#help i think id actually combust if i had to ask
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miss-celestial-being · 1 year ago
i so desperately want to read a book but im too nervous to ask where it is in my local bookstore bc the title is so blunt and straight to the point 😭
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
off the table | Peter Parker
summary: you find yourself contemplating if love is off the table for you
a/n:part 2 of Drivers License
Song: off the table by Ariana Grande ft. the Weeknd
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Will I ever love the same way again
Will I ever love somebody like the way I did you
Never thought you’d be so damn hard to replace
After that day in school you knew it was officially time to let Peter go. He didn’t want you anymore. He said it himself, it was time. So you cried when you burned all the pictures of you two in your fireplace and took a pair of scissors to anything he ever got you.
You grabbed a hammer and smashed the ring he bought you as tears flowed from your eyes. You tore the head off the teddy bear he won you at the carnival. And trashed it all. You then spent the rest of the night crying into your pillow.
You stalked Gwen’s instagram and twitter before MJ caught you doing it and blocked both of them for you. You were grateful for that becuase you didn’t know how many more instagram stories you could take of her showing Peter off.
I swear I don’t mean to be this way
If I can’t have you, is love completely off the table?
Do I sit this one out and wait for the next life?
Am I cold or am I not nice?
You tried your best to dodge them at school. It proved easier said then done becuase it seemed wherever you went, so did they. People still spoke about what happened. It was the hot gossip since the stunt you pulled in class. People hated Peter Parker and were starting to take a dislike in Gwen. You didn’t mean for that to happen but it felt nice to know people were on your side.
“Yeah, in the girls restroom by the north side, in red lipstick on the mirror, Gwen Stacy: Homewrecker. That’ll show her.” MJ shrugged and you sighed.
“That’s now how I wanted it to happen. I kind of feel bad now that everyone hates her.”
“Yeah, well people are taking your side. They know Peter left you for her. They know Gwen was trying to get at Peter while he was with you. In my opinion they can both suck—”
“MJ.” You warned and she threw her hands up in surrender. “Just saying.”
Might not be quite healed or ready
Should I be going too steady
But I just wanna know, is love completely off the table?
“Okay, Danny from Lacrosse said you were hot. So I gave him your number.” Your head snapped to your best friend as you sat in chemistry together.
“MJ, what the hell? Why would you do that?” She sighed and took the beaker from your hand and poured the green substance into the clear one.
“It’s time to move on, Y/N. It’s been two months. You got rid of all his stuff, you avidly ignore them at school but you’re not completely there yet. Maybe it’s time to get out there again. Danny is pretty hot with a good body. Oh, and I heard he has a decent—”
“MJ.” You warned and she laughed. “Just saying it’s useful to know.”
“I don’t know I just feel... should I wait? You said it yourself, I’m not there yet. Is love off the table for me?” You asked but it was more so a question for yourself. What if love wasn’t in your cards as of now. You weren’t healed yet and what if getting in a new relationship was a bad idea?
“Listen all I mean is go on one date. See how he is, i’m not saying to ask him to marry you.” MJ squeezed your shoulder and you smiled at her.
“Yeah, i’ll think—” Just then a boy came in the door. And jesus christ was he built from the gods himself.
“So it says to pour—” MJ turned to you and seen you stare at the boy as he walked over to the teacher. She smirked and nudged your arm.
“Or forget Danny and get his number.” She blew out a tiny whistle as the teacher stood to face the class with the mysterious boy in tow.
“Everyone id like you to meet our new student Harry Osborn.” The name had everyone whispering. The Osborn name was just as notorious as the Stark name. Osborn’s were rich as hell with their own company and Harry Osborn was known for being thrown out of every private school in New York, according to the Daily Bugle for a different circumstance at each school.
You couldn’t help but blush and look down as he walked down the aisle and sent you a smirk. MJ almost combust when she saw the interaction.
“Jesus, he might as well just take you to the restroom and—”
“Oh my god, MJ. You’re so embarrassing!” You whisper shouted and she laughed before going back to the assignment. Curiousity got the best of you as you turned your head to get another look at the Osborn. And to your surprise he was already looking at you.
Not even two weeks later you and Harry were the new talk of the school. He held your cheek gently as you were pushed up against the locker. You giggled as he playfully kissed down your cheek. You heard footsteps coming and became scared when you thought it was a teacher. But your heart stopped as Peter came around the corner holding a restroom pass. He stopped short when he seen the position you were in.
Harry had looked between the two of you when he saw how you pulled away from his touch. Peter cleared his throat and continued his walk.
“Maybe we should go back to class.” You offered and Harry sighed before grabbing your hand. Even though he was a cocky and arrogant boy, he definitely had his moments where he was sweet.
“I can wait for you. I know you’re not healed completely from the breakup. I’ll wait for you, even though it always feels like i’m number two.” Your throat got right as tears blurred your vision. You didn’t ever mean for Harry to feel this way. But it was hard.
“But you have to let me in. I can give you what he couldn’t. I can love you harder than Peter Parker ever did. If you let me in, let me in your heart, I don’t think love is completely off the table.” You sighed as you wiped the stray tear that fell.
“Think about it.” He kissed your forehead before walking away. You immediately ran to the bathroom and rested your hands on the sink. You sniffled as tears continued to flow.
“Cmon get yourself together, Y/N. Peter doesn’t love you, he probably never did. Harry is here. Harry will be there.” You walked into the stall to grab a few pieces of toilet paper and stopped short when you seen writing in black marker.
“Ladies watch your man before Gwen steals him.”
You reached up and tried to scratch it off but it wouldn’t budge.
Peter and Gwen were together now. They were dating. Peter loves Gwen now, not you.
“Peter’s dating Gwen. He doesn’t love you anymore.” You whispered.
Not yet healed already
Should I be going too steady
Just wanna know, is love completely off the table
You were let up by Harry’s doorman. You knew Harry’s father was rich but you couldn’t believe how luxurious their place was. They had a penthouse at the very top and as Harry explained it, it was worth millions. You hoped his dad wasn’t home either, you weren’t quite ready to meet the famous Norman Osborn. Harry didn’t talk much about him and when he did it was always short and meant with a small eye roll.
You knocked on the door and after a few short seconds a small lady opened the door. She smiled at you and you smiled back.
“Hi, is Harry here? I’m Y/N. I know he wasn’t expecting company but—”
“Nonsense, come in. Harry has mentioned you a handful of times to me. He’s in the movie room, let me go fetch him.” You smiled at the blonde woman as she walked off.
You began to look around the house and you were truly in awe. You’ve never seen such a luxury home. You were afraid you’d dirty the expensive carpet with your used Vans. You seen the balcony door open and stepped outside. New York became louder as you looked at the city lights.
“Woah.” You couldn’t belive you were this high.
“The views nice.” You snapped your head around when you heard the young Osborn. “But personally I like the view in front of me.” He smiled cheekily and you scoffed with a smile.
“Y/N, are you stalking me?” He stepped closer with a smirk and you shook your head. “You mentioned you lived on the street so I took a guess on which was the most expensive. I was right.”
“I actually came to talk to you about what you said.” Harry gulped and nodded. He was fully prepared for you to say you needed more time and/or you still loved Peter and could never be with him.
He walked up to the railing and busied himself with the ring on his finger. “What about it?”
“You were right, Peter and I, we’re done. It’s over and i’m okay with that. He hurt me but i’m ready to move on. It’s gonna be hard to let someone in again but you’re right I don’t think love is completely off the table for us.” Harry smiled and grabbed your face gently. His cold rings sent a shiver down your spine as he seemed to look into your soul. He smiled down at you and laughed.
“I like the sound of that.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You reached up and ran your hands through his curls as you deepened the kiss.
It didn't seem like love was completely off the table.
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fixxofvixx · 4 years ago
BLOODRIGHT - Vampire Taekwoon AU - Chapter Eighteen
Hello my valentines!! My weekend has been crazy so far with my greeting card job! I think it's been busier than Christmas! I would like to wish all of my beautiful readers a Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you enjoy the chapter and lemme know what you think!💖💖💖💖
Taekwoon picked up his cell phone and dialed a number that he hadn't in years.  He wasn't even sure if the number still worked.  The line picked up right after the first ring.
"Taekwoon, I never dreamed that you would ring me first.  I suppose that donor has some influence over her master after all."  Kaxon’s all too familiar voice now sounded sarcastic and calculating.  It no longer held any of its previous warmth and sensibility.  The change instantly irritated Taekwoon.
"Cut the bullshit, Kaxon, and tell me what you want."
"Well....in the simplest of terms, I would like to borrow your donor."
Taekwoon's mood became darker and his body turned stiff.
"Did you think I would just readily agree to that?  Whatever you're planning, I would suggest that you rethink it right now.  You won't come near her.  Hell, I don't even want her to be on the same planet as you.  So try anything with her and I will make sure Khan becomes an only child."
"You're always so quick to threaten lives.  You won't even let me explain why?"  Taekwoon could hear the amusement in Kaxon's voice and he hated it.
"Does that even deserve an answer?  You knew I would refuse so why do I need to know what you're planning?"
"Because it could benefit you as well.  If you would only allow me some time with her then I--"
Taekwoon ended the call and had to stop himself from launching the phone at the wall.  A few moments later, the phone rang again. He pressed the answer button and yelled into the phone.
"Lose this number, asshole.  You can't have her, you son of a bitch.  Do you understand me?!"
"Jung Taekwoon, how dare you talk to your mother like that!  What in the world?"  Taekwoon jumped at the sound of his mother's voice and took the phone from his ear to check the caller ID.  Sure enough, his mother's number was on the screen.
"Mom.....I...I'm sorry."  Taekwoon collapsed into the chair behind him and ran his hand through his hair.  "I thought you were someone else.  I didn't look at the caller ID."
"Tell me what's happened, dear.  Is y/n alright?"
Taekwoon told his mother everything that had happened with Kaxon in the past couple of days.
"Just the thought of her being near that asshole pisses me off.  I'll kill him before he lays a hand on her."
"I know you will protect her well, sweetheart.  Just remember not to let your anger overrule your good judgment.  He's smarter than Khan and very slippery.  Call me immediately if you need any help."
"I will, Mom, thank you.  I'm sorry, I didn't ask what you had called for.  Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine, sweetie.  I only called to check in on y/n.  How is she?"
"She's sleeping.  She had to go through all of that with the wreck and finding me then I ended up having to feed because I was too weak to heal properly.  Mom....I....."
"What is it, Taekwoon."
"Am I putting her in too much danger?  You don't think....she'll resent me for it, do you?"
"Oh my dear sweet boy, you are so head over heels for her, aren't you?"  Taekwoon just groaned and his mother laughed. "Taekwoon, stop worrying so much.  She likes you, I know that and you know that.  But if you have concerns, it won't make any difference if you ask me.  You need to ask her instead.  Don't keep things from her.  She's a strong woman, she can handle it."
"Thanks Mom." 
Taekwoon talked for a few more minutes before he heard y/n's heartbeat change rhythm.  He hung up from his mother and headed back to his room.  It only took him a second or two to climb the stairs and open the door.  His eyebrows furrowed when he saw you.  
You had kicked the covers off and you were sweating.  Somehow, you had taken off the pants you had been wearing.  He was too concerned to be distracted by your lack of clothing.  He thought that maybe you were too warm but then he saw your face.  You were restless but something else was wrong.  He didn’t think it was a nightmare but your vitals were way off.  When he reached the bed, he touched your face to find it covered in a cold sweat.  You jolted awake and raised your half-opened eyes to Taekwoon’s face.  
"Yes, love, it's me.  Are you alright?  I heard your heartbeat change and thought you'd be awake.  When I came in it looked like you were having trouble sleeping.  You feel as though you have a cold sweat.  Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know.  I don’t really feel all that great but it's probably from the loss of blood."  You raised up and rubbed your face a bit to chase away the sleep.  A short wave of dizziness hit you but you tried to ignore it. 
When you opened your eyes, you realized that your pants were gone.  You gasped loudly and desperately reached for the blanket to cover yourself. 
"Where are my pants?!"
Taekwoon chuckled and looked around the room.  He finally spotted a crumpled piece of clothing on the floor at the end of the bed.
"I assure you, I did not remove them myself.  I have been downstairs talking to my mother on the phone, I promise." Taekwoon chuckled and raised his hands in surrender.  You ran a hand through your hair and rubbed your eyes.
"No....I didn't mean to imply that you had done anything.  I know you wouldn't do that.  I had a habit of sleeping like this in my old apartment and I guess I wasn't thinking."
"I'm not one to tell you what you can and can't do.  If you're more comfortable this way, then I suppose I can allow it."  Taekwoon winked and your cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.  "In fact, if you ever feel too tired, I would be happy to help you with any removal of clothing."
Taekwoon laughed heartily at your obvious panic.  You put your head in your hands and tried to hide your embarrassment.
"I'm just joking, y/n."  He tried to get you to raise your head but you refused.  He pulled the hair away from your neck and leaned down to place a kiss on the nape of your neck.  You jumped at the contact and lifted your head to look at him.
"W-What are you doing?"  
"Kissing you.....I can't?"
"No, I didn't say that.  You know I don't mind.  I was just surprised, is all.  What did you talk about with your mom?"  He didn’t need to know you wouldn’t have minded if he continued.
"M-Me?  Why?"
"She just wanted to ask about how you were doing.  I explained about what happened with Kaxon and...."  He hesitated explaining further and looked deep in thought.  You placed your hand over his and he looked at you. 
"And I asked her if she thought you would resent me for putting you in so much danger."
"Taekwoon, do you really use that brain of yours?  Why would I blame you for the actions of others?  If we're keeping track, you've been injured more than I have with all of this."
“My injuries don’t matter.  What matters is that I am supposed to protect you and so far….I don’t think I’ve done a very good job of that.  I don’t want you to regret your decision to be my donor.  Now that Kaxon has come into the picture, I’m worried about what he has planned."
"It won't do any good to sit and worry about what might happen.  All we can do is prepare the best way we can and just be cautious."
"I talked to him on the phone earlier, before I spoke with my mother."
"You did?  Why?"
"I called him.  My temper got the best of me and I asked what he wanted."
"So what does he want?"
"What do you think?"  You furrowed your brows for only a second before you realized what he was implying.  Kaxon wanted something with you.
"Do those two brothers have a one-track mind?"
"Their whole family is like that.  But I'll figure out what he wants.  He can't get in but I don't want you to feel locked up in here.”  He thought for a moment and then smiled.  “Should we go somewhere?"
"Anywhere you want.  Once you're feeling better, we can plan something if you want to."
"That sounds good."
Four days later and your condition hadn't improved.  You had taken the pills Taekwoon's mother had given you but they didn't help.  You felt so drained and could barely get up to go to the bathroom.  Taekwoon brought meals to you but you had a hard time keeping an appetite.  
Taekwoon's mother was arriving today to see if she could help.  Taekwoon was currently trying to talk her out of it on the phone.
"Mother, you don't have to make the trip.  It might not even have anything to do with her blood.  She's running a slight fever and feels tired and achy so she might just be coming down with something."
"I don't care.  I need to see her for myself.  I called the family doctor in and he'll meet me there.  Make sure we don't spontaneously combust once we reach your gate!"  His mother hung up and Taekwoon sighed.
"I'm sorry, love, I tried to talk her out of it."
"That's alright.  It's nice, actually, to feel what it's like to be taken care of by a parent."  
"Don't let my mother hear you say that.  She'll start planning balls and tea parties right away."
You laughed and started to ask about the kind of parties he'd had when his phone rang again.  Taekwoon lifted the phone to check the caller ID and a curse escaped his mouth. 
"Who is it?"
"Kaxon.  He keeps calling but I'm not--"
"Answer it."
"We can't figure out what he wants if we don't talk to him.  We need to know."  Taekwoon nodded and sat down next to you on the bed.  He answered the phone and immediately turned on the speaker so you could hear as well.
"What do you want?"
"Taekwoon, my old buddy, why is it so hard to get you on the telephone?"
"Because I don't want to talk to you."
"Ouch.  You really should get rid of that anger.  It will eat you up inside."
"Get to the point, Kaxon."
"She's not feeling well, is she?"
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shhhlikeme · 5 years ago
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #3 (NSFW)
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A/N: sticking to these right now because I’m obsessed! This one was long so the other 3 in the collection will be in collection 4.
Aone 8 1/2 Months Into Crushing On You And Having His First Ever Wet Dream💦😴
Kenji Futakuchi woke up with a startle. He actually fell out of his bed due to the loudness of his phone ringing that was charging on the other side of his room.
Groaning in pain on the floor, Kenji swiped his iPhone to answer. He didn’t even need to look at the caller ID to know who was calling him. Kenji spoke first when he picked up:
“I love you man. You’re my best friend. But care to explain why the fuck you are calling me 5 times at 4 o’clock in the morning?!”
On the other end of the line, Aone Takanobu sat up in his camouflage coloured bed, clutching his iPhone to his ear for dear life.
“Good, you answered.” He said simply.
“Fuck you, I fell off my bed. What is it? Someone better either 1) be dying or 2) wants to marry me—and her name better be Aja Naomi King.”
Aone deadpanned. “Neither.”
Rolling his eyes, Kenji yawned. “Tell me what’s wrong, Takanobu-san.”
“Um..... I‘m unsure of how to phrase it.”
“Well, get sure. I’m going to fall back asleep.”
“Please don’t fall back asleep. I need your help.”
“I’m listening to you, you freakishly tall polar bear!!”
“You’re rather grumpy at 4:04am...........”
“Aone! I’m hanging up—“
“No! I apologize. I need....er.....your help. Or your advice. I....uh.....had an......interesting.......dream. A dream like none I’ve ever had before.”
Kenji couldn’t believe his best friend was calling him at 4:00am on a school night to tell him about a crappy dream. “Okaaaaaay.......?” He prodded rudely, trying to get the white haired athlete to elaborate.
“It was about Y/N.”
“Okay and.......?”
“And now I feel very on edge.”
“Okay and.......?”
Aone sighed, knowing that he’d have to spell it out for his sleepy friend. “Y/N was.....um.....naked........in my dream.”
Kenji’s eyes widened. Although he knew his middle blocker friend liked girls and girls liked him—in all Futakuchi’s years being friends with Aone he’d never seen or heard of Aone being so physically attracted to a girl to the point where he’d dream about her naked. He was really respectful and rarely even checked out women. That’s why girls loved him at Date Tech but the Mountain Man never paid attention to them because he ‘had’ you. Well, Kenji should have really seen something like this coming considering how much Aone liked Y/N, but it was still surprising because this was a first.
“Yeah? Was she naked and alone in your dream?”
“Uh....no.....I was there as well....”
Kenji smiled. “And were you two....shall I say....having a good time?”
“Tell me about it.”
Aone’s eyes widened as he immediately went red. “N-no, Kenji-san.”
Kenji yawned nonchalantly, putting his hand behind his head comfortably on the ground. “Why not? Wet dreams are normal for guys our age, Aone. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’ve really never had one before?”
“Never. Not once. And it’s referred to as a wet dream? Why in the world do they call it that?”
“Aren’t your pants wet....?”
Aone glanced down quickly, immediately jumping and flushing in slight horror when he saw a large wet circle in the middle of his boxers crotch. He scrambled out of his bed in shock.
“Um....I am going to call you back.” Aone mumbled.
7 minutes later after Aone had successfully cleaned himself up and changed into clean pyjamas, Kenji picked up his call again.
