Sweet Creature
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
guys i’m working so hard to get that last chapter out !!!i’ve been so busy with work , please bear with me 🤎
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
Don’t Answer the Phone | T. Holland | Chapter 3
Summary: Summary: The town of Riverwood just got a whole lot more scary when a killer decides to reek havoc on the teens at Riverwood High. Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland have to find a way to survive Halloween weekend. Or will they just be apart of the killers sinister plans?
TW: blood, death, gore, drinking, mentions of sex, attempt SA, light PDA
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After you fell asleep, you had a terrible nightmare. The red masked killer was chasing you down a long hallway and with each step you took, the killer took two more. He was able to catch up to you and continued to stab you until you were nothing but a blood, screaming mess. You woke up screaming and thrashing around, sweat stuck to your body and it took you a second to realize it was Tom touching you, not the killer.
You felt embarrassed when you saw Tom’s father, Dom, and his two twin brothers, Harry and Sam, at his bedroom door with bats in their hands. You had woken the whole family and felt like a lunatic. You apologized profusely but they said it wasn't a big deal, but it was because the killer was now attacking you in your dreams. He was with you even though he wasn't.
You had gone to the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face in hopes it would make you feel better. It didn't. Your eyes were red and swollen, you still had a few stray tears on your cheeks and you had small bags under your eyes. If you didn't know any better you looked like you were fighting to stay awake in a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. You had gone back to bed with Tom who was waiting for you, he welcomed you with open arms and asked if you were okay. All you did was nod your head because you didn't have the strength to tell him you weren't. He held you close but you still couldn't fall back asleep, afraid you would see the red masked killer.
October 30, 1999
You heard noise down in the kitchen and you figured everyone was awake besides Tom who was snoring lightly beside you.You carefully unwrapped yourself from Tom’s embrace and looked at the small clock he had on, it was nine thirty-four in the morning. You were exhausted but you refused to go back to bed after the nightmare you had, so you stood awake the rest of the night.
You grabbed some socks from Tom’s drawer, as well as a new shirt and some sweatpants since it was so cold. You quietly made your way down the stairs and you heard the Holland family chatting and heard the tv going too. You made your way into the living room and stopped to watch as one of the news women spoke, you suinted your eyes and scoffed when you realized it was your house she was talking in front of.
“As police scramble to find Katherine Wheaton’s killer, they strike again but only this time did they leave someone alive. Last night seventeen year old Y/N Y/L/N was attacked by the same person who murdered Wheaton. The police have no reason to believe these attacks were connected, only just an opportunity for the killer. We have no word from Y/N about what happened, only that she fought for her life to be here today. Stay strong Y/N, back to you Carl.”
The tv was turned off and you turned to see Sam with the remote, a sheepish smile on his smile. “Sorry, Dad just wanted to see if they were airing some golf segment. We didnt mean-”
“Sam, it's okay I can't hide from what happened. Not when he’s still out there.” You shook your head and he sighed, he reached to place a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“They’ll find him, Y/N. And he’ll rot in jail for what he did to you and Katherine.” You nodded and thanked him for his words. He then guided you into the kitchen where everyone bid you a good morning.
“Morning Y/N, i was asking Tom when you'd come over again!” You smiled at Tom’s younger brother Paddy, he was a sweetheart and you knew he'd grow up to be just like his brothers.
“Well Paddy, I’m here now. It’s good to see you again.” You smiled at him and then at Nikki who placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of you.
“Can I see your cut, Y/N?” Nikki gasped, Sam and Harry froze in place, and Dom glared at the younger boy. “Paddy! How dare you ask Y/N that! Apologize right now.”
You jumped in to try and same Paddy, you know he meant no harm and was just curious. “It’s fine, Nikki. I'm sure he’s just curious. Sorry Paddy, I don’t think I can show you just yet.” You sent him a weak smile and he mumbled an apology. But now your appetite is gone thinking about the cut on your left side.
Tom came into the kitchen, yawning. “Morning, everyone.” He bent down and kissed the top of your head and thanked his mom when she handed him his breakfast. He took a seat next to you and immediately began digging in.
“What are we talking about?”
“Paddy asked to see Y/N’s stab wound.”
“Harry,” Nikki scolded.
“Paddy,” Tom hissed and threw his fork down to glare at his younger brothers.
“Tom, it’s fine. It’s an honest mistake. I don't want to talk about it anymore,” You rubbed your temples and the kitchen became quiet. Soon after Dom bid goodbye to his family and you as he had to leave for work. Paddy left to go watch tv and the twins had to convince Nikki to let them leave the house to go to their friends house.
You tried to help Nikki clean up the mess but she insisted that you and Tom both go relax. She sent you a smile full of sympathy and you hated it. Tom guided you up the stairs and abc into his room. You both sat down on his bed and it was quiet for a minute or two but your thoughts were racing a mile a minute and you knew Tom had questions.
“You can ask, you know. I won't get mad or anything.” He sighed and ran a hand down his face.
“I just don't understand how this happened. I mean, why you?” You shook your head at his question because you've been wondering the same things yourself. Why did he choose you? Maybe you did something to them without even realizing but still what did you do that made him want to kill you.
“I should've taken you home. I shouldve never agreed to go to Jacob’s. I should have been at your place.” Tom continued to ramble about yesterday but you began thinking about what he said and what Harrison said about him being at practice. Then when you called Nikki and asked about Tom, it didn't add up. You sat up straight and began to slowly inch away from Tom. It was a crazy idea but it didn't now make sense. It hurt to think that your caring, sweet, loving boyfriend would do this but you wouldn't rule out anyone. You tried to blink back the tears that came to your eyes but you couldn't make them go away.
“Where were you last night?” He stopped talking and turned to look at you, a frown on his face and eyebrows furrowed.
“What? What do you mean? I said I was at Jacob’s. Wait, what does that have to do with anything?”
“I'm just asking because I was attacked and I was told you were supposed to be at the school and then I was told you were at Jacob’s.” You tried to subtly scoot away but Tom saw it. He reached out and grabbed your hand and you stopped moving. You both locked eyes and your breath hitched.
Stop. Stop. He didn't do this. He would never.
“Are you saying that I did this? What the fuck?”
“No! I’m not saying that! I-I just, I want the truth. Where were you?” You asked and Tom scoffed, “I was at Jacob’s for the night and then we got the call from Z that something had happened to you. I drove to the police station as soon as I heard what happened.Wait, who told you this in the first place?”
“Your mom told me you were at Jacobs and the-” There was a knock on the door and you both turned to look at it. Tom shouted at whoever was behind the door to come in. And in walked your four best friends. Luna was holding what looked like a care package and Zendaya had balloons in her hands. You appreciated their gesture, you really did. But you felt there were some things that you didn't need or require. Getting attacked and almost butchered didn’t require a gift basket or a card.
“Surprise!” You gave them all a fake smile as they piled into Tom’s room. You slowly made your way to the end of the bed and ignored Tom’s gaze, you focused on your friends who all came to give you hugs. The girls put the gifts beside you and Luna grabbed your hands and forced you to look at her.
“What the hell happened, Y/N? Tell me who I have to kill.” You shook her hands off and looked off to the side. “I don't know. I don't know who attacked me and I don't know why they did it.”
“Jesus, who would do something like this? Going after you and Katherine, they must be insane,” Everyone agreed with Harrison and you couldn't meet anyone's eyes. You were afraid to see the pity that swam in their eyes, you could feel it. You almost began to envy Katherine, as bad as it sounds. She was dead and although everyone did pity her she wasn’t alive to feel their eyes bore into hers with such sadness. She was able to escape it, you weren't so lucky.
“So… are we still going to the party tonight?” Luna’s question had everyone in the room glaring at her.
“Luna,” Z hissed and pinched her arm. Luna glared back at Zendaya and slapped her hand for hurting her. “Bitch.”
“Luna, it’s not really a time for a party. Our best friend, you know Y/N? Almost got her insides spilled on the floor!” Your eyes widened in surprise at Jacob’s last sentence, you were not expecting it to end like that.
“Jacob, what the fuck?” Tom’s voice snapped and Jacob threw his hands out.
“What the hell are we supposed to say? This doesn't happen to normal people. I mean, this only happens in movies,” Jacob said back and you sighed as Zendaya jumped in and tried to come to your defense too. But the arguing was starting to give you a headache that you didn't need right now.
“Guys! Please, stop talking. It’s fine, it’s fine. Go ahead, go to the party, I don't care. I’m not going,” You said and Luna jumped from her spot on Tom’s bed and pulled you up.
“We can't go if you're not going. That’ll make us look like shitty friends. And you know we all care about you, of course we do. But I do want to get shitfaced and my costume is pretty hot.” You wanted to cuss Luna out for trying to sound like she cared about you more than getting drunk and laid. Luna was a good friend, sometimes. And at this moment she was a bad friend.
“Luna, you can't just make her go to this party. She’s been through enough and who's to say this maniac isn't waiting for her to make a guest appearance,” Harrison said and you shook your head at the idea of this person just waiting to catch you alone and finish you off.
“We dont know that for sure. Y/N, you cant be afraid of this lunatic. You need to put on your costume and show that fucker you are not afraid. It’ll be great, I promise and we will be with you the whole time. Please, I’ll owe you one big time.”
