#hello not the samara
screampied · 6 months
ive seen so much toji on your acc lately im about to make another unfriended movie where i force the whole mappa studio to animate him all oiled up under a xmas tree with a pink ribbon around his waist… if not… im boutta pull a samara and crawl thru my screen to suck that d—
- 🦦
what is wrong with me
toji’s kinda sexy wait i’m starting to see the appeal 🧖‍♀️….
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and ikr. i was writing his fic earlier n had to take a break bc his dialogue is just so nasty aaaaaha 🌚
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goobersplat · 6 months
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2013 Hello Kitty Sadako “The Ring” Crossover Plush
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kyle and samara weaving on set of carolina caroline — this movie is going to destroy me
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sarahg-fanarts99 · 7 months
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A drawing I made of Samara and Malik with three Hello Kitty's characters cosplaying as the Egyptian Gods. Based on the merchandise of both franchises.
While Hades enjoys his burger.
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And it's obvious that Malik is not happy to see what they did to his ace card, Winged Dragon of Ra.
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samaraxmorgan · 3 months
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It’s not easy being a niche micro celebrity 😌
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thegraygardens · 1 year
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i got this beautiful hello kitty x the ring plush and thought of sharing it online <3
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nnaranjadulce · 10 months
@doierme envió “🌿🍒” : for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse ♡
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' ¿sigues las costumbres de estas fechas? ' lanza pregunta de la nada a su acompañante, con ojos entrecerrados como si se tratase de un interrogatorio. ' o mejor dicho, ¿das besos bajo los muérdagos? ' y con índice diestro apunta al techo, donde flotaba de allí aquella plantita típica, alzando un par de veces sus cejas antes de reír suavemente.
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sickosexual · 2 years
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slashpaws · 2 years
if i don't change the burntrap gifs back to scraptrap in my pinned right now the girl from the ring will get me
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strawberrysamara · 7 months
I want to make ramen for dinner but we don't have any chicken or fresh mushrooms ):
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I can't think too hard about Rila and Falere who had only each other for centuries while their mother chased their sister down. Falere and Rila who could have left any time but they had their own code to fulfill. Rila and Falere who were the "good" daughters and stayed in isolation while Morinth chased her own pleasure. Rila and Falere who see their mother for the first time in centuries and barely bother to say hello while the other is in danger.
Did Morinth ever reach out to them? offer to take them with her? did they ever write to her? beg her to come stay with them? did Samara tell them in person about Morinth's death? a message? did she tell them at all?
And Falere alone at the end. her mother fighting a war. her sister and all her friends at the monastery dead. hoping no reapers show up and change her too. did she make a new monastery for future ardat yakshi? was she in charge or was she relegated once again to a resident. the way Samara would rather die than kill her last child. the way she hasn't visited in decades. the way she loves her children. the way she is too broken to parent them.
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Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 15
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
All Falls Down (Prequel)
Series Masterlist
~ 1 week later ~ Friday Afternoon
“If you don’t wanna do this, I can call Mel and tell her we changed our minds and she not invited.” Josh voiced, interrupting Kiyana’s thought process. 
Kiyana smiled as she turned her head from looking out the window to looking over at Josh. “No. I’m good. But I'm telling you now. She got one time to say some outta pocket shit. I still owe her from that shit she was talking at Jay-Jay’s birthday party.” 
Josh bit his lip as he remembered how disrespectful he was to Kiyana that day. As she came to a stop at a red light, he turned his gaze to her. “I wanna apologize for that too.” He started, his stomach tightening as he remembered how he let Melvania talk to and about Kiyana.  “I could have stopped her but –” 
“I’m over it.” She cut him off with a flag of her hand.  “I understand why you were so mean” he scoffed and rolled his eyes. “And I really can’t blame you. We technically were divorced already. It’s a lot of shit that I said about you too, so let’s just move on from it.” 
Josh arched his eyebrow at her. “Whatchu say about me?” 
Kiyana bit her lip, trying to suppress a laugh. “I may have told Samara about the um... Forty-five-second incident.”  Josh’s mouth dropped out in shock. He then closed his eyes with a groan, covering his face with his hands. 
“Kiyana…” He groaned out, what happened to taking it to the grave?” 
