#help me i'm procrastinating
cairamelcoffee · 2 years
idc hanan and cass met up before the marriage convo cutscene in trespasser
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collophora · 2 months
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Ramon: we need to find Cucurucho again
Fit: Yeah, that's really weird that he was just watching us -
Ramon: so Pac can adopt me
Fit: Oh yeah– Well, you know– I mean, maybe we can like– Maybe we can have it arranged where if Pac gives you a cookie, it counts for the full amount instead of half. And then maybe the same for me for Richarlyson. Right? 'Cuz I mean, like– We're... basically a family. I mean we have– I mean, let's be real, we have been for a while, but it just a little bit– it's just a little more official now.
Ramon: yeah but Pac wanted to throw a big party
Fit: Oh, a big party?
Ramon: adoption party
[ Transcript Continued ↓ ]
Fit: Oh, an adoption party. Ohhhhhhhhh, I see. Yeah, well– I won't interfere with those plans then. Yeah, well I guess– um. It'll be a party for you, and then I guess it'll be a party for Richarlyson as well. Yeah, that'll be cool, that'll be cool Ramon. Are you- are you excited?
Ramon: [Nods]
Fit: [Laughs] I'm glad.
Ramon: Two dads
Fit: Yeah, that's right. Yeah, instead of just one!
Ramon: i appreciate u a lot >:(
Fit: Aww, Ramon, I kn– And I appreciate you too, Ramon.
Ramon: [Ramon bounces around happily, then gets shy / embarrassed and hides in the corner of the room]
Fit: [Laughs] I know, Ramon. It makes me happy, seeing like– You– you seem like you've been in a better mood the past, you know, couple weeks, especially with everything that's been happening. You seem like you're in a better mood. Yeah, I'm glad, I'm glad, Ramon. I'm glad.
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buglaur · 2 years
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britechester’s newest cuties
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tswwwit · 8 months
Raised spirits? 🫣👉👈 (I love everything you write you are a literal god of writing)
Trust me, nobody wants me to update that more than I want me to update that. I even have a big ol' whiteboard I filled up with plotting a week or two ago! The issue now is getting the flow right in my head, and braining is hard :(
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lil-liaa · 3 months
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⪩⑅⪨ 𝓢𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝓐𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 in the # ❀
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daily-ethoslab · 6 months
sorry if this is random but I just saw your most recent daily etho (594 I think?) and I wanted to say that I’m blown away by your commitment. your art style has always been lovely and distinctive but the visible evolution in how you render since the beginning of this blog is astonishing. beautiful job, thanks for making me smile whenever I see your posts ❤️
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!!!!!Thank you!!!! I'm so glad you like my art. Ive been trying super hard to make my art style recognizable. As for rendering??? I have no clue????? haha. It's been a while sence I've looked back on how I've improved as an artist so maybe it's a little harder for me to see it. It means a lot to know that I my silly drawings can make someone smile :] so thank u so much :D
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help me
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emiliemaria · 5 months
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cheekblush · 5 months
when will i stop expecting words of support and encouragement from my mom
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datastate · 5 months
help i've been locked into my kai music folder
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48787 · 3 months
New Transmission The fucking Scientific Instrument Class Pseudocons apparently developed what they're calling "Hetero Sapience" and are corrupting the brainmodules of the non-Pseudo 'cons around them by using annoying xenophilosophy words. Soundwave tells me they're 'Greek' and 'Latin' words, apparently. Cool, I guess? Anyway, if you see any SI Class 'cons causing... issues, just try your hardest to turn your brainmodule off before you start getting infected with their weird lingo, alongside all the other issues pertaining to letting the SI Pseudocons transmit data into your brainmodule in their own weird ways. Thundercracker, on a bet with Starscream, tried to get into an argument with one of them and his head literally exploded when it started talking about Alpha Trion's "Mythological Origins" in its weird dialect. He's mostly fine, CR Pods are working at 'peak' efficiency, but the facial reconstruction is apparently impossible due to some kind of corruption. I thought it was just some weird prank but there weren't even any scorch marks or anything. Just exploded. So yeah, just avoid optical contact and auditory contact to the best of your ability and you should be fine. Otherwise, try to force-shutdown your brainmodule if you can. Shockwave is working on a cure right now, mostly because I know he had something to do with this in the first place so he's going to be the one to fix it. He probably wanted a greater justification to do that weird data-transfer idea he mentioned previously. But it also explains the weird Thunderwing hypotheticals he's been asking me lately... Can I go one fucking cycle without someone trying to "Perfect Thunderwing's Work" or whatever other idiotic drivel that I keep finding our limited energon reserves siphoned into?? It's not even a Shockwave thing, it's like every damn Cybertronian these days thinks they have the "Missing piece of the puzzle" or whatever. In fact, Shockwave might be doing this as a weird threat against the other R&D 'cons to cement himself as the one and only Decepticon "Allowed" to have resources wasted on projects like that. Ugh, now that I think about it, that's probably a correct assumption and he's probably gonna expect me to thank him for it later. Ugh, and he's probably literally right. Ugh. At least his repairs both to himself and to his lab seem to be mostly complete so further research into the SI project should hopefully come along a little faster. Both Shockwave and Soundwave think the SIs could potentially be used as some kind of specialty weapon, but we'll have to see how they work on sparkless lifeforms, like biological lifeforms or xenomechanical lifeforms. The SIs don't seem to corrupt each other, but Shockwave keeps reaffirming that they're not "Sparkless Lifeforms" because they "were never lifeforms to begin with"... but I think he's trying to hide something. Usually Soundwave is the one to pick up on that kind of technological obfuscation, but he actually agreed with Shockwave and offered to send Ratbat to try to work out exactly what each "sapient" SI is now capable of on a personal level. We could have just had regular Cybertronians aboard to fill the role SIs fill. I would've preferred K Class to fill any role an SI could fill in all honesty!! But no, constructing cold wasn't enough, we just had to try to learn how to "Construct Frozen" and the "Absolute Zeroes" just had to be put on my ship. Whatever. I've probably said too much already. This was supposed to be a warning for my ship crew, but it's looking like it'll end up being transcribed on the golden disk as well so when this new Scientific Instruments of Destruction project backfires in some absurdly bombastic way there will at least be something remaining that says I was right. End of Transmission