“Y/N, dont listen to her-”
“It’s fine. It’s whatever. I’ll go just please stop fucking talking.” You sighed when you heard Luna laugh in delight and you could tell everyone was worried with your decision. You were worried, scared even, with your decision. What if he was there? You don't know why you said yes, maybe it was the pressure. Maybe it was to get Luna to shut up because Luna is so damn stubborn.
“Can we go to your place, Z?” The plan was originally to get ready at her place anyway so everything you need was already at her’s.
“Yeah… you want to leave soon?” She asked and you shook your head. “Right now.”
“I’ll see you guys later.” You went to leave the room but Jacobs' voice stopped you, “We all came with Z.”
“Right. Right, let's go. Now, please.” They all said goodbye to Tom and you didn't have it in you to acknowledge him so you just walked out of the door. You said goodbye to Paddy and Nikki as you all left.
When the five of you got into Z’s car and as soon as the last door was shut, Luna was the first to speak. “So, are you and Tom okay? I noticed you guys were a little tense.”
“Fuck you, Luna.” You snapped and she scoffed.
“That was rude and I’m going to ignore it considering the circumstances you were put in.” You rolled your eyes and dropped Harrison off first since he lived closer to Tom. He said goodbye and told everyone he’d see them tonight. Next was Luna and then Jacob.
“Listen we don't have to go if you don't want to. Don't listen to Luna, she's being a bitch.” She parked her car in the driveway of her home and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I don't care anymore. I said I would go so I’ll go.” Zendaya didn't say anything but the look she gave you was one you couldn't describe.
Once you were in her house, you greeted her mom who was so happy to see you. And of course the look of pity stood out. Zendaya’s dad was at the police station, still trying to figure out who the killer was. Zendaya had noticed your discomfort and managed to pull you away from her mom and to her room.
“Are you and Tom okay? Luna was right, it was kind of awkward, we all felt it.” You threw yourself on her bed and shook your head, you didn't want to tell Z that you thought for a split second that Tom was the one to do this to you.
“I can’t tell if he was lying to me or not, that's it. Typical couple shit, I guess. I don't really want to talk about it.”
There was a knock on the door and Zendaya called out, “Come in!”
“Y/N, there’s someone on the phone for you?”
“What? Who is it?” Nobody should be calling you right now so you wondered if it was your mom or dad. “They didn't say but it was urgent they said.”
“Could it be from the cops?” You asked and Zendaya shrugged. You followed her mom downstairs where the phone was.
“Hello Y/N.” The voice made your skin  crawl and your whole body began to shake. “It makes me sad that we couldn't finish our little game last night.”
“Go screw yourself!” You couldn't help but start to cry. He was out there and he was going to come for you again.
“I’m gonna kill your friends and then I'm gonna make you watch as I kill your boyfriend.”
“Y/N! Who is it?”
“And maybe I’ll gut your parents right befire I slit your fucking throat. It ends with you.” The phone call ended and you were left clutching the phone in tears as Zendaya and her mother were asking questions left and right.
“He’s not gonna stop,” You sobbed and Zendaya began wiping away your tears. “Was it him? The killer?” You nodded your head and her mom left to go call her husband.
“Wait! If he comes then so does the whole town. I don't want to deal with them right now, please. I, just,” You didn't know what to do right now. The last thing you needed was the news and police up your ass right before the party and it would only make things worse for you.
“Y/N, my dad will catch this bastard. But we have to call him!”
“No, Z! Let me figure out what to do!” You looked around the living room and saw the movie cabinet and front row were two of your favorite scary movies. Halloween and Scream. Now that you think of it, this person was just another person trying to live their horror fantasies. They were just another regular human being going around killing someone. You knew none of your friends were capable of murder so you began thinking of anyone you may of hurt.
“I have to stop him.”
“What do you mean you have to stop him. Y/N, you're starting to sound a little crazy. I mean he’s already killed Katherine and he tried to go after you too!” She tried to reason with you and she was right, you didnt know what this person was capable of. But that was the reason you had to stop him, who knew who he would kill next. Was it going to be Zendaya, the girl you considered your sister? Would it be your parents?
“Girls…I’m so sorry.” You both turned to see Z’s mom with the phone in her hand, a sorrowful look on her face. “What is it mom?”
“They just found your principal on the football field, he was murdered.” You turned and gave Z a look. You didn't like the sound of this either and you knew your friends would have some choice words with you if they found out what you were planning.
“He wants me. And he’s not gonna stop until I'm dead or he is.”
Zendaya tried to talk you out of your plan but she couldn't stop you. Not with Katherine and Principal McNighter dead, and you had almost met your match too. You had to protect your friends and family. You knew it was going to be a hard plan, considering you didn't know who the killer was. He could be anyone and it was a Halloween party, the mask he wore was a basic Halloween mask that anyone could have bought. It was going to be hard but you were preparing yourself as you got ready for the party.
“Why the hell do I have to go up into the attic?” Harry complained and everyone laughed at him. “No nose goes, bro. And you lost. So take your ass up the attic and get the decorations.”
Harry flipped Damon off and everyone laughed, going back to setting up the beer table. Harry sighed and made his way up the stairs that lead to the attic. “Assholes.” He mumbled as he reached for the tiny rope that connected to the door. He pulled it down and took a step back, watching the ladder fall to his feet. He slowly began climbing the stairs, watching his step because he didn't want to fall through the ladders or roof and make a fool of himself.
As soon as he stepped foot into the attic he saw the box Damon was talking about filled with decorations. Hereached down to pick up the box but stopped when he heard the floorboards creek behind him. He quickly turned around and began laughing when he saw who it was.
“Mate, what are you doing here? I didnt know you were helping with the setup.” He didn't answer and Harry laughed again.
“You can't scare me. At least put on that ridiculous mask if you want to at least startle someone.” When Harry got no reply again, he turned and picked up the box and sighed when he saw the person still standing there.
“See ya,” Harry chuckled and began to walk towards the attic entrance when suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder. “C’mon, I have to finish helping or else Damon and the rest of them will be on my ass for the rest of the year.”
The person showed Harry the large knife they had in their hand and Harry scoffed, “Stay out of your dad’s hunting stuff, yeah?” Harry didn't get to finish walking away because he was gripped tightly by his curls and pulled back roughly.
“What the fuck-” He gasped when he was shoved agaisnt the wall and a hand covered his mouth. He tried struggling against the person but it was no use. They were stronger than Harry and Harry’s screams were muffled by their hand when he stuck the hunting knife into Harry’s skull with all his strength. His screams died down slowly as the blood oozed from his head. The killer watched with satisfaction when the blood began to drip over the both of them. He pulled the knife out from his head with a sickening crunch. He let Harry’s body drop to the floor with a loud thud and wiped the knife on his black jacket.
And just like he did two times before, he took out his polaroid camera and made sure to snap a photo of the two of them, this time without the mask on. The killer’s smile was seen perfectly this time.
“We’re going to be late. The party already started,” You said as you waited for Luna outside her house. Luna was always the one who showed up late when you all hung out.
“Relax, she’ll be out any second.” Zendaya honked the horn twice just so Luna would get the message. You waited in silence and watched Luna’s front door like a hawk, you were starting to get nervous and the butterflies in your stomach were non-stop. You couldn't shake the feeling of something awful that was going to happen. Zendaya could feel your anxiety leaking out of you and into the car. It was making her anxious but she chose not to comment on it. Luna came skipping out not two minutes later with a bottle of alcohol clutched in her hand. She took a drink as she approached the car and threw the door open, literally. Zendaya scolded her as she jumped in and slammed the car door shut.
“Why are you so aggressive when you're drunk?”
“I'm not even drunk yet. Want some?” She shoved the bottle between the two of you and you both shook your head. Z was driving adn you couldnt afford to be drunk with everything happening. You wanted to warn Luna about getting drunk tonight and tomorrow night but you knew she wouldn't listen. She would call you paranoid and then try and force you to have a drink or get high.
When you drove past the house, it looked absolutely insane. Zendaya had to park in the next block over with how many cars there were.
“You know we can go home now. I can ask Jacob to watch Luna-”
“Stop. Please stop doing that. I appreciate it but you're not helping, you're just making me feel worse.” You shouldn't have snapped at Z but she was making that dreadful feeling in your stomach build and you felt like you had to throw up. You left Zendaya walking behind you as you caught up with Luna and linked arms with her.
“Do you think hooking up with Haz would be a bad idea?” Her question caught you off guard. You didn't know they were interested in each other. Sometimes they flirted, but they were both natural flirts with everyone. That’s just who they were.
“Um, I guess not. If you guys like each other, go for it.” She snorted and rolled her eyes, “We don't like each other, it’ll just be casual.” You nodded your head and threw your hands in the air in disbelief because as soon as you entered the house, Luna was running off to do her own thing. You looked behind you and saw Z talking to some of her friends and you didn't want to leave either of them alone but you wanted to find Tom anyway. You needed to apologize and you hoped he’d be forgiving.
It wasn't hard to find him, he was pretty popular at school so he was in the kindle of a group, drinking a beer and holding his Spider-Man mask. He saw you approaching and immediately passed his almost empty bottle to Jacob, who rolled his eyes and set the bottle down. The smile he had was gone and he met you halfway.