Kenji now has a bowl of ramen with him in his room and he was sitting up on its bed.
“Tell me about the dream, big guy.” He says with his mouth full.
Aone blushes slightly before starting:
💤 💤 💤
Aone was in class.
He looked to his right where you were giggling and passing notes with your friends, ignoring the teacher like always. Aone thought you looked really pretty today in your uniform, though for some reason your skirt seemed shorter than usual. He really liked it like that.
Takanobu watched you pass notes enjoyably, when suddenly a random student’s hand next to him was holding out a note to him.
Aone took the note, confused, and looked down at it.
He flipped the paper and before unfolding it, he read:
To Aone
From Y/N
Aone felt his heart speed up as he looked up in your direction and noticed that you were staring back at him from across the classroom. You smiled at him and blew him a kiss.
He froze, genuinely afraid he was going to internally combust.
🚨 You were noticing him! You were looking at him! You sent him a note! You blew him a kiss and you seemed actually happy to be giving him attention! 🚨
Forgetting that he even had a note in his hand because the girl he liked was giving him googly eyes, Y/N pointed cutely at the note in his hand to remind him.
You cupped your mouth with your hand so that the teacher couldn’t see what you were saying and looked at Aone. “Open it!” You mouthed with a gorgeous smile to boot.
Blushing profusely because he was embarrassing himself by forgetting the note just because you merely looked at him, Aone nodded stoically and looked back down at the piece of paper.
After taking a deep breath and silently praying that this wasn’t a letter telling him to quit staring at her because she’s not interested and he’s creepy, he unfolds the small note.
Inside, it read in beautiful calligraphy (which is very dream like bc your handwriting was nothing of the sort):
Dear Aone,
You’re always staring at me so I just thought I would ask you...... can I suck your dick? *smiley face kissy face*
- Y/N
Looking back up again, Aone was somehow still in the classroom, only there was no one there anymore except for him and Y/N. The walls were painted white now as if they were in a cloud’s waiting room.
Even his desk was gone and he was just sitting in the chair he’d been in.
In the place that your desk should be, you now stood there watching Aone with dark eyes. You were toying with your shorter skirt and Aone automatically couldn’t breathe.
You skipped toward him and stood in front of him, smiling that beautiful smile.
Aone thought you looked breathtaking so close to him. Without warning, you dropped down to your knees in the empty classroom and began making work of removing Aone’s school pants.
Aone gulped as he looked down at you.
“Y/N. C-can I ple-please take you out on a d-date fi-first, perhaps? If that wou-would be okay with you?? I would like to sh-sh-show you how much I like y-you—“
His pleas were interrupted when you swallowed his cock whole.
Dream-Aone moaned louder than he ever has before and tilted his head back. He was trying to tell you that you didn’t have to do this and that your pleasure was infinitely more important than his, but he was still a boy and the horniness he felt seeing the—dare I say—like of his life with your mouth wrapped around his shaft made him unable to think.
You hollowed you cheeks around his dick and sucked him hard, using both your hands to twist and pump the remaining centimetres of his large dick that couldn’t fit in your wet mouth. You were slurping and it made Aone feel so good. He never felt anything better and he’s never seen a more erotic sight than his dick being swallowed into the wanton mouth of his crush.
Wet-dream-Y/N flicked her heated eyes up to Aone’s, who groaned when he saw your beautiful eyes staring into his, egging on his orgasm without even trying.
Aone moaned as he removed the ponytail from your hair and placed his large hand at the back of your head. He didn’t even need to guide you because you were amazing at it. Your mouth was small and wet and the horny side of Aone’s brain couldn’t wait to send his load shooting down your throat.
Aone excitedly thought about giving you head after this in order to show you how much he treasured you.....and the thought alone almost made him cum.
Feeling like he never wanted your soft lips off of his dick again but also feeling conflicted because he wanted to date you and show you how much he could spoil you with anything you ever wanted before any of this—Aone felt the need to try and stop you again.
“Y/N—-I don’t want you to think I’m li-li-like those other guys. I have genuine feelings for-for you. Re-really strong f-feelings. I want to be your boyfriend and make you the happiest g-g-gir-girl ever.” He was panting as he spoke.
In response, you popped his dick out of your mouth and smiled up at him sweetly. “Aone. I’m already your wife. You didn’t forget, did you?”
You lifted your hand to showcase your huge engagement ring that should really weigh your small hand down but somehow didn’t.
dreams are a funny place
Aone gasped in surprise seeing it, though more than anything his heart swelled with love and overwhelming happiness!
“Y-you married m-me?!” He couldn’t help but smile.
You started pumping his cock again with your hand while looking up at him. Aone’s head fell back again in pleasure. “Yep!” You cheered. “Don’t you remember our honeymoon?”
Suddenly the setting changed fast again. You two were in the backyard of a beautiful private mansion at night. It was the mansion Aone had rented for your honeymoon so that Y/N could be as loud as she wanted without any hotel complaints from neighbours:
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This proved to be worth every penny because Aone Takanobu currently had your thighs wrapped around his head as he penetrated your sensitive vagina with his powerful tongue after your second orgasm. Aone was standing up tall to his full height, and he had a naked-you propped up on his shoulders so that your heat was level with his eager mouth. You were so high on the Mountain because you were sitting on Aone’s shoulders frontwards🏔, straddling his face. You were pulling onto Aone’s healthy white hair as he darted his tongue in and out of your entrance and then sucked on your clit with vigor.
A/N: girl bye if you think your moans are too extra - it’s Aone’s dream, remember?
You were screaming in ecstasy and Dream-Aone was so fucking turned on by your erotic sounds and screams that he couldn’t take it.
Mountain man moaned into your heat. He began flicking your puffy bud with the tip of his tongue like rapid fire while he moaned along with you so you could feel the vibrations on your clit.
You gripped his hair tighter and screamed.
When you screamed his name for the sixth time, a long groan escaped from Takanobu’s lips as he thrust into the air and ejaculated in his swim trunks.
His feelings were way too strong for you (HIS DREAM-WIFE) not to cum to hearing you continuously scream and moan his name for the first time.
He only stopped giving you head for a second in order to finish orgasming before you were wiggling your hips trying to get him to keep going. Loving that you loved what he was doing to you, Aone dove his tongue deep into your folds and right back into your deliciousness.....
before he woke up in his bed panting.
“Jesus Christ,” Futakuchi himself couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused by Aone’s very detailed explanation of his wet dream. “That was your first wet dream ever?!”
Aone nodded earnestly even though he couldn’t be seen over the phone. “Indeed.”
“Sheesh. My first was years ago but it was just about making out with my celebrity crush, but yours.............well, I guess you’re the most passionate guy I know—your world stops when Y/N walks into the cafeteria—so I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised.”
“What does it mean?” Aone asked. “Is there something wrong with my feelings for Y/N? Am I one of those guys that she hates?! That only want her for her body??”
Kenji heard the panic rise in his friends voice so he rushed to reassure him:
“No, dude. Not at all this DOES NOT makes you like those other guys! You’ve crushed on Y/N for MONTHS and you see her parade around in her hot cheerleading uniform all the time and you’ve NEVER looked at her the same way all those pervy guys do. It shows how much of a good guy you are and how you like her for her. You just suppressed your sexual side deep down because youre so crazy about her that I think it comes out tenfold in your dreams. You’re attracted to her so it’s bound to show somewhere, right? I know you’re hopelessly romantic when it comes to Y/N. You tell me about your dreams about surprising Y/N with flowers, or kissing her forehead and all that PG shit but your hormones have to say hello at some point, right? It’s human nature. No matter what—It’s just a dream, though, so you and Y/N didn’t actually have mind blowing oral sex. Meaning you have nothing to worry about. Tomorrow at school everything will go back to normal and you’ll just be whipped for the girl like you always are and everything will be the same. You’re fine.”
There was a long silence on the other end of the line.
“Uh....Aone? You fall asleep over there?”
“Then why so silent?”
“I......I....” The Date Tech volleyball player sighed. “I.........just don’t want things to go back to normal, as you put it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I wanted my dream to be real.”
“Oh, the sex part? Well of course you do, seeing Y/N naked would be—“
“Not the sex part.” Aone interrupted. “I could go without sex forever if Y/N didn’t want it. I’d do anything for her.”
Kenji couldn’t believe that he couldn’t trace an ounce of insincerity in his middle blockers voice. He was serious that he’d give up sex if it meant being with Y/N. “Then what part to do you wish was real, Aone?” Asked Kenji.
Aone turned red again as a blush overtook him. Kenji could basically sense the blush from his house.
“The marriage part.” Aone admitted, feeling slightly pathetic. “In my erotic dream, Y/N had agreed to marry me.” Takanobu’s heart ached as it often did when he thought of you.
“So I was saying that I wish, in the very least, that that part was real.”
Outtake #4: CLICK HERE
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mysterystarz · 4 years ago
NOVAAAA CONGRATS ON YOUR 100!! YOU DESERVE IT AND SO MUCH MORE >:( anyway, came to slide in to your event so heh :3
my pronouns are she / her and i prefer to be matched with a male :) mbti is enfp-t and im enneagram 8w7 because im sexc like that love language? im a physical touch kinda girl >:3 what should i say for my personality hmmm im very stubborn, like extremely im also very loud but i can also be very quiet i have an rbf that makes everyone think i hate them but i dont— superiority complex? maybe just slightly im very confident in my appearance and in how i present myself, but when it comes to skillsets im very insecure and thats when im extremely quiet and stuff uhm also i love teasing people but when it happens to me i stop functioning and combust on the spot :| hobbies of mine include writing duh, playing instruments, drawing, skateboarding, and playing sports (sports take up most of my time)
ideal type time lets go :3 so i dont care if theyre an extrovert or introvert—extroverts are easier for me to get along with but introverts are adorable. id like someone with a gorgeous hairstyle because i like messing with hair. someone determined, someone that i can goof off with. MMMM YKNOW WHATS SEXC when they BANTER with me like just that cute adorable “i hate you” “you love me” not ideal type? someone whos too serious. im not a very serious person, but when everything to them is literal i cant stand that. not to be confused with people who are like :| and dont really show emotions, but people who suck the fun out of things
okay yknow whats sexc? being a moot and getting that little extra bit >:3 lets go with love letter <3
EEEEE THANKS NOVA <3 love you so much darling and wishing you many more milestones jn the future!
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your cosmic matchup is...bokuto koutarou!
runnerups: oikawa tooru, sakusa kiyoomi
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» stuck together/stranded - the two of you were supposed to be at the hawaiian islands by daytime, basking in the sunlight and being completely carefree. you weren't exactly expecting to find yourself stuck in the airport, a blizzard raging strongly outside as your flight was delayed. striking up a conversation with the spiky-haired ace, you discovered his humor and his love for consistent back and forths with you over just about anything. the two of you ended up in hawaii, together, and a part of you thought that being stranded must have been a good thing if it meant that you got to meet him. (I feel like bokuto is sensitive, but not so much to the point that he doesn't understand sarcastic banter. the two of you seem like the cutest people to go and do this with)
» fake relationship - you were being bothered by all the girls at school for not being an active participant in people's love lives or having one of your own, so you clapped back at them by "dating" the popular ace and captain of the boys VBC...bokuto. you picked him because you knew he'd be easy to convince and be a convincing boyfriend too, due to his affectionate nature. the two of you spent time playing sports and you taught bokuto how to draw (akaashi was laughing his head off at the drawing bokuto did). at the end of the month, you both realized that the relationship you had was too good to give up, so you made it official!
» playing cyrano - you had a friend who really really loved bokuto but was way too shy to approach him, so they asked if you could get him to notice them and befriend him because your personality seemed like the type that could accomplish anything. you went to go befriend him by spending plenty of time with him, whether it be sketching him playing volleyball, or even just making fun of each other over the phone at night under the covers. you eventually came to realize that you actually loved him and were wondering how to let him go for the sake of your friend, only to discover that he loved you too! your friend caught on and said that the two of you were perfect for each other, and was fine because they had moved on in the weeks you had befriended him! (ko, you just seem like the type of person who'd help with matchmaking because you're confident externally and can pull off being composed)
» partners in crime - you and bokuto were part of a crime syndicate that consisted of doing jobs for wealthy people on the down-low in exchange for beautiful, cold, hard, cash. you had worked with bokuto for years now, being the best duo in the entire syndicate and practically drowning in money. he was dextrous and fast, while your strategic planning and outward composition helped you surpass many checkpoints. bokuto always made sure to reassure you of your skillsets and assure you that you were a phenomenal partner through and through! at one of the masquerade events where you had to steal something risky, you couldn't help but be distracted by bokuto with his hair down and realized that you'd loved him for a long time (and he loved you too). (you two seem like the type to go off doing this then going to ice cream HAHAH)
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MUTUALS EXTRA: a love letter <3
Hey hey hey, Ko,
You are one of the most amazing people I've ever gotten to meet EVER! Akaashi tells me that love letters need to be sincere, and I'm being sincere when I say that you are the most beautiful, smart, confident people that I know! You're always on my mind and I find pieces of you everywhere, from the snacks we get to those days that you sketch me playing volleyball. You've always been a force to get me out of tough situations, and it always sends some sort of shock current to my heart when I hear you laugh or smile. My love for you is bigger than the galaxy (which is REALLY REALLY big, nearly infinite), and I will always love you for the gorgeous person you are!
I love you, I love you, I love you a lot! 𝓀𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓊
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a/n: hey ko! i hope you liked this (i actually had to think about yours a bit and omg your personality is so fun to write) <3
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uwumessenger · 5 years ago
I couldn't help but notice your azula pfp! If you watched ATLA can you do hc's or something for the om brothers + diavolo for what nation they'd be and if they can bend and stuff? :0
haha yes i love atla! i think i got carried away doing this one too B)
also this took me FOREVER (kinda) so sorry about that hehe i kinda ended up disregarding the fact that they are literally demons and that they’re all brothers so it’s kinda chaotic??? let’s just pretend that this is an om!avatar au idk skdjnjksdnk
none of the brothers are the avatar but id like to think solomon is and i have nothing to backup that statement but he is for the sake of this post i was gonna make it mc but nah picturing solomon is funnier
a master firebender brah
powerful and similar to azula except he’s more mentally stable so he doesnt lash out or break down like she did at the end of the series
if challenged to an agni kai he’d attack the opponent emotionally then burn them when they’re at their most vulnerable
a literal psychopath but hey we still love the guy
solomon’s firebending teacher
from fire nation and can bend similarly to zUKo ¿?
if you combined s3 zuko, sokka, and momo into one person in this au it would be mammon
short tempered and challenges lucifer to an agni kai all the time (but it never actually happens they’d at the most just spar)
acts with asmo at the ember island theater sometimes
and bets on asmo’s pai sho games with satan/levi
diavolo loves him here yes even more than lucifer
burn mark on the back of his left shoulder bc of an agni kai with belphie :0
can’t bend but is from a water tribe
idk i just get sokka vibes from him
so he is the most skilled swordsman in all the land
stays away from drama/conflict unless he is directly affected
always playing pai sho, usually with satan or asmo
unfortunately never wins a game against them
he also enjoys making up his own games to play and keep himself occupied and shares them with the kids in his water tribe
helps solomon find a waterbender master yeyeet
an air nomad
mai but make her a man and an airbender
also VERY knowledgeable and uses his air bison to travel all over
bff’s with wan shi tong and spends a lot of time in his library
enjoys playing pai sho with levi and asmo, and is apart of the white lotus
teaches solomon airbending as long as solomon teaches him about his past avatar lives in return
has lots of inventions and often shares them with the others
loves going to the festivals held by all the different kingdoms and will disguise himself (even if he doesnt need to)
ah yes another fire nation citizen
the ty lee of the gang
he can bend but he chooses not to so he does all the pressure point stuff instead
only time you’ll really ever see him bend is if he does a show at an event
lives on ember island and doesnt really make an effort to travel elsewhere
so only plays pai sho when either satan or levi visit him
has chronic back pain from carrying all the plays at ember island theater
hes actually really wise and will give solomon good advice when he needs it most
an earth kingdom kinda guy
iroh and kyoshi vibes (but mostly iroh)
oHMYG OSH YOU GUYS KNOW THE TALE OF IROH IN THE EPISODE “TALES OF BA SING SE” ;;;;wow imagine that but him with lilith i think im crying???
lava bends bc hes cool like that
would definitely be apart of the white lotus
helps steer belphie into the right direction when they cross paths
solomon’s earthbending teacher
opens a cafe in ba sing se and has the best food in the entire world
barbatos works for him
may have eaten a rock or two before
fire bender and can do combustion bending omfg
has been in both fire and earth kingdom jail a couple of times
challenged mammon to an agni kai and won but we dont talk about that
it pissed diavolo off so he was dun dun DUN banished!!! uhoh!!1!1!!
but lucifer helps him find shelter
so he shares similar internal conflicts to the ones zuko had
went into a coma bc he did one good thing instead of something malicious
eventually turns good and is let back into the fire nation without any hurt feelings yay
firelord ozai but make him a good person
kinda like the earth king but with a functioning brain
very fun to be around but also powerful so do not fuck with him and his loved ones
pranked lucifer and the entire fire nation once by challenging lucifer to an agni kai and didn’t reveal that it was a prank until the fight was nearly over
everyone hated him for wasting their time but it was entertaining
enjoys tea with beel as they watch levi get his ass handed to him by satan (and later by asmo) in pai sho
no one asked for this but
hes a pretty cool avatar
originally from the fire nation so is lowkey influenced by diavolo’s chaotic energy
hes actually good at keeping balance, peace, and order !!
study sessions with satan at wan shi tong’s library
never really insecure or overthinks his role, hes kinda like how kyoshi was
he unites all of the characters and is the reason why they all end up being friends
the end 
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racebox-of-higgars · 4 years ago
Christmas Kisses - sprace oneshot
It may not be Christmas anymore but I’m still gonna write it 
Crossposted on Ao3 at Racebox_of_Higgars 
“I think I’m having a feeling,” Spot groaned, flopping down onto Jack’s couch. “Make it stop.” Jack looked up from his painting, frowning at Spot.  
“How did you get in my house?”  
“I picked the lock,” Spot said simply, as if it happened every day.  
“As you do.”  
“Yes.” Jack narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head. Today was not the day for questioning things.  
“What feeling?”  
“Fuck if I know.” Spot gestured at the air in front of him. “ Racetrack! ” That only made Jack even more confused.  
Spot, he didn’t really do feelings. He would always bottle them up and ignore them until they became anger, which was far easier to deal with than whatever it was before. That earned him his reputation as the kid with the anger issues, which suited him just fine. It meant no one messed with him, or people around him, and as long as they were okay, he was happy.  
“You got a problem with Race?” Jack asked, turning completely away from his painting. He was invested now.  
“Yes! No! I don’t know.” Jack grinned, finally catching on to what Spot was getting at.  
“You like him, don’t you?” Spot screamed into the pillow and Jack snickered.  
Jack loved Race. Not in a romantic way, but Race was pretty much his little brother, and he would do anything to make Race happy. He had seen Race fall in love too fast then each time they would leave and he’d watch Race fall apart, each time losing another part of himself. Slowly, it had worn Race down, and though he didn’t let it show, he was always hurting. Every time he got into a new relationship, he would keep his distance, trying not to get too close Every time he would get his heart broken. Jack never liked any of Race’s boyfriends, but he liked Spot.
