#hello i'm back from the dead
gayenerd · 1 year
The audacity of this tiny man being in the UK and not giving us his thoughts on this year's Eurovision
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old tired women yuri.
if u even care
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deepdwellingsteamboat · 2 months
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Pauper's Drop BIOSHOCK 2 (2010) ◈ 4 / ∞
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bigchumpus · 3 months
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Grian doodles ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to Dutch's constant two-faced behaviour.
One minute you're coming back to camp and then getting an earful from Dutch about not bringing in enough money, then the next minute he'll greet you and say how he missed you and asks what you've been up to as soon as you walk into camp.
On a bad day, you're the person who's going to betray Dutch in the end. Then on a good day, you're his favourite son who's always been special to him.
The camp gives Arthur grief for his 'moods' but the others didn't seem to comment on Dutch's camp behaviour in the same way, even in the early chapters.
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wilting-fl0wer · 5 months
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Sol, our beloved time god
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crimsonlovebartylus · 7 months
regulus: if i was a worm would you still love me?
barty: if you were a worm i would eat you
regulus: i'm okay with that
and than they kiss.
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melpherno · 3 months
Can I Take You to Dinner?
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Pairing: O'Connor × Little Painter
Tags: drabble, just a drabble. :) inspired by O'Connor affinity level 10
Word Count: 325
Notes: hello, hello~ I have returned from the dead. Lol.
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Little Painter was stunned. Did she just get a date invitation... Right on the spot?
Her gaze was fixed on the man in front of her. The sounds of the bustling campus; and the chatter of the students blurred out. The only thing she could focus on at that moment was him – the man with mauve hair and radiant purple eyes, wearing a turtleneck and a coat even on such a sunny day.
Oh, this man, O'Connor was full of surprises, to say the least. From the moment he had shown up at the corridor to the Student Council intending to promote his "Princess Day" event, Little Painter could tell something about him was... Well, different.
Despite being a senior of about 4 years, and being the assistant professor at the art department, he had no compunction to keep his silliness in check whenever he spoke to Little Painter. Coming up with several random ideas on the spot, he never failed to throw her off guard. In spite of his absurd nature, he seemed to be a source of never-ending inspiration for her. He was akin to a splash of color upon a blank, white canvas – brightening up her day and life in the most unexpected ways ever imaginable.
"So?" O'Connor asked, tilting his head to the side as his purple eyes observed the young painter's surprised reactions. A subtle smile graced his lips as he asked, "What do you say? I heard a new restaurant's opening up in Commerce Street."
Little Painter shook her head, bringing herself out of her perturbed state. "Yeah, sure... 7 o'clock this evening, right?"
O'Connor nodded. Showing her his signature close-eyed smile. Little Painter could swear he never seemed so sincere – his smile, especially this one, had a unique sense of gentility to it, something he hardly had shown before.
"See you tonight, my little painter," he replied, in a soothing tone dedicated to his one and only sweetheart.
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dramatic-dove · 3 months
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hoshigray · 4 months
To conclude this week's leaks session, if such a fuckass plan was greenlit like this, then I'm not delusional to think that toji can come back for one last final frenzy
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sadcabbages · 1 month
You've heard of past jock/sanders now get ready for future payton
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She would have the craziest anecdotes I swear
idk bro idk if you guys like it it's currently 2am for me when I write this post and this is what too much daydreaming does to a person
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alexiios · 1 year
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WHY was Machiavelli so cunty!!!
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doctorbrown · 5 days
What are your headcanons of Doc when he's in 1885 before Marty's here ? ^^
This is such fun territory because Doc doesn't yet know what's in-store for him and he's absolutely certain this is where he'll be living out the rest of his years and I don't usually get the chance to talk about it.
So here are a couple headcanons I have for 1885 pre-Marty's intervention:
First and foremost, I think those first couple months Doc spent in 1885 were fairly rough and Doc didn't fully get the chance to enjoy living in his favourite (overly boyishly romanticised) time period. Getting himself set up somewhere was important, of course, but everything it could have been was initially soured by the circumstances and the understanding/guilt that surrounded his arrival in the Nineteenth Century.
Marty and the Time Vehicle were always at the forefront of his mind. Doc often thought about Marty (and about Einie, his other dear friend who is not unaffected by this whole situation, though he was at least safely home in his own time), sometimes falling prey to despair and grief over what happened—Marty likely thinks him dead or worse and, on top of that, Doc feels like he failed to look after him. Marty's stranded in 1955 with his younger counterpart, without a time machine, without his family, without hope, and all of that rests constantly on his shoulders—and, after finding himself snared by these unproductive feelings, he'd use that to reinvigorate himself and continue puzzling out solutions to this temporal conundrum he'd been faced with.
Doc is also faced with a lot of personal/moral dilemmas. He'd been driving the point home across the two films so far that the past cannot and should not be altered/tampered with and even the smallest changes could have potentially disastrous effects on the future. With things as messed up as they already are, Doc had to weigh his options when it came to figuring out how to proceed: hide and try and leave no mark or risk potential contamination/alteration of the timestream, however small, all for Marty's sake. The answer was obvious, of course, and he didn't let his own personal reservations hold him back for too long doing what he needed to do. It's for Marty, after all, and he would bend time and space for the safety of his best friend.
