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Thought vomit:
I do wonder about that post of Steve's. We talked so much about how she had never posted photos of his house and how there were apparently photos she had taken that "got sent to a blog"
Then I remember the posts that Dustbin made at the beginning of 2022 that were up for five minutes before being taken down, (later on that reposted sister wedding invite IG story). A post that also included a video from his backyard in LA (I still have the screenrecording somewhere of the video)
If you compare those two situations it implies that Steve had full permission and the ability to leave his post up, while the other clearly did not
I do wonder if they were intended to troll the trio back....
It also gets me wondering about how they would possibly have met and why all of the timelines seem to indicate there was no way for it to have happened prior to NYE2021/22 due to the travel and COVID filming restrictions (lord knows he's violated those before anyway....)
The only public persona link I can make is through Trash to Lucas B (who got advised to get away from her) to Nina D (met at Cannes one year, there's pics out there, I'm not digging them up) then to Scott and onwards etc
Although that doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't also organised through agencies etc and tied into some BS with the Netflix promo of her now cancelled show (I'm pretty sure they'll go full English language, recast the lead with a young American actress) but it would explain an actual person to person connection that's viewable, who knows how good friends any of them are with each other IRL though, these people play pretend for a living after all
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genuinehuman · 3 years ago
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2022. A new year. A new life. All we need is each other. Hold on tight. Happy New Year!
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555019-blog · 4 years ago
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 years ago
Happy New Year!
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Thanks to all of you who read my stories! They bring me so much joy and so do you 🖤🤘🏾
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qux-xi · 4 years ago
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Happy New Year
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bewitched-moonlight · 4 years ago
🎆 Celebrating New Year’s Eve as a witch 🎆
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I hope you had a great Yule and a merry Christmas! 
Even though New Year’s Eve is not part of the witches’ sabbats, or the pagan’s wheel of the year, many witches still decide to celebrate December 31st. Here are a few ideas to make this night a bit more witchy and magical... 
🎆 Make New Year’s resolutions, and note them in your grimoire or book of shadows. Draw magical sigils to ensure strength and success. 
🎆 Use kitchen witchcraft to infuse all your ambitions and good intentions for the new year into baked goods and NYE cocktails. 
🎆 Make a 12-card Tarot spread, to reveal what you should focus on every month of next year. 
🎆 Cleanse your home. If you want inspiration, find here my post on cleansing using the 4 elements. 
🎆 Practice candle magic by lighting a white candle, which represents purity and new beginnings, at midnight and whispering your hopes for 2021 to the flame. 
🎆 Write a letter to your future self, to open next New Year’s Eve, as a way to reflect on what you hope to happen within the year. You can write a physical letter or use FutureMe.org. 
🎆 Be loud! Make as much noise as possible, especially at midnight, to scare away bad energies for the new year. 
🎆 Open windows and/or doors at midnight, to let the old energies of 2020 go, and to bring in new and positive intentions. 
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creatingnikki · 4 years ago
Things I want to remember in 2021
🌺 do not have phone calls that last more than one hour. your brain literally cannot take 4 hour long conversations anymore plus you can have multiple calls in a month with someone instead of one massive never-ending catch up call biannually.
🌺 write your first book’s first draft. you’re going to turn 24 and you’ve attempted this since you were 13. don’t let perfectionism, fear, laziness or good-feel quotes about not putting age limits on goals let you get out of the one thing you say is your life’s goal.
🌺 your goals and worries at this point are not like that of any friend or person you know. that’s literally all of your 20s but especially now. this time is your opportunity to fix what’s broken. only when you do that can you enter back into the whole ambitious career race. until then do what you need to. and don’t feel stressed or shit about it.
🌺 go for therapy. i swear you’ll find a good therapist at some point and it will do you a world of good. not wanting to put your emotions on your family and friends is a good intention but you need help. and you’re fortunate enough to have access. just do it.
🌺 get that baking oven and let yourself fail multiple times at baking things you want to. it’s the only way to be able to get to a point where you can stop asking your friends to bake you stuff and be the one who feeds all you love with soft bread and strawberry shortcake and nutella brownies.
🌺 i know it sounds very basic but yoga is what your mind needs. more than your body really. now you will have the physical and mental space to do it. start your day with it. end your day with it. whatever. just have it be a part of your day.
🌺 friends are important and precious but not as much as you’ve always thought. sorry if it sounds unkind but you can’t invest so much emotionally and otherwise in people hoping that they fill that god-shaped hole in you, or you theirs. have them in the frame of your life but let them be in the background please.
🌺 don’t let anyone shame you for not reading the news or know what horrible thing is happening in the world or being too ‘privileged’ for not attending political protests because unless they are coming and helping you take care of your mental, physical and financial help, they can fuck right off. you know what? they can fuck right off regardless
🌺 going to bed by 11 pm is not something to feel bad about. if you’re able to do that it’s actually a very beautiful thing. it’s not getting older or boring or whatever. it’s listening to your body and mind.
🌺 the light of your laptop and phone literally hurts you after a point. the doctors have said it’s not good anyway. let’s find ways to spend more of our time without screens. first order of business - get your typewriter fixed.
🌺 apply glitter dust to your eyes and learn to play the ukulele even if it seems frivolous because honestly bro that’s just life. if it’s all meaningless and purposeless then do the things that bring you joy.
🌺 but also like don’t give up hope. i know it feels like your life has been put on pause and you don’t know what to do with all this uncertainty but i’ll tell you what not to do - dream small. you can still have everything that you want. you just don’t have to get it all in one year or in one go. patience is a virtue and only time will tell if you have it. i hope you do. if not, attempt. learn.