“So what do I do about it?” Spot asked. “Do I ask him out, or do I like stab him?”  
“You ask him out, dipshit!” Spot screamed again.  
“What do I do?” Spot sat up slightly, looking a Jack, and he actually looked worried. God, he was whipped.  
“Ask him on a date.”  
“What kind of date does one ask Racetrack fucking Higgins on?” That was a good question. Thankfully, Jack had known the fucker since they were basically fetuses, and therefore knew exactly what he would want.  
“Take him to the ice-skating rink, then get hot chocolate together and watch a Christmas movie.” Race was a sucker for Christmas, and it being just weeks away now, it was perfect timing. “If you’re feeling bold put up some mistletoe. He loves that shit.”  
“Race loves Christmas, right?”  
“Yup. If your house isn’t decorated he’ll fly through there like a glittery rainbow tornado.” Spot smiled at that. He could practically picture it, and he felt the blush creeping up his cheeks. “Dude, you’re fucking whipped.”  
“Shut the fuck up, I’ll still kill you in your sleep.” Jack just smiled and turned back to his painting.  
“Enjoy your date.”  
Spot knew what he wanted to say, but actually asking Race out was a whole other story. They were in the library together, a usual hangout spot (hehe get it), when it was cold, and Race was rambling on about some new thing he had grown obsessed with and Spot had listened diligently, completely enraptured by Race’s excitement. His sparkling eyes lit up with a childlike glee and a grin spread across his face as he looked out the window.  
“Spotty, look!” He cried. “They’re turning on the Christmas lights!” Race was entranced by the lights, almost like a child, but Spot wasn’t watching them. Spot was gazing at Race. He watched as the colours flickered over Race’s pale skin and the rainbow of lights reflected off his eyes. God, he was so in love with this boy it hurt, and if he didn’t get at least a date with him soon he was pretty sure he’d combust.  
Plans went out the window.  
“Go on a date with me?” He blurted, screaming internally the second it left his mouth. Race turned to him, shock written all over his face.  
“I-uh-I wanted to know if you, maybe, wanted to go on a date with me?” Spot stammered out, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Race smiled, somehow wider than he had when he was watching the lights.  
“Yes!” Race rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, like he always did when he was excited and Spot couldn’t help his smile.  
“Alright, uh, I’ll pick you up at 7, is that okay?”  
“Oh, and wrap up warm,” Spot added, thinking about how cold it was likely to be on the ice later. Race nodded.  
“Okay, I’ll – uh – I’ll see you later?”  
“Yeah, see you.” Fuck yes!  
In Which Race Is A Third Wheel  
Racebox of Higgars:  GAYSGAYSGAYSGAYSGAYS!!!!
Mom:  Do you really need that many exclaimation marks?  
Mom: Don’t encourage him  
Racebox of Higgars:  GAAAAAAAAAAAYS!  
Mom:  What do you want?  
Racebox of Higgars:  SPOT ASKED ME ON A FUCKIN DATE!!!!
SantaGay:  HELL YEAH!  
Mom:  Finally
Mom:  It’s only taken him nine years.  
SantaGay:  what are you doing?  
Racebox of Higgars:  i don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me
SantaGay:  oooh, a man of mystery  
Mom:  Be safe.  
Racebox of Higgars:  i always am
Racebox of Higgars:  OH FUCK WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR
Mom:  Did he give you a dress code?  
Racebox of Higgars:  no, he just said dress warm
SantaGay:  black skinny jeans, that cream turtleneck you literally never wear, your fancy black coat, doc martens, a lil bit of eyeliner  
Mom:  Jack, you have fashion sense?  
Mom:  Why do you never dress up nice for our dates?  
Racebox of Higgars:  o shit
Racebox of Higgars:  thanks gays  
For the fifth time, Race examined himself in the mirror, scrunching up his face. Something was missing from his outfit. He had to admit, Jack’s taste was good (the eyeliner was amazing), but something was still missing. He rifled through his drawers, eventually pulling out the silver chain Spot had bought him when they were 14. It was simple, plain, but spoke volumes.  
Race had only just come out as trans. He was slowly swapping out his wardrobe for more masculine clothes, and they were going through his old jewellery.  
He held up  a necklace with a small owl charm at the end, grimacing. He hated that necklace. It wasn’t anything against it particularly, but more to do with how feminine it made him feel. He hated it.  
“Y’know,” he began absent-mindedly, “I used to love this necklace, but now I can’t stand it. It makes me really dysphoric for some reason, which sucks since I love wearing jewellery and stuff, but I can’t wear most of this.”  
“You can get more masculine necklaces,” Spot answered from where he was sitting at the foot of Race’s bed.  
“Well, yeah, but I can’t really afford it.” Spot frowned. “I don’t get any money at the moment, and I can’t work.”  An idea slowly formulated in Spot’s mind.  
“Race, I got you something,” Spot said sheepishly. Race turned, brow furrowing.  
“It’s not my birthday, or Christmas. Why?”  
“It ain’t much, but you were saying about it the other day and then I saw it and thought of you.” He held the box out to Race, who took it tentatively.  
“This isn’t gonna explode or anything, right?” Spot laughed, but shook his head. It reminded him of their prank war a month or so before, which only ended when Spot had broken his nose.  
“It shouldn’t do.”  
“Alright, good.” Race tore into the packaging with a newfound fervour,  dropping it to the floor because he was a firm believer that gift-giving should always be carnage, no matter what the occasion, then opened the lid of the box. Spot watched nervously, suddenly thinking that this was probably a bad idea, but Race’s face cracked into a grin.  
“You bought me a necklace?” He said incredulously as he carefully lifted it out of the box.  
“Well, yeah. I was out with Hotshot yesterday and I saw it in a window and it reminded me of the other day. If you don’t like it I can take it back I jus-“ Spot was cut off by a weight crashing into him, and arms wrapping tightly around him.  
“I love it, thank you.”  
Since then Race had kept it in pristine condition, carefully making sure it didn’t rust or otherwise get dirty or break. He carefully lifted the chain out of the box, much like he did all those years ago, and fastened it around his neck. Looking in the mirror, he smiled. It offset the outfit perfectly, matching with the silver buttons on his coat and just providing that extra little touch to the outfit. He took a quick photo and sent it to the group chat.  
In Which Race is a Third Wheel
Racebox of Higgars sent a photo  
Racebox of Higgars:  GAYS DO I LOOK OKAY  
SantaGay:  damn bitch  
SantaGay: if i wasn’t dating davey and you weren’t like a brother to me id tap that  
Mom:  He means you look good.  
Mom: He’s right, you do.  
Racebox of Higgars:  thanks gays  
Racebox of Higgars:  OH FUCK HES HERE  
Spot shuffled slightly outside Race’s door, flowers in hand. Were flowers too much? Fuck it, it was too late now. Race opened the door and Spot’s breath caught in his throat. Oh god, Race was gorgeous. Spot’s eyes slowly glanced over Race, taking all of him in, from stylishly messy curls, to his bright eyes rimmed by just a little bit of eyeliner to make them stand out, to his breathless smile, to the necklace at his throat, to those criminally tightly jeans, and Spot needed to stop staring.  
“Christ, you look gorgeous,” Spot breathed, still hardly able to take it all in. A blush crept up Race’s cheeks as his eyes skirted over Spot.  
“You can’t talk, you’re-“ he gestured wildly at Spot, “beautiful.” Spot had been called a lot of things, hot, sexy, handsome, but never beautiful. It surprised him, he loved the sound of it on Race’s lips.  
“I bought flowers,” Spot said, holding them out. “I hope it’s not too much.” Race smiled taking them from him.  
“Cyclamen,” Race pointed out with a smile, taking them from him. “You remembered?”  
“I’ve been doing some research into flower symbolism,” Race said, half hanging off the end of his bed. Spot looked up from his homework.  
“Yeah. It’s actually pretty interesting. It’s weird to think that plants have so much  meaning . Like, take hyacinth flowers. Apparently they were created when two Greek God’s were fighting over one guys love  and one of them got hella jealous so fuckin killed the guy cus if he couldn’t have him no one could. The other one created the flower from his blood.”  
“That’s fucked up.”  
“I know. It symbolises rebirth now.”  
“Huh, but the guy wasn’t reborn?” Race shook his head. “Fair enough. Do you have a favourite flower?” Spot asked, partly out of genuine curiosity, partly out of hope that someday he’d be the one buying Race flowers.  
“Cyclamen,” Race answered easily. “They symbolise love and tenderness.” Spot smiled. Of course Race would like something like that. He was a hopeless romantic at heart. “Do you have one?”  
“Not at the moment. I’ll have to do some research and get back to you.”  
Spot liked lavender roses – blossoming romance.  
“Of course I remembered. I, uh, I had some lavender roses put in too.”  
“Your favourite,” Race recalled. “Blossoming romance, right?” Spot nodded, embarrassed. Race smiled. “I’m gonna go put these in some water real quick, wanna come in?”  
Race couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he carefully organised the flowers in the vase. Spot had remembered the offhand conversation three years ago. Not only had he remembered, but he had gone out of his way to get the specific flowers Race loved. The blush on Race’s cheeks darkened slightly, doing a little dance as he placed the vase on the coffee table.  
“You’re wearing the necklace,” Spot pointed out. Race rubbed the back of his neck.  
“You still have it?” Spot was genuinely surprised. That had been eight years ago now, and yet the necklace still looked like it did the day he bought it.  
“Of course I do. I’ve kept everything you’ve bought me over the years.” Spot laughed.  
“Even the stuffed dinosaur?”  
“Especially the stuffed dinosaur.”  
“You’re gonna think it’s stupid!” Spot cried, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Race laughed, holding Spot back with one hand as he clutched the wrapped gift in the other.  
“Nope!” He answered, popping the p. “I’ve never found anything you’ve bought me stupid, why would I start now?” Spot groaned and backed off slightly, rubbing a hand over his face. Race eagerly tore into the paper , throwing it onto the pile left by Spot. He grinned, laughing. “I love him!” He said, pulling the blue stuffed dinosaur against his chest and wrapping his arms tightly around it. “I shall name him Steeb.” Spot shook his head, laughing. He had genuinely thought Race would hate it or think it was stupid. Race had been going through an obsession with dinosaurs, and of course he was always a sucker for stuffed animals, and thus Steeb had been bought.  
Race pulled him into a tight hug, still laughing. “Thank you.”  
“Where are we actually going?” Race asked as they walked outside onto the freezing street. Frost coated the grass, and their breath hung before them, pockets of heat suspended in the cold air.
“It’s a surprise,” Spot said simply. Race forced his hands into the pocket of his coat to shelter them from the cold.  
“You know I don’t like surprises,” he mumbled.  
“Yes you do, you just say you don’t to try to get me to tell you shit.” Damn Spot and damn the fact that he knew Race better than anyone.  
“You brought me ice skating?” Race asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.  
“Yeah, Jack said you used to go a lot as kids.” Race grinned, kicking off his shoes and replacing them with skates, lacing them up tightly. Spot copied him, putting their shoes and bags into lockers.  
Race quickly made his way onto the ice, gliding like a pro and kicking off with a small spin, just to test it out. Spot got onto the ice and promptly fell on his face. Race, however, was lost in the moment, gliding and spinning and twisting, then leaping into the air. Spot watched in wonder as Race closed his eyes, lost in his movements.  
Race closed his eyes when he danced. Losing himself in the music, he would just close his eyes and let it take over. It would decide his movements for him, and he would follow along. Spot stood in the corner, mesmerised by the boy in front of him. A small smile crept onto his face as he watched Race. It was rare for Race to let Spot see him dance, so he took any moment he could. Watching Race, it was like he was made for this, with the way his body moved so gracefully, so purposefully. Spot loved every moment. No matter how hard he tried (not that he was trying), he couldn’t tear his eyes away.  
“Spot!” Race said excitedly, opening his eyes and pausing the music. “You came?” Spot smiled.  
“Of course I came, dumbass. I wasn’t gonna miss this.” Race bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly.  
“I’m on in half an hour. Just going through some basic stuff now to get ready.” Spot scoffed.  
“You call that basic?” Race ran a hand through his curls, damp with sweat.  
“I mean yeah, compared to what I’m doing in the show.”  
“What are you doing in the show?”  
“You’ll have to wait and see,” Race said with a wink.  
“Ever the cryptid.” They stood in silence for a moment, then Spot had to break it. “You’re not binding, right?” Race’s face fell and he subconsciously crossed his arms over his chest. “C’mon, you know it’s not good for you. Can we take it off before you go on?”  Race shook his head.  
“I don’t have anything else to put on.”  
“I brought a sports bra, could you change into that?” Race hesitated for a moment, before nodding. Race always struggled being safe when binding, so when he had events like this, Spot would always bring a spare sports bra and one of his hoodies for Race to change into. Just in case.  
He handed Race the sports bra.  
“I have a hoodie for you to wear after,” he said, handing him the hoodie too. Race smiled as he went into the bathroom to change.  
“Thank you.”  
“Spot!” Race cried, skating over to his side and offering out a hand. “Are you alright?” Spot shook himself out of the memory and took the hand, shakily getting to his feet. He immediately slipped again, but Race caught him, laughing. “You can’t skate, can you?” Spot shook his head. “Why did you bring me ice skating if you can’t skate?”  
“Because I knew you’d like it.” Race took both of Spots hands in his, so they were facing each other, then he slowly began skating backwards, locking eyes with Spot.  
“Thank you.” Spot tried his best to mimic Race, and soon they had a steady speed and rhythm going. “By the end of tonight I’ll have you skating on your own.”  
“I doubt that.”  
Race won the bet.  
“Wanna go get hot chocolate?” Spot asked. “Not the shitty watery stuff they serve here, we’ll go and get the good hot chocolate from the library.” Race rubbed his hands together to try to regain some feeling in them and he nodded.  
“Hell yeah.”  
The library’s café was a big reason why they always hung out there. They’d found it while studying one night, and it had slowly become ‘Their Spot’ over the years. All the staff knew them and their orders, and always greeted them with a smile. They knew all the staff by name too.  
“Thanks for this, Race.” Spot said, setting his books down on the table. Race smiled, setting his bag down on an empty seat.  
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” He glanced around. It was a cozy, quaint place. Squashy armchairs surrounded tables and the whole place was filled to bursting with old wooden bookshelves. Towards the back was the café, a large chalkboard with all the prices hanging above it. “Wanna grab food and stuff before we start working?” He asked, gesturing towards the café. Spot looked up, and nodded.  
“Yeah sure.”  
“I’ll pay,” Race said as Spot reached for his wallet.  
“No buts, I’ve got it.” Race tapped his card on the reader and took his mug of hot chocolate, laden with sprinkles, whipped cream and marshmallows back to the table. Spot sat down shortly after him, lifting the mug to his lips. Race took that moment to admire Spot, backed by the sunlight streaming through the large windows. His brow was furrowed slightly as he concentrated on his mountain of a drink, and the contended smile on his face brought out his laugh lines.  
There was whipped cream on his nose.  
Race burst into laughter at the sight of Tough Guy Spot Conlon with whipped cream on his nose. Said Tough Guy Spot Conlon looked up, brow furrowing more in confusion.  
“Is something on my face?” He asked.  
“There’s – there’s whipped cream on your nose,” Race said through laughter. Just to make Race laugh more,  Spot attempted to lick it off. He loved watching Race laugh. It was the most magical sound in the world to him.  
“Boys, can you quiet down a bit,” a waitress asked, “this is a library.” Race pressed his mouth shut to muffle his laughter and Spot wiped the cream off with his finger. That was the beginning of their library ‘study sessions’.    
They settled into what had become their corner of the library, curling up in two opposite armchairs, setting their drinks on the table. They had chosen a spot right next to a large window so they could watch people go about their days on the streets beneath them. Sometimes they would make up ridiculous stories about the people walking by, just to make the other laugh. Often, it would turn into a competition about who could come up with the funniest story. It would reach the point where they were howling with laughter, tears streaming down their faces, and the library staff would shake their heads fondly as they told them to quiet down.  
“Thanks for tonight, Spot,” Race said, a small smile on his face.  
“It’s not over yet.”  Race tilted his head. It had already been one of the best nights of his life, how on Earth was this not the end? “We’re gonna go back to my place one we’ve finished these, get takeout, watch a movie.” Race grinned.  
“A Christmas movie?” He asked excitedly.  
“Even better – a crap Christmas movie.” Race’s eyes lit up and he wiggled a little in his chair with excitement.  
“Oh my god, you are the best.” Race was obsessed with Christmas movies, but the shitty, cheesy ones that you laugh at because of how unbelievably  bad  they are, and Spot was his long-suffering companion who had put up with this bullshit for nine Christmases in a row now.  
“Can we watch a Christmas movie?” Race asked, draped over Spot’s lap. This was their first Christmas as friends, and Race was going to make it a good one.  
“Which one?” Spot smiled down at Race, automatically starting to run his fingers through his hair.  
“I dunno, something super cheesy. The kind so bad you have to laugh at it.” That was Race’s favourite kind of me. Probably why he enjoyed the Twilight Saga. Not because he actually liked the films (Edward was an abusive douche, he had physically fought someone on that before, and he would do it again), but because it was so easy to laugh at how unbelievably shitty they were.  
Spot nodded, opening Netflix and putting on some shitty movie.  
Neither of them actually watched the movie though. Spot was distracted by Race’s soft smile and how peaceful he looked. Race was distracted by the feeling of Spot’s hand in his hair and Spot’s arms around him.  
It had been a while since Race had been in Spot’s apartment, (they usually preferred to hang out at Race’s, he had a bigger TV for movie and game nights) and he looked around slowly. It wasn’t a big place, but it was still nice. He had a large, squashy sofa, plus an armchair, a coffee table that clearly had been cleaned recently. In fact, the whole apartment had that smell like it had been cleaned just a few hours before. Had Spot cleaned for him?  
“Do you want tea or coffee or anything?” Spot asked from the kitchen.  
“Coffee would be good,” Race answered, getting comfy on Spot’s couch. Spot set to work making it as Race glanced over the takeout menu. Then, he had an idea. “We should build a pillow fort!” Spot turned to face him, one eyebrow raised, a bemused smile playing on his lips.  
“A pillow fort?”  
“Yeah!” Race’s smile dropped slightly. “Unless you don’t want to. We don’t have to-”  
“Of course I want to.” Spot set the coffee mugs down on the table, plopping down next to Race. Race’s eyes lit up when he saw the mugs.  
“You still have those?” He asked excitedly.  
“Of course I do.”  
“Spot look!” Race exclaimed, pointing at a shelf. Spot put down the mannequin hand he was turning into a middle finger and turned to look at Race, who was holding up a matching mug set. They were plain white, except for black lettering. One said ‘his bitch’ on it, while the other said ‘his slut’. “They’re for gays!” Spot laughed, looking at the price tag.  
“And they’re only like, $3.” Race’s eyes lit up with mischief, the way they always did when he had a stupid idea.  
“We’re absolutely gonna buy them, aren’t we?” Race said.  
“Obviously.” Spot took them from Race and paid for them.  
Later, Spot handed Race the mug reading ‘his slut.’  
“Why am I the slut?” Race said indignantly.  
“Come on, we all know you’ve slept with like, half the guys in the school.” Race’s face fell a little.  
“You don’t mind, do you?”  
“You sleeping around?”  
