odetoviscera · 1 year
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words in the line.
I Have Been Tagged (@iztarshi). I Accede To The Tumblr Laws.
It's a good thing GDrive knows which of the like two dozen WIPs I updated last, bc I sure didn't.
“You won’t have to,” he says, and offers his wrists.
(from waters of babylon, eventual gods help me sequel to and thirst is all i know. i will be shocked if you can guess the speaker, please feel free to speculate wildly in the notes lol.)
@leupagus @poundfooolish @ionizedyeast @screechfoxes @wildehacked @pathopharmacology @hellotrickster @ladysmaragdina @smallhorizons @dsudis
I have tagged you (and I hope managed to tag only the people I'm pretty sure are writers. admittedly some of you haven't been active since 2020 but you know what that's valid.) But also-- I free you of obligations. Tumblr Laws Are Fake.
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lynnearlington · 4 years
Supercorp Animal Crossing AU: Lena is the posh city girl trying to relax in a new life tropical paradise, Kara is the dumbass jock who does airplanes around the island.
Oh my god. Just imagining dumbass jock Kara in a neon green muscle tank doing the Naruto-meets-airplane run around Lena who’s just trying to relax under a palm tree or ridiculous umbrella is giving me life right now. 
I hope you know how much I love you. <3 
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thesnadger · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post “Johnathan Sims: I don't know if it's my already graying hair or...”
you can tell he’s a millennial by how exhausted he is all the time
It was in front of me the whole time. Always exhausted. Dark sense of humor. Complains about his job but never quits. Constantly at the whim of sinister forces he has no control over. Would die for his friends. The millennial experience.
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izzythehutt · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post: Finished episode 160 of TMA Uh…mm… What now
Uh, even I am not so obsessive to immediately re-listen to 160 episodes of a horror anthology podcast I literally just spent two weeks listening to the first time. 
Though, probably it would be useful, since the whole thing was a blur, and I’m not going to lie, during the evil dramatic villain monologue in the final episode laying out each and every way in which he played our heroes, I had a few moments where I struggled to remember which evil horror monster had traumatized Jonathan Sims and co. in which episode. 😂 
The Entities kind of blur together after awhile, there’s way to effing many of them, and they all have multiple minions, also difficult to keep straight! Got to stop the Extinction from manifesting just because I can barely keep track of the fourteen that already exist. 
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kalgalen · 5 years
yooooo we both reblogged ed keystone at the same time from different people about emotional support himbos and I had to tell you HOW VALID YOU ARE
EDDIE...MR SUNSHINE MAN..... we are the most valid on this site 
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audible-smiles · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your video “you guys I literally just can’t get over this song???”
early seasons I thought it was martin to jon. season four made it clear it was also jon to martin.
season 4 anthem...i’m extremely fucked up about it
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seachanqe · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post: Honestly, its not even so much of where Martin’s...
let somebody murder peter lukas 2k19
Amen. Like we’ve had let martin do a murder, we’ve been like oh yeah Jon will get him, BUT at this point I would settle for literally anyone. Like, someone call  Joshua Gillespie, our only hope.
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theradioghost · 5 years
Kane & Feels!
wizard who doesn’t know what house m.d. is and very large jazz fan are roommates. it does not go well
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redjayson · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post “I just finished s1 of the magnus archives and how the FUCK am I...”
sleep with a corkscrew in your hand
.....not a bad idea
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featherquillpen · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post “Hey podcast fandom, is there some kind of listening guide to The...”
They all relate to the meta plot, and a narrative beat from episode 27 might come full circle in episode 146.
Oh, wow, that’s honestly really impressive. Okay, I’ll listen to them all then. 
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thegeminisage · 5 years
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@tomasortega​ THANK U SHE IS DARLING she bobbles her head a lot and just generally looks little and silly and confused
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@gaykatara​ in my heart this is a vaguely @cambionverse​ related name so my devotion has hit NEW LEVELS
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@hellotrickster​ yeah, i had a siamese a long time ago who got hit by a car :( that was the last outdoor cat i ever had. he was SO smart and he LOVED 2 yell...so far gracie seems a bit timid and jumpy, but it’s her first day here so that’s more than understandable tbh. i’ve gotten her to purr for me and play with some kitty toys, so i’m sure she’ll adjust fine in no time (tho we still have to see about her shots and stuff)
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@smellslikebot​ YES THIS IS MY BABY...i have wanted a (girl, i can’t have anymore boys) siamese kitten for a long time!!! tbh the timing kind of sucks and it’s SO sudden (i only found out she existed two days ago) but i’ve been looking for one for so long i just couldn’t bring myself to turn her down. but i was caring for 5 cats at once a couple of years ago (and one was special needs - arthritic and epileptic) so i can care for 5 cats at once again - just gotta get her shots and get her safely introduced to everyone else! my youngest (hawkeye) has been really needing a playmate anyway, he’s so much more hyper than the rest
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odetoviscera · 5 years
/flings this into the void/
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lynnearlington · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post “i wish u would write a fic where kara and lena meet in a world of...”
