#hello wonderful pal i hope you are doing well
politemagic · 11 days
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they are petrified
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💝 twst 2024 valentine gift message compilation 🎁
Yes, it’s that time of year again—
For preliminary information on what this is, please check out this post!
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This year’s messages came printed on a coffin-shaped piece of paper. (The back of it is shown in the image above.)
The common theme underlying all of the messages is that the sender (you!) gifted the character a fragrance.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
My dear friend—
Thank you for your gift.
I’m not an expert, but I once read
that this type of thing can help with
relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out
soon. I’ll make you herbal tea
sometime as a token of my
Hello, friend—
Thank you for the lovely gift. I’ve
been busy lately, so it’s nice to have
something to help me relax. You’re
always going the extra mile for
everyone around you. I’ll bring some
homemade sweets over soon to say
thanks, okay?
Eeey, friendo!
Thanks for the totes ‘Cammable
gift! It looks nice, AND it’s got a
fragrance that’s right up Cay-Cay’s
alley. I’m super excited for the
gift-back, and hope you are, too!
I’m gonna get you something you’ll
be amped to post about on
Heya, pal—
I never thought you’d get me
something so fancy! It’s got just the
kind of scent I like. You’ve got
perfect taste. I’m gonna use it
soon—thanks! As for what to give
you in return, well… Got any
requests? Just don’t go too
My good friend—
Thanks for the gift! I didn’t think
it’d be something so fancy. You’ve
got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect!
It’s nice having a fresh scent in my
room to help me focus when I’m
studying! Wait until you see what
grade I get on my next test.
Allow me to thank you for your
generous gift. Heh. Can’t believe
you actually picked out a halfway
decent fragrance. I might actually
keep this. I thought about sending
you something in return if the mood
struck me, but this thank-you note
should do the job just fine, right?
Thanks for the gift! I don’t buy
things that aren’t absolute
necessities, so it’s nice getting
something like this. Don’t get me
wrong, though. I’m REALLY not
picky when it comes to people
giving me presents, so feel free to
keep giving me whatever you like!
Thanks for the gift.
This is the kind of subtle fragrance I
can see myself using. I don’t like
being indebted to others, so I’ll
think of something to send in return
so we’re even. Don’t expect too
much. Just sit tight.
My boon companion—
Thank you for your wonderful gift.
You have quite the eye for quality
and chose a fine fragrance. That
said, I prefer not to accept gifts
without providing anything in
return. Expect something from me
of equivalent value soon.
My dear friend—
Thank you for your lovely present.
Did you know that morays have
keen senses of smell? I’ll quite enjoy
this. I’d like to treat you to a drink
at the Mostro Lounge in return.
What do you say?
Dear Little Shrimpy—
What a neat choice for a present.
Did you pick out this scent ‘cause it
reminded you of me? Kinds funny if
this is the vibe I give you. I guess I’ll
use it if I feel like it. No promises.
To my dear friend—
Thanks for the gift. You picked this
fragrance out for me, right? I’m
flattered! Ooh, I know. Next time
you’re in a gift-giving mood, you
could take me shopping to help pick
it out! The more the merrier, right?
Then again, that might defeat the
purpose of the gift… But let’s not
sweat the details!
I was surprised enough just to
receive a gift from you, but a
fragrance? You never fail to surprise.
It couldn’t have been easy selecting
this. I’ll have to gift you something
appropriate in return.
Dearest friend—
Thank you for your gift. It was a
rather thoughtful choice; I can use
this when I’m doing stretches. What
would you like in return, I wonder?
You’re getting something
hand-picked by me, so I’ve no doubt
you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
And merci boucoup! Did you
choose this just for me? I’m
delighted. The design is so lovely
and elegant. I normally avoid using
fragrances unless it’s a special
occasion, in which case I shall
happily wear one—the one you gave
me, of course.
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don’t know
much about fragrances, but this
one’s mighty fine! It makes my
dorm room feel a smidge more
fancy. I’d better get you something
nice in return. It’s kinds fun
thinking up ideas for that.
uh, are u saying I stink? is this like
a passive-aggressive gesture or sth?
I have questions, but since u gave
it to me, I gratefully accept. I
don’t pay much attention to
fragrances, but this one smelled pretty.
dece when I gave it a whiff.
Hello, Prefect—
Thank you for the gift! It’s a
fragrance, right? So this is how you
perceive me. That’s fascinating! I’m
about to do a thorough analysis of
its composition. Who knows? I
might discover something neat. Let
me know what fragrances you’re
into sometime!
To my good friend—
Thank you for the gift. Hmm…
This fragrance is meant for pleasure
and relaxation? What a tasteful
choice. I rather like it; perhaps I
shall take more of an interest in
these things. You would be welcome
to pay me a visit, by the way, should
you feel so inclined. I would enjoy
sharing an old tale or two.
Thank you for picking something
out for me. It’s a rather nice gift.
Immersing myself in an unusual
fragrance reminds me of my days
visiting other lands. I know! I
should cook for you some foreign
cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can
hardly wait.
Thank you for your gift. This smell
is so nice and relaxing, it makes me
want to nod off. I hope tjis
improves the quality of my sleep
and helps me want to wake up sooner
when my alarm clock goes off. I’ll let
you know how it goes. Hopefully
I’ve received your gift. Fragrances
are a part of one’s personal
grooming, and you had the nerve to
gift one to ME?! Challenge
accepted. I’ll come up with the
perfect thing to return the
sentiment. You’re going to get
what’s coming to you—mark my
Dear esteemed student—
I was quite taken aback when an
unexpected package arrived in the
headmage’s office! To think you
would send me something so
thoughtful… Hmm. This fragrance
suits my tastes nicely. Normally I
wouldn’t be able to accept personal
gifts, but I think I’ll make an
exception for this, seeing as I’m
Dear pup—
What is this? Giving personal gifts
to teachers is hardly good pup
behavior. But the moment I opened
the wrapping, I could tell you
picked this out for me. The design is
suitable enough, as is the fragrance
itself. I suppose I must commend
your knack for gift-giving. Good
Dear juvenile—
I generally decline gifts from
students, but you clearly chose this
scent out of respect for me. I won’t
use it around Lucius, but it might
be nice to use in the staff room
every once in a while. I gratefully
Dear student—
What is this? Did I give you
a homework assignment that involved
getting me a present? Kidding, of
course. This is the perfect scent for a
guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how
to make my signature Vargas
protein drink in return!
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out
just for me? It’s a fantastic scent,
thanks! If you’re interested in this
type of thing, I happen to have a
fine selection in stock, so swing by
whenever you want! I’m looking
forward to your next visit.
Dear minion—
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but
instead I get some weird thing
called a fragrance? What IS this
thing? I woulda taken tuna in a
heartbeat, but since my
hench-human picked this out for
me, I guess a proper boss would put
it to good use. Be grateful for my
kindness, partner!
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Prologue
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Prologue: Troublesome "Friends"
Summary: Saiki gives everyone the rundown on his "bothers," including (L/N) (Y/N).
Mouse Note: Welcome to A Not-So-Disastrous Romance! I am very excited to share this story with everyone, even if this fandom is very old. Truth be told, I wrote 11 chapters like three years ago, so the first few chapters don't have the level of writing I have now, but I ended up finishing this story and wanted to share it. For another point, I know that people view Saiki as asexual and sometimes aromantic, but I feel an affinity for him being asexual but demi-romantic, so I play it slow-burn. That being said, terrible beginning writing aside, I really hope everyone enjoys. Let me know what you think, commenting helps me keep writing, and I love interacting with people! Welcome to the story!
Quick Key: "Hello" -Saiki speaking telepathically Hello -Saiki thinking "Hello" -regular people talking out loud Hello -regular people thinking
            Saiki teleported to the roof to avoid Teruhashi and Nendou. One was troublesome enough. Two was insupportable.
            “Where’s Saiki? Huh? What’s going?” wondered Teruhashi, confused.
            I teleported without thinking. Saiki looked down at the crowd below him. People around me didn’t seem to notice me, but naturally, Teruhashi thinks something is strange. Well, Teruhashi, just think I was an illusion and forget about it.
            “Nendou!” remarked the pretty blue-haired girl upon seeing him.
            “Oh, wow, Teruhashi!” squeaked Nendou, blushing.
            “Have you seen Saiki?” asked Teruhashi.
            “What? My pal? No, I haven’t.” Nendou was too startled to think.
            N-no way…did he disappear? thought Teruhashi, Is it possible that I was the one seeing an illusion? She recalled what she had assumed of Saiki: “You’re so much in love with me that you see illusions of me, huh?” A light blush spread across her face. Don’t tell me I’m…No! I can’t be… She clutched her heart. Oh, no…What’re these feelings? Is it possible…that I fell in love…with Saiki?
            Oh, wow, thought Saiki as he deadpanned. This is not how he wanted things to go.
            He sighed and teleported to a nearby, empty alleyway. Sighing, he decided to go for a coffee jelly. With the new problem he had just acquired, Saiki decided he might as well enjoy a little bit of peace. He walked quickly in the opposite direction of Nendou and Teruhashi, even if it took him on a long route to Café Mami. For once in his life, he was lucky and didn’t bump into anyone on the way there. His luck ran out, however, as soon as he entered.
            “Saiki!” called a teenager with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. They were grinning and waving.
            He couldn’t avoid them now; it would draw attention to him for being rude. He sighed and sat down across from them.
            This is (Y/N) (L/N). They’re another troublesome person who complicates my life. They even call me their friend and insist I use their first name. The worst part is I can’t read their mind. They aren’t dumb like Nendou, though. Do you see those earrings?
            (Y/N) had simple, metallic studs in their ears.
            They’re made of germanium, which apparently keeps me from seeing through them with my X-ray vision or hearing their thoughts with my telepathy.
            He had only realized this after he saw them during school and on the weekends and the only thing that was the same between the outfits was their earrings. Saiki wished he could get his hands on some germanium. Hearing everybody’s thoughts was tiring. That being said, (Y/N) being unreadable was…disconcerting.
            “Nice to see you, Saiki. Are you here for your usual coffee jelly?” asked (Y/N) cheerfully.
            The pink-haired psychic nodded. Yare yare…Why do I hang out with you?
            “Oh!” They brightened. “I guess since you’re kind of like my guest right now, I should treat you!”
            Saiki’s eyes widened in excitement. Ah, I remember now. (Y/N) treated him to, well, treats. That made them more tolerable than other people.
            Seeing his expression, (Y/N) laughed. They knew what he was excited for. “You’re more excited to see the coffee jelly than to see your friend.” They didn’t mind, though. They knew Saiki wasn’t one for being open or friendly, but they’d spent enough time with him to know he’d just leave if he really didn’t like him.
            He wanted to say that they weren’t friends, but even he had to admit, he thought they were pretty tolerable compared to most of the people who crowded around him. Sure, their bright optimism was sometimes exhausting to Saiki, but for the most part, they were pretty low-maintenance and understood he was an extreme introvert and liked time to himself. Plus, although they were energetic at times, but they understood when things were too much for Saiki. And, to be completely honest, he didn’t mind getting to be around someone he couldn’t hear the thoughts of. He could act like a relatively normal person.