“Yeah.” In truth, Spot did mind, but he wouldn’t say that. The only reason Spot had an issue with it was because of his  huge  crush on Race. But he supposed he had no reason to be jealous, it wasn’t like Race was his.  
“No, I don’t mind. It’s your body, you do what you want with it.”  
“Sometimes I worry if I’m doing something wrong. If, I dunno, whoever I end up dating doesn’t like it.”  
“Have you ever dated anyone long-term?” Spot asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. Race shook his head.  
“Nah. There’s people I’ve seen for a couple months or so, but never longer than that. They realise I’m fucked up and leave.” Race laughed bitterly, trying to add humour to the situation.  
“You’re not fucked up.”  
“Mhm, that’s not what they think.” Spot took Race’s hand in his.  
“Look at me.” Race hesitantly met Spot’s eyes. “You  aren’t  too fucked up. There’s no such thing as too fucked up to be loved.” Race blinked back tears.  
“Thank you.”  
“It’s alright, now shut up and take your slut mug.” Race laughed.  
“You do realise it’s gonna have to stay at your place, right? No home will let me keep this.”  
“We can keep it for special occasions.”  
They curled up together on the couch. Spot reached for the remote and started flicking through Netflix, putting on a shitty movie. Both pretended to watch the film, but they were both too focused on the close proximity. Both wanted to make a move, but neither knew the right moment. The distance between them was painful.  
Slowly, achingly slowly, Spot reached an arm around Race’s shoulders. Race wiggled slightly, getting comfy, before relaxing into Spot’s side, resting his head on Spot’s shoulder. Warmth spread from every point of contact, and he couldn’t believe he’d spent nine years missing this. He had spent so long pining for Spot, but never worked up the courage to make a move, instead throwing himself at any other guy who would take him to try to distract himself from his helpless crush, but nobody gave him the same feelings as Spot did. Spot was it for him, he had known for the last nine years, and he knew it now.  
Spot was screaming inside. Race was right here, in his arms, and he wasn’t pulling away. They were on a date, and it wasn’t painfully awkward. Since meeting Race, Spot had hardly dated anyone. He had a couple flings here and there, but none lasted long. None could hold a candle to the brightness of Race. Nothing could compare to the warmth in Spot’s chest he felt around Race, or the safety and comfort he hadn’t felt before, but with Race it seemed so easy. Everything was easy with Race.  
Race took the moment to look around the room. In the corner, there was a photo frame, with 9 photos in it. He looked closer at it, and realised it was one of the two of them together, each one taken a year after the one before. The first one was taken when they first met, before Race had come out, before he had cut his hair. The second one was just after he had cut his hair. He still remembered each one being taken.  
“Spot, can we take a photo together?” Race asked, fiddling with the ends of his hair.  
“I like having photos with all my friends, I like keeping the memories.”  
“Sure. You want a selfie or are we gonna make someone take it for us?”  
“Should we get someone else to take it?” Spot nodded. “Can you ask them?”  
“Alright.” Spot took Race’s phone and walked up to a middle aged woman walking by. They spoke briefly, then Spot came running back, throwing an arm around Race’s shoulder. Race grinned, looking at the camera, wrapping his arm around Spot’s waist. A few seconds later, the woman gave them a thumbs up, and Spot ran back to take the phone back. Spot handed the phone back, leaning over Race’s shoulder to look at them.  
“Are they good?” Race nodded, smiling.  
“Yeah, really good.” Spot backed off slightly, wrinkling his nose.  
“Your hair got in my nose.” Race frowned.  
“Sorry. I’m gonna cut it shorter at some point.” Spot tilted his head.  
“Really? How short?” Now Race was gonna do a special trick called lying to avoid outing himself.  
“A bob, so around my chin length.” Spot smiled, picturing it.  
“Yeah, that’s gonna look good.”  
“You think?”  
“Yeah, it’s gonna be good.”  
Race pounded on Spot’s door, wiping the tears from his eyes.  
“Wha- oh.” Spot opened the door, face scrunched up in annoyance, but softening when he saw Race. “Oh, Racer, come in.” Race came in, sinking down onto the couch, fiddling with the strings on his hoodie.  
“Can I crash here for the night?” He asked, voice breaking. Spot’s brow furrowed with concern as he crouched down in front of Race.  
“Yeah. What happened?” Race hesitated, before pulling his hood down, revealing his messily chopped hair.  
“I cut my hair. I just- I couldn’t look at myself with long hair anymore. I got kicked out.” Spot frowned.  
“What do you mean you couldn’t look at yourself with long hair?” Race’s breath hitched and his heart hammered in his chest.  
“I-uh-I'm trans. I couldn’t deal with the dysphoria anymore. It hurts too much.” Spot’s eyes softened and he wrapped Race up in a tight hug.  
“It’s alright. I don’t care. Do you have a new name and pronouns you want me to use?” Race rested his forehead on Spot’s shoulder, trying to keep from crying.  
“Could you call me Antonio? I mean, I’ll still go by Racetrack and everything, but Antonio for my real name. And he/him pronouns.”  
“Sure, Antonio,” Spot said, trying the name out on his lips. Race’s face split into a grin at the use of the name.  
“Thank you.”  
“It’s alright.” Spot reached up to touch the choppy hair. “Now how about I sort your hair out?”  
Race ran a hand through his freshly cut hair, examining it from all angles in the mirror, and he smiled brightly.  
“Thank you,” he said, turning and wrapping Spot in a hug. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”  
“Why don’t we update that photo we took last year?” Spot suggested, and Race’s eyes lit up.  
“Could we?”  
“I don’t see why not.”  
Spot threw his arm around Race’s shoulders, just as he had a year ago, and Race wrapped his arm around Spot’s waist, and they both wore matching grins as they looked into the camera. The woman taking the photo gave a thumbs up and Spot ran to take the phone. They looked at the photo, then back at the one from the previous year.  
“You look happier,” Spot commented. Race smiled.  
“I am happier.”  
“You kept those photos?” Race asked, nodding slightly to the frame. Spot tore his glance away from Race momentarily to look.  
“Of course I did. They’re my favourite pictures.” Race smiled, settling back on Spot’s shoulder. A blush rose in his cheeks as he felt Spot press a kiss to his hair, then his hand replaced his lips, fingers slowly carding through his curls. Race hummed contentedly, wrapping an arm across Spot’s stomach and leaning into his every touch. Now this, this was something he could get used to.  
The credits rolled, and by that point it was well past midnight. Race slowly sat up, regretting the loss of contact with Spot.  
“I-uh-I should go,” he said, moving to stand.  
“I’ll walk you home?” Spot offered.  
“Are you sure? It’s cold out.”  
“I’m sure, c’mon.”  
Somehow, the street was even colder than when they had gone out before, but neither of them seemed to mind. A snowbank piled up on one side, and Race struggled to contain his grin as the idea formulated in his mind.  
He knocked once, twice against Spot, playing it off as an accident, before shoving Spot into the bank. He erupted into laughter, but maybe it was too soon, as Spot grabbed his coat on the way down. Both of them shrieked as they landed in the snow, Race landing on top of Spot. They breathed heavily, making eye contact for a moment, faces flushed, but whether that was the cold or something else was anyone’s guess. Just as they had been staring long enough for it to become awkward, Spot finally made his move. He leaned in, like he had been longing to for years, holding the back of race’s neck and gently pressing their lips together. Electricity sparked through his body and he couldn’t quite believe he had spent years missing out on this. One of his hands subconsciously moved to tangle in Race’s hair, who tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss. The world around them seemed to melt away, and all that mattered was them, and this.  
“Fucking fags!” A voice yelled next to them. Spot was about to shake his head at Race, tell him to leave it, but Race was already on his feet.  
“Hey! What fucking century are you living in? So what I happen to be dating a man, please inform me of how I’m hurting you by loving him.  
“It’s against God’s will. You’re digusting,” the man said, rounding on Race.  
“No, I’ll tell you what’s disgusting – discriminating against people who have done  nothing  to hurt you, just because of a fucking book that was mistranslated. Wake the fuck up. People fall in love, they don’t hurt you by doing that, they just do it.”  
“Fuck you!” The man spat, turning to walk away.  
“I bet it’s fucking tiny!” Race yelled after him, turning back to Spot, who looked at him in amazement. “Sorry about that.” Spot shook his head, taking the hand Race offered to him and pulled himself to his feet.  
“That was amazing,” he said honestly, smiling.  
“I just- I couldn’t let him just  say  that y’know? I mean, I’ve heard shit like that for years, but I wasn’t gonna let him say it to you.”  
“It’s nothing I haven’t heard before.”  
“That’s not the point.” Spot leaned up to kiss him quickly.  
“Either way, that was wonderful.” Spot had never seen Race angry like that before. Not when the Delanceys had constantly torn him down, not when he moved from foster home to foster home, not when he had gotten detention just for trying to use the right bathroom. But one homophobic comment and he had gotten furious like Spot had never seen before, and god Spot didn’t think he could possibly love Race more.  
Race smiled, hesitantly lacing his fingers with Spot’s as they walked the last few blocks to Race’s apartment.  
“Your house wasn’t decorated,” Race commented.  
“Yeah, I haven’t gotten around to it yet.”  
“I’ll come over tomorrow and help you decorate.” Spot didn’t get a say in it. Race was gonna deck that apartment out in so much glitter and coloured lights it would be like a very gay tornado had gone through and left parts of itself all over. Not that Spot minded. He would take any opportunity possible to spend time with Race. “I expect you up early.” Spot’s face dropped. “I’ll bring coffee,” Race added, solely because he knew coffee was the only way to bribe Spot into getting out of bed before 10am.  
“Alright, I’ll be expecting greatness. It better live up to the expectations Jack’s given me.”  
“It’ll be worse, I promise,” Race said with a grin.  
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”  
They slowed when they reached the door to Race’s apartment, lingering a moment before Race unlocked the door.  
“Uh, thanks for tonight, Spotty. I had fun,” Race said, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t really want the night to end, but at least he would see Spot tomorrow.  
“Yeah, so did I.” They shuffled slightly, neither wanting to end the night. “Are we- are we gonna do this again sometime?” Spot finally asked.  
“Are you kidding me? If we’re not doing this like, weekly, we’re doing something wrong.” Spot chuckled a little, before looking up. He laughed, seeing mistletoe hung in the doorframe. Race’s eyes widened, before he looked at Spot, blush rising in his cheeks.  
“Do you wanna-” Race’s question turned into a squeak as Spot crashed their lips together, pulling Race close. He was gonna take every damn opportunity to kiss Race that he could. He had already missed out on nine years, he wasn’t gonna lose any more.  
Slowly, they broke away, neither wanting to, but both knowing they had to. Their faces were flushed, eyes wide.  
“I’ll, uh, I’ll see you tomorrow, or would it be today now?” Race asked.  
“Technically today.”  
“I’ll see you later today then,” Race said with a smile.  
“Yeah, I’ll see you later.”  
They kissed quickly once more, then Spot disappeared down the street.  
In Which Race Is A Third Wheel  
SantaGay :  did you guys enjoy my surprise???  
Mom:  I told you not to.  
Racebox of  Higgars :  YES!
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captainillogical · 5 years ago
Devil’s Ballroom ch.2
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with wife @firstofficertightpants
The place actually happened to be like, right on the edge of Little Homeworld. Outside had full glass windows, tall, that reached the ceiling. Inside the lighting was dim, and a bit smokey. You figured it looked alright enough to head in, and gave the bouncer your ID. He nodded and you walked in. It smelt of cigars, and of cinnamon, and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. A pretty woman in a low-cut red dress was playing the piano on the stage, and it was some contemporary jazz piece. The low murmur of people talking filled the air in between the swells of music, and the place actually seemed busy with people and even gems enjoying themselves. You liked the vibe. It was.. comfortable. At ease. You looked over at the bar, rather than any of the tables, and saw a spot near the end. Perfect. Right by the bathroom. You headed over and plopped down on the stool. There were three empty at the end, so you took the one in the middle, which had the best view of the stage from back here.
While waiting for the bartender to come back down this side, you took the chance to look  at the people around you. A couple familiar faces.. small town you know? And some new ones. New gems too. You can see Mr. Fryman sitting at a table with Kofi and Nanefua, and they look like they’re playing poker. You try not to snicker since Kofi looks absolutely blasted, and Mr. Fryman is cursing up a storm because Nanefua is clearly winning. You see her wink at Mr. Fryman. You suspect a rigged game.
Your phone chimes a couple times. You pull it out of your bag, and check to see who’s bothering you. Ah. The group chat.
    Alex: ughhh you guys my gmas killing me
    Alex: no seriously mexico fucking blows rn 
    Alex: i cant step outside without feeling like my balls are melting off my body
    Alex: and my brother won’t stop listening to the book of mormon soundtrack
    Alex: im going insane
Your friends are so melodramatic. You type out a couple of replies.
    Y/N: You should be used to mexican summers by now, you go every year.
    Y/N: And for the record, your brother is valid. Book of Mormon slaps.
    Alex: what the fuck youre supposed to be on my side u ass
    Alex: i thought our special thing was wicked. OUR SPECIAL THING, Y/N
    Y/N: I’m allowed to like multiple things. Including musicals. 
    Alex: never. fuck you. also what are you even doing rn come play minecraft with me
    Y/N: Yeah as much as I’d like to, I can’t.
“Y/N! So you finally came to see what this place is all about! What can I get ya?” you hear a familiar voice ask. Turning around to face the voice, you see Bismuth wearing her usual overalls and a rather nice looking bow tie. 
“Hey Bis, how’s it going? I like what you’ve done with the place. It’s nice. And uh, I’ll just take a hard cider for now.” You smile at her and set your phone down for a minute.
“Thank you! After we finished Little Homeworld, I had to find something else to focus on in my down time.” She explains while grabbing your drink from the fridge under her side of the bar, and opens it. “So tell me,” She sits the drink in front of you and leans on the counter. “What brings you out here today?”
You take a rather long sip from your drink before meeting the large gems eyes. On the stage, a tall, beardy man replaces the woman that just finished her piece. He immediately starts this jaunty, irish tune. He’s singing loudly, and it’s not bad. A couple of people are clapping to the tune.
“I just really needed to get out.” You replied, taking another sip from your drink. “I was kinda hoping I’d meet someone new, maybe get another friend to hang out with, since my friends wanted to ditch me this summer.” As you’re saying this, more people join the clapping. It’s getting a bit rowdy. “Or maybe at least get drunk enough to forget how lonely I feel.” You add, shrugging. 
“Well, I can supply the drinks, and at least a bit of company.” Bismuth winks, and turns to the patron 6 seats up waving her over. 
You check your phone again, and there’s more from Alex. AND Harper? She must still have phone service wherever she’s at.     Alex: what are u fuckin doin that so important that u cant play minecraft with ur best friend
    Harper: yeah, Y/N. the heck. Also alex, get lost, she’s MY best friend bitch
    Alex: u had ur chances but u left us so we’re a duo now. u can go
    Harper: excuse me!? I WILL end you.
    Y/N: Oh my god, chill. I’m just out right now, so I can’t okay? 
    Y/N: And nice of you to join us, Harper.
    Harper: fuck you I miss you okay. And I miss constant wifi :(
    Alex: OUT!? What do you mean OUT. its night. u play games with ME during this time
    Alex: for real what the fuck are you doing
    Harper: yeah, you don’t go out without us. Wtf are you doing?
    Y/N: I’m at a bar!!     Alex: WHAT
    Alex: dont tell me its the one place that just opened
    Alex: Y/N do NOT betray me you TOLD ME you were gonna go with me!!
    Y/N: I was. But I was also bored and you’re both gone, soooo. 
    Alex: wow
    Alex: i cant believe youve done this to me
    Harper: hmmm. ;)
    Harper: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
    Y/N: What.
    Harper: you tryin to find girls again? 
    Harper: like that one time you went to empire city just to peruse the mall?
    Alex: LMAOOOOO
    Y/N: No.
    Y/N: I’m not trying to find a girlfriend you fucks. Christ.
    Y/N: Also Alex, you’re one to talk. You can’t KEEP a girlfriend.
    Alex: ur just mad i have a passionate and intimate relationship w/ my hand
    Y/N: And it will probably stay that way. 
    Y/N: Besides, so far, no one cute here. So it’s a bust.
    Harper: a bust. Lmfao u just outed yourself :)
    Y/N: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
You put your phone down before seeing whatever Alex attempts to reply back with. It sounds like the current boisterous song is coming to a close, and really, most of the people here are clapping along with this guy. It’s fun. And despite the playful ribbing from your shit-talking friends, you’re starting to have a nice time. You finish your drink, and nod over to Bismuth who catches your eye and nods back. You look over onto the stage, the man having cleared the piano, and see Lapis wiping down the piano and seat. Guess he spilled his drink while playing. Lapis, unlike Bismuth, actually dressed up a bit for the job. Her hair was pulled in a cute, small bun, and she was wearing what looks like a tailored tux with no jacket. The vest fit her quite well. She seemed.. happy. Good for her.
No one had taken up the stage again yet, but the place was still lively with chatter. You see someone out of the corner of your eye move towards the stage, but Bismuth comes over again so you tear your gaze away. 
“Another cider? Or do you want something else this time, Y/N? She asks, cleaning a glass with a rag, and moves on to the next one. 
“Ehh, yeah, give me another cider.” You say as you pull out your phone again. Bismuth sets down the drink in front of you.
    Harper: what a goddamn disaster. she got that from me i think
    Alex: no, youre both disasters separately
    Y/N: Fuck you guys. Give me a break.
You hear the piano start to play again, and someone pulling the mic forward. You look up to see pink hair.. And someone kind of familiar. She’s wearing black slacks, a white collared shirt, and suspenders. The shirt is partially open, and you see part of a pink gem showing through on her chest. It looks like she’s got mascara running down her face. 
And then.. she starts to sing. 
It’s lovely. It’s slow and a bit sad, but she seems to be enjoying herself. She’s definitely done this before. Quite a few of the people around quiet down some, so you can hear her pretty clearly. You drink some, and text your friends.
    Y/N: Guys, I lied. There’s a cute gem here who can sing.
    Alex: holy fuk
    Alex: what
    Y/N: She looks kind of familiar though? I can’t quite place it though.
    Harper: dude theres like near 100 gems now in little homeworld lol
    Harper: you’ve probs seen most in passing? :P
    Alex: are you serious Y/N? cant flirt with human women so u turn to aliens? lmfao
    Y/N: Ohhhhh my god. Die.
The gem on stage sings the chorus with gusto - man she’s really getting into this. You’re kind of taken a bit with her performance. It just pulls you. But also.. She really seems familiar now and it’s bothering you.
    Y/N: No I’m serious she seems really familiar and not in that In Passing kind of way.
    Harper: what does she look like?
    Alex: yeah a description would be nice 
    Harper: TAKE A PIC
    Alex: holy shit YES 
    Y/N: I can’t take a pic. She’s too far away, it’ll be blurry.
    Alex: literally just zoom in lord almighty
    Y/N: Okay. Hold on a sec.
You turn on your camera app, and face the stage. Looks like the gem is actually finishing up her song. Perfect, you’ll snap a pic once she stands up. She finishes, and most of the people are clapping for her. You zoom in, and it’s grainy, but decent enough to make out most of her. You snap the pic.
The flash was on.
A couple people turn to look at you, and you try turning away quickly, horrified, and see the gem looking in your direction before walking off into the crowd of people. You cannot imagine a worse scenario. 