New Transmission Okay so I was right, but so was Shockwave and Soundwave. Or, well, they were right just enough to make sure the backfire is postponed for at least another handful of cycles. Ratbat is still in CR from the investigation, but the cure Shockwave developed seems to be effective and Thundercracker is out and aiding the repair effort. Shockwave is now in contact with one of the SIs digitally and the other few are... integrating due to the personal efforts of Soundwave. I suppose now would be pertinent to mention not all the SIs developed the "Hetero Sapience" condition, many of them are safe for interaction. Soundwave is also currently monitoring their presence, Ravage is tasked with the regular SIs and Laserbeak is tasked with the "Sapient" SIs. Shockwave probably knows exactly what caused this event but he is preoccupied with the one he no doubt is either indoctrinating or ruthlessly interrogating. Report to Soundwave if you see any suspicious behavior, he has been working very hard to ensure the SIs have their purpose clearly defined (And closely monitored). And, Starscream, stop trying to convince the SIs that you are the leader of this ship. Not only have the majority of your efforts been wasted on subsentient automata, the only one you have actually found who possesses the ability to truly listen to you immediately came to the bridge to complain about you. They were the first sapient SI I communicated with directly and it was because they felt the need to complain about you. I almost feel embarrassed for you. Come back to the bridge so you can apologize to it or so I can teach it how to laugh at you. It's practicing right now actually! This moment of chaos should hopefully be largely under control now, the actual "population" of Scientific Instrument Class Pseudocons was actually quite fewer than initially expected due to an indexing error incorrectly labeling certain shells as SI class. At the very least, we have some more specialty warriors because of it all. End of Transmission EOF
#yippie peace through tyranny!!#nemesis posting#Decepticon High Command Slice of Life rambles#Matrix Visions#I like this “chat” font I think it's cool#spacebridge still needs more time in the oven unfortunately#I'm also procrastinating on that because I can't seem to wrap my head around guestmount but do not want to send backup files one at a time#wegh. It'll get done. Eventually.#I'll have so much more bullshit once I actually finish the damn comic my wife radically altered my life with hehehe#I cannot wait to start posting about Alpharius Trionicon. He's the fucking worst if you couldn't tell by name alone and I love him so much#Anyway I just had a very specific joke/pun in my head in the shower then it turned into a whole *thing* like it usually does.#I usually don't explain shit but the shower idea centered around getting the SI acronym to work for hyper specific jokes.#Still can't decide if I want to lock in on “Scientific Instrument” because it fits *so well* for *so many reasons*#But “Synthetic Intelligence” is more generic in a more understandable way... Eeh.. It's a little *too* generic. “Instrument” is cooler.#Once my wife helps me understand her lil fucker more I'll come up with an even shitter joke using “Y/N” so I can do Y/N x SI x SI bullshit!#Oh! The matrix triune project is coming along slowly as well!! I think I mentioned that microphone project once or twice now hehe#I'm gonna make so many shitty covers of songs once I get the soundproofing to start focusing on vocal training stuff#It's been quite a fun time aboard the nemesis!! There's so much to “Blog” about that it's hard to really know when to start *or* stop hehe!#And the fact that all these projects are all interwoven is so fucking wonderful!! I FINALLY feel able to fully grasp my own focus!!#My brain is like a particle collider for certain interests now. I can reliably just.. Spit things out and tie it into the other interests!#It's sometimes exhausting but in such a new way. Like a relieving exhaustion?#Still figuring that part out!!#Anyway that's enough personal project vagueposting I should really be getting back to work hehe this was fun
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slowips · 3 months
faithfully yours or haunting sounds interesting 👀 - Mimikyu
faithfully yours is an office!AU where reader notices that kaeya brought lunch and the cuisine is... unique. turns out they grew up in the same town, and as they start to grow closer, they learn more and more on how their lives intertwined... (sort of).
the term faithfully yours was adapted from the prompt that stared the story.
haunting is a canon compliant piece that takes place after the inazuma's war. kazuha goes to sumeru to meet with an old friend who he somehow got connected to, and as reader walks him around town, it becomes increasing clear that to reader, kazuha never left.
this story was inspired by how i misread one prompt, and then it took a life of its own, haha.
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lit-in-thy-heart · 10 months
the urge to drop everything and start an entirely new fic
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 7 months
please I need hivemind Flower content I remembered randomly going through all your hivemind Flower posts before I had an account a couple months ago you don't get it this is my lifeline I need hivemind Flower I need the hivemind to take over the world and then just have Flower society with Flower president and Flower cashiers and Flower pilots and Flower jerma985
glad u like the au hehe :3 if you've already seen everything i'm sure the thing ill be posting in a few min wont offer much new stuff but that's one thing i can give rn, aside from this shitty doodle:
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eddie4bat-president · 5 months
Reading fanfiction is all fun and games until you read one with a slow build up of angst, constructed so artfully it makes you so anxious it feels like you're gonna throw up
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