“Hi. You're here.” You nodded and grabbed his hand.
“Can we talk? Somewhere more private?” He immediately nodded and squeezed your hand. He began to lead you up the stairs. The music was still loud in your ears no matter how far into the home he led you. The first door he opened, there was a couple fucking on the bed. He instantly closed the door and turned to look at you. You both started laughing and he pulled you away from the room and opened another one two doors down. Luckily it was empty, he ushered you inside and you started to feel a little uncomfortable in your leather catsuit and you sure Tom’s Spider-Man costume was uncomfortable as well.
“I'm sorry.” You both said you chuckled at you being insync. That was the thing about being with Tom, it was never awkward. There was never a time where you felt like you couldn't be yourself or couldn't talk to him about things. You love him and you love being with him.
“I shouldn't have grilled you about your whereabouts. I don't think you’re some psycho killer, I was just paranoid and I still am. But I trust you, I know you and I love you.” Tom pulled you into him and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss and when you broke apart you pressed your forehead against his.
“Does that mean you forgive me?” He laughed and nodded, “Of course I do. I’m sorry too, I should've been more understanding. I know what happened is really hard on you. I'm sorry.” He kissed you again and you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him as close as possible. He began to guide you backwards until the back of your knees touched the bed. His lips began to trail down your neck and he started to nip and suck on the skin. You couldn't help but let out breathy moans as he did so. His hand reached up to grab the zipper that was on the front of your costume. Your hands gripped his hair harder as he started to pull it down your body.
You both jumped in surprise when the door knob began to rattle and there was banging on the door. “What the fuck?” He helped you fix your costume and got up to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, Sam and one of his friends came busting in, looking absolutely crazy.
“Sam, what's going on?”
“Have you seen Harry? He’s been gone for a few hours and we can't find him. Tom, did he go home?” Your heart began beating faster and you could feel anxiety crawling up your spine. Harry wasn't one to go missing, your immediate thought was that the killer got their hands on him. But you couldn’t jump to conclusions, even when every bone in your body is telling you this was wrong.
“I’m going to help find him. I’ll be right back.” He kissed you and left the room. You began to pace back and forth as you thought of all the other possibilities. You didn't want it to be true but with everything that is happening there was no other explanation. You even debated going out to help Tom and Sam find Harry because you couldn’t stand the idea of being alone right now and not helping find Harry. You stopped pacing when Tom came back into the room and you sighed in relief.
“Thank god. You found him right? He was probably just messing with you guys, as some stupid Halloween prank,” You laughed and he began to slowly walk towards you. You realized he was wearing his Spider- Man mask this time and you raised a brow at him.
“What are you doing?” He wrapped his arms around your waist and began to trail his hand from your waist up your stomach, between your boobs, until his fingers reached your lips. He parted them and stuck his gloved thumb on your lower lip.
“So you wanna role play, now?” You chuckled and he lifted his mask up, only enough for his lips to show. But it happened so fast, his lips were on yours in an instant. The kiss was fast and needy and you had to brace yourself against him because he was kissing you so hard, your body was starting to lean back. But that’s when you noticed it.
This wasn't Tom. You've been with Tom for a little over a year and you knew exactly how his lips felt against yours. You knew for a fact this wasn't Tom. And if this wasn't Tom, who was it? You continued to kiss this mystery person, so as to not set them off. But the alarms in your brain were going brizerke, something was telling you to run. Run and never look back. You had to get out of the room and find someone. His hand came and gripped your neck and began to push you on the bed. With the grip they had on you, something popped up into your brain. The killer.
You had to make your escape, now.
You pretended to try and wrap your legs around his waist but you snuck your knee underneath and kneed him as hard as you could in his balls. He groaned in pain and you pushed him off you and ran straight for the door. You didn't make it very far because he grabbed your hair and threw you back on the bed. You don't know where he got that same knife from last night but he held it in the air and brought it down. You moved to the right and watched as the knife went through the mattress and you looked back up at the monster. You’ve only seen it work in movies but you were cornered by a psychopath with a hunting knife, you were running out of options.
You leaned your head back into the mattress and as hard as you could, you slammed your head straight into his. He fell back once again and this was your chance, you ran. You ripped open the door and saw that no one was upstairs. Had he managed to clear the floor to get you alone?
You stalled at the top of the stairs. This was your chance to pull off his mask and see who he was once and for all. End this nightmare before he hurts anyone else. You looked around for some type of weapon and your regret not taking that knife from him. All you saw was a lamp on a side table. You pulled it out of the socket and took off the shade and slowly made your way back to the room. Your heart was racing when you took a step in. And your heart fell when you looked around the room and saw that no one was in here. You felt a breeze and saw the window open, you were sure that it wasn't open when you were in here. He was gone. You had lost your chance.
“Damn it!” You didn't mean to throw the lamp but you were so angry with yourself. You had the chance but you let your fear get in the way of your chance.
“Y/N?” You turned just in time to see Tom, Harrison, and Sam walk into the room and their eyes widened when they saw the mess that was made.
“What the hell happened?”
You grabbed Tom by his hands and ushered them all out of the room, “The killer. He’s here. He just came after me again but he got away. We have to go before he comes back.” You said urgently but Tom stopped you from walking down the stairs.
“Wait, are you serious? Are you sure it wasn't some asshole trying to scare you?” You nodded your head and began to tell them exactly what happened, Tom was furious that he kissed you and tried to take it further.
“Who the fuck is this guy?” Harrison asked and you finally got a good look at him. He looked kind of ridiculous in his bulky Batman costume and you noticed he was sporting a bruise or two on his face. “What happened to your face?”
“Some girl I was hooking up with. Apparently she had a boyfriend,” He rolled his eyes and Sam and Tom both snickered at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off.” The laughing stopped when you all heard creaking coming from above you. You all paused and looked at one another. You looked around and saw there was an attic door and you thought the killer might be in there. There were four of you and one of him, you could take him. You walked over and reached for the string but a hand came to clamp down on yours.
‘“What are you doing?” Tom whispered and you shrugged his hand off and pointed up to the attic. “I’m going up there. What does it look like I'm doing?”
The boys all watched warily as you pulled the string down and took a step back for the ladder to come down. You looked back at all the boys and noticed they had no interest in going into the attic. You rolled your eyes and began climbing up the ladder. “Y/N.”
You ignored Tom and continued climbing, the music in the background was starting to become annoying, considering it was so loud.
Once you made it inside you couldn’t see a thing. It was dusty and had some spider webs that had you cringing and cowering back. You realized that none of the boys followed you up here and you saw a light in the middle of the room. You carefully walked towards it and pulled the switch and watched the light come on. You began to do a full three-sixty of the room, slowly. You searched every square inch of the room with your eyes and saw nothing.
“Y/N, what is it? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. There’s nothing.” Just then the rocking chair in the corner of the room moved just the slightest. There were two of them and you slowly made your way over to them. It looked like there was something, no, someone under the clothes that were concealing them.
You reached both hands out for the fabric on each chair and with a hard tug you pulled them off. Your hands flew to your mouth at what you saw and you were close to vomiting. You screamed in terror and immediately began retreating back. You could hear your name being called and you realize you couldn't let Tom or Sam come up here, They couldn't see their brother dead. And next to him was none other than Jacob’s corpse. Tears began to flow from your eyes and you ran towards the exit and met the boys halfway. You tried to stop them from going up but it was no use.
“Tom, Sam. Please, don't go in there. I’m begging you.” They both looked at eachother and pushed past you, along with Harrison. You couldn't see their reactions but Harrison let out a gagging sound and immediately booked it back down to the second floor. You could hear him throwing up in the distance.
Sam was the first to cry. Scream more like. His brother was killed and stuffed aside like some rag doll. Tom fell to his knees and began crying as well. You walked up to him and held him as close as possible. Your heart broke at the sounds of the Holland brothers mourn over their brother, especially in a way like this. Harry was sweet and kind, he didnt deserve to die like this. Your sad tears turned into angry ones as you thought of the pain he inflicted on both Harry and Jacob.
One of your best friends was dead. You never got to say goodbye. He was just downstairs having a beer, how did this happen? How did no one see them get murdered?
You turned when you saw Harrison appear next to Tom and Harry. He leaned down and hugged his best friend, more so brother. He had tears in his eyes too and he looked anywhere but at Harry and Jacob.
“I called the police. They’ll be here any second.” You were grateful for Harrison at this moment.
“H-How? I-I dont U-understand. Oh my god, mum and dad don't even know. How the fuck are we supposed to tell mum and dad!” Tom was in hysterics and it only got worse when you heard the music stop and people began screaming. Tom and Sam still had tears streaming down their faces but you all looked at each other with a puzzled expression.
These weren't people screaming with joy, these people were screaming in terror. You looked over at Harrison, “What’s going? What’s happening?”
He shrugged his shoulders and you couldn't decide if it was the heat of the moment or anxiety creeping up on you, “You were just down there! How do you not know!” You ran down back to the second floor and immediately bumped into a girl who looked like she was trying to jump out the window.
“What the hell is happening?” You grabbed her arm and made her look at you. She was on the verge of tears and shaking badly.