The rescue Marty plan goes through several iterations and failed attempts before Doc settles on the one that we see play out in the third film.
Doc quickly figures out that the people of Nineteenth Century Hill Valley aren't too terribly different from Twentieth Century Hill Valley citizens. There aren't tabloid papers and other such media in which scurrilous gossip, scandal, and other low-quality forms of 'entertainment' run rampant, however people then and people now certainly love whispering in each others' ears and sticking their nose in the business of their neighbours underneath a hundred and one false pretenses. Doc was neither a stranger nor an exception to that. Though the rumours and talk about him were hardly as cruel and malicious as they were in his own time, he was still, at times, the odd man out.
Despite that, however, he was generally still widely-accepted amongst the people and well-known for reasons that didn't have to do with his less-than-stellar reputation.
A couple of people had seen the quality of life improvements Doc had made to the stable and while some of them marvelled at such contraptions, others gave him funny looks and the occasional side-eye, unsure what to make of them and him.
A few people even saw the DeLorean in various stages of its repair when they dropped by unannounced and after the first time, Doc came up with a convincing cover story to explain its existence. People didn't often question it too much after that.
Doc did not have a lot of prior experience as a proper blacksmith before taking up the position. He was a self-taught engineer and mechanic, skills that were necessary for him to learn to further his work on the Time Machine, but he'd never worked with a forge proper before and there was a steep initial learning curve. Still, Doc found that he greatly enjoyed the work as it was physical, challenging at some times, and not so different from inventing, albeit the purpose and end result was different.
Archimedes was the first horse Doc acquired, followed by Galileo and Newton in that order. Archimedes quickly became Doc's favourite horse, though Doc loved them all, and he had the biggest personality out of the three, occasionally as stubborn and eccentric as his master. Newton was easily bribed by treats, apples being his favourite, and Galileo was prone to stealing whatever was in reach and not tied down. Doc's hats, whatever was in his hand he wasn't holding on to tight enough, knocking things off the wall, you name it.
Doc had accidentally slipped up a couple times when talking to others about the future, but he was typically pretty careful with his words. Luckily, they either didn't catch on or didn't take what he said too seriously.
He did not miss the light pollution of the Twentieth Century. Doc spent a lot of time looking at the stars at night, especially when he was stuck on one of his projects or at a loss for how to proceed with the DeLorean.
Most of the personal effects in Doc's barn were bought during his various trips to San Francisco for parts and other necessities unavailable in the still-developing Hill Valley. Whenever he'd return after a couple days away, he'd typically come back to a mountain of jobs waiting for him, from shoeing requests to wagon repairs and so on.
The barn was more than enough for him to live comfortably in, as he could find comfort and luxury damn near anywhere. Doc didn't need a cushy home or anything beyond the basic amenities for himself to be content. Moving away and finding a new place to live never crossed his mind.
During Doc's first test of the refrigeration unit, there'd been a lot of 'unnatural' sounds coming from the barn, so much so that the sheriff had been called to check on things.
One of the older women in town, a lady only seven years Doc's junior, had taken a particular interest in meddling in his life. This included enquiring about his past, his plans for the future, why he'd not yet married, if he had kids, and occasionally trying to play matchmaker. She liked Doc for what it was worth (not in the romantic sense) but Doc assumed she simply couldn't help herself.
Though he'd grown accustomed to technology and all its conveniences, he found he didn't miss all of it the way he thought he would have. The biggest thing he missed was modern medicine and vaccines; he lamented the poor state of medicine back in the day. Especially after his bout with scarlet fever. Never had he been so miserable.
Doc first met Seamus McFly when he'd dropped by the barn needing his wagon repaired. Doc didn't mean to end up becoming fast friends with the man, but he saw very much of Marty in him and the two hit it off fairly quickly. Maggie had initially thought him strange, sensing something off about him that never quite went away the longer she got to know him, but she cared about Doc as well.
Seamus always could sense there was much more to Doc than met the eye, even if he had no idea just what that something could possibly be.
He almost took in a dog he found wandering around town square, even caught the animal, until he found out that the dog actually belonged to somebody.
Doc couldn't help himself from making the trip out to Peabody's Farm to see that piece of history for himself.
Like in the version of events where Marty does show up to save Doc from Fate, Doc and Clara fall for each other at first sight.
Even after he'd completed the DeLorean repairs as much as he could, devised his ingenious plan to get Marty back to 1985, and set everything into motion, Doc couldn't help but think about Marty. He was certain his younger temporal counterpart would succeed in making the necessary repairs and ultimately he did feel bad that once Marty returned home, they would never meet again, but if that was the last thing Doc would be able to do for him, at least he could do that. There were always some regrets that he wouldn't be able to see the rest of his best friend's life unfold and be a part of it, but he had unwavering faith in Marty that, after all this, things would turn out alright.
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littlesiren79 · 1 day
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iska48s · 1 year
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soultoken · 1 month
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my good people, hello. i might have icons.
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