            Saiki would never say all that, though. No way. No, the only thing he’d say was, “Coffee jelly is really good.”
            “Can’t argue with that,” admitted (Y/N).
            Their server, who coincidentally was Mera (probably trying to make money as usual), approached their table. She took their orders and headed to the kitchen to alert the chefs.
            “You look more annoyed than usual, what happened?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki sighed. They unfortunately pay attention to me and can read parts of my emotions. It’s weird. Maybe they’re an empath. “I ran into Teruhashi.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “The only guy immune to her charms.”
            “She brings too much attention.”
            “You’re friends with Nendou and Kaidou. A bit of attention is inevitable,” teased (Y/N), leaning on their hand and grinning.
            “They’re not my friends.”
            “Uhuh, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,” chirped (Y/N).
            Mera brought their orders. Luckily, she hadn’t stolen a bite from either of the coffee jellies.
            “Mmmm,” hummed (Y/N) and Saiki contentedly at the taste.
            Peaceful relaxation with (Y/N). Just the way I like it. Saiki sighed happily.
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natsury-kazuki · 1 month
Valentine cards 2024
Hi, this time I found them all at once, enjoy the answers from our dear NRC students and teachers! :)
My dear friend
Thank you for your gift. I’m not an expert, but I once read that this type of thing can help relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out soon? I’ll make you herbal tea sometime as a token of my gratitude.
Riddle Rosehearts
Heya, pal-
I never thought you'd get me something so fancy! It's got just the kind of scent I like. You've got perfect taste. I'm gonna use it soon-thanks! As for what to give you in return, well.. Got any requests? Just don't go too overboard.
Ace Trappola
My good friend-
Thanks for the gift! I didn't think it'd be something so fancy. You've got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect! It's nice having a fresh scent in my room to help me focus when I'm studying! Wait until you see what grade I get on my next test.
Deuce Spade
Eyyy, friendo!
Thanks for the totes' Cammable gift! It looks nice, AND it's
got a fragrance that's right up Cay-Cay's alley. I'm super excited for the gift-back, and hope you are, too! I'm gonna get you something you'll be amped to post about on Magicam.
Cater Diamond
Hello, friend-
Thank you for the lovely gift. I've been busy lately, so it's nice to have something to help me relax. You're always going the extra mile for everyone around you. I'll bring some homemade sweets over soon to say thanks, okay?
Trey Clover
Allow me to thank you for your generous gift. Heh. Can't believe you actually picked out a halfway decent fragrance. I might actually keep this. I thought about sending you something in return if the mood struck me, but this thank-you note should do the job just fine, right?
Leona Kingscholar
Thanks for the gift! I don't buy things that aren't albsolute necessities, so it's nice getting something like this. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm REALLY not picky when it comes to people giving me presents, so feel free to keep giving me whatever you like!
Ruggie Bucchi
Thanks for the gift. This is the kind of subtle fragrance I can see myself using, I don't like being indebted to others, so I'll think of something to send in return so we're even. Don't expect too nuch. Just sit tight.
Jack Howl
My boon companion-
Thank you for your wonderful gift. You have quite the eye for quality and chose a fine fragrance. That said, I prefer not to accept gifts without providing anything in return. Expect something from me of equivalent value soon.
Azul Ashengrotto
My good friend-
Thank you for your lovely present. Did you know that morays have keen senses of smell? I'll quite enjoy this. I'd like to treat you to a drink at the Mostro Lounge in return. What do you say?
Jade Leech
Dear Little Shrimpy-
What a neat choice for a present. Did you pick out this scent 'cause it reminded you of me? Kinda funny if this is the vibe I give you. I guess I'll use it if I feel like it. No promises.
Floyd Leech
To my dear friend
Thanks for the gift. You picked this fragrance out for me,right? I’m flattered! Ooh, I know? Next time you’re in a gift-giving mood, you could take me shopping to help pick it out! The more the merrier, right? Then again, that might defeat the purpose of the gift… But let’s not sweat the details!
Kalim Al-Asim
I was surprised enough just to receive a gift from you, but a fragrance? You never fail to surprise. It couldn’t have been easy selecting this. I’ll have to gift you something appropriate in return
Jamil Viper
Dearest friend-
Thank you for your gift. It was a rather thoughtful choice; I can use this when I'm doing stretches. What would you like in return, I wonder? You're getting something hand-picked by me, so I've no doubt you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Vil Schornheit
And merci boucoup! Did you choose this just for me? I'm delighted. The design is so lovely and elegant. I normally avoid using fragrances unless it's a special occasion, in which case I shall happily wear one-the one you gave me, of course.
Rook Hunt
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don't know much about fragrances, but this one's mighty fine! It makes my dorm room feel a smidge more fancy. I'd better get you something nice in return. Its kinda fun thinking up ideas for that.
Epel Felmier  
Uh, are u saying I stink? Is this like a passive-aggressive gesture or sth? I have questions but since u gave it to me, I greatefully accept? I donc’t pay much attention to grangrances, but this one smelled p. dece when I gave it a whiff.
Idia Shroud
Hello, Perfect
Thank you for the gift! It’s a fragrance, right? So this is how you perceive me? That’s fascinating! I’m about to do a thorough analysis of its composition? Who knows? I might discover something neat. Let me know what fragrances you’re into sometimes!
Ortho shroud
To my good friend-
Thank you for your gift. Hmm... This fragrance is meant for pleasure and relaxation? What a tasteful choice. I rather like it; perhaps I shall take more of an interest in these things. You would be welcome to pay me a visit, by the way, should you feel so inclined. I would enjoy sharing an old tale or two. –
Malleus Draconia
Thank you for your gift. This smell is so nice and relaxing, it makes me want to nod off. I hope this improves the quality of my sleep and helps me to wake up sooner when my alarm clocks go off. I'll let you know how it goes, Hopefully well.
I've received your gift. Fragrances are a part of one's personal grooming, and you had the nerve to gift one to ME? Challenge accepted. I'll come up with the perfect thing to return the sentiment. You're going to get what's coming to you-mark my words!
Sebek Zigvolt
Thank you for picking something out for me. It's a rather nice gift. Immersing myself in an unusual fragrance reminds me of my days visiting other lands. I know! I should cook you some foreign cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can hardly wait.
Lilia Vanrouge
Dear esteemed student
I was quite taken aback when an unexpected package arrived at the headmage’s office ! To think you would send me something so thoughtful… Hmmm. This fragrance suits my taste nicely. Normally I wouldn’t be able to accept personal gifts, but I think I’ll make an exception for this, seeing as I’m so kind,
Dire Crowel
Dear pup
What is this? Giving personal gifts to teachers is hardly good pup behavior. But the moment I opened the wrapping, I could tell you picked this out for me. This design is suitable enough, as is the fragrance itself. I suppose I must commend your knack for gift-giving. Good boy.
Divus Crewel
Dear juvenile
I generally decline gifts from students, but you clearly chose this scent out of respect for me. I won’t use it around Lucius, but it might be nice to use in the staff room every once in a while? I gratefully accept.
Mozus Trein
Dear student
What is this? Did I give you homework assignment that involved getting me a present? Kidding, of course. This is the perfect scent for a guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how to make my signature Vargas protein drink in return!
Ashton Vargas
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out just for me? It’s fantastic scent, thanks! If you’re interested in this type of thing, I happen to have a fine looking forward to your next visit.
Dear minion
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but instead I get some weird thing called fragrance? What IS this thing? I woulda taken tuna in a heartbeat, but since my hench-human picked this out for me, I guess a proper boss would put it to good use. Be grateful for my kindness, partner!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Child reader takes on the persona of a hardboiled detective to solve a mystery. Her fancy cake is missing, and her best friend is also missing.
-You couldn’t be happier! You just got home from school, you had no homework, and you got to eat your special edition anniversary cake from your favorite bakery that you got the day before with Buddha!
-You opened the fridge, seeing your cake waiting for you and pulled it out, beaming down at it before heading to your bedroom, where your stuffed highland cow, Bartleby, was waiting at the tea table, as you had set him before you left for school.
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-The box was opened, and you were ready to dig in when you heard Eve, “Y/N~ will you come here please?” you paused, looking down at the delicious cake before you inhaled deeply and ran out, with hopes that you would be back shortly as you ran to Eve.
-Only ten minutes later you were hurrying back to your room, excitement filling every inch of you as the thought of eating your cake.
-Buddha, who had gotten his own, told you in passing how delicious it was, “I wish we could have gotten more than just the one each we were allowed.”
-You opened your door and instantly your elation turned to distraught, your cake was gone, as was Bartleby, with stuffing where he had been sitting.
-You fell to your knees, anguish filling you, tears welling in your eyes before you inhaled deeply once again, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand, standing up, “I won’t cry, Private Eye Y/N is a hard-boiled private in-best-e-gator! And I’m going to solve this case!”
-Moments later you knocked on Jack’s door who answered it, “Hello there Y/N, what can I do for you?” you held out your hand to him, “Can I borrow one of your hats please?” he seemed surprised by your request, but he got you one, handing it to you and you ran off, “Thank you! I’ll bring it back later!”
-He was a bit confused, wondering what you were playing this time. He’s sure he would find out soon enough. Jack was almost back in his chair where he had been reading when another knock, this time more frantic, came to his door. And who he found standing here was even more surprising.
-Back in your room, you put a lollipop in your mouth, looking around the room after putting up pink and blue steamers, with ‘crime scene’, misspelled, across the door, as far up as you could reach, taping off the crime scene.
-You stood there, monologuing out loud, “It had only been a few minutes. Mama Eve needed my help reaching the button that fell under the couch, a button that only my little hands could reach. Nothing else seems to be out of place. Nothing stolen except for my cake, and with Bartleby missing, it’s not just a burglary, but a kidnapping as well! Time’s a ticking to solve this case.”
-Adam, who had been standing there since you started your monologue, was a bit confused, “Y/N, who are you talking to?”
-You turned, pointing at him, “I’m the one asking the questions pal!” he seemed surprised by your words as you paced around, continuing, “My cake has been stolen, and Bartleby is gone too, and based on this stuffing, he’s hurt, meaning whoever took him hurt him in the scuffle.”
-Adam left you to your game, making a mental note to tell the others to not let you watch any more old cop dramas for a while.
-Zeus was the next one to pass by, about ten minutes later, seeing you using tape to make a crude outline of where Bartleby would have fallen, after he got injured, as well as a ‘crime scene board’, crayon drawings of everyone pinned up on a board, “Y/N what are you doing?”
-You turned, pointing at the crime scene tape keeping him out, “I’m in-best-e-gating! Someone hurt and took Bartleby, and they took my special cake!” he just chuckled warmly, before nodding back down the hall, “I saw Buddha walking by a few minutes ago.”
-Your eyes went bright, looking excited before you composed yourself, “Thank you sir, you may go on your way!” before you crawled underneath your crime scene tape and ran off, looking for Buddha.
-You found him only moments later, lounging in his room, in his big chair, with Loki and Brunnhilde in the room as well, enjoying tea together, “Buddha! I’m coming for you!”