    Y/N: (image sent)
With shaking hands, you take another sip of your drink and wait for a reply. Why is life like this.
    Harper: uh.
    Harper: ummm.
    Alex: wait
    Alex: one fucking second
    Alex: shut up for one second
    Alex: harper isnt that
    Harper: uhh. yeah i think so.
    Alex: lmao i cant believe i have to tell u this
    Alex: bitch do u remember that shit that happened last summer
    Alex: where half the town almost died from that gem shit
    Alex: that’s her     Alex: that’s the bitch who almost killed like, the entire planet
    Harper: you know that night your dad almost died??
As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now. 
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years ago
Forever and Always Ch. 7
Eddie is the only one of his friends to stay behind in Derry after high school, causing him to lose touch with some of them. Now 24, Eddie has heard rumors that his now famous, former best friend (aka love of his life) may be coming back to town. That won’t be too awkward, right?
Ch. 8
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2k+ words
Wednesday Richie had a video conference with his manager and some producer. He also needed to help bring his dad home and get situated. He’d told Eddie the night before that he may not be available to see him at all that day. Eddie had to work all day anyway, but he was still sad about having to miss even one day with him. Neither knew what would happen in a week when Richie was gone again.
With the store empty, Eddie had time to really think things over as he sat on top of his stool and leaned heavily against the countertop. He knew that he wanted to be with Richie. He’d known it for a long time. Now that he knew Richie wanted him back and they were together, could he really just let it all slip away again? Part of him thought he’d start packing that evening and look for jobs and apartments online in New York. He had a decent enough savings that he could swing the first and last months rent on a very tiny studio apartment. There was the option of staying with Richie or Ben and Bev while he looked for a place he could manage. He would work all day and then go to Richie’s shows in the evening. They get dinner and drinks with Beverly and Ben and have date night at least once a week.
The fantasy was just starting to convince him he could make it all a reality when his mother’s voice filled his head. “You can’t leave me Eddie! What if I get sick again? Who will take care of me if you’re not here?  New York is so dangerous! You could be mugged or bitten by a rat on the subway and die in a hospital bed wishing you’d listened to me.”
Then there was her reaction to his sexuality to worry about. If he told her he was leaving to be with his boyfriend she would go into shock. If she found out that his boyfriend was Richie Tozier, she was likely to go into cardiac arrest. She still didn’t know that he had any contact with him since being back in town. He’d told her that he’d been at the library and was too tired to eat when he returned as he’d already eaten with Richie. The lies were piling up, but he didn’t feel like he had a choice.
It seemed the easiest thing to do would be to disappear in the middle of the night with a note left on the table. He knew he couldn’t do that to her though. It might actually kill her and that’s not what he wanted. He just wanted to be in New York with Richie, making up for the mistake he’d made six years ago.
Eddie was distracted with his inner turmoil and didn’t notice when Gerard arrived. He didn’t hear the bell above the door jingle and he definitely didn’t hear Gerard sneaking up behind him. When he felt something press into his back, he startled and whirled around on the stool when he heard Gerard, in a deep voice, say, “Empty the register.”
Eddie slapped his hand away while Gerard laughed at his own joke. He hadn’t even realized how late it had gotten while he was staring into space thinking about all of his life choices.
“Couldn’t resist trying to scare you since you were so out of it.” Gerard giggled. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m trying to make an important life decision that could completely alter my future.”
Gerard set his bag on the floor and dropped onto his own stool. “Damn, you pregnant or something?”
“Yes Gerard. I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
“Hell yea that would be one cute kid.”
“I cannot talk to you.” Eddie turned his back on Gerard, only to have him pull his stool up next to him so he couldn’t avoid him.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to cheer you up. What’s going on?”
Eddie sighed and wondered if he could tell Gerard everything. He’d never betrayed his trust before, so why shouldn’t he? He didn’t have a lot of people to confide in and he knew what all of their friends would say if he went to them. They’d all tried to encourage him to leave multiple times. He needed someone else’s opinion.
“To explain I have to give a bit of backstory.” Gerard nodded and stayed silent, so Eddie continued. “When we were seventeen, I made out with Richie on the kissing bridge except I was drunk and forgot all about it. Since I acted like it never happened, Richie thought I was rejecting him.”
“Then when he was leaving Derry to move to New York, he asked me to come with him. I didn’t go because I didn’t think my mom could survive without me. I was also worried that I’d have to watch him fall in love and end up alone there because I didn’t know how he felt.”
“Do you know how he feels now?”
“Yea. He loves me and has since we were kids. I’ve been in love with him just as long and I feel so stupid for letting so much time slip away from us.”
“Fuck. I knew you loved him as like a fan, but I didn’t know you were in love with him. Sorry I keep having sex dreams about your man.”
“He’s leaving in a week. Maybe sooner. He has to go back to New York and get back to work. He wants me to go with him and I’m eighteen again standing on the side of the road, watching him drive away. Only this time I can fix it and get in the car with him, but the same dilemma remains.”
“Your mom?”
“And she still doesn’t know you’re gay?”
“No. She doesn’t even know I’m in touch with Richie. She’s always hated him, so I lied about reconnecting with him. I keep lying to stop that lie from being uncovered and now if I make the choice to go, I have to admit to it all. Which will just make everything worse and more complicated.”
Both fell silent as Gerard took it all in and thought it over. He didn’t know what to tell him. He was sixteen and didn’t have any real-world experience yet. He thought that if it were him, he would have gone the first time. But he also could see why Eddie made the choice he did. There was just one problem…
“You made the choice not to go with Richie because you were eighteen and scared. You’re not eighteen anymore Eddie. You know what life is like if you say no and stay in Derry. Do you want to continue driving an hour outside of town just to go to a bar that will accept you? Do you want to have drunk one-night stands with random guys instead of waking up next to the man you love? Do you want to spend the rest of your life working in this shitty little convenience store, complaining to your next teenage coworker about how you’re 35 and still living with your manipulative mother who doesn’t even know the truth about you?”
“Ok, ok. I get it. I know you’re right. Of course, I want to go with him. I just, I need to think about it seriously. About what it would mean to go and what it would mean to stay.”
“If you stay, I’m never speaking to you again.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“No, I don’t. But I will forever think of you as the stupidest man I ever met in my life.”
Eddie still had a lot to think about but hearing Gerard voice the words that had been rattling around in his head all day was sobering. He knew that the first step was sitting down and telling his mom everything. Just…not yet. He had to think about what he was going to say and what he’d do if she reacted the way he expected. Having Richie on standby was probably the best bet in case she tried to lock him away in his bedroom. He could rescue him like the princes in the tower and would enjoy every second of it. He spent much of their teen years climbing in through Eddie’s bedroom window anyway, so he knew how to go about it.
Gerard and Eddie had to finish their conversation when a customer walked in. He didn’t want to broadcast to anyone else in the town that he was gay and thinking about leaving Derry. He just knew that it would get back to his mother somehow and that’s not how he intended for her to find out. The rest of his shift went fairly smoothly after that. It picked up a bit the closer it got to 5pm with people running out to get last minute ingredients for dinner. He and Gerard closed up and went their separate ways around 6:30.
Eddie spent his walk home imagining what it would be like to tell his mom as soon as he got home that he was leaving Derry to move to New York with his boyfriend Richie. He could practically see her head combusting. He needed a way to break it to her softly, but he didn’t know the right way. Maybe if he presented her with a plane ticket to New York first it would go a little easier. Like she’d ever get on a plane.
“I’m home.” He called as he walked in the front door.
His mother came from the kitchen, looking annoyed already. “Good. I’m making dinner and I expect you’ll be here to eat it tonight. You’ve left me alone for the past two nights.”
“Er…yea. Sorry. I’ll be here. I’m gonna go clean up first.” Eddie said, kicking off his shoes and dashing up the stairs.
He swapped out the white polo he’d worn to work for a more comfortable t-shirt and jeans for some sweats. His mother wouldn’t approve but he didn’t care. He was in the bathroom washing his hands when his phone began to ring in his bedroom. Quickly drying his hands, he rushed back down the hall to grab it before they hung up. His heart skipped a beat when he read the caller ID. Richie.
“Hello?” Eddie answered the phone, dropping onto his back on his bed.
“Good evening Spaghetti. Are you home yet?”
“Yea I got home a few minutes ago. Is your dad situated at home?”
“He’s resting comfortably in his lounger. Hey, have you eaten yet?”
“No. My mom is cooking. Why?”
“I was just thinking that I miss you and wanted to see if you’d like to go out.”
“Absolutely. Yes. 100%.” Eddie said with a wide grin. “Too eager?”
“Just eager enough. And the answer I was hoping for. I’m on your porch.”
Eddie sat up quickly and looked toward the hallway. “You haven’t knocked or rang the doorbell, have you?”
“No not yet.”
“Don’t. Please. My mom can’t know you’re here. Just…go back to your car and drive to the end of the block. I’ll meet you there in a second.”
Richie was silent for a second. “I’m starting to think you’re ashamed of me Eds.” He laughed but it was more nervous than humorous.
“I’m not. I swear. I just…I’ll explain in the car, ok?”
“Yea. Ok.”
Eddie hung up and rushed to put his jeans back on. At the bottom of the stairs, he sat to slip his shoes back on. Hearing him running down the stairs, his mom came into the hallway in time to see him standing and heading to the door.
“Eddie!” She called out to him. “Where are you going? You said you’d have dinner with me.”
“I’m sorry, ma. There’s an emergency.”
“What kind of emergency?”
“It’s, uh…Gerard. He needs my help with…his grandmother. She’s staying with them and can’t get out of the tub. I’m going to help lift her out. I shouldn’t be too long. Maybe an hour. Or two.”
“Two hours to lift an old woman out of the tub?”
“Well, yea. I have to make sure she’s ok and he might need other help just getting her situated. I’ll text you.”
“But, Eddie!”
He left then, closing the door behind him so she couldn’t see which way he was running in the dark. He heard the door open behind him, but Richie had parked far enough down that she wouldn’t be able to see him getting into the car. Richie eyed him as he slid into the passenger’s seat of his parent’s car and looked out the rear window toward his house.
“Running from the police?” Richie asked.
“Or something.”
Richie pulled away from the curb as Eddie buckled his seat belt. “I figured we’d go somewhere outside of Derry if that’s alright. It’s a longer drive but plenty of time for you to explain why you had to sneak away.”
“Outside of Derry is probably a good idea. My mom doesn’t exactly know that I’m going out with you.”
“Yea I figured since I had to park a block away. You couldn’t have just told her we were hanging out as friends?”
“Well…she doesn’t exactly know that I’m in contact with you…at all.”
“She’s not your biggest fan you know…”
“Yea it’s been rough since the breakup.”
“Choosing to ignore you. And when she initially asked me, I didn’t think I was going to be seeing you. It was before we talked about things the first time. I haven’t told her yet because things are complicated, and she’ll ask me why I’m spending so much time with you. I just feel like it will end up coming out that I’m gay and I’m not ready for her to know that. I don’t know how she’ll respond or what she’ll do to me.”
“It’s fine Eds. I understand.” Richie reached across the center console to grab Eddie’s hand in the dark space between them. “I know she’s bad when it comes to you but what do you think she’d do if you told her?”
“Lock me in my room until I agreed to marry a woman. Hire a hitman to kill you. Break my legs and tie me to the bed like in Misery. Who knows? Maybe all of the above.”
“So, what your saying is, I should just keep driving and hide you away in my apartment?”
Eddie smiled and turned his head to look at Richie. “I’m pretty sure she has a tracker on me somewhere. She was always so afraid I’d be kidnapped I wouldn’t put it past her. They put those things in dogs and cats, they can probably put them in humans too, right?”
“Worth a shot. If she shows up at my place, we’ll just say you went on an impromptu vacation.”
“Cause that will go over well.”
Richie fell silent as he squeezed Eddie’s fingers. “I just don’t want to let you go again.”
“I know. I don’t either. I’ve already decided to tell her everything. I just need to figure out how to do it, so she won’t freak out.”
“Maybe call a swat team to hide behind for when she hulks out.”
“Not the worst plan you’ve had.” Eddie sighed. “I want to tell her. I really do. I’m sick of hiding who I am, and I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you. Because I’m not.”
“I would never think that. You’re lucky to have scored a hot piece of ass like me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You mean you’re the lucky one because I actually like your unfunny ass.” He laughed.
“I’m about to get sappy as fuck because you’re damn right I’m the lucky one. I could barely sleep last night knowing I probably wouldn’t see you today. I got yelled at a handful of times during my video conference because I kept getting distracted just thinking about you. I was at your door before I could even think about it. Fuck, Eds, I love you more than I ever thought possible.”
Eddie chewed his bottom lip, trying to keep emotion from welling up but it was a losing battle. Some part of him knew that his mother loved him deep down under all the instability. He knew that his friends loved him in a familial way. But he’d never felt loved like this. Loved so completely for who he is. Loved by someone that he loved more than anyone else. In an instant, he hated his mother. Hated her for keeping his leash around his neck for years. Making him too afraid of being honest with her and too afraid to leave her. Drilling these compulsions into him with years of fake medication and fears of the outside world. If she’d had it her way, he would never have left their house for even a second his entire life.
“I want to go with you Richie. To New York. And I’m going to tell her everything. That I’m gay, that I’ve been dating you and that I’m leaving to be with you. I promise. As soon as I figure out how, I’ll tell her. Just give me time. Ok?”
Eddie felt a tear slip down his face but luckily Richie couldn’t see it as he kept his eyes on the road. His grip on Eddie’s hand tightened as he brought it to his lips and pressed a firm kiss to the back of it. “Tell me what you need me to do to help. Promise me you won’t let her guilt you into anything.”
“I promise.” Eddie turned his gaze to the road speeding by through the windshield. “I won’t let her manipulation keep us apart ever again.”
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fanficshiddles · 6 years ago
You owe me, Chapter 11
April was working out on the floor when Loki came back from getting more supplies the following day. She was in her underwear, doing push ups and clapping her hands together with each one.
Loki scoffed while he watched her.
‘What?’ She snapped, glaring up at him briefly before continuing.
‘That’s nothing.’
April growled angrily and sat up. ‘Go on then. Let’s see what you can do.’ She folded her arms over her chest as she glared at him.
Loki smirked, he couldn’t take her serious while she was half naked. ‘You’re cute.’ He reached out to pet her head, then walked to the other side of the room.
‘You’re such an asshole.’ She hissed at him and hurled her shoe at him, aiming to hit his back. But he turned around in time and caught it with his quick reflexes.
‘You weren’t saying that last night when I was deep inside you, making you squirm.’ He smirked and leaned against the wall.
April clenched her jaw, she couldn’t think of a good comeback so just flipped him off and went back to doing push ups. Loki chuckled in amusement, pleased he’d won that one. And that he was able to push her buttons in the right way, also knowing her weakness now.
He left her to do her workout for a few minutes, then he decided to have some fun of his own.
The sight of her exercising while just in her underwear, had aroused him. So he sat down on the chair opposite her and pulled his cock out, stroking it languidly while he watched. April never noticed what he was doing until she was finished exercising and stood up, facing him.
She raised an eyebrow at him, her eyes then drawn to his cock he was stroking. With his large hands, he made his cock look normal size. But she knew differently.
Loki smirked, he saw a look of wanting in her eyes, the way she licked her lips too was a big giveaway. He was wanting to see if he could break her, if he could bring her to heel, so to speak.
‘Come here.’ He motioned her to him with a finger.
April narrowed her eyes at him and folded her arms over her chest. She shook her head. ‘If you want me, you come to me.’ She said defiantly and moved onto the bed, back against the headboard so she was still facing him.
She pulled her panties off, then spread her legs wide open, giving him a good view. Loki knew exactly what her game was, she was trying to get him to break, to do what she wanted. But he knew deep down, she didn’t want that. Proof had been how hard she’d come last night when he took control.
April slid her hand down between her thighs and started touching herself, while still looking directly at Loki. She moved her gaze from his cock to his eyes and locked on. Loki was impressed with how she could maintain his intense gaze.
If she wanted to play this game, he would wait it out. He knew that she would give in before he did anyway.
April didn’t think so. She thought that Loki would snap and rush over to take her. But she was surprised with how long he was lasting, actually. Five minutes passed, and he hadn’t looked away from her. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if he had even blinked. His rhythm with his hand remained the same the entire time, stroking himself up and down.
But April was getting hot under the collar. The look on his face, his cock just there, waiting to fill her. She had two fingers shoved inside of her, but they weren’t long enough or filling her as much as she wanted them to. But she knew nothing could fill her as well as his cock could…
Loki knew she was close to snapping. She started writhing around on the bed, little whimpers of frustration filled the room as she tried to finger herself more vigorously.
‘Come here, April.’ Loki demanded, his voice firm and steady.
April closed her eyes and grunted in utter frustration. She wanted to do as he said, though a part of her was fighting with herself. But the need for his cock and him was too much. Thinking about how good it was when he took her last night…
She slid off the bed and went over towards him, shedding her bra in the process, making Loki lick his lips.
He wanted to celebrate, to brag over how she gave in. But he knew that would just piss her off and she would defy him again. So he simply let go of his cock and reached his hand out towards her.
Without hesitation she slid her hand into his. He curled his fingers around her hand, trapping her as he tugged her onto his lap but with her back to his chest. He used his knees to spread her thighs open, then to her utter shock, he slapped her cunt.
‘FUCK! WHAT THE’ She was cut short when he did it again, then a hand wrapped around her neck tightly and he squeezed as he pulled her back, flush against him.
‘You do as you’re told, when you’re told.’ He snarled into her ear, making her tremble.
Oh god YES! Her body was screaming internally.
He grabbed at her thigh and positioned her just right so his cock was at her entrance, then he pulled her down and she sank onto him. They both moaned at the feeling, and it took April a while to adjust again. But Loki didn’t give her much time. He thrust his hips up into her roughly, all she could do was bounce up and down on him, moaning.
His hand was still firmly around her neck, squeezing when he felt like it. Then his other hand slid down the front of her body and found her clit. She squirmed on top of him, still taking his thrusts. But she started crying out in sheer pleasure when he pinched and rubbed at her clit.
She grabbed his forearm and her nails dug into his skin, but that didn’t put him off. It gave her something to do with her hands.
April felt like a fuck doll, as all she could do was take it. She tried to angle herself on top of him, to get some form of control but Loki kept thrusting roughly into her, hitting the right spots that was making her positively soaking wet and her limbs weak. The hand around her throat didn’t give her much leeway anyway.
She lost count how many times she came before Loki exploded inside her. He finally stopped his moving and she just sat on him, enjoying the fullness and warmth of his come inside her. And the pulsing from his cock, she could feel every movement from him. She was that sensitive.
‘Holy fuck.’ She groaned when he let go of her neck and she melted back against him, head on his shoulder.
Loki chuckled darkly and slid both hands up to her breasts, squeezing and then tugging at her hard nipples, making her whimper.
Once she had recovered slightly, she moved off of him and collapsed onto the bed instead. Loki got up and moved to the bed too, but he flipped her over first and gave her ass a good smack. She let out a scream and rolled over onto her back, glaring at him. She felt like he’d split her skin open.
‘You fucker!’ She snarled.
He just winked at her and then lay down on his back for a nap.
When the two recovered, they got dressed and ready to leave.
‘What’s the plan?’ Loki asked.