“I’m sorry!” She laughed. “You pissed me off and I was venting to Mara.” He narrowed his eyes at her, before turning his attention back to the road as the light turned green. “You mad?” 
“No, I’m not mad.” He shook his head. “Little embarrassed, but not mad.” 
“I mean it’s not like you left me high and dry” She tried to make him feel better but Josh sucked his teeth, turning the radio up so he could tune her and her laughing out. 
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Melvania tried to keep the scowl off her face as her brother and Kiyana walked over to the table holding hands. It make her sick to her stomach to see him all happy with Kiyana after everything she did to him. 
“Wassup Sis,” Josh smiles at his sister as he walks around the table to hug her. Melvania hummed as she eyed Kiyana before standing up and hugging her younger brother. 
Kiyana rolled her eyes a little as she picked up the menu and scanned over it. She wasn’t interested in exchanging pleasantries with this woman, all Kiyana wanted was to let her know that there would be no more disrespecting her. 
“Hello, Kiyana.” Melvania managed through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing into slits as Kiyana continued to ignore her. 
“Key..” Josh whispered. 
Melvania watched as Kiyana set the menu down and turned to Josh, they seemed to be having a silent conversation that ended with Kiyana letting out a loud sigh. 
“Hi, Melvania, how are you?” Kiyana asked, with a very obvious forced smile on her face. 
“Good, thanks for asking,” Mel muttered and Kiyana rolled her eyes and dropped her smile, bringing her attention back to the menu in front of her while Mel turned her attention to her brother. “So what's up? Why did y’all call me here?”  Melvania eyed Kiyana as the waiter came over and took their orders. She couldn’t understand why her brother was willingly here with her after sleeping with their cousin. The only logical reason Mel could come up with was, that Josh wanted to be present in the house with his boys and Mel knew that Josh should have followed her advice and filed for full custody from Kiyana. 
“You know Mar is about to turn seven right?” Josh started the conversation as the waiter walked away with their orders. “And I know he wants you there but for that to happen, there needs to be a conversation about how you be disrespecting Kiyana, and that needs to stop.” 
Melvania reared her head back like she had been slapped. “What –” she started but Josh interrupted her. 
“Me and Kiyana are working on our relationship and we’re trying to get back to how things used to be and I should have put a stop to it years ago, but I’m telling you right now sis. There will be no more talking slick to and about Kiyana. She is the mother of my children and whether you like her or not, you have to respect her.” 
“I don’t have to respect shit." Melvania scoffed "What the fuck are you going on about Joshua? Have you forgotten what she did to you?” 
Josh and Kiyana shared a look and then turned their attentions back to Melvania who was looking at them like they both lost their minds. “I haven’t forgotten and me and her have talked about that because it’s our relationship, Mel.” 
Melvania's eyes flashed with disbelief as she let out another scoff, her eyes bouncing between her brother and the devil. “So you’re saying you’re just going to overlook everything? Pretend it never happened?” 
Kiyana huffed and rolled her eyes. “What are you not understanding?” She asked, shrugging off the hand that Josh placed on her shoulder. “Me and Josh are working through our issues and if you want to be in your nephew's lives, you will respect me, especially with them around. All the calling me names at Jayla’s party was uncalled for and unnecessary and will not happen at my son’s party.”  
Both Kiyana and Melvania stared at each other with narrowed eyes and at that moment Josh wished he brought Jon or Sefa along with him because he didn’t know what to do next. 
“What’s the real issue?” Kiyana asked, breaking their staring contest. “You’ve hated me since high school and it’s only got worse when me and Josh got married.” 
“You just too dumb to see it huh?” 
“Mel, what did I just say?” Josh snapped, getting extremely frustrated with his older sister. 
“Y’all not about to sit here and gang up on me. I am not the villain in this damn story!” 
“You’re the villain in my story. I haven’t done shit to you for you to hate me as much as you do!” 
“Chill..” Josh tried to interject as he noticed they started drawing attention to their table with how loud Kiyana and Melvania were getting. “We don’t have to yell at each other.” 
“You haven’t done shit?” Mel scoffed “You ruined my fucking like Kiyana!” 
Now Kiyana was the one who reared her head back like she had been slapped.  She turned to Josh who shared the same look of confusion. “What?” 