-He seemed surprised as you ran in, looking a bit odd, as you were wearing one of Jack’s hats and a lollipop in your mouth. Brunnhilde was quick to halt you, “Y/N don’t run with candy in your mouth. You’ll choke.” You skidded to a stop, offering her a sheepish apology before you turned back to Buddha, a glare on your eyes.
-You paced back and forth before him, “Buddha, you mentioned earlier that the special anniversary cake was delicious. So delicious that you wished that you could have gotten more than one! So delicious that you took my cake when I was helping Mama Eve!”
-You ended your statement, making your accusation, pointing at him. Their eyes were wide as Loki was trying not to laugh, seeing that you were acting like the cop you’ve been watching on TV, with the monologues and all.
-Buddha leaned back, looking amused, looking down as he moved his own lollipop in his mouth, “Oh-ho~ and do you have any proof of this accusation?”
-You faltered, only for a moment, before speaking back, “Zeus said he saw you down by my room a few minutes ago. Why would you need to be down by my room when your room is on the other side of the house? Just admit it that you stole my cake and return Bartleby to me!”
-Buddha let his façade drop, confusion appearing on his face, “Bartleby, your cow?” you nodded, your eyes locked on him, “You hurt Bartleby, I found his stuffing at the crime scene! You took care of him when you took my cake so there would be no witnesses!”
-Loki was turning red, his hands over his mouth as he was hunched over, his ribs hurting as he was trying not to laugh.
-Brunnhilde then spoke up, playing along with you, “I can vouch for Buddha, he came to help me carry something from my room to the living room. You probably saw it, it’s the large empty box from the new dresser I got.”
-You turned, monologuing out loud again, “The dame’s right. I did see that box; it was big and full of the stuffing that people put in boxes with dressers. There’s no way she could have carried that on her own with how wide it was, and her room is past mine.” Brunnhilde’s eye twitched, hearing you call her a dame, as Loki tipped over backwards in his chair, unable to keep his laughter at bay any longer, roaring with laughter.
-Buddha smiled softly, kneeling down before you as you hit a dead end, putting a hand on your shoulder, “I swear to you Y/N, I didn’t take your cake. Remember when we got our cakes yesterday, we pinkie promised to not each other’s cake.”
-You looked down at your pinkie finger, remembering that promise well, and pinkie promises are something that can never be broken, “Well if you don’t have Bartleby or my cake, who does?”
-Brunnhilde, wanting to have a talk to the others about not letting you watch any more cop shows, just sighed softly, “Trying starting back at the scene of the crime. Maybe there’s something you missed.”
-You nodded softly before you tipped your hat to them, “Thank you miss, and thank you gentlemen.” Before you ran out of the room. Loki and Buddha were laughing loudly as Brunnhilde seemed exasperated.
-You didn’t make it back to the crime scene, but only a few steps out of the room when something caught your eye, stuffing on the ground, Bartleby’s stuffing.
-You fell to your hands and knees, “This is bad! Bartleby needs medical attention before it’s too late! But where is he?!” you left the stuffing there, returning only minutes later with a piece of folded paper, marking it as another clue.
-Back at your board of suspects, you crossed out several of the pictures using a red crayon, as you went over everyone, marking off who wasn’t home and who had alibies, like Eve, as she was with you.
-Odin was walking by when he stopped, seeing you crossing out Thor’s face, as he wasn’t home, “What are you doing Y/N?”
-You didn’t turn to him, instead answering with another monologue, “My list of suspects was dwindling. Each one seems to have an alibi, either they’re not home, or they have someone else who can vouch for them. Even the usual suspects seem to have clean hands. What am I missing?!” as you said this, your little fist hit against your board, for extra drama.
-Odin wasn’t sure what he was watching, seeing you playing out one of your little games, but it seemed more serious as he heard a snicker, looking down to see Loki recording you, “Someone stole Y/N’s fancy cake and took Bartleby, and Y/N’s on the case!”
-Odin just rolled his eye softly, “Y/N needs to stop watching those cop shows.” Loki just cackled softly, finding it amusing.
-You went down to the kitchen, looking distraught as you crawled onto a barstool, or at least you tried to, and Loki lifted you up before ducking back behind the corner, “Ignore me~” as he continued to film you.
-Apollo, who was getting himself something to drink, looked over at you as you sighed sadly, “Give me a double pal, on the rocks.” Apollo paused, hearing your words, before he couldn’t help but chuckle, seeing you pretending to be the hard-boiled detective you were always watching on TV.
-He slid over an apple juice box to you before pretending to clean a glass, like he was working in a bar, “Rough case?” you had been sipping it, but when he spoke you inhaled it quickly before slamming the empty box down on the counter, “I thought I had my man, but my cake is still missing and Bartleby, poor Bartleby- he’s out there, hurt! And I can’t find any clues leading me to my best buddy.”
-Apollo glanced over at Loki, who was holding his free hand to his mouth, like he was in shock. The sun god gave you a small smile, trying to be sympathetic to you, while also going along with your game, “Have you ruled out all your suspects?”
-You looked up at him, “There’s a few still left, I can’t find Lu Bu- Brunnhilde told me he was here, and I haven’t seen Jack or Zeus since the beginning of the case.”
-He handed you another apple juice, for the road, “Am I still a suspect Y/N?” you looked up at him, turning away from him, being dramatic, “Until I find Bartleby and my cake, I ain’t trusting no one.”
-Apollo fought hard not to laugh, holding his hand to his mouth as he doubled over, even more so when he saw Loki basically in the same situation.
-You wandered back towards your room, trying to think of anything you should have missed as you froze, seeing more fluff on the ground before you, fluff that wasn’t there before, meaning, “Whoever’s got my buddy is on the move!”
-You ran back to the kitchen, having finished your apple juice, throwing the empty box away, before running back to your room, grabbing another ‘evidence card’, marking it as you looked around the area, looking for any more clues.
-When you couldn’t find anything else, you felt the tears welling in your, feeling frustrated that you couldn’t solve this case!
-Loki, remaining back, held a hand over his mouth, trying not to cry, seeing you looking so upset, but he knew that you would get your man, eventually.
-You made it back to your room, rubbing angry tears from your eyes, as you looked at your suspect board, seeing who was left, trying to narrow things down a bit more, muttering to yourself quietly.
-You then froze, thinking about your show, “Of course! It all makes sense now! My cake and Bartleby went missing while I was helping Mama Eve, there was only a small window for the crime to happen. Buddha couldn’t take it because he was helping Brunnhilde move the box, but the one who put me on Buddha’s trail in the first place was none other than…”
-You ran out and Loki ran after you, not wanting to be left on a cliff hanger as you made it to the culprit’s room. You kicked the door, to kick it open before you quickly fell to the ground, whining about how your foot hurt.
-You quickly stood back up and opened the door, just a bit before you kicked it open, “ZEUS!!” the god in question flinched, holding your cake box in his hands, having just taken the last bite of it as his eyes went wide, seeing that you had caught him.
-You glared hard, pointing at him, “You knew that I was looking forward to that cake! You wanted one for yourself, but you weren’t willing to stand in line yesterday with me and Buddha for one, as that was the only way to get one! When you saw my cake alone, while I was helping Mama Eve, you thought it was the perfect crime, it would be easy! And you would have gotten away with it, if you didn’t try to pin the blame on someone else!”
-Zeus looked at Loki, hearing your monologue, “I think we need to stop letting Y/N watch those cop shows.”
-Zeus went to run, easily dodging around your short legs and went to run out when he ran into a solid chest, slamming hard into Buddha, who grinned, holding Zeus up from under his arms, “Not so fast there Zeusy, you need to pay for your crimes!!”
-Moments later everyone was in the living room, Zeus was tied up, pouting that he had been caught, as everyone, who was at home, minus Jack and Lu Bu, came down, seeing that you had caught your man.
-Brunnhilde and Adam both scolded Zeus for stealing from you, while Odin was a bit impressed that you solved the case, as Loki showed them all the video he had taken, at least after you visited him, Brunnhilde, and Buddha, showing your critical thinking skills.
-You were very upset that you wouldn’t be able to eat your anniversary cake, holding the empty box before you inhaled deeply, glaring slightly, “You took my cake, which I can overlook, I can get other cakes. But you hurt Bartleby and he’s still missing, now return my best friend before I make you sleep with the fishes with cement shoes!!”
-Okay it was unanimous, you weren’t going to be allowed to watch your cop show for a while, as Apollo, Buddha, and Loki were dying of laughter.
-Zeus gave you a grin, thinking your words were amusing, “I don’t have your cow, Y/N. All I took was the cake. I may have knocked him over when I was trying to sneak in and out, but I didn’t take him.”
-Your face fell, hearing this as you fell to your hands and knees, looking lost, you were sure that Zeus took Bartleby, so there would be no suspects, hurting him to keep him silent.
-Tears quickly filled your eyes, “But if you don’t have him, who does?! He’s hurt, he’s losing stuffing and without medical attention I’m going to lose my buddy! He’s got a wife and kids, with another on the way!!”
-Many tried not to laugh, knowing it wasn’t that serious, but to you it was, but Loki had his own hand over his mouth, tears welling in his eyes, fully invested in the story. Before you heard footsteps and you turned, seeing Lu Bu and Jack there.
-Your eyes went wide, your heart in your ears, as you saw Bartleby in Lu Bu’s hands, his head in one, and his body in the other. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and many shouted your name as you fell back, fainting.
-Once you were awake, sobbing in Loki’s arms who was crying as well, Eve was stitching your friend up carefully, Lu Bu confessed, “I was passing by your room, and I saw your cow on the ground. I know you get upset when he’s on the ground, so I went to pick him up. I didn’t know my own strength and I accidentally ripped him.”
-Jack, who was holding the sewing kit, nodded softly, “He’s telling the truth Y/N, he came to my room with Bartleby, asking for my help to fix it. I tried my best, but we needed more supplies, so we snuck around, trying to get him fixed before you found out, but in the end, we still needed help.”
-You sniffled softly, holding onto one of Lu Bu’s hands, “It was an accident, so I forgive you.” He seemed happy with your forgiveness, hugging you close before you turned to Eve, “Give it to me straight Doc, how’s my buddy? Will he be okay? Will he ever be able to play the violin again?!”
-More laughter filled the room as Eve couldn’t help but grin over at you, playing along, “It was touch and go there for a while, but he’s going to be just fine.”
-You beamed at her, and as soon as she was finished, she handed you Bartleby, and you hugged him close, “I’m glad to have you back, partner. You get your rest; I’ll be able to handle a few cases on my own.”
-Adam’s hand came down to rest on the top of your head, “Yeah… about that Y/N. You’re not allowed to watch any more of that cop show for a while.”
-You whined, demanding to know the reason, not thinking what you had done was anything wrong, which caused more laughter.
-Eve took Bartleby from you, promising to put him to bed, as Buddha picked you up, holding Zeus’ credit card, “You and I have a date to the bakery, on Zeus’ dime of course.”