‘We need to get a car and get to Southampton. I know of someone who can sneak us onto their freighter over to America.’ She said determinedly then looked at her watch. ‘But they leave at 7pm tonight, or we will then have to wait three weeks before they next go out.’
‘We best get moving then.’ Loki nodded.
They paid at reception and thanked the receptionist, Loki flashed her a charming smile that made her blush. They didn’t have to worry about being ratted out by her, that was for sure. She even called them a taxi to take them to the nearest town.
The taxi driver was a little too chatty for Loki’s liking. But April handled him.
‘Where are you two love birds off to then?’ He asked with a cheery smile as they set off.
‘We’re away on our honeymoon. But I can’t say, it’s a surprise.’ April said and looked at Loki, smiling over the top.
He raised an eyebrow at her choice of story.
‘Yes, I am very excited.’ He gave her an over the top smile back, then looked out of the window, hoping to get out of that conversation.
‘Nice. Congratulations on the wedding.’ He then went on to speak about his own wife and his children too.
Loki just rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw, trying to keep himself from telling him to shut up and just drive. April was amused, she could tell Loki was pissed off. He didn’t have much patience at all for humans.
By the time they arrived outside the car hire place, April was surprised that Loki hadn’t combusted. The taxi driver had chatted the whole way there, Loki couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. Leaving April to pay the driver.
‘That was the longest hour of my life.’ He grumbled.
‘Lighten up, grumpy. We have a car to get.’ April gave him a hard pat on the back, earning a glare from him.
She made sure her wig was still on ok, then she went in while Loki waited outside. His face was too recognisable out of the two of them.
He let out a sigh and leaned back against the wall while he waited. He was scanning the people walking by on the pavement, seeing if anyone looked suspicious. But it seemed safe enough for now. Staying at the B&B seemed to have helped them out. He just hoped they would make it to Southampton on time to get the boat.
Loki pulled out one of the burner phones he had and pretended to talk on it, just so he didn’t look suspicious loitering around outside.
After near half an hour, April finally emerged swinging some keys around her finger.
‘Ah, you got it. Any trouble?’ Loki asked as he grabbed his bag and followed her round into the car park.
‘Nope. The IDs worked a treat. They weren’t suspicious at all.’ She said, relieved.
‘Good girl.’ Loki beamed happily. Everything was going to plan so far, they were hopefully going to make it on time now they had a car.
April walked up to a jaguar and Loki’s eyes widened. ‘You certainly pulled out all the stops, huh?’ He chuckled.
‘Well why not? Not like we are actually paying for it.’ She grinned and went to the drivers’ side, but Loki grabbed her arm.
‘Nu uh. I’m driving.’ He grabbed the keys from her and then held them up high when she tried to get them back.
‘Not fair! I got the damn thing.’ She whined.
‘I’m the better driver. We need to blend in, you will end up crashing it.’ He growled.
‘You’re such a cunt.’ She snapped and stormed round to the passenger side.
Loki just chuckled in amusement at her outburst. When they both got in, he noticed she was still in a huff. He just started up the car with a smug look on his face and then off they went.
A little while into the journey, April got over it. She got control over the radio and was singing along happily to one of her favourite songs. They were making good time, April called her friend that was getting them on the ship, and he was expecting them.
‘This is such a smooth ride.’ Loki said gleefully.
‘See, I am good for some things. I have a good eye for cars.’ April boasted.
‘You’re good for sex too.’ Loki smirked and winked at her, making her roll her eyes.
They were driving through a town when Loki pulled over at a shop.
‘Why are you stopping here?’ April asked, suddenly on edge.
‘Because we need to get supplies from the shop. We are going to be in a shipping container for what, over a week? We need plenty of food and water.’ Loki said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
‘Why here though?’ April shifted in her seat and then looked at him. ‘There are shops closer to the port.’
‘We don’t know what we will be arriving to. We don’t know if SHIELD or your gang will be on our tail. And we can’t afford to miss that boat. Stop being such a whinge. Come on.’ He then got out of the car.
He looked back and noticed April was taking a long time. When she finally got out, she was wearing sunglasses and had put on her head scarf.
‘We’re not robbing the place, April. Take off the glasses.’ Loki said, frowning at her.
She grumbled again, but took them off. Though she was really on edge, kept looking around herself.
‘What’s with you?’ Loki asked as they walked up to the shop.
‘Nothing. Let’s just get what we need and get out of here.’ She said hurriedly and quickened her pace into the shop.
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bangtanficgallery · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
author: bangtanficgallery
word count: 1751 (maybe more)
warnings: none
genre: criminal!yoongi, fluff
pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: “He is a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this ain’t smart, but mama I’m in love with a criminal and this type of love isn’t rational, it’s physical. Mama please don’t cry, I will be alright. All reason aside I just can’t deny, I love the guy”
“Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N where are you?”
“Mom, just listen to me”
“Where are you? We’ve been looking for you for months I don’t know w-”
“Mom, just stop! Listen what I have to say or else I’m going to hang up and you’re never going to hear about me again”
Suddenly the line got quiet, she’s waiting. Also, she is desperate. Knowing my mom, she would never shut up. I could feel the tears going down my cheeks and my head starting to ache, but I tried my best to keep my voice stable.
“I’m not coming back home” my mom started to speak again but I cut her “I can’t, ok? It’s dangerous for you guys, so I have to disappear”
“Oh my beautiful daughter” She was quietly crying “What happened? Please I miss you, we all miss you”
I should be honest with her. At least for the last time.
“I’m in love with a criminal. It’s not what you dreamed for me, it’s not what I dreamed for me, but still. He may be a killer, a robber, a bad boy” I sighed “But I’ve never met someone like him. I have already been with high-class guys, rich college students and successful CEOs, but none of them treated me good like him”
“My daughter, what are you doing?”
“Sorry mom, but I decided already. I wanna go with him and keep my family safe. I’ve been disappointing you, but I want it. I love you”
I hang up.
1 week ago
“Yoongi, you’re sure this is really necessary?”
“But you already have so much…”
“Hey, listen to me. I can’t take both of us from here if I don’t do this, ok? We already talked about this”
He calmly loaded his gun.
“Promise me you’re not going to use this” I pointed to his gun.
Yoongi smiled to me.
“How a lady like you ended with a guy like me?” he kissed me passionately “You are what I need in my life, I don’t need any of this money since I have you by my side. I finally feel complete. But I have to keep you safe”
Safe is everywhere with him, mostly like this engulfed in his arms.
“Take me with you”
“I don’t want you to get involved in this miserable life plus I don’t want your beautiful face printed in all wanted posters”
“So I have to stay here…”
“And wait for me. You’re my good girl, right?”
I nodded.
“It’s time. See you in a while”
Yoongi quickly pecked my lips and got out of the house. Well, not a house. It’s more like a bunker. I got surprised when Yoongi brought me here for the first time, but I’ve been here for so long that I’m already used. I miss the sunlight, of course; it’s always dark down here. This place is an off-map abandoned park out of town. Yoongi’s bunker is under the ghost train. We have to get into the maintenance room and move away a very heavy iron cabinet and pull the trapdoor under it, go down the wood fragile stairs and walk until reach a vault. Once it’s opened, you can see the house. It’s big and the ceiling is rounded. The floor is white marble and all the expensive furniture is black, I wonder how Yoongi brought all of this here. And everything is black. The sheets, towels, cushions dishcloth… I laughed with myself thinking how soft Yoongi is for white even if his house is all black. I’m the only white thing inside this house. I came to his house with only the clothes I had in my body and only Yoongi could bring me new clothes since he’s the only one who can actually go outside. All white. Soft knee socks, skirts and croppeds, ruffles and lace. Even if I miss my old clothes, I smiled every time Yoongi look at me dressed like this, his love evidently in his eyes
“Why always white Yoongi?” I asked once.
“Because is soft. You made me soft and brought light to my dark  life”
I have nothing to do here since I don’t have internet to keep myself busy. The house is safe for all kind of cyber tracker, so I try my best to occupy my mind with books and Yoongi have plenty of it. I can’t avoid getting worried about him, even knowing that he is smart enough to never get caught. ‘He’s coming back home soon, Y/N. Don’t freak out’ I keep saying to myself. But I couldn’t stop thinking “and if”. Everything can happen since Yoongi is a lone wolf. Of course he have contacts to keep cops and whatever off his ass, but he do everything alone, doesn’t have anyone to backup him. That’s why I always ask him to come, but he always denies. It’s that difficult to use a gun? Of course I don’t understand a thing about this. I was raised in a luxurious house with everything given in my hand. My future was built, I could be rich and successful with my career and have a pampered and high-class life. But I wasn’t happy. Everything seemed too easy, too fake, too… unhappy. I am a hard-working type of person, I like to be the best, but it seemed like I didn’t need to make any effort to have what I wanted to conquer. I had no one by my side. I was lonely. Everyone approached me for a reason, wanting a favour or take advantage of me. My ex-fiancée was a cheater, a bad person and a profiteer guy. Yoongi saved me from him. When he was about to beat me because I “embarrass” him in front of everyone and Yoongi kicked my ex’s soul out and took me with him. It wasn’t hard to fall for Yoongi. He is an amazing person, a fairytale prince despite what he does for living. He’s the only true person I met in my whole life. So I runaway to be with him and I don’t regret. Think so much was making me sleepy. I went back to the silk sheets and fell asleep instantly.
The sound of water running coming for the bathroom woke me up. Yoongi is finally back! I walked to the bathroom discarding my clothes on the way.
“Mind if I join you?”
“You would be doing me a big favour”
I slowly approached him, looking without blink to his face. Yoongi was smiling with his arms opened where I wanted to be so bad. He hugged me and immediately kissed me roughly but softly, making both of us start combustion.  I missed him.
“Don’t be so soft, my flower. I don’t want it to end innocently”
“Take me”
Yoongi laughed, lifting me. I comfortably put my legs around his waist, getting lost in all movements that he was doing to make all of this feel so good.
I couldn’t be tired of Yoongi. Even now when we were collapsed on bed, exhausted, I wanted to show my love for him, caressing all of him that I could see. His milky tattooed skin is soft and beautiful. I got lost in the drawings on his arms and chest, noticing a new addition.
“What’s this?”
He looked at me with fake innocence.
“Did you-”
I brushed lightly my fingers on his skin where my name was written. It’s delicate compared to the others. It was close to his heart. I kissed there then kissed my lover. It was a strange feeling of finally have everything I looked for.
“My flower”
“Let’s be free”
“I’m already free with you, Yoongie”
“I’m talking about being really free. Walking around together, see the sea… So I could take you on a proper date, kiss you under the sunlight”
“Is it possible?”
“Only if you say yes”
“Of course my answer is yes, since if this is what you want to, but how?”
“I have a good friend who asked me to move forward to where he lives a long time ago. He lives in another country”
“Where’s it?”
“Fiji Island”
“Interesting” I laughed.
“I just have to found some fake documents for us and get there. I won’t be afraid of someone take you from me anymore, or do things like this to live. We can be free, have a life, let this life in the past”
His eyes were shining.
“Let’s go there then”
Yoongi laughed and kissed me.
“You gave me purpose. I was just around, having a fake life, telling myself that I was satisfied but I had nothing. I stole and killed, I used to be ok with this, cold-hearted. But now I feel ashamed. I don’t want this life anymore. I want you by my side, having a great life without hiding ourselves”
“I think it’s fate, Yoongi. You saved me too”
“Let’s arrange everything. I love you”
“I love you too”
Yoongi pecked my lips and excitedly got up.
“Where are you going?”
“Ensure our future”
The past week flew. I finally felt useful, helping Yoongi arrange the fake papers and fake documents to get us out of there. We tested everything and contacted a lot his friend, Jimin. He’s very nice and smiley and his very much patient wife helped us with the right place to get good documents with discretion. I was excited and anxious at the same time. Everything could work right or really bad and both of us would end up going to jail. Finally is the last day of our lives here and the beginning of the new life. Yoongi’s hair was dyed blond and I was wearing a cap and covering my face all the way I could. I bought new clothes for me and Yoongi, among other things that we’re going to need in the new country. The only thing I was sad about was the bunker. Yoongi installed explosives and everything is going to blow in one hour. We were already in the way to the airport. I called Jimin asking if is everything alright and ready and he confirmed that they’re waiting for us. When I finished the call, I destroyed the new bright cellphone that I bought with my beautiful fake id.
“I just have to do make one last thing”
“What?” Yoongi asked.
“Call mom”
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supersoldiersruined-me · 6 years ago
And the Winner Is...
A/N: This is my entry for @mss4msu 500 celebration challenge! I’m super late on this one too, thank you for being patient! 💕It’s my second work with Zac so it’s still quite plain and simple, although I’ll be posting a smuttier part later on (following this storyline.) I just thought I’d make this a fluffy oneshot and then whoever wants to read the smut will have it in a seperate text. 🤷‍♀️ Warnings: none really, I don’t even think there’s a swear word... Word count: 2.5k Summary: After several calls to your local radio station and five good answers, you find yourself owner of a VIP pass for the New York comic con. There’s that one man in particular you wish to see, and little did you know he had planned this all along.
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You’re holding the ticket in your hands, your thumb runs over the large textured letters. You’re still unable to process the euphoria surrounding the events that lead to this day. Your name is written under the New York Comic Con logo, its beautiful lanyard dangles from your hands as you twirl it around to look at the pattern. The softness of the couch has never been so welcoming as it envelopes you in your downfall from the heavens. The laminated ticket comes to your chest, followed by you giggling in excitement and tapping your feet to the ground. The phone in your pocket rings, and you hurry to pick it up.
“Hello?” You answer without reading the ID.
“Hi Y/N! How are you?” Your friend chimes from the other side.
“Oh, hey! I’m…” You ponder whether to tell or not. “I’m doing great,” you finish quickly as not to leave any suspicion.
“Riiight. Expected someone else?” You bite your lip to keep from laughing some more. She knows where you’re headed to, but not what’s actually hidden behind all this. “Well anyway, if you want me to help you pack for your trip I’m free all night.” She giggles when you stay silent. You end up accepting her offer, unsure if you could go the entire evening without combusting of joy. You figure that having her around would help you stay down to earth - but most importantly, it would keep the scenarios from playing in your mind.
You’re happy to realise that both seats next to you remain empty as the plane shakes off the ground. Once the flight is steady and you’ve lost sight of the city lights, you fold your knees over the arm rest as you get comfortable for the short flight. A variety of films is available from the on-board entertainment, including very recent titles, and some of your favourite series. So much for the book you had packed, you think. The soft vibrations help numb your mind and soon you’re well into a proper nap; an earphone securely playing the soundtrack to a Disney movie, the other hanging over your shoulder as it got pulled out not too long after.
Someone’s backpack strap is what has you jolting up at your arrival. You stretch as best you can in the confined space, reaching over to your left for the cubicle window. The rainy weather is not enough to dispirit you as you close it back and pick up your stuff, ready to have a great weekend at the convention. You’re in the last bunch out of the plane and through customs.
You set your bag onto the plushy bench at the foot of the bed - which is way too big for one person, you think - and let yourself fall on your back; the supple material has you bouncing a couple times. As you take a few deep breaths, you let your hands roam the space next to you, the silky fabric of the duvet-cover allows your fingers to glide easily, and it soon feels like you’re swimming in your own little world. The room is dark; the only thing coming in is the filtered light of the blinking advertisement panels outside. The dim ambiance of Time Square that’s just a few blocks down helps your mind drift off, and as if someone had dropped their knocked-out, fully-clothed kid on their sister’s spare bed, you lay there, content, before finally falling asleep.
A knock at the door pulls you out of your beauty sleep, and you thank the night’s unexpected crash for the fully functional outfit.
“Hi, can I-” You stop yourself when the door won’t go wider than a couple inches, the chain lock still well in place. “I’m sorry. Hi!” A familiar face waits with a white box in hand, and the same sweet smile. It’s his assistant. She had skyped you to explain what the pass included and later to explain the schedule of your plane.
“I hope I’m not too early for you. I’m just dropping this off. The convention starts at ten,” she begins, and then waits for your reaction. She smiles at your confusion. “Feel free to call me if you need a ride. I think you’ll like it. Congratulations again!” She winks as she taps on the box before walking away into the long hall. Suddenly, the furthest door down the hall opens slightly and your heart skips a beat on the spot. His tall silhouette barely makes it under the door frame as he steps out to get his special delivery of newspapers. Dark jeans held around his waist by a black leather belt. No shirt. Before he can stretch back up and see you, you squeal your way back into the room, then slam the door before leaning against it. Giggles escape your lips and you can’t help but dance around a little. Pictures surely didn’t do him justice.
The soft cardboard of the box tears slightly under your tight grip. A small cut gives you a peek at what’s hiding inside. With a slight spark of excitement you rush towards the table in the small living space and lay it on the marble. The small ribbon is easily torn away and you pull out a Nerd HQ t-shirt; the fabric is soft in your hands, the colours remind you of an 80s arcade room. The symbol is spelled out in a neon-like font, and stripes run down the side seems. You pick up the small note at the bottom of the box and gasp as you read it:
“Dear nerd,
Thank you for participating in our contest! I hope you enjoy your stay and that you have fun at the convention. But then again, you’ll get to meet me so that’s pretty rad!
I’ll see you later Y/N,
Zac ❤”
The last few words are hard to read as your eyes slowly fill with tears of joy. He’s taken the time to write a little message for you and it honestly beats getting a like from him on one of your tweets. You had been able to talk to him over the phone for a couple minutes when him and his assistant called to give you the result of the draw. He later texted you a simple hello, which stretched into a pretty deep conversation about mental health and upcoming movies. About a week later he warned you that his phone might have been hacked, and that for your privacy - and his - you had accepted to stop talking until you could meet. Knowing that you’ll be able to see him in person definitely has you nervous and shaking.
Getting back onto your feet, you trot towards the bathroom and hold the shirt up in front of your body, imagining how it would look on you. Then you go back to finish your outfit and get your small bag ready with everything you want signed.
You walk out of the elevator to the basement, where a black Mercedes awaits. A small hand waves you in through the open passenger window, and you settle next to his assistant.
“Told you you’d like it!” Her tone is friendly and she winks at you before pulling onto the street.
Small talk makes the ride down the jammed streets of Hell’s Kitchen a breeze, and with the lanyard around your neck, you walk into the busy halls of the Javits Center. The main area is packed; you wonder if everything is up to fire regulations as you strut around, being careful not to walk on anyone’s heels or break any cosplays. Marvel pretty much owns the place - or rather Disney - as Star Wars ships and maquettes are displayed here and there, comic artists and autograph booths fill the back walls. You walk down the aisles as if you were on a cloud. This is certainly the best initiation you could have gotten. Then, with an extra heartbeat per minute, you come to realise that you’re just a few feet away from the DC gate, which is ironically adorned with Shazam posters, along with Superman gear. An attroupement of people surrounds the Batmobile that roars in a corner. You sigh as the whole event becomes a bit overwhelming, and you can’t help but feel yourself go a bit weak.
You step into the little archway, and a well deserved breath escapes your lungs. You waste some time looking around at the frames and pieces of craft that creators expose proudly. And then your eyes come up to the posters hung along the black curtains behind the autograph tables, a sweet red shade tints your cheeks at the sight of Zac’s picture in the Shazam suit. A small kid bumps into you when your feet give up on their simple task; the flashes of his near-naked body resurfacing from the morning has your mind going foggy. He steps out a few minutes later, along with Asher and Jack, and they are greeted by a roar of cheers which knocks you out of a day dream. Your shoulder finds refuge on a nearby column, and you decide to wait until he has talked to a few people before you can come up with the courage to walk to his booth. He’s a little faster though and spots you from his seat, earning yourself a wink and a bright smile.