“You knew that position was mine! And you just swooped in and took it.” 
“Position – Girl! The damn cheer captain position from high school?” Kiyana scoffed and sat back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She muttered, rolling her eyes.  Kiyana was beyond done with this conversion. They were grown-ass women now and Mel was still upset about some shit that happened eons ago! “Put on your big girl panties and get over that shit Mel.” 
Josh, increasingly frustrated, rubbed his temples. “Nah, that can’t be the reason. It gotta be another reason. Right sis? All this animosity ain't because of some shit that happened in high school?” 
“Nope. That’s it.” Mel shrugged and Kiyana decided at that point it was time to go. She abruptly stood from her seat and grabbed her bag from the chair next to her. 
“Pointless ass conversation.” She muttered, before turning towards Josh and holding her hand out. “I’m going to sit in the car, can I get the keys please?” Josh nodded and fished the keys out of his shorts pocket and handed them to her. “Can you tell them I want my food to go now?” Josh nodded again. 
“There she goes... Running away, again!” 
“Girl, fuck you.” Kiyana snapped and that’s when all hell broke loose. Melvania stood from her seat and tried to charge around the table to attack Kiyana. Josh caught her though, wrapping his arms around Mel’s waist and pulling her away from Kiyana who honestly didn’t even flinch. 
Kiyana faked a yawn with a roll of her eyes and continued out the door, ignoring the insults Melvania was shouting her way. 
“You stupid bitch! I swear on my momma imma getcho’ ass!” 
“Enjoy your night, Mel. Maybe one day you’ll figure out how to handle your issues like an adult.” Kiyana stated as she walked out of the restaurant. 
“Mel, chill. What the fuck!” Josh shouted as Mel tried to push him out of the way. 
“Sir, two have to leave before I call the cops. I’ve canceled your orders.” Josh sucked his teeth and grabbed Melvania’s bag and all but dragged her out of the restaurant. 
“Where y’all parked at?!” 
“Melvania! Chill.” Josh yelled pushing her back away from him. “I’m not going to let you attack Kiyana. What the hell is wrong with you!?” 
“What the hell is wrong with me? You so lucky you my brother cause I would have smacked you by now! What the hell is wrong with you Joshua?! Her pussy is not that good that you're forgetting everything she did!” 
“No, I didn’t forget! But it’s my damn relationship! If she can forgive me for betraying her then I can forgive her. You need to move the fuck on.” Josh spat, eyes narrowing as he looked at his sister. “And don’t bother showing up to my son's party. I don’t want you there.” 
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Saturday Afternoon
Kamari’s 7th birthday bash was in full swing, He had invited his whole class plus his friends from Karate and Soccer so their house and backyard were almost packed with people, but as long as Kamari was happy, so was Kiyana. 
As Kiyana was walking around the party, she heard one of Josh’s aunties make a sly comment that made her roll her eyes. “Who made this pasta salad? It’s like they didn’t even try. You know who makes a good pasta salad? Melvania.. If only she was allowed to come.”  Kiyana knew that last part was a dig at her and she didn’t care. 
She let out a sigh as she made her way to the grill where Josh and Jon were. “Your auntie keeps taking digs at my pasta salad.” Jon snorted and Josh reached over to smack him on the back of his head. 
“Don’t let it get to your head Key.” 
“I’m not, I’m –” 
“Aw hell. You didn’t say he was going to be here.” 
“Oh my god,” Kiyana muttered, as she started to rub her temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Why wouldn’t he be here Yatta?” 
“Direct that stank ass attitude somewhere else sis.” 
“Kenyatta, stop.” Imani chided as she walked over, giving Jon and Josh hugs much to Kenyatta’s dismay. Just like how Mel and Kiyana had a rivalry in high school, so did Josh and Kenyatta. It just wasn't on some petty shit like how Mel’s and Kiyana’s were. Kenyatta always thought that Kiyana could do better than Josh and he never missed a chance to voice his opinion. 
Josh sucked his teeth and turned his attention back to the burgers that needed to be flipped. Jon – sensing the tense atmosphere, decided it was time for him to skidaddle and go find his wife and mother. 
“Look, y’all can continue to pretend to be a happy family or whatever you call it, but I ain’t forget whatchu’ did to my sister.”  