-Zeus was yelling, “Hey! You can’t take that!!” Odin clapped a hand down on the Greek god’s shoulder, “They can and will. You took Y/N’s cake, so you can buy some new ones, and for this crime, you’re on dish duty for the rest of the week.”
-Zeus tried to fight this, as he hated dish duty, but everyone was in agreeance as you left with Buddha, looking forward to some new desserts, your reward for solving the case.
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year
Deity Letter Writing
Deity letters are, in my opinion anyways, a wonderful alternative to traditional prayer if praying is something you struggle with for whatever reason! Sometimes praying can be uncomfortable for me-for personal reasons, and also formality kind of squiks me out-but writing is something I’m very confident about! And it tends to come much easier to me than praying. I started writing letters about 3 years ago on a whim because I was just frustrated with praying not always working for me. And it’s worked wonderfully ever since! It’s a great way for me to be able to get whatever thoughts or feelings I’m having off my chest! It’s really no different than say if you were writing to a pen pal, or a friend, or whatever. It follows the same format and generally includes the same content (with some differences of course).
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When it comes to formatting I keep it to, like I said, like a traditional letter. I start it with ‘Lord/Lady [insert deity name here]’ sometimes I’ll precede that with ‘dear’ but that’s totally up to you! (Which is another amazing thing about this, you can tailor it to your and your relationship with the deity you’re writing too!).
Then I follow it with a quick ‘introduction’ paragraph, I just say hello, tell Them how I’m doing, tell Them that I hope They’re doing well, little things like that. And again- you can tailor this to you and your deity! You can completely omit this section or add to it. Whatever you want.
I don’t always write to Them when I need something from Them but if you do I usually include it in the second paragraph. If I don’t I usually just tell Them what I’m up to, or that I saw something that made me think of Them, etc.
In the last paragraph I thank Them for well…anything really. Maybe for being in my life, or like with Zeus I may thank Him for any rain we’ve had, etc. to me this is the most important part as it kind of builds this certain…reciprocity (idk if that’s the right word but it’s the best way I can describe it) and also it’s just kind to do! I may also ask if There’s anything in particular they want from me or anything like that. But again- you can omit or include this as you please. It’s not a must.
I don’t always do a like…’sincerely Mars’ part but if you wanted to you totally could! Sometimes I’ll just do a little doodle or maybe a funny joke that I think They’d like, or a book quote that made me think of Them, etc. whatever you want really!
Now I know a major concern is ‘do They receive these?’ And my response is a resounding yes, at least in my experience. If you talk while you write you could totally treat it as a prayer! But I usually don’t and just like…’hear’ the words in my head as I write which is good enough! I usually just call whichever deity it id I’m writing to beforehand in the same way you would before praying or giving an offering! I usually just say ‘Hear [insert deity name] as I write this letter to you’ then go for it! And of course, you can alter this to whatever works best for you. I also may light (or turn on, I use electric candles) their candle and bring it over to wherever I’m writing or listen to Their deity playlist. Just whatever I need to do to ‘get in the zone’.
As far as ‘disposal’ goes, I have a little wooden locked box that I have that they go into! Then when my aunt and uncle do a bonfire I just take it over and toss the letters into the fire. But this part totally depends on you and your situation. You could rip it up, or shred it. Or set it on their altar. If you wanted to you could just write them in a notebook and keep them in there. Or you could do it on your phone! In your notesapp or whoever else.
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
iFall For Harry
Part Two to this request!
Summary: Turns out, the stranger in your phone is kind of funny...
...and kind of sexy, too.
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Oh, my god. 
Harry, did you hear the news?
It takes exactly three and a half minutes for those familiar little bubbles to pop up.
Well hello to you, too. 
No, what happened?
You struggle to contain a rather giddy grin as you begin to type, A cheese factory exploded in France!
Wait, really? Shit, what happened?
I don’t know. But all that was left was…de brie.
Exactly sixty seconds pass before he begins to type.
I think I just snorted. 
That was…goddammit that was good.
You don’t even know what he looks like, but you chuckle at the idea of him laughing so hard he can’t help but snort.
Thank you, thank you. 
Took me two weeks to come up with that.
I’m impressed. 
Little offended, too.
Oh? Your heart sinks.
Kept me on the edge of my seat for two fucking weeks wondering if I’d hear from you again.
You smirk to yourself as you flop down onto your sofa and think through a response.
Hey, it takes two to tango, pal. You could have texted me, too.
The bubbles make your heart pound.
Alright, that’s fair. 
In my defense, I didn’t have any more cheese puns.
Oh, is that all this is, then? 
You just use me for dad jokes?
Psh, nooooooo…
Then, another text.
Although, the jokes do make my days…cheddar.
 You laugh a little louder, suddenly very aware of the flush in your face over some stranger in your phone. 
No, wait. How do I erase a text?
I hated that. 
Seriously, how do I make it go away? 
My failure is staring me in the face, and I hate it.
You giggle under your breath.
Easy, Grandpa. 
Relax, just press down until the options pop up.
The conversation goes quiet for a brief moment before you watch his previous text vanish from the screen with a dramatic, poof!
Then, he begins typing again.
Hold on… 
Did you just call me Grandpa?
…psh, noooooooo
Oh, so that’s how it is?
That’s how it is.
Wow, and we had such a nice thing going, too.
To be fair, you never told me your age, and you don’t even know how to delete a text. 
What am I supposed to think?
First of all: rude. 
Respect your elders.
Second of all: this deleting shit is NEW, okay, and I just updated my phone, like…a week ago, so I never learned. 
No, yeah, whatever you say, Grandps.
He responds with the emoji that’s rolling its eyes.
You smirk.
For your information, I’m 29.
Okay, which is a cool, hip, fun, and very fresh age.
Yes, I believe that’s the slogan for the retirement home, too. 
“We’re cool, we’re slick, and we might break a hip.”
There’s a longer pause between your text and his response. You hope it’s because he’s laughing. It’s not your best work, but you think it’s funny.
And then, you get the notification.
Dammit, that place sounds so much cooler than the retirement home I’m in now. 
Send me the address? I’ll wheel myself over.
You got it, Old Man. Will you need any help crossing the street?
How thoughtful of you. Yeah, that’d be great, and then you can finally earn your Girl Scout badge.
Oh, my God. How did you know it was the last one I needed?
Cause I’m old. And therefore wise.
Oh, right, right. No, that checks out.
You lean back, forcing your eyes away from your phone to finally get a moment of reprieve from the excessive smiling. Why is this so fun?
I guess 29 isn’t so bad. Just…three years older than me.
Ah, another piece to the Cheese Girl puzzle. 
You’re 26.
26 was fun. 
I liked 26.
Yeah, it’s not too bad so far.
Just wait until your bones start to creak whenever you get out of bed.
I’ll keep a can of oil on my nightstand.
You grimace to yourself. Your worst joke to date, and you just hope you haven’t blown it.
Probably smart. 
My preferred method is lube, but…
Whatever works.
Your eyes widen.
 My bones might creak but at least I can still fuck.
You readjust your position on the sofa, desperately working to find a cool and relaxed and equally mysterious reply.
…so, no pressure.
Just be careful with all that lube. 
Wouldn’t want you to slip and fall.
Hope you’ve got Life Alert on speed dial.
Oh, I absolutely do. They love me over there.
You smirk to yourself, fighting yet another laugh. 
Yeah? Thank God.
Boy, I bet you’re a real stud with the ladies, huh?
Damn fucking right. 
This grandpa has moves.
I bet. Yeah, women love a man that squeaks when he thrusts.
They do, actually. I happen to squeak quite sensually.
Is that right?
It is.
Might need to hear that for myself someday.
It was bold. Perhaps a little daring, and you don’t give yourself a chance to overthink it before turning your phone off and tossing it onto the other side of the sofa.
You give it five minutes before checking to see if he’s replied.
Thankfully, you have two notifications, delivered 3 minutes ago.
So what’s stopping you?
What is stopping you?
Probably a number of things, but instead of pointing out that he’s a complete stranger and could very well be a catfish (or even worse…that he might not even find you attractive) you decide to go with another joke.
All these Girl Scout cookies I gotta sell :/
What if I bought a hundred boxes?
Then you’d have to hand deliver them to my door, right?
Your eyes roll playfully as you sigh.
That IS the Girl Scout policy, yes.
We pride ourselves on good service.
Fantastic, then I’ll take 100 boxes in the flavor of you.
Your lashes flutter as you reread the text, over, and over, and over. But before you can spiral…he’s sending another.
…shit, that was meant to be smooth.
Get it, cause…like, you know, get a taste of YOU. Like…if you were a cookie. 
Cause…I wanna taste you…
Explaining it makes it worse, doesn’t it?
 It should make it worse, but for some reason…he’s funny? And charming? And making your thighs squeeze together—
I think that can be arranged, yeah.
I’ll package them up nice and pretty, just for you.
Equally as cheesy, but apparently…cheese is where you both shine.
You hope he’s at least somewhat amused, and when he finally responds, your stomach flips.
This conversation is bad for my health.
Why’s that?
Because I’m in a meeting and I’m about to have a heart attack.
…why are you about to have a heart attack?
Oh, right. I forgot that happens at your old age.
Good thing you have Life Alert on speed dial.
Yeah, I don’t think Life Alert is gonna be able to help.
No? Why not?
Cause only one thing can save me now.
Your cookies.
To be exact.
See? Cheesy.
Wow, I was almost turned on and then…
Nope, there it goes.
Oh, is that what we’re doing? We’re trying to turn each other on?
Well, why didn’t you SAY so?
Hold on, I’ve got a few good ones.
Oh god.
Alright, here we go.
What are you wearing?
…really? That’s all you’ve got?
Work with me please.
My gosh.
I have clothes on.
That’s a shame.
Two minutes go by without him adding anything else, and you can’t help but laugh when you realize that’s all he’s got.
No, that was so good. I’m…holy shit, you just took my breath away. I’m so turned on right now.
I mean, my panties just FLEW across the room!
You’re THAT good!
Okay, very funny. 
I wasn’t done.
No, really. You gotta warn a girl before you just completely rock her world like that.
Honestly, I feel a little faint.
Where did you learn such a masterful technique? Really, you should teach a class on sexting, cause that was just…phew.
Listen, I was just trying to take it easy on you.
You know, ease you into my seduction before I gave it to you good and hard.
The last bit of his sentence has you stumbling over a gasp, but you simply clear your throat and work to find a response.
You have two options:
Either you tease him a bit more…
…or you ramp up the tension.
Well, by all means, Harry…
Give it to me good.
And hard.
He doesn’t respond for quite some time to this. And while you’d like to tell yourself that it’s because he’s just so turned on by your response…
…it’s more likely that you definitely fucked up and he wants nothing more to do with you.
But then…your phone dings.
Is that what you want then, hm?
Want it rough?
Shit, shit, shit.
If you think you can keep up.
Trust me, sweetheart, that won’t be a problem.
If you want it rough, I’m more than happy to oblige.
Is that why you texted me today?
Needed my help?
Truth be told, you don’t know why you texted him today, but you certainly aren’t upset with how things are going.
Me? Needing YOUR help?