“Here comes the smolder!” Someone calls from the line in front of you, making you laugh a little. A strong hand comes to your shoulder from behind, startling you.
“Y/N?” His voice is a bit higher than you expected for someone his size. His square shoulders jump up a little when he sees your frightened face. The company shirt he has on is clearly a size too small; the sleeve bands around his biceps are screaming for their life.
“Yes. Do you need an ID?” You already have a hand in your bag as you ask the question, but he grabs your arm and politely shakes his head.
“It’s alright, love. Follow me,” he adds.
You struggle to keep up with him as he guides you through a crowded area, even though his body creates a rather smooth passage. About a minute later you find yourself alone with him in a small hallway; pipes fill the ceiling and everything is made out of concrete. Had it not been for the bright neon lights, this would certainly feel like a horror movie. You keep walking in silence, hearing the crowd cheer through the small doors you keep passing by. Then he opens a door to your right and motions you inside while holding it for you.
“If you please,” he says cordially.
You enter the room and scan your surroundings. A couch covered in dark green velvet sits by the opposing wall. There’s a barber chair sitting in front of a big mirror, where bottles of makeup and what-not fill a thin shelf. You step a little further inside and then see the fruits on the coffee table along with various snacks and bottles of Gatorade. When the bodyguard closes the door behind you and moves out of the way you see the small post on the door.
‘Zachary Levi’ written in black sharpie on the back of a random list, taped unevenly.
Your jaw slackens a little, your gaze goes back to the treats on the table and you smile at how personal this feels. The man invites you to get comfortable and take whatever you’d like, and you think he said he’d be back shortly with a warm lunch but your mind is already wandering around the subtle items and decor. You run your hands on the soft material of the couch as you let your body relax into it. It has a natural wood frame and feels very vintage. Very Zac. A small TV hangs on the wall in front of it and is already turned on and logged onto someone’s Netflix account. You grab the remote and proceed to ‘get comfortable’ as the man had said. The choice is easy when one of your favourite series is in his list as well.
The first episode is nearly done when faint voices are getting closer in the hallway, and out of panic you turn it off and sit back into the couch. The handle moves but it takes a few seconds before the door is finally pushed open. He’s standing there in the frame, still talking to someone you can’t see from your position. Although you doubt you’d be able to see anything else with Zac just shining in the room. You stand up and he sees it in his sight. He turns his head just a little and sends you another wink along with a little wave, politely asking you to wait another minute. You stand there in the middle of the room, swaying from a foot to another as you try and compose yourself. Then he turns around completely and steps inside.
“Hi Y/N!” His voice is high and bashful. You move your hand up in hopes of reaching for his, but he jerks it away gently and opens his arms instead. “Come on! Bring it in.”
You obey and move closer to him. Your arms hook behind his body but you’re too afraid to touch him. You linger there, your head against his chest that slowly rises with each breath, trying to slow your heartbeat to match his. His actions make it hard for you to actually focus. One of his hands reaches the back of your head and he runs his fingers through your hair before settling lower on your neck.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispers in the crook of your neck. He only lets go when he feels you shiver and your arms fall to your side. He grabs your shoulders, pushing you back a little and looks at you, his face wincing at his clumsiness. “Did I overstep? Gosh. I’m so, so sorry!” He seems  genuinely concerned and bothered with himself until he sees you smile finally, making him shiver in return.
“You shouldn’t...I’m...I can’t lie and say I’m not enjoying this.” He breathes out when you’re done and his shoulders relax. “I guess I’m just startled. You really are so handsome and...” And I saw you half naked this morning and wanted to have my hands on you all day but… You shake your head at the thought with a laugh which seems to amuse him as well.
“What?” He grins and takes a step closer. So close your neck is about to snap from looking up at him.
“I, um…” Your hands come to your face and you lean against his chest again. His hands run down your arms and onto the small of your back, before slowly making their way back up and locking behind your neck. He pulls slightly on your hair, making you face him again. A whimper threatens to leave your throat but his lips are quick to block any sound from coming out of your mouth.
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years ago
If you haven't done it already can you do headcanons about Julian's birthday?
bitch you know it asdfghj and by some miracle ive actually gotten these done before the two weeks that could potentially be his birthday are over so happy birthday julian!!
julian has never really had a big birthday celebration before
of course emma and the kids and diana always got him gifts and spoiled him
you know, doing chores for him, letting him relax for a day, stuff like that
but poor julian is a worrier so he’d always end up insisting to help anyway, saying that he wanted to
he even would always make the cake since no one else could
it wasnt until later that everyone realized that every time they had tried to spoil julian on his birthday, he turned it around on them, and he wound up doing most of the work
they are determined to make his 18th birthday different
helen and aline are more than capable of holding down the fort now
plus julian and emma take a break from their travel year for the holidays and are in the institute for julian’s birthday
which could be anytime from jan 1-15 but my personal hc is that it’s on new years day (wink wink)
so anyway julian and emma will be in la for his bday and julian is a lot more carefree this year so everyone is highkey determined to give him the best birthday this year
nobody wakes him up early, and after staying up so late the night before his normal internal clock doesnt wake him up as usual
at 12am everyone else shouted “happy new year!” and emma shouted “happy birthday julian!”
anyway when julian does wake up, later than usual, his first instinct is to shoot out of bed and get the kids breakfast but he takes a moment to himself to revel in the fact that this is his first birthday spent waking up next to emma as her boyfriend
emma seizes her moment and convinces him to stay for just a while longer, im sure the kids are fine, helen and aline have been taking care of them for months
julian gives her like five minutes of kisses and cuddles before beelining for the kitchen
he finds that everyone else has already been up for an hour or so and has already eaten breakfast
the second he enters the kitchen everyone yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and he is bombarded with hugs and drawings and cards and stupid gag gifts from the kids that he accepts with a smile cristina and mark both hug him as well and he’s pleasantly surprised to see them
(if you read my tda holiday hcs i made them leave before this point but awsxdcfvgyh they come back to surprise him)
he grabs a plate for himself reluctantly, wont stop apologizing to helen and aline that he overslept
they keep telling him they dont care but, surprise surprise, he’s not listening
when julian goes back to his room to get dressed he finds emma already ready with his favorite blue dress of her’s on and holding a present for him
his reaction is “oh that reminds me” and he pulls out another gift from under the dresser
emma is like ????? and julian is like “…for you” and emma is still like ????? so then julian explains “i got you a new year’s gift too”
emma is like fuck that shit this is a birthday gift asdfgyhu “who the fuck buys new year’s presents” “i dont know i love you” “i love you too but what the fuck julian now i look bad” “you couldnt look bad if you were trying”
anyway after emma gets it through julian’s head that he does deserve a birthday gift and no, she refuses to open up his gift to her on his birthday, nice try, julian, he opens it up
it’s a new blue shirt that almost exactly matches emma’s dress which is “an unfortunate coincidence”
he cant stop telling her it’s too much, you shouldnt have, and emma is like hoe you think im done??? think again
but actually she doesnt say that, she just says youre welcome asdfghyuj
they go meet everyone in their matching outfits and they all just hang around a bit, there isnt much else julian could ask for than to be with his family
but at lunch emma surprises julian with a picnic for the two of them at the beach
she promises that she didnt touch the food, she had aline make it all asdfrghy
once they finish emma gives julian more presents(“this is a prank right?” “am i laughing? actually i am but not because this is a prank, please just open the presents” ) 
the first is a whole set of paints and brushes and other art supplies i know nothing about, all custom made, the brushes with inscriptions on the handles( “jb” “as long as you exist and i exist i will love you” “i love you more than starlight”)
julian: where did you get that last quote from?
emma: i thought of it
julian: *melts*
he asks how she knew what supplies to get him and she told him how she saw him looking at all this stuff back in that shop in london and went back to get it for him
he’s so touched
he is already certifiably not okay™️ because the whole day has been against everything he’s ever known and he feels weird, he just wants to give something to someone, literally anyone
julian is so happy and when emma pulls out an envelope he has to bite his tongue to keep from saying “oh no not again”
emma just gives him a look when she sees him holding back asdfgbhgt
he’s preparing himself for some sort of long sentimental card from her that will probably make him cry but what he gets is worse
it’s just a piece of paper that says “im having so much fun on our date right now, but id love it even more if you came with me to the louvre to our next one”
julian is shooketh to a level beyond all levels
he cant imagine why emma looks so worried he wont like it
they laugh and hug and then proceed to kiss a lot before going back to the institute 
julian is ready to just chill now 
he comes in and there are decorations filling the entryway
a million balloons, streamers, banners
he looks at emma who just shrugs but she’s smiling so big and has a knowing look on her face 
there’s a beautifully decorated poster next to the staircase that says “TAKE ONE” and there’s a party hat for emma and a ridiculous crown for julian that says “it’s my birthday!” under it
they follow a trail of posters with arrows on them to the living room(im pretty sure they dont call it that but the room with the computer in it is where they always hang out so that’s what i mean awsedfvgbh)
everyone yells “SURPRISE” when they walk in and julian is sure he’s in a permanent state of shock
like yes he just followed an entire trail of arrows to get here but it’s still so much more than he expected
they eat pizza and play music and all just hang out and it’s a fun time
at one point julian goes to adjust his crown but everyone thought he was taking it off and yelled at him aesdxcfvgbh
they play stupid party games like pin the tail on the donkey(which theyre all good at since theyre shadowhunters asdfghjui) and charades and stuff like that
everyone gives julian more presents and he thinks he might combust
they sing to him and have cake
they give him one more gift after they sing and it’s a photo album of julian and his siblings and emma through the years
there are ones of baby emma and jules playing to 12 year old julian intently speaking to ty and livvy to 14 year old julian reading with tavvy to 17 year old julian laughing with dru to ones with helen, mark, aline, and cristina in them and ones from the travel year and julian is amazed
he’s so touched and he’s proud that he only cries a little
a little after that everyone starts getting tired since they stayed up until midnight the night before
diana goes home, tavvy goes to bed, followed by dru and ty shortly after
when julian hugs ty on his way out he almost feels like livvy is there too, and he doesnt understand why ty goes pale when julian tells him, julian worries he shouldnt have said anything before ty just smiles and says “good” before walking out
everyone else goes to bed shortly after
julian and emma are laying in julian’s bed when she pulls out a card for him, but tells him it’s nothing special
he opens it and begs to differ
the front of the card says “so many ways to say i love you” and she has filled the inside with ways she said it over the years
“protecting you in fights”
“i’ll put the kids to bed tonight”
“i would do anything for you, jules”
“we’re parabatai, we can do this”(julian doesnt like this one)
“take a break”
“please stay”
“i need you”
“your hair is a mess”(“really emma? “shut up”)
the list goes on until it ends with “i love you. love, emma”
they are both crying at the end
“i love you so much, emma”
“i love you, t––”
she doesnt get to finish
they have more important things to get to and, needless to say, they dont get much sleep that night either
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chuffyfan87 · 6 years ago
What We Want. Part 2.
Josh looked at his watch once again. 10.45. He was sure that Charlie had said they'd meet him by the fountain at 10.20am. It wasn't like Charlie to be late. Duffy certainly but not Charlie. He'd been mildly surprised when he'd received the call the previous evening inviting him to join them for an early lunch the following day. Usually when the three of them met up it was in the evening down the pub. Going for lunch with them was a little more awkward, it made him feel very much like the third wheel. Though if he was entirely honest he'd always felt a little like that around them, not because of anything they'd consciously done, not at all, it's just that you'd have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to realise how obviously into each other the pair of them were and had been for years.
He took another look up the street to see if he could spot them in the crowd that was milling around. It was surprisingly busy given how cold it was. Josh noticed a young man with a familar looking face appear in the crowd and head towards the fountain, lighting up a cigarette as he did so. It took Josh a few moments to place why he recognised the young man, suddenly seeing glimmers of the teenaged boy he'd last seen roughly fifteen years previously.
"Peter? Long time, no see! How are you?" He asked.
Peter looked up at the sound of his name being spoken. Realising who was in front of him he smiled.
"Oh hi Josh. I'm well thanks. You? Mum mentioned you were back in Holby." He held out his hand towards the older man.
Josh chuckled silently as he shook Peter's hand, remembering the first time the younger man had greeted him like that when he was just a small boy. He'd taken on the mantel of man of the house from an early age.
"I'm very well, thank you. I hear congratulations are in order. A wife and a daughter. Are you meeting them here?"
"No, Katie's got a bit of a sniffle so Tanya's kept her at home. I've come into town to meet my mum." Peter explained.
"I hope she feels better soon. Oh, I thought your mum was joining me and Charlie for lunch today." Josh shrugged. "I must have misunderstood."
"It was quite the last minute thing, she only called last night to arrange it."
Josh raised an eyebrow at Peter's reply. He was beginning to get the distinct impression that his long time friends were up to something. Before he had chance to press Peter further, however, Charlie and Duffy appeared from the crowd and crossed to join them, the latter looking quite flustered.
"Sorry we're late. Blame Duffy, she turfed me out the house so I couldn't see what she's wearing and then took forever to get ready." Charlie explained, eliciting an eye roll in response from his fiancée.
"Its tradition Charlie!" Duffy countered, frustration colouring her tone.
"Doesn't mean you had to leave me standing outside in the cold for 45 minutes. Tradition or no tradition that was mean!" He complained.
"It was your decision to stand in the garden. All I said was that you weren't allowed upstairs or in the hallway until I had my coat on. You could have stayed in the kitchen or lounge." She pointed out.
Quickly realising that the pair of them were so caught up in their bickering that they had forgotten where they were and that they had company Josh loudly cleared his throat to get their attention.
"Fun as it is to watch Duffy once again kick the verbal daylights out of you Charlie, I think you owe us an explanation as to what the hell is going on."
"Um... Well..." Charlie stammered, looking over to Duffy for help but all she did was gesture that it was his idea so he could explain. "We were kind of hoping that the two of you would, um, do us a favour..."
"What kind of favour?" Josh questioned, becoming increasingly suspicious when Charlie didn't continue.
Charlie glanced at Peter but the younger man was too busy intently studying his mother's face for the slightest reaction.
"Well, we're in need of two witnesses..." Charlie explained.
Josh smothered a laugh in reaction as Peter finally broke his silence.
"Are you being serious? Mum! I thought you weren't getting married until the summer. You've barely just..." He cut the words off abruptly, swiftly changing tact. "Why the rush all of a sudden? What's changed?"
Duffy sighed. She'd worried that Peter would react this way once he found out the true reason she'd arranged to meet up with him today but when she and Charlie had discussed who they wanted to be their witnesses she had no hesitation in insisting her eldest son be there to see her marry the love of her life. The man she should have married a long time ago.
"We simply realised that this is what we want Peter. We've waited long enough." She explained, her hand unconsciously slipping into Charlie's as she did so.
The chime of the nearby church bells made them all jump.
"We'd best hurry up, the registrar is expecting us there in 5 minutes!" Charlie reminded Duffy.
Luckily the registry office was only around the corner from the fountain so they made it just in time.
Walking up to the desk they presented their passports to the receptionist.
"Charles Fairhead and Lisa Duffin. We're here to get married." Charlie explained.
The receptionist checked the computer and their ID before handing them back.
"Ah yes, here you are." She glanced at her watch. "You're cutting it a bit fine. Take a seat, the registrar will be out shortly." She explained, gesturing to some chairs along the side of the wall.
The quartet barely had time to get themselves comfortable before the registrar appeared. She quickly took them through the formalities before inviting them to come through into the ceremony room.
"Would it be OK if I just had a quick minute to finish getting ready?" Seeing the registrar nod she continued. "You and Josh go in, I won't be long." She told Charlie.
"So long as you don't have a sudden change of heart." Charlie joked, though there was a slight edge of tension in his voice.
Duffy caught his eye and held his gaze for a moment. "I would never do that." She whispered, leaning forward to give him a gentle kiss.
Satisfied by her answer Charlie and Josh followed the registrar through the door and closed it behind them.
Peter watched as Duffy quickly checked her hair and make up. He chewed his lip awkwardly.
"Mum..." He began hesitantly.
Duffy tilted her head to look at Peter. "Mmm hmm?" She smiled at him as she finished reapplying her lipstick.
"Are you sure about this? Don't you think you might be rushing things?"
Duffy couldn't help but giggle. "I've known Charlie for over 30 years. I'd hardly call that rushing things!"
"You know what I mean. I just don't want to see you get hurt. Not again."
Turning to face him fully Duffy drew her son into a hug before pulling back to catch his gaze. "I know you've watched me get hurt more times than I'd like but this is Charlie. We both know he'd never hurt me. I love him and he loves me. This is what we both want. I need you to be OK with this. I can't go through with it knowing you're unhappy." She explained.
Peter smiled at the way his mother's eyes lit up as she spoke. Other than when she was with him, his daughter or his brothers the only time he'd seen her eyes so alive was when she was with Charlie. Despite still having a few lingering reservations about his mother's impulsive nature he didn't have the heart to put a stop to proceedings. She was right, Charlie would never hurt her, it was clear to see how much he adored her.
"If you're happy then I'm happy mum." He told her.
"Thank you. Now we best not keep them waiting any longer." Duffy replied as she unbuttoned and removed her coat, placing it on the chair. She turned back to Peter, nervously smoothing down her clothes. "Do I look OK?" She asked.
"You look beautiful." Peter replied, placing a kiss on her cheek before offering her his arm to link hers through.
Josh chuckled as he watched Charlie not so subtly glance over at the door for the third time since they'd entered the room barely a minute or so earlier.
"So why the shotgun wedding mate? You've not got her pregnant have you?" Josh joked.
"Oh ha ha!" Charlie replied sarcastically before he once more looked over towards the door, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"You're actually really nervous aren't you?" Josh asked, his tone instantly softening. When Charlie didn't offer a reply he continued. "Your neck. You only rub your neck like that when you're stressed or nervous about something."
"Or when I've got a sore neck." Charlie countered.
"How on earth did you manage that?" Josh queried.
"The sofa isn't exactly the most comfortable place to sleep." Charlie explained.
"You slept on the sofa last night? What did you do to upset her?"
"Well... I... Um..." Charlie mumbled awkwardly. He glanced up to meet Josh's expectant look. "Oh alright. She said we weren't allowed to have sex last night and I tried to change her mind. She got cross and told me I had to sleep downstairs if I couldn't keep my hands to myself." He glared as Josh burst out laughing.
"You couldn't manage one night's abstinence? Seriously, how the hell have you two not self combusted over the years?"
"Well, it's a bit different now she's within arm's reach every night." Charlie shrugged. Hearing the door begin to open behind them he added "Not a word!" in a whisper.
Josh chuckled before miming zipping his mouth shut on seeing Charlie's glare. He patted his friend's shoulder encouragingly.
Charlie took a deep breath and focused his gaze on the wall in front of him. The temptation to sneak a glance behind him at his bride was almost too much. Suddenly an anxious thought hit him and he quickly rummaged in his trouser pocket, breathing a sigh of relief as he pulled out the two rings they'd bought at the same time he'd chosen her engagement ring. He handed them to Josh before nodding to the registrar that he was ready to begin.