“Oh my god,” Kiyana muttered again. “Now is not the time.” Josh started laughing. “Josh, please” Kiyana pleaded. “Not right now.” 
Josh's laughter only seemed to further agitate Kenyatta, who took a step closer to the grill. Imani quickly placed herself between the two men, her hands raised in a placating gesture.
"Kenyatta, please. This is Kamari's birthday party. Can we not do this here?" Imani pleaded with her stepson. “Like Kiyana said, now is not the time.” 
“Yeah alright, I’ll be seeing you,” Kenyatta muttered, grilling Josh as he looked him up and down. And Josh, not one to back down from anybody dropped the spatula he was holding. 
“You can see me now, the fuck” 
Kiyana's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Josh step away from the grill, squaring up to Kenyatta. The tension in the air was palpable, and she could see a few nearby parents starting to take notice of the brewing confrontation.
"Josh, please," Kiyana hissed, grabbing his arm. "Think about Kamari." Josh ignored her, his heated gaze locked on Keyannta’s. Kiyana grabbed both sides of his face and made him focus on her.  "This is our son's birthday. Don't do this."
For a moment, Josh's jaw clenched, his eyes still burning with anger. But as he looked into Kiyana's pleading face, his shoulders slowly relaxed. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"You're right," he muttered. "I'm sorry."
Kenyatta scoffed, "Yeah, that's right. Back down like the punk-ass—"
"Kenyatta!" Imani snapped, her voice sharp enough to cut through the tension. "That's enough. You're leaving. Now."
Kenyatta looked like he was about to argue, but Imani's stern gaze silenced him. With a final glare at Josh, he turned and stalked away,
Josh closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down and once he opened them, he did not like what he saw. Kiyana was looking at him with nothing but disappointment in her eyes. 
“Key –” 
“Don’t” She cut him off, dropping her hands from his face. “Let’s just try to finish out this day with no more drama.” She muttered before turning away from him and walking into the house, to calm herself down. 
Josh watched Kiyana walk away, his heart sinking as he realized how much the confrontation had affected her. He was still fuming from the argument, but seeing her disappointment made him feel even worse. He rubbed his temples, trying to push the anger aside and focus on salvaging what was left of Kamari’s birthday party.
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Authors Note: Whew... Mel and Kenyatta, need to get over themselves.
Sooo. How did y'all like this chapter?
I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more chapters left of this...
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
🏷️: @christinabae @empressdede @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @harmshake
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@rebelrel0987 @mymyhhxoxo
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websterss · 9 months
Hello - I know your requests are closed right now but, if you come back, can you write the proposal scene for the Dad! Ethan continuation thing? But every time Ethan tried to propose Samara keeps getting in the way with her antics. Even better if he pops the question without thinking after both he and Y/N are laughing after one of Samara’s shenanigans
(Don’t make me write the proposal scene💀🤣) So that was a lie.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): angst, fluff
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Ethan Landry x fem!Reader    
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! and happy new year! <;33
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#The first time Ethan tries to propose, Samara is sick.
“Hey, you got a minute?” Ethan pops his face into the kitchen, where he sees Samara in your arms pushing against your chest and face. He rocks on his feet, his hand reaching into his back pocket, patting the black velvet box, he’s kept hidden from you for over a year since he had gone to Chad and Sam for their blessing.
“Y-Yeah what’s– Sammy baby–”
“No, no, no, no.” She shakes her head at you.
“-What’s up?” You huff, as she starts to cry out in discomfort. 
Ethan takes a deep breath, his eyes glimmering with genuine concern as he looks into your eyes. “She ok?” His eyes travel down to her flushed face. He walks over and presses the back of his hand against her forehead.
“I think she has a fever. I came in here to take her temperature but it appears I’ve misplaced the damn thing…So I’m probably just going to take her to the bathroom. Let the room steam up and see if I can get her to fall asleep.” Ethan nods as you begin to walk down the hallway. He silently follows you both and finds a seat against the tiled floors, gesturing to you to hand over Samara. 
