years
Voice for the Voiceless
Year 2021 started with a news that shocked and stopped the whole world. A virus by the name Covid 19 took on the world, causing a global lockdown. People got struck in different places away from their homes. As the silence around us grew, chaos found it's way into so many minds.
Anxiety, loneliness, and depression made a home in people's minds. In the hour of need, people found hope and support in pets and the number of people adopting pets rose to the sky.
Finally arrived the time to get back to work and honks and noises, the same pets who were the only source of joy, then became a burden. As a result, people started abandoning the voiceless, poor creatures.
India witnessed 50% pet parents abandoning the pets adopted during lockdown. As per reports, India has 80 million un-adopted pets.
However, this new year we take a pledge to stop it. Pets are not gifts or toys that we can used till we want to and discarded later. Pets need us as much as we need them and we should fulfill our responsibility towards them like they do.
So, let's come together and take a pledge. A pledge to adopt and care till the end.
To know more, click here- https://www.instagram.com/tv/CYJNLYOq74g/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
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beckydoyon · 5 years
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This cat belongs to a good friend of mine. She was recently attacked by her neighbor's dogs. She's in need of a little financial help to get her the care she needs. Please consider taking a second to donate and/or share the link. She would really appreciate all the help she could get. Sorry, I can't make it clickable. https://www.facebook.com/donate/2499870193411212/?fundraiser_source=external_url #cat #cats #cats🐱 #catlovers #cats_of_world #cats_of_instagram #catagram #catmom #cats_of_instworld #catlady #catagram #petslover #petsarefamily #petlove #animalhospital #helpanimals #helpneeded #pleasehelp #helpplease #helpcat #helpcats #helppets #donatetoday #donate #pethelpers #petemergency #catemergency #woundedcat #wounded #helpothers https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyCTiYB2Xy/?igshid=qx0w11bsvwgr
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Home Remedies which will help your pet get rid of Parvovirus: Treat the Dog at Home.
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kelaughton-blog · 5 years
Search for a good automatic bird feeder this keeps a snug secure as well as allow surroundings to penetrate the actual. This can maintain food fresh new for more and definitely will guard it all through moving old. The majority of the great designed for large reason for confinement bird feeders.  
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kare-by-q-blog · 7 years
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Help Dusty by donating to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC Thanks for helping this poor pup @rescuedogsrocknyc #karebyq #donatetohelp #rescuesneedyou #rescuepets #helppets #rescuedogs #rescuesnyc #rescuesoninstagram #nomoreanimalcruelty #donateforvetcare #groomingnyc #groomingbrooklyn #travelingvettech #groomernyc #lowcostpetcareservices #lowcost #petnutrition #petcare #pets #petsofinsta #petsnyc #petsbrooklyn #petsfromnyc #housecallsforpets #homevisits #thisisabuse #animalcruelty #thisisnotokay #stopanimalabuse #helpforpets (at New York, New York)
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