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imgoldielikehawn · 7 years ago
Run Away: More than can be Handled
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Pairing: Jordan P Smith x Woc
Rating: Mature
Part 1 Here
A/N: Here is part 2 of my Jordan fic.. Things are heating up again between Sydney and Jordan...
Alex = Alex Hogh Andersen
Alexander = Alexander Ludwig
The drive to the new hotel was short, I only needed enough distance to finish out my vacation in peace and that would be the end of it.
The staff graciously helped bring my things upstairs to be unpacked and the hotel I was staying at must have put in a good word for me because the room was much nicer than I expected and it was enormous.
After I dropped my final bags in the front I walked in and decided to run a bath. I undressed and slipped into the bath filled with oils for scent and to soften my skin. I sunk down low into the tub and sighed. Of all places for us to run into one another it had to be here.. I rolled my eyes and tried my best to think about something else.
The water soothed my body but my mind ran rampant, I could still see his face when I closed my eyes. “Damn” I said out loud biting my lip and reaching back to grip my neck. He looked so fine, even still. I became momentarily annoyed with myself when I thought about why I was even in this mess. The fool had got cold feet and left me at the alter on my damn wedding day. I have no idea if he tried to contact me because id made sure he couldn’t.
  “I just want to wake a bath and not be feeling some kind of way over my damn ex!” I groaned.
 “look at me, the man already has me arguing with myself.. Dammit J .” I giggled. I washed my body and got out of the bath. The warm water was obviously going to my head.
I was wrapping the silk robe around myself when there was a knock at the door.
 “Be there in a moment!” I shouted. I ordered champagne before I got into the bath and it was probably here.
I slid my feet into my Fenty slides and walked to the front door. The back of my hair was still wet and I felt the small drops of water going down my neck. I opened the door and stood quietly taking in my visitor who was definitely not room service.
 “How’d you find me?” I sighed stepping aside to let Jordan in.
 “I asked your bartender friend. You two seemed close.” He remarked. He walked past me and I could smell his cologne.
 “Of course you did. What are you doing here J?” I asked closing the door behind me.
  Jordan's POV
  The sound of her nickname for me actually gave me chills. Fuck this woman still had me wrapped around her finger. She was in nothing more than a short silk robe and a pair of pink Fenty slides she loved to wear around the house when we were together. They were in perfect condition and I was not surprised she’d always taken serious care with her things.
 “I came to- I don’t fucking know.” I lapsed into a silence.
 “I’m fine Jordan, I was devastated the day you left me there but that was half a year ago. I am okay, I’ve been here the whole time.” She sighed and moved to lean against the large red armchair by the door.
 “I came here to say I’m sorry for everything.” I said.
 “I know you are, I am too. You weren't ready and I knew it, I just hoped you’d get over it in time for our wedding.” She shook her head and a strand of her curly hair came loose by her face.
 I looked up at her in shock, I guess my fear was obvious all this time. I didn’t know what to say in the silence now. Then again I wonder if I ever knew what to say, she ran her hand over the back of her neck like she always did when she was uncomfortable.
 “Sit down.” She said it but the tone of her voice suggested no other option so I sat in the red chair on the other side of the room.
 “What's been going on with you?” She asked.
 “Nothing much, just working and traveling the world.” I muttered.
 “Two of your favorite things, does your new girl know about me?” she asked daringly. She had never been timid about how she felt when we were together and it seemed that much hadn't changed.
 “No, the only person who does is the guy you saw sitting next to me at the bar.” I said embarrassed.
 “Ahh yes, the handsome one.” She quipped settling into her seat.
 “Really?” I narrowed my eyes at her and she only smiled.
 “What did you really come here for Jordan. You could have called I know my “friend” gave you my number as well.” She rolled her eyes and moved to cross her legs. They were long and her thighs were thick as fuck. I wanted nothing more than to be over there in between them but I didn’t know where we stood and there was Sophie to think about of course. Shame is that, Sophie was my second thought and not my first. I stood up from my chair and so did she having every intention of showing me out I'm sure.
   She reached for the door handle and then turned around to face me but I had other plans. I slipped one hand around her waist and the other went behind her head and I kissed her. She melded her body against mine immediately and for that I was grateful. He lips tasted like honey and she smelled like roses. I was bordering on spreading her thighs when she pulled back.
 “Ohh Jordan.. no.. “ She shook her head. Her voice was filled with regret but her eyes were blown wide and I'm sure mine were too.
 “Fuck… I don’t have an excuse.” I said searching her face. Her long lashes graced her cheeks as she looked down between us.
 “Neither do I.” She looked up at me. “ You should go.”
 I stepped back from her, opened the door and did not look back as I walked away.
   Sydney's POV
  I leaned against the closed door and placed my hands over my warm lips. He tasted better than I remembered. I tugged on the curls that had fallen from my bun. I never felt more confused in my life, which was saying something. I looked around the room as though I was worried about getting caught.
Shit, this was definitely a setback instead of a step forward. We’d been in love for what seemed like forever but this … was a mess, this wasn’t love.
 I graduated from college and Jordan was well into his acting career. My father had never really gotten over his feelings about J but he knew that he was not going anywhere. The walk to the apartment was a short one, we’d moved to LA and I was already working. The bills got paid and we still had fun most days. Being young had its perks I suppose. I knocked on the apartment door and heard the crashing that surely meant Jordan had tripped over the moving boxes again.
 “Baby!” He smiled breathlessly opening the door.
 “Did you run here?” I laughed.
 “Shut up and come here.” He laughed and pulled me inside.
 The nights were always like these. We ate, we laughed and just enjoyed each others company. Most of the time I found myself trying to pick his brain, I just wanted to know how someone as handsome as him could love someone like me. He was much more than handsome though, he was kind and funny. He was easy to talk to and quite understanding.
 He was laying on the couch watching some TV show when I came up and straddled him. I did not waste time with pleasantries either. It was hard to resist him as is and I had no desire to play it up with false modesty. I began to grind myself over his pelvis as he watched with huge eyes.
 “You don’t waste any time do you baby?” He breathed deeply sitting up to pull my chest to his.
 “Not since the day I met you.” I winked and leaned down to plant my lips against his in lust. His strong hands went underneath my shirt to artfully unhinge my bra and under the cups to roll my hardening buds between his fingers. I bit my lip in invitation for his and he enthusiastically accepted. He used his free hand to push my curls from my face as our grind became more frantic. The friction of his sweats against my clit was more than I could handle.
 “Fuck me.. Please Jordan.” I said it in a tone that left little to negotiation.
 “Say it again.” Jordan pulled my hair roughly jerking my head back and left my neck exposed to him as his hips slowed down the pace.
 “Fuck me Jordan… now.” I was panting at this point.. I was close to seeing stars and we weren't even having sex yet.
 “So fucking demanding..” he kissed my neck…….
 I sighed and buried my face in my hands. That’s the way it had always been between us. We ignited each other and combusted when we were without the other. It was a mess really if you looked at it from a distance. Sighing again I walked to the bed and crashed down on it hoping it was the last time id seen him but also dying to kiss him again.
 “What a vexing thing it is… to be a woman.”…..
  Jordan's POV
   I told Sophie I was going to stay with Alex tonight and she didn’t object. She never did, she trusted me too much. A trust that I had ruined only hours ago. Alex was hardly any help at all in this situation, not only was he young but he believed in love over everything. It looked like I was going to have to call the other Alex..
  When Alexander arrived I let him in looking dejected and somewhat frantic.
  “What the hell happened?” He said his black snap-back backwards on his head.
 “Jordan's fucked up, as usual.” Alex said throwing his hair in a ponytail so he could fit his gaming headphones over his hair without it getting caught.
 “Shut your mouth Alex.” I frowned. It only took a few minutes before I launched into my tale. I told him everything. How I met Sydney, our wedding day. I told him about seeing her today at the hotel and going to see her afterwards.
 “What the fuck Jordan, you’ve done it this time…” He laughed.
 “This isn't funny man, I have no idea what I’m going to do.” I shook my head and took a swig of my beer.
 “well, if I knew you were going to stay away from this Sydney girl id tell you to keep what happened to yourself and never see her again; but we both know that ain’t happening so you’d better tell break it off with Sophie before you have sex with Sydney, because you will have sex with her. I feel like you would have if she hadn't stopped you.” Alexander smirked and tossed his hands up.
I wanted to be mad at him but I knew he was just being brutally honest with me. What a fucking mess I created for us all……
   “What does she look like?” Alexander asked.
I pulled out my phone and pulled up her Instagram, I hadn't been on here in a while and her account was much popular than I remembered.
  I held out my phone and Alexander took it. His eyes grew wide and I watched him swallow and then looked up at me with a grin.
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 “Really… you left her at the alter man?” He made a ridiculous face.
 “You should see her in person!” Alex chimed in from over the couch.
 “yeah… Sophie is beautiful but uh… Sydney. Damn I don’t have words.” He shook his head and returned my phone. I had half a mind to like the photo but I knew that was my buzzed mind speaking.
I tossed my phone on the couch and looked over at Alexander and sighed….
@oddsnendsfanfics @lupy22 @sparklemichele @readsalot73 @laketaj24 @skitburst @vikingsmania @getinmelanin011 @letsshamelessqueen-m
@titty-teetee @harleycativy @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @galaxygimger1234 @jdroman5432 @yessscolbybrock @beltzboys2015-blog @beltz2016 @asadmelon @captstefanbrandt @btswings4ever @samwinchxtr @rls905 @sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414 @lay-all-on-me @kenzieam @pathybo  @wilddrabble 
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cno-inbminor · 7 years ago
ta!taehyung (pt. 2/final)
and here is part 2/final of the ta!taehyung drabble i wrote waaayyy back. i would recommend reading the first part as a refresher!
prompt sentence: oops i accidentally slept with my ta
part 1
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as the month decreases day by day, you get more and more nervous.
just because you and taehyung haven’t officially donned a label doesn’t mean you two never see each other. in fact, taehyung seems to find you everywhere and you’re starting to wonder if he keeps an open eye out for you constantly. one day, you might be sitting in the library cafe and he’ll take the seat across from you completely unannounced, sliding over a cup of coffee with a grin on his face. another day, you might be holed up in the biology and psychology building, absolutely ready to yank your hair out, but then taehyung shows up to save the day and calms you down.
it’s just really fucking unfair.
completely caught up in your feelings, on the first day of this month-long wait, you went and sent taehyung a facebook request that didn’t get answered until way later into the night. the fear of rejection ate at you every second until you were a nervous wreck, completely uncharacteristic of how poised you usually were. you cursed yourself for getting too far ahead of yourself, cursing the existence of romantic emotions, cursing the idea that you might stop taehyung from being his old player self. if anything, you became more confused than ever--what happened that night that made him willingly wait another month to take you out?
the five days afterwards were radio silence--it was as if taehyung and you had never spoken, much less slept with each other. you were starting to mentally convince yourself that your doubts were coming true: taehyung was overcome by his rejection and demanded to clear his record by making you think he wanted you, when in fact, he just wanted your approval and perhaps, another night in bed. but then, he and his cheerful grin came bounding into your life unexpectedly and if you had to be honest, you were terrified.
now the fear had dissipated and churned into anxiety, your nerves shuddering through your spine with each passing day. relationships had never really worked out for you, and the last thing you wanted was to throw your entire self into something that was fruitless from the beginning. having only looked for something fun for a night and ended up with much, much more, you are unprepared and scrambling to get your shit together.
wrapped up in your thoughts, you don’t realize that you’re lightly gnawing on the end of your pen, a habit that you had dropped years ago but arises when things get more stressful than you can handle. evidently this is where you are, cooped up in the bio and psych building at 10pm while wondering if you should camp in the chem club office tonight. you’re pretty sure some of your hairs have turned white at this point, and it isn’t until--
“penny for your thoughts?”
the unexpected voice rips your from your subconscious and makes you jump in your seat, pen nearly flying from your hand and breath caught in your throat. behind you stands taehyung with a cheeky, toothy grin and you release a shaky breath, chuckling a bit while also berating yourself for being so jumpy. taehyung takes it as permission to sit across from you and though your side is scattered with notes, your laptop, textbooks, and stationery, he does nothing but sit there with his chin perched on crossed arms planted on the table. the two of you stare at each other in silence, you unable to say anything and him waiting for you to express whatever is on your mind. in the end, you sigh heavily and look away, missing taehyung’s flash of concern in his eyes.
“it’s nothing, just the stress of finals coming up,” you say gently and return to looking at your notes. it’s a half lie, but he doesn’t need to know that. the last thing you need is taehyung peering into your soul, putting together the broken pieces behind your irises, and giving you excuses to pack up your stuff and flee the scene. “besides, what are you doing here so late?”
“i volunteered to help make sure we had everything for the lab practical, but i’m not allowed to set it up.”
“well, that’s nice of you, i guess.”
“i also figured you might still be here, so i took a chance. i’m in luck,” he cheesily winks at you when you look up at him, absolutely bewildered. taehyung volunteered to do a bit of a thankless task on a thursday night in hopes that he would catch you here, studying?
“i...i guess you are. doesn’t mean i am,” you say in defense, the walls going up around your heart instinctively. your hand grabs a highlighter to indicate important key points and once again, you miss taehyung’s fallen expression. but even then, that could mean a lot of different anythings and you don’t want to jump to conclusions.
“you don’t want to see me?”
“you want to see me?” you finally look up at him with a disbelieving look on your face.
“of course i want to see you. you know, i’ve been counting down the days like clockwork. i really want to take you out on a date. like seriously.”
blood rushes to your cheeks before you can fight it off, causing you to duck your head so he doesn’t notice. but you guess you’re too late because he giggles, fucking giggles, before mumbling “cute” under his breath but clear enough for you to hear. with that statement, the blush becomes even more evident and you mentally berate yourself. what are you, a five year old at disneyworld meeting prince charming for the first time?
“it’s thursday night, shouldn’t you be at a party now? everybody knows the weekend starts on thursday. plus, everybody’s trying to get their last drinks in before they settle down for finals,” you ask in an attempt to switch topics.
“i haven’t been to a party in a while,” taehyung sighs and leans back in his chair, hand running through his recently-dyed caramel locks. you have to say that the color gives him a gentler tone, less fuckboy-ish and more boy-next-door sort of feel. “there’s no need to either.”
“how come?”
“well, finals are coming up. plus, why go without you?”
you purse your lips and continue to bore holes into your notebook. you hope he hasn’t noticed that you haven’t flipped the page in the past five minutes because you haven’t been paying attention, too focused on trying to calm down your racing heart. something inside of you screams that taehyung isn’t just telling you all this to get on your good side, yet the blanket of fear is close to suffocating you in sheets of doubt.
all of a sudden, it’s too much. there’s no way that taehyung is dropping his player attitude for someone like you. while your self-esteem isn’t at the bottom of the rocks, you don’t think you’re a special snowflake or anything. as your own person, you are unique, but you don’t feel any sort of entitlement. you have your quirks, your knacks and turns, yet you don’t have this idea that you can change anybody or the world, much less taehyung. old habits die hard.
“it’s late, i need to go back and get some sleep before starting again,” you excuse yourself abruptly, quickly gathering your things and putting them into your backpack. anybody could tell that you were trying to escape, and even though you were so close to doing so, taehyung grasps your wrist with a strength you forgot he possessed, allowing yourself to stubbornly be dragged to the chem club office on the third floor. the elevator ride is so tense that even a breath could make everything combust, and it isn’t until taehyung has swiped his student id to get into the office that you shakily let it out.
he nearly slings his backpack down and forces yours off your shoulder before crowding you against the wall, not caring that someone could see through the glass pane and question the compromising position. the chances of that happening are, however, extremely low, seeing as the cleaning ladies have probably gone home already and no student would come this late at night.
“why are you acting like this?”
“acting like what?” you try to feign innocence.
“you know exactly what i’m talking about. acting like...acting like we never slept together or i never asked you out or that i haven’t been eyeing you since the beginning of the semester and hoping that someday i could take you out and treat you like the princess you are.”
you stay silent, teeth sinking worryingly into your bottom lip as you search your brain for a plausible answer. perhaps you're trying too hard to play it safe, but why risk getting hurt? was taehyung really worth it all?
“i don't understand,” he continues. the desperation and confusion is evident in his tone and you want to do nothing but hug him and dispel all his worries. “what did i do? did i move too fast? do you actually regret sleeping with me? did i--”
“no no no,” you quickly deny. “look, i’m just, stressed, and i don’t think i’m really ready for all this,” you wave a hand between the two of you. it’s 40% lie, really. in one sense, you are entirely prepared to dive straight in, yet the more logical part of you tugs your heart back, a lasso around said organ and pulling at it like a reminder.
“so...you’ll be fine after finals?”
“...i think so.”
“what do you mean, you think so? i thought this whole one-month thing would be fine and--”
“please stop pushing the issue!” you exclaim, the outburst startling him and setting some distance between you two. “this whole situation is so confusing and i don’t know what you want or what i want for that matter, but for the love of everything good, just please stop asking and pushing! you can’t plant the idea that i’ve changed you and your habits--”
“--change me? what? hang on--”
“--and you can’t just appear all the time giving me false hope! i don’t know if you realize the gravity of what you’re trying to do, but i do and i need time and space so i’m gonna go and leave and hopefully you can think about all this, too.”
and in the time taehyung is trying to process everything you said, you grab your backpack and bustle towards the stairs, legs nearly stumbling over the descending steps. you don’t realize you’ve held your breath until you exit the building and the cold air slams against your chest, forcing you to watch your cloud of breath dissipate into the air.
finals come and go. you manage to pass them all, including the microbio lab practical. you’re ready to go home and cuddle up with a good book and a steaming mug of peppermint hot chocolate, and in the midst of packing your suitcase, your phone lights and sounds with a notification. it’s a text from an unknown number, but the words on your screen let you know exactly who it’s from.
“please don’t leave me out here in the cold with a venti peppermint mocha”
you’re tempted to. part of you wants to blame your lack of concentration all on him, but it would be unfair and misplaced. after all, he hasn’t done that much wrong--at least, not enough to stop you from letting him into your dorm and accepting the warm paper coffee-to-go cup. you’re not nervous about letting him into your room and almost crack a smile when he seems unsure of where to sit or stand. he looks frazzled, eyes darting and unnecessarily clearing his throat amidst the silence.
“i’m sorry for how i reacted last time we talked,” you address the elephant in the room, staring down at the drink in your hands before looking up at him. “relationships have never been my thing, and i’ve never really believed in the idea of a man changing for a woman. evolutionarily, men love novelty, so i thought it might’ve just been an infatuation. so again, i’m really sorry,” you smile apologetically. taehyung chuckles and moves to stand closer to you.
“it’s just like you to bring evolutionary psychology into this,” he muses, gazing at you with a bright grin and soft eyes. “i know my...reputation doesn’t help, but i really want this to work out. if you’re fun in lab, i’m sure you’re even more fun outside of lab,” taehyung jokes and you laugh with him.
“so...is this our first coffee date?”  you ask with a smirk, lifting up your half-finished peppermint mocha. somehow, his grin becomes even bigger than thirty seconds ago, and the excitement dances spiritedly in his eyes.
“only if you want. but let’s be honest, our first date should be outside with good food. how does that sound?”
“sounds perfect.”
and perfect did wrap everything up nicely. sleeping with your ta was, once again, definitely not a mistake.
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