Ethan smiles, taking Samara into his arms. Her feverish eyes stare into his, her expression one of pure adoration. She reaches a handout and touches Ethan’s cheek, her fingertips gently stroking his jawline. Ethan watches her silently, and a small smile crosses his lips. There’s a flicker of warmth in his eyes as he shifts Samara in his arms, and she leans her head against his chest. You look over your shoulder as you shake your dampened hand. The water fills up the tub making you grow closer to your little family from the loudness it emits. 
“You just needed daddy to hold you huh?” You hum as you push back her curls. 
Samara’s eyes flicker shut as Ethan strokes a finger down her face. Her expression sags and a smile breaks across her lips. “Mmm.” She coos, her fingers curling into a fist as she leans heavier against Ethan’s chest. She rests her head against his shoulder.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” 
“Mmm?” Ethan bit his lip and looked up at you. “Oh, that…just what you wanted for dinner tomorrow. I was thinking of takeout again, Moreno’s around the corner.” 
“Oh yeah, I don’t mind. Saves me the hassle of cooking.” You both laugh it out, the steam getting to the both of you but you didn’t mind it, Samara was getting her sleep. 
#The second time Ethan tries to propose, Samara gets bitten by a dog at the park.
Ethan looks up from his seat after writing down some notes. He sees you and smiles, waving you over. He sets aside his textbook on the blanket. “You're late?" He teases.
"Not my fault…someone wouldn’t leave until we found her red hair clip." You huff as you plop down onto the blanket across from him. Your eyes softened though watching Samara run into her daddy's arms. 
“Hi, baby.” Ethan cooed, as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Don’t you look pretty?”
“Mommy did it.” Samara turned her neck to give Ethan the full view of her space buns. 
“Yeah, mommy is good with her hands huh?” You scowled at the innuendo he threw out. He bit his lip to keep him from bursting into a fit of laughs. 
“Mhmm.” Samara hums, agreeing and completely oblivious to her daddy’s stupidity. You roll your eyes. 
Ethan laughs at your grumbling. “So, I’ve been thinking..."
"That's never a good thing." You smirk, letting out a laugh.
He rolls his eyes playfully. “Shut up.”
“Mommy a doggy…” Samara pulls at your sleeve getting up from Ethan’s grip. “Can I pet it?”
“Yeah, baby…” You respond to her not fully growing aware of what her question entailed. "I'm all ears." You lean back and give Ethan your attention.
"I think we should...you know..." His eyes glance away for a moment as if contemplating whether or not to say something. He looks over to Samara then double takes as he weighs in at the fact she was growing closer to a dog without a leash. “Sammy!” He panics, taking off into a sprint, your mom instincts kick in and you sprint after Ethan. Your heart feels like it snaps into two after she lets out a bloody murder yell. Ethan picks her up, inspecting the hand she cradled to her chest.
“Oh my god, oh god!” You run a hand through your hair as you look closer. 
“It didn’t break through her skin, it just indented her. It might bruise a little though.” Ethan reassured the ongoing battle he knew you’d be having right about now. You both took her back to the blanket, her signs of distress catching the other's attention. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Is she okay?” The missing leash appeared along with what you assumed was the owner. 
“Yeah, nothing too serious, just some bruising that will hurt for a while.” Ethan looked her over once more, pressing a small kiss to the side of her head. “Did he bite you hard?” Ethan asked her. A pouty nod was her only response. “Yeah? We’re gonna go home now, but a bandaid on your booboo.” He gestured to the arm she was holding. When she heard home her eyes widened, and a smile crept onto your face.
“No, no, no. Icecream.”
“You sure you’re hurt?” He muttered to himself, but you heard him nonetheless. “She gets it from you.” He turned to you.
You gasped. “Me?”
#The third time Ethan tries to propose, Samara finds the wedding ring. 
“Hey babe have you seen my tie–” Ethan called out to you as he entered your shared bedroom. He stopped at the door as he saw Samara sitting center bed with the black velvet box he’d gone through war to keep out of your sight.
“You’re what?” You called out.
“Uh…Nothing, nothing, I found it!” He cursed under his breath as he reached for the small child. He approached with caution cause one wrong move she’d cry and you’d be alerted. “Sammy.” She looked up playing with the box, his best bet was that she was trying to figure out how to open it.
“Pretty.” She held it out for him. 