Cute, but I think my fingers and I can manage just fine.
His response comes so fast, your head spins:
You smile.
Shit, okay now this conversation is REALLY bad for my health.
I might keel over right here in this meeting.
My death is on your hands, Cheese Girl.
Worth it.
You watch the bubbles float onto your screen for a good thirty seconds before they disappear.
Then, they appear again…just to dissipate before you can get your hopes up.
Finally—finally…a text.
Okay, listen, you don’t know me.
And I don’t know you.
I get that.
I’m a stranger, you’re a stranger.
And hear me out…
What would you say to a phone call?
Your pulse stutters as you stare at his proposition, but he’s already sending his next text before you can decide if you’re really that stupid or not.
I know that’s asking a lot, but…
If you promise that you aren’t a 90-year-old man, and I promise I’m not some kid playing video games in his mom’s basement…
We could at least…have a real conversation.
And make sure that we really are who we say we are, you know?
And I could be assured that I didn’t just get a fucking boner in the middle of a busy boardroom cause of some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
You hesitate.
Despite yourself, you are intrigued by the idea.
Worst-case scenario if he is some loser…you can just hang up and block his number.
And if he’s not…and he’s half as hot as you’re starting to hope he is…
You swallow.
I am not some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
I’m just a regular creep that makes cheese jokes.
I would be okay with a phone call.
As long as you do in fact promise I won’t regret it and that it won’t result in nightmares that haunt me for the rest of my life.
Ah, well…
Can’t say much for the regret…
But I do promise that I will try very hard not to give you nightmares.
God, are you really doing this?
Are you really doing this?
Alright, then…
Oh, so you’re doing it. You’re really that dumb. You really just let a complete stranger convince you to call him, even though he could be a serial killer, or a psycho, or—
Your phone rings.
You see his name pop up in large print as the cellphone just about flies out of your hand.
Scrambling to keep it steady, you lurch forward and collect a deep breath.
You can do this.
You can do this.
You’ll give him thirty seconds. And if he seems creepy…you’ll hang up, and you’ll move on.
And you’ll never get random boys in bars numbers again.
You press your thumb into the button on your screen and slide it to the right.
Here goes nothing.
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~ iFall for Harry pt. 3 (the third part to this!)
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ More Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Tag List:
@tinyhrry @supersanelyromantic @lomlhstyles
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Tumblr story time
Now you may not be interested but I was thinking it might be interesting to share how we all got stuck in here and tell the story of how you ended up as the tumblr blog you are today .I’ll go first 💜
Joined tumblr, 2015 looked around, thought hmmm a lot of people have very intense feelings about Sherlock and left. I suspect this might be the superwholock phase I hear tell of.
Time passed, I tried again, now there are two guys on my dash. A lot. Firefighters?
One of them did something the other one is forgiving him. People are quite invested in this. Maybe I can watch it somewhere, no.. not available here… but more gifs of them turn up, hope I don’t get dragged into something … no I can resist this … then the well scene hit my dash and well that was that for me. Then 911 came to a TV near me…
So I lurk and I move from McDanno to buddie tags on ao3, I read, kudos but I don’t comment, too shy to do that. I lurk some more on tumblr then I start liking, then reblogging and then summer 2021 I write something and put it on ao3 (it’s then I start to commet on fics because I understand what it means to get a comment now.) I post my fics on my blog.
A few more followers turn up which is exciting then I get tagged in a writing game and I’m off. My stuff, your stuff… Reblog reblog reblog, followers go up… Get braver start sending asks (anon) get braver and go off anon… make some friends sharing some more, more followers, more sharing more fun.
So I’m still a very small part of the fandom not a big blog in any way I think but now I’m spotty to my pocket pals, and people I’ll never meet think of me when they see dragons- and that makes me so happy. I have strangers I care about across the world and can make smile by sending a silly picture or an ask or just saying hi. It’s fun and I like it very much. The world is brighter because I ended up here and said hello to some of you and you said hello back. Thank you my lovelies.
My blog is now 60% 911, 20% sci-fi stuff and 10% randomness and the last little bit is the strange and peculiar musing of the spotty one herself . I have somehow gathered more followers than I ever expected and written nearly a million words of fanfic in 3 years.
How remarkable! How wonderful.
So here I am and I’d love to hear about your blogging journey if you want to share tag me in or just come say hi. Never be worried about coming to say hello to me, I adore it.
I know some people are on hiatus so no pressure but tagging you just in case (sorry if I missed you 😔)
@shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @thekristen999 @steadfastsaturnsrings
@inell @shipperqueen6 @rogerzsteven @underwaterninja13 @bekkachaos
@hippolotamus @bi-buckrights @djdangerlove @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck
@theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @buffaluff @honestlydarkprincess @daffi-990 @diazsdimples
@the-likesofus @eddiebabygirldiaz @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @ronordmann
@bidisasterevankinard @wikiangela @weewootruck @rainbow-nerdss
@tizniz @actualalligator @loveyouanyway @bewilderedbuckley @caroandcats
@elvensorceress @repressedqueen @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine
@stagefoureddiediaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spaceprincessem @pirrusstuff
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dawnofh · 2 years
Hello I hope you day is going well. I don’t know if you do requests but you write 141 so well and I was hoping if you could write a gn reader just going up to the pals and just tagging them and saying tag your it and running away. Please👀.
I don’t really do requests but I loved the idea, thanks. Have an amazing day🫶
Tagging 141 then running away [Headcannon]
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“Tag, Captain!! You’re it!!”
As you run away, Price just stares at you, with both disappointment and concern.
His thoughts are, It’s that damn phone again.
Will never entertain your childish behaviour because this is modern warfare not a playground.
However if you tag him and take his bucket hat then he’s suddenly Usain Bolt.
He finna hunt you down.
“You fuckin Muppet, have you lost your bloody mind?!”
Expect to be hit or injured in some way. You’ll be hurt emotionally and physically.
He’s the, ‘I’ll give you something to cry about’ type of parent.
If for some reason he is a parental figure to you, he still won’t entertain your childish behaviour. “Stop it, get some help.”
No matter what he doesn’t give two shits about your dumb game and will simply shake his head trying to figure out when and how he went wrong with you.
Might just pull out a gun or knife on you one of these days, “Tag me again and you’re losing all 5 fingers today.” Please don’t tag him.
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There is a time and place for everything. I repeat, there is a time and place for everything.
“Tag!! You’re it!!” Simon wouldn’t even react, he would simply watch you run then move on with life.
If Ghost took things personally then Rodolfo would’ve flown through the windscreen for making that mask joke.
Simon would get you back at the worst time, “Lieutenant I’m scared to jump.” You looked down at the cliff, wondering if the water would be able to break your fall. He’d give you that Ghost stare then put a hand on your shoulder and go, “Tag. You’re it.” Before pushing you off.
On a normal basis, just like Price he wouldn’t entertain you nor give you the time of day.
“Lieutenant do you even know what tag is?” You question if this man had a childhood or even had friends. Although he wouldn’t take lightly to the question and just stare to shut you up.
His anger doesn’t show in person so he’ll take it out on you during training, make you run around the base just because he can, “C’mon Soldier, pick up the pace!! I thought you liked running?!!”
Realistically speaking, you actually wouldn’t want to be chased by a 6’4 British man in a skull mask. That’s pure nightmare fuel and would likely give you PTSD for the rest of your life.
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Competitive asf.
“Tag!! You’re it!!” as soon as you run away slowly as a joke you realise Soap actually got up to chase you, “STOP!! I DON’T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE, SERGEANT!!!!!”
Don’t start something you can’t finish.
Soap is hella competitive and takes the game very seriously, there is no place on this base you could possibly run and hide.
Immobilises you to get a win.
‘It’s just a prank, bro.’ energy
“Let’s spice the game up by tagging each other with grenades.” “Sergeant what the fuck-“ “Okay fine…knives.” “Sergeant please-“
Is likely to start initiating the game to which Price disapproves of and shuts it down immediately.
Might even take the game a step further by doing it one time during a mission to which Ghost slaps you both at the back of your heads.
Never does it again but would offer to play hide and seek or the floor is lava at the base, so long as neither of you are caught.
Switches up real quick when Price or Ghost are around, “Y/N. How old are you?”
John was most likely that one kid in school who took tag too seriously therefore tag is now banned at the base.
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“Tag you’re—“ “IT!!!”
Gaz was that fast kid in school. He’s the one kid no one was able to tag and is an ankle breaker.
Will climb over tables and cars just to tag you back.
Probably is the type to trip you when you’re walking, so be warned when playing tag, this man will two feet you just to get a victory.
You two annoy the shit out of Price. He becomes a human shield when you two insist on running around him just so the other can avoid getting tagged.
You and Gaz will probably go around tagging the entire base and somehow get everyone involved. All fun and games until someone tags Price or Ghost.
Tag with Gaz becomes the extreme hide and seek. He’d quite literally sit in a tree and wait for you to walk pass so he can jump down and tag you. Unlike Soap, he genuinely does take the game as a joke but wants to win.
You two might even be able to convince Price to make tag a training exercise. With some terms and conditions however.
During missions you’d sneakily still play. Except tag in ghillie suits is not ideal and there’s a small chance of tagging the enemy.
Tag but make it sniping, “Tag, dude with the hat is down.” “Tag, guy with the balaclava is down.” “Tag, macho looking man is down.”
“Shut the actual fuck up, Muppets.”
Just like that. Tag is banned again.
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triannel · 4 days
HI!!! I adore how you write bill, an my own birthday is tomorrow an im ✨Terrified✨✨,, n was wondering ifff. You could do a sorta angst-fluff where its the readers birthday, but every single one of his birthdays has been awful. And like, now that bills here with the reader he feels like maybe he wont have to Just survive his birthday? That even with his god awful family, it might be ok. Like yeah the meds help, but it doesnt fix anything if the people youre with are why youre fucked yknow? IDK and maybe bill decides to take it upon himself to remove the readers family😋 cant be a neglected middle child w all the responsibilities of the eldest if youre an orphan/J AN I DONT MIND HOW CLOSE YOU STAY TO THIS I LOVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS!!
(,,,o n also the reader maybe be a grungey scene kid kinda guy? Lots of piercings, an is more feminine than his parents think he should be, especially as a trans guy, So thats smth. Love bones n bugs and shinies an is like if a dog n crow were a guy,, n supr srry if this is a bad req!! Im jus excited cus i love bill, and im also stressy out cus of my burthdayy >_<“) SO NO PRESSURE TO RESPOND ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS TOO LONG OR ANYTHIMG!!!/gen
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Hello and Happy Birthday 🌙 anon! I've managed to whip this up and I hope it gives you at least some sort of comfort for today. I really do hope you're situation gets better soon, take care of yourself and have a great day! (Also, don't worry, I never really do mind long asks.)
Oneshot | Bill Cipher x Reader | Fluff/Comfort?
Warnings: Mention of Death, Implied Abuse, Implied Trauma, Implied Bad Birthdays, Bill Cipher lol
Quickly stepping upstairs, you lock yourself in your bedroom, blocking all the noise emenating from downstairs. Exhaling, you drop to your bed, letting yourself relax into comfort of the soft mattress and fluffy pillows.