🌺 put your art out there. no seriously share your writing. do the old school thing and submit it to magazines. to the new thing and self-publish a poetry collection on amazon. or just like share it on your social media. i know it’s got nothing to do with whether or not you’re proud of your work. it’s the fear of people making whatever it is out of your words and hence making whatever out of you. since the two hardly have a distinction. but better they know you than not. people distort your existence anyway. take that risk. don’t wait till you’re dead for people to find your journals and appreciate you.
🌺 everyone tried to merge their 2020 narrative and i get why. but also generally with meme culture and whatever other trendy shit you feel like you have to have the same narrative as others about whatever silly or big thing but you don’t. no matter what the general narrative of 2021 is, focus on your own. be aware of your own. it’s your life and while somethings are relatable you’re a whole being so complex and nuanced.
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johnlatter · 3 years ago
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Urban Fox on New Year's Eve 2021, Canon Street, Dover UK
A rare sighting of a red fox in the shopping precinct at 8.30 AM on the 31st of December, 2021.
The animal had no sign of injury or ill-health and took little notice of people passing by within six feet or so.
The fox is looking towards Wetherspoons' Eight Bells pub and St Mary's Parish church with the Market Square at top right.
A beautiful example of an vulpes vulpes omnivore, order Carnivora in the coastal town of Dover, Kent, England.
Nature and wild life (mammals) photography.
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alwaysbringabookwithyou · 4 years ago
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01.01.2021 Happy New Year all!
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aesthetic-jungkook · 4 years ago
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🎆 new year’s eve with jungkook 🎆
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alec-flynn · 3 years ago
WHERE: jamie’s place. WHO: @indyerstraits​ & alec.
Alec was never really sure what he was doing at any given time, and perhaps that was the most true when it came to Jamie. It was a constant toss up between wanting to play it safe and wanting to play it cool, but his perpetual state of frustration at having to think at all was beginning to weigh on him. It had been so much easier before he’d taken a wrecking ball to his own defenses and he couldn’t figure out how to get back to that version of himself.
Even still, he hadn’t hesitated when Jamie’s invitation came through, slipping out of Mack’s without so much as a goodbye unless he wanted to field questions for the next hour that he was too high to give a shit about. 
Tonight, at least, he didn’t have a care in the world.
With the windows down and his left arm making waves against the wind rushing by, he felt the magic of the night like an electric pulse. The trees that framed the road, standing sentry as he drove, all seemed to nod as he passed. He nodded back and made a sharp left as he turned into Jamie’s neighborhood. 
Crawling to a stop at the curb outside the Dyer home, he didn’t bother rolling up his windows as he yanked the keys from the ignition, Bessy groaning as the engine rattled to a stop. 
He jogged up the drive, slipping one hand into his pocket as the other knocked out a familiar five-knock beat against the door. Leaning casually against the frame, he pulled free the sandwich bag. 
When the door opened, his smirk widened and he held the bag up where it swung enticingly by his face, his eyes settling on Jamie in the doorway. “Happy New Year,” he said in a low voice. “I brought some party favors.”
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darklinglisten72 · 3 years ago
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It’s been a rough year, but these toe beans and belly make it worth waking up in the morning. #nye2021 #catsofinstagram #bubbajones https://www.instagram.com/p/CYLElLss0PV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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latenightdramaqueen · 3 years ago
2021 End Of Year Review
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year? vaccines.
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened? The global panini not ending.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year? Meeting new people.
4. What was an unexpected obstacle? Moving into a leadership/management position.
5. Pick three words to describe 2021. Whirlwind. Rollercoaster. Tiring.
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2021 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you). Hope amidst hardship.
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2021 (again, without asking). Still always learning.
8. With whom were your most valuable relationships? The people who were willing to check in, sometimes with memes, sometimes with the heaviness of it all.
9. What were the best books you read this year? I believe I only read one actual book this year. It was yesterday, specifically so I could say I read a book this year on this end of year review. It was "Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake" and it was pretty okay!
10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year? I made my way up the ladder both at work and in other places.
11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? I'm back in therapy again. We're still getting to know each other, but I like it-though I do end up crying pretty much every session.
12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually? I dont know if "growing" is what I would call it. I haven't set foot in a church this year, possibly for the first time in my life. I told Evan earlier this week that in many facets of life right now, it's the hope that makes life hurt the most. Wrestling with that and how it fits with my faith-along with other things-has been hard.
13. In what way(s) did you grow physically? I apparently shrank an inch, per my last doctor's appointment. I want to do more growing next year-not as a new year's resolution, but as a way to stay sane.
14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others? I'm trying to be more outgoing and intentional with getting to know some people on my periphery that I've wanted to get to know. Also trying harder not to compare.
15. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)? I really enjoyed my work team in the first half of the year, before we all split up. At home, learning how to encourage Evan as he learns more about himself and how his brain works.
16. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)? Managing people is HARD, and my job now requires that. As for at home, trying *not* to manage people is hard!
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? doubt, mostly self-doubt.
18. What was the best way you used your time this past year? loving my people. learning new things. trying things, even if they didnt work out.
19. What was biggest thing you learned this past year? Duality doesn't really exist, I guess? Black and white thinking is normally too simplistic to cover everything actually going on in the world. I have Opinions about a lot of things, but there's always another side-even if I don't agree with it-and sometimes (not always) it's got some validity underlying it.
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2021 for you. "we're doing this? STILL?"
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 years ago
New Year’s Eve (Pt 5)
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proudmythicalbeast · 4 years ago
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Until next year, keep on BYMB FOSHO
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cy-trine · 4 years ago
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The London New Year light drone display was amazing 😍
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