“Yeah it’s very pretty…pretty box baby. For me?” She nods and he grabs it from her. He goes to stand up and hide it somewhere where Samara wouldn’t be able to reach, but when she looks up at him with her eyes, the same eyes he gets to look into every day. Sammy may have gotten his devious smile and his curls, but she got your eyes. “You wanna see wants inside?”
She nodded eagerly. He chuckled, then plopped down the bed in front of her. “You can’t tell mommy about this though.” He smirked. 
“Is a secwet?” He bit his lip, knowing she still couldn’t roll her r’s just yet, but her effort was one of the things he loved about his daughter. 
“Yeah, it’s a secret, so don’t tell…shhhh.” He pressed his finger to his lip. She nodded and mimicked him. Now talking in a low whisper. When he lifted the lid, his heart soared at the way her eyes lit up. She let out a long gasp. She looked at him and then to the ring again.
“For mommy!” She gasped again. 
“You think mommy would like it?” He looked at it with a funny face.
She nodded eagerly. “I want one too.”
“You want one too…I’ll see what I can do alright.” Ethan chuckled. 
“Ethan, have you seen my heels?”
“Did you check in the closet by the door?” He called out over his shoulder, then threw a wink to Sammy.
“No!” He heard you rush to the hallway. 
Samara then looked at the white heels that were by the door. She pointed at them then tilted her head at him as if to say Really. Ethan bit his lip to contain his laughter. 
“Don’t look at me like that…” He did laugh this time. He needed to find his tie. It was date night, one where he was going to take you out for dinner, then hopefully propose, but seeing Samara plop back onto your pillows, he wished to stay home with the two of you now. He looked back at where your heels rest then back to the literal definition of trouble. “Sammy?”
“Mmm?” She sits up.
“You wanna do me a favor?”
#The fourth time Ethan tries to propose, Samara holds your heels hostage. 
“Sammy!” You run after her as she dodges and weaves her way around the apartment. “Sammy I really need my shoes baby.” You grow annoyed as Ethan chuckles from where he stands in the kitchen. “A little help here!” You sigh. 
“Oh, c’mon—you seem to be doing fine.” Ethan grins, leaning against the wall, legs crossed as he watches you chase Samara around. “Why’re we in such a hurry anyway?”
“We have a reservation!” Your eyes almost fall out of their sockets.
“Well, I’m sure we can spare a few more seconds.” He leans off the wall and walks over. Sammy darts away, squealing and giggling, but Ethan easily catches her before she even reaches the living room. “Gotcha” He says, grinning. 
“Really?” You huff, then shake your head. 
“Oh, c’mon. Don’t be such a grouch.” He teases, then tickles her, making her laugh and squirm as she tries to get away from him. Ethan kisses her cheek again. Sammy squeals, hiding her face against his arm while he kisses her head, ruffling her hair. 
"I don't mean to be it's just...I don't wanna be late. I'm sorry." You look down at the joyous smile on your daughter's face, and let your shoulders shrug. You could never be mad at her. 
Ethan rolls his eyes—but not in annoyance, in fond amusement. “Well…let’s not keep mommy waiting now!”  He laughs, then kneels on one knee beside her, you miss what he says to her in her ear. You quirk an eyebrow at your two troublemakers. 
“Here mommy.” You look down at Ethan as you go to grab the heels, only it's not your heels that your hands touch. You immediately look down and your heart comes to a stop at the small black velvet box in your grasp.
“You wanna marry me?” He smirks. Then leans over to kiss Sammy on the cheek. She giggles waiting for your reaction. 
"What?" You open the box and a simple 14 carat rests inside. Nothing too flashy, just pure elegance and simplicity. Just how you love your jewelry. Like your little family that you get to call yours. “What?” You exclaim. 
He laughs. “Stop being cute, we don’t need another kid...” He jokes, taking a deep breath as if trying to steady himself. “I said you wanna marry me?” He smiles. “Cause I think we should get married.”
Ethan chuckles once more. “I said, you wanna marry me stupid?”
“Well…yeah, but I-” You stumble over your words. “Why are you being so casual about this?”
“Cause...I’ve been trying to propose all month, but this one hasn’t allowed me to, so I figured I’d just involve her...that and my therapist said that it wasn't healthy to beat around the bush about this kind of thing.” He smiled sheepishly. “So wanna marry me or what?” He says casually again.