Only needing rest by this point, you close your eyes. Wanting nothing more than to leave this place behind.
"WHOA, DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU SO EARLY!" A voice suddenly spoke, booming loudly for you to hear.
Ah yes, there he is. You can't exactly say he's your best pal, but right this moment, you truly do feel more at ease with him than being back there.
"It's honestly been a long day so..." You shrugged for a moment before continuing, "Does it bother you?" You ask, giving a lighthearted smile.
"NOT AT ALL, I WOULDN'T BLAME ANYONE BY WANTING TO MEET YOURS TRULY," he spoke, blinking slowly in a dramatic way to show off his 'impressive looks'.
You chuckle slightly, shaking your head, "I mean, I don't think I'm exactly the one to choose to be here..." speaking your thought aloud just to perhaps tease him a little as you glance at him for a moment before slightly chuckling once more.
You never really did know how you even get to meet him to be honest, he somewhat always manages to show up in your dreams, so overtime you guessed that he might be the one approaching you...That, or it might be because of something else entirely.
For a moment, you thought you saw him become nervous for a second, but maybe it didn't happen at all as you only saw it for less than a second.
"WELL, JUST WANTED TO CHECK HOW YOU'RE DEALING WITH KNOWING YOU'RE ONE YEAR CLOSER TO YOUR DEATH," he flatly said, in a weird, eerie way. He always did love being weird so this type of behaviour wouldn't be uncommon by this point.
"Right... Well, what's the agenda for this time then? Or are you busy?" You ask, avoiding your 'birthday' in question. You'd much rather not talk about your birthday at all to be honest. Not a single one ever went well...
Adjusting his bowtie, he started to speak, "WELL..."
Snapping his fingers, your surroundings completely change.
The rest of your 'dream' went on a relatively good note. Having a cup of tea, playing chess, you both did the usual activities you both would do when meeting in your subconscious mind. But the only thing is that, he seemed to be more...well a bit more charming and noticeably, but only slightly more open to your suggestions on what else to spend time on.
He'd usually take the wheel and drag you through any activity he wants, but this time though, this time he was a bit more...considerate.
Now playing a board game with him, you take the dice and roll it. Getting one, Bill chuckles slightly at your misfortune for a second before taking the dice from you.
He might be treating you like this because it's your birthday, but you'd doubt it... Well at least for now-
"EY, IT'S YOUR TURN TOOTS," he snapped his finger a few times in front of your face.
Chuckling, you mutter an apology before taking the dice. Rolling it in your hands, you then let it go. As the dice lands on the floor, it lands on a six, letting you be the winner for the match.
"Yess, I won!" You raise your arms, smiling back at him.
"CHECK AGAIN." Bill spoke, pointing at your piece. Looking down at the board, you see a newly added tile in front of your piece, moving the finish line out of reach. You raise your eyebrow, giving him the side eye.
"WHAT? I DON'T MAKE THE RULES," he raised his shoulders, smiling mischievously with his eye.
Shaking your head, you chuckled at his silly banter while giving him the dice for his turn.
It's unexpected but, this dorito triangle man truly has made a significance on making your birthday much more bearable. Be it his choice to do it or not, you're honestly just glad to at least have some semblance of joy sprout on this day.
I haven't been able to post for a week because unfortunately I became rlly busy at the moment and it isn't helping that I do tend to procrastinate at times. I'll post more regularly later, but for now at least, I'll post this here. Once again, happy birthday 🌙 anon!
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twst 2023 valentine gift COMPLETE message compilation!!
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Information about 2021 and 2022 TWST Valentine Gifts here! 2023's Valentine Gift is a macaron-like compact mirror. Character signatures here! 2021 Letters (text only) here! 2022 Letters (text only) here! 2023 Letters (text only) below the cut!! ***SPOILERS AHEAD!!***
Something interesting to note! The 2023 letters all seem to indicate that the sender's gift was something sweet and edible in nature. Previous years thanked the sender for their "gift", but did not typically indicate what the gift was.
Here is a brief example of what the letters look like this year before we get to the actual new contents of each (which are exact English transcriptions):
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🌹 Riddle Thank you for the lovely sweets. I'll have them on my study breaks. If they're good, perhaps I'll set them out at a tea party. You'll certainly be invited if I do. After all, there's no rule that states you can't join in.
♣️ Trey Hello friend-- Thanks so much for the gift. It was exactly my taste, with just the right amount of sweetness. I can tell you thought a lot about what to get. I'll come up with a recipe based on these sweets sometime. I hope you'll get to taste test it for me.
♦️ Cater Eyyy, friendo! Sweets aren't normally my jam, but the ones you picked out were PERF--and they looked great too! You must've put in some WORK picking them out. So, thanks! I'll make sure to do the same for you!
❤️ Ace Heya, pal-- I kinda freaked when I saw you left a present at my door--in a good way! You actually sent me sweets! You could've just given them to me in person, you know. I haven't had any yet, but I'm sure they'll be great! We should share them at lunch tomorrow.
♠️ Deuce My good friend-- Thanks for the amazing gift! You got me those mega-popular sweets we just talked about, right? They were so good! It's kind of a shame I ate them all. Have you had any? I guess it'd be weird if I gifted you the same thing, but come shopping with me sometime and we can pick out some sweets for you.
🦁 Leona Hey-- You gave me SWEETS? I swear, sometimes I don't know what goes through that noggin of yours. I'll be nice and say I appreciate the sentiment... this time. But don't expect any glowing food reviews.
🐆 Ruggie Hey, 'sup. I got the sweets you sent! It's always a good day when someone gifts me food. These are supposed to be real popular right now, yeah? They must've been hard to snag. Shyeheehee, that makes them double good! Thanks a ton!
🐺 Jack Hi-- I was surprised when I smelled something sweet at my door. Consider your present received. I still can't believe you gave me such cutesy looking sweets. Not that I'm unhappy about it, of course. I actually like candy and stuff. Thanks.
🐙 Azul My boon companion-- Thank you for the heartfelt gift. I suppose I owe it to you to partake of these sweets. Don't worry. Once I've analyzed the flavor, I'll gift you something equally delicious. After all, fair's fair.
🐬 Jade My good friend-- You've outdone yourself. Sweets that pair well with black tea? My deepest thanks. I'm flattered that you thought of me so when selecting them. You've inspired me. I'm going to spend my mountain hikes pondering just the right tea blend to suit your palate. I do hope you'll enjoy it.
🦈 Floyd Dear little shrimpy-- I saw your present. You got me candy? That rules! I was JUST in the mood for something sweet. I might not be tomorrow though, so I think I'll polish them off today. Thanks.
☀️ Kalim To my dear friend-- Thanks for the present! What colorful and sparkly sweets. They look delicious! I just had an idea! How about we eat them together after school? Gifts like this taste better when shared, after all. I'll pick out a good tea to go with them. Can't wait to see you later!
🐍 Jamil Hello-- I was surprised to see you gifted me sweets. At first I wondered if you were hinting for me to make you something similar... But when I pulled the gift out of the bag, I saw all the details you put into it, right down to the ribbon. It's clear this was a heartfelt gesture. I'll treasure these treats as I eat them. Thank you.
👑 Vil Dearest friend-- Thank you for the gift. The sweets were dazzling and most attractive. Did you try to imagine what I'd like when picking them out? If you, you made an apt choice. I'll have something for you later in return.
🏹 Rook Bonjour, and merci beaucoup! What a lovely batch of confections! They're so darling that I'm tempted to stow them away in a brilliant bejeweled box. Ah, but I jest. I'll enjoy every morsel of this gift you've so thoughtfully bestowed upon me.
🍎 Epel Dear friend-- Thanks for the gift! Sweets from the city have a real fancy vibe, don't they? I'll savor every bite. I know this isn't exactly a gift, but I just scored some coupons for the cafeteria. Wanna join me for lunch tomorrow? Just wait for me, and I'll find you!
💀 Ignihyde
Idia Shroud @YOU huh? What the wha? im low-key scared here why would u give me sweets??? ig that sometimes i run low on sugar when ive been gaming too long and my aim becomes trash... ok sure, if this is ur way of looking out for me, ill take it
🤖 Ortho Shroud Hello, Prefect-- Thanks for the present! The sweets were very charming and cute, not to mention colorful. What neat designs! I'll make sure to save this as a special memory. I've run the data on their base ingredients, and hope to gift you some fitting sweets in return soon.
🐉 Malleus Draconia To my dear friend-- Thank you. Never did I envision someone presenting me with the gift of sweet treats. It would be a shame for me to eat them all by myself. I think I'll share them with you. Would you be willing to provide the tea to go with them?
🦇 Lilia Vanrouge Greetings! Your present was delightful. The treats had a subtle sweetness that was perfect for a slightly mature fae like myself. I'll be making you a lovely treat in return, using a very special recipe of mine. I hope you'll enjoy it.
💤 Silver Salutations-- Thanks for the gift. I read once that sugar can boost your concentration. Did you give me these to snack on when I'm about to nod off during my studies? That was very considerate of you. I think I'll try them out today.
⚡️ Sebek Zigvolt Human-- I've received your gift. It was agreeably sweet. In fact, it might've been sweet enough to make black coffee bearable... But I digress. Regardless, I was somewhat impressed with your choice. You have my thanks.
NRC Staff + Grim
🎭 Dire Crowley Dear esteemed student-- Thank you for the delicious gift. And don't bother telling me I was supposed to share it--I've already finished the whole package! If you wish for the staff to also partake, I suggest you acquire more treats. But don't worry, I won't say a word if you give the same gift twice. I'm kindhearted like that!
🐶 Divus Crewel Dear pup-- Is this a gift for the staff? Excellent. Now that I have some treats to sweeten my breaks, I'll be able to grade your exams with a much more critical eye. I can see the grimace on your face now. Relax, it was a joke. It's usually frowned upon for dogs to be the ones buying fits, but since you're such a loyal pup, I'll let you off. I'm a generous trainer, after all.
📚 Mozus Trein Dear juvenile-- I must wonder why you decided to get me a present. Is this your way of thanking me for my lecture the other day? If so, gifts are hardly necessary. It's a teacher's job to educate students with a thirst for knowledge. I can't accept any offerings from students, but the sentiment is much appreciated. I expect nothing but excellence from you moving forward.
💪 Ashton Vargas Dear student-- Thanks for the present! Excessive sugar is a no-go when building a beautiful bod, but it'd be bad form for let your thoughtful gesture go to waste. Such is the price of popularity. I'll just have to accept that and work off everything I eat. Keep up those reps!
🎩 Sam Yo, little imp! What is UP? Thanks so much for the gift! You've got a real eye for quality. I'll make sure to stock up on goods that'll pique your interest, so swing by the shop soon!
🐱 Grim Dear hench-human-- Mraaah! Is this ALL for me?! I've never seen such sparkly, yummy-lookin' candy before! I feel like a king! But I'd feel bad leavin' you out of this sugar extravaganza, so I GUESS you can have a small piece. I'm lookin' forward to more gifts, partner!