“That maniac is here! He tried to gut someone downstairs!” She ripped her grip from you and you swallowed the lump in your throat. He was down there, somewhere. You wanted to find him but you were reminded that your boyfriend needed you. You couldn't  leave your best friend's corpse upstairs without making sure he got carried away properly.
You ran back into the attic and grabbed the boys’ attention. “We have to go now!”
“What’s going on?”
“That fucker is here! He’s going to try and kill us. We have to go, we can't afford to lose anyone else!” You saw the look on Tom’s face. He wanted revenge. Revenge for his brother and his best friend. But you were worried what the killer would do to him. He’s killed four people that you know so far, he won't have a problem killing another.
“Let’s find this, bastard.”
“Tom, no. We need to go. He’ll kill us!”
“He already killed Harry and Jacob!” You didn't mean for it to sound so ignorant but it was true and it was staring at you guys right in the face. You grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards you.
“Please, we have to go.” With tears in his eyes he reluctantly nodded and with one fearful look at his brother and best friend you all ran down the attic stairs and out the house.
You saw everyone getting into their cars and driving in a hurry, especially when everyone saw red and blue lights coming from up the street.
“Guys! Guys!” You all turned and saw Luna and Zendaya running towards you. You had to admit, you all looked pretty ridiculous in your costumes, huddled around, four out of six of you had tears in your eyes and running down your faces.
“Thank god, you guys are okay. He was here! He was actually here!” For the first time since this all started happening you heard and saw the fear in Luna’s voice and face.
“Yeah, we know,” Sam’s voice cracked and he took a seat on the edge of the curb and buried his face in his hands and let out another sob. Tom immediately began to comfort him.
“Where’s Jacob?”
“And Harry.” Tom and Sam began to cry harder and you felt tears start to build up again. You shook your head at your friends and they both had looks of disbelief on their faces.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah, holy shit.”
You knew this was far from over. The killer wasn't done. And you feared you would be his last stop.
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
Don’t Answer the Phone | Chapter 2 | T. Holland
Summary: The town of Riverwood just got a whole lot more scary when a killer decides to reek havoc on the teens at Riverwood High. Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland have to find a way to survive Halloween weekend. Or will they just be apart of the killers sinister plans?
tw:blood, mentions of murder, mentions of sex
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October 29, 1999
You couldn't stop thinking about the masked figure that you saw in the morning. At lunch you brought it up to your friend group but everyone brushed it off like Luna did. Saying it was just some kid trying to scare everyone at school. You even pulled Tom aside because you knew he would listen.
“I’m just saying if it is some freshman playing jokes, it wasn't funny. It really scares me and I just can’t help but get a bad feeling.” Tom nodded his head and suggested you take it up with the principal in hopes he can stop people from wearing masks on school grounds. He even offered to go with you but you decided against it. It was Friday so there was no point in trying to make it a rule when on Monday Halloween would be over and Thanksgiving would be the next holiday.
“Are you sure?” He cupped your face in his hands and you nodded, “I’ll be fine.”
As the end of the day rolled around you found yourself constantly looking over your shoulder. It was a bad habit and it wasn't making you feel any better. There was a party tomorrow and on Halloween so it was the talk of the school. You didn't think it was a good idea to go, seeing one of your classmates just passed away. But it seemed Katherine’s death was old news, no one was talking about her anymore and it did make you angry.
“Where are you headed?” You jumped and turned to see Harrison laughing at scaring you. You punched his shoulder and he laughed even harder. “You suck. You can’t sneak up on me like that.”
“My bad. My bad.” The wind blew past you two and you watched as the autumn leaves flew away.
“I'm waiting for Tom. He usually takes me home.”
“He didn't tell you? Tom got stuck with the coach. Season finale is coming up and as the captain, our coach wants Tom at the top of his game.” You sighed and pulled your flannel even tighter around you. You cursed Tom for being the lacrosse team captain and even though you were proud of him, you could really use him by yourself right about now.
“I guess i'll ask Zendaya for a ride. Have you seen her?” You asked and Harrison shook his head and took a look around, “I can take you home, if you'd like.”
You perked up a bit, feeling a bit safer with one of your male best friends taking you home. “Are you sure? I’m sure you have plans with your other friends. It is Halloween weekend after all.”
Harrison shook his head and threw his keys in the air and caught them. He nodded his head to his car that his father got him for his birthday. You followed him closely and watched as other kids slowly left the school grounds. “Thank you so much, Haz. I feel a lot better riding with you.”
“Really?” He sounded surprised and dare you even say a little smile come to his face. “Yeah, I mean I love Z but we’re both girls. I guess one of the reasons Katherine was… killed was because Josh wasn't there.”
“Or he was.” You looked over at Harrison and he quickly glanced at you before turning his eyes back to the road. “I mean we don't know who killed her yet, it could've been him.”
“Yeah, you didn't say much when we were all going back and forth about the whole thing. Do you think he did it?” The only thing he really spoke about was his relationship with Katherine over the summer. You remember Harrison telling everyone he was hooking up with the blonde within the first week of the summer. Jacob had questioned him about it, Tom jumped in and said he barely even spoke about Katherine and everyone wanted to know how it happened.
“Just trying to get over someone,” He said with a shrug.
“Maybe. But who knows like I said we should leave all that investigating and shit to Z’s dad. By tomorrow I'm sure they’ll figure out who did this. It can't be hard in a small town like this.” That’s what everyone was saying. Just wait it out and before you know it the person who did this is going to be plastered across the news.
“Yeah,” You mumbled and Harrison sighed as he pulled up to the curb beside your house. He put the car in park and reached over to grab your hand. You furrowed your eyebrows when his hand met yours. Sure, Harrison was your best friend and one of the closest things you had to a brother but he never got touchy like this.
“Look I promise by tonight everything will go back to normal and we’ll be celebrating Halloween these next two days,” His grip on your hand tightened and you couldn't help but feel a little weird so you gently pulled your hand away and smiled up at him.
“Yeah, you're right. You and everyone else, I'm just a little paranoid.” You unbuckle your seatbelt and grabbed your bag from the floor.
“If you want I can stay with you. Keep you company until your parents get home.” You shook your head at his offer and gave him a small smile which he didn't return. You opened up the door and stepped out. You pulled out your house keys and shut the door, you leaned over into the car window and waved at Harrison. “Thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow?”
Your whole group planned to be DC or Marvel heros. You were going as Black Cat, Zendaya was going to be Jean Grey, Luna was Poison Ivy, Tom was going as Spider- Man, Harrison was going to be Batman and Jacob was dressing as Mysterio.
The group agreed to it as soon as school started. And then on Halloween you and the girls agreed to be the three Heathers’. It was Zendays’s idea and you didn't have any other plans, so you and Luna agreed.
“Yeah, i'll see you.” You waved goodbye from your front porch and entered the house. You looked out the window and saw Harrison still on the curb, after another minute he finally pulled off onto the road.
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” You threw your bag onto the kitchen counter and sighed when you were met with silence. They were right, they’d be gone for the rest of the day because of what happened to Katherine. You grabbed a snack from the pantry and grabbed the phone from the counter and dialled Zendaya’s number.
“Hello?” Zendaya had an edge to her voice and you raised your brows in surprise, You knew that edge in her voice only occurred when she was mad.
“Hey, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over for a movie. But it seems you might be a little busy,” You laughed when she started cursing.
“Fucking assholes are calling the house being idiots.”
“What do you mean?”
“Someone’s called at least five times, either breathing heavily or just dead silence on the other end. It’s pissing me off.” You sat still as you remembered what she had told everyone about the phone calls Katherine was getting before she had died.
“Is your dad there? Or maybe your mom. I dont think it’s a good idea to stay by yourself. Or come over, it’s going to be dark out soon.” You peered out your kitchen window and saw the sky was turning purple. Zendaya chuckled and shook her head,
“Y/N, we’ll be fine. I’ll be fine, it's just some assholes trying to prank and piss off my dad. They’ll get bored soon and stop calling. Now, would you quit worrying! You love Halloween, we all do. This week is going to be a blast, trust me.”
You scoffed and moved the phone from one ear to another, “Yeah, Luna said the same thing. So did Harrison.”
“Well it’s a good thing we’re your best friends because we’re right. Listen I have one more page of this essay and I’ll be right over. Shouldn’t take me too long, I promise.”
“Yeah, sounds great. Friday the thirteenth or Halloween,” You asked as you looked through the horror movies you had in the movies cabinet. There was a pause on the other end before Zendaya spoke “Halloween is more fitting, I think.”
“There’s a reason we’re best friends.” You both laughed and bid your goodbyes and you hung up the phone and began preparing for the night.
Principal McNighter sat in his office going over paperwork when he first got the call. He answered the call as he normally would and all he received was heavy breathing. He got impatient after a few seconds and hung up. He went back to his desk but never got to sit down because the phone rang again, he reluctantly got back up and picked up the phone.
“Principal McNighter.”
“The bleachers. There’s kids smoking.” And then the line went dead. McNighter growled and slammed the phone back into the receiver and marched out of his office.
“Downey! Watch my office, I'll be back.” He pointed at the after school janitor who just nodded his head and quickly went back to work at sweeping.