"Yes, you jerk!" You pout, smacking him playfully against his shoulder, your vision blurring from the tears threatening to spill.
“You like it, mommy?”
“Oh I love it, baby, thank you!” You bent down and kissed her. She beams up at you like you light up her night sky. 
“I do have one condition though.” Ethan smiles, reaching into his pocket. 
“What’s that?” You laugh hysterically as you glance down at the ring in disbelief.
"You have to wear that." Ethan smiles at your priceless reaction. You laugh as he takes the ring and carefully slides it onto your ring finger, a perfect fit.
Ethan smiles. A lightness fills his expression as an air of levity suddenly fills the apartment. “I-I know it's sudden, and it's not something we ever really talked about. But if these past four years have taught me anything– it’s that second chances are rare, and you should hold onto your person for as long as you can because you won’t know if you’ll ever see them again. I know I’ve hurt you in the past, and I will continue to spend the rest of our lives together making up for it. But what I also know, is that I want this more than anything, with you, with our baby.” He reached forward and pinched her cheeks while she now sat in your lap. “I know we already live together and we have an amazing kid and we basically treat each other like we’re married but I want to be married to you for real.” He pulls your hand gently towards him and presses a kiss on top of it. “So…you wanna marry me?” 
“It’s a yes always.”
“Yeah?” His smile grows.
“Yes!” You breathe out a laugh as you bring him into a sweet slow kiss. “Always.”
“Good to know…” He smirks and kisses you once more.
“Mommy here.” You both pull away to see her extending her hands out with your heels. You both laugh as you pull her into your arms. Peppering her cheeks with a thousand kisses. “No, no, no, no, no!” She laughs as you both showered her with love. 
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vermutandherring · 8 months
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Hello! Love your builds. Wondering where I could find the chandelier from this post, and/or any other cc lighting recommendations you have?
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This is probably my weakest part as I have quite a few lighting mods. I usually use the same lamps/candelabras/chandeliers from Felixandresims and TheJim07, which I always try to replace with something more interesting. So I myself am always in search of new beautiful lamps. The chandelier on the screen is from this set by DoroCash.
A bit more of my favorite mods that I can recommend:
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DURANTE SET (DMC conversions) by Etheric - chandelier - wall lamp - candelabra (There's some shady addlink, I recommend to find it anywhere else or if you like it as bad as me, I can share it).
I also recommend to get Three Candelabra from DMC5 by @thejim07
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SUMMER IN THE HAMPTONS lamp & candle by @plushpixelssims ANTIQUE SET lamp by @hydrangeachainsaw
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OCTOPUS LAMP by @ars-botanica
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CHINOISERIE COLLECTION - Chinese Riddle Lantern | Dynasty “Enlightenment” Lamp by @ts2tots4 - Asian lamps Sims 3 to 4 by @losts4cc I couldn't find where's the chandelier and wall light are from, but I think I can share them as well
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If you need something a bit more modern:
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LUMENS LIGHTING Set by @blueteas
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SAMARA CHANDELIER from kitchen set by BlueTeas MODERNO set by @kerriganhouse
Other creators:
Onyxium: Inkster Lightings | Bakersfield Lightings | Phoenix Lightings | Alvaro Lightings
Severinka_: Monica lamp | Omega lamp | Sandra lamp | Fiora lamp | Angel Lighting (looks really good if you place several lamps side by side)|
Hope it helps~
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kudzoi · 19 days
Please don’t skip 🙏
Iam Reema, a mother of taim living in northern Gaza. The situation is extremely difficult; the shelling is random and death is always near my family. We have been displaced multiple times, and the Israeli military is close to my destroyed home. We are suffering from a lack of food and water. My child, Tayem, is suffering from malnutrition, and I have anemia.
🚨Guys, donations are slow, please don't leave me, I need your support
Please keep going help my family 🙏❤️‍🩹 and Can you share my campaign with you 🫶🙏🍉
Hello Reema 😊 i’m so sorry you and your family are in that terrible war 💔❤️ i hope you reach your goal soon 🙏 please anyone who sees this share this campaign and if you can donate too! 🇵🇸🍉
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gryficowa · 11 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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