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TWST Valentines Cards 2023
Hell yeah, it's that time of the year again.
Going to make another post keeping record of this year's set of letters. Some cards haven't been found yet, so this post will be updated as I find more cards. If there is an asterisk beside a character's name, that means I only got the text itself but there may be errors and needs to be verified with the picture of the card itself. If any of you have pictures of letters that are either not there or need verification and don't mind showing to anyone, please send to me through DMs!
Since the cards freshly came out and some are still waiting for their own letters, all letters will be posted under the cut!
Riddle Rosehearts
My dear friend— Thank you for the lovely sweets. I'll have them on my study breaks. If they're good, perhaps I'll set them out at a tea party. You'll certainly be invited if I do. After all, there's no rule that states you can't join.
Trey Clover
Hello, friend— Thanks so much for the gift. It was exactly my taste, with just the right amount of sweetness. I can tell you thought a lot about what to get. I'll come up with a recipe based on these sweets sometime. I hope you'll taste test it for me.
Cater Diamond
Eyyy, friendo! Sweets aren't normally my jam, but the ones you picked out were PERF—and they looked great too! You must've put in some WORK picking them out. So, thanks! I'll make sure to do the same for you!
Ace Trappola
Heya, pal— I kinda freaked when I saw you left a present at my door—in a good way! You actually sent me sweets! You could've just given them to me in person, you know. I haven't had any yet, but I'm sure they'll be great! We should share them at lunch tomorrow.
Deuce Spade
My good friend— Thanks for the amazing gift! You got me those mega-popular sweets we just talked about, right? They were so good! It's kind of a shame I ate them all. Have you had any? I guess it'd be weird if I gifted you the same thing, but come shopping with me sometime and we can pick out some sweets for you.
Leona Kingscholar
Hey— You give me SWEETS? I swear, sometimes I don't know what goes through that noggin of yours. I'll be nice and say I appreciate the sentiment...this time. But don't expect any glowing food reviews.
Ruggie Bucchi
Hey, 'sup. I got the sweets you sent! It's always a good day when someone gifts me food. These are supposed to be real popular right now, yeah? They must've been hard to snag. Shyeheehee, that makes them doubly good! Thanks a ton!
Jack Howl
Hi, I was surprised when I smelled something sweet at my door. Consider your present received. I still can't believe you gave me such cutesy-looking sweets. Not that I'm unhappy about it, of course. I actually like candy and stuff. Thanks.
Azul Ashengrotto
My boon companion— Thank you for the heartfelt gift. I suppose I owe it to you to partake of these sweets. Don't worry. Once I've analyzed the flavor, I'll gift you something equally delicious. After all, fair's fair.
Jade Leech
My good friend— You've outdone yourself. Sweets that pair well with black tea? My deepest thanks. I'm flattered that you thought of me so when selecting them. You've inspired me. I'm going to spend my mountain hikes pondering just the right tea blend to suit your palate. I do hope you'll enjoy it.
Floyd Leech
Dear little shrimpy— I saw your present. You got me candy? That rules! I was JUST in the mood for something sweet. I might not be tomorrow though, so I think I'll polish them off today. Thanks.
Kalim Al-Asim
To my dear friend— Thanks for the present! What colorful and sparkly sweets. They look delicious! I just had an idea! How about we eat them together after school? Gifts like this taste better when shared, after all. I'll pick out a good tea to go with them. Can't wait to see you later!
Jamil Viper
Hello— I was surprised to see you gifted me sweets. At first I wondered if you were hinting for me to make you something similar... But when I pulled the gift out of the bag, I saw all the details you put into it, right down to the ribbon. It's clear this was a heartfelt gesture. I'll treasure these treats as I eat them. Thank you.
Vil Schoenheit
Dearest friend— Thank you for the gift. The sweets were dazzling and most attractive. Did you try to imagine what I'd like when picking them out? If so, you made an apt choice. I'll have something for you later in return.
Rook Hunt
Bonjour, and merci beaucoup! What a lovely batch of confections! They’re so darling that I’m tempted to stow them away in a brilliant bejeweled box. Ah, but I jest. I’ll enjoy every morsel of this gift you’ve so thoughtfully bestowed upon me.
Epel Felmier
Dear friend— Thanks for the gift! Sweets from the city have a real fancy vibe, don't they? I'll savor every bite. I know this isn't exactly a gift, but I just scored some coupons for the cafeteria. Wanna join me for lunch tomorrow? Just wait for me, and I'll find you!
Idia Shroud
@YOU huh? What the wha? im low-key scared here why would u give me sweets??? ig that sometimes i run low on sugar when ive been gaming too long and my aim becomes trash... ok sure, if this is ur way of looking out for me, ill take it
Ortho Shroud
Hello, Prefect― Thanks for the present! The sweets were very charming and cute, not to mention colorful. What neat designs! I'll make sure to save this as a special memory. I've run the data on their base ingredients, and hope to gift you some fitting sweets in return soon.
Malleus Draconia
To my dear friend— Thank you. Never did I envision someone presenting me with the gift of sweet treats. It would be a shame for me to eat them all by myself. I think I'll share them with you. Would you be willing to provide the tea to go with them?
Lilia Vanrouge
Greetings! Your present was delightful. The treats had a subtle sweetness that was perfect for a slightly mature fae like myself. I'll be making you a lovely treat in return, using a very special recipe of mine. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Salutations— Thanks for the gift. I read once that sugar can boost your concentration. Did you give me these to snack on when I'm about to nod off during my studies? That was very considerate of you. I think I'll try them out today.
Sebek Zigvolt
Human— I've received your gift. It was agreeably sweet. In fact, it might've been sweet enough to make black coffee bearable... But I digress. Regardless, I was somewhat impressed with your choice. You have my thanks.
Dear hench-human— Mraaah! Is this ALL for me?! I've never seen such sparkly, yummy-lookin' candy before! I feel like a king! But I'd feel bad leavin' you out of this sugar extravaganza, so I GUESS you can have a small piece. I'm lookin' forward to more gifts, partner!
Dire Crowley
Dear esteemed student— Thank you for the delicious gift. And don’t bother telling me I was supposed to share it—I’ve already finished the whole package! If you wish for the staff to also partake, I suggest you acquire more treats. But don’t worry, I won’t say a word if you give the same gift twice. I’m kindhearted like that!
Divus Crewel
Dear pup— Is this a gift for the staff? Excellent. Now that I have some treats to sweeten my breaks, I'll be able to grade your exams with a much more critical eye. I can see the grimace on your face now. Relax, it was a joke. It's usually frowned upon for dogs to be the ones buying gifts, but since you're such a loyal pup, I'll let you off. I'm a generous trainer, after all.
Mozus Trein
Dear juvenile— I must wonder why you decided to get me a present. Is this your way of thanking me for my lecture the other day? If so, gifts are hardly necessary. It's a teacher's job to educate students with a thirst for knowledge. I can't accept any offerings from students, but the sentiment is much appreciated. I expect nothing but excellence from you moving forward.
Ashton Vargas
Dear student— Thanks for the present! Excessive sugar is a no-go when building a beautiful bod, but it'd be bad form to let your thoughtful gesture go to waste. Such is the price of popularity. I'll just have to accept that and work off everything I eat. Keep up those reps!
Yo, little imp! What is UP? Thanks so much for the gift! You've got a real eye for quality. I'll make sure to stock up on goods that'll pique your interest, so swing by the shop soon!
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Tell Me One Thing | Holland March x gn!reader
anonymous asked: hello hello i hope you’re doing as well as you can :) i was wondering if i could request some holland march x gn!reader with the prompts: “hey, hey, look at me c’mon” and “for what it’s worth, i’m proud of you”. where basically holland’s on a case and someone recognises him as the reader’s boyfriend but they have some very strong opinions about them being together and say kinda nasty things. he gets home before the reader and the latter finds him curled in upon himself like overthinking and stuff and comforts him. thank you! :)
summary: March has a habit of letting certain things get under his skin a bit too much, but thankfully, his partner comforts him when he needs it.
tws: swearing, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of injury, mentions of alcoholism
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
It seemed like a normal enough day.
Healy was chatting to people in the busy street while Holland waited by the car and smoked; they were just looking for some old lady's lost dog, but money was money, and private investigators like Healy and March couldn't afford to turn down a job.
Holland did think, though, that he might be able to escape to the nearest payphone and call you; Holly was at school - hopefully - by now, which meant that the chances were, you were at home for a little while before your shift started.
He debated it, and when he saw that Healy was still chatting, he made his mind up; his bandaged fingers thumbled with the numbers, but he got there in the end and lit another cigarette.
But as it was ringing, someone knocked on the booth. Figuring that they probably just wanted to use it, he opened the door, and clenched his jaw.
"Can't you fucking see it's in use?"
The stranger looked him up and down for a moment. "Aren't you dating the person that used to live on Foxtrot Street?"
Holland quirked a brow. "Y/N?"
"Yeah," they nodded. "You're the new boyfriend, right?"
Holland shrugged as he scoffed. "The fuck do you wanna know for? Go on, get lost, pal."
The stranger didn't budge, folding their arms across their chest. "Y'know, I think it's absolutely sickening. A nice person like that, with scum like you - it's a surprise they haven't crawled into the bottom of a bottle, as well."
He rolled his eyes, attempting to close the door on them, but they put their hand on the frame. "Just fucking let me make a call."
"Please," they huffed. "Leave them alone. They deserve better than some P.I who drinks too much to even care about his own kid. You're gonna fuck them over, just like you fuck everybody else over. Leave them alone."
They only backed off once Healy approached, and although he wanted to talk about it, Holland couldn't find the energy to do so; he got in the car, hardly spoke but swigged from his flask like there was no tomorrow.
When Healy dropped him off, Holland had only one thing in mind: bed.
He flopped down onto the soft mattress, face buried against the pillows as he closed his eyes; maybe they were right. They did have a point, but he had been working on his drinking. But he was also useless - he fell off of several balconies that day, all on the ground floor at least unlike last time.
Maybe he would fuck you over. He didn't want to, but maybe he would. He spent what felt like eternity laid there, but eventually moved onto his side, cuddling into a pillow as he brought his knees to his chest, staring out at nothing.
He hoped Holly wouldn't be home any time soon, she didn't need to see her father worrying so badly about something that a stranger had said.
But Holly didn't come home first.
Holland knew it wasn't her when he heard the door lock from the inside, a muttering voice listing out all the chores to do throughout the house; familiar footprints slowly approaching along with the scent of his cologne, like the wearer had stolen one of his shirts.
He usually smiled, but not today. He just sighed and cuddled into the pillow even more.
"Hey, baby," you hummed, not thinking much at first as you shrugged your jacket off and hung it up on the corner of the wardrobe. Sweat trickling down your back and clinging to your forehead. "How was your day?"
Holland grumbled. "Why are you still here?"
You furrowed your brows as you turned around, shoving your hands into your pockets. "What do you mean?"
"I'm just gonna fuck you up," he sighed. "I fuck everything up and you… deserve better."