“Fucking teenagers,” He mumbled as he puttoned his suit jacket. He moved quickly to get to the football field. There was nothing more infuriating to him than the students that attended Riverwood High. They were always breaking rules and never seemed to care no matter how many detentions or after school clean ups.
He pushed open the doors that led to the field and watched as the automatic field lights turned on. One by one they lit his path as he approached the middle of the field. He looked around on both sides of the bleachers and was met with darkness.
“If anyone’s out there, you best get going!” There was silence and he saw there was no one in sight. “Damn kids,” He said when he realized it was all a prank.
He turned back the way he came and stopped short when he saw someone at the end of the football field. Illuminated by the right lights, he could easily tell it was a student, he just didn't know who it was because of the halloween mask he wore.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing out here?” He walked closer to the figure and grew upset when the teen didn't answer, just tilted his head to the side.
“I’ll give you detention for the rest of the school year if you don't get your sorry ass out of the school. You're trespassing!” When there was no response from the masked figure, McNighter wanted to unmask him to see who this student was.
You could hear the crunch of the grass as he took each angry step towards the killer. It surprised McNighter that the teen hadn't tried to run away but he didnt care. “Let’s see who you are, huh?” Principal McNighter reached up to umask the dark figure but was met with an unbearable pain in his stomach. With his hand mid air, he looked down in horror and saw a knife plunged into his abdomen. The killer chuckled when McNIghter groaned in pain. The red masked figure withdrew their knife and pushed the principal onto the ground.
“Wait. Pl-please. I-I’ll give you money, anything yo-you want.” The killer shook their head and drove the knife into his chest. McNighter screamed in pain as the figure withdrew the knife again before stabbing the principal again, and again, and again. They continued to do so until the screams stopped and there was blood splattered all over their clothes.
They wiped the blood off of their knife using their hoodie sleeve and reached into the pocket of the hoodie to pull out their polaroid camera. They dropped to their knees and placed their body right next to the deceased principal and snapped a picture. The killer watched as a small square appeared from the camera. They smirked as they watched the film develop into a picture of what they had done. They debated going back into the school and killing Downey but decided against it, Downey never did anything to them.
Downey paused as he lifted the trash mid-air and turned to the staircase on the right. He swore he saw something coming down from them. After a moment of silence he shrugged and went back to taking out the trash.
More than an hour had passed as you waited for Zendaya. You had a feeling she had fallen asleep somewhere in between writing her essay. You sighed and turned off the television and went to the phone to call Z back and ask her if she was still coming over.
Just as you were about to call her home, the phone rang and you jumped in surprise. You sighed and shook your head at yourself for being jumpy. “Hello?”
On the other end all you could hear was someone breathing heavily. “Hello,” You asked again and was once again met with no voice. You groaned and hung up the phone, only for it to ring right away.
You scoffed and picked up the phone again. “Whatever prank you're pulling, get over yourself. No one’s scared of you. If you want to be scary you should at least do this face to face.”
You hung up the phone once again but you couldn't deny your heart was racing a mile a minute. Zendaya said she was getting these exact calls so you knew it was some fucker from school trying to prey on the girls, it was cruel and you hoped whoever this was got what they deserved.
You punched in Luna’s phone number and groaned when it went to voicemail, you decided to try Tom’s house next to see if he was home yet from practice.
“Holland residence,” You smiled when you heard Tom's mother, Nikki, respond.
“Hello, Nikki. How are you?”
“Y/N! Where have you been? We’ve missed you!” You smiled at Tom’s mom. You always appreciated how welcoming she and her family had always been to her. They always treated her like she was a part of the family, which she appreciated.
“I’ll come over some time soon, I promise. I wanted to ask if Tom was home yet, or if he was going to be home soon. I’m home alone and I don't really want to be,” You chuckled and placed the phone in between your head and shoulder as you went into the fridge to find something to snack for dinner.
“Tom's at Jacob’s house. He came home to grab a few things and then left. I haven't seen him since school ended.” You paused and thought about what Harrison had told you. You wondered if Tom had given him false information or if Harrison had straight up lied to you. But you couldn't think of why they would do any of that in the first place.
“Y/N?” You snapped out of your thoughts and cleared your throat. “Sorry, um, my fault I guess I forgot Tom had plans. I have to go. I just remembered I had a paper due on Monday.” Nikkie bid you goodbye and goodluck on your paper and an early Happy Halloween.
You hung up the phones and pushed your hair out of your face. You figured your best bet would just be to head to bed early. When you reached your bathroom, you turned on the water and waited for the water to heat up. You reached for the bottom of your top and began to pull it up and over your head when you heard the phone ring. You paused and put your shirt back in place, you reached into the shower to feel the water and felt it was still a bit cold. You decided to leave the water running and walked to the kitchen to answer the phone.
“Y/N? How are you?” The voice wasn't familiar which made you frown.
“Who is this?”
“Who do you think this is?” You scoffed at the person who was most likely from your school and probably one of the idiots running around wearing masks to try and freak people out. He even probably called Zendaya to try and scare her.
“Listen, I’m not in the mood to play your stupid games. Pick someone else to fuck with,” You snapped.
“But I’d rather play with you. C’mon don't be like that, don't you want to have a little fun. Maybe even a game, Katherine loved my game.” You froze in fear and your heart started to beat faster, you could hear it pumping in your ears.
“What did you say?”
“What do you think I said?” He chuckled and you walked over to the back door to make sure it was locked.
“Don't worry your door is locked, I checked.” It was almost like your whole world stopped moving and for a second you couldn't hear or feel anything. The air was sucked out of your lungs and your feet were glued to the floor. “What?”
“Aww, are you scared Y/N? You should be.” Tears pooled in your eyes as you began to close all of the curtains and make sure all of the locks were secured.
“Listen, I dont know what sick game your fucking playing at but you dont want to fuck with me! The police are already on their way.” You grabbed the other phone from the living room and began to dial when you were met with the dial tone. “What?” You grabbed the cord to make sure it was plugged in and gasped when you saw the cord had been cut. Then the lights went out.
You were in complete darkness and your tears were starting to blur your vision. With the phone to your ear, all your heard was breathing.
“Are you scared, Y/N.”
“Listen fucker, I dont know who the fuck you think you are but you better get the fuck away from my house. I’m not playing with you.” You slowly walked to the kitchen, using the walls as a guide. You reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a small kitchen knife. You were shaking as you raised it in the air, ready to defend yourself.
“But I’m already in the house.” A cry broke through your lips when he spoke. You couldn't believe this was happening to you. Out of all the people in this small town, you wouldn't wish it upon anyone but you wondered why this had to happen to you. You were going to die, you were going to end up like Katherine.
“Fuck you!”
“No, fuck you!” You screamed and dropped the phone when you realized the voice was behind you. The moonlight let you see he was wearing a red mask and all black clothing. You screamed again when he charged at you with a big knife, you ducked under him and he fell into the counter behind you.
You lunged at the masked person only for him to grab you by the elbow and throw you into the counter. Pain shot through you as you side hit the corner of the corner uncomfortably and you moved to elbow him in the face.
He was quick to follow you to the living room where he cut the left side of your stomach. You yelled out in pain as blood began to seep through your shirt. You looked up just in time to see him charging at you, you grabbed his wrist and knocked the knife out of his hand and he tackled you to the floor. Tears were continuously falling down your face as you tried to wrestle him off of you. He reached and grabbed a fistful of your head and slammed it down into the hardwood floor. You groaned and reached the touch the back of your head, your head was now throbbing and you gasped when you saw he was reaching for the knife. You looked around and saw the lamp sitting on the side table. You reached up and tugged it roughly, the cord falling from the wall as a result.
You screamed and hit the person over the head with the lamp. They fell over beside you and you quickly got up. Your success was short lived when you tripped and fell when they got a hold of your ankle but you brought your foot inward and then out and kicked them in the face as hard as you could. They fell back into the carpet and you heard them growl, you knew this would be your only chance to escape.
You were crying as you ran down the hallway, gripping the side of your stomach that was hurt. You could hear the killer trying to catch up to you. You reached for the door and threw it open. And you screamed in relief when you saw Zendaya’s car pulling up and started yelling, trying to get her attention.
“Z! Zendaya, help me!” You cried and Zendaya was quick to exit her car, the look on her face was mixed with fear and confusion. You limped to her and she was quick to meet you more than half way.
“Y/N! What the fuck happned? Are you okay?”
“We have to go! We have to go, he’s coming!” Your sobs and screams probably sounded so obnoxious and disgusting, snot was coming from your nose and you couldn't help the spit that was flying from your mouth.
“Y/N, who's coming? Who’s here?” She gripped your shoulders tightly as she tried to get you to speak. “Him! He’s coming!”
You were in shock when you pointed behind you and when you turned, there was nothing there. The house was standing in pitch black compared to your neighbors home.
“Oh my god, are you saying the person who killed Katherine was here? What the fuck, are you okay? That’s a stupid question, of course not, youre bleeding. C’mon we have to get you to a hospital, we have to get the police here.”
Zendaya helped you into her car and when you looked back at your house, you didn't see anything or anyone. At the hospital you were immediately helped by a doctor who treated your wound. The cops came soon after, they surrounded the hospital and requested that you be taken down to the station for further questioning. You really didn't want to leave the hospital but you figured it would be your best and safest bet to be at the police station. Zendayay was with you the whole time, holding your hand as everyone spoke to you and even accompanied you to the station.