okay but do they have a fishing date
HOW COULD I FORGET SUCH A THING. They definitely do. Kara has to grind fishing for mats and Lena definitely doesn’t need to be there - because the whole point of her friendship with Kara is so Kara does these things for her - but she definitely stays up until 2am idling around a snowy zone while Kara jumps from fishing spot to fishing spot and Lena entertains her. 
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nicasiosilang · 3 years
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Rules - Post 9 people you’re very attracted to. See whom you have in common with others.
Tagged by @zeitheist and @hellotrickster, here's nine attractive people, real life celebrities only. This took forever, not because I couldn’t decide on who to include, but because I spent a good 10-20 minutes indulgently scrolling through 10000 tabs of photos for each of them.
In order: 
Riz Ahmed, Winston Duke ( @hellotrickster agrees, so he’s extra hot), Sendhil Ramamurthy, Lucy Liu, Nicole Beharie who gets her own row because holy shit look at her, Jon Bernthal, Jeremy Brett (do not @ me, I am right), Pedro Pascal, and his friend Oscar Isaac whose aging process is a weapon aimed directly at me.
Tagging just for funsies: @watermelon-wolf @bonibaru @wildehacked @nakedmonkey @feministbatwoman
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umbraastaff · 5 years
im not actually a fan of horror and kinda easily freaked/scared out by it and it was strangely easy to listen to tma? im not sure what about it makes it Not Scary and just unsettling at times, especially bc i only listened to it when it was light out. im not sure but i thin it might be how its set out with the into/outro bits done by the character that's a bit like out people can handle sadder theatre than movies because they can see the actors at the end?? sorry this ended up so long rip
tma is pretty tame imo, I don’t do well with horror but most of the episodes weren’t that bad, there are some that did really get me of course, but most of them aren’t that hard to stomach
the thing about tma is that it doesn’t rely on jumpscares. while idk about you, that’s the main thing that’s kept me away from the horror genre. tma itself usually isn’t super scary, but there have been one or two eps that do make me feel really genuinely uneasy. that’s kinda the extent of it tho
Theres very little in the way of jumpscares it can be pretty unsettling tho a lot of the later eps have trigger warnings so thatll help
Magnus was intentionally written to be enjoyably spooky or spine-tingly rather than outright scary.
as someone who’s watched a lot of horror movies and doesn’t handle it well for me the audio medium softens it for me personally. i can avoid overthinking stuff and jump scares are harder
I think that people who aren’t bothered by suspense or occasional body horror could easily find TMA relaxing. Jon has a soothing way of talking about his spooky stories
i think tma is pretty tame because it’s more like a series of ghost stories than a horror movie, if that makes sense? there’s some suspense, but very few jumpscares, and most of it is told after the events have already happened. plus, the lack of visuals really helps tone down the fear factor while keeping the spooky atmosphere. i think for people who are bad with specific things like body horror, paranoia, or parasites, it can be really upsetting, but for most people it’s not that scary!
(response compilation!)
Thank you all for your input!! It seems we’ve got a pretty solid consensus that it isn’t especially scary in the way most horror tends to be, which makes it accessible in some ways that most horror is not.
That’s fantastic! And personally I’ve found it fun–just creepy enough to be intriguing, but not enough to put me off.
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radiantmists · 5 years
hellotrickster replied to your post “i’m going to regret this post because chances are that i’m actually...”
up until this October, the fandom was verrrrry small. hopefully we’ll all stay friendly through season five, but we’ll see!
I’m definitely part of the new crop of fans (though maybe the beginning of the wave bc i caught up in august/early september) but i really hope it stays friendly too! although even if it doesn’t, i suppose the nice thing about tumblr is the ability to largely stay in a friendly bubble if you so choose
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