"Oh, Holland," you sighed, squatting down so that your eyes were on the same level as his. "Holland, Holland, Holland… you're not gonna fuck me up. I mean, you do give me really bad fright every time you go out, but that's because I know you - I know you're not exactly great with balconies."
Holland sighed.
But you wouldn't relent. "Hey, hey, look at me, c'mon… atta boy. Listen to me, baby - do you really think I'd leave?"
He shrugged. "You should."
"I'm not going to," you said softly. "No one, and I mean no one, has made me laugh as much as you can. You think I'd give all that up?"
"I make you laugh?"
"Yes," you leaned forward, gently kissing his forehead. "And that means everything to me, you know that… you wanna tell me what happened?"
"Someone approached me while we were working," he said quietly. "Said some pretty shitty things."
"And you let them get under your skin," you hummed, nodding. "Y'know, this is only like the window incident."
Usually, he smiled at the reminder.
When he had been playfully bickering with you at a party and he had thought that a window was shut, only to lean back and fall right through it, landing on a buffet table crowded by people.You laughed the entire way to the hospital, and he had never heard something so wonderful.
But he had allowed one of the doctors comments about you to get under his skin, just as he had now.
"Y'know, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you," you told him. "I really am."
Slowly, Holland dared to sit upright, spreading his legs so that you were between them, looking up at him with your head leaning on his thigh, a small smile on your lips. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you confirmed, gently pushing him back until his back hit the mattress, straddling his waist. "You gonna let go of the pillow?"
He threw it, and ignored whatever went crashing down with it as he eagerly gripped at your sides. "Better?"
"Much," you nodded. laughing loudly when he moved to pin you onto your back beneath him, your wrists in his hands as he pinned them above your head. "Don't start something that you can't finish, mind, March."
"I can finish it," he murmured. "Just… tell me one thing."
"Tell me you love me."
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johaerys-writes · 6 months
Would you be interested in sharing some of your fav books/scholars/academics/papers on The Iliad?
Hello! And thank you for this ask!! Basically, my research on Homer focuses a lot on Achilles and his relationship with Patroclus; I sometimes read works that are about the Iliad in general, but most of it is with Patroclus and Achilles in mind. But I do often come across interesting works on the Iliad as a whole, so I'll list some of them here. I have a lot of stuff to share, I'll keep it as brief as I can because I don't want to overwhelm anyone lol.
As far as books go, I have several different translations of the Iliad, and most of the time each translation has its own introduction, sometimes by another classicist. Those are a great place to start. My favourites are Caroline Alexander's Iliad translation, and the introduction she wrote herself. I like Caroline Alexander's work in general, including her book on the Iliad The War That Killed Achilles (which my pal Baejax sent me bc I couldn't find it anywhere here <3 <3), because her writing is clear, straightforward and informative. Her translation is my go to translation at the moment because I like how faithful it is to the original Greek, it's the one I keep next to my bedside and which is full of bookmarks and notes LOL.
Another favourite is Robert Fagles' translation, with an introduction by Bernard Knox (who also wrote an excellent introduction to Robert Fagles' translation of the Aeneid). Even though Robert Fagles' translation isn't as close to the original as others, I love it because it is just so beautiful. It is definitely the one with the most staying power if you ask me, some passages are just chef's kiss. Bernard Knox's intro is also super informative (although he doesn't really go into Patroclus' and Achilles' relationship), and when he supplements his analysis with Fagles' gorgeous text it's just a wonderful experience.
Another translation that I recommend to anyone who can read modern Greek is the one by N. Kazantzakis & G. Kakridis, I think it's THE iconic Greek translation if you ask me. It has a lot of idiomatic language and expressions and it might not be as easy to get into as other Greek translations are, but it's truly beautiful and lyrical and it is entirely written in 17-syllable lines in iambic metre, adapting Homer's dactylic hexameter to modern Greek. Verse translations aren't really a thing for most English translations, which is a shame if you ask me. I think it's pretty much the only translation I've read so far that really invites you to read it out loud, as the original work was intended.
I do have Emily Wilson's translation as well but I haven't read it yet (I KNOW, SHAME ON ME), I really want to give it my full attention and I just haven't had the time yet. But I've read bits of the introduction and also parts of the translation and so far I love them. I hope to be back with a more informed opinion once I've actually read it LOL
I have to admit that I don't follow any specific scholar religiously. I tend to read whatever catches my interest. That being said, I do love Emily Wilson's work and I've read several of her articles and papers, I think they're really informative and well-written. When she was doing the promotion for her Iliad translation on Twitter I read a lot of the stuff she posted and they were all great. My favourite was her interview with Madeline Miller which you can read here. I also liked this review of her Iliad translation that I read recently, written by Stephanie Mc Carter. Basically, I follow her on Twitter and read the articles she posts, and some are very interesting. I also went to see her in person when she gave a lecture in Athens in October, it was really good but unfortunately it isn't online anymore so I can't link it :(
I also really like watching Madeline Miller interviews on Youtube, I think I've watched every single one that's out there and even though some of them are brief or repetitive because interviewers usually ask her the same questions, I do think she always has something interesting to says both related to her books/writing but also the Iliad and the Odyssey that have inspired her. There are two interviews in particular that I like, this one which is more about TSOA and the Iliad, and this one which is more about Circe and the Odyssey. I genuinely enjoy listening to her a lot, I find it very calming.
My friend @darlingpoppet recently introduced me to the work of Celsiana Warwick, and I've really enjoyed reading her stuff!! Particularly this one which is about conjugal bonds and the homoerotic subtext of the Iliad, and this one which is about gender and kleos in the Iliad. Good stuff, and I look forward to reading more!
There are a few papers about Achilles and Patroclus that I really like and that I go back to from time to time. I have far too many in my jstor account and can't go through all of them right now, but these spring to mind:
Achilles and Patroclus in Love by W.M. Clarke, it's a very informative analysis of the homoerotic subtext of the Iliad and tries to "prove" in a way that Achilles and Patroclus are in a romantic/erotic relationship. Super interesting!
The Relationship between Achilles and Patroclus according to Chariton of Aphrodisias and Was the Relationship between Achilles and Patroclus Homoerotic? The View of Apollonius Rhodius by Gabriel Laguna-Mariscal and Manuel Sanz-Morales are two very interesting analyses of Achilles and Patroclus' relationship in relation to other ancient works, they're not too long and I found them very fun to read.
Euphorbus and the Death of Achilles by Roberto Nickel is super interesting and has some really cool takes on the deaths of Hector, Achilles and Patroclus and how they are all related.
Some more stuff
Some more videos I've watched and find rather interesting are The Contemporary Relevance of the Iliad by Erwin Cook, Why Homer Matters which is a talk between Adam Nicholson and Paul Cartledge (whose work and lectures on ancient greek history are always super informative!! I love watching his stuff even if they're not directly Iliad-related) I don't vibe with everything that's said in this video honestly nor do I agree with a lot of Nicholson's takes but they did make some interesting points about Homer's relevance and the emphasis on honour/glory in a world without justice and in a war without good leadership, so it might be worth a watch. Lastly, another series of video lectures that I really like is Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey, it's five lectures in total and a great introduction to the Homeric works which also goes into the historical context a little bit, very informative even for someone who is well versed in Homer.
I hope this helped! I can't think of any more off the top of my head now, and I really should get ready to leave for work lmao, but if I do think of anything else, I'll add it here :D Also, if you're reading this and have something to add feel free to do so!
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pleucas · 5 months
hello! may i ask what device are you using to draw? You mentioned using Procreate, so i think it's an iPad, but i was wondering what model it is and if you'd recommend it for painting
hey there!
thanks for sending in an ask. i’m pretty sure i have the iPad Pro 2020, 12.9in. i use a gen 2 apple pencil with it :)
and abt digital painting etc…
i’d def recommend it for digital painting! since it’s an old model you’d prob be able to get a discount for it, or find a used one in good condition 👍👍 the screen size is sometimes excessive for me, i think the 11in model or anything smaller would work fine. only concern there would be functionality and memory, bc digital painting is very storage taxing
i’ve been using this guy for four years and she’s holding up very well. i’ve noticed that the battery is less effective (draining quicker, charging slower, etc) but it hasn’t severely inebriated my painting practice
i used to have a paper feel screen protector for it, but for the past year i’ve taken it off. i think there was just an adjustment period from traditional to digital and i hated the slippery screen, but i noticed it wore down my pen nib really quickly lol. now i use a nib with a metal tip (kinda looks like a mechanical pencil tip) and the smoothness doesn’t bother me as much. just took some time getting used to
smth abt digital painting on procreate/ipad that i both hate and love is the color display. apple color display is super good, almost too good… laptop/phone screens don’t match up and i find myself editing things for posts or printing lol. important to note, apple specifically functions in their own RGB scale, so exporting files from procreate preserves that color profile. it’s not compatible with printing, sharing, or anything LOL so be careful to convert things to sRGB (learned this the very hard way…)
i do hate procreate sometimes because their DPI is just. SOOOO low. if you transform or rotate anything then it pixelates 😭 i enabled all the hacks and nothing helped. nowadays i set up my canvas to be 3k+ pixels on at least one axis and 600dpi, it’s marginally better but i def do adjust my process to avoid any transformations 😞 maybe its just particularly bad for my style bc i like my details n Things all over the place but yeaaa prolly the biggest pitfall for ipad/procreate
another note (not rlly digital art related), i pretty much just use my ipad for digital painting, gaming sometimes (i had a crazy genshin/hsr phase), note taking on pdfs whtv. it prolly averages to ~2.5 hours per day, which isn’t a lot. so idk if you plan to use an ipad more intensively (ik some pals who deck out their ipad and basically use it as a laptop), then aforementioned problems might be a much larger issue
this got suuuuper long i apologize but all in all, ipad is def good for digital painting! it’s accessible, customizable, transportable (even with my massive 13in screen LOOOOL), and worth :) but at the end of the day, it’s a tool and its utility is what you make of it. hope i could help!
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somberauthor · 11 months
Hello there stranger can I request TADC with male reader who have body like a human and pretty much tall looking scary with his head was TV
But he pretty much nice and chill making some stupid joke
And he know how to calm down everyone or making them feel safe
When he got here in the first day he was surprised but not scared he just surprised and when he know he had to stop here he say jokingly like "well at least I don't have to pay taxes" yeah something like that I'm not good with joke I try
I'm not English by the way so I hope you have a nice day
Bye-bye stranger hope you have a nice wonderful day!
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Gangle would be either scared of you or completely comfortable with your company. But she's leaning towards the former, not the latter.
Zooble would actually enjoy your company, thinking your chillness was pretty... chill
Kinger would just be kinger. He's cool with you, and he's kinger.
Ragatha would enjoy your company. You two would be the parents of the group with how well you guys can calm people down when people are upset.
Jax and you would always crack jokes with eachother. Theres not much else to say, you two are buds. buddies. PALS even.
Caine has no opinion of you, but he thinks your T.V. head is cool.
Bubble is bubble. Bubble is too silly for opinions
Pomni is just glad she's not the only new one there. You two can relate on some things, but other than that you two arent super close.
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Booyeah (this is all i could think of doing)
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