When you pulled up to the police station you were shocked but also not surprised that the news had caught wind of this. They were all so quick to try and get the inside scoop about what happened to you.
“Are you okay?” You nodded your head at your best friend.
“As okay as i'll ever be.”
“Ladies stay close to me. You don't have to answer any question, okay?” You nodded and watched as the officer got out of the squad car and opened the door for you and Z to exit. You flinched when the screams got louder and the questions were flying at you left and right.
“Y/N do you know the killer?”
“How did you make it out alive?”
“Did you know Katherine Wheaton?”
Zendaya gripped your arm and gently ran her hand up and down your own, trying to comfort you. But you felt like you couldn't breathe, you couldn't understand why this was happening to you. Tears came to your eyes as you looked down to try and avoid the cameras and bright lights. When you entered the police station you broke down and began crying tino your hands.
“Oh, Y/N.”
“Why did this happen to me? What did he want with me?” You cried as you hugged her tightly.
“I dont know. It’ll be okay.”
“Y/N your parents have been notified about what happened. You can either choose to wait for them or we can begin questioning now.” Zendaya's dad spoke and you didn't want to wait here and be reminded about what happened so you chose the latter, you asked Z to call Tom for you and ask if he can come down here. She agreed and was directed to a phone she can use.
The questions were about the same and after each question you grew more tired and more frustrated. You told them about how Zendaya was supposed to come over but was a bit late, you told them about the phone calls you were getting, then you called Nikki, and more weird phone calls. You Mr. Coleman what the killer had said to you and about the interaction that almost killed you.
“Did you know Katherine Wheaton?”
“Of course I knew her, I just wasn't friends with her like back then.”
“Can you go over the description one last time?”
“We’ve already been over this three times! What’s a fourth time going to do?” You yelled and you knew you shouldn't be yelling at him, it wasn't his fault. But your fear was turning into anger and you didn't want to be here anymore. You hoped this was a dreamland  you wanted to wake up.
“You're right I’m sorry, Y/N. Besides the red mask, did anything else stick out to you?”
“I don't know. He knew my name, he knew my phone number. I dont-I dont know.” You sniffled and tried to stop more tears from coming out.
‘Thank you, Y/N. Katherine also got calls before she passed, we’re going to try and cross match anyone who has called both your homes. It’ll take some time though,” He smiled sadly at you and walked you out of the interviewing room where you saw your parents and Tom.
Your parents immediately walked towards you and hugged you tightly. “Sweetheart, we’re so sorry for not being home.” You cried a bit more when they spoke and you hugged them tighter.
“I just want to go,” They nodded their heads and began to speak to another officer about letting you leave.
“Y/N, thank god you're okay.’ Tom wrapped his arms around you adn you sighed in his embrace.
“What happened?” He gripped your face in his hands and gently kissed your nose.
“Katherine’s killer…came after me.”
“Jesus christ. I knew I should have came over after school, fuck!” He hissed and you shook your head at him, “How could you possibly have known this would have happened. I just want this night to be over.”
“Did they get him? I want a piece of who ever the fuck put theyre hands on you.” You paused when you realized something. They never found him. He was still out there somewhere and you were still alive. He didn't finish what he started so that only meant one thing.
“Oh my god. He’s still out there,” You whispered and your breathing began to pick up. Tom quickly pulled you into his side and sat you down on a chair.
“Y/N, breathe for me. You have to breathe. In and out, just like that.” You followed his breathing exercise but that didn't slow your heart rate or stop the tears. You placed your head on top of his as try to let the world disappear.
“Come stay with me tonight. I’ll make sure that fucker doesnt ever touch you again.”
And you did. It took some convincing from your parents but you told them you couldn't go home. It truly would freak you out to see what it looked like as a crime scene and see your blood on the floor of the living room. Your parents were staying at a hotel nearby and you knew they would be worrying all night which made you feel bad. There was an officer posted outside their hotel and one outside Tom’s house. His family greeted you with a sad smile but of course open arms.
You tried to make a joke to Nikki about how this wasn't what you meant when you would see each other soon. She smiled sadly and you realized it was a bad joke and not the right time for things of that nature. What else were you supposed to do then? Of course you were still scared for your life and now for the Hollands, who knew if that crazy bastard would try to come after you or them. You just hoped he would be smarter than that.
Usually Nikki wouldn't allow the two of you to sleep together but given the circumstances she allowed it. And of course you and Tom were worried about a lot more than just sleeping together. You sighed as you sat down on Tom’s bed, you were exhausted but you couldn't sleep. You closed your eyes and all you saw was the red mask and the large knife, it causes shivers to run through your body.
“You okay?” He touched the side of your face gently and you shrugged.
“I don't know. I just feel… I feel like it’s not over. I'm supposed to be dead and by some chance I'm not,” Your voice cracked as you spoke and Tom pulled you into his side and began stroking your back.
“Listen to me when I say that piece of shit is not coming anywhere near you. I got you, I always got you, okay. I love you.” Your heart began to beat faster and not because you were scared. The i love you’s were still kind of new but you knew you loved Tom, you knew you would always love him.
“I love you too,” He kissed you gently and only parted so he could bring you down on the bed with him. He pulled you even closer and gave you small, loving kisses throughout the night until you were able to fall asleep.
tags: @loxbbg // @bluefencer // @a-goala
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
thank you to anyone who has read chapter 1 of don’t answer the phone and enjoyed it! it means so much to me and I hope ur guys enjoy the rest of the series :’))
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
Hi I love your "Don't answer the phone" story.
Firat of all, I was wondering if it's going to be just a 3 parts story or there are going to be more parts?
And second of all, what days do you plan on updating this story? ( don't want to pressure you, just curious😉 )
Thanks ❤ ❤ ❤
hi!! thank u sm for ur support it means a lot ❤️‍🔥.
honestly idk LMAOOO. the max this story will have would be 5 chapters but im still planning out the next few chapters. and as for the days I plan on updating that is still up in the air just bc I work a full time job and it’s hard to determine when i’ll be off.
hope this answers all of ur questions 💕
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 3 years ago
Don’t Answer the Phone | Chapter 1 | Tom Holland
Summary:The town of Riverwood just got a whole lot more scary when a killer decides to reek havoc on the teens at Riverwood High. Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland have to find a way to survive Halloween weekend. Or will they just be apart of the killers sinister plans?
TW: Blood, gore, death, murder, mentions of sex, cursing, horror.
a/n: im a date late bc of work but here it is! let me know what you all think! also I think we can all agree we want tom in a horror movie/show.
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October 28, 1999
“Where are you? You were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago,” Katherine Wheaton spoke into the landline as she looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten o'clock and her boyfriend, Jason Peterson had yet to show up.
"Babe, im so sorry. I'll be there in twenty minutes, the most. Tyler is, uh, he needs my help." Katherine heard the distinct sound of someone coughing and other people laughing. She felt her anger start to boil, as she caught onto what he was doing and why he was late.
"Are you seriously high right now? I can't believe you right now, you promised you'd be here. Screw you" She was so close to just hanging up on him for being jerk.
"No, no, no. Okay, look im leaving right now. Just give me five minutes and ill be there as soon as possible, okay?" Katherine knew she should be more upset, he does this all the time. He apologizes the minute he sees her and something switches inside her, she can't seem to be mad at him. He’ll flash his charming smile and then give her a kiss that leaves her forgetting why she's mad.
"Whatever. Just hurry up." She slammed the phone back into the receiver and went into the living room to rewind Nightmare on Elm Street. It was Jason's favorite scary film and she knew putting it on for him would give them a good night. Katherine threw the remote onto the couch and grabbed the bowl of cold popcorn from the coffee table. She threw a kernel into her mouth and cringed at its cold and soggy taste. She then opened her trash can and was just about to pour the contents into the trash when the phone rang.
Katherine sighed and knew it was Jason calling again. She put the bowl of popcorn down and picked up the phone, “Jason you better be on your way or else-”
She paused when she heard the heavy breathing on the other end. At first it scared her and caused her heart to beat a little faster and then she remembered who she was talking to and her blood began to boil.
“Jason, you are such an asshole. If one of your little friends put you up to this to try and scare me, it's not working!” Jason continued to breathe heavily and it made her snap.
“Fuck you, Jason. You know what tell your buddies I said they can go fuck themselves too, we are over!” She slammed the phone down harder than she thought and pushed her hair out of her face. Tears began to blur her vision as she realized Jason never cared for her in the first place. He was a shitty boyfriend and an all around asshole to people. That’s what you get for dating a jock.
Katherine rushed to the bathroom and tried to piece herself together. She would show up to school tomorrow and pretend this didn't affect her. She would show Jason exactly what he was missing. Katherine even had a thought of hooking up with one of the guys Jason couldn't stand, that would show him. As she wiped her face of any stray tear, she heard the phone’s annoying ringing. She gritted her teeth at the thought of Jason calling back to apologize. Katherine stomped into the kitchen and picked up the phone,
“Listen, you dick. You can take your sorry and shove it so far up your ass-”
“I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?” Katherine’s face scrunched up in confusion as she heard a voice that most certainly did not belong to Jason or any of his friends.
“Wait, who is this?”
“Oh, I'm sorry to bug but is this the Sweeney residents?” Katherine sighed and rubs her temples. She swore she was an idiot to think Jason would call her back to try and apologize.
“No, I’m sorry this isn't. You should try checking the address book, I’m sure you can find them there.” When she didn't hear a reply she spoke again, “Have a good night.”
Katherine thought it was weird, considering no one in Riverwood had the last name Sweeney. But she brushed it off and reached for the popcorn bowl to finally toss it. She didn't get a chance either when the phone rang again. Katherine was seriously considering unplugging the damn thing because it was getting annoying.
“Hello,” There was an edge to her voice as she reached a peak and wanted nothing more than to watch a movie and just relax. “Can you direct me to the Sweeney residents?”
“Listen, I have no idea who you're trying to reach.”
“Oh I didn't mean to call you again.” The voice spoke and Katherine sighed, “Its fine. See ya.”
“Wait, don't hang up.” Katherine paused and held the phone to her ear as she waited to see what he was going to say.
“What's your name?”
“My name? I dont think I'm allowed to tell you that.” She reached for the bowl of popcorn one last time and successfully threw it in the trash.
“Oh come on. It won't hurt anyone to tell me, will it?” The voice was teasing and Katherine couldn't help but smirk. He was right, it couldn't hurt because she was no longer dating Josh.
“My name is Katherine. What’s yours,” She asked as she twirled her hair around her index finger. She did feel a bit dumb talking to an absolute stranger but she could feel herself forgetting all about Josh and his dumb antics.
“Katherine. That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.” Katherine chuckled at his cheesy flirting. “You don't even know what I look like.” She went around to the living room and pressed play for the second time for the night.
“How do you know that?”
Katherine paused as she watched the opening credits, “What was your name again?” She started to get an uneasy feeling in the bottom of her stomach when there was a long pause. Katherine pulled the phone away from her ear when she heard something from outside. She slowly put the phone down and crept up the window near the door. With her heart thumping as loud as ever, she switched on the porch light and peeked out of the window. Katherine reached up to make sure the door was locked and her heart fell when she realized it wasn’t. It dawned upon her she left it unlocked for Josh to come in.
Katherine turned off the porch light when she saw there was nothing in the front yard and quickly locked the door. She reached into the coffee table where the phone lay and pressed it into her ear. “Listen, I have to go.”
“Wait, don't go yet. We still have a lot to talk about.” He said and Katherine shivered. “No, sorry. It was nice meeting you.”
“Don't you dare hang up!” He demanded but Katherine was pressing the button before he could finish his sentence. She walked through the kitchen and to the backdoor to check the locks. This time they were locked.
Katherine jumped when the phone rang again. She could hear the wind start to pick up outside and Freddy’s signature theme song started to play. She figured she could ignore the phone ringing in hopes whoever was on the other end would get tired and leave her alone. Soon the phone stopped ringing and Katherine sighed in relief but it turned into disbelief when it started to ring again.
She angrily picked up the phone and spoke, “Hey asshole-
“Now, listen bitch! Next time you hang up on me, Ill fucking kill you!” Horror struck her and she felt frozen. There was no denying she was terrified now, regardless if he was just some sick freak trying to play a prank on her. She felt her hands start to shake as she searched for a knife in a drawer.
“Look at you. Scared now? Go ahead, keep looking for that knife.”
Katherine felt like she might throw up. Tears blurred her vision as she realized something. She wasn't safe, he was watching her. She let a sob tear through her throat as she thought about all her options.
“Aww, don't cry. How about a game?”
“Please, no. I’ll do anything. I promise I won't tell anyone about this conversation. My-my boyfriend will be here any minute,” She pleaded as she gripped the knife tightly in her hand. He chuckled and she began to cry some more.
“Haven't you ever been told don't answer the phone when you're not sure who it is?” Katherine’s crying only got more hysterical from there “Please. Please, I'm begging.”
“I like it when you beg. Come to your back door.”
“Please,” She sobbed and she heard him start counting backwards from three. Her feet slowly and heavily made it to her back door. Katherine had to lean against the wall for support as she cried.
“Turn on the light.” She didn't want to because she was scared to see who was back there. “No. No, p-please.’
“Katherine Wheaton if you dont turn on your porch light I won't just kill you. Ill kill your mom and your dad and that stupid dickhead boyfriend, Josh. Now, do it.”
It was horrifying how they knew her full name and how her boyfriend was Josh. She began to wonder if he was watching her longer than just tonight. With a shaky hand, she flipped the switch and sighed in relief when there was no one there. It was then she realized she was now hearing nothing but dial tone. She removed the phone from her ear and wiped a stray tear. When she looked up to see if there was anyone outside, her blood ran cold when she saw a reflection of not just herself but someone wearing a black hoodie and jeans, and a red mask with just two eyeholes. She saw their arm lifting and the glare of a small hunting knife. She screamed in fear and was quick to dodge as he brought the knife down.
She ran behind the kitchen table and tried to dodge him. The tears in her eyes as well as her fear were making it hard for her to decide what to do next. “Please! Please don't do this.” He jumped on the table  and tried to reach for her but she quickly ran into the living room and threw down a china cabinet to put some distance between them. She heard footsteps behind her and ran for the door and screamed in frustration when she saw the door knob had been taken off. Katherine turned and saw the person stalking towards her, like an animal stalking its prey.
She felt the breeze before she saw it. She glanced towards the window by the television and saw it was open and realized the psychopath must've climbed in through the window. It was like he read her mind because he lunged forward in one quick motion and slashed at her arm. She screamed in pain and kicked him where the sun didn't shine.
Katherine ran towards the window, tripping over her own feet and tried to ignore the pain that was consuming her. Just as she had one foot out of the window, she swore she could pass out from the pain when he stuck the large knife into her calf. At this point there was blood all over the living room and her head was now being slammed into the glass window.
Katherines cries and screams were a jumbled mess as he pulled her out of the window and threw her onto the floor. “Please! Please, don't kill me!”
She heard him laugh and she wanted nothing more than to just disappear. She began to wonder how her parents would feel if they found her like this. Bloody and broken, scared and alone, dead.
She tried to crawl away but he gripped her ankle and dragged her back towards his body. Katherine’s scream became even louder as he stabbed her in the back.
Katherine was sure she wasn’t going to make it out of the house alive. She began to wonder what she ever did to deserve this. Out of all the ways to die, she was being murdered by someone she didn’t know.
Blood poured into the cream colored carpet and Katherine was now gargling blood. The masked killer reached over and slit the teens throat. Katherine’s screams turned into gargled sounds as she began to choke on her own blood. The person behind the mask smirked when the only sound was the blood pouring from her open wounds.
They reached into their hoodie and pulled out a polaroid camera. They positioned the camera in front of  Katherine’s lifeless face and placed their head next to Katherine’s. There was still blood pouring from her neck and mouth and you couldn’t see but the person in the faceless red mask was smiling when the flash went off and a small square photo popped out from the top of the black camera.
October 29, 1999
Your morning took a turn when you had walked downstairs and your parents had the news on. The look on their face had you questioning what they were watching. They both gave you sad looks and slightly turned up the television. “We're so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Seventeen year old Katherine Wheaton was found brutally murdered in the quaint town of Riverwood. The young teen was left alone yesterday as her parents worked overnight shifts at the Riverwood Hospital. Wheaton’s boyfriend was the one to discover her body and was taken in for questioning in the early morning.”
“Oh my god,” You said as they showed a picture of Katherine in her cheer uniform with a smile on her face. You knew Katherine since you guys were in kindergarten. You gave her smile whenever you passed each other in the hall and the thought of someone doing this to someone so sweet made you feel so sick.
“Officer, can you give us any clues on who might have done this?” The camera panned in on your best friend, Zendaya's father. He was the sheriff in town and he always welcomed you in his home with welcome arms. He was tense as shook his head, “We are doing our best to recover every piece of detail from last night. Nothing will go unsearched and we will not rest until we have the culprit in bars. Until then, I suggest a strict curfew for everyone in Riverwood. I also suggest Halloween be put on hold until this assailant is caught.” He gave the camera a pointed look before he was called back into Katherines home.
“You heard it yourself folks, stay inside and stay alert as this killer is still at large. Back to you Jane.”
Your mom turned the tv off and turned to your dad. “I don't even think she should go to school today.”
“What? And leave her home alone while this freak is still out there. No, we send her where she’s safe with her friends and trusted adults.” You still couldn't fathom the idea that poor Katherine was gone and in such a horrible way. You didn't want to imagine her last second being terrified.
“I’ll be fine. I promise, I'll make sure to always be with someone. I just can't believe someone did this to her.” Out of everyone this twisted psycho picked, they picked Katherine Wheaton who couldn't even hurt a fly.
“What if it was that  boyfriend of hers?” You shook your head at your dad's question. Sure, Josh was a dick most of the time but he couldn't have hurt Katherine. Everyone knew he really liked her and vice versa. Josh couldn't be capable of something so...sinister, could he?
There was a honk of a car horn, signalling your ride was here. “I’ll see you guys after school?” They both shared looks. Your dad was a realtor and your mom was a lawyer meaning they spent lots of time at their respective offices.
“After today, some people might want to sell their house.”
“And I have a feeling Josh’s parents might want to lawyer up.” You thought about the possibility of Josh actually hurting Katherine and couldn't help but ask, “Mom, if Josh did do this… you wont help him, will you?”
There was silence before she spoke, “Honey, it's my job.” You scoffed and grabbed your school bag. All you could think about was, what if that was me? You mumbled a goodbye and walked out the front door and saw your boyfriend Tom waiting for you in his fathers red convertible.
You couldn't help but admire how his curls were slicked back. He had a smile on his face when he saw you coming out. He jumped out of the car and was quick to greet you with a kiss and open your door for you. It was the little things like this that made you fall in love with Tom. He was kind and sweet, you both loved the same things so it was easy for you both to become so connected.
“Morning, babe.”
“Morning,” You smiled as you stepped into the car and watched him run around the front. Your smile was quickly wiped off your face when you saw your parents staring out the front window, almost like if they looked away for a second they would fear you’d be dead next.
“What’s up with them?” Tom nodded to your parents as he pulled away from your house. You sighed and turned to look at him, “Did you hear what happened to Katherine Wheaton?”
Tom frowned and then nodded, “Yeah. Mom and dad were giving Harry, Sam, and I a big lecture before we left. It’s horrible to even think that…”
He didn’t finish his sentence but you nodded your head in agreement. “How could someone just kill her? Katherine was sweet, she always has been. I guess I just don’t understand why someone would do this.”
“Maybe she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He looked over at you before turning back to the road and you nodded. “Yeah, maybe.”
“Where are the twins anyway?” You looked around and realized they weren’t in the back seat as usual. The four of you always were going to school together and sometimes back, if one of the boys didn’t have some sort of practice.
“They’re with Myra.” Myra was Sam’s girlfriend, you figured Harry decided to take a ride with them instead.
“Shit.” You looked up and your eyes widened when you saw what was happening at the front of your school. News reporters and even cop cars were parked in the parking lot. You haven’t seen something like this since a little girl had been reported missing years ago. They eventually found her at a park but you knew the reporters were eating up a murder mystery.
Tom parked his car in his usual spot and shook his head, “Do they not realize Katherine’s family just found out about what happened? Fucking vultures.”
“What could they possibly be doing here? You would think they’d all be at her house.”
You grabbed your bag and exited the car to meet Tom at the sidewalk where he had his hand stretched out to meet yours. “They hope to find some sort of evidence here.”
You both heard the whispers walking down the sidewalk. It was all anyone at school could talk about. You caught Katy Kline crying in her cheerleading uniform and had to roll your eyes because they were alligator tears. Katy talked so much shit about Katherine on the cheer squad, it was hard to keep up with how many rumors she spread about the poor girl.
You saw the sad and terrified looks of your other peers as well. Some were blaming it on the fact that horror movies were becoming so popular nowadays that some sick person decided to live out their fantasies. A lot of others were scared this would happen again and they would be next. The thought of someone else dying sent shivers down your spine.
“Tom! Y/N!” You both turned your head and saw Zendaya flagging you both down to a table off to the side of the front of the school. Your whole group of friends was sitting and most likely talking about what had happened.
You had known Zendaya since pre-k, you two had been inseparable since the sandbob. Next to Zendaya was Jacob Batalon. You met Jacob your freshman year of high school, he was new to town and the jocks were quick to try and get a hold of him. You and Z were quick to invite him to sit with you at lunch. He was sweet and funny, it wasn't hard for the three of you to become a trio. Luna Talbot sat on top of the table lighting a cigarette which everyone was quick to give her a death glare. You met Luna last year after her father had come back from Japan from a business trip. Luna said the plan was to move to Japan, since her father was born and raised there, but her mother didn't want to leave America. Luna’s mother didn't think it was a good idea for Luna to up and leave to a place she wasn't familiar with. They moved to Riverwood in the spring last year and your group wasn't instantly drawn to her, she fit right in with everyone.
On a skateboard was Harrison Osterfield. He and Tom came to the states almost three years ago. Their parents had worked for the same company and once they heard it was expanding to the US, both of them had taken the chance to move their family out here. They were best friends and knew each other as long as you've known Z. This made up your small group of friends that you loved and cherished. You trusted them with your life and hoped to know them even after high school.
“It’s sick is what it is. Who the fuck calls someone before you kill them?” You gulped when you heard Z’s sentence. You dropped your bag on the bench as you sat down in front of Harrison. He gave you a smile and turned to give Tom a fist bump as he came to sit behind you.
“What’s going on,” Tom asked.
“Z was saying Katherine got a bunch of phone calls before she died. Her dad thinks whoever called her, is the one who killed her. Hence why Jason is at the police station and not at school.” You watched Luna take a drag from her cigarette as she finished her sentence. “I hope he burns in hell.”
“You don't actually think he did it do you? Jason’s a dick but he's not a killer,” Jacob replied and then reached up to snatch the cigarette from between her fingers. “Hey!”
“Harrison, have you talked to her family?” Luna asked and everyone turned to him.
“No. Why would I do that?”
“You guys had a thing over the summer. You said you met her parents.” Harrison shook his head as he looked over at the news reporters.
“It was a casual thing. And I'm sure her parents wouldn't appreciate seeing the guy she fucked over the summer right after she died.”
“Guys, can we stop talking about this. It feels wrong. I mean someone is dead! Scratch that, someone we know is dead. Someone we know was killed.” Tom gripped your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
“Yeah guys, let's just chill out with this. Leave all the investigating and shit to the cops,” Harrison said and everyone agreed. His eyes met yours and you smiled up at him gratefully. He returned and your smile dropped when your heard what a group was saying while walking by,
“I heard she was gutted while she was still alive.”
You scoffed and picked up your bag, “I'm going to class. I can't be out here right now.” You just couldn't believe that Katherine was actually gone and the fact that she was gone in such a horrible way.
You stopped at your locker to grab your physics textbook. You ignored people talking about Katherine and tried to block everyone out. After entering your locker combination, you lifted the small metal latch and watched your locker open. You saw a small yellow sticky note fall from your locker and onto the floor. You bent down and grabbed it and opened it up. Your heart dropped as you read the messy handwriting.
Your next, bitch
The bell rang and it made you jump in the air. You quickly looked around, in hopes to see the person playing this joke on you. But everyone seemed to be minding their own business. You looked back down at the note and crumpled it into your hand. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped again, turning around fast and were relieved to see it was Luna.
“Hey, I'm heading to class. Are you coming?” She looked you up and down and made a sour face when she saw the look on your face, “You okay? You look like you see a ghost.”
You shook your head and stuffed the note in your pocket. You realized the hallway was empty and you were late to first period.  “Yeah. Let's go.” You grabbed your textbook and shut your locker door. Luna linked your arms together and started talking about the girl she was hooking up with but you couldn't help but look behind you.
You gasped when you saw a figure standing at the end of the hallway and pulled on Luna’s arm to get her to turn around. They had their hands in their hoodie pocket and their head was tilted sideways. “Luna!”
“What?” She turned around quickly and scoffed when she saw the person as well. She let go of your arm and slightly hit your arm. “Babe, it's almost halloween. Of course these jack asses are walking around trying to scare people.”
“Hey! Go to class you cunt!” The person didn't say anything so Luna raised both her middle fingers and turned back to you. “Don’t tell me you're paranoid now because of Katherine. Y/N you love halloween. What happened to Katherine was horrible but chances are she was cheating on Josh and Josh is a psychopath who can't help but jack off everytime he looks in the mirror. They have Josh in custody, let's forget about it.”
You sighed and nodded. Part of you wanted to believe that Luna was right and it was only a one time thing. But something deep inside wanted to argue with her. But the look on her face meant that she wouldn't back down on how she felt. Luna was stubborn and always believed she was right so there was no point in fighting with her. You nodded your head in agreement and just hoped to god she was right.
“Good. Lets go before Mrs. Henrikson makes us write an essay for being late. She’s a bitch so she’ll do it to spite us on halloween weekend.” She grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the stairwell. When you turned your head to look at the figure, there was no one there. Shivers ran through  you and you couldn't shake the eerie feeling you got.
tags: @loxbbg // @bluefencer // @a-goala
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
Don’t Answer The Phone | T. Holland | Masterlist
Summary: The town of Riverwood just got a whole lot more scary when a killer decides to reek havoc on the teens at Riverwood High. Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland have to find a way to survive Halloween weekend. Or will they just be apart of the killers sinister plans?
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
He’s always smiling under his mask! :((((( I luv him sm
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tom + smile: an unstoppable force
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
Isn’t Harry Styles latino?
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
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HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY, TOM HOLLAND! (June 1, 1996)
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
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@arianagrande: 5.15.21
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
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Ariana Grande | iHeartRadio Music Awards 2021
307 notes · View notes
hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
LITERALLY. if this man came into my store like that i’d be on his ass like “sir can u pull ur mask over ur nose. thank you.” LMAOOO
i’mma need tom to properly cover his nose under the mask before i risk everything and come fight him
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12 notes · View notes
hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
tuwaine and harrison: dressed nicely and appropriately for the occasion
tom: t-shirt and jeans 😎
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hopeless-starry-kingdom · 4 years ago
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curls for the girls 🥵
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